Summing up the health of the saving technology. An abstract classes using health-saving technologies in the senior group "Journey to the City of Health"

Formation proper posture An important aspect of improving the health and harmonious physical development of the child. Osanka The familiar, casual position of the human body during standing, seating and in motion. With a good posture of the body of the muscles, which hold the spine in the right position, moderately tense, head and torso hold smoothly, shoulders on the same level and are somewhat reaches back, the back straight, the stomach is tightened, the legs in the knee joints are straight. In children of preschool age, the posture is not yet formed finally. According to a number of scientists (Yu. A. Arkin, B. V. Anisimova, V. G. Shtefko et al.). The physiological bends of the spine in children are formed up to six to seven years. The structure of bone vertebral tissue has not yet been completed, the spine is very elastic. Therefore, when adverse conditions external environment Various dysfunction disorders may occur, which are characterized by the following features: The head is omitted, the back is bent, the shoulders are nominated forward, etc., which in the future can lead to spinal curvature. For these reasons initial shapes Violations of posture and their prevention are effective in preschool age.

Prevention of warning measures of posture disorders in a preschool institution should be carried out in two directions: the creation of the necessary hygienic conditions (systematic air ventilation, optimal lighting, comfortable furniture, corresponding to the growth of children, strict adherence to the day mode, etc.) and conducting targeted educational work, in This case is a decisive factor. Holding at a high methodical level of physical education, morning gymnastics, rolling games, walks, during which preschoolers are actively moving, physical investigator and corrective gymnastics after sleep allows you to successfully solve this task. Throughout the preschool age, children need to learn correctly sit on a chair at the table, stand and walk, observing a good posture, sleep in proper pose.

Teaching preschoolers to sit at the table correctly, they put the following requirements in front of them: keep the head vertically or slightly tilted forward, shoulders symmetrically in a horizontal plane and parallel to the edge of the table; The elbows are freely placed on the table, the torso vertical, legs in the hip and knee joints at the right corner of the feet completely rest on the floor. The back should touch the back of the chair. The distance from the table to the eye is not less than ZO-35 cm. Such a pose allows you to slightly unload the spine, not distorting it. During food and classes, you can not allow children to sit at the table, leaning on it with breasts, drown down the elbow down, returned the torso side to the edge of the table, plunged on themselves one or both legs, lowered their heads on one shoulder. Selecting furniture for preschoolers, guided by the following recommendations: The height of the seat of the chair above the floor should be equal to the length of the baby's leg, taking into account the foot and heel of the shoes. If the seat is too high, the legs do not get the floor and the body position becomes less stable. If the seat is low, the child sweeps his legs under him or retains them aside. All this leads to a violation of the proper planting and distorts posture. In order for the child to sit comfortably and firmly, the depth of the chair's seat should be equal to two third thigh lengths, and the width exceeds the pelvis width to 10 cm. The back of the chair should reach the lower edge of the blades. Artificial or natural light should always fall on workplace To the left of the child. Preventing the dispensing of posture, should also be followed by a child's pion during sleep. Soft bed, high pillow, the habit of sleeping on the same side can lead to the side spine torsion, and the habit of sleeping "Kalachik" - before the formation of a round back. In many preschool institutions, children sleep on clamshells or on beds with a grid, which is very progressing under body weight. Sleep on such beds, especially on the side, shovels are shifted, the upper ribs in the chest cavity are squeezed, the spine is twisted. Over time, this can cause persistent, irreversible posture disorders.

For preschool children, a bed on boards with a solid mattress is recommended, better hair and with one flat pillow. Children need to be accepted to fall asleep on the back, holding hands over the blanket. Well-developed physically can be allowed to sleep on the side, just not on one. And to watch the child will not pull up his legs to the stomach, did not bended to the cutter, did not be covered with a blanket with his head. After daytime sleep, it is useful to prevent the posture disturbance to perform corrective exercises that strengthen the muscles-spin, abdomen, expand the chest and bring the blades. A set of corrective gymnastics consists of 3-4 exercises performed immediately after sleep (more often in the bedroom). It begins with a simultaneous or alternate raising of hands up, breeding them on the sides and a deflection of the body in the lower back. Then children lean forward and on the parties from different source positions. Last exercise complex; Sitted on socks, back at the same time direct. In these exercises, the clarity of movements are achieved (especially in senior groups), for proper execution Their guarantee of harmonious development of preschoolers and the formation of their correct posture. With the rise of the hands up, the children look at them, raise their heads and begged in the lower back. When they breed their hands to the sides or take back, it is important to fix their attention on the blades at this time converge. Exercises of the type of slope on the parties, turns of the body and others performed necessarily symmetrically (in both directions). This contributes to the uniform strengthening of large muscle groups of the back, abdomen, chest; A peculiar "muscular corset" of a person holds the body in the right position. During the exercise of preschoolers, it is taught to breathe correctly. Deep breathing regulates blood circulation processes, helps to increase the life capacity of the lungs, chest excursions, the mobility of the rib arc, the strengthening of intercostal muscles supporting the spine in a vertical position.

All exercises are performed in slow and middle pace. The children of younger groups repeat them 6-8 times older than 8-10 times. In many preschool institutions of our republic, immediately after day sleep, the children perform a complex of exercises of the morning gymnastics (without any changes) in the physical education room. This is real for two to three groups. Such a measure justifies itself. The study of this experience testifies to positive shifts in the formation of the correct posture of preschoolers of different age groups. During the day, preschoolers always have more loads have flexor muscles. The child often happens in a bent position: plays in the sand, draws a stick on earth, etc. Therefore, during walks, it is necessary to spend moving games with exercises that strengthen muscle extensors. For example, "loaf", "get the subject", "Butterfly", "Bear and Bees" and other games with lasagna in the gymnastic wall, fences, etc. For the prevention of posture disorders, it is important to properly organize the morning gymnastics and classes in physical culture . Conducting them, the educator must take into account the peculiarities of the muscular system of preschoolers, the weak tone of the muscle extensors compared to the muscles-flexors. Therefore, in the morning gymnastics and the preparatory part of classes, a variety of generally developing exercises should be applied, strengthening muscles, abdomen, upper shoulder belts, etc. These are especially useful for those that are performed from the initial position lying on the back. Here the support area increases, the spine is unloaded, many muscle groups relax and are well supplied with blood. Exercises in the position lying on his back with various movements (alternate and simultaneous lifting them, rotational movements bent in her knees, as when driving a bike, etc.) effectively affect the strengthening of the abdominal press muscles, which, in turn, contributes The formation of proper posture.

Teaching children of all age groups of basic movements, it is necessary to take into account the close relationship of the processes of the formation of skills in these movements with the upbringing of the correct posture. Throughout preschool age, a child should form a stable walking skill and run, which provides for the correct position of the body during these movements. However, monotonous marching, which is often resorted to classes and during the morning gymnastics, does not ensure this. First, children need to learn correctly stand and walk in place. The child, first of all, must learn how to properly stand: keep the head straight, the housing is straight, the stomach is pulled up, the feet feet are parallel and each of them has a uniform load from body weight. Marching in place, children should also save right pose, raise your knees to high and vigorously swing their hands. In the eldest and preparatory to school groups, it is recommended to apply the following exercises: walking with a load on the head (bag weighing 500-700g), with a gymnastic stick behind the back (stick in the elbow joints horizontally to the floor), walking limited area With stepping over items, etc. Performing these movements, keep the body smoothly, do not lower the head. During the run, it is necessary to constantly remind preschoolers so that they energetically draw the elbows back, held their heads and torso correctly (the torso is slightly tilted forward, they do not lower the head). Teaching children throw items to the range and goal (balls, sand bags), seeks to perform these movements both right and left hand. Most children quit mainly strong hand (usually right). This leads to the asymmetric development of the muscles of the body, which adversely affects the posture. A stico-dynamic function of the foot has a great influence on the formation of posture. Even a small change in its shape can cause strain, violation of the correct position of the pelvis, the spine and, as a result, the pathological defects of posture.

Since the formation of the skeleton does not end even at school age, often in children, especially weakly developed, static flatfoot is observed. The insufficient development of the muscular-binder or its weakening, as a result of the transfer of infectious diseases, gradually cause a change in the bone arch. The stop is flattened and, left without attention, is not adjusted. Scientific research (E. I. Yankelevich, M. Krakowak, A. V. Chagovadze, etc.). It was shown that the greater elasticity of the muscles of the leg and the binder-articular apparatus of the foot in childhood can cause recession of the foot with preschoolers. Any violation of the fortification of the foot, the compaction of its arches is harmful effect on the supporting ability of the limbs, walking, posture, the child is faster, the well-being and efficiency is disturbed. Plately children during walking are very hugged, their gait is tense and clumsy. According to scientists (R. R. harmful, M. I. Soblik, P. K. Netkolaev, etc.)., Flatopic in adults is formed due to a tendency to her in childhood, when absent, prevention and timely treatment is needed. Flat stop is characterized by lowering its longitudinal or transverse arch. With a significant deformation, the entire foot concerns the support surface. Often flatfoot is accompanied by deflection thumb outward However, it should be remembered that the fatty tissue is very developed on the sole of the child, which fills its arches, and therefore can sometimes be mistaken, looking at the baby's foot. A sufficiently objective and simple method of examination of the state of the foot of the foot is the plantography (the footprint of the child's foot on the sheet of paper after wetting it with water, tinted by manganese). If there is no flatfoot, on the footprint under the inner arch paper remains clean. With flatfoot interior The print turns out painted.

For the prevention and correction, the flatopy uses various exercises: flexing the stop, turns of socks inside and breeding legs, walking on socks and by a gymnastic stick (rope laid on the floor); walking on the inner and outer sides of the foot, squats on socks and a variety of jumps; lifting socks; Rolling the ball of the foot, capturing the legs with fingers of the objects (cubes, sticks, etc.) on the floor and others. These exercises The teacher should spend daily with children who have a flattened foot. At home, preschoolers perform them under the supervision of parents. In the summer, exercises that are conducted in vivo are very useful: walking barefoot on loose soil or sand, on a log, etc. They contribute to the development of the foot of the foot. Exercises for the prevention of flatfoot are necessarily carried out during the morning gymnastics and in classes in physical culture in the introductory part. Children walk on socks and heels, high raising hips and pulling out socks as a "horse", or on outside Foot, like a "clubbed bear", run on socks. In classes in physical culture and during the morning gymnastics, children should be in slippers with a soft sole (Czech) or barefoot (in the hall and summer on the site). In addition, in slippers on a solid sole, children cannot, for example, well push off the sock during jumping in length and height from running out, and also to land right. During the year, in all age groups, it should be mowing to the legs of cool water (according to the temperature standards specified in the program) and the rubbing of the feet with a towel. Such a procedure is very useful not only for hardening the body, but also to properly form a child's foot. It increases blood circulation and contributes to the improvement of the blood supply and innervation of the foot. Children who have a tendency to flat-stand (flattened stop, weak liabbing and muscular machine), it is recommended to wear supinators; Orthopedic plates made of soft material.

The formation of proper posture and prevention of flatfoot in preschoolers can be successfully implemented only under the condition of the unity of the requirements of the kindergarten and family. The right organization of the life of children in a preschool institution and in the family, compliance with the main hygienic requirements (day mode, nutrition, sleep, correct selection of furniture, etc.). The appropriate methodology for conducting exercise - all this will contribute to the formation of proper posture in preschool children.

With the acquisition of a smooth spine of a newborn physiological outline, the posture of the child begins to form - his ability to maintain different positions of the body.

Sometimes in the formation of posture the "deviations" are scheduled, then to learn their child to keep the back directly using the posture corrector for children.

With the proper prevention of posture disorders, the child will be the perfect back

However, the effective prevention of posture disorders is always comprehensive. About her and talk.

Consider how they prescribe the rules for the formation of the right posture in children, followed by each day, from the first months of life?

The formation of posture in children begins with the establishment and strict exposure of the routine of the day (nutrition, walk, relaxation, mobile games, etc.), excluding any cross-parting like "sit on a TV / game prefix" even on the weekend.

The correct posture of preschool children depends directly from how developed the muscular and bone system of the younger chad. The growing baby constantly needs nutrient components, therefore, it is necessary to continuously saturate the organism with calcium, phosphorus and other building material from all the variety of food sources.

Significantly affects the formation of proper posture in preschool children physical activity.But make a child to perform boring exercises - hardly possible! Therefore, exercises for posture shown by children of preschool age, you need to transform into the game.

So that the exercises deliver the baby pleasure, you need to do in the form of the game

For example:

  • exercises for the formation of the right posture in children up to six months are extremely simple: putting a baby on the tummy, swipe with your fingers on the long muscles of the back, from the bottom up along the spine.

    Having arched the back, Karapuz develops muscles;

  • formation of the correct posture of children 1.5-2 years old, we have to go to the game: Try together "Fools of firewood", bind the back like a cat; let it go, like an acrobat, according to the drawn line; Or, spreading his hands, depicting a bird, spreading the wings;
  • the child runs around the room, and on the team "Stand, like a soldier," freezes and pulls out in the right rack;
  • "Ride" your child, putting the ball under the back;
  • tell me that the posture is the basis of a beautiful gait, but the conversation for children must be backed up visual example. Sorry with the younger baby, which of you will best handle the role of a ballerina or model, - defiling around the room, balancing with a non-heavy book on your head.

Remember what you should not do:

  • newborn, not reached 3 months - long to keep in a vertical position;
  • baby to six months - to sit for a long time;
  • the child under the age of 9 months is long standing;
  • raise and wear severity weighing no more than 2 kg from 5 years.

Find scrupulously to equip the children's room. Its atmosphere should also have the development of proper posture in the child.

How to do it:

  1. Bed Child Choose with a tight base, pillow - flat, mattress - smooth and not premissible. From two years old, a child can sleep at a children's orthopedic pillow.

  2. The development of the correct posture of children largely depends on child lighting: high-quality lighting written table Even in cloudy winter days, the future of Skolyar from the forced measure "curly" the back and pour his shoulders, looking at the notebook with words or pattern, - highlight the working area with fixtures and sconces.
  3. From 5-6 years old, active preparation for school begins, and at the same time the question matters how to keep the back of the baby's "straight"?

    The correct posture of the child during the work is unthinkable, if the table is littered with toys, his legs hang under an excessively high chair, and the elbows "plump" above the tall table.

    The correct posture of the child when reading and writing - the back rests on the back of the chair, the head slot slightly forward, the elbows do not hang off the table. There should be a gap between the baby's casing and the table, which will easily be turned by the edge of the palm. The height of the table intended for scientific research is higher than the elbow level by 2-3 cm (with the hands lowered).

    The right workplace of the kid helps to form a beautiful posture

    The chair for the correct posture is no less important, for children it is chosen as follows: the back is repeated by physiological bends of the body, the height of the chair is equal to the height of the lower leg, the feet of the child at the landing stand on the floor.

  4. Do not be surprised, but the selection of clothes affects the posture. Being a narrow, she constraints movement, makes itching, suppressing the desire to straighten the shoulders.

    In wide clothing, especially winter, Veliable for 1.5-2 sizes, the child makes it difficult to coordinate movements, the posture is "lost" due to the inconvenience.

  5. As for the attempts of young fashionistas 12-13 years old, "wearing heels", they should be stopped. The constant shift in the center of gravity due to long-term walking on a high thin heeker leads to the slope of the spine and the pelvis forward, which in addition to the posture disorders, in the future threatens the development of a narrow pelvis and heavy childbirth.

These are just the basic measures that need to be taken into account when upbringing and forming the right posture of the child. With the emerging deviations from preventive Mer You should go to therapeutic.

Why the spine "deviates from the axis"?

It is often necessary to observe how young inexperienced mommy carries her karapus, maintaining a fragile back with one hand, or walking with the younger chance, pulls the hand up. The inconsiderable spine and the kid's shoulders are literally "overwhelmed." And how often the continuation of the excitemental moment of fees in the first class becomes many hours of learning over the lessons for the "wrong" table!

Many hours in the wrong position cause disorders of posture

Perhaps if disorders of the child posture are noted, the reasons for this in the wrong working position.

So, the removal of the preschooler, who was accustomed to draw on one leg to draw, explain how threatens in the future "Poted" spin.

The correct posture of school-age children often suffers from the TV and a computer, replaced without both the game on the street, and here's the result - 4 out of 5 guys note:

  • The poor development of muscles and "sluggish" posture. Finding in a static pose of a child is difficult, mantering from foot to the leg, he is looking for a support;
  • Excessive bulge of chest kyphosis - stuff. Frequent consequence of the habit of improperly sitting, working at the table or incorrect poses in a dream;
  • The rapid growth of bones, accompanied by the backwardness of the development of the muscular system. The physiological bends of the spine are applied - the back looks flat;
  • - Side spinal curvature.

When is it worth worrying?

Correct the shortcomings and form the right posture of the child is possible before the occurrence of puberty. Do not miss the right moment He will help inspection of a child. Let the toddler be shed to the panties will become, leaning on both legs, connecting the heels and spreading the socks, arms along the body. Check the symmetry of the location of the blades, the waist, the height of the shoulders, the landing of the head. Take a look, are chest and stomach?

Conduct a child's examination right at home

Sometimes the correction of the Child posture requires the help of an orthopedist, a visit to which is urgent if:

  • the neck of the baby is constantly deviated to one shoulder;
  • the child quickly tires and narrow the back;
  • he has no hands;
  • , move tight or swell;
  • the kid has congenital pathology of the supports of the supports (dislocation of the thigh, knee, etc.).

What to do?

Having determined the seriousness of the shortcomings, the doctor will probably advise them to adjust them with the help of special designs. What is a posture corrector for children and how to choose it:

  • Reflotor, or the posture retainer for children aligns the spine at the initial stages of posture disturbances due to the shoulder assignment back and fix them at one level soft ribbons;
  • Corset for proper posture is necessary for children at any stage of spinal curvatures.

    Fixing the spine in an anatomically correct position, the elastic corset relieves the load from the loin and the chest department, or, being tough, helps redistribute excessive side load characteristic of scoliosis, adjusts the problem area of \u200b\u200bcurvature.

Special exercises for the formation of proper posture in children are required!Their complex form, given the cause, severity of changes, the age of the child. Charging to correct posture for small children - entertainment; For teenagers - tutorial. Corrective gymnastics for posture should take about 20 minutes for children by age up to 7 years and about 45 minutes - for schoolchildren. A set of exercises is always individual, and their fulfillment is regularly checked by both parents and orthopeds.

The set of exercises for the development of the right posture in children is 6-7 years old, see the video:

In conclusion, we give a small set of exercises for the correction and formation of proper posture in children.

  1. Lying on the back, baby:
    • Raises legs;
    • Depicts ride by bike;
    • Works with legs, depicting scissors.
  2. Standing:
    • Depicts a log walking;
    • Leans to the side by holding the hoop behind the back;
    • Becoming on the socks, squatting, holding a gymnastic stick;
    • Holding out the ends of the gymnastic stick, raises his hands, turns a stick behind his back, makes slopes in different directions.
  3. Other exercises:
    • Kid improvises, depicting a bear moving on all fours;
    • It is advisable to equip a children's room with a horizontal bar or a Swedish wall and periodically "hanging", bending legs at right angles.

Wish your health care!

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Course work on the method of physical education

Topic: "Formation of the skill of proper posture in preschool children"


In the pre-school period, the foundations of mental and physical health of the child are formed, certain character traits are produced, vital skills and skills are purchased. In this regard, a special role is given to a properly organized physical education in a kindergarten and family. The ability to keep your body not only gives the child a pleasant appearanceBut also has a great influence on his health, on the vital activity of the whole organism.

For the proper operation of respiratory, blood circulation, digestion, for normal operations nervous system Of great importance is the correctly formed in the preschool child posture. The spine of an adult has small bends: in the cervical and lumbar department - ahead, in breast and sacrats - back. They are formed gradually as the body grows, especially after the child learns stand and walk. These bends are positive for the body, since they soften the sharp vertical loads on the spine (when jumping, falling, etc.); They are called physiological bends.

The posture is the usual position of the child's body, develops in the process of individual formation based on hereditary factors under the influence of education. Hereditary factors can determine similar options for posture from parents and children, predisposition to a certain type of posture disturbances. At the same time, the conditions of physical education make it possible not only to form the relevant aesthetic and physiological requirements of the child posture, but also to correct, create new option posture.

As a property of a developing organism, posture is not a static concept and can be disrupted with a sharp change in the conditions of the external environment. It can be especially easy to happen in preschool age when the posture is still formed. Therefore, any violation of its formation conditions leads to pathological changes. Do not have to convince anyone in a large role of physical education as a factor forming a female posture. Naturally, the task of forming a posture refers to the most important tasks of physical education of the child of preschool age. However, physical education is not the only factor affecting the posture. The latter depends on the state of the bone skeleton, the articular and ligament, the degree of development and symmetry of the muscular system.

Warn the occurrence of incorrect posture is easier than to carry out work on its correction. Therefore, it is important to strict adherence to the hygienic regime ( fresh air indoors, normal illumination, selection of table and chair for the growth of each child, alternating movements and peace, full nutrition, hardening).

It is important to constantly observation in the course of life behind the position of the body of each child. Only with the general efforts of the educational institution, families, with active participation and control of medical personnel, it is possible to form the formation of the right posture in children.

Nevertheless, many scientists note: over the past decades, in our country there has been an alarming trend of deterioration of the physical development and the health of the entire population, including children.

High percentage of preschoolers with violations of physique and posture. The main reasons for this situation are insufficient motor activity; Commordare of groups; untimely medical examination and irregular medical and preventive work; violation of the power and recreation in kindergarten; Weak organization of hardware events and physical education work. Many preschool institutions Do not have sports halls equipped with sports grounds for physical education, mobile and sports games.

Thus, the problem of our research is to study the process of forming the skill of correct posture in children of preschool age.

Object of the study: The process of forming the skill of correct posture.

Research Subject: Corrective exercise system for the formation of proper posture in children of senior preschool age.

The purpose of the study: to study the process of forming the skill of proper posture in preschool age.

Research tasks:

Theoretical study of special literature and best practices on the problem of the formation of posture in preschool childhood.

Survey of children prepared to school group to identify the level of formation of the right posture.

Definition of a system of physical exercises for the correction of incorrect posture, testing them on the basis of the preparatory for school groups dough № ___. ____.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the formation of the skill of correct posture from preschoolers

posture physical exercise

The posture is made to call the familiar pose of a relatively standing person, which he takes without an excessive muscular tension. (Prof. V.P. Orthodi). Proper posture is one of the mandatory features of a harmoniously developed person, an external expression of its bodily beauty and health.

When examining a person having the right posture, the vertical position of the head is determined, the chin slightly raised, the cervical corners formed by the side surface of the neck and the adequate, the same, shoulders are located on the same level, slightly omitted and diluted, rib cage Symmetrical relative to the midline. Similarly, with the correct posture, the stomach is symmetrized, the blades are pressed against the body at an equal distance from the spinal column, the lower corners of the blades are located on one horizontal line.

In view of the side view, the correct posture is characterized by a somewhat raised chest and taut belly, straight lower limbs, as well as moderately pronounced physiological bends of the spinal column. Thanks to physiological bends, its stability and mobility increases, and the spring properties that protect the head and spin of the brain are manifested from shocks. (V.P. Rlavosudov, p.351).

How to determine the posture of a child preschool age? It is possible to do this as follows: put the baby back to myself on the exaltation so that the blades are at the level of your eyes (a child in shorts, without T-shirts). To talk to him in order to remove the tension initially, and see the natural picture of the state of the spine. See the front, as the shoulders are located: whether they make one direct horizontal line or one slightly higher than the other, deployed or reduced; Rear to see whether the blades are not behind, whether the twisters are symmetrical. (E.N.Vavovova, p.15).

And you can do this: centimeter ribbon Measure the distance from 7 cervical vertebra (the most speaker) to the lower angle of the left, and then the right blades (the child during measurements should be spawned to the belt and stand in a relaxed pose). With normal posture, these distances are equal. Assess the donkey of the child will help the so-called shoulder index. Measure the centimeter ribbon the width of the shoulders from the side of the chest, then from the back side (shoulder arc).

Shoulder index \u003d (shoulder width / shoulder arc) * 100%. If the shoulder index is 90 - 100%, the child has the right posture. The smaller value of the index indicates its violation. (V.M. Krasnov, p.28).

The vertebral pillar of the newborn baby has only one curvature - a sacrochlorial bending. The remaining bends begin to form later. This is due to certain stages in the development of the child and is due to the development and operation of the muscles. So, the cervical bending of the spine appears after the child begins to keep his head, i.e. Under the influence of the work of muscles of the back and neck. A child who starts to sit (6-7 months) is formed breast bending of the spine. The lumbar bending is formed under the influence of muscles, ensuring the preservation of the vertical position of the body and limbs during standing and walking. (V.P. Rlavosudov, p.352, E.A. Lebedeva, p.4)

Man's posture early takes the character of the skill and can be determined already in preschool age. At first, it is unstable, since in the period of growth, the child's body is characterized by unevenness in the development of bone, articular and ligament and muscular system. This discrepancy gradually decreases, and to the end of the growth of the posture stabilizes.

Deviations from normal posture is customary to be called disorders, or defects, posture. Disorders of posture are not a disease. They are associated with functional changes in the musculoskeletal system, in which vicious conditionally reflector bonds are formed, fixing the improper position of the body, and the skill of correct posture is lost. (V.P. Rlavosudov, p.353).

The most common disorders of the posture in preschoolers: the curvature of the spine in the form of its lateral deviations (scoliosis); excessive deviations of the spine in the thoracic department (kyphosis) and in the lumbar department (lordose); flatfoot and congenital closure; Asymmetric position of the shoulder and others.

The reasons for the wrong posture and its defects are many: hypodynamine and, as a result, insufficient development of muscles of the back, abdomen, hips, neck, chest, holding the spine in the right position; Walking with lowered heads, seats with depressed shoulders and bent back. The development of posture defects contribute to inappropriate child growth furniture, uncomfortable clothing, wrong postures and habits of children (for example, support when standing on one leg, reading and drawing lying in bed on the side); Monotonous movements (repulsion of the same foot when driving on a scooter, when jumping during games; wearing any cargo in the same hand). A significant role in the occurrence of posture disorders is played by the unsatisfactory common regime of the child's life (passive rest, the absence of walks on open air, insufficient sleep, irregular power supply). The development of posture violations also contribute to frequent infectious and acute respiratory diseases, weakening the body and worsening physical development.

E.N.Vavivova gave recommendations for the selection of furniture for a child in kindergarten (p.13). The furniture is selected in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children. The design of the table and the chair should provide, firstly, the support for the body, hands and legs, secondly, the symmetric position of the head and the shoulder belt.

The size of the furniture must correspond to the growth of the child: the length of the seat of the chair is the length of the hips, the height of his legs is the length of the legs. Well, if the back of the chair has a little tilt back, which makes it possible to lean, relax, give rest to the spine. The feet should stand on the floor (or on the stand, if the chair is great for this child).

E.A. Lebedeva proposes to pick up furniture for children, based on the following table:

Sizes of main furniture for children

The bed should not be too soft, the pillow is large. The length of the bed is greater than the growth of the child by 20-25 cm so that he can be free to stretch out.

The pose of a child in any kind of activity should constantly be in the center of attention of adults.

During sleep, the child can often change the position of his body (after all, children sleep in the afternoon of 1.5-2 hours, and at night 10-11 hours). It is impossible to allow the baby to sleep, curling down by "Kalachik", with the legs tumaled to the chest. The blades are shifted in this position, the upper ribs in the chest cavity are squeezed, the spine is twisted. All the severity of the body falls on two points - shoulder and hip joints, and the spine saves between them. The binder muscular machine is redistributed.

Best of all, if the child sleeps on his back, head on a small pillow, mattress is smooth, dense.

If the child is worth, it is necessary to monitor that the load from the severity of the body on both legs is evenly distributed. In the natural position of the leg, several placed (it is more convenient to keep the balance), socks are a bit unfolded out. The habit of standing with a support for one leg causes the oblique position of the body, the irregular bend of the spine.

Preserving a good posture when driving more difficult. Muscles should act, straining and relaxing, and to maintain the balance of the body. Muscles of shoulder belt, neck, backs, pelvis, hips are taken particularly big part. The movements of these muscles must be consistent, interconnected.

When walking in a child with a good posture of shoulders on the same level, the chest is stripped, the blades of a little bit (no voltage) are set back, the stomach is pulled up, it is necessary to watch directly (forward for 3-4 steps). You need to go without stitching, do not shack your feet, calm walking is accompanied by light swags of hands, fast - efficient hand movements. (E.A. Lebedeva, E.V. Rusakova, p.14).

The danger of changing the posture of the baby, beginning to walk, may arise if it drives it in one and the same hand for a long time - it stimulates the side curvature of the spine, asymmetry of the shoulder belt.

At the age of 2-3 years, children walk a lot, and the rapid muscles may not withstand a long load. As a result, children take lightweight provisions that go into habit (leaning, overly bend legs in the knees). To avoid this, you need to alternate movement and peace. The hygienists believe that rest lying in a horizontal position for preschoolers should be in the middle of the day at least 1-2 hours. With a long stay on the feet, static flatfoot develops, tubular bones are twisted. Thickening may appear in the upper and lower third (growth zones) of these bones. This suggests that the bones grow not in length, as it should be, but in width. (E.N.Vavivova, p.18)

Pose at the table during drawing, viewing illustrations, during the wall-printing games should be comfortable and not tense. Elbows of both hands on the table, shoulders are on the same level, the head is slightly tilted forward. The distance from the eyes to the table should be 30-35 cm, between the breast and the table - 8-10 cm (the palm passes). Sitting the child should with the same load on both buttocks, without having flimsy on one side. Foot should stand on the floor (or on the stand). With such a purse, ankle, the knee and hip joints form a straight angle. It is impossible to allow children to sit cross-legs to start them behind the legs of the chair. (E.A. Lebedeva, E.V. Rusakova, p.16)

Work on the formation of the right posture and the correction of its violations should not lead not only doctors. After all, the defects of posture, kyphosis, lordoses, scoliosis and flatfoot can develop even at the breast, when there is a baby in the bone system a large number of Neo-stained cartilage tissue. They arise as a result of the fact that too early children begin to plant, put on the legs or learn to walk. Inadequately developed muscles are experiencing a large static load, and this leads to deformation of the musculoskeletal system. (E.A. Levedeva, E.V. Rusakova, p.20)

To remember the good posture of children and the sports exercises of children, E.N.Vavivova indicates. So, when playing table tennis, a badminton is involved in one hand, there is a breakdown of a shoulder belt. Scooter riding is often performed by a push of one foot, which can also lead to the spinal curvature. With prolonged use of a bicycle, a bad selection of its size may appear with the back of the back, the pelvis is thrown, the chest is compressed. Excessive jumps in the classics, through the rope give a large load on the spine, stop vaults, especially if the tips are performed hard (the child has poor coordination of movements). It is absolutely necessary to comply with the regulations and rules in school exercises, it is advisable to combine their different types.

The main means of forming the right posture and the correction of its violations is exercise classes.

In kindergarten it is necessary to use exercises for the development of large muscular groups, especially the back, abdomen and legs to create a natural muscular corset. Good to a tool The formation of the correct posture and prevention of its violations, according to M. Aliyev (p.18), are gymnastic exercises with various subjects. You can use rubber and tennis balls, hoops, sticks, sand bags, etc. Babyshams like exercises with flags, cubes, ribbon, rattle. Good affects the posture crawl, climbing, walking with a small cargo on the head. Exercises are performed from various source positions - standing, lying on his back and stomach, sitting on a chair, bench, on all fours.

Exercises for kids 2-3 years old are more likely to be gaming: imitate the movements of animals, birds, etc. The main thing is to cause children a desire to move actively, with pleasure. For example, in the exercise "Kolobok", a child lying on his stomach, rolling several times in one, then in the other direction; stretches upwards, portraying "Giant". (E.N.Vavivova, p.19).

Senior guys can understand the benefit of the exercises, they explain that the movements will help them become healthy, beautiful, tightened, and for this you need to make movements correctly, energetically, showing efforts, perseverance.

Given the fast fatigue of preschoolers, follows after the most difficult static exercises to give a short-term vacation (40-50 seconds) with breathing exercises in the sitting position, lying on the back.

To form a correct posture and prevention of its disorders in the process of physical culture, morning gymnastics and during physical attacks, you can use the following exercises (M.Aliyev): Beach bending with a hoop or with a ball in hand; slopes to the side with the hoop behind the back; squats standing on socks with a gymnastic stick in her hands; slopes back with breeding hand to the sides; sloping forward rushing, legs apart, with a gymnastic stick in his hands; Lifting legs up lying on the back; Crawling on all fours; Walking with hold on the head of the cargo with the preservation of the correct posture and others.

Exercises are very effective, especially at the initial stage of work carried out in gaming and competitive form, for example: "skier" - squat with assignment of hands back; "Cat" - walking on all fours with the flexing and bending of the back; "Who is better and more accurate exercise"; "Do as me" and others.

For the formation of the correct posture, the exercises performed at the vertical plane are useful (touch with spin, buttock, buttocks and heels of the wall or gymnastic wall), and exercises with hold on the head of the subject (sob with sand, wooden cube, rubber ball, wooden or rubber ring). Such exercises are well done by the mirror so that the child can fix the correct position of the body. (M.Aliev, p.20)

Of great interest in forming the skill of the right posture is a physical education system developed by N.N.Efimhenko. Any shape motor activity He offers children from laying or horizontal positions as the most natural, simple, unloading. And gradually complicate the motor regime to the more vertical, load, gravitational positions standing in walking, climbing, running and jumping. And, the smaller the age of children (1-3 years), the more natural, dominant for them in the classes will be laying or horizontal positions (lying on the back, on the stomach, on the side, the coup from the back on the stomach, crawling in Plastanski, exercises on All fours, in the pose sitting on the knees). And vice versa, the older children (5-7 years old), especially preferably in their motor activity vertical provisions, restructuring, walking, climbing, running, swelling, jumping. (P.26)

Efimenko's classes spend in the form of performances, with a certain story, which very much like children. The entire program of N.N.Efimenko is built on the fact that "children can be grown healthy if it is in harmony with natural nature forces and biological processes" (p.48).

In addition, Efimenko created a horizontal plastic ballet ("Plastic Show"). Performing a plastic ballet program, the baby "plunges into a special world of movements, music, rhythm, associations and caused by their emotions" (p.168).

All postures in the program "Plastic Show" horizontal: lying on the back, stomach, on the side, coup from the back on the belly, exercises in the stop lying, in the stop behind, crawling in Plastanski, on all fours, exercises in the pose sitting and in the pose At low and high lap.

All movements are plastic, soft, smooth.

Exercises are performed under the appropriate music using elements of choreography.

According to N.N.Efimhenko, the horizontal plastic ballet has a number of advantages to correct posture. First, the mode of horizontal poses provides the spine the optimal position for correction, unloading, relaxation. Secondly, the activity of the cardiovascular system is also located in a gentle mode, at the same time normal, ingoing children have the opportunity to load themselves functionally. And, in addition, the musicality of programs, the presence of choreography elements, theatricalization allows you to create a positive emotional background in children during the exercises. (P.179).

Another of the emission correction methods is swimming.

The human body has a buoyancy, because its proportion is approaching specific weight water. Therefore, being in the aquatic environment, it becomes almost weightless. It has practical value: Loading the engineering machine, including spine and bundles, is released.

Research and practical experience has shown that the children's body when swimming is able to transfer relatively high loads. And, on the contrary, long-term exercises on land, under which the main load falls on the supporting apparatus, cause excessive stress to still insufficient bones, ligaments and spine. (Blip, p. 9).

When swimming, the body lies in water almost horizontally and is in the elongated state. Therefore, often very serious spinal curvatures are corrected by swimming. During the navigation, the muscles of the limbs rhythmically strain and relax.

With any ways of swimming, hand takes an active part in the movement. This is especially characteristic of the Roll and Swimming on the back. In addition, these swimming methods affect the flexibility of the spine (due to the active alternate movement with their hands in water and above the water). Therefore, swimming is actively recommended by orthopedes and pediatricians to prevent and treat disorders of posture and shortness.

When correcting posture defects, certain exercises are used.

For the prevention and correction of shortness (KIFOS): Bending the back back with the assignment of the hands upwards; walking on the socks with the flexing of the back; Bending the back, sitting on a chair (bench) with sipping; pulling the clutch hands back; Bending the back in the position lying with the focus on the elbows; Bending the back standing on all fours and knees; Tilt back with hand deficiencies on the sides.

When curvatched the spine in the lumbar department (Lordose): tilting forward with the delivery of socks (sex); Exercise "Bike" - in the position lying on the back; slopes of the body to the right and left; Flexing legs and leads to the side, standing back to the vertical plane; Flexion of legs in the lying position; Giving foot socks in a sitting position on a rug (bench); Tightening the hips to the chest lying on the back.

When flatfoots and for its warning, exercises are introduced to strengthen the muscles of the foot and the legs: walking on socks and barefoot in the uneven surface (sand, small pebbles), on socks and heels, on the outer edges of the stop, according to the gymnastic stick and stretched on the floor rope ; Capturing the ball with my feet; picking small items with fingers and carrying them for a short distance; Riding wrap, ball with fingers.

In the side curvature of the spine (scoliosis): Spring slopes to the right and left; lifting the left hand up with the right back and vice versa; Bending your back with a left-hand deficienation up in the position lying on the stomach, then the same with the assignment right hand; Bending the back from the position standing on all fours with the lifting of the left hand up, then the same for the right hand. Exercises performed lying on the back, the stomach unload the spine, contribute to an increase in the mobility of the affected segment, strengthen the muscle corset. (M.I.Fonarev, p.235).

V.M. Krasnova offers the following exercises for posture correction.

Exercises for the formation of correct posture, performed at the vertical plane (walls, gymnastic wall):

1.I.P. - the main rack at the wall, touching it with a population, back, buttocks and heels; 1-2 - raise hands through the sides up; 3-4 - Return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace.

2.I.P. - the main rack at the wall; 1-2 - climb on socks, hands forward; 3-4 - dropping on the heels, return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace.

3.I.P. - the main rack at the wall; 1-2 - raise the right leg, bent in the knee, hands on the parties; 3-4 - lower the right leg, hands down; 5-6 - the same other foot; 7-8 - Return to I.P. Repeat each foot 3-4 times at a slow pace.

4.I.P. - the main rack at the wall; 1-2 - a step forward right (left) foot; 3-4 - Return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace.

5.I.P. - Rack of legs apart on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt, touching the walls with a population, heels, back and buttocks; 1-2 - the slope to the right; 3-4 - Return to I.P. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction at a slow pace.

6.I.P. - the main rack at the wall; 1-2 - sit down, hands up; 3-4 - Return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 3-4 times.

7.I.P. - the main rack at the wall; 1-2 - raise the right (left) leg, bent in the knee, and grab the shin; 3-4 - dropping leg, return to I.P. Repeat each foot 3-4 times at a slow pace.

Exercises for the formation of proper posture, performed with the hold of objects on the head:

1.I.P. - Basic rack with a bag on the head; 1-2 - climb to socks, hands on the belt; 3-4 - dropping on the heels, return to I.P. (Do not drop subjects). Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace.

2.I.P. - Basic rack with a bag on the head; Walking on socks, hands on the parties, holding a bag on the head (10-15 s). Repeat 2 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

3.I.P. - Feet apart on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt, on the head of a wooden cube; 1-2 - climb to socks, hands to the parties (not to drop the subject); 3-4 - Return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace.

4.I.P. - Basic rack with a bag on the head; 1-2 - climb to socks, turn the torso to the right (left), hands on the parties; 3-4 - Return to I.P. Repeat 2-3 times in each direction at a slow pace.

5.I.P. - the main rack with the rubber circle on the head; 1-2 - sit down, hands on the sides (do not drop the subject); 3-4 - Return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace.

6.I.P. - Basic rack with a bag on the head; 1-4 - two appropriate steps on socks to the right; 5-8 - two appropriate steps on socks left. Repeat 2-3 times in each direction at a slow pace.

7.I.P. - main rack with a wooden cube on the head; Walking on socks on a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. Repeat at a slow pace 1-2 times at intervals of 1.5-2 minutes.

The basis for the use of special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct posture and elimination of its defects should be the following principles: an individually differentiated approach to each child and gradual increase in the load in the exercise used. Load during occupation should not exceed functionality Preschoolers and without prejudice to their health to improve physical development and posture.

Thus, in the selection and use of exercises, it is necessary to take into account the level of physical development, the preparedness and state of the health of each child and in accordance with this, to think over the volume and intensity of the loads.

Work on the formation of the correct posture should be constantly conducted with all children, and not only with those that have any deviations. Necessary exercises are included in the morning gymnastics, classes, mobile games. In particularly difficult cases, when a specialist found a serious violation of posture in a child and suggested a course of therapeutic physical education in a clinic, parents must ensure this treatment, to fulfill all the recommendations of the orthopedic. Early detection and correction of violations will bring more visible success than late treatment at a later age.

Chapter 2. Experimental work on the formation of preschool children Skill of proper posture

In order to study the process of formation of the posture in children of preschool age, 5 children were examined preparatory group Dow №__ g .____.

To determine the posture, these children were applied by the recommendations of Vavilova E.N. and Krasnoye V.M. The child without a T-shirt we put back to themselves on the elevation, so that his blades were at the level of an adult eye. Then we watched, the shoulders are located on one level, whether they are deployed or reduced; is equal to the distance from the spine are the blades; Detected, on one of the horizontal line there are lower corners of the blades. In view of the side, the severity of the physiological bends of the spine was determined; whether the blades do not protrude; Whether the belly line does not go beyond the chest line.

As a result of this survey, the following features of the posture of children were identified:

______ (F.I.) The right shoulder is slightly higher than the left, the lower angle of the right blade is also somewhat higher than the angle of the left blade. Physiological bends of the spine is normal.

______ (F.I.) All indicators correspond to the norm.

______ (F.I.) are somewhat minimized by the shoulders, when inspection from the side, a slight increase in breast bending and a decrease in the lumbar bend of the spine.

______ (F.I.) All indicators correspond to the correct posture.

______ (F.I.) all indicators within the normal range.

Then we evaluated the empty of the child with the help of a shoulder index. We measured a centimeter ribbon width of the shoulders from the side of the baby's chest, then from the back side (shoulder arc).

Shoulder index \u003d (shoulder width / shoulder arc) * 100%.

The measurement data results are presented in the table:

Surname I.

Shoulder arc


If the shoulder index is 90 - 100%, the child has the right posture. The smaller value of the index indicates its violation.

This survey has revealed that two children have disorders of posture. One child is the curvature of the spine in the form of its departure (right-sided scoliosis); Other is a small deviation in the thoracic spine (kifoz).

For these children, an individual complex of physical exercises on the emission correction was compiled, in which the exercises offered by E.N.Vavilovoy, M. Aliyev and V.P. Rlavosudov were used. (See Appendix, Protocols 1,2).

It was also recommended to pay special attention On the posture of children during occupation at the table, prevent a long stay of children in monotonous poses, to include in the complex of morning gymnastics exercise corrective character.

Parents were separately given recommendations on the observance of children of regime moments outside the kindergarten: to observe the day of the day - the rise and laying to sleep at the same time, compulsory walks in the fresh air, the alternation of moving games and relaxing activities, to ensure that children are full-fledged. Also, parents are also recommended to consult orthopedic.

Correctional work was carried out with children from December 1999 to March 2000, then the children were again examined visually and by calculating the shoulder index.

The results of these calculations are presented in Table:

This survey showed the following results:

______ (F.I.) explicit external changes did not occur, but the indicator of the shoulder index has changed somewhat, which indicates the corrective action of the technique used.

______ (F.I.) The shoulders have become more stripped, however, when inspection, a small increase in breast bend and a decrease in the lumbar bend of the spine is still preserved. At the same time, the indicator of the shoulder index also changed upwards, which indicates positive internal changes.

In addition, the correctional work was reflected in the behavior of the children themselves. They try to watch their posture during classes and games, correct each other.

Of course, in a short time it is difficult to form posture, for this you need constant classes aimed at correcting the defect. So we will continue with these children correctional work and dadim guidelines parents and caregivers.


Thus, it can be concluded that early detection and correction of violations brings more visible successes than late treatment at a later age. Various options for posture disorders installed in pupils of children's institutions do not require the allocation of these children to any special group. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons that caused the disorders of the posture. In some cases, the elimination of the cause delays the further development of violations. In addition, the work on the formation of the correct posture should be constantly conducted with all children, and not only with those that have any deviations. Necessary exercises are included in the morning gymnastics, classes, mobile games.


1. Aliyev M. Formation of the right posture // Dv # 2 1993.

2. Vavilova E.N. Strengthen children's health: a guide for kindergarten educators. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

3. Efimenko N.N. Materials for the original author's program "Theater of physical education and recovery of children of preschool and younger school age." - M.: Link Press, 1999.

4. Krasnova V.M. Posture of your child // Dv No. 3 1991.

5. Lebedeva E.A., Rusakova E.V. Education of the right posture in children of preschool age. - M.: Enlightenment, 1970.

6. Levin Swimming for kids. Per. with it. - M., Physical education and sports, 1974.

7. Development of preschooler child movements. From experience. Ed. M.I.Fonarev. - M., Enlightenment, 1975.

8. Textbook instructor on therapeutic physical culture / Ed. V.P. Orthodox. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 1980.

9. Fontarev M.I., Fontareva TA. Medical physical education in childhood diseases. - L., 1977.

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The tutor and children are suitable for the track. It is white and red traces.

Educator: What it is? What do you think whose red it is hot

traces? And when is there a high temperature? (Children's responses)

That's right. And when a person is sick, he has a bad mood and no strength. Do you want to be cheerful and fun? Then let's do all together.


Early in the morning for charging

We go to each other.

And everything is in order

Exercises Let's start.

Once - climb, pull up.

Two - bend, get off.

Three - in your hands three cotton,

Head three nodes.

Four - hands wider.

Five - to wave.

Six - in place quietly sit down.

Educator: And these white traces are traces of health. By what

trails We will go to the road? Why? (Children's responses)Well done, then way!

Children with a variable step go on white tracks.

Music includes a coutana.

Cutalka:Hello guys! Everybody is called me - a coutana!

Always dress warm, but for some reason all the time I am sick, marzen. How are you

think: why? (Children's responses)

Cutalka: (begins to undress) I understood, now it is possible to go and go for a walk.

Educator:Also you can not wear ahead of time and easy clothing. Come on with the guys, let's see the story about the girl Light.

Presentation "Do not wear easy-time easy clothing"

According to the poems of the city of Shalava

Cutalka: Thanks guys. Now I know how to dress in order not to hurt.

Educator: Yes, the coulla, dress on the weather and do not pain. And we will go further.

The educator and children are suitable for "unusual" wood. On the tree

hang: Toothbrush, toothpaste, urine, soap, shampoo, comb.

Educator:What grows on the tree? Why do these items need? (Children's responses)

Didactic game "What for yourself, and what for the family?"

(The educator offers children to "collect a harvest" from the tree, decomposing them

in 2 baskets, determine what objects can all be used

family members, and which only for personal use.)

(Bodray music sounds. Healthy man appears.)

Health: Guys did you know me? I used to be called the curaticle before, and now I became a healthy.

Educator:And who helped you become a healthy?

Hempress: It's a kind wizard sport-he

Evil makes good

Cowardly - brave,

Weak - strong,

Patients are healthy.

Sport wizard taught me to a healthy spot

massage. Let me teach you!

Spot massage with elements of respiratory gymnastics.

Gray our pens. (Connect the palms to rub it until heating.)

Gray the tip of the nose. (Slightly pull the tip of the nose.)

Thin nose. (Indicating fingers slightly pull the nose.)

Gray ears. (Index I. thumb on the ear shell are carried out from top to bottom.)

Swan cervical. (Stroke the neck hand of a fleeing department before the chin.)

Nose, breathe! (Inhale through the right nostril, exhale - through the left. Then the opposite.)

Snow the snowflake. (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth
(2-3 times).

(The educator and children thank healthy.)

Hempress: For sale, my kids are children:

To grow healthy, energetic and sensible,

To get rid of fatigue, laziness,

Early in the morning do not be lazy, becoming charging!

Help us always - the sun, air and water!

Fastened so that muscles, do physical education!

Goodbye, Devora! Hello everyone! Physical Education!

(Sad ringtone sounds under whichprincess APCH

sits around "microbes-balls", loud sneezes in her hands

White balls - "Microbes".)

Educator: Droplets-microbes are also similar to the balls, only they are so small that they are not visible. They fly through the air where there are sick people and can get to healthy people In the nose and in the mouth and cause a disease. Influenza, colds are passed through the air when an infected man coughs or sneezes is called an air-drip path. Microbes live in non-joyful water, in non-baking products, on dirty hands. If a person does not clean the teeth, the microbes will settle in his mouth.

Princess Appchi:

I have fun and played

I did not care about me.

While healthy was

My deeds went well.

But captured me in captivity,

Microbes scattered everywhere.

From the microbias can not be friends

They are very difficult to win.

I feel very bad.

Hope all on you!

Will you help me?

Educator:Children, we need to defeat microbes and save the Princess Appch. Let's help her?

Movable game "Microbes".

(Princess Apchchi throws in children "Microbes" (balls). To whom it will fall, he should answer the question: "How to defeat microbes?" During the correct answers, the teacher punks balls.)

The educator proposes to provide the princess of the APCH and the guys who hit the "balls-microbes" "ambulance vitamin assistance"

Presentation "Ambulance Vitamin Help"

Educator : What are you great guys! Princess APCHCHI arched and she turned into a healthy girl Alinochka. I suggest you make gymnastics for your eyes, what would strengthen and remove tension from our eyes.

"Cheerful week" gymnastics for eyes.

All week in order,

Eyes make charging.

On Monday, how to wake up

Eye Sun smile

Down look at the grass

And back to height.

Raise your eyes up; Lower their book, the head is stationary; (removes the eye voltage).

On Tuesday, watch eyes,

Looking there - here

Go to the left, go to the right

Never get tired.

Turn the eyes into the right side, and then to the left, the head is stationary; (removes the eye voltage).

On Wednesday in Zhmurki we play

Furious eyes close.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's open eyes.

Jugging and open

So we continue the game.

On Thursdays, we look into the distance

It's not a pity for this time

That near and what far

Eyes should consider.

Watch right in front of yourself, put a finger at a distance of 25-30 cm. From the eyes, translate the eye to the tip of the finger and look at it, lower your hand. (Strengthens the muscles of the eyes and improves their coordination)

On Friday we did not yaw

The eyes ran in a circle.

Stop and again

On the other side to run.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; And back: left, down, right and up again; (Improves complex eye movements)

At least on Saturday the day off

We do not lazy with you.

We look around the corner,

To run pupils.

Look at the top right corner, then the bottom left; Transfer a look into the upper left corner and bottom right (improves complex eye movements)

We will sleep on Sunday,

And then let's go for a walk,

To chain the eyes

Need to breathe air.

Close the eyelids, massaging them with the help of the circular movements of the fingers: the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eye, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then the opposite (relaxes the muscles and improves blood circulation)

Without gymnastics, friends

Our eyes can not live!

Educator: Whatever never to be attributed to a prince or princess APCHCHCHU. Why are we hardened? (Children's responses)Do you like to temper? There is a proverb:

"You will temody a frill, we will be used for the whole age."


The educator invites children to approach the tables, which are sets consisting of: 1 saucer with ice, 1st with warm water. Children alternately lower their hands in the container with warm water and with ice, watering the lining on the palms. Crimping the poem:

We will learn the ice site.

Between fingers roll,

This will help us at school

Letter smooth writing.

(Children wipe hands.)

Educator: Well done! Let's delight your body with vitamins that live in these fruits (showing apple, mandarin, kiwi, grapes).I suggest you make a delicious and very useful fruit kebab. But before proceeding to the manufacture of kebab and to food, what should be done? (Children's responses). Of course, wash your hands so that the microbes from our unwashed hands do not get into food, and from there to our body.

(Children and teacher go to wash your hands).

Cooking "fruit barbell".

Educator:On these spats (show)we ride these chopped fruit slices (show). In the cooking process, the educator assists children with experiencing difficulties. Specifies questions: Which of these fruits is your favorite? Now you ride what fruit? At the end of the work wishes everyone a pleasant appetite.

Deliches the skeleton of guests.

Educator: Guys, our journey approached the end.

"Left, to the right to turn,

IN kindergarten OUR RETURN! "

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

Kindergarten № 41 "Cheburashka"


Abstract integrated organizational and educational activities In the older group using health-saving technologies

Prepared and spent

Nikulina T.V.

Mytishchi 2012.

Purpose: To form in children an understanding of the importance and the need to comply with hygienic procedures, exercise and the regime of the day.


- continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bhealth as one of the main


Summarize and expand the knowledge of children about useful products, about interconnection

Health and nutrition;
- enrich and intensify the speech of children on the topic;
- Continue to learn to analyze, draw conclusions.

- continue to develop connected speech, thinking, attention, intelligence;
- to form a need to comply with cultural and hygienic skills,

Day mode;

Develop expressiveness when reading poems, the ability to guess riddles;

Develop interest in care for your health, manifestation of independence,

The ability to show knowledge in gaming and speech form.

- to bring up responsible attitude towards your health;

Bring up a sense of collectivism, the ability to be a team;

Educate the habit of clean and order.

Preliminary work:

Holding days and weeks of health; - guessing riddles; Reading proverbs and sayings about the value of health; - managing the poem "Microb"; - plot - role-playing games: "Hospital", "Polyclinic", wallpaper - didactic game "Ascorbinka and her friends"; - Reading art works.

Integration of educational regions:

Reading fiction
- Communication
- Socialization
- Cognition

- emblems for the teams "Apple", "Carrots";
- magnetic board, chalk;
- ball of medium diameter;
- book with riddles;
- Basket with apples.

The course of organizational and educational activities

Hello guys! I am glad to see you joyful and beautiful. Agree, it's nice to feel healthy, vigorous and cheerful. After all, as the ancient Greeks said:"In a healthy body healthy mind".

Did you think that health has many faithful and kind friends?

Let's think that it helps a person to be healthy?

(Charging, correct meals, cleanliness, fresh air, day mode)

That's right guys. To start talking about the first health assistant, let's play the game"My morning". Transfering the ball in a circle, we will tell each other what we do in the morning.

Well done! The first health assistant is water. Cool pure waterwhich we wash, clean your teeth, my hands, tempering our body, drives a dream, cleanses the skin, washing the microbes from it.

What is microbes? What do you know about them? (Children's responses).

Microbe - terribly harmful animal:

Cunning and, most importantly, spin.

Such is the animal in the belly

It climbs - and calmly lives there.

Climbs, sallopay, and where he wants

Walks in the patient and clicked.

He is proud that so many troubles are:

And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.

You, dolls, washing hands before dinner?

Oh, brother fox, you look out cold.

Waiting, you have a hot forehead:

Probably, a microbe sits in you!

Sometimes microbes fall not only on hand or face, but also in the nose, throat, and then we begin to sneeze and cough. And how to protect yourself from such microbes?

(to be in a wrapped room, cover the nose and mouth with a handkerchief,

observe everywhere clean, order ...).

Right. And now I suggest you execute a complex of hardening nasal breathing.

  • Stroke the nose (sidewalls of the nose) from the tip to the nose, do inhale. On the exhalation, knock on the wings of the nose with indicable fingers(5 - 6 times).
  • Make 8 - 10 inhales and exhale through the right nostril, then - through the left,

in turn, covering the resting index finger.

  • Touch your nose. At the exit to pull the soundmmm, At the same time tapping with your fingers on the wings of the nose. Quickly draw inside the abdominal abdominal muscles, at the same time make a sharp exhale through the nose(s - 4 times).
  • During the exhalation, widely reveal the mouth and, as far as possible, narrow

Language, trying to get it before the chin. Selflessly say:

a-A-A (5 - 6 times).

The second of our friend, as you have already noticed, is the morning gymnastics.

Think, what benefit does she bring us? (She drives a dream, gives us a cheerful, good mood, strengthens the muscles, strengthens our health).

Right. Not only people, but also animals lead themselves in order after sleep. Let's remember our physical attack "Hamster" and dismiss a little.


Khoma, Khoma, hamster

Wears a red jacket

Homa rises early

Washes the paws, cleans the mouth.

Everything leads to order

And goes to charging.

One, two, three, four, five -

Homa jumps again.

Guys, what is the name of a certain routine of the day, which helps us remain healthy?

(Daily regime).

Right. If you always wake up at the same time, breakfast, go to walk, go to bed, then our body is produced by a certain rhythm, which helps to keep health and vigor.

Guys, and what should be food that we use during the day?

(Useful, balanced, vitamin).

Today we will play in an unusual game - quiz about the benefits of food"Gives the strength to us always vitamin food!".

Two teams are involved in the competition: "apples" and "carrots".

(Children are divided into 2 teams).

So the first competition"Warming up".

I will ask questions, and for each correct answer, the team receives one point. (Written on the board).


  • What vegetable is called second bread? (Potatoes).
  • With what we feel different taste? (Language).
  • What are very useful berries ripen under the snow? (Cranberry).
  • What porridge can you cook from the millet? (Twist).
  • Device for cutting bread? (Knife).
  • What is the name of dried grapes? (Raisins).
  • When is it better eating fatty food - in winter or summer? (Winter).
  • What vegetables need to eat to not be cold? (Garlic, onions).
  • And what else do you need a person besides food? (Water).
  • What kind of water is better to drink? (Boiled, purified).
  • Watermelon is a vegetable or fruit? (Berry).
  • What are the dates grow on? (On palm).
  • What is called forest meat? (Mushrooms).
  • What is the name of the morning welcome? (Breakfast).

Let's summarize the first contest.

(Points are considered).

We continue our game.

The second contest "Riddles".

There are vegetables and fruits.
How many not to count them.
There is still in the form of a tablet
The taste is better than candy.
For Mishani and Polina
What is useful? - ... (vitamins)

In this fashion store
You will see on the shop window
Not toys, not products,
And do not grandmother shoes.
Here is the medicine and tablets,
Ointment, drops and pipettes.
In order not to hurt
Where to come? - ... (To pharmacy)

If the house on the floor garbage suddenly scattered,
I am help with a long nose face call.
Only on the button you click -
IMIG put the order. (A vacuum cleaner)

I have an assistant,
The benefits from him not to read:
All microbes kill
And illness drives.
In my hands I will take it,
Pretty things are pretty
Some water and here
Dirt dangerous will leave. (Soap)

Round, ruddy,

I'm a rastic on the branch.

Love me adults

Love me kids. (Apple)

Bright, sweet, poured,

All in the Cover Golden.

Not with a candy factory -

From distant Africa. (Orange)

Scarlet, sugar,

Kaftan green, velvet. (Watermelon)

We took her clothes,

In the ride, now is not empty -

They get into them ... (cabbage)

Farms live under the ground,

Pour them from the watering can.

And Polina and Antoshka

Cook to dig ... (potatoes)

Oh, we nullify with him

Kohl to clean.

But from a hundred ourselves

We must cure bitter ... (onions)

Head, and from above Us.

No, not sweet it tastes.

Came running from all legs

We will go to dint ... (garlic)

On watermelon like -

Also fatty.

I got used to the dress yellow

Heats in the sun ... (pumpkin)

Climb along the rope

Brothers with beds - a hill.

These brothers are twins,

And their name is ... (cucumbers)

In the summer, not afraid of heat,

Missed red balls.

Reliced \u200b\u200blike a selection.

What kind of vegetable? (A tomato)

Yellow ball in the ground

Only green tail.

Keeps the bed hard

Round vegetable. This ... (repka)

Split old house:

There was little space in it.

All residents are alarmed.

Who are they? (Peas)

Under the earth he grown up

Round and burgundy has become.

Under the rain on Groke Mokla

And got into the borsch for us ... (beet)

Let's summarize two contests.

Let's summarize the second competition.

(Points are considered).

Well done! And now I suggest you a little rest before the last, most important competition. (Fizkultminutka is held "times climb, stretch").


Times climb, pull

Two bend, raise,

Three - in your hands three cotton,

Head three nodes,

And four - hands wider,

Five - to wave,

Well, six - you can sit down!

Last Competition"What we need for health."

I will call you the words and throw the ball. If you need to be healthy - catch the ball, if not, repel.

Our game is over. Let's summarize and congratulate the winners.

Guys, our acquaintance with friends came to an end. What's new interesting did you find out? What did you like most? What tasks caused difficulties?

(Children's responses).

Today you all were well done. Thank you very much! And this is your delicious and useful gift from me. (Teacher gives children a basket with apples).