Making wall blocks with their own hands. Homemade machine according to the scheme "Nonaching"

Wall blocks have long become one of the most common building materials. During the construction of a garage, a residential building or other business buildings for the construction of walls, the cheapest building material is slagoblocks. They are manufactured from almost any cast material. At the same time, the slag blocks are stacked in the walls not only on sand-cement mortarbut on clay solutionthat further reduces the cost of construction. Unlike bricks, building blocks are much easier to do at home with their own hands. The process of manufacturing slag blocks and technology is quite simple and is available to anyone who wants to save and who loves to do.

Briefly, what is a slag block?
According to the established opinion, under slag blocks, it is customary to understand the blocks made by vibropressive (vibration) from a concrete solution, the main components of the solution are slag and cement as the main binder. However, today the slag blocks are conventionally called any building blocks obtained by the method of vibratoryropressing (vibration) from a concrete solution. The presence of a slag is not necessarily - as components of a concrete solution can be: slag, granite screening, granite crushed stone, river crushed stone, gravel, bout of brick and concrete, battle of hardened cement, battle of glass, ceramzit and even sand.
Typically, the size of the slag block is within 200 mm of 200 mm per 400 mm and less. There are two types of slag blocks - hollow and full-scale. The varieties of the same blocks are a great set: these are ordinary wall blocks (for example, a slag block, a smooth block 140), common blocks (used to build partitions indoors, has a thickness of 90 mm), decorative blocks for walls (block decorative 190), blocks for fences ( Decorative Block 140, Decorative Corner Block), Blocks for Facade Finishing ( facade stone) And so on at home, you can also make a brick from clay - the choice is yours.

For the manufacture of slag blocks you need two things shape and raw materials.

Forms for slag blocks

Form made of sheet metal with a thickness of 3 mm. Together with the assistants using concrete mixer, you can on the day without much effort to "produce" up to 300 pieces of blocks. Is there a lot or a little? Judge for yourself: the garage in size is 6x4 m, 450 such blocks will be required, and a number of houses with a size of 6.5x8 m - 1000 pieces.

Form for concrete blocks (all internal sizes, welds - Outside).

Solution for the manufacture of blocks prepare so. We knew a slightly moistened mixture (the amount of water is determined by the experimental way) in proportion: cement - 1 part, slag or clay - from 7 to 12 (the proportion is given for cement M400). By setting the shape on a flat site, fill it with a solution, a trambet of a manual tamper and, aligning along the upper edge, cut off the metal strip is superfluous. Now carefully remove the shape (it is without the bottom) - the block is ready.

Put the form next and repeat the process. At the end of the work, do not forget to thoroughly wash the shape of water. After 24 hours, the blocks can already be stored (at a height of no more than three), freeing the place for the next batch. The size of the form is given in case you think to lead the walls of the walls with an additional cladding of 1/2 bricks. If your building will have walls, plastered on both sides, then you can take arbitrary size - if only it was possible to raise such a block with your hands. And when laying the walls with a thickness of 50 cm Do not forget every two rows of blocks to carry out a "dressing" brick brick nearby.

The dimensions of homemade slag blocks can be selected "for itself."
The most simplest shape that satisfied me most, I made as follows. Picked the planed boards width in the height of the slag block (140 mm). The board should be no more than 2 m, as it is more difficult to work with a longer form: you have to do a lot unnecessary movements. Next are necessary across. Two extreme crossbars are connected with longitudinal boards "on the valve grooves" (Fig).

Three slag block

FROM inner Longitudinal boards (between crossings) every 140 mm are formed cutting with hacksaw and chisel the transverse grooves depth of 7 ... 8 mm. The width of the propyl depends on the thickness of the separation plates from sheet iron, textolite, getyinaks. Plates are suitable and from another durable sheet material, If only he was smooth enough. From fig. 1 It is clear how to make a form. It makes no sense to describe it for a long time and it makes no sense, only one thing I want to say that the solution is finished before the fill in it put on an absolutely smooth surface. All parts made of wood, preferably paint any oil paintthat will ensure easier extraction of slag blocks from the form. Each time before the fill in the form of the solution, all its inner surfaces are wiping with solar oil (diesel) or spent machine oil. Wipe slightly, not plentiful. To reduce the consumption of solution, and slagoblocks obtained lungs and with voids- And this is an additional heat in the room, the forms are poured with a solution of up to half, after which bottles of champagne are pressed into the solution.

Solution filled with mortar

If after installing bottles, the level of the solution is increasing enough, required amount The solution (to the top of the form) is added by a trowel. After 2 ... 3 hours. The solution is significantly mounted and strengthened, then the bottles are pulled out, carefully turning them around the axis, and immediately washed with water, otherwise they will firmly feed the solution and to further use the bottle will be unsuitable.
The process of excavation of slag blocks from the form is very simple. Just slightly hammer cut the form around the perimeter and disassemble it. Sideboards are easy to separate, but remove the separation plates is somewhat more complicated. We will have to be carefully hammering with a protruding plate from above and slightly sideways.
Every day, that is, after 24 hours, I took out almost fastened slag blocks from the form and poured a solution into it. I did not apply any compaction of the solution of the rim and with vibration. A few words about the solution. Despite the fact that it was rather liquid, slag blocks after appropriate exposure acquired such strength that they were able to split or squeeze them with the greatest labor.
On one part of the cement of the brand "400" I took 9, or even 10 parts of the slag. Marriage was not. For what I told it? Yes, in order to make a solid number of slag blocks with the help of several forms excellent quality. I did slag blocks in the evening after work every day, and I will say, this work was not in me. Concrete mixers I do not have a solution manually in the pallet with a capacity of 300 pp. Well, and if you work together, everything will be played. Alternatively, you can make foam blocks with your own hands.

And one more option for self-making blocks. Form from sheet iron.

I chose block sizes 510x250x215 mm (14 bricks volume). From waste of sheet iron boiled 11 forms without bottoms. From the sides welded 2 knobs.

Right up on Earth, I put a form. To make the mixture not settled with the walls of the form, from the inside I wipe with a rag, moistened with spent oil or diesel. I fall asleep there a hard ceramzito concrete. The trim is not very strong. I remove the first form after a backfill of the 11th - it is about 10-12 minutes. Blocks are in place for 12 hours. Then we shift them under the canopy. They are harden at the plus temperature within 24 days. Carport make from rubberoid, tarpaulin or polyethylene film. Under it blocks will be protected from rain and sun.

Tried produce blocks and voids. Inserted two wooden rounds, sharpened on the cone and wrapped with roofing glands. Empty Educational users can be round, square, rectangular ... depending on how the blocks are laid, the wall thickness is obtained 215, 250 or 510 mm.

For thick walls, blocks are better to do hollow, for thin - filled. Conditionally walls with a thickness of 215 mm without voids can be called cold, 250 mm - semi warm, 510 mm with voids - warm.

For the manufacture of half blocks into the mold in the center insert iron sheet. In the workpiece that are used to form openings in the wall of the house, you have to make wooden tubes for fixing door and window boxes.

Tried building blocksBy applying the vibrator, but the solution goes to the bottom of the form and the ceramzite does not bind. To this not happened, the general shape for several blocks was welded. The vibrator secured on the side. The walls of the form did higher on 1/3 - it is for concrete shrinkage during vibration.

Fillers can be local non-deficient materials: clamzit, slag, sawdust, etc. I used cement, crumples and sand in the 1: 4: 1 ratio for the preparation of the mixture.

The hardest work is to prepare concrete. It is advisable to use a simple homemade concrete mixer or finished purchased.

Slagoblocks were one of the most sought-after construction materials different designs in construction. The strength characteristic of them, as well as good thermal insulation properties, make it possible to build quickly and relatively easy and fairly cheap. Building from them can be both a professional, and inexperienced Mason's experience.

For the manufacture of homemade blocks, only a few forms are required for their castings, as well as cement, sand and filler - slag or broken brick. Other types of fillers (gravel or crushed stone) will make a block very heavy, and in addition, a wall, folded from such a material, in the summer will heat up faster, and in the winter cool. If you use clamzite as a filler, then, although it has almost the same thermal insulation properties with a broken brick and slag, it will cost several times more expensive.

Forms for the manufacture of building concrete blocks

For independent manufacture of building blocks at home, special metal or wooden forms will be needed, inner dimensions which are different: 150 x 150 x 300 mm, 175 x 175 x 350 mm or 200 x 200 x 400 mm. With minor blocks it is more convenient to carry out the masonry, and construction is largely maintained.

For the manufacture of a metal collapsible form for one block, four rectangular iron plates with a thickness of 3-4 mm (height, width and waiter length will depend on the selected form size). On the sides of the plates it is necessary to cut fixing grooves, and to the end items of the form to privar handles. For a form of four blocks, you will need to make two rectangular plates and five smaller plates to separate future blocks in the form.

For the manufacture of concrete blocks, it requires a seal and creating bubbles in them, for this purpose you need to make a special device. For it, one rectangular iron plate (in size) is required, a small piece of wire-rod cross section of 10 mm and three trimming pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 150 mm. At one end of each pipe, it is necessary to cut through four "teeth" of a triangular shape to a depth of 50 mm. Then these teeth must be combined with each other so that it turns out the cone. The seams between the teeth need to be thoroughly brew. Then to one of the planes of the plate need to be welded a handle from the rod, and to the other - trimming the pipes with a blunt end.

Wooden collapsible form
Wooden collapsible form

For the manufacture of wooden collapsible form, you will need four cutting boards with a thickness of 35-50 mm (dimensions will depend on the size of the selected form). Of course, wood is weaker forms, so the boards are needed high-quality and strong. All compounds in a wooden form should be strengthened using tie screws. The rest of the wooden shape design is the same as metal. The handles for the shape can be made from the rod with a cross section of 10 mm, flattening its ends and drill holes in them with a diameter of 6-8 mm.

For the manufacture of building blocks, you need to make a solution from cement, sand and aggregate (slag or broken brick) in a 1: 4: 6 ratio. By adding an aggregate into the solution, it is necessary to ensure that it is viscous and sticky, but not turned out to be liquid or crumbly. Next, the solution is poured into the forms in which it will be glanced in hot weather for 2 hours, and the final fortress will acquire 1-1.5 days. With cool weather (+7 ... + 18 c), the hardening time and complete drying increases by 3-5 times, and at temperatures below +7 ° C and during precipitation blocks are not recommended at all.

If slag will be used for the solution together with the cement, you can completely abandon sand, and then the ratio of cement and slag should be 1: 6 or even 1: 8.

Before the fill of the solution in shape, all its parts are needed, regardless of the material of the manufacture, moisten with water. It should work on a flat surface and fill in a solution with a solution by 2/3 or 3/4 of the volume (the exact amount is determined by the experimental way after applying the adaptation to do the voids).

After the block finally freezes, it must be released from parts of the form. The raw block must be left to completely dry, and the details of the shape pour with water.

You can make blocks directly at the construction site, i.e., to fill in place. In this case, the sizes of the form for the fill can be increased to 330 x 300 x 600 mm. This will speed up the construction process even more.

Consistency cement mortar And the fill method is the same as in the previous case. You can weld into a working structure of several forms (enough 3-4 shapes), and then the laying will go faster.

To cement mix It did not stick to the walls of the form, before filling its inner cavity, it is necessary to richly moisten with water or lubricate the waste machine oil. After setting the mixture, the form plate flashed from the walls of the block. In the process of the construction of the walls, the horizontality and verticality of the rows should be recovered. In general, the laying of the angles, the digestion between the blocks is fully consistent with the methods brick masonry In Polkirpich.

Samama is a mixture of clay and straw, for the manufacture of homemade blocks

The cheapest building material for self-making concrete blocks at home is Samama - a mixture of clay and straw. Cheapness is not the only dignity of the Samana - this material is durable, with high thermal insulation propertiesEasy in production. For the manufacture of saman blocks, collapsible metal or wooden forms are also used. It is better to make blocks of small size, a maximum of 150 x 150 x 300 mm, since larger blocks are heavy and uncomfortable in work and besides, voids cannot be done in them.

On a note!

The lack of Samana is instability to humidity. Before the construction of walls from the Samana, it is necessary to provide reliable waterproofing Foundament, A. finished walls require shuttering with cement substance solution, covering any available polymer or metal mesh and execution of finishing finish.

Homemade Making Concrete Blocks for Construction

Procedure for the construction and manufacture of concrete blocks Standard: First you need to choose a place, then make a foundation - the construction of a tile foundation is required here, you can use foundation plates, sum up communication, build walls, building roof, install windows and doors and perform facing and interior design summer cuisine.

The walls are laid out in the Pollipich, for the summer kitchen, the wall thickness can be in one brick - and this will be enough. As it is masonry, you must unsubscribe walls vertically and horizontally using a plumb and cord, horizontally stretched from one corner of a house to another.

Homemade construction blocks makes it possible to reduce the cost of booking the outlook with subsequent installation of windows and doors. During the construction of a building in the building, you need to make door and window openings. Install the location of the windows and the door is still at the planning stage. It is possible in the process of masonry walls in places setting doors and windows to leave the openings of the desired width, as well as insert wooden plugs to which the franger boxes will be attached. Wooden tubes must be administered in the second row relative to the bottom of the box and in the penultimate row relative to its top. At the top level, the box should be installed with a reinforced jumper with a thickness of 120 mm or a thickness of 70 mm thick. The ends of the jumper should be started onto the walls by 20 cm. If the plane of the next row of masonry and the upper part of the frame will be at different levels, it will be necessary to catch up to the desired height, using parts of the blocks and the solution, or assemble the formwork, tie the reinforcement and pour cement mortar.

After the construction of the walls on the windows designated under the windows and the door door should be installed boxes, squeezing pre-corners. Next, you need to remove them horizontally and vertically and only after that you can attach the side pieces of the box to wooden corks using nails or screws. The remaining space between the walls, the foundation, jumper and the box must be filled around the perimeter of acrylic mounting foam.

The second method of the device door and window Operactions - This is when door and window boxes are installed in right placesAnd then restned by blocks. Usually this method is used in decorative laying, when the further decoration of the walls is not provided.

In this case, that the doorway in the process of the masonry does not behave, you need to press it on both sides of the first row, after inserting the backups in the corners. After the second row, it is necessary to align the box vertically and horizontally, fix it with nails or screws on the sides of the wall. It is also necessary to leave the release of 10 cm. Then, it is necessary to apply the solution to the releases and hold them by the next row by the block, once again convinced that the box is exactly exactly. The same is necessary to do in the upper part of the door box, as well as on the fourth and sixth rows with a box of the window. The jumpers here are installed in the same way as at the first method.

Construction of buildings from blocks much faster than bricks. In building stores, many varieties of such a material, but for saving funds, such blocks can be made to build themselves.

Buy blocks or do yourself?

Building blocks are used not only for the construction of walls. You can find blocks of various hardness and quality. Blocks purchased in specialized stores are standard forms. Material made with your own hands can be adjusted under the desired size.

You can use various materials for construction blocks. The plus of the manufacture of building blocks is independently cheap material cost.

Plus, purchasing ready-made blocks is the ability to save the time you need to spend on making.

Homemade blocks

For the manufacture of homemade blocks, it is necessary to determine with future block sizes. The easiest option is the manufacture of blocks is the use of special forms.

Homemade blocks can be made by various forms, which allows the use of blocks not only the structure of the walls, but also for finishing works.

For manufacture can be used different material For fillers, even seferences and brick used. Manufacturing homemade blocks You can control the density and strength of the building material.

Units for making blocks


On sale ready forms For the manufacture of blocks, they have standard sizes. You can make forms yourself. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • USM tool (for cutting metal)
  • Welding apparatus
  • Coarse sandpaper
  • Drill for metal
  • Metal 5 mm thick
  • Metal thick 3 mm

On the metal sheet 5 mm make marking of the required size, for example 260 mm and 196 mm. There should be four details.

These details must be accurately welded in the inner seams to obtain a rectangular shape. Do not do the bottom. On the sides of the form where the width is 196 mm, it is necessary to make one handle for convenient use. Metal sheet 3 mm needed empty eagle.

Empty Educates are necessary for:

  • Saving a solution
  • Reduced thermal conductivity of walls

For the form you need three empty euro. It is necessary to make three blanks of a suitable size and roll them into cylinders and peck from the inside.

It is necessary to take a strip of metal with a width of 30-40 mm for fastening empty eagles among themselves. In the upper part of the empty editions are made of propuls, with the help of which the cylinders are welded to the metal strip.

Be sure to make the bottom and covers for cylinders. After that, the finished mechanism of empty editions welded to form. Having made a cut over the handles for this and inserting a strip of metal with cylinders, it is necessary to slaughter the inner seam.

Forms of wood

Molds for the manufacture of blocks can be made of wood. To save time for the manufacture of blocks, you can make a form greater with individual cells.

It is necessary to make a frame without a bottom, and using saws to add intermediate elements. Intermediate wood strips will help divide wooden frame on the required number of cells required.

For convenient removal of the finished block of forms, you need interior surface Forms to paint oil paint.

Used material for making blocks

Big plus blocks made with their own hands wide selection material

Depending on the material, several types of blocks can be distinguished:

  • Slag concrete blocks
  • Blocks using liquid glass
  • Sane blocks
  • Chip concrete or arbage blocks

The base for blocks almost always consists of cement, and the drive can be chosen different.

As a filler in building blocks can be used:

  • Dropsy
  • Crusheden
  • Wood sawdusts
  • Straw
  • Broken used brick

What does equipment need?

To begin making blocks, it is necessary to prepare the following tools:

  • Units for making blocks
  • Water wetting forms
  • Vibration plate (needed to compact the solution)
  • Spatula for resurrection
  • Master OK
  • Soviet shovel
  • Buckets
  • Capacity for mixing the solution
  • Metal or rubber smooth plate (for drying the finished product)
  • Required components for solution

The list of tools can increase depending on the types of blocks and their components. Independent manufacture different species Blocks The main component of any kind of blocks is cement water and fillers.

Types of blocks

  • Slagoblock - Slag is used as a filler for blocks. Such blocks of fire resistant and resistant to low temperatures.
  • Opolk concrete - convenient when laying. Very simple in use have light weight.
  • Blocks using gravel - have a lot of weight, difficult in laying
  • Covering blocks - have excellent thermal insulating properties. Have light weight and good fortress.
  • Blocks containing wood sawdust stone and various waste.

To speed up the production process, it is necessary to make several forms. For the manufacture of blocks you need:

  1. Prepare forms for the manufacture of blocks
  2. Install on a smooth smooth surface (metallic or rubberized leaf)
  3. Prepare a solution with a necessary filler
  4. Wash the shape with water or machine oil (for easy extraction)
  5. The solution is superimposed in the prepared form
  6. It is necessary to include vibratinglatelate for 2-4 minutes to seal the solution and exhaust unnecessary air and water.
  7. Need a spatula to align the surface of the block
  8. Move the shape into the place of drying. You can use the unscrewed area with a canopy
  9. After 30-40 minutes, remove the forms from finished blocks.
  10. Leave blocks for 2-3 days at the drying place. After moving to a dry place for 20-25 days. After this period, the blocks are ready to use.

Production of ceramered blocks

Cefficed blocks are blocks consisting of grazit filler.

For the manufacture of the solution you need:

  • 1 part of cement
  • Five parts of the filler clamzit
  • Sand Sandy - 3 parts
  • 1 part of water

It is necessary to mix the solution and make blocks according to the following instructions:

  • A solution is superimposed into the blurred
  • Thumbs up
  • After 15-20 minutes to remove forms
  • Leave a product on a flat surface. After 12-13 hours are transferred to any place protected from rain.
  • After 20 days, blocks are ready for construction.

The advantages of this type of building material:

  • Blocks have a little weight
  • Low temperature resistant
  • Moisture resistant
  • High strength
  • Low cost

Production of concrete blocks

The process of manufacturing blocks from concrete can be divided into several consecutive stages:

  • Preparation of forms for the manufacture of blocks. Initially, form should be moistened with water, it will prevent sticking on the inner walls of the solution
  • Fill with a solution with a solution and will install on a vibration platform, for a shrinkage of a solution for several minutes
  • After the solution is fixed, you can shoot forms

Products need to be dried on a flat base from rubber. This will prevent block damage.

Solution ingredients:

  • Cement -1 part
  • Sand - 4 part
  • Gravel small - 4 part
  • Lime - 4 part
  • WATER - Before receiving medium density

Concrete blocks get their strength after 28 days.

Production of opilk concrete blocks

Before preparing blocks, materials are necessary:

  • Cement
  • Sand shallow fraction
  • Lime is not quenching
  • Sawdust

For the preparation of the solution you need:

  • Sift sawdust
  • Mix cement, sand and lime
  • Add sawdust and mix again
  • Add water to medium density
  • Add calcium chloride to improve component stickiness

Production of blocks:

  • The form must be solved by a polyethylene film.
  • Impose mortar
  • Timing any convenient way
  • Leave forms for pouring for 4-6 days
  • Get out of the forms and dry for another two months

Making saman blocks

For the manufacture of saman blocks for the structure, it is necessary:

  • Clay red
  • Straw
  • River sand
  • Water.

There is no accurate ratio, usually the solution is estimated visually. The most optimal option:

  • Clay - 1 cubic meters
  • Straw - 20 kg.
  • Sand - 25-30%

To check the readiness of the solution, it is necessary to take a handful of solution to form a ball and leave in the sun for 1-2 hours. After that, throw a ball on the ground, if it does not split the solution is ready. If it cracks or fall apart, it is necessary to reduce the percentage of water and sand.

To make blocks, perform such actions:

  • Make a sunny flat
  • Make a solution
  • Fill the forms with a solution
  • Seal
  • Remove the spreader with a spatula
  • After 20-30- minutes, the form should be removed

Blocks dry 10 -15 days. The main condition is not allowed to enter water. Whatever the method of manufacturing blocks was not selected, in any case, the cost of manufacturing such building materials will be lower than the acquisition finished products. Blocks of self-making emerge much more environmentally friendly and there is a choice of necessary sizes.

The sllacobal is a fairly cheap material for the construction of low-rise buildings. In addition, to build a building from slag blocks with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. To reduce the cost of such blocks, resort to independent manufacture slag blocks.

The slagoblock is made at home only if the garage is planned or another economic building. In case the construction of a residential building is planned, it is better to buy a slag block, or apply, for example, -Penobeton.

For a small building, you can make a form for the manufacture of material with your own hands.. For mass production, you need to get a special machine intended for manufacture.

Shape for slag blocks is preferable to make metal

To make a block with your own hands, first it is necessary to make drawings of shape and equipment. Usually, the material for the material is designed so that the output is a block of standard sizes.. But you can also make a block both more and less, depending on the type of building and pursued purposes.

Necessary materials for work:

  • wooden or metal form for the preparation of material;
  • the necessary components for kneading the composition;
  • concrete mixer (can be independently manufactured);
  • warehouse for storage of slag blocks, which eliminates water to the material;
  • vibrotole (can be without it);
  • vibrostanok (for manufacture large number slag blocks).

How to make a form for blocks?

At the production of shape made of iron or steel so that they can cope with large volumes of the solution, reaching up to several tons. You can use such blocks with your own hands wooden shape . In fact, a formwork should be obtained, which will be poured a slag block mixture.

It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the wooden sheets when measurements, so that the dimensions of the future slag block was interior Forms.

Usually, so that the slagoblock was more convenient to take out, the form makes without the bottom, Laying under the bottom of the film. But it is necessary to ensure that the base surface is smooth, however, like wooden parts. In the role of the surface can perform a smooth table, concrete surface Or Iron Leaf.

For erection carriers Use hollow blocks, for which the empty bottles forming emptiness are used, they are pre-filled with water so that they do not float out of the solution.

Composition of the mix

To find out how to make a slagoblock yourself, you need to know what is part of the mixture.

The mixture for slag blocks has the following composition:

  • cement;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • slag components.

In fact, in the mixture for slag blocks, almost any construction trash throw, that is not quite right

For the manufacture of slag blocks with their own hands It is necessary to follow the following proportions:

  • 7 pieces of slag;
  • 3 pieces of sand;
  • 1 part of cement;
  • 1 part of water.

For the manufacture of blocks, the M-400 brand cement is usually used. Of course, it is better to use cement M-500. In this case, it can be used by 10-15% less.

What can blocks from?

Production of blocks with their own hands saves. Cement, of course, have to be purchased in the store, but the other components can be reached for free. Water and sand - natural elements, get wondering. Slag components can be obtained from almost any construction waste:

  • wooden sawdust;
  • brick fight;
  • glass battle;
  • ash;
  • waste from rubble;
  • fight of the frozen cement mortar;
  • metallurgical waste.

As you can see, slag components can also be reached for free.

How to make slag blocks yourself?

Material manufacturing process:

  1. The essential components are laid in the concrete mixer in the designated proportions. The mixture is prepared in the same way as the usual concrete mix For the construction of the foundation.
  2. The mixture is poured into a pre-prepared form. After the fill, it must be sealing. In mass production, this is done using a special vibrostanka. But for his absence, this can be done by tapping the usual hammer from above in shape. It is necessary in order to make the mixture as it should be rambling and filled out all voids of the form, and also to come out all air bubbles. After all, the more air is contained inside the block, the less its strength becomes.
  3. To form voids you need to put glass bottles, filled with water. Typically, 2 bottles are used for one block that are uniformly throughout the base of the mixture.

Of the forms, ready-made slag blocks are usually removed in 2-4 days. Fully material hardens after 28 days, Only then blocks can be used in construction. To prevent cracklocks of the obtained slag blocks at the time of hardening, they must be periodically wateted with water, especially if the drying occurs during hot weather.

The emptiness in the block does not reduce its strength, but increase thermal insulation and noise absorption

Equipment for manufacture

The method described above is considered low-cost. He will be useful for those who wish to build a small economic building. In case the serial manufacture of slag blocks is planned, it is necessary special equipmentwhose price may differ in some indicators.

Equipment for the manufacture of slag blocks is vibration. Prices per piece are completely different, and may differ in a number of indicators:

  • manufacturer;
  • power;
  • performance.

Blocks during drying is not recommended to put on each other, but only after complete drying.

The quality of the structure directly depends on the quality of slag blocks, so the process of their manufacture should be approached very responsibly. It is necessary to keep drawings, comply with the safety equipment and competently refer to mixing the mixture, and to comply with the necessary proportions.


One block with dimensions 188x190x390, costs from 22 to 65 rubles, depending on a number of indicators. But if you find out how to make slag blocks at home, then the material can be obtained even cheaper. The only thing that you have to spend - the equipment and materials necessary for the manufacture of slag blocks.


In order to make slag blocks yourself, you do not need to be a professional and undergo training. The process of manufacturing blocks is very simple. If you plan to build a small economic building, then there is no need to buy material, it can be made independently even without special equipment.

If it is planned to build a large building, for example, at home in several floors, in this case there will be special equipment that can produce dozens of blocks per hour. Thus, it is possible to increase the speed of construction.

How to make slag blocks with your own hands at home Clear from the video:

Slagoblocks are popular construction materialfrom which buildings and structures various destination. Since they are easy to make at home, the machines for the manufacture of slag blocks are enjoyed. if you have free time And desire, then this equipment itself can be tried to build yourself.

The popularity of slagoblocks (as well as foam blocks) in their unique composition, and the machines for the manufacture of slag blocks not only allow to obtain a high-quality building material with limited means, but also make it possible to produce them for sale. For many, the production of slagoblocks has become a profitable activity that brings a tangible income.

  • Cement;
  • Granchlak (which is a deposit of foundry);
  • Special fillers.

As a result, blocks are obtained, which are characterized by high sound and thermal insulation indicators.

Making shape for slag block

In the network you can find the drawings of the machine for the manufacture of slag blocks of various complexity, for which it can be built with your own hands. These devices allow you to receive both hollow and solid blocks. The simplest device is a collapsible shape without a vibrator.

In this form used concrete solution With elevated water content. It is also called "soft."

The sequence of obtaining blocks in simple form

  • Filling with a molding box or matrix concrete;
  • Maintaining a solution in shape before setting (several hours);
  • Disassembling forms - the unit comes in a free state.

Council. Empties in blocks are convenient to form using bottles from under champagne, which are well suited in size and do not fight because they have thick walls.

Walls and bottoms in these forms can be made from metal plates or plywood sheets. Before pouring the solution in the form, it should be lubricated by spent engine oil.

Homemade machines with a vibrating device

Vibrostans for the manufacture of slag blocks are more advanced equipment. Getting blocks are faster and more convenient to them, as it is not necessary to expect a decay of the solution. In this case, the concrete solution is prepared tougher and thick, it should have a small shrinkage.

Technically, this is realized in two ways:

  • using the vibration table;

  • equipping the mold itself by the engine, on the shaft of which is installed eccentric with a displaced center of gravity.

The machine with an eccentric is more convenient for the production of a large amount of material, since it allows you to get a finished block into one approach without turning.

Articles on the topic:

Homemade machine according to the scheme "Nonaching"

The drawing of the machine for the manufacture of a slag block is one of the most simple.

The design includes such basic elements:

  • forming drawer - Matrix (it does not have a bottom);
  • vibrator on the side wall;
  • drawer handles designed for easy removal without damage to the shape of the cast;
  • replaceable clamping plates;
  • empty-formers for various shape of emptiness.

The current standard provides for the established dimensions of one such unit - 39 x 19 x 18.8 cm. In this case, void should not exceed 30% .

Matrix manufacturing

  • Takes sheet metal (from 3 mm);
  • A form of one block is cut out of the sheet (5 cm for the mumbling is added to the specified dimensions;
  • A through box is formed (there is no bottom);

Important. Welding sheets is necessary outside, it will prevent violation of the correct geometry.

  • Special planks are applied to a large stability of the box. To do this is used profile pipes with a small cross section;
  • Upholstery based on the base of the matrix sheet rubberthat will serve to prevent the lower edges of the matrix of deformation;
  • An apron is formed for bonding, which will prevent the wake of the solution when filling out the form;
  • Handles are attributed.

Machine scheme

Below is the accurate drawing of the machine for the manufacture of slag blocks with an indication of the exact dimensions. Void can be formed different shapes (rectangular or round).

Important. The push formator must have a conical shape, which will allow you to remotely remove the matrix from the raw slag block.

For the manufacture of a hollow good fit round pipes. The conical shape with this billet can be given using a lathe.

The vibrator is made of low power electric motor. For this suitable, for example, the motor from washing machine Power B. 150 - 200 W. The displacement of the centers is performed as follows.

An eccentric is attached to the engine axis, which can be made from a metal plank with an asymmetrically located hole. Dimensions, weight and shape must be determined experimentally. If the magnitude of the eccentric will be too large, the vibration will be excessive, as a result of which the concrete cast will fall apart.

You can improve this design by installing a mobile platform with levers. This will make it easier to lift and move along the machine plot with a vibration-seeming node.

Stages of the process of manufacturing slag blocks

  • The formation of blocks is carried out in special forms that are pre-wetted. The solution is stacked in them. Forms are placed on a vibration plate, which is turned on for a few seconds (5 - 7 s);
  • As the solution is precipitated, it must be added. When you repeatedly turn on, the vibratinglitis should be expected to complete the clips to the limiters. This will show that the formation is completed. After 5 - 10 seconds (even until the motor stop), the form should be removed;
  • Ready blocks must be dried. This process takes from a week to month. Drying time depends on conditions (humidity, temperature, etc.);
  • The reduced equipment allows when working together for an hour to perform up to seventy blocks. If the amount is small, then the solution can be mounted manually. However, the concrete mixer allows you to get more qualitative material and the final product;
  • After the slag blocks are dried, they can be used to build walls - from blocks to build is easy. It must be observed simple rules - the first two weeks the blocks are watering with water;
  • After that, it should be covered with a double layer of plaster. This will prevent the shelter to rain. Per year from the material will be destroyed harmful substances And after that you can move to interior decoration and roofing work.