Dwarf thuja. Western thuja varieties - photo, description of the plant Eastern thuja varieties

Thuja is an excellent example of a backyard hedge made from live plants. Green, fluffy and completely unpretentious to care for - thuja is an ideal option for seasonal summer residents and not only. It's not for nothing that urban landscape designers are so fond of. It is great for decorating squares and parks, framing sidewalks and growing along the busiest highways.

An evergreen shrub that rarely grows above 10 meters in urban conditions. You can find thuja in parks, on alleys, in squares, near well-kept houses and in the design of pedestrian zones. The fact is that thuja adapts very well to urban smoke and is not whimsical to care for. Thanks to these qualities, thuja has become indispensable for the urban look.

Thuja is also used by summer residents as a design for fences with a hedge, a visual division of the space of a site into zones or in the design of alpine slides, coniferous flower beds.

Thuja is a coniferous plant of the cypress family. Frost-resistant evergreen shrub, was brought to our country from America and partly from the East. The shrub has a very compact root system, so it is easy to replant from place to place. Grows in any soil, very unpretentious to maintenance and care.

One of its many advantages is the high content of essential oils, which gives the shrub an interesting aroma. Surely it happened that you plucked a lump from a thuja. Remember the smell she leaves behind on her hands?

It has several varieties, each of which has several more varieties.

These are the 5 main varieties into which the family is classified:

  • Arbor vitae
  • Thuja folded (giant)
  • Thuja western
  • Thuja Japanese (Standish)
  • Thuja Korean

Thuja western


Thuja Smaragd belongs to the cone-shaped thuja. It can reach a height of 4 meters. Thuja Smaragd grows slowly, therefore, it will approach its greatest growth only a few years after disembarkation.

Has dense green needles. The color is deep green, which does not go away even in winter. Also, thuja does not dry out in winter, it copes well during sunless periods.

The tops of the thuja do not join, forming the "teeth" of a living fence - if you use it for a fence. Suitable for trimming neat bushes - tolerates scissor trimming well. It also looks good if it does not grow in a group, but alone.

It is necessary to plant thuja Smaragd at a distance of more than half a meter from each other, in wet, but not swampy soil. It is advisable to plant thuja in sunny areas - thanks to this, it will grow thick and rich green.


Tuya Sunkist is short coniferous shrub, reaching 3 (sometimes 5) meters in height. Just like the thuja Smaragd, the thuja Sankist has a conical shape. But unlike the neat Smaragd, the Sankist is the owner of "disheveled", but no less dense and dense needles.

It grows very slowly - in a decade it reaches a height of only a couple of meters.

With age, it changes its color - from golden-yellow to lemon-yellow (dulls), and in winter it has a bronze tint.

Also loves fertile moist soils, mainly loam, does not tolerate drought. Sankists grow at a distance of half a meter from each other. Frost resistant, tolerates various haircuts well. Suitable for creating different geometric shapes with her haircut.

One of the brightest thujas in its color.


Thuja Columna is one of the tallest, reaching 10 meters in height.

The shape is not conical, but colonial - it is to her that thuja owes its name. The color of the thuja in winter and summer is dark green.

Thuja Columna is fast-growing - it grows up to 20 cm per year. It lends itself well to molding and various decorative topiary haircuts.

It grows on moderately moist soils, does not tolerate drought well. He prefers not the sun, but partial shade. In hedges, the planting step is 0.7 m.


Thuja Fastigiata also has a colonial form. It grows up to 6 meters in height and has an annual growth of up to 30 cm. It belongs to the fast-growing species of thuja.

Due to the dense and short coniferous legs, it takes up little space on the site and is suitable for decorating high hedges that reliably hide the courtyard from the eyes. Also ideal for secluded shady alleys and solo disembarkation.

The soil loves moderately moist and loamy, it does not tolerate the shade from the spring and winter sun - during these periods it is better to cover it with burlap. Frost-resistant, in winter it almost does not change its dark green color.

In order for the thuja to take root better, it is necessary to mulch the soil with mown grass. But before winter, you need to replace the grass with spruce branches - in order to avoid the occurrence of pests.

Blue thuja

Blue thuja belongs to the variety Eastern Tui.

It differs mainly in the bluish color of the needles. It grows up to 3 meters in height, while it is wide - in girth it can reach one and a half meters. The branches of the needles are directed vertically, and not horizontally, as in the western thuja. Adds up to 20 cm per year.

It also has good drought tolerance, so it can grow successfully in the southern regions.

It is not demanding on soils, it grows on the same non-marshy and fertile soils.

It is not frost-resistant, therefore it requires good shelter in the winter months.

The Blue Thuja has 2 varieties:

  • Blue con
  • Meldensis

Meldensis is distinguished by an oval crown, which develops into a pyramidal crown with age.

Fast growing thuja

Fast growing thuja is one of the most good ideas for arranging a personal plot and landscaping the yard. With a relatively low cost of caring for an evergreen shrub, you can observe bright greenery in your yard from season to season. Of all the above varieties and varieties, the fastest growing are

  • Columna
  • Fastigiata
  • Blue thuja

The leading position here is held by the Western thuja, which has not yet been mentioned here - Brabant.


Perhaps the most popular of decorative thuja... Reaches a height of 20 meters! Annual growth with good care - up to 80 cm. Has a light green color.

It takes root well on su clay soils... Frost-resistant (up to -35 degrees), feels bad in the heat - it can burn. Better to plant it in partial shade.

Its characteristics and appearance are very similar to thuja Smaragd - therefore they are often combined in landscape design.

Thuja care

The most important rule is not to forget about abundant watering. Many varieties do not feel well in drought, and can lose their natural beauty, dry out and change color.

Second, for better crown formation, you need to cut dry twigs every spring and autumn. This will not harm the shrub, on the contrary, it will be easier to grow new needles. It is also useful for forming a neat and uniform crown.

Third, for the winter it is advisable to tie the thuja (especially the cone-shaped one) so that it does not lose its natural appearance during the winter. Under the snow, branches of untied trees can bend in different directions, and in spring they may not have the shape that we would like.

Thuja will decorate any local or urban area, while performing other important functions - purification, ionization and aromatization of the surrounding air, protection from prying eyes and city noise. The name Thuja comes from the Greek incense, which is associated with a pleasant specific aroma when wood is burned.


Thuja (Latin Thúja) belongs to the cypress family. This genus conifers represented by evergreen shrubs, trees, large tall specimens are rare. They have a dense crown formed by numerous shoots branched in one plane. Leaves of young plants have a soft needle-like structure, adults are formed by flat scales, tightly overlapping each other. They are located opposite to each other. The color of foliage can be different - from all shades of green to red, and even variegated.

Plants are monoecious, gymnosperms. The cones are oval, oblong, covered with paired scales, the upper ones are sterile, the rest contain up to 3 ovules with flat narrow-winged seeds. The seeds ripen during the first life cycle of the plant.

Types and varieties

In the natural conditions of our country, thuja is not found, its various types were brought from the northern part of America, the eastern regions of Asia. In the natural conditions of these regions, there are five types of thuja and their countless varieties. Currently, about 120 varieties of thuja are known based on the main natural species, which differ in the shape of the crown, the color of the needles and other external signs.

T. eastern(lat. T. orientalis) - originally from the Chinese expanses. Prefers the shade of large trees. Differs in fan-shaped branches, weak frost resistance, is grown in the southern regions. It has valuable medicinal and health-improving properties.

Thuja oriental, grade 'Juniperoïdes'

T. western(lat. T. occidentalis) - gained the greatest popularity among gardeners, took root almost everywhere. She comes from North America, is distinguished by unpretentiousness to the soil, in natural conditions it prefers moist clay soils of mixed forests. It is characterized by: compact bright green crown, reddish wood of the trunk, small size cones, the ability to change from green to brown in winter.

She is photophilous, but shade-tolerant. Lives up to a hundred years, depending on the variety, it looks like a shrub or tree, the height of which is insignificant and rarely reaches 2 m. The tree has light, decay-resistant wood with a high content of essential oils, improves the ambient air due to the release of phytoncides. On the basis of this species, more than a hundred popular varieties have been bred.

Thuja western, grade 'Pyramidalis'

T. folded or giant (lat. T. plicata = T. gigantea, T. lobbii) - grows exclusively in southern places, characterized by increased sensitivity to cold. Shoots frozen in winter are able to recover. In nature, it is she who reaches 60-70 m in height, with a trunk diameter of up to 2 m. New varieties are more compact. Has a pyramidal crown, a specific, strongly pronounced aroma.

T. Japanese or Standish (lat. T. jaronis = T. standishii) - occurs naturally in the mixed forests of the highlands of the Japanese islands. It can reach a height of 18 m. It is distinguished by beautiful soft needles with an original color: at the top - green, in the opposite part of the needles - white, with a pungent smell of spruce resin. Extremely hardy, it takes root in the most northern regions, not intended for the city - it loves clean air too much.

T. Korean(lat.T. koraiensis) - a spectacular shrub with spreading branches, a wide crown, soft needles with an uneven color - dark green in front, bright silver with back side... Does not tolerate winter, grows in warm southern regions.

Photo gallery of views

Growing and caring

Thuja is undemanding to the basic growing conditions, normally tolerates difficult urban conditions. It is cultivated mainly in the open field, has ample opportunities for landscaping any objects. The variety of thuja species does not negate general rules landing, leaving. Good choice landing site will save you many problems in the future. Further, this healthy, hardy plant requires a minimum of maintenance.

Careless care threatens with the loss of decorativeness, the needles become dull, rare, an excessive number of cones are formed, the plant loses its attractiveness.

Thuja Korean, grade 'Glauca Prostrata'

Location selection

Tuya refers to shade-tolerant plants, accepts partial shading well, but not full shade. In partial shade and in the sun it develops much better. Dislikes winds and drafts. The ideal place for thuja assumes a nutritious, but light soil; on dry or clay soils, plants turn yellow and dry.

The ideal place determines the development of thuja


Landing better in spring since during the summer young plant will take root, gain strength for a successful wintering. Transplants can be planned for any period from spring to autumn. The size of the pit for planting is determined by the degree of development of the root system, as a rule, the pit reaches at least a meter in diameter. For planting, drainage is used, for example, expanded clay, crushed stone. Place on top nutrient soil with fertilizers, in this case, feeding will not be required for the first couple of years. The roots are covered with a soil mixture consisting of the main soil, peat, sand.

The root collar is placed exactly at ground level. If you deepen it below, rotting of the roots may begin, the trunk, if higher, the plant may dry out. The distance between seedlings depends on the variety - for compact varieties from 1 m, for tall ones - up to 5 m. When planning hedges, 1 m is left between plants, regardless of the variety.

Thuja hedge


Thuja is hygrophilous, responsive to regular watering, so constant monitoring of soil moisture is needed. It is recommended to grow and care for thuja in places with sufficient moisture level. After planting, it is enough to water once in the amount of a 10-liter bucket for a week; in dry, hot weather, the frequency and rate of watering are doubled. Reacts well to sprinkling.

The difference between the leaves of the western and eastern thuja

Top dressing and mulching

Moderate feeding should be started in the spring, even in the presence of snow, first applying nitrogen fertilizers. At the beginning of summer, you need to switch to potash preparations; on poor soils, the use of phosphorus fertilizers has a good effect. It is better to under-supply fertilizers than to overdose. Overfed plants, especially young ones, can quickly grow, losing their original shape and species characteristics. Fertilizers with prolonged action are best applied in the spring, once.

Mulching is desirable. Use peat, chips with a layer of about 5 cm. Loosening is carried out at a layer thickness of no deeper than 10 cm in order to keep the surface root system intact.

Mulching plantings

Shaping and trimming

Dry, excess branches should be removed every spring. Thuya loves haircuts, the more often formative pruning is carried out, the thicker and more beautiful shape it acquires. Moderate clipping should cover no more than a third of the original shoots.

Thuja topiary haircut


In the first winter, young seedlings definitely need insulation. Winter preparations should begin in October-November to ensure maximum protection on time. Even in the fall, each plant needs to be watered many times, evergreen thuja also needs moisture in winter. As a heater, you can use straw, peat in the form of a litter under the plant, it will serve as a kind of blanket for the root system. For young plants, spunbond or other covering material that transmits light is used on top, because photosynthesis in the leaves continues in winter. There are special covers on sale.

Mature plants do not require shelter; they need protection from wind and snow. Many thuja do not retain their shape well in conditions of abundant snow, especially wet, heavy snow. To preserve the integrity, decorativeness of the crown, multi-stem varieties of shrub thuja should be tied for the winter. For lush multi-stemmed varieties, constant snow caving is recommended in order to avoid mold growth of the needles.

Shelter thuja for the winter



The cultivation of thuja from seeds is practiced when complete preservation of the decorative characteristics of the future plant is not required, since this type of reproduction does not imply a repetition of the parental characteristics.

Thuja seeds ripen in autumn, this year they are already suitable for sowing. They are dried indoors at low temperatures above zero, sieved, stored in a cool place until snow falls. For the winter, the seeds are collected in bags, placed on the ground, covered with a layer of snow up to 30 cm thick.

Thuja western cones

In the nursery, seeds are sown on ridges, leaving a row spacing of about 10 cm. Seedlings grow from seeds for 5 years, but they are more adapted to local conditions. The best time to plant seeds is spring. You need to choose nutritious soils, the place is sunny, the depth of the planting is no more than 5 cm. From above, the planting site is covered with a layer of coniferous sawdust, this helps to retain moisture and provides protection from direct sunlight, young shoots require protection from the sun, otherwise the seedlings may die.

Seedlings appear quickly, in the first year they reach 6-10 cm, each next year they add 20 cm. The plants are quite delicate, so weeding should be done carefully. The soil must be regularly loosened and moistened. In the third year, the youngsters dive, in the fifth - in the spring they are transplanted to a place of constant growth.

Thuja from seeds


For breeding varietal specimens, only vegetative propagation is used in the following ways:

In practice, young plants are used to propagate thuja by cuttings, cuttings are taken from shoots at the age of 2-3 years. Annual shoots are cut off with a heel - a small piece of wood. They should be semi-lignified. Shoots selected from the top of the bush inherit the main parental traits much better. Before planting, the cuttings are treated with heteroauxin. A mixture of equal amounts of peat and turf soil is ideal for rooting. Planting depth up to 2.5 cm.

Thuja cuttings

Saplings are preferable to grow in greenhouses, where it is possible to provide protection from the sun, constant high humidity... In the open field, modern sprinkler equipment is used to create artificial fog, or a combination of irrigation with a cover with a film, which is recommended to be treated with lime in hot weather.

Cuttings need hardening, which consists in reducing watering and periodic ventilation. For the winter they cover with sawdust, coniferous spruce branches, before frost they are protected from above with a film. In the spring, the insulation is removed, the nursery is carefully weeded.

For vegetative propagation by layering, the selected branch is bent low, pinning it in the place of future rooting to the ground. Young seedlings respond positively to feeding with manure infusion (concentration 1:20).

Thuja oriental cones

Diseases and pests

For thuja, they pose a threat of false shields, which are difficult to remove. Also dangerous is the mass distribution of thuja aphids. To protect the needles and branches, spraying with karbofos, actelik is used in early spring, summer and autumn.

Decorative planting thuja

Use in ornamental plantings

High resistance to polluted conditions of megalopolises makes it possible to widely use thuja in urban greening and even industrial facilities... For decorative purposes, they are used to create alleys, hedges, dividing green walls. Thuja hedges are not only decorative, they perfectly disinfect the air and absorb noise.

Thuja compositions

All forms of thuja are very decorative:

  • The typical shape is ideal for creating group plantings, alleys;
  • Dwarf forms are good for rocky areas, they are often grouped to decorate rock gardens, rockeries;
  • Weeping thuja looks spectacular alone on the lawn, near the water;
  • Forms with multi-colored needles are used to create contrasting plant compositions.

The love of haircuts is widely used in the creation of living architectural forms. The crowns of pyramidal and spiral shapes are popular, they are often trimmed in the form of columns, balls, fantasy figures. Tuyu is widely used for bonsai. Large plants are effective in single, group plantings.

Thuja essential oil

Other application

The wood and leaves of thuja contain essential oil with a pleasant smell, which is obtained by distilling the leaves. It can be used as an insecticide in horticulture.

In cosmetology for a long time, this oil is included in the components of nutritional, washing preparations for skin and hair care.

Thuja is popular in folk medicine, in homeopathy. Aromatherapy with thuja oil, fragrant baths help to get rid of nervousness, restore the state of vivacity, lost strength, inhaling the smell raises the tone and guarantees a good mood. The use of oil improves digestion, eliminates inflammation in the kidneys, diseases of the respiratory system, skin. Known for its diuretic effect, as well as the ability to charge with optimism, vigor, cheerfulness.

Tui are common in landscape design, because they are relatively unpretentious in care and retain an attractive appearance all year round... Thanks to different forms and their size can be used to refine both large personal plots and miniature gardens. Let's consider in more detail the varieties and types of thuja with photos and names.

The main types of tui

Although there is a wide variety of evergreen shrubs and trees in nature, only 5 species cultivated ... On their basis, a huge number of varieties have been bred, differing in color, crown shape, and size. The following varieties of tui have the greatest potential for breeding work:






Western evergreen

It is the varieties of western thuja that are most often found on sale. The reason is the adaptability of the species to the climatic conditions of the middle zone, frost resistance, unpretentious care. This is the richest evergreen plant in varieties.

Native to western thuja from North America. In their natural habitat, they reach 20 m. At a young age, they grow in the form of a neat pyramid. Older copies are rounded off. The needles are flat, scaly, green. Distinctive feature- on the lower side a few tones lighter. The bark is reddish-brown, cracks with age, exfoliates and hangs from the trunk in strips. Cones no more than 1.5 cm, fall off in autumn.

Oriental evergreen

This variety is mistakenly called thuja. Though correct name- Eastern biota or Eastern Platovetochnik. It grows naturally in China and Korea. The plant is accustomed to poor, stony soils. It develops well in temperate climates.

The oriental species grows very slowly. In warm regions, it develops in the form of a tree, and in cold regions - in the form of a bush. Adult specimens reach 5-10 m. Crohn can be conical, pyramidal. The base is usually wide. The branches are flat, vertically directed. Old needles are scaly, and young needles are needle-like. Changes color depending on the season. The bark is reddish-brown, exfoliates with age.

Folded evergreen

The giants are native to North America, more specifically from the Pacific coast. In their natural habitat, they grow up to 60 m, but in middle lane usually do not exceed 15 m. Tui prefer warm climatic conditions, therefore, when low temperatures ah can freeze a little.

The branches are either horizontal or slightly raised. Young side shoots drooping. The needles are elongated, scaly. On the outside it is painted in emerald color, and on the inside it has a characteristic whitish stripe. On the basis of a folded type, about fifty varieties have been bred.

Japanese evergreen

Thuja is found naturally in central Japan, as well as on the islands of Shikoku and Honshu. The Japanese themselves are sensitive to the tree, considering it sacred. In ancient times, its felling was strictly prohibited. In its natural habitat, it grows up to 20 m.In culture, it usually does not exceed 9 m.

The crown is pyramidal, branches are spreading, vertically directed. The needles are fragrant, flat, scaly. Matte, bright green on the outside and silvery blue on the inside. The bark is red-brown, fibrous. The species is not afraid of low temperatures, but is picky about moisture. It develops well in open sunny areas and in partial shade.

Korean evergreens

Native to the valleys, forests, and mountain slopes of Korea and China. They grow either in the form of a loose conical tree, or in the form of a spreading shrub. Usually they do not exceed 8 m in height. The plant is winter-hardy, not afraid of low temperatures. Shoots are flat, scaly needles are blunt, narrow. On the outside it is green, and on the inside it is slightly silvery.

The Korean type of thuja is distinguished by its lightness, airiness of the shoots. Young twigs form graceful lace. Their edges are slightly raised up. The species is not numerous, has no a large number of varietal varieties.

Varieties of pyramidal thuja

In landscape design, conifers are grouped according to the size and shape of the crown. The most popular are cone-shaped or pyramidal thuja... Their base is wide, and the tip is narrowed. In the photo you can see both dwarf and large species of the group. Consider the most prominent representatives.


Thuja can be used as a tapeworm and in group coniferous plantings. It is with the name Smaragda that luxurious hedges are most often associated. The variety tolerates pruning well, allowing for intricate shapes.

    annual growth of shoots - up to 20 cm in height and about 5 cm in width;

    the size of an adult plant is up to 6 m in height and 2 m in width;

    needles are scaly, fragrant, bright green, young growth is yellow-green.

Thuja Smaragd is highly frost-resistant. Not demanding on the soil, needs minimal maintenance, which comes down to periodic watering, sprinkling. At favorable conditions the crown remains dense, beautiful pyramidal shape. The needles do not change color throughout the year.


Universal thuja that looks equally good as both a tapeworm and a hedge. Differs in average growth rates, resistance to unfavorable conditions external environment... Holmstrup develops in the same way on a suburban garden plot and in a city park.

    the size of a 10-year-old tree is 2 m in height and 0.6 m in width;

    annual growth - about 15 cm;

    needles are scaly, bright green.

The crown is dense, conical in shape. Does not need frequent pruning. Adult specimens can reach 4 m in height and 1.2 m in width. The variety can withstand temperatures as low as -34 ° C.

Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea

Thuja belongs to the oriental species. The crown is dense, wide at the base, tapering in proportion to the top. The apex is pronounced, pointed. Key Features:

    height about 4-6 m;

    needles are scaly, dense;

    the color is yellow-green, does not change depending on the season;

    annual growth - up to 10 cm.

Like all oriental varieties, it can freeze a little in harsh winters. The variety is used to form hedges, spectacular plantings of evergreens.


A bright variety of folded look. Forms a luxurious tree with a pyramidal crown. The base is wide, starting almost at the very ground. Main characteristics:

    10-year-old plant grows up to 3 m in height and 1.5 m in width;

    branches are elastic, arranged horizontally or droop slightly;

    glossy needles are dark green on the outside and silvery on the inside; for the winter they change color to golden or bronze.

Kornik in landscape design is used as a tapeworm or to form a hedge. To create a continuous green curtain, the seedlings are planted 1 m apart.

Varieties of spherical thuja

Evergreen balls retain their decorative look even without the use of a haircut. The most they need is to fix a few shoots that come out of total mass... They grow slowly, evenly increasing both in height and in width. Spherical thuja in landscape design is used in group plantings, for decoration garden paths, alpine slides. They look harmonious on small household plots suitable for growing in containers.

Golden Globe

The variety was created by Dutch breeders. Forms a round bush of thin, short twigs. Key Features:

    an adult plant is slightly more than 1 m in diameter;

    approximate growth per year - 8 cm;

    the needles are scaly, yellow with a golden sheen, at low temperatures they acquire a red-copper tint.

In order for the thuja to show the beauty of its color to the maximum, it is necessary to place it on the sunny, open area... Looks best in the design of paths, mixborders, flower beds.


A popular globular variety of western thuja. It is attractive for its unpretentious cultivation and unique shape. The plant does not need pruning, it creates a perfect ball on its own.

    the needles are needle-like, but not thorny;

    the color is bluish-green, at low temperatures it becomes brown;

    annual growth of shoots - up to 3 cm;

    10-year-old bush grows up to 0.4 m.

Thuja Teddy is irreplaceable when decorating rock gardens, garden paths, flower beds. It looks good in both single and group plantings. Not picky about soils. The roots are shallow, therefore it responds positively to moderate watering.


Polish variety of the western species. The crown is spherical, cushion-shaped in adulthood. Skeletal branches are directed upwards at an acute angle. Along their entire length, they are overgrown with miniature shoots looking in different directions. This makes the surface of the entire ball appear velvety.

    the diameter of a 10-year-old plant is about 0.5 m;

    adult specimens do not exceed 1 m in height and width;

    small needles are deep green, at low temperatures they acquire a bronze color;

    the annual growth is 4-8 cm.

Low-growing thuja are used to decorate garden paths, decorate flower beds, mixborders, rock gardens. Grows well in open ground and in containers.

Varieties of columnar thuja

A beautiful variety of conifers. It is the columnar thuja that is most often used to form hedges. When densely planted, they create continuous curtains that additionally protect against noise. Annual growth depends on the variety and growing conditions. But mostly it is fast growing plants... Their height often exceeds 5 m.


Considered one of the easiest varieties to grow ... Thuja was created by German breeders at the beginning of the twentieth century. Columna grows slender tall tree... Growth rates are average.

    10-year-old seedlings 3 m high and up to 1.5 m wide;

    mature plants reach 10 m in height;

    glossy needles are small, rich dark green shade.

The crown of the thuja is columnar, proportionally tapers upward, the apex is rounded. The branches are horizontal, their tips are widened in the form of a fan. The variety does not need a haircut, is not afraid of low temperatures, and is unpretentious in cultivation.


A fast growing variety of the western species. It is mainly used in group plantings to create green alleys. The main features of the variety:

    annual growth - up to 30 cm;

    needles of a scaly type, rich green color, which persists regardless of the season;

    adult specimens reach 3-5 m in height.

Tui are mostly columnar, but sometimes they can form a narrow conical crown. Young shoots are flat, resembling beautiful fans. The entire surface of the tree is slightly wavy. Old specimens have a loose structure.

Varieties of dwarf thuja

The names of miniature evergreen shrubs and trees will come in handy when decorating alpine slides, mixborders, garden paths. Dwarf thuja do not take up much space, grow slowly, do not interfere with the development of other plants. In landscape design, they are used both in group and in single plantings. Tui can become bright accent on any flower bed.


Western variety of thuja. Grows as a shrub. The crown is at first rounded, and with age it is oval, very dense. The main features of the variety:

    approximate annual growth - up to 5 cm;

    the diameter of 10-year-old seedlings is about 0.3-0.5 m;

    needles are scaly, green, young growth of a creamy shade, in winter it acquires a brownish-brown tone.

Thuja looks light and airy due to fan-shaped thin lateral branches. The needles are very soft, textured, a bit like lichen.


A popular variety in the design of flower beds, rock gardens, garden paths. Used as a tapeworm among flowering plants, as well as in group plantings of conifers. The main features of the thuja:

    the size of an adult plant is 0.8 m in height and up to 1 m in width;

    young needles are needle-like, and old needles are scaly;

    the spring-summer color is bright green, and the autumn-winter color is brown.

Danica prefers open, sunny areas. But it can also grow in partial shade. In the shade, it loses its decorative effect, the usually dense crown becomes loose, shapeless. The variety is frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures as low as -30 ° C.


The brainchild of Czech breeders belongs to the Western species. Dwarf thuja form a narrow columnar crown. Although at a young age their shape is ugly, somewhat disheveled, the trunk can be curved. The main features of the variety:

    the height of an adult plant is slightly more than 1 m;

    needles are scaly, small;

    color is dark green, saturated.

Zmatlik has an attractive appearance thanks to the twisting fan-shaped branches that create waves and spirals. The variety prefers open sunny areas; in the shade, the crown becomes loose.

Varieties of cushion thuja

Like globular, cushion evergreens grow slowly, do not need additional crown adjustment. They are decorative in themselves, they look spectacular both in group and in single plantings. Evergreen pillows are complemented by tall pyramidal or columnar thuja. Looks harmoniously with spruces, junipers. They can also coexist with flowering plants.


A relatively large but slowly developing specimen. The crown is dense, consists of flexible branches overgrown with dense lateral shoots. The main characteristics of the variety:

    approximate growth per year - up to 10 cm;

    the size of a 10-year-old plant is 1 m in height and 2 m in width;

    needles are glossy, dark green, young growth with a bluish tint.

The crown is flattened, slightly rounded along the edge, which makes it resemble an umbrella. The side shoots are curved and directed in different directions, thereby creating the effect of water ripples.

Golden Tuffet

A low-growing variety of western thuja. Forms a squat, dense cushion crown. The main features of the variety:

    height of adult plants - no more than 0.6 m;

    needles are needle-like, green, young growth is pinkish-yellow;

    in winter, the needles change color to bronze or orange.

In order for the thuja to reach its full potential, it is advisable to place it on a fertile, loose, well-lit area. In the shade, the shrub loses its decorative effect. Its crown becomes sparse, the warm shade of the needles is replaced by greenery.

Varieties of yellow thuja

Golden conifers in landscape design are no less popular than green ones. They refresh general form personal plot, allow you to harmoniously combine the color scheme of a flower bed, mixborder or alpine slide. Among the golden thujas, there are large, medium and dwarf specimens, which allows you to decorate a garden of any size.

Forever Goldy

A bright representative of the folded appearance. Forms a compact dense crown of a pyramidal shape. Short branches are densely covered with needles, young shoots are multidirectional, creating the effect of a plush surface. The main features of the variety:

    annual growth - 10 cm;

    the size of adult specimens is 4 m in height and up to 1.5 m in width;

    needles are scaly;

    the color is golden-bronze in spring and summer, reddish-bronze in autumn and winter.

The variety is photophilous, loses its attractiveness in the shade, the needles are painted in a lemon-green hue. Needs shelter for the winter, as well as protection from the scorching March sun.


The description hides a very unpretentious, but slow-growing shrub. It belongs to the hardy, frost-resistant western species. Young seedlings grow in the form of balls. With age, they form a conical crown. Key Features:

    the approximate growth of shoots per year is 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width;

    the size of an adult plant is 3 m in height and 1.5 m in width;

    young needles are needle-like, old needles are scaly;

    yellow-golden in summer, bronze in winter.

It is advisable to plant a shrub in a well-lit area. In the shade, it loses its decorative effect, the crown becomes loose. Tolerates haircuts well. Does not like long stagnation of water.

Varieties of fast growing thuja

Slow-growing varieties are good for small gardens, rock gardens, mixborders. But here fast-growing thuja are best suited for creating hedges ... They allow you to grow from a small seedling in a short time large tree or a bush. Such varieties are no less decorative than plants with a slow or medium growth rate. They look good in both group and single landings.


A popular representative of the folded look. Forms a dense, cone-shaped crown starting from the ground itself. Can be used as a tapeworm or as a hedge. The main features of the variety:

    annual growth - up to 25 cm;

    the height of an adult tree is about 5 m;

    needles are scaly, soft to the touch;

    summer color is green, winter color is golden-bronze.

Thuja is unpretentious in care, prefers sunny areas. Tolerates pruning well.


Thuja is a folded species. It develops very quickly. At a young age, forms a columnar crown, then retains a conical shape. The base is wide and squat. Main characteristics:

    the annual growth of shoots is about 30 cm;

    the size of an adult plant is 15 m in height and 3 m in width;

    needles are scaly, glossy;

    the color is saturated green, the shoots are slightly lighter.

In Excelsa, the branches are horizontally directed or slightly raised upward. The tips are droopy. Resistant to low temperatures, unfavorable environmental conditions variety. Needs constant soil moisture.

Large and miniature, fluffy and slender, of various shapes and colors, evergreens are always appropriate in personal plots. The description of tui will help you make the right choice and harmoniously decorate the mixborder, alpine slide or a hedge.

The thuja plant (Thuja or Tuya) is also called the "life tree". It belongs to the order of gymnosperms conifers of the juniper family. Where it was brought from to our continent is not known for certain. It is believed that it was first introduced from America or East Asia. This genus of plants has combined six species. Thuja is a long-liver: its average age can be about 150 years, however, there are trees and older.

Description of thuja

The description of the thuja tree is reduced to a description of its features. This plant is an evergreen tree or shrub. In a natural environment, the circumference of its trunk can be about 6 meters, and the height - 70 meters. However, specimens growing in our latitudes barely reach a height of 11 meters. Young trees have soft, pale green needles, while older ones have dark green, opposite and scaly needles. These monoecious plants have fruits in the form of small oblong or oval cones with flat seeds.

It is noteworthy that the seeds begin to ripen in the first year. In addition, thuja is unpretentious in care, cold-resistant, and western thuja can withstand severe frosts.

Planting a tree and its features

The first step is to choose the right area for the tree to grow. It should be remembered that the thuja plant is photophilous, although all day it is contraindicated to be in the sun: it suffers from dehydration and it will be more difficult for it to winter. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, you should pay attention to the fact that it is well lit, however, on a hot afternoon, the sun should not mercilessly burn down the plant. Wood also does not like drafts.

The soil for this plant should be rich in various nutrients. Sod soil with peat and sand is most suitable. Nevertheless, it is able to survive even in rather poor soil (sandy loam, clay and swampy soils).

It is best to plant thuja outdoors in the off-season (autumn or spring). However, do not forget that a tree planted in autumn may not have time to get stronger and will not endure the winter well.

Thuja tolerates pruning well enough... If this procedure is carried out quite often, while cutting off the branches strongly, then the tree will subsequently become very lush, with dense needles. Pruning is best done in the spring before the buds begin to open. If the thuja is planted as a green hedge, then it will have to be cut in any case and regularly. Even if it grows as a single plant, it also needs thinning and sanitary pruning.

If the plants are planted in a group, then they will need formative pruning, otherwise they will look unsightly over time. It must be remembered that the crown shaping should be carried out when the tree reaches the desired height.

There are also types that require frequent formative pruning. However, to prevent the tree from weakening, you should not cut more than one third of the stem in one procedure. The first time pruning is carried out when the tree reaches 2-3 years. For this purpose, a very sharp pruner is used so that it does not chew the stems of the plant.

Sometimes it happens that an adult tree needs a transplant. This is a simple procedure, but to carry it out, you need to learn a few rules. If the tree is small, then you need to pierce the soil around its axis using a sharp shovel. It is necessary to maintain a distance from the trunk of about half a meter. After that, it is necessary to carefully pry on the tree and pull its roots out of the ground along with the trunk circle, put it in a wheelbarrow and transport it to the transplant site, while trying not to destroy the clod of earth.

Immediately after this, the plant is planted in the ground. If it is quite large, then it will have to be pierced a year before the transplant. This is done so that the thuja can grow young roots inside an earthen coma, separated by a circle. As a result, the land during transportation to the new landing site will not crumble and the transfer will be done as painlessly as possible. Such a tree will take root better after replanting.

Young specimens less than 5 years old must be covered with spruce branches from above. But before that, it should be piled high, and the trunk circle should be covered with a large layer of mulch (peat). Adult plants do not need to be covered before hibernation, but nevertheless, the trunk circle still needs to be sprinkled with mulch.

If the winter is snowy, then this can lead to injury to the branches, even in mature and sturdy plants. To prevent such a situation, in the fall, the crown is tied to the trunk with twine.

By the end of winter, a non-woven covering material is put on the tree, which can protect it from the bright sunlight in spring. Due to the abrupt change temperature regime, cracks may form on the bark of the tree. In the spring, they should be covered with garden pitch, well tightening the bark for better wound healing.

There are many varieties of this wonderful plant. Among other things, they are divided into basic and derived types. Under natural conditions, 5 types of thuja grow:

  • Western.
  • Japanese.
  • Chinese.
  • Korean.
  • Folded (giant).

How and where cashews grow, what the tree and fruits look like

Each of these types should be considered in more detail.

Thuja occidentalis is the most popular type of plant among amateur gardeners. It is distinguished by its unpretentious care and frost resistance. A large number of varieties of this species are known. This plant is long-lived, some of its specimens live for over 1000 years. This thuja takes root in many regions of Russia, except for the semi-deserts in the south and the harsh northern regions. It is bred in all European countries. There are such varieties of this plant:

  • Thuja western Sankist.
  • Dwarf thuja Teddy.
  • Thuja western Brabant.

Thuja Japanese, another name - Thuja Standisha, grows in the mixed forests of the highlands on the Japanese island of Hondo. It grows at an altitude of 1000-1800 m above sea level. Differs in soft and beautiful needles, which have a green tint on top and white spots on the bottom. It can reach a height of about 18 meters.

Thuja Korean is a thuja shrub that is rarely found in the forests of Korea. It has a wide crown shape with soft needles and spreading branches. In the conditions of the Russian climate, it can grow only in the south, since it does not tolerate frost.

Thuja folded rather poorly tolerates cold. In severe frosts, young shoots freeze, but as soon as spring comes, they are able to quickly regenerate. It can be up to 60 meters long and 2 meters wide. It grows on the west coast of Canada and has a specific aroma.

Eastern thuja, or eastern flatfish, whose homeland is considered to be China, has been popular for a long time due to its healing properties... It is able to kill many pathogenic bacteria by freshening the air with its scent. Its branches are fan-shaped.

This species does not tolerate low temperatures, which is why it is grown only in the southern regions. In central Russia, it can grow only in the presence of good shading.

Undoubtedly, thuja is very beautiful exotic plant, which has taken root well in many regions. It can be used to decorate almost any landscape, because its decorative qualities cannot leave indifferent connoisseurs of natural beauty. For many decades, this plant has pleased many owners of suburban areas with its appearance, because its popularity is growing every year.

Thuja plant and its types

Evergreen thuja of various heights and shapes have long been actively used in landscape design. Thanks to the dense crown, the needles that persist throughout the year and the sufficient unpretentiousness, the thuja hedge is one of the most popular uses of the plant.

What varieties of thuja are best for a hedge

Planting evergreen shrubs along the border of the site will protect the territory not only from the access of prying and immodest looks, but also gusts of wind, dust, polluted air from the road and even noise. On the site itself, thuja will help to distinguish functional areas, undersized varieties will become the basis for curbs. Perennial universally, the main thing is to choose the right varieties and organize planting.

Which thuja are best for a hedge? There are dozens of varieties of this evergreen today. Climatic conditions in Russia are diverse. If in the southern regions gardeners can focus only on the decorative properties of thuja, then in the middle lane and to the north it is important to remember the frost resistance of the future hedge. Most often, for a living fence, the choice falls on two varieties: Brabant and.

Thuja Brabant hedge

One of the most winter-hardy varieties - (T. occidentalis Brabant) with a crown in the form of a wide column with a diameter of about one and a half and a height of up to 5 meters. Like all related plants, the variety, beloved by gardeners, perfectly tolerates being under the sun and in a transparent shade. In addition, the shrub is undemanding to the composition of the soil, easily tolerates cutting and can do almost without maintenance for a long time.

For a hedge, thuja Brabant is an excellent choice. However, do not forget about characteristic feature plants. Thuja needles do not remain green all year round. In winter, it takes on a brownish-brown hue, but does not crumble, maintaining the opacity of the hedge. In spring, early awakening shrubs can suffer from withering and sunburn.

In the spring, after a haircut, the crown is actively restored. Typically, coniferous crops used in landscape design do not give a large annual increase. However, there are also exceptions. The Brabant variety is a fast-growing thuja for hedges, increasing in height up to 35 cm and in width by 15 cm during the growing season.

If large shrubs lack nutrition or moisture, the thuja gradually loses its brightness. One of the signs of a nutritional deficiency is the appearance of numerous light brown bumps.

A hedge made of thuja of this variety is a solid wall that perfectly tolerates a haircut and retains its given shape. When planting evergreen shrubs, future growth is taken into account. An interval of 50 to 70 cm is made between the seedlings in the trench.

Maintenance pruning is done twice a year. In early spring, before the start of the awakening of the growth points, the thuyu is cut for the first time, then the procedure is repeated in August. Usually thuja is chosen for planting at the age of 3-4 years. If you do not hesitate with pruning and treat it carefully, you can grow a living 2-meter wall no more than half a meter thick.

Thuja Smaragd hedge

Thuja of various varieties differ not only in appearance. The Smaragd variety (T. occidentalis Smaragd) is no less popular than Brabant. This is the same large plant, up to 4–5 meters high, but with a conical crown and needles that never lose their green tint.

A rare feature for thuja makes the variety popular not only as a tool for a hedge. A magnificent shrub, rarely exposed to winter withers:

  • grows very slowly;
  • does not require frequent haircuts;
  • looks great both as part of a live wall and solo.

The lower part of thuja Smaragd has a high density, deep green color and with minimal trimming it keeps a flat surface. Due to the natural conical shape of the crown, the top of the hedge retains its natural shape. This feature comes in handy when it comes to hedges at the border of the site. The jagged edge is more difficult to overcome for both humans and animals.

Before planting a thuja for a hedge, they dig a trench about 50-60 cm wide and deep. The density of the green fence depends on the interval between the bushes. The average clearance for disembarkation is half a meter.

It is good if the thuja seedlings have a closed root system. In this case, they easily take root, and hedges from them can be planted not only in spring.

For thuja hedges, sufficient nutrition and regular watering are important. Drought makes the needles turn pale, the already slow growth stops, young shoots dry out. Plants do not tolerate stagnant moisture and proximity groundwater... Therefore, in the risk zone in the planting trench, it is useful to make a drainage layer about 20 cm thick.

Thuja varieties for hedges

The selection is not limited to the plants described above. An equally impressive wall of greenery can be created by planting thuja Columna along the border of the site. A perennial plant up to 7 meters high with a dense cylindrical crown up to 130 cm in diameter. Like Smaragd, the shrub does not change the color of the needles, but it has a high growth rate and increases in size by 20 cm per year.

Thuja Holmstrup, up to three meters high, has a unique crown, which from the side seems curly or corrugated. A dense column about a meter in diameter tolerates winter cold well, is unpretentious and does not change color throughout the year. To a beginner's question: "Which thuja are better for a hedge?", You can safely point to this variety. A plant with a small annual growth costs a haircut once every two years.

Canadian thuja varieties Sankist has a height of 3 to 5 meters. The crown in the form of a wide cone with a diameter of 1–2 meters stands out due to the beautiful color of golden needles, which turn brownish-bronze for the winter.

What varieties of thuja are best for low hedges? The choice of plants for creating borders is quite large. Species with a naturally compact crown, more winter-hardy than tall plants, and do not require frequent labor-intensive pruning, are especially popular. An example is thuja Danica no more than 60 cm in height.

Video about planting a western thuja hedge