Aquarius woman in love - what is she like? What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need? Woman - Aquarius: who is she and what kind of man does she need.

The Aquarius woman is the most mysterious of all the signs of the zodiac. She is surrounded by a crowd of fans, friends and acquaintances who respect this woman for her sharp mind and admire her appearance. But what awaits the lucky one who dares to unravel the true essence of Aquarius? And what kind of companion would a woman herself want for herself?

Aquarius woman traits

Women born under this zodiac sign stand out from total mass not only for its unique grace, grace and good sense of humor, but also for its extravagant demeanor, bright way and a kind of wardrobe.

Aquarians are changeable and amazing, you never know what's in next moment can "throw out" these persons. It is never boring with them, even an intelligent and restrained lady is able to demonstrate strange and defiant behavior overnight or perform an act that will shock even experts in female psychology.

They have a well-developed intuition, thanks to which they predict the further course of events. If a woman develops this ability correctly, then she may have a psychic gift. Do not be surprised at some of Aquarius's antics, she calculates everything in advance and sees what the others may not see.

Despite all these oddities, a woman can and knows how to do her job with high quality, loves work and does not allow herself to be lazy. The only thing that doesn’t suit her is routine activities that involve strict discipline.

Aquarians are freedom-loving natures and prefer to act in life as they please, regardless of the opinions of others, it often looks like a kind of protest and challenge social norms... However, they do not build castles in the air and act in accordance with common sense pursuing the ultimate goal.

Women born in the constellation Aquarius know how to masterfully conduct a conversation with everyone, regardless of gender and age. Even in the most heated dispute, they do not allow themselves rudeness or insults towards the opponent. At the same time, the lady will never allow someone's point of view to be imposed on herself and to suppress it morally.

They are good faithful friends and honest partners. Aquarians are always surrounded by variegated friends and acquaintances. Regardless of their position in society and material wealth, a woman will always come to the rescue, analyze the situation and give sensible advice. But these people are reluctant to share their secrets even with loved ones.

With the advent of children, the lifestyle of the Aquarius woman does not undergo major changes. She is not one of those mothers who endlessly touches babies and lisps with them, almost from birth trying to communicate with the child on an equal footing, but avoiding sharp excesses - excessive custody or severe punishment.

Oddly enough, the fickle and freedom-loving Aquarius woman is very responsible for her work, performs it efficiently and always brings the matter to the end. Having set a specific goal for herself, she knows how to achieve it, overcoming all obstacles in her path. Thanks to a sharp mind and great strength willingly, she can achieve success in any field of activity, but her talents are especially vividly manifested in jurisprudence, journalism and pedagogy.

Aquarius women compatibility

Women of the Aquarius sign do not tolerate encroachments on their freedom, it is unlikely that there are many men who will be able to tolerate this feature of the Aquarius nature, therefore, with other representatives of the zodiac sign, it is relatively low.

A good union can turn out from an Aquarius woman and an Aries man, although such a combination is quite rare. The lady is impressed by the honest and ingenuous attitude of the partner, but whether he can give free rein to his chosen one is a big question.

The marriage between Aquarius and Taurus is an exception. From the very beginning of their acquaintance, they put forward a whole list of requirements to each other that they cannot fulfill.

In Aquarius and Gemini, marriage can be the result of community and interests and strong friendships. So that the couple does not get bored, they need to push each other towards spiritual growth and development, otherwise both will be overtaken by boredom and crisis in the relationship.

The combination of Aquarius and Cancer or Pisces is more suitable for a long love affair than for an official marriage. It is unlikely that a sensible woman will choose these signs of the zodiac as spouses, they load too much on her, often complain and whine.

Union with Leo can be called very contradictory - the couple constantly sort out the relationship on the basis of spiritual disunity, the man loves himself too much, and the woman strives for independence. But despite all this, people are good with each other.

Aquarius and Gemini are perhaps the worst combination possible. A woman will not tolerate pettiness and endless interference in her affairs from her husband, the marriage will quickly fall apart.

There is complete mutual understanding between Aquarius and Libra, they share the interests of each other and respect the independence of partners.

With Scorpio and Capricorn, a woman will be more associated business relationship than love. But in marriage, they behave like owners, this is contrary to the principles of Aquarius.

With Sagittarius, Aquarius has a powerful energy connection, but sexual contradictions can arise.

Aquarians of different sexes rarely tie their lives by marriage; after the extinction of passion, they will disperse, even if they have common children.

Aquarius woman in love

Falling in love, Aquarians often go to extremes, from arrogant coldness to blind worship of the object of passion.

Women of this sign are not ready to completely devote themselves to another person, because freedom will always remain the highest value for them. A man needs to prepare himself in advance for the fact that the will of his wife cannot be limited, she herself chooses when and with whom to be friends and communicate, where to go and how to behave, she has her own secrets and secrets, which she does not intend to share at all. Even a passionately in love female person does not lose her head and cannot belong only to her husband and family.

Aquarians themselves quite simply perceive the weaknesses and light flirting of the second half, perceiving jealousy as something reprehensible, however, physical betrayal in marriage will not be tolerated, since they believe that the relationship should be extremely honest. If betrayal nevertheless occurs, they will not spy and make scenes, silently leaving their spouse.

The Aquarius woman does not consider material security to be the highest blessing, it is much more important that her environment is pleasant and the chosen one is sincere. She happens to be ideal partner for life, supporting and instructing a beloved man, this is the only way they achieve joint success.

As for the sexual aspect, the ladies of this sign do not tolerate when they are perceived only as an object for love pleasures. They have a really large list of requirements for a partner, and a woman cannot afford sex for 1-2 dates. Only after getting to know the man well, she will be liberated and give free rein to emotions. If everything does not go as expected in bed, the woman will leave her lover without any remorse.

Preliminary caresses are necessary, as in life, in full coincidence with a partner, she will show her ingenuity and willingness to experiment.

A graceful, witty Aquarius girl can be very original in society. Among the representatives of this sign there are young ladies who can shock with antisocial behavior. But in most cases, Vodoleika's unpredictability is limited by the scope of etiquette. She strives to impress with a showy hairstyle or bright clothes, unusual tattoo or multiple piercings. But all these external manifestations are just a desire for freedom of creativity. Such a girl attracts eyes and captivates the hearts of the opposite sex.

Aquarius personality

Aquarius is an original and freedom-loving sign. He seeks to do a lot and see a lot. Therefore, Aquarians are so fond of travel, new hobbies, views, ideas. For all its external openness, this is a very closed sign. He does not seek to tell the whole world about his true thoughts and feelings. At the same time, Aquarius is sociable, he has many friends and acquaintances.

The changeability of the sign can surprise strangers. Aquarius is now decisive, now timid, now sociable, now silent, now interested, now indifferent. He himself sometimes finds it difficult to understand his own mood.

Aquarius is open to everything new, unknown. He quickly gets carried away and is able to inspire people, carry them along. But often he lacks consistency - he rarely completes the work he has begun, preferring to transfer it to colleagues.

Aquarius is a devoted friend, ready to help in the most difficult situation... But he is internally free and does not get attached to people. Often chooses creative professions.

The Aquarius girl is charming and spontaneous. She does not adhere to social standards and is able to surprise with her originality.

Release of Aquarius

Air helps Aquarius to penetrate and understand many areas of life. This light element gives the sign liveliness and ingenuity. The air is always filled with plans, ideas, thoughts. He is fluent in multitasking situations, which allows him to quickly and efficiently solve most of the issues.

But emotionally, this is a cold element. There is no fiery passion or aquatic romance in it. The air looks at people and situations with detachment, but is always ready to help. He is a reformer and seeks to bring freedom to the world. But most often people do not understand the strivings of Air. It is too ephemeral and vague.

The girl born under the sign of Aquarius

Aquarius - male sign... He gives his representatives clarity of thinking and a tendency to analyze. What will the horoscope promise to the young lady? Aquarius girl can be outwardly helpless. But inside she has a core: she knows exactly what she wants from life, what she should strive for. She knows how to analyze situations and attaches importance to actions, not words.

This is a determined, energetic girl. She loves to talk, discuss new trends and projects. Seeks to delve into politics and social life, art and esoteric practices.

She has a lot of friends. Aquarius-girl is friendly and impulsive. The characteristic of the sign gives her independence and a certain amount of masculinity. She can easily make dreams come true real action... However, her ideals often change. Therefore, people take offense at Aquarius, although she always speaks the truth. It's just that today she has one truth, and tomorrow she has another.

The Aquarius girl, having become an adult matron, remains alive and inquisitive. Years practically do not change it. Ease, eccentricity and in old age will help her to attract the attention of males.


Aquarius-girl is responsible and hardworking. The characteristic of the sign allows her to choose a profession that requires a sharp mind and accurate word. Such a young lady can become a journalist or lawyer, teacher or translator. But if she has set a goal, she will definitely achieve it.

A passion for freedom can make Aquarius change jobs. Moreover, she is able to radically change the type of activity - the ability to delve into and understand will help her easily master a new profession.


Does not like calculating, stingy men Aquarius-girl. Its compatibility with other signs is more based on the breadth of a person's soul, his ability to understand and help. She does not tolerate lies and deceit. Intuition will help to figure out where untruth or injustice awaits it.

Aquarius looks more at spiritual qualities. She will calmly take a small salary. Decency, erudition, talent of a person are more important to her. She does not like excessive emotional displays of feelings and passion, preferring a calm, friendly relationship.

This girl is open to new acquaintances and new impressions. Aquarius can easily change apartment or city. And her companion must give her freedom of movement. In a relationship with her, emphasis should be placed on trust and partnership.

Aquarius has good compatibility with Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Gemini. Calm relationships await with Aries, Taurus, Libra. Long-term contact with Cancer and Virgo should be avoided.

A family

The Aquarius girl, when choosing a husband, will avoid despots and conservatives. She would rather prefer an intellectual dreamer with whom she can discuss the most incredible projects and dreams. She will not tolerate criticism - there should be an equal relationship in the Vodoleika family.

The husband will have to come to terms with a huge circle of friends and acquaintances. This girl inspires people with her enthusiasm. They are drawn to her as to a source of energy.

Big problems in the family can begin because of Aquarius's love of freedom. She does not need control, she will avoid it in every possible way established framework behavior. Therefore, the spouse should trust his wife more.


Aquarius with children also adheres to the principle of freedom and equality. She does not take care of them and does not subject them to strict control. This woman knows how to find the golden mean in communication with your children.

She believes that everyone has the right to make mistakes and try themselves in different guises. But respect in the family and for the people around Vodoleyka puts in the first place. She will not tolerate bullying or insults. At the same time, he knows how to put the disobedient in place with a calm word, with a cold look. There is no place in her house for protracted conflicts or ugly scandals. She will be able to interest children and teach them the same rich life that she leads herself.

Aquarius and Aquarius

If the age difference is not so great, then the chances of harmonious relationship there will be more. Both partners will learn to trust each other. They intuitively know that separation is not a reason for cheating. Therefore, even at a distance, Aquarians are able to remain faithful. At least as long as they love.

The Aquarius girl and the Aquarius man love sex. They are prone to experimentation and unconventional forms... But there are also those among Aquarius who are absolutely indifferent to intimacy. Therefore, in a relationship, it is important to find a common language in order to identify differences in temperament. But more often than not, their sexual compatibility is perfect.

Over time, Aquarius can get bored with their relationship. If it's all about sex, the couple will have to part ways. If they are closely linked by social, spiritual, family ties, then they may well remain close friends. And they will look for sexual partners on the side.

Refined, patient, empathetic and very sensitive - have you guessed which women are so written in horoscopes?

If you haven't guessed, then I will reveal a secret - this is the sign of the zodiac, the woman Aquarius, and it is about them that we will talk in detail with you today!

We will consider the main character traits of these lovely ladies, described in the astrological horoscope, and find out how they behave in love.

Nature from another era. Her small world is based more on intuition than on practicality, but with such ladies it is very convenient. They can be controlled, but not twirled like puppets, since Aquarians immediately feel what they want from them.

The mind of an outwardly attractive young woman works quickly, which allows her to transform her fantasies into the real world, whether at home or at work. For example, make a flower bed out of an abandoned tire near the house or attach a relaxation room to a service toilet.

But Aquarius women seem wonderful only at first glance: having made friends with them, you want to completely surrender to the plan, into which you will be surely dedicated. The man will open in them so much positive features, which will definitely offer to become a soul mate.

Girls under the sign of Aquarius -

Great luck for men.

She knows how to support

Does not expect return in return.

Artistic nature,

Graceful, playful,

Not just pretty

Calling ... Beautiful!

The selflessness of Aquarius women is also confirmed by their actions: she is ready to offer financial assistance even to a stranger if he sees that he really needs her.

Tolerance is the main feature of this zodiac sign, especially those born from January 21 to 31, and with the return of the debt, she is ready to wait without reminding about it. Capricorn also exerts influence, whose calmness is transmitted to the representative of the House of Air.

For many Aquarius, spontaneity is characteristic, but they act this way because they believe in good, which will certainly benefit them. From the representatives of this zodiac sign, wonderful nurses are obtained, since such a character trait as helping a neighbor was laid down even at conception.

In the cold season, part of the Aquarius "hibernates", however, any interesting event immediately makes him shake off the shackles of Morpheus. Such women instinctively understand people, but they will never follow the lead of those who are going to harm others.

Without openly expressing their opinion, they will do everything possible to protect those who face it from harm. If you do not ask the Aquarius woman why she is doing this, but completely trust her, you can avoid negative consequences... Quite often, Aquarians prevent divorce, child injuries and falls from the career ladder.

In their youth, they are often unlucky in money matters, because intuition alone in financial matters not enough, but as soon as Aquarians learn to save, then life will flow in a different direction. By the age of 45-50, they provide everything necessary not only for their family members, but also leave a good inheritance to their descendants.

Aquarius woman in love

She is supersensitive, so men, being next to an Aquarius woman, believe in their irresistibility. As soon as another sign of the zodiac becomes their object, then everything changes in the worst side... "Traitors" come back and quite often are forgiven for treason.

Only those representatives of the stronger sex who appreciate the already printed script can keep Aquarius. The life of Aquarius women is like a theatrical performance, with costumes and make-up, where the roles of spouses or lovers are pre-assigned.

If the beloved is morally weak, then the woman Aquarius becomes his mentor in life. By combining a wife, mother and friend, she is able to nurture her boyfriend or husband to the status of a leader in a small community organization.

Doing this out of love for their neighbor, Aquarians do not require rewards, because the work done is just a small segment of their life, and not a global reorganization of the world.

Compatibility horoscope for Aquarius woman

The most harmonious relationships among Aquarius women develop with those men who were born from January 21 to February 18. The Third House of Air has a positive effect on the fact that in home sufficient oxygen was supplied to keep the fire going.

Cancers can also count on mutual understanding if they manage to take a longer step towards the Aquarius woman they like.

Gemini fit 80%, but only those born between May 21 and 29. Combining the features of Taurus, they are able to give stability not only to marriage, but also to the period following the candy-bouquet stage, when you begin to see not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of a partner.

All diseases of Aquarius women are associated with nervous overload. They can become not only troubles at work or in everyday life, but also excessive enthusiasm for new items in fashion, music and cinema. Even hours of shopping can put Aquarius to bed for several weeks.

If medications do not meet the needs of the body, then it is worth contacting traditional healers or a psychotherapist. Sometimes a kind word can put you on your feet faster than a set of medicines and herbs, which can take many months.

Women born under the sign of Aquarius have been endowed by nature with wit, charm, grace and grace. They have a bright, amazing appearance and often find themselves in the company, if not the most beautiful, then the most interesting. Very many Aquarius women tend to dress in an unusual way: with the same success they can wear something dug from their grandmother's chest, and the corresponding last squeak fashion. The same extremes can appear in haircuts and hairstyles, and they will necessarily differ from the rest.

The variability of women of this zodiac sign makes communication with them very interesting and not boring. Charming, modest and even timid Aquarius can overwhelm the interlocutor with a whole fountain of passions overnight, forcing even men who consider themselves experts in female psychology to get confused. The woman of this sign leads and acts as she pleases, regardless of any conventions. Obligations as such - both others' and her own - are categorically unacceptable for her. Among the Aquarius there are completely unpredictable, unbridled ladies, whose behavior remains a complete mystery to those around them.

Women of this sign have an inherent ability to adapt to any situation, to any conditions, including thanks to their excellently developed intuition. It is believed that Aquarians have the gift of accurately predicting future events. Women with such abilities in the Middle Ages were usually victims of the Inquisition.

Not everyone can understand why Aquarius acts or thinks in one way or another. In order to come closer to understanding the inner world of this woman, a person must also live for tomorrow.

Striving for the future does not at all prevent Aquarius women from hovering in the clouds, not being lazy, but working conscientiously. Much, if not all, they can do with my own hands... The only thing that disgusts them is strict discipline. The brilliance, grace inherent in the representatives of this sign is manifested even in small, insignificant matters.

Being by nature very freedom-loving natures, Aquarius women always do as they please, and from the outside it often looks like a challenge to society. However, in doing so, they are guided by common sense. Before them there is a certain clear final goal to which they strive, choosing the methods and means known only to themselves.

For Aquarius women there is such a feature as the ability to masterfully conduct a conversation, and at different levels. It is a pleasure to talk, to argue with them. Representatives of this sign respect the personality of the interlocutor and do not seek to impose their opinion, at all costs to convince the opponent that they are right. Restraint, modesty, grace of manners contribute to a pleasant impression. At the same time, they do not allow attempts to suppress their will, to impose an opinion, becoming inaccessible for further continuation of contact.

Aquarians never marry the first person they meet. Before putting on your finger wedding ring, the woman of this sign learns everything possible and impossible about the groom, about his potential. But even such a thoughtful approach does not make the representatives of this sign happy in marriage. They are afraid to devote their lives to one person, to completely dissolve in him, which is tantamount to giving up freedom, which is the main life value Vodoleev. It is quite difficult for men to go through life next to them. A marriage can be successful only if the spouse does not encroach on her freedom, leaves her with opportunities for research, experimentation, and leisure activities in a friendly circle. Aquarius women do not see their main life purpose in belonging exclusively to those close to them, the family. They do not belong to anyone and at the same time belong to everyone.

If a woman of this sign settles in the heart of a woman real love, then she will undoubtedly be faithful to this person. And yet, even a passionately in love Aquarius woman needs freedom.

There are always a lot of friends next to Aquarius, so loneliness does not threaten women of this sign. The circle of friends can consist of completely different people, and the Aquarius woman will consider the interests of each of them her own. If relatives or even just acquaintances have any problems, she tries to carefully analyze them in order to provide help, and with a real deed, and not just advice.

Women protect their secrets from everyone, even those close to them. They are honest, do not cheat - they just keep silent about something and do not support frank conversations.

Aquarians are very tolerant, and jealousy in their eyes is a prejudice. For a representative of this sign, a man will not be loved for good material security or career success. Much more important for her is the ability to be her loyal, good friend, friend of her friends. Aquarius women see the future of their chosen ones and help them realize the potential given by nature, put their feelings and intellectual abilities at the service of this.

The representative will not spy on her husband, she is not tormented by suspicion, but she will not forgive the fact of treason. A married Aquarius woman will not allow herself to romance, because, from her point of view, the relationship between spouses can only be honest.

For the rest of her life, memories of her first love remain in her soul. Aquarius women often maintain good relations with their former friends, beloved ones.

Sociable and charming representatives of this sign always have many guests in the house, everyone is in need of their pleasant company.

When an Aquarius woman has a child, due to natural restraint, she does not show violent enthusiasm about this and does not openly demonstrate how much she loves her baby. However, from the very early age he will be a person for her; the Aquarius woman will not punish the child, but she will not be too patronizing either.

In their attitude to the love affairs of Aquarius, women often rush to extremes - between arrogant, alienated coldness and high, ideal feelings. Those born under this constellation are excellent partners for men who are naturally endowed with weak temperament... Physical attraction and reason in the nature of Aquarius are connected with each other. The sexual sphere of life for women of this sign is not the main one, nevertheless, the love of a partner evokes a passionate response in her soul and body.

Aquarius woman in bed

It should be said right away that women born under this sign are almost completely devoid of any complexes. They do not even try to hide their sexuality, and therefore they often have short-term affairs.

Aquarius woman in love strives for complete dedication. Accordingly, in bed, she will do everything necessary to satisfy her beloved man. Such partners get the same pleasure from what they give and receive affection. Any whim or fantasy of a partner is fulfilled almost instantly - the Aquarius woman does not have any persistent psychological biases.

By the way, this feature often makes the girl connect her life with older, and sometimes even older partners who need care and consolation. An Aquarius woman can have an affair with an insecure man, since with him she will be able to fully use her potential.

When it comes to a long-term relationship or marriage, then sex for a woman becomes something routine, but obligatory - a kind of ritual before going to bed. Such a spouse will rarely refuse her husband, as she loves to pay attention.

Who suits the Aquarius woman

It is best to sing the praises of a partner with Aries. In their adoration, they let Aquarius unfold and gain wings.

Gemini act in a different way: with them, Aquarius women can not hide their recklessness. Such a couple is always ready to realize the most extreme dreams and plans.

With Libra, Aquarius takes refuge from all earthly problems. Libra and themselves are not of this world, therefore, they will not require classical proof of love and fidelity. They are great for each other, as their desire to enjoy life without exerting strength is mutual. But, unfortunately, they go “to the left” for prosperity, each on his own.

Who is not suitable for an Aquarius woman

With a Leo man, she will feel a little constrained because of his jealousy and despotic manners. She will not be able to comprehend the depth of his emotions. Leo, in such a union, begins to look at life more broadly, to recognize its intrinsic value. Such partners can hold on to each other in a stranglehold, as they receive much more from the relationship than they invest.

Men of the earth signs of the zodiac are not suitable for the Aquarius woman. Relations with them can start and, even, seem attractive in their own way, but will end in a violent rupture and division of property. There is little that connects them.

A similar situation is observed with Scorpio and Cancer. Aquarius run away from Scorpios, because they cannot bear their anger and anger on the spirit. While Cancers themselves try not to make acquaintances with noisy, smart and too popular "airy" ladies.

However, trends can change with age.

In your heart, you are creative, self-sufficient and elegant. You do not belong to any standard group of people; you are an individualist. Other attributes of an Aquarius woman that define her eccentric nature are mysteriousness and moodiness. Your compassion will guide you, and you will strive to help those in need financially or otherwise. You enjoy supporting a full range of social and charitable activities.

The Aquarius woman is a social person and loves to hang out with all types of people. You are popular with others because you treat everyone with the same degree of love and respect.

There is a duality in the way you look at the world and yourself. You love to explore the unknown while traveling, but you are rooted in the past. Personally, you care about the development of your personality and love innovation, but at the same time, you do not like transformation. While you look to the future with great enthusiasm, you are extremely respectful of your origins and days long gone.

Love for an Aquarius woman is mainly intellectual entertainment, like many other things in life. You determine yourself with the pace of development of your love and relationship with your partner, and you are very meticulous in this. For an Aquarius woman, romance men are quite exciting, but you can play with your partner's love, just like yourself. You take your own time to understand your partner and their feelings before taking the plunge.

The Aquarius woman views sex as a "rational exercise" and she wants her partner to play Mind games with her. You try to explore new things in the bedroom with absolute freedom. Aquarius woman in bed makes everything as exciting as possible and freely tries to make love in unusual places.

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