Embossed interventic seams in a log cabin. Sealing seams in a wooden house: how to determine the best way

Methods for eliminating the slots between the crowns of a church, cracks and gaps between logs in wooden houses.

Cracks in brisms, cracks between the crowns of a log and gaps in cups - a fairly common problem of many wooden houses.

Over time, due to the slow evaporation of moisture from the structure of the wood, the logs in the wall of the house are sitting on, dry and form a slot together. These gaps are caused by the loss of heat home and increasing energy costs for its heating. They contribute to the accumulation of moisture between the logs and increase the likelihood of grinding formations, and can also be a zone of penetration and reproduction harmful insects and foreverheads.

And just be in the cold house unpleasantly!

Treat cracks, cracks and clearances, and you need. We will not consider such cardinal measures as internal and outdoor sheathing Siruba. After all, for real connoisseurs of wooden house-building, it is simply unacceptable, since the aesthetics of a log cut will be completely lost. At the same time, dreaming to live in a litter, folded from the logo and spending not small money for the construction of this cut, not everyone will have the desire to "bury" their dream and financial resources behind the walls, covered siding, clapboard or just a board. In addition, they will pay serious money for these "funeral".

The first way is to legitimize the gaps and gaps between the crowns of the church.

Our grandfathers, for example, caught their pacles and moss. Wherein this procedure They were produced repeatedly, due to a permanent movement of a church. In Russia, they said: "A good pantom of a log house on the crown will raise."

Nowadays this method also relevant. The main minus is that the cost of executing these works is very high, and it is difficult to find real professionals who fulfill them with all the responsibility, and not just do the passage as it fell. It is also necessary to consider that the cut-off frame will have to be at least twice.

The second method - sealing and insulation of gaps on the technology "Warm seam".

Today construction market offers to choosing a wide palette of all sorts of insulating materials. However, most of them, well-proven themselves in static connections, are unsuitable for mobile wooden structures.

Our team is ready to offer you a service to eliminate cracks, cracks and gaps between logs in wooden houses, using new technologies and materials. They fully take into account wood features and are specifically designed for these purposes. Elasticity and unique for an inanimate nature of the flexibility used by us, materials make it possible to easily eliminate cracks in wood and cracks between the logs regardless of how much time shrinkage will continue at home. They have a good clutch with a tree, vapor permeability (breathe), but at the same time effectively confront moisture, high and low temperatures, UV radiation without losing its properties for many years.

Thanks to our offered technologies, your wooden house will raise its energy-saving functions and will become much warmer. We will eliminate moisture and cold penetration paths, as well as insects. The house will become more efficient to save your heat, but at the same time will continue to "breathe" as before. His aesthetic characteristics will improve.

Not destroyable technology insulation at home, due to gentle methods of administration of sealant - an important feature of our service. Not only wood is not disturbed, but also the usual way of your life!

The principle of insulation of interventical gaps is widely used in the West. A distinctive feature Our company is that in their work we use materials of domestic production, which are not inferior in their characteristics imported analogs, but at the same time they are much cheaper than them. At your request, the color of the material can be selected in the tone of wood or with another tint. The description of the material is presented on our website in the Useful Articles section.

All materials we offer are certificates of compliance with sanitary-epidemiological, hygienic and fire requirements. regulatory documentsoperating in the territory of the Russian Federation.

This technology can be applied both on a "freshly serrated" house, to eliminate possible defects and errors allowed during construction and on the house in which the above disadvantages manifested themselves after a while.

The third method is to decorate the seams between the crowns with cords from natural materials.

Decorating seams between logs with cords - beautiful way not only hide big gaps between them, but also the ability to improve the appearance of the walls and individual elements, increase the overall aesthetics at home.

Our masters are ready to offer you this service in full. In our work, we apply only natural and environmentally friendly materials. Such such as natural hemp, jute, cords (cords) from Cesal. Detailed description The characteristics of the materials you can find on our website in the Useful Articles section.

If you are tired of looking at a truncated brica with large slots between the crowns, call us.

Corps of a church - the process of painstaking, requiring patience and big effort. It all matters: tool, material quality, sequence of work. Without the appropriate experience, it is not properly to cross the log house, therefore, it is first necessary to get acquainted with the technology, to study the methods of cacopa, competently pick up the interwetant insulation.

The cutting of the cut is performed in two stages - immediately after the construction and after a while, when a shrinkage occurs. The primary (or draft) cauldium can be carried out in two ways: with the laying of the insulation in the process of assembling the walls or one-time work on the completion of construction.

1 way

Perform laying of the lower row of logs on the base.

Then the insulation is separated from above so that the ends of the material are evenly quenched on both sides. Then the second crown is laid, and again the layer of insulation. So repeat to the very top of the cut. After all the work on the construction of the cut was completed and the roof is installed, the protruding ends of the sealer are clogged with cavities in the gaps between the bars.

2 way

Cookp starts after mounting the roofing system on a log house. The insulation (the best ribbon) is applied to the seam of the lower row and with the help of the tool are stuffed into the gaps between the logs along the entire length, leaving hanging edges with a width of 5-7 cm. Then these edges are separated, form a roller from them and scored inside the seam. Repeat the procedure in the next row and so to the top of the design.

The second stage of the cauldium is performed after the shrinkage of the cut - after 1-2 years. The selected insulation is applied to the slots between the crowns and tightly clogged. Starting work should always be from the bottom row, and must be done around the perimeter of the cut.

You can not first careen one wall, then the second, and so on. In addition, each row canopate and with outdoor, and with innerTo avoid congestion design. The insulation lifts the log house for 5-10 cm, and its uneven distribution contributes to the deviation of the walls vertically. In some cases, the log house canopate the third time - 5-6 years after the construction. During this time, there is a complete shrinkage of wood, and new gaps are formed.

There are two ways of cauldiction - "in a set" and "stretching". The first is used to eliminate wide gaps between the logs, the second is usually used during primary pure, when the gaps are also narrow.

For work, you need tools - a set of cacopants, roadboat and a cynicha. As a rule, metal canopates are used, although many masters independently make them of solid wood.

NameDescriptionFor what is applied

Flat metal or wooden blade. Blade width 100 mm, thickness 5-6 mmThe main tool for sealing gaps between the crowns

Flat chisel with blade width 50-60 mm and thick up to 5 mmIt is used for sealing seams in the corners and rounded sections
The triangular canopate with a longitudinal groove along the blade. Width - 170 mm, thickness 8-15 mmTool for the formation of smooth rollers from twisted spinning seals
Thick and narrow wedge up to 35 mm wideExpands narrow gaps than ensures more convenient filling insulation
Wooden hammerUsed for packing seal with wooden panties

The blades of cacopants should not be sharp, otherwise, when driving the material, they will cut it. Special attention is paid to the surface of the blades: if it is rough, the fibers of the insulation will be cling and stretched back from the seams.

Materials for cauldium

The following materials are used as interventic insulation:

  • red and white moss;
  • pass;
  • felt;
  • jute;
  • linovatin.
Type of materialDescription

Ecologically pure MaterialWith antiseptic properties. With an independent workpiece of raw materials, the cost of warming the cutting will be minimal. Collect it usually late in autumnwhen there is no snails in it and less insects. Immediately after collecting, the moss is swore, remove the lumps of the earth and rubbish, slightly dry. It is not necessary to dry hard, otherwise the stalks become too brittle and unsuitable for use. Purchased moss before meat must soak to facilitate laying.

Pros: durability, low thermal conductivity, resistance to temperature differences, environmental friendliness, antimicrobial properties, low cost.

Cons: It is difficult to find in a free sale, you need protection from birds, requires pretreatment before laying

Pacle is suitable for the primary cacopa of the cut and seals the crowns after shrinkage. It is made of linen fibers, and depending on their quality is divided into bale and rolled (tape). The roller consists of shorter and hard fibers, which makes it difficult to borrow between the crowns. The tape pane is better in quality, softer and comfortable for caulking.

Pros: It has a low thermal conductivity, not electrified, differs by high absorbability and dries quickly, has bactericidal properties.

Cons: labor-intensity styling, non-psychic species of seams after caulking.

Natural felt until recently was widely used in the insulation of log cabins. Now its composition is complemented by synthetic and vegetable fibers, which significantly improve its individual properties. And yet, the felt insulation without additives has a number of benefits: has high vapor permeability, does not miss odors, it provides good noise isolation, it has a low thermal conductivity, convenient in operation, environmental.

Cons: subject to rotting, it is easily damaged by mol

Traditional insulation are increasingly crowded with such material as jute. It is produced in the form of fibers, ropes of any thickness, as well as in the shape of a tape. The ribbon jute is soft and fatty, evenly compacted, used for primary, and for re-caulking. Jute fibers and ropes are more convenient to use after a shruck shrink.
Pluses: It is distinguished by strength, it does not damage the moth and other insects, does not rot, provides a favorable microclimate in the structure.
Cons: The material is quickly joined, short term Services.

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Primary cauldron "Stretching"

The whole process is divided into two stages - laying the insulation between the logs during the erection of a cut and the caperpath itself. Laying the insulation is performed after the installation of each crown. If moss is used, it should be slightly humid.

Take a large bunch of moss and put it with fibers across the logs so that the ends of the fibers are quenched on both sides by 5-7 cm. The next bundle lies near closely.

The fibers must be evenly distributed over the surface, forming a layer of the same thickness. The wood should not shine through the moss, so the layer of the insulation make it harmful. It is better to put too much than not to report, because the thin layer will not be able to effectively protect the seams from purge.

If a belt insulation is used, the laying is done much easier and faster: the tape is rolled along the crown and fix the brackets construction stapler. When the tape ends, the new cut is laid for 5 cm flashes so that no gaps on the joints remain. After the entire row around the perimeter is covered with insulation, the installation of the second crown is performed.

So, the log house is erected, the roof is installed, you can pure the walls.

The order of cauldiction and climbing cracks after a shruge shrinkage

It is more convenient if the insulation is tape, then the roller will be formed from it much faster. When twisting the material, it must be slightly stretched along the seam, which contributes to a greater seal and the uniform distribution of the insulation. Sometimes the thickness of the roller turns out to be insufficient to fill the slit, then they take additional strands and wrap them into the hanging ends of the material. After that, the thickened roller clog into the gap.

If in the construction process, the insulation was not laid between the logs, the cauldron is performed by the method described above, only the material will be needed more. It is necessary to apply it to the seams. The longitudinal location of the fibers will not provide desired densityThe material will not be able to firmly entrenched and will constantly get out of the grooves. When choosing a ribbon seal, make sure that the ribbon width is more log thickness for several centimeters. Too short edges are difficult to turn, respectively, the quality of the cauldium will be low.

  1. The edge of the ribbon is laid on the ground near the corner of the cut and retreat along the wall, unwinding the roll. Tightening the material is impossible, it should simply lie with a flat stripe on the ground. It is very important that the tape does not twist in the reassurance process. Having reached the second corner, the roll also leaves to lie, nothing is cut yet.

  2. Return to the beginning of the tape, take it over the edge and apply over the seam. The blade of the cacopa is pressed the ribbon in the middle, leaving the edges to perform on 5-7 cm. Thus through the entire interventic seams.

    Insert the insulation in the seam

  3. There are more than 25-30 cm tapes and only then cut it off from the roll. This stock will allow you to more tightly score the groove without adding insulation.
  4. Now gradually, straightening and adding the edges of the material, begin to careen seam. The tape must completely hide in the gap between the logs along with the reserve.

  5. As a rule, one layer of tape is not enough for high-quality filling, so everyone will have to repeat two more, or even three times.
  6. The finished seam should protrude from the grooves by no more than 3-4 mm and be uniform thickness.

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If the gaps between the crowns are very broad, use the caulking "in the set". For these purposes use pass, hemp ropes or jute cords. From the pacles form long strands that are wounded in the ball. Finished cords or ropes are also wound into clubs for convenience.

Start from the edge of the lower crown:

  • clean the gap, removing the broken sins and garbage;
  • unwind a small amount of cord, fold it in the form of loops and pushed with a pant of the gap;
  • picked loops first at the top of the gap, then in the bottom;
  • above another strand, now without loops, and align the roadboat.

Next, on the seam, the strands are placed in one layer until the next clearance. The more dense the empties are clogged quality insulation. Try not to leave hanging fibers: first, they spoil appearance Walls, secondly, the seal can remove the birds. By finishing the first row to be caught, go to the second, and everyone repeat the same way.

For the decorativeness of the cut, you can score the jute cord from the entire length of the seams.

Corps of corners

Corners canopate separately, after working with walls are completed. It is also more convenient to use a tape insulation.

Since in the corners of the seams between the logs have a semicircular shape, it will take a curve of the cacopat.

Step 1. The ribbon is located vertically. Take it over the edge, applied to the corner seam and pressed with a pant inside. A little retreating down and push the material again into the gap.

Step 2. As soon as the insulation fastened a bit, they begin to convert the protruding edges and score them deeper into the gap.

Step 3. After filling and aligning the upper seam, go to the second. The material must be constantly straightened, and stretch a little to go to bed more evenly.

This is so consistently compacted the entire angle. The seams should not perform more than 5 mm, otherwise the view will be inaccurate.

Video - How to Crop Corner Corner

Corps cutting sealants

Cracking the root of the cut by special sealants, which are easily applied, give the seams a very aesthetic appearance and reliably protect against purge. If the log house is made of a pinned log or glued bar, and jute is laid as a heater between the crowns, you can use only sealant and harness from foamed polyethylene. Sealing seams is performed no earlier than the shrinkage will occur.

Step 1. The joints between the logs are cleaned of dust and dried garbage, dryly wipes with a rag.

Step 2. In the perimeter of seams, primer primer is applied with a brush or sprayer. If the work is carried out in winter, the primer must be chosen on a rubber basis, in summer time - on water.

Step 3.. After drying, the primer in the seams will plant harness from foamed polyethylene, the diameter of which is selected by the width of the gap.

Step 4. Apply sealant. Use the composition in tubes, which is applied using mounting pistol, buckets and in the form of a tape. Last option Very easy to use: On the one hand, the tape is removed protective filmApply to the seam, pressed with hand and roll roller.

Step 5. After the seal of all interventic joints remove outer layer Films to clean the sealant. At the end of the joints covered with colorless varnish or apply a tinted composition, depending on the color of the sealant.

When applied by a spatula or from tube, the sealant should be smoothed and removed with a damp cloth.

If the logs for the log house were traded manually, with a shrinkage, more uneven gaps are formed. Here, one sealant and polyethylene cord will be little. In such cases, the caulking is performed in the traditional way, after which the seams are closed with sealant. After such treatment, the need for subsequent panties disappears.

Video - how to careen logged

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Oh, I would not want to have such a bath! So that the drafts through the gaps did not fly along the steam room - a log house over insulation. The timber itself, from which the bath is assembled, insulation is not possible (except for additional insulation of the wall), but close all the cracks from purge, i.e. To do sealing of Member of Member Sir - Even very possible. I would share materials for insulation of interventian seams Fir-type logs: Exterior - in contact with the street and internal - laid between the crowns. We still talk about the interventional insulation. In this article, I will stay on the seamless sealant insulation, applied outside the construction. Basins to consider this question separately - a lot. Here are the most common aspects of the use of such sealing:

Sealant for seams Srub Bath

1. From the leeward side, the air pressure is constantly operating on the walls of the timber, which is directed inside the shruck of the bath. Pressure drop creates conditions for the penetration of cold air into the space between the bar. If the bar profile is selected with large quantity Comb, then the density of the fitting parts is so high that there is little chance to get inside the cut in cold air. In some types of walls from the otillization or profiled bar with two ridges - cold air has more chances to get into the warm steam room.

2. During oblique rains and lateral wind, water literally pours outer wall. With the gusts of the wind, seeping of such pips inside the bath can occur. Especially such cases are common for a bar, whose height of the crest is small and the shape of the lock is not provided with special runoff. We talked about it in the article.

3. When construction from a raw timber, the bar is almost always cracking and gets curvature along the longitudinal axis. This leads to the formation of additional slots and cracks not provided for by our dream of wooden Siruba. The size of the slots is sometimes so impressive that even birds cannot resist the temptation to pull the insulation from the gaps and steal for the construction of its nest.

Wind, water and feathered builders will gradually make your log cabin blow and cold. Here we will turn out for help to sealant, which will not only block the access of the sparrows to the package and the jute, but also will not allow water to fall into the space between the crowns of the church.

Despite the fact that the site is dedicated to the technology of building the bath with their own hands, while we lower the research "how to make sealant with your own hands." It is difficult enough. Of course, there is a way to make sealant and yourself, but the first frost and the sun will bring your effort to zero. It is difficult at home to produce synthetic materials!

Properties of sealants for sealing seams of crowns and cracks

Many homegrown builders believe that to seal the wooden structures of log cabins, you can use a putty for wood, mounting foam, or any plumbing sealant. You can, but not need! We will live well, but not long! What the main properties should be a sealing aggregator for walls wooden bath or at home?

1. Most importantly, property: Sealant for wood Must have high elasticity. Which will not allow him to collapse with offsets and movements of wooden structures. Standard means Sealing are calculated on the immutability of the holes that are insulated. Neither polyurethane mounting foamNor putty do not have such a property and cannot provide sufficient tightness.

2. Silicone, plumbing polyurethane and other standard sealants do not have good adhesion to the tree, to ensure a reliable clutch spot with the surface wooden bar. In addition, due to the specifics of raw materials for their production, many of these sealants are not allowed to use for internal works.

3. The color of the sealant does not always play a decisive role to select a sealing material, but only specialized hermetic pastes are produced under the colors of the wood surface.

4. Frost - it should not significantly reduce the plasticity of sealant for the seams, and the hot sun and the temperature - should not give sealant excessive fluidity. The heat resistance of the sealant is one of the main advantages of the insulation for seaming.

5. Tara, in which the sealant should play the role of the tool for its application directly in the slots and seams between the crowns. In this case, excess and influx should be easily removed without sprinkling the appearance of the surface of the bar and cut in general.

6. The total time of drying out specialized sealants is large and amounts to 2-5 weeks. It is desirable that this period of time to protect the applied sealant about the sun and water.

"Sealants" from the packle, jute fiber, moss and similar environmentally friendly products were good in the past century. They were available and no road. In the days of the kings did not know rubbers, acrylic, etc.

After writing the article, I added it not only in the heading "", but also placed a link in the heading "Sirban Protection", because the sealing of interventic seams - protection against inconspicuous rotting of wood in the cavity between the crowns (timber) and has the right to lie on the shelf with experience by

It makes it possible that the sealing of the interventic seams of the firewood sealant does not allow you to sleep well if he scored moisture. But the uniqueness of the wood is that it dries 90% through the ends. Overting is a separate topic for conversation.

One of the few flaws of wood is its shrinkage and gradual drying. As a result, it often acquires relevance and topicality, the question of how to close the slots in the log in the bath formed during these extremely unpleasant processes. Considering the popularity of wooden house-building, the specified problem has recently gained widespread.

How to close the slots between the logs in the bath

Availability huge number advantages inherent in wood when used as the main building material, Makes owners to put up with some disadvantages. It is the result that these minuses of the material performs a periodically arising need to close the gaps in the bath between the logs. It is obvious that it is not worth tightening with the execution of such work, as drafts can be formed, which will lead not only to reducing the level of comfort from visiting the bath, but also the appearance of colds and other diseases.

Today, several options are applied to close the cracks in the bathroom. The most popular believes are:

  • natural moss. Traditional way Protection of joints and seams between log logs. This material is considered one of the best when used as an interventory insulation;
  • tow. No less classical way to solve the problem under consideration. To increase the adhesion, the material is often impregnified with liquid plaster or cement mortar;
  • hemp. Another natural way that allows you to effectively and reliably close the gaps that were formed between the logs of a church. The only disadvantage of the option is its higher cost, if compared with the works described above;
  • modern sealants and seals. The most popular is the synthetic compositions that are applied using special sprayers. This significantly increases the performance of the work. The main requirement for the use of synthetic sealants is a complete shrinkage of the house. Typically, the material is used in combination with a special assembly tape.

In no case is not recommended to use silicone and polyurethane formulations or a conventional mounting foam. These materials do not have sufficient resistance to sunny rays, In addition, do not interfere with the rotting of wood. That is why it is recommended to use or classic embodiments, providing for the use of moss, pacles or hemps, or modern and equally effective synthetic sealants.

What to close the gaps between the boards

In the process of shrinkage and drying wood, deformations are often occurring in some structures of the building where this material is used. One of the most common questions is what to close the cracks in the bath between the boards. It can be likely to relate to both the ceiling and the floor of the construction.

Currently, three embodiments are most often used - with sealants, putty, intended for wood and construction installation foam. Of course, when big amount The slots can be used to replace the damaged or deformed board, however, in this case we are not about sealing, but a full repair with a replacement of faulty elements or design details. Another way to get rid of the problem under consideration is the preparation of self-made mixtures, which usually contain a binder (paint, adhesive) and a filler in the form of plaster or sawdust.

Make a decision than you can close the cracks in the bath, you have to host the construction. With the reluctance to independently make the preparation of any repair makers, it is enough to purchase any finished sealant from large number Presented today on the market. Silicone pigmented and acrylic painted compositions are considered the most popular. The main requirement when using them is careful compliance with the instructions for use.

An effective solution to the problem of problem than to close the cracks in the ceiling of the bath is a gypsum tinted putty. This material is easy to use and is available at cost. It is perfect for small slots, and to give a more aesthetically attractive look just grinding emery paper. The main minus of the material is the need to repeat the seal procedure every 2-2.5 years, which is explained by the insufficient durability of putty.


To build a log house, you need to consider many issues related to its construction. One of them, no less significant and important - what and how to close the slots between the logs to protect the house from exposure natural factors. Variants of the cacopate of interbreakspace a lot. What choose you, will depend on this life in your new home

How to close the slots between the logs - natural materials

The most correct I. useful advice You will receive OT experienced Masters or a man who built a house himself.

So, many experts with experience come to the belief that moss sphagnum is one of the most effective and reliable materials for sealing the gaps.

It takes from the outskirts of the swamps is still wet and stamped with interventic joints. This kind of moss is very easy and supple.

The quality of the cacopa of the walls is determined by a sharp selay that believes between the corporate logs. If it enters the gap is hard, as in the wood, then the caulking is made on conscience.

Another ecologically clean way to eliminate the gaps is the use of packle, filled with cement or plaster, as well as a tight loss of pure material without any impurities.

Alternative material for cacopa - Jute fiber or conducting fiber (hemp), which differs from the package in the fact that the first is made of flax, and the second is obtained from cannabis.

Our great-grandfathers used these materials. They are relevant today. what better panel Or moss, it is difficult to say. If the cacopate is performed qualitatively, any material is good. That's just if you want to change the layout using chainsaws, the problem will arise: the panel or hemp can be pretty to score and fade.

How to close the gap between logs - modern materials

In addition to environmentally friendly materials that nature supplies us, there are modern synthetic materials offered by the domestic and foreign industry. As for ecology, of course, you can argue, but reliability is guaranteed by the manufacturer's factory.

  • Silicone sealant

One of these materials is silicone sealant. Since wood has the property to absorb moisture and evaporate it, then such a method of sealing is dubious, because the evaporation under the layer of sealant will not be carried out, which sooner or later will lead to the formation of rot.

  • Polyurethane sealant

There are many special sealants based on polyurethane. It is not susceptible to temperature drops resistant to ultraviolet rays. The mask on its basis is quite suitable for sealing the seams of the wandes of the house.

Cannot be used for seams polyurethane sealantswhich are sold in the cylinders - they are not designed for direct exposure to sun rays!

As you know, a house from a tree "breathe". The processes of heating and cooling, absorption and evaporation of moisture lead logs into a small movement. So, the mounting foam will not last long, after a while it will give cracks and crumbling. Therefore, to close the seams, use more elastic materials.

How to make a pantop - competent gasket between logs

Before sealing seams, think what material will be under the smelting. It is inappropriate to lure the cracks with sealants, as they can be very deep and amount to dozens.

So, calculate that it is more profitable: the filler is on what basis, industrial or natural.

Natural we have already discussed, and as for synthetic, many experts come to the opinion: apply the cord from the foamed polymer, which comes on sale different diameterthat is very convenient when fit under the gap.

So, when the gaps are most closely clogged, covered with sealants. To do this, we stick to the length of the brave scotch in order to avoid pollution by the smear. We use as a shoulder blade rubber spatuladesigned for seams. And completely close the joints will help ostels. They will even improve the overall style of your log.