Automation of the design of hot water systems. Mukhin O.A.

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1. Systems of heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning as objects of automation

2. Centralized heat and gas supply systems

3. Mechanization and automation of production of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems

3.1 Automation of heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning systems

3.2 Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

4. Technical means of automation

4.1 Primary converters (sensors)

5. Modern control schemes for air conditioning systems


List of sources used


Relevance. For many years, work has been underway to create heat supply automation equipment.

The energy program provides for a further increase in the level of centralization of heat supply through the construction of CHP and regional, including autonomous heating centers.

Domestic and foreign experience in the development and operation of automated TGS and SCM systems shows that an indispensable condition for the development of automation is not only the improvement of technical means of automation, but also a comprehensive analysis of the modes of operation and regulation of the TGS and SCM systems themselves.

In the development of technical and economic prerequisites for the introduction and use of automation of TGS and SCM and, accordingly, in the development of technical means of automation, three characteristic periods can be distinguished: the initial stage, the stage of complex automation and the stage of automated control systems.

In general, the initial stage was the stage of mechanization and automation of individual processes. The use of automation was not widespread, and the volume of technical means used was small, and their production was not an independent industry. But it was at this stage that some modern principles of building the lower levels of automation were formed and, in particular, the foundations of modern remote control using electric, pneumatic and hydraulic motors to drive shut-off and control valves.

The transition to the second stage - complex automation of production - took place under conditions of growth in labor productivity, the enlargement of the unit capacities of units and installations and the development of the material, scientific and technical base of automation. The third (modern) stage in the development of automation is characterized as the stage of automated control systems (ACS), the appearance of which coincided with the development and distribution of computer technology. At this stage, it becomes expedient to automate more and more complex control functions. The spread of modern automated control systems is largely determined by the state of the art for displaying information. Electron-beam indicators (displays) are becoming promising means of displaying information. The new technology for displaying information makes it possible to abandon cumbersome mnemonic circuits and drastically reduce the number of instruments, signal panels and indicators on boards and control panels.

In connection with the variety of required types of instruments and devices, it is advisable to appear within the GSP of complexes of a narrower profile, designed to perform certain engineering tasks. The complexes have wide functionality that allows you to create the most diverse in complexity and structure automated systems process control, including in TGS and SCM systems.

The purpose of this work is to study the automation and mechanization of the production of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems.

For this goal, it is required to solve the following tasks:

To study heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning systems as automation objects, centralized heat and gas supply systems;

Explore the mechanization and automation of the production of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems;

Consider technical means of automation;

Describe modern control schemes for air conditioning systems.

1. Systems of heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning as objects of automation

The complex of engineering systems for heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning is intended for the generation of heat energy, transportation hot water, steam and gas through heat and gas networks to buildings and the use of these energy carriers to maintain the specified parameters of the microclimate in them, for production and economic needs. The block diagram of the heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning system (TGS and KM) is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Block diagram of the heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning system (TGS and KM)

1 - residential and public buildings; 2 - industrial buildings; 3 - combined heat and power plant (boiler room); GDS - gas distribution station; Hydraulic fracturing - gas control station; Central heating station - central heating station; CO - heating system; SGV - hot water supply system; SV - ventilation system; SUTV - exhaust air heat recovery system; СХС - refrigeration system; SCV - air conditioning system (comfortable and technological).

Principled general scheme TGS and KM can be divided into two parts: the first consists of external systems of centralized heating and gas supply, the second, being an energy consumer, includes a building and internal engineering systems for providing a microclimate, economic and industrial needs.

2. Centralized heat and gas supply systems

A reliable and economical heat supply to all categories of consumers is achieved by controlling the operation of district heating. The purpose of the control is to provide consumers with the necessary flow rate of the heat carrier with a given temperature, i.e. ensuring the required hydraulic and warm conditions of the system. This is achieved by maintaining the preset pressure values, the pressure difference, the temperature t at various points in the system. The temperature change in accordance with the change in the heat consumption of buildings is carried out at the CHP or in the boiler room. The heat carrier from the CHPP is transported through the main heating networks to the blocks and further along the distribution or apartment heating networks to buildings or a group of buildings. In large heating networks, primarily in district heating networks, where there is a sharp fluctuation in the pressure drop of the coolant, the hydraulic regime is highly unstable. To ensure the normal hydraulic regime of heating networks, it is necessary to maintain such a pressure drop of the coolant in front of consumers, which in all cases must exceed the minimum value required for the normal operation of heat-consuming installations, heat exchangers, mixers, pumps. In this case, the consumer will receive the required flow rate of the heat carrier at a given temperature.

Since it is impossible to provide the necessary hydraulic and thermal conditions for numerous heat consumers by means of centralized control at a CHPP or boiler house, intermediate stages of maintaining the temperature and pressure of water are used - central heat points(TSC). The temperature of the heat carrier after the central heating station is 70-150 0 С with the help of mixing pumps or heating water heaters. At subscriber inputs, in the presence of a central heating station, without preparation of a heat carrier, a local mode of heat supply for heating in elevators or heat exchangers is carried out. In long-distance heating networks with unfavorable terrain, it becomes necessary to build pumping substations, which are usually an additional stage in maintaining the required hydraulic regime of the heating network to the substations by maintaining pressure in front of the pump. For normal operation of the heat treatment plant, it is envisaged to maintain a predetermined level H of condensate in steam-water heaters and make-up water deaerators.

3. Mechanization and automation of production systemsheat and gas supply and ventilationandlations

3.1 Automation of heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning systems

In accordance with the existing instructions and design practice, the project of an automatic process control system contains graphic (drawings and diagrams) and text parts:

The graphic part of the project includes:

1) functional diagram of technological control, automatic regulation, control and signaling;

2) drawings general types boards and control panels;

3) basic electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic circuits automatic control, regulation and signaling. In the process of detailed design, graphic materials are developed:

1) schematic diagrams of power supply of devices;

2) wiring diagrams of boards, consoles and junction boxes;

3) diagrams of external electrical and pipe wiring;

4) drawings of the arrangement of equipment, electrical and pipe wiring;

5) drawings of the installation of equipment, auxiliary devices, boards and control panels.

The initial data for the design are contained in the terms of reference for the development of an automatic process control system.

The main elements of the assignment are the list of automation objects - technological units and installations, as well as the functions performed by the control and regulation system, which ensures the automation of the management of these objects.

The task contains a series of data that define the general requirements and characteristics of the system, as well as describe the objects of management. This part of the assignment is divided into three sections:

1) the rationale for the development;

2) operating conditions of the system;

3) a description of the technological process.

The functional diagram of automatic monitoring and control is designed to display the main technical solutions taken in the design of an automation system technological processes... It is one of the main documents of the project and is included in its composition in the development of technical documentation at all stages of design. In the process of developing a functional diagram, the structure of the created system and functional connections between the control object - the technological process and the hardware part of the system - are formed by the control devices and collecting information about the state of the technological process (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. - The structure of the allocation of zones of the functional diagram of automatic monitoring and control

When creating a functional diagram, it is determined:

1) an appropriate level of automation of the technological process;

2) the principles of organizing control and management of the technological process;

3) technological equipment controlled automatically, remotely or in both modes at the request of the operator;

4) the list and meaning of monitored and regulated parameters;

5) methods of control, laws of regulation and management;

6) the scope of automatic protections and interlocks stand-alone schemes control of technological units;

7) a set of technical means of automation, type of energy for information transmission;

8) the location of the equipment on the technological equipment, on boards and control panels.

In addition, according to the scheme, textual explanations are given, reflecting the purpose and characteristics of technological units, the values ​​of monitored and regulated parameters, blocking and signaling conditions. Functional diagram is the main document of the project.

3.2 Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

The modern requirements for automated ventilation (SV) and air conditioning (AC) systems contain two contradictory conditions: first, simplicity and reliability of operation, and second, high quality of operation.

The basic principle in the technical organization of the automatic control of air handling units and SLE is the functional design of the hierarchical structure of the tasks of protection, regulation and control to be performed.

Any industrial SCR must be equipped with elements and devices for automatic start and stop, as well as protection devices against emergency situations... This is the first level of SLE automation.

The second level of SCR automation is the level of stabilization of the equipment operation modes.

The technical implementation of the third hierarchical level is currently being successfully developed and implemented in industry (SV and SKV).

The solution of problems of the third level of the equation is associated with information processing and the formation of control actions by solving discrete logical functions or performing a number of specific calculations.

The three-level structure of the technical implementation of the control and regulation of the SCR operation allows the organization of the operation of systems depending on the specifics of the enterprise and its operation services. The regulation of air conditioning systems is based on the analysis of stationary and non-stationary thermal processes. The further task is to automate the adopted SCR control technological scheme, which will automatically provide the specified operating mode and regulation of individual elements and the system as a whole in the optimal mode.

Separate or joint maintenance of the specified operating modes of the SCR is carried out by instruments and automation devices that form both simple local control loops and complex multi-loop automatic control systems (ACS). The quality of the SCR operation is mainly determined by the compliance of the created microclimate parameters in the premises of a building or structure with their required values ​​and depends on the correct choice of both the technological scheme and its equipment, and the elements of the automatic control system of this scheme.

Optimal regulation

Recently, the method of regulating the air conditioning system according to the optimal mode (developed by A. Ya. Kreslin) has begun to be applied, which in many cases allows avoiding reheating of the air cooled in the irrigation chamber, and also more efficiently using the heat of the recirculated air. At any moment of time, the air in the air conditioning unit undergoes heat and humidity treatment in such a sequence that the consumption of heat and cold is the lowest.

The method of regulating air conditioning systems according to the optimal mode is more energy efficient. However, it should be noted that the implementation of regulation by the method of optimal modes requires more complex automation, which hinders its practical application.

Method of quantitative regulation of air conditioning systems. The essence of the method is to regulate the heat and cooling capacity of air conditioning units by changing the flow rate of the processed air.

Air flow regulation is carried out by changing the fan performance by changing the rotational speed of the electric motor rotor, using adjustable hydraulic or electric couplings (connecting the electric motor to the fan), using guide vanes in front of the fans.

Air conditioning systems (see fig. 3) are controlled by control loops. A thermostat sensing element installed in the working area of ​​the room or in the exhaust duct senses temperature deviations. The thermostat controls the air heater of the second heating stage VP 2 most often by regulating the coolant supply with valve K.

The constancy of air humidity in the room is ensured by two thermostats of the dew point, the sensitive elements of which perceive deviations in the air temperature after the irrigation chamber or water in its sump. The winter dew point thermostat sequentially controls valve K 2 of the air heater of the first heating stage VP 1 and air valves (dampers) K, K 4, K;. The summer dew point thermostat controls the flow cold water from the refrigeration unit to the irrigation chamber using the K 6 valve.

For more accurate regulation of air humidity, moisture regulators are used, the sensitive elements of which are installed in the room. The moisture regulators control the K 2 -K 6 valves in the same sequence as the dew point thermostats.

Figure 3. - Air conditioning system with the first circulation of the year-round operation:

a) SCR scheme; b) air treatment processes in the I-d-diagram; c) regulation schedules; PV - supply fan; BB - exhaust fan; H - pump.

automation microclimate control sensor

4. Technical means of automation

As a result of the control, it is necessary to establish whether the actual state (property) of the controlled object meets the specified technological requirements. Monitoring of system parameters is carried out using measuring instruments.

The essence of the measurement is to obtain quantitative information about the parameters by comparing the current value of a technological parameter with some, its value taken as a unit. The result of the control is an idea of ​​the quality characteristics of the controlled objects.

The set of devices with which automatic control operations are performed is called an automatic control system (ACS).

In modern SACs, measuring information from instruments often goes directly to automatic control devices.

Under these conditions, electrical measuring instruments are mainly used, which differ in the following advantages:

1) ease of changing the sensitivity in a wide range of the measured value;

2) low inertia of electrical equipment or a wide frequency range, which makes it possible to measure both slowly and rapidly changing quantities in time;

3) the ability to measure at a distance, in inaccessible places, centralization and simultaneous measurement of numerous and different in nature quantities;

4) the possibility of completing the measuring and serviced automatic systems from blocks of the same type of electrical equipment, which is of paramount importance for the creation of IMS (measuring and information systems).

Measurement method - i.e. the set of individual measurement transformations necessary for the perception of information about the size of the measured value and its transformation into the form that is necessary for the recipient of information can be most clearly depicted in the form of a functional diagram (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - Functional diagram of the measurement method

A measuring device is structurally most often divided into three independent units: a sensor, a measuring device and a pointer (or recorder), which can be placed separately from each other and interconnected by a cable or other communication line.

The sensor of the device for measuring one or another quantity is a constructive set of several measuring transducers placed directly at the measurement object. Using remote transmission, the rest of the measuring equipment (measuring circuits, amplifier, power supplies, etc.), usually called a measuring device, is made as an independent structural unit that can be placed in more favorable conditions. Requirements for the last part of the measuring device, i.e. to its index (registrar) are determined by the ease of use of the information received.

In the SAC, the sensor is called the primary device. It is connected by a communication line to a secondary instrument combining the measuring device and the pointer. One and the same secondary device can be used to monitor several values ​​(parameters). In a more general case, several primary converters - sensors are connected to one secondary device.

Methods of measuring conversions are divided into two main, fundamentally different classes: the direct conversion method and the balancing conversion method.

The direct conversion method is characterized by the fact that all information transformations are performed only in one, forward direction - from the input value X through a number of measuring transducers P 1, P 2 ... to the output value Y out: the method is characterized by a relatively low accuracy (Fig. 5, a).

In the balancing method, two converter circuits are used: a direct conversion circuit P 1, P 2 ..., ... and an inverse conversion circuit consisting of a converter to.

Figure 5 - Equilibration method

Secondary devices, in accordance with the measurement method used in them, are subdivided into direct conversion devices and equilibration devices. A device for measuring temperature using a thermocouple and a millivoltmeter, a ratiometer, a direct current magnetic-electric device with an electric counter torque, was built using the direct conversion method (Fig. 6, a, b).

Figure 6 - Scheme of temperature measurement using a thermocouple and a millivoltmeter (a) and a ratiometer circuit (b)

The main advantage of the ratiometer is the independence of the instrument readings from the magnitude of the supply voltage E.

In TGS and SCM systems, balancing devices with bridge equilibrium and compensation measuring circuits are widely used.

A bridge with an automatic balancing process - an automatic bridge is used as a secondary device.

In TGS and SCM, automatic bridges are used to measure temperature, as well as material flow, pressure, liquid level, humidity, and many other non-electrical quantities.

Automatic potentiometers are also widely used as secondary devices. Automatic potentiometers are used to measure electrical and non-electrical quantities that can be pre-converted into voltage or DC EMF.

As secondary devices in TGS and SCM systems, they find wide application automatic differential transformer devices. They are used to measure non-electrical quantities - pressure, level flow, pressure, etc. (modifications of efficiency, HPC, KSD).

By design and purpose, secondary devices are divided into two groups:

a) showing, giving information about the instantaneous value of the measured parameter.

b) showing and self-recording, carrying out instant measurement and fixing the value of the measured parameter on chart paper.

4.1 Primary converters (sensors)

According to the principle of operation, the sensors used in electrical SAC can be divided into two groups: parametric and generator.

In parametric sensors (thermoresistances, strain gauges, photoresistors, capacitive sensors), the controlled value is converted into an electrical circuit parameter: resistance, inductance, capacitance, mutual inductance.

In generator sensors different kinds energy is directly converted into electrical energy. The generator includes thermoelectric sensors (thermocouples), induction, based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, piezoelectric, photoelectric, etc.

By the type of output value, the sensors used in the SAC can be divided into groups in which the monitored parameter is converted into the following values:

1) ohmic resistance;

2) capacity;

3) inductance;

4) the magnitude of the constant current (voltage);

5) the amplitude of the alternating current (voltage), etc.

This classification allows the selection of the most suitable measuring devices.

By the type of input values, the sensors used in TGS and SCM systems are divided into the following main groups:

1) sensors of temperature and heat fluxes;

2) sensors of humidity and enthalpy of humid air;

3) level sensors;

4) pressure sensors;

5) flow sensors;

6) sensors for analyzing the composition of matter.

Sensors are one of the functional essential elements any control system. Their properties and characteristics often largely determine the operation of the SAC as a whole.

5. Modern control schemes for air conditioning systems

SCV cascade control. An increase in the accuracy of stabilization of microclimate parameters can be achieved by the synthesis of stabilization with correction for deviations from the specified temperature and relative humidity in the room. This is ensured by the transition from single-circuit to double-circuit cascade stabilization systems. Cascade stabilization systems, in essence, should be the main systems for regulating temperature and humidity.

Figure 7. - Functional diagram of the SCR cascade control system

This regulator maintains at a given level a certain auxiliary value of the intermediate point of the control object. Since the inertia of the regulated section of the first control loop is insignificant, a relatively high response rate can be achieved in this loop. The first contour is called stabilizing, the second - corrective. A functional diagram of a cascade continuous stabilization system for a direct-flow SCR is shown in Fig. 7. Stabilization of air parameters is carried out using two-stage systems.


In conclusion of the work done, the following conclusions can be drawn. Automation of production - as well as ventilation systems is the use of a set of tools that allow production processes to be carried out without direct human participation, but under his control. The automation of production processes leads to an increase in output, a decrease in costs and an improvement in product quality.

The central heating system (STS) is a complex of a heat generator (CHP or boiler house) and heat networks (heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply systems).

In long-distance heating networks with unfavorable terrain, it becomes necessary to build pumping substations, which are usually an additional stage in maintaining the required hydraulic regime of the heating network to the substations by maintaining pressure in front of the pump. In accordance with existing instructions and design practice, the project of an automatic process control system contains graphic (drawings and diagrams) and text parts.

For the quality management of any technological process, it is necessary to control several characteristic quantities, called process parameters.

In heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning systems, the main parameters are temperature, heat fluxes (general, radiation, etc.), humidity, pressure, flow rate, liquid level and some others.

The operation of cascade systems is based on regulation not by one, but by two regulators, and the regulator controlling the deviation of the main regulated value from the set value does not act on the regulator of the object, but on the sensor of the auxiliary regulator.

The ultimate goal of automation of technological processes is the development and implementation of an automated process control system in production, which allows maintaining a given technological regime. To build a modern system industrial automation the technological process must be equipped with technical means.


1. Bondar E.S. and others. Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems // К .: "Avanpost-Prim", - 2014.

2. Gordienko AS, Sidelnik AB, Tsibulnik AA, Microprocessor controllers for ventilation and air conditioning systems // SOK-2014, No. 4-5.

3. SNiP 3.05.07-85 Automation systems.

4. SNiP 2.04.05-91 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

5. V.V. Solodovnikov et al., Fundamentals of theory and elements of automatic control systems. Textbook for universities. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 2012.

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1 Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Educational institution "Polotsk State University" AUTOMATION TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT AND COMPUTER EQUIPMENT IN THGW SYSTEMS EDUCATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX for students of the specialty "Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air protection" Compilation and general edition by N.V. Chepikova Novopolotsk 2005

2 UDC (075.8) BBK 34.9 y 73 T 38 REVIEWS: A.S. VERSHININ, Cand. tech. sciences, electronic engineer of JSC "Naftan"; A.P. GOLUBEV, Art. Lecturer of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Recommended for publication by the Methodological Commission of the Radio Engineering Faculty T 38 Technical means of automation and computers in THV systems: Textbook. complex for stud. special / Comp. and total. ed. N.V. Chepikova. Novopolotsk: UO "PSU", p. ISBN X Compliant curriculum discipline "Technical means of automation and computer technology in THG systems" for the specialization of the specialty "Heat and gas supply, ventilation and protection of the air basin". The purpose of automatic control systems is considered; principles of operation and design of instrumentation, automatic regulators and control devices, widely used in the automation of heat and gas supply systems, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and wastewater disposal. The topics of the course under study, their volume in hours of lectures and practical classes are presented, theoretical and practical foundations for technical means of automation and computer technology used in automation schemes for TGV systems are presented. Tasks for practical exercises, recommendations for organizing rating control of the study of the discipline, questions for offset are presented. Designed for teachers and students of universities of this specialty. It can be used by students of the specialization of the specialty "Water supply, sewerage and protection of water resources. UDC (075.8) LBC 34.9 i 73 ISBBN X UO "PSU", 2005 Chepikova N.V., comp., 2005

3 THE CONTENT OF THE PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE, ITS PLACE IN THE LEARNING PROCESS ... 5 METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE ... 8 STRUCTURE OF THE TRAINING COURSE Module Module Module Module LEARNING MATERIAL Chapter 1. PURPOSE OF TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF AUTOMATIC FOUNDATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS Principles and methods of measurements Measurement errors. Types and groups of errors Chapter 2. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND SENSORS Classification of measuring equipment and sensors State system of industrial devices. Standardization and unification of automation equipment Determination of device errors Chapter 3. METHODS AND MEANS OF MEASURING BASIC PARAMETERS IN THGW SYSTEMS Contact method of temperature measurement Temperature measurement by thermoelectric method Non-contact method of temperature measurement Methods and means of measuring pressure Calculation of liquid-mechanical pressure gauges Methods and means of measuring humidity Methods and means measurement of the flow rate and amount of substance Flow measurement with the aid of high-velocity flow meters Methods and means for determining the composition and physicochemical properties of the substance Methods and means for measuring the level Measurement of the level of a non-aggressive liquid in an open tank using differential pressure gauges Chapter 4. INTERMEDIATE DEVICES OF SYSTEMS Amplifier-converting devices

4 4.2. Regulatory bodies Calculation of a regulating body for regulating water flow Executive mechanisms Automatic regulators Selection of regulators based on calculations Chapter 5. METHODS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION IN SYSTEMS Classification and purpose of telemechanics systems Telemetry, telecontrol, and tele-signaling systems Conventional graphic designation of devices and automation equipment Principles of building control computing complexes Purpose and general characteristics of industrial controllers Positioning rules for devices and automation equipment Appendix REFERENCES

5 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE, ITS PLACE IN THE LEARNING PROCESS 1. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE 1.1. The purpose of teaching the discipline The main purpose of teaching the discipline "Technical means of automation and computer technology in TGV systems" is to provide students with a complex of knowledge on technical means of automation and computing technology used in heat and gas supply and ventilation systems. automation and computer technology; the acquisition by students of skills in the selection and calculation of technical means of automation used to build technological control systems, automated control systems for technological processes of heat and gas supply and ventilation. To achieve the set goal and solve the set tasks as a result of studying the discipline "Technical means of automation and computer technology in TGV systems" the student must: have an idea of: the basic principles and tasks of automated process control in TGV systems; on the classification of automation subsystems; on the principles of constructing functional circuits of automatic regulation; know: the principle of operation, device, characteristics of the main technical means of automation, including microprocessor technology; methods, principles, means of control of the main parameters of technological processes in THG systems; principled Constructive decisions automation systems. 5

6 be able to use: the method of analysis of initial data in the development of extended technical specifications for the design of automation schemes for THV systems; modern achievements in the choice of automation tools; documents on compliance with the requirements of standardization and metrological support of technical means of automation; computer-aided design packages for the selection and calculation of technical means; own the methods of choosing technical means from the set of existing ones in relation to a specific task; have experience with measuring instruments Place of discipline in the educational process The course is a discipline of specialization in the training of a civil engineer in the specialty "Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air protection" and part of the discipline "Automated control of processes in hot water systems". The knowledge gained as a result of studying this discipline is necessary when performing the section on automation in the diploma project. The list of disciplines required for students to study this discipline: higher mathematics (differential and integral calculus, linear and nonlinear differential equations). physics (hydraulics, mechanics); electrical engineering and electrical equipment; computer technology and informatics; 2. CONTENT OF THE DISCIPLINE The discipline "Technical means of automation and computer technology in THV systems", according to the curriculum for the specialty, is read in the 5th year of study, in the fall semester (18 academic weeks) and includes: 36 hours of lectures (2 hours in Week); 18 hours of practical training (nine 2-hour practical training). The final form of knowledge control for this course is a test. 6

7 WORKING PROGRAM Names of sections and topics of lectures Number of hours 1. Purpose and main functions of the automatic control system 2 2. Measuring instruments and sensors 4 3. Methods and means of measuring basic parameters in TGV systems Intermediate devices of systems 8 5. Methods of information transfer in systems 8 PRACTICAL EXERCISES ON THE DISCIPLINE Name of work Number of hours 1. Determination of the error and accuracy class of the device 2 2. Temperature measurement by thermoelectric method 2 3. Calculation of liquid-mechanical pressure gauges 2 4. Flow measurement using flow meters of velocity head 2 5. Level measurement using differential pressure gauges 2 6. Calculation and selection of a regulating body 2 7. Selection of the type of automatic regulator 2 8. Conventional-graphic designation of devices and automation equipment on functional diagrams 2 9. Rules for positional designation of devices and automation equipment on functional diagrams 2 7

8 METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE A modular system is proposed for studying the discipline "Technical means of automation and computer technology in TGV systems." All material is divided into five thematic modules for use in lectures and practical classes, and each module contains a certain number of learning elements (UE). Each UE is designed for 2 academic hours of lectures. Learning elements containing practical lessons in the discipline are designed for 2 classroom hours. All UEs contain a teaching guide, consisting of a comprehensive goal showing the requirements for the skills, knowledge and skills that students must master in the process of studying this UE. At the end of each module, there is an UE of control, which is a set of questions, tasks and exercises that must be completed after studying the module. If the student is sure that he has sufficient knowledge, abilities and skills, then it is necessary to go through the planned form of control. If the exit test fails, the student will need to re-study the entire module. KNOWLEDGE CONTROL SYSTEM To assess the work of students in this course, a rating system for monitoring progress is proposed. This system is cumulative and involves the summation of points awarded for all types of educational activities during the course. The total amount accumulated by the student during the course is the student's individual rating (IRS). The rules for assigning points are discussed further, in the corresponding sections of the content. LECTURAL PART OF THE COURSE The purpose of the lectures is to master the main part of the theoretical material for the course. Interim control of the development of the theoretical part of the course is carried out in the form of tests, twice during the semester, during certification weeks. The test consists of questions based on the material covered. The correct answer to the question is estimated at 5 points in the rating. The date of the tests is announced in advance. eight

9 PRACTICE The aim of the workshop is to master the calculations of measuring instruments and automation equipment, allowing to establish the physical meaning of measurement methods in relation to specific conditions. The result of each lesson is estimated at 10 points in the rating. CERTIFICATION (intermediate control of progress) For positive certification, the student's individual rating for all academic work at the time of certification must be at least 2/3 of the average IRS in the group. CREDIT (final control of progress) A test is a written test, which takes 45 minutes to complete. The test consists of 18 questions with selective answers; at least 12 correct answers are required to receive a credit. To be admitted to the test, it is necessary to score at least 70 points in the rating for the workshop. The mastery test is carried out during the mastering week, the time and place of the test will be announced in advance. The test is performed on a special form given by the teacher. The use of notes is prohibited. Students who have an individual cumulative rating based on semester results that are 50 percent or more higher than the group average are automatically credited. nine

10 STRUCTURE OF THE TRAINING COURSE Modular composition of the course "Technical means of automation and computer technology in TGV systems" M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-R M-K M-1 Purpose and main functions of the automatic control system ( SAK). M-2 Measuring devices and sensors. М-3 Methods and tools for measuring basic parameters in THG systems. M-4 Intermediate devices of systems. M-5 Methods of information transmission in systems. M-R Generalization by discipline. М-К Output final control. ISSUES STUDYED IN THE LECTURAL CLASSES (BY MODULES) Module 1. PURPOSE AND BASIC FUNCTIONS OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM Basic parameters of technological processes in THV systems. Measurement of parameters of technological processes in THG systems (measurement concept). Automatic control of media in THG systems. Purpose and main functions of the automatic control system (ACS). Principles and methods of measurements. Accuracy of measurements. Measurement error. Types and groups of errors. Module 2. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND SENSORS Classification of measuring equipment and sensors. Measuring device. Primary converter (concept and definition of the sensor). Static and dynamic characteristics of sensors. State system of industrial devices. Secondary devices SAK. ten

11 Module 3. METHODS AND MEANS OF MEASURING THE BASIC PARAMETERS IN THGW SYSTEMS Liquid expansion thermometers. Expansion thermometers for solids. Gauge thermometers. Thermoelectric thermometers. Resistance thermometers. Optical radiation pyrometers. Radiation radiation pyrometers. Liquid, bell, spring, diaphragm, bellows pressure gauges. Strain gauge transducers. Psychrometric measurement method. The principle of operation of the psychrometer. Dew point method. Electrolytic measurement method. Electrolytic humidity sensors. The principle of operation and design of these sensors. Variable differential pressure flowmeters. Types of constricting devices. Constant differential pressure flow meters. Constructions, principle of operation. Ultrasonic flow measurement method. Quantity counters. Vortex flowmeters. Electromagnetic flowmeters. Electrical methods of gas analysis. Electric gas analyzer. Conductometric measurement method. The principle of operation of a conductometric gas analyzer. Thermal, magnetic measurement method. Thermomagnetic oxygen meter. Chemical gas analyzer. Float, hydrostatic, electrical, acoustic level gauges. Module 4. INTERMEDIATE DEVICES OF SYSTEMS Amplifiers. Comparison of hydraulic, pneumatic, electric amplifiers. Relay. Multi-stage amplification. Hydraulic, electrical, pneumatic actuators. Characteristics of the distribution bodies. The main types of distribution bodies. Regulating devices. Classification of automatic regulators. Basic properties of regulators. Selecting the type of regulator. The choice of the optimal values ​​of the parameters of the controller. Module 5. METHODS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION IN SYSTEMS Classification and purpose of telecontrol systems. Telecontrol systems, telesignalization, telemetry. eleven

12 Principles of constructing control computer systems. Features of UVK operation in systems. Purpose and general characteristics of industrial controllers. Module R. GENERALIZATION ON THE DISCIPLINE Summarize the most essential knowledge of the discipline, express them in the form of a short summary. To do this, answer the following questions: 1. What are the main functions of the automatic control system? 2. List the basic requirements for technical automation equipment. 3. What is the principle, measurement method? 4. How is the accuracy class of the device determined? 5. How are devices and automation equipment classified? 6. What is a "sensor"? 7. List the main static and dynamic characteristics of the sensors. 8. What is SHG? Explain the purpose and prerequisites for creating a SHG. 9. What is the purpose of secondary devices in the automatic control system? 10. List the methods and means for measuring temperature, pressure, humidity, flow rate, level, composition and physical and chemical properties of a substance. 11. What is the main purpose of amplifiers in ATS. 12. What is multistage amplification? 13. What is the purpose of the regulatory body? 14. What are the main characteristics of RO. 15. What types of actuators do you know? 16. List the basic requirements for executive devices. 17. What are the main characteristics of servomotors. 18. How are electric motors classified? 19. What is a regulator? 20. On what grounds are regulators classified? 21. What are the main properties of regulators you know? 22. List the functions performed by telemechanics devices used in TGV systems. 12

13 23. What is telemetry used for in DVT systems? 24. What allows telecontrol? 25. What is TV signaling used for? 26. What is UVK? 27. What are the differences between UVK and universal computers. 28. Why use industrial controllers? 29. What are the current trends in the construction of industrial controllers. 30. List the basic functions of the industrial controller. Module K. OUTPUT FINAL CONTROL So, you have studied the discipline "Technical means of automation and computer technology in TGV systems." After studying this discipline, you should: have an idea of ​​the basic principles and tasks of automated process control in TGV systems; know the methods and means for measuring the main parameters of technological processes in THG systems; know the principle of operation, device, characteristics of the main technical means of automation, including microprocessor technology; be able to use modern achievements when choosing technical means of automation, documents on compliance with the requirements of standardization and metrological support of technical means of automation; own methods of choosing technical means from the set of existing ones in relation to a specific task. At the end of the study of the discipline "Technical means of automation and computer technology in TGV systems" you need to pass a test. 13

14 Module 1. Purpose and main functions of the automatic control system UE-1 UE-K UE-1 Purpose and main functions of the SAC. Measurement error. Types and groups of errors. UE-K Output control by module. Module 1. Purpose and main functions of the automatic control system Training manual UE-1. Purpose and main functions of the SAC. Principles and methods of measurements. Types and groups of errors Educational goals UE-1 The student should: have an idea of ​​the main parameters of technological processes in THG systems; know: - the purpose and main functions of the automatic control system, - the principles and methods of measurements, - the determination of the accuracy and measurement error, - the main types and groups of errors, - the concept of the accuracy class of the device, verification, adjustment of the device; own the methodology for calculating errors and determining the accuracy class of the device; be able to select a device based on reference literature. For successful mastery of the UE-1 material, you should study pp. teaching material UMK. UE-K. Output control according to the module After studying this module, you need to test your knowledge by answering the questions and completing test tasks: 1. Name the main parameters of technological processes in THG systems. 2. What are the main functions of the automatic control system? 3. List the basic requirements for technical automation equipment. 4. What is meant by "measurement"? 5. What are the measurements? 6. What is the principle, measurement method? 7. Give a definition of the accuracy and measurement error. 8. What types of errors do you know? 9. How is the accuracy class of the device determined? 10. What is called instrument verification? 11. Why are the instruments calibrated and calibrated? fourteen

15 Test task: 1. The measuring device belongs to accuracy class 2.5. What error characterizes this class: a) systematic; b) random; c) rough? 2. What types of errors should be attributed to the error that occurs when the resistance of connecting lines in electric thermometers changes in connection with fluctuations in the temperature of the atmospheric air: a) systematic, basic; b) systematic, additional; c) random, basic; d) random, additional? 3. What method of measurement should be considered a level measurement using a water-measuring glass tube (communicating vessel): a) direct assessment; b) zero? 4. Is the adjustment of measuring instruments included in the complex of verification operations: a) is included; b) does not turn on? 15

16 Module 2. Measuring devices and sensors UE-1 UE-2 UE-3 UE-K UE-1 Classification of measuring equipment and sensors. UE-2 State system of devices. Secondary devices SAK. UE-3 Practical lesson 1. UE-K Output control by module. Module 2. Measuring instruments and sensors Training manual UE-1. Classification of measuring equipment and sensors Educational goals UE-1 The student must: have an idea: - about the purpose of devices and automation equipment; - about the classification of measuring devices; know: - the concept of "measuring device", - the definition of "primary measuring transducer", "intermediate measuring transducer", "transmitting transducer", - the concept of "sensing element", - classification of sensors, - basic static and dynamic characteristics of sensors; own the methodology for calculating the static and dynamic characteristics of the sensor; be able to select sensors according to their characteristics. For successful mastering of the UE-1 material, you should study clause 2.1 of the teaching material of the EMC. UE-2. State instrumentation system. Secondary devices SAC Educational goals UE-2 The student must: have an idea of: - about standardization and unification of devices, - about the prerequisites for creating GSP, - about the purpose of secondary devices in the automatic control system; know: - the purpose of the GSP, - the classification of devices by the type of media, - the classification of devices by functional attribute, 16

17 - classification of secondary devices, - design and principle of operation of direct conversion devices and balancing devices; own the method of selecting secondary devices depending on the measurement method; be able to work with reference literature. To successfully master the material UE-2, you should study pp. 2.2 teaching material for teaching materials. UE-3. Practical lesson 1 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with clause 2.3 of the educational material of the UMK (determination of device errors). UE-K Output control by the module After studying this module, you need to test your knowledge by answering questions and completing test tasks: 1. What is the difference between the measuring device and other measuring transducers? 2. What is the purpose of the intermediate converters? 3. How are devices and automation equipment classified? 4. Give the definition "primary converter" is 5. Continue "sensing element is 6. List the main static and dynamic characteristics of the sensors. 7. What are the operational requirements for the sensors? 8. What is SHG? Explain the purpose and prerequisites for creating a SHG. 9. What are the different types of unified signals provided for? 10. What is the purpose of secondary devices in the automatic control system? 11. How are secondary devices classified? 12. What are automatic bridges used for in TGV systems? 17

18 Module 3. Methods and tools for measuring basic parameters in systems UE 1 UE 2 UE 3 UE 4 UE 5 UE 6 UE 7 UE 8 UE 9 UE 10 UE 11 UE K UE-1 Contact method of temperature measurement. UE-2 Practical lesson 2. UE-3 Non-contact method of temperature measurement. UE-4 Methods and means for measuring pressure. UE-5 Practical lesson 3. UE-6 Methods and means for measuring the humidity of gases (air). UE-7 Methods and tools for measuring flow and quantity. UE-8 Practical lesson 4. UE-9 Methods and means for determining the composition and physicochemical properties of a substance. UE-10 Methods and tools for level measurement. UE-11 Practical lesson 5. UE-K Control by module. Module 3. Methods and tools for measuring the main parameters in THV systems Training Manual UE-1. Contact method of temperature measurement Educational goals UE-1 The student must: have an idea of: - about the main methods of temperature measurement, - about the features of contact temperature meters; know: - basic specifications, device and design of sensors with mechanical output values, - basic technical characteristics, device and design of sensors with electrical output values, - measurement range of these sensors, switching circuits, - errors of temperature measurements by contact sensors; possess the skills of calculating the temperature measurement by the thermoelectric method; be able to select temperature sensors from catalogs and reference books. For successful mastering of the UE-1 material, you should study clause 3.1 of the educational material UMK (contact method of temperature measurement). eighteen

19 UE-2. Practical lesson 2 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with paragraph 3.2 of the educational material of the UMK (temperature measurement by the thermoelectric method). UE-3. Non-contact method of temperature measurement Educational goals UE-3 The student should: have an idea of: - about the main methods of measuring temperature by the non-contact method, - about the features of non-contact temperature meters; know: - basic technical characteristics, pyrometers design, - measurement range, - errors of temperature measurements using pyrometers, methods of their reduction; be able to use knowledge to select pyrometers depending on their characteristics from catalogs and reference books. For successful mastering of the UE-3 material, you should study clause 3.3 of the educational material UMK (non-contact method of temperature measurement). UE-4. Methods and means for measuring pressure (rarefaction) Educational purposes UE-4 The student must: have an idea of: - the methods of measuring pressure, - the units of pressure measurement; know: - the classification of pressure measuring devices depending on the measured value, - the classification of pressure measuring devices depending on the principle of operation, - the design, principle of operation, measuring range of pressure sensors, - the advantages and disadvantages of these devices; own methods of choosing pressure sensors from the set of existing ones, in relation to a specific task; be able to use modern advances in the selection of pressure sensors in the automation schemes for hot water systems. For successful mastering of the UE-4 material, you should study clause 3.4 of the educational material UMK (methods and means for measuring pressure) UE-5. Practical lesson 3 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with clause 3.5 of the educational material UMK (calculation of liquid-mechanical pressure gauges). UE-6. Methods and means for measuring the humidity of gases Educational goals UE-6 The student should: have an idea of: - about humidity as a physical parameter, - about relative, absolute humidity, - about enthalpy, - about dew point temperature; 19

20 know: - psychrometric, electrolytic methods for measuring humidity, - dew point method, - principle of operation and design of sensors used to measure humidity, measurement range, - advantages and disadvantages of humidity sensors; be able to use modern advances in the selection of humidity sensors in the automation schemes of HVAC systems; own methods of choosing moisture sensors from a set of existing ones, in relation to a specific task. For successful mastering of the UE-6 material, you should study clause 3.6 of the educational material of the UMK (methods and means for measuring humidity). UE-7. Methods and tools for flow measurement Educational purposes UE-7 The student must: have an idea of: - the methods of measuring the flow, - the units of flow measurement, - the groups of flow meters; know: - types of orifice devices, - design, principle of operation, measuring range of flow meters with variable differential pressure, constant differential pressure, ultrasonic flow meters, heat meters, - design and principle of operation of quantity counters, - measurement errors of these devices; be able to use modern advances when choosing flow meters in automation schemes for TGV systems; own the methods of choosing orifice devices and flow meters from the set of existing ones, in relation to a specific task. For successful mastering of the UE-7 material, you should study clause 3.7 of the educational material of the UMK (methods and means for measuring flow and quantity). UE-8. Practical lesson 4 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with paragraph 3.8 of the educational material of the UMK (flow measurement using flow meters). UE-9. Methods and means for determining the composition and physicochemical properties of a substance Educational objectives UE-9 The student must: have an idea of ​​the physicochemical methods of gas analysis; know: - types of electrical measurement methods, - what the operation of electrical, conductometric, coulometric gas analyzers is based on, - thermal measurement method, - magnetic measurement method, - the principle of operation of devices based on these measurement methods, - the principle of operation of chemical gas analyzers; be able to use modern achievements when choosing instruments for determining the composition and physical and chemical properties of a substance; twenty

21 to own the methods of choosing these devices from the set of existing ones, in relation to a specific task. For successful mastering of the UE-9 material, you should study paragraph 3.9 of the educational material of the UMK (methods and means for determining the composition and physicochemical properties of a substance). UE-10. Methods and means for measuring the level. Educational goals of UE-10. The student must: have an idea of ​​what determines the choice of the method for controlling the level of liquid; know: - methods of level measurement, - liquid level measurement schemes, - device and principle of operation of level gauges, level alarms, - measurement range, - measurement errors; be able to use modern advances in the selection of level gauges and level alarms in the automation schemes of TGV systems; own methods of choosing these devices from the set of existing ones, in relation to a specific task. To successfully master the UE-10 material, you should study the UMK educational material (methods and means for measuring the level). UE-11. Practical lesson 5 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the educational material of the UMK (measuring the level of a non-aggressive liquid in an open tank using differential pressure gauges). UE-K Final control by module After studying this module, you need to test your knowledge by answering questions or completing tasks. Questions for preliminary control to UE-1: 1. How are expansion thermometers arranged? 2. What are resistance thermometers and thermistors used for? 3. Explain the method of measuring temperature with a thermocouple. 4. When are glass thermometers used in metal frames? 5. What is the calibration characteristic of a thermoelectric thermometer? 6. What secondary instruments are used to measure temperature with resistance thermometers? 7. What is the difference between the frame of glass thermometers type A and type B? 8. Why in liquid thermometers the bulb must be located at the same level with the gauge spring? Test tasks for UE-1: 1. In which manometric thermometers the thermocylinder is filled with low-boiling liquid and its vapors: a) in gas; b) in condensation; c) in liquid? 2. Which of the following devices cannot measure the temperature of minus 80 ºС: a) liquid thermometers, b) manometric thermometers, c) resistance thermometers? 21

22 3. Which of the following devices cannot measure the temperature of 800 ºС: a) thermoelectric thermometers, b) resistance thermometers? 4. Which thermocouples (what calibration) is most correct to use for measuring the temperature of 900 ºС: a) graduation PP-1; b) HA grading; c) grading XK? 5. What thermocouples (what calibration) can be used to measure the temperature of 1200 ºС: a) graduation PP-1; b) HA grading; c) grading XK? 6. In what cases a thermoelectric power can arise in a thermocouple: a) at two identical (homogeneous) thermoelectrodes and different temperatures of the working and free ends? b) with two dissimilar thermoelectrodes and the same temperatures of the working and free ends? c) at two dissimilar thermoelectrodes and different temperatures of the working and free ends? 7. Which resistance thermometers are most efficient to use for measuring the temperature of minus 25 ºС: a) copper, b) platinum, c) semiconductor? Questions for preliminary control to UE-3: 1. What body temperature is measured by optical pyrometers? 2. What method of measuring temperature is the basis of the pyrometer's operation? 3. Which of the following wavelengths are perceived during temperature measurements with optical pyrometers: a) 0.55 µm, b) 0.65 µm; c) 0.75 μm? 4. What temperature do photoelectric pyrometers show: a) brightness, b) radiation, c) real? 5. How are radiation pyrometers calibrated? Questions for preliminary control to UE-4: 1. What is gauge, vacuum and absolute pressure? 2. Is it possible to measure pressure with a differential pressure gauge? underpressure? 3. How is the measured pressure converted in spring and diaphragm pressure gauges? 4. Why is the pressure gauge spring straightening? 5. What is a separating diaphragm? 6. What is the difference between a single-tube pressure gauge and a U-shaped one? 7. What are the main sources of error when measuring with a U-gauge? 8. What is a strain gauge? 9. What is the principle of the "Sapphire" type sensor? 10. What is the sensitive element of this sensor? Questions for preliminary control to UE-6 1. Give the definition of "Humidity is". 2. Continue with the sentence "Air humidity is estimated". 3. List the methods for measuring air humidity. 4. Where is the hygroscopic measurement method used? 22

23 5. What is the dew point method? 6. What are the disadvantages of sensors based on this method? 7. Explain the meaning of the "electrolytic method" for measuring air humidity. 8. What is the main disadvantage of heating sensors. Questions for preliminary control to UE-7 1. Continue the sentence "Consumption of the substance is". 2. What is the name of the devices for measuring the flow rate of a substance? To measure the amount of a substance? 3. List the groups of flow meters. 4. What types of constriction devices do you know? 5. Why does a float float in a glass flowmeter? 6. What is the difference between full head and high-speed head? 7. What is the difference between the pressure drop across the orifice and the pressure loss? 8. How is the pressure drop across an annular differential pressure gauge measured? 9. List the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic flow meters. 10. What is the principle of operation of electromagnetic flow meters based on? 11. How are the quantity counters divided according to the principle of operation? Questions for preliminary control to UE-9 1. What are the physicochemical methods of gas analysis? 2. What is the electrical measurement method? 3. What is the principle of operation of conductometric, coulometric gas analyzers based on? 4. Continue with the sentence "Thermal measurement method based on ...". 5. When is the magnetic measurement method used? 6. What is the principle of operation of chemical gas analyzers? 7. Why is the combustion quality control carried out by oxygen? 8. What is the principle of operation of thermomagnetic oxygen meters? 9. What is the difference between automatic gas analyzers and portable ones and what are their advantages and disadvantages? Questions for preliminary control to the UE What determines the choice of the method of level measurement? 2. How are level measuring devices classified? 3. What is a differential pressure gauge used for in level measurement circuits? 4. Will overpressure in the vessel affect the float reading? Capacitive level gauge? 5. What properties of the measured liquid affect the measurement result of the hydrostatic level transmitter? 6. What are the differences between level gauges and level switches? 7. How does a float level gauge work? 8. Why does the capacitance between the electrodes change depending on the level? 9. Where is the source and receiver of ultrasonic waves located when measuring the level? 10. Why do you need a level vessel when measuring the level with differential pressure gauges? 23

24 Module 4. Intermediate devices of the systems UE-1 UE-2 UE-3 UE-4 UE-5 UE-6 UE-K UE-1 Amplifier-converting devices. UE-2 Regulatory authorities. UE-3 Practical lesson 6. UE-4 Actuators. UE-5 Automatic regulators. UE-6 Practical lesson 7. UE-K Control by module. Module 4. Intermediate devices of systems Training manual UE-1. Amplifier-converting devices Educational purposes UE-1 The student should: have an idea of ​​the purpose of the amplifier in the automatic control system; know: - the classification of amplifiers, - the requirements for amplifiers, - the types of hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical amplifiers, - relay control devices, - the principle of operation of electronic amplifiers, - the need to use multi-stage amplification; own methods of choosing amplifiers, relays from the set of existing ones, in relation to a specific task; be able to use modern advances when choosing amplifiers in automation schemes; For successful mastering of the UE-1 material, you should study clause 4.1 of the educational material UMK (amplifying-converting devices). UE-2. Regulatory Authorities Learning Objectives UE-2 The student should: have an understanding of the role of distribution authorities; know: - the main types of regulatory bodies, - the characteristics of regulatory bodies, - the purpose of regulatory devices; own the methodology for calculating regulatory bodies; be able to use reference literature and calculation when selecting regulatory bodies. For successful mastering of the UE-2 material, you should study clause 4.2 of the educational material of the UMK (regulatory bodies). 24

25 UE-3. Practical lesson 6 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with clause 4.3 of the educational material UMK (Calculation of a regulating body for regulating water flow). UE-4. Executive mechanisms Learning objectives UE-4 The student should: have an idea of ​​the role of executive mechanisms; know: - the principle of classification of servomotors, - the main characteristics of servomotors, - structural diagrams of electric servomotors, - the purpose of hydraulic, pneumatic actuators, - the classification of electric motors, - the requirements for actuators; own methods of selecting actuators from the set of existing ones, in relation to a specific task; be able to use reference literature when choosing actuators. For successful mastering of the UE-4 material, you should study clause 4.4 of the educational material UMK (actuators) UE-5. Automatic regulators Educational goals UE-5 The student should: have an idea of ​​the purpose of automatic regulators in the technological process; know: - the structure of the automatic regulator, - the classification of automatic regulators, - the basic properties of the regulators, - the features of the regulators of discontinuous and continuous action, - the choice of the optimal values ​​of the parameters of the regulator, - the criteria for choosing the regulator by the type of action; own methods for selecting a regulator based on approximate information about the object; be able to use reference literature when choosing an automatic regulator. For successful mastering of the UE-5 material, you should study clause 4.5 of the educational material UMK (Automatic regulators). UE-6. Practical lesson 7 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with clause 4.6 of the educational material of the UMK (Choice of a regulator based on the calculation according to the given control scheme). UE-K. Final control on the module After studying this module, you need to test your knowledge by answering questions or completing tasks. Questions for preliminary control to UE-1 1. What is the main purpose of the amplifiers in the ATS? 2. How amplifiers are classified, compare them. 25

26 3. What are the requirements for amplifiers? 4. What is called amplifier sensitivity? 5. Where are pneumatic boosters used? 6. What are spool boosters? 7. What are called operational amplifiers? 8. When are electronic amplifiers used? 9. What is multistage amplification? 10. Where is multistage amplification used? Questions for preliminary control to UE-2 1. What is the purpose of the regulatory body? 2. What do the functional and design features of regulatory bodies depend on? 3. What regulatory bodies are called chokes, what are they? 4. What are the main characteristics of RO? 5. What is the design characteristic of RO? 6. Under what conditions is the flow rate characteristic of RO built? 7. List the disadvantages of single-seated valves. 8. What are the conditions for installing RO? Questions for preliminary control to UE-4 1. What types of actuators do you know? 2. List the basic requirements for executive devices. 3. What are the main characteristics of servomotors. 4. How are electric motors classified? 5. What are electromagnetic drives used for? Questions for preliminary control to UE-5 1. By what criteria are regulators classified? 2. Give the definition "an automatic regulator consists of". 3. List the discontinuous regulators. 4. What regulators are continuous regulators? 5. How are regulators distinguished depending on the type of external energy used? 6. What are the main properties of regulators you know? 7. What is an amplifier used in regulators for? 26

27 Module 5. Methods of information transmission in systems UE-1 UE-2 UE-3 UE-4 UE-5 UE-6 UE-K UE-1 Classification and purpose of telemechanics systems. UE-2 Telecontrol, telesignalization, telemetry systems. UE-3 Practical lesson 8. UE-4 Principles of construction of the UVK. UE-5 Purpose and general characteristics of controllers. UE-6 Practical lesson 9. UE-K Output control by module. Module 5. Methods of transferring information in systems Training Manual UE-1. Classification and purpose of telemechanics systems Educational goals UE-1 The student must: have an idea of ​​the ways of transmitting information; know: - classification and purpose of telemechanical systems, - telemechanics tasks, - basic concepts of information transformation, - functions of telemechanics devices used in systems, - concepts of "channel", "signal", "noise immunity", "modulation"; be able to use the knowledge gained in practice. For successful mastering of the UE-1 material, you should study clause 5.1 of the educational material of the UMK (classification and purpose of telemechanics systems). UE-2. Telecontrol, telesignalization, telemetry systems Educational purposes UE-2 The student must: have an idea of ​​telemetry, telecontrol and telesignalization systems; know: - the purpose of telemetry systems, - circuits for telemeasuring near and long range, - the purpose of telecontrol and telesignalization systems, - the classification of telecontrol devices, - the appointment of valves in the telecontrol systems; be able to use the knowledge gained in practice. To successfully master the UE-2 material, you should study clause 5.2 of the educational material of the EMC (telecontrol, telemetry and telesignalization systems). 27

28 UE-3. Practical lesson 8 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with clause 5.3 of the educational material of the UMK (conventional-graphic designation of instruments and automation equipment). UE-4. Principles of construction of UHK Educational goals of UE-4 The student must: have an idea of ​​the role of computers in the control of the technological process; know: - the prerequisites for the creation of the UVK, - the functions of the UVK in the control of the technological process, - the difference between the UVK and the universal computers, - the block diagram of the inclusion of the UVK in the closed loop of the technological process; be able to use reference books on microprocessor technology. For successful mastering of the UE-4 material, you should study clause 5.4 of the educational material of the EMC (principles of constructing the UE-4). UE-5. Purpose and general characteristics of industrial controllers Educational goals UE-5 The student must: have an idea of ​​the need to use controllers in the process control system; know: - the functions and purpose of industrial controllers, - modern trends in the construction of industrial controllers, - the hardware of industrial controllers; be able to use reference literature on industrial controllers. For successful mastering of the UE-5 material, you should study clause 5.5 of the educational material of the UMK (purpose and general characteristics of industrial controllers). UE-6. Practical lesson 9 To perform this work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with clause 5.6 of the educational material of the UMK (rules for the designation of devices and technical means of automation). UE-K. Output control by the module After studying this module, you need to test your knowledge by answering the following questions: Questions for preliminary control to UE-1 1. What is the role of telemechanical systems in the control system? 2. List the functions performed by telemechanics devices used in TGV systems. 3. List the main tasks of telemechanics. 4. What is telemetry used for in THV systems? 5. What allows telecontrol? 6. What is TV signaling used for? 7. Give a definition to the following concepts: Communication channel Signal Immunity 28

29 Impulse Modulation Questions for preliminary control to UE-2 1. What are the short-range and long-range telemetry systems used for? 2. Explain the principle of operation of the long-range telemetry circuit. 3. What is the difference between telecontrol systems and remote and local control systems? 4. What is selectivity? 5. How are telecontrol devices classified? 6. What are the distributors used for? 7. What are used as distributors? Questions for preliminary control to UE-4 1. In connection with what the idea of ​​using a computer with a technological process control system arose? 2. What is UVK? 3. What are the differences between UVK and mainframe computers. 4. Through what devices is the UVK interaction with the external environment carried out? 5. What are ADC and DAC for? 6. What functions does the digital signal input device perform? 7. Name the function of the digital signal output device. 8. What is the interrupt system for? 9. What are the rules for operating a computer? Questions for preliminary control to UE-5 1. What is the use of a PC for? 2. What are the current trends in PC building. 3. List the basic functions of the PC. 4. What is PC hardware? 5. What does the PC memory provide? 6. What do PC communication tools implement? 7. What is the function of I / O devices? 8. What is the function of the PC indication means? 29

30 LEARNING MATERIALS CHAPTER 1. PURPOSE AND BASIC FUNCTIONS OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM 1.1. Measurement of parameters of technological processes. Principles and methods of measurement For the quality management of any technological process, it is necessary to control several characteristic quantities, called process parameters. In heat and gas supply and microclimate conditioning systems, the main parameters are temperature, heat fluxes, humidity, pressure, flow rate, liquid level and some others. As a result of the control, it is necessary to establish whether the actual state (property) of the controlled object meets the specified technological requirements. Monitoring of the parameters of the systems is carried out using measurement controls. Simple and sometimes very complex processes in automated systems begin with the measurement process, and the result of further transformation in subsequent elements of the system depends on the accuracy with which the initial value is measured. The essence of the measurement is obtaining quantitative information about the parameters by comparing the current value of the technological parameter with some of its value taken as a unit. The measurement result is an idea of ​​the quality characteristics of the controlled objects. In direct measurements, the value of X and the result of its measurement Y are found directly from the experimental data and expressed in the same units, Χ = Υ. For example, the temperature reading from a glass thermometer. In indirect measurements, the sought value Υ is functionally related to the values ​​of quantities measured by direct methods: Υ = f (x1, x2, ... x n). For example, measuring the flow rate of a liquid or gas by the pressure drop across a restriction device. The measurement principle is understood as a set of physical phenomena on which measurements are based. Measuring instruments, measures, measuring instruments, devices and converters. thirty

31 Measurement method is a set of principles and measuring instruments. There are three main methods of measurement: direct assessment, comparison with a measure (compensatory) and zero. In the method of direct assessment, the value of the measured quantity is determined directly by the reading device of the device, for example, a glass thermometer, a spring pressure gauge, etc. In the second case, the compensation method, the measured value is compared with a measure, for example, the emf of a thermocouple with a known emf of a normal element. The effect of the null method is to balance the measurand with the known one. It is used in bridge measurement circuits. Depending on the distance between the measurement site and the indicating device, measurements can be local or local, remote and telemetry. Monitoring of system parameters is carried out using various measuring devices. These include measuring instruments and measuring transducers. Means of measurement designed to generate a signal of measurement information in a form that can be directly perceived by an observer is called a measuring device. A measuring instrument that generates a signal in a form convenient for transmission, further transformation, processing and (or) storage, but does not allow the observer to carry out direct perception, is called a measuring transducer. The set of devices with which automatic control operations are performed is called an automatic control system (ACS). The main functions of the SAC are: perception of the monitored parameters using sensors, the implementation of the specified requirements for the monitored object, the comparison of parameters with the norms, the formation of a judgment about the state of the monitored object (based on the analysis of this comparison), and the issuance of control results. Before the advent of automatic control devices and digital computers (DVM), the main consumer of measurement information was the experimenter, the dispatcher. In modern ACS, the measuring information from the instruments goes directly to the automatic control devices. Under these conditions, it is mainly used

Extensions, gauge thermometers. Thermoelectric converters, foundations of the theory of thermocouples. Thermoelectric materials. Standard thermoelectric converters. Temperature correction

1. General information about measurement. Basic measurement equation. 2. Classification of measurements according to the method of obtaining the result (direct, indirect, aggregate and joint). 3. Methods of measurement (direct


Lecture 4 Devices for obtaining information about the state of the process Devices of this group of technical means of GSP are designed to collect and transform information without changing its content about controlled

1. Explanatory note 1.1. Requirements for students To successfully master the discipline, the student must know the basic concepts and methods of mathematical analysis, linear algebra, the theory of differential


Instrumentation and Automation Engineer's Handbook CONTENTS CHAPTER I. FROM THE HISTORY OF MEASUREMENTS ... 5 1.1. Metrology ... 5 1.1.1. Metrology as a science of measurement ... 5 Methods of measurement ...

1. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISCIPLINE Name of credit indicators full-time ECTS 3 Enlarged group, direction of training (profile, master's program), specialties, program

Working programm F SO PSU 7.18.2 / 06 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova Department of Heat Power Engineering WORKING PROGRAM of the discipline

Annotation to the working program "Means and controls" areas of training: 220700.62 "Automation of technological processes and production" profile "Automation of technological processes and production

M. V. KULAKOV Technological measurements and devices for chemical industries Edition 3, revised and supplemented "Approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR as

The task of the Olympiad "Knowledge Line: Measuring Instruments" Instructions for completing the task: I. Carefully read the instructions for section II. Read question III carefully. Correct answer option (only

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University"

Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region Tambov Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Kotovsky Industrial College" Rabochaya


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Lipetsk State Technical University" Metallurgical Institute APPROVED Director Chuprov

"APPROVED" Dean of TEF GV Kuznetsov 2009 METROLOGY, STANDARDIZATION AND CERTIFICATION Work program for the direction 140400 Technical physics specialty 140404 - Nuclear power plants and

Federal Agency for Education St. Petersburg State University of Low Temperature and Food Technologies Department of Automation and Automation METROLOGY, STANDARDIZATION AND CERTIFICATION


R 50.2.026-2002 UDC 681.125 088: 006.354 T80 RECOMMENDATIONS ON METROLOGY State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements

1 2 3 Signing the RPD for execution in the next academic year Approved by: Vice-Rector for SD 2015 The work program was revised, discussed and approved for implementation in the 2015-2016 academic year at the meeting

5 semester 1. Electronic devices. Basic definitions, purpose, principles of construction. 2. Feedback in electronic devices. 3. Electronic amplifier. Definition, classification, structural

FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMS OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CONTROL Lecture 3 Appendix. Automation of chemical engineering processes Specification and metrological characteristics of devices and tools

Lecture 3 MEASURING MEANS AND THEIR ERRORS 3.1 Types of measuring instruments A measuring instrument (MI) is a technical means intended for measurements, having normalized metrological characteristics,

STATE STANDARD OF THE UNION SSR System of design documentation for construction AUTOMATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES Symbols of conventional devices and automation equipment in the diagrams Decree

Edited by A. S. Klyuev. Adjustment of measuring instruments and technological control systems: Reference book Reviewer G. A. Gelman Editor A. Kh. Dubrovsky 2nd edition, revised and enlarged

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Mordovia State University named after



1. The list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline (module) correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program 1.1 List of planned learning outcomes in the discipline

The purpose of the laboratory work is to study the design and principle of operation of the measuring transducers of the State System of Instruments (GSP), as well as to gain practical experience in performing metrological

Annotation to the work program of the discipline "Metrology, standardization and certification in infocommunications" The work program is intended for teaching the discipline "Metrology, standardization and certification


GOST 21.404-85 UDC 69: 006.354 Group Ж01 INTERSTATE STANDARD System of design documentation for construction AUTOMATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES Symbols of conventional devices

1 Questions 1. Give a graph of the calibration characteristics of the thermocouple. Write down the expression E.D.S. thermocouples in such a form that for any and t 2 it was possible to use the thermocouple calibration table.

Lecture 5 MEASURING MEANS AND ERRORS 5.1 Types of measuring instruments A measuring instrument (MI) is a technical means intended for measurements, having normalized metrological characteristics,

1. Goals and objectives of mastering the program of the discipline The goal of mastering the program of the discipline: "Electrotechnical devices in automatic control systems" is the formation of students' independent

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow "FOOD COLLEGE 33" WORKING PROGRAM OF THE SCHOOL OP.05 "Automation

2 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline The goal of the discipline is the acquisition by students of knowledge about the principles of operation, basic parameters, designs of sensors, measuring transducers based on them and sensors of various

1. CLASSIFICATION OF MEASURING CONVERTERS 1.1. Basic concepts and definitions Measurement transformation is a reflection of the size of one physical quantity by the size of another physical

Lecture 4. 2.4. Technological information transmission channels. 2.5. Amplifying converting elements The transmission of technological information over a distance can be carried out in different ways: 1.

1. Objectives of mastering the discipline Studying the concepts, definitions and terms of the discipline, the device and the principle of operation of the executive devices of automation in systems with both hardware and software control.

Ticket 1 1. The composition of the automation systems. Functional diagram of the automatic control system (ACS). 2. Potentiometric sensors. Appointment principle of operation, designs, characteristics 3. Magnetic

This system is a set of measures to ensure the implementation of the established procedure for the implementation of foreign economic activity in relation to products, services and technologies of dual use.

Instruments for measuring liquid level are subdivided into: visual; hydrostatic; float and buoy; electrical; acoustic (ultrasonic); radioisotope level gauges. Visual level gauges



Fisheries Committee Kamchatka State Technical University Maritime Faculty Department of E and EOS APPROVED Dean 00 technical systems»

Contents Introduction ... 5 1. Overview of methods and means for measuring DC and AC voltages ... 7 1.1 Overview of methods for measuring DC and AC voltages ... 7 1.1.1. Direct method

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE of the Russian Federation State educational institution of higher professional education "TYUMEN STATE OIL AND GAS UNIVERSITY"

Lecture 5 Automatic regulators in control systems and their adjustment Automatic regulators with typical relay control algorithms, proportional (P), proportional-integral (PI),

UDC 621.6 METERING SYSTEMS FOR OIL PRODUCTS AT THE BANK FACTORY Danilova E.S., Popova T.A., scientific director Cand. tech. Nadeikin I.V. Siberian Federal University Oil and Gas Institute Still in

Approved by order of Water Supply Concessions LLC dated 05/14/2018 168 p / p PRICE LIST PRICE 4 for services provided by Water Supply Concessions LLC Name of measuring instruments Cost with VAT, rub. 1 2 3


Department of Education of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug GBOU SPO YANAO "MMK" Working program of the discipline P.00 Professional cycle APPROVED: Deputy. Director for UMR E.Yu. Zakharova 0 Y. WORKER

On 12 sheets, sheet 2. 4 Piston-type calibration equipment (25 1775) m 3 / h PG ± 0.05% 5 Counters, flow meters, liquid flow transducers, mass flow meters. (0.1 143360) m 3 / h (simulation

Manufacturing: Pressure, temperature, level, flow sensors, heat meters, recorders, power supplies, spark protection barriers, metrological equipment, training stands, wireless sensors About the company.

Automation of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems. 1986

Foreword .... 3
Introduction ... 5

Section I. Basics of automation of production processes

Chapter 1. General information....8
1.1 The importance of automatic control of production processes ... 8
1.2 Conditions, aspects and stages of automation ... 9
1.3 Features of the automation of hot water systems ... 11

Chapter 2. Basic concepts and definitions....12
2.1 Characteristics of technological processes ... 13
2.2 Basic definitions ... 14
2.3 Classification of automation subsystems ... 15

Section II. Foundations of control and regulation theory

Chapter 3. Physical foundations of control and structure of systems....18

3.1 The concept of managing simple processes (objects) ... 18
3.2 The essence of the management process ... 21
3.3 Understanding Feedback ... 23
3.4 Automatic regulator and structure of automatic regulation system ... 25
3.5 Two control methods ... 28
3.6 Basic principles of management ... 31

Chapter 4. Control object and its properties....33
4.1 Storage capacity of the object ... 34
4.2 Self-regulation. Influence of Internal Feedback ... 35
4.3 Lagging ... 38
4.4 Static characteristics of the object ... 39
4.5 Dynamic mode of object ... 41
4.6 Mathematical models of the simplest objects ... 43
4.7 Manageability of objects ... 49

Chapter 5. Typical research methods for ACP and ACS....50
5.1 The concept of a link in an automatic system ... 50
5.2 Basic typical dynamic links ... 52
5.3 Operational method in automation ... 53
5.4 Symbolic notation of equations of dynamics ... 55
5.5 Structural diagrams. Linking ... 58
5.6 Transfer functions of typical objects ... 60

Section III. Automation technology and equipment

Chapter 6. Measurement and control of technological process parameters....63
6.1 Classification of measured values ​​... 63
6.2 Principles and methods of measurement (control) ... 64
6.3 Accuracy and uncertainties of measurements ... 65
6.4 Classification of measuring equipment and sensors ... 67
6.5 Sensor characteristics ... 69
6.6 State system of industrial instruments and automation equipment ... 70

Chapter 7. Means for measuring the main parameters in THV systems....71
7.1 Temperature sensors ... 72
7.2 Gas (air) humidity sensors ... 77
7.3 Pressure (vacuum) sensors ... 80
7.4 Flow sensors ... 82
7.5 Measuring the amount of heat ... 84
7.6 Level sensors for the separation of two media ... 85
7.7 Determination of the chemical composition of substances ... 87
7.8 Other measurements ... 89
7.9 Basic circuits for connecting electrical sensors of non-electrical quantities ... 90
7.10 Summing devices ... 94
7.11 Signaling Methods ... 96

Chapter 8. Amplifier-converting devices....97
8.1 Hydraulic boosters ... 97
8.2 Pneumatic boosters ... 101
8.3 Electrical amplifiers. Relay .... 102
8.4 Electronic amplifiers ... 104
8.5 Multistage amplification ... 107

Chapter 9. Executive devices....108
9.1 Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators ... 109
9.2 Electrical actuators ... 111

Chapter 10. Driving devices....114
10.1 Classification of controllers by the nature of the control action ... 114
10.2 Basic types of drivers ... 115
10.3 ACP and microcomputer .... 117

Chapter 11. Regulatory authorities....122
11.1 Characteristics of the distributor bodies ... 123
11.2 Basic types of distributor bodies ... 124
11.3 Control devices ... 126
11.4 Static calculations of regulator elements ... 127

Chapter 12. Automatic regulators....129
12.1 Classification of automatic regulators ... 130
12.2 Basic properties of regulators ... 131
12.3 Regulators continuous and intermittent action ... 133

Chapter 13. Automatic control systems....137
13.1 Control statics ... 138
13.2 Control dynamics ... 140
13.3 Transient processes in ACP .... 143
13.4 Stability of regulation ... 144
13.5 Criteria for stability ... 146
13.6 Quality of regulation ... 149
13.7 Basic laws (algorithms) of regulation ... 152
13.8 Associated regulation ... 160
13.9 Comparative characteristics and selection of the regulator ... 161
13.10 Controller settings ... 164
13.11 Reliability of ACP ... 166

Section IV. Automation technology and equipment

Chapter 14. Design of automation schemes, installation and operation of automation devices....168
14.1 Basics of designing automation schemes ... 168
14.2 Installation, adjustment and operation of automation equipment ... 170

Chapter 15. Automatic remote control of electric motors....172
15.1 Principles of relay-contactor control ... 172
15.2 Control of an asynchronous electric motor with a squirrel-cage rotor ... 174
15.3 Controlling a wound rotor motor ... 176
15.4 Reversing and control of standby motors ... 177
15.5 Equipment for remote control circuits ... 179

Chapter 16. Heating systems automation....183
16.1 Basic principles of automation ... 183
16.2 Automation of district heating stations ... 187
16.3 Automation of pumping units ... 190
16.4 Automation of feeding heating networks ... 192
16.5 Automation of condensate and drainage devices ... 193
16.6 Automatic protection of the heating network against overpressure ... 195
16.7 Automation of group heating points ... 197

Chapter 17. Automation of heat consumption systems....200
17.1 Automation of hot water supply systems .... 201
17.2 Principles of thermal management of buildings ... 202
17.3 Automation of heat supply in local heat points ... 205
17.4 Individual regulation of the thermal regime of heated rooms ... 213
17.5 Pressure regulation in heating systems ... 218

Chapter 18. Low power boiler automation....219
18.1 Basic principles of boiler automation ... 219
18.2 Automation of steam generators ... 221
18.3 Technological protection of boilers ... 225
18.4 Boiler automation ... 225
18.5 Automation of gas-fired boilers ... 228
18.6 Automation of micro-boilers fuel-burning devices ... 232
18.7 Automation of water treatment systems ... 233
18.8 Automation of fuel preparation devices ... 235

Chapter 19. Automation of ventilation systems....237
19.1 Automation of exhaust ventilation systems ... 237
19.2 Automation of aspiration and pneumatic conveying systems ... 240
19.3 Automation of aeration devices ... 241
19.4 Methods of air temperature control ... 243
19.5 Automation of supply ventilation systems ... 246
19.6 Automation of air curtains ... 250
19.7 Automation of air heating ... 251

Chapter 20. Automation of artificial climate installations....253
20.1 Thermodynamic fundamentals of SCR automation .... 253
20.2 Principles and methods of humidity control in SCR ... 255
20.3 Automation of central VCS .... 256
20.4 Automation of refrigeration plants ... 261
20.5 Automation of autonomous air conditioners ... 264

Chapter 21. Automation of gas supply and gas consumption systems....265
21.1 Automatic regulation of gas pressure and flow ... 265
21.2 Automation of gas-powered installations ... 270
21.3 Automatic protection of underground pipelines against electrochemical corrosion ... 275
21.4 Automation when working with liquid gases ... 277

Chapter 22. Telemechanics and dispatching....280
22.1 Basic concepts ... 280
22.2 Construction of telemechanics schemes ... 282
22.3 Telemechanics and dispatching in TGV systems ... 285

Chapter 23. Prospects for the development of automatic heating systems....288
23.1 Feasibility study of automation ... 288
23.2 New directions of automation of heating systems ... 289

Appendix .... 293

Literature .... 296

Index .... 297

ON. Popov




Novosibirsk 2007



ON. Popov



Novosibirsk 2007

ON. Popov

Automation of heat and gas supply and ventilation systems

Tutorial. - Novosibirsk: NGASU (Sibstrin), 2007.
The tutorial discusses the principles of developing automation schemes and existing engineering solutions for the automation of specific heat and gas supply and heat consumption systems, boiler plants, ventilation systems and microclimate conditioning systems.

The manual is intended for students studying in the specialty 270109 of the direction "Construction".


- P.T. Ponamarev, Ph.D. associate professor of the department

electrical engineering and electrotechnology SGUPS

- D.V. Zedgenizov, Ph.D., senior researcher laboratory of mine aerodynamics, IGD SB RAS

© Popov N.A. 2007 year



Introduction ................................................. ................................


1. Basics of designing automated systems

heat and gas supply and ventilation ………………………


1.1 Design stages and composition of the system design

process automation ........................


1.2. Initial data for design ...........................


1.3. Purpose and content of the functional diagram ........


2. Automation of heat supply systems ..............................


2.1. Tasks and principles of automation .................................


2.2. Automation of CHP plant make-up devices .................


2.3. Automation of heating deaerators ………


2.4. Automation of main and peak heaters ...


2.5. Automation of pumping substations ...............................


3. Automation of heat consumption systems ...........................


3.1. General remarks………………......................................


3.2. Automation of central heating …………… ..................................… ..


3.3. Automatic regulation of hydraulic modes and protection of heat consumption systems ……………… ..


4. Automation of boiler plants ……………………


4.1. Basic principles of boiler automation ………


4.2. Steam boiler automation …………………………


4.3. Automation of hot water boilers ……………………


5. Automation of ventilation systems …………………


5.1. Automation of supply chambers ……………………….


5.2. Automation of aspiration systems ………………………


5.3. Automation of exhaust ventilation systems ... ..


5.4. Automation of air-thermal curtains ………………


6. Automation of air conditioning systems ……


6.1. Basic provisions …………………………………….


6.2. Automation of central storage facilities ………………………


7. Automation of gas supply systems …………………….


7.1. City gas networks and modes of their operation ………….


7.2. GDS automation ………………………………………


7.3. Automation of hydraulic fracturing ………………………………………


7.4. Automation of gas-using plants ………….




Modern industrial and public buildings are equipped with sophisticated engineering systems to ensure the microclimate, economic and industrial needs. The reliable and trouble-free operation of these systems cannot be ensured without their automation.

Automation tasks are most efficiently solved when they are worked out in the process of developing a technological process.

The creation of effective automation systems predetermines the need for a deep study of the technological process not only by designers, but also by specialists of installation, commissioning and operating organizations.

At present, the state of the art makes it possible to automate almost any technological process. The feasibility of automation is solved by finding the most rational technical solution and determining the economic efficiency. With the rational use of modern technical means of automation, labor productivity is increased, the cost of production is reduced, its quality is increased, working conditions are improved and the culture of production rises.

Automation of TGiV systems includes issues of control and regulation of technological parameters, control of electric drives of units, installations and actuators (IM), as well as issues of protection of systems and equipment in emergency modes.

The tutorial covers the basics of designing automation of technological processes, automation schemes and existing engineering solutions for the automation of TGiV systems using materials from standard projects and individual developments of design organizations. Much attention is paid to the choice of modern technical means of automation for specific systems.

The textbook includes materials for the second part of the course "Automation and control of heat and gas systems" and is intended for students studying in the specialty 270109 "Heat and gas supply and ventilation."




    1. Design stages and composition of the project
process automation systems
When developing project documentation for the automation of technological processes of objects, they are guided by building codes (SN) and building codes and regulations (SNiP), departmental building codes (VSN), state and industry standards.

In accordance with SNIP 1.02.01-85, the design of automation systems for technological processes is carried out in two stages: design and working documentation, or in one stage: working design.

The following basic documentation is being developed in the project: I) block diagram of management and control (for complex control systems); 2) functional diagrams of automation of technological processes; 3) plans for the location of boards, consoles, computer equipment, etc .; 4) application lists of instruments and automation equipment; 5) technical requirements for the development of non-standardized equipment; 6) explanatory note; 7) assignment to the general designer (related organizations or the customer) for developments related to the automation of the facility.

At the stage of working documentation, the following are developed: 1) a block diagram of management and control; 2) functional diagrams of automation of technological processes; 3) basic electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic circuits of control, automatic regulation, control, signaling and power supply; I) general types of boards and consoles; 5) wiring diagrams of boards and consoles; 6) diagrams of external electrical and pipe wiring; 7) explanatory note; 8) custom specifications of instruments and automation equipment, computer technology, electrical equipment, boards, consoles, etc.

In a two-stage design, structural and functional diagrams at the stage of working documentation are developed taking into account changes in the technological part or decisions on automation adopted during the approval of the project. In the absence of such changes, the mentioned drawings are included in the working documentation without revision.

In the working documentation, it is advisable to give calculations of regulating throttle bodies, as well as calculations for choosing regulators and determining the approximate values ​​of their settings for various technological modes of equipment operation.

The detailed design for one-stage design includes: a) technical documentation developed as part of working documentation for two-stage design; b) local estimates for equipment and installation; c) assignment to the general designer (related organizations or the customer) for work related to the automation of the facility.
1.2. Initial data for design
The initial data for the design are contained in the terms of reference for the development of an automatic process control system. The terms of reference are drawn up by the customer with the participation of a specialized organization entrusted with the development of the project.

The assignment for the design of an automation system contains the technical requirements imposed on it by the customer. In addition, a set of materials required for design is attached to it.

The main elements of the assignment are the list of objects of automation of technological units and installations, as well as the functions performed by the control and regulation system, which provides automation of the control of these objects. The task contains a number of data defining the general requirements and characteristics of the system, as well as describing control objects: 1) the basis for design; 2) operating conditions of the system; 3) a description of the technological process.

The basis for the design contains links to planning documents that determine the procedure for designing an automated process, the planned design timeframe, the stages of design, the permissible level of costs for creating a control system, a feasibility study for the feasibility of designing automation and an assessment of the readiness of an object for automation.

The description of the operating conditions of the designed system contains the conditions of the technological process (for example, the class of explosion and fire hazard of premises, the presence of an aggressive, humid, damp, dusty environment, etc.), requirements for the degree of centralization of control and management, for the choice of control modes, to the unification of automation equipment, conditions for the repair and maintenance of the fleet of devices at the enterprise.

The description of the technological process includes: a) technological schemes of the process; b) drawings of production facilities with the placement of technological equipment; c) drawings of technological equipment with an indication of design units for the installation of control sensors; d) power supply schemes; e) air supply schemes; f) data for calculating control and regulation systems; g) data for calculating the technical and economic efficiency of automation systems.

1.3. Purpose and content of the functional diagram
Functional diagrams (automation diagrams) are the main technical document that defines the functional-block structure of individual nodes for automatic monitoring, control and regulation of the technological process and equipping the control object with instruments and automation equipment.

Automation functional diagrams serve as the source material for the development of all other documents of the automation project and establish:

a) the optimal amount of automation of the technological process; b) technological parameters subject to automatic control, regulation, signaling and interlocks; c) basic technical means of automation; d) placement of automation equipment - local devices, selective devices, equipment on local and central boards and consoles, control rooms, etc .; e) the relationship between automation tools.

On functional diagrams of automation, communications and liquid and gas pipelines are depicted with symbols in accordance with GOST 2.784-70, and pipeline parts, fittings, heating and sanitary devices and equipment - in accordance with GOST 2.785-70.

Devices, automation equipment, electrical devices and elements of computer technology on functional diagrams are shown in accordance with GOST 21.404-85. In the standard, primary and secondary converters, regulators, electrical equipment are shown with circles with a diameter of 10 mm, actuators - with circles with a diameter of 5 mm. The circle is separated by a horizontal line when depicting devices installed on boards, consoles. In the upper part of it, the measured or adjustable value and the functional characteristics of the device (indication, registration, regulation, etc.) are written with a conventional code, in the lower part - the position number according to the diagram.

The most commonly used designations of measured quantities in THG systems: D- density; E- any electrical quantity; F- consumption; N- manual action; TO- time, program; L- level; M- humidity; R- pressure (vacuum); Q- quality, composition, concentration of the environment; S- speed, frequency; T- temperature; W- weight.

Additional letters specifying the designation of the measured quantities: D- difference, drop; F- ratio; J- automatic switching, running around; Q- integration, summation over time.

Functions performed by the device: a) display of information: A-alarm; I- indication; R- registration; b) formation of a beneficial signal: WITH- regulation; S- enable, disable, switch, alarm ( N and L- respectively, the upper and lower limits of the parameters).

Additional letter designations reflecting the functional characteristics of the devices: E- sensitive element (primary transformation); T- remote transmission (intermediate conversion); TO- control station. Signal type: E- electric; R- pneumatic; G- hydraulic.

The symbol of the device should reflect those signs that are used in the scheme. For example, PD1- a device for measuring the differential pressure, showing a differential pressure gauge, Pic- a device for measuring pressure (vacuum), showing with a contact device (electrocontact pressure gauge, vacuum gauge), LCS-electric contact level regulator, TS- thermostat, THOSE- temperature sensor, FQ1- a device for measuring the flow rate (diaphragm, nozzle, etc.)

An example of a functional diagram (see Fig. 1.1),
Rice. 1. 1. An example of a functional diagram

automation of the reduction and cooling plant

where the technological equipment is shown in the upper part of the drawing, and below in the rectangles are devices installed in place and on the operator's (automation) panel. On the functional diagram, all devices and automation equipment are designated by letters and numbers.

The contours of technological equipment on functional diagrams are recommended to be performed with lines 0.6-1.5 mm thick; pipeline communications 0.6-1.5 mm; devices and automation equipment 0.5-0.6 mm; communication lines 0.2-0.3 mm.