How to breed plaster: All about the preparation of the perfect solution. How to make gypsum at home

Or for making small sculptures. The technology of preparing the solution is quite simple. The main thing is to know what kind of ratio components are mixed. It is worth noting that the gypsum is the main material for making crafts.

What is plaster

Before answering the question, how to properly breed plaster for crafts, it is worth understanding what kind of material it is. First of all, it is very plastic. Gypsum can be applied to almost any kind of surfaces. The material is easily processed and quickly solidified. Gypsum is used in many industries: as a fertilizer, as one of the components of paper and cellulose production, as component of enamels and paints. Use the material also for the manufacture of internal decorative elements. Often, the gypsum is used as a binder component in construction.

Disadvantages of material

Since breeding plaster for crafts is a simple process, it is worth considering certain disadvantages of the material. This will greatly facilitate work with him. First of all, the gypsum has low hygroscopicity and strength. Therefore, use decor elements made from this material, indoors with high humidity Not recommended. Such situations require additional processing. For reliability, ready-made crafts should be coated with a layer of coatings protecting from moisture.

Before starting work, the hygroscopicity of gypsum products should be taken into account. They absorb any coating well. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a layer of primer to the surface of the product. Only then you can use a coating that protects against moisture.

How to breed plaster for crafts: proportions

There are several basic methods for making a gypsum solution for making crafts. The easiest method is water breeding with water. In this case, it is important to observe all the proportions. At 7 parts of the gypsum requires at least 10 parts of water. It is worth noting that it costs to prepare a solution with extreme caution so that there are no lumps. It is recommended to add plaster to water, and not vice versa. This method also eliminates dust formation.

Such a solution is easy to use. From it you can make products almost any form. However, it is worth considering that the crafts are not very strong. They will easily break and crumble. So how to breed the plaster for crafts?

The second method

So, how to breed plaster for crafts. This method Preparation of the solution is a bit more complicated than the previous one. However, the mixture allows you to produce stronger and reliable products that retain your appearance for many years.

To prepare the solution: 6 parts of the gypsum, 10 parts of water, 1 part of the components are gently mixed until the formation of a homogeneous mass.

Manufacture of colored gypsum

How to breed plaster for crafts different colors? This will require:

  1. Gypsum.
  2. Gouache.
  3. Ordinary water.
  4. Bank with lid.
  5. Dishes for the preparation of the solution.
  6. Spoon, shovel or wand.

Entering process

So, how to breed plaster for crafts from a multicolored solution? In fact, the process is quite simple. To begin with, it is worth pouring a gouache in the bank and the amount of water required for the preparation of solution. To paint dissolve completely, it is recommended to close the can with a lid and shake a little.

The painted water should be pouring into the dishes, where the preparation of the solution will occur. Here, by observing all the proportions, you must gradually add plaster. Put the powder into the liquid is a thin flowing, constantly stirring the components. This will make it possible to achieve a homogeneous consistency of the solution. The mixture should resemble a thick sour cream. Stir the solution in the cooking process is carefully so that there are no lumps and air bubbles. Otherwise, holes are formed in the finished product.

How much craft drows out

Now you know how to breed plaster for crafts. How much does the product dry? Grapples and gradually pouring the gypsum solution 4 minutes after its manufacture. Therefore, working with finished material should be quickly and neat. Full solidification of the gypsum occurs after half an hour. To set the solution to occur more slowly, it is worth adding a slightly water-soluble adhesive on an animal basis.

What can be replaced by plaster

At the moment, many sets for creativity are sold. How to breed the plaster for LORI crafts, and the material from other sets to create figurines, as a rule, is always indicated in the instructions. It should be studied before starting work, as the solution quickly dries. It should be noted that in some sets for creativity analogs of gypsum are applied. The most common one is alabaster.

This powder has a grayish shade and has a finely dispersed structure. The material is obtained as a result of thermal processing of two-wheel gypsum. Due to this, the finished solution received completely different characteristics. It is worth noting that externally alabaster and plaster are very similar.

Than alabaster differs from gypsum

Among the main differences between these substances it is worth allocating:

How much drowned crafts from alabaster

Determine the timing time of the material by studying specifications Mixtures. In general, the decay of the alabaster solution is observed 6 minutes after the dilution of the substance. Partial frost occurs after 30 minutes. It is worth noting that the faster and dried solution is able to withstand the load of 5 MPa. Fully alabaster dries over 1-2 days. Despite the fact that products from this material are stronger, it is not recommended to use a solution for classes with children, since it is not entirely safe for health. Gypsum in this case is preferable.

The use of gypsum in construction and everyday life has such deep roots that it can be easily attributed to the oldest building materials. But it is not easier to work with it - you need to know not only how to dilute the plaster, and what proportions to use, but also many other subtleties associated with this material!

Building gypsum - quickly grasps, holds for a long time!

IN repair work Gypsum is used very widely: both as part of other solutions as a binder component and "solo". Gypsum you meet in plastering mixesA modern modeling and sculpture is made of gypsum, as well as. Building gypsum is a white powder with a grayish tinge, which is enhanced by adding water. It is obtained by this material from a gypsum stone, which is born in the furnaces at a temperature of about 150 ° C and is crushed to obtain a homogeneous powder.

Depending on the grinding, you can meet gypsum of fine grinding, middle and coarse - only thin grinding for construction and repair goals! Powder that is used in construction is divided into three temporary groups:

  • the group "A" denotes the highest setting speed - from 2 to 15 minutes;
  • the group "B" is the materials that grab no faster than 6 minutes and no later than half an hour;
  • the group "B" - to this group include gypsum, which freezes no earlier than 20 minutes.

On the brand gypsum shall be divided by its degree of compression. For example, material with marking M-6. It is easy to guess what denotes the letter, but the figure tells us about how the tensile strength of this material in this case is 6 MPa. As a reminder school program, 1 MPa (megapascal) is a pressure that is 10 kg per square centimeter.

For construction work The material from M-2 to M-7 is used, which belong to the B. Group. By the way, the alabaster is a generalized name that covers all construction stamps, and in professional terminology from this term has long been abandoned, preferring to specify information, using labeling. Remarkable trait building gypsum lies in his ability to expand when hardeningwhereas other materials give shrinkage. Expanding slightly - the volume increases by 1%, which fully fits the needs of builders and repairmen.

The even enough plaster is quite high strength at low density 1200-1500 kg / m 3. Speaking in your understandable language, this material will be 2 times the same cement! In addition, it has minor heat-conducting characteristics. It all applies to the pros, but there are also cons! The most important is too fast speed Throat. Therefore, in his work it is impossible to store for a long time in such a state, or rather, with all the desire you will not work, because the gypsum will freeze in the tank.

Does not save and constant mixing, moreover, it is impossible to do this, because the plaster with each minute will lose its characteristics.

That is why the gypsum is kneaded by "factory", so the masters are called small portions of mixtures. On the use of the "factory" at the master only a few minutes, during which it should not only apply it to the surface, but also to dissolve. If this is not done, and the material will freeze at least partially, it is no longer suitable for serious works! This is also called the "dead" plaster, after drying it will crack and causing you by spoiling you all the work.

Since the gypsum powder has low hygroscopicity, its use is rational only in rooms with low humidity. If you are afraid for the condition of the coating, it is better additionally after its complete drying to cover it with moisture-proof composition. Since the structure of the material is quite porous, first the surface will need to be prepared - apply the appropriate primer.

Storage conditions - What is the shelf life?

Stopping in plaster - an extremely bad idea! Firstly, this material cannot be called scarce, secondly, no matter how hard you try to provide him with the proper storage conditions, the treacherous moisture will still find a crack, through which it will penetrate into a bag or a different container with plaster and merges with it in a strong alliance. Even in perfectly dry room, he will lose his qualities over time. The same applies to derivatives - if you are going, try after buying materials, do not postpone work in a long box.

But even if you purchased bags with plaster with the point, to use it in the coming days, attention to the storage conditions of the powder should be paid special. The most important and obvious condition is dry! It is best to put bags with a material of 30-50 cm above the ground level, for example, on pallets or bags with another material. If the holes were formed during transportation in bags, then it is better to close them with slices of polyethylene.

If you are in doubt for some reason as a powder, we have simple tests before using it. All you need to do is stir a small amount of material and apply it to metal surface. Try to move exactly from the moment of stirring before the start of solidification - these indicators must comply with the stated on the packaging of the brand.

How to breed plaster construction - simple calculations

Whatever the brand you have chosen for work, it is necessary to breed the building gypsum on the contrary - not water is added to the powder, but powder into the water! Before proceeding to work, select a suitable container, plastic or metallic solution to create a solution, the main thing is that then from its inner walls it is convenient to dismiss the remnants of the material.

In the container, pour water - one piece into two parts of the powder. Then slowly, trying to distribute the powder across the water area, stir the mixture until the water is completely absorbed into the powder. At least a bit of the resulting solution should stand out - if the material is slightly heated and thickened, it's time to use it! It is very important to remember - in the already beginning to seize the solution cannot be added none of the components separately! Having done this, you will spoil the entire mixture, having obtained a solution with extremely low knitting characteristics.

How to breed gypsum - proportions of different compositions

The lack of a mixture of plaster powder and water is a very high speed of frost. It is worthwhile to go to the master, or make too big kneading, and write gone! That is why ways were invented to slow down the speed of solidification of this material without loss of its remaining characteristics. The method is first - preparation of plasterboard mastics. For this composition, 15 g of glue is divorced on the bucket of water. Instead of joinery glue, you can also use another, more complex solution from lime and metering glue.

First you will need to prepare a lime-adhesive mixture. To do this, take 1 kg of metering glue, soak it in five liters of water and leave for 15 hours - during this time it will wet and acquire the necessary consistency. 2 kg of limestone test is added to this mass, it is well stirred and boiled 5 hours on slow heat. As a result, you will receive a finished concentrate that can be completely or in parts in water (for the entire mass - 20 liters of water) and mix with plaster.

On one liter of the lime-adhesive solution, stirred with water, you need to add 8 kg of plaster. Calculate how many water can be needed on this mass - as you already know, it is better to add powder into water, and not vice versa, so it is recommended glue composition Stir with liquid immediately per gypsum. Such mastic begins to capture no earlier than 20 minutes after it is prepared, which gives enough time for "maneuvers". By the way, adding an ordinary cook salt will allow you to get the opposite effect, namely - to speed up hardening!




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It is a sedimentary mineral found in nature in the form of sediment sediment. These are white crystals, transparent color, having all sorts of shades from yellowish to red. Mineral is formed due to the evaporation of water saturated with calcium.

Today Gypsum is widely known as construction materialused for finishing and plastering. It is also used in architecture and landscape design.

Mining what plaster makes

Gypsum is mined in deposits by undermining the gypsum-containing breed. Next, the ore is transported to plants in the form of gypsum stones. They are crushed in special crushers, and then dried to evaporate the moisture available in them.

Dry fractions are crushed in mills to the state of the powder and go to the firing furnace. Powder is burned over 1-2 hours at a temperature of 150-160 degrees. At the output it turns out a fine mixture white color, fully ready for use.

Place of Birth

Gypsum is common throughout Russia. The main places of plaster mining are Vladimir, Arkhangelsk and Irkutsk region, Central Asia, Volga region, Bashkiria and West Ural. Among other countries can be noted Spain, Tunisia, Greece and Morocco.

The plaster deposits arise in view of the following factors:

  1. Weathered salt deposits.
  2. At the places of salt lakes is formed in the form of a chemical sediment.
  3. It is a concomitant breed at old oil, sulfur and anhydrite deposits.
  4. Often the mineral deposits are found in the mouths of ancient rivers.

On the video - how to produce and process plaster at the Foreman plant:


By chemical composition - this is water solution Calcium sulfate. His chemical formula is CA? 2H2O. When heated to 140 degrees, water is distinguished from its crystalline lattice, as a result of which the so-called semi-water gypsum is formed.

If you continue the heating of the mineral, the construction (burned) gypsum is formed. Such material is used as a powder. If this powder re-add water to this powder, the water will connect to calcium sulfate, and the material will affect the hardness.


For the separation of gypsum and sand from the aqueous mixture, special devices are used, called gypsovers. They allow you to collect plaster and sand into a separate container, and water to send water to the drain system. Sustainer must be connected between the washing and drain pipe.

Additives for plaster

Since the gypsum consists of a rather fragile substance - calcium, then to improve the quality of the material obtained, add different substances and impurities.


Gypsum surfaces are porous, so require impregnation special compositions. Pores are filled, and after drying, the surface is considered ready for further painting. The impregnation usually use natural olive.

If it is not, then you can use a solution of liquid glass or PVA glue. After applying the composition, it is necessary to wait for its complete drying, and only then begin painting the surface.


With the help of such additives, as plasticizers can be changed, as well as control the degree of its turnover. In addition, some types of plasticizers are able to give additional strength to prepayable gypsum products. In general, there is an increase in the production rates of products from plaster, more efficient and rational use of equipment.


Hydrophobic compositions designed to be administered to gypsum solutions serve to reduce the water absorption of plaster while maintaining its vapor permeability. This avoids the appearance of condensate on the surface of the gypsum even when a sharp temperature difference occurs.

In addition, such additives increase the strength of the hardened product or gypsum surface and protect it from the formation of mold and fungi. The hydrophobizer penetrates the pores of the gypsum and begins to act immediately after drying.

Principle of operation of the hydrophobizator


Lucky are used to finish already ready-made gypsum surfaces. The fact is that it is necessary to reduce the absorbency of the gypsum, that is, to close its pores. To do this, it is recommended to impregnate the surface with oil or varnish. It is better to use water-soluble varnishes based on acrylic or resin.

This composition penetrates deep into the pores of the gypsum, and on its surface, it forms a thin and durable film with good adhesion. This surface will be reliably protected from moisture. For example, you can call several varnish varnishes for plaster: "Isople", "Dulux Trade Acrylic", IZO SOL.


Some types of glue are used as additives in gypsum solutions. It not only increases strength finished productsBut also increases their water resistance. Most of the types of glue contributes to a slower decaying of the solution. Usually used PVA glue, bone glue, wallpaper glue (CMC) and other varieties of adhesive compositions.

Paint (pigment)

In order to impart unusual colors, powdered iron oxide pigments are used. They are produced as a powder of various colors. Pigments do not dissolve in water, organic solvents and others liquid media, Therefore, color plaster will not lose its color over time.

Such pigments do not fade in the sun and do not change their color. A pigment powder is mixed with dry plaster and is evenly distributed throughout its volume.

Mounting retarder

Gypsum is inclined to very rapid frozen, therefore it is recommended to use sedresses of grasp that can increase the survivability of a gypsum solution. The amount of such an additive depends on its type. Sodium tartrates are used as additives, which are salts of wine acid, as well as sodium citrates (citric acid salts).

In practice, it is more profitable to add to the water for the solution lemonic acid. In addition, PVA glue is also used as a moderator, liquid glass, animal glue, Dextrin preparation or ready-made dry mixes.


Polymer additives introduced into the gypsum solution are capable of modifying it by creating plaster-pyrs. Depending on the number of modifier entered the modifier, the properties of the solidified product are changed.

With minimal quantity, the strength increases and the resistance to the destruction on open air. If you enter a lot of modifier, then the product will acquire waterproof, frost resistance, and its wear resistance will increase.

Usually modifiers are produced in the form of a dry powder of white. To use the modifier, it is necessary to dissolve powder in water, which will be used for placing gypsum.

How do modifiers on the strength quality of gypsum solutions

Than dissolve plaster

Dry gypsum mix dissolves ordinary water. The higher the water temperature, the faster the reaction of the transition of the liquid solution into a solid state occurs. After hardening gypsum, water does not dissolve.

However, if you store a hardened gypsum product or just a piece of frozen plaster in high humidity conditions, then gradually the strength of the gypsum decreases, and the gypsum becomes fragile. To reuse, the frozen gypsum is calcined in the furnace to remove the excess moisture, and then grind into the powder.

How to increase strength and make it tight

To increase the strength of gypsum surfaces or products, it is recommended to enter special additives into the solution. This is a polymer fiber, different kinds Glaising (CMC, PVA, Bone Glue), Lime Pushonka, Bura, Liquid Glass. Excellent results gives the reinforcement of gypsum surfaces with a polymer mounting grid.

To give a gypsum product, comparable with the strength of ceramics, it is immersed in a saturated solution of alumokalia alum. Then the product must be heated to a temperature of 550 degrees. You will be surprised by its strength.

How to make gypsum at home

Gypsum is widely used in everyday life for the manufacture of all kinds of products. For its preparation at home, dry gypsum powder, water and dishes for stamping composition are required. Water poured into the dishes, and then slowly sprinkle there dry mixture, constantly stirring the solution.

It is necessary to do everything carefully, but quickly, since the gypsum can freeze earlier than it will be made from it. The whole process of cooking should take no more than 2 minutes. It is recommended to use cold water.

The concentration of the solution should be in thickness as a liquid sour cream. If the solution is too liquid, then add some more dry mixture. But carefully, as it is impossible to add water to dilute the excessive dry solution.

The resulting mixture must be used as quickly as possible. If the solution managed to harden, it is already unacceptable to apply it. Therefore, work with small portions of the gypsum mixture.

The video will tell that they are used as a plasticizer for plaster when creating products from it with their own hands:

How many on average this building material

The cost of dry gypsum powder is quite affordable. It depends on the packaging of the powder, the manufacturer and cost transport delivery to your region. The average price of 1 kilogram of building gypsum is from 50 to 90 rubles. Medical gypsum is more expensive. Its cost can reach 150 rubles per kilogram.

Unique natural material, which is gypsum, indispensable in construction, medicine and architecture. Consider the preparation of a building gypsum solution.

Gypsum and its properties

It is obtained after grinding the burned stone burned in the rotating furnaces, which is mined in quarries with a gypsum-containing rock.

There are many plaster varieties: construction, polymeric, acrylic, polyurethane, sculptural, architectural and refractory. In construction, mainly the gypsum with the same name is used.

One of the main advantages of the plaster is its fast fight and hardening, which significantly accelerates and facilitates the execution. finishing work With its use.

In the process of hardening, the gypsum solution is slightly increasing in the amount, filling all the recesses and pores of the surfaces being processed.

Another useful property Gypsum lies in the fact that the walls that are plastered by them, absorb excess moisture from the air, giving it into the case when the air becomes overwhelmed.

In addition, gypsum - high-elastic building material, it does not highlight harmful substances And does not pollute the environment.

Preparation of gypsum solution

Pour the solution to the dishes the right amount Waters, and then picked the gypsum powder into it with a thin ridge, constantly stirring the mixture.

A small amount of gypsum pypsum, passing through the water layer, will quickly be saved and after 1 minute a gypsum dough is formed, ready to use. The solution obtained at this method will be homogeneous, with the same density.

If you first pour the gypsum powder into the container, and then pour water into it, avoid the formation of lumps is unlikely to succeed.

For manual mixing of the solution, it is better to use wood spatula, plastic, rubber or stainless steel. In the case of the preparation of large volumes of the gypsum solution, it makes sense to arm yourself with a special nozzle.

In order to avoid loss of plaster of its properties, never stir the solution longer than 1 minute - immediately start it in operation. The fact is that it is through such a short time interval that the process of grabbing plaster begins.

Neglecting this advice and mixing the solution for a longer time with the addition of water to the hardening gypsum dough will result in the solution to be caught up. The strength of the surface finished with its use will be very low.

How to stretch in time the process of solidification of the gypsum? Use the sedellands of setting a gypsum solution.

Adding to water during the preparation of a solution of bone or metering glue, a keratin retarder from the recycling of horns and hoofs, calcium caseinage allows you to increase the hardening time of the gypsum to several hours.

Homemade masters as a retarder often use bulk glue CMC, PVA glue, sugar, milk, washing powder, soap mortar, shampoo or dishwashing liquid.

For the opposite effect, accelerating the setting of the gypsum solution, dissolve alumocalya alums in water (5 g per 1 liter of water) or a table salt in water (5 g of water to 1 liter of water).

Good luck to you! Let you succeed!




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In many areas modern life. It is especially popular in construction, architecture, architecture, medicine. The ability to create various crafts from a gypsum test, as well as the ease of processing of the already frozen material increase its attractiveness.

Considering the environmental friendliness of the gypsum and the speed of its grasp during water dilution, we can conclude unique properties of this natural material. However, work with plaster requires certain knowledge, so first it should be carefully examined by the features of such work, and only then move to practice.

The material when connecting with water quickly hardens and retains its shape. In the process of hardening, the solution is slightly increasing in the amount of the separation of a certain amount of heat. This property of the wizard is in favor of: the expanding gypsum tightly fills all the smallest excavations, accurately repeating the inner volume of the form. In this way, many types of gypsum ornaments are manufactured, as well as various figures.

It looks like a ready-made solution of plaster

How to breed

The basic rule in the dilution of building gypsum is that a gypsum powder is slowly and gradually absorbed into the prepared container with water. In the process of preparation, the solution is constantly mixed to prevent the formation of lumps.

For mixing small volumes, it is possible to use wood, stainless steel, plastic or rubber products. If the volume is solid, then it is better to use an electric drill with a special nozzle.

It is unacceptable to mix the solution for more than 1 minute to avoid losses by plastering its properties. Stirring stops with the disappearance of lumps. If you want to slow down the solutions, then you should use special additives.

With their absence, just do the knead cold water. It will prolong the time before the seizure starts almost twice. If you need that the solution is frozen as early as possible, add some salt into it.

How to knead gypsum shown on video:

The proportions of the gypsum solution

On which proportions the gypsum solution will be divorced, the rate of its frost depends. This time in most cases is from 5 minutes to 1 hour. Practice shows that it should add approximately 1.5 kg of dry gypsum powder to 1 liter of water to obtain a solution of medium thickness.

If it is necessary to obtain a liquid solution, which is used for plastering, the ratio of components is allowed one to one. Liquid solution and wake will be longer.

But for the manufacture of sculpture crafts or stucco, it is recommended to make a solution with aicate. One part of the water accounts for 2 parts of the powder. This ratio reduces the time of solidification of the solution.

Silicone forms

Molds for gypsum solutions can be made of the most different materials. This is silicone, wood, metal, epoxy resin., Gypsum, extruded polystyrene foam, cement. The main condition for their use is to protect internal surfaces Such forms from sticking to them a gypsum solution.

For breeding it is better to use elastic forms, for example, silicone. They can be used repeatedly without any violations of their integrity. The main advantage silicone forms It consists in the ease of separation from them frozen gypsum mass. At the same time guarantees the safety of hardened models. In addition, such forms do not need to be lubricated.

You can independently make a silicone form. For this, the existing model is fixed motionless in a specially manufactured tank. Pouring model is performed liquid silicone before her half. After solidification of silicone, the model is removed. Production is made for the top of the model.

Several examples of silicone forms for plaster

Gypsum form №1 Form for plaster №2 Form for plaster № 3 Form for plaster №4 Form for plaster №5

How to cast a shape of gypsum

Thanks, the gypsum has a unique small-handed structure, which makes it possible to produce all sorts of injection molds from it. In some cases, gypsum forms are simply indispensable in the foundry. With their help, there are copies of vintage coins, figures, bas-reliefs, models.

Gypsum forms make it possible to use such materials as epoxy resin, plexiglass, plastic, bronze, wax. It is also allowed to manufacture crafts from the same gypsum from which the form itself is. However, in this case, it is necessary to adhere to certain fill guidelines.

The gypsum form is high enough and quickly. In the prepared box or other container, a small layer of liquid gypsum solution is poured. When the solution is freezing, the treated lubricant material The model with which is supposed to make the cast.

Next, the container is filled with a solution to the middle of the model. After the frozen, the gypsum form of the lower part of the model is formed. The lubricated model is extracted from the form. The same form is made in the same way.

For the subsequent fill of the gypsum solution in such plaster forms, it is recommended to cover the shapes from the inside with varnish in several layers. This will protect the shape of the adhesion of the gypsum solution. It should also be processed by a form of some lubricant, for example, spindle oil or a solution of paraffin or stearin in kerosene.

Production of injection mold from plaster:

Plaster Gypsum, Process Description

Gypsum plaster is good because it can be applied to a thick layer. This allows you to eliminate even significant irregularities of the walls and the ceiling. To apply a thick layer (more than 2 cm), the solution should be more dense.

Before starting work, the walls should be prepared. For gypsum it is important that there are no fat spots, traces of lubricant or dirt on the walls. If metal or reinforced concrete surfaces are placed, then it is necessary to carry out their anti-corrosion processing, since the gypsum solution causes corrosion metal products. Next, all the surfaces are ground.

The solution is prepared in small portions, as it is limited to its use. Work is performed only at a positive temperature indoor. How to plaster with plaster?

Watching begins with the ceiling. It is desirable to apply plaster with a layer of no more than 15 mm. Work better than two spatulas. A short spatula is superimposed on a long spatula, and already with its help the plaster is applied to the surface. The applied solution is aligned with the Rhoke-Rule and are finally smoothed by a spatula.

The walls are placed in a similar way, but for them it is permissible to use a thicker layer of solution. In addition, if the walls are curves, it is recommended to establish perforated beacon racks on them, and already on them to perform shockting.

Rakes are installed on the walls vertically with a putty. The distance between adjacent rails should not exceed the length of the rules. The solution is attacked between the rails and the rule is reached upward. Ortheless smoothed by a spatula.

If you need to apply the second layer gypsum plaster, it is imposed immediately after applying the first layer. If the first layer is already drying, then its mandatory priming is carried out before overlaying the second layer.

Painting and painting products from plaster

Gypsum products will look completely different if they are painted or covered with varnish. So you can create imitation of bronze products, wood, cast iron, marble, ivory, ceramics and other expensive materials.

For example, to simulate bronze, it is quite three times to cover gas gypsum, and for the creation of gilding is used as gilding. Paltal is an analogue of natural gold coating, but it is cheaper. Also in practice, silvering and tinting of gypsum is used.

As materials for processing products, varnishes, toners, paints, primers, various finished imitation compositions are used. Due to the porosity of the gypsum, its priming is a prerequisite. To do this, deep-rotating primer, PVA glue, olifa, joinery glue.

Some types of primer, such as glue, are applied in two layers. Only after drying the primer, plaster products are stained. Suitable for primer the same paint that will be used to dye your products. But it must be twice the water.

Gypsum can be painted with practically any kind of paints: acrylic, oil, water-emulsion and even enamel. Types of varnishes are also used any. For work will suit Brush soft or semi-light.

About features paint artificial stone From plaster:

Finishing Gypsum

The most famous method of plaster finishing is the creation of stucco. It can be manufactured in the most unexpected forms and sizes. The stucco is used for finishing under the age of ceilings in the form of decorative eaves. Moldings are manufactured for the framing of doors, windows and walls.

With their help on the wall you can create a kind of panel with the picture. Gypsum columns are supports, as well as elements of the interior of a large room. Already the finished column with plaster can be turned into a home decoration.

Wonderful friezes will look, located over the walls around the perimeter of the room. Gypsum ceiling socket framing a chandelier will emphasize not only the dignity of the chandelier itself, but also decorate the entire ceiling


Through gypsum, you can perform a three-dimensional finishing of the walls of the room, depicting natural landscapes on them. Gypsum dough easily takes a tree shape or rock area. So you can independently create really unique works of stunning beauty.