How to grow green polka dots on the balcony. Selection and preparation of seeds

Peas - a wonderful plant, which can be successfully grown not only in open soil, but at home. To provide a pea favorable environment and get a qualitative result, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of growing seedlings of this culture and further agrotechnics.

Growing seedlings of pea

To grow pea at home it is better to choose sugar varieties. These include:

  • Ambrosia,
  • Zhegalova 112,
  • Sugar Oregon
  • Children's sugar
  • Oscar.

Preparation of beans to sowing

To get healthy seedlings, it is necessary to carry out such procedures as:

For all pre-sowing events and irrigation, only warm soft water is suitable - melt, rain, boiled or estimated at least a day.


Burn the beans and remove those from them that they have obvious defects (darkening, holes, etc.). The remaining copies are placed in a salt solution (for its preparation, you will distribute 1st art. L. Salts in 1 liter of water) and mix. Spoiled beans will pop up, good devastated to the bottom.

As a result of calibration from the sowing material, all beans having defects must be removed


Bean soaking procedure is very simple:

  1. Rinse the beans, slightly dry and soak in a bright-pink solution of mangartage for 20 minutes, then rinse. If you want to spend less time, then a boric acid solution can be used (0.2 g of powder diluted in 1 liter of water), soaking in it lasts 5-7 minutes. After this procedure, the beans also need to rinse with clean water.
  2. Place the beans for 4 hours in warm water.
  3. After this time, get them and dry.

To prepare beans to germination, they need to pre-dunk

Video: soaking beans

During soaking, it is desirable to change the water at least once every half time.


To germinate pea, follow these steps:

  1. Take a piece of fabric, Moisten it well (there should be no extra liquid) and put the beans on it. Top cover with another wet piece of fabric.
  2. Remove the workpiece into a warm place (for convenience it can be placed on the plate). Watch that the fabric is wet all the time.

Gestroinated pea beans give shoots for 3-5 days earlier than the unlucky

Usually beans pea for germination required 3-6 days.

As a rule, sowing beans is made in one common box, at the bottom of which it is desirable to do drainage holes. It is not recommended to immediately hang the beans into individual pots of large volume. The fact is that when using them, there is a risk of accumulation in the soil of an unnecessary amount of moisture. This will negatively affect the further development of Bob, as he will not be able to receive required amount oxygen. You can sow peas in small (50-100 ml) pot, but they will then need to pick up in the capacity of greater volume, since the roots do not have enough space.

Also standing in advance (usually 2 weeks before sowing) prepare and disinfect the soil to destroy the pests living in it and protect seedlings from fungal diseases. Many gardeners prefer to use the calcination method: for this we stick the battle with the paper, lay the moistened soil on it and placed in the oven preheated to 70-90. Do not forget to rinse well with a bleach solution reused containers for seedlings, since dangerous bacteria and fungal disputes may remain in the remnants of the Earth.

Sowing beans produced in wells or grooves

Sowing procedure:

  1. Fill the drawer with the soil, not reaching 3-5 cm to the edge. The mountain is quite suitable for the land from your site, especially taken from the beds where the pumpkin grew, cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage. So that the soil was more loose, on 2 parts of the earth you need to take 1 part of humoring, straw or sawdust, and peat, sand or vermiculite are also suitable.
  2. Moisten the soil and make it holes in it with a depth of 2 cm. The distance between them should be 1-3 cm. If you want to sow several rows, keep the distance between them 5-10 cm. And you can also make a few grooves, placing them on the same The distance from each other (the beans should be dried at a distance of 1.5-3 cm from each other).
  3. Put 1 pea in every well, trying to have her sprout down.
  4. Flip the holes of the earth slightly, not sealing, and cover the box with a film.

As a rule, sprouts appear in 9-15 days, after which the film can be removed. During this time, sowing requires timely watering and 1-2 ventilation for 15-20 minutes every day. When shoots appear, then peas must be filled with minerals. For this purpose, paint the sprout with a solution of superphosphate (20-30 g per 10 liters of water).


After the sprouts are fixed and form 2 of the present leaflet, it is necessary to conduct a dive. You can dive peas in separate containers (containers of 300-500 ml are suitable for this purpose) or in a common box, but the sprouts will have to be located apart from each other at a high distance.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare containers by the same rules as the seedling box. Fill them in the same soil.
  2. Moisten the soil and make holes with a depth of 5 cm. If you want to plant peas in separate containers, then the well needs to be done in the center. In the case of landing in the general drawer, the wells should be located at a distance of 20-25 cm apart.
  3. Carefully remove the sprout from the box, trying not to damage the roots, and fall out in the hole.
  4. Gently sprinkle the earth is not sealing.

The first 2-3 days after picking the sprouts need to be slightly taken, and then again put it on a sunny place.

Plant care

After you complete the preparation of seedlings, you can only perform in a timely manner. non-case rules Plant care. Flowering peas begins 25-30 days after sowing (some varieties - in 55 days), fruit - a month after flowering, and if the grade is sugar, then the harvest can be collected in 10-15 days. Culture is self-polished and in additional measures to pollinate does not need.

Peas - one of the most cold-resistant plants, so you can put boxes with landings on open air At a temperature of +16 OS +18 OS. But also note that the temperature above +25 o with adversely affects the development and yield of the plant, so it is not recommended to sow peas in June and July.


Peas - a long daylight plant, so for normal growth, it needs to be illuminated at least 12 hours a day. If you can not provide a pea required sunlight (For example, you want to grow it in the winter or windows of your home go north), then you will have to use a fluorescent lamp. Its is necessary at a distance of 50 cm from the boxes with plants.

Watering pea

While the peas did not bloom, it is enough to water as necessary (1-2 times a week), following the soil to sing. When the peas bloom and starts to form fruits, it will be necessary to water it 3-4 times a week. Be sure to loosen the soil after each watering to provide roots access to oxygen and prevent the formation of the crust.


When the sprouts are reached 10-15 cm in height, they must be supported. A grid with large cells will fit well for this. If there is an opportunity, then you can do small sleeperBy setting the pegs (40-50 cm) on the edges of the dishes and stretching the threads of 3-5 rows.

For proper growth, peas must provide support

Undercalinking pea

The second and subsequent two peas feeders need to be produced when the plant will enter the flowering phase. For this purpose, the following solution is used:

  • superphosphate (10-15 g),
  • potash salt (10-15 g),
  • water (10 l).

As a rule, fertilizers are made 1 time in 2 weeks.


The harvest must be removed every 1-2 days, since unreasted blades can slow down the ripening of the following. As a rule, the first ripens of the blades are on the bottom of the bush. They should be taken carefully, holding the plant itself. For proper care The fruction of pea at home can last up to 2 months, and from one bush you can collect 0.4-0.5 kg of harvest.

It tells about how it is not easy to grow the boosters of pea, but to wait for ripe pods of this delicacy.

The process of growing peas will not be rapidly. For the successful outcome of your "agropopties", it is necessary to clearly comply with the leadership to action and not accelerate the growth of the peas with artificial means.

It is best to grow polka dots in winter in a street greenhouse. Also grow sweet peas can be at home. To do this, we need to be stocking spacious tips for disembarking shoots, harvest the foundations for maintaining arrows and provide plants with a sufficient amount of light, oxygen and moisture.

What varieties are better to grow

Norhi (NORLI). Peas of this variety of rare and high-yielding. Plants can grow high to 1 m.

Oregon Shugar Sub (Oregon Sugar Pod). It can be grown in the greenhouses in winter. Stems reach a height of 1 m.

Shugar Ann (Sugar Ann). The raven and long fruitful grade. The plant reaches a height of about 1.5 m and needs a strong support.

Preparation of peas seeds

The pea seeds need to be chosen so that they are not too old, but not torn from the submerged pods. To begin with, the seeds should be wrapped in gauze and pour water for 3 hours. After that, the peas must be kept in a wet gauze 3-5 days. Next, sowing to grow seedlings.

How to sow peas

The soil must choose a wet, loose, alkaline, so if the soil is too acidic, it is necessary to make lime into it.

You can add a little sawdust, straw cutting, humidia (up to 30% of the soil volume) and a solution of complex mineral fertilizers (20 grams per 10 liters of water).

Before sowing seeds, peas must be treated with nitrate or boric microfertres. Slow peas very thick.

Seying pea seeds for seedlings should be seated in winter beds. Seeds It is necessary to sung by one chess rows with a period of 10 cm. And after 2 cm in a row to a depth of no more than 3 cm. After 15 days, the seedlings can be planted on a constant soil.

In the greenhouse, the seedlings must be planted in boxes in beds at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Between the seeds you need to leave no more than 10 cm.

After disembarking, seedlings need a little tamping the root part of the plant and pour from the watering can with a sieve.

How to care for peas

Peas is a very moisture and light-affiliated plant, so it needs to ensure maximum lighting and humidity, both for soil and for the leaves.

For full growth and good harvest, peas need supports: sixtes for low-speed (90 cm) varieties and grids stretched between columns - for high grades (1.5 m). It is necessary to set the supports when shooting will grow to 8 cm.

It is impossible to allow the soil to freeze. Polka dot is sensitive to decrease in temperature, and with long cooling, the seeds can decompose in the soil and not to climb.

Growing pea is an exciting and very useful occupation. Culture does not require a gardener too much attention and perfectly fruits. With a minimum of effort, you get the opportunity in the summer to provide a seven green peas, as well as get used and press it for the winter. However, the final result strongly depends on the choice of soil, varieties and compliance with the rules of culture care. Today we will talk about how to grow peas. There is nothing difficult in this, even a novice gardener will be able to get an excellent result.

Plot landing

This is especially true of small sites, the land on which is never empty. However, legumes are not too demanding and will grow perfectly almost after any garden crops. When choosing the predecessor, it should be borne in mind that peas are very demanding for the nutritional of the soil, and also requires protection from weeds. Therefore, if there were eggplants, cucumbers or blooming on the beds decorative plantswho stretch from the ground almost all the organic, it is better to leave them for something else.

Since growing peas is recommended every time in a new place, this question will arise regularly. But relatives are not the best option. They accumulate soil infection that will destroy your landing. Plot busy perennial herbs - This is also a bad option, because it is here that hide and winter dangerous pests. Excellent predecessors will be winter crops.

general description

In fact, you can not know anything about how to grow peas, but just to sing with dry beans the remaining piece of earth on your site. As a result, the plant will delight children with tasty fresh fruits. But to obtain high results it is very important to know the features of agrotechnology. Peas are attributed to one-year cultures. It has a small stem thickness up to 250 cm thick. The structure of the stem strongly depends on the selected variety. The color is most often light green, but sometimes it is also a junction-green. And leaves and leaves are departed from the stem, and during flowering white flowers appear.

Preparation for landing

Today we consider in detail how to grow peas so that there are no more white spots in this matter. This is a cold-resistant and completely undemanding plant, which should be planted in April. Why so early? Because the Earth at this time still retains its humidity. Of course, it can be maintained artificially, but the microclimate will be different.

Of course, agriculture is resorted to another method - soaking. But this process is more laborious and poorly suitable for those who need to plant a large area. It's one thing when a bag with dry beans in my hands is completely different when you take a wool with swollen seeds that glued together. Wet hands + Earth - and soon liquid dirt is formed in a blue, in which it is unpleasant to immerse the fingers, catching the next grains.

Growing conditions

Sowing peas loves solar places. The soil must have a neutral pH, in acidic growth and development slows down. Choose a bright place. Before boarding, fertilizers will be very useful. Perpetual and compost fit. This culture is unpretentious and can safely perceive almost any feeding. Besides scyed, any soil is suitable. But it is necessary to pay special attention. If the soil is clay, heavy, then the sowing peas is laid out almost on the surface, without blocking. Easy, sandy soil has another structure. In this case, the seeds should be buried deeper so that the plant is for what to hold. There are tricks here, which you need to consider. The plant can scatter the scourge on the ground, but in this case the landing will take a lot of space and give a scant harvest. Therefore, it is recommended to install supports for which the plant will be cling. Only in this case it is possible to wait for a good harvest.

Choose peas

To date, there are three types of peas:

  • sugar;
  • cerebral;
  • lulting.

But this is not all, there are dozens of varieties of each species. Some are good in the latest form, others should be collected after full aging, split into two halves and in this form to add to soups and cook puree. But the young brief polka dot is not much different from sugar or brain, which eaten fresh. Therefore, gardeners often decide to kill two hares: to enjoy gentle green beans in the first two weeks of aging, and everything else to assemble and folded. Let's look at the most popular pea varieties to know exactly what to look for in the store.

Luxury pea

He is universal. It can be eaten straight from the bed or canning. If a product is grown for sale and it was not possible to implement "green", do not worry - sell later as yellow. It may even be on next year. Go directly to the consideration of varieties.

  • Atlant is one of the most beloved for most gardeners, especially if you plan to harvest it for the winter. Not all the varieties of peas can boast such a rapid aging period - only 55 days. The beans are large and easily split when ripening. Resistance to pests is almost 100%.
  • Abador - well suited for small sites, excellent optionIf you want to land a small garden, exclusively for food in a fresh form. The stem is very low and the excrucial, does not require serious supports, but also does not give a large harvest.
  • Adagum pea - the height of the bush is 85-90 cm, the beans are large, which is especially pronounced with a balanced fertilizer. Increased resistance to malical dew.
  • The ductrack is ideally balanced by taste characteristics, suitable for preservation and is magnificent in a fresh form. Resistant to most diseases and pests. Medieval, gives a crop turn 70 days.
  • Pharaoh - quite often sitting on an industrial scale. It is delicious in green, as well as successfully dried and stored after aging. The only one of all resistant to fungal diseases.

Brain varieties

They are named so because the pea seeds have folds in the form of sosv. This view will suit Those who want to grow a plant exclusively for food in summer time, While the peas is green and sweet.

  • Voronezh Green - the first fertilization collection falls on the 40th day after germination. The plant is large, the leaves are not enough, which makes it easy to assemble the harvest. In technical ripeness has green color. The plant is resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases.
  • Tropear - If you want to do preservation to cook all winter delicious salads And soup, choose this variety. Seeds of pea of \u200b\u200bthis serate are usually sold in specialized stores, they do not have to look for them. Ripeness occurs 50 days after landing, the stem is low, reprehensible. Despite the low yield, peas is in great demand.

Sugar pea

Pea seeds distinguishes the lack of parchment in Bob. They can be used with the bean, cut into salads and first dishes. It is best to choose local varieties. They are relatively few, they have become recently excreted.

  • Sweetie is the most popular of varieties of this species. It is intended for freezing and canning, so all year you will enjoy your harvest.
  • Peas Alpha. One of the main advantages is drought resistance: it practically does not require watering. Perfect option For giving, on which there is no possibility to ride every day. Located one of the first, but does not lose its relevance. Its annually settled on hundreds of garden sites and pleases with delicious fruits of children and adults.

Gorok on the garden to grow very easily, but, choosing a variety, you need to immediately decide whether you take it to earn it or for your family. Brain varieties are much tastier, but they have low yield and a short shelf life. If you have the tasks of implementing products through trading networks, it is recommended to pay attention to universal varieties to make a profit guaranteed.

Selection of seeds

Planting the pea begins with a thorough check of beans. It is important to do to not be disappointed in shooting. Bring all the sowing material and throw away all the pickled, rotten and broken. Remaining seeds put into solution with boric acid About 15-30 minutes. After that, the dried beans can be placed in the soil.

There is another option. To do this, on a liter of water, put 30 g of salt and place in a pea solution. All seeds that came to the surface will need to be thrown away, and the remaining removal from the solution and dry, scattering on paper. Now the sowing material is fully ready for use. If you are not ready to start today, write everything into a cotton bag.

Planting pea into ground

As mentioned above, the seeds can be soak. But this method is good in the case when you missed time and you need to urgently catch it. Otherwise, these are solid inconvenience. First, the reference process itself is complicated. Wet skirts are much more difficult to distribute on wells. But these are little things, the temperature factor is much more important. If the disembarkation occurs in June, when the frosts passed, then soaking nothing threatens the plant. Much worse if the landing occurs in May, when different scenarios are still possible. The peas are not afraid of cold, so you can not worry about frosts, but only if you sowed dry peas. Otherwise the embryos of the plant receive a signal to active growth and development, because there are many warm water. And after that, they are laid in fairly cold and dry ground, where you need to urgently change the program. Many beans simply will not survive such cataclysms.

So that the shoots were friendly

Pea on the garden willingly grows and fruits, but let's find out what conditions can be considered optimal. It is best if the peas are sown at a temperature of 4-6 degrees of heat. So good if the landing occurs in early spring. If the plot under the peas is small, pull the film so that the earth is warmed. Then in April it will be possible to make crops, and in June enjoy the fresh peas. The plant withstands light freezes, up to -4 o C, so you can not use additionally bypass material. Sowing pea is best done in a sunny place. A moderate shadow he is able to survive, but the number of pods can decrease.


Since growing peas in the open ground is assumed only for one and a half or two months, a plant requires a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients. In principle, care is not much different from the one that the rest require vegetable crops. It is especially important to produce regular watering, be sure to root. The amount of moisture is highly dependent on the air temperature and landing site. The hotter on the street and the Sunny Place, the more water you need to peas. Despite the fact that the rhizome grows deep into one and a half meters, without watering the bushes will not grow.

Immediately after landing

Caring for sowing pea becomes the easier, the older they will. In fact, the rules are completely simple:

  • Earth with seeds planted in it is very important to cover the film for several days. After the first shoots appear, it is cleaned, but now you need to create protection against feathered ruiners. So far, there is still nothing to get started on the garden, gentle plants will be threatened.
  • Soon you need to explode the soil, you can even glance a little plants. Usually this procedure is performed 10-15 days after the appearance of germs.
  • Fertilizer for peas is introduced when the plant reached 10 cm in height. Usually used for this mineral fertilizers. Repeat the procedure in two or three weeks. If a organic guide was introduced into the soil before landing, then it can be limited to.
  • Watering seedlings need to be carried out regularly, but small portions, otherwise landing can be started. And when the peas will begin to bloom, you can increase to one bucket per square meter.

It is difficult to definitely say how often watered peas. It follows from the temperature on the street and the state of the garden. If you go far to the cottage, and the days are very hot, then it is recommended to mulk soil well.


Even until the moment of flowering, it is necessary to tie up bushes. If they lie on earth, part of the crop rotates, and the wound will be much smaller. Especially afraid to stay without gate grade-giant, that is, the most dense. Installing the support ensures the ventilation and warming plant. Additionally, the agrarians note that the vertical location avoids a variety of diseases.

Methods for installing support for peas quite a lot:

  • Saving time. In this case, the seeds are sown to the surveyor or rows. Similarly stick to the soil of rods from branches. Too many branches will not need. In fact, you need to give a support only to several plants. All others will hold onto them. Ponds can be located at a distance of 40 cm from each other.
  • Nest location. It is very convenient to prepare the wells, in which 5-8 peas are located in a circle. In the center put one rod.
  • Plastic grid. If it is in stock, the scheme is even more simple. Seeds are sized by two grooves, between which the cellular mesh is installed.
  • Support on twine. While the peas are still small, along the edges and in the middle of the beds install sticks at a distance of 1 meter. Then these sticks excrete with twine at an altitude of 30 cm, creating a grid. The twine is stretched along the contour, diagonally, in width. As soon as the plants rise to it, they cling, and they will not fall anywhere else.
  • Shalashi. These are the simplest structures that are performed from flexible branches. Singing two bars of pea and on both sides install the rods, and the tops associate.


Supports are installed until the plants are completely small. As soon as they rise above the ground, you need to suspend young seedlings. Then they will grow themselves, clinging over the branches. Growing is usually growing quickly. If you see that the bush sits on the spot, most likely, he lacks nutrients. In this case, you need to make additional feeding. As you remember, the first was carried out when the plant reached a height of 5-8 cm, and the second one in two weeks. It is impossible to repeat the procedure more often than once every 14 days.

Since growing peas in the open ground can even beginner gardener, good harvest necessarily will. The main task of the gardener is to protect the weeds, the soil looser, the timely installation of the supports.

Garden pests

Soil processing under peas suggests mandatory leakage. It is necessary to remove all the larvae and pests that are hiding in the depths. The most common peas pests are pea fruit, a grain and an acacia fire. It is very important to take measures to protect plants, because there will be very offensive to collect beans, each of which is sitting in several worms. So, the basic measure of protection against fruit is the early sowing of plants. The grain spreads along with the sowing material, to prevent its distribution on the garden, you need to withstand seeds in salt solution and remove the pop-up plants. But against the fire, a deep plowing of a plot and processing insecticides is perfectly working. Pea leaves are indicative for the diagnosis of fungal and bacterial infections. If they begin to twist and fall asleep, then you need to urgently take action.


55 days after the sowing of pea was made, the bob harness occurs. Consumer properties of green peas directly depend on how much it was done on time. In most areas of cultivation of this culture, the optimal time occurs after 18-20 days after flowering. If we consider brain varieties, then after 22-24 days. The number of fees may also differ. In early grades - up to 4-5 times over the summer, later - up to 8 times. The collection of young pods must be performed daily or every other day.

Gardeners use a simple intake, which allows you to extend the harvest period. For this, cultures are seeded with different maturations, either make several beds of one variety, but planted seeds in the soil phasately, with an interval of 2-3 weeks. The last sowing is made 60 days before the onset of the first frosts. If the area allows, it will be possible to grow so many beans that it is enough to freeze and make canned food, eat fresh peas. This plant gives surprisingly delicious and healthy fruits that help the hostess diversify the menu of their households.

For storage of beans it is best to use glass container. The bank is closed and cleaned in a dark place. But polyethylene use undesirable.

Instead of imprisonment

Planting pea by garden plot - This is a simple occupation, which is under the power of any gardener, regardless of the level of preparation. Observing the listed rules for the care, you can get a otnable harvest. The main thing is to land the peas in the sowing as soon as possible, to regularly water and feed the bushes, as well as to establish supports that will significantly increase the harvest. Peas is an amazing plant, the fruits of which can be used in fresh, dry and freeze, preserve. Salads and snacks are prepared from fresh and frozen, and dried perfectly suitable for cooking soups and mashed potatoes throughout the year.

Peas - multifunctional vegetable, hostess use it for various purposes. Some love to eat it in the raw form, others prepare with it various dishes, and others can be preserved or arouseed. However, not only delicious green skills are eaten. Stems and blades of peas (sugar varieties) can also be used in cooking. In addition, there are many vitamin C, which makes them an excellent prophylactic medium from a cold. How to gerh peas at home and what will required for this?

Conditions for growing peas


It is necessary to grow this culture at home at the very light balcony, as the polka dot loves good lighting.


The plant is not afraid of the plant, and it is very unpretentious in care, so they will not grow special difficulties at home.

Polka dot takes ways low temperatures up to -5 degrees, so even on an unlocked balcony he will bring good results. Although at the initial stage it is better to grow peas on the windowsill.


The flower pot is poorly suitable for the role of a planting container for pea. It is best to grow the plant at home to take an oblongable drawer of wood or plastic. At the bottom of the container there must be holes for the outflow of extra moisture.


Water peas should be sicking as the surface layer of the soil. Watering compacts the top layer of the Earth, and this culture requires the maximum air penetration to the root system. Therefore, after each water type, it is advisable to disinite the soil. This procedure will allow you to grow a good crop of beans at home.

Soil and its fertilizer

For planting, garden soil is suitable, harvested since September-October. Earth is taken from those sites where recently collected crops of pumpkin or pasty. The primer is diluted with loosening components in a 1: 3 ratio. You can take sand, fine stones, sawdust or peat as a tear. Before boarding the peas on the balcony, you will enjoy better treat a special preparation that prevent fungus and other diseases. An earthy mixture for landing can also be fertilized with a solution of mineral feeding.

To raise a good harvest at home, you need to feed the plant in time. So far, the vessels have not yet formed the culture fertilize with feeding, in the supply of potassium and phosphorus. In order for the leaves and stems to be strong and healthy, with a prophylactic goal in the soil, fertilizers should be made, which include copper.

Selection and preparation of seeds

At home before landing in the prepared soil, the seed can be germinated in the fabric, so in the future, the shoots will raise faster. However, the pea can be made to the ground and without germination, pre-insulating them in a solution of manganese or fertilizer. But first you need to choose branches for landing at home.

Most often, gardeners choose brine and sugar grade peas. The latter have more pleasant taste, and the second is easier to grow at home. The treated seeds are planted in loose wet soil to a depth of 2 centimeters.

When landing form smooth rows, observing the interval of 2-3 cm, the distance between the peas should be 1-1.5 cm. After landing, it is necessary to produce watering.

How to stretch peas?

After the bean grade is chosen, proceed to germination. To gem seed need a little tissue flap. The fabric is best taken from natural fibers (linen or cotton).

We take the grains and wrap them into a piece of fabric, pour them with a water and wait 2-4 hours. Then the excess fluid must be squeezed so that the material remains wet. Store grains in a moisture flap follows from 3 to 6 days. By this time, the beans should germinate.

The main rule is a wet fabric, if it will dry, the seeds will disappear. After serving the seed, it should be placed in a prepared container at a depth of 1-2 cm, bury and pour.

Instructions for landing and pea care

    You can raise seedlings on the balcony by the method of "germination of seeds" or without it. In the latter case, the selected pea should be soaked in water, which added a small amount of fertilizer. When the seed will swell, it is transferred to the soil. Soot peters with rows, retreating between them 5-10 cm, between the grains there should also be 1-3 cm interval. After disembarking, the container needs to be covered with film. After the shooting, the film appears to remove and put the container in a well-lit place. On the balcony of seedlings will feel perfect, because thanks to ventilation supported optimal temperature For growth. When the "young" will grow enough, it must be transplanted into a constant container. When transplanting can not be damaged root system. Between the planned sprouts in the new container should be an interval of 17-23 cm. The first 2-3 days after the transplantation of young rabbies is better to care from direct sunlight, having prolonged them.
  1. When the seedlings grow up to 12-15 cm, the stems should be made to the support. For this purpose at home, use a wooden grid with large cells.
  2. When the plant blooms, it is necessary to more often water it and regularly feed the phosphorus-potash fertilizers.
  3. At home to collect the crop begin when the skids will become very large up to 6 mm. Peas can bring fruits long enough - for fifty - sixty days. Everyone separate plant It can give up to 0.5-0.7 kg of green delicious peas.

As you can see, grow this unpretentious culture on the balcony is easy, but you need to know some nuances and observe them. Then you will get a delightful result! Good luck!

In order to grow peas on the windowsill, you will need:

  • vissal seeds
  • earth - prepared soil
  • tank for landing - It will be convenient to grow the plant, for example, in a pot or oblong box
  • mineral fertilizers suitable for the selected variety
  • water bottle (for watering and making fertilizers)
  • fork for jams

Wanting to grow delicious delicacy on the balcony or loggia, it is necessary to choose the correctness of the pea, the germination of which is most likely for the existing conditions. Those who are already the first time engaged in similar landings advise to choose low, sugar grades, which will allow you to comfortably put the planting in a pot even if there are low window Operactions. In addition, the leaves of the lowest varieties compared to the grain varieties are the most juicy. But in general, with varieties can be experimenting, initially choosing several and later by going to the option you like.

Most often at home are given such varieties as:

  • rapid "sugar". Differs lowness, abundance of fruits and edible blades. The fruits of medium sizes are noticeable sweet;
  • little "early mushroom". It is distinguished by universality, unpretentiousness, abundant harvest;
  • early "alpha", perfectly suitable for both conservation and drying;
  • mid-line "Zhegalov 112", suitable for preservation of both peas and shovels. Despite the long time of ripening (60-80) days, it feels well in the apartments, the yield is high.

When planting material Posted, it is necessary to engage in its germination. In order to stretch the peas, it is necessary to take a small segment of the fabric, best of all the natural (x / b, flax), wrap in it peas and pour with water for 3-4 hours. After excess water, you can merge and store a change in wet tissue 3-6 days, i.e. Until that time they "will" proceed. " The main thing is to ensure that the fabric with the pea wrapped into it was constantly wet, otherwise the planting material can be left hopelessly spoil. It is very easy to germinate any legumes. While the seeds are "glued" need to prepare containers and soil under the landing.

As for the first, here you can take shallow oblong boxes here, but it is worth it in mind that the plant develops well and in the usual pot or plastic container, but the latter are still undesirable. But with the soil everything is somewhat more complicated. Of course, you can fill the prepared capacity soil with pricework And so calm down. Peas, of course, will grow, but will not give such excellent results. If you have chosen a more complex way and decided to prepare the soil, then the rule should be followed that one third part of the Earth is a loose material: sawdust, straw, humid, small pebbles. Fertilizers are better to take mineral, and it is necessary to bring them in the soil by pre-soluble in water. To germinate pea for the soil, it is important to ensure the roar of powder, for which it is worth adding a little mulch.

The planting should be made as follows: in the prepared box or a pot, to do the grooves in a depth of no more than 2 cm at a distance of 5-6 cm. In the obtained grooves, germinated peas is laid and poured on top of the moistened soil. Planting additionally can be water from above with water. After that, it is necessary to leave the tanks with landings alone and wait when the plant will germinate, not forgetting to ensure that the soil does not save and remained wet.

After the plant reaches a height of approximately 10 centimeters, it is necessary to pull the large grid over it to set the peer direction. This is important, since otherwise the landings will miss the light. And those plants that will be darkened, risk perhaps or will be badly fruit.

Caring for pea

It is necessary to know that the peas planted at home also requires care. Execution is enough simple recommendations Allows you to achieve excellent results. Care includes regular loosening, timely watering and feeding fertilizers if necessary, as well as the removal of sick and weak plants.

After the peas began to bloom, the fertilizer's introduction stops, but the volume of watering increases somewhat, since it is much more moisture to form blinds than for their own growth.

For homemade Growing The risk of the development of pea diseases is minimal, and if the yellowing of the leaves, their twisting, the formation of dark or light spots will be seen on any of the plants, the formation of dark or light spots - such a plant should be destroyed so that the disease does not shift to neighboring shoots.

Application of homemade pea

Few people know that peas at home can be grown not only for the sake of the pods themselves, but also for greens. First, it grows in a pot, it is much faster than the same onion or, for example, salad. And secondly, when proper approach It can provide owners not only fresh greens every day, but also excellent fruits. In order for the plant to not dilute from excessive removal of greenery (leaves) after laying the stem, it cuts off, because of which the peas gives a big abundance of shoots. Some of them can be used for greens, and part - for growing blades.

Many varieties have completely edible blades, especially for sugar varieties. Moreover, as effective measure ARVI prevention precisely sugar grades the best optionSince 100 grams of blades (this is about 10-15 pcs) contains a daily dose of vitamin C, which refers to a natural antiviral inhibitor.

Finally, the pea themselves. Almost all varieties of pea can be used in raw form, they are also suitable for conservation and as ingredients to of different kind dishes. Often grown peas at home, especially in winter, is excellent for drying - some lack of moisture affects, and during the selection of the corresponding variety (for example, medium "Avola"), the result will be more than excellent.