Wood floor treatment: linseed oil, wax or varnish? What is drying oil for: what it gives and how it is used correctly Yacht varnish is used alone or with drying oil.

It is no secret that wood surfaces treated with varnish or paint have a significant disadvantage - they become cold and lifeless. If you intend to preserve the beauty of texture, warmth and energy, we recommend that you pay attention to such a material for processing wood as drying oil.

Compositions for wood - drying oil can be different

Drying oils can act as an independent protective and decorative coating wood, or as a primer before painting or filling, as a component for the preparation of paint compositions.

The existing lineups can be divided into the following groups:

Wood processing with natural linseed oil - application features

Most often, flaxseed, hemp and sunflower drying oils are found on the market. Natural linseed oil has a light transparent color. It is used for priming wooden, plastered and metal surfaces, as well as in the process of preparing putties for wood, pastes and for diluting light colors. The use of natural compounds is allowed indoors. How long does natural linseed oil dry on wood? At a temperature of at least 20 ° C - about 24 hours.

Hemp linseed oil has a pronounced dark color. The scope of application of the composition is all the same as for linseed. But this liquid is only used to dilute dark, thickly grated paints. Compared to the previous representatives of the group, the sunflower impregnation dries up more slowly - after a day, a dry liquid will still be felt on the surface. Its peculiarity is high elasticity, however, in terms of hardness, strength and water resistance, it loses to hemp and linseed oil.

Natural formulations are great for treating wood surfaces various instruments... Hunters love to saturate their rifle stocks with them - after that, the product is very soft and warm in the hand, it is pleasant to touch it with your cheek. However, for impregnation floor coverings this group is not suitable, since the film, which is created by natural compounds, does not have high strength.

Semi-natural, combined, synthetic - areas of application of drying oils

Semi-natural drying oils are generally light brown in color. The resulting film on a wooden surface is characterized by hardness and good gloss, as well as a fairly high water resistance. Basically, semi-natural formulations are used in combination with other paints and varnishes or as a primer. Like natural drying oils, semi-natural oils do not have sufficient strength for processing floor coverings.

Manufacturers add modifiers to combined formulations that improve their qualities necessary for the production and dilution of thick-bodied paints. Also, combined drying oils are used for priming wooden surfaces before plastering or painting.

Do not forget that the liquid dries for at least a day - it is not recommended to apply a layer of paint or plaster until it dries completely.

Synthetic compounds are used not so much for impregnation, but as a basis for diluting dark oil paints for painting outside, as well as for priming metal, concrete and plastered surfaces. Synthetic drying oil is also used for the preparation of all kinds of putties and pastes.

What is drying oil - we impregnate wood

It should be noted that drying oil is in demand among amateurs natural materials, which are absolutely safe for human health. However, in terms of other parameters (strength, penetration depth, durability), compositions based on natural oils have long been inferior to impregnations based on alkyd resins with fungicides and other modifiers.

Natural impregnation is most often used in the care of wooden products, which periodically, one way or another, need to be cleaned and polished. For example, it can be carpentry tools. Also drying oils from natural oils show themselves well in internal works ah - treated wood surfaces look very good, they continue to breathe and scent the air. But for outdoor work, it is better to use more modern substances that are resistant to temperature extremes, moisture and pests.

now - one of the most fashionable and popular construction and finishing materials due to its two main characteristics: environmental friendliness and aesthetics.

But at the same time, the tree does not differ in high strength and durability in comparison with others. modern materials. Natural wood requires special processing technology and additional protection; for this purpose, various impregnations, mastics, etc. are used.

Drying oil, almost forgotten in last years due to the abundance of new funds from foreign manufacturers in this category, it is again in increasing demand - the effect is almost the same, but the price is much more affordable.

What is linseed oil for and how to use it correctly when decorating or other buildings (for example, gazebos or baths) made of wood?

Drying oil is a traditional varnish-and-paint material widely used in construction and painting works several decades ago.

Under the Soviet Union, this was almost the only means by which products and buildings were processed. He has his ardent admirers to this day.

Using drying oil for wood walls

Linseed oil helps to reduce paint consumption, therefore it is often applied to wood not only as a protective layer, but also as a primer for painting. How to do it correctly?

Everything is extremely simple. Shake the bottle or transfer to a large container and stir.

Additional Information

Drying oil can be used for priming not only wooden walls, but also plastered. It is also often used as an anti-corrosion coating for metals.

It is important to choose the right type of product. Modern manufacturer produces drying oil of three varieties, different in composition and properties:

Natural drying oil. It consists of 95% vegetable oil, and only 5% of a desiccant, a special additive that accelerates the drying of the treated surface.

It is unprofitable to use it for external treatment due to high cash costs, while this species does not give one hundred percent protection against fungus and insects.

Oil paints are diluted with natural drying oil and wooden surfaces are primed before painting or varnishing.

Oksol. It consists of 55% of a natural oil component, 40% of a solvent, white spirit, and 5% of a desiccant. The scope and properties of this variety of drying oil are the same as natural, only it dries faster and is cheaper.

It also does not give one hundred percent protection. More details for what Oksol drying oil is needed and what it consists of in the video:

Composite drying oil is made entirely of artificial chemical components, in particular, petroleum resins, and has a pungent odor.

Drying oils based on alkyd resins are considered the best. They are not as fatty and expensive as natural drying oils, and not as toxic as composite ones. But, nevertheless, it is better to use them for finishing summer cottage outdoor buildings (porch, swing, gazebo, summer kitchen) and for interior rooms country house and apartments.

Choose more modern, refined, reliable and safe formulations.

Drying oil is a good alternative to modern expensive means for impregnating and priming wooden surfaces.

But remember that some of its types can be toxic and are not suitable for residential use.

If you need guaranteed protection from external factors, drying oil alone is indispensable.

Now many people want to protect themselves from unnecessary chemicals. This also applies to wooden products. Drying oil in this regard - unique material! The origin of the name "natural drying oil" speaks for itself. Up to 95% of the composition can contain natural components of flax seeds, hemp, rapeseed, which is very high rate in the production of paints and varnishes.

The remaining 5% are synthetic compounds, but their specific gravity so small that negative impact practically does not occur on the human body. The lower the percentage of synthetic chemistry in the drying oil, the longer the wooden thing will serve you.

When choosing, pay attention to the composition and choose a product with the maximum percentage of natural components, this is the key to enhancing the properties of drying oil in protecting wood.

Main purpose

Given the characteristics of the material, it should be noted what drying oil is needed for:

  • base for painting external structures;
  • impregnation internal structures(wall and ceiling cladding, flooring).

After processing, it is necessary to allow time for the coating to saturate the inner layers of the wood tissue. Drying times may vary, but wait until completely dry. Further wood flooring at the request of the user, it is left in this form, or any oil paint is used.

The interaction of drying oil and oil paint will only strengthen the protective layer of the tree. And also, the more linseed oil is used, the less paint consumption, isn't it a plus?

You should not sit on the ceiling of the fence if you just painted it, in the hope that the impregnation is completely natural products, and it will be absorbed in 5 seconds. Processing wood indoors is just as important as outside. Changes in temperature, air humidity - all this does not have the best effect on the tree.

Lining and floors can be treated with linseed oil. However, do not forget that the composition must be absorbed until completely dry, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to enter the treated premises.

Remember, the main difference internal processing from the outside - absence fresh air. If the sun and wind act as natural "dryers" for outdoor areas, then for indoor processing a maximum supply of fresh air is required. This is necessary in order to the shortest possible time the surface in the room has dried well, and unpleasant odors that even natural remedies have have faded away.

In addition to wood, drying oil and oxol are excellent for painting and preparing metals (at the priming stage). And drying oil can also be added to plaster - a kind of universal assistant to the builder.

The choice of drying oil

How to choose the drying oil correctly? You cannot be guided only by the rule that the higher the level of naturalness, the better. There are the following types of drying oil:

  • Natural - the higher the percentage of natural substances in the composition, the higher the cost of the material and its quality. If a product with a 45% composition of vegetable oils can be used for exterior painting, then drying oil with an oil content of 70% and above can be used for interior work. In any case, the impregnated surface will be protected.

  • Combined- material as close as possible to the source. In its composition, as a rule, a natural base and white spirit (solvent) are mixed, which occupies the structure of drying oil by 1/3. Such a complex is used for external use - the effect of the solvent on the body is practically not noticeable, and drying is faster.

  • Drying oil "Oksol" - the middle class of the product. The impregnation is made from 55% natural oils and is used both indoors and outdoors. Oksol is a great helper in drying oil small parts.

  • Composite is the cheapest impregnation option. It consists almost 100% of synthetic substances, has a strong pronounced odor. It is strictly forbidden to use drying oil for floors and other wooden surfaces in living quarters, no matter how ventilated they are.

Having oil in its composition, drying oil will be an excellent base for paint. And we are not talking about applying a layer of paint on a dried layer of drying oil. Varnish-based paint - combines the properties of both substances and does not require varnish.

MA-25 - this is the name of the paint for processing external surfaces, which is made from a combined drying oil.

In the video: how to cook natural drying oil yourself.

Application method

In order to properly handle wooden surface, you do not need to finish painting courses, but you still need to observe the basic principles of working with painting:

  1. Before using drying oil or oxol, the wooden surface is cleaned of dust, grease and thoroughly dried. Application to wet material is extremely ineffective.
  2. Too thick a solution, if desired, can be diluted with a solvent or nefras. Painting agents are used only after thorough mixing. No matter how fresh the can is, stirring gives the linseed oil structure oxygen saturation and reabsorption of the released oils.
  3. To cover the tree with linseed oil, either a roller or a brush is used. Small details are painted with small brushes.
  4. Drying oil for wood and oxol with a maximum natural composition dry for about 24 hours. Since multiple layers need to be used for the greatest effect, it is important to understand that it will take several days to work out the detail thoroughly. Synthetic drying oil dries in much less time.

When working with drying oil, it is important to protect the surface of the hands from the ingress of material. If you do get dirty, carefully remove upper layer from the skin, while moistening it with vegetable oil. If the solution remains on the skin, you can remove the residue with a solvent, then rinse your hands thoroughly with warm soapy water.

Conventional impregnation contains mainly chemical components. The drying oil consists of natural ingredients. Why waste effort, money and time on synthetics when you can protect own health and wooden surfaces with natural materials?

When choosing a product, pay attention to the manufacturer. Today on the market you can find by-products that are produced under the name "drying oil", but their composition is not much like it. Therefore, only trust the work quality materials and renowned manufacturers and your wooden crafts will serve for many years.

If someone varnishes an icon without first impregnating it with linseed oil - well, this is already completely strange, there is nothing to talk about, in my opinion. As far as I know, egg tempera requires an obligatory impregnation with linseed oil, otherwise, over time, the pigments whiten, lose color and the paint layer quickly collapses.

Linseed oil recipe: a liquid desiccant (cobalt or lead) is added to a slightly warmed fresh linseed oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 (by volume). Drying time is about 4 hours.

Linseed oil can have only two main types (well, plus nuances) - oxidized and polymerized. Oxidized linseed oil, regardless of whether it is raw, boiled, with or without desiccants, begins to dry out from the upper surface layer, polymerized linseed oil is cooked under increased pressure, and it begins to dry out simultaneously in the entire layer, but is more susceptible to yellowing and darkening as a result. That's all the fundamental difference, so that the linseed oil is raw or boiled is essentially the same thing, but if, during cooking, in addition to the desiccant, you add some scraps to it (you should know which ones and how much) you get a good oil varnish.

Regarding the drying time, this largely determines the basis - the board and levkas, for example, I have dry linden boards, long-term aging, the drying oil is pulled like a sponge, I have at least 12 hours, and even then after that the drying oil can sink dry, so I have to add extra oil.

It's better for our cause after all oxidized oil, since it is very important that both the paint layer and the levkas and the board are saturated with linseed oil as thoroughly as possible, since it is linseed oil, penetrating deeply into the tempera, holds and protects the icon from destruction. Although, if it is constantly in a damp and cold room, the drying oil itself begins to grow moldy and darkens very quickly.

As oil varnishes darken in damp rooms and alcohol grows cloudy, as alternative option you can use "liquid wax" world famous Italian company OIKOS, which produces various paints and materials for construction and finishing works. "Liquid wax" is used to cover the plaster of the isk type. stone, adheres well to walls subject to condensation, water-resistant, appearance it looks like milk, after drying it is absolutely transparent.

The appearance of stains after drying oil due to the uneven content of the binder in the paint layer, therefore, levkas is visible where there is little of this binder, especially it looks bad on faces. To reduce this undesirable effect, you should try to write with the same tempera texture as possible. On a personal letter, greasy yolk spots are unacceptable - they must be washed out and removed immediately. If, after applying a layer of melt and drying, matte bald spots appear on the surface, then you need to add a binder and water to the tempera. Approaching the end of smelting, it is necessary to assess the filling of the tempera with a binder in the light, and if there is a lack of it, it is necessary to dilute the binder with water and carefully "water" the paint layer with it in one or several steps, depending on the circumstances.

If you paint with a thick layer of paint, the risk of staining with drying is minimal. If the task is to write something in a thin layer, taking into account the gesso lumen, it is better to make a tempera with an acceptable lack of binder and, after finishing all the work on the site, add additional binder to the paint layer.

Well, also for those who do not know yet - there is such a control test for the degree of sufficiency of the binder in the paint layer: on the dried surface of tempera is carried out with a wet brush, if the trace is darker than the coller - it means there is little binder, it is necessary to add, if on the contrary the trace is lighter - then everything is fine, nothing needs to be added.

Have you finished the floor with wood and sanded it? Now what? We have good options how to give even more beautiful view such an excellent calving material, like wood, and make it resistant to external influences.

Grinding is critical

While sandpaper no. 40, 60, and 100 is suitable for pre-sanding the floor during the usual treatment of the floor, then during the planned treatment with an alkaline solution, soap or drying oil, the sanding should be even more thorough. After sanding the floor sandpaper grit 100 with a cycle sander and a floor sander at skirting boards, simply place a no. 120 or even no. 150 sanding mesh under the single disc grinder and sand the wood again. Do this thoroughly and remove wood dust from time to time. Sand the edges and corners with a grinder or by hand using the same grit size 120 or 150.

Alkalis and soap

Alkaline solutions are highly corrosive liquids that easily change the structure of a wooden surface by chemical means. The main effect that is obtained with this is that soft spruce wood does not darken over time as a result of contact with it. sunlight and soft pine wood does not take on a reddish (in the core area) or yellowish (in the sapwood area) tint. The alkaline solution is applied to raw sanded wood (rubber gloves are required!).

It is very important to constantly stir the alkaline solution so that it is homogeneous, otherwise some components will settle to the bottom. After about 2 hours the tree will turn slightly whitish.

Then you need to thoroughly rinse the surface big amount water with the addition of a floor cleaner or remove alkali residues from the surface with a single disc sander (use sanding mesh no. 150). Attention: different alkaline solutions are used for soft and hard wood species. If you mix them up, the surface of the wood may become mottled.

Treatment of wood with an alkaline solution is only a preparation for further surface treatment. Classically, especially in the Scandinavian countries, the floors are then lathered. Soap for wooden floors contains mainly soybean fat and odorless coconut oil, which oil the wood from the inside. As a result, the wooden surface becomes moisture resistant and repels dirt. The soap is simply added to the water, which is then applied to the wood with a fringed duster. After drying, the procedure should be repeated at least three to four times. Later, the soap should be added to the water every time the floors are cleaned.

Drying oil

The application of drying oil is a very common surface treatment for plank floors after varnishing. Linseed oil is not as strong as varnishes, but it helps to emphasize the natural texture of the wood, which becomes softer and more pleasant to the touch.

First, apply the drying oil evenly to the floor using a high-nap roller. After about 30 minutes, wipe off excess drying oil with a rag and rub in the drying oil well using a single disc sander and a sander. After the surface is dry (after about 6 hours), polish it with a sanding mesh until an even, faint shine appears. After alkali, drying oil is often used, painted in White color to give the wood surface a light, slightly whitish shade. Dark drying oil can be applied without pretreating the wood.


Wax is, like drying oil, also a natural product, which, after adding various substances to it, becomes suitable for treating the surface of wooden floors. Unlike drying oil, wax does not penetrate the wood very deeply, but it also does not form a film on the surface, like varnish. The waxed surface always breathes actively. A commercially available so-called decorative wax is a mixture of wax and vegetable oil, which, just like drying oil, is applied to a wooden surface and rubbed in. It is sufficient to apply the colorless decorative wax twice.

Colored decorative wax needs protection, since pigments that cannot penetrate into the wood dissolve, and boardwalk ugly stains are formed. You can protect the wax if you apply it on top and rub in a colorless hard wax- butter. This will keep the color of the decorative wax fresh for a long time.

Important: the more wax layers, the more intense the staining of the floor. The disadvantage is that with each layer, the natural texture of the wood is hidden more and more. The ideal tool for spreading wax and oil is a professional spatula.


Covering a freshly sanded wood floor with colored varnish is simply a sin, because varnishes form a layer on the surface that completely hides the texture of the wood. If you like intense colors on the floor, then you can varnish individual areas, for example, paint a carpet. Like all lacquered surfaces, plank floors need a primer after thorough cleaning. Apply several layers.

First paint the floors with acrylic lacquer using a short nap roller. Then draw a drawing as desired. When the main layer of varnish has dried, it is quite possible to glue crepe or varnish tape. Finally, after everything has dried, wax varnish should be applied twice. Then the surface will become resistant to daily abrasion for long term, and, accordingly, repairs will not have to be done soon.

Wooden floors can also be varnished with vegetable oil. It will adhere to all varnish-treated and waxed floors where ordinary water-soluble varnish will not hold.

The prerequisite, however, is that you sanded the waxed / oil-lubricated floors again with sanding mesh no. 150. First, the varnish is applied around the edges, then over the entire surface. You can walk on the floor after 6 hours, and the varnish will completely harden after 7 days.

Only wax lacquer will make the lacquered surface wear-resistant. We recommend applying it at least twice with a short-pile roller and intermediate sanding with a 150 mesh sanding mesh.