How to develop visualization in adult exercise. Learning to Visualize - Practice and Exercises for Those Who Can't Do It

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) will be successful for all the signs of the fire element, and the temperamental Leo will deserve the highest favor. The astrological forecast promises a promotion, stable income, and a solution to lingering issues. The coming year will be filled with emotions, joy and happiness. New perspectives, acquaintances and hobbies await Fiery Lions. Those who despaired of waiting for a marriage proposal will find long-awaited happiness, and those who are ringed will find harmony in relationships. The horoscope for Lviv for 2019 promises many more surprises.

General forecast for 2019 for Lviv

In the year of the Pig, representatives zodiac sign Lions will have the opportunity to demonstrate regal power. You will be favored by the elements of nature, and the Sun will take natal chart dominant position. Fire predators will be able to fully realize their ambitions and achieve financial success. To do this, one should foresee the coming changes, study the picture of what is happening, and only then draw final conclusions.

Love horoscope

The Year of the Pig promises royal Leo changes in their personal lives and prophesies the birth of strong relationships. Lonely predators will most likely find love among old acquaintances, and family signs will once again make sure that they have made the right choice. The stars prophesy the return of the primordial feelings of those Lions who doubted their partner. The reason for sadness will disappear, and minor misunderstandings will be resolved with the help of a sense of humor.

In the year of the Pig, royal predators will meet a soul mate and find long-awaited happiness in their personal lives.

A love horoscope predicts a fateful meeting with an ideal for Lionesses. New relationships will bring long-awaited happiness, passionate love and fulfillment of innermost desires. Once invented dreams will become a real embodiment of reality. Passionate love and tender romance will settle in the hearts of the proud and unyielding representatives of the fire element. Married Lionesses should take care of their health - next year promises an addition to the family. The spouse will delight with care, fulfill whims and anxiously participate in the improvement family nest... Do not be discouraged if you have to postpone career advancement for a while. Your boss will understand your decision to pay attention to your family.

The Year of the Earth Pig is the best period for Lions who want to arrange their personal life. You did a good job last year, increased your assets, expanded the boundaries of your business - it's time to open your heart towards love, the more the stars favor the reign of family harmony.

The period will be favorable for those couples who were on the verge of parting. Conflicts will subside, all pressing issues will be resolved, a period of understanding and forgiveness will come. The Earthen Pig does not promise drastic changes, a period comes when all matters are decided by chance, you need to learn to go with the flow.


Throughout the year, Leo is patronized by two influential planets. Despite the fact that the Sun and the Moon are in dissonance, the situation will be in favor of the Lions and will bring the desired results. For those who do not have time to cope with the situation in the financial market, fortune will provide a chance to correct all mistakes and realize hidden opportunities.

The basis for the success of royal Lions in 2019 is the ability to foresee the development of events, to accept non-standard solutions. Thanks to the influence of the moon, sensitivity and professional grip will be sharpened. These qualities will serve as the basis for achieving success and material well-being in the new year.

The period of activation of hidden opportunities has come. The amount of energy expended in the future will be proportional to the result obtained. The more calm and confident you act, the more projects you will implement. Those Lions who have not managed to show leadership qualities until now are given the opportunity to declare their candidacy. Be persistent and the management will definitely appreciate you.

Activate internal reserves - the year promises to be difficult, but the most productive

Representatives of the fire element will have a huge supply of energy, which will be enough for the implementation of a large-scale project, while Leo will work as usual. Just keep in mind that the body's reserves are not unlimited, learn to alternate between rest and active loads.

Technical savvy and organizational skills will grab the attention of potential partners. There will be an opportunity to conclude profitable deals and implement projects that were in reserve. Do not be afraid to take risks - the stars promise good luck and success in financial investments.

Work, career, business

It is difficult to think of a better location for the heavenly bodies for career and business. For Lviv, one of the most favorable periods of development is coming. The opportunity is given to lay the foundation for new relationships, open branches, expand opportunities, strengthen the status and increase the profit of production. Pluto's activity favors personal growth, so it makes sense to focus on the development of intellectual potential.

Raise the question of getting a second education, studying foreign language acquiring a second profession. It is possible to combine positions or conduct several projects at the same time. Pay attention to the qualifications of your own business personnel, it makes sense to expand the circle of employees. Do not forget to keep under control the events that are taking place: as long as Leos have their finger on the pulse, they can be sure of a favorable outcome of any event. For guaranteed success, pay close attention to the quality of work, do not be scattered about trifles and keep feeling dignity.

Year of the Earth Yellow Pig favors enterprising Lionesses and promises favorable business development

2019 will bring good luck to Leo, who have dedicated their lives to creativity, journalism, literature and politics. In the first half of the year, the attitude towards former partners should be reconsidered. Closer to summer, a crucial period will begin, in which Leos are given the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to run a business on their own. At the same time, do not forget about family and personal life, a difficult stage begins, which will require Leo to be calm and loyal to others.

Emotions and experiences are not the most The best way solving personal issues. The stars recommend not to postpone solving problems until later, but it is not worth solving them in a fit of passion. The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig will help to build a career for aspiring professionals and entrepreneurs. Do not forget to plan every step, develop a strategy, anticipate possible difficulties, and then success is guaranteed.


The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig gives Leo the second heavenly patron. The moon will help to activate vital functions, metabolic processes, and normalize blood circulation. The non-standard tandem of the water and fire elements normalizes the flow of energy in the body, endows predatory representatives with inexhaustible health and endurance.

Enjoy active sports with the whole family - this will help develop potential and harmonize relationships in marriage.

Most Fire Lions will enter the Year of the Pig with a train of chronic health problems that they have acquired over the previous year. But favorable circumstances will help them get rid of the effects of stress and illness. Do not forget that Lions have a weak point - the heart and blood vessels. Try to minimize emotional stress, go in for sports, pay attention to nutrition. This will help activate your inner potential.

In 2019, Mercury will weaken its influence, so exacerbations of chronic diseases and accidental injuries are possible. Avoid critical situations and aggressive sports, be prudent and attentive.

In general, the year promises to be prosperous, provided that you are attentive to your health. It is unlikely that situations at work, in the family will be able to significantly affect the emotional or physical level of a pragmatic Leo. In order to unbalance a royal person, you need to work very hard. But working for wear and tear, this sign runs the risk of bringing itself to exhaustion. Alternate active work with rest - this will increase your ability to work at times.

Horoscope for 2019 for women-Lviv

Women-Lviv will have a wonderful period. It will bring a lot of impressions, touching moments and of course new love... Those who wish to find personal happiness will meet a soul mate. The main priority for most female Lionesses will be taking care of the home and replenishing the family.

Treat your loved ones to delicious treats on the weekend, they need your attention so much

Emotional business women predict conflicts at work, family and business. Try to control what is happening, do not engage in open war, do not look for flaws and reasons to unleash an emotional shootout. “Remember: The most best fight- the one that did not take place. " Patience and loyalty to those around you will raise your authority and win over those around you, help harmonize the situation, which will greatly benefit active wayward Lionesses.

The sun protects Leo in all areas of life. There will be an opportunity to purchase real estate, long-awaited repairs, purchase of a car. Despite the maximum engagement, provide all possible help to others, support relatives and friends, and then relations in the family will become stronger and warmer.

What awaits men

The stars advise predators not to make hasty decisions. Learn to control your emotions so you don't regret mistakes. This mainly concerns relations with family and friends. The next year will require maximum responsibility from male Leo at home, at work and in business.

Male predators are the most energetic signs zodiacal circle

In winter, Leo will correct the consequences of old mistakes, to a greater extent this applies to past relationships. Old acquaintances will appear who will defend personal rights or remember past grievances. Be patient and be more loyal to other people's experiences.

Financial geniuses deserve the highest praise. This is their chance to make a career and achieve an influential position. The second half of summer and the beginning of autumn can be a difficult period for men. During this period, Leo can feel emotional overload. They will not be able to cope with the usual rhythm of life. It is advisable to foresee this state of affairs, plan a vacation or take a long weekend.

Set yourself up for a year-end competition on the business prairie. Organize an audit of your company, check possible channels of information leakage. In general, the year of the Pig will be eventful and productive.

Horoscope for Leo for all signs of the Chinese calendar

Astrologers will classify the Yellow Pig as the caring and judicious mistress of the year. This entails promising changes, the successful resolution of important matters. Events are coming that will help you achieve status, influence, and implement complex projects. Various events will take place under the rule of the year, but people who want to create a family and have offspring will deserve special favor. Heavenly patrons are celek and fully contribute to the realization of innermost desires.

Leo women are waiting for a marriage proposal


The pig is supportive of the Rats. They will be lucky this year, but they will have to make a lot of efforts to make their dreams come true. Those Rats who dynamically and confidently make their way to the top of the career ladder will receive the full patronage of the Pig. Serious health problems are not foreseen, but during the period of off-season illnesses it is worth taking care of elementary means of prevention. In relation to finance, you will have to observe the canons, and in business, you will have to show decency. Don't follow colleagues who are walking over their heads. This is not your method. Find a non-standard approach to the situation and the management will definitely notice you. Rats who are going to build relationships can hope for the favor of the heavenly bodies.


The Yellow Earth Pig is an excellent partner for the Ox. They will maintain a favorable relationship throughout the year. The period will be eventful, business issues will be resolved according to the usual scenario thanks to the dedication and activity of fire predators. The higher social status Bull, the more fruitful the next year will be. In matters of the heart, part of Leo will be disappointed, especially by those who are in a long protracted relationship. To avoid this fate, you will have to learn to hear your soul mate, find common ground, make compromises, otherwise you will reap the fruits of your own stubbornness in splendid isolation.

Spend time with family and friends - they are waiting for your attention


For the Tigers, the Year of the Pig will be stable and fruitful. For those who are in the arena of political activity, fate has prepared pleasant surprises. You will have achieved leading positions and you will keep them thanks to an impeccable reputation. In terms of physical health, significant problems are not foreseen, but stressful situations are possible. Listen to your loved ones: forget about work for a while and pay attention to your family.

Lion-Rabbit (Cat)

The rabbit was lucky with the patroness. Many wonderful events will take place in the Year of the Pig. Relationships in marriage will normalize, old grievances will be forgotten, useful acquaintances will appear. For those who are going to start a family, the Year of the Earth Pig will become a real helper and patron.

Significant difficulties await in organizing a wedding event, but the Cat will be able to pass them with dignity. Pay attention to the financial situation - huge waste is coming, but these will be important acquisitions. It is possible to obtain a loan or mortgage, so that in the coming decades you will have to pay off creditors.

Children require a lot of attention, but they give incomparable happiness.


The dragon and the Pig are far from understanding, but in a difficult situation, the master of the situation will become Fire Dragon... This year he will experience significant difficulties, but he will be able to solve problems with intelligence and prudence. It will be a difficult but productive period. The reason for the worries will be the state of health, more precisely, how the Dragon will be able to cope with the worries.

In the fall, a difficult period will come, which will be a decisive step towards the realization of abilities. The dragon will be able to keep the bird of happiness in his hands thanks to foresight. Keep in mind that this year you will lose the support of your patrons, but in the end you will be able to solve the problems yourself. The Year of the Pig is a great chance to start your own business.


In the year of the Pig, the wise Serpent will have difficulties. This mainly applies to the financial sector. Representatives of this sign are chaste, flexible, but when faced with rudeness, they make unforgivable mistakes.

Refrain from unplanned events and questionable adventures. This will avoid difficulties and financial losses. Be patient. This is an important period in your career that will help you consolidate things. As for personal life, you will have to face mistrust. Don't be upset - this is one of the ways to get the long-awaited freedom and start looking for a worthy partner.

Those who are in search of a soul mate should take a closer look at the immediate environment.


There is exactly as much in common between a Horse and a Pig as between water and fire. Therefore, representatives of the Horse sign will have to rely on themselves. The year will be difficult, but eventful. Financial stability will be achieved. There are prerequisites for changing jobs and places of residence, but all this will be beneficial, will help to realize the plans conceived. Try to pay attention to those close to you. For those who are in search of a soul mate, you should take a closer look at the immediate environment. Happiness is very close ... Try to streamline the rhythm of life, and then there will be enough time not only for work, but also for relationships.

Leo-Goat (Sheep)

The sheep will be able to achieve harmony and love with a loved one. In business, no significant changes are expected, but Koza will be able to stabilize existing assets for future investments. Health problems will remain in the past year, but pay attention to cosmetic procedures, it's time to take care of attractiveness. The spouses will have the opportunity to demonstrate their love and sincere attitude. This year the period is favorable for the birth of children. Pregnancy will pass without complications, and labor will be easy.

Take care of your attractiveness - you deserve the best


Interesting events await the monkey. An opportunity is provided to demonstrate creativity and internal reserves. Many Monkeys will discover their literary talent. Show persistence - declare yourself to the world, you are worthy of recognition. You will have to change your image, update your wardrobe, but the game will be worth the candle. Do not rush to tie the knot, for this another case will turn up. Think about your career now.


Roosters - emotional signs, but in the year of the Pig, emotions do not play in favor of variegated birds. During the first half of the year, conflicts in the family are possible, but prudent Roosters will be able to overcome any troubles. Try to pay attention spiritual development and raising the intellectual level. You did a good job last year, you may have become the owners own home... It's time to bring beauty to it and take care of sharing square meters with a loved man.

Only in the family is true wealth known


The dog is one of the few signs eastern horoscope, who is in confrontation with the Pig. In order to have a common language with the owner of the year, you need to turn into an affectionate puppy, and then the Dog will not have to defend his rights in business. There comes a temporary lull, but do not relax, in the spring the time will come for the activation of internal reserves and a reason to prove professionalism. The time has come for travel, knowledge, discoveries of the new and unknown. Leo-Dogs will be able to earn the trust of the second half. And for those men who are desperate to hear the desired "yes", the long-awaited moment of legitimizing the relationship will come.

Lion-Boar (Pig)

The Yellow Earth Pig will provide all kinds of assistance for representatives of its own sign. But this does not mean at all that they will have a carefree year. On the contrary, you will have to make an effort to get on the right track, overcome difficulties and stabilize your financial situation. You should be more careful about your health: alternate rest and physical activity, pay attention to nutrition. 2019 is a chance to achieve success in a career, provided that the Leos make every effort and will not be lazy. Pigs in an active search will be able to find personal happiness and create a strong family. Many of them will think about having a child and next year they will be able to rejoice at the addition to the family.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig will be one of the most prosperous periods in the life of Lions. Married people will be able to strengthen their position and gain the respect of their soulmate. Single representatives will find personal happiness. More likely to be added to the family. New acquaintances await Lviv, incredible discoveries, travels, resort romances and love adventures. Try to resolve issues with compromise, and then you can maintain the respect and kindness of others.

The Yellow Earth Pig has prepared a lot of surprises, both business and personal. The mistress of the year will drive away uncertainty and shyness. She will help you spread your wings and rush towards your happiness at full speed. Thanks to the positive attitude of the Pig, the horoscope for 2019 for Leo promises changes for the better in his personal life. Many will be able to find a soul mate or strengthen a relationship with a loved one. Career changes are possible. Change of residence is not excluded.

Monthly Horoscope 2019 for Leo

Each month has its own energies that bring both harmony and imbalance. But such an enterprising, bold zodiac sign like Leo will be able to use them correctly, direct them in the right direction.

  • January. Desires will be fulfilled with a wave of a magic wand. There will be many interesting meetings and new acquaintances. Probably an offer from an old friend to start a joint business, here it is important to correctly prioritize.
  • February. Ailments, bad mood due to material difficulties are not excluded. You will have to seek help from friends and relatives. The end of winter will bring new ideas, opportunities for development.
  • March. Frequent gatherings with friends will negatively affect the relationship with family. Also poor prognosis and health conditions. Dentist visits are unlikely to be avoided.
  • April. With an optimistic attitude, Leos will be able to infect everyone around them. As a result, relationships will improve both in the family and in the work collective. There is a high probability of receiving a bonus or other additional income.
  • May. All problems will have to be solved alone. It is unlikely that you will be able to be at home often, since you will have to travel on business trips or help relatives with repairs. By the end of spring, a breakdown is possible, nature will help to recover.
  • June. An ambiguous month, ups and downs are expected. Changes in love and business sphere... If Leo is a woman, you can count on a promising office romance. Representatives strong stat it is unlikely that you will be able to combine work and personal relationships.
  • July. Good period for career advancement. Fate will give lonely representatives of the sign a chance to meet a soul mate at business meetings, various events.
  • August. Leos are advised to drop anchor, try to keep everything they have worked out before. You should not get involved in new adventures. Soul rest will bring a romantic dinner with your loved one.
  • September. Update period. Someone wants to change their appearance. Someone will take care of updating the family nest. And someone will change the nature of the relationship with a loved one. In terms of health, everything will be fine.
  • October. Emotionally difficult period. The older and younger generation may require attention to themselves. At work, problems are not excluded, including financial ones. It is worth looking closely at new acquaintances, there may be swindlers among them.
  • November. Success in the field of love will give you a feeling of happiness. Thanks to a positive attitude, things will go uphill, relations with colleagues and management will improve. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is likely.
  • December. Significant financial flows are expected. The lioness will dispose of the money at her own discretion. But a Leo man will be forced to spend his savings on gifts for his relatives, preparing for the New Year.

Advice! Leos love to win, rule, be right always and in everything. In the year of the Pig, it is advisable to reason with your Ego, more often pay attention to the feelings and desires of others. Providing assistance to relatives, friends, colleagues, many will attract Fortune to their side and receive a well-deserved present.

Horoscope for a woman of the sign of Leo for 2019.

On the love front, ups and downs are expected. Some married ladies may think about having a child, while others may think about breaking off a boring relationship. Single girls suddenly want to start a family. But it is important not to rush to legitimize the relationship without first understanding your feelings for the chosen one.

How true woman, The lioness will try to find a profitable and easy job for herself. Unfortunately, desires do not always coincide with opportunities. Routine affairs and complex tasks are ahead. Strong disappointments are possible due to the inability to realize interesting ideas... It is important to maintain restraint, not to be led by emotions. Conflict will only hurt your reputation.

In 2019, Leo's most vulnerable spots are teeth, cardiovascular, nervous system... You need to try not to overeat, be active, healthy image life. It would not hurt to do some kind of sport. Exercise will improve appearance, will strengthen immune system and distract from problems. You cannot ignore the loss of strength; if you feel unwell, it is better to take a vacation.

Forecast for a Leo man

Many Leos will feel like they are on a roller coaster. Throwing between stable, but boring and new, but uncertain relationships will knock out of the usual rut. You should not accumulate grievances, omissions. Since a man has to take the first step, it is better to honestly talk with his soul mate and decide whether to continue the relationship or break up as friends. Single Lions will have the opportunity to meet their fate towards the end of the year.

The first half of the year is great for the transition to new job or starting your own business. It is important to be tactful, not to get involved in conflicts with colleagues, and even more so with management. In the summer, you should take a balanced approach to decision-making. People who are unclean can try to ingratiate themselves with trust. Businessmen will be able to expand their circle of acquaintances, acquire useful contacts.

It is advisable not to abuse alcoholic beverages, fatty foods. Excess weight will negatively affect the well-being of Lviv, can lead to disruption of the cardiovascular system. In the fall, depressive moods, loss of strength are possible. You can get in shape by going on vacation, closer to nature.

Eastern horoscope

The prudent Pig will try to reward everyone according to their deserts. That is why in 2019 the general horoscope for the Leo sign promises dramatic changes. What they will be depends largely on the past deeds of each representative of the Eastern Zodiac.

Rat. Success will bring an active life position. It is important to think over each step logically, but also not to forget about intuition clues. Financial well-being will largely depend on the ability to save money, to promote their ideas.

Bull. The secret of success lies in intellectual work. Such activities will bring material benefits, respect for people, inner satisfaction. Lonely people will have the opportunity to meet love, and family chores await household chores.

Tiger. The risk this year will be justified. Thanks to a quick reaction, it will be possible to increase finances, find a new job, and possibly even find personal happiness. The main thing is to maintain a balance between family and work.

Rabbit. A successful period in all respects. Free Lions will be surrounded by fans, and family ones - with the care and attention of their relatives. An increase in income can be achieved by showing diplomacy and hard work.

The Dragon. In order for the year to bring only positive moments, it is important to exercise discretion in all areas of life. Emergency weddings are disappointing. Professional activity will delight you with a high income.

Snake. Career will come to the fore and material well-being... Such qualities as slowness, thoughtfulness, restraint will help to achieve success. It is important to listen to your intuition, she will not advise bad.

Horse. This sign is no stranger to working, but in the year of the Pig, it will also be possible to receive gratitude for work in the form of a large monetary reward. The family will be sympathetic to workload, so there will be no quarrels.

Goat. Inborn artistry will help Leo achieve financial independence. Playing it will turn out to acquire rich fans, to advance up the career ladder, to beg for an increase in salary.

A monkey. Escapism will bring happiness only in personal life. In all other areas, it is worth getting rid of frivolity. Professional success and prosperity depend on the ability to plan.

Rooster. A suitable period to increase income, search for a soul mate. Family people expect pleasant household chores. Many will have the opportunity to move to a higher-paying job.

Dog. Both in the business and in the love horoscope for the sign of Leo, changes for the better are expected. Restraint, hard work will help to achieve success. It is important to look closely at your surroundings, there may be fraudsters in it.

Pig. The right time to discover creativity. It is creativity that will bring respect, inner satisfaction, material wealth. In your year, you can try to open a business, it will be profitable.

Leo's birth dates: 23.07 - 23.08

Ruling planet Leo: The sun.

Leo Release: Fire.

Leo Symbols: lion, swan.

Happy Leo Day: Sunday.

Bad Leo Day: Saturday.

Metal lion: gold.

Lion gem: red garnet.

Lion plant: oak.

Leo Numerology: number 1.

Leo's most inspiring color: gold.

Leo opposite sign: Aquarius

2019 year of the Yellow Earth Pig promises a fun and varied life. During this period, the representatives of the sign will expect changes, incredible events. Active Leos will not leave their usual way of life, moreover, their activities will flow over the edge. Representatives of the sign will make attempts to implement several projects at the same time, realize goals in various areas of their vigorous activity.

Despite the fact that there will be plenty of ideas, Leos are unlikely to be able to implement all of them. But at the same time, the started projects will be completed, all undertakings will be completed successfully. In order for everything to work out well, the representatives of the sign should moderate their pride, calm their natural egoism and impulsiveness. To achieve real results, Leos will have to restrain themselves, listen to advice, and accept outside help.

Undoubtedly, 2019 is the year of Lviv, it is this period that will allow them to stop doubting, take steps in the right direction. The year will be very productive, the main thing is to do everything deliberately. Representatives of the sign should "turn off the button" of bragging, self-satisfaction, moderate modesty will help to stay at the achieved heights.

Leo career 2019

One of the main surprises that Leo will bring is incredible luck in his career. Representatives of the sign should not be surprised by sudden promotions, bonuses, incentives, salary increases. This is how it will seem from the outside, but only Leos will know that they have earned such benefits themselves - with their work and diligence. It is the year of the reign of the Yellow Earth Pig that the representatives of the Leo sign will be able to finally get the desired results and fruits of their own activities. Difficulties will arise, but Leos will be able to easily overcome them if they begin to adapt to the circumstances, not to give free rein to their egoism and obsession.

Such dizzying successes should not lead off the intended path, their eyes should be wide open, and their head should remain cold. Representatives of the sign should in no case lose their composure, not lose control over the situation. The stars advise Leo not to get carried away with power, to maintain a positive attitude, hospitality, and caring. This approach to work will not only strengthen your position in the team, but also give you a chance to move further up the career ladder.

The financial horoscope for Leo for 2019.

The Year of the Yellow Earth promises Leo a lot of positive aspects related to finances. Despite the fact that the first half of the year will not bring any special profits, the financial situation will be quite stable. However, already in the second half of the year, the representatives of the Leo sign are expecting considerable joy in the form of collecting the fruits of successful activity. Most Lions will be able to finally pay off their debts, repay loans, get into a stable plus from the eternal minus or zero. Money will cease to flow away in an unknown direction, so it will be possible to save it up or very successfully invest it, counting on a solid percentage of the profit.

Leos should not forget that they can and love to count money, and not endlessly squander it. It is possible that many representatives of the sign, by virtue of their bragging, decide to show others their worth. The stars strongly advise against doing this, and when asked about money, it is better to keep quiet tactfully and modestly. Lions in 2019 do not need evil tongues and envious people.

2019 love horoscope for Leo

With a career and finances in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, everything will turn out well, which cannot be said about relationships. For some representatives of the sign, the reason for quarrels will be excessive employment at work, their attention will be lacking for loved ones. In such a situation, a compromise should be sought, and not continued to linger in the office and continue endless arguments.

The relationships of some Lions will be threatened due to their negative character traits. Success can turn the head of Leo so much that their whole essence will be exposed in the most ugly images. Power, exactingness, reaching aggression - these qualities will destroy the relationship. Lions, hold back, words spoken in a fit of aggression cannot be returned. There is a great risk that the relationship destroyed during this period will be doomed.

Meanwhile, the stars promise new pleasant discoveries for lonely Leos. Representatives of the sign will have unexpected love adventures, resort romances, piquant moments. In the middle of summer, there is every chance to meet your fate, if this happens, then happiness will need to be grabbed with both hands. The stars promise that the relationship that will emerge during this period will be long and happy.

In general, the coming year of the yellow earth Dog prepares for the representatives of the Leo sign quite a lot of interesting and positive aspects... The horoscope for 2018 for Lviv will allow you to learn more about the upcoming year.

The nature of the sign

  1. Star: Sun.
  2. Symbol: lion, swan.
  3. Stone: amber, diamond, topaz, onyx, chrysolite, ruby.
  4. Color: purple, orange, gold, red, black.
  5. Flower: peony, gladiolus, chrysanthemum.
  6. Metal: gold.
  7. Talisman: lion, eagle, ladybug.
  8. Lucky numbers: 1, 5, 9.
  9. Auspicious day: Sunday.
  10. Unlucky day: Saturday.

All carriers of this sign are very assertive in life, they are ready to go ahead in order to achieve their goals. They love attention, so they prefer to be among people. At the same time, they pay special attention to their appearance; to create their ideal image, they are ready to spend their last savings. Leos do not overestimate their capabilities, but at the same time they do not diminish their importance. They are especially pleased with the feeling of being in demand. At the same time, they do not miss the opportunity to teach someone wisdom, but they do not accept this in their address.

Leo horoscope

In order for the Year of the Dog to become more fun, happier and more successful for Leo, not so much is needed, for example, it is important to always respect the point of view and feelings of the people around you. A rash word or action can easily disrupt the favorable atmosphere, in which case you will not be able to avoid a scandal, divorce, division of property, or even destruction of a business.

At the beginning of summer, you may have an excellent opportunity to move in order to expand your existing business or exchange knowledge, experience unprecedented sensations, make new acquaintances, such prospects can interest absolutely all representatives of this sign.

At the beginning of autumn, a very unpleasant situation may occur, as a result of which your relationship with your partner will deteriorate significantly, and you will have to make a decision on further actions: either close your eyes to all grievances and save the relationship, or finish everything and start living from scratch.

V professional activity throughout all year round you will need to be tough and uncompromising. Thanks to this, you will exclude the possibility of conflicts with your superiors and retain your position and the existing level of salary. And in November it is recommended to pay attention to investing. You should respond positively to the offer regarding the purchase of living space, land. This agreement will be successful and will be able to bring its dividends in a fairly short time.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo woman

The horoscope for 2018 for Leo promises saturation with goals and their accomplishments. In the spring, you can move away from the monotonous office work and get closer to an interesting promising option in which you can take part in regular business trips abroad.

Your appearance will be so business-like that you can scare away those who are not confident in themselves, and thus, you can easily get rid of the males who are unworthy of you. And the one who is able to break through the shell, consisting of a tough disposition and uncompromising, instead of a serious woman-Lioness, will get a delicate fragile kitty.

The months June-September can bring you tons of short novels. Representatives of the stronger sex are able to ignite desire in you, however, this is where it all ends, because they do not know how to prolong this fire of passion for a long time. In 2018, the Lioness woman will leave behind many drooping men with broken hearts.

Carefully! The horoscope says that 2018 of the Dog is not the best time for reckless actions. All the rash words that you did not say meaningfully, all the anger or irritation that you will pour out on others will soon return to you and make you regret it.

Autumn 2018 will be marked by a passion for expensive jewelry, it is advisable to keep yourself in control and not spend all your remaining money on such a hobby.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo man

From the beginning of January, the horoscope for 2018 for Leo recommends that the male representatives start drawing up a detailed plan for the whole year. This will help eradicate the mistakes of the past and correct your mistakes, turning them into opportunities. Do not be afraid of risks, because you can only achieve success in the Year of the Dog through decisive action.

Unfortunately, the summer period will not be distinguished by an influx of new acquaintances, but this does not mean that you need to despair and resume the relationship that you decisively ended earlier. You better give it all free time improve yourself and travel with loved ones.

Those men who are already in a relationship should consider having a child. Surely your significant other will respond positively to such an initiative. It is worth remembering that it is preliminarily recommended to go to the place where the family is planned and be examined.

Love horoscope 2018 for Leo

The horoscope for 2018 for Leo recommends that the representative of the sign who is going to get married to prepare for possible difficulties and learn how to overcome them, starting from the first days of life together. The level of your requirements and the lack of compromise will initially repel your partner, however, closer to the end of the year, mutual understanding in your relationship will improve. The ideal period for getting married is within two months: September and October.

Openness in communication will help to preserve warmth in the marriage bond, partners must express their wishes and claims, listen to the needs of loved ones. There is no need to reproach and blame your loved one, because with this approach you will only evoke negative emotions in relation to yourself. The presence of quarrels and nervous breakdowns, both on one side and on the other, can cause a breakdown in relations.

For those Leo men who have not yet started a family, the summer and autumn periods will be the most optimal to meet their soul mate. You should be patient, since the search period will last a long time, however, those who wait and believe will be rewarded by fate with a spontaneous meeting with a person who will serve as a reliable partner and loyal friend.

Money horoscope

Attention! If during the period from April to May you play with particular enthusiasm gambling and lead a riotous life, this can reduce your money savings on a large scale.

Most of the Lions can easily borrow impressive amounts of money from their friends and family, believing that they will be able to say goodbye to debts in a short period of time thanks to the luck that is about to visit the player. However, no winnings or rewards will happen.

Starting from the summer season, a possible investment of a large sum of money in an event with an unknown outcome of events will be outlined, in case of a positive result, you can multiply the invested amount. However, an important task will be not to miss such a worthy opportunity, to be always ready and get maximum benefit from this.

Career horoscope for 2018 for Leo

The nice thing about next year's hostess is that she does not create complications while achieving any goal.

In order to exclude ill-wishers among your colleagues, you will need to be patient and tactful. Be friendly, even if in your soul you experience completely different emotions in relation to this person.

In 2018, a sign representative who does not have a job will have a chance to get one and receive a high salary. Summer period years is the best time to create own business, and if one already exists, then summer is perfect to take it to the next level. Make unusual acquaintances, thanks to this, you can quickly bring your ideas to life in business.

Important! In order for all affairs in the Year of the Dog to be completed successfully, Leo will need to complete all the assigned work on time in a short period of time.

The topic that concerns the image will be very relevant for you next year. You are also advised to carefully monitor what you say and your demeanor.

Health horoscope for 2018

Fortunately, Leo's 2018 horoscope does not bode well for him. However, it is worth paying attention to the state of the digestive organs, they can remind from time to time of their problems, especially to those who prefer fried, fatty foods and fast food.

If you are not serious about your state of health, then this can negatively affect your work and rest schedule in the future. Those who often resort to such a careless attitude may end up with a weak immunity by August. In order to regain your strength, you will need to thoroughly relax and it is advisable to go through several massage sessions.

But during the period of autumn and winter illnesses, you will be able not to catch a cold. At the end of the year, you will need to be more careful when driving a car, because it is during this time period that the stars predict an increase in the possibility of road accidents and the chance of getting a head injury.

Celebrities born under the sign of Leo

Many popular people were born under this sign, among them are the famous commander Napoleon Bonaparte, as well as Benito Mussolini, Vasily Shandybin and Barack Obama. Also among the Lions there are also industrialists, for example, Henry Ford, Neil Armstrong. There are many representatives of this sign among singers, they are Mick Jagger, Whitney Houston, Madonna. However, most of the famous Lions work in the film industry, for example, Jennifer Lopez, Pierre Richard, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matthew Perry.

Evgeniya Evus

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

The sun patronizes such a regal sign, it is able to charge Leo with its warmth and positive. This influence provides for a surge of strength, an increase in working efficiency, and allows you to clearly formulate goals. In the year of the Pig, the horoscope for 2019 for Leo has prepared a lot of good things: everything will go smoothly, success is guaranteed, and it will be possible to be at the peak of popularity. Of course, the rapid development of events can be a little intimidating, but the results will exceed expectations. A turning point will come that will radically change destiny.

The Year of the Yellow Pig promises to be challenging for people born between July 23 and August 22. In some ways, 2019 will be just the perfect time to pursue various opportunities. In others, you will have to try hard to keep what you have already acquired and avoid various problems.

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


The main problem of Lviv in 2019 will be their nature. If you do not monitor the manifestations of your shortcomings, you can pay dearly. This is especially true of personal life. Due to the growing selfishness and pride, you can simply crush your soul mate and completely destroy the relationship.

In the work plan, everything will be much better. New financial receipts are expected in the Year of the Pig. Also, Leos can freely count on promotions at work, promoting their ideas.

However, all this is achievable only if two conditions are met. First, the representatives of this sign need to work hard. And secondly, again, watch your character - at work, he can also interfere with you.

Horoscope for men-Lviv

Leo men are distinguished by their tendency to sharp inflammations and the same quick appeasement. At any time, such a person can show himself from the bad side or catch on to any little thing. As a result, a serious quarrel can come out. True, most likely Leo himself will try to eventually resolve this conflict and resolve.

Such manifestations of character can create many problems in the Year of the Pig. This applies to all areas of life. You must be especially careful in friendly companies and with a love partner. Not paying attention to your shortcomings, letting everything go by itself means constantly offending loved ones. If you don’t control yourself, you risk losing all your loved ones in the Year of the Pig and ultimately being left alone.

Also, try not to brag about your success at work, otherwise it threatens to turn into trouble for you. In 2019, you can catch your luck by the tail, as a result of which the work will captivate you and promise considerable profits. Against the background of these achievements, you must not forget about your family.

Horoscope for women-Lviv

For Leo women, the year also promises to be not too easy. Frequent conflicts with acquaintances and friends are likely. But, as with men, most of it will be your fault.

You should treat people more simply, do not cling to them and do not seek out their shortcomings. And at the same time control yourself. Then it will be possible to maintain an even relationship in 2019, and maybe improve them.

Also, women can look forward to various new opportunities. In the Year of the Pig, you can find a new job or get a chance for a big promotion. Use all the opportunities, because you can do it. The only thing you need to pay attention to is criticism addressed to you. Do not rush to cover your ears with your hands, perhaps part of it is fair and you better listen to it

In the Year of the Pig, many acquaintances will need your help and support. Provide it as much as possible and relations with loved ones will only improve.

Astro forecast by year of birth for 2019

Lion Rat

At the beginning of 2019, you will have to immerse yourself in business, you are required to make serious decisions, unambiguity in actions. This time will not be very good for the relationship, as you will show frank coldness, however, as well as towards you. But this is a very favorable time for any new undertakings, for active actions, initiatives.

Relationships will begin to improve towards the end of the year, when you manage to establish strong contact and begin to understand each other, warm and mutual feelings will visit you.

Leo Bull

Sadness and heavy thoughts can overwhelm you in early 2019. This is a very stressful period, especially for relationships with other people. You will tend to perceive everything that happens in negative colors, which is why your position in life and actions may not be entirely correct.

By mid-2019, the crisis will pass and the situation will begin to level out. Beware of deception and try to be completely honest yourself, otherwise you risk falling into an unpleasant situation again. 2019 does not promise anything good for either personal life or work.

Leo Tiger

The beginning of 2019 is very tense, you will feel a breakdown and at the same time the need and the need to do something, to defend your position - this state of affairs is not going anywhere. You should loosen your grip a little, relax and then you will see that you have support, a partner you can rely on, if not completely, then at least half - this will significantly improve your position and allow you to move forward.

By the end of the year, there will be no trace of fatigue and heavy thoughts, all things will go uphill. True, you should not get carried away, so as not to lose control completely.

Lion Rabbit

The comfortable state of affairs in early 2019 can relax you a little. However, you are easy-going and will be able to quickly gather in order to move on. 2019 will be a good year for you. You have every opportunity to keep your comfortable position, enjoy it, as well as continue to improve it, move on.

This year, you can rely on partners, colleagues and friends. Your actions and thoughts go in the same direction, which allows you to do everything harmoniously and receive good result... A good profit is possible in the second half of the year.

Lion dragon

In my personal life, problems are brewing during 2019. Most likely, it will be very difficult for you to understand your soul mate, and indeed all the people around you. Personal ambitions will overwhelm you, and the inability to fully realize them can make you aggressive. The result will be quarrels with loved ones.

It is best to keep external contacts and business activity to a minimum during 2019, devote this time to reflection, creating new ideas, as well as planning your future affairs. This will allow you to avoid many unpleasant situations.

Lion snake

Overall, 2019 promises to be a good year in many ways. High efficiency and ambition will help you to promote your business well and solve the accumulated issues. True, the desire to divide and rule will dominate at this time.

In connection with this circumstance, do not forget to engage in self-improvement, otherwise you may become an object for ridicule with your, sometimes exaggerated, claims. In communication, try to be less sarcastic and tease your friends, because interpersonal relationships somewhat vulnerable now.

Lion Horse

Your activity will play into your hands. Show yourself in full force at the beginning of 2019 - this will allow you to achieve your goals, be in time faster than competitors and get a better offer (opportunity) in business. Success also accompanies you in your personal life, if you are not shy and show yourself, take the initiative.

Do something bright, unusual - pay attention to yourself, and then in any space you can turn the flow of affairs in your favor. Each success will further increase your enthusiasm.

Leo Goat

In financial matters, problems are possible. You probably went too far somewhere, demanded more from yourself and others than you could get or do, as a result, the situation began to develop in a completely different scenario. Now you should not cling to past desires and try to bring everything back.

Soon the situation will be updated and you can start your movement anew. For many Lviv-Goats, 2019 will be a year of renewal, but it will not always proceed easily and the way you would like it.

Leo Monkey

In 2019, devote yourself to household chores. In 2019, all ideas related to the arrangement of their homes, repairs or the purchase of new furniture are being implemented very well. Creating a cozy home will have a positive effect on mood and relationships.

A particularly good trend is observed in already established relationships, while new acquaintances in 2019 are not very likely, but, nevertheless, possible. The acquaintances made this year have a long-term perspective.

Leo Rooster

Leo-Roosters in 2019 should focus on work. Your current affairs require special attention and diligence. And while everything is going as expected, the results will probably make you wait, so you will need to be patient and not give up.

You have everything you need to bring the job to the end and get the cherished fruits, you just need to show a little endurance. In 2019, financial investments and valuable acquisitions are successful, although there is no need to rush in this matter.

Lion Dog

But Leo-Dogs can afford to rest and get distracted from all matters. Together with Aries, they can filon in 2019. But if for Aries it is a time for reflection, then for Lions the year will be a period of tomfoolery. This will allow you to relax mentally, as well as acquire new ideas.

For creative people, 2019 will be full of new discoveries and insights, which will ultimately allow you to act with a vengeance. Do not deny yourself pleasure and rest, and it is better to postpone things for later.

Lion Pig

You need to overcome your fears and concerns. And the first step on this path is to acknowledge that you have these fears. Listen to the opinions of others, but do not follow them in pure form... Leo-Pigs need to better understand their needs and desires in order to cut off what is inspired by fears or just laziness.

In this case, you can achieve success on your way. Otherwise, you will remain standing still, not daring to change something in your life. Show courage and wisdom and you will succeed.

Love horoscope

The Year of the Pig promises royal Leo changes in their personal lives and prophesies the birth of strong relationships. Lonely predators will most likely find love among old acquaintances, and family signs will once again make sure that they have made the right choice. The stars prophesy the return of the primordial feelings of those Lions who doubted their partner. The reason for sadness will disappear, and minor misunderstandings will be resolved with the help of a sense of humor.

A love horoscope predicts a fateful meeting with an ideal for Lionesses. New relationships will bring long-awaited happiness, passionate love and fulfillment of innermost desires. Once invented dreams will become a real embodiment of reality. Passionate love and tender romance will settle in the hearts of the proud and unyielding representatives of the fire element.

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Married Lionesses should take care of their health - next year promises an addition to the family. The spouse will delight with care, fulfill the whims and anxiously participate in the improvement of the family nest. Do not be discouraged if you have to postpone career advancement for a while. Your boss will understand your decision to pay attention to your family.

The Year of the Earth Pig is the best period for Lions who want to arrange their personal life. You did a good job last year, increased your assets, expanded your business boundaries - it's time to open your heart to love, the more the stars favor the reign of family harmony.

The period will be favorable for those couples who were on the verge of parting. Conflicts will subside, all pressing issues will be resolved, a period of understanding and forgiveness will come. The Earthen Pig does not promise drastic changes, a period comes when all matters are decided by chance, you need to learn to go with the flow.

Career horoscope

In the first quarter, it is best for Leos to work slowly, continuing their work from last year. You should not think about changing jobs and sources of income. By the spring, this year's representatives will have pleasant financial surprises. However, fussiness and attempts to achieve success as soon as possible, knocking down walls and competitors on the way, will frighten off luck. Be patient and think about your strategy. Also, be wary of spending unexpected profits; do not use these funds for investment or entertainment. Invest in home improvement: housing expansion or renovation.

In the middle of the year, financial problems may force Lviv into debt. Friends will willingly help, maybe even offer a good job. But you still shouldn't rush - it's not the best time for you to start a new business yet.

In September-October, the difficulties and intrigues that have exhausted your strength over the past months will finally end. There will be a tangible positive shift in business. You may even receive an unexpected and very tempting offer for a job change or partnership in a new business project. However, don't make it too obvious that you are interested in it. Show Aryan restraint in the negotiations. Excessive fussiness will reduce your future income, or even completely disrupt the signing of the contract.

Health horoscope for 2019 for Lviv

Lions are practically invulnerable, but in the year of the Pig, they may have problems with old diseases, and stress and a heavy load also spoil their mood. You should not try to help everyone around, because it is unrealistic to jump over your head. The body will perceive this negatively, the heart system and nerves, moreover, the spine, may be under attack.

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Gather your will in a fist, follow the regime, go to the gym to adhere to clear recommendations. Some ailments will bypass the representatives of the sign. Do not push away loved ones who want to take care of you.

In the summer, representatives of the sign will plan a relaxed pastime, preferably in hot countries. But it may happen that the dream will not come true, you will have to postpone your vacation to another season, preferably in November. Some ailments may occur, all of this is due to ignorance. proper nutrition and optimal loads.

Men in the middle of the year will experience unprecedented stress, it is better to gather strength and not bother the liver. Special control is required in the use of alcoholic beverages. They can cause big damage, negatively affect well-being.


As the financial horoscope for 2019 portends, Leo will not become richer during this period of his own life. Moreover, there is a risk of losing credibility in the eyes of higher-ranking employees, and at the same time a part of their budget. You don't need to be upset. You should gather your strength and show your best side.

Then they will notice Lvov and want to encourage something, for example, a promotion, which will invariably lead to an increase in salary. The main financial income will come at the end of the year. After a difficult 12 months, you can breathe out with relief: everything that was planned for the year has been completed.

Children's horoscope

In the first half of the year, children preschool age they will suddenly turn into some reason and they will wake up an incredible thirst to know this world. Try to keep this quality in him - buy interesting books, find interesting educational programs, play appropriate games, take an interest in his thoughts, and so on.

But remember that the habits of preschoolers are forgotten over time if they are not supported, so if you want to teach him something at this moment, then you need to stick to the schedule. After missing at least one day, the next you need to start everything anew.

Family horoscope

Family Lions come to a time when you will fight with family members for supremacy in family relationships. Astrologers recommend moderating leadership qualities and looking for a peaceful way out of this situation and trying to preserve the most important thing - peace in the family.

This year, Lviv expects an addition to the family, an increase in living space, and other pleasant chores. But you have more than enough funds for this, and this is not bad at all! You will not have to borrow, try to do it on your own.

If you go on vacation, be sure to give the children to their parents: a separate vacation would be the perfect solution.

In general, no problems are expected with the preservation of the family: Leo enjoys a family idyll. You can start repairing, or at least purchase building materials.

Difficulty with a teenage child? You do not need to run to psychologists, as a result, you will lose your importance in the eyes of the child. Just give it enough time and the situation will improve.

Birth of children

The life of Lviv in 2019 will be filled with a variety of events, but women will not give up on their dream - the birth of a child. A love horoscope predicts the appearance of a baby in both newly made spouses and couples with experience. it an important event will play a big role in the life of the Lions themselves and their halves.

The relationship of a couple on the verge of divorce is bound to strengthen. Having a baby will force spouses to look at each other in a new way. Women will not have to worry about their career growth, the bosses will react with understanding to the decision of Lviv to devote all their time to the baby. Financial position families will be so stable that there will be no need to interrupt maternity leave.

Searching for a sweetheart

Leo bachelors do not lack attention from women, on the contrary, it is difficult for them to choose their only one among their many acquaintances. The 2019 love horoscope encourages men to take marriage more seriously. The stars promise that the alliance made in the year of the Earth Pig will be happy.

Leo will not have to regret his choice, the relationship will get better and better every year. The most successful period for finding a sweetheart is spring and summer 2019. Perhaps in the fall or winter, Leo will lead his narrowed one down the aisle. The love horoscope advises not to immediately abandon the offer of the chosen one to change the place of residence, all changes are only for the better.

Celebrity lions

Leo's appearance leaves no one indifferent, but external calmness attracts even more.

Due to the fact that representatives of the sign often become politicians, educators and psychotherapists, they can also organize any event. They say only what they think, exclusively the truth.

  • Daniel Radcliffe (23 July) is a British actor.
  • Jennifer Lopez (July 24) - American actress and a singer.
  • Alexandre Dumas-Father (24 July) is a French writer.
  • Jacqueline Kennedy (July 28) is the first lady of the United States.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (July 30) is an American actor.
  • J.K. Rowling (31 July) is a British writer.
  • Guy de Maupassant (5 August) - French short story writer.
  • Sofia Rotaru (August 7) ​​is a Ukrainian pop singer.
  • Mata Hari (August 7) ​​is a famous courtesan.
  • Whitney Houston (August 9) is an American soul singer.
  • Antonio Banderas (August 10) is a Spanish actor.
  • Napoleon I Bonaparte (15 August) - French emperor.
  • Walter Scott (15 August) is a Scottish writer.
  • Madonna (August 16) is an American pop singer.
  • Alexander Green (23 August) - Russian poet and writer.