Environmental pollution. Types of environmental pollution affecting the quality of life and human health

In the process of its development, humanity is constantly faced with pollution ambient.

Despite the fact that the improvement of technology improves the quality of our life, such rapid progress inevitably leads to noise, light, biological and even radioactive pollution.

As a result, with an increase in life comfort, a person worsens the quality own health. Therefore, the environment is so important.

Physical environmental pollution

This concept is quite voluminous and therefore it is broken by a few more subspecies, each of which characterizes this or that physical phenomenon.

Any pollution of the natural environment in which a person participates, is called anthropogenic.

Anthropogenic impact suppresses the ability of nature to independently update.


It occurs for various reasons, and serve as a source of this type of contamination can:

  • underground construction;
  • laying Communications;
  • the activity of certain types of microorganisms.

These factors are able to significantly increase the temperature of the soil, which highlights heat into the environment, as a result, the temperature of the medium also changes. In addition, any enterprise of petrochemistry can serve as a serious source of thermal pollution, where production waste is constantly incinerated.

As a result of thermal pollution in large industrial cities, changes average temperatureAnd it affects the reservoirs. Due to thermal pollution in the reservoirs, some types of flora and fauna disappear and others appear instead, the conditions of the spawning of fish are disturbed, the amount of oxygen in water is reduced. An example can serve.


This type of contamination at first glance seems completely non-hazardous, as, in fact, light pollution is a violation of natural medium lighting.

Nevertheless, experts speak the opposite, and as a result of light pollution, the reservoirs suffer most.

They change the turbidity of water, and artificial light blocks the possibility of access to the depth of light natural. As a result, conditions are changed for photosynthesis of plants in water bodies.

There are four main sources of light pollution:

  • illumination of the night sky in cities;
  • intentionally directed in the wrong direction of light;
  • lighting directional in the sky;
  • accumulation of bright, unsystematic excess illumination.


The main components of noise pollution are excessively loud noises and sounds that have an extremely harmful effect on the human body, therefore noise pollution is considered one of the most dangerous for humanity. Too loud sounds, which include sounds with noise level over 130 decibels, can lead to such consequences as:

  • diseases of the auditory;
  • nervous disorders (including shock reactions);
  • psyche disorders;
  • violations of vision and violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus (this applies to those who work in noisy production).
IN last years Noise pollution is a rather serious problem, and the physicians even introduced a new term in everyday life - noise disease. This ailment is accompanied by a violation of the nervous system under the influence of too loud sounds.


As you know, very strong vibrations adversely affect the surrounding buildings and structures: uneven sedimentation of foundations and entire buildings may result from such vibrations and fluctuations, which can later lead to their deformation, as well as to partial or complete destruction.

Such vibrations and oscillations of different frequencies are called vibrational pollution of the medium, but it is dangerous not only by exposure to buildings and structures, and also with its negative impact on the human body. At the same time, vibratory pollution not only cause irritation and interfere with rest or work, but also can have a serious impact on health.

Particularly susceptible to vibrational pollution areas on which the following objects are located:


Electromagnetic pollution arise as a consequence of the work of energy devices, electronics and radio engineering, while ordinary household electrical appliances do not have a relationship to this.

We are talking about radar stations, electric transport, high-voltage power lines and television stations.

These objects are created electromagnetic fieldsCaused by field strength, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe field of high tension fields, a person may experience problems such as irritation, fatigue, insomnia, constant headaches and disorders of the nervous system.


Ionizing radiation is divided into three types:

  1. Gamma radiation.
  2. Beta radiation.
  3. Alpha radiation.

All three species represent a huge danger for living organisms. Under the influence of such radiation in the body, changes occur at the molecular level. In cell nuclei, depending on the radiation strength, irreversible changes arise, violating the normal functioning of the cells.

Literally half a century ago, ionizing radiation was not particularly dangerous, only the deposits of uranium ores, radioactive slates and crystalline rocks were considered to be serious sources, and the Sun remains a serious source of ionizing radiation.

Currently exists a large number of Sources of ionizing radiation created by a person: these are nuclear reactors, elementary particle accelerators, artificial radionuclides.

This type of pollution is called more


One of the most cunning types of environmental pollution is mechanical pollution. It would seem that there is nothing irreversible and dangerous in it: it is the flow of dust into the atmosphere, and the hosted of water facilities in the soils, and landfills. In fact, the danger is not so much the phenomenon of mechanical pollution, but its scale. It is because of these huge scales in recent years, various environmental arises in recent years, which sometimes requires huge financial costs.


This type of pollution specialists are divided into bacterial and organic.

In the first case, pathogenic microorganisms, which contribute to the spread of many diseases, but the sources of organic pollution of the environment can serve as water reservoirs, waste discharges, dissemination of sewage cleaning measures.

For a person, bacterial contamination is most dangerous, since it appears many pathogens of serious infectious diseases.


The geological pollution mainly leads the actions of the person himself: as a result of certain types of activities, landslides or ribs, flooding, seeding of the earth's surface can be formed, dried out the territories. The main reasons due to which this happens:

  • mining;
  • building;
  • vibrational impact of transport;
  • impact on waste and sewering soil.


This is another serious type of contamination, which arises due to emissions of various pollutants, and such pollutants can serve as a variety of substances, from heavy metals to synthetic and organic compounds.

Basic sources of chemical pollution - industrial enterprises and various production, transport, agriculture.

Pollution fee

In accordance with S. Federal law "On Environmental Protection" with enterprises, institutions, foreign citizens is charged, environmental collection. If the collection is not paid, then a fine is imposed, which can reach 100,000 rubles. It is spelled out in law. Control for making an environmental collection is carried out by Rosprirodnadzor.


1 comment

    I would like to add and clarify to the account of ionizing radiation. The most dangerous is certainly gamma, radiation. These rays have a huge devastating force and penetrating ability. Protect yourself from them possible only in a deep bunker with ten meters in thickness concrete walls. The source of such radiation is most often a nuclear reactor. For comparison - from beta rays to fashionably protect yourself with a thin sheet of metal or a piece of tight clothing, and an ordinary thin sheet of paper will save from alpha radiation!

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If we consider environmental problems, then one of the most relevant is air pollution. Ecologists beat the alarm and call on humanity to reconsider their attitude to life and consumption natural resources, After all, only protection against air pollution will improve the situation and prevent serious consequences. Find out how to solve such an acute question, affect the environmental situation and save the atmosphere.

Natural sources of clogging

What is air pollution? IN this concept Includes and entering the atmosphere and all its layers of uncharacteristic elements of physical, biological or chemical nature, as well as the change in their concentrations.

What does the air pollute? Air pollution is due to a variety of reasons, and all sources can be divided into natural or natural, as well as artificial, that is, anthropogenic.

Starting with the first group to which pollutants generated by nature itself include:

  1. The first source is volcanoes. Hanging, they throw out huge amounts of the smallest particles of various breeds, ashes, poisonous gases, sulfur oxides and other no less harmful substances. And although the eruptions occur quite rarely, according to statistics, as a result of volcanic activity, the level of air pollution increases significantly, because up to 40 million tons of hazardous compounds are emitted annually into the atmosphere.
  2. If we consider the natural reasons for air pollution, then it is worth noting such as peat or forest fires. Most often, fires occur due to unintentional arsons by a person who negligently refers to the rules of security and behavior in the forest. Even a small spark from a not fully spent campfire can provoke the spread of fire. Less often fires are caused by very high solar activity, because of which the peak of danger accounted for a good summer time.
  3. Considering the main types of natural pollutants, it is impossible not to mention the dust storms that arise due to the strong gusts of the wind and the mixing of air flows. During a hurricane or other natural phenomenon, tons of dust rise, which provoke air pollution.

Artificial sources

The contamination of air in Russia and other developed countries often provides the influence of anthropogenic factors caused by the activities that people carry out.

We list the main artificial sources causing air pollution:

  • The rapid development of industry. Starting with chemical air pollution caused by the activities of chemical plants. Toxic substances emitted into the air environment are poisoned. Also contamination of atmospheric air harmful substances cause metallurgical plants: metal processing is a complex process involving huge emissions as a result of heating and burning. In addition, air and small solid particles are contaminated, formed in the manufacture of building or finishing materials.
  • Particularly relevant the problem of air pollution by road. Although other species also provoke, but it is the machines that have the most significant negative impactSince they are much more than any other vehicles. In the exhausts secreted by road and arising during the engine operation, there are mass substances, including dangerous. It is sad that every year the amount of emissions increases. An increasing number of people will acquire the "iron horse", which, of course, has a pernicious way to affect the environment.
  • Operation of thermal and nuclear power plants, boiler installations. The vital activity of humanity at this stage is impossible without using such installations. They supply us vital important resources: warmth, electricity, hot water supply. But when burning any types of fuel, the atmosphere changes occurs.
  • Household waste. Every year the buying ability of people is growing, as a result, the volume of waste generated. Their disposal is not paid due attention, and after all, some types of garbage are extremely dangerous, have a long period of decomposition and highlight pairs that differ in extremely unfavorable effects on the atmosphere. Each person pollutes the airline daily, but much more dangerous waste of industrial enterprises, which are distinguished to the landfills and are not utilized.

What substances most often contaminate air

The substances polluting air are incredibly much, and environmentalists constantly open up new ones, which is associated with the rapid pace of industry development and with the introduction of new production and processing technologies. But most often in the atmosphere, such connections are found as:

  • Carbon oxide, which is also called carnant gas. It has no color and odor and is formed with defective burning of fuel at low oxygen volumes and reduced temperatures. This connection is dangerous and causes death due to lack of oxygen.
  • Carbon dioxide is contained in the atmosphere and has a slightly suicide smell.
  • The sulfur dioxide is highlighted during the combustion of some sulfur-containing varieties of fuel. This connection provokes acid rains and oppress the breath of man.
  • Dioxides and nitrogen oxides characterize air pollution by industrial enterprises, as they are most often formed during their activities, especially in the production of some fertilizers, dyes and acids. Also, these substances may be released as a result of fuel combustion or during operation of the machine, especially when it is malfunction.
  • Hydrocarbons are one of the most common substances and may be contained in solvents, detergents, oil refining products.
  • Lead is also harmful and used for the manufacture of batteries and batteries, cartridges and ammunition.
  • Ozone is extremely toxic and formed during photochemical processes or during the operation of transport and works of the factories.

Now you know which substances pollute the air pool most often. But this is only their small part, the atmosphere has a variety of different compounds, and some of them are even unknown by scientists.

Sad consequences

The scale of the effect of air pollution on human health and the whole ecosystem is generally simply huge, and many of them underestimate. Start standing with ecology.

  1. First, due to the contaminated air, a greenhouse effect developed, which gradually, but globally changes the climate, leads to warming and, provokes natural disasters. It can be said leads to irreversible consequences in the environment.
  2. Secondly, acid rains become increasingly frequent, which have a negative impact on all living on Earth. By their fault, whole populations of fish are dying, not able to live in such an acidic environment. Negative influence is observed during the examination of historical monuments and architectural monuments.
  3. Thirdly, fauna and flora suffers, since dangerous couples inhale animals, they also fall into plants and gradually destroy them.

A contaminated atmosphere extremely negatively affects human health. Emissions fall into lungs and cause failures in the operation of the respiratory system, the hardest allergic reactions. Together with blood dangerous connections They are spreading in the body and wearing it strongly. And some elements are capable of provoking the mutation and rebirth of cells.

How to solve the problem and save ecology

The problem of air pollution is very relevant, especially if you consider that the ecology has deteriorated greatly over the past few decades. And it is necessary to solve it comprehensively and several paths.

Consider several effective measures to prevent air pollution:

  1. To combat air pollution in individual enterprises, it is mandatory to establish cleaning and filtering structures and systems. And on highly large industrial plants, it is necessary to begin the introduction of stationary inspection posts for the pollution of atmospheric air.
  2. In order to avoid air pollution, cars should go to alternative and less harmful energy sources, such as solar panels or electricity.
  3. In the protection of atmospheric air from pollution, the replacement of combustible fuels will help with more accessible and less dangerous, such as water, wind, sunlight and other, which do not require burning.
  4. The protection of atmospheric air from pollution should be maintained at the state level, and there are already laws aimed at protection. But it is also necessary to act and monitor control in individual subjects of the Russian Federation.
  5. One of effective waysThat should include air protection against pollution, is the establishment of a system for the disposal of all waste or their processing.
  6. To solve the problem of air pollution, plants should be used. Widespread landscaping will improve the atmosphere and increase oxygen volumes in it.

How to secure the atmospheric air from pollution? If all of humanity fights him, that is, the chances of improving ecology. Knowing the essence of the problem of the pollution of the atmosphere, its relevance and the main ways of solving, must be together and comprehensively struggling with pollution.

Currently, in the world there is great amount Problems related to the environment. From the extinction of specific species of animals and plants, to the threat of degeneration of the whole human race. The environmentalization of the environment is the most common and actual problem of society.
Since it affects all the main spheres of the Earth: the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. With all this, a person, as the main culprit of the whole of this current environmental situation, is circumscribed by both death, becoming its main victim. According to statistical data, about 40% of people die from air pollution, soil and water resources in the world.

Soil pollution

Very violent activity of man often negatively affects the surrounding alive and inanimate nature. The rapid development of the industrial industry, rural land and difficult recycled waste is the threat to the ecology of the entire planet. With advent nuclear weapons And the nuclear power industry as a whole, another equally important problem arose - contamination of water bodies, soils and atmosphere with radioactive waste. Through the use of fertilizers and rapidly rapid development of production, in the world every year the number of soils contaminated with radiation increases.

Pollution of water resources

Pollution of the atmosphere adversely affected lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Harmful substances From the atmosphere falls onto the earth's surface. Also heavy industry enterprises are discarded in the river wastewater. These drains come in reservoirs. Groundwater, as the most important source of freshwater, also come into disrepair.

Air pollution

Almost 10% of all pollutants fall directly into the atmosphere, volcanic eruptions, which emit ashes, various acids, including sulfur, and a huge number of poisonous gases into the atmosphere. The remaining 90% of hazardous pollutants, anthropogenic origin. Such as: fuel combustion at power plants, in car engines, as well as storage of hazardous solid waste.

Reduction of plant and animal world

In nature, everything is interconnected. The disarm of the shredded lands, cutting down the forest brought animals from their habitats. They simply do not have a place to live. In connection with the activities of a person, the animal and plant world became noticeably scarce.

For dozens of years, the power of people has achieved huge sizes that the impact on all living on the planet has become unprecedented. According to the calculations of environmentalists, the rate of extinction of the plant and the animal world will grow in tens of times faster than ever on Earth.

Problems of garbage and household waste

Human activity is closely related to the emergence of food and production waste. Some waste must be prior to the correct processing, otherwise they will cause serious harm to the entire environment. The unresolved problem of pollution of the planet trash, led to serious changes - exhaustion of a favorable environment for the existence of living organisms.

Among the most optimal ways to solve environmental problems, it is necessary to allocate the introduction of resource-saving and environmentally efficient technologies. Today, technologies are already real in the communal sphere and on the production of hazardous waste disposal. Also, according to experts, about 60% of waste can be a potential secondary raw material.

To solve serious environmental problems, certain coordinated actions are required, such as:

  • environmental monitoring;
  • control over the concentration of harmful substances in water, soil, atmosphere;
  • protection of the plant world from pests and fires, as well as their restoration;
  • an increase in unique natural and reserved zones;
  • breeding plants and animals listed in the Red Book;
  • environmental education.

Environmental pollution is, which is regularly discussed in the news and scientific circles. A variety of international organizations aimed at combating the deterioration of natural conditions have been created. Scientists have long been alarming about inevitability in the very near future.

At the moment, a lot of scientific works and books have been written about pollution - a large number of scientific works and books have been written, numerous studies have been conducted. But in solving the problem, humanity has advanced quite slightly. Nature pollution still remains an important and relevant issue, the postponement of which in a long box can turn tragic.

The history of pollution of the biosphere

In connection with the intensive industrialization of the Society, environmental pollution especially aggravated in recent decades. However, despite this fact, natural pollution is one of the most ancient problems in the history of mankind. Still in the era of primitive, people began to destroy the forests, exterminate animals and change the landscape of the Earth to expand the territory of residence and obtaining valuable resources.

Already then it led to climate change and other environmental issues. The growth of the population of the planet and the progress of civilizations was accompanied by reinforced mineral mining, drainage of water bodies, as well as chemical pollution of the biosphere. The industrial revolution marked not only a new era in a public company, but also the new wave of pollution.

With the development of science and technology, scientists received tools with which there was a possible accurate and detailed analysis of the environmental state of the planet. Meteorvodovrovka, control of the chemical composition of air, water and soil, satellite data, as well as throughout the smoking pipes and oil spots on the water suggest that the problem is rapidly aggravated with the expansion of the technosphere. No wonder the appearance of a person is called the main environmental catastrophe.

Classification of nature pollution

There are several classifications of nature pollution based on their source, orientation, other factors.

So, the following types of environmental pollution are distinguished:

  • The biological - source of pollution is living organisms, it can occur in natural reasons or as a result of anthropogenic activity.
  • Physical - leads to a change in the corresponding environmental characteristics. Physical pollution includes thermal, radiation, noise and others.
  • Chemical is an increase in the content of substances or their penetration into the environment. Leads to a change in the normal chemical composition of resources.
  • Mechanical - pollution of the biosphere of garbage.

In fact, one type of contamination may be accompanied by another or several at once.

The gaseous shell of the planet is an integral participant in natural processes, determines the thermal background and the climate of the Earth, protects against disadvantaged space radiation, affects relief formation.

The composition of the atmosphere changed throughout historical Development planets. The situation that has developed today is such that part of the volume of the gas shell is determined by the economic activity of a person. The composition of the air is non-uniform and differs depending on geographic location - in industrial areas and major cities high level harmful impurities.

  • chemical plants;
  • enterprises of the fuel and energy complex;
  • transport.

These pollutants are the cause of heavy metals in the atmosphere, such as lead, mercury, chrome, copper. They are constant components of air in industrial zones.

Modern power plants emit hundreds of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere daily, as well as soot, dust and ash.

An increase in the number of cars in settlements led to an increase in the concentration of a number of harmful gases in the air, which are included in the machine exhaust. Due to the anti-knock additives added to the vehicle, it will be released large quantities Lead. Cars produce dust and ashes that pollute not only air, but also the soil, settled on the ground.

The atmosphere also contaminate very toxic gases, which are ejected by enterprises of the chemical industry. Himmeal waste, such as nitrogen and sulfur oxides, are caused and able to enter into reactions with the components of the biosphere to form other hazardous derivatives.

As a result of human activity, forest fires regularly occur, during which the cooicesal amounts of carbon dioxide are released.

Soil is a thin layer of lithosphere, resulting from natural factorswhich flows most of the exchange processes between alive and non-residential systems.

Due to the production of natural minerals, mining works, buildings, roads and airfields are destroyed by large-scale soil areas.

The irrational human activity has caused the degradation of the fertile layer of the Earth. Its natural chemical composition changes, mechanical pollution occurs. Intensive development of agriculture leads to significant losses of land. Frequent plowing makes them vulnerable to flooding, salinations and winds, which is the cause of soil erosion.

The abundant application of fertilizers, insecticides and chemical poisons for the destruction of pests and weed purification leads to the soil of unnatural toxic compounds. As a result of anthropogenic activity, chemical pollution of land with heavy metals and their derivatives occurs. The main harmful element is lead, as well as its connections. When processing lead ores, about 30 kilograms of metal from each ton are ejected. Automobile exhaust containing a large amount of this metal, settles in the soil, poisoning organisms living in it. Plums of liquid waste with mines infect land with zinc, copper and other metals.

Power plants, radioactive precipitation from nuclear explosionsThe scientific research centers for the study of atomic energy are the cause of radioactive isotopes in the soil, which then enter the human body with food.

Metal reserves concentrated in the depths of the land, as a consequence of human production activity. Then they are concentrated in the upper soil layer. In ancient times, man used 18 elements from those in the earthly crust, and today - all known.

To date, the water shell of the Earth is polluted much more than can be submitted. Oil spots and floating on the surface of the bottle are just what can be seen. A significant part of pollutants is in a dissolved state.

Water damage can occur naturally. As a result of the ladder and floods from the mainland, magnesium is washed out, which falls into the reservoirs and damages the fish. As a result of chemical transformations in freshwater Penetrates aluminum. But natural pollution is a negligible slight share compared to anthropogenic. By the fault of a person in water falls:

  • surfactant compounds;
  • pesticides;
  • phosphates, nitrates and other salts;
  • medicines;
  • petroleum products;
  • radioactive isotopes.

The sources of these pollutants are farms, fisheries, oil platforms, power plants, chemical industries, sewage drainage.

Acid rains, which are also the result of human activity, dissolving the soil, wash heavy metals.

In addition to the chemical, there is a physical, namely - thermal. Most of all water is used in the production of electricity. The thermal stations use it to cool the turbines, and the spent heated liquid merges into the reservoirs.

Mechanical deterioration in water quality by household waste in settlements leads to a reduction in habitats of living beings. Some kinds are dying.

Polluted water is the main cause of most diseases. As a result of fluid poisoning, many living beings dies, the ocean ecosystem suffers, the normal flow of natural processes is disturbed. Pollutants will ultimately enter the human body.

Fighting pollution

To avoid an ecological catastrophe, the fight against physical pollution should be of paramount task. The problem should be solved internationally, because nature has no state borders. To prevent pollution, it is necessary to impose sanctions to enterprises emitting waste to the environment, to impose large fines for the placement of garbage in the wrong place. Stimulation to comply with environmental safety standards can also be carried out by financial methods. This approach has proven its effectiveness in some countries.

A promising direction to combat pollution is the application alternative sources Energy. Using solar batteries, hydrogen fuel and other saving technologies Allows you to reduce emissions of toxic compounds into the atmosphere.

To other methods of combating pollution can be attributed:

  • construction of wastewater treatment facilities;
  • the creation of national parks and reserves;
  • an increase in the number of green plants;
  • monitoring the population in the countries of the Third World;
  • attracting public attention to the problem.

Environmental pollution is a large-scale world problem, which is possible only with the active participation of everyone who calls the planet to the ground with their home, otherwise the ecological catastrophe will be inevitable.

The emission of poisonous substances is particularly strong in large cities and centers of industry. Man on average per day man inhales up to 20 thousand liters of air. However, together with the necessary organism with pure oxygen, we carry through light poisonous pairs, particles of soot and ashes. They settle in our lungs, poisoning a person. Long impact of smog leads to a common bad well-beingLater - to head painhers and nausea, the mucous membranes are irritated, the diseases of the lungs and the cardiovascular system are developing. If you do not accept any measures settling in the body of the substance will lead to a fatal outcome.

The destruction of the ozone layer leads to a strong irradiation of the entire planet. Ultra-violet rays stronger begin to act on the body of animals and man. The destructive effect of radiation causes the overall weakening of immunity, the development of terrible diseases: skin cancer and mucous membranes, cataracts.

Greenhouse effect

Arises due to cutting down of forests and the depletion of the ozone layer of the atmosphere of the Earth. Holes in the upper layers of the atmosphere misses more and more solar radiation, then heat heats, and those are the surface of the planet. Already from the Earth, heat again heats the planet. The reason that radiation does not return to space, lies in the cluster of greenhouse gases in the lower layer of the air shell, it is too dense.

The greenhouse effect can lead to another problem - "global warming." Due to the delay in thermal radiation on the planet begins to increase the average temperature of the Earth. This leads to the melting of glaciers on the poles, then to an increase in the level of the world's ocean. Scientists already observe the constant floodings of some coastal zones. If the greenhouse effect does not stop, the flooding of many land plots will occur, animals, people and plants will die.

Acid rain

Because of the emission of the Earth's atmosphere in large volumes of harmful substances, industrial enterprises occurs such a phenomenon as acid rain. When interacting with water pairs in the air form acid.

Plowing acidic precipitates, rains and snow become acid. They lead to terrible consequences for allia:

  • When interacting with concrete and brick buildings, they apply irreparable harm to them. Trim, pipes, roofs are damaged;
  • For several decades, acid precipitates spoiled a lot of cultural monuments;
  • Cars that fell under the acid rain become unsuitable for use, the engines break out, the metal, tires and glass are extended;
  • Poisoned soil. It becomes acidic, which leads to a decrease in her fertility;
  • Acid rains are giving off plants, devastating whole green areas;
  • Acid rain and snow bears huge losses to all agriculture. The selected harvest is dying, trees, agricultural animals feed with poisoned grass, which are either sick or dying;
  • Such sediments poison reservoirs, which leads to the death of this ecosystem.

Ways to solve the problem of pollution of the atmosphere

The problem of pollution of the air shell of our planet is the case of every person without exception. Scientists are involved in reducing the harmful influence of industrial human activity.

In order for industrial enterprises to throw less poisonous substances into the atmosphere, several ways are offered:

  • Absorption (absorption): assumes the installation of filters from activated carbon, limestone and its alkaline solutions, ammonia. These substances perfectly absorb harmful gases. The advantages of this method include good quality Cleaning and simplicity. However, devices with filters occupy a lot of space, as well as periodically change the cleaning fluid;
  • The oxidative method is good because combustible impurities in the air. The minus of this method refers to the extraction of carbon dioxide;
  • Catalytic: Poisonous pairs and gases are passed through solid catalysts, accelerating the process of separating harmful substances and impurities. The way although effective, but requires huge funds and spends a lot of energy;
  • The mechanical method is applied quite rarely. Gas are driven into special turbines where poisonous particles are collected by screws that create vortices. In addition to the high energy costs and the need for constant maintenance of the device (removal from screws of the collected particles), this method is ineffective, poorly cleans air;
  • Electrogen-point method - the newest and most effective of all existing ways Purification of gases. Required for cleaning is rushed into the vessels, and after - is passed through the electrified flame. Unfortunately, this method is very difficult to implement and therefore it is rarely applied.

Sometimes it is better to combine several ways to clean the air from poisonous substances.
To secure the atmosphere from emissions of exhaust gas from industrial and exhaust pipes, filters are installed in them, special additives in which lead is not included, catalytic neutralizers. It is very important to monitor the quality of fuel filled: cheap oil and gasoline distinguish too much harmful substances. New models of cars emit significantly less poisonous gases into the atmosphere. In many countries, public transport began to fully work from electricity or biofuel. Some vehicles are installed gas-filled equipment. Engines are underway, which do not need to switch to other modes.

The organization of major cities also requires changes. Plants, enterprises, highways and airports must be separated from residential areas with a dense green wall of trees and shrubs acting as a natural filter and oxygen generator. It is desirable to build industrial organizations per feature of the city.

It is necessary to reform the processing of garbage, which will reduce the size of the dumps emitting with methane decomposition and other substances that destroy the ozone layer. You can enter the reuse of materials, use other ways to get rid of garbage, except combustion.

IN agriculture It is recommended to offer a gradual refusal of chemicals that poison both the soil and the air sheath. Manure and other organic residues can be used as natural fertilizers, safe for nature.

The preservation of forests is one of the most important tasks of modernity. It is the trees that gradually reduce the effect of the greenhouse effect, filter the air and excrete oxygen.

From the state, it is necessary to publish a number of laws providing for the introduction of responsibility for air pollution. Creature special servicewhich within the Commission will inspect industrial enterprises, follow the organization of cities.

The swamps are rightfully considered the best filters of our planet. Harmful substances settled in them are processed into harmless. Thanks to the preservation of swamps in Russia, our country boasts one of the best conditions of the atmosphere.

It is necessary to extend knowledge about the pollution of the atmosphere among the entire population. Then people will begin to observe a number of measures to reduce the amount of emissions of poisonous substances into airspace.

There is already a factory processing radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and enterprises producing reactive fuel. If you develop this direction, then heavy metals in the atmosphere will be much smaller.

The problem of pollution of the atmosphere today is most relevant. It is necessary to solve it rather, otherwise the inaction will lead to terrible consequences.