Concrete contact method of application. What is concrete contact: its characteristics and application

Any repair requires compliance with certain rules. The most important of these is the use of a primer before final surface treatment. This article will tell you about this type of building material as concrete contact primer. This solution has certain characteristics that you should be aware of before using it.

Concrete contact primer is a building material designed for deep penetration into surfaces in order to create a protective layer there. This solution is used for interior work.

Concrete contact has the following specifications, which must be taken into account before starting work:

  • Drying time. After applying it, the deep penetration betokontakt should dry in a couple of hours. The surface can then be veneered.
  • Durability of the connection. The composition, after penetrating the surface, must retain its characteristics for 80 years. Only after that will its gradual destruction begin.
  • Resistance to high humidity... Betokontakt, after the completion of work on its application on the surface of the ceiling or walls, forms a film. It is water-repellent. As a result, such a deep penetration primer is able to create a good waterproofing layer. Therefore, the treated surface is "preserved" and can undergo a better quality plastering.
  • Cost rates. The GOST or the certificate of conformity of quality indicates that when carrying out internal work, the consumption of this material per 1 m 2 is approximately 200-400 g. This parameter can vary in this range depending on the type of surface to be treated.

In addition, there are other technical characteristics of these products (Knauf brand, etc.). But for the average layman, when carrying out internal work, only these four technical characteristics are important. A complete list of characteristics contains a certificate.

The most popular type of concrete contact today is Knauf brand products. This is a German brand that is characterized by the excellent quality of its products. Therefore Knauf primer will give you the best possible result.

If you doubt the quality of any product construction plan(Knauf brand or any other), then the seller should be asked to show the certificate of conformity to quality. All purchased products must comply with GOST standards. It is this aspect that reflects the certificate of conformity of quality.


Like any building material, concrete contact primer (Knauf or any other brand) has certain advantages:

  • This composition can be used for work on various surfaces.
  • Before starting the application of the solution, it is not necessary to remove the finishing layer of the old cladding (drywall, concrete, tiles, reinforced concrete, paints and varnishes, etc.).
  • Deep penetration primer of this type forms a layer on the surface that does not allow liquid and vapor to pass through.
  • The solution is quickly applied.
  • The risk of fungus and mold appearing on the treated surface after the end of the work is minimal.
  • The presence of exclusively natural ingredients in the composition, due to which betokontakt is an environmentally friendly material.

As you can see, the list of advantages of this solution of any brand (for example, Knauf) is quite voluminous. This explains high frequency its application when carrying out interior work on the decoration of various types of premises.

Varieties and assortment

Today, on the building materials market, you can find a fairly extensive range of these products. Concrete contact is produced by foreign and domestic manufacturers. But Knauf's products are considered the best.

This type of primer comes in two fractions:

  • 0.3 mm - used before puttingtying;
  • 0.6 mm - used before applying the plaster to the work surface.

In addition, the concrete contact primer can be immediately ready for use or require additional manipulations.

This solution is sold in various packaging: in barrels or buckets from 5 to 40 kg.

How to apply

Using concrete contact in repair work, it should be remembered that this is not quite a primer. The solution is more like an adhesive composition. But unlike the usual glue, it is impossible to glue two sheets of paper together with such a solution. The main task of such a primer lies in creating optimal conditions so that any other material (tiles, tiles, etc.) can be glued to the treated surface without any problems using a full-fledged adhesive composition. Therefore, this construction product can be used in the following situations:

  • for gluing materials to glossy and smooth surfaces;
  • to increase the adhesion of standard plaster to the surface of walls and ceilings when applying a sufficiently thick layer of finishing;
  • for effective "conservation" of plastered surfaces in preparation for the cold season.

Please note that in the latter case, you can use a simplified version - a conventional primer.

As a result, using this solution, you can do without the following work on the preparation of the base:

  • removing plaster;
  • removal of old cladding, including tiles and paints.

But here it should be remembered that preliminary preparation of the surface to be treated is not carried out if the finish retains its strength and does not disappear. V otherwise the application of concrete contact will not be able to increase the strength of the finish, and it will simply fall off under the weight of the new finishing material, spoiling the appearance of the wall or ceiling.

Since this solution is considered a type of primer, then the method of its application will differ little. The method of using a primer such as betokontakt is practically no different from applying a conventional primer to the working surfaces. Even a beginner in the construction business can handle such work.

The technology for applying this solution necessarily includes the correct preparation.

Please note that preparation in this situation does not imply removal of the trim. Here you just need to put its surface in order.

Any glue will not bond well together. various materials if their surface was dirty and dusty. In such a situation, contact will occur only between pieces of dirt, which ultimately will lead to a violation of the integrity of the finish. Therefore, before starting to apply concrete contact to any type of surface, the following manipulations should be carried out:

  • thoroughly wash the surface from all types of dirt (for this you should use various cleaning agents);
  • rinse the area well with water;
  • let the treated area dry.

Only after such preparations can the solution be applied. As you can see, preparation in this case will take a little time.

Some experts note that for better application of concrete contact, cement and concrete surfaces should be pre-treated with a conventional primer. Moreover, this approach will allow in one fell swoop to remove dirt and dust, as well as to strengthen outer layer old finish. In addition, the primer must create a moisture-protective layer that will reduce the consumption of concrete contact due to the fact that it will be uniformly absorbed into the walls or ceiling. But in such a situation, you will have to wait a little, since the primer dries longer than water.

To obtain reliable adhesion of finishing materials to the surface during repair, various processing preparations are used. A good choice will be the application of a concrete-contact primer.

It is important to select the constituents of the material so that there is no rejection of the incoming components from the base. Concrete contact contains polymer glue, which ensures its strong adhesion to the base. The result is a rough coating that can hold any decorative trim.

When preparing surfaces for further finishing, concrete contact is used due to its adhesion properties. Penetrating into the base material, it forms a rough layer that can be easily covered with finishing materials. Another of its advantages is to absorb moisture that forms on concrete structures.

Unlike a conventional primer, the use of concrete contact allows you to save yourself from such work as cleaning walls and ceilings from old paint or whitewash. It can be applied directly to the paint, in any case, the adhesion of the base occurs. It is a primer and also serves as a waterproofing layer. It can be applied under tiles in bathrooms, kitchens and saunas.

Certain types of this product are used for outdoor decoration and are frost-resistant. For street work use soil containing expanded clay or marble chips, as well as coarse quartz sand. This compound will work well to hold heavy façade plaster on concrete walls. If it is covered from the outside with concrete contact, it will be reliably protected from atmospheric influences.

Concrete contact can be used in various ways, depending on the input components, the size of the silica sand particles. Concrete contact, which includes coarse sand, is more often used for processing porous substrates.

Composition and characteristics

The concrete contact primer has the following composition of components:

  • Portland cement or cement;
  • Quartz sand;
  • Acrylic polymer;
  • Technological additives that ensure its vapor permeability, hygroscopicity, protection from chemical and biological influences.

The concrete contact necessarily includes quartz sand with various grain sizes. For example, Ceresit soil contains a fine-grained mineral filler, it is used for processing smooth substrates.

Concrete contact has the following technical characteristics:

  • Environmentally friendly product. Does not emit bad smell, harmful fumes. Its use does not require additional means of protection for the body and respiratory organs;
  • Resistant to aggressive environments;
  • Forms a waterproofing layer;
  • It allows air to pass through, which excludes the formation of mold, mildew;
  • Drying time at 20 ° C and 70% humidity is 3 hours;
  • Manufacturers have set its service life - 80 years;
  • The recommended temperature for indoor work is from +5 to +30 ° C and humidity is 55-80%.

How long the concrete contact will dry depends on the temperature and humidity in the room. Under unsuitable conditions, additional heating can be used to speed up the process.


Consumption of concrete contact primarily depends on the size of the sand particles, the state of the treated surface. If it is too porous and rough, more material will be required than for a smooth one.

Here is the consumption of concrete contact per 1 m 2 for various surfaces:

  • For painted walls, metal and glass surfaces, ceramic tiles, other smooth and slightly porous coatings, 150 g / m2 is required;
  • Medium-porous structures made of concrete slabs, finishing bricks will require 300-350 g / m 2;
  • For very rough surfaces such as concrete, building brick, the consumption rate increases to 500 g or more per square meter.

To reduce costs, conventional deep penetration primers are used for highly porous substrates, which are much cheaper.

Instructions for use

Before starting work, you should prepare the foundation. The processing process includes the following steps:

  • Rinse the surface from dust or dirt;
  • Remove aggressive formations: fat, bitumen, glue and others;
  • Knock off poorly adherent plaster, remove peeling paint, remove peeling wallpaper.

Primer concrete contact requires application to a dust-free surface, this is the main condition for obtaining a solid prepared base for finishing. Water-washed structures must dry well before application.

If the walls were previously covered with chalk, they are washed with soapy water and dried. Lime whitewash is removed if it crumbles and flakes.

The composition of the concrete contact primer is selected depending on the quality and condition of the surfaces to be treated.

Usually, the concrete-contact primer is ready for use, you just need to mix the composition before working. Sometimes it is diluted with water as directed by the manufacturer. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not contain lumps.

Concrete contact is applied painting tool- brushes, rollers, you can use a spray gun. Uneven concrete or brick walls are covered with a wide brush. This ensures the penetration of the concrete contact into cracks and seams.

For smooth surfaces, it is best to use a roller. You should try to apply stripes without leaving gaps between them. If the first layer has gaps, you need to apply the next one in order to paint over well. The next layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

The primed coating dries up after 3-12 hours. This time is indicated on the package, but the room temperature and humidity must be taken into account. To make sure that the soil is dry, you can slightly scratch it with a knife or spatula. Do not continue work if the strength of the layer is not reached.


A number of manufacturers of concrete-contact primers are known on the construction market. They produce mixtures of various cost and composition, which are divided according to purpose and field of application.


The concrete contact primer of this manufacturer is characterized by a finely dispersed composition based on fine quartz sand. It is used to cover smooth surfaces before finishing with plaster, lime, gypsum, tile adhesives, other finishing and decorative materials... Forms a rough surface.

Concrete contact Prospectors

Contains latex, which increases the strength of the base after processing. It covers surfaces that do not absorb moisture well. These are monolithic concrete, dilapidated cracked tiles, and other surfaces made of dense materials.

This species dries quickly (2 hours). When working with it, productivity increases significantly construction works... It is characterized by an economical consumption of 200 g / m 2. Shaking the contents of the can is sufficient before use.


Has a water-dispersed component in the base, contains polymers and coloring pigments. Tightly coats smooth concrete surfaces before plastering. We get a vapor and moisture resistant coating.

This soil should not be diluted with water; it is undesirable to use a roller for processing. Applicable only for interior work. It is non-toxic.


It is a dry primer mix. High quality primer for construction and finishing works. Before use, it is enough to add the right amount water, stir. The resulting mixture is ready to use.

Axton concrete contact is used for uncleaned rough surfaces. The mixture consumption is 300 g / m 2, dries up within 3 hours.

So, we have determined what concrete contact is used for. The use of a versatile and reliable primer greatly simplifies construction. This material provides high performance properties of structures, allows for a variety of finishing of external and internal surfaces.

Renovation is always not an easy process. Often, difficulties, albeit minor ones, can arise even for professionals. What can we say about "ordinary" citizens.

The most problematic in any renovation is the finishing of smooth surfaces, namely walls and ceilings. Just cover or plaster concrete wall is often not enough. Quite often, a situation arises when finishing materials simply peel off and fall off in ugly pieces.

Such a phenomenon is highly undesirable. The least that will happen after this is to diminish enthusiasm. Not to mention how much effort and time it will take to correct errors.

But, as you know, progress does not stand still. And it was to solve such problems that Betonokontakt was created. He is able to literally save your repair. When using this wonderful material, you can forget about flying tiles or peeling wallpaper.

This is a truly innovative and technological material, made taking into account all possible needs of the end consumer.

The composition of "Betonokontakt"

"Betonokontakt" is a complex material. It is based on materials such as:

  • cement;
  • polymer fillers;
  • sand;
  • specialized additives (they may differ slightly from different manufacturers).

It should be noted that all components are absolutely inert, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly.

The surface primed with "Concrete Contact" dries quickly.

The main characteristics of "Betonokontakt"

It is obvious that the areas in which the "Betonokontakt" primer can be used, although not limitless, but the choice is great.

Application of "Betonokontakt"

  • "Betonokontakt" is intended for use on any surfaces with reduced absorbency. So, for example, concrete absorbs moisture insignificantly, which leads to poor adhesion of finishing materials to it.
  • Allows you to refuse during the repair from additional work such as fastening fabric mesh under plaster. This, in turn, reduces the time spent on the wall decoration process. In this case, there is no need to have special skills. And also allows you to increase the durability and wear resistance of finishing materials.
  • The primer is a universal material adapted to various environmental conditions. This allows it to be used not only in different premises such as rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, but also during outdoor work. In this case, "Betonokontakt" must be applied before starting the facing work or using decorative plaster.
  • The deep penetration and structure of the material allows it to be used on surfaces of any configuration.

You can apply concrete contact to the wall with a brush.

Features of using "Betonokontakt"

To work with "Betonokontakt" you do not need to master certain specialized skills.

As a preparation of the surface for work, it is only necessary to clean it from dirt and dry it. "Betonokontakt" will not "stick" to a wet and dirty surface.

If necessary, the primer can be used in two or more coats. Allow the first coat to dry for two hours before reapplying.

Application of concrete contact for outdoor work

It is necessary to apply the solution to the surface in a thin, even layer. This does not require any specialized inventory. For this purpose, a wide brush or roller with a medium bristle is great. In the absence of a tool, a homemade bakeware is quite suitable.

For further work it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of "Betonokontakt". Depending on the conditions environment it will take no more than four hours.

Attention! To avoid undesirable consequences, timed the required time interval. Do not test "readiness" by touch - the sensations can be deceiving.

For achievement maximum efficiency it is not recommended to make the interval between the drying of the primer and further finishing work for more than twelve hours. The manufacturer recommends continuing work immediately after the primed canvas has dried. This is due to the possibility of accumulation of dust and building contaminants on the primed surface. Which can negatively affect the adhesion of materials.

For the convenience of work and to achieve maximum efficiency, it is recommended to apply "Betonokontakt" to the surface as late as possible in the evening. At the same time, start finishing work the next morning.

"Betonokontakt" - economical material... To process one square meter of surface, no more than 0.3 kg of the mixture is required.

During the purchase of the material, it is necessary to take into account that the consumption directly depends on the characteristics of the surface. The higher the porosity of the substrate, the more primer will be required. Thus, it turns out that the consumption of the "Betonokontakt" primer when working with brick surfaces can increase up to one and a half times. This is due to the presence of numerous pores, chips and cracks on the base material.

When working with plasterboard surfaces the consumption of the mixture can be reduced by up to two times. At the same time, it is advisable to use "Betonokontakt" on these surfaces before facing works using tiles or stone.

The consumption of the mixture with plasterboard surfaces can be reduced by up to two times

Among other things, the following advantages of using the "Betonokontakt" primer can be highlighted.

  1. The mixture can be applied directly to concrete, reinforced concrete, drywall, paints and varnishes or even tiles. That is, there is no need to remove the old topcoat.
  2. There are two types of fractions - 0.3 mm is used before puttying and 0.6 mm before using plaster.
  3. Prevents saturation of the surface with vapors and liquids
  4. Working with "Betonokontakt" takes relatively little a large number of time.
  5. Prevents the growth and spread of fungi and mold.
  6. Does not cause allergic reactions.
  7. Has no toxic effect.

Concrete contact can be applied to concrete surface

Despite the large number of advantages, working with "Betonokontakt" requires compliance with a number of rules.

  • When applying to old finishing materials, make sure that there are no "swollen" areas. If available, remove them in advance.
  • It is necessary to prepare the solution strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • In advance, if necessary, "practice" in applying the composition on a small surface.

Storage rules "Betonokontakt"

You can buy a primer "Betonokontakt" in almost any hardware store. At the same time, a wide assortment is presented to the attention of consumers.

"Betonokontakt", ready to use. Sold in plastic containers. The weight ranges from 5 to 40 kg. When choosing just such an option, it must be remembered that in an open container, the solution can dry out and become unusable. Based on this, it is advisable to purchase several containers of small weight. If the composition from the container is not completely consumed, it is necessary to ensure maximum tightness. The approximate shelf life of the finished mixture is one year from the date of manufacture. The manufacturer is obliged to indicate this date on the packaging. During storage it is also necessary to pay attention to the ambient temperature. It should be between +5 and +30 degrees Celsius. The prepared mixture is extremely unstable to freezing during storage. It can lead to a complete loss of material properties. The hit of direct sun rays.

The approximate shelf life of the finished mixture is one year.

There is also a "dry" version of the primer. It is also sold in buckets or bags with various packaging. This mixture is less prone to external influences... As for the cooking method, it is indicated directly on the package.

You should buy "Betonokontakt" only in specialized stores. This is one of the guarantors of the quality of the material.

Before purchasing, it makes sense to make sure that you have certificates for this product. In the absence of a certificate or if you find poor-quality packaging (for example, mint or unmarked), you must refuse to purchase at this outlet.

After opening the package, it is necessary to make sure that the composition is uniform. The presence of lumps indicates poor quality or an expired shelf life.

All surfaces should be processed in several stages (parts). This will allow you to achieve the highest quality and uniform application.

Popular manufacturers of "Betonokontakt"

Today "Betonokontakt" of various manufacturers is represented on the market. There are mixtures of both imported and domestic production.

The main difference between imported and domestic primer is its price. At the same time, the technical characteristics are almost identical.

The most popular are mixtures of the following manufacturers:

It should be noted that the main component of the Betonokontakt primer for all manufacturers is quartz sand. In this case, the presence of other components is possible. For example, some manufacturers introduce acicular quartz, which differs from quartz sand in its texture. The addition of additional components allows you to increase the adhesion of materials.

Video: What is concrete contact

Video: How to use concrete contact

Concrete contact - technical characteristics and application. Composition of concrete contact according to GOST

Primer concrete contact

High quality coatings can only be obtained if good adhesion of the base and the directly applied solution, paint or putty mass, which is used to decorate the brick or concrete surface, is ensured. And cement base has always been famous for its particularly complex "character" and finicky when applying paint, plaster or laying tiles.

If you do not take special measures, most likely, everything that will be laid or applied to the concrete surface, after a while, will safely peel off or fall off from the cement base.

How to increase adhesion to a concrete wall according to the recipe Betonokontakt Knauf

We can say that by creating such a product as a primer Betonokontakt, Knauf specialists have greatly helped out everyone who is engaged in finishing concrete surfaces with plaster. The name of the material and its technical features speak for themselves. From the product description "Primer Betonokontakt" offered by Knauf, you can find out the following:

  • The characteristics of the composition of the primer allow it to withstand surfaces with an increased content of alkaline components;
  • Perfectly adheres to a surface with zero moisture absorption, aqueous solutions, while the consumption of the product Betonokontakt Knauf by 1m2 is not much higher than the consumption of any other similar composition;
  • The properties of the dried soil Betonokontakt provide additional waterproofing;
  • When used correctly, the coating is absolutely harmless, odorless, does not emit fumes, its characteristics allow it to be applied both by hand and by mechanized methods.

Important! To improve the visual assessment of the applied coating layer, a specific color dye has been added to the Knauf Betonokontakt product. This helps to estimate the consumption of material per 1m2 from the first treated meters of the wall.

Average consumption for 1m2 of Knauf primer, as a rule, does not exceed 300-350 grams for cement and 180-200 grams for a painted or metal wall. To a large extent, the consumption of material depends on the nature of the base, more will go on the cement, less on a wooden or painted surface. The price of the material fluctuates, depending on the quality of the material and the manufacturer, from 350r to 500r for a five-liter bucket.

Why is the product named Primer Betonokontakt

The name of the Knauf product was chosen as well as possible. Technical specifications and the properties of the material are focused primarily on working with a cement or concrete surface. To assess the level of the problem that Knauf specialists had to face, developing the Betonokontakt primer, let us recall the characteristics and properties of cement.

Cement mortar, even in time immemorial, was called stone glue, and there was a reason. In the process of water absorption by the cement grain, a specific gel-like product was formed in the solution, which filled and sealed all the pores. concrete surface... Especially if surfactants have been added to the mixture.

In order for paint or any plaster mass to firmly adhere to the cement surface, it is necessary that it penetrates into the concrete water solution binder of the plaster, and that just because of the air and the increased alkaline characteristics of the surface does not occur. Cement walls somehow absorb water, but the binder from plaster or ordinary primer, even at a high flow rate per 1m2, does not seep into the thickness of the concrete surface.

Therefore, when creating Knauf Betonokontakt, chemists had to find a way, using additives, to increase the depth of penetration into the thickness of cement and to obtain high-quality adhesion of soil and cement.

Primer properties Concrete contact

The idea of ​​producing a special primer and its name was picked up by a number of well-known and not so famous manufacturers of building and finishing materials. Primers, cheaper than those of Knauf, appeared; moreover, the name "betonokontakt" became a term denoting a material for increasing the adhesion of cement or even wooden surface... Some of the developers have brought their ideas to the primer. For example, the use of quartz filler in the form of thin needles increased the adhesion strength and reduced the consumption of concrete contact.

Consumption and technical characteristics of the primer

Currently, concrete contact formulations are divided into several main groups:

  • For preparing walls for applying putty. A feature of the primer is the use of fine quartz filler 0.2-0.4 mm. This makes the mass of the primer more flexible and manageable, while the consumption of concrete contact is reduced by 10-15%;
  • For plastering cement walls with thicker and heavier mortar. Calibrated quartz sand and fibers can be used as a filler. The consumption of such a concrete contact is above average and can reach 350-450 grams per 1m2;
  • Primer varieties specially designed for non-standard applications - gas silicate masonry surfaces, smooth painted or enamel surfaces. Some manufacturers produce particularly durable grades of concrete contact, allowing ceramic tiles to be attached to plasterboard wall without additional glue. The price of such a concrete contact is 10-15% more expensive than the standard composition.

For your information! Most of even the smoothest and most difficult surfaces can be easily processed with a concrete contact primer.

The main problem in applying primer is usually oily surface or thick layers of swollen oil paint.

Concrete contact can also be called a deep penetration primer. These are practically similar products, but with slight differences in composition. In betonokontakte, most of the strong connection is provided by adhesive compositions. Therefore, theoretically, such material should confidently hold plaster layer even on glass-smooth ceramic tiles or decorative plaster varnished.

Most often, the primer is sold in the form of a ready-made solution in a standard 5 and 10 liter container. At the same time, the company's sales policy is focused on the maximum implementation of the finished concrete contact primer. But if the nature and volume of work involve long breaks in work, it will be more convenient to buy a powder version of the primer. It has more long term storage and use. Any ready-made forms concrete contacts are very sensitive to freezing. If the finished mixture is frozen, it is almost impossible to restore its properties and characteristics.

In addition to sand and cement, most inexpensive grades of concrete contact are based on additives of modified dry polyvinyl acetate compositions, acrylic polymer or even latex binders. Without fail, antiseptics are added to the composition, which make it possible to effectively destroy pathogenic microflora, especially waterlogged basements and basements.

The material can be used only at above-zero temperatures and dry until “tack-free” for at least 2-3 hours.

Most of these primers survive freezing rather mediocrely; at sub-zero temperatures, a standard concrete contact can withstand no more than 5 cycles. The more water condensation falls on the surface, the worse the frost resistance of the primer.


Successful technical features and properties of concrete contact, the ability of the primer to stick to any surface have led to the fact that the primer is often used not only as an adhesive that enhances the adhesion of the plaster layer and cement. Very often, with the help of concrete contact, sanitization is carried out industrial premises with cement walls, ceiling, floor. In addition to the guaranteed destruction of harmful fungal or bacterial formations, the cement surface loses its ability to "dust", that is, to release into the air a large amount of clinker dust, which is not the most healthy for health.

Primer concrete contact technical characteristics

Knauf - betokontakt

Application area

  • Surface preparation.
  • Preparation of the solution.

Primer concrete contact

BETONOKONTAKT is a special acrylic-based plastering primer with high adhesion, which is a mixture of cement, sand and special fillers. These special binder fillers give BETONOKONTAKT increased adhesive properties and provide a long-lasting coating. With the help of BETONONTAKT, surfaces with a low moisture absorption capacity are processed, such as monolithic concrete, concrete ceilings and blocks, after which any plaster can be applied to it: lime, cement or gypsum.

The primer BETONOKONTAKT is used for both indoor and outdoor use. Ceilings should be treated with soil without fail, this will protect them from shedding, for the same purposes it is recommended to process them with "Concrete Contact" before applying plaster, putty or tiling on the walls.

CONCRETE CONTACT significantly improves adhesion when applied to old tiles before plastering, to walls impregnated with linseed oil and oil paints (mainly in old houses), to old oily coatings if they cannot be completely removed. After applying BETONOKONTAKT primer, the surfaces become rough, like coarse sandpaper.

Primer concretekontakt - technical specifications + video

Application of zinc rich primers

Primers differ not only in the type of film-forming agent and its properties, but also in zinc content, particle size, particle shape, impurities and method of application.

The primer protects the wall from the formation of mildew and mildew, which will provide protection from destruction and a good appearance of the treated surface. Description and application

Usually, deep penetration primers are used for priming concrete floors.

In addition to the fact that the primer of the walls before the putty protects the base, deep penetration primers have the ability to strengthen loose and porous substrates, strengthening the pores of the material.

Tiefengrund Knauf is a ready-to-use colorless deep penetration primer

The deep penetration primer has the following technical characteristics: improves adhesion, guarantees an economical and even application of subsequent coatings - plaster, paints and varnishes How to properly prime the walls before wallpapering + Video

The walls should be primed before gluing the wallpaper if durable repairs are being made, as a rule, for 5-10 years.

CONSUMPTION: 300 g / sq.m


Color: Light pink

Maximum particle size

Consumption: 300 g / sq.m

Drying time 3 hours

Frost resistance

at least 5 cycles

Work temperature

Operating temperature

Betonokontakt - buy concretekontakt, concretekontakt primer with delivery

Buying concrete contact is economically viable and technologically competent.

The use of such a material as a primer is justified in many cases. For example, for strengthening loose and crumbling walls, for treating new or cleaned from rust metal surfaces, for the preparation of wooden parts contacting the ground, for finishing those premises where there are reinforced concrete factory slabs.

Concrete contact primer is a modern construction product. The ready-made primer solution penetrates into the inner layer of the working surface, strengthens it and normalizes the porosity of the base. Thus, the concrete contact primer from such manufacturers as Knauf, Prospectors or Glims enhances the adhesion of the subsequently applied finishing materials to the working surface, which is monolithic and block concrete, concrete ceilings and floors. The effect of using concrete contact, including the primer Prospector, Knauf and Vetonit, is obvious. Apply paint, plaster, wallpaper and tile adhesive in a thinner and more even layer. Their consumption is significantly reduced. Prevents mold and mildew growth. The surface of the coatings is less exposed to contamination.

It is not difficult to inexpensively purchase a variety of finishing and building materials in Moscow, for example, in our online store, including concrete contact with home delivery. These products are from the best foreign and Russian manufacturers in particular, Knauf is of high quality. You can buy concrete contact in any packaging that is convenient for the consumer. Our website contains complete information about materials, including a detailed description of primers, for example, concrete contact. It contains the technical characteristics of this product and how to work with it.

The main criterion when choosing a primer, including concrete contact, is the porosity of the base of the working surface. It shows the ability of base materials to absorb moisture from any mortar or paint applied to it. And this, of course, has a great influence on the strength and reliability of adhesion of the working surface with finishing materials. The strongest adhesion is characteristic of those surfaces on which a drop of water is absorbed from 3 to 20 minutes. On loose, too porous substrates, the finishing material, as a rule, exfoliates along with small particles of the base. On dense, low-porous surfaces, the material may fall off in whole pieces. In such cases, it is necessary to buy a concrete contact.

Any store selling concrete contact and other primers offers products that have a specific specialization. These are products that are applied between different layers, such as between a wall and plaster, plaster and putty, putty and paint, as well as under wallpaper. There are primers Prospector, Knauf, Unix, Glims, Polymax, which are designed separately for concrete, for painting, for porous surfaces. You can buy concrete contact primer and other materials at different prices. After all, they assume a different technological and chemical composition. In addition, the primer and concrete contact price largely depends on the packaging and the solidity of the manufacturer's brand.

On Russian market domestic materials of high quality, produced on the basis of the best imported components, have become widespread, as well as products that are manufactured in conjunction with foreign companies, for example, the brands Knauf, Glims, Eurolux and others. There are also more expensive materials ATLAS, DUFA, JOBI, OPTIROC, TIKKURILA. LUGATO CHEMIE.

Primer concretekontakt gost

Concrete contact is a high quality soil. bolars finishing materials

Soil BOLARS Concrete contact is made on an acrylic basis. This soil increases the adhesion of materials, improves the manufacturability of cement, gypsum and polymer solutions. A concrete contact primer is used to roughen smooth, dense, weakly absorbent substrates, in order to increase the adhesion of the materials applied in the future. Used concrete contact as an adhesion primer before laying new tiles on old tiles with tile adhesive. Designed for interior work "> primer for interior and exterior work.

Primer is applied to concrete surfaces, drywall, old tiles. BOLRAS concrete contact with fraction 0.3 is best used for priming the surface before filling, and concrete contact with fraction 0.6 should be used before plastering.

Substrate preparation, application: the primer is ready to use and does not require dilution. Before starting work, the surface must be free of dust, grease, oil contamination, old peeling paint. Strongly absorbent surfaces must be pre-treated with BOLARS Deep penetration"> Deep Penetration Soil." Apply concrete contact to the base with a roller or brush. This primer is consumed in the amount of 300 g / m2.

Precautions should be taken when using betokontakt. Avoid contact with eyes. If the soil gets into your eyes, you must urgently rinse them with copious amounts of water. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves.

The soil is supplied in buckets weighing 5 kg, 10 kg, in euro tanks, 30 kg; in barrels of 40 kg. It is necessary to store the soil in a tightly closed container at an air temperature of +5 C to +30 C. Do not expose the soil to sunlight. The soil is stored for 12 months from the date of manufacture. The date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging. This certificate of conformity "> the soil has a certificate of conformity No. ROSS RU. I062. OS02. PO005 in the system of GOST RF. Concrete contact was made in accordance with TU 2316-004-56852407-01

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Specifications /> />

Approx 130 g / m2? when applied in 1 layer.

Attention! Consumption may vary depending on absorbency and type of substrate.

Density, kg / m2, not less


Storage period


3L; 5L; 10L; 20L

Consumer properties

Concrete contact improves the structural properties of smooth substrates and creates favorable conditions to increase the adhesion of the plaster mixture to the base, provides a reliable and durable coating. is intended for pre-treatment of dense, dusty, poorly absorbing substrates (monolithic concrete, concrete blocks, slabs and ceilings, bricks, cement and lime materials) before filling, facing with ceramic tiles and wallpapering. Concrete contact does not contain aggressive and toxic components, which ensures the environmental friendliness of products

Technology features

The company "LKM POVOLZHE" has developed and successfully introduced into mass production an innovative technology for dispersing and activating the basic components of the formulation using the ultrasonic flow cavitation reactor "Molot". The uniqueness of the technology lies in the features of grinding materials in liquid medium under the influence of ultrasound. Highly dispersed grinding of the filler and activation of its properties allows increasing the degree of covering and adhesion of the material, as well as reducing consumption. Products have high rates resistance to mechanical and wet abrasion, due to the deep penetration of material particles into the treated surface, prevents the formation of mold, the development of bacteria and fungi.

Commercial information

Flexible terms of cooperation on delivery and deferred payment

Competitive advantages

    Quality. All manufactured products are certified and comply with GOST in their parameters, and even exceed GOST indicators in a number of properties.

    Economic benefit. Compared to competitors, products are on average 15-20% cheaper without losing quality and performance characteristics... The degree of coverage of materials is on average 20% higher than that of paints and varnishes made according to standard technology, which ensures cost savings. Frost resistance for certain types of products exceeds 10 cycles, which allows to reduce the cost of regular cosmetic repairs.

    Environmental friendliness. Thanks to the use of ecologically clean materials(quartz sand) and the absence of toxic additives in the formulation. The primer has a pleasant smell, which allows using only minimal personal protective equipment when working with it.

    Ergonomic The material evenly covers the surface without bubbles, streaks and other coating defects. Practically no additional preparation of materials is required before use (adding solvents, water and other materials). The high degree of adhesion allows the material to be applied to almost any type of substrate.

    The uniqueness of the technology. In the production process, water is used, which has undergone a special ultrasonic treatment, which guarantees the absence of microbes and fungi that can affect the quality of the final coating.


No. ROSS RU.3387.04IV.00.04 dated 06.09.2012 Simbirsk Certification Center LLC

Application experience

Large construction organizations Ulyanovsk

Activity Followers 1

Primer for concrete "betonokontakt" white

Primer "Habez-Betonokontakt" is a liquid highly homogeneous mass on an acrylic base with the addition of fillers that form a rough layer. Thanks to the special chemical additives that make up this type of primer, there is a strong and reliable connection of the surface components of the concrete, which further prevent efflorescence from penetrating the surface.

Scope of the primer "Habez-Betonokontakt"

Primer "Habez-Betonokontakt" can be used on brick, concrete, plaster, all aerated concrete and others wall materials, for example: glass-magnesium sheet and drywall.

Primer "Betonokontakt" is used for interior and exterior works as an adhesion agent for preliminary finishing of non-absorbent surfaces such as: massive concrete ceilings and floors, monolithic concrete, blocks before applying leveling plaster materials on gypsum-lime, gypsum, lime-cement base , before laying ceramic tiles on glue.

Logistic characteristics of the primer "Habez-Betonokontakt" in containers of 6 kg

The table below shows the logistic characteristics of the Habez-Betonokontakt primer in 6 kg buckets:

Number of buckets on a pallet (pcs) 80 Optimal number of buckets in a car (pcs) 1280 Number of pallets in a car 16 Pallet status Non-returnable Maximum weight in a car (t) 7.68 Pallet size (m) 1.2 x 1.0 Wrapping with foil Yes Loading / unloading into the car full

Logistic characteristics of the primer "Habez-Betonokontakt" in containers of 12 kg

The table below shows the logistic characteristics of the Habez-Betonokontakt primer in 12 kg buckets:

Number of buckets on a pallet (pcs) 48 Optimal number of buckets in a car (pcs) 768 Number of pallets in a car 16 Pallet status Non-returnable Maximum weight in a car (t) 9.22 Pallet size (m) 1.2 x 1.0 Wrapping with foil Yes Loading / unloading into the car full

Primer concrete contact characteristics

Knauf - betokontakt

Application area

Designed for pretreatment under gypsum plaster dense, smooth, weak and non-absorbent substrates, such as concrete, cement plasters.

Also, if necessary, plasterboard claddings of Knauf sheets and surfaces of expanded polystyrene boards can be processed.

Used for interior work.

The application process includes the following stages of work.

  • Surface preparation.
  • Preparation of the solution.
  • Primer application. The consumption of the primer is approximately 0.350 kg / m2.

It is not allowed to apply a primer on a frozen base.

To carry out processing at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° С.

For more information on the use of the adhesive primer Knauf-Betokontakt, see the "Download" section of Information sheet No. 4501.

Concrete contact soil. purpose and application

Have not decided yet whether it is worth using concrete contact? Read the builders' reviews!

Prepare the substrate for primer application - wipe off dust and remove moisture. If there is oil drip, remove it. If there are chips or cracks on the concrete or slab, then it is necessary to putty them in advance. Please note that the putty must dry before applying the primer. Stir the mixture in a bucket. Read the instructions on the packaging. Some mixes require the addition of water.

Apply the primer with a spray gun. You can use a roller or brush for application. Watch the air temperature, it should not drop below 5 degrees Celsius. It is also not recommended to carry out work at temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius and high humidity.

The primer is odorless, can be used without special protection measures, and is non-toxic.

Thanks to pink color, which has a concrete contact, you can control the areas on which you have already applied the building material.

Remember! It is necessary to apply plaster, glue tiles and other finishing materials immediately after the primer has dried. Dust deposited on the concrete contact ground greatly reduces its adhesion properties.

Application of concrete contact primer


On average, the consumption of concrete contact soil per square meter is 200-300 grams of the mixture. Attention, externally, the concrete contact primer seems dry after 1-2 hours, but complete drying occurs only after 6-8 hours. Exact time drying is indicated on the packaging. Remember, the shorter the time between the drying of the primer and the application of the plaster, the better.

In our store you can buy concrete contact at the most low prices in Moscow. The presented mixtures do not require preparation and are immediately ready for application.

Concrete contact - to improve the performance of concrete

Created specifically to improve the characteristics of concrete, which is known to be quite difficult to process. As a plant for the production of paintwork materials, our company offers, in addition, a whole range of building materials that make the construction process easier, and the result obtained is more reliable. For example, special antifreeze additives will significantly increase the density of the composition.

Returning to our topic, it should be noted that concrete contact is a special adhesive, mainly plaster primer, intended for preliminary treatment of surfaces that have a dense structure that does not absorb moisture. Concrete contact is used as an adhesion agent. The grounds include:

  1. monolithic concrete
  2. massive concrete ceiling
  3. concrete block
  4. ceramic tile

It is advisable to apply the material before using various types of plasters (gypsum, lime-cement, etc.) and, of course, before applying building paints to the surface. It can be used with both external and inner sides.

Primer betokontakt - excellent protection against corrosion of open reinforcement

The main advantage of the material is that this mixture improves the adhesion of the plaster to the substrate, guaranteeing a reliable and long-lasting coating. The primer creates a barrier impermeable to aqueous solutions of salts and alkalis, being an environmentally friendly product.

Mode of application:

1. The work surface must be cleaned of dust, dirt, moisture, peeling old paint or crumbling whitewash. It is forbidden to apply a concrete contact primer on a surface with negative temperature.

2. Stir well before use. Mixing with water is possible (depending on the type of surface and properties of the base. Consumption of the primer is approximately 0.2-0.5 kg / m2.

3. Concrete contact primer is applied in various ways: by brush, roller, etc. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the temperature does not fall below the level specified in the instructions until it dries completely. The plaster must be laid after the primer has completely dried. Time interval between start plastering works and the end of drying of the primer should be minimal to avoid the settling of construction dust.

In general, following the instructions carefully will ensure the desired result. And for a more effective improvement in the characteristics of concrete, you can use c3 plasticizers. P.S. When buying products in the complex, the buyer will enjoy pleasant discounts.

Primer concrete contact characteristics - building materials - cheap

Plaster primer Betokontakt is intended for pretreatment under plaster of dense, non-absorbent substrates

(monolithic concrete, massive concrete ceilings, etc.). Used for interior work.

Surface preparation

The surface intended for the primer must be dry, free from

exfoliating elements. Do not apply a primer on frozen substrates.



Depending on the properties of the substrate and the type of surface, the primer

Betokontakt is applied undiluted or mixed with water in a ratio of 2

volumetric parts of Betokontakt per 1 volumetric part of water. Before use

be sure to stir and dilute if necessary.

Consumption rate

The consumption of the primer is approximately 0.350 kg / sq.

Operating procedure

Apply Betokontakt primer with a brush or roller. Processing to produce

at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° С. Make sure that the temperature

until completely dry did not fall below this level. The plaster should be

install only after the primer has dried. Time span between

the end of the drying of the primer and the beginning of the plastering work should be as

as small as possible to avoid settling on the surface of the base

construction dust.


Store indoors at a temperature not lower than -10 ° C.

The shelf life is 12 months.

Concrete contact, primer, primer, description, application, consumption, acrylic, water, water-based, catalog, paint, wdak

Primer - made on an acrylic base. Increases adhesion of materials. Improves the manufacturability of cement, gypsum, polymer solutions.

AREA OF APPLICATION: Primer Betonokontakt is used to roughen smooth, dense, weakly absorbent substrates, in order to increase the adhesion of materials applied in the future (putty, plaster, tile adhesives). Used as an adhesion primer before installing new tiles on old tiles with tile adhesive. The primer is intended for indoor and outdoor use. It is applied on concrete surfaces, drywall, old tiles.

SUBSTRATE PREPARATION, APPLICATION: The primer is ready to use and does not require dilution. Before starting work, the surface must be free of dust, grease, oil contamination, old peeling paint. Highly absorbent surfaces must be pre-treated with BOLARS Deep Penetration Soil. The impregnation is applied to the base using a roller or brush.

CONSUMPTION: 300 g / sq.m

PRECAUTIONS: Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with copious amounts of water. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves.

PACKAGING AND STORAGE: Primer is supplied in buckets of 5 kg, 10 kg; in euro tanks, 30 kg each; in barrels of 40 kg. Store in a tightly closed container at an air temperature of +5 C to +30 C. Do not expose to sunlight. The guaranteed shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacture. The date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging.


Color: Light pink

Maximum particle size

Consumption: 300 g / sq.m

Drying time 3 hours

Frost resistance

at least 5 cycles

Work temperature

Operating temperature

The price changes depending on the volume of products.

Primer concrete-contact: technical characteristics and application

In order to ensure the best adhesion of building mixtures and finishing materials to various types of surfaces, it is recommended to use a primer with special properties. A high-quality concrete contact primer is a sure guarantee of durability and maximum durability of the finished finish. With all its advantages, this material does not require special skills and complex tools - a regular roller, spray gun or a convenient brush can be used to apply it.

Features and differences from other types of primers

The most important difference between concrete contact and other existing primers lies in its special composition, which includes:

  • quartz filler of a rather coarse fraction;
  • styrene-alkylate dispersion as a binder component.

Each of the constituent parts this tool complements each other. Styrene provides an ideal bond to smooth, glossy surfaces, while coarse silica sand creates the characteristic roughness necessary to improve adhesion to cement-based materials.

The high-quality bonding primer concretekontakt is distinguished by its special properties, which provide it with a wide universal application in modern construction and renovation work.

This kind primer is indispensable for both indoor and outdoor work. It is used when starting the device concrete screeds and self-leveling floors.

It also plays the role of a very strong and reliable base before the subsequent coating of surfaces with putties or plasters of any kind.

Due to its versatility, this tool can be applied very easily and adhere firmly to almost any type of surface:

  • brick;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • drywall;
  • ceramic;
  • asbestos-cement;
  • coated with alkyd or oil enamels.

Numeric data

For a concrete contact primer intended for indoor and outdoor use, the following technical characteristics are inherent.

  1. As a rule, it is produced in packages of 3, 5 and 14 kilograms.
  2. The size of the fractions of quartz particles that make up this product can vary from 0.63 to 1.25 mm.
  3. The consumption of this type of primer is quite economical. Depending on the level of porosity of the surface to be treated, approximately 200 to 350 g of this primer may be required per square meter of area. The average consumption rate of a concrete contact is 300 g per square meter.
  4. Plain water is used as a diluent.
  5. Many are interested in how long the concrete contact primer used for outdoor work dries. The average drying time at an air temperature of +20 degrees Celsius is from two to four hours. However, in some cases, subsequent finishing work is recommended after at least 12 hours have passed since the application of the primer.

Due to its technical characteristics and special composition, concrete contact is highly appreciated by professional builders.

This tool is characterized by the following important points:

  • significant durability - a primer from well-known world manufacturers does not lose its properties for 70-80 years;
  • excellent waterproofing properties - as this compound dries, it forms a characteristic waterproof film on the surface;
  • fast drying - in most cases, this tool dries only two to three hours, after which you can proceed to further external or internal work.


People who are planning to use concrete contact for the first time are often interested in how much money is required to successfully carry out outdoor or indoor work.

The average standards indicated in the instructions for this composition vary from approximately 200 to 400 g of the product per square meter of the treated surface. However, in reality, how much a given primer will be consumed may differ in a particular case, since it depends directly on the quality and type of surface to be coated.

On too porous concrete surfaces, as well as on the surface, early coating with cement-sand plaster, it is better to apply this composition not in one layer, but in two. Of course, you can only use a high-quality primer that has a certificate of conformity.

Correct selection and application

The use of the popular concrete-contact primer should be carried out according to all the rules. First of all, you need to choose the right material - give preference only to reliable and well-known manufacturers, whose products have a corresponding certificate. Only in this case, you can count on a result that will delight you for many years.

Prepare surfaces properly before applying the ready-to-use compound. For these purposes, it is necessary:

  • remove all dust and dirt, as well as loose elements;
  • cover the surface with a layer of ordinary primer;
  • wait until the treated surfaces are completely dry.

After that, you can start applying concrete contact. Containing large particles of quartz sand, this product is best applied with a wide brush to ensure an even layer. A quality, certified product, easy to apply, providing perfect adhesion due to its high technical characteristics.

If you are wondering how much money is required to provide the best coverage, keep in mind that spending is usually quite economical. The primer, which has a certificate, is applied to 1 sq. meter of surface on average in a volume of 300 ml - this amount is quite enough for a perfect coverage.

The reliable concrete contact primer dries quite quickly - as a rule, from two to five hours. However, here you need to take into account some nuances. If no more than one hour has passed since the application of the composition, and it seems to you that the surface is already completely dry, it is better to play it safe.

You can easily check the condition of the coated surface by running a spatula made of metal over it. This will ensure that the surface is not yet ready for further finishing. The minimum drying time for high-quality concrete contact is two hours.

But before carrying out subsequent work, it is better to wait a little more time. True, it is undesirable to delay with them - too long a break will lead to the fact that dust begins to accumulate on the surface, and this, in turn, can negatively affect the quality of adhesion.

The concrete contact composition is applied at a temperature not lower than + 8 ° С. If there are problematic areas prone to cracking, it is better to apply an additional layer of the product to them. For best results, use only a quality certified primer. Knowing how much the product should be used and how long it takes to dry will help you get the best coverage for walls, ceilings, floors or other surfaces.
The use of high-quality concrete contact is an important milestone in the process of processing any surfaces. The optimal composition helps to level and strengthen the surface, and also provides the best adhesion to all types of mixtures intended for further finishing work.

This type of building material is a polymer dispersion; it contains pure quartz sand, resistant to alkalis. The material is used to ensure a high level of adhesion to the surface and the substance applied to it.

Concrete contact technical characteristics

  • The maximum size of the particles included in the fine-grained mixture is 0.3 mm.
  • The maximum size of the particles included in the medium-grained mixture is 0.6 mm.
  • The permissible temperature values ​​during the application of the primer are from +5 ° C to +30 ° C.
  • Permissible temperatures during operation are from -40 ° C to +60 ° C.
  • The color of the finished mixture is light pink.
  • The average ph of the mixture is 8.0 to 9.0.
  • The approximate drying time for one layer is 3 hours.
  • Average consumption of concrete contact per m² - 300 g of mixture (depends on the type of primer used and the surface).
  • Frost resistance - the applied and completely dried mixture withstands 5 freezing cycles below the permissible value.
  • The consistency of the finished mixture is homogeneous (without inclusions of large particles).
  • Material safety is an environmentally friendly product.

Concrete contact application is advisable:

When carrying out repair work, the concrete contact primer is used in the following cases:

Excessive surface smoothness

If the surface on which you want to apply some mixture is too smooth, then there is a great risk that it will simply fall off.

To ensure good adhesion, a concrete contact primer is applied to a smooth wall (ceiling), which, after drying, turns into a thin and rough film on the surface.

Example: concrete slabs, drywall sheets, old Oil paint, ceramic tiles and the like.

Excessive surface porosity

The application of finishing materials to surfaces with high porosity will lead to a significant increase in costs. Since the surface will "absorb" the applied glue, paint and so on. To avoid this, it is pre-treated with a concrete contact primer, which closes all the pores, thereby saving money on the purchase of additional materials.

Example: porous concrete, red brick, Crimean shell rock and the like.

Types of concrete contact

On the market there are variants of this material released by at least a dozen different manufacturers. But its classification is carried out not by this indicator, but by the type of building material sold:

Mixed buckets

Most often it is produced in containers of 5-20 kg. It can be stored for about a year and only at positive temperatures.

If the mixture has been frozen, then it loses its properties and cannot be used during finishing work.

Dry mix bags

In this variant, packing of 3 kg and 5 kg is allowed. The exact instructions for preparing the mixture are indicated on the package. It can also be stored dry for no more than 12 months and at above-zero temperatures. When opening the container, be careful to avoid getting dry particles into the respiratory tract.

Concrete contact application

During the application of the material, certain rules must be followed to help achieve the best result:

  1. The surface must be flat and solid. There should not be any damaged places on it, which can later break off and fall off.
  2. The surface to be applied must be free of dust, dirt and grease. The presence of foreign particles reduces the adhesion of the primer to the wall or ceiling.
  3. Areas of the surface that are affected by fungus or mold must first be cleaned and properly treated. Otherwise, spores will show up on the surface of freshly applied materials.
  4. Stir the mixture before use so that the consistency becomes homogeneous.
  5. The material should be applied with a brush, not a roller. Only in this case will the risk of uneven distribution of the mixture over the surface be reduced.
  6. It is possible to use other materials on top of the primer only after it is completely dry. But it should be borne in mind that this process cannot be delayed for a long time, since its surface can become dusty, thereby reducing the quality of adhesion with it.
  7. If concrete contact gets on surfaces that do not require processing, it must be removed immediately with a damp cloth. Otherwise, the mixture will dry out and can only be removed mechanically or with solvents.
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High quality coatings can only be obtained if good adhesion of the base and the directly applied solution, paint or putty mass, which is used to decorate the brick or concrete surface, is ensured. Moreover, the cement base has always been famous for its particularly complex "character" and finicky when applying paint, plaster or laying tiles.

If you do not take special measures, most likely, everything that will be laid or applied to the concrete surface, after a while, will safely peel off or fall off from the cement base.

How to increase adhesion to a concrete wall according to the recipe Betonokontakt Knauf

We can say that by creating such a product as a primer Betonokontakt, Knauf specialists have greatly helped out everyone who is engaged in finishing concrete surfaces with plaster. The name of the material and its technical features speak for themselves. From the product description "Primer Betonokontakt" offered by Knauf, you can find out the following:

  • The characteristics of the composition of the primer allow it to withstand surfaces with an increased content of alkaline components;
  • Perfectly adheres to a surface with zero moisture absorption, aqueous solutions, while the consumption of the product Betonokontakt Knauf by 1m 2 is not much higher than the consumption of any other similar composition;
  • The properties of the dried soil Betonokontakt provide additional waterproofing;
  • When used correctly, the coating is absolutely harmless, odorless, does not emit fumes, its characteristics allow it to be applied both by hand and by mechanized methods.

Important! To improve the visual assessment of the applied coating layer, a specific color dye has been added to the Knauf Betonokontakt product. This helps to estimate the consumption of material per 1m2 from the first treated meters of the wall.

Average consumption per 1m 2 of Knauf primer, as a rule, does not exceed 300-350 grams for cement and 180-200 grams for a painted or metal wall. To a large extent, the consumption of material depends on the nature of the base, more will go on the cement, less on a wooden or painted surface. The price of the material fluctuates, depending on the quality of the material and the manufacturer, from 350r to 500r for a five-liter bucket.

Why is the product named Primer Betonokontakt

The name of the Knauf product was chosen as well as possible. The technical parameters and properties of the material are focused primarily on working with a cement or concrete surface. To assess the level of the problem that Knauf specialists had to face, developing the Betonokontakt primer, let us recall the characteristics and properties of cement.

Cement mortar, even in time immemorial, was called stone glue, and there was a reason. In the process of water absorption by the cement grain, a specific gel-like product was formed in the solution, which filled and sealed all the pores of the concrete surface. Especially if surfactants have been added to the mixture.

In order for paint or any plaster mass to firmly adhere to the cement surface, it is necessary that an aqueous solution of the plaster binder penetrates into the thickness of the concrete, and that is precisely because of the air and the increased alkaline characteristics of the surface. Cement walls somehow absorb water, but the binder from plaster or ordinary primer, even at a high flow rate per 1m 2, does not seep into the thickness of the concrete surface.

Therefore, when creating Knauf Betonokontakt, chemists had to find a way, using additives, to increase the depth of penetration into the thickness of cement and to obtain high-quality adhesion of soil and cement.

Primer properties Concrete contact

The idea of ​​producing a special primer and its name was picked up by a number of well-known and not so famous manufacturers of building and finishing materials. Primers, cheaper than those of Knauf, appeared; moreover, the name "betonokontakt" became a term for a material for increasing the adhesion of a cement or even wooden surface. Some of the developers have brought their ideas to the primer. For example, the use of quartz filler in the form of thin needles increased the adhesion strength and reduced the consumption of concrete contact.