DIY installation of ceiling plinths. Installation of a ceiling plinth: calculation of materials

T Requirements for the skirting board are primarily imposed as a finishing element, therefore install the skirting board on the ceiling the work is not time consuming, but it requires accuracy and skill. It is important and accurate to imagine how to make a corner, how to join the ceiling plinth in the corners because the flaws are most noticeable here.



What is a plinth, what they are. Why do you need a skirting board

The word itself is from Greek: plinthos - plate (hence the tile, and the old name of the brick - plinth).

The main task of the skirting board, as an architectural element, is to design the conjugation of the planes of the structures. For example: ceiling and walls, walls and floors, various kinds of niches and openings.

From the point of view of construction, a skirting board is not a material, as many are accustomed to think - it is a construct. The skirting board can be pulled out with plaster, glued from polystyrene, molded from plasticine, decorated from ceramic tiles etc. Decoration element corner between wall and ceiling - ceiling plinth, wall and floor - floor.

Unlike skirting boards used in flooring, ceiling skirting boards are distinguished by a greater variety of materials and shapes.

In the recent past, the main material for ceiling plinths was wood or plaster. Less commonly - ceramics and various breeds finishing stone... Such parts were fastened on nails or wire anchors - "nags".

The shape of the plinth in cross-section is most often close to right triangle... In this case, the even edges that form the legs are pressed against the wall and ceiling. The visible hypotenuse is formed by a decorative texture and (or) color (Fig. 1).

Materials and tools for installing a ceiling plinth

What kind of tools are needed depends largely on the materials of the parts used. So, for cutting a skirting board made of polystyrene, you will need an assembly knife, and wooden crafts, skirting boards from artificial stone, various composite materials, hard plastics - it is better to cut with a hacksaw with small tooth or "grinder".

In addition, you cannot do without a tool for measuring and marking, both the skirting boards themselves and the places of their installation. You will need a tape measure, a soft pencil or felt-tip pen, and a construction square.

Ceiling plinth is one of the types of cornice and is intended for decorating the junction of walls and ceilings in the house. He may have different width, trim, be convex or concave.

Mounting ceiling plinth do it yourself will please the eye and help save finances, refusing the help of specialists. How this is done and what materials are needed for this process, we will tell you below.

Tools for gluing the ceiling plinth

  • Ruler
  • Roulette
  • Pencil
  • Construction knife
  • Glue (liquid nails)
  • Glue gun
  • Spatula (rubber)

Consumables: ceiling plinth, acrylic sealant, special glue, polyethylene lining (for stretch ceilings).

At each corner, material is taken with a margin of up to 10 cm on both sides.

Getting ready for the installation of the ceiling plinth

  • We place the plinth on the floor for now, figuring out best location pieces.
  • We cut the corner joints.
  • We check the correctness of measurements and see if our "puzzle" from the ceiling plinth converges.

When designing skirting boards, try to keep the factory edges. They connect perfectly without any errors.

First, they take two corner pieces, which are greased with glue, and glued to both the ceiling and the wall at the same time. Then they lightly press the skirting boards and wait about a minute. The joints between them do not need to be greased with glue.

After the completion of the work, it is necessary to seal all the joints of the plinth with the walls and ceiling with a rubber spatula with a sealant.

How to glue a skirting board on a stretch ceiling?

For gluing the skirting board to the stretch ceiling, very light elements are chosen so as not to make the stretched canvas heavier and not to damage it. Glue the plinth with the wide side to the wall. A polyethylene gasket is placed between the ceiling and the plinth, which is removed after installation.

As you can see, you can glue the skirting boards yourself, without special efforts... It is enough to know only some of the tricks that we have shared with you.

Installation of a ceiling plinth (video):

One of the final stages renovation works in the room is the installation of a ceiling plinth. Choosing a skirting board is a serious task. On the one hand, it is designed to hide the joining seams between the surfaces of the ceiling and walls, and on the other hand, it plays exclusively important role from the point of view of design in the decoration of the room.

Skirting boards should fit into the interior, not disturb the harmony color scheme walls and ceilings, etc. Laying fillets, especially with your own hands, is quite an exciting experience. But in order for a room to delight you with its complete look for a long time, you need to have a small baggage of knowledge: how to properly lay the plinth and how to glue the ceiling plinth.

Ceiling skirting board in the kitchen: simple but tasteful

We hope that all the material presented below, which describes the installation of skirting boards, video and photo illustrations, will be of great help to you in this.

If you are going to fix the ceiling plinth yourself, then the rules below will help you avoid annoying mistakes. Finishing work start with the purchase of material.

In rooms with high ceilings, a wide baguette will look very impressive.

The calculation of the required amount of material is quite simple. Calculate the perimeter of the room and divide by two - this is the standard length of the ceiling molding. Round up the resulting quotient, because when you make the corner joint, part of the baguette will definitely go to waste.

Skirting board installation methods

There are two ways to mount baguettes on the ceiling.

  • Installation over wallpaper or painted walls. In this case, the surface for the skirting boards is already leveled, since the molding is attached to the finish.
  • The second option is more complicated, but at the same time more practical. With this method, the molding is laid and glued directly to the wall. It, of course, is putty and primed before finishing fasteners. As a result, after painting, as a rule, in a uniform color, the ceiling with the skirting board merges into a single whole.

Wallpaper at the glued baguette is cut using a spatula and a knife

Advice: according to professionals, the second gluing option is preferable. Firstly, gluing the molding over the wallpaper reduces the quality of the fastening. Secondly, after their installation, cracks and joints may still remain, which will have to be repaired with a putty or sealant. And how far it will be possible to eliminate these defects and not damage the wall decoration is a question. And, finally, thirdly, nothing will prevent you from re-sticking the wallpaper or repainting the walls. Everything can be done without gluing the cornices.

Installation of a skirting board for a stretch ceiling has its own nuances.

  • Preference for installation should be given to lightweight panels.
  • Mounting method - by painting or gluing.
  • The panels cannot be fixed to the stretch ceiling.
  • Before starting installation work, the canvas must be protected with polyethylene.

Cutting skirting boards for the ceiling

The hardest part of installing skirting boards is joining the baguettes in the corners without gaps or crevices. To do this, you need to cut them at the correct angle. This process is greatly simplified if you use a miter box.

How to properly trim the baguette for the inner and outer corners when installing the molding

Suitable for ceiling molding simplest option tools with a two-degree cut shape - 45 and 90.

The molding must be placed in the miter box the way it will be attached when glued to the wall - pressing the lower edge intended for fastening to the miter box wall.

Molding installation: how to properly trim the baguette for non-standard corners

On a note: v multi-storey buildings the walls are rarely completely perpendicular, so you often have to adjust the molding angle manually.

Corner adjustment when installing skirting boards

During installation, baguettes can be cut without a miter box, especially if the corners in the room are not completely straight. In this case, they get by with the means at hand. How to make a stencil is not difficult at all - it must exactly repeat the outer or inner corners of the wall. The template is usually cut out of cardboard.

Important: this method is not suitable for hollow skirting boards. In this case, from any available material they are constructing a corner where the panel can be inserted. It is used like a wort.

The better to glue skirting boards for the ceiling

All glue for curtain rods is divided according to its composition into acrylic and polymer. How to glue skirting boards to the ceiling depends on functional purpose rooms. For a nursery, for example, the molding is installed only on acrylic glue. If we are talking about how to attach a plinth in the bathroom, then it is better to glue it on a polymer one.

What can you glue the plinth for the ceiling

Acrylic products are based on water, so they do not have a pungent smell, however, glue cornices on them during wet rooms it is forbidden. Polymer, on the contrary, are suitable for gluing in rooms with high humidity, but they dry out for a long time and they leave a specific and not very pleasant smell in the room. Despite the existing disadvantages, polymer adhesives are very popular for gluing curtain rods.

The modern market is distinguished by a large variety of gluing compositions for various purposes and "setting" times. However, when you are interested in how to glue a ceiling plinth, among professionals you most often hear such names as "Titan", "Moment" and "Eco-Set".

Universal glue "Titan" for gluing curtain rods

Glue "Titan" is universal. It is suitable for gluing linoleum, floor plinth, ceramics, glass, carpet, etc. "Titan" is colorless and absolutely transparent, so it can be used to glue expensive ceiling materials... The composition is suitable for gluing foam and polystyrene.

For polyurethane skirting board and ceiling tiles great option installations - on "Eco-set" glue You can glue on almost any substrate, be it brick, plaster, concrete, wood or gypsum board.

Moment glue quickly sets when gluing cornices

This line-up lives up to its name - "Moment". Installation for skirting boards is extremely fast. Glue the parts with a sealant gun. The glue not only "grabs" instantly, but also perfectly holds the glued element. And this is very convenient, because standing up the plinth while it is glued, you see, is completely inconvenient. But this glue is quite expensive, moreover, it is more consumed.

Installation of external corners of wooden skirting boards

On a note: wooden fillets can be attached not only to glue, but also glued to liquid nails or installed on screws and nails.

Baguettes can also be glued on homemade glue from scrap materials. For example, products made of polystyrene and gypsum are usually glued to a putty composition. By the way, with the same solution, which retains its working condition about two hours, you can fill up the gaps formed when the panels are fixed to each other and to the ceiling with walls.

It is better to take glue for gluing the skirting board on the wallpaper colorless or to match the wallpaper

The composition is prepared from fine putty, water and PVA, taken in a ratio of one to one and to one fourth. The components of the mixture are kneaded well until creamy and allowed to settle for several minutes.

How to fix a ceiling plinth

Before gluing, the surface of the walls and ceiling in the places where the skirting board is installed is degreased. Let us now analyze how to glue the skirting board to the ceiling. The whole process of installation and gluing is divided into several stages.

The adhesive is applied to the side of the skirting board that is applied to the wall and ceiling surface.

Advice: it can be applied pointwise with a step of 10-15 cm. This will allow, without sacrificing the quality of adhesion, to save on the adhesive composition.

After applying the adhesive, the fillet is pressed tightly to the ceiling and kept for the time required for gluing. The installation time is usually indicated on the packaging.

Docking skirting boards at the corner

The fillet should not be pressed into all uneven parts of the ceiling when gluing, as it may crack. The slots that form during their attachment can be "closed" using excess adhesive for gluing, and even better, masked with putty.

It will be useful to additionally see how to glue the ceiling plinth video tutorial.

Master class: do-it-yourself plinth installation

Let's take a closer look at how to properly glue the ceiling plinth - plastic and foam.

How to fix a Styrofoam ceiling skirting board

The area on the ceiling, to which the fillet will be attached, is primed with a strip slightly exceeding its width. To do this, it is recommended to make a markup using a measure corresponding to the dimensions of the fillet. The marking lines are drawn in 30 cm increments.

How to get a mark on a ceiling surface

Next fit inner corners... They put the plinth in the corner and draw a 6–7 cm line along it on the ceiling. Repeat the same on the other side of the corner. Having applied two plinths at the same time, mark the intersection point on them.

Corner adjustment: skirting marks

Lay the plank with the side adjacent to the ceiling on a flat surface and cut along a conventional line.

Trimming the skirting board

Suitable for gluing acrylic sealant... It is applied to the fillet with a pistol and pressed to adhere to the main surface, following the marks made earlier.

The plinth is installed by gluing according to the marks made

Excess squeezed out adhesive after installation can be easily removed with a damp cloth or simply with your finger.

Transverse joints need to be putty. Seams can be sealed with acrylic putty. It is applied using a rubber spatula, in three layers, and then sanded.

Preparation for painting after installing the eaves

The work is completed by decorating foam baguettes, for example, painting in the appropriate color.

How to fix PVC ceiling skirting boards

Plastic is very popular today. hanging panels, and, as a rule, the joints of the walls and ceiling are decorated with plastic skirting boards.

Joint place after installation of PVC panels

The edges of the lathing on which the panels were attached are fixed in order to prevent them from sagging under the weight of the fillet and its own weight after installation. The skirting board is attached to the last one.

Securing the lathing

The baguettes must be trimmed at 45 degrees in advance. Plastic is easy to cut, so cutting can be done with a hacksaw, knife or scissors.

Methods for cutting PVC skirting boards

The edge of the panel is inserted into the groove of the baguette and adjusted with tapping movements.

Plinth installation

In the corners, fillets are tightly fitted to each other.

Fitting panels

The joints in the corners can be decorated with special plastic corners or simply treated with silicone.

Beautiful plastic frame false ceiling

Such a necessary piece of furniture as a plinth, also called a cornice, galtel, curb, molding, must be installed correctly. How to make a wall / ceiling joint invisible. How to fix the skirting board?

Gluing technology, do-it-yourself installation, fastening features for plastic and foam products, for stretch ceilings, the choice of glue, detailed video tutorials - this is what our article is about.

Installation of a ceiling plinth by gluing

Stage 1. Choosing a product for the ceiling

When choosing a ceiling plinth fixed by gluing, you need to focus on the size of the room.

For your information: The higher the installation room, the larger the area, the more massive the cornice is attached by gluing.

How to properly glue a ceiling plinth with a variety of shapes, sizes

Laying a narrow skirting board in a tall room will not beautify the interior. The fixed adhesive decor item will simply "get lost". A wide ceiling cornice glued in a low room will "crush", lowering the ceiling even more.

Types of products installed by gluing according to the pattern:

  • smooth;
  • "Under the stucco";
  • with longitudinal relief stripes.
Advice: You can follow your tastes, preferences by changing the standard. Choose for mounting the ceiling product that is right for you.

Step 2. Calculation of bonded materials

It is necessary to divide the perimeter of the room by the length of one fastener - usually 2 m. Round the resulting number to an integer value. Add another 1-3 baguettes to the resulting figure, because when fastening by gluing, you can spoil the edging element.

Stage 3. Marking the ceiling for installation

How to mark before gluing:

  1. Inspect the mounting locations for irregularities.
  2. Determine the places of fastening with adhesive, given that it is better not to glue long baguettes into places with large curvatures, since they can break when fastened.
  3. It is necessary to fasten the adhesive skirting boards of the same length. The joint of installed products of equal length looks "more presentable" than fastening long and short ones.

Photo - how to stick the skirting board on the ceiling

Advice: Sticky marks must be placed so that they “hide” behind the ceiling molding after it has been fastened.

Step 4. Prepare for gluing installation

List of glue installation tools:

  • assembly gun;
  • miter box for cutting at an angle;
  • rubber spatula;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • container for mixing putty.

List of fixing materials:

  • ceiling plinth;
  • corner mount;
  • putty;
  • glue;
  • water-based paint;
  • acrylic sealant;
  • mounting plate.

Step 5. Cutting ceiling fasteners

Cut the corner very carefully using a miter box - a device that allows you to cut the plinth at the required angle.

Important: Observe the principle - the corners are cut first. And then the ceiling product is cut.

Having even 90 ° angles on the ceiling in the fastening points, there will be no problems with cutting. Install the cornice in the miter box and cut it off with a sharp knife at an angle of 45 °. The cornice is laid on the bottom of the miter box with the side attached to the ceiling. It is necessary to hold the product evenly during cutting, do not allow displacement, otherwise you will get an extra gap, which you need to close up when fastening with gluing.

How to glue skirting boards to the ceiling - mark for cutting a corner in front of fasteners

Attention: The sectional skirting board is often asymmetrical. It should be borne in mind that the long side is fixed to the wall, the short side is fixed to the ceiling.

Cutting rules before fastening:

  • at an internal angle, the face of the cornice is cut off;
  • at outer corner trimmed interior fillets.

Before gluing the ceiling plinth, it must be cut correctly.

Important: You need to start cutting the ceiling plinth from the outer corners. It is necessary to leave a few millimeters "in reserve". The excess is then sanded with a sandpaper. The resulting gap in the inner corner is sealed with a sealant.

How to cut a right angle?

  1. Install the first baguette against the wall. With a pencil, draw lines to the corner on both sides.
  2. Perform the same operations with the second skirting board.
  3. Mark the intersections for the top and bottom lines.
  4. Transfer these points to baguettes.
  5. On each cornice, two marks were obtained through which a cut was required.

Do-it-yourself plinth installation - fitting before fixing

Advice: If you are lacking in cutting skills, practice trimming. Or buy a ready-made corner ceiling mount, then the need for an exact cut of the corners before installation will disappear.

Stage 6. Installation of the ceiling plinth

Installation methods:

  1. wallpaper gluing;
  2. wall sticking;
  3. mechanical fasteners.

The first method - installation by gluing on the wallpaper - is the most suitable for beginners.

How to install / glue - Moment Installation for ceiling skirting boards

Advantages of anchoring:

  • easy replacement with a new ceiling plinth instead of the glued old one;
  • it is easier to adjust the gaps before gluing;
  • aesthetics - the "integrity" of the wall / skirting installation.

Gluing the ceiling plinth video tutorial:

What else is the plinth for the ceiling attached to? A finishing putty is used instead of glue.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour into the prepared container required amount water - from the instructions for the putty.
  2. Pour the required amount of dry mixture.
  3. Beat with a mixer adhesive composition until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Further adhesive mixture take rubber spatula and applied to both edges of the baguette, the ends with a layer of up to 1 cm. Set in place, carefully fasten. First with a spatula, then with a sponge, remove excess glue putty.

How to glue a ceiling plinth video - fastening to a putty:

Advice: If there are strong irregularities on the surfaces for fastening, do not press the product strongly, bending it. It is better to glue the resulting cracks with the same putty.

Mechanical fasteners - 3rd installation method - used if the suspended ceiling is finished with plastic panels... Skirting board ceiling PVC is installed on the mounting plate.

How to glue a foam ceiling plinth

Installation of the skirting board in the first two installation methods, as the most used:

  1. Align uneven parts of the wall and ceiling.
  2. Apply a primer.
  3. Apply glue - liquid nails - to the inner corners of the installed, glued baguettes. You need to act as carefully as possible so that the glue does not get on the front part.
Advice: What is better to glue? Choose polymer-alcohol glue for installation. It sets quickly, has high adhesion, and is waterproof.
  1. Install the ceiling cornice in place. Remove it, leave for 2-3 minutes for the glue to set. Mount, pressing lightly, without squeezing, as a dent may appear or the baguette will break.
  2. Lay the subsequent skirting boards by gluing them to the wall, ceiling, or the joint with the previous one.
  3. Cut off the ceiling baguette, reaching the corner, using a miter box.
  4. Glue the gaps, joints, gaps along the entire perimeter of the ceiling with a glue putty.
  5. Paint after installation by gluing.

Fastening the ceiling plinth - sealing the gap with a sealant

Laying plastic skirting boards

How to attach the skirting board if the false ceiling is made of plastic panels? Answer: Mechanical mount installation.

  1. Install corner joints.
  2. Fasten the installation strip with self-tapping screws. The fixing step is 30-50 cm.
  3. Install the outer trim strip on the fixed structure.
Advice: Cutting corners is done in the same way as when installing by gluing ceiling products from other materials.

Before installing the plastic skirting board, cutting is done mounting plate with snap-on external decorative element

Fastening the ceiling plinth in the case of a stretch ceiling

Installation of skirting boards video - features of fastening for stretch ceilings:

What type of ceiling products to install if a stretch ceiling is chosen for the interior?

Types of cornices:

  • polyurethane;
  • plastic.

Criterias of choice:

  1. Lightweight materials are installed.
  2. The plane of adhesion to the wall should be wide.
  3. Possibility of using the glue recommended for installation by gluing products under a stretch ceiling - Moment Montage, Europlast or Orac.
  4. No gluing is made to the ceiling, only to the wall.
  5. Possibility to leave a gap for LED strip installation when gluing - fixing skirting boards with ceiling lighting.

Backlight led strip fixed by gluing between stretch ceiling and a baguette

Installation by gluing polyurethane products

Material advantages:

  • flexibility;
  • not susceptible to destruction when using solvents;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of fastening during installation.


  • high price;
  • heavy weight - when fastening / gluing, it can sag under its own weight.

The technology of fixing by gluing is no different from the above, only it is taken into account that the installation is carried out only on the wall. Therefore, it is worth choosing wide moldings with a large plane for gluing.

Advice: If the wall is not covered with wallpaper, then it is recommended to walk over the plaster in the place of attachment with a brush and primer. It will increase the strength of the installation, strengthen the plaster.

Fastening by gluing plastic baguettes

It is carried out according to the installation steps given above.

Advice: Surface tension cloth it is worth protecting before installing the product. It is more convenient to use polyethylene film. It is easy to secure and then easy to remove.

Sealing the gap when installing a ceiling molding with a mounting gun

At the end of the repair or painting of the ceiling, the ceiling plinth is often installed with your own hands. This skirting board has a huge variety of other names. So, it is also called fillet, frieze, molding, curb and baguette.

This work is not particularly difficult. When installing the ceiling plinth, you just need to be careful and attentive. And, of course, know how it's done. We hope that our article will provide you with all the information you need to do this.

The materials for the manufacture of ceiling plinths are: expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, wood, gypsum, aluminum, plastic. In our article, we will dwell in detail only on the most common ceiling curb made of polyurethane foam, and also clarify what materials and tools will be needed in the process of installing it.

Preparing to install the ceiling plinth

First of all, you need to decide on the circumstances of the installation: whether it is done before gluing the wallpaper or after. This issue must be carefully and thoughtfully dealt with. If, before installing the curb, the wallpaper on the walls has not yet been glued or there are old wallpapers, but you intend to change them, then there should be no question of installing over fresh wallpaper. The right approach in this case, it is only to prepare the surface, install the plinth and only then glue the new wallpaper. If you have wallpapers and you are not going to change them, then only in this case the border should be installed directly on them.

When preparing the abutment of the wall to the ceiling, that is, the place where the ceiling curb will be installed, the following operations must be performed:

  • Check the flatness of the surface. To do this, attach a flat bar or level to the wall and make sure there are no gaps between the wall and your reference. To eliminate irregularities, you can apply putty in these places or gypsum plaster... The evenness of the wall guarantees the quality of the fillet fixation. If the ceiling has not been painted before, then a similar operation should be performed on its surface.
  • Clean the entire perimeter of the ceiling-wall junction from debris and excess putty.
  • Prime the prepared surface.

How to determine the required number of skirting boards

The installation of a ceiling plinth, the video of which you can watch at the end of our article, should also be preceded by the purchase of a sufficient amount of the curb you have chosen.

For this, first of all, it is necessary to measure the perimeter of the room. Bearing in mind that the standard length of the curbs is 2 m, you should divide the resulting perimeter value by two. This will give you the number of absolutely necessary fillets. When buying, we recommend taking one or two fillets in stock to compensate for those that may be damaged in the process.

Tools required when installing skirting boards

During the installation of a plastic ceiling plinth, the price of which is the most affordable, it is absolutely impossible to do without:

  • a hacksaw or a stationery knife with a set of interchangeable blades;
  • miter box, which allows you to simply make the correct cut of the plinth at the required angle;

Miter box for trimming ceiling skirting boards during installation

  • rubber spatula;
  • assembly gun;
  • acrylic sealant, putty or glue.

The most difficult operations during installation include trimming the ceiling curbs in the corners. For this work, it is necessary to use a miter box and a saw with small teeth, which can be replaced with a clerical knife. In the miter box, the plinth is installed the way it will be installed on the wall, that is, the top and bottom of this plank should not be confused. The very same pruning must be done with light movements, without exerting strong pressure on the saw.

This is how the ceiling plinths are trimmed in the miter box

Particularly difficult to work with are uneven corners... In such cases, the marking should be done at the installation site without using a miter box. Inevitable small gaps can be covered with acrylic sealant.

This is how the joints and cracks are closed.

When installing a ceiling curb in rounded places, it is cut into small pieces of several centimeters, and then the joints are adjusted, sealing them with putty or acrylic sealant. After painting, the sealed joints will become completely invisible.

Installation of a ceiling plinth in rounded places

Fillets should be started from the most visible place in the room. This will allow you to make seams and cuts where they are less visible. For fixing, you can use special glue, acrylic sealant or putty. However, you should be aware that working with a sealant is more convenient.

The sealant or glue must be applied very carefully to the skirting board.

At the end of the installation of the plastic ceiling plinth, problem areas must be hidden with a putty or sealant, using a rubber spatula. However, some voids can be filled even with a finger.

Once the glue or sealant has dried, you can start painting the curbs. To provide good quality painting it is applied in two layers. You can paint with a spray gun or a regular brush of a convenient width.

Painting installed ceiling plinths

Installation of a ceiling plinth (video)

Everything we just talked about is clearly presented in the following video: