Types of warm plaster for interior use. Warm plaster insulation of the facade of the house walls and floors

Thermal insulating plasters have recently appeared on construction market... But they have already gained their popularity. In some cases, it can make it possible to avoid unnecessary costs and then the final price of finishing will be much lower.

Today we will tell you what the heat-insulating plaster mix is, its parameters and application. Also on the video in this article, you can familiarize yourself with this material in more detail.

Features of insulating plaster

The heat-insulating plaster mix has quite decent characteristics and has many positive qualities. It can be perfectly applied with your own hands, the technology is the same as when applying a conventional cement composition (see.Let's consider how to plaster with a cement-sand mortar). But before you buy it is worth knowing what you will get.

Fire safety These types of plaster have special fireproof fillers such as vermiculite, perlite, foam glass. This made it possible to obtain an absolutely non-combustible final product belonging to the NG class. Heat-insulating plaster with the addition of expanded polystyrene foam is capable of burning, and therefore belongs to the G1 group.
Ecological cleanliness Many widespread insulation materials are capable of releasing harmful substances, which cannot be said about warm plaster.
Multifunctionality Such plaster can serve not only as a heat-insulating layer, but also as decorative finishing, in the form of a finishing layer. It can be used to level building surfaces.
Thermal insulation parameters Plaster of this type, in its own technical properties, is not inferior to widespread types of plasters, and in some respects it is superior. A layer of warm plaster of 50 mm, in terms of thermal insulation indicators, is equal to the thickness of the masonry in 2 bricks or the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, which is made on the basis of expanded polystyrene, equal to 2-4 cm.
Physical parameters Due to the fillers listed above, warm plaster is much lighter than conventional types of plaster, and therefore is not an additional load on building surfaces. Moreover, it fits perfectly on all types of surfaces.
Practical use The technology for applying this type of plaster is absolutely compatible with the application method widely known species plasters.

Types and types of warm plasters

Depending on the purpose, heat-insulating plaster is divided into 2 main types:

  1. Heat-insulating plaster, which is used as a preliminary layer for finishing decorative coatings. This layer serves as an auxiliary insulating layer and has thermal insulation properties similar to warm building materials such as aerated concrete or ceramic blocks.
  2. Heat-insulating plaster mixture with higher heat-insulating characteristics and high strength. They are used for finishing construction surfaces. This plaster has thermal insulation performance 2-3 times lower than aerated concrete, but 1.5-2 times higher than mineral wool. Several types of such plasters are produced, which have the same properties, but differ in composition.

A characteristic feature of warm plaster

These are the most latest materials meeting the most modern demand. they can be used to quickly and efficiently insulate housing or other buildings.

Moreover, they have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Unique thermal insulation characteristics that allow replacing a masonry of 1.5-2 bricks or a layer of expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 2-4 cm. At the same time, the thickness of the plaster layer will not exceed 5 cm.
  • Light weight. It is 3-4 times lighter than traditional types of plasters. After drying, its specific gravity is 240-360kg per cubic meter.
  • Monolithicity and homogeneity do not give it the opportunity to crumble and exfoliate. If there is damage to the outer layer of the plaster, then this can be easily repaired.
  • Warm plaster adheres well to all known building surfaces. Therefore, it can be applied directly to surfaces without a preliminary primer, as well as without the use of reinforcing meshes, except if the layer of warm plaster is more than 50 mm thick. Warm renders adhere well to surfaces of stone, concrete, brick, drywall, etc.
  • Warm plastering does not require any special skills. They are produced in dry form and should be diluted with water before application. The result is a fairly plastic mass that is easy to work with, and the application does not require the use of special tools, while it can be applied both manually and using mechanical devices.
  • Most warm plasters are produced for decorative coatings. They have high strength, durability, and water-repellent properties. At the same time, they are able to breathe, and therefore they can be applied to any surface. Warm plaster can be painted with vapor-proof paints.
  • They not only do not burn, but are able to protect building structures from destruction during a fire. Such plasters with organic additives do not burn and do not support combustion.

Composition of warm plasters

High technological properties are due to a well-balanced recipe. This high-tech product includes many different additives such as water repellents, air-entraining additives, plasticizers. About 40-75% of the volume is made up of fine-grained porous fillers, with a grain size of up to 2 mm.

The main binder is lime or white Portland cement. Depending on the type of thermal insulation material used, warm plasters are divided into 2 types: with a mineral or organic filler.

The following are used as a mineral filler:

  1. Foamed perlite or vermiculite. These are natural materials of volcanic origin, swollen at elevated temperatures. These materials absorb moisture very well, so they are additionally treated with water repellents. As a result of such processing, they are able to absorb moisture, after which it can easily evaporate.
  2. A granular hollow foam glass ball that has excellent water repellency and mechanical strength allows you to create a final product with high mechanical strength.

Attention: Expanded polystyrene granules obtained as a result of a special technology are used as an organic filler. This material is water-permeable, but less resistant to mechanical damage, therefore, such walls should be protected finishing plaster or vapor-permeable paint.

Applied layer thickness

Attention: Based on this, we can conclude that warm plaster plays the role of an additional heat-insulating layer, and it is simply not rational to use it for full-fledged insulation of a building, as this increases its consumption.

  • As calculations show, in order to really insulate a building with a wall thickness of 50 cm, you need to apply a layer of plaster with a thickness of 8 to 10 cm, or even more.
  • Warm plaster is produced in bags of 7-10 kg, which makes it possible to cover 1 square meter of surface with a layer of 2-2.5 cm.
  • When using such plaster in different regions, additional calculations are required, depending on the natural conditions, as well as the characteristics of the main building material, such as brick, foam blocks or aerated concrete.

Scope of heat-insulating plasters

Such plasters can be applied when different conditions both as the main insulating layer and auxiliary.

Attention: It is more convenient and profitable to insulate many elements of building structures with warm plasters, such as window or door slopes, various depressions and bulges, curved architectural elements, domes, niches, etc.

  • In other words, various hard-to-reach places where application traditional methods insulation can disrupt the external or interior design architectural solutions.
  • With the help of warm plaster, you can easily correct the defects formed after the application of traditional types of plaster. These can be cracks, cavities and various delaminations.
  • Since such plasters are environmentally friendly, it is recommended to use them inside buildings and structures. They can be recommended for use in places where plaster adjoins with materials that have completely different technical characteristics, for example, in places where door and window frames adjoin with a plaster layer.
  • Their use can be effective if there is a need to preserve living space as much as possible when carrying out warming measures. This approach can be used when applying warm plaster in rooms such as a bath. If, before laying the tiles, the walls are trimmed with warm plaster, then there will be practically no condensation in such a room.
  • On the construction market, you can find warm plasters designed for warming ceiling ceilings, as well as preparatory work related to warming floors and other surfaces.
  • Warm plaster is compatible with any construction surface, but manufacturers of such plasters recommend applying them on flat surfaces lined with ceramic blocks or autoclaved aerated concrete. This allows for more efficient use of this modern thermal insulation material.
  • When applied to embossed or uneven surfaces, they must be leveled with ordinary vapor-permeable plaster.
  • Plasters intended for use as a leveling layer are cheaper, so there is no need to worry about over-consuming them.

Warm plaster technology

It is possible to insulate a house with such plaster rather quickly, compared to traditional approaches. It will take 3-4 times less time, and if you use mechanical method, then the results can be impressive: a team of 4 people, using special mechanisms, is able to process up to 400 square meters of construction space in one shift, while good specialist can manually plaster in the same time from 30 to 50 square meters.


  • For readiness, the dry plaster mixture is diluted with water and mixed well. There should be no lumps in the finished mixture, and the mixture itself should be plastic. The ready-made solution can be used for several hours at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° С.
  • The prepared surface must be clean and sound. Such plaster is not thrown onto the wall, but rather rubbed into the surface.
  • If you believe the recommendations, then warm plaster should be applied in a layer, no more than 2.5 cm in one pass. If a large layer thickness is required, then it is applied in 2 or 3 passes, while the layer thickness should not exceed 5 cm.
  • After 2-3 days, you can start painting the surface, and the plaster layer acquires maximum thermal insulation performance in a couple of months, as soon as it dries.

Applying warm plaster - instructions

Installation of beacons In order for the plaster to be of high quality, metal beacons are installed on the wall surface before applying the plaster.
Mix preparation For readiness, it is enough to add a certain amount of water to the dry mixture and stir with a construction mixer.
Application of the solution The mixture is applied with a trowel or a metal spatula, and then, with movements to the left and up, the plaster mixture is leveled between the beacons.
Layer alignment The final leveling of the layer is carried out after the excess plaster has been removed between the beacons.
Sealing cracks from lighthouses After partial drying of the plaster, beacons are removed from the wall, after which the depressions are covered with the same plaster.
Application of the finishing layer In conclusion, the plastered surface is carefully trowelled with a plaster float using a plaster mixture, but of a more liquid consistency.

At this time, there are many companies that produce this material. For example, heat-insulating plaster is umka and there is also a plaster-glue mixture of teploizol. Here the choice is up to you. Look at the photo and make your choice. The instruction will help you make the right choice.

Internal insulation of walls with warm plaster, its features, advantages and disadvantages, preparatory stage work, application technology and surface finishing.

Features of internal insulation of walls with warm plaster

A distinctive feature of such plaster is its low thermal conductivity. This property is due to the presence of special fillers in the material instead of ordinary sand. They can be sawdust, foam granules, expanded clay or pumice chips, perlite or expanded vermiculite. Any of these fillers give the plaster its insulating qualities and an affordable price.

Plaster with a base of foam granules has universal properties. It can be used both inside and outside the building. In addition to the filler, it contains lime, cement, plasticizers and other additives that give building mixture special properties. The specific gravity of such plaster is 200-300 kg / m 3, the thermal conductivity is 0.065 W / m * C and the hydrophobicity is 70% of the mass of the material.

Warm plaster containing sawdust as filler is used exclusively for interior work. This is due to its sensitivity to moisture. The plaster layer dries for a long time, and the room during this procedure requires good ventilation in order to avoid the appearance of fungus on damp walls. But in terms of environmental safety, this material is impeccable.

Warm plasters are considered universal, which include particles of rocks - perlite, vermiculite, pumice, as well as expanded clay crumbs. They can also be used to insulate walls from the inside and outside.

If we compare the thermal insulation parameters of foam and warm plaster, it turns out that the first material is 2 times warmer than the second. And for full-fledged insulation of cold walls in our climatic zone you will need a layer of foam about 10 cm thick.

The following becomes clear: in order to achieve such a threshold of thermal insulation, it will be necessary to apply a layer of warm plastering, the thickness of which should be more than 20 cm. However, it is not recommended to carry out such a coating more than 5 cm thick, as it can collapse under its own weight. Therefore, walls are insulated with warm plaster from the inside, most often in combination with external thermal insulation building.

Advantages and disadvantages of insulation with plaster from the inside

Warm plaster has unique properties... Using only it, one technological procedure can solve the issue of waterproofing, insulation and final finishing walls. The advantages of plasters are especially pronounced, having particles of rocks as fillers - perlite, expanded vermiculite, that is, mixtures of the most "advanced" type.

Thanks to the polymer additives included in the mixture, such plaster has excellent adhesion to any wall materials: aerated concrete, metal, ceramics and others.

Warm plaster easily allows air to pass through, while retaining water without getting wet. Therefore, walls covered with this material are protected from mold. In addition, warm plaster is biologically resistant, so the formation of microflora in it is excluded. By treating the walls of the room from the inside with this material, you can not only insulate it, but also make it more environmentally friendly.

The efficiency of insulation with the help of such plaster is high not only due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, but also due to its tight contact with the surface of the walls throughout their entire area without the formation of any cold bridges.

Another remarkable property of warm plaster is its fire resistance. Unlike expanded polystyrene and other similar heaters, insulating plaster coatings perfectly protect walls, without collapsing, from strong heat and open fire. Moreover, the layer of plaster does not have to be thick.

According to manufacturers promoting warm plaster mixes on the market, this material, applied to the walls with a layer of 2 cm, is equivalent in its thermal insulation qualities to a masonry of 2 bricks or a wall of concrete about 1 m thick. Taking this fact into account, it is easy to calculate how much will decrease the weight of the building and how much materials can be saved with warm plaster. However, other experts consider this opinion rather controversial in terms of the approved ratios. Simply applying this material is much easier than traditional insulation materials with their fastening, primer and finishing layer. By the way, for a work shift, a team of plasterers of three people can process warm mixture more than 80 m 2 of walls.

In addition to the above advantages, warm plaster has other unique properties: complete absence of toxic inclusions, the material is made from natural components that have undergone heat treatment; at any temperature, the plaster is environmentally friendly, it does not decompose, does not burn or freeze.

The disadvantages of the material include the following:

  • Warm plaster based on polystyrene granules needs a topcoat. Mixtures containing rock fillers are not affected.
  • High price of plasters based on perlite, pumice and vermiculite.
  • The need for layer-by-layer application of the material to the walls. A thick coating applied in one layer is more likely to slide off the wall due to its own weight.

Preparatory work

Preparation of walls for insulation with plaster for wall insulation from the inside is carried out in the same way as before applying a conventional cement-sand mixture to their surfaces. If old plaster peels off, it should be removed. If not, warm plaster can be applied over the existing layer.

The purpose of the preparatory work is to improve the adhesion of the thermal insulation coating with base surface walls. To do this, each of them needs to be stuffed with shingles or narrow slats of 5 mm, thus obtaining a space on which the plaster mixture will hold well. After that, on the fabricated frame, it is necessary to pull the mesh and fix it with nails, hammering them into the slats.

The fastener step is taken 10 cm, it must be carried out in a checkerboard pattern. The mesh can be woven or metal with cells of 50x50 mm. It is recommended to use a metal mesh, as the woven mesh is less strong and adheres too tightly to the wall surface.

To implement the possibility of leveling the plaster layer on the walls, it is necessary to install lighthouse profiles. They need to be pressed into a mortar mixture such as Ceresit or Rotband, applied with moldings to the base every 0.3 m, and then leveled in a plane. Lighthouses should be installed vertically in increments of 0.2 m less than the length of the plastering rule.

Before plastering, the walls must be moistened with plenty of water. This is an additional measure to ensure high-quality adhesion of materials.

Wall insulation technology from the inside with warm plaster

Warm plaster is applied to the walls by hand and machine. In the first case, a spatula, trowel, grater and others are used for work. painting tools, in the second - a special mixing pump and a mortar gun.

Manual way of plastering walls

Before starting work, the contents of the entire package of warm plaster must be poured into a suitable container with a volume of 50-100 liters, add water in the amount specified by the manufacturer of the material, and then mix everything using a construction mixer. In this case, you need to know that the working capacity of the finished mixture in time is 2 hours.

It is not difficult to check the required consistency of the mixture. To do this, you need to scoop up a little mortar with a trowel and tilt the tool strongly. If the plaster does not fall off from its surface, it means that it has acquired plasticity and is ready for use. Its consumption with a layer of 25 mm will be 10-14 kg / m 2 of the dry mixture, with its thickness of 50 mm - 18-25 kg / m 2, respectively.

The insulating mixture should be manually applied to the walls in layers, the thickness of each layer should not exceed 20 mm in order to avoid the mortar from sliding off the surface under the influence of its own weight.

Each next layer of plaster should be applied no earlier than 4 hours after laying the previous one. Drying time of the coating may increase with high humidity and low air temperatures, for example, in autumn.

The working mixture should be applied to the primed wall surface from bottom to top using a wide spatula, lighthouse profiles and a rule. The process of applying warm plaster without beacons and the quality of the resulting coating must be controlled using a 2 m long strip, a plumb line and a hydraulic level. The flat plane of the plaster coating can be checked by attaching a two-meter rail to it with an edge, as a rule, there should be no gaps between the tool and the wall. Small deviations are allowed finished coating from the horizontal or vertical no more than 3 mm per 1 running meter.

The removal of the lighthouse profiles from the coating should be done 4-6 hours after the completion of the main work. The vacated cavities must be repaired with a plaster mixture and leveled with a trowel.

It is recommended to check and accept works for delamination, curvature and cracking of the coating no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the completion of the plastering of the walls.

Mechanized method of plastering walls

To apply a warm plaster coating by a mechanized method, it is necessary to first prepare the mixing pump for operation, and then pour the dry mixture into the machine's hopper. After that, in accordance with the desired consistency of the mixture, you should adjust the dosage of water by the pump. It should be about 500 l / h. Its exact value depends on the temperature in the house and the material of its walls.

After preparing and turning on the pump, the mortar gun, when distributing the mixture over the wall surface, must be held at a distance of 30 cm and perpendicular to it. The thickness of the plaster layer during application can be easily adjusted by the speed of movement of the mortar gun. The smaller it is, the more powerful the layer and vice versa.

Surface treatment must be carried out with top corner down and then left to right, forming 0.7 m wide jaws. The reciprocating motion of the pistol should be such that the center of the spray mixture is located on the lower edge of the already applied plaster. The previous and subsequent grapples should be overlapped on the left side by 10 cm.

As in the previous case, the plastered surface must be leveled according to the rule, and after the mixture has dried, remove the lighthouse profiles and fill the empty channels with mortar.

After the end of the plaster spraying, the solution supply should be stopped by closing the air valve on the gun. Flush pump, hoses, gun and tools immediately with water.

Important! The plaster mixture should not remain static for more than 15 minutes while in the pump or hose.

Finishing layer device

As mentioned above, in finishing needs wall insulation with warm plaster made on the basis of foam granules. Before applying the finishing coat, the trowel and the container intended for preparing the working mixture in it must be cleaned of all foreign particles that could disturb the appearance coating when processing it.

The top coat should be applied to obtain a uniform and presentable wall surface. Its thickness usually does not exceed 5 mm. After the finishing coat has been applied, it should be trowelled using a 300 mm metal or plastic trowel.

How to insulate walls with warm plaster - watch the video:

Summing up, we can conclude: warm plaster is a good alternative to other thermal insulation materials. It is especially effective for double-sided wall insulation. At the same time, outside the building additionally receives beautiful finish and environmentally friendly and reliable insulation from the inside.

Warm plaster has recently appeared on the domestic market and is usually used as an "innovative" type of cladding for indoor and outdoor use. In other countries, in particular in Canada, a similar view facade decoration not only has been used for a long time, but, perhaps, represents main way insulate the facade.

This is explained by the simplicity of fastening and relatively low cost. Although in our country this type of thermal insulation finish is used relatively rarely, more and more construction organizations and private owners who want to insulate the facade of their house are using warm plaster.

Despite the relatively recent appearance of this type of thermal insulation facade cladding in our country, it is already quite in demand, and many have already appreciated its advantages.

A distinctive feature of insulating mixtures for outdoor and indoor use is the high thermal resistance of the facing layer.

Let's try to understand the benefits, efficiency and wide range warm solutions for cladding.

Composition of insulating plaster

The excellent insulating properties of this type of mixtures are explained by their special composition. As a filler in a warm plaster mixture, not sand is used, but substances with low thermal conductivity.

Most often, the following acts as a filler:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • sawdust;
  • expanded vermulite;
  • perlite sand;
  • expanded clay chips;
  • pumice stone.

The most common on the market are warm plaster mixes for outdoor use with expanded polystyrene granules. Thanks to this universal filler, facade insulation plaster gets unique properties.

The expanded foam increases the thermal insulation properties and significantly reduces the cost of the finished product.

Such a mixture is used not only for insulating external walls, but also for internal work.

The composition of such a solution also includes:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • plasticizers and other additives.

Types of insulating plaster

Among all the abundance of warm plaster mixes for indoor and outdoor work, the following types are distinguished:

  • mixtures with polystyrene granules;
  • mixtures with sawdust from wood;
  • warm mixture with vermiculite;
  • perlite mixture.

Benefits of warm plaster

Depending on the filler, the properties of different types of insulating plaster may somewhat differ, but in general, some advantages of this type can be highlighted. facing material that combine all types of warm plaster.

This is a simple and relatively inexpensive way to decorate outdoor and interior walls at home, which can significantly increase the thermal efficiency of indoor spaces.

Heat-insulating plaster is the finishing cladding of the facade. It can be painted in any color, which will in no way affect the durability and other positive properties of the finish.

Due to the simplicity of molding, it is possible to create stucco elements from the plaster itself on the facade. This allows the use of plaster mixes for the repair and reconstruction of the facades of architectural monuments.

One more important advantage This insulating technology consists in the possibility of insulating the entire structure without the use of fastening metal elements, which create "bridges" of cold and reduce the heat-insulating properties.

Warm plaster is also excellent sound insulation, sealing walls well from outside sounds. Another important quality is resistance to ignition, due to which the fire hazard of the outer cladding is noticeably reduced.

If we compare thermal insulation plaster with other insulating materials, you can see many of its advantages:

  • extreme ease of application (not much different from the installation of a conventional plaster mixture, which can be done both with the help of a special plastering machine and with your own hands);
  • high speed of application (with a machine method of application, the speed is 80-120 square meters in 8 hours);
  • reduced heat transfer and high physical and mechanical qualities;
  • good adhesion to any surface;
  • no need for additional preparatory and finishing work;
  • availability and affordable price (only affordable and inexpensive materials are included in the composition of insulating plaster mixtures).

Insulating plaster application

Despite the difference in composition, thermal insulation plaster is almost the same as conventional plaster mixes. Therefore, the method of its application is so simple that it can be easily done by hand. Let us briefly recall traditional way plastering:

  • for plastering works it is necessary to prepare the usual tools: a trowel, a set of different spatulas, as a rule, a level and beacons (narrow plastic or metal strips);
  • carried out preparatory work(dirt, dust, sand and all kinds of irregularities are removed from the surface of internal or external walls);
  • the walls are primed;
  • a solution for plastering is prepared (warm plaster powder is poured into a volumetric container (the entire bag at once), into which the required amount of water is then added according to the instructions; then the mixture is thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained; the solution should stand for at least 5 minutes);
  • beacons are fixed on the plane (the position of the beacons can be verified using a level or a stretched rope; beacons should be placed in the new plane of the wall, which will turn out after plastering);
  • then heat-insulating plaster is applied to the wall with a trowel, which is then leveled with a rule (to avoid irregularities, the rule must be resting on the beacons. Note that you cannot immediately apply a thick layer of plaster, as it can float down. To avoid such a nuisance, it is better to break work in two stages, and apply the second layer of plaster after the first one dries. Try to apply the solution so that the thickness of one layer does not exceed two centimeters. After hardening (after 4 hours), you can apply a second layer);
  • do not try to apply heat-insulating plaster in a thick layer (it often happens that a too thick facing layer simply falls off after a while under its own weight).

Want more information on the topic? Check out these articles:

Modern market offers a fairly varied selection ...

In non-insulated housing, heating requires more energy and time to warm up the house, and you - more money to maintain it. In addition, in the cold, the windows leak, and the corners get damp.

Many materials have been invented for house insulation. One of them is warm plaster for the facade and interior work. She will be discussed in the article. You will learn what the material is, what it consists of, how it differs from others and how to do it yourself, as well as get tips on how to apply it to the wall.

What kind of material?

It is a mixture with porous additives based on cement or gypsum. The porosity of the additives makes it heat-saving.

Cement base and porous additives - warm plaster composition

The type of material depends on the additives:

  • pumice powder
  • perlite
  • expanded vermiculite
  • sawdust
  • expanded polystyrene granules
  • foamed silicon or foam glass
On a note: warm gypsum plaster is intended for application on inner surfaces in rooms with air humidity 40-60%. The scope of application of cement mixtures is related to the properties of additives.

Types and scope of application of cement-based mixtures

If the base is diluted with sawdust or expanded vermiculite, it is a thermal insulating plaster for interior use. It is not recommended to use outside - additives absorb moisture, the material becomes heavier and falls off the walls.

If pumice powder, perlite, foamed silicon and expanded polystyrene granules are added to the base, this is a warm plaster for the facade. However, indoor use is allowed.

Difference in the finishing process decorative plaster when insulation and material being monitored are used

Important: if warm is applied facade plaster with the addition of expanded polystyrene granules, then waterproofing is done on top, and then - facing.


Many are interested in whether warm plaster for aerated concrete is sold. main feature material - it adheres well to any surface, therefore it can be used in aerated concrete, concrete, brick, wooden and other houses. We divide other characteristics into good and bad.

"Bear" - warm plaster for interior work, reviews of which are only positive

  • It allows air to pass through, so the wall breathes.
  • It is environmentally friendly, therefore safe for health.
  • Adheres to surfaces without reinforced mesh... The exception is large cracks.

What warm plaster does

It is interesting: a mixture with additives of foamed silicon or foam glass can be used as finishing material: The wall is white. If desired, it can be painted with vapor-permeable paint.
  • Large consumption: 8-12 kg / m2, so that a layer with a thickness of 2 cm is obtained.
  • High price. Warm plasters for outdoor use are more expensive than mineral wool, polystyrene and expanded polystyrene.

Comparison with other materials

To see the effectiveness of the application thermal insulation plaster, you need to compare it with other materials. Let's take the popular ones: expanded polystyrene, polystyrene and mineral wool.

1) Styrofoam. 2) Mineral wool. 3) Expanded polystyrene

Thermal conductivity coefficient of materials:

  • expanded polystyrene - 0.028-0.037 W / (m K).
  • foam plastic - 0.033-0.043 W / (m K).
  • mineral wool - 0.041-0.05 W / (m K).
  • warm plaster - 0.065 W / (m K).

Styrofoam, mineral wool and expanded polystyrene are more effective, because where insulation is required 5-10 cm thick, you will have to apply a 10-20 cm layer of warm plaster for the facade. Moreover, the maximum layer thickness should not exceed 5 cm - otherwise the plaster will collapse from its own weight. But the conclusion is conditional. And that's why.

To secure foam, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, you need to install fasteners and guides. Because of them, cold bridges appear, which reduce thermal conductivity. And the heat-insulating facade plaster fits the surface, and it does not need reinforcement. Therefore, in most cases, the effect of both methods is the same.

On a note: If you took an insulating plaster for outdoor use, and a layer of 10 cm is required for the full effect, then apply 5 cm of the layer on the outside, and 5 cm on the inside.

How to do it yourself

If you are confused by the price of the monitored material, prepare the plaster for wall insulation from the inside and outside yourself.

  1. Buy cement, sand, porous additives and plasticizer - sold in hardware stores. PVA is suitable as a plasticizer: for one bucket of cement-sand mixture - 50-60 grams of glue.
  2. Pour water into the container. Do not overdo it: it is better to top up than to add the mixture.
  3. Mix cement with sand in a ratio of 1 to 3 and pour into a container with water. Stir with a mixer so that no lumps remain.
  4. Add as many porous additives as the cement-sand mixture. Stir.
  5. The mixture should look like semolina porridge. If it is thick, add water. If liquid - mixtures and porous additives.

Thermal insulation plaster for interior work in finished form should be like semolina

And the video below shows how to prepare the mixture in the cold season in a mechanized way.

Application technology

If you decide to independently apply insulating plaster for interior work and want the result to be good, follow the technology:

  1. Prepare the wall. Remove trim and old plaster mortar followed by dust. Prime so that the mixture adheres better to the wall. If there are large cracks, fill in reinforced mesh.

Preparing the wall for application

  1. Prepare the solution. Pour as much water into the container as written on the package. Add material and stir with a mixer. To make sure the mixture is normal, scoop it up with a trowel and turn it over. If the mixture does not fall off, then the density is normal.

Solution preparation

On a note: The solution must be worked out in 2 hours. After that it loses its properties.
  1. Apply the solution. To do this, use plastering tools: spatula, trowel, float, as a rule. Moisten the wall with plenty of water before applying. The layer thickness should not be more than 2 cm - otherwise the plaster will fall off. Apply the next layer after 4 hours.

Application of the solution

  1. Check the result. The next day, when the mixture hardens, attach a two-meter rule to the wall. If gaps appear more than three millimeters per meter, it means that the surface is not smooth - level it. Wait another 3-4 weeks for the mixture to harden completely and see if the plaster is cracked or peeling. If everything is in order, trim with finishing material.

Checking the result

Builders' opinion

Builders advise using the monitored material for the following purposes:

  • insulate the basement and the wall inside, when the outside does not work
  • close up balcony window openings, cracks, joints and ceilings.