How to make a UTP? Rules for creating a unique offer. How to create a unique trading offer

A unique trading offer (ITP) is an outstanding characteristic of a product or brand, on which marketers build an advertising campaign; It is usually used for differentiation.

From the consumer's point of view, this is the reason why people should make a purchase with you, and not at another seller with a similar product. Why do you need to use Slack, not Facebook? Why order pizza in Papa John's when there is a Pizza Hut? Clearly formulated offer answers these questions like them.

How does the ITP work?

Some companies certainly dominate in their field. They are the only on the market - because they are huge or so innovative that no one else offers similar solutions. But this situation rarely lasts long.

The value offer is the ability to convey to the buyer that no one else does the same thing as you. Your brand is extraordinary. Best. He is associated with success, positive, success. In a word, buy our product, and "everything will be Coca-Cola."

ITP offers a product or service inaccessible through other channels: even in competitors, at first glance, offering analogues.

MTP binds the brand with what it sells. If you offer a whole list of services, no one will understand what you do. But if you call yourself the "main SEO-agency of the city" or "the best in the city of American", consumers will think about you when they need search engine optimization or a cup of coffee. If you are a web studio or cafe, your offer is weak, because it is not separated from competitors. They use a well-known fact that a person does not need a drill, but a hole, and report that the desired hole will be drilled by a drill of a particular brand.

How does the ITP differ from the slogan and the company's mission?

Slogan is the quintessence of the brand identity and everything that he offers. Slogan may contain UTP, and many good examples Its contains. Example from FedEx: "When the parcel needs to be delivered in one night." The mission is likely to also elaborate with the value offer. But, unlike mission and slogan, ITP is what distinguishes your company from the rest and attracts consumers. Marketing, sales and all positioning on the market are growing from it.

Value proposals are so habit that we do not notice them. Each good publicity Contains a clearly formulated offer, and most companies are successful due to a successful CTP. When all search engines used only keywords, PageRank was a unique trading offer Google.

What does good ITP look like?

A vivid example that has become the basis of an advertising campaign and at the same time successful slogan represents AVIS, a brand that provides car rental services. He held second after many years after the powerful Hertz. In 1962, being on the verge of bankruptcy, AVIS turned with his problem to the Doyle Dane Bertzbach advertising agency, whose employees found a way to turn a negative characteristic - No. 2, and not No. 1, to a positive one.

The problem was as follows:

AVIS - only number 2 in the car rental market. So why contact us?
We try.
We simply cannot afford dirty ashtray. Or half empty gas tanks. Or felling wipers. Or unwashed cars. Or lowered tires. Or something less than the regulators of the backrest position of the chair, which are really regulated. Furnaces that warm. Anti-icers that do not allow windows to freeze.
Most of all we try to be good. Meet you with a new car, such as all-wheel drive Ford, and a cute smile. Know, for example, where you can buy a good sandwich in Duluth.
Because we can not afford to take customers as due.
Therefore, next time contact us.
We have a queue shorter.

From this text, marketers made a value offer:

AVIS - only number 2 in the car rental market
Therefore, we try

They affected customers:

It is not a slogan in itself important, but the fact that it turns the negative characteristic to a positive and contains a clear, convincing value proposal. Why rent a car in AVIS, and not, say, in Hertz? In the end, the car is a car. But Avis managed to offer the best service and best experiencecorresponding to the values \u200b\u200band interests of consumers. In the first four years after the appearance of this slogan, the share of AVIS in the market has grown from 11% to 35%. They used it until 2012.

However, that old story. How about more modern?

The obvious choice is Saddleback Leather. They, like AVIS, was required to turn the lack of dignity: they make leather bags, and high-quality skin is expensive. In some cases, it's just terrible: prices start from $ 300 and sometimes exceed $ 1,000. How to make a unique trading offer from this obstacle?

Saddleback Leather offered an incredibly long warranty - 100 years. And they stressed it with the following words: since the bag is likely to survive its owner.

When you meet some UTP, breaks out: "UPS!".

Typical, without benefits, dull, too common.

But it is a unique trading offer that is the heart of any business. That, around what the entire marketing strategy is spinning, which helps to distort it from competitors and take their part of the market.

Let's assume that the MTP is a core, surrounded by hot marketing magma. It moves, mixing, positioning, characteristics of the target audience, competitive information, the advantages of a product or service, as well as the business task of the company.

If the core is weak, then the magma spreads, reducing the inclination of the company throughout the market. And sooner or later, the borders of the business are erased, and then disappear at all.

Here is such a metaphor. And it's easier to say so: strong Utel \u003d strong company.

John Carlton in one of his speeches says that in search "Of the very time" Maybe not one sleepless night. But as a result, something special should appear, thanks to which your business will take its place in the consciousness of the buyer.

To help you with this difficult case, we collected 8 scenarios using which you will create your competitive offer without special loss of time and nerve cells.

Scenario # 1. Unique characteristics

If the analogues of your business in the market is a great set, then try to find some kind of unique difference. Or find, or create.

As in this situation, TM TVix marketers were received: they divided the usual chocolate-waffle batter for two wands. And this was built the entire communication strategy.

Scenario # 2. What remains outside the attention of competitors

Invent something original in classical business is very difficult. Then you should look for what your competitors are missing.

For example, Claude Hopkins at one time noticed that toothpaste Not just brushes the teeth, but also removes an unpleasant toothache (film). So the light appeared slogan "GETS RID OF FILM ON TEETH".

And when development of UTP For a beer brand, he noticed that the bottle factory is not just wash, but they are punished with a powerful jet of steam. Mr. Hopkins made this workflow (which is used, in essence, all beer manufacturers) in the concept - "Our Bottles Are Washed With Live Steam!"

Of course, here you need to immerse yourself in all areas of business: starting with production, ending with the work of secretaries and delivery service.

By the way, you will probably remember the classic example with the delivery of Domino Pizza. It sounds like this: "Delivery in 30 minutes. If we are late - pizza as a gift ".

In this scenario there is a small military trick: the owner of the business is often covered with eyes, and an experienced copywriter with Maregrie detective setting is able to pull out hot and freshly calorie.

Scenario # 3. Formula John Carlton

The formula is ideal for business in the service sector. There is no need to invent anything revolutionary or creative. Substitute your data - and get a working UTP.

"With the help of ________ (service, product) we help ________ (CA) decide ______ (problem) from ____ (benefit)."


  • With the course "Loseash" we will help women to wear favorite bikini for the summer.
  • The training "Himself a copywriter" will help businessmen save hundreds of dollars at freelancers.
  • Mary Poppins service will help mothers calmly go to the gym, movies and shopping while the baby under the supervision of an experienced nanny.

Examples are not perfect, but they demonstrate the principle of working with Formula Carlton. The main thing is that we explain the Central Assembly, what benefit is our product or service.

Scenario № 4. Innovation

If the product solves the problem of the buyer with an absolutely new way, then it is necessary to declare it in the UTP. AND "…do not be shy" - As Ivan Dorn sings in his hit.

What could it be:

  • innovative formula;
  • product-novelty;
  • new packaging;
  • new format of interaction with the buyer;
  • revolutionary delivery method;
  • etc...
  • Innovation! The first roller gel 3 in 1 nivea q10 from wrinkles, dark circles and swelling.
  • Vicks - We combined therapeutic ingredients and the soft taste of tea with lemon to facilitate 6 cold symptoms.

Scenario number 5. ITP with a problem

In a unique trading offer, you can put the problem of your audience. Those. Go not from the description of the service, but from solving the complex task of a potential buyer.

  • Whose tooth? Ointment "Nollynin" will remove pain in 5 minutes.
  • Bad mood? Invite a friend for coffee in Mak Donalds.
  • Invangle with search for cheap air tickets? See our offers 183 airlines.

An example of a television video:

Width? Flu? With Tablets "Aflub", tangible health improvement occurs significantly faster. (Translation from Ukrainian).

Scenario number 6. UTP with a bow

So we call any advantage that is associated with gifts, bonuses, discounts, guarantees and other consumer "yummy".

  • Phones "Samsung" - a guarantee of 5 years. Tell the dessert, get coffee as a gift.
  • Buy 2 pizza, third as a gift.
  • Make an order for 1000 rubles, and our taxi will take you home for free.

This is a successful scenario for unique sentenceBut it is unlikely that such antels will work with the same efficiency for a long time. Use this formula for seasonal stocks.

Scenario № 7. ITP with muscles

Here you need to play muscles of your business, show all friends and envious the strongest side of the company, product, services.

What could it be:

  • low price;
  • huge assortment;
  • free service;
  • goods of steep brands;
  • support for a bright personality;
  • hundreds of awards and diplomas;
  • offices across the country.

In general, all the characteristics you can add the word "most".

Only to declare your "self" for the ITP is not enough. Need facts, numbers, evidence.

Suggestions like the "most interesting courses", the "most useful webinars" for a long time do not cling to buyers. To attract their own target audience On the Internet, you need to show what exactly you are better than the rest and why it should contact you. We will understand how to create a unique trading offerwhich will affect the client in the heart!

What is ITP?

American advertisener Ross Rivz, the author of the slogan M & MS - "melting in the mouth, and not in his hands," was sure that advertising should only do one thing - to sell. He made this thought in the book "Reality in Advertising", which became the bestseller among marketers of all over the world. In it, he first marked the concept of the ITP, in order to ever save buyers from meaningless words like the "most", "best", "outstanding".

A unique commercial offer or ITP is what clients will love you by choosing you among the many other companies. By definition of the rivza, the ITP is an advertising message in which your main difference from competitors and the main reason for buying goods you have is formulated. It is used on banners, in contextual advertising, in the mailing list or on the goods cards, as well as in the description of the store on the site.

Well-compiled ITP helps to sell easily, because the client immediately sees why the offer is suitable for him. Competition in price and increases the percentage of re-purchases to avoid competition.

However, do not forget that if the irons from your online store will be returned with breakdowns, then no traffic will keep dissatisfied customers.

Algorithm creation of the ITP?

So, you decided to create a unique trading offer to sell our products on the Internet. Where to begin?

Step 1. Analyze your strengths

For clarity, make a table and mark in it all competitive characteristics with which your company has: extensive experience, price, qualified employees, etc. Write so many items as you can - specify specific deadlines, numbers. Now draw out everything that your competitors can offer. In the results you will receive a unique benefit, which can only boast your company and your product. Put them as the basis of the UTP.

Analysis of the competitive environment will allow you to find our unique advantages - it is necessary to sell to potential customers.

You will get a more complete picture of your business if you just answer these questions:

  • What are we doing?
  • What are our strengths?
  • What are our weaknesses?
  • What do we differ from other companies?
  • What do competitors talk about themselves?
  • Where are our growth zones, what else can I improve?

It is important to answer questions as objectively as possible. Happened? Go ahead!

Step 2: Determine for whom you work

Imagine that you go for a birthday to a close friend and decided to give him a sweater. How will you choose? You will pick up right size, remember his favorite color, do not forget that he loves thin woolen fabrics and the length "to the hip". Knowing a person is good, you will probably make it really desirable gift. Now imagine that you congratulate your colleague with whom you work in different offices. It will be difficult to make a choice, because you are not familiar with his preferences.

Sincere understanding who your client will allow him to offer him exactly what you need. Therefore, the most personalizing the potential client. To begin with, answer these questions:

  • Is a man or a woman?
  • What is your buyer's age?
  • What is fond of?
  • What pleases him?
  • What is bothering?

Finance the list of questions topics that are relevant to your business so that you have a holistic character.

Open courses of English language? Then it is important for you to know how long the potential client studied the language and what is its level of ownership by the language of Bairon.

You should have about such a description:

Our client is a housewife, a mom of two children who loves to cook and used to occupy a leadership position in large company. It rests 2 times a year abroad, rides a representative of the representative class, is fond of yoga, suffers from allergies to cats.

Avatar will help to describe the client from three sides: based on the situation, focusing on the psychotype and according to the belonging to the generation. So instead of a soulless target audience will appear real man with peculiarities of perception, character and life circumstances.

Now you know who exactly offers your product.

Residents Accel, founders of the School of Relationships "Happiness is" Ivan and Maria Lyashenko collected detailed feedback from their listeners and were able to make an accurate portrait of a potential client. So they had to attract new disciples and make training materials more useful for a narrow audience.

This is what the Entrepreneurs themselves say this: "We significantly increased the share of training content, reduced and made a more understandable selling part, substantiated the price policy. We explain in detail why we offer this product and how it will help the needs of the webinar participants. "

Step 3: Tell me what you are ready to help

Change places with your buyer. What do you note when choosing: Price, warranty, reliability, appearance? Personally, you would buy what is trying to sell?

Surely some of your potential customers For some reason goes to competitors. Try to understand what they have it, but not yours. Try to emphasize the strengths in your ITP, work on the "failed" places.

According to Vladimir Tourman, an expert on the commercialization of innovation, in the ITP it is worth talking about why you like the owner decided to do business. He writes about this in his article "How, without entering the war with competitors, increase the demand for your products." It is likely that your problem you decide through creating business is relevant for other people. The solution found should be emphasized in the UTP.

Step 4: Formulate UTP

Now that you have studied your audience, its needs and our competitors, it's time to formulate the MTP.

To compile not very creative, but the working text you can use the Formula of the John Carlton Copy. Put the data of your company instead of spaces - and ITP is ready:

With _______ (service, product) we help ______ (target audience) to solve ____ (problem) from __ (benefit).

For example: With the help of online volleyball training for adults, we will help all women older than 18 years learn to play the beach season.

You can approach the UTP text and more creatively. The main rule is written in the case. Common phrases, literary beautiful, exemplary and generalized numbers leave potential customers indifferent. Do you provide a 26% discount? Speak about exact figures, and not about "huge discounts" and "favorable offers."

Here are some more important momentswhich is worth paying attention to:

  • Write just as for a friend. Your proposal must be clear from the first time. Zaulous phrases and specific terms Leave for scientific works. The client must understand what he buys and why.
  • Accent attention on your strengths. Mention in the ITP, for which the customers should want to want the door, and not to competitors. If you work in your educational center doctors of science, it is not necessary to tell what you have a convenient navigation on the site - so you will someaculate the scope of attention from an important ones.
  • Write short. Your goal is to interest the potential client per minute. ITP - a short message, from one-three sentences.

Take advantage of our crib in order not to forget anything:

  • Who can use this product / service?
  • What will man get, becoming your client?
  • What are you better competitors and why not buy analogue of your product?

Errors when drawing up

In a unique trading offer you can not lie. If you promised 50% discount, and only 25% were given, the client will feel deceived. You will lose a reputation, and with it and buyers.

In addition, it is not necessary to include in the UTP the advantages that the client receives by default, for example, the ability to return funds within 14 days (this guarantees the law "On Consumer Rights Protection"). Needless to talk about what you have "professional masters of your business." If it were not so, could you provide services?

Arguments must be confirmed by real facts. I say a little that your service has no analogues on the market - tell me what is unique in your business, give more specifics.

Conclusion: How to check the effectiveness of your ITP

So, you studied our advantages, competitors, presented the target audience and prepared the basis of your sales - the text of the UTP. Now check its viability - make sure:

  • Your unique trading offer will not be able to use competitors. They do not provide such services, do not use the same materials or can not compete at the price. Only you can find the specified advantages.
  • Your UTP can be formulated on the contrary. For example, an entrepreneur who sells "Women's shoes large sizes"It may well submit that there is a firm that trades small shoes. Only such antel is competitive. But an example of a bad UTP: "In our club only good music" It is difficult to imagine that someone can offer clients bad music.
  • Your ITP does not look absurd. It is unlikely that customers believe that in the online school x can learn English in 1 hour.
  • You tested your ITD on customers. Send by mail different variants Proposals and select one that will collect more responses.
  • Make sure your UTP is the answer to the question: "Why do I choose exactly from all similar offers?".

Making UTP is a painstaking analytical work that will require time. But, once investing the time in it, you will result in long-term access to the hearts of your target audience.

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The first step in the development of a unique trading offer is the selection of the characteristics of the product or criteria that affect the decision-making of the client.

This step is the most important (although it is often just skipped), since the fate of the ITP depends on the selected characteristics: whether it will really show the benefits of your product or will sympathize you with the rest.

Therefore, our task in the first stage is to analyze its products or services and identify the 10 most important characteristics of each of them. The best way To do this is to choose 10 top customers bringing your company biggest profit, and ask what product characteristics for them are most important and what criteria affect the purchase decision.

If you bring a new product to the market, there are no customers yet, you can make a brainstorming and independently determine the most important characteristics. Or polling those who most likely could become a buyer of your product. After real clients appear, you can repeat the analysis and choose the characteristics already on the basis of real data.

All respondents received from respondents need to be written to a separate file.

2. Filter and rank data

After feedback from customers was obtained or carried out by brainstorming, our task is to select 10 characteristics and run them according to the degree of importance.

Make it easy. Among the answers received, we choose repeating more often than other options. Characteristic S. the greatest number Repetitions will lead the list, the rest have under it on the same principle.

Starting business in any field, it is important to find and formulate the benefits that the client will receive, contacting you (this will be the UTP - a unique trading offer). If it is not, you are no different from other companies. In this case, it will have to compete by price - to death, losing profits.

Surprisingly, this simple and free promotion tool does not use most businessmen. There is a chance to get around them already at the start! To inspire you, we have chosen 13 examples of the ITP of Russian and foreign companies that were able to stand out on a general background and succeed.

And how are they? 5 best Western UTP

AVIS car rental service

"We number 2. We work diligent "

("WE'RE NUMBER TWO. We Try Harder").

An excellent example of how you can turn the lack of advantage. For many years, AVIS worked in the shadow of a more successful competitor - Hertz, positioned itself as # 1 on the market.

FedEx delivery service

"When it should be absolutely accurately delivered tomorrow morning."


This slogan is no longer used by the company, but it is still given as an example, as the correct ITP. FedEx guarantees customers that their cargo will be delivered entire on time.

This phrase combines two advantages: the promise of the safety of cargo and the high speed of delivery (per night). Unfortunately, the company's management subsequently refused this slogan by replacing it less "strong", not containing competitive advantages.

M & MS.

"Melts in the mouth, and not in the hands"

("The Milk Chocolate Melts In Your Mouth, not in Your Hand").

Original: Flickr.

An example of how the bizarreTe can attract customers. Thinking about how it is important not to disappear when you eat chocolate, M & MS has created candy in a special dense shell.

Output - if one characteristic matters to your customers, boldly use it as competitive advantage. Whatever stupid or insignificant it does not seem.

Debeers Corporation

"Diamonds eternal"

("A Diamond Is Forever").

This slogan has been used since 1948 to this day, the ADVERTISING AGE magazine recognized him with the best slogan of the twentieth century. The idea is that the diamonds, over which the time is not authorized, are the perfect symbol of eternal love (no wonder they are painted on many wedding rings).

Domino's Pizzeria Network Pizza

"You will get fresh hot pizza in 30 minutes or free"

("You Get Fresh, Hot Pizza Delivered to Your Door In 30 Minutes or Less or It's Free").

This is a rather long slogan, but it can serve as an example of a good ITP, because Contains a warranty. Conditions are described extremely clearly, customers understand what to expect from the company.

Unfortunately, Domino's stopped using this slogan, because Drivers who sought to meet in the allotted delivery time violated the rules road and provoked an accident with a tragic outcome.

How are things with the ITP in Russia?

We are in Club Directors, For example, do not just sell advertising. We guarantee the receipt of potential customers, thanks to the use of native advertising. This ITP contains two slaughter arguments at once: the result is a warranty and explaining that it will be achieved.

Taxi service

One of the Moscow companies has increased sales by 380%, hiring women drivers. Many ladies will prefer to sit in the car, behind the wheel of which a woman, rather to be decided to send to the child's class. In addition, women are less likely smoking and violate the rules of the road, which for many customers turned out to be fundamental.


Strank "We always have sober loaders" (and corresponding to this slogan), the company sharply increased the flow of customers. Those who used to be afraid to entrust fragile or valuable things that drank "Uncle Vasya", gladly gained the number of responsible workers. The case was in the early 90s, since then this "chip" was adopted by many firms, but the pioneers managed to make a profit from their idea.


One of the peetic institutions of St. Petersburg has increased the number of visitors with minimal cost. In the hall hanged the screen on which sports matches began to broadcast, and for each goal, clogged by the Russian national team or Zenit, poured on a glass of vodka for free to all those present.

As a result, those who earlier had a favorite team at home began to go to the bar and bring friends with them. The cost of buying vodka and screen has repeatedly paid off.


Laundry Guide found the seamstress, which were needed orders for individual tailoring. Returning to the client clean clothes, the administrator pointed him on the existing shortcomings (zipper diverges, the button is broken down, etc.) and offered to eliminate them for free.

Most of course agreed. Things after repair were returned in the package, where the seamstress was lying and the catalog of clothing, which can be ordered. Cooperation turned out to be beneficial for both parties: customers transferred to each other information about laundry bonus services, and the seamstress provided themselves with orders.

Construction company

One of the brigades that started on the competitive market without a budget, came up with a great ITP. On advertising platforms placed an ad: "We will remove the old wallpaper for free!". 80% of customers who ordered this service subsequently invited builders to perform repairs in their apartment. These people have already demonstrated their accuracy, accuracy and reliability - why spend time in search of someone else?

Examples of UTP from the B2B sphere


Company is Nizhny Novgorod. opened in his office museum of business cards famous people . Businessmen played on the interest of society to the life of rich and famous. It was worth only to extend the information about the exposure, as the flow of orders increased 5 times!

The museum became interested in the media, began to publish reports about it, and the need for paid advertising disappeared.

Recruiting company

Management was thinking about how to stand out against the background of numerous competitors. And offered a unique service - rent employees. Need a courier for several months? No problem! Designer on a couple of weeks? Pick up!

As a result, appeals from businessmen who do not want to spend time on finding freelancers or design / subsequent dismissal of a specialist needed for a short time.

And one more recruiting company

Let's talk about the hidden needs of the client. A businessman engaged in the selection of staff, thought about the fact that some men-male secretary needed not only to screen unnecessary telephone calls and timely feeding coffee. He made a bet on the search for girls "easy behavior", for which intimate relationship with the boss was not among the row of outgoing.