Sweating on nervous soil - how to overcome it? Increased sweating during stress: treatment and prevention.

Emotional hypergidrosis - This is a state at which high sweating is due to strong emotions, and not only negative emotions can cause hyperliness, but also positive (big joy, oversupply of feelings, admiration). Excessive sweating is usually noted in the emotionally excitable of people's nature (without serious health problems) and serves as a manifestation of violation of vegetative nervous system At different levels. Increasing the removal can have different intensity, intensifying both in limited areas (armpits, palms and footsteps) and on the entire surface of the body.

It is no secret that emotional tension lies literally at every step. They quarreled with his wife - the emotion of anger, hesitates the boss - hesitates the emotion of the offense, the car swept up in a step from you - please emotion of fear. Often, even the thought itself about a possible stressful situation is helpful to sweating. Considering that all our current life is a series of stresses, you can present arising problems.

The sweating mechanism is turned on by excitement, nervous voltage, fright, physical voltage, but in the norm, the selection of sweat in humans is adequate and not too abundant. Unfortunately, today the exact causes of violations of the function of the sympathetic nervous system and sweat glands are not defined, leading to a strong sweating. Abundant non-normalized sweating is usually inherent excessively emotional people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis, as well as women with impaired menstrual cycles.

The cause of emotional hyperhydroposis.

Cause increased level Potting with different emotions is a violation in the work of a certain division of the autonomic nervous system, namely the sympathetic nerve. It regulates such functions of the body that cannot be consciously controlled by a person. These include the tone of the vessels, the heart rate, the magnitude of pupils and, of course, sweating.

What exactly makes some people with the slightest excitement, then, is unknown. According to one of the most popular theories, the overall sensitivity of the sweat glands to high concentrations of adrenaline entering the blood in response to emotional stress. Other experts believe that the basis of emotional hyperhydroposis is the hereditary dysfunction of specific vegetative centers of the brain governing the work of the sweat glands.

Mechanism of emotional hyperhydroposis.

For the process of sweating in the human body, sweat glands and the nervous system are responsible. The nervous system is a combination of organs formed by the nerve tissue that manage all physiological functions and the metabolism of the body and communicate with its external environment. The human nervous system is divided into somatic and vegetative. Somatic is responsible for the implementation of the functions that we ourselves can control - flexing the limbs, walking, speech, and the vegetative is responsible for the functions that we cannot control can - heartbeat, pulse, and so on. We are interested in a vegetative nervous system, which consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic. Just a sympathetic nervous system and regulates sweating.

Sympathetic vegetative nervous system Provides the body's response to stress, including controlling the function of sweating, and is the module that prepares the body to stress, it is responsible for the effect of mobilization, which is important for stressful situations. In practice, this is as follows - the center of the sympathetic nervous system, located in the thoracic spinal cord, receiving information from the brain on the presence of a stressful situation, sends signals along the sympathetic nerves to sweat glands. But before reaching the glands, the signal passes a number of intermediate formations, called ganglia (nodes), which are located along the spine, one to one right and left around each vertebra. From each ganglia towards the side of the nervous fiber to a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Next, it branches into smaller twigs, which go directly to sweat glands and regulate the sweating. When the sympathetic nervous system functions excessively, then there is an increased sweating of certain zones, in particular, the armpits - with the slightest excitement, the person is immediately covered later.

Potting is a normal phenomenon when we are experiencing strong emotions or stress, regardless of temperature. This type of sweating is often called "cold sweat". Emotions, such as fear, anxiety or stress, cause the release of adrenaline hormone, which in turn starts whole line Action in the body, one of which is sweating. Any mental tension, whether anxiety, fear, anger or pain causes the nervous system to come to the state of readiness for active actions. Internal regulation systems react to emotions to the increase in palpitations, increase pressure, bringing muscles into tone. And although we can continue to sit on the spot, the body considers the "waste" options and at the same time includes a "emergency" cooling system - highlights sweat.

Nervous voltage and hyperhydrosis.

Under normal conditions, in addition high temperatures The air, the factor-provocateur of sweating can be nervous voltage. We worry, nervous, worry, scared - and palms, and the armpits immediately give out our emotions around others, like a sharp smell. Especially not lucky in this regard unnecessary to emotional people - the sweating of them begins instantly, and indeed it happens very often, especially the sweating of the armpits. In such people, the nervous cells give pulses with sweating glands, regardless of temperature fluctuations - now they react to an instantaneous increased sweating on fright, excitement, confusion, in a word, for any emission of adrenaline. The impact of stress can be simultaneous, but very strong (for example, fright) or long (permanent conflicts at work, in family life, dissatisfaction with themselves and others).

Diagnosis of emotional hyperhydroposis.

First of all, it is necessary to separate high sweating as independent problem (primary hyperhydrosis) from hyperhydroposis, which is only a consequence of the already present disease (secondary hyperhydrosis). With excessive sweating, people usually turn to a doctor who treats skin diseases to a dermatologist.

If the excess preparation of sweat is caused by another disease, then it is necessary to undergo a survey and pass tests. Blood should be handed over not only for general analysis, but also on the hormones of the thyroid gland (their number in the blood changes in the disease). It is also necessary to pass fluorography to exclude tuberculosis, because it also gives overall sweating.

Be sure to make an electrocardiogram - with acute states of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, shock, a sharp decline in pressure) the person is all covered later. With sharp poisoning, in addition to sweating, there are vomiting and diarrhea.

When you pass a complete examination and it turns out that no pathology, except for sweat products, you do not have, you need to start treating sweating.

Methods for treating emotional hyperhydroposis.

1. Medical treatment.

Since we are talking about emotional hyperhydrosis, soothing means can help in this case. These include both herbal preparations (tincture of valerian, peony, mother-in-law) and more serious sedative medicines and tranquilizers who are prescribed by a special recipe. Appointment of medicines of this group is advisable if emotions are too high and cause increased sweating, or hyperhydrosis itself becomes a source of psychological problems. Lowering the excitability of the nervous system, they help to cope with everyday stress as a factor in the occurrence of hyperhydrosis. Medicinal productswhich is called anticholinergic drugs (for example, propacuitelin, glycopyrrolate, atropine, clone, prose, etc.) prevent the sweat gland to be stimulated in the body. However, the use of these drugs may affect the stimulation of other important structures in the body, causing side effects, such as dryness in the mouth, drowsiness, constipation, tachycardia, violations of vision and otherwise, for the treatment of hyperhydrozes, it is not recommended to use such drugs for a long time. Treatment time is usually 2-4 weeks. The selection of the right drug and its dosage should be carried out by the doctor.

2. Alumochloride antiperspirants.

The invention of antiperspirants opened a new era in the treatment of excessive sweating. The basis of these chemical compounds is aluminum chloride (alumochloride). It penetrates the sweat tubules, which go from the sweat gland and go to the surface of the skin. Inside the tubules, a safe chemical compound is formed, which narrows their lumen. In this case, the selection of the sweat is sharply reduced.

ETIAXIL antiperspirant is not cosmetics in the literal sense of the word, like ordinary stores antiperspirants and deodorants, but therapeutic agent, because it has a long effect. Etiaxil components are not absorbed into the overall bloodstream, do not accumulate in cells and do not provide system action On the body, therefore, this antiperspirant is safe with long-term use.

3. Botox injections, dysport.

You can get the desired dryness by armpits using Botox and Dysport preparations. In this case, the active substance is the poison of the paralytic action of botulinum-toxin, divorced to negligible doses. These doses are sufficient to have a local pharmacological effect, but they are too small to have a toxic effect on the body as a whole. Like any poison of such a category, it affects the nervous and muscle fibers, blocking them, and temporarily paralyzes sweat glands. These drugs suppress the selection of a special substance - acetylcholine, which transmits the command from the nerve to the sweating gland. Without receiving signals from the nervous system, the sweat glands in the field of action of botulinumoxin are stopped highlighting sweat. The procedure is carried out outpatient and takes no more than one hour. The effect is achieved for 4-8 months, and then expensive injections (from 400 to 700 $ USD) need to be repeated. The method has a certain minus also in the fact that over time the injection reduces its effectiveness - the body can develop antibodies to the toxin and it will cease to act. After 3-4 courses, you need to look for something cardinal.

4. Psychotherapeutic method.

Psychotherapy helps with increased sweating arising from stress, psychological tension. This method is not able to solve the problem of hyperhydroposis as such, but helps to change the attitude to it, remove pronounced psychological problems, increase stress resistance, self-esteem and improve psycho-emotional background. The excitement always leads to elevated sweat. If a person with hyperhydrosis experiences constant excitement, it will not be able to reduce the amount of sweat allocated until it stops worrying about or without reason. In this case, it is necessary to apply various methods Psychological unloading, learn to switch your attention to something pleasant, to regularly engage in physical education. Consultation of an experienced psychotherapist helps to break the closed circle that is created in the patient: an increased sweating causes the fear of communicating with people - fear causes a strengthening of sweating - strengthening sweating strengthens stress.

5. Folk methods.

To prevent abundant sweating, you can use the means folk Medicine - Baths from oak, mint, daisies, turns and other herbs, masses from herbs, all sorts of infusions. Folk ways They differ in naturalness and economy, but the preparation of them, as a rule, requires a lot of time, and the course of treatment will make months.

6. Surgical treatment of sweating.

With a heavy course of emotional hyperhydroposis, when with the slightest emotional stress, the armpit flies too much, apply surgical methods Treatment. Similar invasive procedures are extreme, can cause side effects (scars, inflexibility imbalances) and, as a rule, are considered as last option. Before choosing any of these procedures, you should consult with your doctor or other medical specialist. With all types of local surgical operations The effect of reducing the sweating is due to two factors: the first - the nerve endings regulate the function of the sweat gland, the second - the glands themselves are destroyed. The first effect is temporary, after a few months or years due to the regeneration of the nerves, their connection with the sweat glands is restored and the sweating is resumed. The same time restores sensitivity in the operation zone. The effect of reducing the sweating due to the destruction of the sweat glands remains for life. But the sweating does not disappear completely, since it is impossible to destroy all sweat glands during operation.

but. The excision of the skin of the axillary depression:

It is the removal of the skin area along with sweat glands. This is a fairly traumatic operation characterized by a long rehabilitation period and pronounced by rucrotors. It is often used in the presence of a concomitant recurrent hydragenite. It may entail a limit of movements in the shoulder joint.

b. Kyuptage:

It is the removal of sweat glands and nerve endings suitable to them from the inside, with the "reverse" side of the skin. Through a small incision of the skin under it, a tool is introduced and mechanically "scraped" it inner surface. In this case, the processed area of \u200b\u200bleather is completely separated from subcutaneous fatty fiber. The armpits Curetzh pursues two main goals - the destruction of nerve endings at the level of subcutaneous fiber and the elimination of sweat glands. The violation of their interaction contributes to the reduction of sweat discharges, with the amount of glands producing sweat, is also significantly reduced. After a curette, the likelihood of full deliverance from the hyperhydroposis of the armpits is very high, but there is a possibility of subsequent germination of nerves with a compound with sweating glands and a recurrence of hyperhydroposis.

in. Liposuction:

The liposuction of the axillary zone is sufficiently traumatic - all subcutaneous fatty fiber is removed under the mouses with the concomitant destruction of the sympathetic nerves passing in it, which contributes to the destruction of nerve nodes suitable for sweating glands and reducing sweating. The effectiveness of this method reaches 80%. Classical liposuction is a sufficiently serious operation conducted in the hospital and requiring preparatory and rehabilitation periods. In addition, the liposuction of the axillary depression cannot be carried out in large volumes in one procedure.


Traumatic and painful, in comparison with the rest, the method of getting rid of the strong sweating is sympathectomy, which can be reversible and irreversible. In the first case, the nerve responsible for sweating in the desired area is consumed, and you can always remove the clip. In the second case, the nerve simply stops. As a result, there is a blocking of nerve pulses to feather glands. The effect of the sympathectomy conducted can be maintained all life. Recurrements arise no more than 5% of patients. However, about half of the patients there is a compensatory hyperhydrosis of other localizations (torso, inguinal folds) of various severity.

Stabilization of the nervous system.

Modern life is overflowed by various emotional loads, which, with unfavorable, stressful circumstances can turn into psychological breakdowns. Stressful situations lead to the overturning of the nervous system, and then this voltage "beats" in the body. As a result, hypertensive disease, angina, neurodermatitis, myocardial infarction, brain hemorrhage, stomach ulcer, bronchial asthma, eczema, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and other alands, accompanied by increased sweating can be developed. In short, psychogenic disease factors are too serious to relate to them irresponsibly. So what to do? How to avoid overvoltage of the nervous system, and with it and increased sweating?

1. Balanced day mode, sleep duration is 8-9 hours. Full sleep with dystonia patients is vital. Otherwise, the "inclusion" will be the cause of rapid fatigue, irritability and increasing weakness. And this may entail stressful situations that will lead to the exacerbation of the disease. Moreover, sleep time must accounted for the night. Therefore, patients with vegetual-vascular dystonia are not recommended to work on a sliding schedule or in night shifts.

2. Adequate physical activity, preferably in the fresh air. Good effect Write, running, skiing, swimming, aerobics, dancing. Persons with high pressure should be engaged in gentle mode. You can use bicyclering: 10-20 minutes, a course of 30 days. Swimming or aqua aerobics are training vessels and heart muscle, contribute to the normalization of arterial pressure, reduce fatigue, give a charge of cheerfulness and good mood. The recommended simulators include a treadmill, a butoergometer, stepper. And remember that the body needs to be kept in a tone constantly. And since he gets used to everything, it is necessary to change the types of loads: a light run (2-3 months) should smoothly go into swimming (2-3 months), then in a bike and again - running.

3. Plays also proper balanced nutrition. The main thing is: people with vegetual-vascular dystonia can in no way be sitting on hard diets, starve. Fasting exacerbates the course of the disease and provokes another exacerbation. What you need to refuse is from alcohol, and not only from strong hot drinks, but also weak carbonated cocktails. The same applies to strong coffee, even with milk. Preferred tea, juices, cocoa. The lion's share of products should be plant origin (cereal, vegetables, greens, fruits), less fats, sugar. It all has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Fish is useful, especially sea. Meat should not be the main food product. Need food rich in vitamins, products containing potassium - potatoes, eggplants, cabbage, prunes, apricots, raisins, figs, green peas, parsley, tomatoes, rhubarb, beet, dill, beans, sorrel. Piece of animal fats should be replaced by vegetable (sunflower oil, corn, olive). Patients with elevated arterial pressure are needed products containing magnesium salts - buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat cereals, nuts, soybeans, beans, carrots, rosehip. It should be excluded from the diet of pickles, marinates, limit the salt to 4-5 g. Forty tea, coffee, chocolate.

4. Recommended physio therapeutic and orthopedic measures include: a special complex of therapeutic physical culture for the cervical spine, the non-asstense massage of the cerhest-collar zone and the scalp, carrying an orthopedic correction collar, cautious stretching (traction) of the cervical spine, as well as the purpose of electrophysio-therapy by means of devices - Tokonra, Electroson, ultrasound, new magnetic laser therapy apparatus - Terraquant, etc.

5. Fitotherapy: Valeriana, Kalina Red, Peony, the motherboard is the sedatives, the same action and soft diuretic have the quince, birch mushroom, poppy, almonds, carrots, mint, pasternak, licorice. In the absence of the normalization of blood pressure, perfume is added small, blonde, verbena, snake, magnolia, Rauvulfia, black rowan, aric, a row, a shepherd bag.

Sometimes people have to face such a phenomenon as increased sweating during stress. The scientific name is hyperhydrosis. It can manifest itself for various reasons, one of which is the physiological features of the body. Each person has sweat glands in different ways.

The difference is observed not only in the number of sweating, but also in their smell. The activity of the sweat glands directly depends on the inner state of the body. During stressful and nerve overvoltages, the number of sweating increases, delivering a person's uncomfortable sensations. It is worth understanding why it is precisely during stress who begins to actively sweat?

Causes of abundant sweating in stressful situations

Excessive sweating in stress may be a consequence of hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system. To diagnose the disease is mainly not difficult, but sometimes secondary hyperhydrosis, having symptomatics, characteristic huge amount other diseases. It can be infectious diseases Various etiology, tuberculosis, pathology of the endocrine system, diabetes, inflammation of the lungs and many other diseases.

Causes of abundant sweating during stressful situations are a feeling of fear, anxiety, problems in the work of the nervous system. It is from the nervous system directly depends on the correct functioning of the processes passing in the body: heartbeat, digestion, breathing.

It also takes part in the process of thermoregulation and controls sweat glands, so it is closely interrelated in a stressful situation and hyperhydrosis. When a person worries, afraid, worries, is in the state of depression, or vice versa, it is experiencing bright positive emotions, the sweating begins, which affects not only a person's future life, but also to his well-being. Strong sweating in stress may be accompanied by:

  • Insomnia;
  • Discharging the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Decline;
  • A characteristic unpleasant odor from sweat, which is quite difficult to remove with cosmetics;
  • Lack of appetite;

Finding in the stressful situation forces a person to adjust the body temperature, reacting for excitement as a pseudo-alloy. This is exactly what is considered the main reason why the body begins to develop more liquid and as a result - abundant sweating.

How to get rid of strong sweating during stress?

Abundant sweating during stress not only causes discomfort in humans, but also has a rather unpleasant fragrance. These sweating are difficult to control, but there are methods that can help get rid of the problem:

  1. Try to listen to a quiet relaxing music as often as possible.
  2. Engage yoga.
  3. With the permission of specialists, take sedatives.
  4. Find autotraenings that can help relax and control their emotions.
  5. Start eating properly, including food in the diet, which is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  6. Conduct personal hygiene as often as possible.

It should be understood that to achieve the desired result, the above methods will not be able to give an instant effect. How quickly it turns out to reduce sweating in stress will depend on the individual characteristics of the human body and its mental state.

If it is not possible to get rid of abundant sweat discharge by any methods, it is necessary to use specially developed funds sold in the pharmacy. However, there are such options:

  • Try to maximize yourself from stressful situations forcing you to worry and fall into depression.
  • Go to a consultation to a psychotherapist, which will help you change your attitude towards hyperhydrosis and teach how during stressful situations to try to remain as calm as possible.
  • It is also possible to use methods of traditional medicine, for example, baths from herbs, dried skin and removing inflammatory processes (a series, chamomile, oak bark). Also, these herbs are used in the preparation of ointments and infusions. Do not expect an instant effect. Treatment folk methods Maybe for several months.

It is impossible to completely get rid of sweating, since this is a process that is natural to the human body. However, to minimize sweating during stress is quite real.

If nothing helps get rid of the problem, then you can do this using the achievements of modern medicine (for example, laser correction). Such an option to eliminate abundant sweating is considered reliable and effective, but not everyone can afford it due to the high cost of the procedures.

Potting is a natural process. Thus, the body adjusts the body temperature, the amount of water and minerals, removes toxic substances. But sometimes in the body fails and such a phenomenon occurs as (increased sweating) on nervous soil. Why such a problem arises, and how to deal with it, read in the article.

Mental loads affect sweat glands.

Psychosomatics of excessive sweating

Psycho-emotional causes of increased sweating should not be allocated as a separate group, since the phenomenon is caused by other diseases. The only psychosomatic factor in the occurrence of hyperhydrozes is low stress resistance and excessive emotionality. Such people in stress or if they are very nervous quickly covered later. Detail this question covers the Hypinotherapist N. Nikitenko

How does stress affect the body?

Stress is characterized by the fact that human blood pressure is strongly rises, destructively affects the health of the body. A person who is often amenable to stress, increases the risk of developing such dangerous diseases as ulcer, diabetes, impotence, early Climax's offensive in female representatives, so do not worry for each occasion.

Stress causes an increase in the production of cortisol, which is also called a stress hormone. Cortisol excites the sympathetic nervous system, which is why the palms or armpits are covered.

Nervous sweat accompanies a person in responsible moments of life when a person is nervous and worries him overwhelms excitement or emotional tension. It interferes with doing business, especially people whose work is directly related to work with people, be something an entrepreneur or bartender in the club, not too nice to work with a person who has constantly wet palms.

A strongly sweating person causes suspicions, because it is believed to him that it is to hide, from this and nerves. When you are nervous, excessive sweating occurs in the palms or armpits, and there can be many situations every day.

The most valuable advice to stop excessive sweating - try to calm down.

Another problem that hyperhydrosis causes is the permanent smell of sweat, which repels others, because he is unpleasant to everyone. The nerve sweat is characterized by a sharper and caustic smell, since the nerves launch the work of the apocrytic sink glands, which is localized in groin or armpit. They contain lipids that create favorable conditions For the life of bacteria. This explains bad smell From man that is nervous, with hyperhydrosis.

Esential hyperhydrosis

Esential hyperhydrosis is the reaction of the body, on the occurrence of a stressful situation at which sweat glands work more intensively. It is connected with frequent feeling of heat or chills in response to strong excitement or emotional tension. A vegetative nervous system gives an impulse to cooling the body, even though it is not necessary.

Essential hyperhydrosis is not associated with other diseases.
Such hyperhydrosis is hard to control. Doctors recommend taking sedatives, yoga, different relaxation therapies, etc. But these are not such high-speed ways as I would like. The therapy for improving the performance of the nervous system may be needed years, they may not work at all.

I can improve the situation proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits and healthy image Life, personal hygiene, but this is not a panacea. The patient's condition worsens hot weather and excessive use of acute or hot. Nobody called the exact cause of such a phenomenon. Presumably provoke an increased sweating can the following factors:

  • reaction of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • the reaction of the body to the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • large amount of glands, which is distinguished by sweat.

The amount of sweat allocated may differ. Some patients have a small hyperhydrosis, which is not too different from the sweating of a healthy person. Sometimes problems occur at a constant voltage, which is associated with the work of the patient, for example, the driver, which holds the steering wheel, dentist, electrician, etc. To the causes of hyperhydroposis, a genetic predisposition can be attributed.

Emotional hypergidrosis

Emotional hyperhydrosis is the body's reaction, which is provoked by an increase in sweating due to strong emotions. Such a type of sweating is found at the constant and sensitive people with excitement or when they are nervous. Sweat occurs due to disorders of the vegetative nervous system. It can be different in the intensity, arise on all sweating areas either in one place.

Then the person can be covered by nerves, fright, irritability, with physical effort. The patient can sweat only on what is worried. In a state of health, such sweat does not cause discomfort, but nervousness with hyperhydrosis causes a huge inconvenience, sometimes you sweat more, sometimes less.

The exact causes of the occurrence of the disease failed. The vegetative nervous system may be damaged in the Sympathetic Nerva Department, which is responsible for the unconscious work of the body, for example, the frequency of heart rhythms, the size of the pupil, etc. What factors affect the abnormal sweating of the patient unknown. There is a guess that the patient is poorly reacting to the influx of adrenaline, which is released into the blood. There is a theory of genetic defects of the vegetative center.


Most often, the doctor is treated in adolescence and later, since the high sweating in children is not as noticeable. First of all, the specialist should determine whether hyperhydrosis is primary, or it develops against the background of a serious illness as one of the symptoms.

Primary hyperhydrosis treats a dermatologist. First of all, he communicates with the patient to find out the degree of a problem in which sweat places are displayed more: in all places where there are sweat glands, or, for example, sweat only palms. To make a diagnosis, the doctor appoints such diagnostic procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • hormone analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • blood test to sugar levels, etc.

When the doctor is determined that the cause of sweating lies only in nervousness, it can proceed to the appointment of therapy.

Treatment methods

Consider diseases need comprehensively. Therapy depends on the degree of illness. In a light form, the disease causes discomfort only with a small rebuppiness of sweat, in the middle of the sweat more, it has a bad sharp smell. With severely form, the patient complains of strong discomfort, sweat so much that clothes becomes wet.

There are various treatments, among them:

  • receiving pharmaceutical preparations;
  • surgical intervention;
  • phytotherapy;
  • grandma methods;
  • psychotherapy, etc.


Medical therapy is to appoint tranquilizers, sedatives. The patient can recommend to prop on the course "Diazepam" or "Bellataminal", which soothe the CNS. Putting medicines based on herbs (infusion of valerian or dyeing).

Sedable drugs or tranquilizers are needed if irritability or nerves cause a hyperhydroposis or nervousness began to appear due to excessive sweating. Anticholinergic agents are needed to oppress the incentive of sweating gland, but should consider the fact that such drugs have a lot side effectsTherefore, the course of treatment is usually short, maximum month.

Alume chloride antiperspirants

Aluminum chloride, penetrating the grooves, narrows their clearance, from which the amount of sweat allocated becomes less. Most often, roller deodorants with a long action or alcohol are suitable for sick. Ordinary cosmetic antiperspirants are most often useless, it is necessary for therapeutic. It is necessary to pay attention to the substance not to be absorbed into the blood, and the antiperspirant was safe with long use.

By primary reasons, sweating are stress and emotional experiences. Often, people react with increased sweating of palms, faces, heads with anxious waiting for something, as a result of excitement or due to fear of communication. Potomy in stress can occur like healthy peopleand in the presence of pathologies leading to strengthening sweating. In particular, with primary hypergidrosis (increasing sweating that does not associated with diseases of other organs and systems), the strengthening of sweating often arises as a result of emotional experiences. In such a situation, sweating is expressed particularly strongly and gives a lot of problems.

Potting is regulated by neuroreflector mechanisms. The secretion of the swelling glands is intensified in response to increased selection in stress of neurotransmitters - adrenaline and norepinephrine. These substances relate to the catecholamine group. Adrenaline is produced in the brainstant of adrenal glands, and the norepinephrine is released in response to the stress of the endings of sympathetic nerve fibers.

The nerves of the vegetative system play a significant role in the development of stressful states. The pulses in them are carried out at a huge speed, therefore, such manifestations like the strengthening of sweating, trembling in the limbs, the pallor occurs within a few seconds after the impact of the stress factor. Compared with sweating caused by an increase in the temperature of the external environment, selection of sweat in stress takes place faster. The expression "threw the sweat" describes exactly such a situation.

Stress factors are not always associated with negative emotions and psychological experiences. Stormy joy or excitement before the long-awaited event can also strengthen sweating.

Features of sweatiness related to stress

People with stress sweating then may be covered (it is also called). Sweating associated with stressful statesmay have both generalized and local character. Usually sweat under stress, but sweating and on, and on the hair portion, and in the zone, back, chest can increase.

On the body of a person there are 2 types of glands producing a sweat secret: eccritine and apocrynet. The latter are not located everywhere, they are in the armpits, in and on the chest, in zones with large quantity Hair follicles.

In addition to strengthening sweating at night may occur the following symptoms:

  • sleep disorders
  • irritability,
  • heartbeat attacks
  • unpleasant feelings in the chest
  • feeling breakdown after night rest.

Treatment of sweating during stress

What to do if strong sweating arises due to stress? In such a situation, the approach to treatment should be individual and complex.

Basic measures to fight sweating:

  • psychotherapy,
  • hygiene measures
  • local treatment with antiperspirants,
  • botoululus-toxin injections
  • drug therapy,
  • sympatectomy.

If hyperhydrosis is associated not only with stress, but also with other reasons or factors, the treatment complex should include measures to eliminate or decrease the impact.

Be sure to:

  • compliance with hygiene;
  • healthy nutrition;
  • wearing comfortable clothes and footwear from natural materials;
  • overheating should be avoided;
  • consumption of products leading to an increase in sweating;
  • refusal of bad habits is recommended;
  • coffee and tea abuse.

Psychotherapeutic methods

Stress often arises in situations in which a person feels insecurity in his abilities. Therefore, one of the important areas of therapeutic activities is psychotherapeutic assistance. Increase stress resistance using the following methods:

  • psychological counseling and trainings,
  • autogenous workout,
  • hypnosis sessions.

Fighting with antiperspirant

In stressful situations, protection measures that provide local impact and leading to a decrease in sweat selection and the elimination of odor are helped. Therapeutic effects with local hypergidrosis have antiperspirants. Maximum effect Get used tools based on aluminum salts. They operate through the purchase of finite departments of gonducts.

The percentage of aluminum compounds is different in different means. The choice of the drug with a certain concentration depends on the severity of the sweating and from the body zone in need of therapeutic effects. In the field of persons, preparations are used with lower content of aluminum salt. They are highly effective, but their purpose limits the significant frequency of side effects - up to 23%.

Many people do not look like such a sufficiently unpleasant phenomenon as hyperhydrosis, or, speaking more accessible languages, high sweating. Sometimes it is connected with the individual characteristics of the physiology: different people The sweat glands work in different ways, and not only the abundance of the selection is different, but even the smell of sweat. In addition, the connection with the internal state of a person with the activity of its sweat glands is required: when a person is worried, experiencing his body is experiencing a certain stress, its sweating is enhanced. If you at least once wondered "why I feel so much", our article will help you cope with this problem.

Why irritates sweating

Most people with high sweating are concerned not so much to the excessive release of sweat, as the fact that this process is accompanied by an unpleasant and sharp smell. Potting is enhanced at the moments of irritation, unpleasant conversations, stress and even minimal physical exertion. In such cases, the appearance of the smell of sweat sometimes simply displays.

The reason for the appearance of the smell is the body's response to stress, when, together with then, the allocation of a lipid secret begins, which is a favorable medium in which bacteria is multiplied. It is these bacteria that are the source of this smell.

Tools of combating unpleasant odor

Try to get rid of unpleasant odor Needless. Moreover, many noted that ordinary hygiene procedures in the form of a soul, bath or bathing is often not enough. The shower is necessary to take daily, and with an increased sweating, it is necessary to additionally use flavored wet napkins in the intervals between hygienic sessions.

  • In order to minimize excessive sweating and get rid of an irritant smell, you need to pick up individually any of special Toolsoffered cosmetology and medicine. Fortunately, such funds in our time on the shelves of cosmetic stores and in pharmacies are provided in a fairly wide range.
  • When excessive sweating is most often associated with strong excitement or stressful situations, first of all, attention should be paid to its own nervous system. You can use unsiler soothing means, mostly from plant components. It should be remembered that such drugs have a cumulative effect, so they need to take them. When treatment is carried out irregularly, the effect is almost impossible to wait. To exclude the likelihood of the appearance of side effects, it is not recommended to engage in self-medication: the reception of any drug drugs should be coordinated with the doctor.
  • To normalize the work of the nervous system, stress resistance can be used herbal teasThey do not cause addiction or dependency and are quite effective when regularly use. One of the popular preparations of plant origin is sage, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and, moreover, normalizes the work of the sweat glands.
  • Our wardrobe plays an important role: few think about the fact that in clothing from synthetic materials, people sweat much more often and is richly more than in things from natural fabrics. Synthetic materials Prevent the normal breathing of the skin and contribute to a stronger sweating. Therefore, when you purchase one or another outfit, you need to pay your attention to the composition of the fabric from which it sews. Clothes should be lightweight, comfortable, pleasant for the body and non-sinking movements.
  • Excess weight is also one of the reasons for strengthening. In people with excessive body, there are almost always a violation of metabolic processes in the body, which leads to various disorders, including increased sweating.
  • Try to avoid situations that could provoke stress, be calmer and balanced, often our reaction to certain events, deeds or words are overlookingly emotional.
  • Using flavored deodorants - crystalline, ball, or in the form of spray - should be remembered that most of them do not eliminate the cause of sweating, but only mask the unpleasant odor. However, this is not the reason for the failure of such funds, you can use them, for some time they still help to forget about the annoying smell, moreover, they often have a pleasant fragrance. No need to forget that the deodorant should be applied only on the pure body.

What you need to consider when trying to get rid of high sweating

First of all, you should try to get rid of complexes related to this problem. Remember that you are not the only person suffering from this ailment. Taking the right measures, you can handle it:

  • If a folk remedies Do not have the right effect, it is worth thinking about the possibility of the help of traditional medicine. For example, with sweating of hands, the baths with manganese helps well, while the solution should be quite weak.
  • If you really do not help at all, you can ask the doctor to send you to the Cabinet of Physiotherapy. Now there are many methods that contribute to a decrease in sweating, but it should be remembered that one procedure does not solve anything, you need to go through the appointed course of treatment. Required amount Procedures are determined by a specialist based on the specific state of the patient. Usually, at least ten sessions need to solve the problem.
  • In your purse, just in case there should always be wet wipes, they will help get rid of unpleasant sensations in different situations and give you confidence.
  • You can try to get rid of the problem with the help of modern medicine, in particular, laser correction or other innovative technologies. Such methods are quite reliable and effective if you are not afraid of a relatively high cost.

The desire for full deliverance from sweating, experts consider meaningless because it is the same natural process for the living organism, such as breathing. You just need to try to minimize its consequences.