Meeting after summer in kindergarten holiday. The project "Our kindergarten

Senior and younger preschoolers while sliding on ice paths (length 4-8 meters, width 40-60 cm) are given different tasks: turn around, sit down and straighten up again, placing one leg correctly or on one leg, catch the thrown snowball. You can invite children to run and slide along short ice paths (2-3 meters), located one after another at a distance of 3-5 steps.

Outdoor games for children on fresh air in winter. On the icy paths.

Along the long path.

On trampled snow, a path 4-8 m long and 40-60 cm wide is flooded with water. Children, vigorously scattering through the snow, slide along the icy path, trying to slide farther every time.

On the ice path, first at 3-4, and then at 5-6 m from its beginning, a colored cube is placed. The child, scattering and sliding along the icy path, tries to hit the cube and move it out of place with his foot.

One of the children, when sliding with his foot, pushes the cube, which lies about 2-3 m from the beginning of the path, to the distance that he will overcome. The next child tries to slide and push the cube even further, etc. The player who moved the cube farthest is considered the winner. When the game is repeated, he runs and completes the task last, trying to improve his own achievement.

Children are united in groups of three. Two of them run in the snow on the right and left along the ice path, holding in their hands a piece of thick rope 1-1.2 m long. The third one slides along the ice path, crouching or standing, holding on to the rope. The players take turns changing places.

During sliding, it is proposed to turn around, sit down and straighten up again, slide after the take-off face forward, placing your legs parallel or on one leg, catch the thrown snowball.

You can run and slide along short (2-3 m) ice paths located one after another at a distance of 3-5 steps.

On an ice path (length 15-20 m) from a low hill, you can slide two or three "train", putting your hands on the waist of the person in front, and in other positions, tilt and raise a fallen mitten, catch a snowball thrown by someone and fall into it purpose, fulfill others interesting tasks.

Training in sports exercises and games with elements of sports is carried out in physical training and is fixed during a walk.

When choosing games and exercises for a walk, it is necessary to combine the basic movements in such a way that one is well known to children, and the other is new, requiring great attention and control of the teacher during its implementation.

An important point is the distribution of games and exercises, taking into account their intensity and complexity. It is advisable to alternate physical activity with rest, more mobile physical exercises with less mobile. Since some exercises are ineffective in terms of the degree of intensity, the following combination is advisable to obtain an appropriate physical load: running and jumping. For example:

1. outdoor game with running "We are funny guys";

2. jumping on two legs with forward movement (distance 5-6 m), alternately jumping on the right and left legs.

When choosing games and physical exercises, the alternation of such types of basic movements should be provided, which children could repeat with interest several times. Sometimes it is allowed to use the same movement in outdoor play and physical exercise. After sliding on ice paths, children are reluctant to switch to games with other species. This is explained by the fact that in a short time (10-12 minutes) children do not have time to satisfy their need for this movement. Therefore, after sliding on the icy paths, you can offer the following games: "Pick up the object", "Who will unfold first?" and etc.

6. Teaching methodology:

A) Creation of conditions

The ice path is best arranged on the territory of the kindergarten site. Members of the parent committee can be of great help in this. In this case, the care of the ice path is provided by the parents of the children of the older groups. This relationship will improve the methodology for teaching children to slide on the ice track, share positive work experience.

The area of ​​the ice path depends mainly on the number of people involved. In addition, it should be borne in mind that children 6-7 years old for the first time learn the skills of sliding on an ice track, skating mostly in a straight line. Therefore, the length of the ice path should be 12-15 m. This length provides each child with sufficient exercise in the technique of sliding in a straight line and comparative freedom of action.

It is necessary to choose the right place for pouring the ice path, taking into account the location of the water supply source, changing rooms. It is important that the ice path is well protected from cold northerly winds and snow drifts. The site for the ice path is prepared in the fall. It is leveled: pits and depressions are covered with earth, hillocks and bumps are cut off with a shovel. Around the site of the future ice path, it is necessary to make a roller of earth or snow, 30-40 cm wide, 15-20 cm high, so that when pouring water does not flow out of the ice path. You can fill it with water from a well, ice hole, water supply. It is convenient to carry water in a barrel by placing it on a sled. The barrel is brought to the far edge of the platform and overturned, the water is poured into an even layer and freezes. Best done with a hose tap water... For filling the ice path, fire hydrants, cranes used in summer time for watering the streets.

The length of the hose should be such that water flows freely to any part of the ice path. The hose can be made from pieces of rubber tube with a diameter of 25-30 mm. At the connection points, put the hoses on metal pipe of the same diameter and wrap the joints with wire, or you can make hoses from individual links 20-30 m long, connecting them with ROTO nuts. It is advisable to have a fire hose spraying a jet of water.

Pour in an ice path in clear weather, after freezing upper layer land by 2-4 cm, that is, for about 2-3 days the frost should be at least -3, -5.

First, water the ground several times. cold water from the hose. If snow has fallen before the start of pouring, then it is rolled with a special shield 1 m long and 2 m wide, in the front of which a fastener is mounted in the form of a cable or thick wire. Two adults, preferably on skis, pull the shield by this cable, slightly raising its front part, so as not to grab the snow while driving, but to crush it. You can put a load on the shield. After smoothing and compacting the snow with a shield, it must be allowed to harden. This takes 5-6 hours.

At an air temperature from -3 to -7, the soil freezes by 3-5 cm and is quite suitable for initial filling. Water is poured onto the ground gradually, in a thin layer. The stream of water is directed upward at an angle of 45-50 ° at an air temperature of -1 to -5 °. In this case, small water droplets are partially cooled and the water on the ice surface freezes faster. You need to wet the snow in a rainy way. Do not direct the jet directly to the ground, as gullies can form in the snow. Do not put the hose on the ground, otherwise strong gullies will form under the snow, in which the water does not freeze for a long time.

When a thin ice crust forms after the initial pouring, the pouring is repeated. Special attention should pay attention to the uniformity of pouring over the entire ice path. Do not allow water to leak outside the area to be poured. On uneven field in places of depression, a little more water must be poured, and at higher elevations, respectively, less or periodically skip them without flooding.

To achieve a large ice thickness (4-6 cm), it is necessary to start pouring in the very first frosts. Even if warming occurs, all the ice will not melt, the bulk of it will remain, and with the subsequent cooling, ice can continue to build up. The melting of the upper layer of the ice cover, on the one hand, levels the surface, but during heavy snowfall it is impossible to clean the ice under such conditions. You have to wait until the water freezes, and only then use scrapers to clear the ice. If warming is expected again, the snow should not be cleared from the ice path, as it will prevent the ice from melting.

In steady cold weather, the entire initial pouring process is repeated. When the ice layer is 1-1.5 cm, water is poured at an air temperature of -5 to -10 ° at a lower angle - 25 °. At temperatures from -10 to -20 °, the nebulizer is kept low so that small drops of water do not have time to freeze.

It is more convenient to start filling from the area farthest from the water tap, moving from left to right and from right to left, gradually back to the tap. With this method, the filler does not have to walk on the water and wet the hose. It is better to fill the ice track with two people: one pours water from the hose, the other helps him: pulls the hose, opens and closes the water tap, etc. The ice track must always be in good condition, otherwise sliding worsens and children spend more effort when riding. Slide poorly even when severe frost... In such cases, the activities on the ice track are canceled. group lessons on the surface of the ice path, as a rule, traces, scratches, potholes, cracks remain. Ice cuts are cleaned with wide plywood slides with a tin strip at the bottom or with a snow scraper made of duralumin 10 cm wide, 45 cm high, 1.5-2 mm thick. As a holder, a metal pipe 2-5 m long bent in the shape of the letter "P" is attached to the scraper.

For manual cleaning of small beads, hand chips made from steel sheet 150 mm wide, 70 mm high. Its wide part is sharpened on one side, and a stick (handle) is attached to the other. Cracks and potholes are putty with wet snow, and then watered with cold water.

It is desirable to grind the ice surface. Grind ice with a rectangular wooden box without a bottom (grinding trough) 1.5-2 m long, 0.5-0.8 m wide, boards 4-5 cm thick. The lower edge of the box is upholstered with rubber (hose or foam rubber). A rope or wire 2.5 m long is attached to the box, for which the box is pulled. When grinding, water (preferably hot) flows through a hose into the box. Thanks to rubber, water does not flow out of the box and during movement evenly covers the ice with a thin layer. To obtain sufficient pressure, a load is placed on both sides of the box. Grinding ice is carried out in the same way as pouring an ice path. The water level in the box during filling should be 5-8 cm. There should be water in it all the time. A sprinkler sanding box achieves a better ice quality than a hose-down.

B) Organization of children

While riding, you need to monitor the breathing of children. First of all, they must be able to breathe through the nose and not hold their breath. Children who complain of ear, throat and nose diseases should be under the special supervision of a doctor, nurse and educator. Such children are usually allowed to classes at air temperatures from -4 to -8 °. The dosage of classes for them is reduced, they are allowed to practice in fur coats, since cooling the body can lead to an outbreak of a chronic process. The doctor needs to inform educators about the prevention of frostbite of the toes, hands, ears, nose, cheeks, and genitals in boys.

The teacher needs to constantly monitor the condition of the children's clothing, which should not be tight or excessively spacious. This will prevent the possibility of frostbite and chafing.

After suffering any illness, the child is allowed to classes only with the permission of a kindergarten doctor or a district clinic, and in some cases it is necessary to be examined by specialist doctors.

C) Training techniques

Children preschool age very early (from 3 years old) can learn to slide on ice paths. But in the conditions of a kindergarten, it is difficult to organize instruction in ice skating with children. younger ages: They have too weak ankles and legs that can twist, and qualified guidance is required to prevent the occurrence, so in kindergartens ice skating is taught with older children (5-6 years).

The better the general physical fitness of children, the faster they master this type of movement. In the process of training, physical exercises take a large place, strengthening the muscles of the legs, in particular the feet, as well as helping to educate such physical qualities as balance, dexterity, an eye, etc. For this purpose, already in junior groups(3-4 years) sliding on densely trampled snow is carried out. The width of the track is 50-70 cm, the length is 6-10 m. First, the children ride with the help of adults, then on their own. The teacher shows and explains that you need to make an energetic run in the snow and slide on two legs, putting one leg back, about shoulder width apart, keep the body straight or squatting a little. Children of older preschool age can slide along a straight path and simultaneously perform various tasks (sit down and straighten up again, slide sideways, on one leg, etc.), as well as slide down an ice slide. The slope of the slide is about 1 m wide, 15-20 m long. Later, the classes are transferred to the site. Ice skating takes place at the beginning of the walk. Training is first organized in small groups (5-6 people), then by the whole group. Ice tracks are not available on days when physical education or music activities are scheduled. If children got a lot of stress while skating on ice paths, then it is no longer recommended to carry out games of great mobility during a walk.

On the snow and on the ice, you can first repeat the exercises that were given indoors, and others, and then teach "landing", a run, followed by sliding, sliding with alternate take-off with the right and left legs, turns, braking.

It is necessary to explain to the children that they need to ride in one direction - counterclockwise. With the correct starting position, the body is slightly tilted forward, the legs are slightly bent; on the knees, we stand slightly apart to the sides and tilted inward; the arms are bent at the elbows and spread apart, the gaze is turned forward. To remember this position, you should repeat it after performing various exercises. For example, children do squats or half-squats from this position and return to it again.


Gliding on ice tracks, like other physical exercises on outdoors in winter, helps prevent diseases, strengthen protective forces organism, increasing efficiency.

With a properly organized lesson, favorable conditions to educate positive features character (organization, discipline, independence, activity) and manifestation volitional qualities(courage, decisiveness, self-confidence, etc.).

The exercises are performed on a limited and slippery area of ​​support, which helps to develop a sense of balance. The ability to maintain balance in rather difficult conditions and overcome the obstacles that have appeared is a motor skill that is necessary for every person in everyday life and everyday life.

The technique of sliding on ice tracks includes a run, take off, and slide.

Takeoff. When taking off, the movements of the arms are coordinated with the movements of the legs, the body turns somewhat forward. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the hands are relaxed, the fingers are slightly bent, the foot is placed with a roll from heel to toe. The takeoff speed increases gradually and reaches its limiting value by the moment of repulsion.

Repulsion. At the beginning of training, repulsion is carried out with the leg that is more comfortable for the child. At the stage of in-depth learning, it is advisable to take off alternately with the right and then the left foot. The place of take-off can be marked with some object: a cube, pins, etc. Children learn to push off after a run without slowing down and stopping.

Slip. After a run and push with one leg, the other leg is brought forward and the body weight is transferred to it. Gliding is carried out on both legs without breaking them off the ice. The arms are freely lowered along the body or extended forward. The sliding speed gradually decreases and at the end of the treadmill the child begins to run in short strides.

First, the kids try to walk on packed snow, and then along a short ice path, moving their feet on the ice. If necessary, the teacher supports the children by the arms or shoulders. It is important that children feel the quality of the ice, learn to maintain balance. First, the teacher takes the baby by the hands and rolls it along a short path. By the end of winter, children 3-4 years old are already able to slide on their own along a short path. The teacher observes, encourages children, tells how to make movements correctly, encourages them to show courage, dexterity, independence.

In the older group, children learn to run vigorously in the snow and slide as far as possible along a long path. They are offered additional, more difficult tasks: when sliding, put your hand behind your back, behind your head, put on your shoulders, do 2 - 3 spring squats, squat down and slide in a squat to the end of the track, etc.

For older children, you can fill a track 8-10 m long, 50-60 cm wide.Children like challenging agility tasks: turning around, sliding on one leg, putting your legs parallel, squatting and sliding in a squat, catching a thrown object, etc. ...

For children of this age, sliding from a low mountain is already available. Children slide down on their feet in a squat or sitting on wooden circles made especially for this.

Children should not be allowed to ride while sitting on their coats. The teacher makes sure that the children go down the mountain in turn, do not push, play together, without quarrels. He must be able to help all the pupils at any moment: support the timid at the beginning or end of the descent, offer the more dexterous new way movement, observe the state of the players and adjust the load accordingly.

Rolling down the mountain, older preschoolers can perform interesting tasks that develop dexterity, courage and determination, for example: lifting a cube laid on the mountain, sliding two or three, "train", hitting the target with a snowball, etc.