Blinds in the toilet Ready Sizes. Disguise pipes in the toilet using rolled cassette curtains

When repairing in the toilet, each owner faces the problem of masking pipes on the back wall, which looks ugly and spoil the interior of the room. There are many ways to close pipes, but only a few of them allow access to them in case of breakdown or accident.

One of the most affordable and convenient ways You can call rolled cassette curtains for the toilet, which are increasingly used in order to mask pipes, hatches, counters, etc.

Roll Cassette Curtains for Toilet

Roll cassette curtains are the perfect way to mask pipes in the toilet. In the closed state, they completely hide the pipes and the entire rear wall of the room. If necessary, you can organize there even a small but spacious shopping storage. When opening, the curtains are tightly wound into a roll, which is inside a compact cassette. The color of the canvas can be chosen to the coloring of the toilet tile. Then the curtains perfectly fit into his interior. In addition, various drawings can be performed on the tissue.

Roll cassette

The cassette rolled curtains can be controlled by various mechanisms. The most common and simple of them is a chain that allows you to turn the curtains into a roll. Also in demand spring method closing. The most popular is the automatic method of controlling the curtains using an electric drive. In this case, it is possible to control the product from the remote control.

Care for rolled curtains in the toilet

Although the production of cassette rolled curtains Pretty complex, care for them is very simple. If the product is used in the bathroom, it is better to choose a specially treated waterproof tissue. It is not going to dust on it, it does not spoil from humidity. It is practically no need to clean such material. Only occasionally can be wiped with a cloth.

Aluminum cornice and side guides are also able to serve for a very long time without much care. All you need to do is to wash dust from them.

Cassette rolled curtains under the order in St. Petersburg

Our company specializes in the manufacture of plumbing rolls and cassette rolled curtains. We produce products under the order from high-quality components "Alutech". A rich assortment of boxes, guides and textures will allow you to achieve perfect combination Products with toilet finish. You can also choose a suitable control mechanism. Call! Together we will pick up this option that will arrange you in all respects!

Bathroom and toilet - Rooms, where there is a sewer in a small area, water pipes, valves, counters. It is impossible to do without these communications, and they do not add the premises. Some people hide them for falsely, but it is not very convenient because during emergency situations Partitions have to break. Recently, designers are increasingly offering another, more practical way Remove the interior of the bathroom. Consider it in more detail how to close the pipes in the bathroom and toilet with the help of blinds


Blinds allow us to reliably and aesthetically hide numerous plumbing communications from the eyes. Compared with plasterboard or plastic walls, such a cover has a number of benefits:

  • With installation, you can cope yourself. He does not take a lot of time and costs without construction garbage.
  • Blinds are compact, almost not "eat" space and are suitable for installation in the premises of any sizes.
  • Instead of trying to get to the meter, pipes or valves through a small window on Falsten, you can lift the curtain with one hand movement and open full free access to them.
  • Niche s sewer standClosed blinds are convenient to use as a place to store cleaning products and economic inventory.
  • The color palette in which these original curtains, diverse, and you can always find a suitable option for the interior.
  • If the blinds lose an attractive look, it is not necessary to dismantle and replace them completely. It is enough to insert into the already existing box new lamellas.

In addition, the blinds serve for a long time and affordable. In addition to the listed advantages, it is also possible to add that by means of blinds, it is convenient not only to mask pipes. They can replace the screen under the bathroom or become a screen closing washing machineIf it is located in a niche. Such a screen and shirma look good in combination with curtains covering pipes, and make interior bathroom stylistically solid.

Ideas for registration

Indoors C. high humidityNamely they include bathroom and toilet, use horizontal plastic or aluminum blinds. Their wooden and bamboo varieties are not enough moisture resistant and are not suitable for bathrooms.

Aluminum and plastic horizontal blinds Many common advantages. And those and others:

  • look stylish and elegant;
  • produced in broad color gamma;
  • easily fit into the interior;
  • covered with a composition making them resistant to temperature and moisture drops.

They look at about the same, but the choice of colors of plastic products is wider. If we talk about price, then aluminum structures are more expensive than plastic analogs, but also will serve much longer.

Excellent option for hiding pipes in the bathroom and toilet also plumbing blinds. They look very carefully and convenient to use. In addition, you can even give the room personality and order blinds with photo printing.

The motto is actual modern interior - minimum of unnecessary parts and bulky items, maximum free space and concise, but functional solutions. Ergonomic and practical blinds are ideally suited as a tool for its incarnation. If you have not yet decided how to equip the bathroom, try going to look at the blinds. Them non-standard use It will only benefit the atmosphere of this room and will undoubtedly facilitate your life.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Blinds are often used in the interiors. modern houses and apartments. Today they are represented by their market great amount varieties that are made of a variety of materials, all sorts of coloring and forms. According to the method of design elements, they are divided into vertical and horizontal.

Their main application in the house is a device of light-refritable designs on the window and doorway, the possibility of zoning different parts indoor space. Often, blinds are successfully used in the arrangement of sanitary facilities of the apartment, cottage. For example, the blinds in the toilet are quite capable not only to decorate this room, but also to perform the role of a masking element for various sanitary networks. In particular, the sanitary wardrobe, usually suitable in the toilet, may not have the door, instead, it is quite logical to arrange a blind-blind blind, especially since it takes the minimum of space.

Popular Materials for Making Blinds

Since the premises of the bathroom in an apartment or house differs in high humidity, then to install any type of blinds, it is necessary to use, first of all, materials resistant to moisture. As a result, the most popular material for such premises can be considered different kinds plastic. In addition, it is worth using blinds whose planks are made of non-ferrous metals or of stainless steelAs well as from conventional steel coated with anti-corrosion paints, varnishes. In addition, it is allowed to install blinds in the toilet from completely non-traditional materials, such as unbreakable glass, planks from the breed of valuable tree, lacquered rice paper, etc.

Horizontal or vertical blinds?

By installing blinds in the toilet, you can hide all the pipes, both sewer and water liner. To close such structures passing throughout the height of the room and requiring periodic access, it is logical to use the toilet vertical blindsshifting.

Horizontal blinds are ideal for the closure of various lockers and shelves located in the toilet, popular for storing not only the diverse needed chemical cleaning products and various household accessories, but also tools used for small repair in the apartment, which is desirable to always have at hand.

Self installation Blinds in the toilet

Of course, you can order installation of blinds along with their manufacture, but also their independent installation in the toilet is quite simple. The main thing is to calculate the necessary sizes correctly and order their manufacture or buy ready design. Custom design usually requires a simple installation, to cope with that for everyone. It is enough to have, at a minimum, a perforator for fastening guide and carrier parts, hammer and scolding, as well as a set of fasteners. Noting the place of installation, just need to strengthen the design itself, after which it is necessary to check the performance and convenience of the mechanism.

Starting repairs in the bathroom, many are thinking about how to disguise the sewer pipes.

True, because noticeable pipes, valves and counters will not add beauty to the interior of the room. How best to hide communications without infringening the functionality of the room?

We bring to your attention a few simple variants of solving this creative task.

We have already told in previous publications on how to close the pipes in the bathroom. In the toilet, you can use the same ways, but with some features.

Consider more of several options.

Plastic and plasterboard

First you need to decide on the design material that will close your pipes. For bathrooms, plastic or plasterboard panels are usually used.

These materials are suitable for any interior, under any floor trim, walls and ceiling.

The difference in the use of these materials is only the need to decorate drywall. Whereas for plastic panel You only need to pick up the form and color.

But on the other hand, the specified lack of a plasterboard panel is at the same time and its advantage, since you can make the panel indistinguishable from the rest of the room!

The advantages of these materials:

  • environmental Safety;
  • economical cost;
  • simplicity and speed installation;
  • collapsible structures;
  • the ability to leave access to communications (meters, valves, places of possible leakage).

It is important to remember that drywall in the bathroom is better to use moisture-resistant!

So, the material is selected. Now you will get acquainted with different ways Installation of plastic and plasterboard structures:

We close the whole wall;

  • Install Falshland;
  • Use the box;
  • Mount the locker;
  • Hide communications for blinds;
  • Decorating.

It is important to remember: with any method of closing pipes, it is necessary to provide access to communications. Be sure to make the door! Either hidden (decorated in the style of the entire wall), or buy in the store the usual metal.

We close the wall entirely

The first way to hide the pipes in the bathroom is to close the entire wall panel, along which they pass. In this case, the panel is installed on a metal-profile base.

In those places where there are no pipes behind the panel, you can build cells for storing the necessary items (napkins, air fresheners, etc.).

It is important to remember: with any method of installation, it is necessary to leave between the pipes and the wall space with a width of at least three centimeters!

Install Falshland

The second method is suitable for rooms in which communications are located in the corner. In this case, you can close the panel only part of the wall with pipes.

Using kilutes

If the bathroom is close and you want to leave as much free space as possible, you can only close the pipes with panels.

If the communications are vertical, the design will resemble a pillar. If the pipes pass horizontally, the step will turn out.

If the pipes do not go to the end of the wall, you can mount multi-level construction From drywall. The resulting shelf can be used as a stand.


Instead of the box, you can put a pretty wardrobe from plywood or chipboard. This is the most expensive way to mask pipes, but it justifies myself with its functionality.

You are not only hiding pipes, but also get a place for useful trifles.


Lesse is less likely to mask pipes. Their installation requires more strength and time and is more costly. Many believe that the shutters in the bathroom ugly.

But plus this decision lies in the availability of pipes along the entire length along the wall. Also available are all free placeswhere you can place the shelves.


if you love unusual solutionsWe understand B. various materials, constantly fantasize, know how to create beauty with your own hands, re-adjust the communication pipes yourself!

Use mosaic, painting, decoupage, connect various techniques, Find only your own, exclusive techniques!

In conclusion, we can say that the choice of materials and designs for masking pipes in your interior can only be yours.

Each of the listed methods has its advantages and cons, any of the proposed options can approach you. Take a decision on the basis of the size and ideas of the interior of your room.

Photo of ideas how to close the pipes in the toilet

Usually the toilet room has very small sizes. It is important that this compact room is comfortable, functional, and all communications were reliably hidden from prying eyes. An excellent solution will be the placement of blinds in the toilet, because they successfully disguise the communications, counters who look not very aesthetic.

Blinds in the toilet perfectly combine multifunctionality, decorativeness. Plumbing blinds have a number of benefits:

  • masking of unsightly places;
  • do not require additional fastening area;
  • simple installation - you can make installation with your own hands;
  • sustainable obstacle for condensate.

Blinds are divided into the bathroom by the location of the RESEK.

In this design, the lamella is put in a vertical position, which looks very stylish. The dimensions of the lamellas can be made completely narrow or very wide as ribbons. Such products are especially effective if you are made of fabric. Most of all suitable vertical blinds for spacious premises, in small, they will illuminate them even more.


Unlike the vertical option, horizontal structures are applied much more often. In this case, the rails are collected up and secured, which opens access to the necessary communications. Construction management is performed by chain. The device is simple, but very durable will serve for a long time. Today, electronic blinds managed by pressing a button are increasingly used. The design is pretty, but requires careful care, not very durable.

The most popular and in demand structures. The simple device of rolled or cluster products is wonderful in the design of the toilet room. They greatly saved the area, provide quick access to communications and counters. Products with a chain. They twist into the roll and hide in the box, located at the top of the room. Designed models S. electrical drive for remote control. There are options with spring control. For beauty on the blinds for decoration, you can apply drawings with an airbrush.

Roller shutters

These products are unusually durable, but since such blinds in the toilet for the toilet are bulky, it is often used in large rooms.

In its composition, a standard set of structures has:

  • the box in which the shaft is located to twist the canvas;
  • guides, for the movement of the canvas;
  • license profile;
  • spring-inertial device.

Blinds for plumbing locker

In many apartments, the toilet is a kind of storage order for storage household Tools, soap, powder. It often happens that the toilet is combined with the bathroom. For economy useful Square Roller shutters are used in a cabinet restroom, where you can store a variety of necessary items.

The use of blinds for the closet significantly saves the space of the toilet room.

Types of materials

Blinds are made of the following materials:

  • metal - this option, according to experts, most suitable for the toilet room. Aluminum structures Have high strength. On their surface can be placed original various coatings, graphics, drawings, patterns. Products from aluminum in a variety of color schemes. The most spectacular photo graphic depicting birds, animals, vegetation, buildings. Metal is not afraid of humidity, is not deformed from temperature differences;
  • plastic - products do not require much care and inexpensive. They are of a wide variety of colors and are perfectly harmonized with any arrangement of the room. There are no diversity to disadvantages design solutions. Benefits include excellent performance features, long term Use with appropriate care. Blinds are easy to clean from dust, they are indifferent to temperature drops, and moisture resistant;
  • tree - this material perfectly complements classic style interior. Budget option They are pressed sawdust, the most expensive - solid wood (oak, beech, cherry). Designs with high cost look elegantly and sophisticated. Since the main purpose of products is the masking of pipes in the room, where it is always wet, they are soaked antiseptic means and are covered with special paints that increase resistance to moisture. Blinds need to be protected from water from entering water. The main advantage of wood products is the soundproofing;
  • fabric - used for the toilet room quite rarely. Silk or cotton are used for the manufacture of such products. The material is necessarily processed by antiseptics and special meanswhich increase resistance to moisture. Fabric products are distinguished by a wide variety of colors.





Child Nuances

Before purchasing blinds for the toilet space, you need to make accurate room measurements. The key to successful purchase will be right calculations And the definition of the site to install the structure. It is necessary to pay attention to the strength of the structure and quality of the material.

SAME important requirements To the shutters for the toilet are the reliability of the device and the high quality of the material!

An important criterion is the quality of fittings. With poor fittings, blinds will serve for a short time. Fastening mechanism, chain, threads that should be very strong should be reliable.

Special requirements are presented to the shutters of wood and tissue. It is necessary to ask the manager, whether the design is stable to fungi, mold and moisture. In addition, you must familiarize yourself with the information on the packaging provided by the manufacturer. The packaging usually has a marking, which indicates what formulations against corrosion and repulsion moisture covered lamellas. To create harmony and comfort, the color of the products is selected taking into account the interior design of the room, the color of furniture and plumbing items.