How to choose curtains for wallpaper? Which curtains to choose for pink wallpaper Pink wallpaper combination.

What curtains to choose for pink wallpaper

When the main part of the repair is completed, the most pleasant thing remains - the design and decoration of the room. First of all, you need to think carefully about how your room will look like, choose wallpapers, furniture, accessories. Do not rush to make purchases, first carefully think through everything from A to Z, compare prices, ask friends and acquaintances for advice. After all, you do not make repairs for one day, and if you make a mistake at the beginning, you can then live in an uncomfortable room for several years or spend a lot of money on remodeling it. So, what curtains are suitable for pink wallpaper? Let's try to consider this issue in more detail.

Pink - soft and soothing

Starting the final stage of repair work, take the trouble to read the advice of professional designers on the Internet.

For which rooms you can choose pink wallpaper

First of all, you need to decide on the color of the wallpaper, since it affects not only the internal state of a person, his mood, but can also visually change the size of the room and even the temperature in it. There is even a concept trendy colors in the interior, every season designers promote several colors into the trend, but there are also shades that have not lost their popularity for years. For example, pink.

Pink is considered a romantic, lyrical color, but its abundance bright colors can make the atmosphere in the room frivolous.

Curtains can be slightly darker than the color of the walls

Color specifications

Pink is a warm shade of red that is considered girly and is great for decorating the walls in the room of a little princess or teenage girl. But designers have proven that pink is not only suitable for feminine interiors. Shades of pink, such as peach and mauve, look great in the living room and in the kitchen, light pastel shades of pink will help make the room visually larger and much more comfortable.

Pink color and its shades relax and give a feeling of peace, but the main thing here is not to overdo it with color saturation. If you still decide to use bright pink tones, then it is best to choose them as accents, combining with lighter shades.

Harmony of pink shades

Today on the market there are special collections that provide for the presence of several types of wallpaper. One variety is usually quite bright, often featuring some sort of geometric design or pattern. The remaining rolls from the collection will be made in pastel or light colors, the pattern on them may repeat the geometry of the base, but be less noticeable or saturated, or simply match the style.

Such collections will help even an inexperienced person in design matters to choose perfect wallpaper and make the design of the apartment original and cozy.

Choosing a color combination

The interior looks good and lively only when the unity of the color of the walls, textiles, furniture and accessories is observed. It is especially important to choose the right curtains, because they do appearance rooms completed. Imagine a room with bare windows - uncomfortable, right? But even worse is when the color and design of the curtains are chosen incorrectly.

Combination with brown curtains

Let's figure out which curtains will decorate the pink room:

  1. White. This truly royal color will be a great addition to pink wallpaper. Its shades such as cream, vanilla, milk will also look good. This combination of colors will help create a warm and light atmosphere in any room, make the room visually larger.
  2. Grey. The combination of pink and gray designers consider one of the most successful. It does not lose its popularity over the years, because these colors just balance each other perfectly. But the main thing here is to choose correct shade gray, it should not be too dark and saturated, so as not to “eat up” space and light.
  3. Black. Curtains made entirely in this color can make a room very gloomy, but a large black pattern on them will look great with pink wallpaper.
  4. Brown. The combination of pink wallpaper and brown curtains evokes pleasant associations with a confectionery. Such a "sweet" and "delicious" tandem will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, rich brown shades will remove the frivolity of pink and make the interior more pretentious.

Combination with beige

But you should know that pink is a rather picky color, and there are a number of shades that are by no means suitable for curtains in a room with pink wallpaper:

  • Yellow. This color conflicts with pink in all its manifestations. Therefore, no matter how much you love the color of the sun, you should not buy such curtains for a pink room.
  • Bright red. Although red is a close relative of pink, their combination in the interior does not look at all. Such curtains will make the room look smaller and can annoy and weigh down its owners. The only exception will be such shades of red as cherry and raspberry, and even then, if you have pale wallpaper pasted Pink colour. Otherwise, you simply run the risk of getting buttered oil, oversaturating the room with red and its varieties.

We hope that from now on you know better which curtains are suitable for pink wallpaper. Good luck with your apartment renovation!

Modern interior design allows the use of many colors. It is impossible to single out one best or worst color, the whole palette is good in its own way. Harmony and individuality should come to the fore. Many people successfully achieve this by using pink wallpaper for wall decoration. A given color by any many also because it has great amount shades.

But choosing pink for the walls of your, say, living room, you probably wondered what kind of curtains would best suit such wallpaper? Here you can rely on your own design flair or trust the opinion of professionals.

Curtains for pink wallpaper

Choosing the right color

Pink has established itself as the color of romance, love, lyrics. Its bright shades can also look somewhat frivolous. A competent color balance between wall decoration and textiles on the windows, when all shades are perfectly combined, will make the interior truly elegant and stylish.

So, for pink wallpaper, curtains are suitable:

  • white and light, as well as curtains in vanilla or milky tones;
  • gray, because the combination of pink and gray colors it is considered one of the most popular and successful, which is not surprising, because these two tones perfectly balance each other;
  • black curtains themselves can look a little gloomy, but a large dark-colored pattern perfectly complements the pink wallpaper;
  • brown, because the deep tones of this color in combination with pink immediately evoke associations with a confectionery, besides, brown perfectly balances the frivolity of the shade of the walls;
  • blue. This color combination in the interior always looks elegant and very impressive.

Colors that don't go well with pink:

  • bright red, which is a close relative of pink. The only exceptions are dark cherry and raspberry shades, which can look good against the background of pale pink wallpaper;
  • yellow is also not good choice, because together with pink, these colors will definitely conflict.

In the photo you can clearly see which colors of the curtains will be best combined with exquisite wallpaper pink tint.


Textiles used for window decoration can have a variety of patterns, some of which will pair perfectly with various shades of pink. Designers are advised to take a closer look at the following print options:

  • patterns with oriental motifs, which should be supported by other interior details;
  • stylish stripes, curtains will look especially relevant, one of the strips on which will repeat the color of the wallpaper;
  • floral and floral ornaments, for example, contrasting with the wallpaper (blue, black, etc.).

When choosing curtains with a pattern, it should be remembered that abstract and geometric prints will not go well with romantic wallpapers, so it is better to refuse them.


The main thing in curtains is not only their color and pattern, but also the fabric from which they are sewn. For interiors different style fit and different kinds textiles. For example, in classic french design exquisite curtains made of satin, silk or cambric fit best. Laconic interior will be able to support Roman blinds made of synthetics or organic cotton, linen. You can also use the classic option when heavy night and light day curtains are combined.

As you can see, there can be a lot of options for curtains that are suitable specifically for pink wallpaper. Fans will be able to find something for themselves among their diversity. home comfort, and connoisseurs of conceptual, ultra-modern interiors, and people who follow fashion and follow its trends.

To achieve cardinal transformations of the premises, it is not necessary to carry out complex repair. It is enough just to replace the main elements to make the space look different. If you install new wall coverings and choose the right combination with curtains on the windows, the interior will sparkle with new colors.

There are many options for curtains and wallpaper on the market. When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the quality of the material and the price, but also to the combination of tones used in the decoration. Often, ordinary people focus on furniture and household items, forgetting about the main thing. Curtains and wallpapers that resonate in color will bring discomfort and spoil general form housing. Check out our tips before you go shopping.

The game of color is the simplest and most advantageous technique for decorating a room. Thanks to her, she manages to transform a familiar room beyond recognition. Over time, the tones of wall coverings and fabrics fade when exposed to ultraviolet light. Therefore, experts advise changing curtains and wallpaper at least once every 5 years. This rule works from a practical point of view and because trends in interior design change quite often.

Most people prefer to do their own repairs. Due to lack of knowledge and taste, many incorrectly combine colors. New finishes, done arbitrarily, quickly get bored, on an intuitive level, a conflict of materials is felt. If you liked the curtains and wallpaper, this does not mean that they will look harmonious in reality. It is necessary to try on curtains for wallpaper, avoiding obvious mistakes.

Many are afraid of unexpected changes and prefer restraint in decorating a room, others make the opposite mistake. Without knowing the elementary rules, the owner of the premises usually proceeds as follows.

  1. Relies on muted beige, gray and ash pink undertones in the hope that they look safer. It is difficult to miscalculate with neutral shades, but as a result, a room decorated in this palette looks standard and boring.
  2. Strives for bright energetic colors. Diluting neutrality with pigmented colors, the average person does not place accents, but makes the room too colorful. A bright room is psychologically tiring and causes discomfort.

There is a fine line between courage and restraint. To combine things correctly, it is not necessary to have an education or have a delicate taste. Initially, determine the degree of natural light in the room. Remember that wallpaper will look different in a dark corner and on open space. The degree of penetration of light into the premises depends on the texture of the fabric. Follow these guidelines.

  • For the northern half of the house, it is important to use light light shades (beige, white, pink, lilac, champagne, blue, etc.);
  • The south side allows you to experiment with bright colors (orange, purple, red, burgundy, blue, etc.);
  • Oriental rooms can be decorated with cold shades (gray, white, black, silver, etc.);
  • On the west side, natural warm colors predominate. It is better to emphasize them with neutral beige, milky, white.

Remember that shade is far from the last factor. It is important to pay attention to the texture of materials and decorative elements that echo in creating a harmonious composition.

What else to consider when choosing and combining?

Look at the color temperature of the surrounding parts. It is customary to separate cold and warm colors that form the right tandem.

You can choose curtains and wallpapers:

  • in a single palette (for example, dark blue, blue and cyan);
  • overlapping, complementary colors (for example, lilac, purple, pink);
  • contrasting (for example, black and white, burgundy and beige).

When shopping, consider your own preferences. If you don't like pastel pink, don't buy it because of the fashion for this color. Ideal things that calm, do not affect the psyche. Neutral hues promote psychological relaxation, green inspire, blue calms, and peach awakens appetite.

It is necessary to take into account the location and purpose of the room in order to determine the most advantageous option. There is no consensus on perfect design. Designers think that the best option is the presence of 70% basic tones, 20% contrasting and 10% accessories that dilute the situation.

Modern apartment design with matching curtains and wallpaper

The interior of the apartment with a combination of curtains and wallpaper in design

An unusual combination of curtains and wallpaper in the interior

Principles for selecting curtains

In a classic application, curtains act as protection against penetrating direct sunlight. Depending on the intensity, choose a more or less dense fabric. The decorative function of curtains is difficult to overestimate. They give the image completeness and elegance. Textile details should be selected according to the following principles.

The texture of the products must correspond to the purpose of the room. For example, the kitchen needs minimalistic functional curtains, and heavy ones with decorative trim are suitable for the bedroom.

Room design with color combination of curtains and wallpaper

The combination of curtains and wallpaper in the interior

How to choose wallpaper color?

It is advisable to plan purchases decorative elements before starting the repair. When choosing, pay attention to the smoothness of the transition between the tones of the curtains and the wall. Images and ornament should not differ. It is not necessary to choose an identical pattern, the main thing is to find overlapping moments in the texture of paper and fabric. Bright walls are complemented by neutral curtains, and colorful curtains look better against an unobtrusive background. Material combinations should be prioritized before purchase.

Wallpaper style and curtains

Accessories on the windows emphasize the overall design of the room, so they should look like part of the ensemble. Adherents of the classics will suit heavy curtains with golden frills. It is appropriate to use lambrequins and lace. For high-tech, the use of a contrasting or plain curtain is relevant. Minimalism does not tolerate frilly patterns, and modern will stand out against the background of curtains with geometric patterns.

The floral print perfectly emphasizes the English style or Provence decor. In the bedroom, the motifs of the curtains can overlap with the pattern on the bed linen. Try to avoid frills and emphasize comfort as much as possible, and each room will become a favorite place to spend time.

Modern apartment design with matching curtains and wallpaper

The interior of the apartment with a combination of curtains and wallpaper in design

An unusual combination of curtains and wallpaper in the interior

Forms of modern curtains

Experiments with style have led designers to different types of window decorations. In addition to traditional thick curtains and tulle, it is customary to use blinds (vertical and horizontal) in housing of the 21st century. It is better to install them in the kitchen or in the office. Such a design element has a rich palette of shades and will serve as a practical accessory.

A variety of blinds are roller blinds, roller blinds or Roman blinds. They are made of dense synthetics or textiles. In the assortment of stores you can see plain and textured material. Roller blinds in oriental style made from bamboo or natural wood. You need to purchase window accessories according to individual measurements. Different types curtains are appropriate to combine with blinds, providing additional protection from the sun.

Room design with color combination of curtains and wallpaper

The combination of curtains and wallpaper in the interior

How to choose curtain material?

When wondering which curtains will suit the room, pay attention to the type of furniture and wall coverings. A textile sofa looks great with curtains made of the same dense textile. In order not to make the window heavier with curtains, you can dilute the picture with a weightless white tulle without patterns. It is appropriate to emphasize Japanese motifs in the interior with bamboo shutters.

Many, striving for minimalism, cover the entire window opening with blinds and do not hide batteries or radiators. When choosing a fabric, focus on quality. Define good material can be touched. Expensive fabric fits well and flows, adding a special gloss to the bedroom. Depending on the type of curtain, apply different models installation.

Modern apartment design with matching curtains and wallpaper

The interior of the apartment with a combination of curtains and wallpaper in design

An unusual combination of curtains and wallpaper in the interior

Methods for attaching curtains to the eaves

In Greek and Roman interiors, curtains are hung on wrought iron patterned cornices, emphasizing the high cost and chic. Modern cornices are mostly hidden in stretch ceiling. To make the fabric look neat, it is pulled over a string. Blinds and other alternative décor options come with a stand-alone mount that is not eye-catching.

If the room is decorated in beige

A typical mistake is to buy curtains to match the pastel wallpaper. Such neutral palette completely simplify the interior. Use beige coatings as a background and place contrasting colors on it. bright curtains. In this case, drawings, ornaments and accessories will be appropriate. It is recommended to choose curtains according to color temperature. Light beige looks good with dense white, burgundy, brown, gray tones. It can be combined with red and orange, as well as all shades of wheat yellow.

Room design with color combination of curtains and wallpaper

The combination of curtains and wallpaper in the interior

Features of the choice of curtains for brown wallpaper

The brown color is very whimsical. It can be warm and cold. This must be taken into account when choosing shades. Wallpaper with a copper undertone will be combined with carrot, red and white. Cool brown is more like "coffee". It is successfully combined with golden and wheat color.

If the room is decorated in yellow tones

Warm yellow looks great in combination with light blue and blue color. Warm undertones of yellow look perfect in combination with golden burgundy, lilac, coffee, terracotta. Basic white will give nobility and purity, and cream will complement the palette in an unobtrusive way.

Modern apartment design with matching curtains and wallpaper

The interior of the apartment with a combination of curtains and wallpaper in design

An unusual combination of curtains and wallpaper in the interior

Selection according to the purpose of the premises

Saturated intense colors are undesirable to use in the decoration of a bedroom or a rest room. Dynamics is appropriate for a living room, a children's room or an office. Yellows, browns, oranges and contrasting tones look good in the open spaces of the kitchen and dining area. Dark and light beige is used in the bedroom and hallway. Green shade inspires and calms the nervous system.

Give priority to the combination of pistachio, light green, light green and marsh color to get original interior. By analogy, a palette is selected for other zones. Not knowing what to choose, give preference to two or three shades of the same color. They will look expensive and correct.

Room design with color combination of curtains and wallpaper

The combination of curtains and wallpaper in the interior

Little tricks for color matching

To understand which curtains are suitable for a particular room, you need to take into account personal preferences and start from the initial data - furniture, floor, room location. Use the palette to select combinations. From it, determine which colors prevail in space, and choose a contrasting shade or tone from a uniform range. Do not be afraid to experiment and do not strive for "beige". Don't underestimate the value of accessories. They bring zest and create parallels between incongruous things.

Adjusting the dimensions of the room

You can choose curtains in accordance with the proportions of the room. A hidden cornice with flowing tulle to the floor will visually stretch the room and raise the ceiling. By installing a cornice along the entire length of the wall, and not just on the window opening, you will expand the space. Pastel shades will add light to the house, and dark ones will “mute” the flow of sunlight, adding coziness. You can expand the area with large drawings on the wallpaper. Following the principles of minimalism, you will save the room from unnecessary items and make it spacious.

Video: Interior design trends 2017. New collections of curtains and wallpapers, style ideas and compositions

Make no mistake, pink wallpaper is only for girls' rooms. younger ages. Pink is one of the most delicate and warm colors used to create romantic and harmonious interiors. Due to the numerous shades of colors and the right combination with other colors, the pink wallpaper color can be used in various rooms.

There is no clear opinion about the use of pink wallpaper in interior design, some people like this color for lightness and airiness or for other reasons, and there are those who find pink shades too cloying and “girly”.

Men and women also perceive pink wallpaper for wall decoration in completely different ways.

Most men reject pink when decorating walls, perceiving it as doll-like and too sugary. For this reason, do not consider pink wallpaper for the matrimonial bedrooms, but using more muted tones of this color for the walls of the kitchen or living room can be a great compromise.

Shades and their use:

  1. Pearl and some other pastel shades of pink as the main color for the walls will help create a gentle and cozy design, which will fill a person with a feeling of warmth and help to relax after a working day. Therefore, these colors will become ideal option for decorating not only women's bedrooms, but many men will also like it.
  2. Bright pink shades (but not caustic acid) will be appropriate for women who want to feel like little carefree girls again. Wallpaper of selected colors in the bedroom will give frivolity and carelessness, help you relax and get rid of worries for a while.
  3. For girls who are energetic by nature, coral pink or salmon pink shades of the color scheme are suitable. The design of the room with wallpaper of these colors is conducive to a good rest.
  4. Light shades (medium pink, cherry bud color) help to eliminate negativity both in relations with a partner and with the inner world, and also reduce the level of aggressiveness.

Wallpaper in cool shades of pink, such as purple, can also be used to decorate rooms. They will be very useful in rooms that are almost constantly filled with sunny color, helping to "cool" the created interior.

How pink wallpaper looks in the interior

When choosing a pink wallpaper color for a room, bedroom or any other room, it is important to imagine the end result.

Based on it, you can create various effects:

  • You can highlight the central wall, various niches, partitions and small shelves using a bright pink shade combined with a more muted color.
  • The use of transitions from one shade of pink to another as a zoning of the area of ​​​​the room.
  • When decorating walls pastel colors pink color can visually enlarge the room.
  • Wall mural depicting a floral or floral ornament in pink will look great at the head of the bed.

What wallpaper is suitable for pink in combination

Pink wallpaper goes well with almost all the main colors used in interior design.

But the most successful is to recognize the sharing of wallpapers of the following shades:

  1. white pink. Classical White color will dilute the brightness of pink, while maintaining a feeling of softness and airiness.
  2. Creamy pink. One of the most successful combinations to create feminine and delicate interiors.
  3. black pink. Rooms using these colors can boast of masculinity and brutality, so interiors made in these colors can also appeal to men.
  4. gray pink. The most advantageous pink color will look in this option, as the neutral grey colour will only emphasize its main advantages.

Monochrome interior

Monochrome doesn't always mean black and white. Today, interiors made with the dominance of one color and its various shades have become really popular. The combination of shadows and plutons, the dance of color shades - all this will help create a more harmonious and effective picture than using contrasting colors or acid shades.

To achieve the perfect color solution, it is important to remember a few design principles. monochrome interior. The first option is that the walls, as the largest elements of the room, should be decorated with wallpaper in light shades of pink (salmon, coral, apricot), and dark furniture (classic pink or flamingo).

Do not forget about accessories, made, for example, in rich red shades.

If the interior of the room is dominated by a light range of pink, then the background on the wallpaper should be selected in the darkest color scheme as opposed to furniture. important detail such a room will be a light carpet that will muffle the dark walls.

Another example of interior design in monochrome is the use of uniformly light shades of pink light, which differ only slightly in the level of darkness. The option can be considered the most successful for rooms that are small in size or with little natural light.

What to choose curtains for pink wallpaper

Curtains on the windows, together with wallpaper, determine color scheme interior, so it is so necessary to choose the right combination of these decor elements. One of the main design principles says that the color scheme of the curtains should be in harmony with either the wall decoration or the furniture.

Therefore, you can make several rules for choosing textiles for a room where pink wallpaper is pasted:

  1. To bright or light pink walls that are complemented dark furniture, curtains of gentle and light colors, for example: white, beige, peach, blue or cream.
  2. In the interior with wallpaper in dark shades and light furniture curtains of light shades, made in the same color scheme with furniture upholstery, will harmoniously fit.
  3. In completely bright rooms, with the help of curtains, you can make a color accent by purchasing curtains in bright or dark shades, or light ones with a bright pattern or ornament.

The delicate interior, created thanks to the wallpaper of various shades of pink, needs to be complemented light curtains textures such as tulle or organza.

Pink wallpaper in the interior (video)

Examples of pink wallpapers (photo)

The interior of the room depends on many components. All elements must be in harmony with each other and fit according to color combinations. Only in this case will an aesthetic composition be obtained. Wall decoration is decisive in the design of the room, since the walls occupy the largest visual area. Consider which curtains to choose for a room covered with green wallpaper, what color furniture would look best in such an ensemble.

So different green

Green color has a very rich palette. It can be dark green, almost marsh tone, saturated color herbs or light green spring, sunny color. Wallpaper can have a pale olive color scheme or a mint and turquoise hue. In each case, the companion colors will be completely different. What fabrics are better to use for curtains - the same shade or contrast, it is worth deciding depending on the lighting conditions. In the northern room, decorated with wallpaper in the noble color of mature grass, you can hang curtains of the same color and get a gloomy, even dull interior. The same ensemble in a bright sunny room will look elegant and sophisticated.

Bright and active spring green with the same curtains will become annoying over time. Diluted with white or lilac pattern, will give the interior a pleasant dynamism.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing textiles, you should get acquainted with the rules for combining colors.

Tone combination rules

At the first stage, you need to decide on the color of the wallpaper, for this you should purchase special circular spectrum of colors. We select our own from the spectral circle, you can do this by applying sectors of the spectrum to the wallpaper. Having chosen the exact shade, we look at the opposite color - this will be a contrasting tone that matches your wallpaper. Opposite the gamut of green shades, red, purple, brown are usually located. Feel free to purchase curtains of these colors to create an energetic interior.

If you like a more relaxed atmosphere, then it is better to opt for neighboring sectors of the color wheel. To the right and left of the green are blue, beige, sand tones.

For rooms designed in classical style, there is a monochrome finish. Curtains are matched to match or slightly different from the wall decoration - a few gradations lighter or darker.

Monochrome design may seem boring, then the window is decorated double curtains. Cloths of fabric are selected in two colors, nuanced and contrasting. For example, curtains and walls of one color are separated with a white, beige or gray additional canvas.

Modern stylistic solutions for interior design operate very boldly various combinations. If your fantasy goes beyond traditional preferences, then, taking a wallpaper sample, it is worth attaching it to the fabrics you like and imagine how it will look in the room. Perhaps it is this composition that will delight you at home, but in order to avoid disappointment, it is better to heed the advice of designers on how to create a harmonious interior.

How to choose harmonious solutions?

The king of all colors is white. White curtains - perfect solution for green wallpapers of all shades. The main rule here is to combine a snowy cold tone of textiles with a cold tone of wall decoration, and a warm, milky range with natural warm green wallpaper. In the first case, a bright contrast, clarity of forms, coolness and spaciousness of the room will be created. In the second option, you get an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, tranquility.

The combination with white is classic, used in all stylistic decisions always looks trendy and trendy.

Yellow curtains in a green room are a win-win. The mustard shade will add sophistication and modern mood to the room. Pale yellow textiles are beautifully combined with rich green, light green gamma looks better with bright canary yellow.

Recent design developments often use a gray-brown textile palette to decorate interiors in green tones. Here it is better to use fabric and wallpaper of the same color saturation. Light brown with light green and taupe with active green. Tulle better choose one of these colors, white can "jump" out of the inflorescence line.

Black draperies can have the same strong influence on perception, but if you skillfully separate active green and heavy black with snow-white double canvases, create separating barriers between these colors, then such a solution also takes place. The use of black and green colors in interior decoration helps to create spectacular and creative compositions.

The red color is so self-sufficient that it must be applied very delicately. Red curtains, sometimes only one canvas, is already a very strong accent. The rest of the interior should be monochrome green. A maximum of a couple of accessories of a different or better red color can be afforded.

Pink is the best companion to the entire green-olive wallpaper palette for creating a romantic mood. burnt out green color walls with pink floral curtains - a classic combination for interiors in the Provence style.

Bronze and gold textiles in the decor will add luxury to the Empire style setting.

Metallic silvery fabrics are good for front rooms with gray-green walls.

An important role is played by the presence of a pattern on the walls or textiles. If the surface of the walls is decorated with an ornament, then curtains should be plain or with exactly the same print, only the size of the pattern can vary. It is unacceptable to combine curtains with daisies with roses on the walls.

Curtains and wallpaper are not the only elements for creating a harmonious interior, you need to choose the right furniture.

We take into account the color of the furniture

Furniture is a piece of decor that rarely needs to be replaced, it is used long years. Curtains are changed much more often. This is due to both the price and the simplicity of changing the boring image. Therefore, when choosing curtains, you need to consider the color and texture of the furniture. heavy classic furniture does not tolerate frivolous floral canvases of ultraviolet shades. Conversely, modern utilitarian furniture of a simple form will look strange against the backdrop of scallops and frills. Satin and silk are suitable for interiors art deco style, metallized fabrics - satellites high tech.

The color of furniture plays an important role in shaping the visual perception of space. Color natural wood- the best companion for green wall decoration. Light colors of furniture look good with a similar palette of curtains, dark wood looks noble on a neutral background, contrasting bright purples, blues, lilac curtains will harmoniously shade the yellow furniture.

Room design options

The functional purpose of the rooms obliges to decorate the interior in a certain way. Winning combinations for the living room will look ridiculous in the bedroom or kitchen.

The hall and the living room are the main rooms of the house, their design allows for maximum solemnity. Contrasting textiles with floral or geometric patterns, metallic fabrics, gold and bronze threads. Refinement and magnificence adds white color. This may be an additional curtain made of expensive fabric, upholstery upholstered furniture or decor items. Turquoise and sapphire shades of window decor will emphasize the magnificence of dark furniture.

The office does not require frilly fabrics, but it obliges to maintain order and strict design. Laconic simple curtains, plain or geometric colors, are selected in a restrained range of beige-brown or blue palette. Monochrome trim in green tones will add an atmosphere of concentration.

White, beige, pink, cornflower blue, light yellow curtains will bring a little romance and relaxation to the bedroom. A very pleasant combination of calm light green wall decoration with brown wallpaper.

The nursery is the most energetic and lively place in the house. It can be issued bright combinations blue, pink, yellow curtains. The presence of a large or small pattern in textiles will not be superfluous. Wallpaper here is also better to choose more cheerful fresh tones.

The kitchen can also be decorated in avant-garde colors: black, brown, purple, yellow.

For a family with children, it is better to stay in warm shades of pink, beige, coffee, orange.