Simple thermal power plant with your own hands. Do-it-yourself heat generator together DIY vortex generator

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Heat plant Potapov

Potapov's heat generator is not known to the broad masses and is still poorly studied from a scientific point of view. For the first time to try to implement the idea that came to mind, Yuri Semenovich Potapov dared already towards the end of the eighties of the last century. The research was carried out in the city of Chisinau. The researcher was not mistaken, and the results of the attempts exceeded all his expectations.

The finished heat generator was patented and put into general use only at the beginning of February 2000.

All existing opinions regarding the heat generator created by Potapov differ quite strongly. Someone considers it to be practically a world invention, they attribute to it a very high efficiency during operation - up to 150%, and in some cases even up to 200% energy savings. It is believed that an inexhaustible source of energy has been practically created on Earth without harmful consequences for the environment... Others argue the opposite - they say, all this is quackery, and the heat generator, in fact, requires resources even more than when using its typical counterparts.

According to some sources, Potapov's developments are prohibited in Russia, Ukraine and on the territory of Moldova. According to other sources, after all, on currently in our country, thermogenerators of this type are produced by several dozen factories and they are sold all over the world, have long been in demand and have won prizes at various technical exhibitions.

Descriptive characteristics of the structure of the heat generator

You can imagine how Potapov's heat generator looks like by carefully studying the diagram of its structure. Moreover, it consists of fairly typical details, and what is at stake, it will not be difficult to understand.

So, the central and most fundamental part of the Potapov heat generator is its body. It occupies a central position in the entire structure and has a cylindrical shape, it is installed vertically. A cyclone is attached to the lower part of the body, its foundation, by its end to generate vortex flows in it and increase the speed of fluid movement. Since the installation in the basis of its action has large speed phenomena, then in its design it was necessary to provide elements that slow down the entire process for more convenient control.

For such purposes, a special braking device is connected to the body on the opposite side of the cyclone. It is also cylindrical in shape, in the center of it there is an axis. Several edges are attached to the axis along the radii, in number from two. After the braking device, a bottom is provided with a fluid outlet. Further along the way, the hole is converted into a branch pipe.

These are the main elements of the heat generator, all of them are located in a vertical plane and are tightly connected. Additionally, the liquid outlet is equipped with a bypass. They are tightly fastened and provide contact between the two ends of the chain of main elements: that is, the branch pipe of the upper part is connected to the cyclone in the lower part. An additional small braking device is provided at the point where the bypass pipe engages with the cyclone. An injection nozzle is connected to the end part of the cyclone at right angles to the axis of the main chain of device elements.

The injection nozzle is provided by the design of the device in order to connect the pump with the cyclone, supply and discharge pipelines for the liquid.

Potapov heat generator prototype

The inspiration of Yuri Semenovich Potapov to create a heat generator was the Rank vortex tube. The Rank pipe was invented for the purpose of separating hot and cold air masses. Later, they began to run water into the Rank pipe in order to obtain a similar result. The vortex flows originated in the so-called cochlea - the structural part of the device. In the process of using the Ranque tube, it was noticed that the water, after passing through the cochlear expansion of the device, changed its temperature in a positive direction.

Potapov drew attention to this unusual, not completely scientifically substantiated phenomenon, applying it to the invention of a heat generator with only one slight difference as a result. After the water passed through the vortex, its flows did not sharply divide into hot and cold, as happened with the air in the Ranque tube, but into warm and hot. As a result of some measuring research of the new development, Yuri Semenovich Potapov found out that the most energy-consuming part of the entire device - the electric pump - consumes much less energy than it is generated as a result of work. This is the principle of economy on which the heat generator is based.

Physical phenomena on the basis of which the heat generator acts

In general, there is nothing complicated or unusual in the way of operation of the Potapov heat generator.

The principle of operation of this invention is based on the cavitation process, hence it is also called a vortex heat generator. Cavitation is based on the formation of air bubbles in the water column, caused by the force of the vortex energy of the water flow. The formation of bubbles is always accompanied by a specific sound and the formation of a certain energy as a result of their impacts at high speed. Bubbles are cavities in water filled with vapors from the water in which they themselves formed. The liquid exerts constant pressure on the bubble, respectively, it tends to move from the high pressure area to the low pressure area in order to survive. As a result, it does not withstand the pressure and abruptly contracts or "bursts", while splashing out energy, forming a wave.

The released "explosive" energy a large number bubbles is so powerful that it can destroy impressive metal constructions... It is this energy that serves as an additional one during heating. A completely closed circuit is provided for the heat generator, in which very small bubbles are formed, bursting in the water column. They do not have such destructive power, but provide an increase in thermal energy up to 80%. In the circuit, an alternating current with a voltage of up to 220V is maintained, while the integrity of electrons important for the process is preserved.

As already mentioned, the formation of a "water vortex" is necessary for the operation of a thermal installation. The pump built into the heat installation is responsible for this, which generates the required pressure level and directs it with force into the working tank. During the occurrence of a vortex in the water, certain changes take place with mechanical energy in the thickness of the liquid. As a result, the same temperature regime begins to be established. Additional energy is created, according to Einstein, by the transition of a certain mass into the necessary heat, the whole process is accompanied by cold nuclear fusion.

The principle of operation of the Potapov heat generator

For a complete understanding of all the subtleties in the nature of the operation of such a device as a heat generator, all stages of the liquid heating process should be considered in stages.

In the heat generator system, the pump creates a pressure of 4 to 6 atm. Under the created pressure, water flows with pressure into the injection nozzle connected to the flange of the launched centrifugal pump. A stream of liquid rushes rapidly into the cavity of the snail, similar to the snail in the Ranque tube. The liquid, as in the experiment carried out with air, begins to rotate rapidly along the curved channel to achieve the effect of cavitation.

The next element that contains the heat generator and where the liquid enters is a vortex tube, at this moment the water has already reached the character of the same name and is moving rapidly. In accordance with the developments of Potapov, the length of the vortex tube is several times greater than the dimensions of its width. The opposite edge of the vortex tube is already hot, and the liquid is directed there.

To reach the required point, it travels along a helical spiral. The helical spiral is located near the walls of the vortex tube. In a moment, the liquid reaches its destination - the vortex tube hotspot. This action completes the movement of the liquid along the main body of the device. Next, the main braking device is structurally provided. This device is designed to partially remove the hot liquid from the state it has acquired, that is, the flow is somewhat evened out thanks to the radial plates fixed on the sleeve. The bushing has an internal empty cavity, which is connected to a small braking device following the cyclone in the structure of the heat generator.

Along the walls of the brake device, the hot fluid moves closer and closer to the outlet of the device. Meanwhile, a vortex flow of the withdrawn cold liquid flows through the inner cavity of the main braking device bushing against the flow of hot fluid.

The contact time of the two flows through the bushing walls is sufficient to heat the cold liquid. And now the already warm stream is directed to the outlet through a small braking device. Additional heating of the warm flow is carried out during its passage through the braking device under the influence of the phenomenon of cavitation. The well-heated fluid is ready to leave the small braking device through the bypass and pass through the main outlet pipe connecting the two ends of the main circuit of the elements of the thermal device.

Hot coolant is also directed to the outlet, but in the opposite direction. Recall that a bottom is attached to the upper part of the braking device; an opening with a diameter equal to the diameter of the vortex tube is provided in the central part of the bottom.

The vortex tube, in turn, is connected by a hole in the bottom. Consequently, the hot liquid ends its movement along the vortex tube by passing to the bottom hole. After that, the hot liquid enters the main outlet, where it mixes with the warm stream. This completes the movement of liquids through the Potapov heat generator system. At the outlet of the heater, water comes from the upper part of the branch pipe - hot, and from its lower part - warm, in which it is mixed, ready for use. Hot water can be used either in the mains for household needs, or as a coolant in the heating system. All stages of the heat generator's operation take place in the presence of ether.

Features of the use of the Potapov heat generator for space heating

As you know, the heated water in the Potapov thermogenerator can be used for various household purposes. The use of a heat generator as a structural unit of a heating system can be quite profitable and convenient. If we proceed from the indicated economic parameters of the installation, then no other device can compare in terms of economy.

So, when using the Potapov heat generator to heat the coolant and start it into the system, the following procedure is provided: the already spent liquid with a lower temperature from the primary circuit again enters the centrifugal pump. In turn, the centrifugal pump sends warm water through the branch pipe directly into the heating system.

Advantages of heat generators when used for heating

The most obvious advantage of heat generators is their relatively simple maintenance, despite the possibility of free installation without requiring special permission from the employees of the power grid. It is enough to check the rubbing parts of the device once every six months - bearings and oil seals. At the same time, according to suppliers, the average guaranteed service life is up to 15 years or more.

The Potapov heat generator is completely safe and harmless to the environment and people using it. Environmental friendliness is justified by the fact that during the operation of the cavitation heat generator, emissions into the atmosphere of the most harmful products from processing are excluded natural gas, solid fuel materials and diesel fuel. They are simply not used.

The work is replenished from the mains. The possibility of ignition is excluded due to the lack of contact with an open flame. Additional safety is provided by the instrument panel of the device, with it, total control over all processes of temperature and pressure changes in the system is carried out.

Economic efficiency when heating a room with heat generators is expressed in several advantages. First, there is no need to worry about the quality of water when it plays the role of a heat carrier. There is no need to think that it will harm the entire system only because of its poor quality. Secondly, there is no need to make financial investments in the arrangement, laying and maintenance of heating lines. Thirdly, heating water using physical laws and the use of cavitation and vortex flows completely excludes the appearance of calcium stones on the inner walls of the installation. Fourthly, spending money on transportation, storage and purchase of previously necessary fuel materials (natural coal, solid fuel materials, oil products) is excluded.

The indisputable advantage of heat generators for home use lies in their exceptional versatility. The range of use of heat generators in household use is very wide:

  • as a result of passing through the system, water is transformed, structured, and pathogenic microbes die in such conditions;
  • water from a heat generator can be used to water plants, which will contribute to their rapid growth;
  • the heat generator is capable of heating water to a temperature exceeding the boiling point;
  • the heat generator can work in conjunction with existing systems or be built into a new heating system;
  • the heat generator has long been used by people aware of it as the main element of the heating system in houses;
  • heat generator easily and without special costs prepares hot water for use in household needs;
  • the heat generator can heat liquids used for various purposes.

A completely unexpected advantage is that the heat generator can even be used for oil refining. Due to the uniqueness of the development, the vortex unit is capable of liquefying heavy oil samples, conducting preparatory activities before being transported to refineries. All of these processes are carried out at minimal cost.

It should be noted that the heat generators are capable of completely autonomous operation. That is, the intensity mode of its work can be set independently. In addition, all designs of the Potapov heat generator are very simple to install. It is not required to involve employees of service organizations; all installation operations can be done independently.

Independent installation of the Potapov heat generator

To install the Potapov vortex heat generator with your own hands as the main element of the heating system, quite a few tools and materials are required. This is provided that the wiring of the heating system itself is already ready, that is, the registers are suspended under the windows and interconnected by pipes. It remains only to connect the device supplying hot coolant. You need to prepare:

  • clamps - for a tight connection of the pipes of the system and the pipes of the heat generator, the types of connections will depend on the pipe materials used;
  • tools for cold or hot welding - when using pipes on both sides;
  • sealant for sealing joints;
  • pliers for tightening clamps.

When installing the heat generator, diagonal pipe routing is provided, that is, in the direction of travel, the hot coolant will be supplied to the upper branch pipe of the battery, pass through it, and the cooling coolant will exit from the opposite lower branch pipe.

Immediately before installing the heat generator, it is necessary to make sure that all its elements are intact and in good working order. Then, in the chosen way, you need to connect the water supply pipe to the supply to the system. Do the same with the outlet pipes - connect the corresponding ones. Then you should take care of connecting the necessary control devices to the heating system:

  • a safety valve to maintain the system pressure in the normal range;
  • circulation pump for forcing the movement of fluid through the system.

After that, the heat generator is connected to a 220V power supply, and the system is filled with water when the air valves are open.

The main task of the Potapov vortex heat generator (VTP) is to obtain thermal energy using an electric motor and a pump. Due to the high savings, the device has received a great demand in the market.

Principle of operation

Water or another coolant is supplied to the cavitator, the cavitator is unrolled with the help of an electric motor, which causes the bubbles to collapse inside, this process is called cavitation, and all the liquid that gets into it heats up.

The energy required to operate the generator is used to perform three functions:

  • For converting sound vibrations;
  • To overcome frictional forces in the device;
  • For heating the liquid.

Vortex heat generator connection diagram

1 – pumping unit; 2 - jet apparatus; 3 - heat exchanger;
4 - circulation pump; 5 - heating system; 6 - expansion tank.

According to the creators of the unit and even Potapov himself, the operation of the device is based on renewable energy, although it is not entirely clear where it comes from. In any case, in view of the fact that there is no additional radiation, theoretically, we can talk about almost one hundred percent efficiency, since the overwhelming part of the energy is spent on heating the coolant.

For example:

The state has a number of enterprises that, for a number of reasons, do not use gas heating... What to do? Alternatively, you can use electric heating however, due to high tariffs, this type of heating will not always be acceptable.

Potapov's device, in this situation, will be the most effective. The fact is that its operation will not in any way increase your electricity costs, and the efficiency will also not be higher than 100%, as for the financial efficiency, it will increase by 200% - 300%. This clearly demonstrates the efficiency of the vortex generator on the order of 1.2-1.5.

Tools and materials

  • Angle grinder or impeller;
  • Metal corner;
  • Welding machine;
  • Bolts, nuts;
  • Electric drill;
  • Drill bits;
  • Key for 12 and 13;
  • Primer, brush and paint.


It's important to know!!! Since the pump power parameters are not provided as such, the parameters that will be discussed below will be approximate.

To make a vortex heat generator, you will need an engine yourself, the power of which will be the more, the better, in view of the fact that it can heat large quantity coolant. Of course, you should focus on the tension in your home or room. After you have decided on the engine, you need to make a bed for the engine. The bed will look like a regular steel frame, on which regular iron corners will be used.

With regard to the size of the bed, it all depends on the size of the engine. With the help of a turbine, you need to cut the squares of the required length and weld a square structure from them, the dimensions of which should allow you to accommodate all the elements. Next, you need to cut out an additional corner and attach it to the frame across, since an electric motor will need to be attached to it. Next, you should paint the bed and drill holes for fasteners, and then fix the electric motor.

Installing the pump

When choosing a water pump, you should pay attention to this:

  • Whether it is a centrifugal pump type;
  • Will the engine be able to spin this pump.

As for the pump model and manufacturer, there are no restrictions. After that, the pump must be fixed in the same frame, if necessary, additional fasteners can be used.

Body design

The device has a cylinder-shaped body, which is closed on both sides. The device is connected to the heating system via through holes On the sides. But, main feature the device is a jet, which is located inside the structure directly near the inlet. The diameter of the orifice of the jet, again, is selected individually.

Important!!! That the diameter of the orifice of the nozzle is half the size of 1/4 of the total diameter of the cylinder. In the case of a very small size, water in the required amount simply will not be able to pass through it, and the pump will heat up. Also, cavitation will have a destructive effect on the internal parts.

Materials and tools to manufacture the hull

  • Iron pipe with a diameter of 10 cm and thick walls;
  • Couplings;
  • Welding machine;
  • Electrodes;
  • Turbine;
  • A pair of threaded nozzles;
  • Electric drill with drills;
  • Adjustable wrench.

Manufacturing process

First of all, you should cut off a piece of pipe, the length of which will be about 50-60 cm and on its surface you will need to make an external groove of 2-2.5 cm, as well as cut a thread. Next, you will need to take two more pieces of this very pipe, 5 cm each, and make a pair of rings out of them. After that, you will need to take a sheet of metal the same thickness as the pipes and cut out a kind of cover from it. Further, these covers will need to be welded in those places where there is no thread. In the center of the covers, you will need to make two holes, the first should be made around the circumference of the nozzle, the second is made around the circumference of the nozzle.

With inside the cover next to the nozzle must be chamfered to make the nozzle. Then you can connect the generator to the heating system. The branch pipe near the nozzle must be connected to the pump, though only to the hole from where the water comes under pressure. The second branch pipe must be connected to the inlet to the heating system. We connect the output to the pump input. As a result of the pressure generated by the pump, the water will pass through the nozzle of the structure. Water heated by stirring in a special chamber will be supplied to the heating circuit. To adjust the temperature, the device is equipped with a special locking mechanism, which is located next to the branch pipe. If the constipation is slightly closed, the water will pass at a slower speed through the chamber, as a result of which its temperature will increase.

How to increase device performance

As a result of the loss of heat energy by the pump, the efficiency of the device falls, this is the main disadvantage. To combat this phenomenon, it is recommended to immerse the pump in a special water jacket, so that the heat from it will be beneficial. This jacket should be slightly larger in diameter than that of the pump. For these purposes, a piece of pipe can be used, or maybe a parallelepiped made of sheet steel. In terms of dimensions, it must be such that all the elements of the generator can fit into it, and the thickness must withstand the operating pressure of the system.

Reducing heat losses can also be achieved by installing a special tin cover around the device. As an insulator, a variety of materials can be used that can withstand high temperatures. To assemble a structure consisting of a heat generator, a pump and a connecting pipe, it is necessary to measure their diameters, select a pipe of the required diameter so that all the elements can fit in it.

After that, you need to make covers, which are fixed on both sides. All parts inside the pipe must be securely fastened for the pump to pump the coolant through itself. Next, you need to drill the outlet and securely fix the branch pipe on it. The pump must be secured as close to this hole as possible. A flange should be welded to the second end of the pipe, with which the cover is fixed to the gasket seal. Also, a frame can be equipped inside the body, on which it will be possible to attach all the elements. Next, you should assemble the device, check the strength of its fasteners, tightness, insert it into the case and close it. If there is no leakage, adjust the temperature when opening / closing the inlet valve. Insulate ECP.

You may be interested in information on building a solar collector yourself. We make a casing from a sheet of aluminum or stainless steel, after we cut out two rectangles, we bend them along the pipe until the cylinders are formed. The halves are connected to each other with a special lock, which is used to connect water pipes... You need to make a couple of holes for the casing and leave holes for connection. Wrap the device with thermal insulation, and place the generator in the casing, while closing the covers tightly.

Another way to increase the efficiency of ECP is to create a vortex damper

For these purposes, you will need to use: welding, a turbine, a sheet of steel, a pipe with thick walls. The dimensions of the pipe must be smaller than the dimensions of the heat generator. From it you need to make two rings, each 5 cm, cut several strips from the sheet.

Insert the plate into a vise and hang metal rings at one end of it, which are welded to the plate. Next, remove the plate and turn it the other side, take the second plate and place it in the rings so that the plates are parallel. We do the same procedure with all the plates. After that, the vortex generator should be assembled, and the structure should be placed opposite the nozzle.

Vortex heat generator in operation (video)

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V modern conditions the purchase of their own device for the production and supply of heat costs buyers enough large sum... To save money or in the absence of an opportunity to purchase a heat source in a store, there are reasonable grounds to design a heat generator with your own hands. There are several types of such projects. The choice depends on technical capabilities owner or tasks that need to be solved with the help of a heat generating system.

The advantages of homemade heat production

In general, there are two types of devices: static and rotary. If in the first version, the design is based on a nozzle, then other machines create cavitation using a rotor. These vortex designs can be compared with each other and the appropriate option for assembly can be selected.

A do-it-yourself heat generator will help to provide comfortable temperature regime Vacation home, cottage, separate cottage, apartment - in the absence district heating, its defects, interruptions or accidents.

Also, such devices help to compensate for heat costs, to choose the best option for energy supply. They are simple in terms of construction and are economical and environmentally friendly.

How to make a heat generator with your own hands?

The assembly will require the following materials and tools:

A sufficient number of pipes corresponding to the room in length and width;
- perforator (drill) for drilling pipes;
- pump;
- any kind of cavitator;
- pressure gauge;
- thermometer for measuring the level of heat and a sleeve for it;
- taps for heating systems;
- an electric motor.

For systems different types additional accessories may be required. But generally homemade heating devices are quite accessible for design and customization for everyone.

Cavitation design

A do-it-yourself cavitation heat generator can be made on the basis of which is often found in a bathroom, a well, a cottage's water supply system. The low efficiency of such a pump can be converted into energy from a cavitation heater. There will be a transition of mechanical energy into heat. This principle is often used in industry.

A do-it-yourself cavitation heat generator is made on the basis of a pump that builds up pressure above the nozzle. The disadvantage of a cavitation device is a high noise level, high power, inappropriate in small rooms, rare materials, dimensions - even a miniature model will take 1.5 square meters.

Heating with wood

A do-it-yourself wood-fired heat generator will provide stable heating of the premises in the absence of centralized heating and the availability of a sufficient amount of wood fuel. No matter how technology evolves and construction methods, wood stove, fireplace will save in case of interruptions in heat supply.

For heating with wood or a traditional stove.

But such systems require careful adherence to safety standards. It is important to decide on the place of installation of the stove - massive units cannot always be placed in country houses.

Making a wood-fired heat generator with your own hands is good decision if necessary, autonomous heating of rooms. Sometimes it's really the only one possible variant heating.

Potapov's device

Do-it-yourself Potapov heat generator can be made using the following materials:

Angle grinder;
- welding device;
- drill and drills;
- at 12 and 13;
- various bolts, nuts, washers;
- metal corners;
- paints and primers.

The Potapov heat generator, made by hand, allows you to generate heat based on electric motor using a pump. This is very economical option, which is quite simple to make from ordinary parts.
The engine is chosen depending on the existing voltage - 220 or 380 V.

The assembly begins with it, fixing it on the bed. Performed metal carcass from a square, welding and bolts, nuts help to secure the whole structure. Holes are made for the bolts, the engine is placed inside, the frame is covered with paint. Then a centrifugal pump is selected, which will be spun by the engine. The pump is installed on a frame, but in this case, a coupling with lathe which can be ordered from the factory. It is important to insulate the generator with a special casing made of sheet metal or aluminum.

Frenette's generator

The Frenette heat generator is made by many lovers of technical experiments with their own hands - this unit is known for its incredibly high efficiency and a wide variety of models. However, many of these heat pumps are quite expensive.

Do-it-yourself Frenette heat generator can be made from the following components:
- rotor;
- stator;
- blade fan;
- shaft, etc.
The stator and rotor act as cylinders, one inside the other. Oil is poured into the large one, the small cylinder, due to its revolutions, heats the entire system. The fan supplies hot air. This is enough simple model heat pump that lends itself to improvement. In the future, you can replace the inner cylinder with steel discs or remove the fan.
A high level of efficiency is ensured by the circulation of the heat carrier (oil) in closed system... There is no heat exchanger, but the heating power is quite high. This system saves costs that would normally need to be allocated to other types of heating.

Magnetic generator

Magnetic heating systems are of a vortex type and operate on the basis of an electromagnetic field, whose energy is absorbed by heated objects and converted into heat. At the heart of such a unit is an induction coil - a multi-turn cylindrical, when passing through which electricity creates a magnetic field of an alternating state.

A do-it-yourself magnetic heat generator is made of elements: a nozzle and an outlet pressure gauge, a thermometer with sleeves, taps and induction elements. If you place the heated object near such an assembly, the generated flux of magnetic induction will penetrate the heated object. The lines of the electric field are located perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic particles and go in a closed circle.

In the process of divergence of vortex flows of electricity, energy is transformed into heat - the object is heated.

A self-made magnetic heat generator (with an inverter) allows you to use the force of magnetic fields to start the pump, quickly warm up the room and any substances to high temperatures. Such heaters can not only heat water to the desired temperature, but also melt metals.

Diesel generator

Assembled with your own hands, it will help to effectively solve the problem of heating in an indirect way. The entire heating process in such units is fully automated, diesel appliance can be used in and industrial needs.
The main type of fuel in this case is diesel or kerosene. The device is a cannon, which is formed from a housing (casing), a fuel tank and an attached pump, as well as a cleaning filter and a combustion chamber. The fuel tank is placed at the bottom of the unit for the convenience of supplying the resource.

A do-it-yourself diesel heat generator will help you efficiently and quickly heat the room in a fairly economical way.

Also, the units have a nozzle that sprays fuel as it burns out, but in some versions, the supply can be done by the drip method. When calculating for continuous operation, it is necessary to refuel the generator twice a day.

Design test

A self-made heat generator will work as efficiently as possible if preliminary tests of the entire system are carried out and possible defects are corrected:
- all surfaces must be protected with paint;
- the body must be made of thick material due to very aggressive cavitation processes;
- the inlets must be different sizes- so it will be possible to regulate the performance;
- the vibration damper must be changed regularly.
It is better to have a dedicated laboratory area where the generator tests will take place.

The best option is that in which the water heats up more strongly in the same periods of time, this device can be preferred and further improved.

Many useful inventions remained unclaimed. This is due to human laziness or fear of the incomprehensible. A vortex heat generator was one of such discoveries for a long time. Now, against the background of a total saving of resources, the desire to use environmentally friendly energy sources, heat generators have begun to be used in practice for heating a home or office. What is it? A device that was previously developed only in laboratories, or a new word in thermal power engineering.

Heating system with vortex heat generator

Operating principle

The basis of the work of heat generators is the conversion of mechanical energy into kinetic, and then into heat.

Back in the early twentieth century, Joseph Rank discovered the separation of a vortex air stream into cold and hot fractions. In the middle of the last century, the German inventor Hilsham modernized the vortex tube device. After a short time, the Russian scientist A. Merkulov launched water into the Ranke pipe instead of air. At the outlet, the water temperature increased significantly. It is this principle that underlies the operation of all heat generators.

Passing through a vortex of water, water forms many air bubbles. The bubbles collapse under the influence of fluid pressure. As a result, some part of the energy is released. The water is heating up. This process is called cavitation. The operation of all vortex heat generators is calculated on the basis of the cavitation principle. This type of generator is called "cavitation".

Types of heat generators

All heat generators are divided into two main types:

  1. Rotary. Heat generator, in which the vortex flow is created by means of a rotor.
  2. Static. In these types, a water vortex is created using special cavitation tubes. The water pressure is produced by a centrifugal pump.

Each species has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be discussed in more detail.

Rotary heat generator

The stator in this device is a centrifugal pump housing.

Rotors can be different. There are many schemes and instructions for their implementation on the Internet. Heat generators are more of a scientific experiment that is constantly under development.

Rotary generator design

The body is a hollow cylinder. The distance between the body and the rotating part is calculated individually (1.5-2 mm).

Heating of the medium occurs due to its friction with the housing and rotor. Bubbles, which are formed due to cavitation of water in the rotor cells, help this. The performance of such devices is 30% higher than static ones. The installations are quite noisy. They have increased wear of parts due to the constant exposure to an aggressive environment. Constant monitoring is required: over the condition of oil seals, seals, etc. This greatly complicates and increases the cost of maintenance. With their help, they rarely install heating at home, they found a slightly different application - heating large industrial premises.

Industrial cavitator model

Static heat generator

The main advantage of these installations is that nothing rotates in them. Electricity is spent only on the operation of the pump. Cavitation occurs through natural physical processes in the water.

The efficiency of such installations sometimes exceeds 100%. The medium for generators can be liquid, compressed gas, antifreeze, antifreeze.

The difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures can be up to 100 ° C. When operating on compressed gas, it is blown tangentially into the vortex chamber. In it, it accelerates. When creating a vortex, hot air passes through the conical funnel, and cold air returns. The temperature can reach 200⁰С.


  1. Can provide large temperature difference between hot and cold ends, work at low pressure.
  2. The efficiency is not less than 90%.
  3. Never overheats.
  4. Fire - and explosion-proof. Can be used in an explosive environment.
  5. Provides fast and efficient heating of the entire system.
  6. It can be used for both heating and cooling.

Currently, it is not used often enough. They use a cavitation heat generator to reduce the cost of heating a house or industrial premises, if available compressed air... The disadvantage is the rather high cost of the equipment.

Potapov heat generator

The most popular and more studied is the invention of the Potapov heat generator. It is considered a static device.

The force of pressure in the system is generated by a centrifugal pump. A jet of water is supplied with a high pressure into the snail. The liquid begins to warm up due to the rotation along the curved channel. It falls into the vortex tube. The length of the pipe must be ten times greater than the width.

Generator device diagram

  1. Pipe branch
  2. Snail.
  3. Vortex tube.
  4. Top brake.
  5. Water straightener.
  6. Coupling.
  7. Lower brake ring.
  8. Bypass.
  9. Branch line.

The water flows along a helical spiral located along the walls. Next, a braking device is installed to remove part of the hot water. The jet is slightly leveled by the plates attached to the sleeve. Inside there is an empty space connected to another braking device.

Water with high temperature rises, and a cold vortex flow of liquid descends along the inner space. The cold stream comes into contact with the hot one through the plates on the bushing and heats up.

The warm water flows down to the lower brake ring and is further heated by cavitation. The heated flow from the lower braking device passes through the bypass to the outlet pipe.

The upper brake ring has a passage, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the vortex tube. Thanks to him, hot water can enter the pipe. Mixing of hot and warm flow takes place. Then the water is used for its intended purpose. Usually for space heating or domestic needs. The return is connected to the pump. Branch pipe - to the entrance to the heating system of the house.

To install the Potapov heat generator, a diagonal wiring is required. The hot coolant must be supplied to the upper run of the battery, and the cold one will come out of the lower one.

Potapov generator on its own

There are many industrial generator models. For experienced master it will not be difficult to make a vortex heat generator with your own hands:

  1. The entire system must be securely fastened. Using the corners, a frame is made. You can use welding or bolted connection... The main thing is that the structure is strong.
  2. An electric motor is reinforced on the bed. It is selected according to the area of ​​the room, external conditions and the available voltage.
  3. A water pump is attached to the frame. When choosing it, take into account:
  • a centrifugal pump is required;
  • the engine has enough strength to spin it up;
  • the pump must be able to withstand liquid of any temperature.
  1. The pump is connected to the motor.
  2. A cylinder with a length of 500-600 mm is made from a thick pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.
  3. Two covers must be made from thick flat metal:
  • one must have a hole for the branch pipe;
  • the second under the jet. A chamfer is made at the edge. It turns out the nozzle.
  1. It is better to fasten the covers to the cylinder with a threaded connection.
  2. The jet is inside. Its diameter should be half the ¼ of the cylinder diameter.

A very small hole will cause the pump to overheat and quickly wear parts.

  1. The branch pipe on the nozzle side is connected to the pump flow. The second is connected to the top point of the heating system. The cooled water from the system is connected to the pump inlet.
  2. Water under pump pressure is supplied to the nozzle. In the heat generator chamber, its temperature increases due to vortex flows. Then it is fed into heating.

Cavitation generator circuit

  1. Jet.
  2. Electric motor shaft.
  3. Vortex tube.
  4. Incoming nozzle.
  5. Discharge branch pipe.
  6. Vortex damper.

To control the temperature, a valve is placed behind the branch pipe. The less it is open, the more longer water in the cavitator, and the higher its temperature.

When water passes through the jet, a strong pressure is obtained. He hits the opposite wall and, due to this, twists. By placing an additional obstacle in the middle of the stream, you can achieve greater efficiency.

Vortex damper

The work of the vortex damper is based on this:

  1. Two rings are made, the width is 4-5 cm, the diameter is slightly smaller than the cylinder.
  2. 6 plates ¼ of the generator body are cut out of thick metal. The width depends on the diameter and is selected individually.
  3. The plates are fixed inside the rings opposite each other.
  4. The damper is inserted opposite the nozzle.

Generator development continues. You can experiment with the damper to increase performance.

As a result of the work, heat loss to the atmosphere occurs. To eliminate them, you can make thermal insulation. First, it is made of metal, and on top is sheathed with any insulating material. The main thing is that it can withstand the boiling point.

To facilitate the commissioning and maintenance of the Potapov generator, it is necessary:

  • paint all metal surfaces;
  • make all parts from thick metal, so the heat generator will last longer;
  • during assembly, it makes sense to make several caps with different hole diameters. The best option for this system is selected empirically;
  • before connecting consumers, having looped the generator, it is necessary to check its tightness and operability.

Hydrodynamic circuit

For correct installation a vortex heat generator requires a hydrodynamic circuit.

Loop connection diagram

To make it you need:

  • outlet pressure gauge for measuring the pressure at the outlet of the cavitator;
  • thermometers for measuring the temperature before and after the heat generator;
  • relief valve for removing air plugs;
  • taps at the entrance and exit;
  • an inlet pressure gauge to control the pump pressure.

The hydrodynamic circuit will simplify the maintenance and control of the system.

In the presence of single-phase network, you can use a frequency converter. This will increase the speed of rotation of the pump, select the correct one.

A vortex heat generator is used to heat a house and supply hot water. Has a number of advantages over other heaters:

  • installation of a heat generator does not require permits;
  • the cavitator operates in an autonomous mode and does not require constant monitoring;
  • is an environmentally friendly source of energy, does not have harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • complete fire and explosion safety;
  • less electricity consumption. Undeniable efficiency, efficiency is close to 100%;
  • water in the system does not form scale, no additional water treatment is required;
  • can be used for both heating and hot water supply;
  • takes up little space and can be easily mounted on any network.

With all this in mind, the cavitation generator is becoming more popular in the market. Such equipment is successfully used for heating residential and office premises.

Video. Do-it-yourself vortex heat generator.

The production of such generators is being established. Modern industry offers rotary and static generators. They are equipped with control devices and protection sensors. You can choose a generator to mount heating for rooms of any size.

Scientific laboratories and craftsmen continue experiments to improve heat generators. Perhaps soon the vortex heat generator will take its rightful place among heating devices.

How to charge with a candle cellular telephone? It is very simple - for this you can assemble the simplest thermal power plant from just a few very affordable elements.
This thing is pretty cool, you can take it with you on a hike or fishing and be able to charge it in any situation. mobile device, whether it's a phone or a tablet.
Unlike Power Bank, this generator has no limitation and can work all the time. As a source of heat, you can use not only a candle, but also wood chips or paper.

Thermal power plant details

  • Tin.

Making a heat generator with your own hands

The first thing to do is find tin can... Cut off the bottom of it and drill multiple shallow holes... Do not make large holes, otherwise in windy weather the fire will go out from strong wind.

Then, with metal scissors, cut out a window for a candle at the bottom of the can.

Be sure to clean the sharp edges with a file or file after cutting.

This is the very heart of the heat generator - the Peltier element. It will generate current when the temperature difference between its surfaces. That is, we will heat one side with a candle, and the other will be cooled with a radiator from the computer.

To ensure reliable heat transfer to the Peltier element, apply a heat-conducting ointment to its sides.

We smear one side with a thin layer.

We apply to the bank.

We smear the second side

To prevent the wires from melting on a hot can during operation, it is necessary to put on fiberglass tube segments - cambric.

And already on top we install a radiator from the computer processor. There will be no cooler from the top, everything will cool naturally. Moreover, in nature, a small breeze will do its job.

The Peltier element does not generate a large voltage, about a volt, but its current strength is of sufficient importance for our purposes. Therefore, in order to exchange the values ​​for the values ​​we need, we will use a boost converter, which will increase and stabilize the output voltage up to 5 V.

We solder the output of the element to the input of the converter.

The output of the converter is already USB socket to connect, so nothing else needs to be soldered.
We light a candle.

We insert into our reactor)).

We are trying to charge the mobile phone. After a few seconds, the voltage reached a level.

And the phone started charging.

The thermal power plant is doing an excellent job of generating electricity.

If desired, you can add a fan by connecting it to the output of the converter. Five volts is enough to spin a twelve-volt cooler.
For reliability, a jar with a radiator can be fastened together with a thin wire or thin long bolts, having previously drilled holes in both.


Here we often turn off the light at home. And when that happens, I take out the heat generator. He gives electricity and light from a candle, killing two birds with one stone. Well, if the light is not enough, you can connect a mini LED lamp to the USB. The good news is that this device is always ready for work, and therefore, there can be no unexpected troubles.