Self-made circular sawmill with your own hands: with an electric and non-nitrous engine. We make a sawmill with our own hands

Since ancient times, wood has been the most demanded building material. And if earlier rather primitive tools were used to process it, today the latest modern technology is used. So, for example, in order to saw wood and process it to the right sizes, builders resort to using a sawmill. Unfortunately, such a tool is not cheap and therefore not available to everyone. Home craftsmen found a way out of this situation by making a sawmill from a chainsaw with their own hands. Tips for its design, drawings and video instructions can be found on numerous Internet sites, as well as in our article.

Types and features of the sawmill from the chainsaw

Construction markets offer big choice sawmills, which are based on a chainsaw. Fixed in a trolley with rollers, the unit can be manually moved along a pre-laid track. A powerful chain saw or band saw can be used to harvest wood.

For living conditions, large sawmills are most often not required, therefore optimal solution will be the manufacture of a functional homemade mini-machine. Such a unit will be small in size, and therefore it will be easy to move it if necessary.

Often the main element of such a device is a chainsaw, which can be purchased in a specialized store or used a unit of the Ural brand.

Sawmill from a chainsaw with your own hands: video instructions and drawings

Having the drawings available and having studied the video instructions, it is quite simple to independently make a structure for processing logs, boards and slats. Before starting work, you must choose a suitable place. You can install a sawmill from a chainsaw in an old barn, garage, hangar, or even just under a shed. If the room for the unit will be closed, then you should take care of the hood.

Sawmill from a chainsaw - option number 1

For the manufacture of a structure, in addition to a chainsaw, you will need:

  • two channels 8 meters long and 140-180 mm high;
  • two rails;
  • corners 50x100 mm and 40x40 mm;
  • segments water pipe 25 cm as screeds;
  • a steel plate 4-6 cm thick and 60 cm long;
  • movable hoses;
  • pipes with a diameter of 35-40 mm.

DIY sawmill you should start with assembling the base from rails and corners turned upside down 50x100 mm. They should be installed strictly parallel to the floor, so you need to use the building level.

  1. Along the length of the base, according to the drawing, holes are drilled with a step of 1-1.5 meters and a diameter of 14-16 mm.
  2. Then, according to the number of holes, ties are taken, which are connected with bolts.
  3. Racks are made of metal squares and the base is placed on them. The distance between the extreme posts and the base should be about 100 cm.
  4. To make the structure more rigid, the braces between the uprights can be welded.

After the base is completed and installed, you need to make a movable cart with your own hands. For this a corner is welded on the bottom of the steel plate 40x40 mm and the product is placed on rollers or bearings. Two corners are welded on top of the plate, to which the chainsaw is attached.

On the last stage manufacturing works homemade sawmill it is necessary to make a structure for fixing the logs. For this, the flexible hoses and pipes must be positioned at the required height and secured.

The first version of a homemade sawmill from a chainsaw is ready. There is another way to make a do-it-yourself wood processing unit. The tools and drawing for it will need the same, however, the design itself is more refined.

Sawmill from a chainsaw with your own hands - option number 2

The structure consists of four main units:

  1. Saws with a drive.
  2. A mechanism for adjusting the thickness of the manufactured board.
  3. A mechanism for moving the saw part of the structure.
  4. Devices for fixing logs.

Since a chainsaw with a working engine and cutting teeth is already available, it will be necessary to make only both mechanisms and a device for fixing the logs with your own hands.

Mechanism for regulating the thickness of the boards.

Logs are sawn by raising or lowering the base, which must be welded to the plate using four folded nuts. At the top of this device it is necessary to install the locknuts, which must be tightened after the unit is adjusted to the desired thickness of the material being processed.

Saw movement mechanism.

The saw in the structure moves along the frame along the guide corners, the distance between which should be 50 cm. weld two rollers or bearings by 20 mm. The lower roller should keep the sawmill from lifting, and the upper roller should be supported on the guide angle.

A device for fixing a log.

On such a unit logs are fastened with two combs- fixed and moving by means of a screw. After the material to be processed is set, the moving ridge is fixed with screws in a stationary state. Now you can start safely operating a homemade sawmill made from a chainsaw.

The sawmill is an impressive size rather dangerous unit in operation, therefore, before starting its assembly, you should carefully consider the place of its operation. It should be well lit, ventilated and have free space. The nearby warehouse for finished boards will greatly facilitate the processing of the material.

For sawmill with electric motor you should very carefully install the necessary switches and machines, as well as do the wiring.

Since the most dangerous elements of the unit are all its cutting and moving parts, special attention should be paid to them when assembling the structure.

Before starting to operate the assembled equipment, it is necessary to check all fasteners and assemblies, as well as the stability of the structure.

Instructions for the operation of a homemade sawmill from a chainsaw

After the structure is assembled and tested, it must be tested in working with wood. This requires:

It is impossible to make jerky movements when cutting, as this can lead to a stopper of the tire.

It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to work in personal protective equipment, which include mittens, a robe, arm ruffles and glasses. In addition, it is worth worrying about protection for the movable frame in advance. It can be made from acrylic or clear plastic. These guards are able to protect against saw chain and swarf.

A self-assembled sawmill from a chainsaw will make it possible to make high-quality lumber with a cut of the correct shape. Therefore, if you often have to work with lumber, then such home-made equipment, made on the basis of the attached drawings and videos, will become an indispensable thing on the farm.

The need for lumber in a private house will sooner or later lead to the decision to make a sawmill with your own hands at home. The need for inexpensive profiled timber of high quality building material especially relevant for private households. Attracted by the possibility of inexpensive wood processing, the production of profiles of various configurations, the possibility of using in basic structures, in capital housing construction, in repair, use in interior and exterior decoration, construction of enclosing and auxiliary structures for various purposes.

Lumber of any profile and quality can be purchased today at any construction market or base, but any zealous owner planning to build a house or work that requires the use of a large number of wood products, thinks about saving. If you make a sawmill, it will be possible to carry out work at your site or on the farm at lower costs, surplus material can be sold or paid for raw materials.

General description of the sawmill

Band sawmill, or sawmill - universal machine for longitudinal sawing of logs to obtain different profile lumber: boards, bar, shingles, etc. The construction of the sawmill includes four main parts:

  • a band saw with a drive;
  • saw frame feed device;
  • adjustment mechanism for the height of the cutting blade;
  • clamping and fixing device for logs.

The sawmill's drive mechanism starts the electric motor, or it runs on gasoline (diesel).

For household sawmills of medium power, suitable asynchronous motor 5 kW or diesel (gasoline) with a capacity of 6-8 l / s. This will ensure uninterrupted operation of the unit in the nominal mode without overloads.

The scheme of operation of the sawmill consists in transferring the torque to the pulley with a looped sawing band up to 6 cm wide. The slack of the band is compensated by a hydraulic or spring mechanism.

The unit frame with the drive mechanism moves on rails mounted on concrete foundation... The movement is provided by hardened steel rollers on closed ball bearings, fixed at the bottom of the unit body. The length of the rails sets the maximum longitudinal dimension of sawn timber processing.

The mechanism, which includes a threaded gear and a drive element, adjusts the height of the saw blade and sets the cut size. Two rotating screws on the sides of the carriage set its movement along the guides and prevent the saw from skewing.

The workpiece, prepared for breaking up, is laid between the guides, fixed with hooks, which are wedged by blows with a sledgehammer. The carriage with the saw is brought to the end of the log and the height of the working blade is set. Then the machine is started and the frame with the saw is gradually moved along the rails, cutting the boards of a given thickness. Having reached the end of the log, the freshly cut board is removed. After that, the saw is raised and the mechanism is returned to its original state.

Clamp made from rail regular pipe, on which bushings with hooks are installed, prevents the log from shifting during feeding. The immobility of the log during processing is ensured by jamming of the mechanism and skewing of the movable unit with fixed claws.

The above description characterizes the simplest DIY band sawmill made using drawings. Scheme phased construction sawmill is described below.

How to make a band sawmill and what it takes

Rail guides are made from a channel or beam with a consistent geometry or factory rails from a narrow gauge rail.

The rollers are turned on lathe and hardened. It is better to use rolling bearings in rollers.

The frame, space for workpieces and saw carriage are made of thick-walled rectangular and square sections to provide the necessary strength when changing loads.

The mechanism that regulates the height of the working carriage is made of metal square profiles with sliders and two bolts with nuts. Parts are used from old lathes or new ones are turned.

Wheels, belt and roller bearing shafts can be taken from decommissioned combines or other agricultural machinery. The cross-sectional size of the guide should be about 500 mm in order to avoid mechanical stresses in the structure and damage at the base of the teeth. saw blade.

The cost of making a sawmill at home can be several tens of thousands of rubles. It is advisable to assemble a sawmill with blueprints.

A homemade band sawmill with your own hands is assembled using the following tools:

  • angle grinder;
  • domestic welding machine;
  • vertical drilling machine;
  • drill;
  • drill bits for concrete;
  • drill;
  • locksmith clamps;
  • socket and open-end wrenches;
  • pliers;
  • hardware and fasteners;
  • laser level.

The optimal site for the construction of a sawmill is 3x6 m, subject to the product length up to 6 m. It is advisable to place the installation indoors or then build a canopy from available tools to be able to work in any weather. The main thing is that the site is done in good faith.

Recommendations for the operation of a self-made band sawmill

It is necessary to monitor the tension of the saw blade, do not operate the sawmill for more than 2 hours without interruption. Change the working blade regularly, hang it up to relieve the accumulated internal stress. It is necessary to use a lubricant, in the summer you can use an aqueous composition with Ferry, in cold weather you can mix kerosene with diesel fuel and engine oil in a ratio of 5: 1.

After stopping the saw at the end of the work, loosen the tensioners.

Sharpen and set saw teeth regularly. It is not advisable to take freshly cut wood to work right away, let it rest for a month and hew the bark. Regularly you need to maintain the installation, periodically do a control broach and lubrication to maintain the power of the sawmill.

The given example of an assembly can serve to assess the possibility of building your own sawmill using many available materials and parts. Subject to all technical parameters and correct installation and operation of the sawmill will function smoothly for a long time.

With a freer budget, it is better to use more factory-made parts.

To work on your site, sooner or later, you may need a sawmill. The mechanism is used for the primary processing of wooden building materials. It is no secret that the simplest models of a circular sawmill can be made by hand. To figure out how to do this, instructions from specialists, tricks will help craftsmen, photos and examples of drawings.

The principle of operation of a circular sawmill

This type of sawmill is most convenient for household use. It is easier to design than mechanisms of a different operating principle (belt or tire). On a circular sawmill, as a rule, they cut large and medium logs into a bar, board, slats, veneer. The main functional elements of the tool:

  1. Power point. Most often it is an electric motor. He must give the rotating mechanism the required speed to process the tree.
  2. Cutting unit. Consists of one or two circular saw blades fitted on a shaft. On factory machines, they can be tilted towards each other to provide a cut at a given angle.
  3. Sawmill control unit. Responsible for starting and stopping, changing the speed of rotation of the motor shaft.
  4. Feeder. Helps to move the workpiece to the cutting point. In factory models, the sawmill can be moving. In self-constructed ones, it is static, it is needed for convenient fixing of the log to the surface.

Sawing process

To make a sawmill at home, you do not need to refer to complex drawings and diagrams. To ensure the one-time construction and installation needs of your house and land plot, it is better to simplify the structure as much as possible. The lighter version works safer. Experts advise to stay on the following scheme:

  • solid working plane (it is also a convenient stationary supply line);
  • Circular Saw on a spindle or electric motor shaft;
  • secure fixation of both elements in the same plane.

Preparing for the assembly of the disc mechanism. Installation of the work surface

In the work on the manufacture of a sawmill, you will need to draw up a drawing. Since the device itself is not complicated, you can take one of the typical ones. The assembly begins with mounting the desktop. It must be stable, strong, withstand the weight of the log, so the wooden parts should be reinforced with metal.

To work on the base of the sawmill, you will need:

  • metal plates;
  • wooden boards;
  • nuts;
  • screws;
  • screws;
  • a tool for fixing fasteners;
  • devices for metal and wood processing.

Pay particular attention to the saw. It can be electric or gasoline powered. The motor will perform the function of a rotating device with a pulley that increases the speed of the shaft.

Attention! Diameter cutting disc sawmills must be at least 500 mm. The bigger, the better. The optimum thickness is 3 mm. Material - steel or duralumin. The disc should have 2 or 3 teeth.

Having decided on the size of the table, start assembling it:

  1. Weld the frame with the supports crosswise for greater stability and reliability of the sawmill.
  2. Firmly fix a metal plate on it (less often they take a wooden one). Often, supports are attached to wooden lid, and already on top of it, heavy metal is placed with a solid sheet or plates (fixed with bolts).
  3. Make a slot in the center, into which the circular saw will subsequently be deepened. The dimensions of the hole should provide a minimum clearance between the plate itself and the cutting surface. The slot should be countersunk and then fastened with screws.

Advice. Calculate in advance and make holes in the plate to secure the motor.

Installation of the engine and the final stage of assembling the sawmill

Installing the engine is the most difficult part of the process of making a home circular sawmill. It requires meticulous precision and reliable connections. Loose elements will not be able to perform their tasks efficiently. In addition, they are quite dangerous for the health and life of the worker at the machine.

The final stage of the sawmill design:

  1. Bearings and a pulley are attached to the underside of the plate, which is connected with a safety belt to the saw. This trick will protect the motor if the saw is jammed.
  2. The belts tighten well, not forgetting about the mass and power of the engine itself.
  3. The saw is mounted strictly in the middle of the working surface.
  4. The main part of the work is completed by the installation of a thrust platform for a gasoline or electric motor. It must be movable relative to the shaft.

A good motor saw is a balanced mechanism with the correct saw blade angle that produces a clean cut and edge. The whole process of assembling even an elementary sawmill mechanism requires a serious approach. You can appreciate the subtleties and example of editing in the video.

Before work, stock up not only necessary materials but also patience. In this case, you will collect an affordable analogue to expensive machines and independently make an alternative to low-quality factory lumber.

Homemade sawmill: video

The band sawmill provides cutting of wood for its subsequent use for repair, construction, production of various wooden products... The assembled band sawmill with your own hands allows you to replace factory machines, the line of which is presented in an extensive price range.

Every experienced frame maker for a band sawmill should know how this device functions, what parts are used, how to change these parts, etc. Without this, work even on a mini machine is unacceptable. The instruction must be strictly followed, whether it is a mini or industrial unit.

  • The sawmill design consists of two rotating components. They are pulleys. Moreover, often instead of pulleys, car wheels are installed. The advantage of wheels is that they are easily accessible; some do not have to spend money on buying wheels when assembling their own sawmill with their own hands. Specialized pulleys are more expensive;
  • The saw is pulled between the pulleys or wheels of the sawmill;
  • The sawmill coils rotate, due to which the pulleys reciprocate for the saw. This ensures cutting of the workpiece;
  • The factory, as well as the self-made band sawmill functions in the horizontal plane;
  • The cutting part of the sawmill is fixed on a trolley, which is movable;
  • The mobile cart moves along the special rails of the sawmill. This distance is equal to the length of the processed tree;
  • Fastening the log to the frame tape machine carried out in a stationary state. To ensure the fixation of the wood correctly, it is necessary to provide for the clamps in the design. They fix the log, allowing the machine to cut it;
  • The length of processing directly depends on how long the sawmill rails are designed to move the carriage;
  • The limiting width is formed by the distance available between the tension components cutting tool tape machine.

A skilful frame maker for a band sawmill is able to make a full-fledged machine with his own hands, on which you can effectively cut wood elements or whole logs. It all depends on what type of wood you need to work with. Some drawings allow you to make a mini machine for work at home. Alternatively, large models can be made. Typically, such designs are chosen by experienced sawmill operators who need to process a large number of wood. Based on the drawings, it is worth additionally consulting with specialists, watching video tutorials on assembling a large or mini machine.

Instructions for working on a sawmill are not complicated, although a frame maker for a band sawmill must know literally everything about the tool on which he works. How to change parts, how the carriage is correctly adjusted, how to work on wood of different species.

Quality cut conditions

In order for the work of the band saw to be carried out correctly, the sawmill operators indicate the need to comply with several conditions:

  • The log must be securely fixed to the band sawmill. The instruction clearly prescribes this, otherwise it will not be possible to cut the workpiece correctly and safely;
  • Gradation has been completed, for which an electronic ruler is suitable, all cutoff parameters are set;
  • Make a tension check band saw, make sure no sharpening is required;
  • Make sure the cutting tool matches the material to be cut.

Sharpening should be done periodically, as the instructions say. Correct sharpening ensures the preservation of the cutting properties of the saw band, and also guarantees efficient processing of logs and wood.

The electronic ruler is a purely individual choice. Experienced sawmill operators claim that they do not need an electronic ruler due to their experience. Although if the frame maker has high hopes for the band sawmill as a tool capable of making the most accurate cutting of a log, it is better that an electronic ruler is installed.

Sawing and its stages

If you do not know how a band sawmill works, the video will help you get a visual understanding. The work takes place in three stages.

  1. It is necessary to sort the wood, disassembling it by length, diameter, etc. Manually, the frame operator on the band sawmill adjusts the dimensions of the wood to the capabilities of the device.
  2. Sawing is in progress. But before the very first cut, sawmill operators are obliged to check whether the sharpening has been completed, whether the electronic ruler is working, whether all settings are set.
  3. The logs are finished by hand. If the band sawmill Cedar can give a sufficiently accurate processing result, then the work homemade devices has certain deviations. Therefore, at home, it is not uncommon for you to modify products with your own hands, using a plane, a grinder and other tools.

DIY assembly

If you need high-quality, high-performance sawing of logs, wood, you should pay attention to factory models of machines. The band sawmill MV 2000 is in noticeable demand, although the Baikal band sawmill is not much inferior to it.

If you want to make a device with your own hands, no one will prohibit it. But you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of assembly.

Start with blueprints. Drawings can be done by hand, or you can find ready-made options... They should indicate all dimensions, length, width, parameters of the future machine, its specifications... This way you will know what materials you need for assembly and how much money will be spent on it.

Among the main units of the future design, it should be noted:

  • Ramu;
  • Guides for moving the saw element;
  • Screw assembly for the movement of the cutting band;
  • Spring for tensioning the saw;
  • Pulleys - stationary and movable;
  • Protective case;
  • Transfer units;
  • Electric motor (can be replaced with gasoline);
  • Capacity with liquid for the cooling system;
  • Stopper;
  • Devices for fixing workpieces to be processed.

Pay attention to the cutting element. Many sawmill operators use electric and gasoline saws to create homemade mini saws. They are great when you have a small amount of work to do.

The use of wheels can replace pulleys. The main thing is to correctly select the size of the wheels so that they firmly and effectively hold and tighten the saw element.

  1. The rails are assembled first. The approximate length is 8 meters. In order not to deform them under the weight of the log, reinforce the structure with metal legs. If you plan to work with large workpieces, it will be correct to install the machine permanently, to make a foundation for it.
  2. A seamless steel plate will act as a movable cart. It is 60 centimeters long and 80 mm wider than the track width.
  3. The movable carriage, aka trolley, is also designed for mounting wheels or pulleys. One of the wheels is fixed in a stationary state, and the other will be movable.
  4. It is not recommended to stir the pulleys parallel to each other. Better to make a deviation of 4 degrees in the vertical plane. This will prevent the tape from flying out of place while the device is running. Not every instruction indicates this, although the recommendation is important.
  5. If possible, complete the control box for the sawmill. But on simple models a steering wheel is used, the movement from which can be transmitted through a metal target.
  6. The assembly is completed by installing the clamps on the sawmill.
  7. Leave the installation of the saw blade and electric motor at last.

As your homemade tape device is upgraded, an electronic ruler, a more powerful engine, all kinds of spare parts may appear on it. Also, some expand the dimensions of the machine, which ensures work with larger workpieces on the sawmill.

If you don't want to assemble the band sawmill yourself, the instructions seem complicated, then choose the factory models. The Baikal band sawmill, which is in impressive demand, costs about 150-200 thousand rubles. The price is not small, but the capabilities of the machine are enormous.

During the primary processing of wood, you will need a sawmill. This equipment can be of several types - disk or tape. For self-production, preference is given to the first type, since it has good performance properties and a relatively simple design.

The principle of operation of a circular sawmill

Before making a structure, you should familiarize yourself with the principle of operation and the purpose of the complete set of a mini disk sawmill. In most cases, it is necessary for sawing large and medium diameter logs. As a result of this, boards or beams are formed.

The main component of the design is the power plant. It should provide the proper number of revolutions for one or two discs. In addition, the following components are required for maximum automation of work:

  • supply line. It can be stationary or with a system for transporting the log to the discs. More often they prefer to make the first option, since it is the least expensive for self-production;
  • cutting unit. Consists of one or more saws. Depending on their location, it can be horizontal or transverse. For the simultaneous processing of logs in two planes, an angle sawmill is required;
  • Control block. Most often it is located on the outside of the cutting unit. With its help, the operator can adjust the number of revolutions of the engine, turn on or off the equipment.

An angle sawmill is required for tangential and radial cutting of workpieces. Due to its design, the entire volume of the log is used as efficiently as possible.

Mini twin-disc models usually come with two engines. However, their power and number of revolutions may not always coincide. These parameters must be calculated in advance and the corresponding cutting unit must be made.

The choice of the design of the circular sawmill

The simplest homemade sawing structure consists of a table, above the surface of which there is cutting disc... You can make a similar model at home. However, its performance will be low.

The main disadvantage of this design is the need to independently feed the logs to the sawing site. This will lead to a violation of the geometry of the future board or timber. Therefore, these types of equipment are used only for processing small workpieces or sheet material.

The corner sawmill has much more functionality. It performs two cuts simultaneously in a horizontal and vertical position. However, its manufacture is more complicated than that of the above model. The do-it-yourself circular sawmill has the following design features:

  • movable cutting carriage. It moves along the guides located on the body of the stationary platform. There are two motors on the carriage, on the shafts of which are installed saw blades... It is imperative to make a device for adjusting the position of the edges of the discs;
  • stationary platform for workpieces. It has log clamps. Otherwise, during operation, displacement may occur, which will lead to deformation of the product.

A similar mini design can be made from scrap materials. It is important that it can withstand the stress and constant vibration that will inevitably appear during operation.

If the sawmill is designed only for the production of boards, you can install another vertical one instead of a horizontal saw. This will increase the productivity of the equipment.

If the sawmill is needed commercially for processing large volumes of wood, go to self-production should be done very carefully. Homemade models not always be able to provide a high-quality cut under constant load. But for small jobs, you can make a structure with your own hands.

First of all, you should correctly select the power and number of revolutions of the power unit. When installing electric motors, such problems will not arise, but you will have to connect the 380 V line, since installation of three-phase models will be required to ensure performance. If it is planned to use internal combustion engines, which is extremely rare, a step-up gearbox is installed to increase the speed of the saw blades.

You must first make mini drawings of the future design. Since the materials at hand will be used for manufacturing, their exact dimensions should be removed before forming the scheme. There are no exact rules for the manufacture of a double-disk sawmill - the design in each case is purely individual.

However, to create reliable equipment, it is recommended to follow the advice of professionals:

  • the frame must be made of channels # 4 or # 6. For the connection, two methods should be used - mechanical with bolts and welded. This will ensure maximum strength and, as a result, durability;
  • It is best to use standard P50 rails as carriage guides. They must not be deformed or bent. Platform wheels are matched to them;
  • during manufacturing, it must be borne in mind that the width of the carriage and the movable platform must be the same. Small adjustments are allowed with the wheel hubs;
  • engine location. Since most models have air cooling- The power plant should be located as far as possible from the cutting site. To drive a disc, a shaft or chain drive should be made;
  • to protect the operator, a steel shield is installed on the platform. It will prevent the appearance dangerous situations... But at the same time, it should not interfere with the normal view.

During operation, it is necessary to periodically check the condition of the equipment. Homemade installation at long-term operation may lose its original qualities. Also, do not forget to sharpen the saws on both sides, and after the end of their service life, change them to new ones.

To make a manual sawmill with our own hands, we need (depending on the design):

  • construction goats;
  • boards;
  • channels;
  • corners;
  • electric motors;
  • a set of hand tools;
  • the presence of two pairs of rails;
  • metal plates.

In the video, you can see an example of a homemade angle circular sawmill: