Composition and beneficial properties of interior pork bale. Pork fat

This article we will talk about how to get pork fat, for which it needs and has useful properties. This product has been mistakenly considered harmful to the heart. They found in it high level cholesterol. However, in families where they contain pigs for themselves, have never doubted his quality and always used. Today, the sled, obtained from the melted sala, is not considered dangerous. It is used everywhere for frying during the preparation of many dishes.

Beneficial features

For a long time, vegetable fats were considered more useful than animals. However, new studies in this area presented data that the composition of swine bala is no longer dangerous to health.

Salo pigs contains fats belonging to saturated, it is solid. They are in the meat of animals and some birds. In this product there are fatty acids, including Palmitic, Miristic, Laurinovaya, Stearinovaya, Oleinovaya. As for the latter, it is for her many appreciate olive oil. It is considered the most healthy product.

Saturated fats in the composition of swine bass help the human body absorb fat-soluble vitamins and various nutrients. After all, many elements cannot be fully accepted by the body without the help of other particles. For example, vitamin D needs saturated fats for this. Without them, he does not represent value.

As part of swine fat, vitamins A, E and Omega-3 fatty acids can be found. When using a product, these elements are easily absorbed by the body.

Pork fat It has a long shelf life due to slow oxidation. All this is due to the low level of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also this product is not afraid high temperatures. When heating and flipping, carcinogens will not be released. For example, in vegetable oil there are no such properties.

We use correct

Pork fat or sleds are very calorie products (898 kcal / 100g). Their use in food must be moderate (100 g per day). Just so you can talk about useful influence on the human body. Such a product has contraindications for young children.

As already mentioned, in swine fat all vitamins and minerals We are interrelated and interact with each other for better absorption. Cholesterol, which is in its composition, and which was considered the most dangerous, well affects the synthesis of hormones. It also has positive actions on the nervous system.

Mine swine fat can be used to prepare many dishes. Baking is especially tasty. Harmful confectionery fat can not be equal to this natural product. Even the sump is simply smeared on bread and make sandwiches. It is also suitable for roasted and for refueling porridge.

In traditional medicine, many recipes include pork fat. It is used and to reduce the temperature, and to brew a healing beverage from a cold. With pain in the thorns, the pork fat (50 g) is mixed with vodka (2 art. L.) And fir oil (5 drops). Compresses or rubbing on the chest are made from the resulting mass. Usually for this recipe use interior fat, that is, its deposits on the internal organs.

Source raw material for smalts

To get the Saletz (Lard), the original product is needed - pork fat or interior fat. Fits the area of \u200b\u200bthe sternum or subchannel (peritone). On the occasion you can drag the goose or duck fat.

Properly cooked sled has cream white color. According to the consistency, it is quite thick, but it can be closed with a spoon, smeared on bread. Such fat has a long shelf life. In the past years, it was used to fill sausages to extend the shelf life.

For the preparation of high-quality smob, you need to pick up a good fat. Ideally, there must be a product obtained at home. It is more useful. From the interior of pork bala, too, will be good saber. The main thing is that the initial raw materials are not received from the tribal boar.

If you set fire to the original pork fat, then a good quality product will smell nice fried meat. About how to turn it on their own, let's talk below.

Melting in a frying pan

To get out of good saber, the fat is cleaned of dirt and blood linations or meat. This can be done by placing a piece into the cool, salted water overnight. Liquid can be changed all the time twice.

  • a piece of Salah cuts into small slices of 1 cm (it is convenient to do if the product is slightly frozen);
  • the pieces are placed in a thick-walled frying pan (fire is gradually added);
  • all contents should boil for some time (until the squabs are sedentance to the bottom);
  • in fat, you can add a small amount of sugar to improve product taste (after turning off the plate);
  • saletz must cool, after which it is focused through the gauze (storage in glass or ceramics).

The broken fat can be quickly freeze, so that the sled is homogeneous according to the consistency, and not grainy.

other methods

Inner fat or fat can be cooked on the plate in water (one piece of the sala of three parts of the water) from 1 tsp. soda. Before the outbreak procedure, the initial product should also soak from 24 to 72 hours, periodically changing water. After that, it is cut by pieces and begin to digest. The smaller the pieces, the more smaltsa it turns out.

When the contents of the capacitance boils, from the surface of the water you can remove the lubricant with a spoon in the clean container. This is done before the appearance of a squat.

It often happens that the resulting salty has nasty smell. To get rid of it, the product can be pulled out. With this method, 100 g of milk is added per 1 kg of smalts. The re-interlence process passes on a weak heat until the soils of milk. All contents need to be mixed so that burning does not happen to fats.

In order for the unpleasant smell of the smalts finally disappeared, you can add highly roasted bread crusts into the products. After that, the fat is fastened, refused to clean and stored in the cold.

If you need to melt the fat in the oven, then it is warmed up to 100 degrees. The product is placed there with a small amount of water. In the brass, fat will start melting, and water to evaporate.

The same principle with a slow cooker. The finely chopped fat is placed in a saucepan and add 60 ml of water. With the lowest temperature, the sump is overhaul from 2 to 8 hours. It is sometimes necessary to mix products.

To explore other possibilities of pork products, we advise you to further familiarize yourself with the article.

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Interior pork fat grained

Homemade smarry

How to melt interior fat.

The benefits and use of pork interior fat.

Sailing, cooking recipe with photos.

Fine swine fat can be cooked from subcutaneous fat And from the interior. Interior is fat, which is attached to the internal organs of the animal.

Any silent of pork fat can be prepared simply in a frying pan. Cut into pieces and fry on a small fire, periodically merging the foiled heat. No problem.

But it is believed that only pork interior fat has healing properties.

In folk medicine with its help treat cough. Accept both inside with tea or milk and for rubbing. there is different recipes with honey, cocoa, propolis.

Interior sealing is used as a basis for home ointments from skin diseases, from varicose veins, etc.

Nowadays, the homework themselves make environmentally friendly cosmetic creams based on interior sala.

From my own experience. I remember me in childhood saved my milk from the wild cough with interior bass. I remember that it was tasteless, but I quickly recovered.

And I also had to do ointment from a series on the interior smaltz, the same helped when pharmacy ointments caused only worsening.

Interior seal is widely used in cooking. In Soviet culinary books It is often found, for example, in ducts or test for Chebureks. If you read the composition of today's factory dumplings, interior fat is almost always indicated.

Many have accustomed to fry potatoes on Slorish. You can mix interior sealing and vegetable oil with frying potatoes, it turns out with a beautiful reddish crust and tastier.

And in the old days it was widely used in baking. As you know, the smalt is not worn for a long time. And the shortbread is more delicate.

However, today we lookedched from baking on kind of animal fat. Therefore, many of his taste prevents, and me too. I tried to bake according to the original recipe, it is on a mixture of pork fat and butter. Did not like. Perhaps it was necessary to put more spices.

And I use it now mainly for the preparation of non-stick lubricant for baking. Beautiful thing. I very rarely use bakery paper. The recipe for lubricants is very simple, in the recipe for bread.

Therefore, once a year, I buy interior fat in the market and cook from it a very clean saint of odorless and without the taste of fried sala.

Interior fat is sold in markets in meat rows. It is usually twisted with such a white roll without pork skins. By the way, it is quite inexpensive.

Important: When flipping, pork fat always smells. This smell can be moderate or very strong and unpleasant. Therefore, when buying an interior Sala, pay attention to it. appearance and smell. Choose a beautiful fat with a minimum of red splashes, fresh: white and without a sharp unpleasant smell.

Due to the possible strong smell, it is better to prepare the sled in the warm season with an open window, then the smell is quite weak, only next to the stove.

there is different methods obtaining cleaner busty interior fat. The process always consists of two stages: long-term soaking and insertion.

I use a water bath for flipping. It is relatively long. I usually have 1 kg of interior salau takes 3-4 hours, but the result is worth it.

Pork interior fat


  1. Interior fat - 860 g

Result: 700 ml of smaller and 130 g of shit.

That is, 1200-1300 grams of interior fat are needed onto the lithric jar.


1. Expand interior fat and cut, if any, large blood intakes. Cut into pieces, the smaller the better. I have about 3 cm.

2. Decay the slice of sludge into liter banks. It is not necessary to stuff. To fill with water. Add to first time vinegar 6-9% 1 tablespoon on a jar. Close the cans with covers. Put for soaking in the cabin of the refrigerator.

3. Daily twice changing water in banks. Time of soaking 3-4 days.

4. Dry water. Share fat in thick-walled dishes. I have cauldron. Put on a water bath, that is, in a saucepan with hot waterSo that the bottom of the water concerned.

Bring water in a boil. Remove to a minimum and boil, periodically adding water to the bath.

Melted fat to assemble the midst in a bowl or bucket. Fat hot, so the dishes are better enameled or stainless steel.

5. After 3 o'clock, I remained cracker and very little fat. Shkvarka can be stored in the freezer and use in cutlets or minced meat for dumplings or baking filling.

6. Ready Sail for room temperature Throws slowly. When the process is over, it is still liquid, because all the time add hot. Strain the lobs through a colander, shining gauze (wide bandage) in several layers.

7. Cool at room temperature. Store in the cabin of the refrigerator. Clean fish in the refrigerator is perfectly stored for a whole year.

There are additional methods of deodorization of ready-made swine fat. I tried to add 100 grams of milk per liter of the finished smaller, then you need to mix and bring to a boil. The difference did not notice. Perhaps milk must be bazaar.

By the way, the addition of milk reduces the shelf life of the smaller.

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2016.

Often B. folk recipes Mentioned interior fat. And what it and how to cook it - does not say. Probably, for our great-grandmothers, it was so obvious as the egg to cook, and did not require additional explanations. And we, alas, will need.

So, who used to think that the interior fat is fat, now disappointed. Not at all. This is a fat of any animal, and it is named interior because it is inside, surrounds the internal organs and usually looks like a rolled mesh (the grid, by the way, is good to use the same pate for baking). It happens a thin mesh - already cut - and thoroughly, with lard.

Interior fat is such a crumbling lumpy bright white fat, in contrast to an ordinary saline, which represents a single mass. It is the interior fat possesses the special properties that are most favorable for treatment cold illness. The usual lard does not possess these qualities.

Now the question arises by itself - where is such a fat?

It is easiest, of course, to aim for the purchase of pork sala and go to the market, in meat rows. It is saying that in the open interior fat, they do not sell, because there are no necessary certificates, but you should be more - more insistent and negotiate with merchants.

What to do with Salom further to turn it into a useful medicine?

Out up. For it, it is necessary to put the interior fat in the dishes and put in a warm, but not hot oven or very weak fire. Melted fat merge and cool. The broken interior fat is otherwise called Sberry. It is flipping it precisely for the homogeneity of the structure to store, and it was more convenient to use it. Fallen fat has a light smell. If fat smells bad - it is just poor quality.

To cure the bronchitis, a strong cough to cure such a broken larger, you need to put it with a dessert spoon and drink.

Take 100 g of interior salary, melt and mix with 5 tablespoons of cocoa and 100 g sparkling and tested through a meat grinder of figs. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day when coughing.

Rubbing breast with interior lard.

Melt interior fat, warm fat rubbed the chest of the patient so that he felt warm, wrapping and laying to sleep. For rubbing, you can mix fat with turpentine and rub your chest to dryness to this mixture.

Honey bee linden - 100 g; Salo pork interior - 100 g; Butter cream is unsalted - 100 g; Aloe juice (or agave) - 15 g; Cocoa in powder - 50 g. Aloe before cutting does not water 2 weeks. Melt in enamel saucepan Pork fat, oil, honey. When everything is mounted (not to give it), the saucepan remove and add the remaining components there. Stir well. Storing glass bank in a refrigerator. Take on one tablespoon of the composition, dissolve in a glass of hot milk. Drink in the morning and evening. Take a long time. It is used for tuberculosis of the lungs and stubborn bronchitis.

Pork fat from cough is an old proven tool from cough with a cold and bronchitis. The use of pork interior fat gives rapid relief and cough takes place in a few days. Which is especially important, pork fat is a natural agent and, as a rule, does not give side Effects And it does not cause addiction and allergies. How to take it to take it for the treatment of cough in children and adults, read in this article.

Pork fat is a broken pork fat or interior fat. For treatment, it is better to use the interior fat, and not fat. Interior fat is not only pork, but also other animals and birds. There is such fat inside the body and is located along the internal organs, for example, kidneys or intestines.

In its structure, interior is different from Sala: It has a grayish white color and more loose due to which it becomes easy. When flipping this fat, swine fat is obtained, which can be used to treat, cooking.

Useful properties of interior pork fat

For many years we urged us that pork fat, and indeed an animal, harmful to our body. But recently, the attitude towards this issue is changing dramatically, and now many nutritionists and doctors argue, and scientists confirm research that animal fat is not harmful. On the contrary, it is very useful.

In its composition, the animal fat is very close to plant fats, i.e. vegetable oils, according to the content of essential fatty acids. They also contain oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic acids that are combined under one general concept Vitamin F.

In addition, pine fat contains a unique and very useful archivo acid for the body. In vegetable oils, this acid is absent, and it is an important component of the heart muscle, participates in metabolic processes, hormonal and immune system. It is archivo acid that prevents cholesterol deploying on the walls of the vessels.

Pork Fat from cough Recipes Applications

In folk medicine, pork fat was used for many centuries as medicine from many ailments. Mazi prepared with him, used it inside, for rubbing. The use of interior of pork fat is not limited to the treatment of cough. This is an excellent tool in the exhaustion of the body, for the treatment of heel spurs, wet eczema, tuberculosis and many other diseases.

The use of swine fat at cold and cough externally

From temperature. At temperatures, swine fat need to be confused feet feet and wear warm woolen socks from sheep wool. This procedure can be done for the night or day, putting socks for two, three hours.

With a cold with cough. For rubbing, mix pork fat with fir oil. To do this, it will melt on a water bath two tablespoons of fat, remove and cool up to 40 degrees. Add three, four drops essential oil Fir. Stir and grasp it in a warm form. Breasts, caviar feet, throat.

With vodka. Melt two tablespoons of fat and, slightly coating, add two tablespoons of vodka. To lose your chest and bite, putting a rolled terry towel on the chest and put on warm underwear. Better to do overnight.

The compress is well warmed and there is plenty of sweating. Therefore, you must definitely change the nightclothes so that it is dry.

Do not apply children and allergies to alcohol.

With a cold. A small piece of non-salt swine saline heat in a pan is not more than one minute. Then wrap it in the bandage or gauze and attach to the nose to the sinuses. Keep a few minutes while the fat will cool. The procedure is better to do for the night before bedtime.

In case of pain in the ear. With a cold often there is a shooting pain in the ear. To calm such pain, melt pork fat in a water bath and moisten a cotton swab.

Lay this swab into a patient's ear, not pushing it deeply, and tie a wool handkerchief or scarf.

Internal use of pork fat from cough

With a strong cough you need to eat half a teaspoon of pork fat.

Milk with fat. Heat well, almost to boil cow's milk, and add a teaspoon of pork fat. Drink immediately the whole glass of small sips. It is better to take a natural homemade cow's milk.

Tea with milk and fat. Brew green tea, bay one teaspoon tea glass of boiling milk. Cover with a lid or saucer and let's brew 4 minutes.

Then add a teaspoon of pork interior fat and leave three more, four minutes.

After insisting, strain and pour into the decoction to the pinch of ground black pepper. To drink with small sips before bed.

Tea warms well, so with a strong sweating it will be necessary to change the underwear to dry.

Little children can give such a means without pepper and in the absence of allergy to milk.

Pork fat at bronchitis. Bronchites are often complicated cough after a cold. For the treatment of protracted bronchitis, prepare an infusion of altea root with internal pork fat.

To do this, 0.5 tablespoons of the root of Altea pour 400 ml hot water And put on a water bath for 10 minutes. Then insisted and strain.

Add in the infusion two tablespoons of melted swine fat. Drink 3 times a day at 0.5 tablespoons. Heat before taking.

With pneumonia. Prepare tea from raspberry leaves, mint and lemon zest. Mix all the ingredients in an equal ratio. Raw a tablespoon of a mixture of 300 ml of boiling water and warm on the plate a minute. Write a little cool and strain.

Add 70 grams (1 tablespoon - 15 grams) in the past decoction - 15 grams). Take a remedy in a warm form on a teaspoon.

Take on the tablespoon of each ingredient: pork fat, butter, sugar, honey and cocoa. On the water bath melt oil and fat. Add the remaining ingredients and mix. Shoot into a clean bank and store in the refrigerator.

Before taking boost a glass of milk and add a tablespoon of a prepared drug.

This mixture helps well with cough and bronchitis.

With tuberculosis. Mix 70 grams of melted swine fat with one third cup of linden flowers. Add two tablespoons of honey. Take one tablespoon per day.

For the prevention of colds. ethnoscience Recommends to take pork fat with a decoction of rose hips. For the preparation of brew in the thermos, a tablespoon of rose hips 300 ml of boiling water. Let break for an hour.

In the decoction add a tablespoon of melted fat and half a tablespoon of honey. Drink hot.

How to overcall pork fat

For therapeutic purposes it is better to drag pork fat in a water bath. This process is slower, but so fewer carcinogenic substances are formed.

Before dragging finely chop fat. The smaller, the faster the process will go.

Fold out the sliced \u200b\u200bfat in a bowl that put into another pan in which the water is nanitis.

You can reverse on the stove, folding the sliced \u200b\u200bfat in the saucepan. Get out average temperatureSo that the fat is token, and not boil.

Another way to stick fat in the oven. In this case, also folded the prepared fat in refractory dishes and put in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees.

Threaded fat strain through the sieve and store in the refrigerator.

Today from cough sell a lot medicinal preparations. But old proven funds are not inferior in their effectiveness to many pharmacy means. After all, fat has long been used in the treatment of cough and bronchitis. And not only pork. Goose, badger, bearings to this day is used in treatment. But in contrast to these fats, pork is more affordable and is not expensive. And in order to overcall it, you need to spend only an hour of your time.