Pork fat benefit and harm to health. Internal pork fat at what diseases use

Pork fat from cough is used by "folk physicians" is no longer the first generation. For the properties of this substance in the fight against colds and other diseases known for a long time - pork fat is considered an excellent tool to heal the organism, neutralizing the malicious microflora and mitigating the respiratory tract after damage caused by coughing.

In addition, pork interior fat has a property to fill the body huge number useful substancesFirst of all, normalizing and optimizing all physiological processes, eliminating factors contributing to the development of diseases, as well as winning overall malaise.

Why pork - interior?

As mentioned above, for the treatment of colds, accompanied by cough, diseases, connoisseurs folk Medicine Recommend to choose interior pork fat. Why interior? Because it is inside - this word is called a fat stupor, which in any mammal surrounds internal organs, protecting them from overheating / hypothermia, shocks and even poisoning, taking on the first blow.

Interior pork fat is a lumpy mass crumbling having a bright white color and complemented by a kind of dwelling net. This is the cleanest product that can be obtained from a pig, and that is why his healing properties are so high.

Interior pork fat from cough is used only in fresh - natural form, since only such a base for non-traditional medicines allows you to use your useful qualities for victory over cough attacks.

Immediately before cooking, the fat can be turned into a saber, that is, melt it. To do this, lay out the product into a heat-resistant frying pan or a pan, which will continue to go on a slow fire or in the oven with minimal temperatures. Smarlets must be treated until it turns into a homogeneous mass with a light hearty odor, and only after that it can be used.

So, for example, melted and cooled to room temperature Pork interior fat can be used for the rubbing of a person who wrote the cough. The warm substance follows the night to rub in the skin of the patient's chest, trying to bypass the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, then when the patient begins to feel warm, it can be wrapped in a blanket and leave to sleep until the morning.

For an accelerated effect of mass mixed with a small amount of turpentine ointments (3-4 gr.), It is necessary to lean the chest to dryness, and then get warm. The effect will be noticeable in a few hours.

Effects from the use of pork fat

The benefits of using pork fat from cough or other lesions of the body (for example, during arthritis) is provided by the content in this product a large number not just useful, but vital components for a person.

In particular, interior "Salo" includes:

    vitamins (especially vitamin A, provitamin A, vitamins E, D and K);

    essential unsaturated fatty acids (especially linoles, palmitic and arachidone);

    trace elements (potassium, calcium, carotene, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, not a large number of iodine, iron and copper).

And all of the listed - with a relatively low content of harmful cholesterol. Specialists note high biological activity, as well as "fullness" of swine fat, which makes it an extremely important part of the treatment of diseases developed against the background of weakened immunity.

Thanks to therapeutic properties and rich composition, pork fat-based drugs are primarily used in the cough, when it is necessary to ensure the permeability of the bronchi scored too thick wets, to remove the swelling of the mucous membranes, to disperse the mucus in the upper respiratory tract and speed up its elimination.

The use of such agents allows you to mitigate spasms with cough attacks, accelerate the conversion of a dry cough into wet to maximize the pathogenic microorganisms as quickly as possible, for which the sputum in bronchi is a nutrient medium and a reproduction site.

Pork fat drug can be disinfected airways, warm the body at a temperature, reducing the heat, and also strengthen your own resistance of the body "Increase".

Several useful recipes

Folk medicine recommends using interior pork fat in different drugs for indoor and local applications, but always in fresh or extended form. Thus, in the obstructive form of bronchitis, characterized by strong cough attacks and a problem with the blockage of the respiratory tract of mucus, you can use the wiping sump - cooled to an acceptable temperature.

The product can be taken up to 5 times a day for 1-2 Article. l.

For the prevention of cough, during the treatment of the main disease, in order to prevent cough transition into a chronic form, which continues throughout the month after recovery, you can apply the following recipe:

    Brew a rosehip (10-15 berries on 500 ml of water), let it stand, strain.

    A slightly cooled decoction to fill fat (1/2 hd.), Stir, supplement honey (to taste, but not less than 2 art. L.).

    Drinking on a glass of drug throughout the day, while the urge to cough will not become wet.

Adults can make a cough compress from the means, which will also include pork fat.

For this you need:

    Take interior fat (50-60 gr.), Alcohol (30 ml), a little coniferous essential oil (5-7 drops of fir or juniper).

    "Salo" melt in a water bath, slightly cool and stir with alcohol (or vodka) before the formation of homogeneous ointment, and then add oil.

    Ointment apply on the chest, bypassing the skin over the heart, cover up a four layer bandage with the same composition, after which the compress is covered with a dense towel. The patient must warm warm and try to fall asleep so that the procedure continues all night.

The effective means against cough for the whole family is a mixture of swine fat with a number of components that allow you to achieve several goals at once:

    restore the condition of damaged larynx and nasopharynx;

    slip the wet to accelerate its selection;

    knock down;

    remove swelling of mucous membranes;

    to displaced the respiratory tract, thereby stopping the possibility of further reproduction and vital activity of pathogens;

    strengthen the immune system.

The recipe of this miraculous drug is as follows:

    It is necessary to take pork fat (200 gr.), Aloe, honey and soft butter (250 gr.), Cocoa powder (optional, not more than 1 l).

    Aloe leaves need to be chopped with a blender or meat grinder, the remaining components to clean up at least half an hour on slow fire. The ready mass is connected to aloe, then we sprinkle cocoa and mix thoroughly.

    Ready product should be stored under tight closed lid. In the dark and coolness. While the disease, along with the cough, will not pass, the drug can be taken to children and adults three times a day before each meal.

It is advisable to use the finished remedy in enough short termSince after 1-2 weeks of storage, it will begin to lose its healing properties.

And one more useful recipe People's Medical Drug Use that can be used to treat cough in small children exhausted with respiratory disease.

Prepare drug follows:

    Take milk (350 ml), interior pork fat (1 tsp.), Drinking soda on the tip of the knife.

    Well heated milk, it needs to lay out fat and pour out soda, mix it thoroughly.

    Drinking drugs need hot, small sips, drinking at least 3 glasses per day.

If you cook every portion before taking, that is, drinking a drink with hot and fresh, after a few days the bouts of a dry strong cough will become softer, denoting the approach of the end of the disease.

Pork Fat - Natural Medicine

No one argues, the words "fat" and "Salo" for modern man It does not sound too nice, especially if you consider that most of the recipes recommends taking the foods called these words.

However, pork fat used for folk treatment cough, you can use without fear. After all, for each drug it is required to take it in a small amount, in comparison with fats of other origin in Pork Sale, it contains a minimum of cholesterol, and the final result will exceed all expectations.

There is no unambiguous opinion about the importance of the use or use of pork fat. Some consider it a source of energy and power, others argue that it bears damage to the body.

From how to heat fat pork and from which salla, the benefits and harm to humans depends.

Properties of swine fat

Fat pigged pork is a homogeneous thick mass of white, the smell of which is practically not felt. A succulent shade becomes in liquid state.

The chemical composition of swine fat includes linoleic, stearinovaya, palmitic, oleic and arachidonic acids. The latter playing important role In the formation of the muscles of the heart, cell membranes, hormones, and also increases activity under cholesterol exchange. Should not worry how to overcall pork fat and not lose it healing properties, After all, heating does not affect its fatty acid composition, which does not have vegetable oil. It also contains carotene, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, E, D, K.

Out of pork fat

On pork fat slows the process of aging and can be used in drugs

How to coat internal pork fat

Internal fat. Useful product!

Ointment - Balsam interior pork fat with calendula, lavender and hop

The people believed that it contains a lot of cholesterol, although just in sunflower oil Its significantly more. But fat pig has more high indicator Calorie - 900 kcal / 100

How to beat pork fat?

His releases food industry, so it is easy to purchase in grocery stores. But not always the manufacturer turns out to be honest and uses fresh fat For cooking pork fat. Therefore, for confidence as a product, it is better to prepare it yourself at home. The process of how to clean the swine fat properly, is simple and unemployed.

For the preparation of the highest grade, the upper adipose tissue is taken and is token in a water bath until the transparent substance is highlighted, which is filled and put in a cool place to frozen. Interior (intestinal) fat belongs to the second grade and has a yellowish tint and light smell. The process of its preparation is similar to the first case.

Application in treating diseases

It is used for various diseases of the respiratory tract and skin cover, joints, with ulcers, burns, etc. Its reception during treatment can be both internal and outer. High calorieness does not allow the use of this product in diet nutritionbut it does not diminish it useful qualities. It is recommended for internal use when the organism is depleted. A variety of recipes are used depending on diseases.

  1. Treatment of joints with fatty pork is carried out by applying it before going to the zone, which is disturbing, and wrapped with warm tissue. Keep compress all night. If the moving part of the joint is concerned about the injury, it is necessary to rub it with salt in the appropriate proportion of 100: 30 grams. Processed plot necessarily insulate the bandage.
  2. From burns use the following recipe:
    • How to melt pork fat in a pan, throw a cut bulb and deliver to black.
    • Add 5 aspirin tablets to the cooled mixture, are fluttered into powder, and mix. Aspirin is necessary to reduce body temperature and microbes protection.
    • The scene is regularly lubricated to the resulting means every hour, not allowing it to dry. On the affected place not to impose a dressing.
    • The mixture is to keep in a cool place.

    After 2 weeks, the burn will completely disappear.

  3. Pork fat from cough, colds, bronchitis is most often used to treat a child. After all, medicines lower immunity and can harm the rapid child organism. For the preparation of the mixture it is necessary to take 50 grams of raw sala, melt it up to liquid state And mix with 2 tablespoons of vodka and 5-6 drops of fir oil. The resulting substance rubbed the chest, covered with a dense cloth, and on top wear warm clothes. To more efficiently acted pork fat from cough for children, it is recommended to sleep with a compress all night.

Pork fat in cosmetology

It does not irritate the skin and is easily removed using soap and water, so they often use pork fat for the face as the basis for moisturizing creams. It is often combined with wax or resins, as well as used in the production of soap.

If you apply it in pure form, It is necessary to carefully follow the storage rules. Swine fat must be kept in hermetically closed ass in a dark cool place no longer than one and a half years. If it deteriorated, you can feel nasty smellAnd on the skin after use is irritation.

Cough - symptom, which is present in the clinical picture of many infectious pathologies of the respiratory system. To get rid of malaise, specific medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures and methods of alternative medicine are used. The latter is allowed to apply only after agreeing with the attending physician. The safest folk remedies rank interior fat from cough.

This natural product contains a large amount of nutrients. Thanks to them, the recovery of the patient comes much faster. The advantages of drugs, which include animal fat, include their availability, high efficiency, almost complete absence of adverse reactions and contraindications. Preparations prepared for "grandmother" recipes are not addictive. The risk of allergies when applying the medication is minimal.

To achieve flipping, it is recommended to use it is interior fat. It is very different from the sala appearance and location. Interior fat can be detected only inside the body. The specified ingredient is characterized by a loose structure and a grayish-white tint. The composition that is obtained as a result of heat treatment is often used when cooking hot dishes.

There is no age limit of interior fat. It is allowed to include in medicines that are used to treat in old age during pregnancy and during lactation. The natural component is used both in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In order for the finished mixture to save all useful properties, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

The absolute leader in this category is pork fat. But for therapy you can use goose, bearish, badger fats. It is often combined with other ingredients (glycerin, bee products, alcoholic beverages). Alcohol include B. therapeutic compositions For adults. The mixture intended for the child should not contain hazardous substances, which calculate ethyl alcohol. Combined cough preparations help eliminate clinical manifestations arising from cold and bronchitis.

Beneficial features

Animal fat has a positive effect on the patient's body. In its composition there are vital important compounds. Among them are fatty acids: olein, palmitic, linolev, linolen, arachidone. The list is complemented by fat soluble vitamins. Arachidonic acid warns the appearance of cholesterol plaques. It is also necessary for:

  • efficient work of the heart muscle;
  • stabilization of metabolic metabolic metabolic metabolism at the cellular level;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • sufficient hormone production.

Through oleic acid, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the overall state. This compound has reducing and antitumor actions. The fatty acids listed above are necessary for the formation of the bilipid layer. In its functions: protection against malicious particles and output of the exchange products.

Interior fat has no specific smell. The useful ingredient can be purchased fresh. Melted fat is often used as a basis for a healing mixture characterized by high biological activity. The component during heating does not lose the healing properties.

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excess body weight;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • violations of the exchange process.

With external use, the composition of interior fat (swine bass) rubs with light neat movements. The organic product is characterized by a reduced melting point. Substances penetrating the body in this way compensate for partial dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. This allows you to stabilize the balance of fluid in the skin. An additional bonus is subject to protection against the harmful effects of external factors. In the spectrum of interior fat:

  • decrease in body temperature;
  • elimination of spasms and pain syndrome;
  • removing the swelling of the mucous membranes, lining the respiratory tract;
  • neutralization of the pathogen.

Methods of cooking

Swine fat is used to treat the illness of the respiratory system for a long period of time. It is added to the composition of ointments, mixtures for rubbing. The heel spur, mocking eczema, pulmonary tuberculosis becomes a significant reason for the use of salla. Before preparing a drug, fat must be resettled. This process is carried out using a water bath or oven. In this case, fewer harmful connections are formed.

Before thermal processing, the lard must be crushed. The smaller it will be crushed, the less time it is necessary to drag. Add salt is categorically forbidden, it is fraught with loss of useful qualities. Fat cannot be touched to a boil, he must languish for a long period. At the next stage, the broken fat is cooled and filtered. The resulting homogeneous mass is called Sberry. Fat should be fresh. IN otherwise The composition will have an unpleasant odor. You can get the finished mixture inside. Therapeutic oils, ointments are used for rubbing and compresses.

Thanks to the timely use of fracture, occurs:

  • warming the affected areas;
  • enveloping mucous membranes;
  • restoration of functional fabrics;
  • relief of the general condition;
  • more efficient digging of sputum.

When selecting natural ingredient necessarily take into account the diagnosis, characteristic manifestations of pathology and individual characteristics Patient:

  • Fat pig - a strong cough.
  • Goat Salo - Catarial phenomena in newborns.
  • Goose fat - weakening immune system, swelling, problems with the output of accumulated sputum.
  • Bear Saille - dry mucous membranes, spastic attacks.
  • Barschye Salo is the progression of the inflammatory process.
  • Dog fat is a gourmet cough.

Salo is a product that is characterized by high energy value. With it, it is possible to eliminate the shortage of vital elements.

For internal reception

From the painful cough you can get rid of, taking on ½ teaspoon of melted interior fat several times a day. Based on the fat ingredient also prepare therapeutic drinks. Several effective recipes are distinguished:

Therapeutic compositions are taken before bedtime. The selected medicine must be approved by the doctor.

Juvenile patients are contraindicated to give a cough tool if:

  • in history there is an individual intolerance to milk;
  • it has pepper.

For infantry, you can make a drug from melted swine saline and the root of altea (dry mix). Prepare it as follows:

  • ½ tablespoon of the vegetable ingredient is combined with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • The mixture is put on a water bath. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  • The resulting composition is placed in a warm place.
  • In a lean drink, add 4 teaspoons of foam interior Sala.

The medicine must be taken three times a day. With inflammation of the lung positive effect, it is possible to achieve a mixture of treated swine bass, lemon zest, mint leaves and raspberries.

For outdoor use

With the help of an interior product, you can get rid of elevated body temperature, strong cough and other manifestations of colds. The mixture is allowed to apply on the chest, feet and caviar of the legs, throat. The procedure is recommended to do during the day or night. Compress post for several hours.

The composition used externally, in addition to melted swine bass, may contain fir oil, vodka, turbid. Fat most often dried in a water bath. After treating the skin, the patient should be wrapped in a terry towel. Thanks to an abundant sweating, the patient's condition that coughs is significantly improved. After removing the compress, it is necessary to change underwear.

Interior Salo used for cooking medicines, it is strictly forbidden to freeze. Pork inner fat From cough must be fresh. Otherwise, the benefits of therapeutic measures will not be.

Cough arises predominantly in infectious diseases of the respiratory tract: pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, viral tonsillitis, ARVI, pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. Nonspecific cough happens with severe heart diseases, vessels, endocrine, hormonal nerve disorders.

The cough reflex is a way by which the respiratory tract is trying to get rid of sputum and microparticles irritating nasopharynx mucous membranes. Dry cough dry (unproductive) and wet or wet (productive). Usually, a dry cough appears at the beginning of the cold, at the stage of the development of the disease - wet. Wet cough greatly facilitates the breath of the patient, but since the mucus is of different consistency, the speed of recovery depends on the correctness of selected therapy.

Animal fat has long been used to treat cough and cold. Most often applied swine fat because it is most affordable. It looks like a white rolled mesh. For the treatment of fat, it is necessary to melt on a slow heat to a homogeneous mass, then it will freeze in the form of a smob. Smarler in the finished form should have a light pleasant smell.

If fat smells unpleasantly, then he is old and use it inside does not need. It is impossible to salt fat or sled, otherwise this product loses useful qualities.

Medical properties and advantages:

  • the composition has vitamins: A, E, D, K and trace elements;
  • interior fat is rich in arachidonic acid. With its help, cholesterol exchange occurs, some hormonal substances are produced, acid is part of myocardial;
  • cholesterol is present in small doses;
  • interior fat several times exceeds other biodiversity for biological activity;
  • does not lose quality when heated;
  • easily mixed with other ingredients: wax, alcohol, glycerin, resin.

It should not be even for therapeutic purposes to abuse ladies with people suffering from gastroduodenitis, exchange disorders, obesity, liver and thyroid pathologies.

Therapeutic effect

In addition to pork sala, in therapy of cough used fat of other animals:

  • barcuccia fat is applied externally and inside. It has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Well eliminates the soaked spastic cough with pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • goose fat has unique healing characteristics. It softens the mucous membrane of the rotogling, dilutes the sputum, increases immunity;
  • bear Salo: Removes seizures of spastic cough, softens the mucous membrane, has an expectorant and immunostimulating property;
  • dog fat: It is used for the disease of the lungs, accompanied by a spastic cough;
  • cosiy fat: a highly efficient antitussive agent, unlike other types of sala, has no unpleasant odor, therefore, especially popular in pediatric practice;
  • barbuses Fat: a potent antitochematic agent containing vitamins and saturated acids. Bariums are especially effective in the treatment of bronchitis and cough smokers. Contraindicated in diseases of the urinary system, ulcer of the stomach, gastritis, cerebral atherosclerosis. All other categories of patients need to adhere to strict dosage;
  • pork fat: Used with all infectious diseases accompanied by cough.

Cough recipes with interior lard

It should be remembered that with any symptom you need to consult a specialist and consult with him even about the use folk remedies. Interior fat can be used as an independent means and together with other ingredients.

Internal use of interior fat:

  1. 10 grams of melted smaller mix with 200 ml of milk, drink hot.
  2. Barschye or Bear Salo Take on an empty stomach of 15-50 grams for 4 weeks. Then a monthly break is made, after which the course is repeated. The recipe is suitable for the treatment of protracted purulent inflammation of bronchi and lungs, tuberculosis.
  3. Effective recipes for tuberculosis therapy:
  • barxious fat and honey (100 grams), Aloe (50 grams), the mixture to take on a tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals;
  • lemon (10 pcs.) Grind, eggs (10 pcs.), Cognac Semi-liter, Badge Fat and Honey (1 kg). Mix all the ingredients along with crushed egg shell. Let it stand up to 5 days. Drink a third of glasses three times a day.
  1. Cough during the oncological process in the lungs. Barsucheus Salo, Cognac, Honey, Aloe - all by half liters. The mixture is taken half an hour before meals on a tablespoon.

External use of interior fat:

  • melt goat Salo in half with honey, grate the whole body, wrap cellophane, wrapped the patient with a warm blanket. Helps with a protracted bronchial cough;
  • saletz mix with turpentine 1: 1, rub in a chest dryness with bronchitis. To this composition you can add 3-4 crushed analgin or aspirin tablets;
  • goose fat and finely grated onion head mix 1: 1, lubricate the chest and neck front, to put compressor paper and warm handkerchief or plaid;
  • hang a piece of sala in a hot place to get a small amount of melted smalts in a natural way. To make a massage with him for 15-20 minutes, then warmly wrapped in the patient. Repeat the procedure over the week;
  • for babies and children up to 3 years, fat inside in therapeutic purposes Not applicable. A recipe from cough with interior lady for children from Dr. Komarovsky: Heat a piece of old yellowed sala, put a piece on the chest and fix with a towel or warm tissue;
  • garlic (small head) Grind, rub with 100 grams of fat, rub on the night in the sole.

The product is very effective from cough. But to achieve the desired effect, you need to determine the reason for the symptom and choose a suitable recipe.

Interior fat is a fat tissue of white, which covers the internal organs of the pig. The product has a loose consistency. Pork interior fat is effective in treating cold illness and not only. Before using the component for therapeutic purposes, it must be turned out. For this, the fat needs to be placed in the container and put in the oven at moderate temperature. The procedure can be carried out on gas stoveHaving overlapping on low heat. Then pork fat should be drained into another container, separating from the remaining squrook. The resulting product is called Smalt. In this form, it is much longer stored and perfect for treatment.

Beneficial features

Therapeutic properties of the interior fat are due to his chemical composition. Despite the fact that the product is animal fat, it contains a small amount of cholesterol, so a reasonable reception of the component is favorably reflected on human health.

The composition of the interior of the salted includes other substances:

  • fatty acids (arachidon, linolen, steerique, palmethnic);
  • vitamins A, K, D, E;
  • minerals (zinc, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium);
  • lecithin;
  • proteins;
  • histamines.

The feature of the pork interior of Sala is that this product does not lose its useful properties When heated and thermal processing, unlike ram and beef fat.

An indication of the use of smalts in therapeutic purposes is the presence of the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cool, accompanied by cough;
  • inflammation of the ears;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • skin diseases (eczema, burns, dermatitis).

Regular use of the product in prophylactic purposes normalizes the operation of the digestive organs, removes heavy metals and toxins from the body, and also increases the resistance to the effects of pathogens.

Pork interior fat is a high-calorie product, so its excessive use can adversely affect the human figure or cause food allergies.

Contraindication to use is the presence of the following pathologies:

  • duodenitis;
  • obesity;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • the pathology of the liver and pancreas.

The use of interior sala in therapeutic purposes

For treatment, it is necessary to use only a quality product, which in liquid form should have a transparent amber tint, and when cooling is white. In this case, the interior fat should have a pleasant characteristic smell without impurities of unpleasant shades.

Effective recipes of folk remedies based on this component:

Purpose Mode of application
  1. 1. Melt 100 g smobts.
  2. 2. Add to a mixture of 100 g cocoa and 100 g of chopped fig.
  3. 3. Reception 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon of means before improving the state
  1. 1. Melt interior fat.
  2. 2. To lose the chest of the patient to the sensation of heat.
  3. 3. Wock B. a warm blanket And lay sleep.
  4. 4. Repeat the procedure daily before improving the state
Pulmonary tuberculosis
  1. 1. Prepare a mixture of 100 g of lime honey, 100 g of interior sludge, 100 g of butter, 15 g of aloe juice, 50 g cocoa powder.
  2. 2. Initially melt on low heat honey, fat and oil.
  3. 3. Then add other components and thoroughly stroke the mixture to a uniform consistency.
  4. 4. Reception in the morning and in the evening, dissolving 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 1 cup of warm milk.
  5. 5. For long-term storage, the refrigerator should be used.
Prevention of influenza
  1. 1. Pour rose hips (100 g) boiling water (500 ml).
  2. 2. Leave languish in the thermos for the night.
  3. 3. Take in the form of tea 2 times a day, adding a drink on 1 teaspoon of honey and smalts to 1 cup.
  4. 4. Therapeutic tea allows not only to prevent the development of influenza, but also saturates the body with additional energy.
Weeping eczema
  1. 1. Mix 60 g of smalle, protein of 2 eggs, juice cleanliness 50 ml.
  2. 2. Insist a mixture of 4 days in a dark place.
  3. 3. Lubricate the affected skin 3 times a day before improving the state.
  1. 1. Melt the 500 g of Smalthy and deliver a small bulb in it.
  2. 2. Add to a mixture of 5 crushed acetylsalicylic acid tablets.
  3. 3. Apply ointment on damaged skin areas every hour for 2 weeks, which will accelerate not only wound healing, but also cell regeneration
RubbleOver the night, grasp the inner pork fat feet and put on warm socks
Joint pain
  1. 1. Mix 100 g of interior sludge with 1 tablespoon of fine grinding salts.
  2. 2. Apply an ointment on a problem with a thin layer and apply a warming bandage from above.
  3. 3. Repeat the procedure before improving the status

There is an erroneous opinion that cholesterol brings only harm to health, but it is not. This component is especially necessary for a person in stressful situations and with inflammatory processes. If cholesterol enters the body together with food, it allows you to reduce the burden on the body, since it does not need to synthesize it from the internal organs. Therefore, interior swine fat is an ideal product that allows you to provide the body with the vital components.