Garlic for the winter: how to collect, prepare and store the harvest at home. Storage conditions for garlic in a jar

Even though it is not a must-have vegetable, garlic is nevertheless extremely popular in our "backyard" households. Everyone grows these sharp and fragrant cloves. But growing is half the battle. I would also like to preserve the harvest obtained, at least until spring, or even better until summer, and to do this in an apartment, saving space in the cellar for other vegetables.

How to store garlic so that it does not dry out, germinate, or mold?

First of all, the heads must be removed from the garden in time, dried well and, if possible, prepared for storage.

Winter garlic (the one that was planted in autumn) ripens in late July - early August, and spring garlic (planted in spring) - closer to the end of August.

It is best to dig out the garlic with a pitchfork on a dry and sunny day. The heads peeled from the ground, together with the stems, are laid out in the garden to dry. It takes five days to dry the garlic. If five dry and sunny days in a row is not about your local weather, then you can dry the garlic under a canopy, in a gazebo, in a terrace, even in a greenhouse. The main thing is not to forget to ventilate the room well.

After drying, the roots of the garlic are cut with scissors or pruning shears so that about 3 millimeters remain, then the stem is cut off, leaving up to 10 centimeters.

Preparing garlic for long-term storage

If the garlic is properly prepared for storage, you can practically not worry about its future fate. Whichever storage method you choose, processed garlic will last much longer than untreated garlic.

The first step is to singe the roots of each head on a stove or on a fire to prevent the germination of the bulbs. In order to prevent mold and other diseases, garlic can be processed as follows: boil half a liter of vegetable oil on the stove for two hours, add 10 drops of iodine. Then dip the garlic in the oil and dry it in the sun.

These preparatory procedures are desirable but not required. For example, if you are not sure that the garlic is dried enough. Or it turned out that you dug it up in wet weather. Or overexposed in the garden. In these cases, additional protection of the bulbs will not hurt. But when you have done everything “according to the textbook” - you have harvested the crop on time and dried it well - you can immediately proceed to choosing a place and method of storage.

How to store garlic: proven methods

Spring garlic is better kept warm (+ 16- + 20 ° С), and winter garlic - in a cool room (+ 1- + 3 ° С). But in practice, gardeners choose how and where to store garlic based on the volume of the harvested crop.

After all, garlic is not the main product, but a seasoning - you don't need much of it. Usually, the harvest of garlic of an average summer resident is such that it can be safely stored in an apartment, without embarrassing the owners. If you are a garlic fan, and collect more than one box, you will have to connect a cellar or an insulated balcony.

So, for those who grow a lot of garlic and collect decent harvests, it is recommended to store it in wicker baskets, cardboard boxes or wooden boxes in a cool room at temperatures from + 3 ° C to -5 ° C and humidity 50-80%.

It’s quite another matter if you don’t have enough garlic to take it to the cellar. For such a case, experienced gardeners have come up with several options for storing garlic directly in the apartment.

Storing garlic in pigtails, bunches

The most ancient way of storing garlic involves weaving braids from the heads dried together with the stem and hanging them in a dark, dry and cool place (for example, in a vestibule, closet, or in a closet). It requires certain skills, time and labor, but allows you to save space in your home storage, because garlic braids are suspended from the ceiling.

Another way that does not require a lot of space. The nets are filled with heads of garlic, which are then again hung higher. For this business, the nets in which the pomelo is sold are perfect.

It is worth noting that both in the net and in the braids garlic should be viewed and discarded spoiled from time to time: these storage methods do not save garlic from drying and germination.

But the garlic stored in salt is quite capable of surviving the winter without loss. Someone puts the garlic in a wooden box with holes, sprinkling each layer with dry table salt. Someone is stuffing sterilized jars with garlic, filling the voids with salt. The main thing is that both the bottom and the top of the container have an impressive layer of salt (about 2-3 centimeters high).

Many people store garlic in regular white flour. The fact is that flour absorbs excess moisture very well. A layer of flour is poured onto the bottom of a saucepan, jar or any other dish with a lid. Then garlic heads are rolled in flour, placed tightly in a container, sprinkled with flour again on top and the lid is closed. Garlic keeps its freshness until summer.

Happy owners country bath can use ash to store garlic. In an ordinary cardboard box, you need to pour the ash in a layer of 2 centimeters and put the heads of garlic tightly on top. The next layer will be ash again, then garlic and so on. Most upper layer should be made of ash. The box completed in this way can be safely stored right in the kitchen.

Storing garlic in onion skins

If you have huge onion yields and a lot of onion skins are left over, why not use them to store your garlic? Onion peels can be sprinkled with garlic in a bag, basket or box and removed somewhere higher on the mezzanine.

Storing garlic in cling film

Each head of garlic is tightly wrapped with cling film in two layers. The film protects the bulbs well from drying out.

Paraffin candles must be melted in a water bath, dipped heads of garlic in molten paraffin in turn and allowed to drain. Paraffin forms on the surface protective film... It will prevent moisture evaporation and will keep pathogens out of the garlic.

Storing garlic in sterile jars

You can put the heads of garlic in regular glass jars without falling asleep. They say that even without all sorts of "fillers", garlic in a jar winters well, does not dry out and does not germinate. But for safety reasons, the banks should be sterilized and dried.

Storing Garlic in a Cloth Bag

Garlic is well stored in an ordinary linen bag from natural material, especially if you pre-hold the heads for a minute in a very concentrated saline solution and then dry. This treatment minimizes the risk of mold and other diseases.

Garlic is widely used in both cooking and folk medicine... If you buy it in bulk by weight, you will not have to worry about the safety of the vegetable. But if you have your own garden, you need to take care of harvested crop... How to store garlic so that it does not dry out, mold and germinate?


Do not water the garden for several days before harvesting the garlic. Dig it only in dry weather. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the necks of the bulbs. Dry the vegetable immediately after digging for a few days. Then trim the leaves, leaving only a small tail.

Singe the roots of each head to prevent germination. In order to prevent mold, treat the bulbs with a special solution. Heat 0.5 liters of sunflower oil on the stove. Add 10 drops of iodine. Dip the vegetable in vegetable fat and dry in the sun.

Optimal conditions

It is recommended to store garlic in wooden boxes, cardboard boxes or wicker baskets. It is better to keep the winter one in a cool (+1 ... +3 ° С), and the spring one - in a warm (+16 ... +20 ° С) room. Many people make the mistake of putting it in the refrigerator. At low temperatures the head becomes saturated with moisture and molds.

The optimum humidity level is no more than 70–80%. Therefore, garlic is stored separately from potatoes and other vegetables. The latter need more high rates- up to 90%. For the same reason, do not take bulbs out onto the balcony. Damp weather can provoke rotting. As a last resort, place a container of quicklime next to the garlic.

Storage in bulk

Ideal for storing garlic bulk materials- salt, flour, ash, onion skins, etc. They absorb excess moisture, thereby protecting the heads.

Salt. Place the vegetable in a wooden box with holes. Sprinkle each layer with dry table salt. Another way is to put a layer of salt (about 2–3 cm thick) on the bottom of the jar. Fill a container with garlic. Fill the remaining voids with salt. Shake the can to distribute the substance evenly. Some store the heads of garlic in jars without falling asleep. For safety net glass containers sterilized and dried.

Flour. Place a layer of flour on the bottom of the jar or saucepan. Roll the garlic heads in it. Place them in a container, pressing them close to each other. Sprinkle with flour on top and close the lid. The vegetable will retain its freshness until at least summer.

Wood ash. Pour the substance into a regular cardboard box in a layer of 2 cm.Place the heads tightly on top. The next layer will be ash again, then garlic, etc. The topmost layer is ash. The complete box can be kept right in the kitchen.

Onion peel. This method is no less effective. Place the garlic in a basket, bag, or box. Sprinkle everything with onion skins. Fasten the container higher, for example, on a mezzanine.

Drying and freezing

The previous methods are used to store fresh garlic. However, it can be dried and frozen. Useful properties at the same time he does not lose.

Drying of garlic is carried out in two ways - with and without a dehydrator. The first is simpler and faster. Peel the vegetable and cut in half. Choose only firm and large denticles... Place them on the tray of the appliance. Install one temperature regime, which is specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Garlic when completely dried will be brittle.

If you don't have a dehydrator, use the oven. Spread the cut cloves on a baking sheet and keep for 2 hours at a temperature of + 60 ° C. After a while, reduce the heat to + 55 ° C. Bake until the slices are crispy.

Garlic salt is often prepared from a dried vegetable. It will add a delicious delicate flavor to your dishes. Grind the product in a blender to a powder consistency. Add sea ​​salt in a ratio of 1: 4. Switch the appliance back on for 1–2 minutes. Store garlic salt in a glass container. Close the lid tightly and place in a cool, dark place.

You can freeze garlic in one of the following ways. Wrap whole, unpeeled cloves in food foil or film, or place in a plastic bag and then in the freezer. Remove individual cloves as needed. The second option is to peel and grind the cloves, put them in a freezer bag.


You can preserve the garlic so that it does not dry out by preserving it. Sunflower oil, liquid paraffin, vinegar, wine are suitable as a preservative.

Sunflower oil. Peel the cloves, place them in a plastic container, or glass jar... Fill with oil and close tightly. Send the container to the freezer. In the future, take out the cloves with a spoon.

Another option is to make garlic puree and olive oil... Peel the cloves and chop in a food processor. Mix the resulting gruel with butter in a 1: 2 ratio. Transfer the puree to a freezer container. Close the lid tightly and fold in freezer... This method is convenient for those who often cook. Thanks to the oil, the puree does not harden. It can be poured directly into the pan.

Paraffin. Melt paraffin candles in a water bath. Dip the heads of garlic one by one in the melted liquid. Let them drain. The substance forms a thin protective film on the vegetable. It prevents rotting, moisture evaporation and the attack of pathogenic bacteria.

A good result is provided by a mixture of paraffin (97%) and monoglyceride (3%). Warm it up to a temperature of +80 ... +85 ° С. Fold the garlic in synthetic nets and submerge for two seconds. Store the vegetable in small trays, boxes, or cardboard boxes set up on shelves.

Vinegar or wine. For this recipe, you will need dry white or red wine, or white wine vinegar. Place the peeled cloves in a glass jar. Fill with any of the suggested products. Close the lid tightly and refrigerate. To add a savory flavor to the canned food, add 1 tablespoon of salt per cup of liquid and dried herbs. Shake the container to mix the ingredients. With this method, garlic can be stored for up to 4 months.

other methods

Some housewives store garlic using the classical method - in bunches, a cloth bag, a net, etc. Let's consider how exactly to do this.

In bunches, pigtails. This method requires certain skills, labor and time. It involves weaving braids from the heads, dried together with the stem. Hang them from the ceiling in a cool, dry and dark room. This saves space on home storage.

In a cloth bag. Garlic keeps well in a bag made of natural material. Pre-soak the heads in concentrated saline solution for 1-2 minutes. Then dry it. This treatment prevents mold and other diseases.

In the grid. Another way that does not require a lot of space. The garlic is packed and then hung higher. Review it periodically and take away the spoiled one. Such storage will not protect against drying out and germination.

Note to the hostess

When preparing garlic for storage, consider the recommendations below.

  • Spring garlic is more suitable for long-term storage. It differs from the winter one by the absence of a false stem in the center of the head. Start harvesting in August.
  • If you pour garlic sunflower oil, do not store the container when room temperature... This can cause the bacteria clostridium botulinum to multiply, which causes botulism.
  • If you cook garlic salt, do not beat it in a blender for more than 2 minutes. Otherwise, lumps will form.

At proper storage the garlic stays juicy, strong and flavorful until the next harvest. It is not difficult to achieve this effect. The main thing is to dig up the vegetable on time, choose a good container, and ensure the required humidity and temperature levels. When choosing a storage method, be guided by the size of the harvested crop.

Kira Stoletova

Everyone begins to prepare food for the winter in summer and autumn. The issue of harvesting also applies to garlic. So that it does not rot for a long time, you need to know the storage conditions. Storing garlic in a jar is the easiest and most effective way. The method of conservation in a jar of salt will not take much of the housewives' time and effort.

Garlic preparation rules

The key to good and long-term storage is correct and timely harvesting. Garlic variety should be spring planting, for example, Yarovaya. It is this variety that is well stored all winter and has good keeping quality.

Harvesting begins in mid or late August. If the vegetable is winter, then the collection begins in July. It will not be hard to understand that it is time to collect. The plant begins to turn yellow and dry. If harvested later, the heads of the vegetable begin to take root and eventually disintegrate. Dig up the plant very carefully so as not to injure. To do this, use a shovel or a special garden pitchfork.

After harvesting, the garlic is well dried. It can be left in the garden for drying, provided the weather permits. If it rains, it is transferred to a shelter and spread in 1 layer. But first, they clean the ground well with their hands, it is forbidden to pick off the stems. It takes 10 days to dry the garlic. 2 weeks before the start of harvesting, the garden on which the vegetable grows is not watered.

Choosing garlic

Not all garlic stores well, whether purchased or home grown. There are prerequisites for everyone:

  • garlic must be fresh, recently harvested or purchased;
  • the structure should be hard, not soft;
  • heads with spikes are not suitable for storage;
  • the husk of the vegetable should look like paper and must be dry;
  • the teeth should be full;
  • rotten, with small specks, in the garbage or dirty heads cannot be stored;
  • if the vegetable has a broken integrity, scratches, damaged skin or other obvious damage, it is also not used for preservation.

Product shelf life

  1. At temperatures from 0 to 7 ° C, the vegetable can be stored from 3 months to 1 year.
  2. From 8 to 15 ° C, the vegetable can be stored from 2 months to 9.
  3. Garlic can be stored from 16 to 23 ° C for 2-6 months.
  4. From 24 ° C from 7 days to 3 months.

Bank storage

Many people know that autumn garlic is preserved much worse than spring garlic. There are several ways you can store garlic in any kind of glass jar. When storing in a glass container, the main thing is that the garlic is well dried. The roots of the vegetable must be set on fire, and the heads must be disassembled into separate teeth. It is important not to injure the shell and not to salt the diseased vegetable. Next, the prongs are laid out in three-liter cans, but they are not closed with a lid. Glass jars are taken to a dry but warm place where the product will be well stored.

For the second method, take salt. The jar must be sterile, salt is poured onto the bottom, and then dry and clean garlic. Then again salt and again garlic. Food is stacked in such layers until the container is completely filled. Then it is covered with a lid and kept for a very long time.

Cold storage

How to store garlic correctly in a jar in the refrigerator? Any type of garlic is suitable for keeping in the refrigerator. It is the winter product that is poorly stored in warm apartment... To start storing a vegetable in the refrigerator and in a glass container, peel it and select only healthy cloves. But it is possible to close it a little. To do this, the cloves are cleaned and placed in a glass container. Then they close the lid and put in a cold place.

To store garlic in a vacuum and cool place, just use a simple bag and a device that draws in air. Thus, a vacuum is obtained, in which the product will lie well for a long time in the refrigerator.

Storage in the apartment

Any housewife uses garlic every day to prepare various dishes, so you need to stock up on them for the winter. For this, there are many types of product storage in the apartment. One of the most popular methods of keeping food at room temperature is braiding. This method will be good if the gardener did not have time to get rid of the stems during the harvest. The recommended number of heads in a braid is about 13-15 pieces.

To braid a braid, do the following movements:

  • you need to take 3 stalks of garlic;
  • they begin to braid the braid from the bottom, adding new stems: so that the braid holds well, ordinary twine or thread is added to it;
  • then they make a loop so that it is convenient to hang in the kitchen or room.

In addition to such storage methods, they use carton boxes, bags, nylon tights or vegetable boxes. The container must be well ventilated. The vegetable must be dried well, and then transferred to a prepared container and stored in a dark place. It is worth remembering that the product must be sorted out once a month, because it can deteriorate, rot and dry. Sick heads are pulled out and thrown away so that they do not infect the rest of the vegetable.

To prevent the garlic from spoiling

There are several methods that can help reduce the appearance of rot or mildew throughout the shelf life. For starters, you should know that during the drying of the crop, it is laid out in 1 layer, in the sun. The first day the vegetable is kept for 5 hours in the sun, and then for 10 days it is taken out every day to Fresh air... This is a must to prevent germs, pests and other possible damage.


Garlic is a seasoning known all over the world. The specific and truly unique taste and aroma deserve to be present in our diet. Competently arranged storage of garlic, including in glass jars, allows you to stock up on this bulbous plant for the whole winter. Let's take a look at how to store garlic in a glass jar combined with flour and salt.

Learning without leaving your computer - why glass jars?

It is believed that two cloves of garlic a day are enough to get rid of many ailments, especially colds. It is famous for its antiseptic effect, helps against stomach infections, increases the defenses in winter and spring. Also, garlic cloves are part of the recipes for making anti-aging tinctures.

So if you want to strengthen your body, affect the functioning of the immune system and heart, forget about fluctuations in blood pressure, be beautiful and not think about your age, then for the winter! And now about the main thing - what to do to keep this vegetable crops until the next harvest? In order for the bulbs to have in winter useful qualities, remained strong, did not grow moldy and did not germinate, you need to take care of creating necessary conditions- avoid moisture and excessive heat. If the garlic was dug out on time and dried according to all the rules, then it will be quite easy to store it in winter.

In addition, you should pay attention to the surface of vegetables - the scales of garlic harvested for the winter should not be wet or damp... Choose a storage location carefully - dry and clean is best. Stack the garlic heads in wooden boxes or canvas bags. But if you are going to store a small number of heads for winter storage, you can use a glass jar for this purpose.

There are many effective ways, allowing you to store garlic for a long time. And using flour for this is one of them. To do this, heads of garlic are poured into glass jars or any earthenware, turning them with the roots down. The blank layer is sprinkled with flour in a layer 2-3 cm thick. The top of the container can be left open, the main thing is to move the jar to a dry place for the winter. If you did everything correctly, selected the desired temperature regime, chose the right vegetables, then you will get the desired result for the winter.

And remember that to store the heads of garlic, the temperature must be several degrees above freezing. And this means that a balcony, a loggia, an insulated barn or a cellar will suit you for these purposes. If you want to use a different method, you can choose salt instead of flour. How to do it - read on.

How to store harvested garlic in salt?

Those who do not believe can try it for themselves - it is the storage of garlic in ordinary salt that allows it to be stored for an extremely long time. It will not rot, deteriorate or lose its unique taste and smell. Why salt - but because it is she who draws out unnecessary moisture from the garlic and prevents rotting, thereby keeping it fresh. This method is especially relevant for. His large heads, unfortunately, rarely when they reach the next harvest - they are simply not designed for long-term storage.

However, in a company with salt, even winter bulbs will calmly last at least until spring. To use this method, you need garlic cloves: without peeling, put them in jars mixed with salt. It is desirable that the teeth do not have contact with each other. Do not regret the salt - if the cloves do not start to rot, which is very unlikely, then you can still use it in the cooking process.

Be sure to move the jars to a cool, dark place and keep them closed. To do this, you need to use sealed covers.

But not only garlic with salt for the cold winter will help create a supply of healthy bulbous culture. As we have already noted, you can store cloves different ways... For example, peeled cloves are placed in a jar and poured over with unrefined oil. This garlic can be transferred to the refrigerator for the winter, and used with butter as a sauce.

In order for something useful to grow in your garden, you need to make a lot of effort or create all the conditions for optimal growth useful crops... However, in addition to the problems of growing crops, the gardener still has other concerns: harvesting and storing it in winter period time. All these points apply to garlic as well. It is quite profitable to grow such a culture, since the prices for it, especially in the spring, are very high. Accordingly, it makes sense to increase and save the harvest of garlic. However, in addition to the problem of growing, there is also the problem of storing garlic at home. Consider the issue of storing garlic in different conditions.

It is worth knowing that not every variety of garlic is able to lie safe and sound throughout the winter. Also, its keeping quality depends on its maturity. If the garlic is overripe, then the cloves disintegrate and begin to rot. Unripe, however, disappears altogether in the first months of its storage. It is also worth thinking about fertilizing the soil layer where garlic will grow according to the advice of, but this should be done in the spring. In the meantime, let's bring different variants storing garlic at home.

Storing garlic in a cellar

Perhaps this is the most the best place which you can think of for storing garlic and other vegetables. However, it is important to remember that the storage temperature should not drop below a few degrees. A dry room is ideal.

With the help of twine, the garlic heads are woven into the braid with the remaining grassy tails. After that, the pigtail is suspended on a pre-prepared hook so that it does not come into contact with the walls of the basement.

In addition to braids, garlic can be stored in old tights or small elongated nets.

Storing garlic on a loggia

Not all people have a cellar. Therefore, you have to store garlic in a city apartment. If you have an insulated balcony or loggia, then in the same form garlic, covered from sun rays dark opaque cloth can also be stored on the balcony. You can put together special boxes and overlay foam with foil. But be sure to keep an eye on the temperature. It should not be lower - 3-5 degrees.

Storing dry garlic in jars

The roots and stems need to be cut off, and the heads of garlic are dried in a ventilated room for 3-4 days. Then it is laid out in well-washed, dried three-liter glass jars. Sprinkle flour on each layer of garlic. The topmost layer of flour should be at least 2 cm thick.Close the cans with plastic lids and put

Storing the minced garlic

Likewise, to save space, you can store the minced garlic. All cloves of garlic are peeled and passed through a meat grinder. After that, we carefully transfer this gruel to a prepared clean glass jar. Close the jar tightly with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Storing garlic in oil

It is very beneficial to store canned garlic in oil. For these purposes, you can use any oil - sunflower, olive and even linseed. Peel the garlic and dry. Wash and dry the jar. Next, put the cloves tightly in a jar and fill it with oil on top. This no longer needs to be cleaned. The oil can also be used as a flavoring agent for garlic-flavored dishes.

Storing garlic with salt

Whole heads do not need to be cleaned, but simply cover them with coarse salt. Put a layer of salt in a metal jar on the bottom, put a layer of garlic and so on fill the entire jar in layers. Store in a cool, dark place with the lid open.