What is cheaper rack or stretch ceiling. Aesthetics and decorative value

Not sure which ceiling to choose for your bathroom? Our review article will help you determine the pros and cons of rack and stretch ceilings.

The ceiling is such an element of the interior that adds volume to the room and completes the composition. It's like the finishing touch. Not only depends on the choice of material for the ceiling in the bathroom appearance but also inner peace.

After all, a bathroom is a room with a special microclimate. Therefore, we will choose which of them is better.

There are a lot of materials for finishing the ceiling. But from the variety of finishes, stretch and slatted ceilings are most suitable for the bathroom. The reason is that these materials are resistant to:

  • High humidity.
  • Temperature extremes.
  • Condensate.

Simple rack ceiling

Rack ceilings

The simplest set for mounting slatted ceilings is:

  1. Two U-shaped profiles. They are attached to opposite sides of the room.
  2. 2 (3) stringers. It is a metal bar with teeth. They are fixed between the profiles and the slats are suspended from them.
  3. Slats (PVC panels). In some designs, they are complemented by layouts.
  4. Spring hangers. Serves to support the stringer.

The rest of the elements are complementary and have only a decorative function. You can make such a ceiling yourself. Special skills and special tools are not required here.

How to mount plastic panels

Lamps, ventilation grilles or other devices can be easily built into a rack ceiling. In case of damage, it is enough to change only one rail, and the original appearance will be restored.

The slatted ceiling has one minus - it is not solid. In essence, this is a metal or plastic, chic-looking lining, a regular ceiling made of PVC panels. It will not protect from a spill from above, it will let the condensate into the under-ceiling space. But on the other hand, in price, it clearly outperforms the stretch ceiling.

Stretch ceiling

The principal stretch ceiling kit is:

  • PVC foil. This is a heat-shrinkable material of a variety of textures and colors; for installation, it is necessary to warm up the room with a heat gun. Extremely poorly tolerated temperature loads.
  • Cloth-based canvas. It is indifferent to temperature. Pulls on by hand. The tension is very high. Painting is allowed after installation. The texture is always matte.
Everything else is in stretch ceilings, just decorative elements. Although there is less equipment here, it is hardly possible to install such a ceiling yourself. Requires special tools and knowledge of the sequence of work. It will no longer be possible to make a stretch ceiling with your own hands - you will have to involve specialists.

It should be noted right away that it is highly undesirable to put glossy stretch ceilings in the bathroom. Often, the condensation settling on them clearly manifests itself in stains. And wipe the glossy PVC foil it is not easy, and extremely painstaking. Such a ceiling is very easy to damage. And given the serious temperature load in the bathroom, PVC ceilings better not to consider. Although this is a matter of everyone's choice.

But fabric stretch ceiling the bathroom looks like a glove. His important feature is stealth. He doesn't pay attention to himself, he's not pretentious. It just fulfills its function. And many people, even master finishers, take it at first for a perfectly made ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard.

Anything can be easily built into stretch ceilings. necessary devices(lamps, ventilation). But fabric stretch ceilings have a serious drawback - the price. The cost of such a ceiling, together with the installation work, will cost at least twice as much as installing rack ceilings.


Often people refer to the ceilings in the bathroom as to the device of the General Staff bunker. They mentally count on the catastrophic loads that this ceiling will have to endure "if something happens." So which ceiling should you choose in your bathroom? Everything is up to your taste and wallet, the cost of these two types will be about the same.

Do not take into account what the ceiling in the bathroom can withstand. The main thing is that the bathroom caresses the eye, and the decoration of its ceiling would not become an unbearable burden for the family budget.

Today we will focus on two ceiling designs - the undisputed leaders in bathroom furnishings. Rack or tension: are they really equal in practicality and decorative meaning, or are there differences, without which a high-quality bathroom repair cannot be done - read in today's review.

Description of structures

The device of a stretch ceiling is familiar to many due to its simplicity. It consists of two parts: a baguette profile fixed to the walls along the perimeter of the room, and a canvas or film stretched inside. The main feature of the tensioning system lies in its factory production; at the same place, a minimum of installation work is carried out.

The structure of a slatted ceiling is more complex and at the same time more interesting. The system of fastening profiles looks very familiar, something similar is used when assembling the frame for the sheathing plastic clapboard... The guide U-shaped profile, however, has an additional decorative function, framing the ceiling around the perimeter and providing a tight, beautiful abutment of the ceiling to the walls. And instead of the usual rack-mount profiles, special stringers are used, on which shoulder straps (strips) are fixed by snapping into the slots.

Aesthetics and decorative value

The differences in the device are due to the difference in appearance. This is perhaps the most important component of any ceiling system: if we are still ready to put up with the cost or complexity of installation, then flaws in design and appearance immediately push the type of ceiling in question to the end of the list.

Fortunately, both types of finishes we are considering can be safely attributed to highly aesthetic, they are just different and should be combined with the general style concept of the bathroom interior. Stretch ceilings are good because they allow you to maintain the spirit of minimalism, which is so popular these days. This is especially true for small bathrooms, where a ceiling with any pronounced pattern will draw too much attention.

Glossy vinyl canvases have a very interesting visual effect: being reflected in the mirror covering, the walls get their logical continuation, therefore, it is customary to perform corner adjoining in the middle of the upper row of tiles. Great alternative mirrored ceilings, in addition, there is always the opportunity to select high-quality colors from a wide palette for a complete combination or to diversify the mirror surface with a light pattern.

Matte fabric ceilings are a timeless classic, such a finish remains completely invisible and allows you to focus on more interesting and unique things - well-laid tiles, plumbing and decorative installations.

In terms of appearance, slatted ceilings are the exact opposite of stretch ceilings. Longitudinal stripes, at first glance, do not harmonize too much with the "checkered" look of the tile, although it depends more on the tile format. However, upon closer examination, this type of ceiling fits well into "sterile" interiors and becomes a stylish accessory that looks really rich.

The color scheme is also varied, and the strict directionality of the stripes helps to visually correct rooms with not very attractive geometry, for example, strongly elongated ones. Rack ceilings, in contrast to stretch ceilings, are distinguished by a more free choice of shape. Based on them, you can do as multi-tiered structures with radius edges and wavy planes, for which special types of panels and mounting profiles are intended.

Appearance or practicality

The second most important aspect after the appearance is how the ceiling will behave in high humidity conditions and how easy it is to maintain. The most tricky in this regard is vinyl gloss: drops of condensation formed constantly spoil the specularity, especially if the ceiling is noticeably understated. In this case, you cannot do without special means cleaning: solution for stretch ceilings and brushes, without them washing the sagging canvas can be another task.

Fabrics are surprisingly easy to care for and clean. The anti-static cloth does not collect dust and does not fog up due to its high vapor permeability. All small impurities, such as salt streaks from splashes, "hide" against the background of slight visual noise generated by the microtexture. The fabric of the canvas is impregnated with polymers that prevent rotting and mold formation.

Rack ceilings behave in many ways similar to glossy ones. Metallized polished inserts lose some of their attractiveness if traces of dried drops appear on them. However, let's be fair: this is far from the same thing as in the case of a mirror-like surface, and the surface fogs up a little less due to the presence of gas exchange with the area under the rough ceiling. By the way, due to the vapor permeability, the exhaust duct can be placed hidden, the same applies to fabric stretch ceilings.

From the point of view of the installation process

For the end consumer, stretch film ceilings will be the most hassle-free. Experts will independently measure, make a canvas and carry out installation in a couple of hours. You cannot do this work yourself, because you need heat gun... You can save money by installing the locking profiles yourself, but how significant will such savings be, taking into account the small area of ​​the bathroom?

Fabric ceilings can be installed completely independently, starting from fastening the baguette profile and ending with stretching the canvas itself. All that is required from a special tool is a rounded spatula, with which the fabric is tucked into the groove, and a pair of clean gloves.

Rack ceilings are the most difficult to install, but at the same time, the process of assembling them is quite exciting. It all starts with fixing the starting guide profile along the perimeter of the room in a common horizontal plane. The easiest way to do markup is laser level, but in the absence of one, an ordinary water one will do. Before fixing in the central flange of the profile, you need to make perforations with a step of 40-50 cm, while drilling is better with outside so that the remaining burrs do not interfere with the snug fit to the wall.

After fixing the guide profiles, the supporting stringers are mounted and the strips are assembled, then inter-lath decorative profiles are inserted between them. The main difficulties come down to cutting edge strips and making grooves for installation spotlights... However, the material of the panels is quite malleable and you only need a segment knife and metal shears to work with it.

Care and maintainability

Although the bathroom cannot be called a room full of domestic activity, damage to the ceiling can occur even here. The most expensive in terms of repairs is undoubtedly the film stretch ceiling. In case of damage to the film with little blood, it will not be possible to do: you will have to change the entire canvas, which is quite expensive.

However, the fabric canvas also changes entirely, only its cost is much lower. In addition, there is a problem to pull out the remnants of the fabric from the fastener of the mounting profile, but with the strapped fabric it is quite possible to do this.

Unlike the lining, the slatted ceiling does not have to be completely disassembled if one or more panels are damaged. The rail is simply drilled in several places and breaks down, a new one is inserted instead of it and the interpanel profiles are put back in place.

In terms of care, both types of ceiling decoration we have considered are very unpretentious: they do not absorb dirt, do not form a breeding ground for mold and are not subject to decay or corrosion. They should be washed either clean water, or formulations that do not form a soapy film to which dust adheres. Naturally, there is no talk of any painting and other "new things": the materials retain their appearance for several decades.

Today manufacturers offer a lot of options for transforming the ceiling space. Methods vary in cost, practicality, aesthetics, and more. How to understand a variety of technologies and which is better than a suspended or stretch ceiling? Let's try to identify the main indicators and differences. And both of them finishing have a lot.

What is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a stretch ceiling?

First, that both designs have in common is the lack of a stage of thorough alignment of the base. In both cases, the arrangement of the frame is assumed, and now about the differences.

Suspension system

Suspended ceilings are mounted on a pre-fabricated metal profile frame. Cladding elements are attached to the structure, which can be slats, cassette or plate materials. Most often, sheathing is made with sheets of drywall - light and practical material affordable. To form the frame, long guide profiles, moldings, suspensions (adjusting the height) are used.

When using drywall, the surface is putty, decorated; when using other materials, the finish corresponds to the characteristics of the product. Analyzing what is the difference between a suspended and a stretch ceiling, it is important to understand that a profile suspended frame allows you to create any shape: one-, multi-tiered, straight-, curved. In addition, the cassette layout helps to combine various decorative techniques, but requires special care in marking in order to avoid bends and cracks.

Worth knowing! For home use, the frame can be made from timber, reiki. Cheap materials reduce the cost of cladding, but they can only be installed in dry rooms with wood pre-treated with protective compounds.

Tension system

For stretch ceilings, a special baguette is mounted along the perimeter of the room, where the panel is fixed using a harpoon, wedge or cam method. A fabric or PVC film is used as a surface. Fabric ceilings can be matte, textured, film - matte and glossy.

Detailed difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling in the frame design. Tension ones do not require bulky elements, the minimum height for fastening baguettes is 4-5 cm. This is enough to hide irregularities in the ceiling space, fixing lamps. In the process of stretching the fabric heats up to + 60..65C, is attached, and when it cools down it takes a perfectly flat shape. The coatings are resistant to moisture, easy to clean, but subject to temperature extremes.

As in the case of suspended ceilings, stretch ceilings offer one-, multi-tiered installation, and the use of baguettes of various lengths explains the possibilities of designing various shapes and compositions.

Having figured out what a tension and suspended ceiling, what is the difference in designs, what to choose? Professionals offer the following guidelines:

Stretch ceilings are better:

  • for rooms of low height;
  • for under-roof spaces where leakage is likely.

False ceilings are better:

  • for rooms with temperature fluctuations: country houses, loggias, balconies;
  • in case of providing free access to the ceiling space;
  • on a limited budget.

Important! Choosing a cheaper option should not only be considered suspended structures... Today firms offer inexpensive stretch ceilings that are of high quality and can last 10-15 years without renovation and repair.

Which ceiling is cheaper

And yet, what will not cost so much? Considering the options, we note that the ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard sheets on a wooden frame is estimated at $ 3-4 / 1m2. When choosing a cassette, slab cladding, the price increases by another $ 2-3 / 1m2. If the frame is made of a metal profile, the cost of the ceiling will reach $ 5-6 / 1m2. The calculation is taken for ordinary single-level structures without curved sections.

Stretch ceilings are estimated from $ 4 / 1m2 - film and from $ 11 / 1m2 - fabric. When facing with panels, taking into account the curvilinearity of the structure, the cost increases by at least 2-3 times, and the use of fabrics with an original pattern, texture or texture will increase the price by another 6-7 times.

The cost of the service also depends on the region, the complexity of the work and the materials used.

Advice! Hinged ceiling structures available for execution with my own hands... The technology is not complex, but it requires patience and precision in calculations.

Comparison of stretch and false ceilings

Evaluating how a stretch ceiling differs from a suspended one, one cannot ignore its own capabilities, technological, operating parameters, area of ​​the room. Both options are attractive in their final performance, but there are nuances to be aware of.

So, what are the similarities and how do stretch ceilings differ from suspended ceilings:

  1. The service life of both structures is from 10 years, but suspended ones require finishing.
  2. Both options are multifunctional, but it is cheaper to make curly suspended structures.
  3. The options are equally convenient for installing additional lighting.
  4. Suspended ceiling structures take up a lot of height.
  5. The differences relate to the speed of installation, prices, working conditions.
  6. Film ceilings can withstand moisture, gypsum board sheets do not.
  7. Drywall easily tolerates temperature fluctuations, but fabric and film can be deformed.

And now in more detail about some aspects of the decor.

Installation speed

The most important criterion for the efficiency of work is complexity. When arranging a stretch panel, you need a gun, experience, to self-assembly decor is not appropriate. But the technology of work is simpler: there is no need to remove furniture from the room, and the time of work takes 2-3 times less time.

Plasterboard structures are available for DIY arrangement, but careful preparation of the premises will be required. As for the time, all work will take at least 3-5 days. The more complex the design, the longer it will take to install.

What else is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a stretch ceiling:

  1. When installing canvases, there is practically no debris- the master needs access to the walls. In small-format spaces, work takes 2-8 hours, in large rooms no more than 24 hours.
  2. The stretched canvases take up to 5 cm in height, suspended up to 12 cm. A large space will be useful in case of significant defects in the base, the need to hide wires and other structures under the sheathing.


As for this aspect, it is quick and easy to clean the film stretch ceiling - a damp cloth is enough to collect dust. But fabric panels do not tolerate moisture well - here it is better to do with dry cleaning, for example, with a vacuum cleaner. However, with local contamination, rinsing is allowed soapy water followed by drying. It is categorically impossible to rub, stretch fabric and film.

Unlike fabric plasterboard structures, covered with waterproof paint, vinyl wallpaper, they are not afraid of moisture, although it is also not recommended to wet them strongly. By itself, the gypsum board sheet absorbs water, but with proper facing it easily tolerates changes in humidity. If there are cassettes on the ceiling or PVC tiles, maintenance is generally simple: rinse, dry and you can continue to admire the cleanliness.

But what distinguishes stretch ceilings from suspended ceilings is in renovation: sheets and cassettes can / should be tinted, panels do not require any restoration work. And, of course, film canvases protect housing from leaks from above, but only in the absence of punctures, cracks.

Life time

It should be noted that stretch and suspended ceilings differ little in the duration of operation. The term of use depends on changes in humidity, climatic changes. GKL firmly endure the effects of temperatures, but are susceptible to moisture, the panels are deformed at low thermometer readings, but are not afraid of water.

The service life comparison is as follows:

  • tensile structures guarantee 10-15 years, without the need for repair;
  • suspension structures guarantee up to 10 years with local restoration.

Advice! Masters suggest choosing stretch canvases for warm rooms, and suspended ones for unheated, seasonal rooms. But it all depends on the choice of the owner, what he prefers: cheaper and independently or expensive, but practical materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

The easiest way to see the difference is by distributing the structures by type of work, practical characteristics:

OptionsTension canvasesSuspended structures
Work speed2-24 hours2-4 days
Loss of room height3-5 cm12-15 cm
Lighting arrangementPerhapsPerhaps
CareDepending on the materialDepending on the cladding
Resistance to damageWeakHigh
Fire resistanceHighHigh
Moisture resistanceHighAverage

The owner decides what to choose, but you should remember: today there are new materials for cladding on sale false ceilings. Plasterboard sheets far from the only sheet products that can be used to repair irregularities.

When carrying out repairs in the bathroom, the ceiling covering must also be changed. But in such a specific room, certain requirements are imposed on the ceiling. And naturally the question arises, which ceiling is better to make in the bathroom, so that it is aesthetic and practical, that is, it is combined with the interior of the room, but at the same time, so that it is easy to care for it. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Bathroom ceiling requires special attention, as this is a room with high humidity. Consider the basic requirements for a ceiling covering in a room with constant dampness:

  1. The finishing material must be moisture resistant, since in this room the ceiling is exposed to moisture both from above (flooding by neighbors, leaks) and from below (steam, condensation, shower spray). Nice ceiling must withstand all exposure to moisture.
  2. Ease of maintenance is another important requirement. The better and easier it is to maintain the surface, the more popular it is. Ideal option will be, if it is enough to periodically wipe it, because in this room, as a rule, there is very little free space for "maneuvers" during cleaning.
  3. For the bathroom, aesthetic requirements are also important. The ceiling in the bathroom should be made in accordance with the overall interior design of the room. It should be pleasant to look up while taking a bath or shower.

In addition, the material for bathroom ceiling decoration must be durable, environmentally friendly, fire resistant, antibacterial, easy to install and have a reasonable price.

Since we have listed the basic requirements for the ceiling in the bathroom, we can go directly to the consideration of one or another type ceiling covering... There are many options for decorating the ceiling, but not all materials and types of finishes meet the listed requirements.

Painting the putty ceiling

Ceiling putty and painting water-based paint Is simple, cheap and stylish option finishes. To make it original, it is better to paint the surface in several colors in a variety of bold combinations. If there is no flooding from neighbors, then such a ceiling will last about 10 years.

Moreover, all materials (putty, primer, paint) must be waterproof and antibacterial, and the surface for touch-up must be perfectly flat. If there are large differences between the floor slabs on the ceiling, then leveling the surface with putty will require a lot of effort and money. Then it is better to make the ceiling in the bathroom from other materials.

Have this option there are other significant disadvantages:

  1. It is easy to take care of the painted ceiling, but the darkening formed from time to time cannot be removed, since the paint absorbs dirt very quickly. But you can very easily freshen the coatings by rolling the paint roller over the old coat and the ceiling will shine again.
  2. It is very difficult for putty to resist fungi and mold, which is why you need to choose high-quality products with an antibacterial effect. But this does not guarantee that harmful microorganisms will not appear on the ceiling in the bathroom, since constant dampness is ideal conditions for their development.
  3. With this type of finish, it is impossible to make recessed lighting, which is so popular today. It is also impossible to hide some communications under the putty.

However, cheapness and simplicity this method, force many people to choose this particular type of ceiling surface finish.

Ceiling made of plastic panels

PVC panels are another cheap, but at the same time aesthetic and practical way finishing the ceiling in the bathroom. It is a durable, lightweight and moisture resistant coating that is easy to install and does not require additional finishing. Plastic panels do not require special maintenance; periodic wiping with a damp cloth is sufficient. An important advantage such a ceiling is the ability to install spotlights.

However, plastic siding has its drawbacks:

  1. Dirt gets into the seams at the joints of the panels, which will sometimes need to be cleaned with a brush.
  2. If there is poor ventilation in the room, then a fungus can settle in the seams, which is very difficult to remove. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to treat the PVC surface, especially the seams, with chlorine-containing detergents.
  3. Over time in high humidity even galvanized metal carcass may corrode. But 15 years panel ceiling will definitely serve faithfully.

To renew the coating, you will have to completely dismantle the old panels and ceiling skirting boards and then reinstall the new PVC panels.

Ceramic tiles look great on the ceiling

Until recently, when asked what is better to make the ceiling in the bathroom, many answered that ceramic tile- it is high quality, beautiful and practical, and we were absolutely right. Ceiling tiles really look expensive, stylish and have a number of other advantages over many other ceiling coverings:

  • tile is one of the most durable facing materials;
  • the tile is safe for human health, as it does not emit toxic substances;
  • ceramics perfectly withstands moisture, frost-resistant, does not burn, hygienic, resistant to wear;
  • the tile is very unpretentious in maintenance, does not undergo destruction from the effects of the most aggressive chemical detergents;
  • ceramic tiles do not fade in the sun over time;
  • has a huge assortment of colors, sizes and structures.

The tile could be called the best option for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, if not for two significant disadvantages:

  1. Impossibility of installing built-in lighting.
  2. The tiles are very difficult to install on the ceiling.

Therefore, for surface cladding, you will have to use the services of a professional, and instead of spot lighting, you will have to install wall sconces.

Features of a rack-and-pinion ceiling

A rack ceiling, like PVC panels, is assembled on a frame. However, the slats can be not only plastic, but also metal (aluminum or steel). Aluminum slats are much lighter than steel ones and will not rust. The rack ceiling can be made in various color solutions, as long narrow panels are available in chrome, gold plated, patterned or single color.

Even a beginner can assemble a rack-type ceiling. During installation, the slats are very flexible, which allows you to make the ceiling curved or even multi-level. The surface of the slats is carefully polished, almost like a mirror, and therefore has reflective properties. In addition, it is very easy to care for such a surface.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to ceiling slats:

  1. 1. Even with light pollution interpanel seams untidy stripes of a dark shade are formed.
  2. 2. This is a rather specific material for decoration, which is not suitable for every style of interior design.

Tiled suspended ceiling

On such a frame, you can make a ceiling from ready-made facing sheets - suspended tiles. The result is a cellular or cassette-type ceiling surface. Such a surface does not require priming or painting, which is a great advantage, since ceiling tiles are created with a pre-finished surface in a variety of variations.

Suspended slabs are made of various moisture-resistant materials: plexiglass, plastic, metal, mineral modules. With backlighting, such designs look just great. Ideal for minimalism and high-tech interiors.

However, ceilings of this type do not organically fit into all interior design styles. Sometimes suspended tiles look too formal and cold, which is unacceptable for a relaxing bathroom atmosphere.

Plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard construction is assembled on a metal or wooden frame. After installing the frame, it is sewn up with sheets of moisture-resistant drywall, which contains various protective additives against excessive moisture and fungus. "Correct" drywall, when exposed to moisture, will not damp, rot or crumble.

Plasterboard structures allow you to create an original bathroom. After all, such a ceiling can be made multi-level and winding, as well as beautifully and unusually positioned point lighting built into the frame. In addition, such a coating allows you to hide wires, pipes and ventilation communications, as well as irregularities and imperfections in the ceiling, creating a flat, smooth and durable surface.

There are also disadvantages, among which are:

  1. Relatively short service life - from 7 to 10 years.
  2. Expensive materials (profiles, screws, drywall sheets, putty, primer, paint).
  3. The need to periodically refresh the outer layer by repainting the surface.

But during the repair, you do not need to build a new frame.

Stretch ceiling - beautiful and practical

Stretch ceilings are very popular today, because this is an excellent option for a bathroom. Such a coating will protect against a flood, will not damp, and will not lose its properties. Such a ceiling will easily fit into any interior, creating a modern, stylish and exquisite design for every taste.

At the ceilings tension type a large number of color and design options, including multi-level designs with many built-in lamps. Stretch ceilings are glossy and matte, plain and patterned, with convex patterns and 3D photo printing. Maintenance of such a surface consists in periodically wiping it with a well-wrung out damp cloth.

Now about the cons of using such a finish in the bathroom:

  1. Impossibility of self-assembly.
  2. Easy to damage with hard and sharp objects.
  3. Yellowing is possible in the places where the spotlights are installed.

In all other respects, the stretch ceiling significantly outperforms other types of cladding.

Mirrored ceiling will increase the space

When using real mirrors, the view of the ceiling is simply striking in its luxury. But the cost of such beauty is significant. The frame for such a structure is made of metal, reinforced (the same is used for fastening drywall). To mount the mirrors on the frame, holes are drilled in each.

It is better to entrust the assembly of such a ceiling to a person with experience in such work, but the service life of such a ceiling will be quite long. Such a ceiling requires careful maintenance, it must be thoroughly rubbed and the surface polished to a shine.

But there are more available options the ceiling in the bathroom is of a mirror type - their price is much lower. For example, light, shiny plastic panels work well with the Armstrong system. Installation is simple and easy enough that even a novice amateur can handle the task. But this system has a very weak frame, it is very sensitive to corrosion, which undermines it in a very short time.

Disadvantages of mirrored ceilings in bathrooms:

  1. This type of ceiling creates a lot of shine, which not everyone likes, especially if you are in the room for a long time and the ceiling is not very high.
  2. Another disadvantage is leaving, since the surface is mirrored, the problems will be the same as with a regular mirror. Care is further complicated by the fact that, unlike a conventional mirror, the ceiling is not located vertically, but horizontally and above your head.

Original glass ceiling

Having also touched on the topic of the ceiling for the bathroom, one cannot but recall such a form as a glass ceiling. Such ceilings have a number of significant advantages and benefits. The glass is resistant to moisture, splashes and high temperatures, easy to clean. Glass ceilings are 100% environmentally friendly - they never have mold, and bacteria do not grow, glass does not contain or emit toxic substances. The impact of aggressive environments on them does not have any effect. Damaged boards can be easily replaced if necessary.

Due to its optical properties, glass visually enlarges the space, and well-chosen light will create a mood of mystery and intimacy, lightness and airiness. Glass ceiling with stained glass or photo printing is a very original solution.

For the bathroom ceiling, you can use both matte and glossy glass with various degrees of transparency. You can make a ceiling using photo printing in the form of stained glass windows. One has only to fantasize a little and the bathroom will be significantly transformed, acquiring an amazing appearance and significant volume.

Vinyl wallpaper - stylish and cheap

Vinyl wallpaper can be used to decorate the ceiling of the bathroom, thanks to the outer synthetic film, they are not afraid of moisture and water. Before gluing vinyl wallpaper it is required to prepare the surface well so that there are no defects, otherwise the ceiling will not look aesthetically pleasing and will spoil the appearance.

There should be no gaps between the joints, as this can cause the fungus to spread over the entire surface of the ceiling. If necessary, the wallpaper can be repainted several times.

Which option should you choose?

  • from a design point of view

As we said above, first think about how the design of your ceiling and the entire bathroom will be in harmony with the rest of the interior of the apartment. For example, "classic" is snow-white version... Moreover, it can be either hemmed or plasterboard, tension or hinged, with built-in lamps or not. Smooth and even surface white(even painted) will perfectly match any interior. A special chic is the white ceiling and black floor (and sometimes walls), this contrast looks very attractive.

Using textured ceilings, you can "play" with the size of the bathroom, visually making it wider, higher or lower. These include modular, plate, cellular and rack-and-pinion designs. All these types of ceilings have a pronounced texture of planks or tiles.

If you have a large bathroom, you can use multilevel ceilings, it is easier and cheaper to make them from plasterboard. A round convex design with lamps above a round bathtub will look great.

  • from a practical point of view

If you look at what kind of ceiling is best done in the bathroom from the point of view of practicality, then the first place is definitely divided by stretch and PVC-panel ceilings. Many people choose a stretch ceiling in the bathroom. Thin but very beautiful and waterproof PVC film is both practical and very beautiful to look at.

In conclusion, we can say that whatever type of ceiling you choose, the most important thing is that it meets your requirements. We have covered all types that might be suitable for a bathroom. And you should not save and you should give free rein to your imagination for the bathroom, and then every day you will gladly enter this beautiful room.

Suspended ceilings have created a real sensation in the field of interior decoration by their appearance, since they allow designers to realize their most daring projects, and workers can quickly and without unnecessary dust install everything. The most popular material for suspended ceilings is drywall. But it is more popular in residential areas. But in a room like a bathroom, materials that are resistant to moisture, steam, and frequent temperature changes are more popular. After all, all this is characteristic of the bathroom.

The stretch ceiling is different long term operation and ease of maintenance.

It is not surprising that they usually choose between stretch fabrics or aluminum slats. When choosing a ceiling in a bathroom with a rack or stretch, you need to familiarize yourself with the properties of each of these materials in advance. It should be noted initially the fact that at a price they are much more expensive than drywall, but their quality and durability are higher. We can assume that these are also suspended ceiling structures, only the material is different.


Usually in residential buildings and in apartments, the slatted ceiling is used in most cases in the bathroom, while the suspended canvas can also be used in residential premises.

The reason for this is the "cold" metallic color of the aluminum slats, which are not very suitable for living quarters, since they impede the creation of a cozy atmosphere.
The slatted ceiling in the bathroom is also good because it has a mirror effect and reflects the contents of the room. Indeed, in most houses and apartments, the bathroom area is quite small, and with the help of this effect, visual expansion space, it becomes lighter.

Such a ceiling consists of a standard frame, which is constructed from a special lightweight and very durable aluminum profile. Of course, you can do it if you want and tiered ceiling from of this material, but in most cases, the slatted ceiling is made single-level. Any additional decorative effects can be achieved through the location of the lighting fixtures.

You should also pay attention to the slats themselves. They can be matte or mirrored. In most cases, mirror slats are in demand, but you can alternate them to create a decorative effect.

In addition, the slats can be painted in a metallic color. They still retain their mirror effect. Again, you can alternate colors and thus achieve a beautiful effect.

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A slatted ceiling, when compared with a tension structure, is much more durable.

It does not have a shelf life as such, since these are aluminum slats, which, with proper care and operation, will last for more than a dozen years.

  1. The slats are located horizontally. This is how they are attached to the frame. Small uniform gaps are left between them.
  2. If the neighbors flood the bathroom from above, all the water will simply flow out through these gaps between the slats and there will be no harm to the ceiling. You just need to wipe the slats with a damp cloth and the ceiling in the bathroom will be as good as new again.
  3. And there are no special rules for care. It is necessary to wipe the slats from time to time with a damp cloth, using available detergents.
  4. Aluminum itself is a very light metal, so the entire ceiling weighs very little, there is a minimum load on the walls, the main ceiling and the frame itself, so there is no need to worry about safety.

However, it is very important that the installation of the ceiling is carried out by professionals. This guarantees, first of all, high reliability and safety of the structure. As for lighting fixtures, you can install any required number of them.

It is better to focus on zoned lighting, so that, for example, when necessary, illuminate the area near the mirror, near the bathroom, shower stall, etc. ... Of course, at the price of a rack ceiling, it is more expensive than its counterparts, but it will also last much longer.

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As for the tension structures, they are also great for the bathroom. They also cost more plasterboard ceilings, although, if you wish, you can find an inexpensive canvas. Stretch canvases are good because they can contain various drawings, inscriptions, photographs, if you order an individual print. The canvas itself can be matte, with a mirror effect, glossy, etc.

  1. If in most cases the slatted ceiling in the bathroom is single-level, then the stretch ceiling can be made multi-level if the height allows. Tension cloth also copes well with moisture, steam and temperature extremes.
  2. But not every canvas will cope with this. It is very important to know in which country it was made. The best is what was made in Europe. But it is also the most expensive for the price. Models made in Russia and China are cheaper, but the range and quality are much lower.

You need to be especially careful with canvases from China. Of course, not all products made in a given country can be harmful, but many unscrupulous entrepreneurs produce canvas in artisanal conditions from low-quality recyclable materials, which, moreover, may contain harmful substances, toxins and radiation.

And in the bathroom such a cheap canvas should not be installed in any case, because the bathroom is a room with high humidity, temperature extremes. All this will only accelerate the release of harmful and toxic substances into the air from a poor-quality canvas.

A rack ceiling can be made both flat and curly.

That is why, if you choose a suspended suspended ceiling for your bathroom, it is better to give preference to products from European manufacturers. It will cost more, but you can be sure of the quality, safety and durability of the installed tension structure... As for the canvas itself, it can be fabric or vinyl.