How to place lighting: Basic design principles. How to arrange spotlights on the tension ceiling for the bathroom

Correct location Luminaires on the suspended ceiling requires not only designer abilities, but also knowledge of the rules for placing various sources of light and the ability to calculate their electrical circuit. The fact is that, in contrast to other types of ceiling, tensioning is sensitive to heating, and it imposes restrictions on the permissible power of light sources.

Types of lamps for stretch ceilings

There are several types of lamps used for lighting:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • halogen lamps;
  • lED bulbs.

In addition, for decorative backlight Gas discharge (neon) lighting sources and LED tapes can be used.

Incandescent lamps They have a property very much that is dangerous for the stretch ceiling. Therefore for pVC films The power of these lighting devices is limited to 40 W, and for satin canvas - 60 W.

Heating halogen sources lightand also significant. However, they emit more light per unit of power, so "halogens" can be used for PVC for 20 W, and for satin - by 35 W.

Energy-efficient fluorescent devices are heated, although power consumed is significantly lower than more traditional instruments. Thus, the 40-watt incandescent lamp corresponds to a 9-watt energy efficient.

Practically do not warm LED sources. Therefore, for PVC films, they are optimal.

Neon tubes Used B. small apartments rarely. As a rule, such a backlight is performed according to an individual project and requires significant costs. And here lED Strip Light Much more democratic for the price and can be connected independently. At the same time, due to the flexibility of the tape, you can "draw" any curvilinear objects, achieving very interesting effects.

Selection of lamps

There are formulas calculation required power Lighting devices depending on the room area. But for simplicity, it can be assumed that for sources of incandescent, there will be 20 watts per square meter. Based on this, you can choose the number of lamps.

Another question - how to position them correctly. Here they come from the fact that in large rooms, such as the hall, bedroom, the chandelier is located in the center of the ceiling space. However, the presence of one central light source is often insufficient. Therefore, along the periphery of the ceiling, point dot luminaires should be placed, which are often called sobs.

If the room is small, or we are talking about official spaces, such as an entrance hall, a corridor, toilet, then you can do without a chandelier. For example, change the central light source on one or two "tracks" from the spots.

Specific interior solutions

Usually, modern apartment consists of a number of roomshaving a definite functional purpose:

  • living room (hall);
  • bedroom;
  • children's

And also there are auxiliary premises:

  • hallway (corridor);
  • bathroom and toilet;
  • kitchen.

Each of these premises have their own nuances concerning lighting arrangement.

Hall (living room)

This is a multifunctional roomwhich can be used both for noisy feasts and to work or leisure family members. Therefore, the ideal for the hall is the variant of changing brightness.

Lighting in the living room with stretch ceilings should consist of several instrument groups - a central chandelier, its inclusion creates a solemn festive atmosphere, and point and built-in luminaires, which can be included with groups, selling wide light gamut, from nonry and muted, to strong light.

If the hall is divided into zones (recreation, working, etc.), then each zone may have its own block of lamps. The geometric location of ceiling spots depends on the general style. Oval, circular, curvilinear - more suitable romantic style. Modern is expressed in straight lines, squares and rectangles.


Recommended here use lamps warm yellowish tones (incandescent devices, energy efficient devices "Warm" light). Recommended location - oval from spots around the central chandelier or two lines of point lamps along the long walls (also if there is chandelier).

IN modern bedrooms With a mounted TV installed on the opposite wall of the bed, it is allowed to locate point lamps on the ceiling along the wall where the TV is hanging.

Children's room

In the nursery, as a rule, lighting should be trother or three-zone. The first zone with a minimum level of lighting is the territory where the child is sleeping. More light is needed in the gaming area. Finally, the most intense illumination is required in the desktop zone, where the child performs school tasks. Location of lamps on the ceiling - a field for fantasy. For example, a very spectacular ceiling will be the ceiling in the form of a starry sky.

Corridor, Kitchen, Bathroom

In all these rooms you can do without a chandelier, as the main source of lighting. In the corridors and the hallways, the seeds are usually evenly distributed around the perimeter.

Bathroom lighting With the stretch ceiling does not allow special delights, due to a small size of the room. But an important detail is high power Lights in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror - it is necessary for shaving, makeup, etc.

The kitchen also requires a good illumination of the working area, therefore, block diagrams of spots are also needed, allowing you to include one or another group or together.

Planning the organization of lighting depends on constructive features Premises, its appointments and the estimated furniture arrangement scheme. In addition, it is important to take into account the technical characteristics of the instruments themselves. Start planning follows from the definition of various zones in the room. For example, in a room intended for children, it is necessary to provide a recreation area, where the lighting will be minimal, the zone of games and the working area where the maximum number of lamps will be required. Thus, on the plan of the room, you can mark the sections with various standards Lighting.

Before choosing a type of lamp, the height of the room should be taken into account. Under device hinged Ceilkov From drywall and stretch structures from PVC film or matter, the surface level is lowered on, but for mounting the lighting devices of a certain type, a more substantial indentation may be needed from the ceiling slab, to accommodate communications and the luminaire itself.

Therefore, at low ceilings, it is best to use LED devices that occupy a minimum place under hinged ceiling, and any options will suit.

Popular lamp location schemes.

Deciding with the type of lighting equipment, and based on the standards of illumination and zoning of the room, can be calculated required amount units and determine the options for the location of the instruments.

The design of the lamps must be coordinated with the general design of the room (you should not install the instruments in the modern style in the room with classic trim and furniture).

Calculation of the number of necessary lamps

Correct the number of lamps and their required technical specifications will allow existing recommended illumination norms for each type of room. Currently, the owners are increasingly moving to LED lamps, so the calculation of the lighting rate for each room in the apartment will be shown on their example.

The illumination rate is expressed in a wow on one square meter and is:

  • for toilets and bathrooms - 2 W / m 2;
  • for halls - 3 W / m 2;
  • for corridors and hallway - 1 W / m 2;
  • for the bedroom - 2 W / m 2;
  • for children - 7 W / m 2.

Based on the above rules, you can easily calculate the required amount of devices and decide how to locate on stretty ceiling. This will require:

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room multiplied to the norm of illumination, for example: 12 m 2 x 7 W / m 2 (for the children's room) \u003d 84 watts.
  2. The value found is divided into the power of one lighting device, for example: 84 W / 6 W \u003d 14 pcs.

It turns out that it will take 14 to create the necessary illumination in the children's room. lED lamps With a capacity of 6 watts.

  • for incandescent lamps - 4;
  • for luminescent lamps - 2.5.

For this example, it turns out that the total power of lighting for the children's room using incandescent bulbs will be released: 84 W x 4 \u003d 336 W, and for luminescent lamps: 84 W x 2,5 \u003d 210 W. If the calculation is not the integer, it is rounded to the whole value.

Basic rules for placement of lamps

In order to correctly determine the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • chandeliers traditionally have in the center of the room;
  • the symmetric location of the lamps implies equal indents from the walls and the same intervals between the instruments themselves;
  • the placement of point luminaires is drawn relative to the chandelier;
  • the minimum retreat from the wall for the installation of the lamp is 200 mm;
  • the recommended gap between the individual luminaires in the chain is 300 mm.

These rules are valid and for mounted ceilings from plasterboard.

Schemes for placing lamps

Approach to lighting different rooms The apartment should be strictly individual, since each room has a special purpose and, it means, the solution for the location and number of lighting devices will be special.


Installation of lamps in the room of night rest implies the creation of a comfortable, soft, muted light. Best for equipment ceiling coating Matte stretch ceilings with LED light bulbs located around the perimeter are suitable in the bedroom.

Small lamps with warm light will create the correct scattering of the light stream, and the presence of adjusting dimmer will make it possible to adjust the power of lamps by the mood of the hosts.

The fluorescent lamps hidful for decorative molding look original, creating a soft light edge of the ceiling.


Before deciding how to place spotlights on the ceiling in a room for children, it will be necessary to plan the zoning of this room for its intended purpose. Usually three zones are distinguished in the nursery:

  1. Game.
  2. Working.
  3. Sleeping.

The bulk of the lamps must be placed in the game and work zoneFor recreation area, it is advisable to equip scattered, calm lighting. For convenience, it is recommended to distribute the zonal lighting of children's on different switches to be able to adjust the processes of children's activities.

In addition to ceiling lighting, in the children's room, it is necessary to place table lamps or sconces that will enable the light stream when performing homework or drawing at the table.

We must not forget that for children it is important to select its own space with the help of various attributes, so the design of the lamps in the nursery need to choose less conservative, and the placement on the suspension ceiling is recommended to be performed in the form of fabulous contours, asterisks, figures.

Living room

The best way to locate point lamps on the ceiling in the hall or in the living room is considered to be placed around the perimeter of the room with the installation in the center of the ceiling of the traditional chandelier. This method allows to obtain uniform lighting of the whole room and, at the same time, if desired, you can extend the chandelier, having obtained softer, unobtrusive lighting due to embedded point lights.

Most designers insist on accommodation in the chandelier hall, and you can install additional backlight different ways, focusing on the location of furniture in the living room.

If this room is used not only as a living room, it is desirable to divide the room with the help of light to separate areas:

  • for the office, more vivid lighting is needed;
  • in the bedroom zone you can reduce the number of lamps;
  • over dining table It is best to have a central chandelier.


The number and type of lighting devices in the kitchen depends on its size. For big modern premises You can use a combined backlight scheme: the chandelier illuminates the food intake zone, and embedded point lights located in a semicircle or at right angles, highlight workplace hostess.

As interesting design You can view cascading lamps above the dining table, but this option is only available for really big kitchens.

For small rooms with rectangular shape It is recommended to build three parallel lines perpendicular to long Wall. This method of installation will allow visually push the walls and prevent the appearance of shading of individual sections.


Typically, the space in the apartment, which is engaged in the corridor or hallway, a small, deprived source of natural lighting, respectively arises the need for visual increase in this room.

For this purpose, it is recommended to choose a glossy stretch web as a ceiling coating, and the location of point lights on the stretch ceiling is uniformly in the perimeter.

At the location of the mirror, it is necessary to increase the light stream or at the expense of additional devices on the ceiling, or using wall scaves. Long and narrow corridors can be visually expanded if applying lights with directional light, emphasizing light spots on the walls.


The feature of the placement of lighting devices in the bathroom primarily is to ensure security. For lighting equipment in rooms with high humidity, sealed lamps are used, halogen lamps are usually chosen.

In a small bathroom, there are no more than 8 point lamps, such a quantity is quite enough to obtain high-quality lighting. Mounting points are evenly over the entire surface of the ceiling of the bathroom.

The demand for stretching canvas is associated with a number of advantages that allow you to completely transform any ceiling. Unlike suspended construction The height of the wall here does not play a decisive role. It is only important to solve one question - how to arrange the lamps on the stretch ceiling to better emphasize its advantages.

Designers are increasingly stopped at such a finish, because it is possible to organically enter the ceiling in the selected style and make it a real decoration. No longer need to be afraid, whether multi-level stretch ceilings are suitable or will be appropriate only in the hall and bedroom. Thanks to them, you can solve several problems at once, especially if you use point luminaires.

Advantages of stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling has a number of advantages compared to suspended systemWhere many restrictions:

  1. Installation takes the minimum time further care Also does not cause special difficulties.
  2. The basic material is used or vinyl film. Rich is involved color palettewhich includes up to 200 shades. It is possible to imitate precious metals, wood and stone.
  3. The film is withstanding a larger load and is not afraid of water if the neighbors foul. After drying, the ceiling will again take a beautiful view.
  4. Don't need to do infinitely redecorating, It will be possible to hide all the flaws and irregularities. The service life reaches 50 years.

The installation helps solve the problem of illumination. The correct location of the point lamps on the stretch ceiling will allow you to better perceive space, remove discomfort, highlight zones for work and recreation.

Tip: Measurements and installation is better to entrust specialists. There are many nuances here and need some work experience. Fabric cloth is great for unheated premises Type of loggia or summer house, as it is withstanding low temperatures.

Criteria for selecting lamps

The market today offers new lighting appliances using innovative technologies. To place them, you need to carefully examine the characteristics of the structure, the canvas, lamps, etc. Only then you can then find the exact location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling.

  1. The chandelier is even if there are many powerful light bulbs in the ceiling, it is not capable of illuminating all remote corners, select the decor elements. But it is well suited for a large living room or bedroom if other lamps for stretch ceilings were used.
  2. We must not forget about the parameters of heat dissipation. For the canvas from the film, they should not exceed 40 W, and for fabric - 60 W. IN otherwise The deformation will occur if point lamps on the stretch ceiling with powerful lamps in 80 or 100 W were used.
  3. If you place lamps with an outdoor location, then they are not so heated by the cloth and faster cooled. In addition, it will be possible to send a powerful stream of light to a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room, apply the lamps up to 70 W.
  4. Before placing point lamps, count how much spots will need. The amount should be equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room divided by 1.5. For a 20-meter room, it is approximately 12 elements.
  5. Preferred to install rotary models that can instantly send light to a certain area.

The placement of lighting devices can now wear a decorative or aesthetic character. This is due to manufacturing materials, forms, sizes and lamps of different power.

Tip: Before installing lamps, accurate ceiling measurements are made. SPOTs should be located no closer than 20 centimeters from the wall. Distance OT suspended chandelier Before the ceiling - 15 centimeters, for point devices - up to 20 centimeters.

Lamp parameters

It is necessary not only to decide on the place where point lamps on the stretch can be installed. It is very important to choose the right lamps that will be able to fit and change the interior for the better.

  • The inexpensive incandescent lamp is well suited for the bathroom, storage room or corridor. There are no problems with operation, but at the same time the service life is limited and too much heat is distinguished.
  • Higher coefficient useful action in luminescent lamps. Small heating and bright light will not damage stretch designs. The disadvantage is associated with the impossibility of using light adjustment devices. They are poorly affected by excessive humidity.
  • Using a dimmer, you can adjust the brightness of halogen lamps. They will serve much longer, only caution should be taken during installation and leaving.
  • Despite the higher cost, the LEDs are ideally suited for stretch ceilings. The minimum heating occurs, a softer natural flow of light can have different color shades. Such a ceiling lamp will last from twenty to thirty years.

The LED is easy to replace. It does not attract dust, no moisture and temperature differences are afraid. We need literally for all rooms. An additional advantage is the minimum consumption of electricity.

Tip: When calculating, the purpose and total area, the presence of chandeliers and other lighting, power and type of lamps are necessarily taken into account. Halogen should not be more powerful 35 W.

Accommodation options

Before laying the lamps, you need to carefully carefully examine the basic options for their location. In the living room, point devices will be able to be located in the form of semicircles or large oval. As a result, it will be possible to light all the corners of the room, the central part will decorate the elegant chandelier.

  • In the kitchen, you can apply an angular option by mouncing a part of the LEDs directly into the kitchen set. For a dining table or a bar rack will give a flow chandelier or sconium mounted on the wall.
  • In a standard bathroom, it is usually from 4 to 10 point lamps. A arc location will fit here, allowing to highlight the main zones.
  • For children's nice to apply the shape of the cross. You can completely abandon the chandelier and distribute the flow of light evenly.
  • The circular shape allocates the center of the bedroom, but leaves the corners in the shade, where the bed or chairs are installed.
  • A rectangular arrangement makes it possible to visually expand the space, often used for the corridor.
  • Spot can make the surface of the ceiling of non-standard. It is easy to create a wavy line, embody a pattern or pattern by applying color LEDs.

Good lighting will be needed for the winter garden and gym, aviary and aquarium, zones for work and study.

The light stream is able to create a certain atmosphere, allocate the most important elements And hide disadvantages. Some secrets and recommendations:

  1. Installing the chandelier is preferable to install directly in the center, but at the same time use multiple power modes to adjust the lighting.
  2. Depending on the shape and sizes, as a symmetric, so asymmetric location. LEDs and halogen lamps can be located around the perimeter or zigzag.
  3. For narrow i. long Space Better looks like a number of lamps, built directly in the center.
  4. The glossy stretch ceiling looks spectacular if the point devices are mounted on the wall. Such reflected light will emphasize all its advantages.
  5. In the bedroom you need to cover the light source for molding or eaves. Scattered lighting is created and the area itself is expanding visually expanding.
  6. For the bathroom it is recommended to use up to 8 soffits, leaving approximately an equal period between them. It is necessary to allocate all metal chrome elements And the pattern on the tile.
  7. The kitchen will definitely illuminate the working triangle, which is now often connected to an island and counter. Numerous built-in LEDs on the ceiling and furniture will help to cope with this task.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the features of the choice of lighting devices for the location of point lights on the stretch ceiling
  • How to calculate the number of lighting elements for the beautiful location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling
  • What should be the minimum distance between the lamps on the stretch ceiling
  • What are the popular layout layout schemes on the stretch ceiling in combination with chandeliers
  • What are the popular luminaire layout schemes on the stretch ceiling without a chandelier
  • What could be the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling in different rooms
  • What errors can be made when the point lamps are arranged on the stretch ceiling

To repair in Moscow it is necessary to come seriously. Lighting of any room plays a priority role to create cozy interior. A well-chosen scheme for the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling will not only please rejoice the eye, but also be able to perform a very serious task of dividing the area on the conditional zones, to create a visual effect of expanding the space of the room. In order for you to see for yourself, we will show you several typical samples of lamp location schemes and share successful solutions in the question of coverage of different premises.

Selection of point lamps for location on the stretch ceiling

Before planning the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling, you should thoroughly think about which lighting sources you need.

On the stretch ceilings you can use several types of devices:

Stretch ceilings will serve you for a long time under the observance of a number of conditions:

  • The temperature of the lamps during operation should not exceed sixty degrees, otherwise the ceiling material spars.
  • Light bulb power Choose up to 35 watts.
  • The light should be reflected in the mirror surfaces.
  • Invalid the presence of sharp details that can spoil the ceiling material during installation.

The design with moving parts is originally, thanks to which you can focus the lighting on the desired subject or section of the room. Such a device will help zonate the room.

It is better if Spot will have a wide edging, it will help to hide the installation design.

Considering the chandelier as a lighting device for the stretch ceiling, it will be necessary to take into account such parts as the coating material, the lamp type and individual characteristics of the room. For example, for the matte surface, the classical form devices are better suitable, and for glossy can be experimenting, choosing any original model. The effect of reflection in the form of bright light spots will create chandeliers on the ceiling with open LED light bulbs. They can be placed directly under the web, they will not harm him, because they do not distinguish heat.

Plafones in the chandelier ideally must hide the lamps, and if they are too close to the ceiling, it will be a prerequisite.

Choosing a halogen light bulb for a chandelier, place it no longer than thirty centimeters from the ceiling. At the lighting device with such a type of lamps, the plaffones should be directed down.

Determined with lighting sources? Now we calculate their quantity.

How to calculate the number of elements for the correct and beautiful location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling

Before drawing a scheme for the location of point luminaires on the stretch ceiling, calculate the number of required devices. Focus on standards. For various types of premises, they will not be the same - in the utility rooms do not need bright lighting, and in places to work and rest - on the contrary. Light standards You will see in the table, a unit of measure - suites.

One square meter lighting norms for different types Premises:

Calculate the number of devices according to the following algorithm:

  • You must first determine the total power. For this, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be multiplied by the illumination standard according to SNiP.
  • After that, it is necessary to find out the light stream of light sources. It will help you in this power table of the lamps below.
  • The number of light bulbs is calculated so: the total power is divided into the power of the lamps. Everything is ready for building a location scheme.

We will analyze an example of calculating the number of lamps on the ceiling according to this algorithm. We need a scheme of lighting for a kitchen of 5 × 4 m. Mount will be a 2-W LED light bulb, giving a luminous flux in 200 lumens (LM) each. We consider:

  • Kitchen area 20 m 2 Multiply 150 LCs (see SNiP). 20 * 150 \u003d 3000 LC. This is the minimum of the total light flux from all light devices.
  • Next, calculate the number: the resulting number is divided on the light stream of lamps. 3000 LC: 200 lm \u003d 15 pcs. This means that for a kitchen of 20 m 2 2 will be needed 15 LED lamps of such power.

Calculation on standard standards provides sufficiently bright light. In fact, such standard lighting is sometimes not satisfied. For example, in the hall there may be a slightly muted, warm light. This situation can be corrected by selecting the lamp location scheme at the top: better if the possibility of alternating lighting is planned.

To this end, the light bulbs are divided into groups. At least two, in this case they can be connected to one line through one and remove on two-block switch. In this case, you can turn on the lamps through one, so that the light will be muted, or both lines - then the brightness will be maximum. Depending on your desire, you can make a greater number of groups of light instruments, for this you have to withdraw them with individual lines on switches and use in terms of situations.

The minimum distance between the lamps on the stretch ceiling

When installing light instruments on the ceiling, be sure to consider not only the power of the lamps, but also their location in relation to the walls. If a row of lamps are located closer than 20 cm from the wall, then the probability of overheating the latter is large.

If we talk about the distance, then the main thing is not to disturb the minimum intervals between the devices and adjacent objects.

It is important not to forget that the smallest distance between the built-in ceiling luminaires is 30 cm. Be sure to follow this rate, developing the location of light sources on the ceiling.

Popular luminaire layout schemes on the stretch ceiling in combination with chandeliers

Consider various options The location of the point lamps on the stretch ceiling. If you have chosen as the main source of light chandelier, then in the scheme, place it in the middle. It will be a central point regarding which the whole drawing is being built. It does not matter which line of the bulbs will be in the diagram, the chandelier should be only in the center. The point devices can build various figures around the chandelier. For example, in diagrams 3 and 6, the location of 10 lamps on the stretch ceiling with a chandelier in the center is shown.

In small rooms you can arrange light sources on the first two schemes. If the room is desirable uniform lighting, then choose the circuit number 1 or No. 4. They are similar to each other: in the central part - the main light (chandelier), in the corners, additional light bulbs contributing to more uniform lighting. For premises more in the corners of three additional light sources (Scheme 4), in a small room there is enough and on one light bulb (scheme 1).

The asymmetric location of the devices will help visually change the size of the room. For example, narrow room It can be visually unlined by means of circuit No. 5, placing the backlight along the short wall.

Scheme number 2 quite often use for lighting in the kitchen under the condition of linear placement kitchen headset In parallel, one of the walls, above it and have a backlight. Circuit number 9 can also be implemented in the kitchen if the headset is angular. In a similar way, you can zone part of the kitchen, thereby having seen a place to eat or rooms for recreation or work.

In schemes 5, 6, 10 you see semicircle, circles and ovals. This type of lamp location on the ceiling can be found quite often. Rounded lines have a positive effect on the human psyche, so similar schemes are used for bedrooms, children's rooms, halls.

Luminaire layout on the stretch ceiling without a chandelier

Do not use chandelier? You are welcome! Built-in light sources on the ceiling make it possible for variations of schemes larger quantities. With a small difference in that, as a rule, all lamps will be divided into groups. Various degree of illumination will allow zoning the room. In the diagrams, the lamps group is indicated by color. From the most simple layout of 12 lamps on the stretch ceiling (extreme left in the top row).

Please note that different zones can be adjusted with different switches. The first scheme in the 3rd row shows, for example, the location of 6 lamps on the stretch ceiling of a brighter zone and 4 lamps of the muffled zone.

The room often needs to be selected one or more zones. And this can be taken into account using the lamps of different power or the location of the unequal number of lamps over each zone. For example, over the table with the workplace, the level of illumination is better to strengthen, and in the corner of the rest over the sofa or the ottoy, on the contrary, muffle, make it softer. So, above the place where the table is planned, the number of lamps increase, and you can reduce or remove the sofa.

Options for the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling in different rooms

Of course, standard schemes For different rooms can not be. Working out the placement plan for point lamps, the purpose of the room and the room layout should be taken into account. We present you options for the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling (photo below) for different rooms. In the kitchen, it is recommended to split all the space into separate areas, highlighting the cooking spaces and a dining area. In the kitchen with a small area, it is enough to install only point lamps.

  1. If you wish to visually increase the space on kitchen, then the devices are better to position evenly in 3 lines along the room: the first group of lamps is exactly in the center, and the other two of the ceiling. An additional bonus with such a scheme will be uniform lighting without shadows. With a low ceiling it is better to use lamps with swivel mechanism. To illuminate the most important sections of the room, we recommend to take a zigzag scheme as a basis.

  2. If you are a kitchen owner with a large area, it is not bad to make a central lighting device to make a chandelier. At the same time, additional light sources are located in various variations as it will be convenient for you. For example, you can make backlighting space for cooking, dining area. Often placed the lamps around the perimeter of the ceiling or along the kitchen headset. All this does not interfere with the complementary lighting of the working surface, placing the device on the bottom of the headset.

  3. Hall - SAMIA a large room Apartments. The whole family is gathering here, guests. The space of the room can be emphasized the right design. And in the first place in this matter, of course, light. Requirements for the level of illumination hall elevated in comparison with other rooms. Beautifully look at the center of the ceiling is a large chandelier with many lamps. And the point lamps along the walls will play the role of additional backlight or the source of romantic muted light when the main device is turned off.

  4. Point lamps in the living room are placed not only around the perimeter. Luminaires can create a wide variety of fantasy drawings using curved, rounded lines, circles, ovals. Geometric shapes can framing the space around the chandelier or located groups along the edges of the ceiling.

    Not everyone likes the chandelier in the living room. Lovers romantic setting or the owners of the apartment with low ceiling In principle, you can do without it. Spot devices, evenly distributed over the ceiling, brighten the entire room. If you wish, smash the living room on the zones can be grouped them in the right places. Playing the number of lamps of a certain power, you can create bright and dark zones. In the photo you see the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling in the hall.

  5. BedroomAs a place for relaxation, as a rule, does not require bright illumination. The color gamut of the interior is close to pastel. Soft, warm colors of walls and ceilings can highlight a light light emanating from point devices. The lamps in the room for sleep and rest are trying to choose the same shape and size and arrange them evenly on the ceiling or around the perimeter. An option is allowed from a chandelier of small sizes, in this case the lamps are installed around it.

  6. To illuminate the bedroom, it will be more convenient to use the power controller. The dimmer will allow you to achieve the desired level of brightness, with it, you can individually control the bulbs and chandeliers.

    The combination of chandeliers and point lights on the perimeter of the sleep room visually spreads the space.

  7. In a nursery It is better to create a soft light without glare. In this regard, powerful light bulbs and mirror surfaces here are most likely not needed. As a rule, nursery is conventionally zonied for two parts: for classes and for rest. The most applied scheme is the location of the point illumination above the surface of the table for lessons. Targeted lighting will create optimal conditions To preserve vision when reading. You can use the children's and chandelier for general light. Below are represented original solutions The location of the point lamps on the stretch ceiling.

  8. For the baby you need a night light. Often it is mounted to the wall. But this is not the only option. Modern design designs demonstrate ample opportunities to create a fabulous atmosphere for a child from magical colors to a real starry sky. When the baby is growing, a carefully thought out layout of the lamps will not bother him and will not lose its relevance.

  9. Sometimes apartments are equipped with stretch ceilings and in corridor. In such a room, first of all it is worth considering his small area and feature. There is no window Operactions With natural light. All load accounts only to lamps. On the other hand, the space of the corridor is narrowed by placing furniture items in it for storage of things.
  10. Therefore, the main task of light in such a specific room is visual increase volume of room. Here you should pay attention to the choice of the material of the stretch ceiling. It is better for such a room to use monochrome glossy PVC film. Spotlights of light arrange one or parallel lines along the edges of the ceiling, sending light on the walls. The number of lamps for the corridor is usually small, but sometimes for a unique designer project, their number may be higher. In one of the photos - the location of 8 lamps on the stretch ceiling. Excellent solution - luminescent lamps that create the effect of soft light.

    Light in the corridor can be divided into the main and optional. As the first, it is not bad to use the device with a matte cap. And then point lamps can create an additional backlight in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror and hangers.

  11. In trend to use a stretch ceiling in bathroom. But limited space allows you to set a minimum of lamps. But you can play well on mirror reflections. This will help glossy surfaces of tiled walls, mirrors, chrome details. All these elements in combination with stretched web Create an effect of free space.
  12. Traditional scheme For the bathroom involves a uniform location of the ceiling of four to eight light bulbs. It is preferable to use a rounded form devices.

An important condition for lamps in the bathroom is their protection against water. In this matter, the leader is halogen lamps. They give, on the one hand, the bright light and at the same time they are not afraid of increased humidity. Line location ceiling lamps On the stretch ceiling in the bathroom can be in the form of various geometric shapes: rhombuses, squares, arbitrary curves, zigzags. It all depends on your preferences.

How dotted lamps are installed on the stretch ceiling

Point lighting devices for stretch ceiling differ in the design:

  • Current lamps are easy to perform. The light ray is directed along a straight trajectory without the possibility of adjustment.
  • Rotary spots have a harder design. Their installation will require great effort. But the complexity of the work will pay off by the possibility of adjusting light. The direction of the light stream under the desired angle will create focusing of the rays in the desired zone.
  • Open devices can be operated in rooms with normal level humidity.
  • The design of closed devices is complicated by additional protection against moisture ingress, they can be used in raw rooms.

The installation of point lights is better to start with competent planning. At this stage, you will need:

  1. mark on the surface of the ceiling of the location of the lamps in accordance with the scheme;
  2. note installation location distribution box and switch;
  3. based on the placement of the lighting devices, develop an option for laying wires, calculate the number of terminal blocks.
  4. consider the presence of existing light sources in the room.

It remains to solve another problem - install appliances into the ceiling outboard design.

To begin with will have to hold electric installation workwhose essence is in the cable laying to the place of attachment of each instrument. After the chain preparatory work And the installation of the canvas should be proceeded to the final part - the installation of devices in the stretch ceiling. First you will have directly on the film in the locations of the mounting brackets to stick the thermal fastener as the basis for mounting the lamps.

Then it will be necessary inside the global round profile cut holes for the future lamp. It follows the most accurate as possible in order not to disturb the integrity of the coating.

After that, with the help of adjusting screws, we exhibit the fastening racks to the surface of the ceiling coating, display the cable and attach the instruments to the terminals. The design of the lamp includes a thermal insulating ring, which is put on the housing before installation. It serves to adjust the degree of heating tension material Ceiling and insulation of the device from the surface of the canvas.

When installing the PVC film to the surface of the ceiling to retire in the opening of the wiring. To smooth fixtures on the ceiling after their installation, you will need to adjust the devices, and only after that you can screw all the light bulbs and check the stretch ceiling on the quality of the lighting.

If the built-in luminaires are installed correctly, the light will be bright enough and at the same time indispensable. With a large surface area of \u200b\u200bthe stretch ceiling, it is better to establish a transformer in order to save electricity and the possibility of using lamps designed for a small current.

For stretch I. suspended ceilings Preferably use devices with hidden fasteners. The wires and body of the devices are placed in space between the ceiling base and the coating material. Devices without unnecessary fasteners look very aesthetic.

7 Basic Errors at the location of point lamps on the stretch ceiling

  1. Different types of lamps are not used (lighting levels are not created).
  2. Myth that bright good light Will, if you install many lamps in a row, does not justify yourself.

    If the ceiling lighting turns out to be the only room, most likely, this will not be enough to achieve maximum comfort. Additional light sources are needed for a cozy situation, for example, next to a chair or bed. And sometimes they are just necessary, for example, for letter tableIf you, of course, choose your eyesight.

    Modern design features expand the functionality of lighting. It from static subject to the use of different types of lamps of different power becomes flexible. The inclusion of general (ceiling) lighting in the hall when receiving guests will be more appropriate. And when viewing the TV, an additional backlight when the main turn off will turn your living room into a cozy cinema.

    If you, for example, a connoisseur of art or collector and want to emphasize the subject of your pride, then use accent lighting. This technique will make a new one to catch familiar objects and also visually will increase the space.

  3. Dimmers are not used (no lighting intensity control).
  4. Highly frame error is a refusal of dimmers. The use of power regulators provides additional features Traditional lighting. With their help, you can control the power of the light stream, adjust the required degree depending on the time of day or just mood. View the movie in the warm family circle is unlikely to delve pleasure in the room with too bright light.

  5. Do not think about where the shadows are falling.
  6. If the light source is located not in the place, he will deliver more trouble than pleasure.

    For example, in the bathroom it is better to place two lamps on the sides of the mirror. One device on the ceiling will give unpleasant shadows on the face. If the area does not allow the installation of two lamps along the edges, the output will be in choosing an elongated in the horizontal plane of the lamp instead of point into one lamp.

    Seriously approach the issue of lighting the workplace in the kitchen. The light fall should be on the surface where you cook food. When the light source is located on the side of the back, the shadow will constantly annoy. That is why the backlight is placed under the cabinets of the kitchen headset, and not above it, in order to highlight the working area.

    Similarly, it is necessary to locally highlight the "island", if you have it.

    According to this principle, the dining area is equipped in such a way that the light source is located exactly in the center of the table, followed by, and not aside, otherwise the shadows can spoil the impression.

    And in the office or office, where there is only ceiling overall lighting, you can fix the situation with a desk lamp. Extra shadows in the zone of its coverage will disappear, and your vision will not be threatened.

  7. Select the low-size lamp.
  8. Often, buying a chandelier, we only focus on the overall impression of it. And only when used, we realize that the size of the lighting device does not quite correspond to the dimensions of the room. The disproportionality of a small lighting device in a large hall or, on the contrary, a huge chandelier in a tiny room will cause unpleasant sensations.

    Therefore, before going to the store for lighting devices It is worth estimated the exemplary size of the future purchase. After all, the feeling and first impression in a huge illuminated hall shopping center You may be deceived.

  9. The location of the lamps at the wrong selected height.
  10. Another error is the height of the lamps. It is necessary to know that in the dining area, the distance from the lower edge of the chandelier to the floor should be about 1.6-1.8 meters. Too low, the chandelier will be blind and irritate the eyes. A highly placed light source will not perform its main function of sufficient lighting of the zone of the table. Your comfort directly depends on the height of the Light Devices.

  11. Not taken into account the color gamut of premises.
  12. The color gamut of the room directly affects the overall impression on the level of illumination. Too dark walls will create a feeling of lack of light, even with a large number of lamps. Try slightly change the color to the side of the bright tones, and you will feel the difference. The light will play in your room.

  13. Not taken into account the fact that the lamps consume energy.
  14. Naturally, light devices consume energy. People switched to economical lamps, including LED. Energy saving has become widespread. Reducing power consumption, you save your money. Reducing the cost of using electricity is particularly relevant for large institutions and enterprises. But for an ordinary consumer within the framework of the apartment, this issue is no less important.

A few more visual examples of the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling

Location of lamps on the stretch ceiling in the bedroom:

Location of lamps on the stretch ceiling in the kitchen:

The location of the point lamps in the corridor:

The location of the point lamps in the nursery:

The location of the point lights on the stretch ceiling in the bathroom:

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Today we will consider all possible subtleties associated with this issue, as well as give you visual location schemes, supported real photos in the interior.

Features of the selection of lamps for stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are different, lamps - too. The most key point in the selection of spots for the stretch ceiling is not their external appeal and size, but power. From her and should be "dance", since the likelihood of damage is made by heat.

And the repair of the tension ceiling is not subject to repair, you know. So, be careful at this moment so that it was not painfully painfully.

: film (PVC) and fabric. At the same time, that one that the other option does not tolerate strong heating, but the tissue is slightly more stable. In addition, if you warmly warm the film ceiling, in addition to fast damage, you will receive a daily portion of formaldehyde vapor into the air, as it is released at a temperature of more than 70 degrees.

So, what is the optimal possible power of point lamps?

For fabric ceilings:

  • Halogens - up to 35 watts
  • Incandescent lamps - up to 60 W

For film ceilings:

  • Halogens - up to 20 W
  • Incandescent lamps - up to 40 W

There is also another wonderful option - lED bulbs. Their cost is a little more than the above, but:

  • serve where longer;
  • melt the ceiling can not well;
  • since they almost do not allocate heat.

But here there is also one small moment: so that these lamps "run" must be connected to a special adapter, which is not just heated, and literally "burning". Therefore, in no case do not place this device on the ceiling itself, under the film!

It is better to place it somewhere on the wall, in the corner, behind the curtain. It will be even more convenient for you, since the adapters periodically need to be repaired, but to disassemble the tension ceiling for this purpose - not for faint-hearted, to put it mildly.

In addition, we need nothing more. You are free to choose a completely any design and size of spots, based exceptionally to your taste and wallet.

Calculation of the desired number of lamps

To the walls in the evenings did not seem dark, and the room is uncomfortable, the lighting should be enough. It is worth saving on a dozen spots and everything appearance The premises loses its freshness in the evening.

Not only is the lamps should be enough, so they should be grouped correctly. Optimal solution - Location of the group of lamps over the "work zones" of the room. That is, if we are talking about the kitchen - the main number is located above the dining and desktop, if about the bedroom - we group the closet, toilet table and beds, etc, depending on the type of room and its setting.

About necessary number Lumens, everything is extremely simple here:

1 square meter is enough 20W, just.

That is, if you captured a 35 W point lamp, you can safely increase the coverage of one and a half times. That is, 35W is quite enough for 1.5 meters of ceiling space.

From this it follows a simple mathematics. Take the overall cube of the ceiling and divide it on 20 (35W). If your ceiling is 10 meters square, then you need 10 lamps for 20 W or 6-7 lamps 35W.

Note that we are talking about light flow from exclusively spot spots. If you have a chandelier or other light source, then the quantity can be safely divided by three, there are more for beauty than with a functional purpose.

Basic rules for placement of point lamps

The rule here is one thing - not to have lamps closer than 15 cm for the tension ceiling seam. Because, if you do otherwise, the risk of damage stretch coating during installation.

Otherwise - complete freedom of action, but if you want to observe at least some geometry, it makes sense to adhere to the number two rules - do not have the lamps closer than 20 centimeters to each other.

And if the exact distance is not your case and you want to portray random chaos on the ceiling, then rely solely on your taste.

And yet, before you make holes in the stretch ceiling, it is better to carefully paint on the coating of the circles with chalk, on the site of the alleged points. So seem to be much better than drawing on paper. In the picture, one is always one, and in reality - everything looks not at all, and there is no longer a hole!

It is better to take extra half an hour, draw everything and carefully look at what comes out. As a rule, after such a sketch, a mig disappears to experiment with asymmetry.

Analogs of point lamps

In addition to point lighting, there is something else, even better. These are long LED light bulbs that can be placed straight under the film of the stretch ceiling.

The effect of such a backlight comes simply stunning and with a literate distribution of light rays, a feeling is created that you are not in the room, but in the trunk of some spacecraft.

A bold solution, but quite interesting and quite budget.

Combination of lamps with chandeliers and other lighting sources

In the schemes below you will see options for the location of the lamps, in combination with chandeliers. But, before you look at the pictures, we would like to emphasize that the chandelier and spots are in principle, it is difficult to combine the thing.

Spaws look very modern, and chandeliers are often a classic look. Therefore, think tightly before designing a point illumination living room in which vintage is bangible, copper chandelier. People in this case are better not from the ceiling, but with the style of the style of the wall located on the wall. If the chandelier itself has modern, then this amendment does not concern you.

And here you can choose one of the schemes that you will "fall" on the soul. Consider your overall design of the premises and texture of the stretch ceiling.

If you have a glossy, remember that the point illumination gives pretty unpleasant glare and have them in the zone to which the look is constantly rushing - it is unreasonable. With fabric - no problems. Point illumination on them looks just like on a painted ceiling.

Spotlights in the interior:

And now let's get to the specific and on real examples Let's see how they can be placed. As we said, a schematic picture is very different from reality, and you can make sure of this, considering our selection of photos.


Usually, the question of how to position the lamps in the kitchen is not too complicated. The room is usually small and placing the luminaires around the perimeter or somehow figure - no sense.

In the kitchen, practicality is important, and therefore, you just need to make a "blow" of lumens over the work areas: a tabletop and a table.

Other functional places in the kitchen and not. True, if you have a large, having "island" and other unusual elements, then be sure to take into account their presence and do not leave without lighting. Gloomy kitchen - a gloomy sight.


In the bathroom it is necessary to illuminate the bath itself, sink, and the rest is at will. In general, bathrooms are rarely very large, therefore, the standard 3-square squares are enough 5 small lamps located in a circle.

Living room

Special attention should be paid to the placement of spots in the hall, as the style depends on this directly general form premises. One point backlight cannot be done, for one simple reason that it will look boring.

It is better to combine point lighting with other lighting devices, while it is desirable to have a long-term, in special ceiling niches that need to be done in advance, at the stage of layout of the ceiling itself.

Living rooms are very interesting, in which areas are highlighted from above, with the help of ceiling drops. For example, above the sofa - the tier, over the dining table - a circle with satellum, etc.


Spaw in the bedroom is a master's business. But, in this room, as in any other, it is important to remember the glare.

If the stretch ceiling is glossy, then it is not worth it, in general, to bind to the point illumination. For relaxation room, the glare is an aggressive and annoying thing that will interfere with sleeping.

In this article, we looked at everything and even more on a given topic. We hope that after reading our material, the location of the lamps on the stretch ceiling for you is not at all a problem!