How to properly adjust the plastic entrance door. How to adjust the plastic door yourself

Today, the choice of apartment owners and houses is often falling on the plastic door. It is used as entrance, interroom or balcony. In any of these options, plastic design looks interesting, attracts attention and guarantees good performance features. However B. winter time Plastic doors require special care - you need to translate them into winter mode.

Attention!You can translate the work of the doors for the winter yourself. The owners are wondering how to adjust the sash so that it keeps the heat indoors, excluded drafts. Adjustment is easily performed, but it is recommended to first find out what is a winter and summer mode.

The location of the elements of the accessories on the PVC door canvase

Characteristics of plastic structures and methods for opening

Repair in the dwelling assumes not only the replacement of floors, ceilings, or disassembling partitions, but also the installation of new windows and doors. This step is responsible and complicated, but it is necessary. Residents of our country, acquire plastic windows, which manufacturers attach different sizes and characteristics. But the main function plastic windows And the doors on the balcony is to give the room as much beauty, heat and light as possible.

In the process of repair, due attention is required to pay the installation of plastic windows. It should be noted that the price of them is acceptable for each person, and the operational abilities are high. In plastic windows and doors different methods opening. There are structures that have a swivel sash, such models are most common. There are still windows with a folding flap, it is convenient to use them when carrying out the premises. Models and doors are available with a swivel opening method, and such windows are easy to wash.

The only important nuance in the period of repair becomes competent installation and adjust all elements of plastic windows. Perform such work under the power of only professionals that are engaged in the installation of these structures. Therefore, do not save on payments to workers, as the windows are installed once and for a long time, and everything should be at the highest level.

Adjusting I. proper setting Accessories

Useful information about the doors of PVC

Plastic door is recommended to purchase exclusively from proven companies. Only the proven brands in the market guarantee a long term of subsequent operation of the device. At the same time, it is preferable to trust the work on installing professionals. However, if you have skills and appropriate knowledge, the installation can be performed independently. Primary adjustment of the design is important.

Back at the stage of acceptance doors, look at certain indicators. Pay attention to the material, accessories, including locks and handles. Each of the elements requires professional adjustment. In particular, focus on the following:

  1. Normal closing and opening doors. No difficulties should arise. To check the vertical and horizontal installation, use the construction level.
  2. Dlyter pressed canvas to the door frame. It should be dense and uniform throughout the perimeter.
  3. Arbitrary opening or closing the door should be completely excluded.

Process adjustment PVC web In case of failures in its primary configuration

If everything is in order, then the door is high-quality and you can enjoy its operation. Of course, do not forget that the door from time to time needs adjustment. Twice a year it is transferred to winter or summer mode.

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When do you need adjusting the door?

Often, people notice the problem when it is already running: there are drafts, the door is badly closed or opens. These are already problems that have been a consequence of previously unnoticed situations. In fact, see all the shortcomings of operation can be at the initial stage. Here it is much easier to correct the problem.

Set many different ways See the shortcomings of the door. One of the easiest helps determine the weakening of the cloth clamping to the box. To do this, need a sheet of paper. It is clamping between the box and the frame of the door. After that, the sheet is neatly pulled and, if it is done with difficulty, it means that the door is fine. Perform such a check should be all over the perimeter of the structure. If malfunctions are noted, you will have to eliminate. With the help of girlfriend tools, clamp make the maximum.

The problem may be in the seed of the canvas. The door in the closed position is driven around the perimeter. Pencil lines must match the edges door box In the open position of the sash. If deviations are fixed, you will have to adjust the position of the sash.

Useful recommendations By setting up metal plastic

Horizontal adjustment: work algorithm

Horizontal adjustment is required in the case when the door saves due to its own severity. The characteristic manifestation can also be the jamming of the handle when the riglels of the mechanism do not fall into the grooves intended for them. As a result, the design opens with difficulty, and drafts are observed. Conduct with the problem will help the next algorithm, transferring the door to the winter mode:

  1. Open the sash.
  2. Unscrew the screws from the upper loops.
  3. Close the sash.
  4. Remove the lining and unscrew the horizontal long screw.
  5. Inspect the screw for damage. If they are missing, screw it back, screwing down stronger in the upper loop.
  6. Remove the lining from the lower loops.
  7. Adjust the work of the lower loops, tightening or relaxing them for a uniform movement of the sash.

Main features to adjust the canvas from metal plastic

Vertical door adjustment and adjusting

You may need to set up and adjust the door design and vertically. Here questions arise how to regulate the sash to translate the product in the winter mode. For this, they find the screw, which is called adjustable. It is usually located in the lower end of each of the loops. To adjust it, the traditional hexagon suitable in size is used. Depending on the part, in which the screw rotates, the sash drops or raises. Movement clockwise contribute to raising, counterclockwise.

Read also: - Stages of work, materials and tools

Additionally, the press force is adjusted using a locking pin, which is available on any canvas. It is located in it, the indicator is located, which weakens or pull up depending on the need.

Attention!Adjusting screw is often hidden behind the plug. It is important to consider when trying to adjust the design.

Appearance of PVC entrance doors

Now you know how to independently configure the doors to the winter mode of operation. The configured design option is easily adjusted, the handle works properly, and the product itself easily opens and closes, without passing the cold. If you do not fully understand how to translate plastic doors to winter mode, check out the video presented. It accurately and clearly illustrates how to translate plastic products to "Winter" or "Summer" mode. After acquaintance with the video, switch the door to the winter mode will be easy for you.

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IN modern world Plastic windows and doors are greatly popular. They have a slight weight of the whole design, tightness and relatively low cost. However, over time, problems arise when they are operating, which may require adjusting the mechanisms.

We reveal defects

The identified damage is usually visible to the naked eye:

  • The door passes the cold air to the roomThe tightness of the design is broken. In order to confirm the specified disadvantage, some actions must be performed. A sheet of paper is clamping between the frame and the door, the design is closed on the lock. After paper pulls out. If it gives back, then the climb is broken. The operation is carried out throughout the perimeter of the door canvase. In addition, the defect is manifested with the onset of frosts. In the violation of sealing on the glass packages, condensate is formed.

  • Dissolio or sagging door leaf. If the door squinted, it is easily detected using a pencil, which will be powered by the sash in the closed state. In the case when open door The drawn line is parallel to the frame, it can be argued that there is no distortion. Under its weight, the door design can be saved. It becomes noticeable when when opening the sash hurts behind the threshold, and in the closed state, it forms a slot in the upper corner. Causes of occurrence: Constantly open doors, improperly folding during installation.

  • Friction. The door of the door is hampered, the canvas gears the box or creak. With a long lack of adjustment, the upper PVC layer is wiping, which may result from damage to the profile. The friction contributes discomfort to the work of the fittings, wearing it, as a result of deriving.

  • The handle is loosened, dangled fasteners. Usually, the reason serve frequent operation or wasteful relationship.

  • For turning handle requires effort. In this case, probably damage to the core of the castle or handle, as well as different kinds Tampering or wear. The handle does not close to the end. The disadvantage takes place if the following is noted:
  1. sewage of the door canvase makes it difficult to work;
  2. list.

  • Jumping a shut-off mechanism. Causes can differ from the simplest in the form of pollution to more complex depending on the design.

Required tools

To adjust the plastic door yourself, you need to stock up tool kit:

  • Hex keys of different diameters (from 2.5 to 5 mm).
  • Flat screwdriver.
  • Crosshead screwdriver.
  • Roulette.
  • Passatia.
  • Set of plastic linings.
  • Lubrication and means for care of seals (if necessary).
  • Instruction.

Instructions for self-configuration

Manufacturers are equipped with plastic entrance doors of various fasteners and adjusting elements. However, the principle of setting up the door design in all models is the same. It should be noted that such products are characterized by the absence of a swivel-fold mechanism, as well as the presence of a special type loop.

There are three doors setup schemes:

  • In height, the design is regulated by pulling the loop from the bottom. To this end, in its end part, a decorative plug is removed in order to free access to the central adjustment screw. Rotating the hex key clockwise provides the door lift, counterclockwise.

  • The displacement of the canvas to the right or left is configured using side and upper loops. The door is fully opened to unscrew the lining on the middle and top loops that performs a protective decorative function. After it can be removed, but originally closed the canvas. The setting is performed using a long adjusting screw located horizontally. The uniform shift is achieved by the same twisting of the horizontal screw in the middle and upper loops. If the canvas looked like, then in the upper part - stronger.

The degree of pressing of the mechanism is changed due to the tweezing of the pin. This element is also called eccentric. Usually there is a risk - indicator. If the eccentric deploy the risk to the room, then the clamp decreases, the direction to the street will increase the sealing.

If the creaking is heard when opening, then you need to lubricate the loop. For this, the protective caps are removed and the remedy is laid in the opening. Lubricants should take into account climatic conditions, to fine-carry temperature changes.

Setting up loops and canopies

On plastic and metal-plastic entrance doors, closed overhead loops are most often installed. Their quantity is calculated individually depending on the functional characteristics of each model.

In the absence in the design of the glass package, its weight decreases significantly. So, a similar door is enough to equip two canopies. Accordingly, if the basis of the sash is glass, as in the case of a metal reinforcement, the design can have three or more veins.

For their adjustment, there are three methods described above. It is important to understand that twisting only one part, you can call the entire profile, since the change in the position will occur only at one point. An illiterate adjustment leads to the occurrence of squeaks and distortions.

If defects were detected during the warranty period, then it is best to contact the company's specialists. It will be free and will not deliver trouble.

In order to avoid breakage, it is better to identify the reasons for the need to adjust. Tight closing of the door, drafts, cracks between the frame and the blade - the first signs of problems. Prevention of problems in the work of loops and canopies of doors from PVC significantly increases the service life. It can be carried out both independently and with the help of specialists.

If it is decided to independently adjust door structures, be sure to be patient, thoughtfully read the instructions, check for all the necessary tools. If there are questions, consult with experts.

In addition, professionals advise not to impose great hopes for adjusting door elements, as it can provide displacement only in several millimeters. If initially installing the door design was made with technological violations, then the setting will not help.

How to pull up in height?

Door designs S. rotate-folding mechanism more complex input, but adjustable simply. If the cloth rubs the bottom edge about the threshold, it is time to adjust the vertical adjustment screw, that is, you need to raise the door up.

The algorithm of action when setting up the following:

  1. Inspect the fasteners for damage and to select the necessary tool. Instead of a hexagon, you may need a key-star. If broken loops are revealed, unfortunately, you will have to call a specialist. If they are integrity, you can start setting.
  2. Decorative protective covers with loops.
  3. Open the door to facilitate access to the adjusting opening.
  4. Find on the top loop screw under the hexagon and turn it clockwise, tracking the vertical of the sash. With a slight displacement, this will be enough.
  5. In the case of a strong shift pulls up a screw on the bottom loop. Adjusting clockwise The door raises, against - lowers.

With the help of an angular adjustment screw, in the upper end, the frame can be eliminated by the problem of the hook of the top of the frame for the sash. If after adjusting in the closed closed door, the door still has drawbacks, then the adjustment is required to repeat.

How to align?

In order to align the balcony door in the horizontal plane, you must use the adjusting screws located under the technological openings of the loop.

You can simplify access to the screws by opening the door. The displacement of the door leaf to the right occurs by turning the adjustment element counterclockwise. If you turn clockwise, the shift will be left. This method provides a door of 2-3 mm, allowing you to eliminate various types of distortions.

Experts pay attention to that sometimes in order to carry out adjustment, it is required to derive door leaf From standard clutch. To do this, with an open flap, press the tongue in the end and translate the design to the "ventilation" mode. This will allow you to get to the adjusting screws of the upper canopy. After setting, the door must be returned to the original state.

What to do for tight closure?

If from under the door blows, it means that it is broken by the function of climbing it to the box. To eliminate the defect, the front adjustment of the eccentrics is performed. Changing their position using turn makes it possible to change the degree of climbing the door to the frame. For the upper part it is possible to adjust the rotation of the pin, for the bottom - the screw located on the side edge of the canopy.

Scheme of action when adjusting the clamp at the bottom of the door:

  1. Release loops from decorative protection.
  2. Open sash. Press the block to seal.
  3. Move the top of the doorway to open access to the eccentric.
  4. Rotate the screw by setting up the desired degree of pressed.
  5. For prophylaxis, lubricate moving parts.
  6. Press the block, set the sash to the original position.
  7. To enhance the pressing of the eccentric, turn to the maximum level, for which it is designed to deploy the conference bolt, to move the elements, tighten the mount.

The position of the eccentrics must be configured depending on the time of year. Specialists advise in winter to reduce the gap between the frame and the door, and in the summer weaken the clamp so that the seals do not fade, and to ensure additional ventilation.

Difficulties when closing

Cases are noted when to close the door, you need to make some effort. Often the reason is to install the door to the "winter mode". Then enough just to weaken the adjusting screws.

Sometimes the root closing root cause is a latch break. The elimination lies either by blowing the lock and its lubricant, or in the analysis of the door and the cleansing of all mechanisms.

The adjustment of the lock for prevention is made every time you change the mode of climbing the door frame from the summer on the winter, and vice versa.

If the sash hung on one loop, this suggests that the cloth was open immediately in two modes. To eliminate it, you need to find the end of the end block in the form of a tongue, bring it into a horizontal position. Cressing the door to the frame, set the handle to the "ventilation" mode, and after - in the "Opening" mode. Thus, the defect will be eliminated.

To prevent the causes of the shitting, the support element is installed - the opening limiter. Sometimes it is also called the door closer. The element is not mandatory equipping, but is popular.

Functionally the closer is designed not only to support the open door, but also to adjust the closing speed.

Adjusting the hinge

Durability of door structures is provided by using durable materials. For example, loops are produced from Teflon.

Due to the fact that the loops plastic doors It is a hinged mechanism, the work on adjustment is related to the understanding of the principles of the work of such a design.

Ball-type bearings built into the door hinges provide ease of opening, reduce wear. For good work, they must be lubricated and regulated.

Depending on the drawn disadvantage, there is the possibility of horizontal, vertical and frontal settings.

The main thing, not to postpone, otherwise, with poor-quality operation, the door will break through and the moment of complete destruction of the mechanism will come. It will be impossible to restore it.

We change the seal

In the presence of drafts even after adjusting the clamping of the web in various directions, it is possible to conclude about the presence of a poor-quality seal. The service life of the seal is several years, but it may be unusable as a result of external damage or illiterate use. Door pads are not restored, they can only be replaced.

Types of seals:

  • Rubber and rubber. The most common, with increased wear resistance to climatic changes.
  • PVC polymeric based. The service life is low, the temperature drop is afraid.
  • Polyethylene.

If you follow certain prophylactic rules, the replacement of the seal can be carried out significantly less often:

  • Carrying out repairs in the apartment, the windows must close to avoid deposit of dust on seals.
  • Washing windows gives an excellent effect, but provided that it is not formed by household chemicals.
  • Treatment of gaskets with silicone lubrication or conventional glycerin at times will increase the service life.

Replacing with your own hands

Competent operation on the replacement of the seal will require the presence of scissors and silicone glue.

Stages of repair:

  1. Acquisition of the sealer with the necessary parameters. This is necessary to take care in advance. If necessary, visit the construction store with a sample of an old gasket, where with the help of a consultant to choose an analogue.
  2. Removing the old seal with girlfriend tools from the groove. The operation should be taken carefully, in order not to damage the canvas.
  3. Careful cleaning grooves. Dirt will not allow high-quality to lay a new insulating layer.
  4. Applying silicone glue into corners. This will prevent the displacement of the gum.
  5. Putting the insulation in the groove, starting from the point of attaching the old gasket. Requires uniform distribution, without saving, folds and tension.
  6. The junction attachment is close. Sometimes the seal is cut at an angle of 45 degrees to ensure a dense fit at the end.
  7. Quality checking. Cold air should not penetrate the room.

When implementing the specified procedure, it is important to monitor that the gum does not break through, otherwise it will have to change the seal again.

Customize handle

Balcony handles Classified on mobile and stationary. Stationary function - point of application of force for opening the door. Moving models are needed not only for action with the web itself, but also to adjust the lock. They, in turn, are swivel and push. Based on the installation method, door handles are divided into mortise and overhead.

For balcony doors, bilateral models are most often used, as they open on both sides. Among the advantages are allocated a durable mechanism, a variety of options, and among the shortcomings - low security for doors in general accessibility.

The simplest way Door adjustments - repair of the shedding handle mechanism. To do this, put the door to the "open" position, remove a protective case at the base of the handle, opening access to screws. With the help of a cruciform screwdriver pull the mount, thereby eliminating the defect.

If the handle turns tightly, as a rule, the reason in the incorrect position of the door canvase. When eliminating this factor, the opening function must come to normal. Otherwise, the handle together with the lock will have to be completely replaced.

Broken handle can be replaced independently. It should be pre-set it into the "open" mode, then unscrew the screws from the mount, take out the entire mechanism along with the core. A pre-selected new handle insert into place old and fix the screws.

How to adjust for the winter?

Adjustment of the clutch is associated with the expansion and narrowing of the material of the seals at temperature fluctuations. Depending on the season, it is possible to adjust the modes using eccentric. When they displaced them towards the street, the winter position will be ensured, since the door canvas presses denser. Summer regime implies a shift in the opposite direction, carrying out a sufficient gap between the door elements and frames. As a result, such prevention doors will serve much longer.

It is worth noting that the eccentrics advise to move in one direction, the same type. Rotation can be performed both manually and using special tools, such as pliers.

In addition to the above-described actions on the insulation of the balcony design, you can also check the qualitative characteristics of the insulation, and, if necessary, change either lubricate with silicone lubricant.

How to repair a metal-plastic balcony door to repair?

With long-term operation metal plastic doors Require repair, and it does not depend on their price. Large trouble, of course, will require the involvement of a specialist, but the prevention and configuration of the mechanisms can be performed independently.

It should be remembered how the door leaf adjustment is carried out:

  • Vertical elements move the door up and down.
  • Horizontal mechanisms make it possible to move the upper and lower corners, moving the canvas to the right and left.

Elimination of other minor faults can be performed independently.


There are two ways to eliminate lack:

  • Replacing the seal. With long use or extreme climatic conditions Rubber gaskets lose elasticity. To date construction market offers a huge selection of seals from different materials. Before replacing, it is necessary to carefully remove the remains of the old gasket, while it is difficult to use a screwdriver or another submitted tool. The main thing is not to damage the grooves. Degreasing the surface is also an important stage, after which it is necessary to apply glue and, not stretching, put the seal.
  • Adjusting the RACF. Eccentrics that provide pressing of the frame to the frame with time relax that requires them to regularly adjust. Since elements are located throughout the perimeter, each should be configured individually. Standard Positions of the TsAPF:
  1. Summer regime is characterized by a loose climb, the eccentrics are directed towards the street.
  2. Winter mode Causes tight pressed and troughs are adjusted towards the room.
  3. The demi-season position of the eccentrics in the center ensures the pressing of the average degree.

Problems with accessories

All running elements of the door design is needed from time to time to machine oil or special means To improve their functionality. If the handle is loosened during operation, then it is easily tightened with a screwdriver. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it. In case of breaking the loops, it is enough to tighten them with a hexagon key.

If the bottom fastener has broken, you have to change the loop. The reasons for the occurrence of the specified defect can be two:

  • Irresponsible manufacturers when installing the door instead of enhanced put conventional window mounting options, in connection with which the loop does not withstand the load of the heavy door canvase.
  • The presence of a short reinforcement inside the door. In this case, fixing screws cling only for the plastic part of the frame, therefore the severity doors do not stand.

The consequence of the previous breakage can be the deformation of the upper loop. Due to the fact that the lower fastener no longer supports the sash, it hangs on the top, which is not designed for the vertical load. In this case, the loop replacement is also required.

In addition to opening and closing the door in public places, the mechanism of the handle makes extraneous noises. Since it consists of moving parts, then with frequent movement they are abrupt. If, after lubricating parts, the problem did not leave, then the time has come to replace the shut-off system.

In addition, the locking of the lock may be due to a violation of the connection of the handle with the core or the spill of other internal elements. To troubleshoot problems, you need to remove the protective caps and unscrew the fastening screws.

On how to properly adjust the door, see the next video.

When a cut pin connecting the handle with a core is detected, you should knock out its residues and insert a new one. In the event of a malfunction of the knob itself, it will have to be replaced. If the castle broke, it is necessary to pull the core. By unscrewing the retainer in the door, the door takes out the mechanism. Install a new one, repeating the actions in the reverse order. If it was necessary to buy a new lock, then it is recommended to choose an analogue of the same company that was previously.

Other defects

Scratches and other deep defects are inherent in door structures in families with young children. Celebration is characteristic of common doors. Specialists advise to purchase a substance Cosmofen in the construction store. It is a liquid plastic, which is processed by a scratched surface.

Defect elimination algorithm:

  1. Cleaning the surface of the canvas by any household means.
  2. After complete drying, it is necessary to degrease the processed parts.
  3. Spatula apply a thin layer of putty.
  4. After drying small emery paper The surface is grouped.
  5. Depending on the material, the door can be covered with matte or glossy varnish.

Daily door on the balcony is subjected to repeated opening and closing cycles. It is not surprising that over time, even reliable fittings gives a failure. In case of insufficient clamping to the frame, the sash, or incorrect reaction to the position of the handle, do not hurry to contact the service department. Listed problems solves simple plastic adjustment balcony doorsTo fulfill which it is not necessary to be a professional. It is enough to have a hex key and knowledge obtained after reading this instruction.

Most problems with a plastic balcony door can be eliminated independently.

Before considering how to regulate the plastic balcony doors, we will deal with their design and principle of work. The main components here are: double-glazed windows, metal-plastic frame and swivel-folding fittings. The latter is responsible for the opening, closing and slope slope.

The design of plastic doors and windows is identical. The difference lies only in their size and location.

Balcony accessories is a ribbon mechanism located around the perimeter of the door leaf. Management is carried out by a handle, the rotation of which leads to the movement of cylindrical constipation relative to the response plates installed on the fixed frame. The canvas is attached to the frame with special loops capable of transferring the load that a heavy metal-plastic frame creates with a double-glazed window.

Rotary-folding accessories are made with such a calculation to provide convenient operation and simple setting. Products for this mechanism is supplied with several adjustable bolts that allow:

  • increase or decrease the clamp to the frame;
  • omit or lift the sash;
  • adjust the position of the balcony door horizontally.

Location of elements of adjusting plastic balcony door

Problems with plastic door and methods to eliminate

Standard problems are solved by point adjustment. Almost all manufacturers make balcony plastic doors along the same technology, therefore, the configuration of the mechanism is identical.

Adjusting the clamp with insufficient sound and thermal insulation

Plastic door and window structures are different high levels Soundproofing and thermal insulation. If the sound from the street quietly penetrates the room, and in winter it is also accompanied by a cold air flow along the perimeter of the seal, the hosts sin on the quality of the design, presenting claims to the manufacturer. Usually the manufacturer does not have, and the problem occurs due to the weak clamping of the frame to the frame.

The clamp of the web is carried out by special eccentric (ass) cylindrical shape. They are placed on vertical ends - 4 on the front (from the handle side) and 2 in the back (from the loop). Another 1 eccentric is located on top, directly on scissors that hold the sash in the inclination mode.

Depending on the manufacturer of the fittings, the appearance of the track may differ slightly

Inside the trough - a hole with six faces, allowing you to adjust the balcony plastic door with a hex key. If you turn the eccentric mostly in the direction of the rubber seal, the clash will be the maximum, respectively, if a smaller part is minimal. The difference between the extreme positions of the trough is 2 mm, so the effect is tangible.

If you wish to regulate the eccentrics can be several times a year. In winter, tune the maximum clamp, in the summer is minimal, and in the spring / autumn to install an arm in the middle position.

Adjusting the clamp depending on the course of the year

The door to the balcony is badly closed - I asked / provisions

Often there is a situation where the door leaf runs about the frame, which forces it to make more efforts to close the balcony. Conduct with such a problem will help adjust the loops (top or bottom).

The upper loop is equipped with an adjustable bolt, which can be reached by opening the sash 90 °. The rotation of the bolt clockwise leads to attracting the top edge of the canvas to the loop. Accordingly, the rotation of the bolt against a clockwise arrow causes the opposite effect - the upper edge is distinguished from the loop.

Adjusting the loop of the balcony plastic door is carried out by the same tool as the adjustment of the track

The lower loop has the same screw for adjusting the horizontal position of the lower edge. In this case, the setting can be done both from the outer part and with the inner. In both cases, the screw is rotated when the door is open and after every 2 turns check its operation.

Set up the lower loop most often from the inside, as the slope is interfere

The lower loop performs another function - it allows you to lower or raise the sash. This designed vertical screw located in the upper part of the mechanism. To get to it, you need to first remove decorative lining. The rotation of the screw clockwise leads to the lifting of the door leaf, and counterclockwise to lowering.

Vertical adjustment can be carried out when the balcony door is in locked position or tilt mode

In the process of setting the position of the sash, it is important to comply with the balance, since I remove the problem in one place, you can get it in another. It is advisable to immediately determine where it is the cloth that runs about the frame and, based on this, configure the upper or lower loop.

Tip: It is enough to make 2 turns of the adjusting bolt to see the effect and understand in which direction to move on.

Opening the door immediately in two positions

Incorrect adaptation of accessories can lead to the opening of the balcony door immediately in two modes - swivel and inclined. This may occur in the following cases.

In the inclination mode, the bottom corner of the sash is not fixed.

If, when you turn a handle, the door canvas not only leans into the ventilation mode, but also completely opens, most likely the bottom of the sash shifted towards the loop. At the bottom of the end, a special lock is located on the side of the handle, which fixes the angle in the inclination mode. So that he worked correctly, the lock should be in the opposite part located on the frame. If an angle is excessive, the fixation does not occur, and the door opens in any position of the handle.

To resolve the problem with your own hands, adjust the bottom loop of the balcony door. Following the technology described in the previous section, a little remove the door leaf from the loop, thereby bringing the "problem" angle to the castle's response.

For normal operation of the castle, it may not be enough for a pair of millimeters, so check the result follows after each turn

In the rotation mode at the same time there is a door tilt

The problem consists in sending the door cloth, in which the clamping eccentric located on scissors does not reach the opposite part and does not record the upper angle in the rotary mode. Therefore, when the handle in a horizontal position, the sash is not only rotated, but also leans.

Solving problem simple. It is enough to lift the door in a closed state, so that the upper eccentric falls into the groove of the response part and fixed the angle. The procedure is performed by adjusting the bottom loop.

To eliminate the unintended tilt, it is enough to make several turns clockwise

Adjusting PVC door knob

How to pull the broken handle in 1 minute:

Self-maintenance of the balcony plastic door

In order for the plastic balcony door for a long time working properly, in addition to proper adjustment, periodically lubricate the seal and accessories. Manufacturers recommend to carry out the lubricant of these components at least once a year, before the start of the cold season.

Grease seal

The rubber seal can quickly dry and crack, if it is not lubricated on time. In addition, dry rubber often sticks to the plastic frame, which leads to unpleasant sound when opening the sash.

No lubricant, the seal will have to be changed every 2-3 years. Whereas with regular service, its service life can be increased to 10 years.

The procedure is carried out with the help of silicone lubricant, first cleaning rubber from dirt and garbage. Liquid Silicone It is applied to a dry surface with a sponge or soft cloth. Some masters use aerosol for such purposes. However, in this case, the consumption will be an order of magnitude higher, since part of the material will be wasted, settled on furniture and interior items.

The optimal option for lubricating the rubber seal - a container with a foam tip

Lubrication of fittings

The opening / closing mechanism is often caused by insufficient lubrication of fittings. For such purposes, the most convenient to apply WD-40 lubricant, which has a high penetrating ability. Lubricate all the locks located around the perimeter of the door leaf, including the main mechanism to which the handle is attached. Also pay attention to scissors and loops.

After lubrication, close the door and with the help of the handle turns several times, put into action the lock mechanism. This will help to penetrate the lubricant in remote corners.

Capacity from WD-40 is equipped with a thin nozzle for point lubricant in hard-to-reach places

Video: detailed instructions from PVC expert windows and doors

Independent adjustment and maintenance of the plastic balcony doors are simple. To cope with the task, it is enough to represent where the adjustment and lubrication points are located, as well as to have the desire to bring the work of the door design in order.

One of the nuances of the care of plastic doors is their adjustment. In our article, you will get acquainted with the need to conduct such procedures for balcony, as well as entrance doors, learn how horizontal and vertical regulation is carried out, changing the pressure of the door canvase, we will pay special attention to replacing the pads.

In what cases need adjustment

Modern inlets from plastic, as well as balcony doors from similar material differ from similar products to durable coating and high-quality fitting of individual parts. Thanks to such properties, the described structures can serve their owner more than a dozen years without the need for repair work.

In some cases, the user may arise a problem with the regulation of the balcony door. This is especially scary for the owner of the house when the product has a warranty period. Despite the fact that many cause the masters, the adjustment of the plastic door can be carried out with their own hands.

Before conducting basic work, you need to find a fault of the frame structure or canvas and eliminate it with the method of twisting special threaded connections. In the prealtimate number of cases, the new door to the balcony in additional regulation does not need. This is due to the fact that the products received from the warehouses are made of wear-resistant materials, their main details are fitted very carefully.

Despite this, situations arise when a plastic inlet or balcony door needs immediate adjustment. If this is not done on time, the owner of the house will have to completely replace the entire design, and these are additional unforeseen expenses. According to experts, the regulatory process must be fulfilled once over the year.

With more frequent repair work, the product can quickly come into disrepair. This is due to the wear of seals, microlifts, as well as adjusting screws or plastic frame.

The need to regulate balcony doors occurs in the following situations:

  • Schelling a balcony flap when the canvas begins to rest in the threshold. As a result of the friction of parts, not only the sash, but also the threshold itself occurs. Repair work must be carried out when the first signs of savings appear.
  • The lock is poorly snapped or cloth pressed tight. In this case, you must adjust the clamp of plastic doors. To do this, you need to adjust their location in the frame design.
  • In the place of docking the frame and the canvas, a slot is formed, through which the penetration of cold air in the apartment occurs. In this situation, the sash is adjustable using microlyfts that are installed in the loops. A loose pressure of the canvas to the frame reduces the energy efficiency of plastic windows or input groups.
  • Doors it is impossible to close. The cause of such a phenomenon is considered to be the occurrence of distortions, which usually lead to deformation and liner, destruction of the structure of the seal or other problems. In this regard, before carrying out repair work, it is necessary to determine the place of failure.

The need to adjust the input groups occurs when the loss of sealing. If the room is drawn in the room, the gaps that need to be eliminated in urgency appeared between the frame and the door web. In some cases, to determine the breakdown, it is enough to hold on a frame with a pencil, after which you can see the incompleteness of the parallelism of the lines. The presence of distortions or free gaps can be determined in another way. You need to shove between the web and the frame of the sheet of paper and shut the door. Now try pulling out the leaf. If this element comes out problematic (with some effort), there are no problems with doors, if free, then the owner of the apartment must adjust the door to the door on their own.

Horizontal adjustment

The adjustment of plastic doors is not difficult, but requiring attention to the details process. Before you begin the main work, you must prepare the following tool:

  • a set of hex keys;
  • construction roulette;
  • dumping (flat and crucible);
  • plastic gasket;
  • managers instructions for adjusting door structures.

For work on adjusting the door leaf in the horizontal plane, special screws are commonly used, which rotate in the required side using the hexagon. These elements are usually located under the holes above the upper and lower loops.

To configure the correct position of the product, you must open the cloth and get to the screws. By turning fasteners in needide (for or counterclockwise) achieve the right door position.

If the screws rotate in a clockwise arrow, the surface of the product will slowly move towards the canopy, in the second case - from it. A similar method can be eliminated by a clearance or displacement of elements of up to 2 millimeters. The different intensity of the upper adjustment, as well as the lower canopy allows you to adjust the necessary vertical deviation of the web. In some models, the canopies are disguised. To get to them, press the tongue on the end of the product and set the handle to the ventilation function. After proper adjustment, the door must be properly closed and open.

Vertical adjustment

The need for vertical setup occurs when the sash finds on the threshold or in the presence of dents on the upper or lower seal. A special screw is used to regulate loops. The rotation of this element in the required direction leads to a rise or lowering the door, which will make a normal clearance.

Before starting the main work, remove the plug with a screw for regulation. Usually this element is located on the bottom loop, its working part is located along the axis. The rotation of the screw occurs using a hexagon. For the lifting of the canvas, you need to rotate the screw in the direction of the clockwise direction, for movement down the adjustor rotate in the opposite direction.

How to adjust the power of the door climb

The entrance door for the press force must be adjusted only after identifying such a problem. This can be checked with a smooth leaf of a notebook, it is applied to the frame and the door is closed. If the leaf is freely pulled out of the gap or with a small force app, then you need to make a hinge setting. To localize the existing problem, these works are carried out throughout the perimeter of the frame.

During pressed sash to the frame, it is also necessary to determine and estimate the possible breaks of closed structural elements. For this, the door is closed and gently reduce its contours with a mechanical pencil. After opening the canvas, the size of the loop of the contour relative to the frame is estimated.

In most cases, clamps are adjustable using a pin located in the end of the door. This element must be rotated with extreme caution, since a slight movement causes a significant climate force, which can lead to the destruction of the structure of the seal. In the case when the TsAPF is set perpendicular to the profile, the clamping force will be set to the maximum, with a parallel installation - at a minimum. If the part for configuration has reached the extreme maximum position, and it is not possible to provide the necessary clearance, the owner of the apartment should appeal for help from specialists.

Some sources have information on how to adjust clamps in another way. The fact is that in some models of plastic doors in the end of the web there are two or three eccentric screws, the rotation of which leads to a change in the pressure of the climb. Each of these products have a special label to determine the clamp density. To reduce the clamping force, the screw turns the label to the frame, to enhance - in the direction to the room.

The difficulties are mainly occurring in the presence of three eccentrics (in the upper, lower and central parts of the design). In this case, you need to act experimentally, rejecting the eccentrics at the same angle. After each of these adjustments, the result is checked. High-quality clamp can only be provided near the attachment of the handle, so in other places (the upper and lower parts of the door) might need the loop adjustment.

Replacing sealing rubber

Seals installed on door structures From PVC, they protect the apartment from noise, who has been coming from the street and draft. Over time (especially in the absence of a closer), these products may be flattened or cracking, here in these cases and their replacement is necessary. Immediately note that the gum can be changed independently without the use of a special tool.

On the initial stage Works need to go to the construction store and acquire the insulation. It is made in the form of a rubber tape of a certain form. In this case, it is necessary to acquire a product specifically for doors (there are seals for sash and frames of the plastic window).

First, it is necessary to remove the old seal, it is simply tightened with a sharp object and twisted out of the groove. Now purify the recess from dust and dirt, one of the ends of the rubber band is inserted and completely bleed it into the groove. Similarly, we go throughout the perimeter until the material is fully laid. Next, we conduct trimming gum and check the tightness of the opening and closing the door.

The involvement of the professional master services costs very not cheap, so it should be resorted to this option last. After reading a small instruction, you will be able to understand how to adjust the plastic balcony door. Saving funds will delight the family budget, and the pride for independently performed work will strengthen self-confidence.

The balcony door periodically needs adjustment, detailed instructions Further in the article

Basic Details Plastic Door

Any design has a basic and auxiliary parts in its composition (see Figure No. 1). Before starting the setup, it is mandatory to familiarize yourself with the device of the mechanism. It is important to correctly understand how the fittings used in the design.

Standard composition of parts of the plastic door balcony (Figure No. 1)

The doorway usually includes:

  • pVC profiles connected fasteners and forming frame;
  • the sash, made in the same way as the frame;
  • loops on which the canvas is holding;
  • handle and latch, serving for closing, opening and transition to ventilation mode;
  • rubber sealsproviding reliable tightness;
  • double glass.

You should know! The list of basic and auxiliary parts may vary, due to the presence of various functions. The main assembly is equipped with closers, stoppers, etc.

Fault prevention

Before you are adjusting the accessories of plastic door, you should study methods for preventing that will help reduce or avoid the need to configure. They consist in proper operation and the right choice of work parts.

Being at the purchase stage, make sure that the sash weight is commensurate with the load that the closing mechanisms are able to withstand. Many types of accessories can withstand the weight of the door at 100-150 kg. Check out S. technical characteristicsTo make sure the correctness of your choice.

If the sash is open - try not to pull it sharply. The negligent access to the system will require a very frequent setting or repair with the replacement of parts.

Some flaps have a lot of weight, they need to install a savings compensator. It looks like a lever or a roller of a special form.

Adjusting the balcony door

Adjusting plastic door different areas (Figure No. 2)

Self adjustment of parts of plastic doors is based on a specific problem. There are several of them: bad clamp of the sash, its sagging, pens sharpness, planting level offset. Using what problem you have to solve, take required tools: Screwdrivers and hexagons.

Adjusting Cress

The density of the clamp should be configured depending on the transition to the warm or cold season. The frequency of such a procedure requires learning instructions independent adjustment plastic doors each owner.

Table of fitness adjustment values \u200b\u200b(Figure No. 3)

Take a sheet of paper, put it between the sash and the frame, so you check the clamping density. A sheet of paper, after closing the window with a handle, should not be pulled out. If its free movement occurs, the sash must be adjusted. To begin with, find the shut-off mechanisms on the design, they affect the density of the clamp. Take the key or passage to work, rotate constipation until you reach a sufficient degree of clamp.

Adjust the eccentrics should be adjusted if the plastic door to the balcony is not tightly closed. Pick up hexagons desired sizeThe pliers may also be required. Set the back of the rear by means of screws located on the loop. The instruction with their exact location is issued together with the accessory, but even if it does not have any problems.

Adjustment of the RACF (Figure No. 4)

Adjustment of the sash force (Figure No. 5)

An increase in the density of the climb of the front part is carried out by rotating the pin (see Figure No. 4-5) in one direction, and the weakening is to another. Focus on a special stitching, it is located on all types of fittings. Thus, you can more tightly press the door in winter and weaken in the summer.

Setting the door with friction about the edge of the frame

If the door planting is shifted - it begins to rub the edge of the frame. To fix this, you need to configure the bolts in the loop. Usually the door is attached to three clamps, which allows it to adjust it in three directions (see Figure No. 2):

  1. horizontally - the distance between the box and the web side of the loop is exhibited;
  2. vertical - the height of the location of the canvas in relation to the box is configured;
  3. frontal - adjustable clamping to sealing gum.

Fully open the door, unscrew the fastener, which fixes the decorative closing bar. Then close the door and remove the decorative element from the fixation points. You must access a bolt that determines the slope in the horizontal plane. The horizontal is set by adjusting all loops. If the door saves - it is enough to pull the two bolts from above and below that the vertical becomes normal.

The handle breaks out

The most frequent problem concerns the closing handle. The breaking occurs when rigid operation, sharp turns, not until the end of twisted bolts. Also do not hang on the handle bags and other heavy items. In addition to breaking, it can lead to a breakdown of the entire window. The frame from the profile itself is not light, and the additional cargo on it is extremely undesirable.

The photo shows how you need to turn the plastic lining (Figure No. 6)

You can get to the mounting bolts by turning the plastic cap at the base of the handle to the quarter of the turnover (see Figure No. 6). Tighten the discharge bolts and check the performance. If this turned out to be not enough - it is possible on the details there is a crack. Carefully inspect the material, in case of damage detection, the handle will have to change.

There are cases when the opposite is happening - the handle moves too tight. The problem may decide if lubricate the castle special mixture. Be careful that the composition is not acid or resin. Also, the cause can be incorrectly the location of the door in the opening. Adjust the position as described above.

Detailed video instructions for adjusting the balcony door

Additional Information

Customize the door can only make sense if the seal is not worn. Otherwise, without installing a new rubber gasket, it will not be possible to regulate this parameter.

Replacement sealing gum Doors (Figure No. 7)

Pull out the old gasket with the help of hands (see Figure No. 7), Clean the grooves from dust and other small elements. Take a new seal and mounted it in place. Consider that the side bend should be located with the end side of the sash. The easiest way to remove the door and make installation, so you will get easy access from the loop. It is better to buy a seal of the same company as the profiles.

Sealer insert from the top

Increase the lifespan of the sealer using silicone composition. Lubricate them the entire surface of rubber to protect it from drying out. Elastic rubber does not crack during deformations, remains a whole for a long time.

Removing the door with loops

Homework, serving mechanisms independently, should know how to remove the plastic door with the loops. Perform such a task may be required in various situations. Proper removal will help avoid damage to fittings and doors in general.

To begin with, we define with a view of the loops (click to enlarge photos):

Constructive features Plastic doors do not differ many of the entrance. The box is installed in the doorway, one part of the loops is fixed. On the door canvas fasten a friend. The number of loops 3-4 pieces to ensure uniform load.

The distance from each other is the same. The top and bottom are displayed along the box. Via decorative elements Close the loops out of sight. So the integrity and attractiveness is achieved. external view Designs.

Causes of dismantling

Often, removal is required during repairs in the room, when replacing or adjusting the plastic balcony door. Consider more cases in which disassembly may be required:

  1. Need to adjust. Some details break and require configuration, it is easier to perform this process with shot door.
  2. Replacing parts or canvas. If the item broke down without the possibility of restoring it must be completely replaced. In this case, you will not be able to do without dismantling. Replacing the web will require the same actions.
  3. Conservation during repair. Serious repair work Can pose a threat to the integrity of the door. In this case, it can be displayed, but even better - remove.
  4. It may take to remove the canvas when the dimensions of the furniture do not allow it to put it in the room. This will help slightly expand the available passage.

Whatever the reason, the canvas is necessary to remove without damage, and just as neatly put in place.

Instructions for removing balcony doors

Removing the door occurs in several stages. Consider more each of them:

  • Removal of decorative elements. The first step will be access to hinges. Close the door without turning the handle, pitch the lining of the blunt item so as not to damage the plastic and move gently.
  • Disconnection of hinge elements. Click on the top of the loop, it will deploy the central pin down. Pull it in full, using pliers.
  • Removing the door. Take the cloth on both sides, slide a little on yourself and pull up. This should be discharged. It is better to produce a procedure together, since the design will be sufficiently heavy.

Interesting video about how I outweigh the balcony door:


Many owners of apartments and houses moved to the use of double-glazed windows, taking into account their durability, ease of use, good heat conservation indicators. How to regulate not serviceable plastic balcony doors, should deal with any self-respecting head of the family. Such designs are used in balconies, loggias, to access the courtyard of the private house. Self-configuration will save money on time to transition to winter and summer period, Avoid poor-quality service from third-party masters. Before starting work, carefully examine the manual so as not to spoil the details. By regulation several times, you will not experience difficulties in the future.

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