What types of horoscopes are. Main types of horoscopes

A life modern man - It is a fuss, mad rhythm, a lot of permanent deeds. An inexorable and merciless desire to improve their own well-being, turmoil, all this sometimes leads people to confused and sophisticated situations. To make decisions, choose the way to choose the way - here it is often helped, but you need to find answers in which there is at least some share of truth.
Today astrologers know several types of horoscopesBut all are predictions, attempts to predict what will happen to those man who appealed for a prophecy on a specific day. The most, perhaps, the famous horoscope is zodiacal. There is his variety - horoscope loveAlso often refer to people to the councils eastern horoscope but the most honest is considered to have most of the renowners for the forecasts personal horoscope.
Personally predictions are usually for money. The degree of their accuracy, of course, is higher than that of mass predictions. However, everyone decides tract whether horoscopesAnd what kind of types of them, because it is always true - only partial. In addition, there is probability to stumble upon dishonest people who are not professional astrologers.

If you appeal to the astrologer for the first time, without having special knowledge in this area, you can confuse and confuse the abundance of terminology and diversity different species horoscopes. In this article short review Some types of astrological cards With explanations, what and where.

1. Natal map (birth horoscope)

This is the base point - birth horoscope for one person. Natal is based on a date, time and geographical coordinates Human birth. Time is taken into account with an accuracy of a few minutes. In many cases, it is necessary to carry out rectification - refinement of birth time. There are several methods for this, and many modern astrologers, we usually use a concentration method. It requires the dates of several (5-10) events that have already happened in the life of a person. For example: injuries, hospital getting into the hospital, the death of some of the relatives, marriage, moving to another city. The method is based on the fact that for the desired one to the minute of birth, the number of aspects on all these events will be much larger than for an arbitrary moment of time.

Natal chart Maybe a lot of saying about a person - what is his character, what the soul lies and does not lie, what he is better to do in life, how to develop, and so on.

2. Sinastria (Compatibility Horoscope)

Strictly speaking, sinastric astrology (Exploring compatibility both couples and entire groups), operates in several types of cards. The main one is actually sinastria. It is overlaying two natal cards on each other. One zodiacal circle, two tables of houses, two "set" planets. When analyzing the Sinastria, you can often hear from the astrologer of the expression "You have the square of Jupiters." How so? This means that Jupiter at the time of the birth of one of the partners (remember - the zodiacal circle one) was at a distance of 90 ° from the place where Jupiter was at the time of the birth of another. Which means that Jupaterian manifestations of one person are included in the conflict (aspect of the square) with Jupaterian manifestations of the other. Etc. In addition to Sinastric Maps, the Astrology compatibility considers composite, medium and other cards that different angles And differently consider the relations of two or more people.

3. Choir astrology

Chorated astrology Generally worth a few mansion from the rest, and the chorated cards are read on other rules - not as the rest. Suppose you have a question. "Is the company started successfully?", "Where to look for lost keys From home? "," Will it take me to work on which I was interviewed today? ", Will I win a trial?". Chorated astrology Delivers answers to questions that mean the word / no formulation, and, even more mansion, from the rest - answers to the question "Where?" (Usually it is about missing things or even people). At the time of the task of the question (or rather, at the time of understanding the question of the astrologer) is built chorarious horoscope. According to strictly defined astrological rules, the Planet Signifier of the Querant (asking) and the Question (Question) is determined. Next, depending on which aspect will form these planets, the chorated card is analyzed and the answer is made - yes or not.

4. Transit horoscopes

Transit cards (They say: "To watch current transits") pose an imposition of the current position of stars in the sky (horoscope at a given point in time, usually this is a real or near future) on a natal man's map. For example, if a person is interested in what is waiting for him in the near future, after analyzing the transit card and seeing, admitting, the activation of the current, transit planets, the human natal planets, you can make a forecast. The events predicted on transits are quite accurate and specific. For example, if Natal Mars is negatively aspected by malicious planets, it is safe to talk about the probability of injury, or at least a pair of bruises. If Natal Venus is positively aspect, it is about changes for the better in the area of \u200b\u200brelations, coziness, harmony with the world. This, of course, is very simplistic - complete analysis of the transit horoscope Includes many factors, and is available only to those who have spent enough time and strength to study astrology.

5. Planetary Returns Maps

Each planet is sooner or late, one way or another, passes a fully zodiacal circle and returns to the same point. Cards of planetary returns analyze periods from one return of the planet to another. The most common from such cards - Solarian, Sunny Return Horoscope. He is considered from one day of the birth of a person until the next. If, let's say, a person was born when the sun was at 22 ° twins, the next time it will turn out there exactly in a year when the earth will make a complete turn around the sun. The sun will be exactly in the same position as a year ago, but all the other planets around it - no. Their configuration between themselves and aspects to the natal planets will tell about how the year will be for this person - until the next return of the Sun.

Another common map of this type is Lunar. This is, as seen from the name, the Moon's Return Map. It acts during the lunar month.

6. Electives (selection of suitable time)

This type of card may need you if you find it difficult to determine if you should start selling the car now, or wait another week. Elective horoscope It will help you to choose the most favorable time to make any responsible action. Analysis is based on all the same analysis of transit configurations.

Not everyone has been listed here, with which the astrologer works, but having familiarized with this material, you can already stop afraid to drown in the vast ocean of astrology and its terms and, by contacting an adequate astrologer, to understand any of your horoscope for 2013 Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scales, Gemini, Virgin and others will definitely be able to no effort. And most importantly, it is already possible more or less correct navigate in the world of horoscopes And choose the one that can help find a solution to an exciting question more precisely the rest of the fortunes on the stars. // LiveExpert.ru.

Astrology is a very ancient science. Back in the older times, it was noticed that the date of birth could influence fate. If people are influenced by the same planet, their characters may be similar. In different cultures there were features and types of horoscopes, but these days only the most popular and universal versions remained. Want to know more about it? Join reading this publication.

Translated from the word "horoscope" means "begged your term." During the year the sun performs a visible movement, forming a large circle of heaven (ecliptic). In every time interval, those or other celestial bodies have influence. The horoscope is the display of the position of the sun, the moon and other planets on the ecliptic at the specified moment.

How astrologists build their predictions

Horoscope can be built not only about the fate of a person or for the coming period. With it, it will be possible to predict the success of a particular event with a certain accuracy. Just know the geographic coordinates and time.

The horoscope is a kind of projection of celestial bodies on a given area and a time cut. However, instead of ordinary coordinates, it is customary to take into account the ecliptic longitude for one or another object. This value is expressed in angular degrees. Conditionally, the ecliptic is divided into a zodiacal circle, which is divided into certain sectors. These sections are twelve, and each of them accounted for thirty degrees. Now we will look at the types of horoscopes.


The word "Natal" indicates that the horoscope refers to the exact date of birth of a person. Compiled individually. For this you need to know not only day, month and year of birth, but also exact time In hours and minutes (a small error is allowed), as well as the geographical coordinates of a small homeland.

It is believed that all types of horoscopes by date of birth are most fully reflected by the fate of the individual. The natal horoscope is able to uncover the eye to his potential, inclinations and some vital circumstances.

Local horoscope

As you can guess, this horoscope does not depend on the place of birth, but from the current place of human residence. In order to build it, you also need to know the exact date of birth. Most often, people who want to change place of residence are resorted to him. Thus, you can choose for yourself optimal city Or avoid errors in the event that the move will entail trouble.


This kind of horoscope astrologers usually build to find out exactly how past lives affect the current fate of the person. Created along the rising moon node.

Thematic horoscope

In this publication, we deal with the types of horoscopes in detail. Thematic, in particular, are built in order to fully reveal the circumstances of life, the various areas of its spheres. For example, ascending signtransferred to the degree of Venus, reveals the possibilities of love and romantic relationships. Mercury is responsible for intelligence and the implementation of professional skills.

Sinastric horoscope

This horoscope is in order to learn the compatibility of two subjects. Often used in choosing a partner for marriage.


Modern science is universal, she absorbed all the best of ever created by great scientists and thinkers. Currently exist more simplified horoscopes. Different types Mathematical calculus allow you to recognize the fate of a person on a digital and alphabetic code. The most popular method adopted as the basis of a numerological horoscope is the Pythagorean theorem. It is curious that this outstanding was also a mystic whole.

Chinese horoscope

If we consider the types of horoscopes by year, the most popular source of information to this day remains eastern calendar. The Chinese horoscope is focused on the influence of the astronomical rhythms of Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon and is divided on twelve-year-old cycles. Astrologers comprise a generalized forecast for each of the twelve signs.

Egyptian horoscope

We know that there are types of horoscopes of the year of birth (Natal, local, Chinese). In ancient Egypt, astrologers could consider the hidden possibilities of a person using short temporary segments by months. This is a rather complex system that did not fit in modern society. If in chinese horoscope The patrons of one or another sign are animals, then in the Egyptian every period of time a deity is managed.

Zodiac signs

Modern was designed, simplified and introduced into use English astrologer Alan Leo at the very beginning of the 20th century. At first, he created horoscopes individually, but because of large number Orders was forced to bring its own calculations to a truncated form. It turned out that we are happy to use it to this day. The zodiac sign is focused on the influence of the Sun in relation to natal horoscope. In total, they are 12. However, each new sign replaces the previous one from the beginning of the month, but in the twenties.

Today in the world there is great amount Horoscopes, and we will only try to list you the most basic ones.

Natal horoscope

Horoscope compatibility

Karmic horoscope

Local horoscope

Mundan horoscope

Thematic horoscope

This is a horoscope, which is obtained by transferring an Ascendant horoscope in a degree of a horoscope object. In astrology, a similar horoscope is used to clarify the events of life that are associated with the sphere of influence this object horoscope. So, for example, the horoscope of Venus (obtained by transferring an Ascendant to the degree of Venus) in more detail discloses events of marriage and love.

Chorarious horoscope

This is a horoscope that is built at the time of the task of the question. If possible, the answer to the question it can be radical and not radical. Also, it should be noted that this kind of horoscopes is closest to the fortune telling and therefore causes certain doubts about professional astrolories.

Numerological horoscope

This is a horoscope in which the dates (birth, etc.) is used, names (surnames, patientities, titles, etc.), to one of several simple numbers (Each of which is believed to patronize its planet). There are also numerological horoscopes that use one number of human birth.

Chinese horoscope

This horoscope relates rather not to horoscopes, in full understanding of this word, but rather to special calendars. According to him, every year on Earth passes under the sign of any of 12 animals. With its preparation, the astronomical rhythms of the Moon, Saturn and the Sun are taken into account.

Horoscope Druidov

This horoscope also relates to calendars than to horoscopes. It is based on the assumption that every person, like a tree, has its own special unique features, advantages and disadvantages. Human attachment to this, or in the species of trees depends on the removal of the Sun from the Earth on the day of his birth. Therefore, each sign of this horoscope has not one, as usual, but as many as two periods of action.

Interesting zodiac

The best horoscopes of the world

Zodiac horoscope

For a long time, on the movement of stars, people met the course of time, once again noting that they were born under different stars possess different ... \u003e\u003e\u003e

Two words about astrology

How often about the lucky people say: "He was born under a happy star!" Although in fact, each of us, not even conscious of this, in a particular area - lucky. One money, which is called, they themselves are lipped to the hands, people stretch to another, the third is happy in love, the fourth found himself in the profession ...

Why is this happening? And can a person learn how to manage his destiny to expand the boundaries of good luck to him?

From a long time, people believed that astrology is able to help in this - one of the oldest sciences on Earth. It is believed that astrology as science arose long before the start of our era in the interfluve. In the 19th century, when excavations ancient City Ninevei, there was a back of clay plates from the Palace Library of the Assyrian Tsar Ashurbanipal, which are essentially a collection of astrological knowledge and predictions. The age of these astrological tablets - more than 26 centuries! But this is not the limit.

The ancient Greeks argued that astrology leaves the roots in completely gray antiquity. They believed that this science had a myriad of years, and one of the greatest magicians and astrologers, they considered the legendary prophet Zaratoschet. Even the name of Zarathustra sounds in Greek Lad as a Zoroaster - according to the consonance with the Greek "Astron", "Star".

Modern Zodiac Astrology - a direct descendant of this ancient teaching about the stars. According to her, your zodiac sign is a personal code, thanks to which you can learn everything about your character, deposit and opportunities. And not only about their own: the zodiac sign is able to tell about hidden sides And the secrets of any person - your friend, colleagues, beloved.

However, psychologists also gradually conclude that the time of birth imposes an imprint on the character of a person, and therefore on his fate. In fact, people born in winterwhen the lack of vitamins is clearly felt, sunlight And heat, possess a more resistant and volitional character, and those born in the summer months are more cheerful and easy to rise.

Nevertheless, what would not be the true cause of the accuracy of zodiac horoscopes - in the stars and planets or in time of birth - to listen to them necessarily standing, because astrology absorbed the centuries-old experience of observing humanities and destinies.

And besides, do not forget that the main rule of astrologers sounds like this: "Stars are inclined, but do not oblige." In other words, under no matter how the sign of the zodiac you are not born, the horoscope is not a label and the more not a sentence. On the contrary, looking attentively to his horoscope, you can find tips in it as with maximum profit Use the advantages of your zodiac sign and learn to overcome its shortcomings.

Astrology - Mathematics of the Gods

The person is a particle of the universe, and therefore the invisible threads associate it with the universe. The laws of harmony of the world are studying thousands of sciences, among which astrology is the most ancient and mysterious. Astrology, of course, science: its depth and argument, the harness of its theories and the weight of the conclusions today led to its partial recognition, as evidenced by the teaching of astrology, along with other subjects in some universities in India, Europe and the United States.

Each of us at least once had the need to look at tomorrow. To know what will happen tomorrow - the secret dream of every person. Astrology allows you to open a simple mortal that is available only to the gods - the veil of the future.

This book is primarily for those who want to see the causes and to realize their effects, armed with the art of ancient. It contains all the famous horoscopes of the world as they are interpreted by astrological si stems of different nations. In your hands, you have a complete set of knowledge on astrology accumulated by mankind. Various peoples found their own, special words to describe the amazing patterns of space, according to which human life is built. After all, always remain fair words "that upstairs, then below."

Western Zodiacal horoscope

No one knows the exact date of the emergence of astrology. It appeared almost simultaneously with all nations and on all continents. Our predecessors believed that the Earth and the sky are inseparable - which is upstairs, then below, and, watching the sky, you can penetrate the veins of the secrets of earthly being. People found that life on earth obeys the rhythms of the movement of the heavenly bodies. The priests of the centuries were observed for the planets and stars, and over time, accumulating enough information, they called the planet names of the gods that worshiped.

So the astrology appeared - the science of heavenly bodies, the laws of the movement of which determine the course of life of humanity.

Western Astrology is a direct heir to the source of astrology. Its origins lie in the astrological system of Babylon. The heart and at the same time the crown of Western astrology is the horoscope and the art of his interpretation.

Several characteristic features of Western astrology, distinguishing it from another, not less developed, astrological tradition, Vedic astrology, can be distinguished. We will not deepen, let's just say that one of the features is more attention to the sun, rather than the moon. Therefore, in the 20th century, a sign of the zodiac began to be associated with a human horoscope in the mass press, in which the sun was located at the time of the birth of a person, and the terms of compatibility of people with different solar (sunny) signs were developed. But in Vedic astrology, the role of the night light - the moon - when analyzed, is taken into account in the first place.

So, astrology allows you to understand the relationship of various events taking place in the country, the world and the fate of every person, focusing on his horoscope.

But it would be a mistake to assume that astrology puts some restrictions. Her goal is to tell a person about his capabilities and abilities, help determine the life goals and outline their achievements. Opening a person's program of his life, the star science only warns about the possible transformations of fate and helps to make the right choice.

Zodiacal circle

Planets move on the background of stars. Stars united into groups - constellations. In total, in our galaxy 132 constellations. After many years of observations, it turned out that the events on earth are closely related to solar activity. 12 periods corresponding to 12 constellations were calculated that the sun passes throughout the year. The visible path of the Sun along the surrounding land constellations got a name zodiac circle.

Today we know that the astronomical position of constellation has changed under the influence of the gravity of the sun and the moon. Point of Spring Equinox, which Millennium Back, at the time of establishment zodiacal constellationswas in the zero degree of Aries, shifted. Its displacement occurs at a speed of 1 degrees for 70 years. This phenomenon is called precession. The precession was recorded in the second century BC. er, but it did not affect the interpretation of zodiac signs, since signs are considered a benchmark for determining the position of the Earth regarding the Sun. The sector of the heavenly sphere, which the sun passes between March 21 and April 21, is still an Aries energy field.

Based on the division of the zodiac circle on 12 sectors, the Greeks created a calendar, setting the measure of the time:

One turnover of the Sun on the heavenly sphere (360 °) gives a year;

The division of the celestial sphere on 12 sectors gives 12 months;

The division of each sector for 30 degrees gives 30 days, the sun is moving at a speed of 1 degree per day;

Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn spawned the names of seven days of the week: Day of the Moon (Monday), Mars Day (Tuesday), Day of Mercury (Wednesday), Jupiter's Day (Thursday), Venus Day (Friday), day Saturn (Saturday), Sun Day (Sunday).

Zodiacal signs were assigned specific traits, in which there was a reflection of the state of nature during the passage of the Sun of this or that constellation.

At the end of March and April, when nature wakes up from the winter hibernation, the sun gives everything a living powerful energy impetus to everything. People born under the sign of Aries carry such qualities as activity, confidence in own power, Passionate desire to express yourself, to be the leader, break forward.

In April-May, when everything blooms, sensual, adoring beauty and comfort of calves are born.

At the end of May - June, when solar activity changes, the time of communication comes. During this period, fast, adventurous, sociable twins are born.

From the end of June until the end of July, cancers appear on the world. This is the lightest time of year, but the moon is stronger than the moon - master of feelings and emotions. Hence the emotionality of his nature, the changeability of moods.

In August when solar energy Brings material fruits - harvest, generous and royal lions are born.

In late August and September, the time comes to make reserves for the winter and build plans for the future. This is reflected in the practicality and rationalism of virgins.

In October, when the Golden Autumn is already coming to an end, charming estates of scales are born.

In November, nature plunges into sleep, the first snow falls and scorpions appear on the light, the most mysterious and mystical sign.

In December, when the sun approaches the Earth, the restless and purposeful archers are born and purposeful.

From the day of the winter solstice, the period of Capricorn begins. The nature of lifeless, and the sun, getting closer to the ground, presented to people born in January, then what they most need - strength, perseverance and endurance.

In February, the time of Aquarius is inventive and complete ideas.

Complete the natural fish cycle. They are born in early spring And they are looking forward to heat. Personally susceptible to all influences, the fish have an outstanding ability to sympathize, penetrate the human souls and feel the finest cosmic vibrations.


Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to the planet. During the time when astrology made her first steps, two shums were known and five near the planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. That is, initial astrologers operated on the family heavenly bodies. Later, three more planets were open - Uranus, Neptun, Pluto, and in 1977 - Hiron (it is still unclear, asteroid is or a comet's core, he was found near uranium). The twelfth planet, Proserpina, is not yet open, but there is information that her ancient knew it. Presumably she is behind the orbit of Pluto.

The effect of energies of various planets is manifested in the nature of zodiacal signs. It can be harmonious and disharmonious, depending on the individual indicators of the horoscope. But the first conclusions you can do on the basis of the information below on the planets, even without having a birthday card.

The sun. Sun - the center of the whole Solar system. The sun is the main source of energy, heat and light. It also controls the sign of the lion. These are bright personalities possessing a large stock. vital energy, creative potential, sense of humor; Quickly restore forces, do not know how to root for a long time.

Traits 1
Do not perceive the listed character traits that planets give a particular sign as a sentence. Some features may never appear if you know how to control yourself. In any case: warned - it means armed!

(+) activity, brightness, masculinity, psychological sustainability, self-sufficiency, independence, pride, creativity, generosity, credibility, nobility, generosity, feeling own dignity, organizational abilities;

Moon. The moon manages feelings, emotions. Patronizing cancer. Craks are emotional, subject to mood drops, react sensitively to what is happening around. They are dreaming, sentimental, love children, tied to home and relatives. But with all its indecision and vulneral, the children of the Moon have a chain of will to life - survive and recover after the hardest crises and begin to live again.


(+) variability, sensitivity, susceptibility, impressionability, endurance, patient, memory for good, caring, adaptability;

(-) Laziness, disadvantage, slowness, scattered, optional.

Mercury. This planet manages intelligence, speech and thought. If your Mercury Planet, then you have a deep mind, contact, the ability to quickly assimilate information, the ability to express your thoughts both orally and writing. Children of Mercury Fast, tirelessness, sociable. Mercury manages twins and a virgin.


(+) the speed of thinking, resourcefulness, active learning of information, observation, dexterity, the ability is intelligible to express, mobility, curiosity, chain memory, the ability to quickly switch from one to another, fasciance, inconspiciency, inconsistency;

(-) Inability to bring things to the end, indecision, unprincipledness, talkativeness, love for rumors and gossip, insincerity, scattering, unreliability.

Venus. Venus personifies harmony, love, beauty, pleasure. Venus is associated with the energy of well-being, and therefore with money. Manages tales and weights. Astrologers call Venus "Small Happiness."

This planet promises love, wealth and life in a relaxed, beautiful and harmonious setting.


(+) emotionality, delicate taste, elegance, charm, exterior attractiveness, sexuality, love for comfort and entertainment, friendliness, in love, peacefulness, romanticism, the ability to quickly get out of depression;

(-) A tendency to regret yourself, laziness, inertia, ruthlessness, narcissism, stubbornness, energy "vampirism", jealousness, a lot of feelings, slope.

Mars. Mars emphasizes male qualities - activity, energetic, fearlessness and quick-tempered. This planet controls auto and scorpion. In the life of these people a lot of passions and bright events. They are accompanied by struggle and victory.


(+) activity, courage, assertiveness, impulsiveness, perseverance, straightness, enthusiasm, self-confidence, risk, passionism, leadership abilities, enterprise, simpleness;

(-) aggressiveness, conflict, merciless, rudeness, vulgarity, egoism, arrogance, depression, irritability, rashness.

Jupiter. This is a planet of good luck, well-being, authority and influence. And if Venus is called "small happiness", then Jupiter is "great happiness." We were lucky to those who were born under the influence of this planet. She brings his children a fame and honor. Jupiter is led by Silver and Fish.


(+) goodwill, generosity, truthfulness, politeness, respectability, the ability to see a holistic picture, not focusing on the details, perseverance in achieving the goals, talent of the teacher;

(-) Wasting, intolerance in food, drink and sex, hypocrisy, insecurity in love, greed, authoritarianism, pride, hypocrisy, complacency, comprehensive instinct.

Saturn. Planet discipline, restrictions, painstaking work and realism. She presents the most difficult lessons in life, but also helps to overcome obstacles, it brings success - the truth is not as fast as I would like. After conducting a person on the path of testing and self-improvement, Saturn gives him the opportunity to achieve welfare. This planet controls the Capricorn, Aquarius.


(+) persistence, prudence, purposefulness, philosophical mindset, self-sufficiency, consistency, pedantry, punctuality, caution, diligence, discipline, binding, viability;

(-) suspicion, closure, incredulusity, stuffiness, fatalism, narrow of the horizon, excessive conservatism, fears, tyranny, barking, borestip, vitality, grief, pessimism.

Uranus. Planet of the unusual development of events, revolutionary coups, extremism, ingenious insights and a happy occasion. Manages water. Uranus children are able to change the natural course of events, slow down or speed up some processes and block their fate in a new way. They freely make decisions and freely act. With such people happens all the most unpredictable, unusual.


(+) originality and nonconformity of thinking, thrust for novelty and everything unusual, idealism, ingenuity;

(-) Stubbornness, hypocrisy, uncomfortable, quick-tempered, lack of self-control, passion to break everything and handle.

Neptune. Neptune expresses the mood of a person to cosmic harmony. This planet combines the qualities of the moon, Venus and Saturn. But if the moon is ordinary intuition and sensitivity, Venus - stable feelings, and Saturn - crystallization of harmony and intuition, then Neptune is super-sensitive, clairvoyance, deep penetration In the essence of things and phenomena, the ability to disinterested, unearthly love. All these qualities are inherent in the fish that this planet is managed.


(+) romance, dreaminess, rich fantasy, sensitivity, compassion, delicate feeling of harmony, symmetry, rhythm, musical and poetic abilities, prophetic dreams, prophetic gift, in love;

(-) Next to illusions and self-deception, the inability to distinguish good from evil, painful impressionability, suggestion, negligence, harmful and dangerous addictions, hypochondria, obsessive ideas, neurosis.

Pluto. Planet pride, indispensability. It nourishes its scorpion energy - Darkness devices, lords of forces, not subject to people of other signs. Pluto is the personification of power and the chaser of wealth. But at first he can take everything, to expose the man with the hardest tests, and then dramatically throw it up, having endungered a huge wealth. Plutonians are in themselves a giant energy charge, these are leaders, passionars who are subject to extreme situations. However, this energy can be dangerous primarily for the scorpion itself.


(+) activity, rigidity, assertiveness, internal force, which manifests itself in the right moment, perseverance, collectivism, deep emotionality, irony, iron will, high survival, magical abilities;

(-) Studity, cruelty, greed, tendency to extreme, tendency to self-dissemination, lack of self-control, thirst for power, lack of self-control.

Proserpina. This is the highest hypotion of Saturn. If Saturn is a rod, a system, then transcel - a super-system. Its children born under the sign of the Virgin, it gives meticulousness, clarity, the ability to study things and phenomena deep into the accumulation of information and the transition to a new quality. Each maid can become a conductor higher System Knowledge, but for this you need to work for conscience.


(+) observation, analytical thinking, the ability of particles to restore a whole, a sense of duty;

(-) Invulsion, a bore, loopedness on trifles, ripples or manic love for order, greed, fohy.

Chiron. Chiron communicates between the near and long-distance planets. This is the highest hyposta of Mercury - sociability and accumulation of vital important information. Manages Hiron Weighs by hanging their wisdom, justice, diplomacy, friendlyness and ability to select the keys to any information, translate it to any level of complexity.


(+) adaptability, the ability to reconcile the warring parties and understand without condemning, the ability to restore justice, equilibrium and objectivity;

(-) Mixing moral and ethical norms, adaptability, intrigue, the ability to combine and split - sit on two chairs, to be a servant of two gentlemen.

Elements, Crosses and Energy Types

Four elements are associated with the constellations of the zodiac, painting them with their energies - fire, earth, water and air. A group consisting of three signs belonging to one element is called trigon.

Trigon fire: Aries, Lion, Sagittarius.

Trigon land: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Trigon air: Gemini, Scales, Aquarius.

Trigon water: Cancer, Scorpio, Fish.

Fire Corresponds to a huge dynamic charge, activity, thirst for transformation and power. This element gives a cholecal temperament.

Properties Earth - immobility, hardness, static, certainty, concentration, realism. Earth gives melancholic temperament.

Air Ensures interaction, contacts, thirst for updates, variability, intelligence, information. Energrates a sanguine temperament.

Quality Water - instability, purampiness, impressionability, suggestibility, emotionality, susceptibility, plasticity, reality from reality. It generates phlegmatic temperament.

Initially there was a broadcast - divine word, thought, revelation, which was dissolved in all elements. Then there was a fire - an active creative beginning, transformed by thought. Creative burning creates concrete forms - it is the element of the earth. When a visible, material world is created, objects begin to interact with each other - this is air. As a result, the fusion of these two objects occurs. They are destroyed and return to their primary source - water. This cycle is repeated again and again.

Fire and earth are solid, strong elements, unshakable and stable. Air and water are unsubstantiated.

Planets are also associated with the elements:

the fire: Sun, Mars, Jupiter.

Land: Venus, Saturn, Proserpina.

Air: Mercury, Chiron, Uranus.

Water: Moon, Neptune, Pluto.

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Twelve zodiacal signs are also divided into three crosses - cardinal, motionless and movable. The crosses point to the human strategy lasted in humans, the dynamics of the psychology of the personality. This form of behavior is initially given. Each cross combines all four elements.

Cardinal cross - this is the cross will, target installations. It symbolizes the goal, program, algorithm, movement. Includes Aries, Cancer, Scales and Capricorn signs. Aries is a movement forward, cancer - immersion in depths, scales - return to the origins, Capricorn - Movement up. People of these signs do not tolerate aimlessness. They are focused on the future and anticipate the events, always something outstanding ahead. Movement to the target is carried out in a straight line and in a strictly specified direction.

Stationary cross Includes the signs of the Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. It symbolizes the wait. In order for a person to jerk forward, it should have a critical energy of energy. The lion is waiting for a long time, preparing for the empires, it does not exchange for trifles; Then the accumulated energy lightningly goes into a dynamic (manifested) state, and a high-quality jump occurs. Scorpio torments himself for a long time and others, and when the voltage is bent to the limit, it begins to act and short term Makes a lot. In the same scheme acts and Aquarius. He also can not make a decision for a long time, tormented by doubts, but then overnight commits, the transformation of his life. The calf will need much more strength to make a final decision, but at the end of the long path he is waiting for a deserved award. Representatives of these signs it is important to work on our past, it is incentive for them to develop.

IN movable cross Entrance of Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Fish. These people are brilliant tactics - know how to catch the moment, bending, mobile, capable of entering the resonance with the environment. Live a real moment, constant changes are happening to them, every moment they are unique.

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The signs of the zodiac are divided into men's, active (Yang) and female, passive (yin). Male start Signs of fire and air - Aries, Gemini, Lion, Scales, Sagittarius, Aquarius. These signs give birth to creators and creators - people walking in front, launching new ways, but they do it in different ways, in accordance with their psychology. Women start There is an inherent signs of land and water - Taurus, Cancer, Virgin, Scorpio, Capricorn, Fish. These are signs of equilibrium, order, stability.