Doe oral magazine feel like a child again. To a preschool educational institution

Parents' meeting in the form of an oral journal "Know! Remember! Observe!"

Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the general parent meeting on the prevention of child road traffic injuries in a preschool educational institution. The use of an unconventional form of holding a meeting allows you to achieve positive results in interaction with the families of pupils, to increase the pedagogical culture of parents in matters of the safety of children on the streets and roads of the city. The uniqueness of such a meeting is that parents receive advice and recommendations not only from the staff of the institution but also from their own children, who take an active part in a dynamic mini-concert for them. It should be noted that the "artists" in the process of preparation and during their performance receive musical, cognitive-speech, emotional development, as well as personal, because they remind parents of the need to follow the rules road traffic.
The presented material will be useful for educators, teachers primary grades, teacher-organizers. Designed for the participation of children of senior preschool age and primary school age.

Raising the attention of parents to the problem of child road traffic injuries, increasing the activity of parents in teaching children the rules of the road.

To intensify the knowledge of parents about the peculiarities of teaching children the rules of the road.
Encourage parents to think about the importance of children learning about traffic rules.

Preparation stages:
Prepare meeting requests.
Pick up methodological literature, didactic games, posters on PDDTT.
To teach the children skits, dances and poems according to traffic rules.
To make booklets, memos-hearts for parents.
Prepare a presentation on the topic of the meeting, a slide show with photographs of the children.

Exhibition of methodological literature on traffic rules.
Exhibition didactic games and models for teaching children traffic rules.
The theme of the meeting is marked on the central wall, posters on traffic rules are hung.

Meeting progress:

Good evening, dear parents and guests of our kindergarten! We are glad to meet you. Thank you for taking the time and coming to parent-teacher meeting, which will be held in the form of an oral journal, on the pages of which we will touch upon a very important and urgent problem related to the prevention of child road traffic injuries and we hope that none of you will remain indifferent. So,

(to the music, children come out one after another with shields - "pages".
The 1st child holds the "cover" in his hands, on which the name of the magazine is written, the 2nd child - the announcement of the first page, the 3rd child - the announcement of the second page, etc., speaking their words, take a step to the side)

We are starting to publish the oral journal Know! Remember! Observe! " Today in the issue:

2nd child:
First page: "Parents of future first graders and not only!"
On this page, you will be presented with traffic situations that are usually the most difficult for a small pedestrian.
3rd child:

Having turned over this page of our magazine, you can test your knowledge of the Rules of the road.
4th child:
The third page "How to make travel in the car interesting"
Here we will introduce you to games that you can play with children while traveling in transport.
5th child:

1st child:
Happy viewing!

(go off to the music)

It is well known that “children are taught at school,” even there is such a song. However, when teaching children to behave safely on the street, this slogan is, to put it mildly, controversial. A child, having come to school, already has a huge experience of independent and together with parents traveling along the streets and roads, including hundreds, thousands of crossings across the road. He has already developed certain skills of "transport" behavior - both right and wrong. Unfortunately, there are more of the latter. This is a constant crossing of the street along the shortest path - obliquely. And the worst thing is the mass of skills of a successful, for the time being, running out because of standing cars and other obstacles to the view: bushes, fences, from around the corners of houses, etc.
You need to teach your child safe behavior as early as possible, literally from the very first steps on the street. And continue to reinforce good, safe habits when he has already gone to school.
And the main teacher of your child's safe behavior on the road should not be the school, but you.
The main principle of upbringing a law-abiding and competent road user for parents should be the principle “Do as I do”. So that the child does not violate the Traffic Rules, he must not only know them, he must get into the habit of always observing them. Your example for a child will be much more illustrative than the empty and useless phrase heard hundreds of times: "Be careful on the road." Better during each walk with children, trips with them on business, teach them to observe the street and transport, analyze what is happening on the road, and act faultlessly in various circumstances. Let's take a look at the main traffic situations that are usually the most difficult for a small pedestrian.
-Pay the child's attention to the movement of vehicles at the entrance and together inspect the yard area: if a car, motorcycle, bicycle is approaching you.
-And if there are vehicles at the entrance or shrubs and trees grow, blocking your view, stop your movement and look carefully to see if there is danger behind the obstacle.
-Remember that an adult must be on the side of the carriageway.
-A small child needs to be firmly held by the wrist and be ready to hold when trying to escape - this is a common cause of accidents.
-Stop, inspect the roadway, involve the child in observing the situation on the road.
-Teach your child to look at the road not "out of the corner of his eye", but by turning his head to the right and left. The child must have developed a skill brought to automatism: before taking the first step off the sidewalk, he turns his head and examines, assesses the traffic situation in all directions.
-When leaving the road, stop unnecessary conversations - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible.
-When crossing the road at a regulated intersection, remember and teach your children that a red traffic light prohibits movement, a yellow signal warns of a signal change. Only a green signal permits movement. But first you need to look left and right - make sure that all transport has stopped and the car is not going around the bend. If the carriageway is free, you can cross, continuing to follow the road.
-Remind your child that the umbrella and hood also restrict the view, so when crossing the road you need to look out from under the umbrella.
-And ensure your child's visibility for drivers. There must be reflective elements on children's clothes and shoes. This will help save his life!
-Explain to the child that you can enter and leave any type of transport only after it has come to a complete stop: a child, like an adult, can stumble and fall under the wheels.
-If you see a bus (or other vehicle) standing on the opposite side, do not rush or run! Teach your child to do the same, explain that it is dangerous. Teach him to see the bus across the road not only as the bus he needs, but also as a bus that distracts attention from danger.
- Every seventh child was hit by a car, running out in front of a standing bus, every twentieth - from behind, not seeing a car approaching from the right. Therefore, remember yourself and explain to your child that vehicles standing at a bus stop cannot be bypassed either from the back or from the front! You must wait until the vehicle leaves, or walk to the nearest intersection or pedestrian crossing, where the road is clearly visible in both directions.
-Remember that absolutely everyone must wear seat belts! Including in someone else's car, and when driving over short distances. If this rule is automatically fulfilled by adults, then it will easily become a permanent habit in the child.
-It is unacceptable to carry children in the arms of adults, both in the front and in the back seat! In the event of an accident, such options are possible - either an adult with his increased body weight will crush the child, or the adult simply cannot hold him and the child will fly out of the car. As a result, everything can end very tragically.
-And yet, the Traffic Rules unequivocally say that any child under the age of 12 must be transported using special restraints. However, many parents forget or deliberately ignore the rules. Do not risk the health of your own child!
Remember! No teaching will be effective if the closest people who enjoy special authority with the preschooler do not follow the rules of the road! Violation of the rules by parents leads to the fact that children, imitating them, develop a manner of life-threatening and health-threatening behavior on the road, which can subsequently lead to irreparable trouble.
Take care of the child!
Try to do your best to protect it from road accidents!

In continuation of the theme, we invite you to watch a small sketch performed by children of group No. 11

Once in a city apartment
They started a difficult conversation:
Dad, mom, son and daughter.
Let's repeat it exactly.

(staging: the son is sitting on the couch, playing on the computer. coffee table there is a brochure "Rules of the Road". Mom is sitting by the window, busy with embroidery. The youngest daughter plays with dolls)
The father approached the son and asked the crumbs:
-Son, tell me finally what is good and what is bad?
A son:
- I have no secrets! -
There was an answer from my little son.
A son:
-Here you will find the answer, here, read the book.
(submits a brochure on traffic rules)
- Why do I need traffic rules?
Dad was surprised.
A son:
-I took her to the traffic police for you, dad!
Father: (in disbelief)
-How many years have I been twisting the steering wheel! You know that!
I taught the rules at school ...
A son:
-Now you are breaking !! ??
(Father looks at his son in surprise)
-Do you remember that we once rushed from fishing along the pavement?
-Because the cars were not visible, we were in a hurry to go home!
A son:
-And yesterday you drove smartly at a red light?
- I was in a hurry for lunch, everything was quiet around!
(daughter runs up)
-And mom broke the speed limit once!
-Because the guard did not see us !! ??
-Is THAT important?
Father: (guilty)
-Well, it doesn't always happen, it's just an accident! ...
Mama: (guilty)
-This happens only when the traffic police does not notice!
A son:
-Exits if the inspector is not visible on the road,
Can anyone do anything?
Come on, sister, it's wonderful !!!
-Wait, stop!
-The rules are the same for everyone!
We must fulfill them!
A son:
-May it be so!
And you should bear in mind - children always copy you!
-Dear parents, you are responsible for what children do on the roads!

(the 3rd child runs out to the music)

3rd child:
Second page: "Academy of Road Sciences"

(runs away, a child immediately follows him - Doctor of Road Sciences)

Doctor of Road Science:
Yes, yes, yes, dear adults, on this page you will visit my Academy of Road Sciences. Let me introduce myself, I am a Doctor of the very same Road Sciences. And I suggest you play a little and test your knowledge of the Rules of the road.
I think that dear parents will easily answer all questions. And here are the rules of the game: while the music is playing, you pass the baton to each other, as soon as the music stops, the one who did not have time to pass the baton answers our question.
So the game begins.

(a game is played, parents answer 3-4 questions)

1 question: What is the danger of entering the roadway because of a standing car?
Answer: A standing car obscures the view, interferes with observing the roadway.

Question 2: Why is it dangerous to cross the carriageway obliquely?
Answer: When you walk obliquely, you turn your back to the cars and you may not see them. In addition, the transition path becomes longer.

Question 3: What can be done to make the pedestrian better visible in the dark?
Answer: To make the pedestrian better visible, you need to wear reflectors - flickers, you can also use flashlights, especially for those who have to move along the edge of the carriageway or along the side of the road.

Doctor of Road Science:
Dear adults, I am very glad that you answered all the questions correctly. Please remember that it is good to know the rules, but it is safer to follow them!

(the 4th child runs out to the music)

4th child:
Page Three: "How to Make Traveling in a Car Interesting"

(He runs away, immediately after him children run out. The dance "Barbariki" is performed "B.B. B.B. BIBIKA! LET'S GO RIDE!"

Baba - Yaga:
Well, go, go, play with the guys! Finally, we arrived. My granddaughter Kuzenka exhausted me completely.
Hello, Yaga Danilovna! What happened to you?
Baba - Yaga:
Hello, hello! Let me introduce myself - Yaga Danilovna. I have a granddaughter Kuzenka. We live far away, in the forest is our hut, but I want my Kuzenka to be well-mannered and educated. So I take him every day to different circles and sections in the city. I took care of the safety of my grandson for a long time: I bought a special child car seat. And now I always put Kuzenka in the car only in the car seat. And parents advise you, be sure to buy a car seat for your child.
What a fine fellow you are, Yaga Danilovna! In an emergency, it is impossible to hold the child in your arms, it will simply slip out of your hands. The car seat will hold the baby in place and thus prevent injury.
And what do you ask for advice from us, what kind of help do you need?
Baba - Yaga:
My cousin is already so nimble, restless, I have him ... it's like him ... hyperactive, here! When I drive with him in the car, he constantly screams, his hands grab everything, the driver interferes with driving the car. What should I do with him, what to do with the child on the trip - I don’t know? Oh, help me, please advise something!
Dear parents, you have faced such a problem. With creative parenting, any time and place can be a good time to interact with your child. We want to introduce you to the games that you can play in transport, combining the necessary trip and raising your baby. You can make these games not only useful, but also interesting, and then they will help pass the time on the road and develop in the child such important qualities as attention, memory and imagination, and will also contribute to the development of the child's speech.
For example, when showing oncoming cars to a crumb, be sure to name their color. You can even arrange a competition with your child by naming numbers on the numbers of passing cars. There are a lot of games, I will not retell them all to you, I will just give you, Yaga Danilovna, and our parents here are such booklets with games.
Baba - Yaga:
Thank you very much! I will definitely read and always play these games with Kuzya.
But I want to warn you all that only an adult passenger can play with a child in a car, in no case should the driver be distracted while driving!
(brochures “How to make traveling in a car interesting” are distributed to parents)

(the 5th child runs out to the music)

5th child:
Fourth page, final.
"Children speak and show about the Rules of the road"

(runs away)

Good fairy tale, smart fairy tale,
Agree everyone is happy.
And now we will tell you
A fairy tale in a new way!

WITH treasurer:
Three maidens by the window
The conversation was about
How hard the road is now
How dangerous the path will be
If the traffic rules
You don't know by heart.
One girl says:
1st maid:
I want to work in the traffic police!
And in all the light of day
I could issue a ban:
To all buses, cars
Drive only underground.
And on the street b then
There was silence:
The starlings would be heard,
Not the noise from the brakes!
Her sister says:
2nd maid:
I would have been born as a driver!
I would be on a personal, for example,
Show people the way:
Ride so as not anywhere,
And along the forest paths,
On pole roads.
And on the street then
It has become just beauty.
And along the road by the bushes
We would plant flowers:
Here are daisies, there are mimosas
And, of course, roses.
3rd maid:
My dear sisters,
You are so mischievous!
The third said the sister.
3rd maid:
What you talk about
Only in your dreams so far.
And the reality is this:
Cars rush in a row
Cars, trucks.
They are all in a hurry somewhere,
And the passengers are to blame!
How can you not be scared,
Don't get caught under the wheels
How to go through a dangerous path?
There is one simple remedy:
It is necessary to learn the rules of movement by heart.
You are a pedestrian or a driver
Schoolboy or head,
Everyone should know the rules
Know and strictly observe!

Turning page after page, we did not notice how our oral journal “Know! Remember! Observe! " ended.
Finally, please wave right hand one who knows how to drive a car.
Now raise your hands for those who always carry their children using special child restraints.
Now let the one who has violated the Traffic Rules close his eyes with his palms.
Now, join the hands of those who care about the safety of your children.
Look at each other. We are all so different, but you can always find what unites us. V currently Is the problem of the safety of children on the streets of the city. And the success of solving this problem depends on how tightly we hold hands.
And now welcome with applause those who participated in the creation of the oral magazine Know! Remember! Observe! "

(all the children run into the hall to the music, with hearts in their hands, perform a flash mob to the song "Traffic Rules")

Theme:"We have someone to learn from our homeland to be proud of!"

Target Raising a civic position in parents, respect for the older generation and a feeling of love for the Motherland based on knowledge of the Great Patriotic War and people who won victory at the front and in the rear.


1. Involvement of parents of preschoolers in patriotic education in the family, familiarization with the past and present of their country through the connection of generations, folk traditions and music of the war years.

2. Coordination of the actions of teachers and parents to form children's ideas about how the memory of the events and heroes of the Great Patriotic War is preserved.

3. To cultivate respect for war veterans, and pride in their country.

Preliminary work.

1. Questioning of parents in order to study the family experience of the patriotic education of children.

2. Creation of an exhibition of books about the Great Patriotic War.

3. Exhibition of photographs from family archives "They defended the Motherland."

4. Recording on video the story of older pupils about their great-grandfathers who fought in the Great Patriotic War.

5. Joint trip of children and parents to the Museum of History of Balakovo.

6. Contest of joint creativity "We remember, we are proud!"

7. The design of the album by the parents and teachers of the preschool educational institution "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" to familiarize preschoolers with the monuments and memorials to the victorious soldiers installed throughout Russia.

8. Making invitation cards by children.

9. Interaction with the city council of veterans. If possible, an invitation to a meeting of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Materials and equipment.

1. Technical means learning (TCO), multimedia projector.

2. Photos of the war years of the great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers of the children.

3. Poems and songs about the Great Patriotic War.

4. Photos of monuments and memorial places in the city, in Russia, associated with the events of the Great Patriotic War.

5. Printed wartime song lyrics

5. Flowers for veterans and guests.

The progress of the oral journal for parents.

The hall is festively decorated. Parents sit in a semicircle.


Dear guests! Soon we will celebrate the most memorable, solemn holiday - Victory Day! It is annually celebrated on May 9 in honor of the victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. On this day, they congratulate the participants in the war - veterans who fought at the front, worked in the rear, created tanks, aircraft, shells and cartridges, bringing Victory Day closer. This is a holiday with tears in our eyes: we rejoice in victory and grieve about dead soldiers and that fewer and fewer veterans are left alive. Today we invite you to remember those difficult years, about the people who, in the rear and at the front, brought victory closer.

The first page of our oral magazine is called Women in War.


Woman and war - both of these words are feminine, but they are incompatible - woman and war ...

The story of grandmothers about their mothers, home front workers, how they lived during the war. Demonstration of photos through a multimedia projector.

Moms speak words.

1st mother: A woman comes to the world to light a candle.

2nd mother: A woman comes to the world to save the hearth.

3rd mother: A woman comes to the world to be loved.

4th mother: A woman comes to the world to give birth to children.

5th mother: A woman comes to the world to bloom a flower.

Together: A woman comes to the world to save the world.

Children senior group and their mothers sing M. Blanter's song “Katyusha”.

The second page of our magazine is “Know and Name”.


Dear friends. We invite you to recall and name the memorable places in Russia associated with the heroic events of the Great Patriotic War.

The screen shows photographs of monuments: the Brest Fortress, Motherland - mother, a destroyed mill in Volgograd, a monument to an unknown soldier in Moscow, a portrait of Tanya Savicheva from besieged Leningrad, a monument to the Panfilov heroes, a monument on Sokolovaya Gora in Saratov, an obelisk in Balakovo ...

We open the third page of our magazine

"We remember! We are proud!"

Leading: It has been 70 years since our valiant warriors defeated the enemy. The war took many lives. And every year we remember all those who died in the battles for the Motherland. Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. words Correct. These words are written on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow. People will always remember those who defended our Motherland. Their names are alive in our hearts and our memory. We invite you to watch and listen to what our children tell about their great-grandfathers who fought in that distant and terrible war.

Demonstration of video recording of the children of the preparatory group for school telling about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Children preparatory group read poetry about victory.

1 child.

Victory Day is a holiday for the whole country,

The brass band plays marches.

Victory Day is a holiday of gray hair

Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who are younger.

2 child.

Our grandfathers remember

About the old days

Put on in honor of Victory

Combat orders.

3 child.

Thank you to our grandfathers

For life, for childhood, for victory.

For silence, for a kind home,

For the world we live in.


“Who said that we should give up songs in the war!

After the battle, the heart asks for music twice! "

The songs created in those terrible years helped our people to live, work, fight and defeat the enemy.

The next page of our magazine is called "Songs Scorched by War"

We invite parents to sing one verse of their wartime songs.

"In the dugout" muses. K. Listov, lyrics by A. Surkov,

"Blue handkerchief" muses. E. Petersburgsky, lyrics by Y. Galitsky and M. Maksimov,

"Ogonyok" to lyrics by M. Isakovsky,

"Darkie" to lyrics by Y. Shvedov,

"On a sunny meadow" lyrics A. Fatyanova.

"Victory Day" lyrics Kharitonov.

We are the last generations to have seen living veterans!

Honor while there is someone!

Give thanks while there is someone to thank!

After all, there are so few of them left!

Thanks to them for being alive!

Dear friends! Today we can say with confidence that our children will never forget the names of their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. And becoming adults, seeing in front of them your example of the memory of loved ones, they will say "We have someone to learn from, to be proud of our Motherland!"

Synopsis of the oral journal for parents on the topic

"Types of Cultures".

Time spending: November.

Form of carrying out: oral journal.

Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours.

Target: to promote the development of parental competence in the mastery of the social culture of preschool children.


Information competence

To contribute to the formation of the foundations of psychological and pedagogical knowledge on the role of social culture in the personal development of a child.

Technological competence

To contribute to the formation of the main ways of implementing the content of social culture in the practice of interacting with children.

Communicative competence

Promote the development of conflict-free communication skills.

Reflexive competence

Form ways to analyze interactions with children.

Motivational competence

Contribute to the formation of interest in the field of social development of children.

Material: Presentation "Types of Cultures".

Oral journal progress:

I. Introduction.

(Slide number 1 DIV_ADBLOCK89 ">

Culture is subdivided into different types.

(Slide number 2 "width =" 190 "height =" 144 src = ">).

It influences the formation of the main personality traits and properties, the formation of which is possible already in preschool age. It contributes to the formation of basic personal characteristics, universal human abilities.

A person joins social culture from the prenatal period of development to old age. A pregnant woman listens to music, poetry, sings, communicates with other people, conveying to the unborn baby the melodiousness of folk poetry, her mood that arises in response to social interaction.

1. The first type of social culture to which a child joins when entering the world of human relations is the culture folk.

(Slide number 4).

It is transmitted to the child through the mother's folklore - when the child sings lullabies, little pestles. Folk culture contributes to the formation of an emotional-value attitude towards the world around us. Later, this culture is supplemented by CNT, dearly - applied art, holidays, traditions, rituals.

When familiarizing with folk culture, such personal qualities and formations are formed as: patriotism, respect for memory and admiration for the wisdom of ancestors, respect for traditions.

2. As the child grows up, the content of folk culture is enriched by the inclusion of elements national culture:

(Slide number 5 ).

features of the language, costume, home, cuisine, the author's work of representatives of the nation (music, literature, art), borrowing and stable use of elements of other folk cultures (household items, holidays, customs). National culture contributes to the formation of a child's national self-awareness (national identification, differentiation), referring himself to representatives of a certain nationality for a number of signs.

By joining the national culture, the child sees the diversity and beauty of the relationship between a person and those cultural values ​​that are significant for all representatives of his nationality and acquires such personal qualities and education as: pride in the achievement of his own and other peoples, respect for the language, the desire to preserve and enrich cultural values.

And now I invite you to play Russian together with your children. folk game"Masha and Yasha".

The players stand in a circle, Masha and Yasha get out, who are blindfolded. They run in circles, Masha rings the bell, and Yasha catches her. After Yasha catches Masha for these roles, other players are selected.

3. However, in the sphere of the child's immediate environment (in the family, in the kindergarten group, in the village, in the region) there are people of other national cultures. People of different nationalities living in the same territory, being citizens of one state, having a single state language, constitute an ethnos. The values ​​that they are guided by in their behavior and relationships with other people (ideological attitudes, public holidays, traditions, the state language) are the content ethnic culture.

(Slide number 6).

In a family where there are representatives of different nationalities, it is very important to bring to the child the values ​​of the culture of each of them, to formulate a tolerant, respectful attitude towards them.

Since the family is a reduced model of the whole society, it is in it that a tolerant, accepting attitude towards people of other nationalities, nations and ethnic groups, as well as to conflict-free interaction with them, is initially formed.

And now your children will dance the "Kazachok" dance.

4. The sphere of social relations between relatives, close people, reflecting the main components family and household culture,

(Slide number 7).

such as norms and rules of behavior, family ties, age, sex and status hierarchy of interaction, traditions, customs, pedigree. For a child, the values ​​of social relations in the family are dominant, determining in the structure of worldview orientations, are the foundation of their own line of behavior in a long-term vision of their relationships in the future family.

Family - everyday culture is the basis for the formation of the most important personal qualities and formations such as humanity, hospitality, family honor, respect for family heirlooms, respect for them, the desire to increase them, nobility, mercy, patriotism, hard work.

Now I invite you to play the Association game.

Those to whom I am addressing need to listen to the assignment and speak the very first images that come to mind.

If a family is a building, then it ...

If family is a color, then it ...

If family is music, then it ...

If a family is a geometric figure, then it ...

If family is the name of the film, then it ...

If family is a mood, then it ...

If a family is a book, then it ...

If the family is nature, then it ...

5.From birth, a child in the family, and later in other social groups, is attached to moral and ethical culture,

(Slide number 8 Call "href =" / text / category / koll / "rel =" bookmark "> collectivism, responsibility, decisiveness, independence, openness, tolerance, respect for elders, deference.

These qualities are formed when different conditions, including through the reading and dramatization of fairy tales. And now the children are staging the fairy tale "Zayushkina izbushka".

6. Starting from the age of three, the child begins to realize his gender and perceive other people from the position of gender differences. Since that time, an essential place in its social development has been occupied by psychosexual culture,

(Slide number 9).

the main components of which are: external manifestations (clothes, hairstyle), work and rest of men and women, the specifics of relationships and norms of behavior in various life situations, a set of personal qualities that reflect the characteristics of masculine (determination, responsibility, perseverance, courage, generosity, honesty, nobility) and feminine (kindness, tenderness, mercy, dedication, care) qualities and manifestations.

This culture is a meaningful basis for the formation of male and female dignity, honor, the desire to adequately fulfill the sexual role, express oneself in communication with other people, in compliance with the relevant norms and rules of behavior.

Your children would like to sing “Song of Daddy” for you.

Children sing a song.

7. The introduction of the child to different types social culture reveals to us the diversity of human manifestations. By the end of preschool age, the child begins to understand that all people differ in age, gender, status, nationality.

At the same time, they all have their own rights and obligations, which form the basis legal culture,

(Slide number 10 "width =" 156 "height =" 117 src = ">).

* Q: “A family for a child is a source of social experience. Here he finds examples to follow and here his social birth takes place. " ().

Social culture as a set of material and spiritual values ​​that predetermine the direction of relationships between people is the substantive basis of social development. The introduction to it is carried out in various ways, the most important of which is family education. In the family, the child masters the basic norms and rules of behavior, assimilates the experience of social relations; the family predetermines the formation of his value orientations, contributing to the formation of human dignity and social success.

This is all that I wanted to tell you today about culture. And now I will ask you to tell what you remember the most today, what else would you like to know? And also express your opinion in writing.

Thank you very much for your attention, goodbye.


1., Oglezneva of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents for the social development of preschool children. G. Dobryanka, 2005.

2., Shvetsova and Kindergarten: pedagogical education of parents. - SPb .: Childhood - Press, 2009.

3. Internet resources.

Date of publication: 05/06/17

Oral magazine for parents on the topic:

The value of the daily routine in the life of a preschooler

Target: Strengthening the health of the child by determining the importance of the daily routine in preparing children for school.


Formation of skills useful for the child's body;

Understanding the benefits and harms of a computer;

Creation of conditions for the overall healthy development of the child.

Preparatory work:

  • making meeting invitations for parents;
  • preliminary survey of parents;
  • preliminary survey of children;
  • development of reminders for parents;
  • selection of slides on the topic of the parent meeting.

Equipment: multimedia installation for slide show.

Participants: educator, parents, educational psychologist, physical education instructor, nurse, primary school teacher.

Form of carrying out: oral journal.

Meeting progress

Slide number 1.

  • Organizational part.

Educator. Hello dear parents! Today we will talk about the correct and balanced daily routine. We have invited you to familiarize yourself with the pages of the oral journal. Each of its pages will be devoted to one of the aspects of organizing the child's day regimen when switching from preschool education to the school.

Previously, we conducted a survey of parents, and also conducted a survey of the children of the group without specifying names and surnames. Here is what he gave us: (The teacher reports the results of the questionnaire survey of the meeting participants, which was previously conducted in writing). He highlights the problems identified during the analysis of the questionnaires.

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

Slide number 2.

The duty of the parents is to strengthen the health of the child at the moment and to ensure the favorable development of the child's body in the future. Normal development and health is ensured by the creation optimal conditions, that is, by organizing the correct regime.

In the physical education of preschool children, physical exercises(walking, running, balance exercises, throwing, climbing, crawling, outdoor games), sports exercises, hygiene factors(daily routine, food, sleep, etc.), natural forces of nature(sun, air and water).

Physical exercises.

Assignments and explanations should be clear and precise, they should be given in a cheerful voice and all movements should be shown immediately.

Exercises should be interesting, they should use well-remembered figurative comparisons for example: "bird", "cat", "locomotive".

The main principle that parents should adhere to when doing physical exercises with children is to portray everything in the form of a game. A cheerful tone, joke, laughter, active participation of an adult always captivates the child.

The number of repetitions of movements for preschoolers usually ranges from 2-3 to 10.

After the most difficult exercises, it is necessary to give short rest breaks (30-60 seconds).

Average value of indicators motor activity children for a full day, the volume of 17,000 movements. Intensity 55-65 movements per minute.

Exercise is only beneficial when done systematically. Parents have a responsibility to find time to exercise with their children on a daily basis and to monitor their health carefully. Paying attention to appearance the mood and well-being of the child.

The daily routine is a rational alternation of activities and rest during the day, taking into account the age capabilities and characteristics of a person. How our day is built, how work and rest are combined, whether sleep is sufficient, whether we have breakfast, lunch, dinner on time, depends not only on our working capacity, but also on well-being, mood, health.

Slide number 3.

By accustoming children to a certain regimen, to the fulfillment of hygienic requirements, we create skills that are useful for the body and thereby preserve their health. A firm daily routine, established in accordance with the age characteristics of children, is one of the essential conditions for the normal physical development of a child.

The main requirements for the regime are accuracy in time and correct alternation, the replacement of some types of activity by others.

A time should be set when the child goes to bed, eats, walks, and performs simple duties that are feasible for him. This time must be strictly observed.

Dream. Only during sleep does the child receive complete rest. Sleep should be long enough: children 3-4 years old sleep 14 hours a day, 5-6 years old - 13 hours, 7-8 years old - 12 hours. Of this time, it is necessary, especially for younger children, to allocate an hour and a half for daytime sleep. Children should go to bed no later than 8-9 pm.

Nutrition. Children are fed 4-5 times a day. The first meal is given half an hour later, at least not later than an hour after the child wakes up, and the last meal is given an hour and a half before bedtime. Between meals, intervals of 3-4 hours should be set, they must be strictly observed. The most hearty food is served at lunchtime, the less hearty one for dinner.

Walking. No matter how exactly the time for sleeping and eating is observed, the regime cannot be considered correct if it does not provide for time for a walk. The more time children spend on outdoors, the healthier they are.

Computer pros and cons.

The modern child gets to know the computer early. Many parents like that the kids play around, don't rush around the street, but sit peacefully at home at the computer. As a result, adults sometimes have no idea what information their child is getting from the computer. They do not realize that the machine not only becomes a source of knowledge for the child, but begins to emotionally replace his parents, especially those who work hard. Gradually, the child spends more and more time at the computer.

Slide number 4.

Modern children communicate a lot with television, video and computers. If the previous generation was the generation of books, then the modern one receives information through the video series.

+ Advantages of the computer. The computer can help children develop such important thinking operations as generalization and classification.

  • In the process of studying on the computer, the memory and attention of children are improved;
  • When playing computer games in children, the sign function of consciousness develops earlier, which underlies abstract thinking (thinking without relying on external objects);
  • Computer games are of great importance not only for the development of the intellect of children, but also for the development of their motor skills, for the formation of coordination of visual and motor functions.
  • Children 3-4 years old should not sit at the computer for more than 20 minutes, and by 6-7 years old this time of daily play can be increased to half an hour.

- Disadvantages of the computer. Excessive use of the computer can lead to deterioration of the child's eyesight, as well as adversely affect his mental health. This is especially dangerous for shy children.

And the main thing is not to rely only on the computer. Child - small man, he can form and develop only by communicating with people and living in the real world.

After playing on the computer, the child needs to be distracted so that he can rest and calm down. And so that he does not go to the TV to watch cartoons, you can read him, or even better go for a walk with him.

Slide number 5.

Walking is important!

Children should spend on fresh air as much time as possible to be healthy and strong. In summer time children can spend more than 6 hours a day on the street, and in autumn and winter time children must be outdoors for at least 4 hours. The best time for walks with children - between breakfast and lunch (2-2.5) and after a nap, before dinner (1 - 1.5 - 2 hours). V very coldy the duration of the walks is somewhat reduced.

The reasons for canceling a walk for a healthy child may be exceptional circumstances: heavy rain, heavy frost with strong winds.

Based on the experience of kindergarten work, it has been established that preschool children accustomed to daily walks can walk at temperatures of 20-25 degrees below zero, if there is no strong wind and if they are dressed appropriately for the weather.

On cold winter days, children should go out for a walk in a warm coat, a hat with headphones, felt boots and warm mittens or gloves.

From time to time, it is useful to take longer walks with children, gradually increasing the distance - for the younger ones, up to 15 - 20 minutes of walking, for the older ones - up to 30 minutes, with small stops for 1 - 2 minutes along the way. Upon arriving at the place, children should rest or play calmly before returning back.

If nothing worked out with the walk, play with the child. We advise you to use the nine rules to preserve your child's eyesight.

Rule # 1. Try to make the baby move, run, jump more.

Rule # 2. Include in the diet products that are good for the eyes: cottage cheese, kefir, boiled sea ​​fish, seafood, beef, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, parsley, dill.

Rule # 3. Watch his posture - with a "crooked" back, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed, which provokes vision problems. Remember: the distance between the book and the eyes should be at least 25 - 30 cm.

Rule # 4. Do not allow the child to sit in front of the TV for a long time, and if he is already sitting, then only directly opposite and no closer than three meters.

Rule # 6. Remember that watching TV in a dark room is undesirable.

Rule # 7. A preschooler can play on the computer for no more than half an hour a day or two sets of 40 minutes each.

Rule # 8. It's better to forget about games on your cell phone.

Rule # 9. Do eye exercises together daily - turn this procedure into an exciting game.

Slide number 7.

A set of exercises for the eyes.

We offer a special set of eye exercises, which, if performed regularly, can be a good training and prevention for the preservation of vision. Exercise is best done in game form, with the child's favorite toys, moving them left and right, up and down. Exercises are performed while sitting, the head is motionless, the posture is comfortable, with the maximum amplitude of eye movement.

  • "Zhmurki". Close your eyes, strongly straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 1-4, then open your eyes by relaxing the muscles of the eyes, look into the distance, at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • "Close, far away." Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze at the score of 1-4. You cannot bring your eyes to fatigue. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • "Left right". Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze at 1-4, then look into the distance directly at 1-6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with fixation of the gaze to the left, up, down.
  • "Diagonals". Move your gaze quickly diagonally: right up-left down, then straight into the distance at the expense of 1-6; then left up and right down and look into the distance at the score of 1-6. Repeat 3-4 times.

Watch your eyes. The world is so beautiful, especially if we see it.

Of course, all parents want the child not to get sick, to be always in a good mood and cheerful mood. Tempering will help us with this.

Slide number 8.

Hardening is the first step towards health.

Hardening of children is necessary in order to increase their resistance to the effects of low and high temperatures air and thereby prevent frequent illnesses.

When hardening children, you should adhere to the following basic principles:

Carry out hardening procedures systematically;

Increase the exposure time of the hardening factor gradually;

Take into account the child's mood and carry out procedures in the form of a game;

Start hardening at any age;

Never continue the procedure if the child is cold;

Avoid strong irritants: prolonged exposure to cold water or very low air temperatures, as well as overheating in the sun;

Choose the right clothes and shoes: they must correspond to the ambient temperature and be made of natural fabrics and materials;

Get tempered by the whole family;

Combine hardening procedures with physical exercises and massage;

Never smoke in the room where the child is.

Tempering methods can be very different, but we offer you three methods that you can do before bed every day.

Slide number 9.

Tempering methods.

The main hardening factors are natural and available “Sun. Air and Water ". You can start hardening children from the first month of life after examining the baby by a doctor - pediatrician.

"Cold basin". Pour cold water with a temperature of no higher than 12 degrees into a basin and pour over the feet of the child standing in the bathroom. Ask your child to stomp their feet while the water flows. The water outlet must be open. Pat your feet dry with a towel. On the first day, the duration of walking is 1 minute, add a minute every day, bringing it to 5 minutes. Remember! It is better to harden for 1 minute in a good mood than 5 minutes with whims.

Cold towel. If the child does not like being doused cold water, lay a towel soaked in cold water in the bath, temperature 12 degrees. Ask the child to stomp their feet not to stand on it for a minute. The procedure can be carried out both in the morning and at night. To wipe the child's feet without rubbing them, but blotting them with a towel.

"Cold and hot shower". The child bathes in the bath in the evening. Let it keep warm in warm water... And then tell him: "Let's arrange a cold rain with you or run through the puddles." You open cold water and the child substitutes his heels and palms for the water.

If the child is afraid of exposure to a cold shower, then you can put a basin of cold water and say: "Well, let's run with you through the puddles!" And from warm bath- in a cold basin (or in the rain), and then back to the bathroom. And so no less three times... After the procedure, wrap the child in a warm sheet, not wiping it, but getting it wet, then put it on for sleep and put it in bed.

There are many more to the cream of hardening with water different ways how to improve the health of the child, such as walking barefoot.

Slide number 10.

Body hardening element

Another way of hardening is walking barefoot. Walking barefoot not only hardens, but also stimulates the nerve endings located on the foot, has a positive effect on the work of internal organs. According to some experts, the soles of the feet are a kind of switchboard with 72 thousand nerve endings through which you can connect to any organ - the brain, lungs and upper respiratory tract, liver and kidneys, endocrine glands and other organs.

How and when is it better to go barefoot?

Of course, in winter, in cold weather, you should not start teaching a child to do this, but in spring or summer, the baby may well run barefoot on the floor of the house, or even better, on green grass.

The child should regularly walk barefoot, the real hardening effect occurs only after prolonged training.

Use special spiked rubber mats. Every morning, start exercising by walking barefoot on this rug.

It is useful to massage the feet with a rolling pin or a round stick, rolling it on the soles for several minutes a day.

Walking barefoot increases the intensity of almost all muscles. Blood circulation throughout the body is stimulated, mental activity is improved.

Very often, parents pay attention to the fact that the child is wrongly stepping on shoes. And brushing aside the problem, they buy a new one, but dear parents, after all, this is a signal. Flat feet most often occurs in preschool age.

Slide number 11.

Flat feet.

Finally, the foot is formed in a child by the age of 7-8. Flat feet is considered one of the most common diseases in children. But parents often do not take this disease seriously and this is the wrong position.

How to prevent flat feet?

The child's shoes must be made of natural materials, inside with a solid instep support that lifts the inner edge of the foot.

The sole of children's shoes should be deep and have a heel (5-10 mm), artificially raising the arch of the foot, protecting the heel from bruises.

Shoes must match the shape and size of the foot, was comfortable to wear and did not interfere with the natural development of the legs, did not squeeze the foot, disrupting blood circulation and causing abrasions.

By weight, the shoes should be as easy as possible tough enough, with a good backdrop.

Remember the length of the track should be more foot in the forefoot, 10 mm allowance.

When determining shoe size, be guided by the long foot, which is determined by the distance between the most protruding point of the heel and the end of the longest toe (first or second).

But what to do if you have already missed the moment when your child's flat feet developed.

Slide number 12.

What to do if a child has flat feet?

A set of exercises for flat feet (remedial gymnastics).

1. Walking. For 20-30 sec.

Hands up on toes;

On the heels, hands on the belt;

On the outer arch of the foot, fingers bent, hands on the belt;

With a ball (tennis) - clamp with your feet, walk on outside stop.

2. Standing on a stick (hoop) 6-8 times)

Half-squats and squats, arms forward or to the sides;

Moving along the stick - put your feet along or across the stick 3-4 times.

On the outer arch of the feet - turning the body left-right 6-8 times;

Raising on toes with an emphasis on the outer arch of the foot 10-12 times.

4 .. "Boat" - lying on your stomach, simultaneously raise your arms, head, legs and hold up to 5-7. 4-6 times.

5. "Angle" - while lying on your back, keep your legs at an angle of 45 degrees.

Flexion-extension of the toes 15-20 times;

Maximum dilution and flattening of the heels without lifting the socks 15-20 times

With tension, pull the socks towards you, away from yourself (knees straight) 10-12 times;

Connect the feet. Knees are straight 10-12 times;

Circular movements with the feet inward 10-12 times;

Grasping and lifting the foot of a pencil or small object with fingers 10-12 times

Grabbing and lifting a small ball with the feet, knees straight. 6-8 times.

As we have already said today, there are a lot of ways to temper your child's body and they are all effective, but one of the most favorite ways for children is swimming.

Slide number 13.

The benefits of swimming.

Early swimming, children contributes to their fastest physical and psychomotor development. When swimming, the baby's skin experiences the beneficial massaging effect of water, which improves blood circulation and strengthens the nervous system.

  • Improves the functioning of internal organs, develops the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
  • In conditions of prolonged stay in water, thermoregulation processes are improved. The body hardens, resistance grows unfavorable factors external environment.
  • Swimming is one of better means forming correct posture child.
  • Dosed swimming can be beneficial for children prone to colds.
  • Swimming regularly helps to strengthen nervous system, sleep becomes stronger, appetite improves, the general tone of the body rises, movements improve, endurance increases.

As often as possible, you need to pay attention to your child's posture. Most often, children sit as convenient for them, lounging in a chair or bending their legs under them. As a result, the curvature of the spinal column.

Slide number 14.

How to form correct posture?

Posture is the usual position of the human body. It is considered correct if a person keeps his head straight and free, the shoulders are at the same level, slightly lowered back, the body is straightened, the stomach is tucked up, the chest protrudes slightly forward, the knees are straight.

Correct posture is not innate, it begins to form from the first years of our life.

The most crucial period for the formation of posture is from 4 to 10 years.

While teaching your child to "correctly" hold their body, do not forget about your posture.

The reasons for the formation of incorrect posture are:

Lack of a strong enough developed muscular corsage - the muscular system.

Abnormal development of the muscles of the back, abdomen and hips, a change in traction, which determines the vertical position of the spine.

Long-term illness or chronic diseases that weaken the body.

The consequence of rickets.

Furniture that does not match the height.

Uncomfortable clothes and shoes.

Monitor your child's posture once every six months on your own, without the help of a doctor.

Slide number 15.

How to check your child's posture?

Check your child in the daytime, with good, even lighting. Unclothe and undress your child to his panties, put it straight, hands should be lowered along the torso, sit on a chair at a distance of 2-3 m and carefully look at the child.

Are the ears, shoulder blades, waist, folds under the buttocks and the buttocks themselves symmetrical? If they are on different heights, there is cause for concern.

Ask the child to reach the floor with his hands, stretching his back. Check for ridges along the lumbar spines and for shoulder blades sticking out.

Look at the child from the side and check if he is slouching, ask him to tilt his head forward and without raising his head, turn it first in one direction, then in the other direction. Make sure that the range of motion is the same and that they are performed without restriction.

We follow the posture together.

Show the child this method: stand against the wall, pressing the back of your head tightly, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels, slightly raise your chin. The child must fix in the mind the muscular sensations in this position of the body. If 3-4 times a day the child tries to hold this position for several seconds, this will have a beneficial effect on his posture.

Our face, our "business card" and, of course, the most important thing is the preservation of a smile and beautiful teeth.

Slide number 16.

Beautiful and healthy teeth.

A beautiful smile not only attracts, attention helps in communication, but also suggests that you have healthy and strong teeth.

When people lived in caves, they did not have toothbrushes, but they still looked after their teeth, pulled out pieces of meat with small sticks with sharp ends.

As soon as the child has milk teeth, give him boiled water after feeding, and teach older children to rinse their mouth after eating. At 3 years old, give your child a toothbrush and teach to brush your teeth every morning and evening after meals.

The teeth must be cleaned correctly, thoroughly brush the food debris from the most inaccessible corners. Brush your teeth for at least 30 minutes. Brush the front teeth up and down, then the back teeth. Always brush your teeth in a circular motion.

Start paying attention to the condition of the teeth in children over the age of 2-3 years, when they develop caries. By about 10-12 years of age, a child's milk teeth are completely replaced by molars and the incidence of caries increases again.

Take care of your teeth daily, eat healthy foods, visit the dentist once every six months and then your teeth will be strong and your smile will be snow-white.

Also, maintaining the health and beauty of your teeth, you can massage the gums with a brush in a playful way, using poetry.

Slide number 17.

Gum massage with a brush.

Early in the morning, the animals got up, and ran to clean their teeth.

Brush the bear's teeth with a cone brush.

A squirrel in a red fur coat, also cleans its teeth.

Gray mice, funny hedgehogs, grey Wolf toothy,

Cleans teeth with paste.

Cleans a piglet and a funny calf.

We had a delicious breakfast - we need to brush our teeth.

Take a brush in our hands, apply toothpaste.

We brush our teeth carefully, because you can injure the gums ...

And what's next? And then we rinse our teeth.

We need a mug ...

Let's smile at each other. We worked skillfully!

Our teeth have turned white.

To maintain the health of the child, you need to invest a lot of effort and patience, but all this will benefit the poor first grader, and this is important.

Slide number 18.

Five rules for parents of a first grader.

  • Adaptation. Any person, finding themselves in unfamiliar conditions, will behave unnaturally, get used to adapt. The same happens to the child, therefore, in September - October, changes in his behavior may appear. Suddenly, the child may become capricious, whiny, as if he has become small again and wants to be treated like a baby.
  • Learning is a game. It is very important to combine play and study. Learning by playing is much easier because the child knows how to play very well. And study is the area where a first-grader child is a beginner.
  • Errors. Mistakes and failures are natural milestones in the learning journey. Why do we adults often treat mistakes as something unnatural, which should not be. And mistakes only indicate weaknesses that require additional attention and that's it! Criticizing mistakes, we do not allow, as it were, to treat the child as if he should already be able to do everything, and not just learn.
  • Evaluating the results, not the personality of the child... Grades in the life of a first grader are often a sensitive issue. The child, through the relationship to his actions, results in studies, forms an attitude towards himself. "How well he wrote, what a good boy!" It would seem, what's wrong here? And if tomorrow he writes worse, then he is already bad? Of course not, but the child will judge that way. It is important that the words of adults do not confuse the attitude towards the personality of the child with the attitude towards his results in studies.
  • The school is an authoritarian structure, where discipline and obedience are very important components in the learning process. Therefore, one should not expect that at school they will love your child, they will take care that he will be happy and happy there, that all possible abilities of the child, his creative potential will develop there. The school has different tasks - to give knowledge to the child and make him able to live in a society where there are certain laws and restrictions, where people are different and can relate to each other in different ways.

Slide number 19.

Features of physical education of children when they enter school.

The transition of a child from the conditions of upbringing in a family to school is a turning point in his life. The school presents children with a number of new requirements for them, connected with systematic learning, with being in a team.

For a student of grades 1-2, the following regime has been established, developed by the Institute of Physical Education of School Hygiene of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, approved by the Office of the School Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.

Wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Morning exercises, hardening procedures (rubdown, shower), bed cleaning, washing. At 7:30 the child sits down to breakfast.

Study sessions at school lasts 4 hours. Upon arrival from school - lunch (13 hours - 13 hours 30 minutes); Rest for an hour is useful for children of 7 years old at this time to sleep. After rest compulsory stay on air: walking, outdoor games and entertainment, skiing, skating, sledging, etc. for this, time is allotted from 14 hours 30 minutes to 16 hours.

After that, the preparation of the lessons(1 hour - 1 hour 30 minutes) and stay in the air again. From 7 pm to 8 pm. Dinner and free lessons.

Getting ready for bed. Cleaning clothes and shoes, airing the room, evening toilet 20 hours - 20 hours 30 minutes. Sleep from 8 pm to 7 am.

Much attention should be paid to creating hygienic conditions for additional activities for children. Preparing lessons requires diligent work at the table, therefore, first of all, you need to take care of organizing the place where the student prepares the lessons. Raising a healthy, physically well-developed person requires a friendly teamwork of the family and the school.

Annex 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

do you think necessary condition the success of your child's educational activities; compliance with the daily routine?

Does a preschooler need a daily routine?

Does your child get up on his own or will you wake him up?

Does he get up willingly or with difficulty?

How do you react to this?

Are you hardening your child?

Is your child doing exercises?

Are you an example for him?

Are you letting your child get addicted to TV?

Does your child take enough outdoor walks?

What is your child's daily bedtime ritual?

What techniques do you use to make your child feel healthy and vigorous?

Appendix 2.

Questions for children.

What time do you get up in the morning?

Do your parents wake you up, or do you wake up yourself?

Do you get up willingly or with difficulty?

Dunno from the Sunny City starts every morning like this: he wakes up, walks in bed for a long time, then drinks tea with pies and goes for a walk. Is he doing the right thing? How are you doing?

Do you walk on the street?

What games do you like to play the most?

Who do you like to play with?

What time do you go spat?