How to make a chair a rocking chair from the chair. Rocking chair - island of relaxation and harmony in the country area

The rocking chair today on store shelves set. They have a wide variety of forms and species. But it often happens that the price range does not allow to purchase the model you like. One of the best options in this case is a rocking chair created by your own hands. The child will be delighted, especially if it is observed and participating in the process of its manufacture and will experience a ready-made result.


The rocking chair is a shape, swinging at the expense of a specially rounded basis. A figurine can be any: horse, elephant, cradle, just a chairs and any animal that can come to mind. Previously, such swings consisted of wooden basicsThat was not very convenient, because the hardness did not allow to relax. Today the frame is squeezed with a soft cloth, stuffed with foam or sponge. It turns out a rocker chair - comfortable and comfortable, fully replacing the child a seat for seating.

The benefits of the rocking is great. It's not just a toy for the child on which he can have fun, but also good way For the development of coordination of movements and holding equilibrium.And thanks to the effect of the pendulum, she relaxes and calms the child. No wonder it is recommended by doctors to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also, such a simple toy will save your stools and chairs from swinging and broken legs, scratched floors.


The toy made with your own hands has a number of advantages:

  • Availability. High prices for shopping rocking classes are sometimes introduced into a stupor, this is a budget exit from the problem situation.
  • Communication. Oddly enough, but such a toy teaches a child of love for animals. The kids are careful for them, fed, wash and even put to sleep.
  • Safety. With independent manufacture you will be sure as a toy. This also applies to the materials from which it is made to the design of the product itself.
  • Things made with their own hands have a special, warm energy. If you also attract a child to this, for example, ask him to file tools or keep elements, then work will bring even more benefits in family cohesion.

Materials and tools

To work will be required:

  • plywood (at least 18 millimeters), boards / furniture Shield;
  • carpentry glue;
  • drawings or templates, leaps;
  • paint and brush for decoration;
  • thread or rope for decorative decoration;
  • lobzik;
  • mill (optional);
  • drill;
  • chisel;
  • sandpaper of different grainability;
  • pencil;
  • line.

Here is the minimum of the necessary materials and tools for making a simple rocking horse model.

How to make?

Make a horse plywood will not be difficult if you have ready templates For cutting. They can be found on the Internet or to draw themselves.

Here is one of the examples of glob. They can be scaled and print or manually draw on the usual newspaper.

Stages of work:

  • We put on the milestone on the Faneru and Combede. So that the leaps are not shifted, fasten it to the plywood painting scotch. Cut the logging of blanks on the battered lines. Plywood or heads for the head, supports and seats should be a thickness of at least three centimeters for greater strength. We do in them necessary to fasten the hole with a drill and a jigsaw, bearing a chisel.
  • Next, on the diameter of the holes, we make a stick from the board for connecting parts.
  • All items need to be treated with sandpaper. First, take a coarse-grained to remove all the irregularities, then shallow grinding roughness to a smooth condition. It will be not bad to take advantage of the milling line to round all the corners of the horses.

If the plywood at the scene has become empty, then fill it with glue or a special missile.

  • We collect parts according to the drawing, missing all connections with joinery glue. The lower supports are better to bore with self-drawing, while you need to screw them as deeply as possible so that the child does not hurt. You can mark them on top with glue.
  • Further, at will, you can cover the horse with varnish, draw patterns, make a tail. Waving complete drying, you can start the operation of the product. Also for greater comfort, you can go in the horse and make a soft saddle with a foam rubber or thick fabric.

What could be better soft chairs For a pleasant relaxation after a working day?

In this classic subject of comfort furniture, people managed to make a very useful addition, inventing a rocking chair. The convenient position of the body in combination with unhurried rhythm swinging perfectly calms down and has to pleasant thoughts.

The popularity of rocking chairs for the century of its existence led to the emergence of an unthinkable amount of options and modifications. Therefore, today everyone house master It can freely choose a suitable design and material for its manufacture.

For a detailed acquaintance with the best modes of engineering and design solutionsembodied in specific models, not enough whole book. Therefore, we will look at the most interesting and original variants of the rocking chair, choosing from them the most accessible to manufacture at home.

Overview of popular options for chairs

The classic rocking chair was made of a durable and light yves vine.

Openwork pattern of manual weaving perfectly combined with the interior dacha house and perfectly looks among the greenery shady garden. The only drawback of the rocking chairs from the vine is low resistance to a wet environment. Therefore, it needs to closely monitor to protect from a sudden shower.

Wicker seats today are also made of rattan - flexible liana growing in the countries of Southeast Asia. Despite all its beauty, the rocking chair of the rattan is inferior by the strength of the IVovo, since this material does not allow the use of connections on screws and nails, but only adhesive contact and mating.

A homemade master without mastering weaving techniques will not be able to make a high-quality armchair from the Yves vine, not to mention natural rattan. We do not sell this material as raw materials, but comes only in the form of finished products. Therefore, a wicker rocking chair for many dacha owners - the best way To buy in the store, not a way of application of your creative abilities.

Created for homemade utyaThe rocking chair smoothly moved into office space, where it was appreciated as an excellent accessory to relax from business fuss. It is natural that office option This furniture is characterized by special solidity and respectability.

Speaking of factory models of chairs, you need to mention very unusual designer options in the style of high-tech.

The possibility of active swing - that's what distinguishes this furniture from usual stationary structures. So the rocking chair for children is optimal decision, helping to send the energy of the growing organism in the right direction and at the same time keep it under the watchful control of adults.

Constructive options for children's chairs have been created quite a few, starting with a classic wooden horse and ending with a comfortable armchair with electronic control.

For rest by open air Most often use rocking chairs made of metal, wood or plastic. They are not afraid of whims of changeable weather, differing in durability and ease of care.

Among modern designs There are truly unique modelswhich in addition to comfort guarantee the owner of independence from external sources Energy. For example, a closed rocking chair equipped with solar panels. Their power is enough to power the laptop or tablet computer.

By the way, this original option It can highly play a homemade master using a polycarbonate sheet for a visor and a thick phanener for the base of the design. Installing solar batteries on it is not a problem. Today they can be freely purchased via the Internet.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands?

The main differences of the rocking chair from stationary structures is the presence of curved polozov for swinging and shifted down the center of gravity, increasing stability.

Therefore, with a large desire and the absence of professional set joiner's tool Such an armchair can be constructed even from a conventional chair, shortening his legs and putting on the bent polished from wood or metal strip.

The rocking chair of the tree is stronger than wicker from the vine. It is resistant to moisture drops and retains her longer marketable condition on open air. For independent manufacture Such a design must have basic joinery production skills, as well as to purchase high-quality solid wood (oak, rhine or beech).

Much lighter and faster than wood is manufactured by a rocking chair of plywoodwhich can be given a very original form.

Plywood is an excellent material for plastic modeling. With the help of an ordinary electrolling, you can make a design that combines the two most complex parts of the rocking chairs - sidewalls and uses.

Consider in more detail how you can make a rocking chair with your own plywood hands. In order for the assembly, it does not have any problems, it is necessary to prepare a drawing, indicating sizes of sides and connecting planks on it.

The main tools for work will be an electrolovka and a screwdriver, and the main materials are a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 15 mm, a few planed pine or oak decks with a cross section of 10x50 mm and a vehicle tapping screw.

Having drawn on the leaf on a sheet of thick plywood contours of the sidewall, they are cut out by an electrolybic. The sidewalls then need to be connected in three points with transverse bars with a cross section of 30x50 mm (fix with joinery glue).

After this operation, a cladding strap from the bar with a cross section of 10x50 mm is neatly attached to the collected frame. Then all design elements need to be stuck in a shallow sandpaper, coat with a veil 2 times and opened with acrylic varnish.

If the rocking chair will stand not only in the house, but also in the yard, then the protection of plywood sidewalls from dampness should be especially high quality.

Those who confidently owns the welding machine and the grinderIt is worth considering the manufacture of rocking chairs with a steel frame. For such a design, a small steel corner of 20x20x3 mm and a steel strip of 40 mm wide and a thickness of 4 mm are required.

After the metal frame is fully assembled, it must be painted. After this work across the entire length of the back and seat, the holes for the self-tapping screw for fastening the wooden facing plate.

The chair has always been a kind of "equivalent of comfort", since it is that the person sitting in it can relax and relax after a busy day. The rocking chair enhances the relaxation state, as it creates the effect of weightlessness, when there is no hard stop on the feet, and hence the load on the spine. Such furniture items have long been greatly popular in many families. And although it is to a certain extent - the relic of old days, many and today do not mind to acquire them.

However, high-quality finished products of this type are very expensive. Therefore, the rocking chair is your own hands - this is a way out for those who cannot for any reason to purchase a similar piece of furniture for a home or apartment, and the head and hands work well.

The latter reservation was not done by chance, as the manufacture of such a chair is not the task of simple. The complexity of creating a rocking chair is to properly balancing the lectured elements, since if it is not achieved, the chair will start tilting or simply will not be able to perform its main function - swing without risk to turn over. Moreover, choosing ready project Or creating its own, it is necessary to take into account the various weight of family members.

The main types of chairs, rocking facilities for design features

Before you decide on the manufacture of a similar product, it is worth a somewhat deeper into information about different types of rocking chairs - this will help determine the choice of the desired model. There are several varieties of such seats oriented to certain requests and even user habits.

The table below will help visually evaluate different types Chairs rocking faces, as well as their main characteristics.

IllustrationBrief description of the characteristics of the chairs
The chair with radius bands can be called traditional, since it was from such models that the development of other rocking faces began. E.
The name is explained by the fact that the use of one radius in its entire length have a bend. Therefore, this type of chairs is made - easier than other options. Models that have this design are popular today, as they differ not only for the simplicity of the design, but also a "conscientious" performance of their immediate functions.
An armchair equipped with radius polishes usually has a low landing - this factor is associated with its not too high resistance when swinging. So, with an increase in the amplitude of oscillations, it may well tip over.
You can avoid such a situation, by installing horizontal arcs on the crawl.
The rocking chair with polings having a curvature variable has a different radius of their bending in different areas along the entire length.
This version of the product has greater stability, and the overturning does not threaten it.
Therefore, it is such a safe design that is used for baby rocking beds.
A chair having a force, made in the form of an ellipse, has a soft "move", it is pleasant to relax and relax.
As a rule, the rocking has a low landing. Tipping such models is rarely rarely, but to eliminate the risk of their occurrence completely, it is recommended to install a high-quality bump on the design, which will reduce the rocking radius.
Spring rocking chairs. For their manufacture, expensive elite wood breeds or spring steel are used. Therefore, their price is high enough, and make such a model at home quite difficult. Yes in this and there is no particular need, as it possesses a number of essential
First, such rocking chairs can not be called completely safe, since the springs can be thrown to the fingers. IN
Secondly, dust and dirt, which is extremely difficult to cleanse between the polls and springs.
The rocking chair "Three in one" - includes three functions and can be used as a regular chair or sun bed, as well as as a rocking chair.
The chair is equipped with polishes having smooth festers. It is steadily in any position and can not accidentally tip over.
However, such a piece of furniture is still suitable in more than For apartments with spacious premises, or for use on a private house site, an impressive dimensions has an impressive dimensions.
Another unpleasant moment is to transfer from one position to another, as it is necessary to make certain efforts in the form of sensitive jolts.
Last time chair or "Vanka-stand" has recently been particularly popular for recreation in the garden. However, Him compact option It may well be installed in the residential room.
The design feature of such a rocking chair is that if desired, being in a chair, you can take a stay. Then, when weakening the load, it takes the initial position, and sitting in it, you can simply turn slightly.
The pendulum design of the chair performs the function of swing due to the hinge compounds and the presence of bearings.
Such models can be called an improved variant of a conventional classic chair, but supplemented by the sample function. Models have a fixed base, while swaying work almost silently.
Such a chair is perfectly suitable for a young mother for kid making.
However, make this type of chair yourself - it is very difficult. Therefore, if it was interested in this option, it will be more rational to be purchased in the finished form.

Material for making rocking chair

Deciding with the principle of the design of the product, it is necessary to choose the material from which it is possible to make it. In addition, each of the materials has its own characteristics, so it is chosen depending on what conditions the rocking chair will be operated. The table presents the most used materials for the manufacture of chapters, but, of course, there are other options:

IllustrationCharacteristic features of materials
Armchair made of metal rods and strips made by welded or forging.
This version of the material is an excellent solution for the chair intended for installation in the yard or garden, as well as on the spacious terrace. Such chairs are distinguished by high strength and wear resistance, they are resistant to different external natural impacts.
The disadvantage of products is their big weight and the factor that it will take for their manufacture special equipment. (However, and a high-quality wooden chair without special power tools is unlikely to create).
Metal is most often made framework frame, on top of which a convenient mattress is stacked on the period of operation, and soft armrests are fixed.
A rocking chair from plywood is the most popular version of products designed for operation in an apartment or house.
Make a model from this material under the power of any master that owns the skills of working with carpentry tools.
The advantages of plywood include the ability to produce accurate compounds, relatively small weight. Due to the large linear dimensions of the sheets and different thicknesses, the material allows you to implement even the most complex projects products.
In order for the plywood chair to light up the longest time, its parts are treated with one of the protective compositions - polymer emulsion or acrylic varnish.
Wooden rocking chairs are a traditional option.
Wood - it is environmentally friendly, easy to process and affordable MaterialWith high strength characteristics. Products from it have long term operation, as well as pleasant and warm appearancecapable of adding a sense of comfort and comfort to any interior.
Wooden crafts With due processing, both indoors and street conditions can be used.
In the presence of a ready-made or own, correctly calculated project, the manufacture and assembly of a wooden chair may well be produced at home.
Chair from profile pipeIf it is properly designed and manufactured, last for many years. This product is intended for operation in the conditions of the street, terrace, or room with a large area.
Rockingings from this material are made with a welded way. Besides welding machineFor work it will take pipe bender. For a chair, it is best to choose pipes that have an ellipse shape in the section.
After the completion of welded works, the product must be covered with anti-corrosion varnish or paint.
Boards or plywood can be used as the seat and armrests, climber covered or natural or artificial skin.
Armchair polypropylene pipes, You can call a creative option, which is unlikely to be used in the premises of the house. It is soon suitable for the conditions of the yard or garden, especially since the material is resistant to external natural impacts, if, however, do not count strong frosts and lines sun ray.
To give the design to higher rigidity, it is worth using a large number of connecting elements so that it consists of small pipe segments.
However, it is worth considering that this option is not suitable for people with a lot of weight, since even short pipe segments can bend under the influence of a large load.
For the manufacture of products from polypropylene pipes, a special soldering iron will be required.
Rocking chair from the vine.
To make a product from this material, you must have certain knowledge of its processing and the main technological techniques of weaving.
It should be noted that this work is a very time-consuming and demanding a lot of time, therefore, for its implementation will have to be patient.
But the chair from the vine will be easy and comfortable, it is possible, if you wish to take out to the street, and then put in the house.

Recommendations for the choice of material and manufacturing

Before proceeding to the consideration of options for the manufacture of various rocking chairs, I would like to give several recommendations that will help with the selection of material and in the process of work.

  • For the manufacture of seats, dense wood are used - larch, oak, tick, ash, nut, etc.
  • If Plywood is selected, it is better to give preference to "Eurofanere", which has a thickness of up to 30 mm and has excellent quality, durability and reliability. The material before its acquisition should be checked for damage, bitch or cracks. High-quality fane is easier to place, paint and process.
  • The more time spent on the processing and impregnation of wood blanks protective compositionsThe higher the durability of the products made of them will be.
  • If the chair is planned to be done to use in the conditions of the street, it should not fix the stationary soft upholstery, even from moisture-proof material. Moisture still leaving under external trim In a foam or sintepon, in which the mold will appear over time. The optimal option will be removable pillows or mattresses, as well as armrests, in which the Singrytepon is used as a package. Such products can not only on the autumn and winter Or at the time of rainy weather to put in the house, but, if necessary, wash.
  • If the finished rocking chair is highly falling back or, on the contrary, it is applied forward, it should be balancing it. How to do - will be reviewed in a separate section.

Check out several interesting optionsFrom our new article on our portal.

Wheelchair options

To independently calculate the perfectly correct bending of the polished chairs for the specific weight of a certain person, it is necessary to apply physico-mathematical calculations. Some accurate data must be involved in them. In general, this process is quite complicated, and not everyone is able to figure it out in his nuances. Therefore, it is recommended to use ready-made proven projects that are transferred to the main material manufacturing material using a milling grid or the size provided.

Check out how to make chairs for a veranda or terrace, from our new article -

Garden rocking chair

This chair has a simple design and can be made even a novice master having required tools and skills to work with them.

Appearance of the Garden Chair-Rocking Type "Vanka-Stink"

For the manufacture, some electrical and hand tools will be required - this is an electric logby, a manual milling machine for processing the edges of the material, a screwdriver, a metal line, a tape measure and a pencil, a rubber spatula.

From materials should be prepared:

- plywood sheets with a thickness of 30 mm measuring 1400 × 1200 mm;

- Boards size 800 × 150 × 20mm - 3 pcs.;

- Plaques for seat sheat 32 pcs. 1200 × 30 × 15 mm;

- self-tapping screw;

- water-based protective lacquer;

- Putty wood.

The first thing to do before proceeding to work is to carefully examine the drawing of the details from which the rocking chair will be gathering.

General scheme. Lecture detail that will be cut out of plywood, for transfer to lists plywood is shown in dimensional grid with cells 100 × 100 mm

Below in the table step by step shows the process of manufacturing parts and assembling such a rocking chair


The first step is made by side lectured parts, which will be the basis of the design - and the seasons, and a kind of frame for fastening the details of the seating.
To make it easier from the drawing presented above, it was easier to carry weakened lines on the plywood, 1,400 × 1200 mm sheets must be flashed on squares 100 × 100 mm. Then, extiring the location of the lines in each of the squares on the project, the values \u200b\u200bare transferred to the grid, drawn on the plywood. Therefore, to facilitate yourself the task, the small drawing is best done on the scale of 1:10, that is, each cell will have a size of 10 × 10 mm.
After the drawing is transferred to Paneur, the details are cut into turns with electric jigsika.
After cutting parts, they are folded together, compressed in clamps, and when perfectly customize to each other using the jigsaw and the mill.
The next stage is the processing of lateral parts by a milling machine - chamfer is removed from their end sides.
Well, then the details are grinding manually or using a grinding machine.
At the next stage of work from the prepared boards, three jumpers (Tsargi) are manufactured, which will be fastened by the sidewalls of the design. The size of these jumpers-TsARG should be 800 × 150 × 20 mm.

We collect a comfortable wood chair with your own hands

Next, focusing on the drawing, on inland surfaces Side parts are marked by installing the installation of bonding jumpers (CARG). Marking should be as accurate as possible, otherwise the chair is washing to turn out.
In order for the jumpers, it is more firmly sealed with side parts, from the drawn rectangles it is necessary to make a sample of wood to a depth of 5 mm.
Then, before installing the jumpers, these carved grooves are filled with PVA or carbon black glue.
After the side details are interconnected by the kings, the design rotate the side and twisted with furniture screws or confirmates. Each of the connecting nodes will require two fasteners. In order for the jumpers, the holes are drilled before screwing down the confirmates, the holes are best drilled - it is best to use a special milling mill.
At the next stage, the collected frame is trimmed by narrow boards. In order for them to be installed exactly, did not duplicate left or right, it is recommended to note and read the lines for which fastening screws will be screwed. For the markup of the rail, smoothly laid out on the table, 200 mm is postponed from each edge - here and the desired line will be held.
Then, ranging from the lower edge of the chair, the framework of the frame is beginning to carry out.
Rakes are attached at a distance of 10 mm from each other. To accomplish the exact step, the easiest way will be made by two calibrator templates with a thickness of 10 mm, which will set the width of the lumen on both sides. After mounting the board, these calibrators are retrieved and rearranged for attaching the next jumper - and so on.
As can be seen on the illustration, the edges of the casing protrude beyond the lateral carrier parts per 200 mm with each of the sides. Self-heading heads should be recessed in wood below the surface level by 2 ÷ 3 mm.
The next step should be tightly fill the holes formed above the hats of self-tapping screws, putty wood.
It is best to make the composition on your own or add minor sawdust, remaining when sawing plywood and boards to the finished putty.
Putty is recommended to apply rubber spatulawhich immediately lines her surface.
Further, the putty must be allowed to dry well, after which the places of application are stuffed.

We collect a comfortable wood chair with your own hands

Before implementing a "solemn discovery", a rocking chair must be coated with a protective varnish, which is intended for operation in the conditions of the street.
You can choose water-based formulations or alkyd variants.
Well showed itself as a persistent wood coating located round year on the street, " Yacht varnish", Widely used for coating housings of yachts and boats, as well as other structures in contact with water.

Rocking chair with polleys of variable curvature

This type of chairs in a large assortment is available on sale - models may differ in the configuration of lateral parts, as well as a device and upholstery seats. To use the rocking chair at home the seat is most often made soft, for the street - from well-treated wood.

One of the options for seats equipped with a variable curvature

In this section, a variant differed in this section will be considered, but made by the same principle. The chair has a compact size, so it can be installed in a residential room.

The demonstrated version of the chair is equipped with armrests, as well as overlays on the crawling, which will prevent the design tipping

For the manufacture of this model, the same tools are required that were listed in the previous case. From the materials it will be necessary to prepare:

Step between the mesh lines is 100 × 100 mm

  • Plywood sheets with a thickness of 16 ÷ 18 mm, having dimensions of 1100 × 700, 1200 × 600 and 1200 × 200 mm - each 2 pieces:

The first is designed to cut the side parts;

The second is the details for the back and seat;

Third - more large detail It is intended for overlays on the shelter, smaller - for armrests.

  • Bar crossbars (Tsargi) for fastening among themselves the details of the seat - 6 pcs. cross section of 30 × 20 mm, 600 mm long.
  • Barbecue bar for giving the structure of rigidity, fastening the lower part of the side parts, with a cross section of 50 × 20 mm, 600 mm long.
  • Metal corners 14 pcs. 30 × 30 mm size.
  • Sheets 2 pcs. For the base under the soft seat, the size of 600 × 700 mm.
  • Porolon with a thickness of 100 mm, the same size as the chipboard.
  • Fabric or leather for seats and backrest - two cuts with a size of 700 × 800 mm.
  • Furniture tapping screws for building construction.
IllustrationBrief description of operations performed
This illustration presents the design in the assembled form, but on which all parts are viewed.
Thanks to this image, it is easier to navigate how the compounds of individual parts can be made into a single design.
The first step from the design drawing it is necessary to carry out the size and forms of lateral parts to plywood sheets. They are recommended to flap 100 × 100 mm in the cell.
Immediately define the installation sites, and in the outlined points, after the items are cut, drilled through holes.
The parts forming the back and seat are also transferred and cut out.
It is very important when drinking as one and other pair parts, it must be absolutely identical to each other.
Ready lectured parts (their edges) must be treated with a milling machine, making sharp corners A bit rounded.
The next step is prepared by the Tsargi - six crossbars for the seat and backs, and one jumper for connecting lateral parts. They are made from the board or suitable bars.
Wood must be well polished, not hawkers and burrs.
Next, it is the stage of connecting two parts - the backrest seats.
It is very important to correctly place the places of fasteners, otherwise the design will be powered.
In this project, the compound is provided with the help of a wad, but it is additionally recommended to strengthen them with metal corners, fixed from the reverse side of the structure.
In order for the markup to be perfect, it is necessary not only to perform measurements, but also by setting the items nearby, visually checked.
Now you can engage in the connection of lateral parts with the seat and back. For this, the latter also makes the markup of the attachment installation points.
Through the markings are drilled through holes for screws with nuts and washers installed on two sides of the fastened parts.
The next step is set by the lower jumper, the strengthening structure.
Before it is installed, the places of its attachment also place. The part is screwed by furniture self-made, they will need two each of the sides.
Further, the linings are mounted on the clock - their location is also necessary to be placed. For this, the chair turns over to the cliffs up. These details are fixed by special technology, including several stages:
- the blank overlay is well warmed construction phenomenon;
- Then it is placed on the place marked on the poloz and it is tightly tied with cotton braid or twine. It is necessary to work carefully so as not to get a burn, since the plywood will be still hot;
- the second lining is also grabbed;
- After the plywood parts are cooled and adopted the exact form of the cauldron, the fixing rope is removed;
- the planks are missing PVA or joinery glue, then pressing well to the clamses; - The edges of the planks are nailed to all their length until it fit into the polls. Before climbing nails, the washers or pieces of plywood are put on them so that they were easier to remove the glue after drying;
- In this state, the product is left for two-three days;
- Then the nails are removed, the surface is cleaned grinding machine;
- At the ends of the linings, the deaf holes are drilled in which the screws are screwed, their heads must be recessed into the wood;
- Holes over the heads of the screws are maintained with putty with the addition of sawdust.
It is important to remember that the fastenings of the lining by self-drawers are carried out only at their ends, otherwise the fastener will scratch the flooring in the process of abrasion of wood.
After fixing on the glue of lining on the end, the armrests are enshrined in the same way. After drying the glue, unlike lining on the clamor, the armrests are fixed with self-draws along the entire length, they are installed in increments of 80 ÷ 100 mm.
The fasteners heads are also drilled in wood and closed with putty, after which the linings are polished.
Further, there is no longer such a complex stage of work - fixing the seats and the backs of the cut-off fishing dishes on the dimensions of the DVP fragments.
They are nailed with furniture nails with wide hats. You can apply for fixation and short screws.
Now you can do a soft upholstery. For this size, foam rubber and upholstery fabric.
Then the edges of the cloth neatly wrapped on the opposite side of the foam rubber and fixed on glue. To secure the upholstery on the DVP sheet, it is recommended to use special flap for foam rubber. Such a fastening of a soft part of the chair is represented on this scheme, but still it is better to do differently.
First on separate cut sheets of fiberboard Throwing should be pasted, then cover it with a cloth, securing it on the back of the hard layer with brackets. After that - fasten the pillows on a rigid basis on the jumpers of the chair, using cross-cutting fasteners, for example, round-haired screws, decorated with cloth or leather.
Another option is to make removable pillows. To do this, it is necessary to sew covers, fill them with syntheps, then flash ready product in five and six places. As mounts on the bottom and the top of the pillows, a braid is sewn, which is tied on the back of the back and seating.

Rocking chair from an ordinary old armchair or chair

To facilitate the task of making a rocking chair, you can take advantage of the finished chair or chair, which is no longer used in home everyday. If the upper part of the structure is in a decent, durable condition, then it will only be left to do it under it and fasten them on the legs, pre-fed and cutting them by the resulting radius.

In order not to bother with complex calculations, it is possible to go an experimental way by making a selection pattern by selecting the required radius. To do this, it is worth using the advice of an experienced master.

This table will consider one of the methods of manufacture of polozov, as it is precisely from them, how well the chair will swing, and because they are the most complex in the manufacture of structural details:

IllustrationBrief description of operations performed
So, to create the necessary bend to begin with the B Fiberboard length 1200 and a width of 30 ÷ 35 mm and a rail with a marking for fixing the bands on it, which will be the prototype of future polls.
At the ends of the strip are made of cuts, with the help of which, she can linger on the striker of the rail, so that it can be checked how good and with what an amplitude will swing.
Deciding with the bend radius, on the table or on a sheet of plywood at the template, drawn from the plank and rail, draw the arc, on which the middle is determined - the peak of the bend of future poloz.
Selecting the desired bend radius, it must be borne in mind that the selection system allows you to achieve a weak, medium or strong silence of the chair:
- For example, if it is necessary that the chair is barely shared, then you should choose a larger radius of the layout on the rail, that is, push it wider;
- if there is a desire to create a "jet" version of the swing, then the radius is less, that is, the edges of the strip on the rail shifted closer to the center;
- In the case presented, the average option is selected, which will not allow the chair to overturn. The distance in the middle of the rail to the bent band is approximately 150 mm.
According to the intended radius, you can simply cut the pollea from plywood with a thickness of 18 to 30 mm. Or perform them in the nodule-free technology.
The second option is longer performed, but when it is used, more durable uses are obtained, and their width can be increased to 50 mm. However, for the implementation of this process, a special device will be required - stapels, which are wooden cornerswhich is fixed by the Fiberboard strip.
The device has a certain flexibility and it can be set up on the template drawn on the table - it is well shown in the illustration.
The exposed stapels are firmly attached to the base (workbench). Thus, a spatial curvilinear pattern is given, according to which it is fashionable to produce benochaled parts of one radius.
In this case, it is shown for example, only the technique of fastening plywood bands with a thickness of 5 mm to the pattern of the template is shown, therefore only two strips of this material are used. However, for the manufacture of polls, naturally, the thickness of two strips of plywood (or MDF) with a thickness of 5 mm will not be enough.
It will take at least six lanes, which before installing on the shell and clamp in clamps, are labeled PVA or other carbon black glue.
The installation of the wrapped glue of the workpiece on the shell is made from the center, that is, at first the clamp is attracted by the middle, then they engage, but the edge edge of the lamella is not attracted. After that, starting from the middle with increments of 100 mm, installed and tightened through wooden lining of clamps, creating the desired radius of the future caution.
The latter are tightened extreme clamps.
In this position, the workpiece is left to dry for two-three days.
Ready-made beaches are shown on this illustration.
In the future, the ends of the polozoves manufactured in the example under consideration will be decorated with decorative details. For their manufacture on the billets, segments of bars are fixed.
For connection, grooves are cut into the bars equal to the thickness of the polozov, a depth of 20 mm. The edges of the blanks must be tightly included in the cuts. The grooves are missing with glue, and then the edges of the polozov are inserted into them.
In order to have the ability to pull the glued design, it is temporarily bonded with horizontal bars.
After the items are fully prepared, they are milling and grinding.
The master decided to strengthen the beam billets with wooden linings, which are bonded with each other. The linings are placed and drunk on the template created by inner side Bottle billets.

Now it remains to secure the crawl on the legs of the old chair or armchair. For this, the distance between the legs of the product is measured. Then the middle of the polozov is still determined, after which the ½ distance between the legs is deployed to each of the parties from the found point.

For example, such or similar to her, the model of the chair is perfect for alteration of her in a rocking chair

This markup will help determine the place of fastening the legs on the clamps. Further, each poloz is applied to the side of the chair, to the legs of which it will be attached. On the legs, the lines for the sleeper are determined, which will repeat the direction of the caution, so that they are perfectly firmly adjacent to the surface of the poloz.

The next step in wooden linings on the nodule blanks cut holes or grooves. Then the grooves are also cut on the legs or the ends of the legs are processed so that they acquire the shape of spikes. The spikes on the legs of the chairs are pasted into the grooves cut into the clamps. For reliability, it is fashionable to strengthen the duct.

Find out with a step-by-step instruction, from our new article on our portal.

* * * * * * *

So, it can be seen that we can make a rocking chair or even just walking towards the old chair - the task is not quite simple. Therefore, if there is no experience in carpentry art or suitable quality tools for performing work, then you should think about whether it is worth it for independent embodiment conceived. However, if the material is available, the time will allow, the desire to try their strength is underlining - why not try? And the experience is the case is hiring! And even if for the first time, not everything goes smoothly, then the next, with the analysis carried out by the analysis of the mistakes - will definitely begin to get.

Well for good masters And task lovers are more complicated - an example of creating a metal rocking chairs of a pendulum type.

Video: Metal rocking chair pendulum type

On the Internet and in a variety of stores there are many models of various seats of this type - their color, material and style are different and successfully combine in such a way that everyone can choose a successful model for themselves, which will satisfy it in all respects.

Create a rocking chair from a tree with their own hands is easy. The effort is needed and the ability to make your homemade rocking chair please all your family in a corner designed to relax.

The list of essential materials and tools for the rocking chair cannot be limited due to the fact that the choice of frame, the substrate options and some other little things are different. But there is a mandatory list of necessary tools:

  • a hammer;
  • screws and screwdriver;
  • pencil for marking and painting brushes;
  • lobzik and Pilking (in case of using a wooden frame);
  • level (successful there will be a direct angle option with a long ruler and built-in level - such can be found in specialized stores).
How and what stones to use in landscape designRead in.

Step-by-step instructions for creating

Option One - Standard Wooden Rocking Chair

Wooden frame is the most particular in creating such projects - it is reliable, practical and convenient for processing.

When creating a rocking chair, with your own hands, the drawings are an important element for subsequent project development.

A rocking chair from wood has durability, ecology and attractiveness

In the case of the use of wood, as the main material, you can find many options for templates and drawings with a detailed explanation and calculating the smallest things.

To create such a chair, you need to use the jigsaw and grinding to cut the parts for the chair.

In the future, you can simply lay the plaid on the chair, or attach stitched pillows - it will add originality and the uniqueness to your rocking chair.

Second option - the atmosphere of nature

When using a tree as a frame, small twigs can also be used as "upholstery". They can be gained in the forest in April or October.

After performing all the details of the tree and covering them together, you need to carefully put all the collected branches in the empty space.

You can connect and strengthen such a system with a glue or liquid nails.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to fill the entire space allotted under the branches - if there are large gaps in the design, it can break.

Third Option - Eternal Classic

Supported in the creation of a rocking chair is plywood.

Cut from the sheet of plywood two sidewalls in the form of boomeranga

It is necessary to cut some narrow long strips from plywood and nourish them to two parts of the base on which the chair will roll.

Regarding the distance between "stripes" it is customary to use the Rule of the Golden Mid - the elements should not be close to each other, but also a large gap between each element is undesirable.

Do not spare the screws or other material that you feed the Phaneur to the base - on each side it should be nailed in two places, and four points of attachments.

The shape of the chairs-swing from plywood can vary, the decor depends on your imagination

How to put and care for Tuya Smaragd, read.

Fourth option - part of the soul

Having wondered how to make a rocking chair with her own hands, a person wants to make a unique, unique project.

You can make items on which the chair will swing, from a tree, a supporting system from a metal frame. The landing place itself is made of wool - knives.

The embroidery scheme and technique can be different, the main thing is to accurately measure the space for embroidery, leave the loops to attach to the frame.

Such a chair will be organically looked at home, and on the street - you will really put the soul in it.

These are just some of the many models of the chairs that exist. I would like to note that under planting Moz May be, for example, place for your animal. Add a rocking chair made own hands, I can be any elements - everything depends on the imagination and priorities of a person.

The rocking chair is associated with comfort and comfort, and immediately want to stay in it in the fireplace in country house With a cup of hot coffee. This is a very beautiful and original element of the interior, which fits almost any style. Also, swing on the chair is useful for health. So you can relax, relieve stress, gain strength, calmly read your favorite book, listen to music or just to build. The rocking chair can be made with your own trees, consider examples from photos, drawings and work in several technologies.

Features of wood structures

Most often, the furniture is made of wood, so the rocking chair did not exception. Why many choose this particular material:

What is an attractive chair:

How to make a chair a rocking chair with your own hands from the tree according to the drawings is shown on the video with the instructions and work running.

Varieties of chairs

There are many different patterns of chairs, they all may differ in their functionality, dimensions, style of performance, materials and availability of additional gadgets. We always choose furniture, sitting out of their preferences and habits, and a rocking chair did not exception.

Consider several options for rocking faces:

Technology of work

To figure out how to make a rocking chair with your own trees from the tree in drawings and the desired size, you need to buy everything necessary materials and tools:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Paint bruster for filling the fasteners.
  • A hammer.
  • Straight corner with a ruler.
  • Disk machine for grinding.
  • Saws.
  • Electrolovka for cutting blanks.
  • Clamp.

1 way

To create a rocking chair, you can use an ordinary chair, shortening his legs and attaching this design On the clamns. In order for the appearance to be attractive, the chair can be shaken with leather or plastic ribbons. If you wish, you can also sew a rocker case.

To make the design of a more interesting form, the sidewalls can be cut from plywood according to a predetermined lecture. The edges of plywood should be well treated.

Edges of plywood

Then two obtained parts connect with each other using three bars (30 * 50 * 600 mm).

To lay out the top, we use thin boards and plywood slats (10 * 50 * 600 mm).

In some cases, the length can be increased so that the planks appear for the edges of the sidewall. After assembling the chair, it can be covered with varnish or paint.

2 way

We start the process of creating a rocking chair from the drawing. For a qualitative result, the sketch is obligatory. In addition, we will be able to save ourselves from strong errors in the calculation of the amount of material.

Technique of work:

3 way

We collect the chair the rocking chair according to the drawing, using high-quality wood varieties. As a basis, we use the usual wooden chair. All items will be mounted at right angles, so you do not need to additionally cut a lot of items.

Now you can independently create a rocking chair yourself and please your household. The main thing is to remember that the product can scatter, and the material quickly move and lose your appearance. Therefore, always handle the chair with varnish so that it pleases you for a long time and created a comfort in the house.