Dad Carlo Homemade Circular Table. How to make a circular machine with their own hands

Many homemade craftsmen dreamest of self-cutting sawn timber. This is simple, but without suitable equipment - practically impossible. So why not adapt to this manual circular saw and do not collect your own table with the possibility of longitudinal and transverse cut?

In four corners of the shoe, make one hole with a diameter of 10 mm. Drilling places arbitrary. Install the saw disc in the groove of the table top and align the shoe on the markup. Follow the centers of the manufactured holes on the plywood and transfer them to the opposite direction by a thin drill.

If there is not enough space in the support shoe to drill such large holes, use a two steel plates with a welded studs of 6 mm, attach them to the base of the saw can be wrapped with wrapped stagnas. In this case, remove the saw for handmade and return her to place without additional adjustment Will be a thing of five minutes. Plates, in turn, have one large opening, for reliable installation and initial saw position adjustment.

For fastening saws to the table top, you need to use M8 leverage bolts with a secret conical head. Under them S. front face An 8 mm hole is drilled and a cenchka is made under a hat, which in an uncomfortable state should perform above the surface of no more than 1 mm. On the reverse side, the bolts pass into the holes of the support shoe (or steel plates) and are delayed under a wide and spring washer or a nut with plastic grover.

If the fitting was successful, the worktop must be fixed to the box. In four corners of the plywood stove, you need to drill one such a hole as for fastening the saw. The distance from the edges is half the side of the Brawn used plus the thickness of the box wall, in our case it is 30 mm. In the center of each bar, a 10 mm hole is thrown in, the steel bag M8X18 mm is screwed into the inside.

When the table top is fixed, turn the table on the side to have access to the disk and the fastening places of the saw. I remove the protective casing during the time, apply the saw disk on the longitudinal axis of the table using the rail and the rich. After adjusting the disk, tighten the mount nuts well. Using a ruler or level attached to the disk, apply a label on the edges of the table and spend the line plane line. Spend the line several times with a sequel, leaving a shallow furrow, such a markup is definitely not erased after a long service.

Start button and electrician

The regular power button must be stunned, and if there is no such possibility - to push the clothespin or harness. Instead of a button on the handle, a small power grid is used, laid inside the box.

On the external front side of the box, set the dual button "Start / Stop" with fixation. Its normally open contact is connected to the power cable break. The ends of the wires are connected to the plug fastened with inner.

After the saw is connected and verified in the work, it is necessary to stretch on the air intake lattice, threefolded chipping stockings.


Conditioning parts is convenient to conduct in the presence of a thrust beam, which moves along the guides along the section line. You can make such an ordinary 9 mm plywood.

It will take only a few pavements:

  • 150x250 mm 2 pcs.
  • 100x820 mm 2 pcs.
  • 150x820 mm 1 pc.
  • 142x300 mm 1 pc.

As before, plywood is preferred on accurate equipment. Three long plate need to be collected in the form of a sewller 150 mm wide and shelves per 100 mm. Since the hats of self-tapping screws will be addressed to the tabletop, they need to pre-reassure the paneur and draw fasteners, and after processing the traces of sandpaper. It is more reliable instead of self-samples to use confirmates.

The 150x250 mm boards are screwed like a chapeller plugs, free ends are guided down. The remaining strap is screwed between the shelves exactly in the center. If this beam put on the table, the side boards will be devastated on the sides of the box with a gap of about 10 mm on each side.

Use furniture guide full extension on ball bearings. First fasten them to the beam, and then try on and screw to the body. Holes for fasteners are oblong, use them to adjust the beam: it should slide over the table top with a very small gap and at right angles to the plane of the cut. Swipe once with a saw on to make an incision at the bottom. To quickly remove and install the beams, it is recommended to deduct plastic locks in guides in advance.

Adjustable focus for longitudinal sawmills

Freight forest is much easier in the presence of a longitudinal stop. You can make it from a conventional aluminum cornice or other light profile with perfectly smooth edge and ribbed ribs. It takes a segment along the length of the table, that is, 800 mm.

In 150 cm from the edges, make two holes for 8 mm and insert them on the M8 bolt, orienting threads down. Screw the nut without the washer and tighten tightly. At the same distance from the edges of the table, spend two lines. At the intersection of them with the axial line of the countertops, drill holes 12 mm. Another opening is drilled on the same lines with an indentation of 30 cm. Using a mill or jigsaw, make two thin slots, it is advisable to make a cut as much as possible.

The profile of the stop is inserted by bolts into these slots, after adjusting it can be filled with lambs with a wide washer from the inside. If the width of the cutting you need to change frequently, supply the table door loops For easy opening. To quickly perform adjustment of the stop, fasten the ribbon ribbon trimming on the ends.


In a well-equipped carpentry workshop, equipped in the country or in a private house, necessarily the presence of a circular disk mechanism that allows you to process billets from wood.

Very often as domestic woodworking equipment used homemade MachineMade on the basis of manual circular saw or cutting tool with independent electric drive.

To accommodate any of these mechanisms, a specially equipped table with a surface, ensuring the convenience of working with wood blanks.

Depending on the type of cutting tool, as well as from the material used for the manufacture of the material, the table for a circular saw may have the following versions:

  • first, it can be made in the form of a workbench with legs and with a manual circular saw fixed on it (lightweight option);
  • secondly, it can be equipped with cutting disc Design mounted on a metal bed. The drive part of such a machine consisting of an electric motor and control circuits is placed at the bottom of the bed (overhaul).

Make a table for a circular saw Full forces to each wizard

Select design

Before making a table for a circular saw with your own hands, first of all, it is necessary to decide on its design. So, a lightweight version based on plywood and bars should contain the following mandatory elements in its composition:

directly countertop;
Plywood case;
Support legs providing its good stability
The composition of the capital design should include the following nodes:

base based on metal profiles or corners;
The upper and lower brackets required to place the cutting blades with the shaft and drive equipment, respectively;
The table itself with a slot for the cutting canvas, mounted directly on the metal frame.
Most accessible for manufacture in living conditions is considered wooden table for disc saw (i.e., lightweight design).

Lightweight version of the table for circular saw will look like this

Preparation of sketch, material and tools

As an example, consider the procedure for manufacture wooden workbench About 100 - 120 cm high. Before making such a table, it is advisable to prepare a small sketch in which the device will be displayed with the size of its basic elements.

The exact setting of the table height is made taking into account the growth of the masters working on the machine (comfortable is the arrangement of the working plane at the level of man honeycomb).

On the preparatory Stage It should also be found with the material for the manufacture of a future design, which, as a rule, is made from the bars and multilayer plywood with a thickness of 28 mm.
In order to make such a table with your own hands you need the following workpieces:

  • metal sheet of suitable size;
  • standard sheet thick plywood;
  • metal square trumpetfrom which guides are manufactured;
  • set of clamps in the number of two pieces.

To assemble the table, the instrumental set of the following names is also required:

  • screwdriver and electric drill;
  • electrolovka or ordinary tree hacksaw;
  • cornel, Roulette, Rule (for current measurements);
  • manual frezer

Video: Washing table for disk saw

Production of table covers

The procedure for the manufacture of this design element involves the following operations:

Works begin with marking and cutting blanks of plywood, the dimensions of which should correspond to the sizes of the prepared iron sheet.

After fitting in size, the surface of the workpiece is carefully polished with the emery skirt.

Then on the lower surface of the plywood sheet, the points of fixing the actuator with the simultaneous markup of the slot to the cutting disk are scheduled.

To do this, first follow the place of installation of the sole of the circular saw used. At the same time, it is most convenient to simply remove the disk from it and determine the exact location of landing points.

Before installing the place of attachment, an additional check is performed by the correctness of the slot markup for the cutting disk.

The table lid markup is made directly by the sole of the circular saw

At the final stage, the work surface closes steel sheet With two guides, which is then fixed by conventional self-draws.

Subsequently, along the guides from the corners it will be possible to make a special markup, increasing the convenience of processing wood material.

Additional information: To improve the operating surface of the table, plexiglas or fiberglass can be used.

Frame assembly with legs

The base or frame of the table is assembled from a set of transverse and longitudinal wooden Bruschevwhich are mounted from the bottom of its cover, increasing the rigidity of the whole design as a whole. For this, there are enough four bars with a cross section of 50x50 mm, placed with an indent from the edge of the table of about 7-9 cm.
They are fixed at the bottom of the cover suitable by samples in size with a step of approximately 23-25 \u200b\u200bcm. With its front side, the fastening elements are settled in the material that fully hides their caps.
Make the frame is stronger due to the pretreatment of the articulated surface of the bars with a layer of joinery glue, produced immediately before their fastening. After connecting the billets with glue, the latter is reliably fixed with clamps removed immediately after drying the adhesive composition. The legs of the design can be made of bars of the same section as the workpiece for the frame (50x50 mm).

The design of the table must be durable and tough

The shape of the legs are chosen on the basis of ensuring that they provide the maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe frame of the frame side of the base and had a form that narrows in the direction of sexual flooring. On one of these legs, it is subsequently placed the controls of the on and off of the disk saws, duplicate the buttons located on its housing.

Additionally increase the stiffness and stability of the entire design, you will be able to use the kit of steel corners mounted in the zone of its joint joints. To secure them, it is recommended to use standard bolts with washers, which are desirable to install with caps outside.

Features of the manufacture of metal frame (beds)

The upper part of the metallic base is a welded frame with a size of 800x800 mm with cladding with legs of pipes 220 mm and a cross section of approximately 17-20 mm.

On the frame from the corners of 25 mm are attached two longitudinal profileused to install the shaft on the bearings.

The lower part of the frame to ensure greater stability of the design is welded from the corners bigger size (40 mm) and has two jumpers intended for mounting the electric motor with trigger circuits. At its corners, pipes having the same length are welded, which have the same length as on the upper frame, but in diameter slightly exceeding them (23-25mm).

Closer to the edge of such legs made of pipes, threaded holes are prepared, in which special holders are located (they are also called "lakes"). With the help of these bars, it will be possible to record the position of the pipes of the top part of the bed, moved to adjust the tension of the drive belt.

Expansion of functionality

In conclusion, we talked the topic of expanding the functionality of the working structure manufactured by you. In the presence of free space An additional woodworking equipment can be mounted on the operating surface ( electric chores or mill, for example). Availability of a planer and a milling mill will allow you to expand functionality Machine and turn it into a full-fledged woodworking center.

In addition to this, such a mill can be equipped with a special mechanism for adjusting the position of its working part, variable in the specified limits (so-called elevator).

Video: Size Saw Table

Circular saws applied to cut wood along the array. Its cutting base is a disk-shaped plane having a toothed outer edge. Such saws are not only manual, but fixed on the table. How to make a universal circular table so that you can install this cutting tool? Below is offered several ways to make a table for circular saws with your own hands.

Table for circular saws with your own hands

How to make a table for the circular from LDSP? To make such a table under the circular, are necessary:

  • laminated plywood sheet 9-11 mm thick (800x800 mm);
  • 4 sheets of LDSP 16 mm thick (400x784 mm);
  • several bars of 40x40 mm;
  • several bolts and screws;
  • aluminum cornice.

On this table, you can fix any manual disk saw with a large disk. Drawings of the table for circular to this type can be easily found on the Internet.

Such a saw is made in several stages:

Circular saw guides are made from a bar or aluminum cornice.

The second version of the table for the circular. Photo of manufacturing technology

The table-drank is done from the boards, as the most affordable material, often. For the manufacture of this table, you will need:

  • plywood sheet (thickness 20 mm and above);
  • 50 mM boards;
  • bar 50 by 50 mm;
  • several screws;
  • wooden glue;
  • one of the types of wood varnish.

From the plywood sheet, the blank with a hole is cut down - a tabletop, which will be placed. When laying holes, focus on the sole sole soles. The ribs are made from the boards, which will be attached to the tabletop self-drawing. In the process of fastening the board, it is tightened with clamps. On the front rib of stiffness later, a start button is installed. For the manufacture of legs, the boards are about a meter long. They are fixed outside to the ribs of stiffness bolts.

Video Circular Table of Manual Circular Saw

Examples of finished tables for circular saw

The table for the circular is not always appropriate to do with your own hands. It can be too bulky and clumsy, it is difficult to adapt to high-precision sawd wood. Therefore, if it is not a pity to spend some amount of funds, it is better to purchase factory-made tables. They are made of durable and convenient materials when working, safe when turned on electric currentAnd also have a factory warranty in case of breakdown.

At the circular saw JET JBTS-10 from each side there is a retractable table, an increase in area suitable for work. Thanks to the belt wire, it is cut with silent, as well as the deadlines for the operation of the electric motor. The presence of an eccentric clamp excludes the displacement of the machine during operation, which makes it use convenient in any conditions.

When using a desktop saw, EPN-1100 caliber exists the ability to saw wooden materials in the longitudinal and transverse direction, as well as under different angles. The level of inclination of the saw can be selected and fixed.

In the sawing machine, Enkor Corvette-10m 90101 applied side and parallel stopsthat significantly facilitates work. Sawmill When cutting, you can tilt at an angle to forty-five degrees. Can be connected to the machine industrial vacuum cleanerremoving wood dust. In this case, the device is characterized by ease and small dimensions.

The use of the stationary circular saw EINHELL TC (TH) -TS 820 allows working with sawn timber in mass production. It is a suitable tool when processing not only wooden, but also fibrolite blanks. The design of this model provides a hole in which devices producing wet and dry cleaning machine are connected. At the same time, the equipment is so compact that it can be installed on any workbench.

Circular saw is a great maneuverable tool having high performance. However, like all the tools, the saw has some drawbacks. For example, you may have problems if you wish to cut large parts of the tree. In such a situation, a special table made by your own hands will help. This design will allow you to quickly and quickly cut. large details No extra problems.

Selection of tools and materials

At the beginning of work, you need to take care that there is always all the necessary raw materials at hand, as well as a set of tools that would come in handy throughout all actions. To create the table, you need the following materials:

  • plywood with a thickness of about 2-3 centimeters or identical piece of chipboard;
  • wooden bars with a size of 40x40 millimeters;
  • metal construction corners - 12-15 pieces;
  • selfless different lengths and bolts of different classifications;
  • glue used in carpentry work;
  • means of processing the product from moisture and rust;
  • outdoor socket;
  • cable;
  • switch.

This set of materials is necessary for the standard design of conventional dimensions of a slightly more than one square meter. You can work on such a table with almost any manual disk saw, except for tools with small disks, since during attachment to the tabletop sends the cutting depth, on average by 1-2 centimeters.

For work, you will use the following tools:

  • marker or fat pencil;
  • roulette, metal ruler, angle;
  • lobzik;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinder machine;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper

Manufacturing process

Create own hands The multifunctional design for the electrical circular saw is quite simple, however, it is necessary that the manufacturing process is strictly at certain stages. A clear following advice is necessary in order not to have any problems or difficulties.

  • First of all, each master must create a drawing and plan of the future product. According to the drawings, the work is significantly easier, the risks are reduced to make something wrong or poorly. At the planning stage, the dimensions of the future design must be maximized.
  • After creating a plan and exemplary outline of the product, as well as the preparation of all necessary materials and tool set, begin the manufacture of table housing. By the plane, align all the faces of Bruck. Then out sheet material and aligned bars collect the basis, the dimensions of which were determined during the planning stage. Area working surface It is usually about 1-1.5 square meters. All items are attached to each other with bolts and screws. At the end of the work we get a box without upper and lower parts.

  • Next is the manufacture of tabletops for a sawing machine, it is cut out of plywood or leaf of chipboard based on the sizes of the frame. The countertop must be the same area or a little more. The main thing is that it does not outweigh the hull into one of the parties. If the table lid is made of non-local material, then it should be opened and fired. Next, with the help of a ruler and pencil on the tabletop, markup of the mounting places of the electric saw to it, as well as the top of the table to the main case.
  • The next step is carried out a hole hole for the saw itself. For this, measurements are measured by the supporting shoe of the sawing machine, which will be used in the future on this design. On the back of the countertop, the corresponding markup is performed, which will definitely define the place of attachment and the area for which the cutout is needed for a circular disk. To accurately apply markup, it is better to draw the axis connecting exactly in the center of the plywood sheet. After determining the axes and performing accurate marking, you need to cut the hole for the disc, as well as drill holes for fastening the saw shoe.
  • The mounting of the circular saw to the plywood countertop occurs from the reverse (inner side). To do this, you need to make 4 holes in the shoe of the saw itself, their diameter should be equal to about 1 centimeter. Then you should completely align the saw and compare all markups so that the tool is located exactly, all tags and holes fit each other, the disk loosely entered the central hole of the table top. In order for the saw securely attached to the table, it is necessary to use special leverage bolts with a secret head, the hat of such bolts must be deeply immersed in the sole of the tool and do not hang around.
  • Then the saw is postponed and the table assembly continues. In order for the construction to be stable. special attention It is necessary to give it to the legs. The best stability of the design will provide legs, divergent books. They are fixed with large bolts with nuts.

The length of the legs is determined individually, in accordance with the growth of a person who will work at the table. Ideally, the tabletop, and, accordingly, the saw itself should be located just above the wizard belt.

  • The next step should be attached to the tabletop to the case. At a distance of about 3 centimeters from the edge, you need to make holes in plywood corners, then holes are drilled in corner bars for further attaching bolts in them. Next, parts are connected using steel Forts M8.
  • After the design is collected, you need to fix a special switch on the table, which will adjust the switching on and off the saw with an electric motor. To do this, cut the hole for the switch and fix it with bolts, special glue or construction tie.. A power switch should go to the saw itself, and it means that it must be attached to any electrical source in your workshop using a cable. It joins the bottom of the table top with the help of construction fasteners.
  • Then you can make special stops. First manufactured cross beam, it greatly simplifies work with the design. It is performed mainly from plywood or LDSP. First you need to cut 2 strips equal to the length of the width of the table, the second side should be about 100 millimeters, the corners of the strips must be rounded.

  • The billets are then grinding and fasten with self-draws at a low angle, angle of metal is screwed into the inside. After that, the stripes are attached to the table on movable furniture rails that will allow you to move these stops along the entire table.
  • If you wish, you can make a variety of additions to this design, it all depends on your skills. Some masters remove the safety casing and all devices for adjusting the inclination of the disc, this allows you to get additional several millimeters of the cut. Some replace the factory platform on the turning platform own manufactureWith a professional approach, this also gives a number of advantages in the work.
  • The construction of the structure of processing and preparation for operation is completed. The whole table should once again be sick, wipe and covered with varnish or special meansallowing us to provide durability of use and repulsive moisture and rust.

Installation of circular saw in homemade table

After the manufacture of the main building, installation is installed in the homemade table.

  1. At the table construction stages in the table top, all the necessary holes were peaked.
  2. During the installation of a stationary saw, it is necessary to perfectly adjust the tilt of the tool, otherwise the vent wooden details It will take place poorly. First of all, you need to install a tool on the finished tabletop in all the grooves and determine whether you need to change the slope. If the angle does not match the desired one, then it will have to adjust it with the help of special bolts, this is the easiest option. Or you can cut down special lumps that will be attached to the tabletop, and already on top of them, the electron will be mounted at the right angle.
  3. If the tool is installed on the spot correctly, all holes converge, you need to put and attach the sole to the table with bolts and tighten them from the inside using nuts with spring washers.
  4. After the manual disk saw will be installed, it is necessary to take the bar a little more than those with the help of the adjustment of the angle of inclination, and consolidate it on the tabletop in the place where the saw platform was noted.

This bar is needed so that after dismantling the circular saw from the table, you were able to embed it exactly to the same place without using any additional marking.

  • Before using the electric saw on the table, check the saw dial itself with the asset, since some unscrupulous manufacturers install the disk not exactly at an angle of 90 degrees, as a result of the speech turn out to be beveled.
  • If you plan to use the table while while working, and for storing tools on it, then the sizes of the countertops must be more square meters.
  • For the manufacture best use quality and durable materialsOtherwise, the table will last long.
  • The table can be supplemented with all anything, for example, some manage to attach a special vacuum cleaner or the split knife with a disk protection in order for chips and remnants from cutting wood to fly around.
  • In advance, select a place to install the table, and also make sure the floor where the table is installed is smooth.
  • If there is a desire and certain skills, you can make a folding countertop or lifting table, but for this you will have to spend more time and materials.
  • If the table swings or vibrates while working, adjust the height of the legs with suitable rubber pieces.

Wizards of joinery always seek to increase productivity of their own work. If you make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, you can easily work with large lots of lumber, while spending the minimum of money.

If you make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, you can easily work with large lots of lumber, while spending the minimum of money.

Table Requirements for Circular

Before starting work, you need to understand that the desktop circular saw is a source of increased danger. Therefore, in the manufacture of the table, it is necessary to clearly adhere to technology using only the most qualitative materials. Industrial tables are made of metal. But homemade devices Permanently performed from undergraduate or easily accessible materials, the most popular of which is wood. It should be borne in mind that the final structure should be rigid and stable, and the surface of the table is smooth and covered with varnish to increase the durability and optimization of the workflow.

List of essential materials and fixtures

In addition to a certain amount of time and skills to work with a tree, you will need such tools and materials:

  • sheet of plywood with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • paintwork materials for wood processing;
  • 50 × 50 mm bar, from which legs will be made;
  • hand table circular saw;
  • drill, electric jigsaw, milling;
  • clamps;
  • pencil and simplest line.

When glue takes, it is possible to fasten the design by self-drawing so that their caps are entirely in the worktop. To avoid distortion, clamps at this stage are better not to remove. With the help of 2 self-screws, the rigid ribs are torn together, after which the clamps can be dismantled. Throw out legs from a 5 × 10 cm board with a height, comfortable for work. Usually height is about 1 meter. The legs are attached so that they are slightly arranged from the center to the edges of the structure.

Mount the saw in the previously prepared groove at the bottom of the table top so that the disk entered the slot. To minimize the influence of moisture and provide good slip Billets, circular sawing table Covered several layers of varnish. Stand on the location of the longitudinal ribs of stiffness, after which it is possible to cut them down and glue with joinery glue, pre-pressing them with clamps. The lateral ribs ribs are also performed and attached.

When designing a table for a circular, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the materials that will be processed on it, because the quality of the cut will be much higher if the billet will fully rely on the surface of the table. At the same time, the strong excess of the size of the billets leads to the irrational use of the working area. The height of the table is selected for each masters individually based on its growth.

Self-making table for circular

Table assembly technology for manual saw saw does not represent difficulties for an experienced joiner. To make a table for circular saw with your own hands, you need:

  1. Take a plywood sheet with a thickness of at least 20 mm and make a worktop blank from it. For this, a pencil is placed as a sheet according to predetermined sizes, cut it electric pubsomy. The resulting workpiece is treated manual milling, after which it is sanded by large or medium emery paper.
  2. Place the bottom side of the tabletop for circular saw. To do this, you can use a circular saw with a disk removed by installing it on right place and placing the size of the sole. In this section of the workpiece, it is necessary to cut through with a milling recess with a height of 8-10 mm.
  3. Install the saw into a cut outflow. If necessary, at this stage you can make adjustments so that the tool stably stood on the table top. When everything is adjusted, you can place the tool fastening sites and a disk slot. If the material needs to be cut at different angles, it must be foreseen when marking. Then the cross section of the slots should be made of trapezoidal with a vertex directional.
  4. Place the bottom countertops for ribs stiffness that will be located all over the perimeter of the table at a distance of 70-100 mm from its edge. After that, you need to attach the board to the tabletop and circling it. On the central line, it is necessary to outline the places for the self-tapping screws located 50 mm from the edges of the ribs every 150-200 mm. On the markup performed you need to drill through holes.

So you will get a simple, but reliable homemade table on which you can easily work with the billets of certain dimensions.