The work of an educator to prepare a child for school. Modern aspects of preparing children for schooling in a kindergarten

Social iological survey on the effectiveness of the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family for the implementation of system updates and analytical information on the interpretation of the research results

A sociological survey on the effectiveness of the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family for the implementation of system updates and analytical information on the interpretation of the research results were compiled on the basis of the materials of the MBDU "Solnyshko"

The materials were presented by the senior educator Leshukova A.N.


We bring to your attention a sociological survey on the effectiveness of the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family and analytical information on the interpretation of the research results reflect the degree of satisfaction with the parents. activities of the preschool educational institution within the framework of the project: “Heart-to-heart talk”.

One of the monitoring methods is questioning.

Questionnaire is a written survey. For this, a set of structurally organized questions (questionnaire) is used. The advantage of this method lies in the possibility of conducting a study of a large group of people at the same time and in the comparative ease of statistical data processing.

Interpretation of the results of the study of parental satisfaction with the activities of preschool educational institutions in the context of system updates.

Let us present the results of the parent survey.

Number of parents interviewed: 26 people (parents of pupils of all groups).

A NK ETA "Satisfaction with the quality of education of pupils of MBDU" Solnyshko "

1. Please indicate to what extent you are satisfied with the quality of educational services (check one answer for each question):



the answers

a) less than 1 year

b) from 1 to 2 years

c) more than 2 years

c) about catering

e) I do not receive information

f) other

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

b) catering

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

c) providing literature and manuals

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

e) professionalism of teachers

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

f) the relationship of employees with children

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

g) the relationship of employees with parents

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

h) health improvement of children

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

i) educational process

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

  1. You receive information about the developmental characteristics of a child in kindergarten based on:
  1. Are you satisfied with:

a) raising a child in kindergarten,

Yes, in full - 86%

Yes, partially -14%

Hard to say

b) the relationship of the son (daughter) with peers in kindergarten -

yes, fully -85%

Yes, partially -10%

Hard to say -

4. Are you satisfied with the operating mode kindergarten?

Yes, fully -100%

Yes, partially - 0%

Hard to say-

  1. Are you familiar with the kindergarten educational program?

Yes, to the fullest

Yes, partially-76%

Hard to say - 12%

6. Does it suit you?

Yes, in full - 84%

Yes, partially - 8%

Hard to say -8%

7. How do you feel about parenting education? __96% - "positive";

4% - "it is possible and more often"

8. Are you ready for special classes, trainings, attending classes, seminars?

Yes, fully -58%

Yes, partially -37%

Hard to say -5%

  1. What forms of work of a kindergarten with parents do you consider the most effective:

Attendance by the teacher of the child at home - 0%

Parent-teacher meetings-80%

Attendance by parents of classes in kindergarten with their subsequent discussion -24%

Joint holidays and entertainment -64%

Individual conversations and consultations-88%

  1. Kindergarten employees are interested in how much their work satisfies the parents (interviews, questionnaires)

Yes, to the fullest

Yes, partially

More likely no than yes


Physically developed

Inquisitive, active

Emotionally responsive

Mastered the means of communication

Capable of managing their behavior

Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems), adequate to age

Having primary ideas about himself, family, society (nearest society), state (country), world and nature

Knows how to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions

Mastered necessary skills and skills

Good manners

12. you like the area and premises of the kindergarten ?

Yes, fully 77%

Yes, partially 23%

No satisfaction

After analyzing the questionnaires, it was revealed that 68% of parents receive information: about the goals and objectives of the kindergarten in the field of education and upbringing, about the work schedule preschool- 100%, about nutrition - 100%. They receive insufficient information - 20% of parents, and do not receive information - 8%.

It can be assumed that 20% of parents have a need to receive information about the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution in the development and upbringing of their child. 4% do not receive information. Perhaps the parents did not sufficiently analyze the information received from the employees of the preschool educational institution.

To study the issue of satisfaction with quality preschool education we got the following results: completely satisfied - 72%, partially - 24%, not satisfied - 4% (catering).

Parents note that they get information about the peculiarities of a child's development in kindergarten from: an information stand - 85%. It follows from this that perhaps not all information about the characteristics of a child's development should be displayed on information stands (confidential information). The most acceptable form of obtaining information: individual conversations with educators (96%). 4% of the parents surveyed may not receive this information. It can be assumed that there is a need to obtain information from individual conversations, or they do not consider this information reliable or important for themselves.

62% of parents say that they receive information about the developmental characteristics of their child from conversations with a nurse. It is possible that 38% of parents do not need to conduct individual interviews, although it cannot be denied that such a need exists.

More than half of the parents surveyed (62%) receive information about the peculiarities of their child's development on the basis of conversations with a teacher-psychologist. This is probably due to the specialist's attention to the peculiarities of the development of children. preschool age: readiness of children to study at school, development of cognitive, emotional spheres, violation of communication skills. However, 38% of parents do not receive this information. Perhaps this is due to the fact that children do not require the attention of a teacher-psychologist, since the development of mental processes is within the age norm.

48% of the parents surveyed receive information about the developmental characteristics of their child on the basis of individual conversations with the music director. 52% of parents do not receive information based on conversations with this specialist. Perhaps the music director offers the necessary information using group forms of work.

85% of parents receive information about the developmental characteristics of their child based on conversations with the head of the preschool educational institution. 15% do not receive information from this source. Perhaps this is due to the lack of need for organization individual work with these parents.

86% of parents are completely satisfied with the upbringing of a child in kindergarten.

Most of the parents surveyed are satisfied with the relationship of their son (daughter) with their peers in kindergarten (86%), partially - 10%, no - 5%.

It is necessary to analyze the reasons for this dissatisfaction of the parents.

The majority of parents (76%) of pupils are familiar with the educational program of the kindergarten; partially unfamiliar - 24% of parents. It can be assumed that the teachers of the preschool educational institution organized work to familiarize parents with the educational program.

This assumption is also confirmed by the fact that many parents (76%) note that educational preschool program fully meets their needs, 12% - answer “yes, partially”, 12% - it's hard to say. In this regard, it is important to analyze parental data requests.

To the question: "How do you feel about parenting education?" - __96% - "positive"; 4% - "it is possible and more often"

Analysis of the issue of parents' readiness for education, special classes showed that 58% of parents are fully ready for special classes, trainings, attending classes, seminars, 37% are partially ready, 5% find it difficult to answer this question. This speaks of the desire of parents to take an active part in the upbringing of children.

According to parents, the following forms of work are considered the most effective:

Joint holidays - 64%;

Parents' meetings with an open display of events - 80%;

Individual conversations and consultations - 88%.

Such answers can be explained by the degree of parents' interest in these forms of interaction.

91% of parents believe that kindergarten staff regularly ask how much their work satisfies the parents (interviews, questionnaires). 7% of the parents surveyed have a different opinion on this matter. This can be explained, perhaps, by the unwillingness of the parents to participate in the survey, to make contact with the employee, in the uncertainty of the correctness of their answer.

On the issue of assessing the level of satisfaction with the results of achieving their child, it can be concluded that, in general, parents are satisfied with the results of achievements. 82% are fully satisfied with the primary ideas of children about themselves, family, society (nearest society), state (country), the world and nature; 92% are satisfied with curiosity, activity; 76% - possession of skills and abilities; 76% - the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems; 72% - the level of education. However, 4% of parents showed dissatisfaction with the level of physical development of their children; 16% - in the field of means of communication, 4% - primary ideas about themselves, family, society; 8% - the ability of children to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

77% of parents noted that they like the premises and territory of the kindergarten to the fullest.

The most typical problems for preschool educational institutions from the survey results are:

Insufficient informing of parents about the child, his difficulties, successes - 12%

Insufficient quality of upbringing and educational work - 6%

Insufficient professional competence of teachers - 6%

Insufficient attention to children - 14%

In the first place among the problems in preschool educational institutions, according to parents, insufficient attention to children - 14%. This opinion can be explained by the subjective perception of the parents of the attitude towards their child. Each parent wants his child to be constantly in the center of attention of teachers.

The second place is occupied by the problem of insufficient quality of upbringing and educational work - 6%. These answers are characteristic of those parents who are not satisfied with the results of their children in the formation of universal educational prerequisites.

In third place is the problem of insufficient awareness of parents about the child, his difficulties, and successes - 6%.

A survey of parents showed that most of the parents would like to increase their competence - 58%.

  • increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge;
  • expanding the pedagogical horizons by replenishing the means and methods of raising and developing children;
  • solving problems of upbringing and development of children.

Individual interviews with parents show that most often parents ask specific questions: "How to organize a child at home?" Not all parents can formulate their problems in the upbringing and development of children. A psychologist helps to identify problems in the process of individual interviews: issues of upbringing and development of a child, readiness to study at school, problems associated with the adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution, problems of a behavioral nature, communication. Often, parents do not indicate the problem of creating an environment at home for the development of intellectual, creativity children, independence, play activities, playing with children at home, communication between parents and children.

The nature of the problems of parents in the upbringing and education of children determines the direction, content, methods and forms of work with them. This makes the process of cooperation with parents as differentiated as possible, focused on their personal development.

Thus, the analysis indicates the need for innovation in cooperation with parents. It is necessary to develop and implement a work system for the active inclusion of parents in interaction with preschool educational institutions. The parental community is ready for active forms of interaction in the preschool educational institution. The level of psychological and pedagogical literacy is low, only a limited part of parents would like to develop in this direction (58%). Parents' involvement in the organization educational process: passive observers for the most part, not customers and active participants. Not all parents realize the importance of cooperation with preschool educators. At the same time, they do not look for reasons in their family, but place all responsibility on the preschool institution.

Thus, the questioning of parents on the issue of interaction with the family allows us to single out the following difficulties:

Insufficient level of motivation of parents to interact with preschool educational institutions in various forms;

Stereotypical perception by individual parents of kindergarten as an institution for supervision and care, and not the first educational stage in a child's life.

The reason These difficulties are the insufficient level of professional competence of teachers and the administration of the preschool educational institution to interact with the parents of pupils.

Analyzing the results of monitoring the interaction of preschool educational institutions with families of pupils, identifying the types of families, their educational level, expectations and problems of parents, shortcomings and positive sides work of teachers with children and parents, the degree of satisfaction the work of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to find out their reasons. Develop organizational, methodological and pedagogical goals that should be implemented by the teaching staff and the head of the preschool educational institution.

Continue to work to determine the conditions for interaction with parents, to improve the content, forms and methods of cooperation in the upbringing and development of children, to implement systemic updates.

Create a system of accompanying and counseling a family based on the needs of parents, as customers for educational services Preschool educational institution on questions:

Education and development of children early age, preparing children for schooling;

Taking into account the difficulties identified by the monitoring results, together with the teachers, develop long-term plan implementation of the program of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. Conduct an ongoing analysis of the process of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution for intermediate and final results.

Organize educational work with the parents of pupils in order to transmit reliable information about the goals and objectives of the kindergarten in the development and education of preschoolers, the peculiarities of the development of children, the content of the activities of preschool teachers.

To intensify educational work with parents of preschoolers based on the involvement of specialists for individual and group counseling, taking into account the social request, problems and interests of parents, individual characteristics development of preschoolers.

Introduce the most effective forms of interaction with families of pupils, taking into account the revealed opinion of parents

Involve parents in the life of the kindergarten through regular attendance at events, participation in the implementation of projects for the improvement of sites and decoration groups of preschool educational institutions, organizing the activities of parents to advertise the activities of the preschool educational institution. Teachers to pay attention to the work of the teacher Tikhonyuk A.M.

When organizing activities with children, use effective pedagogical technologies, implementing them through different kinds children's activities.

At the request of parents, educators, the administration of the preschool educational institution, to study the situation of the child's development (through observations, individual conversations with the child, diagnostic techniques); studying the state of children, parents, pedagogical teams in order to identify and concretize the problems of participants in the educational process, as well as develop recommendations.

In order to optimize the interaction of participants in the educational process in a preschool educational institution, determine the most effective methods and forms in work with preschoolers. Inform parents about the peculiarities of the development and upbringing of the child at each age stage; about the peculiarities of family education.

To carry out psychological and pedagogical support of pupils and the teaching staff in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard through the organization of individual correctional and developmental classes with the participation of parents, trainings of parent-child relations.

Together with teachers, preschool educational institutions, plan work on the formation of integrative qualities.

Actively participate in the parenting meetings s, individual psychological and pedagogical consultations, trainings of parent-child relations in order to design and implement activities to correct the identified difficulties.

Questionnaire for parents on the topic: "Physical education in your family"

  1. Full name, education, place of work, number of children in the family? __
  1. Which parent was or is involved in sports? How?
  1. Is there a daily routine for your child at home? _________
  2. Does the child follow this regime? _________________________
  3. Do you know the basic principles and methods of hardening?

List them ____________________________________________

  1. Do you provide tempering activities at home with your children? ______

What kind?____________________________________________________

  1. What prevents you from hardening children at home? _______
  1. Which family member most often walks with the child? ____________


  1. Do you do morning exercises with your child? ________
  2. Is there a sports equipment, equipment in the house? Which?
  1. Do you teach your child the rules of personal hygiene?

Does he follow these rules? _______________________________

  1. Have you put diapers on your child? How often?


  1. What products do you prefer in nutrition?

child? _______________________________________________

  1. Activities of the child after coming home and in


- outdoor games - watching TV

- reading books - playing at the computer

- construction - drawing

- playing with toys - board games

  1. Do you often go for family walks, trips to

city ​​limits? __________________________________________

Thanks for the sincere answers. !

Questionnaire for parents on the topic: "Protection of the rights of the child"

  1. Do children need rights? __________________________________
  2. What rights do you think preschool children have?


  1. Who or what does the protection of the child's rights depend on? ___________


  1. Does your child have a feeling dignity?

How does it manifest itself? _____________________________________


  1. Is your child a person? Does he have the right to


  1. What remarks demean a child's personality? __________________


  1. Does your child have the right to a personal opinion about which

or events? ______________________________________________

  1. Do you apologize to your child if you are wrong about something?
  1. Does your child know what is the correct behavior? _____________
  2. Does he know what punishment he can receive in case of violation

rules of conduct? ___________________ Do you use these

punishment? ___________________________________________________

  1. Do you tell your child about your love for him? ________________
  2. What advice would you like to receive on the rights and obligations

the interests of your children? _____________________________________

Thanks for the sincere answers!

Questionnaire for parents.

Dear Parents!

We invite you to take part in the survey. Your answers will help make the physical culture and health work of our kindergarten more effective and organize meetings with specialists based on your requests.

  1. "Healthy lifestyle" - how do you understand this?
  • Proper nutrition
  • Compliance with the daily routine
  • Favorable environmental conditions
  • Harmonious family relationships
  • Physical education
  • Other _________________________
  1. What are the factors, from your point of view, in to a greater extent affect your child's health?
  • Environmental pollution
  • Hereditary diseases
  • Insufficient level of physical activity
  • Improper nutrition
  • Bad habits
  • Other _____________________________
  1. Assess your child's health?
  • Good
  • Bad
  • I am at a loss to answer
  1. How often did your child get sick during the year?
  • Yes, (_______) times?

What do you see as the causes of diseases? ___________________________

  1. How do you spend your weekend with your child?
  • _______________________________________________________________
  1. What, in your opinion, should be paid Special attention educators, kindergarten staff, taking care of the health and physical education of the child?
  • Compliance with the regime
  • Balanced diet
  • A good sleep
  • Sufficient stay on fresh air
  • Healthy hygienic environment
  • Favorable psychological atmosphere
  • Hardening activities
  • Other ________________________________
  1. Is there a daily routine for your child at home?

If yes, please indicate the times of its main components.

Weekdays Weekends

  • Eating
  • Night sleep
  • Daytime sleep
  • Walk
  1. List your child's activities at home (Weekdays, (evening), weekends)
  • Drawing, modeling, construction
  • Outdoor games
  • Hiking with parents
  • Listening to stories, fairy tales
  • Watching children's TV programs
  • Other ____________________________
  1. What steps are you taking to improve your child's health?
  • Visiting doctors
  • Exercise
  • Hardening
  • Breathing exercises
  • Massage
  • Walks in the open air
  • Proper nutrition
  1. How often do you pay attention to strengthening your child's health?
  • Regularly
  • From time to time
  • I don’t pay
  • Other _______________________________________________
  1. Are there any reasons that interfere with paying attention to the health of the child? If so, which ones?
  • Lack of special knowledge and skills
  • Lack of time due to high professional employment
  • The reasons are in their own inertia
  • Other _______________________________________________
  1. What information do you need in this area?
  • Prevention of colds
  • Organization of rational nutrition
  • The motor regime of a preschool child
  • Prevention of posture disorders and flat feet in children
  • Hardening a preschool child
  • Preschooler's day regimen
  • Physical and psychological readiness for school
  • Other _________________________________________________
  1. What forms and types physical activity do you personally use?
  • Morning work-out
  • Hardening procedures (water, sauna, etc.)
  • Classes in health groups ( physiotherapy, pool, etc.)
  • Hiking
  • Sports activities
  • Tourism
  • Other __________________________________________________
  1. How often do you exercise?
  • Regularly
  • From time to time
  • I do not do
  • Other______________
  1. Continue with the following statement: “I believe my family is ______% healthy because _________________________________________
  2. Age:- Your _________- Your child __________
  3. Education:- Higher - Secondary
  4. Family composition ____________
  5. Amount of children _____________

Thank you for your cooperation!


(Underline whatever applicable)

  1. Does your child often get sick?

does not get sick at all,

rarely gets sick

often sick.

  1. Causes of the disease:

insufficient physical education of the child in kindergarten,

insufficient physical education of the child in the family,

heredity, predisposition.

  1. Do you know the physical indicators by which you can monitor correct development Your child?


  1. What, in your opinion, should the family and the kindergarten pay special attention to, taking care of the health and physical culture of the child?

compliance with the regime,

full sleep,

sufficient exposure to fresh air,

healthy hygienic environment,

favorable psychological atmosphere,

physical activities,

hardening activities.

  1. What hardening procedures are most appropriate for your child?

lightweight clothing for a walk,

lightweight clothing in a group,

dousing feet with water of a contrasting temperature,

walking barefoot,

a walk in any weather,

gargling with water at room temperature.

  1. Do you know how to improve your child's health?


  1. Do you need help from a kindergarten?


Date………………………. Thanks!

Group___________________________________________________ ____

"Satisfaction with the quality of education of pupils"

Please indicate to what extent you are satisfied with the quality

educational services (check one answer for each question):




How long has your child been attending preschool educational institution?

a) less than 1 year

b) from 1 to 2 years

c) more than 2 years

Do you have information about the work of the institution

a) about the goals and objectives of the preschool institution in the field of education and upbringing of your child

b) on the mode of operation of the preschool institution

c) about catering

d) I am not getting enough information

e) I do not receive information

f) other

To what extent are you satisfied with the quality of preschool education of children according to the following criteria:

a) the state of the material base of the institution

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

b) catering

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

c) providing literature and manuals

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

d) sanitary and hygienic conditions

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

e) professionalism of teachers

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

f) the relationship of employees with children

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

g) the relationship of employees with parents

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

h) health improvement of children

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

i) educational process

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

Average indicator of satisfaction with the quality of preschool education of children (according to the proposed criteria)

not satisfied

partially satisfied

completely satisfied

Analysis of the results of the survey of parents "On a healthy lifestyle"

The survey was conducted from 21.03 to 25.03. 2016 in all kindergarten groups.

The parents showed activity and interest.

Conclusions: according to the parents' answers, it can be judged that they do not always clearly understand what indicators make up the concept of "Healthy lifestyle" and "Health", the idea of ​​the factors affecting the child's health is one-sided.

8% of parents indicated insufficient physical education of the child in kindergarten,

19% - for insufficient physical education of the child in the family,

and 54% - noted the cause of the child's morbidity: heredity and predisposition.

However, walks in the fresh air in lightweight clothing (50%), walks in any weather (57%), a favorable psychological atmosphere (57%), physical activities (62%) and water treatments and a contrast shower (8%), gargling with water at room temperature (31%), which indicates a lack of knowledge about the methods and techniques of hardening.

To the question: “Do you know how to strengthen the health of a child?” - 52% answered “yes”, 35% - “partially”, “no” -15%. It can be concluded that parents are poorly informed about health promotion.

90% recognize the importance and priority importance of physical development in preschool educational institutions and at home.

85% of parents noted that they need help from the kindergarten in the process of strengthening and maintaining the health of their children.

Skills development healthy way life happens, as a rule, not spontaneously, but in the process of systematic, purposeful upbringing and education. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the upbringing of a complex of various skills, rules, abilities and knowledge that children can apply in practice. The healthy lifestyle skills formed in early childhood are retained in the future. A child, growing up, will always be protected from a variety of harmful influences, with which he will inevitably have to

Educators of all groups constantly work with parents on the topic "healthy lifestyle";

Term of execution: permanently. Responsible: group educators.


Dear parent!

Please mark the statements with a "V" if you agree with them.

1. I am completely satisfied with the level of educational work.

2. I am confident in good attitude educator to the children of the group and to my child in particular.

3. In educators, I am attracted by their competence, ability to give necessary advice tactfully and unobtrusively.

4. If necessary, I receive complete information about the life of my child in the kindergarten group.

5. I have the opportunity to be present in the group at any time.

6. Thanks to the help of the kindergarten teachers, I managed to overcome many difficulties in raising my child.

7. Attending meetings, consultations, reading recommended literature, I began to understand better the peculiarities of preschool children.


Dear parent!

  1. How do you think? Our kindergarten:

They don't talk about him at all;

I am at a loss to answer.

2. Your child goes to kindergarten

With pleasure;

Through force;

More often with pleasure;

Rarely with desire.

3. Are you satisfied with the work of teachers in a group?

Satisfied completely;

Satisfied partially;

Not satisfied at all.

4. What do you think? Children in kindergarten

Get interesting knowledge and skills of cultural behavior;

They get it, but not enough;

I'm not getting anything new;

Receive harmful information;

I am at a loss to answer.

5. Your awareness of the work of the kindergarten


You have no information at all;

You prefer not to have information, as it upsets me.

6. You acquire information about the kindergarten

According to other parents;

From the educator;

At meetings;

From the manager;

Do not receive.

7. Do you calmly go to work, leaving your child in kindergarten?


8. Would you like kindergarten to:

The material base has increased;

The ethics of everyday life has increased;

The attitude towards children has changed;

Respect for parents has developed;

The quality of upbringing and educational work has improved;

Would be carried out interesting job with parents;

Interesting work with parents would be arranged more often;

More often meetings were arranged with a psychologist, a nurse, a doctor;

I would like you to know more about your child, his difficulties, successes.


Dear parent!

We assume the choice of the answer: "Yes", "No", "I do not know" or an arbitrary record of the answer.

1. How long has your child been attending our preschool?

a) less than 6 months; b) from 6 months. and up to a year; c) from 1 year to 2 years; d) more than 2 years.

2. How old is your child?


3. Do you receive information from the kindergarten?

a) about the goals and objectives of the kindergarten in the field of education and upbringing of your child;

b) about the working hours of the kindergarten (working hours, holidays, non-working days);

c) about the nutrition of children (menu).

4. Did you know: in the preschool educational institution, special work is being carried out to adapt children to the conditions of the kindergarten (conversation with parents, the possibility of their being in a group

in the first days of the child's visit to kindergarten, etc.)?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

5. Do educators discuss with you issues of discipline, nutrition, hygiene procedures related to the stay of children in kindergarten?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

6. Do you have the opportunity to be present in a group, take part in excursions with your children?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

7. Do you and other parents of children attending kindergarten receive information about day-to-day events in the group, child's educational success, etc.?

(information stand, oral communications from employees)?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

8. Do caregivers inform you about injuries, changes in the child's health, eating habits, etc.?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

1. Do you have the opportunity to discuss the success of children at joint meetings of the preschool educational institution (at least once a year)?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

10. Are the group educators interested in how their work meets your needs (interviews, questionnaires)?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

11. Are you personally satisfied with the care, health improvement, upbringing and education of your child in kindergarten?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

12. Do you feel that the staff of the kindergarten is kind to you and your child?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don’t know.

If you wish, you can add any comments.


Thank you for your participation!


Dear parent!

Your opinion about the work of the kindergarten is very important to us.

Your full name ._________________________________ group __________________________

1. Are you satisfied with the work of our kindergarten?

Satisfied completely;

Satisfied partially;

Not satisfied at all.

  1. Your child uses additional services:


3. Are you satisfied with the work of teachers of additional services?

Satisfied completely;

Satisfied partially;

Not satisfied at all.

4. Information about additional services you purchase:

From the visual agitation of the kindergarten;

According to other parents;

From the educator;

At meetings;

From the manager;

Do not receive.

5. What others Additional services would you like to receive in our kindergarten?


You can add comments and suggestions for the work of the kindergarten. Thank you for your participation!