We plant in the garden in May: what and how to plant in the spring in the country in the garden. What to plant in open ground in May, terms and rules What can be sown at the end of May

The second decade of May is the time of sowing and planting of many crops. As they say, one spring day feeds the year, so in May every day is full of chores in the garden and vegetable garden.

May weather is unpredictable from year to year, so you need to be guided by the weather conditions in your region, as well as by the readiness of the soil (you should pay attention to its humidity and temperature). The main danger in May is frost, but well-equipped greenhouses and other fixtures (like plastic caps made from bottles and cans) will protect plants from damage.

The most cold-resistant early-ripening vegetables - dill, radish, lettuce, spinach - are sown first. Then comes the turn of plants with slowly germinating seeds - carrots, onions, parsley, parsnips, as well as peas, beans, beets, turnips, rutabagas, radishes, cabbage with a seedless growing method. When the danger of frost passes and the soil warms up to 8 ... 12 ° C, seeds of heat-loving plants are sown - cucumber, beans, vegetable pumpkins, and then melons.

When distributing the beds, one should remember about the rules of crop rotation, about the useful neighborhood of plants. Seedlings need to be hardened before planting in a permanent place.


In the first or second decade of May, tomato seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in a permanent place. At this time, it can be still cool and there is a threat of night frosts, so the greenhouse is additionally insulated (for example, they are covered with a second layer of film, or they put a bucket of smoldering coals overnight).

After the threat of severe frost has passed, open ground planting seedlings of low-growing tomatoes sown in March. If low temperatures prevail, plantings should be covered with foil or lutrasil.

According to the rules of crop rotation, legumes, green vegetables, zucchini and root vegetables can be the predecessors of tomatoes.

The garden bed is prepared as follows. They dig up the ground, add phosphorus and potash fertilizers (2 tbsp. L. Per 1 m2), level the surface with a rake. Fresh manure for tomatoes is not applied, so as not to harm fruiting. It is better to sprinkle humus (compost) on the garden bed with a layer of 4-5 cm.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the afternoon or in cloudy weather at any time of the day, then the seedlings will take root better. Before planting, the holes are watered. Seedlings are planted in the soil vertically to the depth of an earthen cup. It is better to plant so that part of the stem to the first leaves is also underground, where the stem is overgrown with roots and the plant will take root better.


Seedling. When planting cucumber seedlings, the soil temperature should be at least 16 ° C, and the air temperature in the greenhouse should be 18 ... 20 ° C. Seedlings are planted vertically. In unheated greenhouses, the air temperature can drop sharply at night. This can be mitigated by covering the plants and watering them in the afternoon with warm water. In the first three days after planting, an increase in temperature above 25 ° C adversely affects the survival rate of cucumbers, therefore, on hot days, the greenhouse must be ventilated.

Seeds. When sowing cucumber seeds in open ground, the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm should not be lower than 15 ° C, otherwise the seeds will not germinate or the emergence of seedlings will be delayed. The approximate dates for sowing dry seeds in the Non-Chernozem zone are from May 15 to early June, depending on the readiness of the soil. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-2.5 cm.

Until the end of the frost, the beds are covered with a covering material or film.

The predecessors of cucumber can be potatoes, green crops, carrots, peppers, eggplant, onions, cabbage. Also, the cucumber will grow well after perennial and annual herbs.


From the second half of May, seedlings of medium late white cabbage, as well as cauliflower, Savoy, red cabbage, kohlrabi, are planted. The deadline for disembarkation is early June. At first, seedlings need to be shaded from strong spring sun rays... The average distance between plants is 25-35 cm, between rows - 30-45 cm.

The planted cabbage is watered, the ground is mulched and, if possible, the plants are covered with plastic caps, which are removed after two weeks. The caps will protect the cabbage from wilting and from the cabbage fly.


Mid-May is not the most favorable period for sowing carrots, because at this time they are more damaged by the carrot fly. If you did not have time to sow carrots at the end of April, then it is better to wait until the end of May - beginning of June.

To help carrot seeds sprout faster, you can prepare them. The seeds are washed and soaked in a damp cloth. After 3-4 days, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator before sowing. The seeds are dried immediately before sowing.

Sow to a depth of 2 cm at a distance of 2-3 cm with a row spacing of 13-15 cm. Sprinkle on top with loose earth, not crushing. Crops are covered with foil until shoots appear.


The lettuce is cold-resistant, so 30-day-old seedlings can be planted outdoors in early to mid-May. The best temperature for a salad is around 20 ° C. The roots are located at a depth of 10-15 cm. The lettuce does not tolerate dampness, grows well in the sun, but is also patient in partial shade. A good neighborhood for salad is short plants such as parsley. Plants are planted at a distance of 20-25 cm.


In the last decade of May, beet seeds are sown. Three days before sowing, they are soaked in warm water for a day, they are transferred to a damp cloth and as soon as the seeds germinate, they are sown. The beets are sown in rows every 35 cm, and between the seeds - 5 cm. The sowing depth is 3 cm. Beets need to be thinned out as soon as the first pair of true leaves appear. Watering is also important for beets.


In the last decade of May, seedlings of these April crops are planted in open ground to obtain early vegetables. Until the end of the frost, the seedlings must be covered with foil or lutrasil.

The ridge for these crops should be fertile, deeply cultivated, since they consume a lot from the soil nutrients, a root system penetrates up to 30 cm deep. Plants need regular watering. The moisture content of the soil is increased by introducing peat-manure composts or fresh green cuttings.


Depending on weather conditions and soil readiness, in the first or second decade of May, potatoes are planted with sprouted tubers. To clarify the timing, you can use the popular omen, according to which potatoes are planted when birch leaves are blooming.

Sprout potatoes in the light, sprinkling them in a thin layer, but you can leave the tubers in rare baskets.

If the soil is wet, then ridges and ridges are made for the potatoes, and where soil moisture conditions allow, the potatoes are planted on a flat surface in furrows or holes. The distance between the rows is 50-70 cm, between the plants - 10-15 cm (if the tubers are small), 15-20 (medium tubers), 25-35 cm (large, more than 50 g). Tubers are buried to a depth of 6-8 cm. Previously, they can be powdered with wood ash or pour ash into the hole.


In the second decade of May, radishes are sown. Radish is a cold-resistant plant and best temperature for its development 16 ... 20 ° C. Radish needs thinning, abundant watering and shelter in case low temperatures, v otherwise he goes to the arrow.

2-3 kg of humus or compost per 1 m2 are applied to the garden bed for radish. Wood ash and potash fertilizers for sowing are not applied in order to avoid shooting.

The distance between the rows is 10-12 cm, the seeding depth is 2-2.5 cm. The distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours or sown dry.


In the last decade of May, seedlings of peppers and eggplants are transplanted to a permanent place in a closed ground. For planting in open ground, it is better to wait for June and stable positive temperatures. These crops are especially warm and moisture-loving. They are very sensitive to frost and cold temperatures.

Before planting, the seedlings are watered and transplanted together with an earthen clod so as to deepen into the soil until the first pair of true leaves. The distance between the rows is 50-60 cm, between the plants - 40-45 cm. They are planted in the evening. Pegs (about 0.5 m) are attached to each plant for further garters.

Cucumbers, legumes, root vegetables, and green crops are good predecessors for these crops. It is undesirable to plant them after potatoes and tomatoes. Peppers and eggplants will thrive in sunny, wind-protected areas. The soils must be fertile and have a water-holding capacity, which is facilitated by organic fertilizers with the addition of peat.


In the second decade of May, beans are sown. The beans are sown to a depth of 5-6 cm. The distance between the rows is 40 cm and 20-25 between the plants for bush beans. For curly beans, the distance between the rows is a little more - 50 cm and between the plants - 25-30 cm. As a precaution, you can put supports (about 1.5 m high). Cover the crops with foil.

Beans love sunny places, fertile soil. Do not add an excess amount under it. nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise less fruit is formed. Beans can be a good curtain for crops that need protection from the wind or sun.


The second decade of May is the time of sowing peas and beans. These crops are planted after cucurbits and nightshades.

Peas and beans are sown with dry seeds at a distance of 8-10 cm to a depth of 2-2.5 cm.The distance between rows is 20-25 cm.

S. Zalmanova

(Gardener No. 19, 2011)

May is the last month of spring, but at the beginning of the month there are often temperature drops, and the thermometer can drop to almost zero. When planting plants in open ground, it is very important to choose those types of plants that the cold weather will not prevent to take root and grow.

There is an opinion that it is too late to plant plants in May, but many do it, because, in mid and late May, the temperature becomes stable and you can plant plants without fear of frost.

When the average daily temperature is set at + 10 degrees, you can plant seeds in open ground, since the soil is already warm enough.

Plants planted in open ground usually grow well and can even catch up and overtake those that were planted with seedlings.

The following plants should be planted directly in open ground:

  • Bow, it can be planted in addition to more early plantings as feathers from previous plantings will be cut by the end of June.
  • Carrots are planted until the end of June - mid-July, so that this wonderful root crop can be harvested until the end of autumn, and then it is too late to lay it for winter storage.
  • Cabbage is a frequent inhabitant of our gardens, you can choose both early and super-early varieties the right size, also when choosing, you need to select varieties with resistance to pests. You can also plant kohlrabi cabbage - it grows very quickly!
  • Radish, along with various salads, is usually associated with early spring, it can be planted in May, so that later it can be used in vegetable dishes.
  • Different varieties of beans and peas should be sown in small portions for a week or two, then ripe pods will appear in different time and will definitely be collected.
  • Beets should be planted at a considerable distance from each other so that the plants do not interfere with the growth of their neighbors. Plants planted with seeds rather than seedlings are much less sick.
  • Corn is rarely planted in summer cottages, but as an experiment it is definitely worth a try, corn grains are extremely useful, and the plant itself grows quickly.

Heat-loving cultures stand separately:

  • You can plant cucumbers, shoots usually appear in a week and a half. However, it is important to remember that they need to be planted in towering beds and that the cucumbers are always watered.
  • Zucchini are also often planted in May, they need to be planted at some distance from each other, or then they will have to be thinned out. There will be several zucchini from one plant, so it is worth planting not very many plants.
  • If the weather is already warm, then you can plant different varieties of peppers and tomatoes, they do not require much space and at the same time produce a large number of fruits.

You can supplement the landings medicinal and spicy herbs , such as: basil, oregano, thyme, sage and chicory. For earlier plantings, you can again plant dill and parsley, various salads and healthy spinach.

Also May important for florists as this month there are many jobs related to both annuals and perennial plants... In the first days of the month, they are engaged in dahlias, gladioli and calla lilies. From 10 to 20 May, the focus of gardeners is on phloxes, wind chimes and, of course, bells.

It is important to have time to plant fuchsias and geraniums in May, as well as divide and then transplant the tubers of tulips and daffodils.

To decorate the site, you can plant sunflowers, if the weather is good, then in a week their seeds will germinate, and at the end of summer there will be beautiful flowers.

You still need to tidy up the lawn, how to do it, you can read in the article "".

All work is convenient to carry out in consultation with.

Happy gardening!

Experienced gardeners remember by heart the sowing plan at their summer cottage. But beginners may not know the sequence of work when planting vegetables in spring.

Today we will tell readers about what you can plant on your personal plot in May, when stable spring weather finally sets in.

The ground has dried up after the snow, all the plants grow quickly, and the trees are covered with foliage and flowers. it best period for planting parsley, dill, salads, beets, radishes, cabbage. If the air temperature is stable at least 10 degrees, both day and night, this is the ideal time to sow seeds directly into warm, prepared soil. They will grow well and may even outperform their seedlings. And if the early crops did not bring the desired result, then now is the time to catch up. What to plant in May from vegetables? Here you have wide choose: just have time to work in the garden.

Here's what you can plant in open ground from plants in May:

Parsley, dill, salads... In May, leaf and head salads, as well as parsley and dill, are sown in open ground. It is advisable to keep parsley and dill seeds in water for no more than three days. Then throw 10 seeds into a small hole, make the same holes in a row every 10 centimeters. When shoots appear, water them well and remove weeds in a timely manner, if necessary, thin them out. Lettuce seeds can be sown as early as 5 ° C soil temperature. Under these conditions, they will germinate in 5-7 days.

Beans and peas of different varieties... Try sowing them in portions for 7-10 days. This will give you a crop that varies slightly in ripening time, and you won't miss a single pod.

Beet... Beets are also sown in May. At the same time, they choose an illuminated area with fertile and loose soil, rich in humus. When the ground warms up to 10 ° C, sow seeds in rows, previously soaked in warm water. The distance between crops should be 5-10 centimeters, the seeding depth should be from 1.5 to 3 cm. After sowing, compact the soil. At favorable conditions seedlings will appear in a week. Sow the beets at the beginning of the month so that you can feast on vegetables in the summer. Plant rarely, because the root needs a lot of space for normal growth.

Radish... Who said it was an attribute spring salads and it is too late to plant radishes in May? On the contrary, if you sow it this month, then it will take pride of place in summer dishes. Radishes are grown in sunny and wind-protected areas with light fertile soils of neutral acidity. This crop can be sown outdoors throughout the month. Planting time depends on the region and weather conditions. Dry or presoaked seeds are sown at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other, then lightly sprinkled with peat and compacted. If the air temperature does not drop below 18 ° C during the day, then shoots appear in a week.

White cabbage... Sow cabbage seeds into prepared grooves, 6-7 pieces per hole to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. Drizzle with warm water and mulch the soil. After the appearance of two true leaves, thin out the crops so that two plants remain in the nest. And after the appearance of the third true leaf in each hole, leave only one of the strongest seedlings. Note: Cabbage loves water. A rich harvest can be obtained with a soil moisture content of about 70%. However, do not overdo it, otherwise the plant may develop vascular bacteriosis. Cabbage is one of the most simple plants for growing in the garden. Choose a variety that suits your location in terms of size, maturity, and pest resistance.

Carrot... Mid-season carrot varieties are sown in the first half of May, varieties intended for long-term storage are sown at the end of the month. The soil for carrots should be loose and sandy. In heavy soil, root crops often do not grow beautiful, curved, gnarled and small. Sow the prepared, hatched and hardened seeds into the grooves to a depth of about two centimeters, maintaining a distance of 1.5 cm. Then sprinkle the seeds with earth, level and water the grooves. Before green shoots appear, water the bed abundantly and often, and then reduce the amount of water so that the carrots do not rot. Carrots can be planted until mid-July, and then until late autumn you will have your own carrot in your garden, which is guaranteed not to deteriorate from improper storage. If you want the carrot shoots to appear faster, stretch the film over the bed at a height of 15 centimeters. When sprouts appear, remove the cover.

Note that in regions with a mild climate in May, you can plant and sow a large number of garden crops... But if the weather brings surprises, then it is better to postpone the planting of thermophilic plants.

May holidays are a great time to work on personal plots and summer cottages. Gardeners and gardeners are looking forward to it. Everyone knows that with the beginning of May, the time for planting some agricultural crops comes.

We plant vegetables, salads

What can be planted in May from early varieties of vegetables? The list is actually extensive, but here are 10 of the most popular vegetables and salads. They can safely open the planting season without fear that the seeds will not sprout and there will be no harvest. Here's the list:

  1. Early varieties of cabbage (white and Brussels sprouts). Seedlings are placed a little more than half a meter apart. It is recommended to plant tomatoes between the rows of seedlings - they will scare away cabbage pests.
  2. Spring garlic. Planted on time and in a well-fertilized and sufficiently lit area, it will grow up to 10 centimeters in a few days. It is advisable to make the distance between the teeth 5-7 centimeters, between the rows - 20.
  3. Onion sets. The site must be clean. It is necessary to monitor the crop rotation, good predecessors of this crop are rutabagas, cereals, cabbage.
  4. Zucchini, squash. These cultures are sown in holes previously sprinkled with ash with the addition of humus. It is recommended to sow no more than 4 seeds in each hole. The distance between the holes is up to 70 centimeters.
  5. Pumpkin. This vegetable loves compost heaps. On one heap there should be no more than four nests, sowing four seeds in each of them. With the onset of warmer days, when there is no need to fear frost, it is necessary to leave no more than one plant.
  6. Cucumbers. This culture is planted with hatched seeds. For the purpose of high-quality pollination, it is desirable to use several varieties. You should also take care of protecting seedlings from possible frost with a film cover.
  7. Tomatoes. Low-growing varieties sown in March are planted. On the beds, protected with a film, two rows are made - 25-35 centimeters from each other.
  8. , carrot. Carrot seeds should be followed the day before they are sown, it is recommended to soak with constant rinsing. Then they are dried and sown in wet wells. It is advisable to fertilize with ammophos. These crops are intended for winter consumption.
  9. Leafy and head salads. With good and stable weather in early May, you can safely plant these crops, as well as peas, beans, parsley, sunflowers.
  10. Radish. This frost-resistant crop is intended for summer use. Harvested at least twice a season. The first sowing is done in early May.

And, of course, the beginning of May is the best time for planting.

First flowers

From the first days of May, there is a hot season for gardeners. It's time to start decorating flower beds. The moisture has not yet left the ground, and the soil has already warmed up enough to start planting annual and perennial flowers. What flowers do we sow in early May:

  • viola;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • carnations;
  • nasturtium;
  • asters;
  • marigold;
  • daisies;
  • purslane;
  • begonias (tubers);


The calendar of works on the local area is quite varied. The work plan always directly depends on the time of the year and the climate. Let's find out what the landlord has to do at the end of spring.

Often, old-timers pay attention to folk signs... With their help, it is sometimes possible to determine what can be done in the garden in May, and what is better to postpone for another time. One of the most famous signs: “If May is rainy, it will good harvest". It becomes clear why experienced gardeners rely on a large amount of rainfall in the last spring month. The second sign: "At the beginning of May, the month is warm - at the end it will be cold." It makes it possible to determine what can be planted at the beginning of the month, and whether it will be of any use a couple of weeks later.

Planting plants in May

A very well-known sign: "Expect a hot summer with early bird cherry blossoms." Therefore, if the summer time is sultry, then all thermophilic seedlings can be planted in open ground in May. They will sprout quickly and give a good harvest. “If it is clear on Mark's Day, there will be a rich harvest of spring crops” - this sign is repeated by the owners of fields with wheat, barley and oats.

Together with the signs, the owners of the gardens are closely following the phases of the moon. The satellite of the Earth can tell when and what to land on the site. The first phase is the new moon. This period is not suitable for sowing, planting or picking in open ground vegetables or flowers. It is not recommended to prune at this time garden trees or bushes. During the growing moon, gardeners can successfully plant any berry bushes... Honeysuckle, gooseberry or raspberry will sprout quickly and actively outdoors. This period will be suitable for planting. fruit trees into the garden. This time can be used for tying up annual apple trees, as well as for mulching and loosening the soil. Owners flower beds during this period, you can fertilize bushes with flowers and plant roses.

"What can you plant in the last month of spring?" - this question interests most inexperienced gardeners. The assortment is quite wide, given the favorable climate during this period in most regions of Russia. Firstly, in May in the country it is worth sowing green manure plants that successfully fight many pests and diseases. For example, nasturtium can be sown to protect against aphids, and garlic is excellent for fungal diseases.

Grasses-siderates on the site

During this period, you need to take care of abundant watering of flowering trees in the garden. Otherwise, they will crumble ahead of time... As soon as the buds begin to swell on the trees, it is recommended to shake off the cherry and apple weevils and fruit sawfly from them. It is best to do this in the early morning, when the air temperature has not yet reached 10 ° C. In total, pests will need to be shaken off at least 5 times, pausing for 4-5 days. To get a rich harvest of fruits, attract bees to flowering trees... To do this, plant clover, dill or mustard near the fence.

Do not forget about the fertile shrubs. As a rule, there is no frost in the month of May, so the last month of spring is ideal for mulching gooseberry, currant, raspberry and blackberry bushes. However, take your time to mulch the strawberry bushes, otherwise they will suffer from autumn frosts. The right time for this is after the ovary has formed on the bushes.

During the last spring month, start collecting the raspberry beetle. This is best done at the beginning of the month, before the pests begin to lay eggs. Collect pests in the morning by knocking them off the bushes in old umbrella or on plywood oiled with Vaseline. If May turned out to be dry, then water the berries, especially if the garden bed is located on light soil. At the same time, alternate watering and feeding with organic fertilizers, doing both every other day. As soon as the first leaves grow on the currants and gooseberries at the dacha in May, cover them plastic wrap dark in color. This will help protect the bushes from pests. At the end of flowering, collect the berries affected by the fire and burn.

Most gardeners will tell you what is best to plant in May. Until the end of the month, we recommend planting red and white cabbage in the ground late varieties ripening, then do the same with mid-season varieties... At the end of the month, transplant seedlings of tomatoes, basil, cucumbers and corn that were previously planted with seeds under temporary shelter. In the last spring month, cucumber seedlings will perfectly take root, which germinated up to two cotyledon leaves. In early May, sprinkle humus on a garden bed with young seedlings, which will help them take root.

Cucumbers planted in May

The first flea beetles appear on cruciferous crops this month. Start fighting them in early May by spraying the seedlings with tobacco dust, pyrethrum or ash. Pinch the cucumbers in the middle of the month. As soon as the second leaf is fully formed on the seedlings, remove the growth bud. Do this a second time after the 7th leaf appears, and the third time on the 9th leaf formed on the lateral shoots. We recommend planting tomatoes in pre-prepared greenhouses at the end of May. For rapid growth provide vegetables with abundant watering and dry air with a humidity of no more than 70%. If this figure is higher, then your seedlings may get brown spot. Tomatoes are not afraid of drafts, so you can ventilate your greenhouse.

In late spring, we plant beets. To do this, choose a well-lit area with humus-rich soil. Apply plenty of compost before planting. Remember that beets are never sown in areas where spinach or Swiss chard were previously grown! In the last month of spring, take care of watering the cabbage. In this case, it will not be superfluous to add a small amount of mineral and organic fertilizers... Loosen the soil between the seedling rows after each watering and rainfall. Mulch green seedlings with sifted compost. Thin out overly dense rows.

Experienced gardeners plant varieties of low-growing cucumbers, peppers and eggplants in May. It is best to plant cucumbers in greenhouses. After that, the seedlings need to be watered twice a day with warm water. A week later, mulch from compost, fresh soil and humus is poured into the beds using a 1: 1: 1 ratio. Water the area with eggplants every 5 days until the seedlings start to grow. Do not spare water when watering! The next day after moistening, it is recommended to loosen the soil, and to huddle the bushes. Daily watering is not necessary for all vegetables.

For example, in late spring, radishes need to be watered every two days. Lots of moisture like winter garlic... Its root system is shallow, and if it starts to dry upper layer the soil, the leaves of the seedlings will turn yellow.

As the saying goes: "At the beginning of spring, these heat-loving flowers, in order to transplant them into a flower bed by the beginning of summer!" For example, you can plant an annual in a flower garden. The second half of the month is suitable for transplanting sown scented tobacco, marigolds and petunias.

Begonia in a flower bed

When planting begonia in a flower bed, keep a certain distance. The distance between seedlings should be at least 20 cm. It is best to dive these flowers on a partially darkened area with light soil. Water the begonias regularly and abundantly. Feed the seedlings 15 days after transplanting. To do this, add infusion of mullein or chicken droppings by adding a little ammonium nitrate. Carry out further mixing of top dressing every two weeks, adding 10 g of superphosphate to the solution.

At the same time, the owners suburban area dahlias are transplanted. The distance between the plants should not exceed 80 cm. Plant the flowers that have passed cuttings to a depth of 15 cm. For transplanting, it is best to choose cloudy days or dive the plants into the soil in the late evening. To grow flowers safe and sound, tie them to pegs immediately after transplanting. This way they will not break from the wind. Dahlias grow very quickly. Remember to water them, especially on very hot days. When growing these flowers, loosen the soil after each watering.

At the beginning of the month, the first peonies will enter the budding phase. Feed them using this mixture:

  • 20 g mullein infusion;
  • 25 g superphosphate;
  • 20 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 15 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 10 l. water.

Pour the mixture under each 5th peony plant into the shallow furrow previously made for this. Delphinium, pyrethrum, poppy, rudbeckia, daylily and phlox planted in early spring, feed with mullein infusion and wood ash at the rate of 1: 1 per bucket of water. It is possible to add 25 g of superphosphate to the mixture. In the first decade of the month, it is required to feed the lilies, combining fertilizers with water for irrigation. Feed the gladioli as soon as the 5th leaf appears on the stem. At the same time, fertilize clematis by adding to organic feeding ammonium nitrate or potassium sulfate.

In the grafted rose bushes, cut out the rose hips using a pruner. If the shoots appear far from the flowers, you can stretch them along with the roots. For good development at the end of spring, each flower bush must be thoroughly watered. Don't forget to moisturize your faded hyacinths, daffodils and tulips. Annual varieties such as calendula, nasturtium and lobelia are also very demanding on moisture. Of biennial flowers a large number moisture requires violets, forget-me-nots and daisies.

In the first days of the month, the vineyard owners begin the following operations. First, it is required to break off excess shoots before the buds begin to bloom. Cut off swollen buds from perennial parts of the bushes. Secondly, remove doubles and tees from fruit arrows. Among them, leave only the most developed ones.

Pruning grapes in spring

The next time you need to break off the shoots after they grow up to 15–20 cm in length. Do this for the last time when the shoots reach a length of 45 cm. By removing the extra parts, you will form the final load on the bushes. Remove green shoots from the sleeves, and cut off shoots from the underground part of the bush.

As soon as 5 leaves grow on the bush, treat the grapes with fungicides against pests and diseases. In the last decade of the month, a week before flowering, spend liquid top dressing... Remove stepchildren on growing shoots. Adjust the load on the grape bush by removing the top inflorescences.

During this period, not all grape varieties are suitable for forming a bush. For example, it is recommended to do this for the owners of the bush. Agatha Donskoy and Zilga grown in the vicinity of St. Petersburg and some southern regions. However, it is not recommended to form bushes of varieties Delight White and Lydia... Experts explain this individual characteristics growth and development of each of the varieties.