What can wash the fridge inside: a selection of effective means. What to wash the refrigerator: overview of the best care and cleaning agents

The refrigerator refers to mandatory and indispensable household appliances. It is kept "dear to our stomach" products and cooked dishes, which, unfortunately, sometimes become sources of unpleasant odor inside refrigeration and freezer. Credit with such a problem is easy if you know how to wash the fridge correctly.

The smell appears not only from spoiled products: it is often present even in a new refrigerator and depends on the quality of the materials from which the device itself is

Algorithm of action


If, with each opening of the door of the refrigerator, you feel a persistent "aroma", then the cosmetic rubbing of the shelves and the walls can not do. The refrigerator needs to be washed carefully and without a rush. To do this, start with defrost (its planned is usually carried out 1-2 times a year). About how to defrost your model of the refrigerator correctly, read in the instructions for its operation or find and watch the video on the Internet.

All products in the refrigerator must be removed and revised, torn - throw away

First you need to turn off the unit from the power supply and completely free the refrigeration and freezer (if it is inside) the camera. In order to maintain the stocks of frozen products, the contents of the freezer need to ensure reliable thermal insulation - to be folded into a large pelvis and wrap in the newspaper, towels (separately) and cover with a dense blanket. So they will keep their temperature for 3-4 hours.

Remove all removable items: shelves, trays, drawers, lattice. Leave the doors of the cameras open and allow the time to melt the sediments of the inlet and ice at room temperature.

If the ice is the fat layer, do not forget to put a large dry rag under the door of the refrigerator, which will absorb water, and constantly squeeze it

The process of natural defrosting of the refrigerator can be slightly accelerated if you put a saucepan in it with hot water Or blow out inner space hairdryer. But the hurry is not always appropriate, and often dangerous, for example, if you try to pull the ice in the freezer with a knife.

the washing up

Let the refrigerator deficiency, and this time use on the flushing out of the shelves and grids.

Removable items need to give time to warm up to room temperature. If you immediately lower them in hot water, plastic and glass can crack due to the contrast of temperatures.

Shelves and other removable elements are more convenient to move in a large pelvis with warm water with the addition of detergent for dishes

All the washed details decompose on a large towel so that water is water from them, and before installing in place, be sure to wipe dry. While the main chamber is defrosting, start cleaning the fridge from the door.

On the door it is important to tick well inaccessible places Fastening removable trays

With regular care, the refrigerator is sufficiently simple to water or a weak solution of soda (1 tbsp. Per 1 liter of water). In particularly contaminated places, you can add some dishwashing tools. Furious drips or stains are better to wet well, give them to spill, and then drop the soft sponge.

In the same way, it is necessary to wash the refrigerator when it is fully understood. Remains of cleaning and soap detergents from all surfaces, be sure to eliminate a wet cloth moistened in clean water.


After you finish washing the refrigerator, you need to give it time to completely dry or carefully wipe all the surfaces with a dry cloth.

Washing out and drying the chamber of the refrigerator, install back all shot shelves and grilles, wiping them dry

If water remains on the walls or shelves, it will freeze and turn into an ice crust. Before turning on the refrigerator into the outlet, do not forget to wipe all seals around the door perimeter, paying special attention folds. Returning everything into place and closing the door, wash it outside with soapy and wipe the dry cloth.

The standard refrigerator defrosting and washing diagram is not always sufficient to eliminate the aromas. Therefore, consider now than washing the refrigerator so that there is no smell.

We have already mentioned the soda solution, which is considered universal and very effective in combating smells in the refrigerator. Alternatively advise to use:

  • fresh lemon or lemon juice. Everything interior surfaces rub the half of the cut lemon or juice solution at a concentration of 2-3 tbsp. l. on 250 ml of water;
  • table or natural vinegarin proportion 1: 1 with water;
  • hydrogen peroxide. It is commonly used after the use of soap solutions;
  • ammonia, diluted with water (1 tbsp. per 250 ml).

These compositions are not necessary, it is enough to give the refrigerator for some time to venture from sharp smells of vinegar or ammonia.

When traces and smell of mold appear, it is recommended to use chlorine-containing bleach, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10

Some advise to wash a refrigerator with toothpaste, which has a pleasant mentholic fragrance and effective cleaning properties.

Elimination of odors and flavoring

In refrigerators you can not use chemical air fresheners and flavors. They are easy to replace with homemade heater, which absorb unpleasant odors well and significantly improve the situation.

Furious bread absorbs extraneous odors and excess moisture From the refrigerator

As absorbents who take extraneous smells, can be placed in the refrigerator:

  • crust of frying black bread;
  • filler for feline Toilet from silica gel pellets or zeolite;
  • several crushed activated carbon tablets;
  • food soda.

Spread the absorbents on the saucer or pour into any open container and place on the free shelf.

Soda and activated carbon advise to keep in the refrigerator constantly and replace every 2-3 months.

Also in open dishes put flavors:

  • sliced \u200b\u200bto the pieces of lemon;
  • coffee beans;
  • rosemary twigs or laurel leaves.

If washing and aromatization did not give the expected result, perhaps the cause of an unpleasant smell is to cast a drain hole. Such a situation is quite often happening in non-freezing refrigerators, where water flows along the rear wall. When it is stirred in the groove, a characteristic marsh aroma appears.

In addition, the constant resistant smell is an indicator of problems in the operation of the device (for example, if the liquid has shown in some hidden compartment or under the trim). In such cases, you first need to repair the refrigerator, and then wash it.

We hope that our tips will help you. Share your experience in the comments.

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Expert in the region household And the master of culinary masterpieces (according to relatives and friends). Having used to rely on common sense, everyday experience and female intuition.

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Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the tissue itself. It is applied in a small amount on a small-wedge plot of stuff from the side of 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move to stains.

If the first signs of carrying in the form of untidy rods appeared on the favorite things, from them you can get rid of a special typewriter. He quickly and effectively swips the fabric fiber lumpy and returns to things worthy.

IN dishwasher It is well laundered not only plates and cups. It is possible to download plastic toys, glass lights of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Fresh lemon fits not only for tea: Clean the contamination from the surface acrylic bath, Losing half of the cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave, putting a water-water container and lemon slices for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will be just wiped with a sponge.

The habit of "economically" to use the washing machine-machine can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Washing at temperatures below 60 and short rinsing allow fungi and bacteria with dirty clothes to stay on the inner surfaces and reproduced actively.

PVC film tension ceilings are able to withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water to 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and quality of the film). So you can not fear leaks from your neighbors from above.

Special traps exist to combat mole. In the sticky layer, which they are covered, added females purses, attracting males. Adhesive to the trap, they are departed from the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the population of moths.

Remove scale and naughty with an iron soles are the easiest of the cooking salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, slightly appropriate, swipe the iron on the salt litter.

The refrigerator is washed outside and from the inside monthly. Turn off the device from electricity before cleaning. Pull out products, containers, shelves. Wipe the walls, door, rubber seal. To remove contamination and smell, use professional sprays: Magic Power, Top House, Topperr, Electrolux, Luxus "Clean Refrigerator", Sano Refrigerator Cleaner, Bon, Sidolux Professional. You can also wash the surfaces by gel for washing dishes, soda, acetic solution, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. With mold, chlorine-containing means ("whiteness", "Domasetos") are coping with. The smell is well cleaved by vinegar, citric acid, soda powder.

Dirty refrigerator needs general cleaning. Microorganisms remaining inside are transferred to fresh products and cause damage and stench. Therefore, it is important not only to remove pollution, but also to eliminate the smell. We will discern more, how and what can be washed with a fridge.

Than to wash a new refrigerator before first use

The first inclusion is preceded by cleaning. Remove the shelves, containers and wash the walls. Washing at home will save from sharpness, factory dust. If this is not done, the smell of technology is absorbed into the products.

Choose than to process new refrigeratordepends on the intensity of the fragrance. If the plastic smell is practically not felt, clean the shelves and the chamber with soapy water. With a sharp smell, the ammonia, acetic or soda solution, will cope.

Do not buy the technique from which the plastic or aromatic means is strongly stained. Cheap plastic will continue to smell even after cleaning, poisoning products, and at the same time absorbing outsiders. Chemical fragrance indicates that the seller tried to disguise the smell of breakage.

Features Camera cleaning with NO Frost system

In the presence of the NO Frost system, snow crystals are not formed. but two-chamber refrigerator Needs "defrost" every six months. Disconnect the device from the network and wash it from the inside and outside.

For regular care, it is enough to wipe the shelves with a weekly damp cloth without turning off the technique.

How to wash inside the usual refrigerator

An ordinary refrigerator first defrosts:

  1. Pull all food.
  2. Remove the temperature controller.
  3. Disconnect the power supply after half an hour.
  4. Open and pull out containers and shelves.
  5. Leave the door open.

Wait for the full defrost of technology, and only then proceed to washing. Do not try to speed up the process: it is better that the cameras taped the natural way. Turn on the fully dried device.

How often do you need to wash the refrigerator

The answer to the question of how often the refrigerator is to wash depends on the content conditions. If the technique is wiping from the inside every week, then the general cleaning is enough twice a year. Otherwise, clean it is no less than once a month.

To quickly wash the fridge, maintain cleanliness during use. Do not put the dirty dishes inside, wipe the stains and divorces, without waiting for their drying. Immediately throw off the spoiled food.

Wash technology inside and outside

Regardless of the model, the refrigerators are soaked in the same way. Fold the shelves, drawers in warm soap mortar And proceed to washing the walls. First walk with a sponge, and then a damp rag to wash off the remnants of the means. Before turning on, wipe the dry cloth. Do not close the door until complete drying.

Wash the shelves, containers, wipe them with a dry clean cloth and put in a dry refrigerator.

Significantly easy to clean the steam cleaner with a soft nozzle.

Preparing for the washing of the refrigerator

Before you wash the refrigerator inside, prepare the camera. Start with product audit. Throwing spoiled food. Fast sprinkling products Put in a vacuum container or wrap in a few layers food film. Place the products on the windowsill so that they do not disappear during washing.

Get all the removable details. Turn off the power supply device. If necessary.


What can wash the refrigerator outside and from the inside:

  • specially designed sprays;
  • food soda;
  • gel for washing dishes;
  • "Lemon";
  • ammonia alcohol;
  • acetable solution;
  • wet antibacterial napkins.

Prepare a safe solution from economic Soap. Stodit the bar and mix with water so that the muddy liquid turns out.

Do not tritte the surface with abrasive means. If you use powders, first divert them with water, prepare a soft paste or solution.

How to wash the right

The refrigerator sets the dirt that can move inside the camera. Therefore, first wash the outside. How to wash:

  1. Prepare a soap solution, dissolving in water a gel for dishes.
  2. For especially dirty areas, apply gel and hand over ten minutes.
  3. Wipe the device from top to bottom.
  4. Smash clean water.
  5. Wipe off with a paper towel without divorce.

Council . To the glitter surface, sprinkle with a wiper and wipe with a dry soft cloth.

After external processing, go to the inner wash:

  1. Pull out and soak removable items.
  2. Prepare the detergent solution, dissolving a soda powder, a gel for dishes, vinegar.
  3. Water cloth and wipe the walls, doors, seal.
  4. Rock and wipe the moisture with a dry cloth.
  5. Well rinse removable parts and wipe dry.
  6. Put in place and connect the refrigerator.

Inspect the slits, rubber folds of the seal, drained. Narrow places wipe with a cotton wand.

The better wash the freezer of the refrigerator after defrosting, and what to pay attention

Do not forget to wash freezing Camera. To disinfect surfaces from meat and fish, use after defrosting the ammonia:

  1. Pour in 300 ml of water 30 ml of ammonia.
  2. Moisten a sponge.
  3. Wipe the camera.
  4. Leave on drying.

How and how to wash the refrigerator from pollution of various types

Spilled liquids, traces of incomprehensible origin are laundered before the general washing household means.

Fat and dirt inside and outside the refrigerator

  • divorced in equal ratio soda and washing powders;
  • bleach;
  • stain remover;
  • acetic essence;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Apply the selected fluid on the rag and wipe the parts. After a few minutes, rinse with clean water.

How to make it easy to wash the fridge to avoid the appearance of a rotten smell? The washing of the refrigerator can not be called a complex procedure, but it certainly requires certain skills, knowledge and scrupulsiness.

If you do not want your refrigeration unit to become a natural bacteria seedler, learn the main stages of cleaning cleanliness in the refrigerator.

Everyday cleaning

So that this task does not seem too difficult to you, do not be lazy to wash the camera regularly and keep clean in it. You will help you non-case rules.

  • Do not put dirty dishes on the shelves.
  • Ruthlessly throw away those products that you doubt the security. Microorganisms from the pitched products (for example, from rotary meat) can get on fresh.
  • If there is at least a small drop of fat, immediately wipe it with a clean sponge.
  • The minimum frequency of wiping the door of the refrigerator is twice a week to remove traces of fingers.

Observing these conditions, you at least easily be able to avoid the appearance of mold in the refrigeration chamber - the source of many diseases and allergic reactions.

Rules of high-quality cleaning of the refrigerator

With how to support your kitchen assistant clean - figured out. Now is no less important moment - spring-cleaning. There is a strict sequence of actions.

  1. Disable the device from the network;
    This is the first stage of the soaking of the unit. Develop the device once in 2-3 months. This condition must be observed regardless of the aggregate brand.
  2. Free refrigerator from products;
    Before you are planning a general cleaning in the fridge, try not to clutter it with perishable products. Move them to a cool place. Perfect optionif you have two refrigerators;
  3. Remove all removable items;
    We are talking about stands, shelves and containers. Wash them separately, warm water. Do not overdo it with hot water, because plastic can burst. It is impossible to use a scraper or rigid sponge, because you can scratch plastic.

Important! You can not use scrapers and cleaning refrigeration chamber: The surface may be damaged.

Fold the surface of the refrigerator

Moreover, both inside and outside. Wash the fridge carefully, not forgetting about the most secluded corners and small details.

Such is a simple cleaning algorithm. You will have about an hour.


Consider the interesting secrets of environmentally friendly cleaning, because many household chemicals, to put it mildly, are not very useful for health. The use of old home remedies, tested by time, no worse allows laundering the unit.

  • Soap solution. Soap, grated on a large grater and dissolved in hot water, perfectly cleans the gum of seals and other contaminants.
  • Baking soda. Drain it with water to the consistency of sour milk. Wash the old refrigerator with soda solution - a simple task. The yellowness will disappear.
  • Apple Cider. This is not just a wonderful drink, but also a wonderful cleaning agent that helps to quickly get rid of ugly yellowness on the surface. Naturally, washing the surface of the surface, you need to slip them with water and wipe dry.
  • Toothpaste. This is "heavy artillery" with a soft abrasive effect. Apply a little paste on the sponge and clean the contaminated surfaces in the refrigerator. Remains wash water.

Eliminate unpleasant odors

Wash the dying unit only half the floor. The refrigerator is an aggregate that literally cans the smells, including unpleasant. The usual table vinegar (9%) will help to eliminate them.

Dimel the sponge, wipe all the surfaces, then rinse with water. Unpleasant "flavors" and yellow spots will disappear. Vinegar also makes it also to withdraw rust with metal parts.

Eliminates the sneaker solution citric acid (or lemon juice). By the way, he has a whitening effect and effectively eliminates old spots.
A wonderful deodorizing effect in a coffee grounds. In addition, she, like toothpasteserves as a soft abrasive.

How to wash the fridge outside

It is much easier to clean up. It will help an ordinary soap solution and a sponge. With the help of soap and warm water, you can get rid of the stickers. Moisten the sponge in the soap solution, wet the surface of the sticker and, when it is blocked, will cleaned with a rigid face of the sponge.

If still stains remained, carefully patched the glue by the stationery knife. A little patience and hard work - and your refrigerator will shine cleanliness!

Most owners are confident of the safety and purity of their refrigerator by 100%. If there is no obvious dirty plaque and smell, then to worry about anything - the majority argues. Unfortunately, the microbes pursue us everywhere, and the spoiled piece of cheese can become a seating for bacteria that will settle on the shelf and cause poisoning.

Regular cleaning in the refrigerator is also a peculiar part of the healthy food culture. So how to wash the fridge from dirt and bacteria?

Means for washing

Household tools in order to wash the fridge inside, a lot. Use both universal and special. It is rather a schedule and care of cleaning, as well as the choice of natural and safe cleaning products.

Dishwashing liquid

What is laundering a fridge from fat? An ordinary inexpensive dishwasher, which is in the kitchen in every home. They can wash the refrigerator inside and outside - cleanliness is guaranteed.

The procedure is simple: in the pelvis with hot water, add detergent, foam and wipe the inner walls of the refrigerator. Shelves take out and soaked in a pelvis or bathroom - where it is more convenient. We work with a sponge and necessarily well repaid removable details, preferably under flowing water. Wall after washing We pass by a wet sponge several times to remove all the remnants of the detergent.

Council. So that cleaning is easier to pre-wet all the problem areas, hot water spots with a detergent for 10-15 minutes. But do not lose this time, it is enough for the sorting of fresh products and spoiled.

Special remedies for refrigerator

Sprays for rapid cleaning are well dissolved fats and stains. It is enough to spray spray and walk with a sponge. Immediately you can put products back.

Wet wipes and sprays for disinfection

How to wash the fridge inside in a hurry? Wrivel napkins and spray.

The napkin is not just a wet, but impregnated with a means that removes the dirt and disinfects the surface. Created for rapid cleaning of old spots and fresh. Rational mistress prefer to replace the sponge, because there is no significant difference in the results.

Sprays for disinfection is much more convenient. Regular spraying in the refrigerator - and microbes are destroyed. At the same time, do not forget to extract all the products and throw out old, because the source of pollution and bacteria is in them.

Cleaning schedule or maintenance of cleanliness

So that cleaning in the refrigerator did not take one hour each time, take the rule to restore order often, but little by little. What time is it waiting in the kitchen? The casserole is languishing, the food is heated, the dough is raised - nothing is worth walking at this moment with a wet wipe along the walls and shelves of the refrigerator. Make so every day, and general cleaning will no longer be a test.

Throw away spoiled food. Do you know that a quarter of the Russians are thrown out due to the expiration date? We buy a meal of the future, not knowing what the refrigerator is filled. Weekly spend the revision of products before going to the store. Discharge all damaged and make a list of necessary. So you will save money, save order in the kitchen.

In compliance with these rules, general cleaning will need once a month. Wash the stains on the fridge and inside it, make dust from magnets, remove old notes and stickers - that is, refresh every corner.

Top - 5 cleaning problems

Operation imposes its prints. The refrigerator of the most diligent hostess sometimes grieves signs of long use.

Yellowness and old fat

The yellow plaque concerns plastic parts that cannot be cleaned with abrasive means. How and how to wash the fridge inside from the yellowness? The mixture comes to the rescue ammona alcohol and toothpaste. It rubs the surface and give a little to stand. For the same purpose, apple or ordinary table vinegar with water in half. Wash off with clean water.

Sealing rubber

Bad care for her entails leakage closed doorsThat is why it is important to know what to wash the rubber band in the refrigerator. A common soap solution is suitable. After that, they advise you to irrigate the gum spray with silicone for durable use.

Nasty smell

Fish and smoked, for example, leave behind a long reminder in the form of a fragrance where it is not a place. How to wash the refrigerator to remove odors? The same table vinegar with water in proportion 1: 1. They wipe walls and shelves.

Tip! You can leave in the refrigerator soaked rags for a couple of hours if the smell is resistant.


Soap solution, detergent or ordinary soda - that's what to wash the refrigerator after defrosting. No concentrated chemistry is needed, moreover: it should not be in the refrigerator at all outside.

The freezer is removed less frequently and becomes a little plot due to many odors. After she washed her, wipe the walls with a lemon slice or leave the citrus in the chamber. Lubricate only metal elements and walls.

How to wash stickers from the refrigerator

Alcohol, lacquer removal fluid or detergent remove adhesive traces. We apply on a sponge and wipe it to shine.


Wash the refrigerator at home easily when the cleanliness is supported daily. Try to adhere to simple rulesUse safe detergentsAnd your kitchen will shine.

Clean and order in the house always make up and raise the mood, but they are not always easy to support. Wash the refrigerator, too, the task is not simple, requiring time. It is necessary to spend this event regularly in order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor. After all, it is not very tasty to use foods into the foods that are impregnated with a specific aroma. Note for itself to wash inside the refrigerator, you need to prepare, get acquainted with the upcoming actions and means that will help make the technique clean.

Getting Started with the inside of the refrigerator, you must first decide on suitable means. So that there was an opportunity to prepare them in advance, and not run to the store starting to guide purity.

Refrigerator Camera Wash

From the inside wash the surface of the refrigerator possible different means. Choosing household chemicals need to take into account a number of moments. In the means should not be:

  • acids and alkalis;
  • abrasive components;
  • excessive content of fragrances and flavors, it is better if the smell will be neutral or not available.

Carefully examine the composition of the product and for what types of surfaces it recommends that the manufacturer recommends.

Usually household chemicals It is used by hostesses only to remove difficult contaminants. Sometimes you can try to do without them and in these cases. Moching the spot water leaving it for a while it will splash, which will simplify cleaning. Removable parts: glass and metal shelves, plastic containers and drawers, you can simply dangle into the pelvis with water by adding a tool.

If you are not a supporter of using different chemistry for cleaning, you can apply proven time folk remedieshaving good effectiveness in the fight against pollution inside the refrigerator. Couple of funds are greatly confident in experienced hosts: soda and vinegar.

Choosing food soda for cleaning, it is necessary to dilute in warm water. For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to add a tablespoon of soda to a liter of water. Mixing the solution thoroughly, it will be ready for the procedure for cleaning the internal surfaces of the refrigerator. Removable parts are better laundering separately in the tank large sizes. After cleaning the surface should dry completely.

Using the tool vinegar, before you wash the refrigerator, it is also necessary to prepare the composition for cleaning. IN warm water A bit of vinegar is added. This method will not only remove the pollution, but also disinfects the surface, removing the smell from the refrigeration chamber. With this method, you can get rid of smell in a new refrigerator, moving it after the purchase. By choosing a vinegar for washing, you can solve a few questions, namely, how to wash the refrigerator and as in it.

Deciding with the way to wash the refrigerator inside you can safely begin a purity guidance event. To estimate the front of the work correctly, consider the sequence of upcoming actions.

Where to start and how to finish washing fridge

First of all, it is necessary to turn off the refrigerator, waiting for defrosting, you can continue the process. Turning out all the products, removable parts are extracted (shelves, drawers, trays) and soaked in the prepared detergent solution. While they fade, the inner surfaces are cleansed with the selected means.

If the desam contamination cannot be removed immediately, wet it and wash the other parts, and it will twist.

Wash the refrigerator inside need carefully, not missing the slightest yarn or recess. On the contrary, they need to show the greatest attention to them. The rubber seal on the door also need to be washed, rub it with a sponge. Seal recesses are convenient to clean with hygienic chopsticks.

Washing internal chambers Refrigerator until they dry go to removable elements. During this time, the dirt on them was swam, so it will not be laundering her work. Washing out the shelves with drawers and rub them with a dry clean towel, they return to their places. The refrigerator will already have time to dry, inserting the removable items back it can be turned on.

Do not forget after washing internal parts Refrigerators additionally wipe the surface with clean water to remove the remnants of the detergent.

Not only inside, but also outside

Many hostess pay attention only visible parts The refrigerator is both inside and outside. The condenser who is rearmed also requires periodic cleaning. It is an important component of the refrigeration unit, removing heat from the refrigerator chamber. The accumulation of dust on the condenser makes it difficult to heat the element, which can lead to a premature breakage of the household appliances under consideration.

Condifted from dust capacitor at least once a year, but better more often. You can make it using a vacuum cleaner with a shallow nozzle and a small tassel. Conducting this refrigerator cleaning procedure, you will extend its service life.

Rules for maintaining cleanliness inside the refrigerator

Many owners are interested in how to wash the refrigerator much less often, without prejudice to it external view and hygiene inside the chamber. Make it can be adhering to simple rules:

  • consider products from the packages in which they were brought from the store;
  • keep everything in a closed form (cover with covers, opening the package the product shift into the container);
  • always close the refrigerator door to avoid condensate;
  • with something pin, immediately rub the surface;
  • do not hold the doors for a long time open.

Following this Rules, the fridge can be was less likely to wash it, and when such a need comes to do it easier. Experienced hostesses are recommended to conduct general cleaning once every three months. With this approach about pollution and unpleasant odors Inside the refrigerator can be forgotten.