Through how many years there will be a year rat. Rat Year: Characteristics and Birth

Years of Birth of a Man on the Dragon Sign: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

For the peoples of the East, the dragon at all times was the personification of strength, power and wisdom. The ancient astronomers associated the image of this mythical animal with stars and planets, a connection with heavenly objects was communicated through it and the future was predicted.

General Characteristics of the Sign of the Year of the Dragon

Man born in the year of the dragon, surprisingly bright, strong, optimis tits and attractive.Wherever he was, whoever surrounded him, he could not stay unnoticed.

Dragon - In the East, this is a symbol of joy and good luck. This is a sign of the heavenly power and the very beneficial astronomical influence. He symbolizes life and growth. The dragon brings four well-being: wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity. But every medal has its opposite direction, and if there is an impression of a light destiny at the dragon, do not forget that it is only an illusion.

Every day, the dragon shines, but his brilliance is not a jail, he cannot blind, and his strong personality is only visibility. Dragon is a chimeric animal. It does not exist real: this is an animal for a parade, serene and powerful. In accordance with all the needs, he will explore fire, gold and water, but it will be burned after the holiday, and, like Phoenix, it will be reborn from the ashes for the next holiday.

The dragon always stands out from the crowd due to its energy, fantasy, and an original look at the world. He is always in the very center of attention and in his arsenal there are always many jokes and entertaining stories. You can define a person born in the year of the Dragon in his confidence, brillium, and the expression "Soul of the Company" suits him as it is impossible. These people have increased curiosity. They tend to have many diverse hobbies. But, it often happens that flashering with something else, he can quickly lose interest. He does not like narrow borders, familiar hobby, standing. For him, it is too boring.

Dragon always goes ahead and can achieve great success in a variety of species Activities. He's on his shoulder and career of artist or priest, warrior or doctor, politics or miner. If he has to devote himself a great cause, he will always achieve the goal. Unfortunately, he can with the same success can go to a bad thing and won: he is a born winner. The latitude of the interests of the dragon, his sharp mind, a creative approach in combination with confidence and inner force makes him an exciting interlocutor and an amazingly charismatic person who is difficult to refuse to request. People subconsciously stretch to it and easily fall under his charm, thanks to which all secret locks and doors open before the dragon. The dragon can rightly be called the weass and the Balley of Fate. The fact that for others is the limit of dreams, he does easily and without noticeable effort, he has many things as if by themselves. Therefore, he is often jealous and weave intrigues.

People born, in the year of the dragon, are optimistic, and never upset because of the little things. They live bright full life, knowing that the replacement of lost opportunities and spent money will soon be sure to come new. However, being a strong personality, the dragon can not only relate to the gifts of fate, but also courageously transfer difficulties and failures.

People born in the year of the dragon are very wisers and brave. They have a huge potential. If they do not disagree their attention to a variety of trifles, but will guide their mighty energy into one-sole direction, they will be able to realize any, even the most fantastic dreams. The dragon is just born to achieve the impossible.

China believe that the dragon can count on wealth, strength, success and longevity. And communication with the dragon can bring people happiness. Dragon from nature is endowed good health Straight - Superformer vital powertemperament. Conflicts I. extreme situations, Fighting, passion - all that is not able to "simple mortal" - the element of the dragon.

Dragon loves everything spectacular. Attaches great value Himself appearance. It is very sensitive. It is often worried about false reasons. His desire for improvement makes it demanding both towards himself and to others. He is scrupulous. It requires a lot, but brings much more.

The year of the dragon corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal dragon: 1940, 2000

People born in the years of the metal dragon are distinguished by brightness and severe will. They are energetic, vain, sometimes even harsh cutting. Metal Dragon says what he thinks and does not try to take into account the feelings of people and be objective in relations with others. If people do not support his ideas, not much frustrated and goes to their own way alone. This is usually a man of high moral qualities, dear to friends and colleagues.

Water dragon: 1952

Water dragon is easy to communicate and friendly with others. With him joyfully, easy and pleasant to have common things. His wit, the ability to feel the situation and the mood of people, make it an excellent companion and a soul of the company.

The main disadvantage of people born in the year of the Water Dragon is the tendency to jump from one to another, inability to concentrate on some one goal.

Wooden dragon: 1904, 1964

People born in the year of a wooden dragon - inborn businessmen. They can not only theorize, but also make practical actions. The inquisitive mind of a wooden dragon goes into all the details of the case, there is always a lot of grace interesting ideas And he seeks to embody all his dreams into reality. Differs in generosity and generosity.

Fire Dragon: 1916,1976

People born a year Fire Dragonhave amazing ability to work. They try to succeed in everything for that they will take. In the team, they are respected for directness and honesty. Have congenital leadership qualities and strong will. Tell rely only on their own feelings and judgments. The thoughts and interests of other people often do not take. The fiery dragon is characterized by a closure that prevents him in life. Loves music and art.

Earth Dragon: 1928, 1988

People born in the years of the earth dragon, good businessmen and financiers. They are much easier than other representatives Zodiac circle, It turns out, earn a solid state. They are calm and balanced, have versatile interests and are always aware of what is happening in the world. Earth dragons set themselves clear and clear goals, and they, as a rule, do not arise problems with obtaining material or moral support from the part.

Year of the Dragon - Dignity and Disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Dragon

People born in the year of the dragon, most often, have excellent health, an inexhaustible source of vitality, activity. They are clean and open, they do not know how to be broken and hypocrite. Gustive, so they are often deceived. They are also extremely sensitive and inclined to worry about insignificant occasion. Also, the dragon is very demanding both to itself and to others.

Negative aspects of the Dragon Person

The disadvantages, people born in the year of the dragon include their incontinence in the language. Their words are most often ahead of thoughts. But, the dragon always gives good advice, Therefore, it is worth listening to them, it doesn't matter, they are well they outlined them or not.

Career and money dragon sign

The dragon is not able to make a career in the usual understanding of this word - that is, to strive for it and years to strive for this purpose. After all, life is so interesting and diverse, which simply cannot be subordinated to only one one! Nevertheless, the charismatic personality of the dragon literally attracts sympathies of others, including strong Mira This, so most often the dragon, even specifically not seeking this, is able to make a wonderful career - to envy any bore - careerist.

In relation to the money, the dragon is capable of broad and often unexpected gestures. He can suddenly, yielding to a gust, list the round sum for charity or buy a completely unnecessary luxury item. Maybe not having money for a return ticket, suddenly go to Somalia and return from there with a stuffed wallet. In other words, his costs are striking, and no one knows about his diverse sources of income, even he himself. Theer is that usually the dragon manages to be with money - and considerable.

Dragon life periods

The dragon will have small difficulties in the first phase of his life, because it will require a lot from his loved ones.

Its artistic temperament will cause many problems in the second phase of his life. In the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bthe dragon, it will often be a feeling of incomprehensibility. In fact, they will admire, it will obey him how small people will be sad, the success is so great.

He has a difficult character, he will be infrequently satisfied with his life. But he will be happy, even if not aware of his happiness in the last phase of his life, which will bring everything he wishes.

Dragon Stones: Transfix Opal, Sapphire, Chalcedony, Green Chrysolite, Amber And All Synthetic Stones

Plants: Lotus, Mandragora, Sage.

Time of day: from 7 to 9 am.

Time of year: Spring, April

Colors: Golden (Yellow), Blue (Blue) and Black.

We can say that it's lucky to people who were born in the year of the dragon, and many Chinese will envy you, because the dragon personifies happiness and life luck, strong health and high position in society. From a long time, this sign was a symbol of Chinese emperors, so we can assume that you are a lucky one.

These people are great and always cheerful, they are full of self-esteem, smart and everyone quickly notice, you have a lightning response, and all the opportunities you can use for use in promoting your business.

Everything for whatever you take this person, he does everything majestically and practically infallible. Sometimes in his statements and deeds swaying stiffness and excessive arrogance. They are demanding about themselves and others, and in any case they seek to achieve the most vertices of perfection. These people are extremely serious about all their undertakings, they can't stand nonsense and frivolousness.

There is never any doubt about his own rightness of the representative of this sign, so he will easily mark, even wise advice on the part of someone. He has complete independence and freedom to make decisions.

Dragon loves to show people all their strengths. Surely, this person will have to spend a lot of time to make a satellite in life. In admirers there will be no lack, but the question is whether to link his life with the Dragon partner, having learned about its moral and sacks.

Next Year of the Dragon 2024!

Dragon characteristic

Chinese sign name: Lun

Sign of the Chinese Zodiac: Fifth

Duration: 7:00 - 9:00

Western Zodiac Sign: Scales

Element: Tree

Positive features:

These people are strong and smart, like extremely ambitious, have a living imagination, they have an impeccable taste, they are honest and fair people.

Negative features:

Sometimes it is impatient and excessive impulsive, ulcer and selfish person, as well as an excessively demanding.

Find out what year of the dragon you were born, your relatives, friends, who from this animal ruled the year, and who will be managed in the future ...

Dragons are charming, optimistic and enterprising people, but often lead their game, presenting to the surrounding excessively high demands, and do not suffer any objections about this. People who know you consider you an excessive stubborn, it is very difficult to find a common language with you, as well as work.

Women born under this sign are responsible, they are mind and they have steel will, and even many men can envy her energetic. Website / Node / 3082

To any case, this woman applies with all seriousness and responsibility, it will easily cope with homemade hassle, and with its professional work. She is capable of working a lot - it does not matter, in own home Or outside it, it does not have problems with the distribution of time, it will have time to do everything.

Horoscope compatibility signs of the zodiac

Chinese zodiac is based on a 12-year-old moon cycle. The year of the dragon takes the fifth place in the Chinese zodiac: between the year of the rabbit and the year of the snake. Year of the Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024. Find out Why these animals were chosen And in this order.

Have you been born in the year of the dragon?

If you were born in next years, most likelyYour sign chinese zodiac - Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012. Why "most likely"? The fact is that it is not always possible to find out the year of birth, what year is the animal.

Signs of the Chinese zodiac are determined by lunar calendar, with an offensive Chinese New Year . New Year In China, comes in the period between January 21 and February 20, That is, the date of the holiday is changing from year to year.

Let's figure out on specific example. Take 2000:


Determine your sign of the Chinese zodiac

Specify the date of birth and find out who you are on the sign of the zodiac

Chinese oriental calendar:

Your zodiac:

  • Happy numbers:
  • Happy colors:

In 2000, the Year of the Dragon came on February 5th. If you were born after February 5, then your zodiac sign is a dragon. However, if you were born until February 5, then you are a rabbit, the previous zodiac sign. Use special calculator Right to know exactly who you are on the sign of the Chinese zodiac! Specify the date of your birth and find out the sign of your zodiac animal!

Dates of the Chinese New Year for the dragon:

What brings good luck to the dragon

Each sign of the Chinese zodiac has its happy days, colors, numbers, flowers and even the sides of the world who bring good luck to him. In this Chinese and western horoscopes Similar.
Do you know, What is the difference between chinese and western zodiacs ?

  • Happy numbers: 1, 6 and 7
  • Happy Days:1st and 16th chinese numbers moon month (gap from new moon to new moon)
  • Happy colors:golden, silver, grayish white
  • Happy flowers:thomson Clerodendrum, Lion Zev
  • Happy sides of the world:east, North, West
  • Happy months: 3rd, 4th and 7th months of the Chinese lunar calendar


Following the Chinese astrology, born in the year of the dragon should be avoided:

  • Unlucky colors:blue; green
  • Unfortunate numbers:3 and 8.
  • Unlucky direction: northwest
  • Unhappy months: 5th and 6th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Dragon is the only mythical animal in the Chinese zodiac. it the strongest and powerful signBut he is also famous for its hot and acute tongue. In ancient times it was believed that due to authority and ambitiousness, dragons are able to keep the whole world under control.

Such congenital qualities like courage, perseverance And high intelligence, allow dragons to be at the height and confident in their abilities. They are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to risk.

However, at the same time, the dragons are irritable, unrestrained and rarely are open to criticism. They do not like to follow tradition, preferring to live according to their rules.


By nature, dragons are hardworking and possess strong health. But they do not run from difficulties and difficult situations, and therefore in the life of the Dragon born in the year there is often tension and stress.

In old age, dragons should pay high attention to the liver and gallbladder, intestines and stomach, while young and middle-aged dragons should take care of their skin more.

Yoga or walks on fresh air How it is impossible to fit the dragon to be healthy and stay in great shape. After all, such physical exertion is equally useful for the soul and body.

The most suitable professions for the dragon

Dragons love difficult tasks and take the risk. They are well suited to those professions that allow you to test your excerpt and endurance.
Successful professions for the dragon: Journalist, teacher, inventor, manager, system analyst, lawyer, engineer, architect, broker, sales manager.

How to build relationships with a dragon?

In love dragons It is not easy to take a step towards serious relationships and commitments. However, when they are still solved, their intentions are more than serious. Dragons are peculiar to the heat and generosity in relation to people close to them.

Year of the Dragon Compatibility in Love

Each animal of the Chinese zodiac has its own characteristic features. The coincidences and differences in these features and determine the compatibility of signs in love.

Dragon Compatibility Horoscope

  • Best compatibility: Rat, tiger or snake
  • The least successful: Bull, goat or dog

Celebrities Dragons:

  • Alexander Blok, Marina Tsvetaeva, Joseph Brodsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Maxim Gorky, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Soso Pavliashvili, Diana Vishneva, Mikhail Vrubel, Ilya Repin, Alexander Green, Vladislav Tretyak.
  • Bruce Lee, Sigmund Freud, Salvador Dali, Martin Luther King, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bernard Shaw, Marlene Dietrich, Gregory Pek, Pablo Neruda, John Lennon, Immanuel Kant, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Pele.

Dragon Types on the Eastern Calendar - 5 Elements / Elements

According to Chinese theory of 5 elements / elements, each zodiac sign is under the influence of one of 5 elements / elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. In this way, Year of wood dragonwhich comes in 2024, it happens only once every 60 years.
Learn about other interesting things. Facts about chinese zodiac which you most likely did not hear.

In China, they believe that the character of a person is determined not only by the sign of the animal, in whose year it was born, but also an element / element. AND there are 5 types of dragoneach with its definite characteristic:

For the 2019 Dragon, the pig will be successful and will bring special success at work, as well as profit. Dragons, however, should be more accustomed to their health.

Dragon Career in 2019

In 2019, Dragons are waiting for success in their field of activity. They will be able to achieve their goals, even the most ambitious. Dragons will receive an increase, new opportunities for development and professional growth will appear in front of them. The main thing is to be able not to miss the right moment.

Dragon Health in 2019

In 2019, Dragons are strongly advised to engage in their health. Think about O. healthy nutrition, more often we go outdoors. Go for a walk of the countryside, spend time with friends, find an interesting and comfortable sport for you.

Horoscope 2019 for the dragon promises success and good luck in love. All 2019 Dragon will be very popular with the opposite sex, they will easily get acquainted and start chatting. Dragons will be able to nonsense special efforts Find your elect / chief.

Dragon Finance in 2019

Dragons 2019 will bring an incredible financial success. If your sign of the Chinese zodiac is a dragon, then you are waiting for a stable income, as well as pleasant surprises in the form of premiums and cash bonuses.

Year of Fate 2024 in the Dragon Born

China has such a thing as Benmingnian is the so-called Year of fate, i.e. Year of your zodiac animal. In 2024, Benmingnian will come for people born in the Year of the Dragon.

The Chinese believe that Benmingnian is a special year, although those whose year has come, can wait for tests or unexpected changes. Find out, What will bring good luck to your year And that special expects you!

Learn more about the Chinese zodiac:

  • The legend of the Chinese zodiac is from a variety of legends about the Chinese zodiac, we chose the most famous in China
  • 10 facts about the Chinese zodiac, which you, most likely not heard
  • 12 animal zodiac - why these animals were chosen and in this order

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We understand that it is difficult to decide which cities of China to visit. And therefore prepared for you useful advice About, How to plan the first trip to China . In addition, we are always happy to suggest how logical to make the route if you have any questions. For this simple

The compositions of horoscopes are convinced that personal qualities Human and even his fate defines the time of his birth, or rather, the signs of Western and eastern zodiacs, which acted at this time. One of the most ambiguous and bright representatives of the Chinese zodiac is the dragon, and therefore it is not surprising that people born in the years of his rule are also extraordinary.


Years of birth: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

Dragon is the fifth of the twelve signs of the zodiac according to chinese calendar.

The corresponding western zodiacal sign: Aries.


  • green chrysolit
  • overflow opal
  • chalcedony,
  • sapphire,
  • amber,
  • all synthetic stones.


  • lotus,
  • sage,
  • mandrake.

Time of year: Spring.

Best month: April.


  • gold,
  • yellow,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • the black.

Happy numbers: 1, 6 and 7.

Best days on the Chinese lunar calendar: 1 and 16 days each month.

Direction: North, West, East.

What are the dragons

According to the Chinese calendar, each year corresponds not only certain sign Eastern Zodiac, but also one of five elements. In addition, each element has its own color, which acquires the ruling dragon on this year.

Metal or white

Years: 1940, 2000.

Born these years people are distinguished by brightness, as well as strong will. In addition, they are energetic and vain, but sometimes excessively cutting. Representatives of this sign of the dragon always say what they think, without taking into account the feelings of others and not trying to be objective in relations with other people. If the rest do not support their ideas, then the metal dragons are not completely upset. They continue to go their way, even alone. These are usually the people of high moral principles, which are respecting both friends and colleagues.

Water or black

Year: 1952, 2012.

With a water dragon, it is easy to communicate, besides, he is friendly. Because of these traits, it is easy and pleasant to deal with it. Natural wit and the ability to feel all the nuances of the situation, as well as the mood of the people around him, make this person an excellent companion and soul of any company. The main lack of people born under the sign of the water dragon is their tendency to jump from one idea to another, that is, inability to concentrate on one purpose.

Wooden or blue-green

Years: 1904, 1964.

People who born in the year of the wooden dragon are inborn businessmen. They know how and build theories, and incarnate them in practice. The inquisitive mind of these people delves into all the details of any case. In addition, wooden dragons always have a lot of interesting ideas that they strive to implement in reality. The unconditional advantages of their character are generosity and generosity.

Fiery or red

Years: 1916, 1976.

Dragon people belonging to the fire elements are striking all their ability to work. Usually they try to achieve success in any case, for which they will take. Colleagues respect them for straightness and honesty. In addition, the fiery dragon born in the year possess congenital leadership qualities and strong will. They tend to rely only on their own perception of the situation and only for their judgments. Considerations and interests surrounding these people often do not take into account at all. Prophty representatives of this sign, the closure prevents them from living in full life. Nevertheless, they are big fans of music and art.

Positive and negative qualities

Each person has its own positive and negative features of the character, which are partly dependent on the sign of the Chinese zodiac, which ruled in the year of his birth.

Positive Dragon features this:

Negative features of character Representative of this sign chinese horoscope The following are:

Character of men and women

According to astrologers, all people of one zodiacal sign have certain common features of nature, but the influence of the ruler of the year of birth on men and women will be varied. This is true for the assertion and for those born in the year of the dragon.

Characteristic of a man

Male Dragon - Bright and extraordinary personality. He is either egocentric and eccentric, or eternally requiring attention and sometimes unreasonable. In addition, the man of this sign is inherent in pride, aristocraticity, self-confidence, vanity, irritability and stubbornness. All this is equalized by high intelligence, intelligence, generosity and a complete lack of tendency to petties and hypocrisy.

Such a man often loves ladies, although he loves himself rarely. It is an individualist and a thinker, distinguished by excellent health, an incredible life force and huge energy peculiar to all the Dragon year.

Characteristic of a woman

Feature Women Dragon It is its external coldness, behind which a good heart is hidden. Nevertheless, it is a good family man and a friend, appreciates constant and clear relationships. And in love, and in life, this lady always seeks to win, at the same time she really likes to impress the surrounding. If you do not succeed, it is very upset. A woman born in the year of the dragon can achieve great success, because she is smart and practical.

This lady enjoys success in men. But it is worth considering that she does not like indecisive and ever fluctuating people.

Combining the signs of the Western Zodiac and the Year of the Dragon

Dragon Board Born in the Year different signs Western zodiac differ from each other. Constellations enhance in them alone personal qualities and weaken others.

Aries, born in the year of the mythical animal, can be called a dragon in a square, since this sign is closer to all to the eastern ruler of the year in spirit. He is not easy to go to his goal, and she flies to her as if his wings grew up. But due to stubbornness and straightness of Aries, it may encounter many difficulties on the path to success.

calf Significantly softens moral eastern sign, making the Terrible Lord of the Estet and the connoisseur of the beautiful. Basically, this combination of signs makes people good family mans. In addition, such tents are very attentive to their appearance and are fans of various accessories.

Twins They transmit their duality to the formidable sign of the Chinese horoscope, which leads to the fact that a person may in the most unexpected moment to move from extremely good nature to the extreme degree of anger. It should be noted that people born with such a combination of signs like being spectacular, even if it harms them themselves or relatives.

Under the influence of cancer The dragon becomes the builder of wonderful air locks. He clearly knows how the conceived they should look, but does not bother himself by thinking by the little things, or what personally seems to him in trifles.

a lion In combination with the same majestic sign turns, oddly enough, in infinite crimsibility, accompanied by constant doubts in itself and its forces. It seems that such a person is best to find a quiet place away from people, allowing all the uncertainty to disappear, but no, the lion cannot live without the audience. He seeks to perform and be the center of attention.

Virgo, with its inherent realism and practicality, under the influence of the dreamy dragon becomes very interesting person. Such a virgin will be able to convince anyone in any way, because its reasoning seems logical and are quite substantiated. The problem is that later the plans of the Virgin may be ill-conceived and unnecessary.

The eternal problem of dragon-scales is Handra. It seems that everything is bored and tired of him. It is disappointed in the opposite field. The work sees him hopeless routine. Saving scales from this state can travel, extreme sports or work, to fulfill which you need to be able to risk yourself.

ScorpioBorn in the year of the dragon, certainly you need something large-scale. If he wants to have his own business, then only the oil, if he wants to lead, only the country. For such a scorpion, it is better to look closely, as it will not stop even the obvious illegality of the activity he is engaged.

Sagittariusperhaps the most calm and judicial of all signs of the Western Zodiac, born in the year of the Board chinese Dragon. He always appreciates sincere friendship, and himself is very decent. He is not particularly interested in glory, and he has no strong need to be the center of attention. After choosing myself, such a person is engaged in them absolutely disinterested and devoted.

Capricorn Looks like Sagittarius in the fact that it does not have any needs in excessive pompousness and twisted the crowd. He prefers a decent income and stability. Nevertheless, the unpretentious essence of the Dragon takes its own and, leaving for her, Capricorn often chooses an extraordinary sphere of activity, for example, breeding crocodiles.

Aquarius-dragon It cannot accept the imperfection in itself or in others. Any failure on which representatives of other marks would not pay special attentionwill be weeks to cause him a sense of discomfort. These experiences of Aquarius will spend a lot of useful energy, and can also lose part of the future success.

Fish Under the influence of the dragon are always prudent, smart and moreover, they have a feeling of beautiful. From such a person, a magnificent science fiction writer will turn out, but, unfortunately, the combination of signs gives it a low self-esteem. Because of this, he is unlikely to even think about literary creativity.

Each man at birth falls under the signs of the Western and Eastern Zodiac. It is so great that he learned, under what signs a man was born, you can say a lot about his character, tastes and even interests. Dragon is truly one of the most brilliant signs of the Chinese zodiac, which simply cannot but reflect on people born in his year.

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