How to arrange the territory before the fence. Landscape design in front of the house

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Space even little plot It should not be empty, but should perform its specific function. Any meter can be useful. This also applies to the place that is located between the road and the facial part of the house, called the palist. Placing the main garden in some style landscape design in front of the house, you need to remember and about this little block of land, which is usually in width does not exceed more than 7 meters. Since even here you can issue beautiful composition from living colors and other elements.

With a big desire, the design of the site in front of the house can be simply creating landscaped art. However, for people who do not have experience in this, it is advisable to know everything from the very beginning. If you do not consider the style and other landscape design nuances, then the parisades are:

  • Closed. Parisades are characterized by the presence of a fence. At the same time, the material for its construction can be almost all: a wooden grille, a metal, brick and even a live fence in the form of small shrubs. It is absolutely not necessary that the fence covers completely your small garden. Such an element can only be part of the decor.
  • Open. These barisades are excellent on all sides and do not have any fences. As a rule, these are small flowerbeds and neatly trimmed lawn.

In addition, the parisader may be European or Russian type. Last option It is characterized by the fact that this area is drawn up for its owner. That is, most likely, the plants will be overtaken by a hedge (usually wooden). And the fence does not necessarily fully hide the plantations, but best view Opened from the window of your dwelling. In this case, the barrage can be decorated with painting and other elements.

European style will require more careful care. All plantations (lawn, trees and shrubs) are required to be neatly trimmed. At the same time, it is necessary to observe geometry. The design of this parisader is usually not hidden for third-party eyes and can see him completely every person. Hedgery If it is installed, only for a decorative goal, emphasizing the common style.

The area in front of the house can be not only a place with plants planted, but a truly work of art. In addition, you can make a beautiful landroom in front of the house in different styles.

When the common landscape design of your territory has some kind of style, it will be very good if this plot will be harmonized with it. Or you can try to dilute the general picture with a small corner with absolutely different design.

The paralisian in this style is obliged to consist of perennial flowers and plants that should not be very bright colors. This plot is obliged transmit calm. At the same time, plants must be the corresponding sizes. Shrubs and trees (desirable coniferous) are obliged to be small, that is, dwarf. While using different partitions, it is necessary to take into account that the only possible material Asian style is a rock.

Rustic ease Beautiful in its own way. And the design of B. rustic style Suitable for both countryside and city house.

The feature of this design is specially made. effect of easy inaccurability. In this case, it is not necessary to observe the flower gamut, stick to the lines and so on. The most important thing is that all with each other combined.

For this style, perennial plants are superbly suitable, which do not require large care. And the image will be able to add a low wooden fence. This landfill without problems can arrange even a newcomer in gardening.

Romantic style

Presenting a romantic garden in front of them, red roses and other bright flowers. But there are some more recommendations that can add romance to the barisader. When this live corner is overstated, and also equipped arch for entry, then you can let curly plants. When the plants have sufficient contrast, then the hedge can be painted in a snow-white color.

With this in mind, it is possible to determine that there are absolutely no restrictions in the organization of this palanitor. It is only necessary to adhere to the main rules, but otherwise you only count on your taste.

This style is characterized by the fact that, by and large, it is mobile. That is, almost all the plants are planted not in the ground, but in tubs, containers and vases.

Also, this site will be unique in that it is possible to install a table with several chairs or a chaise lounge for rest.

Flowers in the parisader can be completely different, the most important thing that they combine with each other.

A good supplement will be different figures and lamps. So, a simple landroom will be able to turn into a wonderful place to relax.

Modern style

The modern design of the plot does not have specific rules, but some recommendations still exist.

For example, it is not necessary to be afraid to plant new varieties of trees and other plants (European larch, stripped samshes, etc.). Also as decor you can apply artificial or natural stone.

Recommendation: When the places are not enough or the courtyard is already decorated with a beautiful and even lawn, the front desk can be arranged directly on the porch. It turns out quite beautiful if you start the curly flowers.

How to make a barisade?

It is not necessary to limit the parisader only by the presence of plants. After adding a little creative and manifests a fantasy, you can make a truly paradise corner. Moreover, decor elements can still be rather functional objects.

Fence for the palication It may have both a hopeless, dense and large partition, and on the contrary, a small fence that does not close the eyes to this area. The advantage of the first way is that it will save from curious annoying hands and eyes. But more presentable this design will not be. When the main goal of the paralisian is the home decoration and the emphasis is performed on decoration, the hedge is obliged to be neat, colorful and small. In this case, the overall composition will look over and harmonious.

Another way to fencing the site is a dense alive fence. Best plants For the manufacture of this fence are the samshet of a snowy year or thuja. For decorative hedge, a wrought metal is suitable. But the most popular is the fence from wooden stakenikaThis fence can easily construct with your own hands, but about it a little further.

Deciding with the fence, it is necessary to think about another detail. Even in a small parisader, you can build a track. And when the site at the same time has a significant area, then you can make it different shape.

To supplement and emphasize any style of a parisader, if you decorate a mini-garden with different accessories. These are small figures of animals and people, figurines. For decoration, it is also possible to apply objects that, at first glance, with the garden are completely incompatible. These can be drawers that are filled with blooming flowers, old furniture. Or a simple bicycle, which is holding vases and pots with plants. Even the old torn boot will be able to come in handy for this purpose.

But in order for the parisades to be really beautiful, they do not need to overload these interiors. Sometimes there is even enough someone element to look beautiful and easy to look. But the brute force with accessories can lead to the opposite effect.

Another secret of beautiful design pricework It consists in choosing different elements. Since some aristocratic and exquisite figurine ridiculously will look in the usual landing room in the country style.

Miscellaneous street lamps are very popular. With them your plot will look great even at night. And if you still install a table with several chairs here, you can arrange evening romantic tea drinking.

Luminaires can be very diverse, therefore it is possible to play with the light in different ways. In addition to classic lamps, different light vases are possible, etc.

As we said, the fence from the stakenik is considered one of the most popular options for the fence. This is due to the fact that, despite the simplicity of the construction, it looks pretty beautiful and stylish. At the same time, it will cost much cheaper forged metal structures.

So, in order to build a fence for a barroom with your own hands you will need such a set of materials:

  • Rigel (horizontal bars for fencing fencing) 50x100 mm;
  • Boards with a cross section of 3x10 cm;
  • Brussia with 12x12 cm.

Attention: the number of building materials is calculated taking into account the total area of \u200b\u200bthe site.

But in addition to building materials, a certain set of tools will be needed, without which the fence will not work. Arsenal looks like:

  • Screwdriver or drill;
  • Shovel;
  • Nuts, bolts and screws;
  • Saw;
  • Loops for wicket;
  • Solution for concreting.

The initial stage is the installation of pillars that will keep all the fence of the parisade. For which at the same distance, the pits of 50-60 cm deep should be digged (starting best from the corners). Poles are installed in these foxes and poured cement mixture.

Then the rigleels are screwed between the colums, where, in turn, the rest of the boards are fixed.

When, the fence from the stakenik was built, then it remains for small - to treat special solutions and paint. In order for the stakenat for a long time and was protected from the action of different fungi and mold, the surface must be treated with a layer of appropriate compositions. You can apply paint only after that. By the way, it is best to paint on the basis of mineral pigments and alkyd resins. In this case, the fence of the paralisian will not only be securely protected from different external influencesBut it will save its naturalness.

Probably the most important stage of the design of the parisader will right choice Plants. Competently pick them up, you can almost a round season (except winter) admire blooming plants. However, in addition, it is necessary to take into account other nuances.

To begin with, the preference must be given to blooming and perennial plants. Decorate the site also different shrubs. The most popular are: barberries, ordinary juniper, etc. Separately, it is necessary to allocate evergreen samste.

During the arrangement of the site by trees, attention should be paid to the straak species, near which one can land different bright colors, for example, an ostolistic maple.

When choosing different colors, it will be advisable to plant those species that bloom in different time. For example, in April, you can enjoy the daisies, virologists, forget-me-not, etc. Narcissus come to change in May. And at the beginning of the summer, peonies, Turkish carnation, irises and tiger lilies begin to bloom. Starting from August, a magnificently paralisian will decorate the late types of chrysanthemums and asters.

In order to build and arrange a palis dress with their own hands, you need to make some efforts, as well as to show a fantasy and creative approach. Only after that the house and the parisader in front of him will be able to bloom with bright colors and will delight their owners and their guests.

The plot of land from home to the roadway is made to be called a barisade, and the fence separating him from the road - a panelisade. On the small territory Most often there are flowerbeds, a beautifully decorated track leading to the house, the arch in colors, compositions of low trees and stones. This is a place where you can bring the most brave design solutionsAnd the ability to create an original barroom in front of the house with your own hands.

Before starting the design of the palication in front of the house, you should get acquainted with a variety outdoor territories And their features.

From the point of view of openness, the parisades are divided into two types:

  • Open - not having a fence. The space adjacent to the house is perfectly visible both from the porch and with the roadway. Most often it is a neatly trimmed lawn with flower beds and a track leading to the entrance.
  • Closed - Wardly fenced from the street or the street or a fence (forged, brick, wooden, wicker, stone, metal mesh).

Outdoor facility is well visible from the road, shrubs are visible, flower flower beds, Decor. High fences are excluded

A bright example of a closed parisade is the courtyard surrounded by a high albid. With the roadway, neither dust penetrate nor noise

Some designers, making up a project, are interested in the owners of the house, which is more important for them: personal preferences or opinion of neighbors and passersby. Depending on the view, the parisades were conventionally divided into two varieties:

  • Russian type. Everything that is located outside the windows of the house must, first of all, to devaway the outstands of the owners than guests and neighbors. Accordingly, the view from the windows will be more attractive than from the road. Most likely, the site in front of the house will be closed on all sides by the fence, even if not always a deaf, or a dense alive hedge. But it will be decorated from the soul: both by wooden painted decor, and clay figures, and numerous magnificent flower beds.
  • European type. Everything is arranged here on strict standards. Related geometry of lines, neatly trimmed shrubs and trees, smooth lawns, flawlessly decorated flower beds and tracks. Often use open typeSo that any passer-by can estimate the quality and level of design.

The Russian-style dresser is distinguished by the presence of a plurality of wood products.

On the European courtyard everything is calculated and thought out: from the form of steps to exotic plant in a vazon.

Some household owners choose the design of the parisader depending on the style: romantic, Mediterranean, Japanese, rustic.

Step-by-step device of a paleryman from a stakenice

Many people ask: how to decorate a landroom with your own hands and inexpensive? It is easy to do, building a steady fence from the stakeholder.

The low fence from the stakenik painted in white color, perfectly combined with the surrounding greens

The low fence from the stake only only conditionally performs a fender function, most likely it serves to decorate and zoning. Simple but neat and smooth paralicles from the stakenik - an option for owners who want to try forces in independently refining the site. Having a small set of tools and materials at hand, you can slowly assemble the figure or the simplest elevation for the parisader.

Required wooden material:

  • bars with a cross section of 100x100 mm;
  • boards 25x80 mm;
  • horizontal planks (riglia) for fastening a stakenist 40x100 mm.

Tools and additional materials:

  • shovel;
  • saw (electrolovka);
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver (drill, screwdriver);
  • self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, washers;
  • blend for concreting;
  • loops for wicket.

To begin with, the poles should be keen in the same distance from each other, starting with the corners. More practical option - Installing them on concreted anchors from metal: spit the hole, the pipe (tin or asbestos-cement) is inserted into it, the galvanized anchor is inserted into the pipe, all this is poured with a mixture of sand and cement. Bolt bolt to the posts, to them - boards. The wicket outward is part of the fence, fixed with the loop on the support post.

The scheme is clearly visible how to correctly fasten the boards on the anchors and the rigels.

The next stage is staining of boards and columns. So that the stakeholder served for a long time, it should be processed special composition Anti mold and fungi, and then apply paint based on mineral pigments and alkyd resins. This combination will protect the tree from rotting and retain its natural texture.

A bright and cheerful fence from the stakenice will work if the boards coloring in different colors. If you have children, they will gladly help

Build a barroom with your own hands is easy, it is equally important to learn how to care for him. Here are some tips on the care of the stakeholder:

  • The tree perfectly absorbs moisture, so it is necessary that the elements of the stakenice are at least 15 cm above the surface of the Earth. For the same reason, it is necessary to get rid of grasses growing along the fence.
  • Approximately once every three years, the stakenik must be updated. In this case, you can change the color of the fence - appearance The parisader will immediately become different.
  • The tree dissipates, cracks appear, which can be easily close: carefully sharpen, and then wipe emery paper and paint.
  • The loop on the gate should be lubricated so as not to creak.

Another stakeholder is metallic. His construction will cost more, but it will last much longer

Decorating a palication with plants

How to arrange a parisader without applying complex technical techniques and construction? Of course, with the help of plants.

Vegetation must be selected based on the general style, as well as depending on the edema, practical or purely decorative. Consider several groups of plants:

Fruit-berry shrubs and trees

Sweese apple trees and pears are more suitable for the rear yard, the decoration of the parisader will be strambed plants. These are not familiar bushes, wild and neglected, and decorated on the smooth trunk of the crown. Stumbling currant, raspberry or gooseberry looks unusual, but it is just a neat decorative bar, which will give a small sophistication to the parisader. Properly decorated tree is better to purchase in the nursery, where the specialists know the secrets of its cultivation.

Neat rose on the strain can be the focal point of the palication

Using low trees and shrubs, you can create live hedge. For this purpose, a hawthorn, Barbaris, Roshovnik are suitable. Their gentle flowers will decorate the village of Spring Sometimes, and bright fruits and foliage - in the fall.

Arch in alive hedges with blooming plants looks romantic and a little mysterious

Coniferous plants

Beautiful, geometrically correct compositions create with small coniferous trees cone-shaped and spherical shape. They should not be much, because from the overload of the landscape of the same type of plant plantings losing their attractiveness. The exception serves the device of a living hedge: the trees are planted in a row in front of the facade or around the perimeter of the entire site.

With the help of coniferous trees in the middle of the parisader, you can arrange a small rocorary, the main thing is that the plants are low

It is better to choose the breeds, easily carrying a haircut: bricks, tees, a dwarf fir, thus. Tall trees For the design of the palication, they do not fit absolutely - with their crowns they close the facade of the house and the rest of the decor.

Flowers and flower beds

If the climate allows the best way - Flowerby continuous blossomwhich can please the eyes from early spring to late autumn. IN otherwise You can use decorative flower beds, decorated with stones or arranged in clay and wooden porridge. To give the flower beds uniquely sowed flowers combined with garden figures, stony slides, wooden crafts. Malva, roses, peonies, dahlias, asters and phlox look wonderfully against the background of the rest of the greenery.

Material will also be useful about creating continuous flowering flowering flower beds:

When a bed of flower beds and flower beds, you can use the most bold color combinations, such as red and purple

Even a modest wooden fence can be made luxurious thanks to the lush flower arc.

Successfully use curly plants, especially when the parisader is divided into several zones or want to protect it from the carriageway. In the trellis, Glicinia, Campxis, pleet roses Or Liana - for a short period of time, they are able to create a real green script.

Do not necessarily arrange a barroom using traditional principles. You can combine registration techniques, stylistic nuances, various materials - The main thing is that the site in front of the house harmonized with the building and was attractive.

Country house or cottage is designed to relax in nature away from the city bustle. As a rule, there should be many fruit trees, plants and competently decorated platform in front of the house. To transform the landscape of the house, let's look at some recommendations for the decoration of the country area.

Formation flower garden In front of the house - the task is not the lungs. To solve it, consider the size and shape of the flower garden in line with the overall stylistic direction.
Choose plants in such a way that they do not overshadow the design, but also did not look like faded on his background. On the path leading to the house, put flowers.

The flower garden will help hide any defects. An alternative solution is a mixborror, that is, various plantings in flower beds that allow you to naturally hide the errors of the house.

Another version of the decor is a slave. Flowers are placed with a ribbon and alternate them in magnitude.

For gardeners, newcomers to plant exotic plantings in front of the house we do not recommend, as they need to carefully care for them. Stop on perennial plants.

Coniferous and low-spirited shrubs will contribute to some aristocracy.

After creating a flower garden, you can make a section of the site in front of the house using the addition of accessories. Lay out wooden barrels and bags, vases and kashpo.

For the style of MODERN, vases from granite or concrete are suitable. As a supplement, figures, statues, as well as large stones of an unusual shape are attractively looking. The main thing, observe the measure, too do not overload the area with decorative elements.

Shrubs in front of the house should be beautifully cutting. Such plantations always look unusually and attract the attention of others.

Garden paths are an integral part of the dacha landscape design.

They can be made of natural stonebricks, paving tile either paving stones.

With the help will be attractive, it will be and pleasantly convenient to walk.

In rainy days on paths there is no accumulation excess moistureAlso, they help to divide the territory on the zones.

Before the house relevant will be the placement of artificial reservoir or.

This will be the key element of your territory. There are no restrictions on the form and the magnitude of the composition.

The green room is a room that is located in the hallroom, the terrace or an outdoor gazebo.

Landscape design arrangement in front of the house - the task is quite complicated. After all, it is necessary to make a pretty small plot of land beautifully - put on it beautiful shrubs and flowers, it is possible to make a metal fence or a wooden fence. Here, what is the design of the site near the house you select. Before starting work, make a plan. It will help determine the style of the composition, pick up flowers for landing in a parisader.

The design of the site in front of the house may provide for the division of it on the zone. Without a plan, decorate with your own hands the territory will be difficult. You can go through, as a result, it turns out that there was not enough funds for all conceived or part of the effort was wasted.

Basics of registration

Wanting to decorate a small plot, do not forget about the main rule: big trees, shrubs - do not land, facilities - do not put.

High fences mentioned in the last paragraph are able to spoil the appearance, and also the atmosphere of the site, disrupt the microclimate. This is explained by the fact that such a fence will violate the circulation of air. So, small plot better fencing Rabita or low stakenist.

What turns on the plan

First declared the first thing. Because of this, you will save strength and money. Do not remove anything. When drawing up a plan, you can use special computer programs, or just make a drawing. Specify on it the location of the house and other buildings.

Mark the recreation and barbecue area. Row computer programs Allows you to note the estimated places for planting trees and shrubs. The plan also can also be indicated where the garden and flower beds will be.

Choosing style

The main directions of styles:

  • regular;
  • natural.

Regular. It provides for the main axis of the overall composition. Symmetric landings are created with respect to it. A similar style is ideal for plots of a large area, although for a small area it will also fit. The tracks in this case are made straight. Strictly observed geometric formsWhose selection depends on the site configuration. If it is elongated and long, it is advisable to arrange rectangular flower beds.

Natural or landscaped style. Provides more free placement of landings and all buildings. From direct tracks you can refuse. With this style, natural relief beats, artificial depressions or hills are created. In a small area, you can make a reservoir through which to cross the bridge. With the reluctance to mess around with the ground, you can make a flower bed, disembarking the plants different height, shades and forms.

Increased site visual

The visual increase in the territory is possible due to the installation of certain materials and forms. The main accents are made on lines, smooth and smoothed forms.

Do not do direct garden track. When he loops between the plants, the site visually increases. Will help in the ventilation of decorative elements and flower compositions.

Plants disembark such that long bloom, better if until late autumn. A small plot is well decorated with a dry stream, a decorative well or a miniature pond.

For a visual increase, plants are used with light colors, for example, white or yellow. Cultures are planted in the distant corners of the cottage, not near the house. This reception "clarifitt" edges of the site.

Ways of gardening

Several major rules:

Water structures

Ponds and small reservoirs can also be decorative, and practical functions. Water can be used for watering. Create and lakes. When a reservoir device, take care of the flora and fauna for it. It may take special equipment.

Water structures for the site:

  • water Mill;
  • fountain;
  • circulating streams;
  • cascade or waterfall.

Plants and flowers

Growing plants near the house requires constant attention, monetary inflation may also be required. Flowers and plants fill the design with bright shades. You can arrange a small flower garden. At the same time stop at one color gamma. Classic plants can be used when arranged, or can be made alpine hill. In many ways, the choice determines the common style.

Places for scenery and rest

The zone rests a special place. In this case, all buildings must be practical. The style of all design is always taken into account.

More often erected:

  • playgrounds;
  • sheds for tools and equipment;
  • arbor;
  • tandan with open kitchen.

To create a cozy, decorative elements are used, for example, sculptures, patio, decorative fountains and vases. A special place at lighting, which helps to visually increase or reduce the plot, create a fabulous atmosphere.

Decorative elements It is relevant almost always, the main thing is to choose them so that they emphasize the style and created the feeling of harmony!