How to hide the plenty roses for the winter (than when). How to cover the plenty rose for the winter

With the onset of autumn, the days are reduced and becomes colder, and at this time the device on the wintering of pink bushes should be in the list of urgent gardening of the flower. Of course, there are relatively frost-resistant varieties, carrying well winter conditions. But the bulk of roses varieties are non-wellness and require careful shelter for the winter. In this article, we will look at how to properly prepare the plenty roses for wintering, what types of shelters will suit this, and what actions the flower water should take to prepare roses by the winter.

Why and when to strengthen the plenty roses

The actions of the gardener to cover roses for the winter depend on the climatic zone of gardening and types of grown roses. Hybrid and varietal roses extremely need winter protection from cold weather, especially if the air temperature drops below -15 ° C and keeps at this level for a long time.

Did you know? In 2002, a dwarf pink bush of the Night Sensation variety was taken into space to help scientists in studies of the influence of low gravity on a floral fragrance. The purpose of the study was to improve the fragrance for a number of consumer goods.

How to prepare a plant for winter

Stop fertilize roses by nitrogen from the end of August and to early spring. If the flowers are wintering in terrestrial shelter, they need to be removed from the splaters for about a month and a half before the onset of stable frosts.

Russian winter can damage even the most stable varieties, it contributes to this:

  • quick temperature changes;
  • injuries roots from periodic frozen and thawing;
  • damage to the cortex from mouse teeth;
  • injuries from Ice Nast.

The novice gardener needs to be known that all these problems in the flower bed can be avoided if it is reliably and thoughtfully cover the plants.

We take steps to prepare pink bushes for winter:

  1. Winter protection begins with stopping the flow of plants since the end of August. Nitrogen encourages the growth of new shoots, which weaken the plant and besides will be less winter-hardy than older (caused and weedly) shoots. If the gardener sees that new shoots begin to grow from the base of the bush in September, they must be removed by means to prevent the future of winter freezing plants.
  2. Many believe that winter endurance roses will increase after (at least one) autumn feeding of potassium.
  3. After October 1, there is no longer conducting a cut of colors, allow them to blow away and turn into fruit. The development of fruits contributes to strengthening wood bushes.
  4. From the beginning of September, gradually reduce the level of watering. It will also help initiate the process of hardening wood. Keep track of soil moisture, by the end of autumn, watering the bushes only as needed to avoid drying the soil. Fully stop watering roses when the earth will leave.
  5. Do not trim during the shelter to wintering, except for the removal of dead, damaged and sick branches. Wait until the end of April - this time is suitable as best as possible in order to spend spring trimming roses.

Did you know? From the Middle Ages to the current days in Italy, the expression "under the rose" is used, that is, absolutely secret. The image of the rose is present on the secret documents of the Illuminati as a sign that they are not subject to disclosure.

Features of subcord

As mentioned above, cease to bring under the pink bushes at the end of summer. Instead, you can feed the plant with root fertilizers before wintering.

First autumn root feeding:
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 25 g;
  • 10 g;
  • 2.5-3.5 g of boras or.

This quantity is enough to fertilize area 4 square meters. The feeding is made in the first days of September.

The second autumn root feeder:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 16 g or potassium sulfate;
  • 15 g of superphosphate.

Freshly prepared solution must be used for 10-12 hours so that it is not exhaled. Usually buckets for feeding fluid enough for 3-4 adult pink bushes. It is carried out two weeks after the first feeding.

Cleaning from weeds and destruction of garbage

Part of the work on the shelter of roses for the winter is cleaning the garden from garbage, which will help prevent roses from diseases next year:

  1. An important task for the flower is the removal of cropping and fragments of branches that fled flowers and leaves, as well as other plant residues not only after roses, but also from other plants.
  2. If there are other flowers in the garden (annual and faded), growing next to roses, it is necessary to remove everything.
  3. All plant residues from the garden are absorbed using Rabel.
  4. Do not leave the glare roses lying on the ground in the garden. They may contain disputes of diseases of leaves, such as black spots and fungus. The dead floral material is a winter shelter and dining room for insects and their larvae, as well as pathogenic microbes, which in the future will cause the diseases of pink bushes. Remove the garbage, burn or remove outside the site. In no case do not compost such a plant material - it only distributes in the garden of the disease and harmful insects.

Did you know? The most expensive pink variety in the world -"Juliet", derived in 2006. The selection of this variety took 15 years and cost five million dollars.

Pruning and dying

In the middle or end of November, a couple of weeks before the Earth will leave, plants must be covered with 10-12 centimeters of well-drained soil. Such a holmik should be poured around the roots of each flower.

This soil must be brought from another place in the garden, and not taken from. Then cover the earthlings around the roots by another 12-16 centimeters of mulching material, such as pine needles or wood chips.

Light upper mulch must be strengthened in place (from winds and shower) laid over it with spruce or pine branches. You can also pin a mulch to the ground using wire "spills".

The top layer of mulch can help stabilize the temperature of the roasting soil and reduce the probability of frozen. Additional shelter of the soil brings heat to the roots and lower branches of roses, helping them to resist the winter icy launch.

If the root system of the plant persists without frozen, then even in case of damage to the aboveground part of the snow and ice, a pink bush will throw out new branches in the spring.

Conducting bushes:

  1. Take a secateur with well-pointed blades and remove dead wood on the bushes. It is easy to distinguish from alive in black color, it is excised until the green stem will appear. The branches cut off from the parent plant at an angle of 45 degrees, about 3 cm above the leaf kidney, which is addressed to the outside of the bush.
  2. To improve the circulation of air and illumination inside the bush, remove all the stems that crossed out, and the branches growing inside the bush. Similarly, any weak and thin increase is removed.
  3. Pruning force depends on the type of rose. For example, tea roses are trimmed strongly, and the weaves are exposed to gentle trimming.

Did you know? The age of the oldest rose bush in the world is almost a thousand years. He grows near the Wall of the German Church in the city of Guildesheim. Mention O. ancient plant It is found in the chronicles since 815 of our era. According to the existing legend, the pink bush is a symbol of the prosperity of the hometown, while the bush is growing - there is a city. During World War II (in 1945), the church was destroyed by bombing, but the plant survived. His root system remained alive under the ruins of the Church, and soon the bush bloomed again.

Ways to cover plenty roses

How to do it right and timely:

  1. Winter shelter for curly roses has its own characteristics. In October grape vines Remove with grids and steleter. They are lowered to the ground, put and pinch to the ground "stud", bent from thick wire. If the bush is old and the magnificent rush - it is not so easy to do. Therefore, large bushes need to be lowered in stages gradually, gradually attracting them even lower and lower to the ground. This can be done, tied to the tops of the wolf bucket filled with sand, which will gradually tilt the bush and put it on the ground.
  2. Under the bush lying on Earth it is advisable to raise the layer of roofing material (Ruberoid, polyethylene or wooden shield). This will prevent contact murzed soil with floral stems.
  3. Winter protection methods are designed to ensure that the wintering plants are not injured from frost, and to prevent the devastating effects of alternating freezing cycles and thawing. Do not start to cover the bushes too early.
  4. Wait for most of the leaves on the roses and fell, after which you need to collect all the fallen leaves and other wreckage around the pink bushes. This will help to avoid wintering fungal diseases and becomes good prevention of plant diseases next year. Burn the floral garbage, do not fold it into a compost bunch, where in the winter the temperature will not be high enough to kill the controversy of the disease. The procedure for cleansing from leaves is performed in several steps, starting from the bottom of the bush. Leaves can be blocked even with frosts, immediately before the insulation of the plant. Then push the bush to the ground and turn into any material that is not available with mouse teeth.
  5. At the end of October or early November, before organizing a rose to wintering, remove the old mulch from the root layer of all plants and spread a new organic mulch, such as a compost manure or peat. It helps to prevent the occurrence of diseases in the future, keeps the roots from the freezing, accelerates the growth of plants in spring.
  6. Washing or curly roses It is best to winter when they are removed from the trellis, laid on the ground and allow snow cover to protect them from strong cold. If yours climatic zone Does not count on deep snow cover in winter, you can pour the soil or mulch on the plants lying on the ground (long branches). Also possible is a high shelter of the stems, without their preliminary reservoir from the choplares. They are left in tied state on a chopler, for shelter from frost, the plant is covered in several layers of burlap and partially polyethylene. And also, as in the case of bush grades, the roasting zone is insulated with soil and inedible for mice mice.
  7. After the mulch is freezing at the base of the bush - you need to spend winter treatment of roses (Processing with special chemicals) to prevent development in future fungal diseases.
  8. To hold snow on the design, you can make shields and strengthen the whole structure laid on top of bricks. Spruce and pine branches are designed not only for insulation, but also to prevent the appearance of rodents that do not tolerate the smell of needles. On the perimeter of the rosary, the gardener can decompose poisonous baits for rodents.
  9. Shelter over tall pink bushes should be gradually, its side holes should remain open before the onset strong frosts. They are completely sealed only after a decrease in temperature to -5 ...- 10 ° C.

Important! If there are mice in the garden, the upper mulching layer of sawdust or straw is better not to lay, since the mice will gladly fall in the shelter provided to them, along the way, damaging the roots and the trunk of pink bushes.

With the construction of the carcass

The construction of shelters for fusing roses is especially important in areas where it is frosty, but little snow. You can build wooden frameTo which the insulation coating is subsequently placed. For example, the frame can be laid fir branches, and on top of them - polyethylene film To protect against moisture.

What materials can be used as insulation:

  • slate;
  • wooden shields;
  • ruberoid;
  • polyethylene;
  • wooden and plastic boxes;
  • plastic volumetric flower pots;
  • carton boxes;
  • spruce or pine branches.

Did you know? The world's largest pink bush is a white "Lady Bank", growing in Arizona (USA). The pink bush rummaged over a gazebo, having a size of more than nine thousand square feet.

Without carcass

Winter curly roses require special attention. Experienced rosishes are recommended to remove them from the supports, lay on the ground and strengthen the material stored by the materials, but it is not too convenient for most domestic gardens.

Instead, you can collect the tips of the long branches of the roses of the rose and wrap them in burlap (several layers), using twine to fix the insulation. Be sure to pour the ground at the base of the plant and it reliably hide the mulch roots.

If the gardener cannot constantly monitor roses (in view of living elsewhere), then tall bushes from October are stacked on the ground, and the roasting zone is generously murdered with a compost.
Treately the Earth's vest to completely secure from the frost bush. The soil for the insulation of the bush is better to prepare in advance and stored under covering in a dry form so that it does not go hike and as a result did not leave (which will make it impossible as root shelter).

The soil is perfect for the shelter of the roots, since, for example, the sand does not preserve heat, and the roots will be freezed, and the root shelter of sawdust is dangerous possible by the development of fungal diseases and mold.

If deep snow fell and the temperature on the street is very low - there is no reason for concern, because the layer of snow reliably protects plants from freezing.

Important!Check the grille or other supporting design nearby on stability to make sure its strength. If the snow or wind swells the grille in the winter, it can easily turn the rose lying on the ground and damage it.

When and how to remove the shelter

With the onset of spring, the gardener should not hurry with removal winter shelter With pink bushes:

  • if the air temperature rose, the sun shines in the sky, but the soil has not soldered yet, then the necessary moisture is not found early in the growth of the kidneys. In addition to all, a bump bump for many months from sun ray, and the young leaflets can be injured in the growth may suffer at the "physiological drought";
  • however, it is also impossible too tightening with the removal of winter shelter from the plant. As soon as the positive temperatures become permanent, and spring will be established in their rights, artificially fastened to autumn roasting chilms from the soil and mulchchy are angry to the sides, allowing the roots to be saturated with oxygen. Also during this period, the upper part of the shelter of fusing roses is revealed;
  • delete the mulch and adopt the bushes with good fertilizer For a family of pink. These flowers are very sensitive to regular fertilizer making, so the spring feeding is obligatory;
  • during the "February windows" (thaw), flowers can recreat. The same trouble threatens and bushes, covered too early at the beginning of winter, as there is always a chance of temperature fluctuations from frost to thaw. In addition, the chances of survival of colors in the winter will increase if their young wood hardens in air (without shelter) before the onset of frosts.
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    10 once already

Rose preparation for winter is a mandatory component of a full-fledged plant care. Do not naively rely on the characteristic of "good frost-resistant", which you can often hear from sellers in the store.

Under frost resistance, it is necessary to understand the ability of the flower well to carry a low temperature ... with its relative constant. However, in recent times, the climate is increasingly presents surprises: very low temperatures During the day they can change with 0s. It is these differences and can provoke the death of the plant, if not previously disturbed about it. Therefore, you need to decide in advance how to protect the plants from the upcoming cold, and prepare required Material.

Why is this procedure so important?

New varieties of roses are not taken as a result of selection do not have the period of organic rest: With the onset of frosts, vegetation is suspended, and with an increase in temperature indicators - resumes. The consequence of the renewal of the growing season is the beginning of a coating in a rose. Juice freezes at temperatures -2c. The plant will immediately begin to crack, as the juice turning into ice will destroy the structure of the plants stalks.

At the first tall, the cracked areas (frosts) will begin to refuse, creating a threat to the entire plant: it becomes "open" for all infectious diseases and pests. A similar phenomenon can be avoided under the condition if the juice arising from the "wound" of roses will quickly dry, and the surface catches. The conclusion is: roses should be dry, and this is possible only if placing them into the shelter, fluctuations in the temperatures in which will be reduced to a minimum.

When is it produced?

Start preparing a rose for winter is necessary, oddly enough, in the summer. In July, the type of feeding should be changed, and the last feeding is usually produced in mid-September. Rest preparatory work Must end until mid-November.

Should also not forget that to cover the plant only in dry weatherand only when the thermometer column is at the level above 0.

In the spring and in the first half of the summer, it is recommended to feed the plant with excitation fertilizers, and closer to autumn - potash and phosphoric fertilizers. Potassium and phosphorus - elements helping to grow wood, lay future buds and kidneys, strengthen root system.

What includes?

Preparatory work on the preparation of plenty roses for winter - an integral element Plant care. They include trimming a bush, removing the leaves from the plant, cleaning the garbage inside and around the bush, dipsing, processing drugs.

Step-by-step instructions for the preparation of soil and plants for cold season

Attention! If, despite the autumn offensive, the rose continues to be actively blossoming, and shoots to develop, it is recommended for braking vegetation to discharge and bend the stalks at the base of the buds.

Step-by-step instruction for creating a shelter for creeping flower species

If the rose stems are too tough, then they will hurt them to the ground will be extremely difficult. In this case, you can try to do this in several steps (2 - 3) using thick wire brackets different height. It is necessary to do it extremely carefully, bending shoots to the side opposite to the bends of shoots at their base. The duration of a similar swing procedure is 10-12 days. If this method did not work, then it is possible to protect the stalks tightly, and roots to cover separately.

This method of rose shelter is relevant in the event that they are planted with straight rows. When the flowers are planted on the flower beds together with other plants, then each bush of the plenty rose must be covered separately. The case of shelter in this case is completely different:

  1. Carefully burn the scabs to the ground with the help of a bracket, pull them with twine.
  2. Build over a bush Frame from iron rods or rigid wire necessary form. It should be strong enough, able to withstand weather and a thick layer of snow.
  3. From above, the frame is covered with waterproof material (fiberglass, spunbond). Loutrasil and polyethylene are not suitable: Loutrasil misses moisture, and politically creates a greenhouse effect, and the rose can recycle and without waiting for spring.

In order for roses to not be a victim of rodents, it is possible to decompose an invocation or soaked sawdust between the shoots or impregnated with feline urine. Otherwise, in the spring you can see dotted branches that will be unnaviable.


Here you can see what the right shelters look for creep species.

Winter care

If there are snow on the shields (about 10 cm), then inside the shelter even with the harsh frosts, the temperature does not drop below -en. All under the walls of the shelter is covered with annea, which when thaw slowly melts, and the temperature in this case will not rise above 0c. And it means that pathogenic microbes infecting the plant are not chances.

During the period of thaws, the shield ends can be converted to ventilating and avoid scoring roses. If the winter is warm, then you can leave the openings pre-done in the shelter ends.

It is important to monitor the integrity of the film covering the roseSince it is hitting the inside of wet snow and rain can provoke the beginning of the processes of rotting.

In the spring, the shelter cannot be removed sharply: with the stable -3c, the "roofs" ends open and leave them in such a position until the soil is fully thawing. Ships covering flowers are removed with the onset of positive temperatures, then fiberglass or spunbond is removed.

Sure, preparation of plenty roses for winter - a complex and multi-step processrequiring certain costs of flower time. But without this point it is impossible to keep the plant fully in winter.

Useful video

We offer to watch a video about how to cover the plenty roses for the winter:

About, as properly cover roses for the winter Let's talk in our article. After all, the capricious and majestic rose is an ornament of any garden. At the same time, it requires special care. There are species that have a well tolerate any winter, and there are tenders that need certain conditions. We will get acquainted with the features of shelter and best structures for tea-hybrid, plenty, stramb, bush and park roses.

Right wonderful flowers from ancient Rome, where there are no temperatures below 3 degrees. And once in most of Russia is much colder, experts have invented a way to cover roses for the winter.

Do I need to cover roses for the winter?

The answer to this question depends on the variety of roses and weather conditions of a particular region. The age, the state of the plant and the shelter option do not strongly affect how plants carry cold temperature. When purchasing one or another type of colors, you can clarify whether to stream them. If the climate is warm and the winter is soft, then some do not even winter-hardy varieties Can transfer it without shelter.

Self winter-hardy species this is:

  • park varieties (ritausm, pink grothendorst, Konrad Ferdinand Meyer, Gansa, Lavinia, Adelaide Hutles);
  • species or rosehips (nitida, glaucy, wrinkled);
  • winter-hardy varieties (scabers, John Davis, Snow Paving, Jens Munch, Hans);
  • some hybrid species (Alba, Spinozisim, Rigoza).

All other types of specialists are advised to strengthen.

When to cover?

White roses can be stolen at the end of October. If you do it before, when it is still warm, the temperature in shelter can rise, because of which the roots and shoots will begin to develop. Given that the soil moisture rises, the moisture accumulates, the roots can be rotated. Therefore, when more than 7 days the temperature decreases to -5 degrees, you can cover roses for the winter.

Flowers are well tolerated the first frosts to - 7 degrees. It is recommended that this weather start to cover the bushes. Roses are included in the state of rest, stems and roots hardened.

But it all depends on weather conditions, the onset of the cold and climate of the region.

  • In outskirts of Moscow Roses are hidden approximately at the end of October. The term may change, the main thing is that during the week the temperature varied between + 5-7.
  • In the Urals, in Siberia Roses are hidden in September, because the temperature is reduced earlier. It is recommended to cover several layers, because winter in the urals, harsh and plant requires additional protection.

Council Ot experienced flower flowers! The main condition for good wintering roses can be called dry shelter. It is impossible to cover the wet bushes or use wet foliage, reducing with damp soil or by observing material. Due to the humidity, rot, rot, pests and roses will get sick.

Step by step guide

First stage: Preparation

In the winter it is necessary to conduct protective measures for roses.

During flowering, the plant is depleted, nutrient reserves from the soil are spent. Therefore, fertilizers in the fall must be special, so that the plant did not pick up a green mass, and prepared for frosts.

  • For 10 liters of water, it is necessary to take 16 g of potassium monophosphate, 15 g of superphosphate or 10 g of potassium sulfate, 25 g of superphosphate and 2.5 g boric acid. Imagine 4-5 liters of obtained fertilizer for each bush.
  • The folk method of feeding is a banana peel or wood ash (per 1 sq. M. m. It is necessary 3 liters of the bank). In such a composition, a sufficient number of potassium and calcium.
  • Comprehensive fertilizer "Autumn", which is created specifically to prepare rose roots by winter.
  • Processing bushes and fungicides, phytoosporin-M or 5% copper sulfate solution.
  1. Before roses to strengthen, they must be completely risen. Approximately 3-4 weeks before shelting need to stop cutting flowers for bouquets. This rule acts against young roses, which this year has cut off the first time. They must be filled, thereby naturally to stop the growing season.

Tip! Roses after trimming must be treated with a disinfecting agent. They plunge bushes to a height of 30 cm. After that, roses are ready for shelter for the winter.

  1. Different varieties of roses have a different period of foliage. But necessarily all the leaves need to disrupt or cut off. So the plant will be introduced into the state of rest and will reduce the risk of infection.
  2. To displaced the above-ground parts of the bushes, you need to treat them before the shelter iron Camp or Fungicide. The land under the bushes should be cleaned from garbage and weed herbs.

Watch the video! How to protect roses for the winter

Second Stage: Pruning or Flex

Park and rosy varieties can not trim. Some white Sortes and plentytypes that are sensitive to cold are needed gradually, 3-4 weeks before the shelter, put on supports that are lowered even lower, so as not to damage or reverse the stalks. It is necessary to do it gradually and gently.

Park roses - Bend or trim?

Here opinions are divided. Someone leaves roses for the winter without trimming, so that they are better transferring it. Such a plant will wake up in spring earlier and unlikely that new shoots will be released. But there is the reverse side of this medal: the smaller the above-ground part of the bush, the better it will take the frost. In addition, leaving the tops of the stems, the risk of developing bacteria increases. Therefore, it is recommended to do pruning.

On presented photo Four phases of insulation of stamp roses are visible. Roots are dug in if the trunks are poorly flex. The sheet part is covered with a sweetheart or dry foliage, and from above covered with Loutrasil.

How to beat the bushes rose?

  1. Dense and not flexible stems are flexing in several stages, as mentioned above. You can use old building stiletto or rods. Such material is easy to sleep well, it goes well in the ground and can last not one year.
  2. So that the bush has become moving and bent without damage to the plant, it should be gently two or three times to die for a pitchfork. At the same time, it is hard not to dig.
  3. If the bush is vaccinated, you should bend in the direction of vaccinations. It is done to not break the stem from a strong load.

Stampy and pleet roses From the supports are removed and stacked on the ground.

Watch the video! Pruning and shelter roses for the winter

Third Stage: Haling

How and how to protect roses correctly for the winter? There are two types of shelter: air-dry or wrapping.

  • Checking is necessary like this: the ground prepared bushes for 20-40 cm of the height of the stems are plunged. The upper shoots are completely covered with dry foliage. Or roses to the ground are perfted completely;
  • The air type of shelter is insulation with foliage or vegetable roots, and an elevated part - a construction of any materials: plywood or plastic;
  • There is an option to wrapping roses, for this is used heat insulation material, for example, geotextile fabric.

Features of the shelter of different species

Experienced gardeners give tips on shelting different species roses for the winter.

  1. Plenty rose . The stalks of this species are not cut into the winter. Healthy shoots pinch, and only sick cuts. You should be careful with long loops of roses that are sprinkled by the earth. For them, it is necessary to carefully prepare a place, pour a layer of sand, and on top of a layer of the facothy. On this pillow neatly stacked with a support of the screens. On top there are still layer of the facothy, and the film is top.

There is another option of insulation of plenty roses. They make a harness from a weave, which is put on the prepared frame from the wire. Above them is a protective frame of wood or Loutrasil, and on top are covered with film.

  1. Park roses. The varieties of this species are mostly frost. But young bushes should be hiding for the winter. If the winter is predicted cold and frosts are expected strong, then you can cover the park rose with a dry method or touch.
  2. Tea-hybrid rose flower. For this species, a good protection against low temperatures will be a standard patch or frame. And the use of the facothy as an addition, will make the winter for tea roses more comfortable.

Watch the video! Flexing and trimming of plenty roses

Three most popular rose Shelter Designs

Frame method

  • You can build a frame using the base of metal rods. They are folded in the arc, the edges deepen into the ground.
  • The insulation is better to strengthen the onset of the first frost. When for 7 days the temperature drops below 0 degrees, you can warm the framework.
  • Frames are covered with hidden bushes. For him, you can take the above metal bars, old woven baskets, plastic vases large sizes Boards and so on. The framework is constructed in this way:
  • the place around the bush is placed;
  • the shelter or dome is formed;
  • covered by observing material, and the plant is powdered by foliage or cheese, especially if cold winter is expected;
  • from all sides, the insulation is pressed against bricks around the edges, so that the roses can be used.

This method is convenient for large rosary and flower. The insulation is stretched on the frame, if necessary, two layers, it is pressed with boards or bricks.

Frame covers can be several types:

  • from the rods you can make a small conical frame for low-speed species or a large ball-shaped, or a cone for bush grades.
  • Can be made of wooden Bruschev. The base of the frame in the center of the flower beds, and the metal bars are stuck with arcs on both sides. Top stretch the underfloor material.
  • You can take three iron rods, stick around the bush and combine the wire. The insulation is stretched from above. For bushes that grow rarely this method is very convenient.
  • For Moscow region I. middle strip Russia Use air-dry shelter. A frame of the prepared, the boiled bush is established, and the insulation is turned on top, which is fixed with the rope.

Fence with embankment

The essence of this method is that a fence is made around the bush, inside the insulation: foliage, needle, hay, etc., can use the grid, phaneer, cardboard. It is made of a fence in height and width of the bush. Sometimes it must be wrapped with polyethylene, so that the insulation does not fall down.

Cocoon from Loutrasila

Tall varieties, especially strabetic, often insulate, leaving the stalk on the support, and the crooked material is covered with Croon.

The root is needed to emphasize. You can wrap a cocoon with Loutrasil or another insulation.

The bottom should be tiered, so that the cold air did not enter inside.

Tip! With rainy weather, it is better to protect the bush from excess moisture. For this purpose, water is done from the rosary, and the bushes are additionally covered with a polyethylene film.


It is worth noting that even if roses are growing in warm winters, where the weather keeps about -5 -10 degrees, they still should be insulated for the winter. Not only is it protection from the cold, this is also a method for preventing the development of rot, phytoofluorosis and other diseases. The main thing in this is to choose the coming of the rose and the type of climate of the shelter method, then the rosary will be healthy and beautiful.

Watch the video! How to cover roses for the winter: the surest way

Pleet roses can very often be seen on the household plots. It is not surprising, gardeners attracts their fascinating beauty, pleasant aroma and tender texture. They can be arranged the arch or gazebo, which during summer heat Saving a saving shadow will create comfort and just decorate the plot. Unfortunately, the climatic conditions of most regions of the country do not allow the queen of flowers to preserve their decorativeness all season. The main task of gardeners is to save roses in the winter. Other types of roses can be briefly cut, but the plenty roses cannot be cut so much. So how to cover the plenty rose for the winter so that it does not die? About this today and tell.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what a plethomy rose is. This species Roses are divided into six groups that have international recognition:

  • Cordes;
  • Banks;
  • Vishurian;
  • Clusing;
  • Lambert;
  • Multiflora.

Also implies separation by the nature of the growth of curly, fleeting and plenty roses. Of these, only curly roses are real roses, two other groups were derived as a result of mutation or plant crossing. All kinds are good in their own way. They differ in blossom duration, color, shooting length. There are winter-hardy varieties, they can easily survive winter under light shelter.

Winter-hardy plenty roses are divided into several groups:

  • Real Pleet Roses. They reach a height of five meters. Elastic escape, arcuate with thin spikes and small leaves. Beautiful flowers Stay within a month. Winter-hardy group of roses.
  • Roses derived as a result of crossing of different removable and tea roses. Grow up to 4 meters. Low resistance to diseases and low temperatures.
  • Roses, resulting from change bush roses. They differ in colorful, bright colorful colors, later all fruit, grow rapidly.

It is necessary to know which group includes roses on your site, the degree and type of shelter them on the winter depends.

Why cover roses for the winter

Many are interested, is it necessary to strengthen the plenty roses for the winter? Most varieties are frost-resistant. They can winter without frame shelters, if the whole season behind them was proper care. With the onset of cold weather, it will be necessary to pour around the curb of the sawdust, decompose the coniferous husk, straw or fallen leaves, cutting off all the unbearable shoots, and wintering will be successful.

The problem is that hybrid varieties roses can bloom to frosts. Buds of colors and leaves on them remain at first frosts. Plant juice freezes at temperatures -2 ° C. The ice that was formed inside the plant destroys its structure, it cracks. More often suffer from young stems. Plots damaged by ice become vulnerable to penetration of diseases and pests. With increasing temperature, the plant may get sick and die. So that it does not happen, you need to build the shelter of the plenty roses for the winter, in which they will be in a dry environment, but with air access.

Preparation for winter

Preparatory activities include summer and autumn feeding of plants, cleaning, cropping and dip. When performing all the activities and observing the timing of rose shelter, they will feel good and will not die. It is worth remembering that the roses are not frost, but a bad concern.

Undercalinka Rose

Swimming roses must begin to prepare for winter in the summer. If they received nitrogen feed from the spring, it is necessary to cancel it in July. ONLY ARE WILL WILL CAN ONLY ARE WHAT ARE WEEVED, TRANSFER AND HEALTHY BUSES Rose. To do this, they need to help enter phosphate and potash fertilizers.

Why is nitrogen harmful? It contributes to the growth of new shoots, and for the cold season they are not needed. Potassium will help the wood to grow, become stronger, strengthen the roots of the plant. Phosphorus also strengthens the root system, contributes to the laying of future kidneys and pink buds. There is a strengthening of old shoots, and not extension of new ones. The last feeding is held in mid-September.

Can be used next composition Fertilizers:

Boric acid (2.5 g) is mixed with sulfate potassium (10 g), 25 g of superphosphate. Dissolve in ten liters of water, the number is calculated for 5 square meters. meters. The busty roses are watered with the resulting mixture. A month later, they repeat the feeder, for 10 liters of water take 16 g of monophosphate potassium.

If you prepare this fertilizer is problematic, you can use any fertilizer for colors, the main thing is that the ratio of potassium and phosphorus in it was 1: 2, and there was no nitrogen in the composition. It is possible to breed a nutrient solution three times and sprayed the bushes, it is more efficient.

Since the end of August, it is necessary to stop pruning plants, pumping the soil between the bushes. Sleeping kidneys that are at the winter level at this time should not wake up.

When to cover roses for the winter

Often, newcomers in the field of gardening make a mistake, shelting a plenty rose too early, worrying that a small frost destroys their beauty. Pink bushes of classic varieties are enough frost resistant, temperatures up to -7 ... -10 degrees they will easily endure. Hybrid varieties that have no rest periods, more susceptible to frost, but even they will survive the air temperature in -3 ... -5 degrees. This will allow them to harden better.

It is not worth starting styling bushes and the construction of shelters before mid-October. Depending on the region, the timing may differ, but not much. It is necessary to navigate the weather, begin to prepare the shelter if the temperature holds at -5 degrees.

Strengthening the immunity of roses and cleaning the territory

In September, it is necessary to clean the space around rose bushes from any vegetable garbage, weeds, dry grass, fallen leaves. Bacteria and fungal diseases are breeding in the vegetation garbage. Love such places and pest larvae. To increase the resistance of roses to diseases that are caused by excessive moisture, it is necessary to spray the curves of the fungicide. Most often used burglar liquid or iron vigor.

In preventive purposes, biofungsides were well established: phytosporin, glyocladin, alin-b. After the first processing was performed, curly roses begin to bend to the ground, removing from the supports. This procedure is considered time consuming and traumatic (due to spikes), so you need to do everything carefully, trying not to damage the shoots and hands. To make it easier for autumn cleaning, with a spring garter it is necessary to envisage that the screens are easily shot. The leaves of old large bushes are removed gradually. But sometimes it is too hard, then insulation is carried out directly on the support. There are several layers of burlap or other non-woven material.

Plugging and cropping

Pruning the plenty roses for the winter is an important part proper training. If ordinary roses can be simply cut, then the plenty roses trimming have a number of features.

  1. At the stage of preparation for winter, the trimming is carried out after removing the weeping from the support.
  2. Only unbearable green shoots of the top of the bush are trimmed.
  3. Before the shelter, pruning all buds and colors on the bush is made.
  4. It is necessary to wait when the first frosts will come to fall all the leaves. If this did not happen, they need to be removed. Special attention It is paid to the bottom of the bush. There leaves cut together with small twigs and cuttings. It will protect the bush from diseases of diseases and larvae.
  5. All sections are processed with green or wood coal. If, due to the abundance of spikes, cutting leaves is difficult, use special preparations from a sulfur group to spray leaves.

The evaporation of the root cervix is \u200b\u200banother important procedure. It is mandatory for roses of any kinds, because it allows you to save the life of a pink busty even under the most adverse conditions.

It is better to use the ground from the river to the dip. The main thing is that it is dry. You can draw a blank of the soil in advance, keeping it under a canopy. One bucket of land is enough for young rose bush. For large bushes, 2-3 buckets will be required. The land is poured into the center of the bush, in order to be cone. You can use dry sand for young plants, sawdust, humus, peat behable gardeners Apply not recommended, they absorb moisture. The elevation height should be about 25 cm.

Shelters for plenty roses

When choosing a method of sheltering a vacuum rose, it is necessary to take into account the location of the bushes on the site. When locating in the line, most gardeners use the air-dry shelter method. If the bushes are located in groups, suitable frame method. With separately arranged bushes, any method is selected based on climatic conditions specific region. It can be a frame with air layer, high impairment or shelter material.

Air-dry (shield) method

It is necessary to make shields. They can be made of not very thick wood, 90 cm wide. The length of the shield must correspond to the length of a row of pink bushes. Shields must be in the form of a two-sheet roof.

Pink leaves taken from the supports and cropped, neatly bind to the bundle and flex to the ground, where the spruce husk need to be put in advance. In several places, the screens are enclosed with solid wire to the ground. The roots are also closed with a sweetheart, this will allow you to insulate them, prevent the reproduction of mice. Along the bushes with roses are placed shields, creating a semblance of a house. FROM outside They are strengthened by pegs.

Shields should be installed in October, leaving the ends open until the temperature is reduced during the day to -3 ... -5 degrees. The night temperature may be lower, her roses will be transferred. In order to prevent moisture from entering, the shields are covered with top. After the soil froze, the ends are clogged, covered with a film from above. If the winter is too warm, the ends need to be discussed so that roses do not die. With spring warming, any shelter is removed by parts, starting with ventilation.

Frame shelter

If build shield house For roses, it is difficult to cover the vacuum roses for the winter with frame method. To create a frame, you can use wire arcs, girlfriend materials in the form of planks, boards. All are held preparatory activities, the screens are flexing to the ground and laid on the booth. Around the roots preferably decompose chemicals To combat rodents. The framework is built on top, which stretches fiberglass. On the sides, it is fixed with the Earth or stones. Use polyethylene or Loutrasil is not recommended. They are poorly passing the air, moisture will accumulate under them, which contributes to rotting.

Frameless method

Old plants who wrap arches and other structures are difficult to remove with them without damage. How to cover such roses? You can conduct insulation on the support. To do this, all the vacuums are neatly folded from all sides with a spruce noodle, turn into a nonwoven material, for example, burlap. The whole design is fixed with ropes.

Pleet roses are one of the most frequent guests in the household sites. A pleasant fragrance, fascinating beauty and tender texture - all these are the advantages of the queen of flowers. The variety of roses is not even important if you look at them they excite you to the depths of the soul with your intoxicating beauty. Especially when the bud with its pronounced red aggressive color is revealed. Shelter for the winter of plenty roses - a question that worries great amount Gardeners. In this article we will try to give the most useful advice And we offer when you choose to draw attention to this species for landing in your gardens.

Description of the plenty rose

This flower can become an excellent screen to hide garden buildings that do not fit into the landscape at all. Use them to decorate the arches, arbors, pergol, fence. They decorate the walls of buildings, balconies.

Make a description of roses, if you divide them into six groups:

  • Lambert;
  • Cordes;
  • Clusing;
  • Multiflora;
  • Vishurian;
  • Banks.

These groups have international recognition. By the nature of the growth, the plethious roses are divided into groups:

  • Curly;
  • Pleets;
  • Semometrics.

The most real roses are curly. The remaining groups are created as a result of crossing or mutation of the plant. Each species is beautiful in its own way. They differ in the long, color of shoots, as well as the duration of flowering. Among them are winter-hardy species that can survive winter under light shelter during the coldest period. We share the plenty roses and on the subgroups, depending on how the shoots bloom. Some bloom on the shoots of this year. Others on the shoots of past years.

Winter-hardy plenty roses are very well suited for growing from different arches or fences. By the way, in appearance They can remind a wild rosehip, but the other side of the medal is the extraordinary beauty of the plant and a wonderful fragrance that attract everyone around.

To rose bloom from you long term, you need to care for her very carefully. It must be carefully tied up in a certain direction. Rose, blooming you all summer, will become lush only when complying with the requirements, the execution of which will ensure the content and growth of this plant in good terms.

Classification of winter-hardy roses

Some groups of winter-hardy plenty roses:

  • Real Pleet Roses. Have an elastic shoot of an arcuate form. Height up to 5 meters. Beautiful, thin spikes. Beautiful blossom lasts for a month. Small leaves. Refer to representatives of winter-hardy;
  • A group of roses, which appeared as a result of crossing various tea or removable roses. Growth in such plants up to 4 meters. Have resistance to low temperatures and resistance to various diseases;
  • A group of roses, created as a result of changing bush roses. Rightly grow, later the rest of fruit, have a very bright and colorful gamut.

Causes of shelter for the winter

Roses are a frost-resistant culture, many species can withstand very low temperatures, up to -30 degrees without any damage. A large number of Roses winter without frame covered, if in summer or in the fall competently care for the plant, and when coldly occurs, a little worry. For example, put the land around the bush with sawdust or coniferous sweetheart, you can even straw or, most ordinary, fallen leaves. You also need to cut all the unseen shoots.

Many hybrid varieties of roses bloom to the most frosts. These species have no quiet period, even with the arrival of cold weather on the plant, leaves and flower buds remain.

The juice that is contained in the plant freezes at a temperature of -2 degrees and below. The resulting ice destroys the structure of the plant, as a result it cracks. At the same time, young stems with large cracks are observed more often than old plants. Land damaged by ice, can no longer protect the plant from various pests and diseases. With increasing temperature, the risk of becoming infected with various harmful bacteria. But there are also plants in which juice dries quickly, and the damaged surface is quickly heads.

Conclusion - rose in the winter should be in a dry environment. She needs to build covered, which will allow air to penetrate inside, and will block the path for the penetration of moisture. The temperature in such shelter should be more or less stable.

Usually roses die from poor care of them, not from cold weather.

Preparation for shelter

Rules for the preparation of roses by winter:

  • Starting the preparation of the plant for winter is needed at the end of summer. About this period stops feeding nitrogen fertilizers. At the same time, you can add small portions of potash fertilizers, which strengthen the barrel and branches;
  • In September, the soil finishes, so as not to disturb the kidneys that are in calm state, and do not lead to the emergence of new shoots;
  • All roses, in addition to the plenty, require pruning. It is necessary to cut around at the level of future shelter;
  • From each bush, we need to remove the fallen foliage, grass, garbage, so that various fungal disputes do not appear under the plant;
  • Also, roses need to be treated with 3% copper vigor;
  • After the processing stage, the bushes need to push centimeters to 15, it will increase the aeration of the roots. In addition, in winter the soil will be better to hold the air, not giving frost to harm the roots.

Shelter methods

One of the ways is air-dry.

This is probably the most popular way among all gardeners. It is only suitable for organizing the shelter of the plenty roses that interest us.

The essence of the method is as follows:

  • First you need to make "shields", about 90 cm wide, in form double roof. You can make from the tree, optionally very thick, shoots should not be struggled to the ground or shelter;

  • Roots can be covered with a sweetheart, he will not warm them well. At the same time, it is possible not to be worried that the warming rose will stray because of it, and the mice are not particularly loved by spines, so they will not arrange their homes;

  • Shields need to be installed in October, the ends need to be left in the open state until the temperature is reduced to about -3, but not lower than -6, per temperature at night you can not worry, it can be up to -10 degrees. Reducing the temperature at night Rosa can well withstand;
  • Shields on top need to be covered with a film to eliminate moisture ingress;

  • After the soil freezes, you need to score the shield ends, and also top to cover with a film. All is ready!

If winter is warm, you will need to open the ends, otherwise the roses simply straighten.

In addition to this method, there are other gardeners who use:

  1. If you do not have the opportunity to build a whole "house" for roses, you can simply build a frame and cover it with moisture-proof material, fiberglass, for example. In principle, it is possible to cover the usual burlap. It is not worthwhile to use it, he misses Vlad, and we advise you not to rearrange with the film, otherwise the rose simply strains. Olde plenty roses are almost unrealized to the ground, due to the too strong rigidity of escape. In this case, you need to tightly overtake their sweetheart, root to cover separately;
  2. If you have a look blooming on the shoots of this year, you can use shelter and without a frame. This method is quite cheap and easy to perform. When the air temperature becomes constant, about -5, roses need to trim, somewhere 40 cm from the ground level, and cover any material. Wood chips Very good fit. For the old bush, you will need about 3 buckets. So that the wind did not swallow all your efforts, you can protect the plant with boards or sweets;

  1. Often experienced gardeners Use peat or soil for plant shelter. So that the material was not pleasant, and at the same time I passed the air, you need to add sand to it, otherwise the plant will fall. Some say that the plant is good and even if they hide ordinary earth. Maybe, no one will be 100% sure that this soil will not miss moisture.

Many, new in this matter, gardeners frighten the cultivation of roses. Especially they are concerned about the issue of shelter for the winter. We advise you to delve into the processes of this chic plant and this will greatly simplify you care for it.

Spring removal in spring

When do you need to open a plant? The answer to this question is not unambiguous, you need to look on the weather. Experienced in this case, recommend to remove the shelter when the kidneys in roses will be from 3-4 cm. In an early discovery, there is a risk of drying the plant, or getting burns, since the roots have not yet come to life after the winter peace.

Residents of the Moscow region remove the shelter in the 20s of April. But only provided that significant cooling or freezing are expected.

After removing the shelters, you need to give roses to lie down in the state in which they spent the winter, otherwise there is a risk of breaking them.

After a couple of days, the roses will disappear, then you can fix them on the support and start.

We hope that our information will help you, and you will find your optimal way Shelters of this great beautiful, royal plant.