What paint to paint polyurethane floor skirting boards. Polyurethane skirting boards

Do I need to paint ceiling plinth? It is necessary, almost always. Some of them are made specifically for painting, and some, for example, an ordinary polystyrene fillet, are not. However, it will look much more imposing when dyed. This is due to the fact that after painting, this characteristic "foam" type of molding disappears.

It is not at all difficult to paint special skirting boards that are polystyrene, and if all the nuances are observed, the question like "can I paint the ceiling plinth" disappears by itself.

For each type of profile, you need to select a certain type of composition. The choice of paint for skirting boards depends both on their purpose - floor or ceiling, and on the material from which they are made.

What composition to choose for coloring?

For painting wooden floor moldings, as well as MDF skirting boards for painting, any alkyd enamels, impregnations and varnishes, oil paints are suitable. Under the varnish, you can additionally treat the moldings with tinting or antiseptic impregnation. The decision on which color to tint the baguettes is made depending on the interior design or tone. doorways... What paint to paint a wooden ceiling plinth? The answer is simple: the same materials are suitable as for the floor.

And now about how to paint a polyurethane skirting board. This material dissolves upon contact with white spirit and other similar solvents in composition. Therefore, the base of the composition should be water-dispersion or acrylic. Painting the ceiling plinth made of foam and duropolymer is carried out with the same compositions.

Preparation for work

The first thing to do before painting a foam plinth, or any other, is to protect the surfaces adjacent to it from the staining compound. The floor is covered with cellophane or newspapers, which are then attached to the skirting board with masking tape. Only one scotch tape is glued to the walls. If the wallpaper is already glued on, then prepare a strip of plastic or a wide spatula with which you can cover the wall where the brush will pass. On next photo an example of such protection is shown.

How to paint floor plinth without staining the walls: a wide spatula or a strip of plastic will help protect the finish

We do the same with ceiling moldings: where possible - masking tape, in other places - an auxiliary item. We pay special attention to the protection of stretch ceilings. When the adhesive tape is glued, we apply pressure along its entire length with a narrow spatula so that the material adheres more tightly to the surface. This will protect the ceiling from pigment leakage.

If the painting is done before the installation of the plinth, then skip the previous stage. Next, we inspect the moldings for defects on their surface. Before painting a wooden skirting board or MDF, we seal up any damage found with a special wax. Defects on baguettes made of other materials are eliminated with a putty mixture. Polyurethane baguettes it is better to prime before staining, as they have a rather porous surface. After priming, the pigment will lie smoother.

Preparing a floor plinth for painting

How to paint a ceiling plinth. Video contains detailed instructions on the topic of how to properly prepare for painting the skirting board, which is installed under a stretch ceiling.

Getting started

If your moldings are wide and straight, it's a good idea to start painting them with a small roller, like in the next photo. The ends are then finalized with a narrow brush. We pass the embossed skirting boards with an ordinary brush. By the way, it should be tightly packed, with elastic pile, which does not diverge too much to the sides: this way the work will be more accurate.

How to paint ceiling and floor plinths: use a roller and a brush, depending on the situation

If you want to apply a gold or silver patina to the relief of baguettes, then you need to proceed as follows:

  • Apply the baseboard with an ordinary brush in the base color.
  • Dip a narrow brush in gold or silver pigment, wipe it almost dry.
  • With light movements, barely touching, paint the protruding relief.

Instead of an ordinary brush for applying patina, you can use a special one with a foam tip.

How to paint a patina skirting board

Note: when applied to the plinth, the composition should be "stretched" over the surface as best as possible. This will help prevent streaking from the brush. Another way is to dilute the composition a little. The composition will lay down much smoother, but it will be worse to overlap, so we apply diluted paint in 2-3 layers.

If you want, and from the same material, opt for polyurethane foam skirting boards. Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane products, comparison with curtain rods from other materials, about how to fix - the topic of the article.

Read about detailed technology installation of polyurethane ceiling skirting boards, choice of paint, cutting,. The article will help to put finishing touch repair - hide the gap between the wall, ceiling / floor.

Polyurethane skirting board - advantages and disadvantages

  1. The strength of polyurethane foam products allows you not to be afraid of mechanical influences - blows. At the same time, polyurethane skirting boards are not susceptible to cracks and chips.
  2. Environmental friendliness - safe use in any premises, including a children's room.
  3. Big variety color solutions makes it simple, but you can also apply pure white or followed by painting in the desired shade.
  4. Ease of installation - the gluing method can be used.
  5. Ease of processing - the ability to cut to the desired size.
  6. made of polyurethane allows you to hide the joint even in rounded rooms.
Interesting: The material was obtained and first applied in Russia in the early 70s of the last century. Since then, thanks to its merits, its popularity in the interior has only grown.

The disadvantages of polyurethane products are their high weight - almost 2 times heavier than a foam, plastic cornice - and a higher price.

Backlit polyurethane ceiling skirting board

Flexible polyurethane products allow you to mask the unevenness of the wall, and when installing the cornice in the premises complex shape are simply irreplaceable. Evenly installing on the polyurethane skirting board, you can emphasize the design of the stretch ceiling or multi-level construction from drywall.

Photo polyurethane ceiling plinth - backlit

Installation of polyurethane ceiling products

There are two types of installation.

First. Installation of the polyurethane ceiling skirting board is carried out on the glued wallpaper using Dragon glue, "Moment Montage" or acrylic sealant white.

Second. Installation of a polyurethane product is carried out on plastered, primed walls / ceilings. Installation is carried out on a putty or acrylic sealant. Then wallpaper is glued. This method has advantages over the first method - the cornice and ceiling look like a single whole.

Advice: If you have uneven walls, and you plan to change your wallpaper in the near future, use method number two. It allows you to qualitatively, without gaps, make the edging of the ceiling with a polyurethane plinth, while there is no need to be afraid that the adhesive composition does not get on the wallpaper.

Cutting polyurethane skirting boards

Before installation, the polyurethane product must be marked and cut at the corners.

First method. Do this job With it, you can get a smooth, accurate cut.

Advice: If you do not have the skills to work with this tool, then practice it. For this purpose, use skirting trims.

Second method. If you cannot use a miter box or the angle is not straight, then use a stencil, which can be made from cardboard or thick paper.

How to cut? Both in the first and in the second case, the polyurethane skirting board is cut with a hacksaw for metal with fine teeth or a construction knife with replaceable blades.

Polyurethane ceiling skirting board photo - cutting using a miter box and a thin hacksaw with fine teeth

Installation of polyurethane skirting boards

How to glue a polyurethane product to the ceiling? First, it is better to do the most difficult job - the design of the corners. Then add straight sections. It is easier to work in this sequence than to walk around the entire perimeter of the room in order.

Consider an example of gluing a polyurethane skirting board to the ceiling using a finishing putty or acrylic sealant.

Tool list:

  • assembly gun;
  • construction knife with replaceable blades;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • rubber spatula;
  • construction mixer;
  • container for diluting the putty.

Installation technology for polyurethane cornices using putty:

Stage 1.Using a construction mixer, add the putty poured into the water - the amount of water and dry adhesive composition according to the instructions - to the desired consistency.

Stage 2. With a spatula, gently apply the mixture to the wall and the back surface of the skirting board.

Stage 3. Apply exactly to the installation site and press down. With a spatula, then with a sponge or wet rag, remove the excess, cover up the cracks, if any.

Stage 4. After the putty has dried, you need to cover up the cracks again.

Polyurethane ceiling skirting board - installation video tutorial:

Installation technology for polyurethane curtain rods using acrylic sealant:

  1. With a glue gun, apply sealant to the baseboard, making sure that all irregularities are filled with sealant.
  2. Press to the surface at the installation site, hold for 30 seconds.
  3. Remove excess with a wet cloth.
  4. Carefully cover up the cracks after the sealant has set.
  5. Paint the ceiling and polyurethane skirting board.
  6. Glue the wallpaper.

Installation of a polyurethane skirting board to a stretch ceiling

The main nuance is that the polyurethane product is glued only to the wall and in no case is attached to the ceiling, so as not to damage the expensive canvas.

Advice: Before starting work, protect the canvas from accidental ingress of the adhesive mass with a polyethylene film. After installation, it can be easily removed.

Further steps for installing polyurethane skirting boards stretch ceiling absolutely identical to the above methods. It should be borne in mind that the large weight of the products does not allow the use of wide massive polyurethane skirting boards, because they can sag under their own weight. If you have a high ceiling and like stucco molding, use a wide decorative styrofoam cornice.

Installation of polyurethane floor skirting boards

Consider an example of fixing a polyurethane product to a wall / floor using a putty adhesive similar to silicone in cartridges.

Installation is carried out on walls leveled with putty and primed.

Wide polyurethane skirting board

Installation technology for polyurethane floor skirting boards:

Step 1. Cutting corners using a miter box. If the corners are not straight, then it is advisable to use a two-plane miter box.

Step 2. Open the cartridge with putty, insert it into the assembly gun.

Step 3. Apply 2-3 longitudinal even strips of adhesive mass to the polyurethane product, so that the layer of putty overlaps the gap between the polyurethane product and the wall as much as possible. To do this, apply a polyurethane floor skirting board without glue and inspect the gap.

Step 4 Press the polyurethane skirting board against the wall, let it grab.

Step 5. Remove excess filler with a wet sponge.

Step 6. Look for gaps. Add glue to the places where there was not enough. Remove excess.

A distinctive feature of this glue-putty from acrylic glue for polyurethane skirting boards is that it does not shrink.

Flexible polyurethane skirting board

Advice: If the walls are very uneven, then in the places of the greatest curvatures you need to support the glued product with something heavy. For this purpose, you can use bags with building mix.

How to paint a polyurethane skirting board

They start no earlier than one day after installation.

Advice: To protect the walls, ceiling / floor, cover the areas adjacent to the polyurethane skirting board with masking tape or a strip of waxed paper. After work, it can be easily removed without damaging the surface underneath.

White polyurethane skirting board for interior

If your flooring has texture and color, the polyurethane skirting board for the floor should be painted one or two shades lighter. For this purpose, you can use a waterproof dispersion paint. It is better to paint polyurethane skirting boards from a spray bottle, but you can buy ready-made paint in an aerosol can.

Solid ceiling polyurethane skirting board with stucco elements, painted in White color

On sale there are unpainted skirting boards, both floor and ceiling, primed with white primer. By choosing oil paint for the product, you can arrange both matte and glossy surfaces. Water based paint will give the polyurethane skirting board a matte finish. Acrylic paint will "bring" the gloss.

Advice: It doesn't matter what paint you choose. It is necessary to create the unity of the polyurethane skirting board with the interior of the room so that it does not look like a foreign object in the renovated room.

It is an element that is essential for the final decoration of any interior. It gives a sense of completeness and cleverly hides the joints of the materials used to decorate the floor and walls.

But not everyone knows that they are different and make them from various materials... Let's take a closer look at a polyurethane floor skirting board, its pros and cons and installation features.

Huge popularity for last years found a polyurethane plinth for the floor, in contrast to analogues made of other materials.

This is largely due to:

  • Resistance to external factors and the duration of the operational period: if you take good care of this type of skirting board, it will retain its initial appearance at least 25-30 years old. In addition, for the entire service life, you will not see that the skirting board lends itself to water / steam, and also does not absorb odors and is very convenient to clean. Such skirting boards are used in the bathroom, as they can withstand high humidity very well.
  • The fact that it is not sensitive to temperature changes, which means that it is perfect for rooms where there is a lot heating appliances... Thanks to heating, it does not deform, keeps its original shape and does not dry out.

Important: if you need to decorate a place located next to the fireplace with a plinth, you should use a polyurethane plinth.

Features of use

Main function of flexible polyurethane floor skirting board

Skirting board selection: how to achieve the right combination?

It would seem - what could be easier than going to the store and purchasing a polyurethane skirting board? However, even to select this item, you need good taste otherwise this little detail can ruin everything.

When choosing, you should start from the following data:

This is not to say that bold experiments involve only the use of contrasts, but choosing the right shade and doing everything with taste is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, we advise you to use the traditional model of color selection: the baseboard should differ from the floor covering by 1-2 tones.

If your reference point is not floors, but walls, then it will be easier to take ready-made samples with you to the store - this way you will reduce the likelihood of a miss. It is not that hard to "match" the color to the floor and walls, but it gets more complicated when you take into account the doors. An excellent design move would be to create a smooth transition of shades from the baseboard to the door trim of the same color, which will help to make the effect of a continuous line.

Choosing a skirting board by size

Floor polyurethane skirting board is different, and it is chosen for several indicators: interior design, room size and ceiling height. Naturally, for small rooms it is better not to use high and wide skirting boards - it is better to give preference to thin samples that will not take up much space and visually outline the room around the perimeter.

But the use of thin skirting boards is unacceptable in large and spacious rooms, as they will only disrupt the perception of space and spoil the overall geometry. Opt for wider specimens that attach directly to the wall.

The standard size of the skirting board is 0.45-0.7 cm, but you will surely find a wide variety of models on sale, which will be both smaller and larger than the specified parameters. Flexible polyurethane plinth for the floor can reach up to 20 cm. The main thing is that the height of the room allows you to take such "acceleration".

Price for polyurethane floor skirting boards

It would be incorrect to say that polyurethane skirting boards are expensive, but at the same time, it is better to familiarize yourself with the prices in advance. You should also pay attention to the installation of skirting boards. The installation price can be significantly higher than the purchase of the material, and before calling the master, you should find out about his work experience and feedback.

For example, we propose to consider the pricing policy of TOP companies that sell their products at affordable prices:

Manufacturer Dimensions (w * d), cm Length, cm Material Price, p / piece
Orac Decor 0,2*0,2 200 duropolymer 220
NMC 0,19*0,12 250
Perfect plus 0,54*0,15 278
0,79*0,13 332
0,69*0,15 345
Fabello Decor 0,3*0,2 244 polyurethane 378
Europlast 0,7*0,17 200 Composite material 410
0,8*0,22 539
Perfect plus 1,26*0,16 200 Duropolymer 783
1*0,15 854
Fabello Decor 0,8*0,12 240 954

As you can see, the prices are reasonable, and there is nothing more expensive than 1000 rubles, but such skirting boards cost this money, as they perfectly transform the interior and bring sophistication. After considering all the benefits, you will be able to decide if you need a polyurethane skirting board. Their prices are affordable, and the installation procedure is so simple that even a person who has no experience in renovation works Oh.

Installation of polyurethane floor skirting boards

The rule

The more thoroughly you prepare the surface, the better and easier you will fix the skirting board. To do this, use silicone or polyurethane adhesive. It should be applied to the back of the skirting board and the corner cut.

More in a simple way the fasteners will be using nails or self-tapping screws. They are hidden by means of overlays, which are sold in the same place as the skirting boards. You can easily find the right shade.

Advice: if you decide to install the plinth with your own hands, do not count on the fact that the first time you will succeed, and especially the perfect cuts. It is better to leave a margin of at least 10 cm, so that later, if something happens, to correct mistakes.

No less attention should be paid to the transportation of skirting boards. Since polyurethane is quite fragile and requires careful handling, in order to avoid breakage, be careful during transportation. And for the successful adaptation of the material to your conditions, leave it to stand in the house for at least a day.

Beginning of work

Make sure the surface is perfectly clean and dry before starting the attachment. It is important that during installation, all Finishing work the walls and floor have already been completed. For neat and even placement, markings should be made to help create an even mount. To begin with, we do everything as smoothly as possible - attach one element to the corner of the wall and make a note around the edges. When crossing the line, they will indicate exactly where the cut should be.

Usually the angle is 90 degrees, but there are interesting cases when you need to make additional adjustments.

Cutting flexible polyurethane skirting boards

After you make the necessary markup, you can proceed directly to pruning. If everything is done according to technology, then it is better to use a joinery miter box, which allows you to cut correctly and with small errors. According to reviews, using this tool makes the process much easier.

According to different stencils, the miter box makes trimming from 45 to 90 degrees. To make a straight dock, use a 90 degree stencil. And to decorate the corner, it is better to use a 45-degree stencil.

The sequence is as follows: insert the skirting board into the miter box on the left so that it is pressed against the board. Next, insert a hacksaw into the desired stencil and cut it off. If you decide to do without this tool, you can use a sharp knife or miter saw with small teeth.

Important: for an economical consumption of materials, they first cut the corners, and after that the plinth is adjusted in length.

The most simple solution in this situation, there will be a purchase of accessories that are designed for this purpose. Such elements will simplify installation and save you from complications. The only thing to remember is that if the corners and walls are too uneven, there may be problems with the fastening of the finished elements. In this case, it is better to do the pruning yourself.

We fix the plinth ourselves

The most common method of fixing a skirting board is gluing. To do this, choose special composition... We have prepared several good advice according to the choice of adhesive:

You need to glue the skirting boards from the corner of the room, and apply glue to the back of each element. On the back you will find grooves called shelves. They are needed to evenly distribute the glue. For high quality, the joint and groove are coated. Hold the skirting board with your hands until the adhesive sets. Sometimes it can take up to 20 minutes.

If, after drying in some place, the panel comes off, use a small carnation. The glue will set completely within a day, and at this time you can pull out the carnation. The holes can be masked with putty and paint.

Finally, remove the remaining glue. To do this, use a spatula or a sponge soaked in water. For sealing in voids, use transparent sealant, then putty and paint.

You can paint the skirting board with water-based and acrylic paint, and glaze. You can apply paint with an aerosol (use masking tape to protect the walls) and a pulverizer.

Tips for painting your polyurethane skirting board

Somewhat simple but actionable advice will help you paint your skirting boards at home.

Advice: also, do not neglect the manufacturer's advice, which is always indicated on the paint container. The drying time and application features are also indicated there.

Let's try to understand the practical nuances of this process.

When is it necessary to paint skirting boards

Many readers believe that ceiling skirting boards are only painted when required. interior design premises. That is, this procedure has an exclusively aesthetic character.

But there is a rather important point here. Painting ceiling skirting boards significantly strengthens them and allows you to hide minor scratches and dents that often appear in the process installation works or during transportation of products.

As a rule, the natural color of polystyrene skirting boards is white, which means that after a certain time the material will begin to turn yellow or become covered with dust and acquire a grayish tint. Painting protects them from such troubles.

Practice shows that painted ceiling skirting boards made of polystyrene have a longer service life than those without painting.

Thanks to this factor, you benefit economically, even despite the additional costs associated with the purchase of materials for painting.

If you still have doubts about whether to paint a Styrofoam ceiling skirting board, find photographs of rooms with painted and natural fillets, and then compare them. In most cases, users choose the first option (painted skirting boards).

When and how to paint

Even a person with no experience in performing repair work will say that it is much more convenient to paint ceiling fillets before their installation, right?

In this case, there is no need to constantly move the ladder from one place to another and work in an uncomfortable position. One more positive moment- in the process of painting, you will not stain the walls and ceiling.

On the other hand, after installing painted foam skirting boards, gaps tend to form (due to uneven surface walls and ceiling), as well as the joints between the individual parts of the fillets. They need to be sealed with putty and painted again.
Considering the above arguments, we can say that the choice of how to paint ceiling skirting boards depends solely on your personal preferences.

An important point! When choosing a foam baseboard paint, carefully study the information about it. Do not use formulations that contain solvents. Styrofoam is a very "delicate" material, designed for the use of water-based paints.

Experts advise buying the following types of paints:

  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • polyvinyl acetate.

If you cannot find the paint of the desired color, make it yourself using a white compound without solvents and the necessary dye.

For painting ceiling fillets from foam you will need:

  • brush;
  • putty knife;
  • capacity;
  • dry cloth;
  • paint of the desired color.

Quite often, the design of the room provides that the ceiling and baseboards should be the same color.

In this case, before you start painting, be sure to cover the floor with foil and thick cardboard. This is to protect the flooring from paint and marks left by the ladder.

Having figured out how to paint the ceiling plinth, you need to pay a little attention to the tools that are used to perform the presented work.

For painting relief skirting boards, it is better to use a thin brush, which allows you to evenly apply the paint even on very complex patterns. For a smooth surface of ceiling fillets, a wider brush will work.

When painting installed ceiling skirting boards, be sure to use a wide trowel.

It is needed to prevent paint from getting on the walls and floor. Right hand you paint the fillets, and with the left, hold the spatula at an angle to the baseboard (the paint gets on the spatula). For these purposes, you can use a piece of plastic or thick cardboard.

Preparatory stage

Before you start painting the installed foam ceiling skirting boards, you must carefully prepare them for this procedure.

  1. 1. We prepare tools and materials (spatula, dry cloth, sandpaper, water, putty and silicone sealant).
  2. 2. At the next stage, the joints, cracks and mechanical damage to the skirting boards are covered. To eliminate defects in the corners of the room, apply the putty with your finger (work with gloves!).
  3. 3. Excess putty is wiped off with a wet cloth.
  4. 4. When everything is dry, you can clean up the irregularities using sandpaper for this purpose.

If you have completed preparatory work, following the instructions provided, then you can safely start painting.


In this case, you need a place with low humidity, no drafts, so that there is no direct sunlight.

It allows you to paint quickly and much better than using a brush. In order to prevent the appearance of streams on the baseboard, try to keep the spray paint at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be treated.

Before you start painting the installed Styrofoam skirting boards, you must thoroughly clean them from dirt and dust.

It is best to use masking tape to prevent paint from spilling onto the ceiling and flooring. Fix it as close to the fillets as possible so that there are no gaps between the tape and the baseboard.

The painting process will be much easier if you decide to make the ceiling and fillets the same color. The first is painted with a roller, and the baseboard with a brush. After the paint dries, you need to repeat this procedure.

An important point! Ceiling skirting boards are painted in at least two layers, regardless of the type of paint, the chosen method of work and other factors. Otherwise, you will have to paint the skirting boards again in a few months.

If, according to the repair plan, your ceiling and fillets should be different color, then, first of all, the ceiling is painted. In this case, as already mentioned, it is necessary to use masking tape, which will prevent the paint from reaching the ceiling.

Non-standard ways of painting ceiling fillets

Lovers original ideas on the design of the premises will certainly interest non-standard ways painting of ceiling plinths.

For example, fillets with large, embossed patterns can be made to look like a stone surface. This requires:

  1. 1. A glaze of the corresponding shade is applied to the surface of the skirting board.
  2. 2. Use a brush to make small light strokes.
  3. 3. The surface is covered with dark spots (Humbert glaze is used).
  4. 4. Apply small strokes of dark shades.
  5. 5. All surplus is removed from the surface of the skirting board.
  6. 6. After everything is dry, apply the touches of a bronze shade.
  7. 7. Fillets dry completely and look like a stone surface.

A good designer will surely figure out how to best combine these ceiling plinths with other elements of the room's decoration so that it acquires a harmonious and original look.

Thus, painting the foam ceiling plinth turns into a real art. You have the opportunity to get not only the "stone effect", but also other interesting colors and shades:

  • Malachite.
  • Patina.
  • Gold.
  • Aged tree.

But do not forget that the listed options can be used only if they "fit" into the overall design of the room. "Gold" or "malachite" skirting boards are hardly suitable for a room decorated in a modern style.

In the process of preparing ceiling skirting boards for painting, you can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt and dust, construction hair dryer to remove old paint, and a "grinder" or a drill to eliminate irregularities on the walls and ceilings.

Before using masking tape, be sure to check how well it adheres to the surface. Perhaps when you remove the tape, it will pull in fresh paint, decor items, etc. In such situations, it is better to use a regular spatula or cardboard to protect the floor and walls from paint.

Even if the natural color of the Styrofoam skirting boards is great for your space, it is best to paint them with white paint too. This will protect the fillets from dust and yellowing as a result of ultraviolet radiation.

After studying this topic, you know how and how to paint the ceiling plinth so that this procedure is successful and your room becomes more comfortable and attractive. Also, you are convinced that this type of repair work is deservedly considered simple, requiring no special skills and education.

Whatever repairs you start, you cannot do without a polyurethane skirting board. It is used for finishing the floor and ceiling. Without this element, any repair will seem incomplete. Due to its variety, polyurethane skirting boards can accentuate the design of any room, as well as hide various cables and wires underneath. But the color scheme of such products is not very diverse and often does not fit the general background of the room. Therefore, often those who make repairs are interested in the question of how to paint a polyurethane baseboard for floor and ceiling.

Positive and negative sides polyurethane skirting boards

An important advantage of this skirting board is its flexibility, thanks to which it can be used in various configurations. It can be finishing around the edges of round and oval surfaces, processing niches and arches. It looks great on level ground, along walls and ceilings.

Positive aspects of polyurethane ceiling skirting boards

A variety of colors and textures, as well as wide and narrow sizes.

It does not require any special care, it is enough to rinse with warm soapy water and dry with a cloth.

Does not highlight bad smell and can be used in residential premises for various purposes.

Practically does not deform and, unlike wood, does not deteriorate.

In addition to the mass of advantages, the polyurethane skirting board also has a disadvantage, it is relatively heavy in comparison with the foam product. Therefore, it should be attached to ceilings with high-quality glue.

Positive and negative sides of polyurethane floor skirting boards

It is characterized as positively as the ceiling plinth, but besides that, it is resistant to mechanical damage, since this often happens on the floor.

Flexibility allows you to hide all the unevenness of the walls.

Allows you to hide cables, wiring and various cords underneath.

A negative point can be called the cost of the product, it is almost the same as the price of a wooden counterpart.

Installation of polyurethane floor skirting boards

Before considering how to paint a polyurethane floor skirting board, let's figure out how it is attached. This is done using special glue, and the work process is divided into several stages.

The walls are cleaned and, if necessary, degreased.

WITH seamy side glue is applied to the skirting board, it lies in special grooves and ends.

After that, the plinth is brought to the wall, pressed and held in this position for 3-4 minutes. If possible, they can support the wall with something heavy to press down on the baseboard.

The joints are treated with sealant.

If the wall is uneven, then in those places where the plinth does not stick to it, you can nail it down, and after the glue dries, pull them out, and cover the holes with sealant. It is also recommended to nail the plinth in the corners.

Wide polyurethane floor skirting looks pretty nice, but it is a little more difficult to install. Rather, it is mounted in the same way as its narrow brother, but when the plinth shrinks, this happens over time, the joints can disperse. When this happens, it is removed from the cracks old glue and a new one is injected there with a syringe, which will hide all defects.

In addition to gluing the polyurethane skirting board, it can be installed using self-tapping screws. This is not at all difficult to do.

Painting polyurethane skirting boards

In this section we will learn how to paint a polyurethane skirting board to match the style of your room. Sometimes it happens that you have chosen a skirting board by design and shape, but there is no suitable color. In this case, you can purchase the product from another colors and recolor it to suit your style. Or it may be that you changed the wallpaper or painted the walls and now your baseboard color does not match the main interior, it can also be painted. If the skirting board is supposed to be painted initially, then you can purchase a white color, which is basically created for these purposes.

The ceiling plinth is painted with water dispersion paint, and for the floor product, acrylic or latex coating is suitable. You can paint the skirting board before installing it and directly on the wall, having previously glued the floor and the wall near the skirting board with tape.