Kitchen renovation than finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen: choose the material

When deciding how to finish the ceiling in the kitchen, you can give preference to the following materials:

  1. plastic panels;
  2. Suspended plasterboard ceiling;
  3. Stretch ceiling;
  4. Polystyrene boards;
  5. rack ceiling;
  6. Painting and whitewashing.

In this article, we will look at the process of removing old coatings, which is almost always required when repairing and installing any type of ceiling. And then we will dwell in detail on the topic of basic, serious repairs and figure out how to do it yourself - properly level the ceiling, repair cracks and rusts, make a primer, plaster and putty, and then paint / whitewash the kitchen.

Removing the old trim

Any do-it-yourself ceiling repair begins with the total removal of all old coatings. What do we need at this stage?

  1. Ladder;
  2. Covering film and masking tape to secure it;
  3. Respirator, goggles and gloves - there will be a lot of dirt;
  4. A regular or garden spray gun with a pump, if they are not available, we take an ordinary roller with a long nap (preferably with a long handle), a sponge, a cuvette or a bucket of water;
  5. A spatula (preferably, such as in the picture, especially for removing old paint), a chisel with a hammer and a metal brush to remove a layer of paint can also be useful for beating off plaster;
  1. For quick mechanical cleaning (observing safety precautions), you can use a puncher or grinder.

The old coating is completely removed - paint, whitewash, peeling plaster.

Whitewash can be removed in two ways - wet (the chalk coating can simply be washed off) and dry. As a rule, these two methods are applied as follows: first wet small plot(not the entire area at once, since the wetted surface dries quickly) with water, wait 10-15 minutes until the water is absorbed into the old coating, and then begin to actively remove it with a spatula, in difficult places it is better to use a perforator. At the joints of the plates (rust) it is also necessary to remove all unnecessary.

If mold spots are found under the plaster, the ceiling should be treated with a special antifungal primer or any chlorine-containing compound (for example, Whiteness, if the mold is small and not old). Of course, all work must also be carried out in a respirator.

You can see more about all the nuances of removing paint, whitewash and plaster in the following video:

We primer, plaster, putty, level, seal cracks and rusts

Prepare everything you need for work, namely:

To paint the kitchen ceiling correctly means to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Before you paint the ceiling, as we said above, it must be primed. This will further strengthen the base and improve adhesion. Do not neglect this step, the unprimed ceiling will begin to crack very soon.

To make things go faster, use a spray gun, not a roller.

It is better to choose a primer deep penetration and, of course, with antiseptic. After all, we are doing repairs in a special room - in the kitchen.

  1. After the primer dries, you can proceed to the plaster and putty. But first you need to determine how even the ceiling is, whether plaster is needed or you can immediately start puttying.
  • Plaster is not needed if the ceiling differences are insignificant from 10 to 15 mm.
  • Differences of more than 15 mm require pre-plastering, which is leveled with beacons.

  • And if the ceiling has differences from 20 to 30 mm, rusts and cracks, then how to make the ceiling in the kitchen even? Rusts (or large cracks) are cleaned, expanded to 30-50 mm or more, primed, after the primer dries, wipe and fill the hollow with mounting foam and let it dry for 24 hours, then cut off the excess foam and prime again. When the primer dries, we apply plaster tightly to the seam with a spatula, then we apply a whole tape of reinforcing sickle and plaster it.

  • Differences in the ceiling-base of 3-5 cm require more serious measures - the use of a metal reinforcing mesh, fixed to concrete with ceiling dowels and withstanding a large layer of plaster from cement-sand mixture(Rotband). After the plaster has dried, you can begin to putty.

It is better not to do such a complex and responsible repair of the kitchen ceiling with your own hands, but to entrust it to the master.

  • But what to do if the irregularities exceed 5 cm? In this case, it is better to install a false ceiling - plasterboard, rack, plastic or stretch. It is difficult, long, expensive, and most importantly, unsafe to level such curvature.
  1. After that, use the finishing plaster putty, which must be applied with a wide spatula in 1-2 layers, while the first layer must, of course, dry. Last layer should be thin - about 1 mm.

  1. After 6 hours after puttying, the surface can be rubbed and sanded, this can be done manually, and better and faster - with a grinder. Then it should be re-primed - diluted paint or penetrating primer. Let dry and start painting. We look in detail about filling the ceiling with our own hands in this training video:

We paint the ceiling

  1. You can paint the ceiling only when the primed surface is dry. It is desirable to start painting from the window. In addition, if you paint the surface with a short pile roller, you get a smooth finish. A rough texture can be created by using a long pile roller. One strip of paint should overlap the other a little.

  1. It is desirable to paint the surface in two coats, the first being allowed to dry before applying the second. One layer of paint must be applied at a time - otherwise there will be a visible joint between the areas.

How to choose a coloring composition for the kitchen ceiling

Do-it-yourself ceiling repair by painting or whitewashing is the most common (largely due to its budget) method.

Before you paint the ceiling, you need to choose the right dye. The traditional way to paint involves the use of lime or chalk mortar.

This material was used a hundred years ago, but so far, the following stand out among its advantages:

  • Cheapness;
  • Environmental friendliness (lime absorbs harmful substances);
  • The ability to mask small surface defects.

The whitewash layer needs to be updated periodically, however, if you paint without washing off the previous layer, then very soon unaesthetic “sagging” will form on the surface. In addition, in this case, you can forget about design delights.

It is better to paint the kitchen ceiling with water-based paint. Compared to lime, it forms a thinner and more attractive layer.

Compositions of this type almost do not smell during the work, they are distinguished by their economy, availability and variability of shades. To create a durable and reliable coating, you can paint with a water-based emulsion in several layers - this will not interfere with the passage of air, which means that the room will not be stuffy. Among the most notable disadvantages of this type of paint is the impossibility of washing. Ceilings can be wiped with a dry cloth or slightly damp, but without friction.

The best material for painting the kitchen ceiling, experts call acrylic paint. The resulting surface can be washed not only with water, but also soap solutions- the only exception is abrasive-containing substances.

The surface obtained with the help of such a dye is distinguished by aesthetics and decorativeness.

It is better to paint the surface in the kitchen with a matte rather than a glossy dye. Gloss is able to emphasize the irregularities of the base, and the matte layer, on the contrary, will hide them.

The kitchen is a room for cooking and eating. Tea parties are often held here with the whole family to discuss the latest news. The overall concept of the space should be cozy and relaxing, as each member of the family spends a lot of time here. The appearance of the ceiling plays an important role in the interior of the room, and especially in a small kitchen.

Not every material can be used as a ceiling covering. Strength is the main criterion for choosing materials, but not the only one. The ceiling must be moisture resistant, as the kitchen is constantly high humidity. It is necessary that it be easily washed, since all surfaces in this room become dirty rather quickly. Ceiling buyers also look at the cost of the material, since finishing the ceiling in the kitchen is not always cheap.

Types of ceilings

There are several ceiling coverings, and each of the options presented has its own subspecies. Materials differ in color, texture and appearance. It turns out that making the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands is much easier than it seems. The main thing is to choose the right ceiling covering that will improve appearance premises. Let's now focus on the most popular types of ceiling.

Styrofoam boards

This material allows you to make repairs quickly and at no extra cost. To keep the polystyrene boards on the ceiling, it is enough to apply a special solution to a previously leveled surface. The thickness of the material and its elasticity will help hide small bumps or cracks.

The ceiling covering is quite cheap, so finishing with this material will be appropriate for owners with a limited budget.


  • tile,
  • chopping thread,
  • glue,
  • brush,
  • colored chalk.

Before sticking polystyrene boards it is necessary to clean the base from the previous finish - putty, paint, wallpaper. After that, it is necessary to determine the center of the ceiling, for which we use a chop thread. Pull the thread from corner to corner, slightly pull and release - a mark will remain on the ceiling. Now we carry out the same operation with opposite corners.

The center of the room will be where the stripes intersect. Now take four tiles and glue them around the intersection. When this is done, you can safely continue to work. .

Learn how to glue quickly:

Plastic ceilings

In this section, you can safely add slatted ceilings. On the ceiling, they look great, although their cost is several times higher. From plastic panels it turns out great ceiling. These ceiling coverings are one of the varieties suspended ceilings, inheriting their pros and cons.

Tools required for installation:

  • perforator,
  • wooden slats,
  • plastic dowels,
  • construction stapler,
  • saw on wood,
  • screwdrivers,
  • roulette,
  • screws.

We make notes with a pencil every half a meter, thereby marking the places where the rails are attached. We cut the wooden slats into pieces. The length of the material ready for gluing should be equal to the width of the room minus a couple of centimeters. Finished products are fixed in place.

For high-quality installation of rack ceilings, you will need a plastic guide that is attached to any of the walls. Now you can start cutting the ceiling covering and mounting it on the ceiling. When laying, be guided by the guide. We continue the installation of the panels to the end, the last product is attached directly to the guide itself.

The ceiling of plastic panels is suitable for both small and large rooms.


  1. Scrupulous alignment of the base is not required.
  2. Communications are perfectly hidden behind structural elements.
  3. Fast installation.
  4. The design allows you to mount spotlights.


  1. Any room with such ceilings becomes like an office.
  2. The ceiling height is reduced by 7 cm.

Gypsum board construction

It is also called hemming and is often compared with suspended structures. Plasterboard ceiling covering does not require preparation of the base, thanks to the design it is possible to hide communications, build in lighting and ventilation.

The height of the room, as well as in the previous case, will decrease.

The difference between a plasterboard ceiling is that it needs to be puttied or painted, that is, additional costs are required for finishing. This will require free time and additional money, but the result will not disappoint you, because the ceiling will turn out to be perfectly even and will have good soundproof characteristics. Due to the elasticity of the coating, you can create unique curly designs.

painted ceiling

Do not know how to make a ceiling in the kitchen with minimal cost then select plastering. This option for finishing the ceiling is the most time-consuming, since it requires certain knowledge, strength and time. It consists of several stages:

  • Surface leveling.
  • Laying plaster mesh, if necessary.
  • Puttying.

A clear advantage is that the height of the room practically does not change, and the ceiling turns out to be neat and beautiful, but it just won’t withstand constant cleaning. This is the perfect option for decorating the ceiling in a small kitchen.


Oddly enough, but this modern ceiling covering "absorbed" all the advantages of suspended structures:

  • Quick installation.
  • Smooth surface.
  • The base does not need to be processed.
  • You can hide communications, insert lamps or equip ventilation.
  • Large assortment of patterns and colors.


  • Height reduction.
  • The inability of the coating to withstand mechanical stress.

The ceiling in the kitchen must be of high quality and non-staining, since the constant evaporation of fat from the food being prepared will settle on it. The ceiling covering should not be afraid of moisture, as it needs to be wiped often. Quality materials, a little strength and knowledge will help in a difficult undertaking.

In new or old apartment Any repair always begins with the ceilings. Bringing the ceiling surface into proper form is the first step towards further improvement of living spaces. If everything is quite simple and clear with the decoration of rooms, a corridor and a hallway, here the result depends on the quality of the design, then everything is much more complicated with the kitchen. For kitchen facilities characteristic is the presence of difficult operating conditions. Great saturation of small and limited space kitchens with technological equipment and a special microclimate force us to be more careful in choosing the best option finishes.

Even the most beautiful and original ceiling in the kitchen, for certain reasons, it can quickly turn into an unattractive surface. Therefore, before you start repairing the ceiling in the kitchen, explore the various finishes. Measure seven times, cut once - this saying in this case is directly related to the whole process.

What should be the ceiling coverings in the kitchen. Requirements

At first glance, the repair of the ceiling is not associated with great difficulties. For many people, ceiling decoration is something mundane. In most cases, the repair of the ceiling part is intermediate. It is a mistake to assume that after the completion of work with the ceiling in the kitchen, the main finishing work in the house will begin. It should be said that everything looks completely different, on the contrary. From finishing the ceiling part in your own kitchen, everyone else is repelled interior work in residential areas. What design concept will be chosen for the ceiling in the kitchen, this will be the main theme finishing works in other rooms.

The more correctly the materials for the work are selected and all the subtleties and nuances of the operation of the kitchen space are taken into account, the easier it will be to repair the ceiling in the kitchen. Starting with a swoop in this situation will not work. V otherwise, you can just uselessly spend a large amount of money and get only a beautiful picture. Ceilings in kitchens are high-tech surfaces, the design and finish of which is associated with the fulfillment of a number of requirements.

The kitchen is a living space that maintains difficult operating conditions. High humidity, constant temperature changes contribute to the fact that the kitchen has its own specific microclimate.

Important! In the kitchen, the humidity level during the day can vary from 45% to 90%. The air temperature in the intensive operation mode sometimes reaches 25-27 0 C, dropping at night to the usual values ​​of 20-23 0 .

Unstable physical conditions and technological processes, flowing in the kitchen, create an additional load on the ceilings, walls and floor coverings. Conventional finishing materials used to work with other rooms may lose their attractive qualities and characteristics on kitchen ceiling surfaces. It requires a competent and accurate calculation, taking into account the requirements for ceilings.

What is the focus today:

  • durability;
  • stability finished surfaces to moisture;
  • environmental friendliness of the materials used and Fire safety;
  • practicality of ceiling surfaces and structures;
  • aesthetic content.

For reference: cleaning and cleaning the ceiling in the kitchen should be carried out at least twice a year. For cleaning, traditional household detergents that do not contain chemically active substances. Cleaning tools should be simple and easy to use.

Each requirement contains the main technological parameters that are required today for ceiling kitchen designs. V ideal, it is not always possible to select materials that meet the requirements, however, to choose " golden mean» is always possible. Different kinds ceiling design, combination using different materials allow us to solve the assigned tasks. How? Let's consider in more detail.

Types of design for the kitchen ceiling

To date, repairing the ceiling in the kitchen is much easier to do. The decisive role in this is played by the huge selection of types of ceiling design offered to the consumer, the quantity and quality of finishing materials present on the market today.

Previously, the solution in this situation was simple and unambiguous. Lack of choice and traditional technologies left no choice. For finishing work with ceilings, whitewash was used. Chalk or lime has always been the most common material used for ceiling surfaces. Everything was whitewashed, lime was used in the kitchen, chalk was used for rooms and other premises. The process went fairly quickly. Paint brushes or spray guns were used. On the one hand, this finishing option was the most affordable, environmentally friendly and practical. Just whitewashed ceiling looked clean and sterile. In case of contamination, it was possible to renew the surface by applying a new layer of whitewash.

A significant disadvantage of this finishing option was a large amount of pollution of the premises. After whitewashing, it usually took a lot of time to wash other surfaces and objects from the smallest fragments of whitewash. Today the situation has changed radically. New technologies and finishing materials provide a wide field for the implementation of a wide variety of design solutions. There is a real opportunity to make the ceiling not only practical and easy to maintain, but also to create beautiful and stylish ceiling structures. Thanks to this state of affairs, it became possible to create a visiting card of your apartment from your own kitchen.

What technologies today allow you to repair the ceiling in your own kitchen on your own and with your own hands. At the moment, at the household level, the following finishing options are practiced:

  • ceiling painting;
  • wallpapering ceiling surfaces;
  • installation of suspended systems (plasterboard ceilings, rack and tension structures).

Each of the options has its pros and cons and is designed for implementation in certain technological conditions.

Ceiling surface painting

This finish option remains at the moment the cheapest and most affordable. Painting ceilings in the kitchen is often carried out for economic reasons. Applying paint to the ceiling in some cases can be a temporary solution.

For reference: for painting the ceiling in a kitchen with an area of ​​​​9-12 m 2, standard version planning, you will need only 2-3 kg of paints and varnishes. The cost of such an amount of paint today will cost 150-200 rubles.

Of course, before painting, you will need to prepare a rough surface. It is imperative to clean and remove dirt, remove plaster or old whitewash. It is often necessary to level the base surface before painting the ceilings, eliminating unevenness and structural defects.

For this technology, the obvious advantages are affordability, speed of work and an acceptable end result. With color also possible the most various variations. In addition, such a surface is easy to clean, which makes painted ceilings easy to maintain. It is recommended to use acrylic-based paints. If necessary, you can turn your attention to traditional material- water-based paint.

wallpaper sticker

The second method, which refers to cheap options, is pasting the ceiling in kitchens. washing wallpaper. original design in this case, it takes place, however, from the point of view of manufacturability of work, this option is not entirely convenient. Causes particular difficulties laying wallpaper on the ceiling. In addition, even the most expensive wallpapers fade over time, losing their former brilliance and attractiveness. Under the influence of high temperature, the joints between the strips often diverge.

Important! For pasting ceilings, only wallpaper is used on vinyl backing.

As in the case of painting, before wallpapering, you will need to carefully prepare old surface ceiling. This point often scares consumers away from this option. Moreover, such a ceiling cannot be called durable. It will not be possible to bring such a ceiling into the proper form with local repairs. Replacing burnt and heavily soiled strips will require re-gluing the entire ceiling part.

Pasting the top of your kitchen with expanded polystyrene tiles is not inferior in quality and originality of design.

Suspended ceiling systems

More complex and expensive types of ceiling designs that can be used when renovating kitchens are suspended structures.

The main advantage of this option:

  • the ability to hide defects and irregularities during installation base surface;
  • the ability to mask communications and electrical wiring;
  • wide choose design solutions, originality;
  • durability of suspension systems;
  • ease of maintenance and durability of such structures.

Of the most popular types of design that can be used to repair the ceiling, four are used today. These are plasterboard suspended ceilings, plastic panels, ceiling rack structures and stretch ceiling. All of these types are equally successful and effective. The difference is only in the installation methods and cost.

The cheapest option is plastic panels on the ceiling. A plasterboard ceiling construction will cost a little more.

Slatted and stretch ceilings are the most expensive, elite finishing option.


Durability, beauty and high manufacturability make suspended structures in demand today. With their help, any kitchen becomes attractive. The process of cleaning and maintenance no longer takes as much time as it used to. Not inferior in quality finishes and cheap options. Properly selected paint will make the ceiling in your kitchen a place of special attention and admiration.

For many of us, the kitchen is central in the house or apartment, where we not only cook and eat, but also meet guests. Traditionally, the kitchen is the face of the home. By the state of the kitchen, we are used to assessing the comfort of the house. High manufacturability kitchen space leaves an imprint on the level of design and quality of interior decoration. How to do beautiful ceiling in the kitchen, taking into account design features premises, what technology to use in this case - questions that often have to be answered on their own.

The problem is that from a functional point of view, not every finishing material will behave appropriately in the kitchen. kitchen ceiling in this aspect, special requirements are imposed, taking into account the special operating conditions and the high adaptability of kitchen facilities. In order to answer these questions, consider existing options. Which option in each case is more economical, more practical and most accurately emphasizes the design features.

Technological features of the kitchen

If there are certain restrictions for interior finishing work in the apartment, then in the kitchen they appear in all their beauty. It is not for nothing that the most expensive materials are used for finishing the kitchen, and the emphasis is placed on the use of the most reliable technologies. In the kitchen there is always a complex, peculiar microclimate. The main reason for this situation is the high intensity of operation of the kitchen premises and the high technological load. working gas stove provides a high, in comparison with other rooms in the house, temperature. Electric stoves work like heating appliances maintaining a high temperature in the room.

On a note: the temperature in the kitchen is on average 2-3 degrees higher than in the rest of the apartment. Humidity in the kitchen sometimes reaches 100%.

Cooking causes high level humidity in the kitchen. Evaporation includes not only water vapor, but also whole line microelements deposited on all surfaces and on the ceiling inclusive. Fats and carcinogens become integral elements kitchen atmosphere. The ceiling in the kitchen becomes a place of accumulation of the results of our activities and household activities. Not all surfaces can withstand such loads, not to mention physical properties finishing structures.

In addition to the special physical and climatic processes that take place in the kitchen, this room has the highest technological saturation in the house. Gas and electric heaters, kitchen Appliances, ventilation equipment and lighting concentrated in a small area. Do not discount the desire of the owners to install beautiful and comfortable furniture in the kitchen. All these aspects become decisive in terms of the choice of option. Beauty and functionality are key factors that will have to be repelled in the future.

What decor options for ceilings in the kitchen can be used

V more the financial side affects the quality of finishing the kitchen space. Usually, up to 30% of the total budget allocated for apartment renovation is spent on kitchen equipment. However, if with flooring and the walls, the situation looks quite simple and clear, you will have to spend the lion's amount of funds allocated for repairs to finish the ceiling. Traditionally, the following types of decor are used for finishing ceilings:

  • whitewashing or painting;
  • wallpapering the ceiling;
  • suspended ceiling systems;
  • plastic structures;
  • rack ceilings;
  • stretch ceiling.

All of the listed options for finishing the ceiling part have the right to be implemented and to some extent allow us to solve the main problem. Which ceiling is faster and better to make in your kitchen is a question for the inhabitants of the house. If you have the funds, pay attention to expensive options finishes and vice versa. With a shortage of finances, you can get by with budget options for finishing ceilings in the kitchen, which are no less practical, convenient and aesthetic.

For the kitchen, the practicality of the ceilings is of particular importance. Intensive exploitation of this room can turn even the most original and expensive design into something gray, dirty and faceless. Behind the ceiling is needed permanent care. Ceiling structures should be accessible for regular cleaning and cleaning, thanks to which it is possible to extend the service life kitchen interior.

For reference: nice ceiling should be cleaned and washed at least once or twice a year. For washing ceilings, ordinary detergents should be suitable, without adding substances and components harmful to human health to the internal atmosphere.

Pros and cons of cheap kitchen ceiling design options

Each option for the design of ceiling parts for your own kitchen is up to you. Here you should not save on technologies and materials. Each situation puts forward its technological requirements for ceilings, so we will consider all possible methods and options for finishing.


The easiest way to quickly solve the problem of finishing the ceiling in your own kitchen is to whitewash it. The method is not so popular today, due to the lack of high aesthetic properties.

For reference: in Western Europe, the owners of private houses and cottages continue to use whitewash for processing ceiling structures. This is especially noticeable in rural areas, where it is very important to comply with sanitary norms and ecology.

To complete the picture, it should be recalled what advantages whitewashed ceilings have in the kitchen. The advantages of this finishing option include:

  • cheapness and availability of the material (chalk or lime);
  • simplicity and speed of painting works;
  • environmental safety of the whitewashed surface.

The disadvantages of whitewashing include such properties as the rapid soiling of a whitewashed ceiling and inexpressive aesthetic data. This processing method is suitable for country option.


Along with whitewashing, painting ceilings is also considered the most affordable, fastest and cheapest way to finish ceiling surfaces in kitchens. By comparison, a white, painted ceiling in a kitchen will cost three to four times less than plastic ceilings and even less when it comes to suspended ceiling systems.

A freshly painted ceiling looks fresh and beautiful in the kitchen. For these purposes, water-based or acrylic paints are usually used. The latter material is more relevant due to the high manufacturability of the painted surface. Acrylic-based paints are durable and easy to maintain. Acrylic painting easy to clean from soot and grease. If desired, you can always add this finishing option with suspended structures or by changing the color of the painted ceiling, give new notes to the interior of the kitchen.

The disadvantages of painting is fragility. Under influence high temperatures and high humidity, almost any (acrylic paints are an exception) painted ceiling will begin to crack.

On a note: water-based paint fades within a year, losing up to 50% of its brightness from its original color.

In addition, painted surfaces are highly susceptible to water damage. When flooding an apartment from above, you will have to repaint the entire ceiling. Locally repair damaged areas will not work. Which ceiling to make, whitewashed or painted - you decide. Both options can be considered temporary solutions. Over time, you can improve the design of the ceiling surface in the kitchen through the use of other finishing materials.

Using wallpaper

In parallel with whitewashing and painting, today you can often find ceilings in kitchens covered with washing wallpaper. It's cheap enough and fast way transform own kitchen. Surface defects are easily hidden by new wallpaper, but such a surface is very susceptible to contamination. Wash vinyl wallpapers simple enough. For this, ordinary detergents are used.

Important! In this case, wallpaper must be used only washing, vinyl-based. Otherwise, your ceiling will soon turn into dirty spot throughout the kitchen.

The downside of this option is the very problem of pasting the ceiling. Dense wallpaper with applied glue is inconvenient for installation at a height. Constant humidity and high temperatures can cause the wallpaper to peel off the base surface and cause the seams to diverge at the joints.

Summing up the options for cheap ceiling finishes in the kitchen, we can draw the appropriate conclusion. These methods are very convenient for the local solution of the problem. In the normal state of the base surface and traditional ways lighting in the kitchen, whitewashing, painting and wallpapering are fashionably considered acceptable options.

Other ceiling designs

The desire to make a real picture out of the kitchen, the business card of your apartment, highlights more complex and expensive types of ceiling design. A new ceiling for your own kitchen, which is better, which is worse - two-level or stretch, depends on the goals and objectives.

Plasterboard ceilings

Suspension systems are the most common today. Using drywall for these purposes, you can create the most intricate shapes and configurations on the ceiling. Due to the high technological properties of the gypsum board, it becomes possible to implement almost any design solution. There is where to roam for decorating ceilings. Due to the construction of many levels, you can easily solve the problem of zoning the kitchen space and install additional lighting.

Due to the suspended structure, you can easily hide all the shortcomings and defects of the base surface, hide the existing communications. This design option is suitable for large kitchen areas.

Important! For suspended ceilings in the kitchen, only moisture-resistant drywall is used.

Slatted ceilings

You can sew up an old and ugly ceiling in the kitchen with lamellas. when finishing kitchen ceiling surfaces in cottages and country houses. Usually wooden slats or combined systems are used - wood + plastic panels.

Such designs can be open and closed type, with metallic, glossy or matte surfaces. If desired, such ceilings can be made mirrored. To implement this option, today there are all conditions. Ready-to-assemble rack ceilings are commercially available today.

Plastic panels - the most affordable and beautiful option

PVC panels are very popular lately. Due to the variety of shapes and colors, you can create very original, simple and at the same time very reliable ceiling structures. plastic ceiling for the kitchen is:

  • stylish and fashionable;
  • convenient and practical;
  • quite cheap and effective.

On a note: plastic ceiling surfaces are waterproof and durable. With normal maintenance, plastic is able to serve 10-15 years without visible deterioration in physical and external properties.

The only problem plastic structures- high degree of flammability. When burned, plastic releases great amount harmful components.

Installation of plastic panels can be done by hand, installing in parallel in right places additional lamps.


Which ceiling is best for the kitchen and for you - decide for yourself. Assess your own financial capabilities and technological need for a particular design option. Tension structures, despite their visual appeal, are very expensive. However, for most residents of large houses and estates, this option is quite feasible. From all of the above and written, the following conclusions can be drawn.

What ceilings are better to do in the kitchen - stretch, plastered or suspended? What materials are preferred? We will analyze in detail the 6 most popular finishing materials and talk about all their advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing which ceilings in the kitchen are better, you need to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of materials.

ceiling requirements.

Before you decide which ceiling in the kitchen is better to do, it is important to understand what quality criteria it must meet. To make your finish last long years, she must be:

  • moisture resistant. You can argue as much as you like which ceiling is better for the kitchen, but one cannot but agree with one. It must be moisture resistant, as the level of humidity in the kitchen is always high.
  • Easy care. So that you do not have a nightmare about periodic cleaning of the ceiling, the material with which it is finished should be unpretentious in maintenance.

The ceiling covering should be not only moisture resistant, but also unpretentious in cleaning.

  • Wear resistant. If you do not plan to change the ceiling finish every year, then make sure that it is durable.
  • Eco-friendly. The range of modern materials makes it possible to choose a material that is harmless to human health and the environment.

Durable material can last for many years

  • With a "masking" effect. Finishing should successfully hide some of the flaws in the ceiling, as well as various kitchen communications.
  • decorative. When choosing which ceilings for the kitchen are better, in addition to their technical characteristics, it is necessary to pay attention to the decorative component. The material should organically fit into the interior created by oneself and be in harmony with it.
  • Inexpensive. Not every family budget involves the cost of a ceiling, the price of which is equal to several monthly salaries. So it is very important to find a coating that has the most suitable ratio of cost and quality.

Ceiling finishes must be affordable and hide surface defects

We have reviewed the basic requirements for finishing materials, now it's time to talk about which ceiling in the kitchen is better.

Overview of the advantages and disadvantages of 6 finishing materials

In this section, we will take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages various options finishes. After reviewing them, you can decide which ceiling for the kitchen is better to choose.


In Soviet times, whitewashing was considered almost the only option for decorating the top of the kitchen. Now she has a lot of competitors, but this cladding option is still quite popular.

Whitewash - the cheapest finish option

Advantages: The main advantage of whitewashing is its low cost. Among other things, due to its porous structure, a whitewashed ceiling can provide the best possible air exchange. In addition, whitewashing is one of the types of finishes, which is not difficult to carry out on your own.

Flaws: Upon closer examination, whitewashing can easily fall out of the competition for "which ceiling is better in the kitchen." It does not tolerate moisture and temperature changes, needs regular updating and begins to crumble and crack quite quickly.

Whitewash does not respond well to moisture and temperature changes, and also needs constant updating.


Thinking about which ceiling is better to do, it's hard not to remember the drywall coating. Due to it, you can implement several interesting design solutions, whether combined or multilevel structures, which will become a decoration of the decor.

When choosing how best to finish the ceiling, it should be remembered that high-quality drywall is moisture resistant and hides uneven ceilings

Advantages: Moisture resistant drywall options will help hide minor defects at the base, they also have high strength and long term operation. They are quite cheap, besides, they are subject to staining. And this will give you the opportunity, if desired, to update the existing interior.

Flaws: Despite the moisture resistance of the material, the flooding of neighbors from above will be fatal for him. From constant temperature changes, which cannot be avoided in the kitchen, unsightly gaps will appear between the sheets. Among other things, do not forget that the painted layer of drywall will need periodic updating.

From high temperatures, noticeable gaps appear between sheets of drywall


Surface painting is as traditional as whitewashing. Therefore, in our review of popular options for finishing the ceiling, you can not do without it. What is the best way to paint the surface? You can use water-based or acrylic paint, which have long earned recognition from consumers.

Paint is able to quickly and fairly budget to update the interior

Advantages: The painted ceiling tolerates moisture well, therefore it is easy to wet cleaning. Painting the surface yourself is not difficult, so you can not spend money on the services of specialists.

Flaws: Paint, however, like whitewashing, is not the most durable material, moreover, over time White color the ceiling will become increasingly faded. If the paint suddenly cracks in one place, then it will not be possible to restore the site quickly. You will have to remove old finish, align the ceiling and only then proceed to a new coloring.

Like bleached, painted surfaces need regular updating.

Plastic lining

If you are in the process of thinking about how best to make the ceiling so that it is budget and durable, then you can opt for a plastic lining. In this case, you should pay attention to special panels and sealant designed for processing seams.

Plastic is moisture resistant and easy to clean.

Advantages: plastic materials are considered very budgetary and practical way ceiling finishes. Plastic tolerates moisture well, and if one panel is damaged, it will not be difficult to replace it. It is easy to clean, but it must be done regularly, as a thick layer of soot and grease will be much more problematic to remove.

Flaws: Too budgetary PVC models can hardly be called environmentally friendly. In addition, plastic is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and will lose its original color over time.

Exposure to the sun will cause the plastic to fade.


Someone may get tired of thinking about what it is better to make ceilings from, and decide on a very unusual option- sticking on the surface of the wallpaper. This decision looks very unusual, it can also become a full-fledged highlight in the interior.

Wallpaper on the ceiling (example in the photo) will become the center of your decor

Advantages: Relatively a budget option design that does not require you special efforts in installation. Besides, quality wallpaper can be washed, and they are also able to hide minor defects on the surface.

Flaws: Sticking thick wallpaper can cause certain difficulties. From hot air flows, the seams between the canvases will diverge and deform. In addition, this material will definitely not save you from being flooded by your neighbors.

Hot air can cause the sheets to peel off.

Stretch ceiling

The stretch ceiling in the kitchen has long ceased to be a sign of luxury: prices have dropped to 500 rubles per square meter, which, combined with a small kitchen area, makes the final cost of the project more than feasible even with a modest budget.

Stretch ceilings - one of the best options for finishing

Advantages: This coating creates a perfectly flat surface, it is also unpretentious in maintenance. It has a wide design variability, is able to hide all the defects of the ceiling.

Flaws: Instructions for installing tension structures are quite complicated, so you won’t be able to do it without the help of specialists. It also takes a few inches off the ceiling height, which is bad for a small kitchen.