Painting wooden windows. Paint for windows than paint wooden windows

Every day the balcony window also affects various factors, both outside and from the inside. Naturally, so that it serves as long as possible and retained the desiccination, you need to provide reliable protection. And painting wooden frames will prevent premature deterioration in the quality of the window.

For reference!

The color of window frames, as a rule, perform every year or two, since outer layer Paints during this time can take a crack.

Selection of paint

  • The penetration of moisture inside the wooden frame can sometimes lead to irreversible processes: putrid, the formation of mold and even destruction, which is undoubtedly harming both your health and budget. Therefore, choosing paints and varnishesshould be preferred moisture resistant.
  • Another important requirement that is presented to painting materials for window frames, their elasticity. Only then the coloring layer will remain whole in the process of typical strain timber - shrinkage and swelling.

For reference!

Choosing the paint, basically focus on two parameters: the breed of wood, from which the frame is made, and the characteristics of the climate in this area.

  • For mild climates optimal decision There will be oil paint.
  • Painting of old window frames from wood are performed using glossy enamel, which is distinguished by weather resistance. It is suitable not only for outdoor work, but also for internal, that is, it can be considered a versatile material.
  • "Weak" wood breeds, which are unstable to the effects of the atmosphere, additionally protect the layer of varnish.
  • Painting wooden frames using alkyd paint protects the tree from the devastating effects of sharp fluctuations in temperature, moisture and the other. Such a coating is distinguished by elasticity and durability, has high decorative characteristics, unpretentiously in care - it can be simply washed using almost any detergent.
  • For color of the surface of the salary outside and with inner You can use different compositions. For example, alkyd paint is suitable for the inner colors, for outer - acrylic.

Color selection rules Paints are quite simple:

  • For window systems, a light side is suitable for window systems, then it will not absorb the rays of the sun, and, on the contrary, reflect, and the frame will not last long ago;
  • Come on the shadow side can be painted in dark tones.

Wooden windows painting technology

The process of coloring wooden windows depends on their state, but one way or another the window must first be prepared.

Preparatory work

The most convenient time for the color of the frame is the spring day without precipitation, when warm on the street, and the sun shines too brightly.

In the process of preparatory work during restoration, the existing layer of paint is removed, then close all defects.

Cleaning methods

To remove with frames of old paint, three ways are used.

  • Thermal. Use for cleaning construction Fen. Under the influence of temperature, this layer is softened, after which it can be immediately removed by a spatula or just a kitchen knife. The temperature of the hair dryer needs to be monitored, otherwise the material can overheat and start smoking.

For reference!

  • Chemical. To remove an old coating, you can use aggressive washes. This method is considered the least laborious. The wash is applied by old layer Paints with a brush. After a while she begins to dissolve. Paint can also turn into a jelly-shaped mass. One way or another, it is written with a steel spatula. Sometimes the process has to repeat while the window is not finally cleaned.

Do not forget that aggressive formulations are dangerous for the skin, so working with them, you need to take security measures: to wear rubber gloves, the eyes protect the glasses.

To make cleaning more convenient, you first need to remove locks and handles, remove the glass.

  • Mechanical. This is the most time-consuming method, but is suitable for processing any paint coatings. Paint are written manually or using an electric tool, for example, a grinder or drill with special nozzles In the form of wire brushes (kartovat). Manual way More suitable for a small amount of work. Scratches, remaining after using scrapers, cycles or other tools, are cleaned by Naz.

For reference!

Wooden frames in front of the color must be deguted, since the presence of fat on their surface impairs the adhesion of the paint. That is why the entire surface of the surface must be carefully cleaned with a solvent.

Sealing chips and cracks

After cleaning on the surface of wooden frames, as a rule, defects are detected. For their sealing, put a putty on an acrylic basis, designed for work outside. The composition is applied with a thin layer in several approaches. If a transparent finish is assumed, then the putty must be either under the shade of wood or tinted by a color.

For reference!

The spacure mixture can be made independently. Epoxy glue and small sawdust are suitable for this.

Grinding surfaces

In the process of preparatory work, it is resorted several times:

  • wooden Rama Treat completely, after complete cleaning of the old paint layer;
  • In the process of spit, each layer is treated, after which the entire surface of the wooden frame is cleaned;
  • Small pile, which rises after applying the antiseptic on the tree.

For reference!

The wooden surface, as a rule, is open twice: first the coarse skin, after which the "bridge" the surface is fine emery paper.

Applying primer

The primer compositions that the frames impregnate are protecting wooden frames from rotting. In addition, paint consumption is reduced, and its adhesion with the surface is improved. Primer is applied using a brush. The liquid is thoroughly triturated in the direction of fibers.

After the preparatory work is completed, the wooden frame surface becomes smooth and smooth.

Technique coloring window frames

Before the coloring room is carefully cleaned, as dirt or dust can settle on the freshly made surface.

Even for professionals, it is sometimes difficult to carefully cry out the window frames without blurring with the glass. Therefore, they recommend using greasy cattle. It is neatly glued along the perimeter of the wooden salary on the glass of jack with their surface. The same process is treated with glass and on the other hand. Coloring, as a rule, start from the outer surface, then go to the inner. At the same time, depending on the characteristics of the surface of the surface, several brushes use. For example, there are more wide for even hard-to-reach plots - Small. At the corners, paint is applied short, light stars.

Passed over the perimeter Malyary Scotch must be removed until the paint does not dry, because it will be difficult to do it.

Fully secure the surface of the glass from the ingress of paint can be using soap solution. Before starting painting, glass is covered with thick foam. As soon as it dries, you can start painting, and at the end of the foam is simply washed away with ordinary water.

Technology Painting windows provides for paint in two layers.

  • Paint for the first layer should be more liquid to better penetrate the wood. It is applied by progressive movements from top to bottom. Especially carefully score angles, otherwise finished surface White spots may appear.
  • Waiting for the complete drying of the paint, proceed to the overlay of the second layer. It is very important that the coating does not flow, so it should be more thick than when applied the first.
  • If, when painting, the painting composition fell on the glass, then it is easiest to clean it with a knife or blades after full of frozen. It is necessary to do it carefully not to scratch the glass.

The life of the wooden window directly depends on how highly its frame is protected by a layer of paint from the aggressive impact on it of the environment.

Suffers from the impact on it two adverse factors: moisture and sun rays. Wood, not protected from entering its water structure, is pretty quickly starting to be covered with fungus and rot.

On the other hand, the prolonged exposure to sunlight on the unprotected surface of the wooden frame leads to its cutting, cracking and variation of the structure.

Precisely to protect wooden windows from the influence of adverse natural factorsAnd not only on the basis of reasons of aesthetic, wooden frames must be periodically servicing and painted.

Preparatory work

Preparation for the coloration of the frame of a wooden window Start from its inspection for cracks, bloating and peeling.

After diagnosing, a rigid metal spatula or a scraper similar to him, remove the cracked and swollen paint.

In the event that there are many layers of old paint on the window frame, all of them need to scrape.

The outer part of the frame (and better - the entire surface) process with a special antiseptic impregnation, protecting it from the damage to the fungal mold.

After that, go to cracks, chips and sections with remote paint, using a special putty on the tree. After the putty dries, the frame-processed surface of the frame lay first by the emery paper P120, and then P240.

Upon completion of grinding, turn the window frame with a damp rag to remove the smallest particles of putty and abrasive from its surface.

Perform wet cleaning And in the room where the window is located, in order to avoid dust sticking on the painted surface of the frame.

It remains to be saved by painting tape stacks of glasses in contact with the frame and point out the floor near the window of the building polyethylene.


In the event that the frame is new or from its surface, the old paint was completely removed, the wood surface before staining. Cover the primer layer. After drying the primer, proceed to painting the frame.

The paint for the wooden frame must necessarily be moisture resistant. Before starting staining, check whether it is too thick, and if necessary, the corresponding solvent.

The paint density should be such that it lay on the stained surface with a smooth thin layer and at the same time did not flow from it.

Usually, the paint in the bank turns out to be a little curly than necessary, but some Mount-Masters, not paying attention to this, smear thick paint on the surface of the frame.

As a result, the paint layer is obtained uneven, with inlets and traces of the brush, and the excess thickness of the colorful coating leads to the fact that some time the paint cracks.

I dipped into the paint to a depth equal to about half the length of the brush's pile, swipe alternately with both sides of the brush along the edges of the neck of the cans in the direction from the inside-out, thus removing from the pile of excess paint. After that, apply paint to the surface of the frame.

Staining the frame start from its upper part - so the paint will fall smoothly. Special attention When painting a wooden frame, you give it to the end parts - it is they are most susceptible to destruction due to moisture.

Upon completion painting work, without waiting for paint drying, remove from glass of paint tape band.

Most. optimal option Coloring of wooden frames is staining them in two layers. After the first layer, carefully inspect the painted surfaces.

In case of detection of cracking or blown paint, eliminate defects, and then impose a second layer of paint.

Right and conscientiously painted wooden frame will serve for a long time, not afraid of neither rain, no wind, no scoring sunlight.

Good luck to you! Let you succeed!


Despite the fact that at present most houses are equipped more modern designs From plastic and aluminum, which won the general love, many in the apartments are wooden windows. Painting windows - the procedure that sometimes has to hold wooden windows. This is done in order for the frames to retain an attractive appearance and performed their appointment as long as possible.

How to paint a wooden frame

Take a note several rules that will help you and tell you how to paint correctly. This applies to the stage of preparation for work, much facilitates the coating.

  • Painting of wooden windows is made exclusively at the appropriate season. It is better to do this in the late spring, when the warm and dry weather is installed, precipitation is almost excluded. The right time is the end of summer, when the heavy heat falls, but the autumn rains have not yet begun.
  • Before painting the window, it is necessary to eliminate all defects and breakdowns.
  • All surfaces in the surface must be cleaned, remove the previous paint., Salt.
  • Be sure to put paint into several layers, at least twice with the application interval, so you increase its service life.
  • Before the painting frame, it is recommended to cover spacious primer areas. Glasses and it is recommended to take painting with scotch tape or paper stripes, in order to avoid paint.
  • Do not forget to dilute paint from the can with a solvent, as the composition in the container is too thick.
  • When working with paints and solvents, be sure to wear gloves and respirator - take care of your health.

Step-by-step scheme of painting windows

So how to paint with your own hands? Do not forget that the painting of window frames depends not only on the quality of paint and tools, but from the correctness of the preparatory phase.

  1. Prepare required tools. The surface around the window is better to cover with newspapers, stick glass and accessories.
  2. The window must be cleaned from old paint - remove with a spatula and sandpaper or use a special liquid sold in stores.
  3. Remove all dirt and dust.
  4. Decreased frame or rinse with water.
  5. Calculate cracks and chips that are on the frame. After carrying out the windows. Do not forget that before putty and the primer, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface. We preliminarily recommend passing the spacure areas of the primer or paint, so that the paint absorbed and dried it will give uniformity in painting.
  6. Give the Ramam to dry well. Now you can proceed to staining. Paint the frames first from the inside, then outside. Apply the paint from top to bottom, first covering horizontal coatings, then vertical.
  7. Apply paint into one layer, let him dry! Then apply the second and third layers, the smears must go to each other. Come on the surface of the roller, which will smooth irregularities.
  8. Krable with a wide brush, corners and hard-to-reach places. Browse with a thin tassel.
  9. In the same way, cover the outdoor side of the window.
  10. Remove the greasy tape and paper before the paint is driving, otherwise they stick and get off together with the new coating.

How to choose paint for staining windows

How to paint - a question, to whose decision it is necessary to approach carefully and responsibly. Choice right material - Not the last thing in the whole process of updating the frames, because good paint. Not only will change the view of the window, but will also increase the service life.

Choosing, what paint is better to paint a wooden window, pay your view on moisture-resistant materials - it will protect the frame from the penetration of unnecessary water and will protect the wood from cracking. Kraska must be elastic, in order to protect the frame from deformation and shrinkage.

The best option is alkyd paint or acrylic.As a rule, these paints are good in the fact that they do not turn yellow and do not smell. Do not be afraid that the paint has a water base (diluted with water), after drying it is very resistant and will serve many years. The answer to the question is how to paint the window frames outside - choose light colors, Which are able to reflect the sun's rays and this extend the service life of the RAM.

Starting repair and some choose varnish as coating. How to paint the old windows with varnish? The application of varnish is no different from applying paint. It is better to choose an acrylic varnish, which is a moisture-repellent and environmentally friendly (on a wave basis), in addition, it is capable of favorably change the appearance of the windows.

Even if you decide to paint the windows with a ship's expensive varnish, he crashes in a couple of years. Therefore, this is not the best option.

Coating on the old layer

If you think about how to paint wooden windows old paint, it is better to give up this thought. Not in vain one of the main terms of competent staining of the window is the removal of an old coating. If you apply a new layer on the old one, which has already been cracking from time to time, then risk getting by no means that the result was calculated. New paint It starts to bubble on top of the old layer, get out of irregularities and roughness - it will not look like aesthetically and will not have every effort.

Painting with professionals

If you do not want to think about how to paint the old wooden windows with your own hands, are unsure in their abilities, it is not free to break free time - trust the process of professionals. Experts will work quickly and efficiently, using the most best Materialswhich will long increase the service life of your window. The average cost of work in Moscow, for example, begins from 3,000 thousand rubles, which will not become an inbox.
Painting wooden windows with your own hands will take a lot of time and will require concentration and attention. Sometimes easier at discounted prices.

If you cause a professional, then in a few hours of painstaking work, enjoy the view of fresh windows. In addition, the frames do not need to paint more often in 1-2 years, so the cost of the service does not seem to be transcended.

If you still think how to paint old wooden frames - stop doubting your abilities, because this process is available to everyone. And if you do not want to engage in the restoration yourself - call a specialized firm.

Carefully follow the status of your windows, timely painting of wooden frames - the best thing you can do to keep the original look.

Windows with wooden frames is a wonderful choice for those who appreciate the classics and cares about keeping a cozy climate in their home. Over time, the tree loses their presentable species, so it must be restored on time.

With new windows of high quality troubles, it does not arise - they don't have a problem to paint. But the restoration of old wood frames with battered external species Sometimes it causes difficulties. So how to paint the old wooden window?

Preparation before painting

So, there is a elderly, a little spoiled wooden window. Immediately begin to paint it with raw paint from the bank, as many do it, in no case can it. This can be done only in one case - if the frame just purchased and has excellent quality. But even here without a primer can not do.

The old window before painting is required to be thoroughly prepared, and for this it is necessary to estimate its condition:

  • conduct detailed diagnostics of all sides of the window frame;
  • estimate glass adjustment density to strokes;
  • check for the presence and condition of the old paint layer.

Prepare the window to paint must necessarily. I ignoring this moment, you can only spoil the product, and in vain to spend time. After careful diagnosis, the frame should be rid of all defects that were discovered. If there were fallen places, they need to scrape the sharp metal subject, For example, a knife. Old paint, if she does hard or bubble, also needs to be removed. For better windows update with your own hands, the frame is better to completely clean from the old paint using a special solvent and knife.

After removing the spoiled areas of wood on the window frame, irregularities and pits often appear. Fix the problem will help grinding with large sandpaper with subsequent applying putty. At the same time, you can fill the cracks that appear as a result of drying wood. On this, the preparation of the window to paint does not end. As soon as the layer of putty dry, it can be polished with shallow emery paper. It will only be covered with a layer of soil enamel. Without it, it is not necessary, since the paint, applied immediately to the tree, does not rest well, swells and pecks ahead of time.

If the preparatory work is completed, and the window frame has a flat smooth surface, you can move to painting an old wooden window.

Application of paintwork on the frame

To apply paint it was easier, it should be diluted with solvent. The choice of fluid for dilution depends on the composition protective coating. It is easily clarified by the seller who purchased paint. But if any recommendations could not be obtained about this, you can apply the universal diluent "White Spirit". It suits almost all kinds alkyd paints. How to calculate the optimal amount of solvent? Here everything is chosen on the eye. The main thing is that the finished mixture does not have a thick and not watery consistency.

To paint the frame, not staining the glasses, you need to use the painting scotch. It will help update the window, avoiding the loss of its transparency. Scotch is glued along the perimeter of glass close to the strokes. When working, the tassel is created at least splashes, so the narrow strips of painting adhesive tape will be enough. To paint the frame of the window easily, quickly and efficiently, it is worth sticking to several rules:

  • during operation, it is necessary to accumulate accuracy, to ensure that the paint lay down exactly and does not fall into unnecessary places;
  • it is not recommended to immerse all the brush in the container with the coloring matter. It is enough to suck the brush half and walk by it on the edge of the jars to get rid of the surplus of paint;
  • staining must be produced in the direction from top to bottom. So it will be possible to prevent the appearance of influx and sublishes;
  • you do not need to try to apply as thick as possible as possible paint in one right. This can lead to the formation of irregularities.

Proper to paint windows from the tree will help one simple rule: it is better to apply 2-3 layers, the first of which should be done thin. Moreover, the next occasion of staining is carried out only after complete drying of the previous layer. Thus, the whole process can stretch for several days, depending on the speed of drying the coating. Such technology helps to get rid of non-crushed plots and ensures reliable protection of a wooden frame from natural precipitation and sunlight.

A wooden window is easy to paint. Armed with patience and tools, an old product with an unsightly appearance can be turned into beautiful thingWhat is proved by the example of the window frame. With the above councils, you will not have to break your head, thinking how to paint wooden windows along the old paint. The main thing to remember: "Not so much hard to achieve professional quality Coloring old windows, how much to save this quality for long time. "\u003dCnner994xzi. Video CAN "T BE LOODED: Tips on the color of old wooden windows (\u003dcnner994xzi)

Wooden windows of windows require periodic painting. In order for this process to repeat every year, it is responsible for this to treat it, prepare all building materials and special tools in advance.

Repair of wooden frames is the most time-consuming process. From the street affects them sunlight And precipitation, and from the sides of the rooms - an increased temperature compared to the street, dry air or water condensate. In addition, insects often come in wooden windows, it can develop. To avoid these troubles, strictly observe the order of wood processing.

Repair of wooden frames begins with their detailed inspection and preparation. building materials and tools. To paint old wooden windows, you will need the following materials and tools: scraper, spatula, sandpaper, grinder machine, roller, brushes, tape, film under the window, primer, putty, White - Spirit, solvent and paint. Do not forget about mandatory ways to protect against harmful volatile substances: mask, glasses, gloves and Panama.

For painting wooden windows from the inside of the room usually use the paint alkyd on an oil basis, and from the side of the street - acrylic paint For outdoor work. The choice of domestic or imported paint will depend on the cost of your repair and preferences.

Preparation of wooden windows to painting

In order for the wooden frames to be longer than, you need to choose the right time for painting. The ideal condition for repair is considered a warm day without a bright roast sun, when the humidity is small, and ultraviolet does not destroy the paint structure. Wooden frames are well dry at temperatures above 5C heat and relative air humidity below 80%. Do not apply paint on a wet surface, because Later, bubbles may appear on it, and they will have to divert the frame. Painting is also occurring due to dampness or poor preliminary cleaning.

Preparation of window to painting

Consider more like painting and wooden frames in frame house. The first thing you need to perform is to remove the old layer of paint. For this work, use scraper and sandpaper with large grain. If there are problems with closing frame, use grinding machine For surface. Work machine carefully not to damage wooden base Frames.

Washing for removing old paint

Currently on building markets Special liquids have appeared to remove the old paint layer, such as ticcuril, shost, cooled and so on. This significantly speeds up the process of preparing wooden frames to repair. This mixture is applied to the frame, and when the paint is wrinkled and turns into a curly substance, it is believed to the spatula, and the surface is treated with coarse-grained emery paper.

Wooden windows flaps and all the accessories before painting it is better to remove that after painting the window looked more accurately. If there is no possibility to remove the handles or locks just creemet them with painting tape.

Also carefully and gently prepare all glass windows. It is necessary to stick all the glass by the newspapers by covering them with a scotch on the sides, retreating from each edge 2 mm so that the paint fell into narrow slits and in the future did not allow to accumulate moisture and water. Throw old strokes, and the new paint separately from the frames and the cloves are ready-made.

Wooden windows finishing and primer process

Carefully inspect the wooden frame. All items and items that can rust over time and spoil your repair, pre-process specifically for iron (carnation caps, metal loops, etc.).

Antiseptic is important detail preparatory work Before painting frames. This processing will prevent the rotting of wood, the development and education of the fungus, will not allow insect to settle in your. It will be possible to serve your frame longer.

After processing the frame, the antiseptic inspect the surface of the window. All gaps, waviness or potholes need to scream. But do it gradually, because too thick layer of putty can fall off with a layer of paint, and it will have to start repairing.

After applying the first layer of putty, you need to clean the surface with sandpaper. After a few hours, when the second layer will dry well, we once again grow the entire surface of the frame with sandpaper. The process must be repeated to an ideally smooth surface of a wooden frame.

The next stage is a primer. This process will provide reliable and high-quality wood paint coating. Modern primer mixtures are also. When applied, it forms a protective transparent film, which is necessary to preserve the natural pattern of wood. In addition, the mixture of primer is well protected from mold, dampness and fungi, do not allow to develop rotting processes on outside Frames, even with increased humidity.

Primer window

The primer consists of the following elements: oil, resin, glue, and various pigments. The formulation of each primer mixture is significantly different, but there is a common among all wood primers - this is their ability to maintain the natural structure of wood. Therefore, primer for metal for wooden details do not use.

Before priming the surface, it is necessary to carefully degrease its White Spirit. Prix \u200b\u200bbetter with a brush, not roller. If the putty dried very well or you missed the area during the priming of the surface, after painting at this place there may be a dark spot.

Painting of a wooden window in several layers

After the above processing, the window is smooth and smooth. Before painting, it is necessary to carefully remove the room, clean the space near the wooden window from dust so that it can not get into the freshly stained frame.

Many when repair faced with a question, how to paint the windows? As a rule, water-painted or alkyd enamels are chosen for painting wooden frames. Their main advantages are high moisture resistance, elasticity and resistance to burnout from sunlight. In our country, with sharp drops temperatures, changeable weather, precipitation, on window Ramama Dulux, Remmers, Caparol will be well held. This option It is quite expensive. Domestic windows for windows are relatively cheaper.

On average, repair and painting windows will cost 500 to 10,000 rubles.

Examples of alkyd enamels of Russian manufacturers
  • Paint should be thoroughly mixed in the bank, strain on a special metallic sieve in the bath.
  • The first layer of paint is more watery than the subsequent, because the purpose of it is impregnation of all the irregularities of the wood.
  • To dilute, use the solvent or White Spirit, see the composition of the paint.
  • After the first applying, the paint should dry. And only after that you can start painting on the second layer.

As a rule, windows are painted in three layers, although sometimes two layers will be enough.

It is worth noting that the second and third layers of paint should be more dense to avoid subsequent flows. If they still appeared, it is necessary to remove them urgently with the help of a rubber and solvent. If this is not done on time, later you will have to re-clean and paint the entire surface of the frame.

When painting, do not dip the tassel in the paint, only half, leave the paint in the bath, spending neatly tassel around the edge. Start painting on the outside window. It is important to have several types of brushes: small for more hard to reach placesBig for more smooth surfaces. The width of the brush varies from 3 cm to 5 cm. For painting, the frame is suitable flat on the form of a brush.

The paint will be perfectly falling along the tree fibers. Corners Browse with light, short brush strokes.

Another important remark - tape and newspaper paper from glasses, remove the paint completely dry. If this is not done on time, you can damage the colorful layer.

Accessories, removed earlier, install after complete drying of a wooden frame.

If you are thinking how to paint the window properly - with your own hands or with the help of professional masters - after our article, all questions and doubts will disappear. Have a good repair!

Where to buy paint? What price?