How to pour a warm floor in a private house. Warm water floor in a private house - the principle of operation

Heated floors in the house is becoming increasingly popular not only because it is fashionable. Firstly, it is very convenient, secondly, with the competent construction of the system economically and, thirdly, it is incredibly comfortable. As soon as you hit the room with a warm floor, you start thinking about how you can do something like this. Lucky owners of private houses: You can deliver any floor heating system. You just need to choose which one.

Heating of a private house with warm floors

Heating floor can be the main heating system, and can serve to improve life comfort. Roles are different. How to decide? It all depends on which climatic zone Located your home and how well it is insulated.

House heating warm floors It is possible only if, subject to recommendations on the temperature of the floor (the surface should have a temperature not higher than 30 ° C), its thermal power will be enough to replenish the heat loss of your home.

Determine the loss of heat

How to find out the heat loss? In general, it is necessary to order a heat engineering calculation in a specialized organization. This is a rather vigorous and quite complex calculation, which takes into account:

  • material and wall thickness,
  • materials and thickness of the foundation, roof,
  • view and thickness of the insulation of each constructive element at home,
  • the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors, the degree of their insulation,
  • material and thickness of overlaps,
  • climatic factors;
  • still a lot of things.

All this data, by the way, will require you in the project organization along with the house plan, so you can prepare in advance.

To consider it all on their own - long and not quite difficult: the heat engineering is one of the most complex in the industry. But still you can try to appreciate the loss of heat yourself, albeit with a big error. Methods are two: by area and by volume. If you correctly apply corrective coefficients, you can achieve more or less truthful results. But the method of calculation in volume seems more correct. It is described in the article:

Try to apply this method to approximately appreciate the heat loss of individual premises and houses as a whole.

We consider the heat coming from the floor

Determining the required amount of heat - not all. Now you need to know how much this heat can give you warm floors. The practice is established that on average, it is possible to "remove" from one meter of the floor. 2 can be 60-80 W / m 2. Do not be afraid of it. After all, we are talking about all the heated area of \u200b\u200bthe floor. Based on the number of "squares" the room is already decent.

But do not make a mistake! We are talking about the heated area, and not a common one. The fact is that it makes no sense to warm up the floor, let's say under large cabinetwhich you move are not going to, no sense to warm the refrigerator or washing machine, arrange heated floors under the lockers in the kitchen, etc. In addition, it is irrational, some heaters are afraid of the so-called "locking" - this is when they put some things on them. It threatens them overheating, because of which cables can be blown or infrared film.

Zones in which a pipe with a coolant will be decomposed and will be heated area. To calculate it from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room, we take the area of \u200b\u200bitems, under which the floor does not make sense under the floor, and get the desired digit.

Now we can consider how much heat you can give a warm floor in each room. For this, the heated area found is multiplied by 60 W / m 2 or 80 W / m 2. And what specifically? If a tile can be assumed in the room, 80 W / m 2 can be considered, for all other digit coatings, it is usually 60 W / m 2.

Is it possible to use a warm floor as the main home heating

To find out whether it is possible to make the heating of a private house only with warm floors, the results obtained compare with the calculated heat lines. If a warm floor can give no less heat than loses the room, it can be the main heating system.

If the heat from the floor is missing, make a combined system. More often combine radiators with warm floors. But you can also use convectors or infrared emitters, and you can make warm not only gender, but also walls or ceiling. Water floors you do not drive there (although, if you specify the purpose, it is possible to do it), but electrical is easily. You can combine the warm floor with another new heating - plinth. In general, mass options, especially for a private house.

When planning a combined system, part of the rooms can only be heated with warm floors. Those where heat removal from floor heating is enough to compensate for losses. Usually in these rooms there is a tile, not a lot of items, or furniture items have small dimensions (corridor, hallway, kitchen, bathroom, etc.). In others, it is possible to put a warm floor together with radiators.

How real is the heating of a private house with warm floors? Quite really and feasible. Provided that your home is well insulated and is not located in the north, but at least in middle lane.

What warm floors to do in the house

But to warm up the floor in the house can be using different systems. What better? It is difficult to say, but more often in homes set. It may be because it's closer to the radiator system familiar to us, and maybe they do not want to pay large electricity bills.

Water warm floors: installations of installation, pros and cons

The most economical in operation - water warm floors. But in the installation, the system is complex and expensive. But monthly for heating you will pay less. And even less than when using radiators. By about 20%.

What is needed for water floor in the house? Many equipment:

Previously, all the heating cables appeared, then began to make mats of them. This method is still popular in Europe (in the northern countries with a similar climate too). So technology can be trusted. If we talk about price, then among electric heaters For floors, cables are the cheapest. Slightly more expensive are cable mats, but they are easy to stack.

IN last years Popularity is gaining popularity. And all because the heat is emitted in the infrared range. It is worth saying that they are installed quickly and simply, "dry" by the method without a screed. It is well suited for installation under laminate or wooden floors, as the floor is warm evenly. Striped films for a warm floor are more common on the market, but there is also a solid spraying. Here they are even better under the floor board or parquet, as they warm more evenly, which is important for wood.

One of the types of electric heating floor - infrared carbon film

Not very good Film floors with tiles: ordinary carboxylic films in the screed are destroyed, and the smooth surface with tiled glue badly binds. Therefore, they are installed in a dry tie under the plane of GVL or chipboard, and they already have a tile. But there are special films with end-to-end perforations that were designed precisely under the tile. So if you wish, you can put them.

Infrared films feel well on the ceiling or walls. This is the case when the heat transfer of the floor is missing for heating. You can warm the part of the wall (necessarily internal, not outer) and include this heating as needed.

Liquid electric floors

This is a new market :. This is a water floor symbiosis that heats up from electricity. Systems are still two, and both have miscellaneous device. One polyethylene tube It is filled with antifreeze, inside the heating seven cable is inserted inside, the pipe is sealed hermetically, stys into the tie of the floor, and the ends of the electrical cable are attached to the mounting box, which is already connected to the thermostat. It turns out that, in fact, it is water heating, but heats the coolant electrically cable. An interesting solution.

Warm floor XL Pipe (X-L Pipe) from the Korean campaign Daewoo Enertec - Electro-Water Heating

The second type of liquid electric floors is a capillary system. Here the principle is a bit different. Thin tubes also fit into the screed. They are connected to the control unit. He warms the coolant, creates pressure and controls the temperature. This method is an excellent heating method of one room: and the complex system is not necessary, and no electricity in the floor.


In such an amount of options are easy to get lost. Therefore, we summarize. The cheapest during operation - water floors. They can be installed not only in the screed, but also using the flooring systems - without a solution. Lack of water floors - considerable costs at the installation stage.

Electric warm floors are more often used to heat the floor only in some rooms: they "pull" a lot of energy, and you need to pay for it. But at the installation stage require smaller investments.

In efficiency inferior new, services central heating constantly more expensive. Therefore, consumers are looking for an alternative how to make a warm floor in a private house with autonomous economical heating.

This technology is more economical from the point of view of the cost of fuel, it allows you to remove bulky radiators, freeing the space for other useful elements of the interior. Pipes under floor covering do not spoil appearance The settings and do not interfere with the cleaning of premises.

From the ecological side, the warm floor provides the perfect heat distribution for a comfortable condition of a person. The space at the level of 1-1.5 m above the floor is well warmed, above - cooler air. Therefore, many learning the techniques how to make warm floors in a private house. Simplicity of exhaust technology allows you to make a warm floor with your own hands.

Types of warm floors

The long-term practice of using the "Warm floor" technology showed its efficiency: a uniform distribution of heat throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and. There are some limitations: heated flooring More than 30-40 ̊С is not recommended, it will create a certain discomfort when walking, you can burn bare feet.

With a large number of rooms, high ceilings, especially in the regions where low temperatures are held for a long time, relying completely to the outdoor heating circuit should not be. You can make a warm floor in the house with your own hands and use it as an additional source in the system of overall heating.

Make a competent calculation heating system Taking into account the heat loss independently difficult. This is done highly qualified heat engineers, while many parameters are taken into account:

  • the size of the room;
  • thickness and type of building materials of walls and flooring;
  • climatic zone;
  • the average annual temperature, wind roses and much more.

There are no such calculations, it is easier in a private house with your own hands install a warm floor, using the already accumulated statistics. Practice shows that in the north of Russia in brick buildings With thick carriers 60 cm The warm floor is used as an additional heated. In the middle lane and southern areas, these technologies can be applied as the main heating system.

There are two main designs of warm floors:

  • water warm floor, where pipes with a liquid coolant circulating on them are laid;
  • under floor coverings are stacked by heating electrical cables or films.

The accurate calculation and layout of the circuit or heating cables are made taking into account what type of warm floors is installed, and in which object.

Water warm floor from the heating of the central system is not recommended, it is illegal. This question must be coordinated with utilities, which is very difficult, and it is not a fact that everything will later continue to function. Warm floors in the house better do from the autonomous boiler on their fuel.

The heat-mall device and the calculation of the amount of heat required for the floor in a private house in a certain room are made on the basis of practical experience. Laying cable or pipes 3-5 meters long by 1 m 2 in increments of no more than 30 cm makes it possible to highlight heat 60-80 kW / m 2. This is enough for heating a residential area. The rooms provide a temperature of up to 25 ° C in the middle lane and in the south of Russia with well insulated walls and windows.

Watery warm floors

Technology of water heat floors are effective during operation from an economic point of view. Payment costs compared with the classic radiator system are 20-30% less. But the installation of the system is laborious, the design contains a large number of expensive elements and connection nodes.

Main elements:

  • Heating boiler: Models can be electric, gas on liquid and solid fuel, hybrid options. The choice is made on the basis of the cost and availability of energy resources in a specific region.

Gas models are especially in demand in the house, this is explained by the autonomy of this type of boilers. Gas in many regions of Russia is the most affordable and inexpensive fuel. The heating system of data of boilers does not depend on central heating and water supply. It allows you to independently adjust the power consumption and fuel consumption depending on the needs.

  • Pipes. 3-5 m per 1 m 2 heated surface are consumed, these standards are determined by many years of practical experience. Popular patterns of cross-linked polyethylene pipes, strong heat-resistant products with a material density of 60-80%. To achieve these qualities is used different methods Processing.

When irradiated with the electron flux in the magnetic field, a density of 60% is achieved, peroxide treatment creates a crosslinking density of 75%, gas selenium -65%. In any case, this density is enough to lay warm floors.

A good option - metal plastic pipes, durable and heat-resistant, have three bearing layers and two adhesives.

The inner and outer layer is crosslinked polyethylene, the middle layer - aluminium foil 0.2-2.5 mm, hermetically welded along the entire length.

  • Collector. It distributes the coolant in contours, this is the main node of the heat supply, all separate contours are connected in it. A collector is installed with so much thermoclap as in the contour system. The length of the contours is different, so the amount of heat carrier in them is not the same, the coolest time in the contours does not coincide. To maintain a given temperature in each circuit, temperature sensors are installed, they control servos in a timely manner, distributing hot and cooled streams in the specified directions.
  • Thermoventil. A three-way mechanical valve that distributes the intensity of hot and cooled streams is often used. For automatic control Electrical drives are put on the gate.

  • Circulation pump. It is recommended to put a pump with a wet rotor, its impeller rotates and is lubricated with the coolant, the work is very quiet.

  • Heat carrier. It may be water, antifreeze or toosol.

The costs of waterproofing materials, thermal insulation, cement tie. and outdoor coating.

Sequence of laying

In the floor basement Preliminary screed is made on the ground, the surface is covered with sand by 5-7 cm, then rubble 3-5 mm on a thickness of 8-10 cm. For vaporizolation, everything is covered polyethylene film, on top superimposed layer 8-10 cm river sand With a split fraction from 0.05 to 0.1 cm.

A layer of waterproofing is placed on the preliminary screed. It can be bitumen-rubber mastic, it is applied with a tassel. It is easier to use adhesive rolls, based on the bitumen with polymer ingredients. The structure of sheets is reinforced with fiberglass or polyester. The insulation layer is stacked from above - extrusion polystyrene foam (Styrofoam). The thickness of the insulating layer in the basements of 10 cm and more, on the upper floors is enough 5-10 cm.

Very effectively use thin elastic insulation with reflective surface. The structure of rolls is a polymer filled with air bubbles, or mineral wool, layer thickness from 2 to 50 mm.

The reflective layer, 14-20 microns, there can be several options for the structure:

  • double-sided - foil from two sides of the roll;
  • one-sided;
  • self-adhesive, on the one hand, the adhesive surface, with the other-folled.

Heat-resistant metal-plastic pipes in the shape of a snake or snail are stacked on the reflecting insulation. Pipes are attached to special metal or plastic strips, often for reinforcing the screed and uniform distribution of the load on the pipes apply a metal grid.

Pipes are fixed to the grid with plastic harness, wire on the grid Ø 3-4 mm, the size of the cells 5-10 cm. The concrete screed is applied with a thickness of 7-8 centimeters, it is thoroughly aligned, after drying, the floor covering is stacked.

For a warm floor, it is recommended to use a ceramic coating, it will mostly accumulate and transmits heat. When installing pipes on concrete slabs, the elements of the preliminary screed are not made. The process begins with cleaning, leveling of the surface and waterproofing, the remaining operations are the same.

It is impossible to make a concrete screed on wooden overlapsThey may not withstand weight and collapse. In wooden houses, hydro, and thermal insulation are mounted on the floor, lags are nourished, between which the pipes are packed. Boards, Faneru, Chipboard are put on the lags, after which the facing coating, parquet, laminate or other materials are applied.

Electric warm floor

Equipment for the installation of this design is required less, the installation is carried out easier. The absence of a liquid coolant greatly simplifies the entire heating system. For heating, heating cable or infrared film is used, they are connected to the electrical circuits through thermostators.

Laying of heating cable and plates

In the absence of a liquid coolant, waterproofing on the plates can be excluded, since the probabilities of the leakage will not be. When laying on the ground, the preliminary screed and waterproofing is recommended to leave. Such a warm waterproofing floor in a private house will exclude the penetration of moisture from the soil into the room. The rest of the materials for the screed and the sequence remain the same.

The cable is stacked in a similar way, snake or snail. To warm up well insulated premises to + 18-25 ° C, it takes 150-200 W / 1M 2, if you take a 3-5 m cable to 1m 2, then the laying step will be 10-30 cm. The temperature threshold for the premises is calculated based on their functional purposes. , in the bathroom warmer - up to +25 ̊c, in the hall - +20 ̊c. Manufacturers make different cables, when buying, you need to be interested, how much power consumes 1 time meter.

Infrared plates produce rolls with a width of 800 mm, 500 mm and 1 meter, length 0.7-15 m. They are fixed to the heat-insulating coating of the thermoskotch, are stacked by 20 cm from the walls and not closer than 6 mm from each other, connected in parallel to 220V network.

The power consumption of plates is 45-65 W / m 2 * h, this is the amount of electricity consumed by 1M 2 films per hour, the melting point of the insulating film on the plates 130 ° C. There are ready mattes, insulation with a reflective layer are fixed on infrared plates, the width of such products - 83 cm, length - 1-12 m.

Be sure to take into account the installation places of furniture and large-sized household appliances (washer, refrigerator, cabinets) indoors. Under them to lay cables and plates are not recommended.

Stacking heating cables and plates should be planned on the free surface of the floor covering. This will reduce the load on the sources of heat, the space in the room will be heated more efficiently.

Connecting electrical heating elements

There are different types of cables:

  • Uniform - not divided into parts, a certain power is made and length. After laying are included in the network through the thermostat, opposite ends;

  • Two-wire - cables, closed at one end, which is hermetically sealed by a plastic cap. Another end with two wires is connected to the network through the thermostat, the cable on the part does not cut.

  • Two-wire self-regulating cable - cuts into parts in certain places. The thermostat works a film matrix, located along the entire length between copper conductors. Resistance varies depending on the ambient temperature. The current begins to proceed between wires in those places where the temperature is below +5 ̊c. The lower the temperature around the cable, the greater the current and heating of the cable. Such models are expensive.

Temperature regulators

Manufacturers offer many different types:

  • Mechanical (analog) regulators are the simplest and reliable.

  • Digital - with liquid crystal displays, on which several parameters are displayed: The temperature of the floor covering, air in the room, sometimes the current time.

  • Digital programmable thermostators - allow you to set a certain temperature at different times of the day (day - night) or weeks of the week. In the absence of people, the temperature decreases, it increases before arrival, it makes the mode of operation more economical.
  • Temperature regulators S. remote control Can be controlled by a remote control in the infrared range, both on TVs, by radio channel. More expensive models work on the GSM network, on the Internet online, managed from iPhone, tablet or PC, from any place where there is a cellular communication or cable Internet.

Temperature regulators differ in control agencies: mechanical models Wire resistance changes by moving contact on a plastic disk in the instrument housing.

In digital regulators, the resistance changes the microcircuit, which includes electronic switching relays. The control can be carried out by mechanical buttons or touch segments on the display, as on mobile iPhones or tablets.

Regardless of the model of the thermostat, the control blocks are connected along a typical scheme to the same elements in the same functional purpose:

  • to the network 220V;
  • to heating cable;
  • to one or several temperature sensors;
  • through grounding.

For security reasons, all electrical heating systems in private home ownership connects to the Rush to the network through a short circuit protection machine and the Uzo (contact protection device).


The technologies of the device of warm floors provide a lot different options Installation. To determine the appropriate method and best Materials, it is necessary to proceed from financial opportunities, take into account climatic conditions The location of the object I. functional purpose premises.

When designing and building a private house you can independently choose a heating scheme of your home. One of the most popular recent way to create heating in a private dwelling is a warm floor. He can act like independent heating And it can give the opportunity to get rid of bulky heating radiators.

In addition, the use of warm floors like independent view Heating can significantly change the design of your home. So, a warm floor can allow creating high windows French style.

The creation of warm water floors in a private dwelling allows you to significantly save on heating. The fact is that the water system warm heating The floor allows you to separately include each contour of heating. That is, unused premises you just won't sleep.

Water warm floor is the most economical type of heating, so consider the question of how to make it in a private dwelling.

Before starting work on the installation of warm water, you need to make a plan on which you must identify all the elements of the future heating system.

Materials used

To install warm water floors in a private house you will need the following materials:

Surface preparation

You need to trace so that there is no sharp drop Heights and construction trash.

In order to start installing a warm water floor system in a private dwelling, you must first prepare the surface. It needs to carry out work on waterproofing, and then place the mounting mesh on it.

It is possible to use dense polyethylene as waterproofing, overlapping its flashes.

At the edges of the premises it is necessary to place a damper tape. It is made of foamed polymer and prevents damage from linear deformation.

Place damper tape - Photo

A ribbon wall is attached with self-draws with wide hats.

Mounting damper ribbon using hats with hats - Photo

Then the heat-insulating layer is placed on the hydroxulation layer.

Usually, the foamed polymer material is used for such purposes.

Over the layer of thermal insulation stacked reinforcement grid. It serves to fix pipes with a coolant, as well as for reinforcing a concrete screed.

Installation of heating contours

The coolant pipes are attached to the mounting grid using plastic clamps, according to the selected layout scheme. A distance of 30-40 centimeters is respected between the fasteners of the clamps.

Laying pipes of a warm floor - Photo

Pipes for a warm floor are supplied in the bays and you when installing can gradually choose any length you need.

The contours of warm water floor fit according to the selected layout scheme.

Pipe laying scheme method - snail

Connect the heating circuit

In the place where warm water floors will leave the concrete screed, they must be protected using a special corner or corrugated tube.

In this way, the contours of warm water floor, connected to the water distribution collector, looks.

Before connecting the pipe, it is trimmed perpendicular to it, after which they are connected to the collector.

The end of the pipe is put on the connecting collapsible fitting.

To the collector, the pipe is fixed by a naked nut. Which is tightened by a wrench.

Balancing collector

The working contours of the warm water floor system may have an unequal length. As a result, in each contour, the coolant - that is hot water Must be seamless with individual selected pressure. The required pressure is given by the water collector balancing system. For this purpose, protective caps are removed on the collector and the operating pressure is adjusted.

Testing of the water heating floor system

Before proceeding with the device of a concrete screed - a warm water floor system must be checked for tightness.

If you install warm water floors in a private house in winter timeThe system's tightness can be checked using a compressor and compressed air.

After you are satisfied with the tightness of your system, you can start laying a concrete screed. At the same time, the water floor should remain under the operating pressure.

Concrete tie device

On top of the laid system of warm water heating is placed concrete screed Or, which after laying is rareled on the Long Rule exhibited.

We make a concrete tie - Photo

At the same time, the minimum thickness of the concrete screed cannot be less than 50 millimeters.

The warm floor for a private house, in contrast to the radiator system, more economical and more practical. Outdoor heating creates excellent air convection in the house. There are many subtleties that should be considered in the manufacture of warm floors in a private house. It is not easy to put pipes in concrete or lay electric mats. It is important to produce loyal calculations, especially if you plan to use them as the main source of heat. This article will discuss issues relating to how to make a warm floor in a private house.

Warm floor in a private house - is it necessary?

The system of outdoor heating is expensive, but it is worth it. How is the cost formed? Many factors affect the pricing. For example, what a layer of thermal insulation must be laid, what will be the thickness of the heating cake, how will the floor and more control will be adjusted. Is it worth spending time, means and strength to create such a complex heating system? As practice shows, warm floors in a private house - this is a reliable design that works properly and provides a stable temperature.

Note! In order to save, some decide to make a mixed heating system. In this case, the main source of heat will be the radiator system, and the warm floor as additional element. For example, the warm floors are equipped with rooms where it is stacked ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware.

Outdoor heating in a private house has a number positive Partiesthat can not be overlooked. If you are still in doubt the correctness of your decision, then the following factors dispel all doubts:

  • Due to the uniform distribution of thermal energy, elevated thermal comfort is created. So, the floors are pleasant to the touch, thanks to which you will never freeze in your feet.
  • Significant reduction in the energy consumption for heating at home.
  • Due to the low temperature of the coolant ensured maximum efficiency Work thermal pump and a condensation boiler.
  • Does not spoil the appearance of the room, since the warm floor system is hidden from the eyes.
  • There are no temperature fluctuations in the room.
  • Due to the high thermal inertia in the room there are no sharp temperatures.

For the sake of objectivity, some disadvantages of warm-alone arrangement should be allocated:

  • If incorrect installation, then in the event of a malfunction, there will be a lot of effort and means to eliminate them.
  • Not every finishing material You can combine with warm floors. If the warm floors climb the furniture, the heat return will decrease.
  • It is important to equip the system circulating pump and thermostat. If you allow the system overheating, it can lead to poor consequences.
  • If a concrete warm floor is equipped, then an additional load on the overlap of the house turns out.
  • In contrast to the radiator system, the warm floor has a greater cost.

Considering all this, you have to admit that with all the disadvantages, warm floors in a private house are great idea. Now we will look at some nuances that should be taken into account when organizing outdoor heating.

Calculation of heat transfer and heat loss

The values \u200b\u200bof thermal return and heat loss will allow you to understand whether it is possible to use warm floors as the main heating in a private house. So, if you define that in the house big heat losses, the warm floor will not be able to be basic, but only additional heating.

For example, take a house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m 2, in which heat loss will be 75 W / m 2. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bheated floor is 70%, that is, 70 m 2. On average, the power of outdoor heating is 90 W / m 2. Multiplying the two indicators of 90 W / m 2 to 70 m 2, we obtain an indicator on the heat transfer of the floor with a capacity of 6300 W. To determine the heat loss, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor, in our case, 100 m 2, multiply by 75 W / m 2. As a result, we get 7500 W. With this calculation, it can be seen that heat loss is greater than the heat transfer. Therefore, the warm floors can not be the main. In this example, you can easily determine the task for the outdoor heating created.

Permissible power of warm floors

If your house has a large heat loss, then heating power in 80 W / m 2 may not be enough, especially if large windows are in the house. But problems can even arise in a small room, for example, in a bathroom or toilet. So, by installing a shower cabin, toilet, washing machine and other items, heated area decreases significantly. As a consequence of power in 80 W / m 2, it will be clearly lacking. This also applies to bedrooms. Large floor area will close cabinets, bed and the like. The efficiency of the operation of outdoor heating is automatically reduced.

Note! If the warm floor is to give out the power of 800 W per 10 m 2, then it is necessary to take into account that the same power can produce radiators 50 × 50 × 15. This is explained by the fact that the coolant for the radiator has a temperature to 80 ° C.

Considering these factors, we conclude that it is necessary to create warm floors as the main heating, it is necessary precisely calculating the power of heating contours. And in some cases it will be necessary to install additionally heating radiators or a heated towel rail (for the bathroom).

Private house can be equipped with warm floors of two types:

  1. Water.
  2. Electric.

As for country houses, electrical heating is extremely rarely used. There are weighty reasons for this, for example, high electricity consumption. For the most part, warm electric floors are stacked in apartments as an additional heat source. In this case, they have much more advantages, since their installation does not occupy a lot of time and strength, and for heating the apartment does not require high power.

It is much more complicated in the installation of water floors, but for a private house they are more efficient. At the same time, the house should be inspired, pour the screed and connect the collector. Water system Heating is designed for prolonged use. For proper montage, as well as subsequent maintenance, it can serve up to 30 years. Among other things, water heating has a low level of inertia. If the floor is sufficient, then it will be well to hold warm. As a result of a constant feeding with a hot heat carrier, no need.

Note! The installation of warm water floors is recommended on the area not more than 15 m 2. At the same time, it is necessary to make a project on which the placement of furniture and other items will be indicated.

With the right organization of warm water floor, you can completely abandon the radiators that often interfere with implementing designer ideas. For example, you can install, the so-called "French windows" (from the floor to the ceiling). Plus, you can save on the heating of the premises. If you currently do not use one of the rooms, you can turn off one contour on the collector. Accordingly, this will be displayed on common coolant costs.

As for the warm-alone device in a private house, there are three methods of their laying:

  1. On the wooden floor.
  2. On a concrete tie.
  3. On the ground.

In most cases, the technology of laying on a concrete screed is used. Wooden, who squeezed his own, the floor is torn and poured the screed. At the same time the rough screed is poured. The contours of the pipe are stacked on top, and after the finish screed is poured and the flooring is placed.

Note! Laying the heating pipes in the screed will require greater power of the heating system, because it will have to warm up the "pie" of heating and plus the floor covering. These nuances are taken into account when creating a heating project.

There is another common technology for the manufacture of warm floor - to the ground. To implement it, you need to remove upper layer Soil. Further, a sand pillow is made, 10 cm thick and rubble up to 10 cm of small fraction. It is also necessary to lay a waterproofing layer. This uses a runneroid or a special membrane. A draft screed is poured on top of it, the insulation with the heat-reflecting surface and the pipe is placed.

Note! If there is a pipe in your home at your home, the installation of warm water floors is greatly simplified. You will need to align the surface of the floor, level cracks and make the heating contours.

All work can be performed with your own hands. To do this, it should be carefully learned by the instructions:

  • As mentioned above, a runneroid can be used for the waterproofing layer. On the surface of the base roll over the rubberoid or other insulating materials. Each joint is important to glue well. Therefore, the rubberoid sheets are laid by 10 cm. Bonding can be carried out using a special tape, resin, high temperature, and the like.
  • In order to bottom the cold did not enter the room, the next layer is manufactured - thermal insulation. For this purpose, you can use high density foam. As a result, heat from the pipe will not go down, and the cold from the ground will not rise up. In most cases, 5 cm layer of thermal insulation is sufficient.
  • At the next stage, vaporizolation is made. It is important because otherwise Condensate will appear on top of the insulation. For the manufacture of vapor barrier, a durable polyethylene film is used. Located as well as Ruberoid is carried out by 10 cm, after which the film glues with scotch.

Note! In a layer of thermal insulation, several factors affect, for example, the thermal insulation coefficient, the power of the heating system, the location of the house and so on.

When all these preparatory work Completed, it's time to start making a rough screed. To do this, put the reinforcement grid. Usually the grid with cells 150 × 150 mm. Under the grid it is necessary to put a reflective film that will direct the flow of thermal energy upwards. On the grid you can lay out the contours of heating pipes. It should be noted that with the arrangement of water underfloor heating in a private house it is important to highlight the place to install the collector. Through it, control of the temperature in the room will be monitored.

If necessary, you can create 2, 3, and then 5 heating circuits. In the collector, each contour can be signed, for the convenience of controlling warm floors. Pipe mounting is carried out directly to metal grid, special clamps. In conclusion, the finish screed is poured. It is necessary to add a plasticizer that will not allow cracking of the screed when it is heated. Also around the perimeter of the room, a damper tape is placed on the wall, which will serve to compensate for thermal expansion.

Note! You can perform the pouring of the screed only when the system filled with water. Water should be in the pipes until the screed is completely dry. Include heating in this process is impossible.

At the end, you will stay to lay the finish flooring, for example, tile, parquet board, laminate and the like.

Nuances who can not forget

When arranging warm water floors in a private house it is important to pay special attention trifles. Non-compliance simple rules May reduce all your efforts on no. Below are the advice and recommendations, the observance of which will help perform all the work as much as possible:

  • Using damper tape mandatory requirement. Due to this, the heating cake will be able to expand when the temperature changes. This extension will fully compensate for the damper tape, which is glued to the wall throughout the floor area.
  • Important conditions - the arrangement of a comb or manifold. On this device it is unacceptable to save. This is the place of management of your warm floors. It is supplied to the pipeline with a hot heat carrier from the boiler. Also, it is distributed to the heat carrier for heating circuits. Due to the mixing site, a clear balance of temperature regime is performed. As a result, the created system works with high efficiency.
  • The thickness of the pistoling tie on top of the pipes should not exceed 6 cm. In order for the solution to be elastic, a plasticizer is added to it, which will increase the resistance to temperature drops.
  • In order to prevent the cutting of the screed, in the process of its drying, the polyethylene film can be displayed on top. If there is no such possibility, moisturize the screed regularly.

So, we reviewed with you one of the possible technologies for the warm-alone. For example, if you want to save a wooden floor, then it is also possible to lay the heating pipes. For this there is its own technology that is used not so often. We hope that the article provided will help you make all the work with your own hands so that in the cold period of time in the room there was a comfortable temperature. In addition to this, we offer you a video on this topic, as well as schemes from which you can learn about other sides of the design of warm floors in a private house. if you have personal experience For the manufacture of such a system, then be sure to write reviews at the end of the article.


From the provided video material you can learn more about the intricacies of the creation of a warm floor in a private house:


The following is a number of schemes from which you can learn some subtleties of the manufacture of warm water floors in a private house:

Now many residents of private houses are installed for the main or additional heating Water warm floor. It has a lot of benefits: increases comfort, evenly warms the room, does not require additional energy costs (since it works from one boiler with radiators). The instruction in our article will make installation of water warm floors, not even having experience. However, before this it is worth examining all the nuances.

Best of all the warm water floor system is combined with styling under and tiles.

  • First, both materials are durable and durable.
  • Secondly, they do not distinguish harmful substances when heated.
  • And thirdly, the heating perfectly complements the tile (the material itself is cold), and it can be even for a barefoot due to high heat capacity.

Of course, the warm floor can be done, under linoleum, PVC tiles and even carpet, with a special note.

But, for example, carpet makes no sense, and it is impossible to exceed the surface temperature above 31 ° C, according to SNiP 41-01-2003. Otherwise, it will provoke the release of harmful substances.

Installation in the apartment

Probably, many tenants had a thought independently connect "on free" water warm floors to the central heating system or DHW. And some do it even, but in most cases it is prohibited by local legislation.

For example, in Moscow, Government Decree No. 73-PP dated February 8, 2005, in Appendix No. 2, it is clearly written about the ban on the re-equipment of public water supply systems for the floor heating device.

Violating the rules in best case, You can get a penalty at the first visit to Plumbers. And at worst - the risk of leaving neighbors without heating.

In some regions, the ban does not work, but an examination is required to connect not to disrupt the operation of the system.

In general, from a technical point of view, such options are possible, but only when connecting a separate pump mixing node and maintaining pressure in the exit system.

Note! If in apartment house It is an inkjet pump (elevator), it is impossible to use metal-plastic and polypropylene tubes.

Floor installation methods

There are several ways to arrange a warm water floor.

  • The most popular and reliable one is a concrete screed. Unlike electric species, 16 mm pipes in tile glue can not be hidden, and it will not work. Therefore, the screed is poured at least 3 cm above the pipes.
  • The second way is to lay the pipes into the cut out of the styrofoam grooves. The grooves are done manually, inside the pipes, then poured the screed.
  • The following option is often used in houses with wooden floors, although it requires large labor costs - this is laying in wooden grooves. To do this, the boards are stuffed onto the floor, which create a chit of the desired form for laying.

Used types of pipes

For warm water floors, three types of pipes will fit.

  • Stitched polyethylene tubes (PEX-EVOH-PEX) - uncomfortable in work, because it is difficult to give them fit form (When heated, they straightened). But they are not afraid of frozen liquid and maintainable.
  • Metal pipes - optimal option: low price, Easy in installation, stably hold the form.
  • Copper pipes are expensive, when used in the screed, they need to close the protective layer to prevent alkaline effects.

Calculation of warm water floors

Before mounting and purchasing materials, it is necessary to make a warm floor calculation. To do this, draw a circuit diagram, which is then useful when conducting repair workTo know the position of the pipes.

  • If we are confident that in a certain place will always stand the furniture or plumbing, in this place the pipe does not fit.
  • The length of the contour with a diameter of 16 mm should not exceed 100 m (maximum for 20 mm will be 120 m), otherwise the pressure in the system will be bad. Thus, each contour approximately takes no more than 15 square meters. m.
  • The difference between the length of several contours should be small (less than 15 m), that is, they must all be uniform length. Large rooms, respectively, divide into several contours.
  • The optimal step of laying pipes is 15 cm when using good thermal insulation. If the winter is often frost below -20, the step is reduced to 10 cm (only in the outer walls). And in the north can not do without additional radiators.
  • In case of laying step 15 cm, the flow consumption is approximately 6.7 m per square room, when laying every 10 cm - 10 m.

The graph shows the dependence of the flow density from average temperature coolant. The dotted line shows the pipe with a diameter of 20 mm, and solid lines - 16 mm.

The graph shows the data are valid only when using a cement-sand tie with a thickness of 7 cm, coated with tiles. If the thickness of the screed is increased, for example, 1 cm, then the density of the heat loss is reduced by 5-8%.

  • To find the flux density, the amount of the heat loss of the room in watts is divided into the area of \u200b\u200blaying pipes (deduct indents from the walls).
  • The average temperature is calculated as the average value at the inlet in the contour and the output from the return.

The optimal temperature at the input and outlet should not be different by more than 5-10 degrees. The maximum coolant temperature should not exceed 55 ° C.

According to the diagram, only a rough calculation can be performed and make the final adjustment due to the mixing unit and thermostats. For accurate design, be sure to turn to professional heat engineers.

Tart of warm floor

Warm water laying technology consists of several layers, which are placed in a certain sequence. The total thickness of the cake is 8-14 cm, the load on the overlap is up to 300 kg / kV. m.

In case the basis - concrete plate:

  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • reinforcement grid;
  • pipe of water heating floor;
  • screed.

For waterproofing, it is permissible to use a conventional polyethylene film or special materials. The damper tape is made of sliced \u200b\u200binsulation strips with a thickness of 1-2 cm, or buy ready option With self-adhesive basis.
The selection of insulation depends on several factors: region, base material. For example, for floors on the soil, the extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of at least 5 cm is used (optimally 10), and if under the floor of the first floor there is a warm base, then you can use more subtle options from 3 cm.

The main purpose of the insulation is to direct heat from heating up and prevent large heat loss.

In case the base is the floors of the soil:

  • bulk ground 15 cm;
  • crushed stone 10 cm;
  • sand 5 cm;
  • rough screed;
  • waterproofing;
  • damper tape around the perimeter;
  • extruded polystyrene foam at least 5 cm;
  • reinforced screed with coolants.

Preparatory layers under black screed It is important to be carefully layered. With a dense ending of the base and the use of extruded polystyrene foaming, it will not be necessary to make a draft screed.

Installation of a warm floor

Suppose a good base has already been prepared: a smooth concrete plate or a falling layer without strong drops. The drops should not exceed 7 mm when checking a two-meter rail. If there are irregularities, they can be covered with sand.


Someone lays waterproofing under the bottom of the insulation, someone, on the contrary, upstairs, and some use both there and there.
If extruded polystyrene foam is used, it practically does not need waterproofing, so its position is not as critical. But it will not give cement milk to penetrate between the seams of the insulation and go to the stove and will additionally restrain moisture from the bottom.
If you fix it at the bottom of the insulation, it is possible to mount the pipes on the warm floor straight to the insulation. If the waterproofing is steles upstairs, then the mounting mesh is required for fastening pipes.

We put waterproofing with the allen on the walls by 20 cm, and on each other. Shakes glue a tape for sealing.

Dampfer tape.

If the finished tape is purchased - just glue it around the perimeter. It usually has a thickness of 5-8 mm and a height of 10-15 cm. The height should be higher than the fill level, the excess is cut into a knife. If the tape is made with your own hands, then be sure to glue or fasten it with self-storms to the wall.

The linear expansion of the concrete is 0.5 mm per meter when heated to 40 ° C.


The leaf insulation for warm water floor is stacked with the displacement of the joints so that it is tightly connected.


The first layer of the reinforcement grid is usually placed on the insulation and is used as a base for fastening the contours and uniform heat distribution over the surface. Between themselves mesh bind with wire. The grid on the nylon clamps fasten the pipes.

The diameter of the rods of the mesh is 4-5 mm, and the cell size is depending on the styling step, for convenient mounting.

In addition, be sure to lay reinforcement over the pipes, since it will not give almost no effect on the bottom of the mesh, if it is lying at the bottom itself. Either during the fill to put the grid on the stand, creating a gap.

Pipe fixation methods

Water warm floor can be laid in several ways, list them.

  • Stripping clamp from polyamide. Use for quick fastening of pipes to the mounting grid. Consumption - about 2 pieces per 1 m.
  • Steel fastening wire. Also used for mounting to the grid, the consumption is exactly the same.
  • Stapler and clamps. Suitable for rapid fixation of pipes to thermal insulation. Consumption of fixators is 2 pieces per 1 m.
  • Fixing truck It is a U-shaped PVC bar, which serves as the basis for laying pipes 16 or 20 mm. Hard attached to the floor.
  • Mats for warm water floors of polystyrene. In the middle of the grooves between the columns the pipe is stacked.
  • Distribution aluminum plate. Used when mounting in wooden floors, reflects and evenly distributes heat over the surface.

Application of various types of fasteners

Laying pipes

Pipes are laid with an indentation from the walls of 15-20 cm. Each contour is extremely desirable to do from a single pipe without welding, and their length should not be more than 100 m. The step between the pipes at the walls is 10 cm, closer to the center - 15 cm.

Warm floor laying circuit is different, for example, a spiral or snake. Outdoor walls try to make the laying step more often or hold the contour from feeding next to the cold walls. An example of a scheme for enhanced heating of exterior walls is shown in the photo, it is better to use this option in the cold regions:

In the remaining cases, the contours of the spiral (snail) are usually placed, this is a universal version.

In places with a large cluster of pipes to avoid overheating of the surface, some of them are closed with a heat insulating tube.

Metal-plastic 16 mm and 20 mm is easy to flex manually, without the use of special tools. In order to break the tubes to the angle of a small radius and at the same time not to crack her, the angles bend into several goals (hand interceptions).
At an angle of 90 °, approximately 5-6 interceptions. This means, at the beginning, resting big fingers, make a little bend, then slightly shift hands towards the bend and repeat the actions.

Invalid the presence of fuses on pipes in places of sudden turns.

Polypropylene tubes bend much harder because they spring. Therefore, they are heated or made to bend them, but in the case of a warm floor - simply attach to the grid, making bends less sharp.

Installation of water heat starts from connecting the first end of the pipe to the distribution collector, and after laying the room immediately plug (second end).

Constorm connection

In most cases, the contours are connected through the distribution unit. It carries several functions: increase pressure in the system, temperature adjustment, uniform feeding to several contours, combination together with radiators.

There are many schemes for connecting to the boiler, which we wrote in the article about: with manual adjustment, with weather automatics and autorugulation with servo drives and sensors.

Euroconus fitting

Pipes are connected to the collector using the Euroconus clamping fittings.


When you are finished the installation of all contours, be sure to conduct pneumatic testing of the system for tightness. For this, with the help of the compressor is crimping. A small household compressor with a pressure of more than 6 bar is suitable for testing. The pressure in the system is adjusted to 4 bar and leave it for all the time before the system is started.

Since the air molecules are much less than water molecules, it will be possible to detect even a small depressurization. In addition, water can freeze if they do not have time to connect heating, and nothing will become with the air.

Chatting of a warm floor

Filling the screed is made only after installing all contours and hydraulic tests. It is recommended to use a concrete not lower than M-300 (B-22.5) with a rubble fraction of 5-20 mm. The minimum thickness of 3 cm above the pipe is made not only for the sake of obtaining the desired strength, but also for the uniform distribution of heat over the surface. Weight of 1 square. m. Chats with a thickness of 5 cm is up to 125 kg.

With a screed thickness, more than 15 cm or at high loads require an additional calculation of the thermal mode.

With an increase in the thickness of the screed, more time is required to heat it up to a certain temperature after switching on, as well as the inertia of the system. The lower the thermal conductivity of the screed, the higher the temperature of the coolant will be taken.

Deformational seams

Examples of the separation of a large room on the zones

The absence or improper position of temperature gaps is the most common reason for the destruction of the screed.

Shrinking seams are made in the following cases:

  • the room has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 30 square meters. m.;
  • walls have a length of more than 8 m;
  • length and width of the room differ more than 2 times;
  • above the deformation seams of structures;
  • the room has too bending.

To do this, on the perimeter of the seams laid the damper tape. In place of the seam, the reinforcement grid must be divided. The deformation gap should be at a base of 10 mm thick. The upper part is treated with a sealant. If the room has non-standard formIt must be broken into simpler elements of a rectangular or square shape.

If the pipes pass through the deformation seams in the screed, in these places they are packed in corrugated trumpet, 30 cm corrugations in each direction (according to SP 41-102-98 - 50 cm on each side). It is recommended not to separate one contour with deformation seams, the pipes and return pipes should pass through it.

Proper passage of contours through technological seams

When laying tiles on deformation seams, the likelihood of its disposal increases due to different expansion of adjacent plates. To avoid this, the first part is placed on the tile glue, and the second part is attached to the elastic sealant.

For additional separation, the deformation seams of an incomplete profile can be used. They are made using a trowel, 1/3 of thickness. After soaring the concrete, they are also sealed with sealant. If pipes are passing through them, they are also protected by corrugations.

Cracks on the tie

A fairly frequent phenomenon is the appearance of cracks on the tie after drying. It can provoke whole line Causes:

  • low density of the insulation;
  • bad sealing solution;
  • lack of plasticizers;
  • too large screed thickness;
  • lack of shrinking seams;
  • too rapid concoction;
  • wrong proportions of the solution.

Avoid them is very simple:

  • insulation needed to use a density above 35-40 kg / m3;
  • the solution of the screed must be plastic when laying and adding fiber and plasticizer;
  • in large rooms you need to make shoes (see below);
  • also, it is also impossible to give concrete to quickly capture, it is covered with a plastic film the next day (a week).

Solution for screed

For a warm floor, be sure to use a plasticizer to increase the elasticity and strength of concrete. But you need to apply special species Not air-penetrating plasticizers for a warm floor.

Without experience, make a cement-sand tie for a warm floor without rubble / gravel will not work, and the correct vintage CPS will cost more than factory concrete. Therefore, in order to avoid cracks due to a violation of the composition of the solution, it is concrete with rubble.

The M-300 solution of the M-400 cement cement, m-400 and rubble is made according to the following proportions.

  • Mass composition C: P: Sh (kg) \u003d 1: 1.9: 3.7.
  • Volume composition for 10 liters of cement P: Shk (L) \u003d 17:32.
  • Of the 10 liters of cement, 41 liters of mortar will be obtained.
  • The volumetric weight of such concrete M300 will be 2300-2500 kg / m3 (heavy concrete)

There is also another option using the granite dropout instead of sand, the following elements are used for its preparation:

  • 2 buckets of rubble fraction 5-20 mm;
  • water 7-8 liters;
  • superplasticizer SP1 400 ml of solution (1.8 liters of powder is diluted in 5 liters of hot water);
  • 1 cement bucket;
  • 3-4 buckets of the granite discrade fraction 0-5 mm;
  • bucket volume - 12 liters.

High-quality concrete should not be distinguished when laying (flashed). If everything is done correctly and the air temperature is 20 ° C, it should begin to be captured after 4 hours, and after 12 hours it will not leave tracks from heels.

After 3 days after the fill, the screed will pick half of its strength, and it will turn completely only after 28 days. It is not recommended to include a heating system up to this point.

Wooden floor

The tree does not effectively carry out heat, unlike concrete, but the installation will also implement it. To do this, use distribution plates from aluminum. Pipes are placed in wooden grooves made by fastening pre-prepared boards.

For the installation of linoleum, carpet and other materials requiring a flat surface, an aligning layer of chipboard, plywood or GVL is stacked above the pipes. If parquet or laminate will be used as a finishing coating, the design of the underground can be slightly simplified, without the use of the leveling layer.

When choosing plywood and chipboard, make sure that they have sanitary and hygienic and thermomechanical indicators, allowing them to use them with warm floors.

Prices for water warm floor

The price of a warm floor of water is formed from several components:

  • the cost of materials (pipes, insulation, fasteners, etc.);
  • the cost of the pump mixing unit and manifold;
  • work on leveling the base and fill the top layer of the screed;
  • the cost of mounting the warm floor.

On average, the price of water warm sex when installing "turnkey" together with all materials and work will cost approximately 1500-3000 rubles. For 1 sq. M. m.

Below is an approximate estimate for a house of 100 square meters. m., but prices for water warm floors are strongly dependent on the region, so it is best to drive their data there and make an independent calculation. There are no expenses for installation and purchase of radiators, boilers, finishing and screed.

Estimation on the installation of a water underground system of 1st floor.
Name of materialUnits. changeNumber ofPriceSum
1 Extruded expanded polystyrene 5 cmm2.96 227 21792
2 Mounting grid 150 * 150 * 4m2.106 30 3180
3 Polyethylene film 250 MKm2.105 40 4200
4 Pipe metal-plastic 16 mmm. p.700 39 27300
5 Dampfer tape from the substratem2.30 50 1500
6 Collector Valtec 1 ", 7 x 3/4", "Euroconus"pC.2 1600 3200
7 Fitting Connection to the collector (Euroconus) 16x2 mmpC.14 115 1610
8 Pump-mixing knotpC.1 14500 14500
9 Dowels and selflessnesspC.300 1,5 450
10 Mounting tape.m. p.50 11 550
11 Other components for warm water floorspOS.1 0 0
Total on materials 78282
Name of worksUnits. changeNumber ofPriceSum
1 Chernovaya screedm2.96 60 5760
2 Installation of damper ribbonm. p.160 60 9600
3 Laying waterproofingm2.100 60 6000
4 Laying mounting gridm2.110 150 16500
5 Installation of pipesm2.96 300 28800
6 Pressing systemm2.96 20 1920
Total work 68580
1 Total on materials 78282
2 Total work 68580
3 Total 146862
Overhead transportation costs 10% 14686
In total, by estimet the installation of a water heating floor system 1. 161548

Installation of warm water floors is shown in video: