Monetary magic on attraction of money, rituals and rituals. Magic money

Black magic to attracting money will work quickly and accurately - you will get the necessary amount or other material benefit in a few days. However, the monetary repraint has its own price, and in the case of black witchcraft we are not talking about money.

In the article:

What you need to know about black magic to attract money

Black magic rituals for attracting money are quite effective - you will get everything you wish. Black magicians rarely need. Usually they can be called rich people. Their secret is simple - rites and are able to enrich in a short time.

But to resort to dark witchcraft and is not close as simple as white. Dark forces require the literal execution of rituals as a sign of respect for them. Error in spell pronunciation may cost expensive. In addition, you will have to educate courage - night cemeters should not scare you. On the graveyard, the black magician feels hardly no more protected than in his hometown.

Special power have rituals with sacrifice. No, it is not necessary to sacrifice people and puppies. These are usually black chickens and roosters, sometimes wild rats - except for the latter, these animals and without black magic are killed for food. But few mined dinner in such ways - for modern man Even the killing of chicken can not be called the usual and simple occupation.

If you believe the opinion of the church, the road to the Temple for the Black Magician is ordered. This is not quite so. If you decide to enrich yourself with the help of dark forces, you will not be able to consider yourself a believer. However, go to the temple and repent in the perfect you can - True, after that you will lose all quickly all that they gave you the strength of darkness, they are pretty touchy. Many dark sorcerers are used by the parishioners of the temple. You can still see them in the church, but witch and sorcerers come there with their, dark goals.

If these conditions do not confuse you, you can come to a dark craft in order to enrich yourself. Most likely, you will go further and learn to other rituals - some of them will benefit you and your loved ones, part is harmful to your enemies. The life of a dark magician can cause envy and admiration, and the purpose of interest in magic in the form of wealth is quite understandable to dark forces.

Conspiracy with tarot cards

Tarot cards - Sacred tool, and do not only enjoy the fortune -akers. Such a deck can be used not only for fortunes. There is a mass of rites in which they serve as the main component. Most of them are directly related to black magic. So, one of strong spells The money from black magic requires the presence of the very money cards of the deck, as well as the personification of the patron saint of dark magicians.

The rite is performed at three o'clock in the morning on the growing moon. It is impossible to hold it on Sunday and a church holiday, otherwise best case Witchcraft will not work, and at worst - will hit your biofol. Disconnect electricity throughout the house or go to your special place for magic - forest, abandoned house, old cemetery. No one should disturb you, and no one should be present during the ritual. Loneliness is the best satellite for the Black Magician, when he needs to consult black magic to rich.

Light six black candles. Choose three cards from the deck, which are indicated above. On the altar or clean table bed green tissue triangle made in advance. Green is a color of money, not all attributes of dark witchcraft black. At the corners of the triangle, lay out the cards, the devil should be top, on the top of the triangle.

After that, it should be mined a little of your blood from the finger - a medical scarifier will be required, which can be bought in a pharmacy, as well as alcohol or other means for disinfention wounds. Blood Draw a pentagram on green cloth, in the center of the triangle. At the same time, say the spell:

Amidas Predas Delas Temos Tibieros Magnum Treos!

In all the words of this spell, the emphasis stands on the first vowel sound. After reading it, wrap the cards into the fabric and put under the pillow. Now it's time to go to bed - before the in the morning you must sleep at least a bit.

In the morning, the first thing to put cards in the box prepared specifically for this, where they will be kept constantly. You can no longer be able to use cards for divination, so if there is no desire to part with your favorite dealer, purchase a new one in advance. Green cloth should be stored in a wallet, not getting. After a few days later you will start receiving money from the most unexpected sources.

Black witchcraft for money - Gypsy sacrifice

ABOUT gypsy witchcraft Go legends to this day. People believe that most of the representatives of the nomadic people have a magical gift. Extremely rarely, this gift is light, Gypsy is very often accused of sluggars and damage, and they themselves rarely hide their involvement in black magic. So how to attract money with black magic of gypsy methods?

The most important component of the Gypsy ritual is a sacrifice.
The sorcerer-nomads sacrificed the rats, in the old days they had a lot nearby from the dwellings of people. Now finding a wild rat is much more complicated, but it is still real. It is impossible to replace it with anything, it is also impossible to buy an animal. Before the sacrifice of the rat should be in a cell three days without food. If the rat will die, this means that the forces do not accept your victim, and it is better to look for another conspiracy for money from black magic.

If Darkness took your victim, you can hold a rite of black monetary magic. It is held in the light of six black candles. It will take another metal pile - ideally silver, as well as a knife with a black handle - Atama. IN left Take the rat, and in the right knife. Read the prayer "Our Father" on the contrary, and with her last words, heal the crown of the throat. Blood must shed in the pile, no drops should be shed.

Put the corpse of the rat back into the cage, it is still useful. To blood you need to speak six times:

King Hell Blood Dedicate! I call him the name! Satan! Satan! Satan! How this blood will not return to the veins, so wealth will not turn away from me! Diamonds and diamonds, from now and immediately! The damn cross fell! How the rat will not touch, so no one will deceive the word!

With the Pial you need to get around the whole house. On each window and doors draw it small cross. Blood remnants pour into the sewer. The process should activate the process - a lot of gypsy rituals are built on it. For this purpose, the corpse of the rat, which should be thrown into neighbors, enemies, rivals, or someone else who can scare such a sight on their own verge.

Black Magic Spells for Money - Nature Magic

Creation najov Witches were still engaged in the Middle Ages. They have long been accused of creating special nodes, which as if they were associated with a harvest, caused drought, brought them to the neighborhood. But few knows that with the help you can not only cause an evil surrounding. With the help of novius, you can get rich or help a close person solve cash problems.

Money NAUs

Despite the fact that rites nodelkova magic They seem simple and harmless, it is still dark witchcraft. It is impossible to engage in church holidays and Sundays, otherwise, instead of arrived, you will get a reverse blow. A nodule magic on money is engaged in a growing moon or full moon. If you spend this rite during the desire of the moon, your income will decrease - but this can be damaged to poverty.

For the rite you will need a tape with a length of about 30 cm of green. Tie nine nine knots on it, they blame for each of them by the spell part corresponding to it:

The first node witchcraft begins. With the second node, the case is done. With the third node, money go to me. With the fourth knot, new features are knocking on my door. With the fifth knot, my business flourishes. Sixth knot witchcraft fixes. With the seventh knot, I can success. With the eighth knot multiplied income. With the ninth knot, all this is mine now!

The ribbon must be stored in the wallet, it will attract money from a wide variety of, sometimes unexpected sources. If you do not use a wallet or it does not belong to you personally, for example, you have a common wallet with a spouse, it is better to store conspiracy in a secluded place. They should not come across the eyes of an outsider and even more so to get into other people's hands.

Attracting money magic ritual with church candles

Black magic and witchcraft for money may require the presence of Christian symbols. Energy christian egregor Very often used by black magicians, do not underestimate her power. So, one of the rites for money requires a hike to church. It is performed by the thirteenth number of any month, preferably on the growing moon or in full moon. This day should not be church holiday, It is impossible to enriched with black witchcraft on Sundays.

In the church you need to buy 13 candles. After the purchase, you must have the delivery, its amount does not have. Shipping church candles You need to exchange so that only iron coins are. After that you can return home.

At home, immediately typ. Throw coins on the floor. It is impossible to collect them until next morning. It is important that at that time you did not go out. Ideally, if the members of your family at the time of the ritual will go somewhere. In the morning after awakening, you should immediately collect money from the floor in a pre-harvested bag. It should be kept stored under the bed. It is desirable that no one has discovered the bag with coins.

Cash rite in the cemetery

Black magic will help you find money if you are brave enough for her rites. To carry out one of them, go to the cemetery at night. On the way there and back, you should not talk to anyone. With you, take a coin that is used in any of the countries of the world.

By midnight, you need to find a grave where a person is buried with the same name as you. On the grave you need to put a coin and say:

Asmodein, Velzevul, Astarot. Open the gates of Darkness, give me a zlata and wealth. Gold, praying for my legs, gold, lipny to my hands! May it be so!

After pronouncing the spell, leave the cemetery, without looking back. Dark forces love to experience those who appeal to them. This is especially true of beginner magicians and witches. If you run, turn back or show your fear, at best you will find unworthy of the gift of wealth. It is hardly possible to deal with black magic in the future. In the worst case, the reason and even life is likely to lose.

There is a more complex ritual on cemetery crossroads. To this end, you need to go to the graveyard with a living rooster in the bag. In addition, seven five-fifth coins will be required, red fabric, bay leaf and sharp knife. The cemetery needs to cut the rooster the throat so that his blood flows onto a red tissue, on which coins and laurel leaves should lie. While the blood flows, read the spell:

Bes Besuzich! Satan Satanovich! Juda Iudich!
Here you are red bird yes seven pyatakov,
Give me the Zlata for seventy-seven nodes.
The eyelid would not translate, did not smack.
As a rooster died and poverty died.
Like the blood from the blood is red, and I am a mil and beautiful.
As the sun goes, so my imagination will go to grow. Amen!

In the red fabric, wrap the corpse of the rooster, coins and a bay leaf. Find a buck in the cemetery crossroads with such words:

Here is the victim and blood, give a slave (name) of Zlata.

Go from the cemetery without looking back. As mentioned above, devilry Loves to arrange scary trials that show whether the magician of their help is worthy. If the ritual is successful, financial affairs are very quickly going up. It can be done both for itself and for close man. It is done only during the growing moon. The bag in which you brought a rooster, throw away somewhere within the forecast. Do not forget to leave the owner of the master of the cemetery.

Love spell for money

One of the strongest black magic - . Like a person, wealth can be awesome. Sometimes such love spells are called poverty crossings - all your financial problems go to another person, most often unfamiliar. Usually poverty is reduced through coins of any dignity that are currently used in your region.

Poverty goes to poverty, worst goes to the worst, from me (your name) go to you. Failure to you, unhappy, give. May it be so, because it is.

You need to transmit coins right in your hands, not in a glass, a case from a guitar or a hat asking. Otherwise, the monetary spell will not work. It will not work out in the event that you give coins with a rich or having a middle wealth. In the life of the asking alms, little will change, he and without financial problems suffered. But your affairs will quickly go uphill.

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Magic money, monetary magic.

Almost all people are concerned about the enrichment and increase in wealth. Quite often, businessmen do not make any financial operations without consulting personal psychic, fortunelock or mage. For example, a close magician Mavrodi from Yekaterinburg propheted him not the best outcome of the scam, which he made, but Mavrodi did not listen to him. The consequences of this scam knows the whole country and recalls with shudder. Magic money is aimed at multiplying income and saving savings. On the portal you can read in detail about the use of many such practices.

The expression "make money - make money" today very often hear from most people. Some of them earn honest and legitimate labor, others, the material benefits are getting like a mismatch of the magic stick, and the third and most barely bare ends meet. It does not matter to which category do you feel, but hardly you will argue that cash is a way to achieve many goals and implement cepete desires. In addition, it's just a desire to have material benefits very perfectly, there is nothing bad or bad. Of course, wealth can be quite possible not only to earn, but also learn to attract money (material benefits) in your life with money magic (monetary magic). It can help rituals to attract money that is very effective.

What is Magic Money, Monetary Magic?

This is one of the types of white magic, which is designed not only to reduce the influence of negative factors, and to increase positive, which affect all processes conducted with money.

Monetary magic (rites, conspiracies to attract big money) are popular among all the segments of the population, both among trade workers and among ordinary citizens who have to make financial transactions.

The rules of monetary magic that you must follow.

Before applying monetary magic, you need to remember some rules, and only in this case it will definitely help you achieve the desired result:

1. It is impossible to use magic, in order to enrich yourself at the expense of other people, i.e. It is impossible to abuse generosity, helplessness or confidence of other people! Need only to help Higher Forces, as well as your own strength.
2. No ritual will work if he does not help with this. This principle refers to any kind of magic, without exception. For example: if you make a certain amount of money and sit back, it will not appear in itself just so if you do nothing.
3. You must have 100% confidence in your desire to have money! If there is no complete confidence, then the magic will not work!
4. Always need to denote the real amount of money! For example: Wanted to get a billion - there is a chance to reduce the chances of execution of this desire. Magic works in case the real amount is needed. In this case, problems with receipt should not occur.
5. Monetary magic is directly related to emotions. If your financial condition oppresses and no faith in success, then monetary magic may not work.
6. On the use of monetary magic, in general, it is impossible to tell anyone! Including it is impossible to talk about what has already been done or you are planning to do. Money magic must be a mystery.
7. After determining the purpose of the magic impact, determine its essence. Magic money can be both attracting and expelled! Standing magic - aims to get rid of the black strip (problems, debts, loans, etc.). Attracting magic - attracts good luck, money, comfort, well-being. To open a new case, search for new work and TD - you need to use the time from the new moon, until the full moon. The expellation conspiracies and spells are used from the full moon and to the new moon.
8. There is a certain color symbol in monetary magic. Especially should stick to certain colors during the fulfillment of rituals! These are such colors as: green, gold, orange, red.

How to open a cash channel.

Very often in life it happens that a person cannot not only get rich, but also to make money for normal existence, regardless of the efforts and work. It happens when the cash channel is closed. If you have money problems, it is abnormal. Money should be from any person, and if there is no money, then you have problems with the energy field.

Cash canal is closed, why?

The reasons in this case can be quite a lot:

* Negative cash karma - When there is no wealthy, rich people in the family.

* Negative attitude towards money - It goes from education and "strengthened" negative installations In the family: "No money", "This is expensive for us," "We cannot afford it" and so on. In this case, a person hears these phrases since childhood and later he starts to follow them.

* Damage or evil eye. This is invisible negative impact per person who may comes from enviousness, ill-wishers, enemies. If a person often wants evil, then it is most likely appearing in life.
No matter what reason the money channel is closed, you can open it! You can do it both yourself, and contact a professional for the ritual, and then you will definitely smooth out more than anyone else.

Ritual for the opening of the money channel.

The main condition of the ritual for the opening of the money channel is to believe in the result.

For ritual, glassware (bank), selected rice will be needed. Ritual must begin to do in the new moon! Two thirds of the People are filled with rice and put in a hallway or corridor. Every day, come home to put in a jar with rice, all the trifle, which is, such as passing, and make the contents of banks clockwise with your right hand. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce a special phrase, which, with a frequent repetition, fixes in the subconscious necessary installation: « I attract big money to my life. I am born for big money!»

Perform this ritual you need 29 days. After that, choose all coins from rice and recount. 10% of the amount you must sacrifice into the temple or to give themselves, and for the rest of the rest, buy yourself something delicious and eat. You can buy lottery ticketThereby check the result.

This ritual for the opening of the money channel can be repeated several times.
The main thing is to success and positive result.

How to attract money with magic? Magic rituals, rituals to attract money.

You should not frighten that esoteric, magic, rites and spells contribute to attracting money, ritual magic. They are quite real and harmless way in acquiring or multiplying wealth, while quite quickly and efficiently. Here are some options:

Rite with a New Year tree to attract money.

Diving to the New Year holiday fir or pine tree, it is necessary to hang amulets or talismans, symbolizing money or wealth. And also you can make decorations from money or suspend several bills. Be sure to hang fruits and candy. Under the Christmas tree you can also decompose gifts that may have a symbolic value.

Rite with a broom to attract money. Monetary magic.

The broom was very often used in Slavic rites. It is available in every home, but for holding a rite on monetary magic - a broom must be sure to be new! Wet it with holy water and sweep it in all rooms, and at the same time it is necessary to pronounce the following words: "Venik Meti, a broom of methows, money in the house. Brheniches - broom, do not regret money for me. " Need a garbage need to burn, and the broom himself - put on the threshold at the entrance door.

Rite to attract a comfortable life. Magic money. Monetary magic.

It is necessary to plant B. flower pot Anyone flowering plant Or tree and at the same time burn a coin into the ground. At this time, pronounce the following words: "To grow my flower, blooming. Save my rugger, increments. Grow my wealth and multiply! " And then take care of the flower, take care of it, now it's your mascot that will attract money.

Rite to open the money channel, success.

After this ritual, your income will increase. The rite spend on the day off, on the night from Saturday to Sunday. For this, the rite you need to boil the water mug on fire and throw seven components into it: Chebrya, Melissa, carrot seeds, rose petals, fir bump, pinch cinnamon and 2 black pepper peas. Boil on fire and pronounce: "Baking my potion, act, my witchcraft, waiting for you, my money." After that, under the lonely tree, scream the coin and pour it in the potion.

Rite for money. Magic money. Monetary magic.

In order to attract money and material wealth to your life, you need to spend this rite. Wait for the darkest night. After 2 hours of midnight, go to the courtyard, take with you a church candle and a copper coin. After that, count the 5 steps forward from the door of your home, and 7 steps to the right. In this place, scream into the ground a coin and burn the candle to the end. Returning back home, pray, and go to bed. After making this rite in your life there will always be money.

Rite for rich life, welfare magic.

The tree is one of the symbols of life, weakness and continue. It is necessary to choose next to the house place to plant a tree, and purchase a new seedling. If during the landing it will be necessary to help, then contact us only to the person who trust, love and read. Drop the pit and throw a coin into it. Read the plot: "On joy, for happiness, on good life. Growing a tree is big as my wealth. " Block Pop the Earth Coins and continue to plant a tree. The tree needs to be protected and constantly water. In the first week after landing, approach the tree and talk to him like a close man. As the trees grow up, your prosperity will increase.

Spell to get money.

For this, the ritual you will need a candle of green, vegetable oil, as well as a basil powder. If you write your name and the exact amount you want to get. After that, lubricate the candle with the oil completely, cut break in the basil powder. Ignoring a candle pronounce: "Money come, money grow, money will find money in my pocket."

Conspiracy attracting money.

Bend the angle on the right side on the new bill (any dignity). After that, bend the angle on the other side of the bills in such a way that in the end it turned out an equifiable triangle. After that, you need to proceed a bill of vertical axis with a short side. Left hand take over one of the corners of the bills and bring to the lips, saying the following words:

"As a strong river attracts the streams,
And the sea - strong rivers,
How woman attracts a man
And a man - a woman,
How night attracts day
And day - night,
So would you attract
To yourself like. May it always be! "

Having made this ritual put the bill in a separate pocket of the wallet, do not get it and do not take 3 months in your hands. When a bill appears the same dignity, put them next to it and do not bend. At the same time, you cannot recalculate the money in this wallet for 3 months.

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Dreams of wealth attend everyone. But it is not easy to dream, you need to make efforts to always be found. People go different ways - some work hard, while others successfully use magic money to attract financial abundance. How to make money not translated? There are simple and effective money magic rituals, which forces forces each. Read about them in the article below.

Magic for money and wealth helps to create maximum favorable conditions For financial growth and earnings, but you need to remember that it is impossible to become a slave of money. It is undesirable to concentrate on the material, it is better to live a quiet life with your loved ones and maintain the balance of all spheres of life.

So, how fast and just increase profits with magic? There are several strong and proven rituals to increase wealth that contribute to income growth. You can spend each of them at home.

Ritual "Monetary Bank"

This rite is one of the most efficient, but is carried out only if a certain amount of money is needed for a specific need, in otherwise, For you, a ritual with bills below.

So, for the ritual, you need to take a sheet of ordinary paper, pen, bay leaf, seven coins and key item - a jar with a twisting lid. On a sheet of paper, write the amount of money to what you need and put in the jar. Then take the coins into the right hand (for the left-hander in the left) and one after another, throw them into the bank, representing how the money is multiplied, they are becoming more and more. Carefully listen to their ringing, imagine a whole mountain coin, how they grow and turn into the desired amount. At the same time, say the words of the conspiracy:

"The ringing of coins, coins glitter, all coins will be here. Every day there are more, more, this jar will help. Your income I will receive, only Zaku Zaku."

After that, take a pre-prepared bay leaf, write on it full name And after the coins, send it to the bank. Tightly twisting the lid, put in such a place where it can only be touched by a conspiracy, and otherwise the ritual will not help. Each day add one or two coins to the jar, and when the full moon comes, jump it in the garden, garden, park or in the forest. Do it better after sunset, perfectly - at midnight. On this all - the money ritual is completed. If the actions are made correctly and the desire of your sincere, then expect the required amount of money in the period from two weeks to six months.

Ritual and Conspiracy with Covera

For the next rite, a monetary bill of any dignity is needed, but the more, the better. Use only those money that have a walk in the country where you live. In this plot, it is important to create conditions for multiplying such bills so that money is always abundant.

Fold the bill in the triangle, bending it top corners To the bottom side. Then remove the bottom up. Must get a small anger triangle (see photo).

After that, take it to the left hand and, bringing to the lips, say the money conspiracy:

"As couples strung in the clouds,

How day and night come into contact,

Let me the same as you meet. "

Next, place the money in the wallet, and never touch it, do not even touch it. It is not necessary to wear this wallet with you, you can store it at home. You can even take old wallets or specifically for this purpose to purchase a new one. When you earn the same bills, put them to conspired, but do not fold them as the first. The principle of magical action is clear: money will attract money. You do not need to recalculate money in your wallet, just remember how many there are there.

Magic Ritual for Money Attraction

For monetary ritual You will need two candles (one white, and the other green) and the golden ribbon. Put them on the table at a distance of 20 centimeters and imagine that the white candle is the one who performs the rite, that is, you. She personifies the essence of man. Green candle - This is money, wealth and well-being. Next lit both candles in order - first white, and then green. In a couple of seconds, blend them and place them in a secret place. Ritual Repeat ten days without interruptions, every day approaching the candles on 2 centimeters to each other. On the last day, the candles will affect. It is necessary to light them and put out the last time, and then tied up with a gold ribbon. Keep tied candles as cash talisman And do not show it to anyone.

White Magic for Money

It is even suitable for those who have never used magic before, he is harmless. A white stump for wealth helps to increase their earnings and income in trade in business. Well, for its implementation, take your first earned income, for example, at a new job place or in a new business. Such money possess a very powerful energy and are perfect for magic Ritual. Take the money in my right hand and read the words of the conspiracy:

"The buyer will find, on the joy of the seller. I am a modest trader, God's servant. I am going to you, please help, the same bills for me to bring."

Psychics about magic It is said that today, together with the progress of human society, there was progress and in the region magic rituals. So, today, experienced magicians and sorcerers are distinguished great amount magical flows, one of which is monetary magic.

So what is monetary magic? Monetary magic - this is a kind of magic art that is used by people in order to attract money to him and wealth. But, as in any other magic, this specification has its own certain rules use. It is about them that should be told first.

Rules of monetary magic

Due to what the magical direction is like monetary magic in conditions economic crisis Start developing with a huge speed, the study was relevant rules of monetary magic. After all, to work with this species witchcraftit is necessary to enjoy special rules:

  • Do not at the expense of someone else's well-being try clampfor yourself material increase. Also, it should not be planned to plan on the place of their arrival before the emergence of money in its own wallet. Also do not resort to the magical ritual when a person is counting on receipt large amount Money from anyone. Yet the strongest witches They believe that it is impossible to abuse that other people are generous directly to you.
  • As well as the material state, well-being is reflected in spiritual equilibrium. It is absolutely no need to be a millionaire, in order to become a man prosperous. It is necessary to act according to the mind and actually determine for yourself, what kind of type of well-being can actually bring you happiness.
  • When conducting magic Ritual it is necessary to fully and completely confident in their feelings. Otherwise, there is the likelihood that the universe will turn the other party and get a completely different result.
  • When conducting a ritual of divination, you should always use only your own attribute. No matter whether , or other items. The main thing is that it is precisely yours, and no one else has access to these subjects. Everything else, it will save from the confrontation of human biotokov with currents of the Universe.
  • You should not share your magic plans in the field of monetary magic. For example, if a person who performs healing spell will tell about this object he wants to support this magic, then surely another person will answer thanks. And in the event that the sorceress says about his intention to find a little more money for the loan, then the sorceress itself turns out to be in a very disadvantageous position and may be in a vulnerable. Ultimately, this magic ritual can not fully work. All information about witchcraft to all of the time will split the world. There will be those who believe and those who do not believe in the end, further rituals will also not have forces. So magic is intimate. It should be kept in stricter secreteNaturally, unless otherwise spelled out in the Wizard ritual.
  • Like I. love love spell, Rituals monetary Magic connected with large quantity emotions. In the event that a person inhibits him a strongly inhibits it, then from the very beginning such a family will be doomed to poverty and poverty. It is necessary to let the maximum input positive energy into your world, then it will provide you with unrealid help.

And most importantly, in no case cannot speak out loud about poverty and poverty.

Money magic and compliance

As well as in the magic of healing and in love magic and B. monetary Magicthere are complications. So before proceeding to the magic ritual, it is necessary to study all these compliances that are able to attract well-being and positive energy into your home.

For instance, psychics about monetary magic It is said that it helps not only in the immediate attraction of money, but also in the opening own business, in the search for work and even in an increase in the career ladder. After all, it is all in one degree or another affects the financial situation of the family. Moreover, psychics argue that in order to obtain a real result, it is necessary to try to conduct magical rituals throughout the cycle, i.e. From full moon to full moon.

Attention! Magic spells who are aimed at getting poverty from their threshold, are created in the period dark MoonOr they begin directly to the full moon and continue until the next stage.

Astrologers about monetary magic It is said that in one degree or another it has a connection with Jupiter. Yes, it is Jupiter that heavenly bodywhich awakens the energy of well-being and traction to the money. Also, the Sun and Saturn has a special effect on poverty.

As for the color magic, this is an individual moment and requires a long search person. Because much depends on the color of the object aura of the object and from its minigration. It is important not to be afraid to experiment and go ahead.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that various fruits and even vegetables have special properties. The use of some of them attracts wealth. And it is we talking about sesame, wedge syrup, pineapple, orange, walnut Nut And even about tomatoes.

Another human well-being is a special influence and various kinds of grass: moss, lion zev, mint, plane, dill and garlic.

After the immersion was conducted in magia Associative objects that influence the well-being of a person should try to make a little. Next will be given one of the options used in money magic.

Shopping Guardian Angel

In no case, according to experienced psychic in money magic It is impossible to go shopping in full solitude. It is worth taking with you guardian angel. Before getting out of the house, contact the mirror and ask for your help in choosing an interesting application for your cash savings. Moreover, it should be noted that the guardian angels remain delighted and from food purchases. Take it and then when you go shopping into the market or in a network store.

When you directly ask your guardian angel to help you spend your personal savings, then probably notice that you get just what makes sense.

Psychics about monetary magic It is said that it is very important that any is carried out at home. Namely in your own homewhich is saturated with bioenergy performer.

In this article:

Magic money - effective toolallowing you to solve any financial problems. With the help of special witchcraft rituals you can attract to yourself financial welfare And never to think about possible material difficulties.

Monetary luck with witchcraft

With the help of magical means, you can really attract money, but the magician must be completely sure own power and the effectiveness of the rite. At the same time, you should always remember that it is impossible to become a slave of money, a slave of gold and silver. Dependence on material wealth can lead to a variety of trouble in the future, which is why do not make money with your dream, it is better to desire a worthy and peaceful life for yourself and your loved ones, such a dream will definitely not be the cause of trouble.

Ritual for rapid money attracting

To carry out this magical rite you will need a large cash bill. Bend from the right side the angle of the selected bills, and then do the same and with the other side. As a result, you should get an equifiable triangle.

After overcourse the bill on the vertical axis in half, take her fingers with the left hand for an angle, bring to the lips and tell the words of the conspiracy to her:

"How the river is quickly all the streams small to himself attracts how she collects water from them and deeply gives the sea. As a woman's woman attracts. How day attracts night, and the night is a day. So you, money, attract to me, the servant of God (name), for yourself. May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The bill conspired in this way should be put in the wallet. Under no circumstances, do not pull the money from the wallet and do not let anyone touch it over the next three months. If you come across bills of the same dignity, fold them into the department to the conspiracy bill.

How fast and just attract money

Highly good way Attract monetary energy

This magic ritual must be carried out only during the full moon period in the country or in its own home, next to which there is a garden or garden. Take a sieve, put a trifle into it and go to the garden. There Sita money and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

"Mother Earth, I accept my seeds, let them give shoots, let them cover all my, the slaves of God (name). Costs. Let my money germinate rather, and they arrive in my wallet. Yes will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy to attract money

This magic ritual Refers to light rituals. A white stump for wealth is very effective and not conjugate with any dangers for the artist, and therefore it is very popular with newbies.

This ritual is great for attraction of money and increasing income in trade, however, it will take advantage of its first earned money (you can the first money earned on one trading point or in a new business new work). The first earned funds have a powerful energy that is enough to use in magic.

The way to work with the appeal to the Christian egregor is very effective

Take cooked cash bills To the right hand, close your eyes and read the prayer "Father our" prayer, turn around and read the words of the conspiracy:

"I, Slave God (name) - the seller, and you are a buyer. I, the slave of God (name) - well done, and you are a prospector. You come to me, you try. The goods of my buyers attract will soon sell. The shopper - he is not a joker, he will delve my main conductor. He will buy the goods and leave, but for a new day after another product will come. My heart is good, my soul is cute, so that I have, the slave of God (name), always so everything. Buyer to the buyer, the money goes to the money, will be in my case, it will always be so forever and infinite. Buyer to the buyer, and the money goes to the money. May it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Magic Money - Simple Ritual

To carry out this magic ritual you will need new wallet Yellow or golden color, as well as: a small round mirror, three yellow coins (better golden) and a small, thin piece of any wood (it should fit in the wallet).

Fold all the cooked items in a crystal vessel and read the words of the conspiracy on them:

"Like foliage on the tree every year, my coins, the slaves of God (name), will be recreated in reflection. I, the slave of God (name), the diligence of the Lord God pray, about the supply of financial pray. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, all conspired subjects are removed in the wallet and hide in a safe place. This wallet will be your talisman to attract financial well-being.

Monetary Bank

To carry out this ritual, you will need a handle, a sheet of paper, 7 coins, a bay leaf and a square jar with a twisting lid. The rite is carried out only if you need some amount of money for certain needs. If you just want to get finances for the sake of finance, use the other ritual.

Such a talisman works great, especially in a complex with other ways of work.

Write on a sheet of paper the exact amount in which you need at present, fold the sheet in half and put it in the jar. After that, take the right hand on one coin and lower them into the jar. When coins fall and ring off, try to represent how their number multiplies and turns the amount to you. At this time, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

"Coins sparkle, coins ring, more and more I have, slaves of God (name), coins for me. Where I'm not waiting for help, I will get income from there. Money in my pocket arrive, the money of my desire is fulfilled. May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On the other side lavra leaf Write your full name and add it to the jar to paper and coins. Only then close the can with a lid and hide it so that no one will never touch her, but did not even see.

After that, you will need to add one or more coins every day, trying to imagine that the number of coins grows and turns the amount you need.

As soon as you get the amount for which we asked for, put the jar from the house and scream it into the garden or garden.

Money Money Talisman

This simple mascot for attracting money is done with the help of coins found on the street. But remember that, in no case, it is impossible to collect money found at the intersections, as it is likely that they used magiches to sput. It is very dangerous to take someone else's sputtering, because you can't know which ritual was spent, maybe it is a black stubborn, in which case you risk being involved in the relationship between the magician and his patrons from the dark forces.

When you gather on the roads of little things in the amount of more than 100 rubles, you can move directly to the fulfillment of the rite for wealth. Fold all the coins found in a new clay pot, put it in the house for a prominent place where it should stand up to the next full moon. During the full moon, you will need to remove coins from the pot, wrap them in a flax handkerchief and go with it in the morning for church service.

After visiting the church, return home, throw a handkerchief with coins in the hallway to the floor so that the coins are scattered and rolled around the room and forget about them for three days. Over the course of three days you can not remove coins and receive guests. Only members of your family should see the scattered money, which also need to be warned so that they do not touch this important magic attribute.
After three days, collect all the coins in the bag and remove into a secluded place. This bag will now be your family talisman to attract monetary well-being.