Shade-loving annuals. Shade-tolerant plants for the garden with photos and names Shade-tolerant and shade-loving flowers

In this article, you will find plants that grow well in shade, partial shade. This will make it easier for you to find the right plants to decorate shady spots in your lot! The photo can be enlarged by clicking on the thumbnail. Brief description, characteristics of plants:

Cladium Bi - Color - originally from Thailand. It has dark leaves with bright pink spots and blue veins, such decorativeness makes it stand out from other plants. Loves full shade, and reaches a height of 75 - 95 cm. Since this tropical plant, then it should be dug up for the winter and the roots should be stored in a dry place.

Geranium (Geranium Rozanne) - has beautiful blue - blue flowers with a white center, dark green leaves. It grows both in the shade and partial shade. After the first flowering, it can be cut off, then the re-flowering will come. It reaches a height of 50 cm.

Balsam, Impatiens (Super Sonic Magenta) - a beautiful plant, has bright, large purple flowers, foliage is dark green. Reaches a height of 45 cm. Perennial. Loves both full shade and partial shade.

Arisema (Jack The Pulpit - Candidissimum) - possesses fragrant aroma and decorative striped perianths. It goes well in the company of host and ferns. Loves well-drained soil with decayed leaves. Reaches about 90 cm in height. Grows in full shade or partial light.

Hellebore (Lenten Rose - Golden Sunrise) - has beautiful golden flowers, reaching a diameter of 5 - 7.5 cm. Leaves are shiny, roots are thick and deep. Unpretentious, resistant to moisture and heat.

Lilies of the valley are well-known, delicate, fabulous flowers that grow well in shade and partial shade. Bloom from May to June. The flowers have a delicate, delicate aroma.

Tiarella (Pinc Skyrocket) - interesting for its decorative flowers, reminiscent of small rockets. It can be used as a ground cover or mixed with other low-growing plants. It reaches a height of 15 - 30 cm.

Astilbe - to many favorite plant for the exquisite, soft flowers different colors. The leaves are green, lacy. The flowers are so bright that they reflect light well and create a wonderful effect in a shady corner. Reaches a height of 50 - 75 cm.

Trillium (Trillium) - has bright, decorative flowers, reaching a diameter of 5 - 7.5 cm. Flowers have a citrus aroma. Reaches a height of 45 cm, grows well both in the shade and partial shade.

Lungwort (Pulmonaria - Raspberry Splash) is a beautiful plant, especially coral flowers, which create a sparkle effect in a shady garden. It reaches a height of 30 cm, and grows in full shade.

Adonis, Adonis - varieties - spring, Amur, Siberian - perennials, and summer adonis - annuals. The Adonis are short; most attractive in the flowering phase, which occurs in many species in May-June. They are used in groups, curbs, suitable for rock gardens or as padding for shrub plantings.

Acantus (Acantus) - varieties - soft, long-leaved, prickly, Balkan. Tall perennials. Plants, growing, form dense groups; are used for tamping tree or shrub groups, in mixborders or as focal plants in flower beds or just on lawns.

Alstroemeria is a hybrid. Perennials with tuberous rhizomes; highly decorative during the flowering period. They are grown mainly in group plantings.

Aronnik (Arum) - varieties - spotted, Cretan, elongated, Italian. Perennials with tuberous rhizome; are in many respects similar to closely related Arizems. They are mainly used in shaded rockeries.

Badan (Bergenia) - varieties of thick-leaved, heart-leaved, Strech. Beautiful flowering perennials, but are appreciated not only during flowering - plants form a very decorative rosette of leaves; in some species it becomes brightly colored in autumn. Used in groups near shrubs, mixborders, in rock gardens, as a flower bed. There are creeping forms grown as ground cover.

Periwinkle (Vinca) - varieties - large, small. Low perennials with attractive flowers; there are decorative-leaved forms with variegated color of leaves. They are used in gardens mainly as a ground cover under the canopy of trees, as well as in rock gardens, borders, flower beds.

Begonia (Begonia) - always flowering, tuberous varieties. Varieties and hybrids of ever-flowering begonias are perennials cultivated as annuals. One of the most popular flower beds; it is used in landscaping on an industrial scale due to the ease of cultivation, the duration and color of flowering and resistance to urban conditions. Cultivars and hybrids of tuberous begonia are less common, but are also popular. garden plants... Used in gardens as flower beds, as well as for growing in containers; hanging forms - for hanging baskets and flowerpots.

White flower (Leucojum) - varieties - spring, summer. Small bulbous perennials resembling related snowdrops; decorative during the flowering period. B. vernalis belongs to primroses and is most widespread in floriculture. Used to create flowering spring lawns in the shade of trees, along with other primroses; Summer B. is grown usually near water bodies.

Wrestler, Aconite (Aconite) - varieties - klobuchkovy, Fischer, Karmikhel. Tall perennials with spectacular flowering; grown mainly in group and mixed plantings on flower beds and borders. Curly species are used for landscaping gazebos and pergolas. They are decorative not only during flowering: the plants have openwork, heavily dissected leaves.

Buzulnik (Ligularia) - varieties - Przhevalsky, toothed, Siberian, narrow-leaved. Most of the species are tall plants with a showy inflorescence. They are decorative not only by flowering, but also by beautiful foliage (in some species - with a jagged edge or pinnately dissected). They are planted in gardens mainly near water bodies (hygrophilous). They are also used in mixborders and group plantings.

Vatochnik (Asclepias) - varieties - Syrian, tuberose, kyurasavsky, meat - red. Tall perennials with spectacular flowering. Used in group plantings. V. kyurasavsky is cultivated as an annual.

Verbeinik (Lusimachia) - varieties - monotonous, ephemeral, dark purple, dotted. Perennials grown for lush and long flowering (most species). Some species have variegated varieties. Plants are used in group plantings for framing reservoirs (moisture-loving), mixborders in shaded areas of the garden. V. monetchatye is a creeping plant; it is used as a ground cover, in rock gardens, as an ampelous plant for growing in flowerpots.

Vesennik (Eranthis) - varieties - Tubergena, Cilikikisky, winter. Beautifully flowering spring plants. Often used in joint plantings with other spring ephemeroids to create vibrant flowering lawns. They are also used in group plantings between shrubs, in compositions on alpine hills.

Anemone (Anemone) - varieties - columnar, felt, buttercup, oak. Graceful perennials with spectacular flowering. Most spring flowering anemones are ephemeroids; by summer, their growing season ends. A separate group is made up of autumn flowering species and hybrids. They are used mainly as flower beds and for rock gardens.

Catchment, Aquilegia - Perennials, sometimes cultivated as one- or biennials. Decorative in the period of long flowering. Low-growing varieties are used mainly in rock gardens; tall - to create mixed compositions from herbaceous plants on ridges and in mixborders, to create blooming groups in shady places near water bodies.

Volzhanka, Aruncus (Aruncus) - varieties - etuzilistnaya, dioecious, Amur. Perennial, forming a beautiful spreading bush with paniculate inflorescences. It is used mainly in group plantings; tall species - in single plantings under trees, to form the background of the curbs.

Mimulus - Annuals or perennials cultivated as annuals; have a bright color of flowers and a spectacular bloom. used primarily as bedding plants; can serve to decorate the banks of reservoirs. Compact varieties are used as ground cover and in compositions of alpine slides.

Dicentra (Dicentra) - variety - excellent. Perennials forming a sprawling bush with spectacular drooping inflorescences. Highly decorative in the flowering stage; used mainly in single landings.

Goldenrod (Solidago) - varieties - Canadian, ordinary. Perennial plants with lush flowering in late summer and autumn. Natural species are quite tall, however, low-growing varieties have been bred, which provides a variety of uses in landscaping. Goldenrods are suitable as background plants in the background of mixborders, grown in group plantings, in flower beds (compact varieties) and for cutting.

Saxifraga - The variety of perennial species introduced into horticultural culture is due to the unpretentiousness and breadth of possible use of saxifrage. First of all, they are known as the most common plants for rock gardens, but are also often grown as ground cover (low-growing and creeping species), flower beds and border plants (tall). In some species, flowering is valued, but in most it is the shape of the rosettes or the ability to form decorative pillow-like shoots. Not all cultivated species are shade-tolerant.

As well as oxalis, bell, lily of the valley, daylily, lily, lyriopa, lobelia, lunar, buttercup, cuff, foxglove, narcissus, nomocharis, sedge, paisandra, primrose, liverwort, peony, snowdrop, woodland, stachis, violet, hosta, fuchsia , corydalis, cyclamen, lamb, comfrey, peppermint, rastragon, lemon balm, rose radiola, spring umbilical, fragrant woodruff, round-leaved woodworm, actinidia kolomikta, ivy, iriododictium, ornithogallum, dorodictium, ornithogallum, dwarf hoof and kupena, tulips Jeffersonia, heart-leaved tiarka, telekia, mountain soldanella, thyroid darmera, black spikelet, thyroid podophyllum, lady's slipper. From the bushes we offer you drop in the shade: privet, elderberry, weigella, vineyard, gualteria, wisteria, hydrangea, girlish grapes, action, viburnum, kalmia, dogwood, buckthorn, leucote, hazel, juniper, rhododendron, boxwood, lilac, snowberry, spirea, stewarty, chubushnik, enkianthus. And the trees are more shade-loving: beech, hornbeam, davidia, spruce, irga, cedar, cypress, maple, liquidambar, metasequoia, nyssa, fir, rowan, yew, hemlock, homelegrab.

We hope this list of shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants will help you decorate your shady corner!

Geranium Rozanne

This plant is native to Thailand, its blue veins and bright pink spots accentuate and really make it stand out from the dark leaves. Grows in full shade, reaches a height of 75 - 95cm. In cool climatic zones before freezing, the plant must be dug up and stored in a dry, cool place.

Caladium Bi-Color.

Caladium Bi-Color.

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The shady corners of the garden are a favorite resting place in the sultry summer, so the desire to decorate them is natural. And someone wants to arrange beautiful flower garden under trees growing on the site, or plant plants in the shade of a fence or buildings. For this, shade-tolerant and shade-loving representatives of the flora are suitable.

Demanding for light is one of the criteria by which plants are selected for planting in a shaded area. Flowers and shrubs that are in dire need of the sun will not be able to gain strength there or will completely die.

Other plants can be:

  1. Shade tolerant, that is, preferring partial shade.
  2. Shade-loving growing well with minimal lighting.

This must be taken into account when planning the plantings. Ornamental-deciduous species tend to love shade, although there are many beautiful blooming exceptions. When choosing plants, it is important to pay attention to the preferences in the soil and its moisture content.

What plants to plant in the shade (video)

Popular shade-tolerant ground cover plants

Creeping on the ground with a green carpet, ground cover plants will become wonderful neighbors for taller garden dwellers, help to decorate the soil around trees and shrubs, decorate the slopes alpine slide and will fit into a rockery composition. Moreover, many of them are well experienced with the deficit of sunlight.

Tenacious creeping

A plant often found in forests, which became a garden plant with the light hand of florists. This is a perennial with shoots spreading on the ground. Blooms early - in May. Inflorescences of the tenacious spike-shaped: small blue or blue flowers collected in axillary whorls. Such "candles" rise 7–12 cm above the ground. Many decorative varieties with fancy leaf color have been bred, thanks to which the tenacious looks original and noticeable, despite its small height.

Tenacious creeping


It is a perennial plant, less often it is a biennial or annual. When planted alone, it forms green pillows, usually 5 to 20 cm in height, in rare cases reaching 70 cm.From lush greenery, flowers with 5 petals, painted in pink or White color. The main advantages of saxifrage are its unpretentiousness.(the plant is frost-resistant and grows without problems on scarce soils) and long flowering, lasting all summer.

Gallery: shade-tolerant plants for the garden (25 photos)

European hoof

Another option for decorating the soil in a shady corner of the garden is a clefthoof, which grows up to 30 cm in height. It has pretty leaves, the upper side of which is glossy and the lower side is matte. Blossoms in spring with heat setting, maroon bells.

European hoof


The cuff attracts attention primarily with its airy flowers that fill the garden with a honey aroma in June and July. The multi-lobed leaves of the plant in many species have a silvery descent on the lower side of the leaf. In conditions middle lane winters well but for better preservation, the cuff bushes are still recommended to be mulched with peat.

Sphagnum moss

In the wild, it is an inhabitant of swamps, but due to its high decorative effect, it is also used in garden compositions ... Traditionally white and gray in color, but there are red, pink and ginger specimens. The height of the stems ranges from 10 to 20 cm, from which branchy shoots extend in bunches.

All these plants do an excellent job with the main task: to decorate the surface of the soil with pretty greenery. Despite their low height, they will definitely not go unnoticed.

Sphagnum moss

Choosing shade-tolerant flowers for the garden

If in some corner of the site there is not enough sunlight, this does not mean that there is no place for beautiful flowers. At least 5 plants are ready to fill the shade with their colors.


The people often call her "broken heart" due to the characteristic and very unusual shape of the flowers. They are literally suspended in the air on long peduncles. The voluminous bush of the dicentra grows rather large in size: up to 1 m in height.

Eastern Doronicum

The plant has bright yellow flowers similar to chamomile. Doronicum begins to bloom, which lasts more than a month, at the height of May. There are terry and dwarf varieties.

Eastern Doronicum


Very beautiful blooming liana, undemanding to lighting. In floriculture, it is used for vertical decoration. The main wealth of clematis is its large flowers of various colors.: from white to dark purple.


Or, as it is called, the crocus. It is a bulbous plant about 20 cm tall and blooms in autumn. When in contact with colchicum, you need to be careful, because it is poisonous.

Lily of the valley

The modest and well-known lily of the valley willingly grows in the shade. Its snow-white bells usually appear in May. This is a perennial plant, undemanding to care.

For plants to have abundant flowering, they need to be fed with special fertilizers. In hot weather, they will need watering.

Flowers for shady areas of the site (video)

Shade-loving ornamental shrubs and trees

If herbaceous plants reign on the lower tier of a shady corner, then the upper one is made up of trees and shrubs. Some of them do not suffer from a small amount of light while maintaining decorative characteristics.


Hydrangea is loved for its lush hats made up of hundreds of small flowers. Abundant flowering lasts from July to September. To give the shrub a beautiful shape, it is usually trimmed into a ball. It must be borne in mind that in dry weather, he will need abundant watering.



There are various ornamental varieties of spruce.... Some of them are creeping, shrub-like and even with drooping branches, which looks very attractive. Even a spruce tree planted in the shade is actively growing. If you want, you can do pruning, giving the tree the shape of a cone or pyramid.


Holly, whose leaves are crowned with sharp thorns, is known as a Christmas plant in Catholic countries. Among gardeners, holly is famous for grows even in strong shade. The plant shows itself in all its glory in winter and autumn: small berries are scarlet against the background of green foliage. This is true for those who want to admire the garden all year round.


A beautiful shrub, whose double flowers reach 4 cm in diameter. The leaves are lanceolate-shaped, dark green with a glossy sheen. When planting a rhododendron, you need to know that it does not tolerate cold winds and waterlogging of the soil. The plant prefers acidic soil, therefore, peat is added to the earth with a neutral alkaline balance.


Evergreen yew can withstand any adverse conditions other than stagnant water. The plant lends itself well to shaping, which is why it is often used to create figures or a green hedge. Yew is suitable for both single and group planting, becoming a green backdrop for other plants.

Ornamental trees and shrubs need care, as do herbaceous flowers. For example, nitrogen fertilization will be beneficial for foliage growth.

Shade-tolerant fruit trees and berry bushes

Those gardeners who wish to use shady areas to harvest fruits and berries can plant certain crops. The harvest of most trees and shrubs suffers greatly from a lack of sun, but there are some among them who tolerate shade.


This tall shrub is notable for its foliage, which can be yellow, green, purple. The sourish berries of barberry, rich in vitamin C, are not far behind in beauty. The plant lends itself well to shaping, and dwarf varieties are used for borders.


One of the few fruit trees, which tolerate partial shade relatively well. Cherry plum and plum are a little more demanding on lighting. But the harvest from a shady area will still be inferior to the taste grown under sufficient light.


This is a very tall shrub, the woody shoots of which often grow up to 2 m in height, which must be taken into account when planting next to a flower garden or vegetables. In the middle of summer, blackberries are covered with white flowers, and in August, almost black berries with a sour taste appear in their place.


Viburnum is one of the favorite plants of the people. An extremely unpretentious tall bush, the branches of which are covered with carved leaves. A special charm of viburnum is given by its scarlet berries, collected in bunches. They remain to decorate the bush until deep winter.


Dogwood blooms in early spring, attracts bees to the site for a month. Throughout the summer, he decorates the garden with green foliage, and in the fall - with red berries, from which delicious and healthy jam. Dogwood's only drawback is its love of warmth., so the plant needs to be covered for the winter.

To make the fruits and berries larger and tastier, it is recommended to use potash fertilizers for feeding - this slightly compensates for the small amount of sun.

Bedding plants for the darkest places in the garden

Some plants can be called the most "hardy of the hardy", because they grow even where very little of the sun's rays fall. And this does not worsen their appearance in any way!


Original plant, attracting attention with original flowers in the form of calla lilies of various, often fancy colors: white with pink, green with burgundy. The height of arizema grown in the garden usually reaches 50 cm.


Lush bushes of astilbe can grow up to 2 m. But this plant is remarkable not in size, but in panicle inflorescences. The flowering period is June and July.


The beauty of ferns lies in their delicate green leaves. In the wild, the plant is located on the lower tier of dense forests, so the shade is familiar to it. There are also ground cover fern species that cover the ground with their lace.



Tiarka inflorescences are panicles of white, pink, or purple. The most common tiarka is cordial, having leaves in the form of a heart.


The plant has leaves collected in lush rosettes and often variegated in all sorts of shades of green and white. The host is very unpretentious, so there will be no problems with it.

These plants can be planted in the most secluded corner of the garden.

What vegetables can be planted in the country in the shade

Shady places on the site are also suitable for growing vegetables. Here are some of them that grow well in such conditions:

  • root crops (radish, beets);
  • representatives of the legume family;
  • Cruciferous: Cabbage and broccoli, cauliflower and Peking.

The shade is also suitable for perennial onions and leafy plants like sorrel, rhubarb, lettuce. You can also plant fragrant mint, tarragon, creeping thyme or cilantro: herbs are sure to be needed in the kitchen.

Shade-tolerant plants for the home

Florists are faced with a lack of light not only in the plots, but also in the house. What plants should you not be afraid to put in the far corners of the room?

  1. Aspidistra, which is called "cast iron flower" for its amazing durability. It is a plant with several leaves on long petioles.
  2. Chamelodorea, resembling a palm tree with its airy leaves.
  3. Philodendron... Liana, stretching up to 2 m in length.
  4. Sansveria("Mother-in-law's tongue") is distinguished by tall, long leaves with a dense structure and pointed at the edges. Sansveria has a variegated color and often a yellow border along the edges of feathery leaves.
  5. Anthurium- a flowering plant of all colors.

To houseplants felt good and developed, they need to find a suitable pot and soil; and in the future to provide proper care.


Examples of the combination of shade-loving plants in landscape design

How to create harmonious composition from flowering plants? It is necessary to analyze each "candidate" and its characteristics, and try to create the perfect flower garden. Some of the good examples include:

  • Green fern in one corner of the flower garden and the host in the other will be a wonderful green background for blooming heart-leaved tiara. If you add a small stone or snag to the composition, this will add to the effect of the flower bed.
  • Cuff and clefthoof will be good neighbors on an alpine slide.

First you need to decide on the "quality of the shadow", because it can be very different.

  1. Stable, for example, along the northern wall of a house, where the direct sun never looks.
  2. Partial shadow, for example, near a wall facing east, where there is sun in the morning and a stable shadow in the late afternoon.
  3. Scattered, for example, under the crowns of trees or bushes.

It should be noted right away that there are not so many abundant flowering crops for the shade, giving bright flowers all summer, or, at least, they cannot be found in the lists of habitual annuals. Most truly shade-tolerant plants have delicate, delicate flowers that fade quickly. And most of them are perennials that rarely give flowers all summer long - it makes sense to think about several crops that will replace each other.

Therefore, we will consider all crops for shade that will provide a bright decorative effect, not necessarily due to flowers, but, for example, beautiful leaves, during the entire warm season, and also consider the flowering time of all possible crops for different types shadows.

The most spectacular and long-lasting blooming crops that can tolerate partial shade

Below are the flowers that bloom really brightly for partial shade, partial shade or diffuse shade:

  1. - many spectacular hybrid varieties for abundant flowering require good lighting, however, in nature, this plant grows on the edges of forests, that is, in partial shade, so it is quite possible to create a beautifully flowering flower bed of daylilies in the shade, if you choose the right varieties - it is especially beautiful in partial shade (in the morning - the sun, in the afternoon - a light shade) look varieties of dark shades (red-black, violet-black, purple), they fade in the sun and quickly fade. There are different groups in terms of flowering time, flowering duration is about a month, but you can combine different varieties and get a long-flowering flower bed.
  2. - for abundant flowering, good lighting is desirable for him in the morning and shadow starting at noon... Blooms from early June to late July, after correct pruning blooms again by the end of August.
  3. blooms all summer, feels great in partial shade, flowers like a foxglove, only brighter and larger, a rather rare plant, although undeservedly.
  4. Pansies- this charming annual grows both in the sun and in partial shade. In the sun, the flowers are larger and brighter, but in partial shade, the flowering will be longer. The flowering time can be varied at your discretion (by sowing seeds at different times).
  5. Balsam- the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, it only needs diffused light. Blooms from July to frost.
  6. Eternal begonia- requires a bright, but diffused light, in the direct sun it can fade, blooms all the time, in open ground grown seedling method like an annual.
  7. Scented tobacco- blooms from June to frost. Loves well-lit places, but light partial shade is acceptable.
  8. Astilba- blooms in June-July, about a month, loves a thin soft shadow. Panicle flowers are very effective, there are a lot of varieties. The appearance of the plant is elegant, feminine, bright.
  9. Astrantia- the flowering period depends on the variety, but this is one of the longest-lasting plants, some varieties bloom from June to the end of September, feels good in the sun, in partial shade, and even in full shade (only in strongly shaded places the flowering will not be so bright), grows well under trees.
  10. Mimulus- in direct sun it can burn, the best place is well lit, but with partial shading. It blooms with original flowers, reminiscent of orchids, in two waves - in spring and autumn.

Astilbe and host 'Sun Power'

Medicinal, spicy, aromatic herbs feel good in partial shade:

  1. peppermint,
  2. radiola pink,
  3. tarragon,
  4. borago,
  5. perennial bows,
  6. lemon balm.

Penumbra or diffused shadow tolerate well species peonies: Maryin root, Caucasian, Wittmann - bloom from early May to late June, since August, the bushes are decorated with quite spectacular fruits. Many herbs and grains also grow well in partial shade (cortaderia, gray fescue).

Of the bulbous, they tolerate the lack of lighting well:

  1. Daffodils.
  2. Kandyk.
  3. Merendera.
  4. Grouse.
  5. White flower.
  6. Scylla (scrub).
  7. Korolkovia.
  8. Iridodictums.
  9. Pushkinia.
  10. Muscari.
  11. Crocuses.
  12. Hyacintoides.

Tulips, primroses, pansies.

Plants that love light but can thrive in partial shade

That is, these plants can give abundant flowering in a flower bed, for example, from the west or east side of the house, where light only hits part of the day. If they are planted on such a site, then you should treat them as capricious, and provide very good other conditions (correct soil, watering, top dressing). All these plants bloom brightly and for a long time:

  1. Snapdragon.
  2. Ageratum.
  3. Levkoy.
  4. Balsam.
  5. Lobelia.
  6. Poppy self-seeding.
  7. Petunia.
  8. Pansies.
  9. Sweet pea.
  10. Kobei.
  11. Cloves of grenadines.
  12. Daisies.
  13. Heliotrope.
  14. The bell is medium and large-flowered.

The bell is medium.

Flowering plants for thick shade

These are plants for shade that the direct sun never hits. They will feel good in the shade of buildings, even from the north side, under the dense crown of trees, near the fence:

  1. Aquilegia (catchment)blooms in June-July... The flowering time can be extended by picking off wilted flowers, preventing them from tying seed pods.
  2. . Almost all species grow well in partial shade, curly aconite thrives in the shade. The flowering time is different - from 20 to 60 days depending on the type... Extremely poisonous!
  3. Brunner- blooms in the spring, at good care re-flowering in autumn is possible.
  4. Cyanosis.
  5. Fragrant violet.
  6. Swimsuit.
  7. Common primrose.
  8. Chistous.
  9. Forget-me-nots.
  10. Digitalis.
  11. Anemone.
  12. Black cohosh.
  13. May lily of the valley.
  14. Fragrant violet.
  15. The tiarka is cordial.
  16. Kupena.
  17. Elecampane is magnificent.
  18. Spring navel.
  19. Lungwort.
  20. Fragrant woodruff.
  21. Turkish carnation.
  22. Cuff.
  23. Mountain cornflower.
  24. Dicenter.
  25. Eastern Doronicum.
  26. Gentian.
  27. Garden geranium.
  28. Avens.
  29. Hellebore.
  30. Siberian irises.

Ferns (ferns, ostrich) look great in the shade, although they do not bloom.

Variegated lily of the valley and astilba.

The shadow under the trees

Some tree species create a light openwork shade, but at the same time they greatly dry the soil and this factor must be taken into account, because most shade-tolerant crops prefer moisture. Grow well in shade and dryness:

  1. bought broadleaf,
  2. periwinkle,
  3. mountain woman,
  4. anemone forest.
  5. spring primrose,
  6. badan,
  7. comfrey,
  8. garden geranium red-brown or Balkan.
  9. cereals.

Under a pine tree, where sandy or sandy loam soil:

  • lilies of the valley,
  • periwinkle,
  • tenacious
  • violets.

Trees and shrubs for shady areas

Songs may require shade-tolerant trees and shrubs:

  • Korean fir,
  • elderberry black,

Vines for shade

Most popular for shady areas:

  • round-leaved wood pliers - versatile, grows both in good lighting and in the shade, and in partial shade. However, it does not bear fruit in dense shade;
  • actinidia kolomikta - beautiful decorative leaves of variegated variable color;
  • ivy - grows well even with strong shade.

It is worth noting that most vines, being plants dependent on a support, which in nature is usually a tall, shading tree, are used to a lack of light.

This even applies to such a spectacular culture as. Many large-flowered hybrids like coolness, no higher than 25 degrees, and light or shade is secondary for them and shade may even be preferable if it gives coolness.

Gaulteria (with red berries), skimmia, hellebores and ivy.

Ornamental deciduous

Spectacular shade measurers with expressive foliage:

  1. - blooms for a month from mid-July to mid-August. It has exotic leaves, decorative all season and especially beautiful in autumn.
  2. - blooms for about a month, in August. Powerful, succulent, sculptural plant.
  3. - flowering depends on the variety, some varieties are incredibly persistent flowering - up to 2 months. Textured appearance, fleshy round leaves... The ideal conditions for culture are partial shade.
  4. - blooms for about a month in mid-summer with spectacular panicles. Openwork foliage. The plant is graceful, refined, elegant, lush.
  5. - Planting recommendations vary greatly. In any case, varieties with a dark color of leaves feel great in strong shading, lighter ones need light partial shade. The appearance of the plant is exotic, vibrant, vibrant.
  6. - classic shaded areas. Decorative throughout the growing season. It goes well with any other plants, has a lot of shapes and colors that are good both in single plantings and in compositions.
  7. Byzantine chastetz- likes good lighting, but grows well in partial shade. It attracts attention with pubescent, woolen leaves of a bluish-gray hue.


  1. Pachisandra- frost-resistant dwarf shrub up to 25-35 cm high. The flowering is inexpressive, but appreciated for its dense decorative foliage that does not change its appearance throughout the year.
  2. Haulteria- an evergreen ground cover shrub with a height of 10-15 cm, blooms with graceful white flowers in June-August, then the plant is decorated with spectacular bright edible fruits that last until late spring. Feels great under trees.
  3. White-bordered snow- beautiful white-green foliage, the plant is very unpretentious.
  4. Mother of thousands- the leaves are similar to ivy leaves, beautiful "lipped" flowers appear on the plant from June to frost.
  5. European hoof- has juicy, fleshy, large and dense leaves in the shape of a hoof, creates a dense coating.
  6. Lamb- very beautiful silvery leaves, bright spongy flowers. He loves good lighting, but sparse, optimal places are those where the western or eastern sun falls.

Hosta, geranium, yarnotka.

Container garden in the shade

Shade-tolerant plants that do not winter outdoors in the middle lane, but you can plant them in pots and create a container flower bed. If desired, they can be dug in so that the pot is not visible. If there is an opportunity to tinker with digging for the winter, you can plant them in the open ground for the summer, although this is rare for the middle lane. All of the plants listed below are decorative all summer long and cannot tolerate direct sunlight. The best place for them - partial shade, or eastern windows:

  1. Skimmia- shrub, leathery glossy foliage, bright inflorescences all year round.
  2. Coleus- does not like the direct scorching rays of the sun. Highly decorative all summer long.
  3. Begonias- both tuberous and ever-flowering need bright diffused light, but not the scorching sun.
  4. Caladiums- in the West, they are actively grown in open ground, in the middle zone only in pot culture... The leaves are incredibly beautiful.
  5. Fuchsia- needs no introduction. Charming in standard form. Blooms from spring to late autumn, feels good in partial shade.
  6. Torenia- blooms all summer. Requires good lighting, but does not like direct midday sun.

Composition example

To create a flower bed in the shade that blooms all summer long, you can competently "mix" plants with different, albeit short, flowering periods.

For example, a composition for a very wet partial shade:

  1. Kaluzhnitsa - low bushes, 30-40 cm, blooms in early spring, from late April to May, for 2-3 weeks. There are terry varieties.
  2. Lungwort.
  3. Forget-me-not.
  4. Astilba.
  5. Hosts.
  6. Garden geranium. Best views for shade: Himalayan, marsh, meadow.

On the photo Terry Kaluzhnitsa - Caltha palustris 'Flore Pleno'

Top 10 shade-tolerant flowers on video

Review of ornamental plants for shade from HitSadTV channel. The presentation of the material is original - in the form of a rating with winners and losers. Of course, the places are determined by the opinion of the channel's editors. It is all the more interesting to make your own rating of the most beautiful shade-tolerant crops.

Unpretentious shade-loving perennials

The video below shows a selection of the most energy-efficient shade-loving flowers: these are perennials, which means they do not need to be planted every year, they are generally unpretentious, which means they do not require “dancing with tambourines”.

In any garden with fruit or decorative trees there are areas that are in the shade most of the time. Some of them are permanently shaded, so the grass and flowers are deficient in sunlight. To the delight of summer residents, there is a large category of plants that thrive in an unlit area - these are shade-loving perennials for the garden, with which you can create beautiful floral and herbal compositions.

Depending on the location of the flower garden, its importance and degree decorative design plant groups can be divided into three categories:

  • classic compositions;
  • natural areas;
  • accent flower beds.

On small forest edges, along paths and fences, that is, in places with an open perspective, there are classic compositions created to decorate areas not illuminated by the sun. This is a series of varietal herbaceous plants with decorative foliage, as well as developing and gaining color over several years.

Natural areas are on the periphery, their main purpose is to fill empty spaces and prevent weeds. For natural growth ideal planting of periwinkle, Siberian brunner, lungwort, May lily of the valley, shitnikov.

In slightly shaded conditions, Brunner develops and blooms beautifully - a beautiful plant with blue or blue flowers that look like forget-me-nots

In addition to shade-tolerant flowers in the natural zone, plants with decorative leaves are used, which are ideal for imitating a wild, natural cover.

Garden centerpieces and seating areas are also often located in areas hidden from the sun, so there is a selection of accent plants specially for them, which differ beautiful flowering and decorative foliage: elecampane, Japanese anemones, rogers, black cohosh, astilbe.

Flowers with pale petals usually grow in shady places, but there are exceptions. Multi-colored anemones are an opportunity to create a bright floral arrangement in a darkened area

Shade-loving perennials by the seasons

In early spring, primroses appear, gentle and modest, which delight with their beauty throughout the month. These include the European kandyk, various varieties of snowdrops, and woodlands. A little later, dubious Jeffersonia, liverwort and anemone (anemone) hatch.

Primroses actively reproduce by self-seeding, therefore, during the flowering period, new foci should be identified and their distribution over the summer cottage should be controlled.

In late spring, ruby ​​corollas of common lumbago and tiny soldanella flowers appear. On the background low shrubs looks great uvularia, similar to a bell with yellow buds and silvery foliage. The yellow carpet also creates spring celandine, blooming with small rounded bushes. It is usually alternated with fern. A bright composition can be made from saxifrage, hybrid primroses and phlox, creating a dense floral cover.

To create a spectacular flower garden, the round-leaved saxifrage is suitable - a bushy plant with small white flowers and bright green decorative foliage

The summer period is marked by the flowering of martagon (curly lily). At the initial planting, it does not differ in luxurious buds, but in subsequent years it will look more and more beautiful. Among the lilies there are varieties that reach one and a half meters in height - this factor must be taken into account when planting plants. Areas under low tree crowns are not suitable. The lilies can be accompanied by a spotted bell and a sinuous corydalis, which also chose the warmest summer period for flowering.

The perennial shade-loving flowers do not like the first colds, therefore, at the beginning of autumn, only a few of them open their buds. Sample late flowering it is considered a palm-shaped kirengeshoma with large decorative leaves and bell flowers.

Three flower garden ideas for a shady garden

With the help of plants different heights and colors can be compiled original compositions... Of course, they will not be as bright and lush as, for example, rose bushes, but they are still able to charm with their modest charm and delicate shades.

Option # 1 - a combined flower bed of 11 plants

This is an example of a composition of a non-standard sample. For planting, plants are taken, different in height and color, and planted on a flower bed with dimensions of 2 mx 3 m. The flower bed takes its final form only after 2-3 years, when the plants reach full development and gain maximum color.

1.Anemone Dubravnaya. 2. Astrantia. 3. Lily of the valley. 4. Corydalis. 5. Dicenter. 6. Digitalis. 7. Geranium versicolor. 8. Geranium is great. 9. Liverwort. 10. Host. 11. Shieldworm

Plants are planted depending on their size: in the background there are taller flowers, in the near - border and cover

Plants bloom at different times, one after another, as a result, the flower bed looks presentable throughout the summer cottage season. Suppose the flowering time of anemones and corydalis is late April, lily of the valley - early May - June, astrania - July and August. Many varieties of geraniums actively bloom throughout the summer.

A special role belongs to such plants as the shitnikov. They decorate the flower bed not with flowers, but with leaf plates. The ornamental foliage of the hosta has a bluish tint and a unique "waffle" texture, while the feathery leaves of the dwarf plant have a scaly texture.

Option # 2 - perennials with bulbs

Famous bulbous varieties - daffodils, tulips, hyacinths - can be used as a bright accent in natural areas shade-loving flowers for the garden. They will decorate the site at the stage when the perennials have not yet bloomed. So that the faded bulbous plants do not spoil the picture in the future, they must be carefully dug up, and planted again in the fall for wintering. Another option is also possible: hazel grouses, tulips, daffodils, crocuses perfectly tolerate winter without transplanting, and on next year delight with even more exuberant flowering.

Along with perennials, tulips get along well in gardens, copses and parks, despite the minimum of sunlight and seeding density.

Together with tulips, blue forget-me-nots look great. With the help of several varieties of tulips and forget-me-nots, you can create a multi-tiered composition; against the background of decorative shade-loving perennial flowers, they will look most impressive. Do not forget about marigolds: they perfectly tolerate shade and have a protective phytoncidal aura, useful for tulips. and sports lawn, but the presence of fescue in the mixture will come in handy. There are numerous varieties of fescue, therefore, the most suitable species are recommended for each region.

For example, tough red fescue perfectly tolerates a deficit in sunny color, but does not like even short droughts, so it should be planted only if there is frequent watering. In addition, it is susceptible to fungal diseases and restores the root system for a long time if damaged. Long-leaved fescue, on the other hand, is drought-tolerant and disease-free, so it is good for sowing in hard-to-reach places that require minimal maintenance.

Red fescue is ideal for creating a lawn base in shaded areas: it is unpretentious, grows quickly and can replace other types of lawn grasses

Creating flower arrangements for a shady garden is a real art that requires knowledge and patience, but the result exceeds all expectations: a blooming garden appears in the place of a vacant lot, and amazing flower beds appear in the farthest corners.

If you are, then shadows will appear on it. Residential and outbuildings, trees and large shrubs will create areas with complete or partial absence of direct light. The most common light-loving plants will not be able to survive in such places, as a result of which the dacha may have a somewhat deserted appearance. This article will focus on those crops that will help you solve this problem.

Dahlias - perennial shade-loving flowers for summer cottages

General Provisions

First of all, let's draw a dividing line between plant species according to their dependence on sunlight, in order to avoid possible confusion in the future:

Separation by light-requiring

Advice: before buying, be sure to check with the seller exactly which group the representative of the flora you are purchasing belongs to, since an erroneous placement on your site will deprive him of the possibility of full development.

Shadow control

In addition to the fact that you can pick up plants with different needs for sunbeams, you can also optimally plan the placement of shadow zones. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

Advice: if you need to identify darkened places in an already planted garden, then it is convenient to do this in the spring when the snow melts. Where it will last the longest, you can safely plant shade-loving crops with your own hands.

Species and representatives

The cultures under consideration have many variations:


There are several representatives of bush vegetation that are common in summer cottages, which feel great even with a limited supply of light:

  1. Rhododendron. They can do without the sun at all, but then I won't bloom, so it's better to choose partial shade for them.

  1. Hydrangea. Its delicate buds will brighten up any dark area.

  1. Kalina. Not only is it unpretentious, it is also useful.

  1. Elderberry. Also famous for its medicinal properties.

  1. Ivy. The price of such a plant is minimal, but the possibilities with the right approach are enormous.

  1. Clematis. It also belongs to the curly species and is able to become any decoration.

Flowers and ornamental vegetation

  1. Perennials include the largest number representatives of shadow lovers.

Here is some of them:

  • Badan. It is able to develop normally in growth even in the complete absence of light, only its flowering can suffer.

  • Host. Not only is she not afraid of the shadow, but also adores it. The main thing is that the soil should be moist enough.

  • Aconite. Twilight and moisture are all he needs for full growth.

  • Brunner. Unpretentious and fast growing plant... Watch it so that it doesn't grow too much.

  1. Biennials:
  • "Pansies" will delight you with their continuous flowering from spring to autumn.

  • Digitalis. When growing it, it is very important that the instructions of agricultural technology are strictly followed.

  • Forget-me-not. Allows you to create an aesthetic carpet even in the darkest place.