Telebobile plants for flower beds. Perennial teothelubile flowers and shrubs for the garden

Almost every plot there are places with insufficient illuminationwhere it is difficult to grow any plants. Shadow can create residential or economic buildings, as well as the crown of tall fruit trees.

That is why gardeners so loved by the teen-bobbed perennial flowers for the garden, which do not need constant lighting and can be abundantly blossoming even in conditions of constant shortage of light. From the article you will learn what flowers can be landed in the most darkened place of your site, their descriptions and photos are presented.

The most extensive and common group of discharge flowers. They are best suited for decorating flower beds in places where there is a flaw sunlight. In addition, they are often planted for decorating pedestrian tracks or at the foot of high fruit or decorative shrubs and trees. They have a relatively small length and a variety of coloring petals.


It is considered the most common and popular discharge plant for decorating household plots. Among the wide variety of varieties there are flowers not only with various color and shape of petals, but also the time of flowering. More than 3 thousand varieties of cultural host are derived, which are usually divided into 5 groups, depending on the color of the foliage and the length of the bush.

Host - unpretentious plantwhich is suitable even beginners. Gardeners they loved precisely for the kindness and unusual appearance Leaves, as well as case-shaped inflorescences consisting of a variety of funnel colors.

The flower loves wet and darkened areas, but can carry short-term drought. In the wild, it is found near the reservoirs, therefore it is often used to decorate water bodies on the site. In Japan, the hosts are considered a sacred plant, and their leaves are considered to be valuable delicacy.


it whole view Perennial herbaceous plants that are well tolerated adverse climate, drought and lack of light. Today there are about 16 varieties that differ in flowering period, the color of buds and the form of leaves. The cureaker has an average height of the bush up to 30 cm, on which oval leaves and simple five-point flowers with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm are formed.

Blossoming continues up to 40 days, in medium latitudes - from the beginning of May. The plant can be planted only in the shade, because under the influence of sun rays, leaves are burning apart.

Primula or Prixvet

This unpretentious soil plant can be found in almost any corner of the world. In total there are more than 550 species, not counting artificially derived varieties and hybrids.

Primulus usually multiply seeds that have a unique germination. The plant is capable of adapting to any external conditions, abundantly and continuously flowers even dry climates, in the shade and half. The bush is squat, there are small fleshy leaves on it. Flowers depending on the variety can be painted in a variety of shades, diameter - up to 1.5 cm. Flowering in some species can continue from the end of April to mid-summer.

Frost (Gellebus)

This is an evergreen plant of the family of iltikovy, known for a long time due to its healing properties. Suitable for growing in the darkened areas, since the sunlight is practically not needed for growth and formation of obscenities.

Begins to grow in early springWhen it is still snowing on the plot. Flowers of the Frostyanik loved the gardeners with their unusual shape and color. Petals can be painted in red and white, purple or even black shade. Each colorhouse forms up to 3 buds, blooming several months.

When growing a freezer, it should be remembered that it has a rigid root system that does not tolerate the transplant.


Unpretentious evergreen plant of a coating type. It is a small teothelubal shrub that carries out on any plots. Blossom begins from the end of April and can continue to the first frost.

A characteristic shiny and dense leaves are formed on the bush, as well as single five-point flowers usually lilac colors. When growing, it is important to trim the fall in the fall to ensure the growth of new shoots next season.

Mattering and tall flowers

This is a small group of shadow-colored colors, but they can be found almost everywhere. They are used to create shady flower beds and rocaries, growing under the cover of garden trees, shrubs or in the shade of the house.


The plant has a spectacular appearance, for which many gardeners loved. The flower belongs to the camneur family, well tolerates the shadow and unfavorable climate. Rogersy refer to K. exotic plantsHowever, it is unpretentious to care and cultivation.

A bush, depending on the variety, can have a length of 70 to 130 cm. On it there are large and powerful disseated leaves, having a green color, changing color by the end of the season. The flowers are collected in a complex belt, and the petals have a white or cream shade. Blossom continues from mid-July to the end of summer. Rogerscia is often used to decorate flower beds and mixboraders, but the plant grows best next to water, as well as in a rocky garden.


An unpretentious herb plant of a family of ilokovye, which has the name of the catchment. In nature, there are more than 100 species that differ in the length of the bush and the color of the petals. In the conditions of medium latitudes, it is best to grow hybrid varietieswho have greater stability and immunity.

The leaves are growing straight on the stem, do not have stuffs. A bush reaches up to 1 meter in height. Flowers can be painted in a wide variety of shades depending on the variety, and the petals are located in two layers, 5 pieces in each.

During flowering, this gentle plant can decorate any garden. Akvilia is often used to decorate the flower and rocaries. Especially winning flower looks in the Gardens of English style. The formation of the bush passes for 2 years, so to obtain abundant flowering, timely trimming is required.

Anemone (windy)

From the Greek language, the name of the plant is translated as a "daughter of winds", since the petals of the flower of the anemone are sensitive even to minor gusts of the wind. Refers to the family of iloki, it is almost everywhere in the regions of the middle strip.

Annemon is a herbaceous plant up to 1 meter long, but more often there are varieties with a shorter stem. Tooth leaves are located vertically. During flowering, an umbrella is formed from flowers containing a large number of Petals of the most different color. The diameter of one flower can reach 7 cm, as well as have an elegant embossed texture. Anemones are long blooming and practically not exposed to diseases.

When choosing a variety, it is important to take into account the features of the root system, from which care depends largely. You can find tongue or rhizuy anemones on sale.


The tall plant of the camnery family, widespread in landscape design. Geichera got great popularity not only because of beautiful flowers, but also because of unusual large leaves, having a different color and texture depending on the variety. This is a very decorative plant with which you can decorate any garden from the beginning of the spring until the onset of the first frosts.

The height of the stem does not exceed 50 cm, the bush is formed by dense and leathery toothed leaves, which are located on long cuttings. Blossom continues almost all summer, small flowers are collected in simple blizzes. The color of petals can be red, creamy, white or pink.

For the home garden it is desirable to choose decorative-deciduous varieties of geihans, among which there is a wide variety of shades and forms of leaves. In addition, they are more unpretentious and easy to care.

Flowering and seasonality

In order for the plants in the garden with their blooming the whole season, it is desirable to choose them depending on seasonality. Such combination allows you to achieve abundant and constant flowering, regardless of the conditions of illumination and climate.

  • Spring flowers. These are early varieties and types of plants that do not require a large amount of sunlight to form inflorescences. As a shadowless spring colors for the cottage, snowdrops, dicentrum, valley and prolescu are recommended. Brounner feels particularly comfortable in the spring, and with the help of their miniature and gentle colors, you can create whole decorative compositions. In addition, colors with spring blossoms include some varieties of hosts and azaleas;
  • Summer. This is the most numerous group of teothelubil plants, the bloom of which falls on summer time. Among them are especially popular to Flox, Astilba and Akvilia. Often, to decorate street plots in summer, primulus, geyhera and cuffs are used. Plants having summer flowering, usually the brightest and expressive in the country area;
  • Autumn. Their flowering begins when other flowers already form fruit. As a rule, these are frost-resistant and unpretentious varieties capable of growing even in cold conditions. The most common autumn perennials are some of the types of hosts, an oreman ordinary, golden and Tiall.

Experienced gardeners and landscape design professionals are able to create whole compositions consisting of different groups of plants, which is especially important when planning mixboraders. Accounting for the features and time of the formation of umbrellas allows you to achieve almost year-round flowering on the household plot. This is recommended to create a list or table with an indication of the vegetative period of each plant.

The garden is a complex system in which all elements must be complemented and combined with each other. Therefore, it is desirable to plant annual and perennial plants not only different in height and volume, but also by the specifics of the location. So, high popularity among gardeners enjoy the teen-bobbed perennials, capable of blooming there, where other plants do not even take root. With the help of them, you can create various garden compositions, as well as place a flowerub, mixtore, roccorder or alpine slide.

There are always places in the garden that most of the day are in the shade. But even the most shady garden can be decorated with many various plantswho will fully develop and delight their owner. Telebobile plants do not always bloom in the garden, but possess beautiful foliage.

Specialists advised to acquire plant saplings only in specialized and proven stores.


The host is a decorative deciduous perennial plant. Hosts bushes have a bright color. They can be blue, green, sizy with contrasting border or strips of brighter.

Set bushes in a half, in places protected from wind. The bushes cover a large space of land around them with their foliage. By this, they suppress the growth of weeds and almost do not need soil looser. Host a steady shrub to diseases, but it is susceptible to frequent attacks of slugs and snails.

You can land the host not only in open soil, but also in wide pots, decolate with uncomfortable corners of the garden.


PerennialWith which the ground part is dying for the winter. Comfortably feels in the shadows and tolerates high soil moisture. There are about 400 species. Their size varies from 15 to 400 cm.

Blooming the plant starts from July, blooming lasts 25-35 days. Flowers are collected in meselkovoid inflorescences of 10-60 cm high. Coloring are also different, but the most attractive looks on white, pink, purple and red anstills.

Long drought, poor soil, open and hot sun can destroy the plant. In arid weather, it is watered twice a day, in the morning and evening.


Motherland Plant is China. There Astilboides grows in ravines and forests. The height of the plant is about 30 cm, while the diameter of the leaves is 70 cm, which grow on long stiffs. Coloros grows in 1.5 m height. Flowers on it are small, collected in inflorescences similar to metels.

The bush is moisture, and if the soil is moistened enough, he transfers bright sunlight, but still it is better to plant it in a half. Perfectly tolerate frost without shelter. Astilboides feed 2-3 times per season with organic fertilizers. The transplant does not need for years. Old foliage is cut off.


The unusual and beautiful plant of the family of comprehension, which will decorate any country area or garden. A buczital flowers with bright yellow-orange inflorescences that attract attention.

The shrub is hardening for weather conditions, does not need a mulch for the winter period. Growing decades in one place, without needing to transplant. Can grow on any soil, even if it is heavy and clay. But still prefers wet and fertile land in the shade. Under the right sunlight, the bush will be faded and have a non-primable look.

The bubblynik has strong and elastic branches, but during flowering he needs a garter. Also, tapping the plant is necessary if it grows on a windy plot.

Bruunner (Necessive)

Although this long-term shrub and blooms, but still his beauty is foliage. It appears throughout the season, which gives a shrub of freshness and elegacity. Prefers adhesive or solar places with wet fertile soil.

Brunner is a frost-resistant bush. In order for it to be lush, the soil is mounted on the winter, the soil or peat with a fruit. In the spring time, feed the mineral fertilizer. The plant is ill, extremely rare.


Badan is also a perennial plant that can have long to grow without transfers. In the next 10 years after disembarking, it is not for sure to replant. A bush has a thick rhizome, located close to the surface. It has large shiny leaves of a rounded form.

Blossom shrub is purple, bright pink or white, creating a beautiful contrast of green foliage. It happens in the late spring and lasts 20 days. Badan fits perfectly into the design of rocky gardens.


Shrub has splashing bushes with abundance of white inflorescences. The period of flowering from June to the end of July. Its height is about 2 m. Volzhanka is quietly growing both in the sun and in the shade. But grown under the open sun, the wrapping shrubs weakly develop. The best soil for landing will be wet soil with drainage.

The plant is unpretentious in care. May grow in one place for 15-20 years. Although it is resistant to cold, but for the winter gardeners insulate it. Propagated by the division of the bush, cuttings and through the seed.


The main advantage of this herbaceous plant is his bright and diverse foliage palette. Its leaves are painted in the most unpredictable colors, for example, in gray, white or cream, purple, brown or red.

Most of the grades of geihans have a presentable view, starting with early spring and ending in deep autumn. Frequently fallen first snow covers a plant with foliage. Gardeners love Geyhera not only for her beauty, but also for unpretentiousness in care and shadowness. If the bush grows on good soil, he does not need feeding, resistant to pests and diseases.

Dicentre (broken heart)

A perennial plant with a height of 30 to 100 cm. Its green leaves with a SIZY Tint, the shape is peristracted. Flowers in the shape of heart, reddish or pink, drooping, about 2 cm in diameter. They are assembled on an arcuate branch, which is elevated above the bush.

Place for landing is prepared from autumn, pumping and fertilizing the area by humus. For the season 2-3 times feed, weeds and loosen the soil. When drought needed an additional watering.

If you cut off the shutter brushes from the bush, then the flowering period increases.

Clopogon (Tsimacyfouga)

This herbaceous shrub was named thanks to insecticidal properties. Another shrub name is silver candles, it fully describes the beauty of the plant.

The height is 1-2 m. Dwarf grades are 60 cm. Foliage peristo-separated burgundy or green. Flowers a bush with long subtle inflorescences-candles height 20 cm. The inflorescence consists of tiny white colors with stamens, the effect of lace and translucent is created.

Often used in modern currents Landscape design.


The genus consists of more than 50 species. Most often in nature, they are found in the plain forests and the mountains of the northern hemisphere. The plant has a curved stem with bright green leaves located in two rows. Flowers hang out of the sinuses.

Externally, it is similar to the lily of the valley, but it is not surprising, because they are from one family of Lily. Therefore, I can sometimes call the deaf lily. These cute bushes have medicinal properties. With their help, cordially vascular diseases and pains in the lower back.


Ferns are found in almost any climate, ranging from coniferous forests to the tropics. Thanks to the structure of their branches, which are called Wijah, fern looks pretty elegant.

This attractive view of the plant attracted our ancestors who saw something magical and charming in it. A lot of myths and legends retells about fern. But today, gardeners use it as a decorative plant on their flower beds and in the gardens.

Huting a fern on the plot, most importantly, pick up for it the right place, darkened and wet.


Rogeria is a major perennial, refers to decorative deciduous plants. In the family of 8 species whose homeland is Japan and China.

White blizzard blooms, reaching in this period 120 cm. Falcaster leaves. Caring for this perennial, you need not only to water and feed it, but also clean the curtain from the leaves and the stems that died.

Having put on his garden plot, the owner will immediately celebrate its dominance in the flower bed.


it beautiful flower A diameter is about 3-8 cm, as a rule, two- or three-color. Most often there are white, yellow, pink, blue, blue and purple colors. The period of flowering May-July.

The reproduction occurs by dispersion of seeds, and already seeds are diverting and transplanted to a permanent place. The division does not specify them, as adult plants do not tolerate transplants.

The flower is planted both in the shady corners of the site and under the sun. Aquaille tolerates any soil well, but it develops better on loose sandy soils with sufficient moisture.

Gerana Sadovaya

These flowers bloom beautifully, forming picturesque thickets. Their leaves retain their decorative ViewStarting with early spring and ending with the first snow in the fall. Winter is easily transferred, without any preparation. Quickly grow up.

Flowers have a bush large, about 4-5 cm in diameter. Leaves deeply dissected. In the spring and summer they are green, and in autumn - red or red-orange.

Geranium drought resistant. It grows on any soil, but prefers well-drained, moisturized, without stagnation of water soil.


Gardeners love perennial shadowless hydrangea flowers for her beautiful and long blossom, which begins in the spring, continues all summer and ends late in the fall. The garden in which hydrangea flowers will not be inconspicuous, since the color range of inflorescence of the plant is diverse, ranging from cream color and ending with blue and red.

The bush grades of hydrangea grow to 1-3 meters in height. Lyanovoid varieties reach 30 meters. Also, the plant can be evergreen or leaf fall.

Interesting to know! The color of large hydrangea depends not only on its variety. It changes depending on the pH of the soil and the amount of aluminum in it.

Features of growing and care

To achieve in a shadow flower bed of lush greenery and bright flowering, you need to properly care for plants.

Most of the chapel-billed species require abundant moisture. Especially need to irrigate late springWhen it starts hot weather. Plants watered, without waiting for their wilt.

All plants, in addition to wild, need and periodic feeding fertilizers. It is also important to explode the soil, because then the inhabitants shady garden Will be easier to absorb moisture from the soil.

Rules for creating beautiful flowerbile plant flower beds

Of the tepeless plants are collecting a variety of flower beds. Popularly enjoy multi-level plantings and island flower beds. Locking shrubs and flowers, follow the schemes. On 1. square meter Spring no more than 10 soil bushes, 5 average, 7 lowered and 3 tall plants. Then the flowerba will not only look harmoniously, but shrubs will feel good.

Telebobile plants are in demand at gardeners. All because they are perennial and will delight the owners with bright colors not one year with minimal and simple care.

In each garden there will be a place that, because of its shaders, remains pale and dull. Such places are found under the crown of high trees, along the fences and walls of the buildings. Sometimes it becomes even a problem, since moss begins in such places. In this situation, the gardener comes to the aid of the gardener. Correctly picking up and disembarking them, you solve the problem with the design of the shadow area not for one year.

In relation to the illumination of the growing area, all plants, including perennial, can be divided into light-minded, teothelubile and shadowish.

Plants are light-minded prefer to be well lit during the day of the day, in other conditions they can be very pulled out and will not bloom. Shadowish-like - love solar plots, but well tolerate light shading, however, can bloom less intense. And the reporting wells feel well in the shade. Such plants in the sun can get burns and dried.

To choose the right place for each of them, it is also necessary to figure out what the shaded areas are.

- The shadow calls the places where sunlight falls less than three hours during the day. Regardless of the time of day (in the morning, day or evening).

"Sentena is when the sun gets into a plot of more than three hours a day (most often only in the morning or in the evening).

- A rarellic shadow is formed under a delicate crown of trees, when sunlight penetrate between the foliage.

- Deep shadow is such places where sunlight does not penetrate almost completely or for a very short time.

In nature, for each such places there will be suitable plants. To choose them to pick them up and form a flower garden, which will look decoratively the whole season, it is also necessary to determine the time of flowering of those or other reporting perennials.

The success of any design is a harmonious combination of its key elements that is achieved with the help of the right ...


Although the spring sun is not very active, but while the leaves on the trees have not yet appeared, the spring of the branches feel well the spring primroses feel well. Snowdrop (Galanthus) and SCILLA (SCILLA) - forest residents and therefore grow in the shade of them naturally and comfortable. A small shadension is perfectly tolerated Muscari (Muscari), Narcissus (Narcissus), frost-resistant varieties of Candy or Eritronium (Erythrónium), Pushkinia Beauty (Hepatica), and "broken hearts" dicentra (Dicentra).
Suitable perennials for landing Even in a dense shadow are the valley (Convallaria). Beautifully look at the curtains from the valley in the shady corner of the garden.



In areas where the sun appears only in the morning clock, I will ideally feel Brunner (Brunnera). For small blue flowers, forming miniature clouds from inflorescences, it is also called fore-free. Begins blossom in May and finishes by July. But not only the flowers are good Brunner, after flowering, it is also decorative due to large beautifully colored leaves. Brunner is indispensable for rocaries, mixboraders. This plant will help the flowerflower in the filling of shady and outlined places.


Ayuga (Labor)

Not in vain a cute soil plant Ayuga (AJUGA) received the second name - a luggage. It can grow practically in any conditions. And what is important - shadowfully. In a short period of time creates a dense beautiful carpet. After all, its leaves can be burgundy, green and chocolate shade. Flowers Ayuga in May. At low (10-15 cm), the blooming forms a false spikelet made of a dozen small blue-purple flower. Blossom is long and therefore the carpet of the luggage acquires a bluish shade. Wonderfully suitable for shady stone gardens. It can make a slope and slopes.

An example of the design of a springtorm flower garden you can see on the proposed scheme. The top tier of the mixboarder is represented by teothelubile shrubs.

Magonia Padoliste (Mahōnia Aquifōlium) - evergreen shrubThey bloom in the spring, have a spicy fragrance. It grows from 30 to 100 cm. It gives up a haircut well. Leather leaves are very decorative. Reddish in spring, they become dark green and brilliant in summer, and in the fall acquire a bronze tint. Shadowish plant.

Magonia Padoliste

Rhododendron Atlantic

Rhododendron Atlanticum (rhododendron Atlanticum) is a leafy shrub growing up to 60 cm. Winter-hardy and shadowish. Leaves appear simultaneously with colors in May. Flowers - fragrant white with a pinkish tint of an asterisk collected in a brush. The leaves in the fall become bright yellow.

Azalea Sadovaya (Azalia, Azalea) is very beautiful. It will not grow in the sun and in a thick shadow. She needs half. Azalea is rather demanding in caring, but when it blooms in May, the flowers cover the whole bush so that even the leaves becomes not visible. It looks awesome beautiful!

Azalea Sadovaya

The medium tier filled plants with beautiful leaves.

Women's jigger

Female Kochrier (Athyrium Filix-Femma) - fern with gentle beautifully dissected foliage height about meters. Teleboy plant. Morious. Unpretentious.

Badan Tolstive (Bergénia Crassifólia) - evergreen perennial. Its dark green leaves, thick and rounded, do not die in winter. Spring from under the snow begin to look out his brownish-green ears-leaflets. In the fall, they acquire bright red. Large inflorescences - panicles consist of pink flowers blooming in May. Shadowish and unpretentious in care.

Tolstive Badan

Host planting

Host Plantaginea (nosta Plantaginea) - has large bright green heart-shaped leaves. Sheet shape and pronounced streaks resemble a planter leaf. On high flower table there are large white stars flowers that have a gentle aroma of lilies. Flowers in August. But all kinds of hosts are valued primarily for large and beautiful leaves. Very shadowed, survives in such places where other plants may die.

Host White Camered (Hosta Albo-Marginata) - a plant with very beautiful oval-pointed white-green leaves. Purple bell-like flowers are collected in inflorescence. Flowers in July. Like other types of hosts, a shadowless plant.

Host White Caymal

Fascular violet

Decoration of the lower tier serves the violet sully (Viola Odorata). This is a gentle forest guest, and therefore shadowed and unpretentious. Everyone knows her miniature purple butterfly flowers with a wonderful aroma. She blooms in May, and then again at the end of summer. there is decorative varieties from large flowers White, dark purple and reddish-purple color.


Summer - sunny time. But at this time of year there are teen-born garden flowers and shrubs. Using the example of the design of the summer-waving shadow mixlener, we will get acquainted with such plants.

With a Badan with a thick and host, we are already familiar to spring flower beds. These plants are decorative all warm season, so they are often used in landscape design.

In our composition, there was a central place in the digitalis - a two-year unpretentious plant. She feels good enough both in the sun and in the shade. High (more than one and a half meters) The floweros crowned one-sided spikes from large bells. Coloring them is very diverse. It may be pink, white, yellow, purple, red, as well as with a pattern in the form of blurry spots and dark dots. It blooms almost all summer. Very beautiful but poisonous plant.


The background serves magnificent bushes of two types of hydrangeas: Hydranges of the tree (Hydrangea Arborescens) and hydrangea of \u200b\u200blarge-scale or garden (Hydrángea Macrophýlla). This type of shrubs loves a loose shadow. Blooms in summer. Beautiful colors of pink flowers, blue and white color Close almost the entire bush and look incredibly beautiful.

Hydrangea Large (garden)

Flox Plows

Also, the upper tier is also occupied by phlox paniculata (Phlox Paniculata) - a perennial having many varieties. The color of them is very diverse, there are two-color. The height ranges from 60 cm to 1.3 m. Flowers are collected in sufficiently dense inflorescences various shapes. Flower all summer and some varieties even in autumn. Shadowish and unpretentious plant, but sensitive to drought.

The middle tier together with the hosts and Badan is occupied by perennial teothelubile flowers - Astilba (Astilbe) and Aquilegia (Aquilegia). Astilb can be called versatile plantShe can grow almost everywhere. But an ideal place For her is the half. Appreciated by designers for beautiful blurred inflorescences made of small flowers of various color. Flowers in summer. (More information about this elegant plant can be found). Aquaille is also an amateur manual. The charm she attaches an unusual form of a flower with spur. Color color is diverse - both one-color and two-color. For the ability to assemble in the flowers of water droplets, she was given the second name - a catchment.


The lower tier is decorated with a mild cuff (Alchemilla Mollis), Geihana (Heucra) and Garden Primulus (Primula).

The cuff is a fluttering perennial with unremarkable greenish-yellow flowers. The main advantage of this plant is rounded fan-shaped leaves, with a slightly concave blades, which miraculously delay dew droplets, giving the plant additional charm. Practically does not suffer from the illumination of the site. It feels normally everywhere.

Cuff (flowers)

Geikhera is a very popular plant due to decorative leaves and a small (up to 50 cm) height. Rough-blade pubescent leaves are collected in a socket. The color of them is diverse: green, red, yellow, silver gray. Flowers, similar to the bells, are collected in small rubber blinks of white and reddish-pink shades. Loves shaded places.


Primula or primrose is a beautiful flower, a variety of its species allows you to ensure flowering of flowering flowering from spring to autumn. In our case, presented primula, blooming in summer period. Primories are mostly low, rounded leaflets form a socket. Flowers are collected in a group (bouquet) and have a variety of coloring both monophonic and two-color. They do not like straight sun rays, prefer to grow in a half.

Primula (primrose)

You can remember such summer teothelubile garden flowers like Barwin (Vinca), gelenium (Helenium), bells (Campanula), forget-me-not (Multiflorum), Roger (Rodgersia) and others.


No discard


In the fall, gradually the Sun loses its activity, the flowering of plants goes to the decline, but nevertheless you can create an attractive shadow flower bed at that time. Turn to the scheme.

As you can see, the autumn composition does not indulge us blossom. Now plants with beautiful leaves come to the rescue. Among them are a variety of hosts, namely Ziboldi (Hosta Sieboldii), bloated (Hosta Ventricosa) and Wavy (Hosta undulata). Hybrid Astilbe (Astilbe), blooming at the beginning of autumn with pretty metels at the beginning of autumn. It pleases flowering and Cimicifuga Rasemosa, growing up to 2 m. It has small flowers, white, collected in the pyramidal inflorescence, have a specific drug smell. Stem and leaves of this type of clockon green-purple, which is also decorative. Because Klopogon - forest plant, it warks great in the shade.

Host Zibold
Host Zibold
Host bloated

Host wavy

There's no such thing cottage plotwhere there would be no buildings and high trees, fruit or decorative. And if all this is present, therefore, there is a shadow that does not allow to grow light-loving vegetables in this zone. But this problem is solved. This article tells about the types of colors ready to bloom in the shade.

Often, the gardener with sadness looks at the empty sections of his plot, not knowing how to transform them. Walls of economic buildings, a thick crown of trees, fruit and decorative shrubs create a certain amount of shadow, and most plants simply die from lack of light. Therefore, the gardener should be aware that there are many colors that not only carry shading, but also much worse growing in the sun.

Selecting the flowers for shady seats, it is necessary to carefully read the growing agricultural engineering, which has a responsible manufacturer on the packaging. In addition, the shadow is different in the intensity.


Stable or deaf, as it is more often called, it's when the sun's rays do not make their way into this place throughout the day.


Partial shadow implies shading at some time lapse, depending on the position of the daylight.


In a dense shadow, ninexils are gorgeous, uniform, combined, bought. For a freezer, primrose, astilbies, Geraniums dark will need good humidification and soil nutrition. Only in this case they will grow well and develop in shady places.


The scattered shadow is formed in areas where the sun's rays penetrate through the foliage of the trees. Such shadow is preferable for many plants.
In addition to the degree of centers of the site, the humidity of the soil should also be taken into account, and its fertility.

The scattered shadow created by high plantations is suitable for Lilynikov and Lupins. In such places, Mint pepper and Melissa grows well. In addition, some plants are not only not afraid of shadows, but prefer such places.
This is the difference between the shadowless and tenetic colors.

Perennials growing in the shade

Most of the challenges and shadowable plants can be found among perennials. Flowering considerable part falls on early spring, when the kidneys on the trees are just beginning to bloom. Therefore, planting of teothelubil plants in the attractive circles not only decorate the countryside, but also saves the sowing square.


One of the few perennials that most fully reveals its decorative qualities in a deep shadow. This fact defines the status of the flower - the queen of the shady garden. Although it should be related and noted that this applies not to all varieties of hosts.
On a note. In the thick shadow, hosts grow slower, but form larger leaves. And the plant itself becomes higher and strong.
In one place, the flower can grow about 20 years if due care will be carried out.

This high perennial is also a challenge. Its landing can be carried out on sites with any degree of shaded. However, it is necessary to take into account that a thick shadow will weaken the abundance of flowering. Therefore, the place where the sun penetrates for 2-3 hours in the morning or in the evening will be the perfect option.
Landing in open solar places can lead to a burning of the delicate openwork foliage of the Astilba. The plant will require frequent watering and mulching of the soil.

Ideal for growing in sites with light shading. In a short period, it forms fluffy blooming mats that convert empty places near the trees and shrubs.

Flowers at violet fillets, up to 3 cm in diameter, purple or blue, but abundant blooming creates the impression of the forever blue cleaner

With the spring division of the bush, the violet will bloom in the same year. Autumnal transplant will allow the flower to form a good root system, and the flower will bloom in the spring of next year.

When choosing a place for this flower, it is best to stop your choice on a seventeater area, because the flower does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Athonite bush can reach a height of 1m, and requires divisions every 3-5 years. Flowers are painted in all shades of blue and lilac.

On a note. All parts of acronite poisonous. Therefore, work related to the planting of the flower should be carried out in gloves.

Unpretentious teothelubal perennial, with large heart-shaped leaves. Small blue flowers are collected in a sweater. Blossom starts in April and lasts for a month. In nature, it grows in the forests, so it can be grown in garden sites among trees and shrubs.

Excellent flower for a half, where the soil is well moistened and fertile. In such conditions, the plant dissolves many flowers in the form of stars of different color. They can be white, red, pink and blue. Update landings are necessary every 3-4 years, because the decorative quality of the flower weakens.

And another Aquaille is called a catchment. After the rain or morning dew, the flowers of the flower are filled with water droplets, which are transfused by all the colors of the rainbow in the rays of the rising sun.

A perennial thumping plant that is not terrible shadow. Early, the spring of Barwinka dismisses purple or blue flowers with which it is practically padded.

The rooting of Barwinka passes quickly and painlessly. In principle, this work can be carried out in any warm season of the country's season, as the transplant will be carried out in a shady space, and the plant will not suffer from sunlight.

Most effectively looks in shady places when white flowers dissolves with tender aroma. After flowering in their place, a fruit is formed, a small berry that matches the end of summer.

On a note. A pretty red bodie of the combination contains poisonous substances. It is possible, so it is called "wolf berry."

Coupura refers to medicinal plants.

Classic option for filling out empty places under the crowns of trees and along the fences. A fragile and charming flower has quite aggressive properties. The powerful root system allows him to grow very quickly and capture new squares.

To limit his place of growth, you can wear a slate slicer into the ground to a depth of about half a meter. It will not allow roots to go beyond the reserved area.

The most charming primrose with a variety of bright flowers of the most diverse color. Prefers hemalete, so the landing under fruit trees and shrubs will be the most good place for them.

Fix primors almost immediately after the snowmap and bloom until the end of May. At this time, the foliage on the trees is just gaining strength and passes a sufficient amount of light.

Cauls can decorate any secluded garden corner. Shadow and wet soil are the main conditions for growing green beauties. They can be seated by one and groups, it all depends on the size of an adult plant. In the second case, when landing should consider the squeeziness of the leaves and leave the distance between the bushes about half a meter.

Relief fern from dispute, which can be bought in a specialized store. And the plants existing on the site determine the division of the bush.

Ferns are not demanding to soils. Can grow on poor, devoid of nutrients, sites. But each gardener needs beautiful and lush plantTherefore, early in the spring ferns should be filled with complex mineral fertilizers. To maintain humidity of the soil planting mulch.

In the fall, the fat leaves are not cut off, they will serve as an additional shelter for the root system, and supply it with nutrients. Spring shoots are able to break through all layers of mulch and old foliage. This creates conditions close to grow fern in nature.

After 3-4 years, when the time comes to transplant the plants, the root part should be cleaned from the dried stems of the past years, and the fern is given a new shady site.

Flowers growing in the shade: video

Tomnants growing in the shade

Where wilted early discharge flowers, there were no very attractive places with a coup foliage. Annual plants will "hide" them will help, among which also have species that can cope with the shading.

Right flower from Central America, where it is cultivated as a perennial. And on the expanses of Russia, it is grown as an annual culture and multiply annual seeds in seedlings. Bright, multicolored painting of pretty large flowers will be a decent decoration of the country area. In addition, flowers have an aroma, which will accompany the gardener the entire period of blossoming of fragrant tobacco.

Flowers, in the form of stars (up to 8 cm in diameter), are blue and lilac, crimson and pink, yellow and white. It should be noted that this is the merit of breeders: in nature, fragrant tobacco is found exclusively with white painting flowers.

Many gardeners believe that the flower has lost its relevance, became obsolete and not particularly attractive, and completely in vain. Nasturtium is truly universal. Dwarf varieties You can use as a border or soil plant, their height is only 15-20 cm.

Curly varieties can reach 2.5 m and perfectly look in vertical landscaping. Thickets of nasturtium along the arbors, terraces, unsightly economic buildings fill the air with a pleasant aroma.

Medium-sized plants (height up to half meter), can be grown in containers - suspended or ground, under fruit trees and shrubs. The main thing is that the shadow is scattered, and not deaf.

Grow nasturing from seeds. Someone resorts to a seaside way, and someone sows them directly to the ground. In any case, it should be remembered that the flower has a superficial and very gentle root system. Therefore, if the gardener wants to get earlier flowers, it is better to use peat packaging so as not to injure the plant at the moment of transplant.

Shoots appear in 10-14 days. Young sprouts do not tolerate even the slightest drop in temperature, and it must be remembered, living seeds immediately into open ground.

Flowers in nasturtiums are relatively large, their diameter is 4-5 cm. They can be terry, semi-grade, simple and have an elegant color. Pink, salmon, dark-red, yellow and bright orange.
The scattered shadow will save the leaves of nagging from burns, and flowers - from burnout.

Another lednik, preferring half. He will grow well under the shadow of garden trees and shrubs. And under the groaning rays of the sun and in an open place, blowing up with all winds, the flower will not be able to survive.

Growing Balsamin Garden Begins in March Sowing seeds to seedlings. Next, the segments pass the dive stage, and with the arrival of sustainable heat, grown bushes are transferred to open soil.

Seed sowing and directly on the plot, but in this case the flowering will come much later.

Plant care is not complicated. Regular watering and feeding with mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen-containing substances contribute to the formation of buds.
Flowers Balzama Garden abundantly and long, from the beginning of June and to cold weather. Terry or simple flowers Have a bright saturated color. From pink to dark red, from lilac to violet.

Vanka wet, as the flower is called in the people, often grown as a room plant. But in the conditions of the apartment it should be protected from direct sunlight.

To create charming flower beds in the shady corners of the garden, you need to be patient and familiarized with the list of colors for which these places will be the most suitable option.

It is quite difficult to equip the shady places of the garden, because there are few plants that like these conditions. If it is a shadow near a large tree, the soil in this place is usually pretty fruitless and too wet. The arrangement of such a non-microgenic place should be thought out thoroughly. The most reliable plants for shadow angles or ledges located on the north side are ivy, ferns and borwinki, which will certainly grow even in very poorly illuminated places. When we have more ambitions, you can try to grow other brake plants for the garden, preferably perennial unpretentious.

There are no species growing in the sun, there are no such choice in the shade. Many plants allow partial shading (become less painted or less abundant blooming), but there are shaded areas in the garden with a small amount of sunlight. In such conditions, there are, for example, plants growing from the northern wall of buildings or under the crowns of trees and shrubs.


Ferns can grow in the shade, they need to provide moderately wet soil.

The most popular in the gardens the following ferns:

Delighted plants

Below are the soil perennials with photos that dwell the soil and transfer shading.

Ivy, European hoofer, Barwin

These plants impose very low lighting requirements. Ivy ordinary, European hoofer and balquer ordinary are better growing on fertile, wet soil, but also suffer the worst position. These plants will definitely solve even very shaded places.

Calusing luggage

This perennial grows by clusters, creates creeping shoots underground, can be grown in shaded places, protects the soil from landslides. Plant flowers blue flowerscollected in the inflorescence of the ear. Bowls flowers from May to August, garden grades Often have brown-red leaves.

Rearnnik fragrant

These teen-bique flowers bloom from April to June, small flowers are collected in a bunch. The plant makes a smell similar to the hay.

Pahisandra Uphechnyy

Japanese milk (Pakhizandra) - evergreen plant. Flowers in May, it has quite imperceptible flowers. These shadowish plants For the garden they can be grown in the shade of trees, beautifully dying the soil with green carpet.


The plant includes teothelubiovy annuals or perennials of the camneur family. The name of the plant is obliged to use during diseases of the spleen. A long-term spleen like wet soil, has evergreens, leathery leaves. Plant in May with small star flowers, white, in the middle of red, collected in loose bakery.

Camery shadow

Small perennial plants often form an extensive, not blooming turrender. Camery is a widespread plant throughout the northern hemisphere. Pink flowers collected in thick inflorescence. Camelights like half-hearted and wet position with fertile soil. The plant looks very decorative in mass, on large spaces.

Herbs, well carrying shading

Some herbs grow great in the shade. Consider what shadowable plants are most popular from the group of grassy.

Snowy Snowy, Forest

Snowy and Forest and Forest High Resources - well-known teothelubiy perennials. It is possible to plant extricas under the trees and shrubs, but it cannot be constantly in a deep shadow.

Forest vessel - evergreen plant with leaves with long hair.


Oatman Siza, Bolotnaya oatmeal, Low School is an evergreen or a native shaded shadowy perennial from the family of cereals.

Low spelled perennials

Fascular violet

These are excellent teen-bique garden flowers with small blue-violet flowers and an exceptionally pleasant smell. Flowers violet from March to May, it is growing easily, spreads pretty quickly. It is important to take into account her ability to quickly spread around the garden until the violet occupied unplanned areas.


Red Medicarian flowers in March-May, brick-red flowers, the plant has a height of 30-40 cm, can grow under trees, shrubs.

Median Sugar - plant for sexual and shadow places. Loves wet and fertile soil. It has decorative, dark green leaves decorated with contrasting white-silver spots. Flowers originally have coral and red, when disclosure become pink, blue or purple. Flowers from March to April. The plant forms dense, dense, hinder the Earth of bushes.

The liver is noble

Herbal evergreen liver creates low carpets, the leaves in good conditions are preserved throughout the winter - on the top of the green, and the yellowish tint have a yellowish. It can be used as a green carpet under high trees.

Lily of the valley

These flowers breed rhizomes, adore shaded places. However, in a strong shadow, it bloom less, but the leaves are well developed. The valley requires position, at least half a day, not lit by the sun. Small flowers of the bell-shaped shape with a characteristic aroma.

Garden Frost

This amazing flower The first blooms in our gardens. In a soft winter, flowers may appear even in December. The freezer should grow on shady positions: in wet and secluded places.

Doronikum East

Plant flowers in May golden yellow flowers. It feels well on loose, wet garden soil, prefers sexuality positions, not strongly shaded.

The primrose is finely converted

This is the teen-born garden flowers, the strong sun harms the plant. Better primrose grows in a light half. The soil should be fertile, looming, constantly wet (in the summer it should not disappear). Soil reaction is neutral.

High perennial plants

Below are represented garden plants high heightwhich can grow in a partial shade.

Japanese host

The lounge or host is better growing on fertile, slightly wet ground in a half, although tolerates the solar position. The main decoration of the plant is large, interesting painted leaves.

Volzhanka ordinary

A perennial plant that generates large thickets up to 2 m high. Blurred scenery, blooms in June-July. Volzhanka - an extremely imaging herbal plant. The perennial is easy to grow, grows almost on each basis, in one place can grow many years. Frost-resistant, not susceptible to diseases, pests.

Voronets villagelike

The plant of the family of ilokone is also called the clockon. It is better grows in shaded or partially shaded places, blooms in August-September. Little flowers collected in a thick cluster resemble a candle, strongly smell. The inflorescences of the Voronez reach a height of 60 cm.

Towned buznel

Great grows in shady, wet places. On a bright sun can dry. A buczock has baskets with yellowish-floral flowers, blooms in August-September. Large leaves are also decorative.

Japanese anemone

Annemon loves half and sandy drum wet soils. Grow up to 90 cm. Flowers at the end of summer are usually pink flowers.


Cortose mattioli or russian - medium-high perennial, rarely found in our gardens, with decorative purple-purple leaves, flowers-bells. It blooms from May to July, the soil must be fertile, wet, position is a feverish.

Venus Bashmock

The shoe real or venerein belongs to the orchid family, rarely meets in the gardens. Loves shaded places and thickets, blooms in May, has a pleasant smell of vanilla and lemon.

Waller's Ladut

ImpoTiens Valerian - a grassy perennial race from Africa. In our climate is often grown as annual. Prefers to grow in the shade, it blooms abundantly in wide spectrum Flowers, flowers are very decorative. It has a long flowering period.


The perennial is known called False Spiray. Slice of the inflorescence will be revirting dark parts of the garden. Astilbe needs to ensure the relevant conditions - fertile and wet soil. Astilbami often planted shores of ponds, reservoirs.


Shadowish flowers for a garden with inflorescences similar to lilies, stable and easily grown. The perennial is well tolerates the half. There are many interesting varieties of loyers with original colors, some look like sprinkled with golden parolh, others have velvet petals, others resemble exotic butterflies.

Bulbous and tuber plants for sexuality positions


These are low plants with white hanging flowers, blooming in March, shadow they are not confused. Snowdrops are one of the first spring colors adorning the garden. They are tolerant to frost.

Dodecateon ordinary

Strevy plant, quite rarely found in our gardens, flower effectively, steady frost. Dodecateon can grow in a half, it should be planted in the company of other perennials, because after flowering it fades.


It belongs to the subfamily smokeyanka. Low or average gravy plant, grows in regions with temperate climates. Flowers in May flowers pink, blue, purple, white.

Ryabik chess

Grassy perennial with drooping flowers with a characteristic ripple pattern on the petals. It can be grown in dark and raw rocaris places, on spring flower beds, plant under bushes or on lawns in the garden.

Perennial shadowless shrubs

Common wolper year

This shrub should grow in the shade. Wolf berry (wolch year, niffan), early and plentifully blooms with pink or white flowers. In June-July, the wolper year gives fruit.

The fruits of wolf berries are very poisonous. No wonder the other name of the wolf berries is a deadly wolf. The plant can not be planted in the gardens in which children walk.


handsomely blooming shrub Hydrangea can grow in shady places, although in such conditions it blooms less. Better in the shadow grows by hydrangea.


These teothelubile shrubs prefer a half-life and even shadow, secluded and wind-protected positions. They bloom perfectly in May-early June. Rhododendrons need loose sandy-humus and acidic soil with moderate humidity.

Padub Ostrobist

Ostolist (ILEX Aquifolium) is a decorative shrub of the Paduboy family. May increase in the shade, in the company of high trees. The best places for ostolist are secluded, protected from wind, with not too large temperature fluctuations. Bright midday sun can "burn" holly leaves. The decorativeness of the hollow give spherical fruits, beautifully contrasting with dark green foliage. They stay on the bushes all winter, but the plant is sensitive to strong frosts.


A perennial race from America. In our climate is grown, as an annual, since it is afraid of frosts. Fuchsia can be planted for the summer to land in the ground shady or feud in the ground - this shrub does not like the strong sun. It is important to ensure sufficient soil moisture and regular fertilization. Fuccia blooms throughout the summer and autumn. In winter it should be transferred to the cool room.


The following trees also carry the shading well.

European beech

The tree grows perfectly on fertile and slightly wet soil. Beech can grow in the shade.

Clean ordinary

The ash grows pretty quickly, resistant to air pollution. May grow in medium soil (although it prefers fertile). The tree can be planted in a half.

Mountain ash

Rowan is a small, sustainable tree or shrub, grows on any soil, transfers shading. From summer to winter, the rowan is decorated with decorative orange-red fruits.


European and mountain elms - require wet, fertile soil. They are resistant to frost, can grow in the shade, but they can get a disease of the Dutch elm.

Canadian Tsuga.

Tsuga (Tsuga Canadensis) - conifer tree or shrub, preferring wet places, fertile soils. Dwarf varieties are suitable for small gardens, they can be planted on shady chapels, rockers.

Plants that can be grown under the trees

Under high trees that give a lot of shadows, you can grow the following plants:

  • liver;
  • snowdrops;
  • lily of the valley;
  • barwin;
  • luggage;
  • lump;
  • forget-me-not;
  • violets.

Plants for wet, coastal places

For planting on shady shores of reservoirs, in wet places are suitable:

  • astilba;
  • dumplings;
  • hellebore;
  • marsh marigold;
  • iris Japanese, Siberian, Iris Ordinary Yellow;
  • derbennik Ivolet;
  • european swimsuit;
  • verbaine dot;
  • strasting Anderson, Virginian;
  • ivy.

Fruit trees, shrubs, vegetables

In the shaded places, it is rather difficult to grow fruit cultures, because there are few challenge plants for cottages, a garden, a garden that likes such conditions. If the shadow gives a big tree, soil in this place is usually pretty fruitless and too wet. The choice of agricultural plants for shady places is smaller than decorative, but even in poorly lit places you can try to grow some fruits, vegetables or herbs. You need to choose plants that will at least transfer the half.

Berry shrubs, nuts

The largest selection of agricultural plants, ending the shadow among shrubs, as they are or were part of the forest litter.


This shrub is unpretentious, but it is worth filing the soil with plenty of compost. Currant can grow in a half, is resistant to frost. There is a choice:

  1. white currant (the most sweet, like children);
  2. red (more sour);
  3. black - fresh form is not too tasty, but excellent for canning, contains a lot of vitamin C.

The best date of the currant landing is Late Autumn. The currant bushes are best growing on humid, medium-heavy, sandy and linous soil with sufficient humidity.

Gooseberry, Yoshta

Gooseberry grows well in a half. He needs to provide a little better soil than currant: fertile, rather humid, with a weakly acidic reaction. The gooseberry has fruits with green, yellow or reddish peel, often covered with ferrous hairs. Some sorts of skin smooth and brilliant.

Yoshta is a black currant hybrid and a gooseberry. Good grows in half. Yoshta and gooseberry can be planted, for example, under the trees of Cherry.


This berry shrub May grow in shady places. Plant with very low solar needs, it will be suitable (sandy), acidic, humus, wet and air soils. It is worth planting blueberries by groups, because for polling it needs one more bush. Blueberry fruits contain micro- and macroelements - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, group V.

Leschin (forest walnut)

The forest walnut is resistant to low temperatures, does not require special soil-climatic conditions. Peat and too wet soil are not recommended. He likes the sun or hemale. The tree can grow in the shade, but gives less nuts. Unfortunately, pests often attack the plant.


Raspberries can grow in the sun or in a half, a resistant to frosts, droughts, does not impose increased soil requirements.


The shrub grows in a dry, light and sandy soil - the fruits are delicious, but the plant grow greatly, it is necessary to control its growth.


Plant with low soil requirements. Good grows on different soils. Withstand low temperatures up to -35 ° C. Prefers positions from fully solar to half, the plant is resistant to pests.


Dogwood garden - shrub unpretentious, grows well in the sun and in a half, tolerates lime soils, dry and contaminated air. In full shadow weakly fruits, has a loose form of the crown. Fruits edible in raw form. From Kizyl is preparing marmalade, jam, jam, tincture, compotes.

Fruit trees

Most fruit trees need the sun. In the half you can plant an apple tree. As a rule, in the descriptions of varieties it is indicated that the apple tree love the sun, but they can also grow and bring in places with fewer direct sunlight. Cherry and cherry trees can grow and fruit.

Vegetables and herbs

Choosing shadowish vegetable crops Very limited. You can plant:

  1. Petrushka - can grow on light, sandy dry soil.
  2. Red beet - it is better to sow on light, wet soil.
  3. Medical sage can grow in a half, on light, sandy, dry soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.
  4. Curly cabbage (Kale) is a two-year plant belonging to the cabbage family, prefers a cold climate. Cabbage transfers almost all types of soil provided that satisfactory drainage is provided. The plant does not like drought, transfers shading. Not amazed by pests and diseases. After freezing, the cabbage leaves become more delicate and have best taste, It contains more sugar, lose the characteristic bitterness, so they should be collected after the first frosts. Kale grows best in the cold months - November-December.
  5. Mint peppermint - loves the soil rather heavy, relatively wet.

What do you need to remember when planting plants in the shade?

  • many teen-born garden plants have dark green (sometimes shiny) leaves;
  • in such places it is worthwhile to avoid landing of perennials with two-color or multi-colored leaves (they will be unattractive and more difficult to grow);
  • do not put plants giving large flowers, with the exception of rhododendron and hydrangea;
  • care must be taken to ensure sufficient distances between the plants (too high thickening may be the cause of fungal diseases, increased mosquito activity);
  • to illuminate the shady angles, you should plant perennials with light colors leaves or flowers;
  • from deciduous shrubs, azaleas with creamy or pink flowers, hydrangea with beautiful, white flowers, samshet, catifice, dogwood, ligusers, Barwinka are perfectly well.
  • to make the composition of the club in interesting and varied, it is worth putting coniferous plants for the garden, which prefer shady places, for example, tees.


Owners of the gardens often struggle with the problem of using shady seats. As a rule, the cultivation of trees and shrubs does not represent a big problem, a situation with low plants, such as perennial, worse. Many species growing at such sites die or become less decorative. For proper choice Shady in the garden can be colorful and decorative.