Conspiracy husband from treason. Nature Magic - Nodes, Naud

Without love, our life would be different. Anyone who ever really was in love, knows what a wonderful feeling. It seems that the wings and a person can grow behind his back. The condition is one thing - love must be mutual. And if suddenly your favorite leaves you, the pain from the loss is so great that we fall into depression, poured tears streams and are not able to fulfill even simple tasks. Statistics says, and it does not lie that the highest mortality and most suicides are due to love. Because of love and men and women, make insane acts and are looking for salvation from magicians and sorcerers, conduct various rituals and read the inherent strongest and effective.

Snower in love affairs

Is it worth using an inherent in love

The man who left, trying to do everything to return his beloved. It can be:

  • conspiracies;
  • lovers;
  • divination;
  • sneakers.

People who have the most minimal attitude towards magic are also resorted to them. The amulets are to return love widely used and very effective.

After some time, the beloved will return to you and no one else will be needed.

Someone is trying to restore the former relationship as usual, hoping on the rational mind of his chosen one.

Others resort to the help of magicians, read the love spells, pronounce conspiracy and use inherent. But before making a rite or order it, we must thoroughly think about whether you really want to spend your whole life next to this person? If not, then call for help and use strong magic It is not recommended, this makes no sense. But if you are confident in your feelings, there is nothing wrong if otherworldly power will help you a little.

How and when

Presents are carried out only on Friday night. Best day border between full and new Moon. A good day is also the day of St. Agnes (January 21) or Valentine's Day (February 14). So, if you have a broken heart or love without reciprocity, use evenings for wonderful spells and strong conspiracies.

The kice on the guy will act more effectively if the feeling that you are experiencing to it, the present and truthful.

Important in charm at a distance is visualization of their char And the fact that they will not bring trouble to anyone.

In addition, when performing strong love spells must always be present common sense. Magic is a serious occupation and it is necessary to use it only for positive purposes.

Bind and fall in love

You are a woman and yours strong love Such as you can independently return your beloved and his love. It often happens that men are lost in this world and fall into cunning traps who put young women to attract his attention and pick up themselves.

So that the relationships are strong, joyful and happy need to do

So that the relationships were strong, joyful and happy need to be love spells, conspiracy, to do inherent on their own, then for your man you will be an ideal and love it will only be you. Only then, even made at a distance of the Song will be strong, and for your man, you will be the only one, unique, beloved. It will only be yours. Such conspiracies are very easy, and the effect of them is kept for a very long time.

Therefore, in the hands of a woman, her happiness and only it depends on the family to be mutual understanding and love, and life looked like a fairy tale.

Aphrodite necklace

Unusual in the form of beads, balls and beads, ride on the thread, wear on the neck and wear as a decoration. Such a necklace serves as an amulet who will attract and forever will inherent to your loved one.

Easy Lavr.

This spell will return a guy or a husband, who for some reason left you or changed with another woman. On Valentine's Day, burn a handful of laurel leaves, uttering aloud the name left you.

Magic Apple Piroga

Soul is performed on Valentine's Day, or when you noticed the unusual husband's behavior:

  • there was too much affairs at work;
  • constantly the head leaves for overtime;
  • often without it can not carry out production meetings (after work and on days and day);
  • does not want to dinner at home;
  • frequent business trips on weekends;
  • constantly calls somewhere.

You should think about the first "bells" who are trying to report on the brewing trouble. The further, the more Other woman, another woman appeared in the life of your man. And to prevent the care of you and from the family, urgent and effective measures should be taken and apple pie will help.

  1. Take a big red apple.
  2. Stoline it several times needle, loudly uttering the name of his beloved.
  3. Put an apple under the pillow.
  4. In the morning, knead the dough for the cake and add an apple there.
  5. The resulting cake treat your husband ( young man).

Difficult choice

At the very first signs of the unusual behavior of a man, you need to apply your strength and charm to keep it, because it is much more difficult to return than to leave. He has not yet left, he also comes home and sitting together with you and watching TV, makes lessons with children, helps pick up the baby from the kindergarten. He is in front of a difficult choice, he is given doubts. On a cup of his weights, the lover and the wife and the wife, with which they lived for several happy years, and also children lived on the basis of his scales.

Idle man to leave much easier, but in front of a married one gets up

The idle man go is much easier, but before a married one gets up with a difficult choice. But, no one is secret that at the age of 40-50 years old men comes a difficult period in life, they want to live for themselves, get rid of duties towards the family, feel young. And if the wife does not sympathize with him, does not support, but only laughs at his experiences, to leave the family easier. Experienced and smart women noticing that their man is tired of monographs days, trying to change life, change the style of clothing, pay a lot of attention appearanceBuy tickets to the theater and concert. They know if such simple methods Do not help, then a strong inherent and help of magic, which affects the object at a distance, will necessarily help her in it. The reading conspiracy, the sentence and the soup must be good foundations - love for her husband or partner and the desire to live with him one of all life.

Effective and strong

There are no inherent in your health. They will only give you a loved one, even which is at some distance from you. Strong inherent will help you forget the attraction to another woman and remember your feelings and love for you.

Bag Venus

  1. Sust a miniature red silk bag.
  2. Put in it a light pink candle.
  3. Dried apple peel.
  4. Rose petals.
  5. Two white pigeons feather.
  6. Drip some lemon or musky oil.
  7. Bag wear with you (on the neck, in your pocket, in a handbag). He will attract his loved home. After that, for him you will exist only.

Miracle - Rope

An old conspiracy that will help to tie firmly to her beloved.

  1. Take a rope with a thickness of 1 cm in diameter.
  2. On the rope, tie three strong nodes, wet them with water so that you do not unlease.
  3. Take twelve times:

    "As a rope is neither the end, the end knot will be. As if you, (the name of the man in a dimensional form: Ilyushenka, Vanechka, etc.), I did not run from me, my will ruin you. Love, the soul of the slave of God ( full name Men, (Ilya, Ivan, etc.), the soul of the slaves of God (its full name, Olga, Anna, Ksenia, etc.) "

  4. Do not tell anyone about the rite spent. Rope hide well so that no one can find it. Your life and happiness depends on it.
  5. Rope can be stored all my life. Get rid of the conspiracy, you can only unleash three nodes.

Nasked garlic

On the bow or garlic head, write a red marker or handle, the name of your beloved. Put the bulb in the clay pot, in which the room flowers grown and say the name of your beloved.

For ritual Take garlic and red marker

Every day, in the morning and in the evening, water the plant, uttering: "As Luke grows, love (the name of the beloved) is growing to me."

Cytrus inherent

  1. Gently cut the zest from fresh lemon.
  2. Sharp knife cut a small heart.
  3. Dry it within 7 days in the sun.
  4. Always wear with you: in a handbag, a bag on the neck, in the wallet.
  5. Citrus amulet is a strong abundance that acts even at long distances, attracting the love of your man.

Red Zeney

This is the strongest dull. If you believe that your love has suffered serious changes, and the betrayal of her husband (boyfriend) has come far away, then it is necessary to take effective measures.

  1. Go to church and purchase a church candle.
  2. Take the candle in your hand, go out in the morning dawn into the clean field (you can on the balcony, the street, etc.). It is important that this is no limited space.
  3. Watch at sunrise. As soon as the first will appear sun rays, Say:

    "Stop in the morning, blessing, go out into the courtyard, crossing, from the door to the window, from the gate to the blue sea. There are twelve brothers stand, look at me. I will go closer to them, worship them below. Twelve fraternity, go to the blue of the sea, in the blue sea - the island, there is an oak on it, under the oak - the slab is heavy, longing tip. Sat the plate, take the melancholy, bring it from the sea-ocean, put a slave on the regulatory heart (the name of the man). Let me push the tacker, sirotin sadness so that he would be twisted, he grieved for me, servant (name) at night and days. So that I could not without me, for a day, not a moment to fervent. With you, Mother's dawn of Morning Mary, evening marimian, midnight Ulyana. Let him any girl seem terrible, like a bat of a bat, as a snake, witching, like a striped striped, like a sorcerer shaggy. And I am for him, a slave (your name), a fire-bird, a cute maiden "

  4. After committing a ritual, a loved one must return to you, but if he did not return, he made a strong spell on him.

Sonce and recipe for love

Take a photo of your loved one and the lamp for aromatherapy. Put a photo in front of you on the table and looking at her mix:

  • 6 drops of sandalwood;
  • 3 drops of sage;
  • 2 drops essential oil jasmine;
  • 3 drops of essential oil mandarin;
  • 1 drop of ginger essential oil.

Repeat three times the phrase "eternal love." Pour in the prepared lamp 10 drops of the resulting magic potion. Light a lamp when this person comes to you. The finished agent is a powerful aphrodisiac. Ignole the lamp only in the presence of one person.

If you fight for your happiness, trying to preserve the family and love, the father of children or just a loved one, not wanting anyone evil and using magic methodsBut there is nothing wrong with that - every person wants to be happy and everyone deserved it.

Magical actions and rites for the binding of fate lines, seemingly exotic, came to modern world From that time period, when women's sacred magic was extruded as a higher blessing. Thanks to the instractions and the lovers, families were created, but then the illiterate approach of the unrestalistic person could cripple fate and make bad magic irreversible. There is a complex ritual and approach to it, only aware of the consequences.

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    What is a dull?

    There is an implace - this is the same spell, with that little difference that the affected object does not lose their will in the hands of the caster, but simply feels more comfortable in her presence. Removal from the subject of such imposed love entails a dreary feeling of loss of something important, neutility, lost.

    The action of the inherent on a man is not so unambiguous as a malfunctional force. The object is able to resist magic ties or not at all respond to them if such factors are present:

    • the person who is read by conspiracy possesses big powers will and the practical absence of suggestibility;
    • a man is in love with another girl and respond to him;
    • if the guy somehow learned about the preparing rite, its moral resistance will always be stronger than simple manipulations committed at home.

    In the cases listed above, the influence of the object consciousness will be only professional magicians entering into contact with dark forces. It is necessary to figure out when you need an inherent on a man, and when - a powerful spell, fully subordinating his will clarification, can be independently.

    Here are some of the main points that say that to attract necessary man You can do without "black" methods:

    • the man should not fall in love with himself, but only cause his interest, provoke on the first steps;
    • when in the already existing union of two people, a turning point comes and you need to save the family;
    • the beloved man is often not near and the partner has no confidence that there is no other woman next to him;
    • the wife has suspicion of treason of spouse.

    If the future spell has doubts about the problem of the lower order of energy beings, an alternative to magic can become an alternative to a "church" in the church before the Icon of the Virgin. This method acts well at a distance and helps if the problem has appeared recently.

    Negative side of the question

    Remove the negative return after ritual action will not fail, but to soften the power of the response wave is necessary in advance and above all through competent training To ritual. Texts should be learned by heart, as well as the ritual sequence. Pay attention to what hand take the item at what moment to light or repay the candle.

    On the day, the event is scheduled, the honor is scheduled to keep the post - well, if in the morning and to night the girl will only drink water. In this way, moral cleansing will occur, and the negative level sent in response will decrease.

    The successful result of the inherent on a man is not always a joyful event for the beloved. Once away from the clerk, the object feels anxiety, he is not nice everything, he seems to lose the taste to all events in which the shadow of the desired image is not present. Trying to get rid of the vague, the man begins to hold on to the temptation closer, looking for meetings and near it really feels something, remotely resembling satisfaction.

    But completely quenching this mental hunger never succeeds, and often unfortunate begins to seek salvation in alcohol or narcotic drugs. The sorceress itself suffers and the sorcerer itself, because all the aggression and deep mental pain of the partner are only alone on it alone. Normalize the situation, it is almost impossible to make it more peaceful. The only way out of the position is the full cleansing of an inherent in a man.

    Rules and conditions for ritual action

    In magic rituals there are universal rules, valid for all spells that affect the will of man, and original, suitable only for love rites. Before you start a suitable spell, you need to make sure required conditionsSo that everything exactly happened, how conceived:

    • the rite is held on Friday day at the border of the new and complete moons;
    • week, the month will suit any, if only not falling on church holidays and large posts;
    • magic on blood, hair, personal belongings will increase on January 21 to the Scholima Agnessee and Valentine's Day on February 14;
    • basic condition good result - sincere and strong love for a young man;
    • "Inherent" a man is better without intervening third parties, taking full responsibility for an awakened feeling;
    • if personal belongings are needed for the ritual or beloved items, you need to take them by stealing, as suspicion of a man about the upcoming actions is a strong obstacle in success.

    The appearance of the Chtitis for all ritual actions is the same - clothing of loose convertible, not intercepted by the belt, no decorations, loose hair. The head should be uncovered, legs - Bosy. Since the rite is made alone, the best option Will take off all the clothes.

    What dreams of a girl - interpretation of dreams

    Conspiracy on the rope

    Ancient spell "How old rope is not tortured" read in the light of red church candles, without fail at midnight. In advance, on the table next to the candlestick of the right hour expects a cooked linen or cotton thin bean white color about half a meter long.

    Before the read, you need to take the rope into the right hand and to go through it from one end to the other, thinking about the lowned chosen. Then quickly, having mastered the head of all thoughts, you need to start imposing the nodules, tightening them tightly, but in no case do not count them. They can be somehow a lot and place, they must, tightly humilizing the whole rope.

    After tying an extreme knot, you need to recalculate them. An odd number of strings means that the girl failed to attract third-party forces today and the rite is considered to be completed - the effect will not. Repeat the ritual will be three times in other suitable daysbut not more than three times.

    An even number of nodules is a sign that helping outside is present and can continue. Holding a rope in his hand, very close to the lips, the honor of Ktitsa slowly says: "No matter how you (affectionate, the redundant name of the beloved) did not hide from me, did not run, I will overtake you and destroy. Love, the slave of God (his full name), the servant of God (his full name). "

    Rope need to put to entrance door Housing men, for example, under the rug, but so that leaving the house, the person crossed it through it. Conspiracy comes into effect from the minute as it happens.

    East at the morning

    The strongest of the dulls on a man reads in the morning dawn, barely in the sky appear dawn glimpses. If the spell is pronounced indoors, you need to turn to the window to the east, but the best effect is achieved when the barefoot woman stands in the open sky.

    Previously need to prepare - write the words of the naval on a piece of paper or ballpoint ball. It is not necessary to learn the text - he is a quick recalculation read on the records three times. This inherent is a series of a recurring algorithm of action. You need to read so many days in a row (not missing), how much will need to harden all the words by heart.

    "In the morning I will stand, blessing, crossing, I will go to the courtyard from the door to the window, from the gate to the very sea Blue. Twelve, like one, the brothers are there, look at me. Come to them near, worship the bottom. Flight, brothers, in the sea-ocean, on the sea of \u200b\u200bblue is the island stands, on the island Tom Oak sticks out, under the oak themes - a heavy slab, twisted melancholy. Take that slab, take the longing. Bring it from the blue of the sea, lay on the heart of the slave of God (his name), so that the long-standing melancholy, the sadness of it is indispensable. Let him thanggotes, dare, for me, a slave (your name), flashes and day, and night thinks. See now Morning Dawn Maria, Evening - Marimian, night-midnight Ulyana. So that any maiden seemed to him terrible, like a flying mouse, yes snake frowning, like the hell's damn, yes sorcerer shaggy. And I only (my name) for him was a fire-bird, welcome girl. "

    For reading the entire series of spells, it can take away from a few days to several weeks - depending on how soon the girl will be able to pronounce the text by heart, never getting around. Then you can stop the tweet and wait for a quick result.


    Sweet conspiracy is used to mitigate the steep gear of a young man and to inspire sincere love and long-suffering. For a rite for a man's soup, it is necessary to get his hair and cut one at home.

    There are several full spoons of fragrant liquid honey in a glass jar with a fitted lid and both hairs are dried in this thick mass. At the same time, a conspiracy is read: "As a sweetness of honey with hair, there is a slave of God (his name) with the slave of God (his name) is mounted for the eyelids-eternal to life sweet. Amen".

    After the rite, the jar wocks in a white napkin and removes from other people's eyes.

    Magic binding

    After the conspira has affected and the man has shown interest in the address or stopped looking at other women, the soup must necessarily remove that from now on the actions of the man led sincere feelings. If a professional magician was attracted for the ritual to the ritual, clean the tracks of the witchcraft exposure to homemade methods would not work, his own conspiracy can easily be able to send to any comfortable side. Conspiracies on the removal of magical influence are read on a decreasing moon once.

    On clean cast iron frying pan A pinch of a cook salt is poured and, while there is a salt on slow heat, a woman reads a spell: "Salla Bela-Clea, clean the soul of the slave of God (his name), take it away from the soul all the smoothed yes a manifold, induced. Ensure everything with a drink is spiny, taken with a lining, eaten with food. Remove everything that the evil eye is sent, the mouth of the lutes whisper. By the will of mine, it will be so. Amen".

    Words need to pronounce, leaning over a frying pan and holding a male image in the head. The darkened salt is a sign that the information is reported and heard. After reading, salt is referred to a clean plate, and the plate is placed on facial Photos where the beloved is depicted. Let the dish costs so until the evening. With the onset of darkness, the spell is read again right above the plate.

    The procedure for reading the Kalena salt is repeated even four times in the next 2 days - in the morning dawn and evening. After extreme chitka, salt is referred to a piece of paper and is thrown away.

The loyalty of the beloved man is the key to peace of mind, physical health and harmonious relationship. Each woman wants a man to see the man to look around, and experiencing gentle feelings only to her alone.

In this topic:

For the sake of this representative, the beautiful half is trying various tricks, including turning to conspiracies. Depending on how far the passion for the man's passion for unauthorized women, conspires from a vulnerable husband (beloved person) are distinguished. First, these are magical remedies that eliminate the desire itself to look at other people who disgusted treason at all. Secondly, these are conspiracies and rituals to help break the already existing link between the beloved and other woman.

How to influence a man so that he does not look at others?

Any conspiracy against the treason of a man, in principle, is safe. To properly spend the ritual, you may need your hair (both your own and men), photography, salt, grass, water, his personal belongings. All these elements are quite safe. It is not necessary to use black magic, because the appeal to the forces of evil, as a rule, has an unpredictable finale.

Negative consequences can be much superior to those desired. Also do not make conspiracies for impotence with other women. In this case, a man will not be able to enter into an intimate relationship with any woman, except for the fact that magical acts made.

But in most cases it ends with disorder psychological character and complete impotence. Although many women prefer this particular conspiracy. For this purpose, apply a linen rope on which underwear was dried. It is necessary to cut off a piece of rope corresponding to the length of the threshold, read the conspiracy on it and put under the threshold. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

"Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, sorry and help! As this rope bends, in the hands of my hands, hanging, it is not worth it, so the sexual member at the slave of God (name) let the rag, the rope goes, bends, does not stand at all women in the world, except me, his wife, slaves God (name). On all women in the world, the ring, and on me, wife, solid end. Amen".

Under the threshold, this rope should lie until the man will overstep through it. After that, it should be immediately removed if he oversteps through it again, the spells are destroyed. Further, this rope is cut into separate pieces and ingested it in her husband's personal belongs so that it is imperceptible. In this case, it will be reliably isolated from treason.

Reliable way to bind a man to yourself for a long time

To keep her husband or guy to return to you, you can put your hair into shoes. In this case, wherever he is, he will always pull into your home. This tool complements the conspiracy, causing fear of her husband in front of other women. For the competent ritual take 12 eggs.

They are placed in a cup and put on the table, exactly in the center. Then they take the eggs alternately, turn them with a sharp tip towards themselves and strongly pressing so that all the eggs are squeezed through the fingers. During these manipulations, the conspiracy is pronounced:

"Eggs thirteen, saints twelve. As the holy evil destroyed, so would my husband (name) accompanied girls, women, widows, gray and men. The path he will be a stallion with me, but with all other Merin. A dozen eggs breaks down, the ring on the soul is put on, and my word and it comes true. Key, lock, tongue.

After such a ritual, a loved one will stop paying attention to other women. We speak eggs exclusively late in the evening.

How to stop treason husband?

If it is already known that her husband has a mistress or not even one, you must resort to other means. To return her husband, you can spend such a ritual. Start it on Monday, one week is needed for full completion. Within 7 days, it follows 2 times a day to sweep the house.

This grass is prepared in advance. Warm in the morning and in the evening. Grass before use speak. After the house is revoked, the floor must be washed. This requires conspiracy. The husband should not see these actions, so they spend them in his absence. Water should be poured into the toilet, and the broom is burned after 7 days. The words of this conspiracy from the treason of her husband are as follows:

"How the sequel is not worth it, so let the slave of God (name) should not be: neither on the old, nor on the Milodia, nor on the widows and nor for the girls. Neither on those who are in completeness (name) of the Castle affairs, nor on those who are in Sudob, nor on a merry, nor on the sad, nor on the dark, nor on the light, nor on the gray and in the whole world. In addition to me, your wife, God's slaves (name).

If you need to fix the result and make it exposure to very long, spend such a ritual 12 times. At the same time, for each new repetition, they take their extra broom.

If the husband constantly turns novels on the side, it can be stopped by the next ritual, which is used so that the man does not change. To do this, its thing will be required (shirt, T-shirt), it must be nonsense and not postponed. It is postponed so that the thing is under the light of the moon. She owes three nights in a row. Next, it is erased, be sure to hand, and they say the following conspiracy:

"As Peter from Fertay, Peter lived peacefully, with love, they looked at each other and stared around the sides. So I wash your husband to her husband, I will lie home home, wash the foolishness. Words of my fortress, affairs - loyalty. Amen".

You can take advantage more simple way. Having bought a red ribbon, cut off a piece of it, the length of which coincides with the length of the penis of the man. This tape is put under the pillow. There it should be during your intimate proximity. Next, on this tape, nodes (7 pieces) tie.

Store it away from prying eyes, it completely stops the treason of the man. If the desire to part with this person will arise, you just need to unleash the ribbon and throw it away. Then the relationship is calm and without problems will end.

Insuate a man, it means to make him suffer in love, think about yourself, to miss and start separation. Do I need to do this? Ask this question yourself. Do you love him? -Then yes". You suffer without it - again "yes." Are you ready to work, gain patience and put the maximum of your love? Means yes". Two and be happy.

In this humorous folk song, the whole female essence is fully reflected. Yes, we, women - stubborn and purposeful. We are not putting a finger in your mouth. And where to go, life dictates its conditions. For what you love and want to deal with everyone available tools. A variety of love spells and snooks on a beloved man - there is only a small part of the female arsenal.

In general, these are just men think that on the marriage market, buyers are. But we know with you that it is not. Take a look at the fauna - the female of any kind, herself chooses himself with whom she comes to and multiply.

The males bang, fight, quarrel and compete for the right to be her chosen one and her father. And she does, calmly and leisurely makes a choice - who is healthier, stronger, viable and more beautiful. And everything is right here and harmoniously.

Why do we argue with nature? We also make a choice, and if the object we selected do not quite agree? There are two options: either sigh and looking for the following, either, biting a lush, with the words "no, you will be" starting the struggle in which there is no loss place. What option are you for? We are for the second.

What is "Snower"? Her difference from the love spell.

Soul - a magic ritual belonging to love magic. From the name the mechanism of action is understood. Soul, literally, inherent in a person to the one who commits (or orders) a rite.

After making a rite, your chosen will begin to suffer - all his thoughts will only be directed at you. He will be immensely bored, can lose appetite and sleep. All his thoughts will be aimed at being with you. In principle, these "symptoms" are not much different from the symptoms of natural love.

In contrast to the attitude, the dull has a period of action and does not have a deep force. She does not give birth in the heart of love, but it is capable of giving longing, feeling of necessity and sexual passion (sexy inherent). In the event that you are no longer indifferent to a man, an inherent can give a weighty impetus to the birth of real feelings.

When will the dull help?

Being a ritual simple, the dullness has a specific focus with a concrete result and for a short time.

Soul acts quickly and quite effectively strengthens those feelings that the man's favorite you is already experiencing to you. He may simply not know about it, do not think, or be afraid to admit you.

The excellent effect of "inherent" can be achieved in family relationship. Then when there is feelings, but over time they got hung and stuck. Therefore, there is often a mohereal woman in a longing of a man, fearing the treason of her husband.

When does the sneeza do not work?

Any ritual, any conspiracy may be effective, and may not give any result. In order for the conspiracy to act, you need a person at least, you knew. Inherent strangers useless.

Here much depends on the strength of the one who peaks him and from his true goals. The highest forces of the wise and are valid, so the ritual, perfect without apparently ("from boredom" or "to check") in best casewill not have any effect. Magic, as a tool, like a weapon. She helps, protects and punishes, but it is dangerous to play with it.

Soul on the love of her husband - We protect your territory

A powerful inherent on a man will be relevant when you feel that your beloved man or husband began to cool down to you. This is especially true in marriage. If you feel that there is no light in the relationship - then the time to act. In order to repeat the macho again in it - you urgently make an inherent. Do not lose time. Passion can be woken

Strong Sneakers on the husband - Apple and Love

This ritual for the awakening of the fire inside your husband. It is only suitable for those whose marriage is registered (and even better, an obvente). The concepts of "civil marriage" in magic are not. There are many other conspiracy for this. This same for legitimate husband. The ritual is very strong, so the need for its holding should be real.

You will need:

  1. Apple (the sweeter, the better you have a relationship);
  2. Three needles;
  3. Photo of her husband (where he is one).

Take an apple in your hand, tightly attach a photo of your husband to him (picture to the apple), and fasten the photo with three needles (stick the photo to the apple). Then tell the conspiracy:

"Eyes in the eyes, face in face, breathing in breathing, blood in blood. Let the Slave of God (his name) go for me (his name) like this apple, quickly. Let anyone be interested in me besides me. Let all women for others and only I will be the only one for him. Blood blood is not washed away, he can not live without me. Amen, Amen, Amen. "

Then take an apple with a photo, and reliably hide it where dry and heat (between the battery or for the oven). You need an apple to not rot, namely dried. The faster the apple dries, the faster the plot will begin to act. The effect of this ritual is not weak, so as soon as notice that the husband began to suffer for you, become good, cute and affectionate. If you are not returning from you - your spouse can become bad, but you do not want it?

There is a branch of this at any time, with any moon and on any day of the week. The main thing is that you be alone and completely focused.

If dear far

So it turned out that you are far from loved, and kilometers share you? Study, work, just a trip can negatively affect your relationship. The proverb "From the eye, from the heart of Won" is not in vain is folk wisdom. In separation (free or involuntary) feelings are dulled, and do not bring

God, a man wants adventures on the side. Here it's just a sin not to protect yourself and your interests. Properly made inherent in your favorite at a distance will constantly maintain in your cute thought, feelings and passion for you, by Merder. And after all, he will not even notice anything, everything sprinkles on longing in separation.

Such an inherent will not only strengthen the zone of your influence, but will save your beloved from the involuntary sin of treason (what would he be scared in the future)

Sneucer on love men by photo at a distance

This ritual is carried out within 21 days in the morning and in the evening. As a mandatory mark - on an empty stomach.

Take a photo of a man (he must be there one) in left, and drive index finger Right hand around his face. Move the move clockwise. Combine the action with reading a conspiracy:

"I wipe you, wipe you from the troubles, from adversity, from enemies and from other women's eyes. I will save you, the premises of you from diseases, from misfortunes and from other sweet words. You will talk about me, you will listen to me, you will see me. And I will be your faithful wife. "

Making a ritual, try to focus as much as possible on what you want, what are the conspiracy. Insert your feelings maximum. Send him a mental all your passion, all your love. Nourish the ritual of your energy. To do this, the conspiracy should be read by heart (it will not go on a piece). This inherent is considered rather strong, and acts almost always, unless of course a love spell is already imposed on your rival.

Inherent to love.

What to do, if you love, and love is unrequited. And it happens, alas, often. Here, of course, you can try to make a powerful snack on a man of your dreams, but it will work only if he is already sympathizing (and for sure if he is familiar with you).

In the event that you have already liked a person, then your dull can push it to you, awaken in it what he did not hear and did not want to hear inside him. It may be an impetus to the birth of true feelings.

Powerful inherent on a man

The ritual is a bit complicated, requiring action from you, but believe me, it is very effective. In general, the more difficult ritual, the more actions you make, the stronger the result will be. After all, it is impossible to catch a fish, if you do not get out of the house, do not go to the river and do not see for some time. It's true?

So you will need:

  1. Durable rope. You need a simple thick rope, about a meter long. The thicker it is a rope, the stronger his love. Only, choosing a rope, please note whether you can tie a knot on it, so that the rope is hardly suitable;
  2. His photo. Thanks to the Internet and social networks, it is not possible to take a photo today, it is enough to print it enough;
  3. Matches (lighter) and flammable liquid. Very easy to buy liquid for ignition, you will find it in any supermarket.

Cooking your arsenal, go to the forest. Early, on the dawn. Let it be a small fishing line, forest belt - no matter. The main thing is that this terrain is away from the city.

In the forest, find the birch (female tree) thoroughly and away from the edge of the forest so that people do not notice it and would not prevent you from doing the ritual. Attach photos to the tree (picture to the trunk) and tie it as hard as possible in a pre-prepared rope. Shuffing the rope trunk, sentence out loud:

"Forever I will give you to myself."

Speak until the rope is over. Tie her node.

The next step is a little fire hazardous, be careful. Take the ignition fluid, take it plenty of rope and photo by it, then set up and go to a safe distance. Look, admire how the photo of the rope is burning and worn - so your favorite will soon suffer. While the fire burns, repeat out loud:

"Looks, burns to my heart."

Be careful, watch your other trees or bushes soak. Fire you for nothing. As soon as your attributes are burned - do not rush home. Stay there twenty minutes. Listen to the forest, imagine how your narrowed has already started thinking about you, as he misses how love is born in his heart. Imagine you together as you kissing and even how to make love. This is a very effective mechanism.

Sonce on a man if he. Alas, not yours.

"And I love married" - is it about you? Well, it happens, and not so rarely. Lower morality and notations about how bad it is, since there is nothing wrong with love. Love, even forbidden, is always beautiful, and it is always right.

It is necessary to notice one thing that if love and mutual understanding reigns between a man and a woman, then there will be no independent dullness and love spells here. Yes, and the love of the husband will not give you, rest assured.

So, if a married man put an eye on you, it makes attention and makes compliments - know that he has not all "thank God," and you have all the rights and chances, along with his wife. Join the game. Defend - the woven of his wife. You become a full rival with the ability to win. Nobody hurts you.

Check out the question: "Do you like this man?" If the answer is positive, then forward, in the struggle for his heart.

Soul of a married man

This inherent is very simple, because if a man does not live with you, you are not available to his personal belongings, it is difficult to call home, feed and drink. So this ritual will suit you as it is impossible

To fulfill it, you need a rope made from natural threads (wool, flax, cotton, silk).

Take the rope, sit down and start knitting the knots on it, thinking how much you want to get a man how with each knot you tie him to yourself. Knit nodes, not counting their number, until the rope is over. Consider knots. If their number of multiple two is today, luck and higher power on your side.

You can do a snack. If the quantity is odd - the ritual should be transferred to another day. If within three days the number invariably remains odd - this is a sign that a man is not intended for you, accept yourself.

So, the even number of nodules, a good mood and the irrepressible energy of love - the ritual. Take a rope in your hands, bring it closer to the lips as possible to your breath to touch the threads, and read the conspiracy itself, putting all your love:

"As a rope is neither the end, the end knot will be. As if you, (the name of the man in a dimensional form: Ilyushenka, Vanechka, etc.), I did not run from me, my will ruin you. Love, the soul of the slave of God (the full name of the man, for example, Ilya, Ivan, etc.), the soul of the slaves of God (his full name, for example, Olga, Anna, etc.) "

Then the conspiracy rope should be thrown into the threshold of the house, office or other place where your favorite happens daily. It is necessary that he certainly stepped over her. As soon as it happens - there will begin to work, and the man will begin to go crazy.

Remember, girls that any inherent, spell, or the other which conspiracy is just an auxiliary material. All wonders create your love, your faith in yourself and in your feelings. Making magic ritualsTry to attract a man with standard women's techniques: a kind word, sexy outfit, delicious dinner at your home, a compliment (for men they act magically). Remember one thing - the magic is not out, it is inside you. You are the wizard - beautiful, powerful, and undoubtedly attractive for men.