Cosmetic repair of the kitchen ceiling. Repair ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands - budget and expensive options

Traditionally, the repair in the room begins with the repair of the ceiling. It should be noted that the kitchen is a premises with particularly complex operating conditions, so the treasure repair of the ceilings, you need to carefully treat the choice of the ceiling finishes.

Really, ceiling coating in kitchen room Several times a day are exposed to steam, moisture and leakage of temperature. Therefore, special requirements are presented to finishing materials.

Previously, when repairing the repair accounted for only two options :. Today, a wide variety of finishing options is offered.

On the one hand, this circumstance allows you to implement the most different variants Design. On the other, it creates a problem of choice, since I want to choose not only beautiful, but also practical material. After all, few people give pleasure the need to repair every year or two.

Requirements for ceiling coatings

The kitchen is a place where the temperature and humidity differences often occur. After all, here, as a rule, we regularly prepare food and wash the dishes.

Therefore, finishing materials must possess special properties:

  • Moisture resistance. The finish should not absorb moisture and lose the external appeal when exposed to steam.
  • Hygienic. The kitchen should be clean, because compliance with the rules of hygiene is a guarantee of household health. Therefore, thinking how to repair the ceiling in the kitchen, it is worth preferring the materials that you can wipe and wash.
  • Practicality. Today, few people attract perspective to spend hours on maintaining cleanliness. Therefore, finishing materials for the kitchen should not create big problems When cleaning.
  • Aesthetics. The ceiling in the kitchen, as well, and in any other rooms, must please the eye and combine with the rest of the trim and furniture.
  • Durability. Materials capable of serving for a long time are always preferable. After all, their use moves the prospect of the need for a new repair.

Types of ceilings for the kitchen

If the ceiling repair is scheduled in the kitchen, you can use almost any technology.

It may be:

  • Coloring with waterproof paints.
  • Fucking wallpaper.
  • Sticker ceiling plates made of polystyrene foam.
  • Construction of suspended ceilings from drywall.
  • Construction of rush ceilings.
  • The device of stretch ceilings.

Consider the listed options in more detail by drawing attention to their advantages and disadvantages.


This option can be called traditional, but it is not used today.

He has undoubted advantages:

  • Inexpensive finishing material;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Variety of colors of paint;
  • Hygienicity (when using waterproof, ceiling can be washed).

However, all the listed advantages "work" only if perfectly smooth. IN otherwiseYou will have to perform expensive and labor-intensive surface leveling work.

Sticker wallpaper

This option also assumes the presence of a smooth ceiling surface. However, if you use relief wallpaper, then seek ideal smoothness optional.

Tip! For the kitchen it is better to choose washable wallpaper, but you can use the wallpaper for painting.

The structural surface of the material will allow to disguise small irregularities. And here large drops Heights will require large-scale plastering or the selection of another finishing material.

Sticker ceiling plates made of polystyrene

The advantages of this option include the availability of finishing material.

(tiles themselves, glue and ceiling plinths It is inexpensive) and ease of installation. This option will be able to fulfill even inexperienced homemade master.

But the disadvantages of this method of decoration is enough, among them:

  • Flammability material.
  • His hygroscopicity.
  • Tiles are poorly laundered from the nagwed fat and dirt. When trying to wash the color tile, the paint is often removed along with the contaminants.

Tip! The sticker of polystyrene foam tile is a good option for budget repairs Kitchen equipped with good hood.

Use of plasterboard structures

Gypsum - this material is even more hygroscopic than polystyrene foam tiles, so for the kitchen it is worth choosing a moisture-resistant version of this material, although it is more expensive.

However, this option is quite often chosen for the kitchen, as it allows you to create a variety of different, including multi-level structures.

In addition, it allows you to install built-in lamps and secretly negotiating communications, including an exhaust air duct.

The disadvantages of the method of finishing can be attributed:

  • Reducing the height of ceilings, which can be critical in a model type houses, where the ceilings are already low.
  • Sufficient complexity of the process.
  • The need for execution additional work. After the construction of the design of plasterboard, it is necessary to perform putty work and surface coloring. You can stick on plasterboard and wallpaper.

Rush ceilings

Such an option finish kitchen ceiling has a lot positive qualities, among them:

  • Resistance to complex operating conditions.
  • Like all other types suspended structures, rush ceilings Do not require careful surface preparation and allow you to secretly lay communications.
  • A variety of decorative design. You can use options with closed and open type Rosek, apply various color combinations Colors of the Raeks themselves and inserts.
  • Ceilings are easy to care, plastic rails are easy to wash.
  • If necessary, you can easily disassemble the design (for example, to replace the lamp).
  • Ceilings comply with fire safety requirements.

The disadvantages need to be classified a decrease in the height of the ceilings.

Stretch ceiling

This option is quite expensive, but also one of the most practical.

Here are the main advantages of this option:

  • Pointed ceilings long deadlines warranty. That is, the coating will be able to serve several dozen years, without requiring repair.
  • If stretch ceilings are installed in the kitchen, the owners may not be afraid of floodingarranged by neighbors from above. The panels will be able to keep the large volume of liquid and the decoration of the room and the furniture will not suffer.
  • Can be used various options Design, Install the panels of various colors and structures, build multi-level structures, etc.
  • Stretch ceilings perfectly carry the temperature differences and do not fade in the sun.
  • If necessary, the ceiling can be easily washed.


So, the repair of the ceiling in the kitchen can be produced almost on any technology. When choosing a material of the finish, the owner needs to take into account its quality, durability, the ability to serve in difficult conditions and cost. Comparing all the factors, it will be possible to choose the optimal option.

Kitchen room is constantly exposed high humidity and temperature drop. It is most likely to affect the ceiling, because both pairs, and soot, and hot air climbs up. In order not to work every year to repair, make the ceiling in the kitchen with their own hands you need to take into account these factors, choosing the appropriate materials.

What ceilings are suitable for the kitchen

The ceiling in the kitchen must withstand high and low temperatures, possess water-repellent properties, well wash. It is impossible to use flammable materials, as well as materials with a porous surface. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of flooding from above and choose a design capable of detaining a large amount of water. Or vice versa, choose such a kind of ceiling that is easiest to restore.

The easiest way is plaster and painting. and painted ceiling does not lose long initial View, it does not constitute when exposed to moisture, it is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is easily cleared. If the water leak occurred on top, the damaged area can be restored in a matter of hours. Both paint and putty are quite affordable by price, and all the finishing can be performed independently.

Plastic panels They are considered an acceptable option for the kitchen ceiling. They do not burn, have very low hygroscopicity, easily clean. To avoid deformation from high temperatures, you should fix the panels with movable fasteners - kleimers. Preference is better to give the seamless panels with a glossy coating, which accumulates less soot and dust. Moreover, plastic ceiling It is not afraid of flooding: water almost does not pass through dense joints and follows the corners of the structure.

Stretch ceilings from PVC films are also well suite for kitchens. They look great, moisture and heat are not afraid, easily wash away, and most importantly, we hold water when flooding. It has its own coating and its minuses: the film is easily damaged by any sharp object, the cost of the canvas is high enough, the installation itself will not work independently.

The described methods are most practical and easily performed. For such ceilings, just care for, they retain an attractive look for a long time. Of course, much depends on the intensity of the use of kitchen and quality. The smaller the evaporation, the smaller the impact on the ceiling coating, and vice versa.

Video - Ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands

The kitchen is the personification of comfort and comfort, a special atmosphere reigns here. It is this place in the house that all households love. Therefore, it is very important to carefully and deliberately approach the organization and performance of repair in the kitchen. After all, good I. right repairs Stress the aesthetic attractiveness of the room. In addition to external beauty, the room should be practical and functional.

During the preparation of food, various microelements and microparticles are highlighted in the air, Gar, soot, fats and moisture, which settle not only on furniture and equipment, but also on the walls and even on the ceiling. Mandatory household appliance on each modern kitchen - High performance exhaust. Despite good power, not every hood completely cleanses the air, part of evaporation still remains indoors. Therefore, from time to time spring-cleaning The kitchen is simply necessary. To make it easier for yourself the task, it should be thought about it at the time of repair work. The ceiling is the part of the kitchen that requires special attention and approach.


The design of the ceiling in the kitchen is one of the primary tasks during the repair work. Most. good option It is considered to carry out work in a completely empty room. If there is no such possibility, then household appliances and furniture should be made. Everything that failed to be taken out (for example, furniture, which is mounted in the walls and gender), it is necessary to cover protective film. Also, the film must be seized on the floor, in this way it will be much easier to collect all the garbage.

Perform the repair of the ceiling with your own hands possible. However, it is not always justified and appropriate. Initially, it should be determined which type of ceiling is planned in finished version. After all, preparatory work also depends on whether it will be simple whitewash or fashionable stretch ceiling lately.

To repair the ceiling and bring it into perfect view, I will have to perform a lot of work. First, you need to remove old finish. And you need to shoot not only upper layerBut almost all to the base of the plates. Then the surface should be processed special meanswho prevent the occurrence of mold. It is especially thoroughly necessary to do in the event that its traces were discovered somewhere.

Further work includes a plurality of stages: primer, plaster, spatlement, climbing cracks and uneven joints. Correct ceiling must be smooth, so before it decorative decoration It should be verified whether the surface is smooth and uniform structure everywhere. All irregularities, if they are in permissible values, can be aligned with putty.

It is important to remember one rule: preparatory work should be carried out by a person in a mask or respirator. Such precautions are required, because in the air there is too much dust and various trace elements that provide negative impact on the human body.

Painting or whitewash

Painting or overlooking the ceiling in the kitchen - most cheap way Repair. However, this method cannot be called the easiest. In order for the surface to be perfectly smooth and on it, it was not brought through any flaws, preparatory work should be carefully completed in a private house or apartment, make sweep. Only after that you can paint the surface.

  • Whitewashit was relevant in Soviet times. To date, this method of repairing the ceiling is least in demand.


  • it is characterized by its low cost;
  • availability supplies (for blissing need chalk or lime, diluted with water);
  • provides excellent air circulation;
  • the perfect option for those who prefer to make repairs do it yourself.


  • under the influence of temperature drops, it starts to crumble over time;
  • different pollution and fighters of evaporation when preparing food products (fat, soot) is extremely difficult to remove, it will be necessary to update the craft;
  • lime or chalk applied in several layers leave ugly rough stripes.

  • Painting According to its technology, execution is very close to the whitewash, but is considered a more practical option. To paint the ceiling, it is better to choose a waterfront paint that provides a good air exchange. You should also give preference to a matte euro paint, giving the ceiling a more even and homogeneous look. Glossy paint will emphasize all the remaining flaws and roughness on the surface of the ceiling.


  • does not require special knowledge and skills;
  • you can wipe a slightly damp cloth, while not to apply a lot of power so as not to remove the paint layer.


  • with time white color acquires a visible shade of yellowness;
  • from the oversupply of moisture, paint can start peeling;
  • there is no possibility of repairing locally, when peeling, the paint will have to redo the entire ceiling.

Casting wallpaper or PVC panels

If there is no desire to update the ceiling often, as you need to do when paving or painting, then you can choose the version of the surface of the surface with wallpaper or PVC panels. These two methods are also fairly easy to use and do not require special costs.

Wallpaper attach a special style. After all, with the help of the selected drawing, you can create a mood. Someone likes monophonic calm pastel colors, and someone can give preference to a bright and very original drawing.


  • it is better to use detergentswho are not afraid of moisture;
  • easy waywhich can be performed independently;
  • a wide range of selection;
  • the possibility of local replacement of the damaged area.


  • the inability to apply a dense type of wallpaper, which are considered more practical and wear-resistant;
  • from the effects of drops temperature modes And evaporation wallpapers can be deformed or start to unwind in the connecting seams.

PVC panels have been combined several decades ago. Have proven themselves as a simple and budget way Folding the ceiling, they can be separated any surface.


  • the availability of materials (only plates of polystyrene and special glue are needed;
  • the special system of "locks" provides more reliable system fixation of PVC panels;
  • there is the possibility of conducting local replacement;
  • easy to care.


  • this material is distinguished by an increased degree of flammability;
  • absorbs moisture;
  • over time, the white color begins to give a noticeable yellow shade.

Installation of a suspended or stretch ceiling

The suspension or stretch ceiling is the most popular and most practical way to repair. However, it is practically impossible to fulfill such work independently, especially kitchen. In addition to experience, skills and skills, you will need special tools and devices.


  • high practicality, strength and wear resistance;
  • does not require much care, enough time to do wet cleaning;
  • stylish I. modern design;
  • you can arrange in a single style with the kitchen interior;
  • resistance to drops of temperature, high humidity and various evaporation;
  • excellent option In the event that the ceiling has significant irregularities;
  • in the case of a flood from the neighbors from above, it will not give water to spoil furniture and equipment (to remove water, it will be enough to make several neat punctures in the canvas).

What parameters need to be considered by choosing the ceiling

1. The ceiling must be durable.
2. The ceiling should not be afraid of water, or it could be easily restored after the flood.
3. The ceiling must match design and layout.
4. The ceiling must have an acceptable price for 1 square meter and installation.

The rest is the details. Everywhere there are our nuances, it all depends on the private house you live or an apartment, what is your ceiling height, whether the kitchen is equipped with gas stoveWhat are you planning lighting, etc.

Also, much depends on the area. For example, on big ceiling It will look good cassette, but on a small kitchen - caricature. Therefore, you need to know everything, but what is better to choose - decide themselves when you find out options.

White ceiling

It would seem that in our 21st century, to consider the White ceiling, at the repair planning stage, is simply absurd. But, this is if you remember the ceilings that make global hartes. They are uneven, they are beautifully visible strips from "McLists", they give a bluish color because of the added blue ...

And who makes you put the blink just like that? If you do not like the ceiling, and the same roller, the look is very nice. And, if with the help of a pulverizer, the song will come out and at all!

The ceiling will look like painted with water-making paint (of course, if before that you aligned the surface with the putty. You can add a little snow-white dye to the whitewash, for the effect.

What can be cons? Honestly - no. If it were about the walls, then - yes, the whims would be a completely unfasteless option, as she "takes" hands and clothes. And about the ceiling who will be torn?

Therefore, we can say that the option is quite suitable and working. In operation such a coating is just perfect. It should only be refreamed of once a year with a new solution, since, from Scoop and Gary in the kitchen, the whitewashes yellow. But for the sake of justice, the gas will please anything, not only whitewashes. And, if the update here is such a penny, that even consider laziness, then with other materials - it will be more expensive.

Normal painted ceiling in the kitchen

It's all the same thing as in the case of whitewash. The only thing, water-emulsion paint. It is a little more expensive. Yes, there are paints expensive, which can be washed. But wash - it is said very loud, frankly. They can be slightly wiped with a damp cloth, and that's it. Therefore, you will not succeed in particular cleanliness, it will have to repaint all one, and throw money in vain.

Yet great importance In practicality, it has what the basis is paint. If right on the putty, and it is on concrete, then it is a good option for the kitchen. If the case of plasterboard is the case here is worse if you live in a multi-storey building.

Why? And because in the kitchen there are a lot of places from where water from the pipe that burst from the neighbors from above can be leaking. And, if the usual ceiling just goes with red divorces, which can be easily and simply painted, they will be saved and cracked. We'll have to change the entire design.

So if you are not sure about your neighbors, then you should not do in the kitchen plasterboard boxesNo matter how much you want to put sides. It is better to do the usual challenge, but to protect yourself from the "pleasure" with the repair of a spoiled ceiling. Even if the neighbors pay you work, why do these unnecessary troubles need? And if they do not pay (as well as, mostly, the neighbors stretch a loan for a year), it is not at all.
Judging by the reviews, such a ceiling is the best choice.

Wallpaper ceiling

What can I say about wallpaper on the kitchen ceiling? This is not the most brilliant choice. Not only that they will darken from the soot, so also the seams will be cracked. Both not "love" high humidity And warmth. And in the kitchen it will be, and very often.

And after some couple of years, the seams will be perfectly visible on your ceiling, in the corners wallpaper "will gather" by the waves. No, this is not the most the best wayEven if it is a painting wallpaper. You understand, no fresh paint saves from the seams that separated.

And in the case of a flood, you will have to remove the wallpaper and re-clean the surface from paper residues. Then, shove the wallpaper well, not under the power of the unprofessional. Color yourself - just, but deal with wallpaper - no. All the same, the joints will be visible, which is very ugly.

Well, the last argument is not fashionable, even if you want to punish some extra-new and unusual wallpaper.

Stretch ceiling

The glossy stretch ceiling is much easier to wash than fabric, as it is perfectly smooth. But it is difficult to get rid of divorces. But, if you use a special rag from microfiber, then everything is possible. Yet glossy ceiling100% is not afraid of the floods.

Fabric stretch ceilings are good because they look expensive and solid. They do not distinguish them from the perfectly seated and painted surface. And otherwise, from a practical point of view, they have no advantages for the kitchen. They pass water because rubber cover - extremely thin and it is covered by microcracks if experienced big Pressure (And it will be in case of a flood).

So, as you can see, questions should not remain, a matte ceiling to choose or glossy. The same ceilings people praise and reviews, this is a worthy choice.

Ceiling from PVC panels

Plastic is last century, honestly. Yes, it is quite practical and for the kitchen is very good. And it is convenient to wash it and in case of a flood, it does not deteriorate. But what to do with the appearance?

The view is unparent with him and even the burden! No, maybe you will be able to find such a plastic that will not resemble the coverage public toilet, may be. If so, it's just the perfect option for the kitchen.

Ceiling of polystyrene foam plates

What are the good polystyrene foam plates? The fact that it is very inexpensive, they do not need to be perfectly equal to the ceiling, they can be glued independently and looks like a ceiling - not bad. Even good.

The only thing you should not forget about, so it is necessary to dye them from above. Best for these purposes is suitable for water-emulsion paint. Schits such a ceiling just like others, but it is not necessary to wash, it is enough to refresh every couple of years in paint.

If the flood happens, then with the tiles, too, nothing will happen if they are glued with the dragon glue, and not "planted" on the plaque mass. If they were glued to the putty, then they twist, of course. But then they can then be glued to glue and everything will be abandoned.

By the way, now there are already such plates that, when attaching, do not have seams. The ceiling looks cast, not from pieces.

Wooden Camping Ceiling

Now it is very fashion option. For example, the ceilings in the style of "Provence" - completely out of the wall pane, painted in white. It is beautiful, they can be tangled when they will join ...

But, if you flood your neighbors, then the lining just fuses, it will lose the shape, cracks will be visible. Change such a ceiling - very weekly. Therefore, think.

Aluminum Rack Ceiling

In the kitchen, such ceilings look good if the technique, a worker apron or furniture is also steel. According to the cost of such a ceiling - the scene, but it is eternal. He is not afraid of water, it is convenient to wash it (not as an example stretch ceilings), nothing happens to him if you hook it with an acute subject.

And on the other hand, the design goes somewhat aggressive, which means it is quickly coming. Therefore, if you are not sure that aluminum railings on the ceiling are the limit of your dreams, it is better to refrain from such a finish. She will quickly get bored, and it will be sorry to throw it.

Cassette ceilings (type Armstrong)

No, it is not necessary to think that we mean the most ordinary, gray "Armstrong", which are finished all supermarkets and offices of the world. Cassette ceiling - This is the same exact technology, only the cassettes themselves - can be any color.

There is also with drawings, there are silver, and bronze ... what is not! The option is not bad, but everything depends on what cassettes are made. If they are from thin gypsum, then the option is bad (remember the floods), and, if you can take from plastic.

The only minus is here - they are "eaten" 10 - 15 cm wall height. And therefore if you have a Khrushchevka, with a ceiling height of 2.20 meters, then for you suspended ceiling - definitely not suitable.

Ceilings from MDF panels

Do this ... But, ultimately, the ceiling looks not like a kitchen, but as a bath (because, the main drawing of MDF panels is under the tree).

This is a rough view and there is no exactly no practicality. MDF will swallow from the Flood, he will burst, it will have to rub it hard, and it is afraid of abrasives ... no, we cannot recommend such a ceiling.

Ceilings "Grilyato" (lattble)

Very nice and unusual ceilings. Yes, it is very original, modern. But, the kitchen is a kitchen, and soot - there is soot. No, even the best hood, does not save you from sticky ceiling.

And imagine what is missing these wonderful ones "honeycomb"? Imagine and discard this idea. Grilyato is not at all for the kitchen, but for those rooms, where there is no and there will never be a soot.

Cafel ceiling

Some make the ceiling of the tile. What are these people guided, we are not very clear to us. But the view is very awesome and strange. Maybe they just had an extra tile, and they decided to apply it? But, in any case, let's tell you about the minuses.

The tile is such a thing that can fall off if the neighbors begin to be on the floor (for example, drove something, too, put the floor or plinth). And the tile, tipped from the ceiling and fell right on the head ... You understand what it is.

Mirror ceiling

Also a stupid undertaking. This is expensive, and impractical. In the kitchen, there is always something cracker and splashes, and how you close the dishes with a lid, I don't care about the ceiling.

And, if the microbrite of fat is not visible on the painted ceiling, then everything is perfectly visible on the mirror. Therefore, if there are no plans to constantly jump under the ceiling and drag it, it is better not to chase beauty. Especially, there is nothing more beautiful in mirror ceilingThere are options and more interesting.


Let's say right: we do not know which ceiling is better to do in the kitchen. All options have its pros and cons. Therefore, repel from your material opportunities and taste. The main thing, we showed all the parties to the popular types of ceiling finishes. But, nevertheless, the most practical option - Normal, painted ceiling.

In general, in our opinion, it all does not matter what the ceiling. Where are the most important furniture and accessories. Here they are "make the weather," there is no ceiling.

Any repairs begins with planning. At this stage, they decide how the ceiling will be: painted, bitten, suspended or tensioning. Choose color gamut The interior is determined with lighting. After that, they start a detailed study of each step to repair the ceiling in the kitchen - choose materials and prepare tools.

Preparation of the ceiling in the kitchen to staining

Preparation of the ceiling to staining is one of the most time-consuming work that you have to perform during the repair. In addition, it is a rather long process, so you need to be patient. The preparation of the base surface should be as thorough as possible, since all flaws will be noticeable after staining.

There are two options to make the ceiling perfectly smooth and smooth:

  • align with gypsum blends;
  • re-plastering with the help of cement-sandy solution.

In that, in another case, to achieve perfect result Skills work with solutions and mixtures. Professionals know many secrets that help them in work. For a beginner in this case, one way remains: gain experience and strictly follow step by step instructionsin which all the nuances of each action are disclosed.

How to remove old blots, painting and plaster

It is impossible to make a new one without prior destruction of the old one. Therefore, before proceeding with the ceiling leveling in the kitchen, you need to remove your time finishing coating.

How to remove old bliss

The easiest way, if the surface was whiten. To remove lime, you will need a roller with a long handle and water tank (warm or cold), a spatula with a short metal blade. For the convenience of work at height, a stable stand or a stepladder is used.

For wetting small plot Ceiling with water and wait until it is absorbed. This process is unprecedented: it takes at least 15-20 minutes. Then take a spatula and start to shoot a lime. If dry places are detected, they are wetted using a roller. Similarly remove old wallpaper from the ceiling.

How to remove whiten from the ceiling - tips

How to remove old paint

Paint is much stronger with base surfacethan lime, so it will be much more difficult to remove it.

There are several options for performing this task:

  • mechanical;
  • glue;
  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • electromechanical.

The first is the most simple in implementation and is not costly from a financial point of view.

To perform work, you will need:

  • personal protective equipment (gloves, mask and glasses);
  • roller with foam coat;
  • capacity with warm water;
  • spatula with short and sharp blade.

Iodine in such a quantity is added to the water container so that the liquid has gained a pale brown shade. Work starts with wetting the painted surface. When the paint absorbs water, it will begin to swell and peel. At this moment it is removed by a sharp spatula.

there is universal way Removal paint and varnish coatings. In this method, PVA glue, which is bred with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Covered the ceiling by this composition and stick any newspapers or pieces of wallpaper. It is important that the paper is completely soaked with glue. A few hours later, the newspapers are dried, they are removed with a sharp spatula. Old paint will go away with paper. With this method, even difficult paint coatings can be removed.

Prices for spatulas

Use old newspapers to remove paintwork coatings (in this case - from the walls of the room)

Thermal removal method old paint. Provides use soldering lamp or portable gas burner. This method is relevant to purify surfaces with a thick layer of paint. Perform the firing, as a result of which the old coating begins to flap and turn. This method is dangerous not only by the use of open fire, but also large quantity smoke. Therefore, in apartment buildings, its implementation is conjugate with certain difficulties.

The electromechanical method provides for the use of a grinder and a special nozzle - a metal brush. This method of removing paint is simple and understandable: include the tool and begin to remove the old finishing coating. During the execution of work, it is necessary to ensure the protection of the eyes and respiratory organs.

Using Bulgarian S. special nozzle - Metal brush

The chemical method of removing old paint provides for the use of washes. Apply the composition on the ceiling and further act in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions: waiting when the wash is absorbed, and proceed to the removal of the paint and varnish layer.

  • Docker S5;
  • Bio-Decap'peintures Guard;
  • Gunter Gut Umsetzer.

"Antikras-Universal", crumpled paint

How to remove old plaster

In addition to mechanical, there is no other way to remove the old plaster. But this task can be performed different methods. In any case, it is necessary to take care that during the work formed as little dust as possible. For this, the old plaster is regularly wetted. hot water. If the ceiling is always wet, it will work easier and easier.

Priority of actions:

  • the hammer is tapping the entire surface of the ceiling, trying to determine the sound of the sound where the plaster keeps the most weak;
  • hammer blows are knocked down the plaster in these places;
  • with the help of a hammer and chisel knock down the longer layers of plaster;
  • drain the ceiling with a spatula, whose blade is regularly sharpened.

If there are places without manual processing, use the power tool - a perforator or drill with a drill. A few holes drill in the plaster and try to knock her down with a hammer and chisel. Or remove old layer Bulgarian equipped with a stone disk.

How to align the ceiling in the kitchen

For the alignment of the base surface, appropriate tools and materials will be required:

  • rule;
  • spatula with a wide blade;
  • plaster falcon;
  • drill;
  • mixer for mixing mixture;
  • capacity for kneading the leveling composition;
  • roller and tray;
  • brush with long rigid bristles;
  • aluminum lighthouses;
  • facade spatula;
  • foam sponge;
  • deep tank for the preparation of the solution;
  • universal primer ("concrete contact", "Patrice-C", "Tex Universal");
  • the mixture for alignment ("Rotband", Fugeenfuller, "hypilan", "Bests T22", any plaster plaster).

Stages of the ceiling leveling

Step 1. Preparation of the surface.

  1. Remove the old finishing layer: the spatula is removed everything that crept in mechanical exposure.
  2. Perform boxes of seams.
  3. Ceiling with a brush with a long rigid bristle.
  4. If a fungus or mold was found under the old finishing layer, the surface was treated with special disinfecting compositions: "Olympus Stop-Mold", "Abedis 06", "Fongifluid Alps", Biozid Sanierlösung, "Dali", "prospectors."

Composition "Olympus Stop-Mold"

Step 2. Priming - an important stage Works that should not be ignored. The primer not only dedresses the surface of the ceiling, but also fills all the small cracks, thereby providing some leveling and enhanced adhesion to the subsequent material.

Prices for gypsum plaster

plaster plaster

The primer is applied with a roller, roll over it in a special tray or on a piece of plywood. It is necessary to thoroughly moisten all sections of the ceiling, special attention fading seams and chicks old plaster. Corners and complex areas are finalized by brush. Ground ceiling for two layers: in the longitudinal and transverse direction. Each next is applied after complete drying of the previous one.

Step 3. Installing beacons. Lighthouses are needed to remove the ceiling in one plane. It is rational to use aluminum beacons, as they do not rust and can not be removed from the plastering layer. To fix these slats use the same composition with which the ceiling will be aligned.

Important moment! The distance between the beacons should be smaller than the length of the rule. This will allow efficiently performing surface shockting. On the ceiling make marker marker. On the installation lines of the beacons, plaster are thrown. Loomed lighthouses by controlling the work by rule and bubble level.

Step 4. Leveling ceiling. This stage of work is embarked after the plaster will find the beacons.

  • this amount of water is poured into deep container, which is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions;
  • a dry plaster mix, observing the proportions specified in the instructions;
  • install the metal mixer on the drill;
  • include drill and stir the mixture, achieving homogeneous thick consistency;
  • waiting for 5 minutes and the solution is re-stirred;
  • the spatula is thrown by plaster, filling the space between the beacons;
  • they align the ruled rule with the layer, pressing it to the beacons and moving along them towards themselves.

In order for the alignment to be better, the rule moves, alternately shifting it to the right and left. It should be noted that the thickness of the layer of plaster should not exceed the value recommended by the manufacturer. For different compositions, your requirements. When using standard cement-sand mixture The layer of plaster should not exceed 2 cm. Gypsum compositions allow you to apply a layer to 8 cm.

Step 5. Score. At this stage of work, it is important not to miss the moment when the plaster has already started to stick, but still possesses some plasticity. At this time, it is embarked in the ceiling surface in the kitchen. For this purpose, a wide facade spatula with a blade width is 45-60 cm. With a light push, it is moved along the plots between the beacons, trying to avoid the formation of the waves.

Step 6. Finish grout. After leveling, they are waiting for the moment when the drying plaster will find a matte tint. Warm water is poured into the container, take the foam sponge and wet the ceiling section. The facade spatula is performed by the finish-burning, modifying all the small flaws with a wet sponge. Achieve the perfect smoothness and flatness of the ceiling.

Applying decorative plaster

The ceiling in the kitchen can be separated by decorative plaster. This is a simpler task than the leveling of the surface. In addition, applying decorative plaster decides both the question finish finish Ceiling.

Market finishing materials offers a wide range of compounds for internal and external work. For the ceiling formation is the optimal mixture based on plaster. They have a lot of advantages over cement: quickly frozen, plastic, easily applied and stirred.

Any composition of decorative plaster includes three components:

  • water;
  • binder;
  • filler.

Any of these ingredients is available, so you can not buy a mixture, but to prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to know the exact proportions of the composition. With them can be found, having studied the instructions on the packaging of any mixture you like to apply decorative plaster. Cement, gypsum or lime are used as a binder. Filler can be small pebbles, sand, marble crumb. Pigment is added to the composition (coloring substance).

Prices for decorative plaster

decorative plaster

Features of the use of decorative plaster

Structural decorative plaster provides infinite features To create surfaces with various species Relief, emphasizing the individual style of the room. With the help of these mixtures, you can implement any option to decorate the ceiling: from the creation of a smooth surface with a uniform graininess to rough textures with clear lines and deep gaps. The thickness of the layer can be up to 2 cm.

The following compounds are suitable for ceiling design:

  • "Alpina Expert";
  • Buntsteinputz lf;
  • "Bolls".

To apply decorative plaster use as standard malyary instrumentand suitable primary means. To obtain the same type of relief, rolling with textured rollers.

The plastered surface can be devalued using any painting compositions: dispersion paints, decorative lazoystinting means.

For decorative ceilings in the kitchen, it is possible to use decorative pebble plaster with grain granulation 1-2 mm. These compositions are intended for thin-layer plastering, so you need to perform the whole spectrum preparatory work, including surface leveling.

Table. Average flow Cameshkova decorative plaster.

Optimal choice - acrylic decorative plaster Anserglob. You can use other mixtures - "Ceresit", "Bayramix GRAVOL" and so on. All of these compositions have moisture resistance, plasticity, crack resistance.

Machinery applying brass decorative plaster on the ceiling

To perform work, you will need such tools:

  • drill;
  • nozzle mixer;
  • maclithus brush;
  • master OK;
  • metal grater;
  • plastic grater;
  • gloves.

To enhance the clutch of the plaster layer with the base surface, adhesive emulsions are anserglob EG 62 Quartz-Grunt, Haftemulsion-Konzen, AnsergLob EG 62 Silicone, Haftemulsion-Sopro He 449.

Stages of work on the application of decorative pebble plaster.

Step 1. Padding. Brush is applied to the ceiling layer of adhesive emulsion. Leave for 3-4 hours for drying.

Step 2. Toning. If the mixture is not tinted, the pigment is added and stirred with a mixer drill.

Step 3. Applying the first layer of plaster.

  1. The spatula is gaining plaster from the tank and laid on the grater with a metal sole.
  2. Apply stucco on the ceiling, holding a grater at an angle of 60 ° to the surface. They strive to obtain a layer of uniform thickness (2-3 mm).

Step 4. Score. At this stage of work, a layer of the same thickness is formed along the entire surface of the ceiling. Work is performed by a grater with a metal sole.

Step 5. Formation of surface texture. To this stage of work, they begin at the moment when the plastering mixture will stop sticking to the tool. Take a plastic grater and light circular motions, holding a tool parallel to the ceiling surface, rub the previous layer. When there will be no smooth sites on the ceiling, the work is completed. Leave 72 hours to dry.

Prices on Stretch Ceiling

stretch ceiling

Technique application of textured decorative plaster on the ceiling

Step 1. A small amount of mixture is applied to a spatula with a stainless steel blade.

Step 2. Apply stucco on the ceiling by a uniform layer with a thickness of up to 3 mm. Close the plot of 1.5x1.5 m.

Step 3. For 15-20 minutes, you can strudule the surface. After this time, the composition will begin to be captured. For the formation of relief use the same or other plaster mix. Cement-sandy solution can be used. The mixture is applied with a layer with a thickness of up to 8 mm. There is no need for alignment.

Step 4. Moisturize the plaster (sprayed with water) and a grater with a flat plastic sole applies surface texture. To do this, alternately pressed and tear the grater from the ceiling. Thus, it is obtained a clear relief with chaotic-located pointed waves. With the help of stronger pressure and sharp cuts, the grater can be made a coarse texture.

Step 5. Easy touch of graters smoothed the relief of decorative plaster. Achieve the preparation of the same type of ceiling pattern. If the composition loses elasticity, the plastered surface is sprayed with water.

Step 6. After 20-30 minutes, they take a wet foam sponge and the light movements of the hands smooth. Thus, the ceiling with Venetian plaster is obtained.

Prices for Venetian Plaster

venetian plaster

Since the kitchen is a room with increased level humidity, the finishing layer can be covered with moisture-resistant primer. But most often this is not necessary, since most decorative plastering mixes have the necessary resistance to external influence.

Video - how to align the ceiling. Leveling ceiling