How do I clear a blockage in my sink? Eliminate blockages in the kitchen or bathroom sink. How to clean the sewer drain in the bathroom and clean the pipes in the apartment How to clear the blockage in the bathroom with a plunger

Almost every person has a question of how to clear a blockage in the bathroom. Both a jack of all trades and an ordinary housewife can face this - this is a common thing. If the water does not leave, or even worse - whips back, emitting a stench, using the bathroom becomes not only unpleasant, but also impossible in principle.

This article contains comprehensive information on how to remove a blockage from your bathroom, what remedies are best, and how to prevent future troubles from recurring.

Reasons why the bath could get clogged

First you need to determine why the drain is clogged, and what options are there for cleaning pipes or a siphon. Most likely, the cause will be revealed in the process of fixing the problem. However, if it is known for sure that a piece of jewelry, a hairpin or other necessary thing, then not all remedies for blockages in the bathroom will be good. For example, certain chemicals can ruin an awkwardly dropped item.

So, the causes of blockages in the siphon:

  • hair, animal hair;
  • spools, pile, thread from clothes;
  • trifle;
  • dirt;
  • small parts, accessories, decorations.

All of the above components form a dense lump in the pipe, which prevents the passage of water, or even inhibits it altogether. It is possible to remove such a blockage in the bathroom either with tweezers or a thin wire.

Effective methods of eliminating sewer blockages

Good old plunger and cable. These two things are found in almost every home.

A plunger is a rubber-tipped stick shaped like a large suction cup that can suck or push through debris.

Using this simple invention, you can get the following results:

  1. Prevent blockages.
  2. Eliminate the causes of slow water drainage.
  3. Assess the extent of contamination.

Usually the plunger is effective when the pipe is slightly clogged - sharp currents of water and air will push through the obstacle.

  1. Install the device in such a way that its rubber part covers the drain hole.
  2. Draw a small amount of water into the bathroom (the efficiency decreases for dry).
  3. Make a few strokes by moving the handle up and down.
  4. Check if water is leaking.
  5. Wash off the evacuated debris.

If this did not help and the blockage in the bathroom has not disappeared, then what to do? Use a wire rope:

  1. Insert it into the drain hole.
  2. Push forward into pipes and scroll at the same time.
  3. When the tension is released (the blockage is cleared), gently move the cable back and forth.
  4. Remove and rinse the product.


The modern chemical industry has taken care of making the process of removing blockages as fast and comfortable as possible.

Almost all of them are equally effective, but when choosing a remedy, it is worth considering the fact that not every remedy for blockage in the bathroom is suitable for the type of pipes that is installed in your house.

Manufacturers are vying with each other to produce tools for cleaning pipes from debris and deposits. The release form can be varied:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • liquid.

The most common and inexpensive remedy is Mole, a domestic drug that perfectly removes odors, food and fat debris, and also breaks down fibers (hair, wool, etc.). Issued by different companies and may differ slightly:

  • by composition;
  • price;
  • time of action.

Pipe compatibility is usually indicated on the packaging. That's far from complete list effective drugs:

  1. Mister Muscle.
  2. Bugs.
  3. Pothan.
  4. Tiret.
  5. Flop.
  6. Mole.

Folk way to clean the blockage: soda and vinegar

If you have no plumbing, no plunger, no cable, no purchased products at hand and the bathtub is clogged, you should try folk method... This will require:

Follow these directions:

  1. Wipe dry the bathroom and the metal drain ring.
  2. Pour baking soda into the drain hole.
  3. Pour vinegar there.
  4. Pour in boiling water after 1 minute.
  5. After 2-3 minutes, turn on the water - it should flow freely.

If, nevertheless, there is confidence that a necessary or valuable thing has become the reason for the slow drainage of water, it is worth learning how to clean the siphon in the bathroom. Thus, it will be possible to remove what has fallen into the drain and caused a blockage.

Siphon cleaning technology:

  1. Lay a cloth under the siphon, put a basin, or a bucket.
  2. Slowly loosen the lock nut to prevent liquid spilling out.
  3. Remove the flask and drain the dirty water.
  4. Remove the debris, small parts or lumps that caused the problem.
  5. Rinse the siphon and remove plaque.
  6. Replace the siphon.
  7. Check the tightness of the connections.

Now, in case the bathtub suddenly clogs up, you will know what to do.

It is also worth remembering that prophylaxis with a plunger and cleaning the siphon once a month is a guarantee of high-quality and comfortable use of the bath. Expensive chemicals may not be required in this case!

Also worth watching the video on this topic:

A blockage in a pipe, namely in a bathtub or sink, is a very unpleasant phenomenon that brings a lot of discomfort. The drain is clogged, the throughput is reduced, and the water does not escape. In addition, a disgusting smell soon appears, the threat of flooding the premises or a pipe break.

To avoid this, it is important to eliminate the blockage in the early stages of appearance. As soon as you notice that the water started to drain longer than usual, you can carry out the procedure. In this article, we will learn how to clear a blockage in a bathroom or kitchen at home.

Causes of blockages

The reason for blockages is that hair, small debris, animal hair, pellets and threads from clothes, soap residues and much more get into the pipe and drain. These components form a tight lump that impedes the passage of water. To clean the pipe, you need to remove this debris. In this case, you can remove the blockage in the bathroom at home.

In old metal pipes, mineral build-up forms over time. In this case, the cleaning can only be carried out by an expert.

But such a problem is rare and mainly in old houses where cast iron and steel tubes... The modern pipeline is made mainly of polypropylene, plastic and PVC, which is not susceptible to corrosion and the formation of deposits on the walls of products.

The reasons can also be improper sewerage installation and insufficient pipe slope, prolonged use of the pipeline and wear of devices. In this case, it is necessary to replace old pipes, wiring and risers, a siphon and other elements, or to eliminate defects made during the installation of the sewage system.

However, the most common cause of problems is the accumulation of debris in the pipes, which must be removed. Let's find out how to do it.

How to clear a blockage with a plunger or cable

Plumbing is the most common method used to remove blockages. The plunger exerts double pressure on the blockage, causing the debris inside the pipe to collapse. Close the overflow port, if present, tightly before the procedure.

Then press the rubber part of the plunger to the drain hole, press down on the device and start sharp, intense movements up and down. Make sure that the water in the sink or bathtub does not rise above the rubber valve during the process. Then pull off the plunger abruptly and repeat the procedure several times.

To ensure a more snug fit of the plunger to the drain, you can pre-lubricate the rim of the device with petroleum jelly. If it is not possible to completely remove dirt and debris, the drain is cleaned with a plunger and boiling water.

To do this, fill a third of the sink or bathtub. hot water... Then we insert the plunger and pump the pipe in the bathroom, pull it out sharply and repeat the procedure several times until the drain is completely clear.

Instead of a plunger, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. The pipe of the appliance is connected to the blowing hole, and the remaining end is wrapped with a cloth or soft material... This end is inserted into the drain hole and the vacuum cleaner is turned on.

Air pressure will push through or destroy the blockage. By the way, the function of blowing air can also be used for outerwear after washing.

A severe, deep, and severe blockage will help clear the pipe sweeper. The procedure must be carried out carefully and carefully, otherwise the plastic pipes can be damaged. To clear a blockage in the bathroom with a cable, first remove the siphon.

Then take the device by the handle and point the other end into the pipe. Push the cable as deep as possible and begin to turn the cable clockwise.

When the cable reaches the gap, reinforce and speed up the rotation of the cable. He will push the debris further. After removing most of the blockages, pull out the product with the rest of the dirt. Rotate the cable only clockwise, otherwise it may break!

By the way, you can easily make a cable yourself. To do this, take a flexible metal wire, on one side of which wrap a cloth and make a handle. Bend the other end into a small hook.

Cleaning chemicals

Today in stores and departments of household chemicals you will find various means for cleaning pipes and blockages in the bathroom or sink. These are gels, powders, liquids and foams. Choose formulations that dissolve hair well and are suitable for your type of tubing.

By the way, many products are used not only for cleaning, but also for preventing blockages. We offer an overview of the most popular drugs.

  • The mole is the cheapest and most affordable tool. It removes blockages and bad smell effectively, but slowly, acts from 1.5 hours;
  • Sanox is also an inexpensive drug that is suitable for every type of pipe. Delicately removes blockages and unpleasant odors, lasts from one hour. Has a child-proof cover;
  • Chirton is a cheap remedy with a quick action of 15-20 minutes. Does not form dust and does not contain chlorine, but has a pungent odor. Available in gel and powder form;
  • Tiret is a popular formulation for plastic and metal pipes characterized by high cost and moderate efficiency. The duration is up to half an hour;
  • Deboucher - effective gel in a convenient package with a blocking lid, suitable for plastic and polypropylene. Due to the chlorine content, it cannot be used for aluminum pipes... Works within an hour;
  • Flup is an aggressive granular agent with high efficiency without a pungent odor. Distinguished by easy and prompt cleaning of blockages;
  • Bagi Pothan is an expensive but fast-acting granular product that works instantly in 3-5 minutes. It is characterized by high efficiency, economical consumption and convenient packaging. Not suitable for worn pipes and for preventing blockages.

Majority chemical compositions have a pungent odor and aggressive action, therefore it is recommended to clean the pipes using protective equipment. Be sure to wear gloves and, if necessary, a respirator and eye protection. Follow the cleaning procedure strictly according to the instructions and keep the product out of the reach of children.

Folk cleaning methods

  1. Light dirt is removed by lemon. To do this, take one piece of fruit and squeeze the lemon juice into the drain hole. After two hours, rinse the tub or sink with hot water;
  2. Fat and minor impurities in the pipes are removed with boiling water. Pour boiling water down the drain until the water starts to pass;
  3. Cleaning with baking soda and vinegar is effective and efficient. The two components react with each other to quickly eliminate difficult contaminants. First, a glass of soda is poured into the drain, and then a glass of vinegar is poured and the hole is plugged for 20-30 minutes. After that, the pipe is washed with boiling water;
  4. You can clear the blockage not only with baking soda and vinegar, but also with baking soda alone. Soda cleans and disinfects pipes by creating an alkaline environment. First, pour a liter of boiling water into the drain and clean it with a plunger after 15 minutes. Remove the dirt and pour a glass of soda into the hole, pour three more glasses of boiling water. Repeat the procedure if necessary;
  5. Using salt and baking soda is another way to clean up a blockage in your bathroom. To do this, pour half of both components into the hole, pour boiling water. Leave for 8 hours, periodically pouring in fresh boiling water. Then rinse the tub or sink with hot water.

It is important to regularly remove hair from the drain. After each shampoo, be sure to collect and tidy up your hair. Use your plumbing correctly to keep your bathtub or sink from getting clogged!

Do not brush in kitchen sink vegetables, as the waste will easily clog the drain hole in a short time. Do not brush animals in the bathroom and do not rinse hair or threads into the drain hole. Do not wash your shoes directly in the bathroom, as dirt and sand will also clog the pipe.

To prevent blockages, it is sometimes recommended to pour boiling water into the drain hole, as it reliably removes soap and fat. Clean the siphon regularly. To do this, substitute a basin, bucket or other container under the pipe. Open the fasteners and remove the flask. Wait for the water to drain and gently clean the siphon with a soft cloth and water. Then put the device back.

A clogged sink is a problem that can arise at any time. It can be avoided only in one case, namely: never use this plumbing fixture for its intended purpose.

Possible causes of blockage

Washing (soaking, rinsing) dishes, other kitchen utensils, and other items does not pass without leaving a trace for the state of the sewer system. Water may not drain or leave the bowl very slowly for several reasons, including:

  • organic and inorganic waste has entered the pipe;
  • build-ups have formed on the walls of the pipeline (accumulated fat, solid particles contained in running water, deposits resulting from corrosive processes);
  • a foreign object has entered the system through the drain hole.

An unpleasant smell, dirty water that does not flow into the water supply system, and the inability to take advantage of the available benefits of civilization push people to take prompt action. Everything is used: the contents of kitchen cabinets, and household chemicals, and various items that can help. Where to stop the choice?

Folk remedies

The first thing that comes to mind is the thought of using what is already in the house, in particular, baking soda, salt and vinegar. The properties of these foods alone are of little value to those who need to clean their sinks, but in the right combination they show excellent results.

There are two possible options:

  1. Salt + soda... 0.5 cups of both the first and second ingredients are poured into the sink in the sink. Top up there too hot water, cover with a rag and leave for 8 hours (ideally overnight). After the specified time has elapsed, they are washed under a strong pressure of hot water from the tap.
  2. Soda + vinegar... The proportion is the same (50 × 50, 0.5 cups each). The reaction is more violent and faster. To get rid of the blockage, it is enough to leave the mixture in a siphon for only half an hour and then spill it with hot water.

This method requires preparatory work... Before pouring the components into the drain hole, remove the water from the bowl.

If these cleaning methods have not brought the desired result, then it makes sense to seek help from the formulations developed by specialists.


Sink blockages are so common that special formulations based on alkaline substances and acids. As in the previous case, their action is reduced to corroding the accumulated deposits, organic or inorganic waste. You can buy such products in any store that has a "household chemicals" department. There are many options. The most effective are considered "Mole", "Domestos", "Tiret", "Mister Muscle".

The algorithm of actions is simple: the agent is poured into the pipe and starts working. The whole process takes about 5 hours. At this time, you cannot use the sink, and therefore most optimal solution will pour the composition overnight. In the morning (or after the period of action specified in the instructions for use), it is imperative to wash off the product with a stream of hot running water.

The effect may not be strong enough. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • when choosing the composition, the degree of complexity of the blockage was not taken into account;
  • water does not escape because a foreign object (sponge, bag) has got into the siphon or pipe.

There is a chance to improve the situation by repeating the procedure, but this does not always work. In such a situation, you will have to move on to more labor-intensive actions associated with the use of physical force.

Mechanical means

It is quite possible to return the lost functionality to the sink with the help of special devices:

  1. Ventuz... Even such a simple object, consisting of a handle and a rubber tip, can solve the problem. Its principle of operation is based on pressure drops. Artificially created vibrations destroy the "plug" in the pipeline, as a result of which the outflow of water from the bowl is normalized. All you need to do is fill the sink halfway with hot water and work vigorously with your hands (pump the plunger up and down). Then tear it off the hole and see the result (as a rule, to get it, you need to repeat these steps 3-4 times).
  2. Cable... Another simple, but very useful device... Modern products in this category are equipped with a special handle, which greatly simplifies the task. First, the cable is inserted into the pipe, then they begin to rotate it, moving it further along the system. This action is similar to the work of a drill. He clings to all the pollution. Periodically take it out and repeat it all over again.
  3. Hydrodynamic washing apparatus... This machine works wonders. It restores the original state of the sewerage system in a matter of minutes. It's simple: water is supplied under high pressure through a hose connected to the device and inserted into the sewer pipe. The powerful jet washes away everything (dirt, grease, waste and other consequences of using the sink). Such an impact is very effective, but not always advisable. Indeed, in most cases, the problem is much easier to fix.

Cleaning the siphon

The curved shape of this section of the drainage system often becomes the reason for the accumulation of various kinds of contaminants in it, and therefore most blockages are the result of a clogged siphon.

Sometimes, in order to again see the water quickly escaping from the sink, it is enough just to clear this important element sewerage system. The whole process takes place in three stages:

  1. Dismantling: after placing an empty container under the siphon, unscrewing the retaining rings, it is disconnected from the pipe.
  2. Cleaning: initially remove the debris, then rinse the tube itself with hot water with the addition of degreasing agents.
  3. Mounting: the already clean siphon is returned to its original place.

Features of eliminating blockages depending on the pipe material

Plastic pipes are less problematic in this regard than their metal counterparts. It's all about smooth inner surface and in the absence of the risk of the appearance of foci of corrosion (traces of their development). The sinks of such drainage systems rarely need help.

If it was not possible to avoid the trouble in the form of a clogged plastic sewer system, then you can use the same techniques that were described above.

There is only one important caveat: when choosing chemical cleaning agents, you need to pay attention to their applicability. Some compounds are strictly forbidden to be used for cleaning plastic pipelines!

Preventive measures

It is impossible to eliminate the risk of this kind of problems by 100%. But it is quite possible to reduce the likelihood of a blockage in the sink, for this it is enough to follow a few rules:

  • it is imperative to buy and install a protective mesh on the drain hole (the smaller the diameter of the honeycomb is chosen, the better);
  • it is necessary to periodically pour special cleaning agents into the pipes, preferably at least once a week.

Neatness, attentiveness and care are what the sink and the entire sewer system as a whole need in order to function normally.

Pipes usually get clogged at the most inopportune moment, usually in the morning, when you are late for work, or worse, when you need to take a bath or go to the toilet, and there is a blockage in the bathroom or kitchen. In this article, we will analyze the main effective ways how to quickly clean sewer pipes without much effort.

How to find out what exactly is clogged in the sewer pipe

To identify the problem in time and take quick measures is our main task, which is why we will begin to act promptly so we will transgress, first determine whether the water is drained in other sewer units, be it a toilet bowl, a sink, a bathtub or a shower. If water does not drain in any of them, then we have big problems the point is that in multi-storey buildings especially on the first floors, the riser itself sometimes clogs up and the water begins not only not to drain, but even in rare cases rises to the top from the toilet or from the bathtub, then dial the number of the plumber or housing office and call them as soon as possible.

To find out the ZHEK number is very easy to go out into the entrance and read the phone number on the electrical panel.

Types of blockages and their differences

Operational blockage.

This is a blockage that owes its appearance to fat. Yes, grease sticks to the pipes inside, and hair begins to stick to it, and other waste that accidentally ends up in the sink through the drain hole.

Mechanical blockage.

Mechanical blockage occurs mainly due to the fault of the tenant of the apartment himself - a frequent example of mechanical blockage is toilet paper that is thrown into the toilet almost every day. Sometimes the paper is not corroded by water and a blockage is formed, which can only be removed with special means that corrode the paper and accumulated debris.

Obstruction in the siphon.

The siphon is a device that you can see in the picture below, it serves as a barrier that protects us from unpleasant odors - it is a kind of filter, from the direct smell from the sewer. But over time, fat enters the siphon, which in turn accumulates the remaining deposits inside itself.

Cleaning the siphon can be very simple - unscrew it and rinse it with hot water with the addition of FARRY or other dishwashing liquids - this will remove the dirt from the inside.

Picture - sewer siphon

Technogenic blockage.

You new flat, and blockages appear periodically, you do not know how to deal with it? The answer is simple - this is the worst option of all the options discussed above. It is the technogenic blockage that cannot be eliminated with improvised means, because it occurs by design error sewerage systems unfortunately this is not uncommon.

How to clean the resulting blockage?

You can clean the sewer different methods... The effectiveness of these methods depends on the severity of the blockage. Let's take a look at these methods.

Tools for cleaning a blockage in a pipe

Picture - means for cleaning a blockage in a pipe

Improvised means - cleaning pipes with soda.

If you don't have special means, which, with the help of their caustic composition, will help you cope with the cleaning of sewer pipes, then use the available measures. So: Boil several kettles of hot water and add a packet of baking soda to the hot water - this will decompose the fat in the pipe and get rid of the blockage.


Chemicals are drugs that, with the help of their caustic composition, will eliminate the blockage; such drugs include drugs:

  • Mole.
  • Tiret.
  • Steril and others.

How to clean a pipe with a plunger.

The plunger is a device that you can see in the picture below, this device was used by our grandfathers. In order to clean the pipe with a plunger, simply attach it to the hole in the sink and actively press on it - this will allow the resulting blockage to move slightly from its place and organize the movement of water in the pipe.

Steel plumbing cable- assistant against blockage.

Didn't the above remedies help? Do not despair to eat the last reliable advice- use a steel plumbing cable with the help of which plumbers usually clear the blockage in the toilet or bathroom, just move it to the place of blockage and scroll a little - this will eliminate the blockage in 90% of cases.

Video - how to quickly clean a sewer pipe

Partial or complete clogging of sewer pipes can happen in every home. This usually happens suddenly, being a complete surprise for the owners of an apartment or house. However, this phenomenon may be preceded by some signs. For example, a decrease in the rate of water drainage, the appearance of pipes bad smell... In order not to call the plumbers every time, each person should imagine how to clean the sewer pipes at home if they are clogged. Moreover, there are always at hand available funds or cleaning items.

Determining the resulting blockage is easy. The water stops going down the drain, or it leaves too slowly. If the drain grate of the plumbing fixture is not clogged with anything, then there is a blockage.

Drain pipes are often clogged with food debris, objects, hair, threads accidentally falling into the drain. Also, a large object, such as a rag or sponge, can get into the pipe, around which a cork of small particles will gradually build up.

Another reason for the formation of blockages is a gradual decrease in cross-section drain pipes... On the walls of drain pipes, usually cast iron, a layer of fat is gradually deposited, which leads to a decrease in the rate of drainage, until it stops. Plastic pipes are much less likely to suffer from such deposits. In any case, you need to know how to clean the sewer at home. There are several ways to deal with such a nuisance. You can use any of them, whichever is more to your liking and capabilities.

Determining the location of the blockage

Before you clean clogged sewer pipes with your own hands, you need to determine the location of the blockage. This will make it easier to fix it. Blockages often form at bends in drain pipes. In particular, in the siphon itself, at the exit from the kitchen or bathroom siphon. These are places in the areas between plumbing fixtures and the drain stand. Sometimes the internal risers are clogged, although much less often. If the common riser is clogged apartment building, then here you can't do it on your own.

You can identify the approximate location of the blockage yourself. To do this, you need to check how the drain works from different points. Let's say that water flows out normally in the kitchen and in the toilet, but does not leave the bathtub. Therefore, the cause must be sought in the area between the bathroom and the riser. If the water does not leave different devices, then the reason is the common riser.

Pipe cleaning methods

Consider how to clean the sewer pipes in a house or apartment. It is recommended that you first check the siphons under the sink or bathtub. To do this, they must be carefully disassembled and then rinsed with water. In most cases, blockages are located precisely on the bends of the siphons. If the siphon is clean and the water still does not drain, you should use one of the methods listed in this article.

Thermal method

Pour 1-2 liters of boiling water into the drain hole. He is able to dissolve body fat, as a result of which the drain passage will be cleared. This method cannot be used if there is water in the sink or other plumbing fixture.

Mechanical method

You can use the following tools for cleaning:

Tip: For plastic pipeline the metal cable must be used with caution, as it can, due to its rigidity, damage the pipe walls.

Chemical method

Consider how to clean the pipes with one of the chemicals... On sale there are special liquids and powders with which you can dissolve fatty deposits inside the drain. These are Mole, Flup, Mister Muscle, MELLERUD, Tiret Turbo, Sanfor. The liquid is immediately ready for use. It is poured into the drain hole of the plumbing fixture, after which it is left for a while. The powder must be poured into the drain, and then filled with the specified amount of water. After holding the specified time, the drain system is flushed with water.

All chemicals are divided into 2 groups:

  • Acidic. They perfectly dissolve hair and deal with soapy deposits. Such preparations are more suitable for bathrooms;
  • alkaline. Their purpose is to dissolve fats that are layered on the inner tube walls. Such tools have proven themselves better in kitchens.

Important: The simultaneous use of products based on alkali and acidic preparations is prohibited.

Homemade solvent products

How to clear the blockage in sewer pipes if purchased chemicals are not available? You can use all known folk remedies:

1. Baking soda... It can be used in several ways:

  • Half a pack of soda should be poured into the drain, and then the same amount of vinegar should be poured into it. This mixture effectively dissolves any fatty deposits on the pipe walls. It is recommended to close the drain with a plug. After application, you need to wait about 2 hours without opening the drain. After a time when the reaction stops, the drain must be flushed with running water;
  • Soda is poured into the drain hole, after which boiling water is poured into it. The reaction of soda to boiling water is gas formation with the release of carbon dioxide. This helps to clean the pipes.

2. Salt mixed with baking soda... Ingredients in equal proportions are poured into the drain at night, and everything is washed off with water only in the morning.

How to clean the sewer system with soda and vinegar is shown in the video.

Hydrodynamic method

To use this cleaning method, a special hydrodynamic machine is required, capable of supplying water under high pressure... With the help of such a device, pipes with a diameter of 5-30 cm are cleaned.

Note: It is problematic to use such a machine in an apartment, but it is quite possible to use it for a private house.

Flexible hose with special nozzle at the end it is inserted into a clogged pipe. The hose is supplied with high pressure water. Water comes out through the nozzles of the nozzle and knocks all deposits off the pipe walls. Due to the resulting reactive thrust, the hose moves further along the pipe, destroying the blockages by the nozzle body. Water helps to remove all debris outside the pipe. If you have a blockage in a wide pipe, then better way how to clean the sewer pipes, you will not find. After such a thorough cleaning, the insides of the pipes will not clog for a long time.

Cleaning of plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are much less prone to clogging, as their walls are smoother. Deposits are practically not formed on them. Blockages inside such pipelines can occur only at bends, as well as in the presence of standing water. Sand deposits can also form in the lower parts of the pipelines. The siphon itself is often clogged. How to clean plastic sewer pipes if they are still clogged?

If disassembling and flushing the siphon did not bring results, then the following cleaning methods can be used:

  • plunger;
  • soda with boiling water or vinegar;
  • soft flexible cable (gentle hand cleaning);
  • chemicals designed specifically for such pipes.

Tip: When buying chemical agent read its instructions carefully. Some products cannot be used inside the plastic system, as they lead to its destruction.

Mechanical cleaning with a hard metal cable on plastic pipes Not recommended.


To prevent blockages inside the drain pipes from being a regular occurrence, you need to take preventive measures:

  • There is no need to throw foreign objects into the drain, which can block the flow of water;
  • Use the special grease trays installed on the drain holes... They are able to retain most of the fat;
  • Protect the drain hole in the bathtub with a grill that can trap hair. It is the hair that is the main reason for the clogging of the bath siphon;
  • Periodically clean the siphon from deposits and objects that have got into it;
  • Pour boiling water over the drain regularly. It would be even better to combine this action with pouring some soda into the drain;
  • If possible, replace old metal pipes with PVC or polypropylene pipes. Blockages will occur much less frequently and will be cleared faster.

Using the methods listed above, you can independently cope with even the most unpleasant blockages in the sewer pipes. Start the fight with the most simple ways... And only if the problem persists, use more effective remedies.