Remedy for cockroaches Satan. Effective poison for cockroaches

The appearance of cockroaches in a human's dwelling is not uncommon, especially since sometimes the residents themselves are to blame for this. The fight against cockroaches is a rather relevant topic, given that these insects are quite tenacious and prolific. Recently, there has been a tendency to reduce the number of these pests, in connection with the development of modern technologies. Despite this, many families, and sometimes even whole multi-story houses suffer from a similar neighborhood.

Cockroaches are attracted to a person's home by several factors. For example:

  • Free access to food and water.
  • Having suitable places to hide.
  • Suitable temperature conditions.

In some apartments, although cockroaches appear from time to time, they do not linger in them. Most likely, these are cockroaches - scouts who are looking for their relatives comfortable conditions for life.

Cockroaches can live in an apartment if:

  • The apartment has a lot of old, unnecessary things, which allows insects to find refuge for themselves.
  • Garbage is not removed from the bin in a timely manner.
  • Leftovers remain on the dining table after a meal.
  • In places where bulk food is stored, you can find something to profit from.
  • A layer of fat can be seen near the stove or stove.
  • There are no mosquito nets on the windows, baseboards, the floor, platbands, window sills are dry and there are many cracks, and holes are visible next to the pipes of the water supply and sewerage systems, etc.
  • The hostess leaves a dirty, wet rag on the sink.
  • Family members practice eating not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms.
  • V multi-storey building there is an apartment where cockroaches feel comfortable and actively reproduce.
  • A leak in water supply and sewage systems allows insects to have free access to moisture.
  • The ventilation systems are not equipped with fine mesh grilles.

It's important to know! It will never be possible to completely get rid of cockroaches if you ignore the factors that attract insects to a person's home. In this case, even the most toxic drugs will not help: some time after the action of the drug, they will reappear in the home.

How do chemicals work on cockroaches?

Many hosts use insecticides to control cockroaches. Today, from this "good" eyes run up and a person is confused, because different means designed for different conditions application. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right product so as not to harm yourself and to destroy insects.

To combat cockroaches in an apartment, the following types of insecticides are suitable:

  • Contact action... Insects die from being in contact with a poisonous substance, which then penetrates through the chitinous layer of pests, which leads to their death.
  • Contact-intestinal action... These types of drugs have a complex effect. They not only penetrate the chitinous layer, but also act harmful if cockroaches suddenly try bait with this substance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Poisonous substances against cockroaches have proven their effectiveness over the centuries, and especially recently, when you can purchase funds in any form of release, moreover, convenient for use.

The advantages include:

  • Rapid destruction of insects.
  • Residual effect.
  • Mass destruction of pests.
  • Possibility of application in hard-to-reach places.
  • The result is obvious with any number of cockroaches.
  • The tool does not scare away insects, but has a destructive effect on them.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • Most drugs are highly toxic to humans.
  • When working with poisonous substances, you must use personal protective equipment.
  • When using aerosols, toxic components are in the air.
  • The use of such means requires the evacuation of the tenants of the apartment.

Types of effective cockroach remedies

There are several promising forms of insecticide release. For example:


These types of toxic substances differ in that they do not have toxic fumes, which makes them less toxic to humans. The gel is applied to the surface, after which the cockroaches begin to taste it, since the product has an attractive smell. Popular brands: Fas, Dohloks, Shturm, Globol.


Such forms of release of insecticides differ in that they are easy to use, which is why they are very popular. Aerosols penetrate into the insect both through the respiratory system and through the legs, which leads to death. Their use requires protection of the human respiratory tract. Popular brands: Dichlorvos - Neo, Kombat, Raptor, Reid, Get.


This form of release of toxic substances is also convenient and easy to use. In addition, with the help of toxic crayons, it is possible to get rid of insects quite quickly. The advantage of crayons is also that they can be applied to any, sometimes the most difficult, surfaces. Popular drugs: Mashenka, Clean House.


In the process of manufacturing such substances, the most modern technologies... Thanks to this technology, it was possible to create a poisonous substance in the shell. When insects come into contact with a substance, they destroy the microcapsules, after which they receive their dose of the substance. The product works for 3 or 4 months without emitting toxic fumes. Effective formulations: Lambda Zone, Foresight.


As a rule, traps are made of cardboard and have, when assembled, a box with several entrances. There is a poisonous bait inside this box. Cockroaches visit this box and taste the poison. In addition, cockroaches carry food for their relatives who are in the nest. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the entire colony of barbel. Traps can have other modes of action: glue, electric, ultrasonic. In addition, it is not difficult to make a trap for cockroaches with your own hands from improvised, sometimes unnecessary materials. Popular brands: Combat, Raptor, Forsyth, Raid, Taiga, Clean House.

How to proceed

Fighting cockroaches requires a certain approach from the owners. That's why:

  • First of all, it is necessary to assess how large a colony of insects has settled in the apartment.
  • After that, you will have to decide on the poisonous substance.
  • Then you need to start preparing the premises.
  • Study the instructions for use of the drug, specifying the working concentration of the drug.
  • Proceed with the evacuation of residents, having decided on temporary housing. At the same time, one should not forget about pets. If there is an aquarium, then it will also have to be taken out.
  • Put on protective clothing, not forgetting to protect hands, respiratory organs and eyes.
  • You can return home only after the time specified in the instructions. In this case, first of all, you should ventilate the room and start cleaning.
  • Take care of preventive measures so that cockroaches do not appear again.

Interesting to know! If you fight cockroaches using traps, then you do not need to prepare and, moreover, leave the apartment for a certain time. It is enough to place traps in places where insects appear. At the same time, you need to think about how children and pets cannot get to the traps.

Cockroach traps

The best option is to fight such insects with toxic traps. They are more practical, since they do not require the evacuation of residents and pets, since they are practically safe for people. Such methods of struggle do not differ in speed, in comparison with chemical agents, but from this their effectiveness is no less.

In specialized retail outlets (in hardware stores), ready-made factory-made traps are sold at a price of 120 to 160 rubles. The package contains from 6 to 14 special boxes that will catch and destroy cockroaches for almost six months.

Factory made cockroach traps

TO effective adaptations should include:

  • Raid... The basis of the trap is the active substance abamentin, which has a negative effect on the reproduction of insects. The insecticide works on different generations of cockroaches. The box has a transparent lid, which allows you to see how many insects are inside the trap. After about 4 months, it is possible to get rid of the entire colony of cockroaches. A set of traps (6 pieces) costs about 150 rubles.
  • Raptor... The bait contains the poisonous substance chlorpyrifos. Insects react to an attractive scent and then crawl into the trap and try the bait. After that, they can infect other members of the colony as well. After about a couple of weeks, it is possible to get rid of all the cockroaches. The trap can be placed anywhere. A set of traps of six boxes with an active substance costs about 140 rubles.
  • Foresight... Manufacturer - Russia. The trap has an adhesive effect. A similar facility is trapped. The substance does not emit toxic components and belongs to the 4th class of toxicity. Cardboard houses are assembled on their own. When cockroaches are trapped to try the bait, they simply stick to the adhesive surface. A set of traps costs only 70 rubles. The kit includes 5 glue boxes, which you will have to assemble yourself.

DIY traps

Despite the fact that cockroach traps are not very complicated, their effectiveness is quite high. The advantage of the method of struggle is that it is easy to make a trap on your own, literally in 15 minutes. Boric acid or ammonia can be used as an active ingredient.

A simple cockroach trap can be made from a regular liter jar by placing a slice of toasted bread with honey on the bottom. The scent of the edible substance will surely attract insects that will crawl into the jar. They will not be able to get out of it if the inside of the can is greased with vegetable oil. If you install several of these traps, then they will quickly reduce the number of cockroaches.

The owners only have to look into the container from time to time to destroy the pests.

The appearance of cockroaches in a human's dwelling is an emergency that immediately mobilizes household members to fight them. The main thing here is to choose the right tactics of struggle in order to get rid of insects once and for all. Many methods and means of struggle are suitable for these purposes. Insecticides are considered the most effective, but you need to be careful with them. In addition, they cannot always be used, since small children, expectant mothers, elderly, infirm people prone to allergies can live in the apartment. In any case, you need to remember that you can get rid of insects if you act in a complex way, knowing how insects penetrate into the home and what attracts them. Often it is enough to deprive them of attractive factors, and they will never be interested in an apartment. Therefore, the implementation of regular face-to-face repairs should become the norm. This allows you to maintain the dwelling in proper technical condition, blocking the way for barbel to enter the apartment and depriving them of liquid, which is more important for them than food. Otherwise, even with the help of traps, they will have to be caught for years, wondering why the barbel did not leave the apartment. Cockroaches are believed to represent unsanitary conditions. This is 90% true, so the order in the apartment, the absence of unnecessary garbage and rubbish will not give cockroaches the opportunity to find a comfortable refuge for themselves.

Insects in the house are a fairly common problem, for which there are many different drugs, both cheap and expensive. In this ranking, based on real reviews buyers, we have collected the best remedies for cockroaches that will help get rid of them quickly, safely and effectively. Having learned about the pros and cons of these drugs, it will be easier for you to decide on a specific option, and you can start the fight literally fully armed.

  • Ron-Poulenc Agroshimi Is a French company based in Lyon that has become famous in the CIS, in particular, thanks to the release of the effective insect repellent "Regent".
  • Dohlox- traps and gels are created under this brand, intended for use both in a restaurant and at home. They have the best value for money.
  • Get- the company produces drugs for getting rid of pests in the apartment. All of them are certified and successfully tested in practice. One of the advantages of these products is that they do not leave marks on furniture and walls, and there is also a long-term residual effect (on average, up to six months).
  • Clean house- this brand offers a series of products for the control of insects in the home. A special place in its line is occupied by aerosols, which are easy to use and show good results.
  • Agrovit- this company operates in Russia, it is known mainly as the manufacturer of the popular inexpensive pencil for eliminating insects "Mashenka".

Rating of the best remedies for cockroaches

We selected here only the best and most reliable drugs, which have a large number of positive feedback buyers. The following parameters served as the basis for their inclusion:

  • Safe use for both animals and people;
  • Convenience of pest control;
  • Whether the drugs have a strong effect;
  • The speed of action and the storage period of the results obtained;
  • Versatility - is it suitable for killing bed bugs, ants, etc .;
  • Type - for use by professionals or at home;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • Form of release of funds for cockroaches;
  • Price;
  • Availability;
  • Method of application - spraying, lubricating, etc.

Best crayon

Chalk "Mashenka" from the Agrovit brand is one of the most affordable of those designed to fight cockroaches in small private houses or apartments. It is easy to use and, due to its safety for humans and animals, as well as the absence of a pungent odor, does not require isolation during the destruction of annoying insects. It only needs to be applied to the floor and walls, along the paths of pests.

The pencil is very cheap and at the same time effective and economical, one piece with a volume of 20 g is enough for 30 square meters. m. That is why it deserves the right to be called the best cheap cockroach remedy.


  • Economical consumption;
  • Ease of use;
  • Availability;
  • Health safety;
  • Action speed.


  • Crumbles;
  • It is necessary to smear in certain places.

In the reviews, buyers say that the "Mashenka" chalk helps only in small areas, but if the invasion of insects is large, it does not cope very well.

The best microencapsulated cockroach remedy

Get- this is an effective poison not only for cockroaches, but also for bugs, fleas, ants, therefore, when using it, you must wear a respirator. It is made using encapsulation technology, which provides a prolonged effect. The insecticide has a pungent odor, but it quickly disappears.

The preparation does not leave marks on the treated surface. Moreover, it needs to be diluted with water, which is not very convenient, although this is what allows you to "stretch" one bottle of concentrate per 100 square meters. m. The main disadvantage of this option is the need to move out of the house for the duration of the remedy, which, after all, takes 1-2 days. Moreover, after that, you need to carry out a thorough cleaning.


  • Release form;
  • Large volume;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Almost 100% effect;
  • The best recommendations of specialists.


  • Not instant action;
  • Strong unpleasant odor;
  • Synthetic base.

The drug Get is considered professional; according to the recommendations of the SES, it is quite often used to remove cockroaches in industries.

Best insect control spray

Super universal aerosol « Clean house"- This Chinese drug appeared in the ranking because of its versatility. According to customer reviews, it removes almost all types of cockroaches and other insects - bugs, ants, etc.

The tool is very convenient to use, since it is released in a bottle, it just needs to be sprayed on the surface. After that, it is enough to ventilate the room; it is not necessary to leave the house. One package is enough to process 80 sq. m., the spray is very economical in consumption, so its price does not seem high.


  • Virtually odorless;
  • Leaves no residue;
  • Erodes quickly;
  • Enough for a long time;
  • Versatility;
  • Powerful enough;
  • Prolonged effect;
  • The presence of a tube on the bottle for hard-to-reach places.


  • Incomplete instructions for use;
  • Often the drug must be re-sprayed.

Buyers in reviews warn that insects become aggressive from spraying before destruction, since the Clean House super aerosol is very powerful. That is why it is recommended to somehow limit the area of ​​action of the agent.

Best sticky traps

Dohlox- this remedy for cockroaches can be called the best if the goal is not to instantly get rid of pests. It will be just right for the fight against insects if there are pets in the apartment, since it is completely safe for both them and humans. The effect of them is about the same as that of the gel, only in this case nothing needs to be processed, it is enough just to place traps in the corners and assemble in the morning. However, it may take up to two weeks to destroy a large family.


  • Simple application;
  • Safety for animals and people;
  • The number of traps in one package (6 pcs.);
  • Can be glued anywhere on the walls.


  • Slow results;
  • The effect does not apply to all pests;
  • Collect insects regularly.

The most reliable cockroach pellets

- this is probably the only drug in this TOP for the destruction of most cockroaches different types, which can not only reduce their population, but permanently, or at least get rid of them at home for a very long time. Of course, his instructions for use are not simple, it is necessary to change the proportions of powder and water, depending on the number of pests, but one way or another you can figure it out. This remedy is a poison and, accordingly, you need to work with it in a mask and gloves.


  • Divorces very quickly;
  • Almost complete absence of smell;
  • Low price;
  • Effectiveness, helps well;
  • Prevents the breeding of new cockroaches.


  • It must be dissolved in water;
  • You need to buy a spray bottle separately.

The inclusion of the "Regent" powder in this TOP was facilitated by the fact that in the reviews buyers write about quick results, you can collect insects the very next morning. To achieve this effect, you need to dilute 3 sachets in a glass of water.

Which product is better to buy

Here's some advice:

  • If you need to eliminate not only these insects, but also, for example, bedbugs, a drug from the Get brand will be the best choice.
  • In the presence of a large number of "uninvited guests" in the house, the "Regent" helps.
  • If there are children and pets in the apartment, then it is best to buy Dohlox traps.
  • For the total treatment of large rooms, the Clean House aerosol is ideal.
  • If you need to quickly destroy insects and at the same time not spend much money, you should choose the "Mashenka" crayon.

All the options in this rating of the best cockroach remedies are worthy of the attention of buyers, and each of them wins in some certain points... But in terms of effectiveness, they are all about the same, and, since they are inexpensive, they can be tested by you without any problems.

Of any universal remedy in the fight against the Prussians does not exist, this is due to the fact that individuals tend to get used to certain drugs. Therefore, they mainly use an integrated approach or highly toxic drugs, which only specialists should work with.

Effective control depends not only on the measures used, but also on the method of application, that is, how carefully the treatment was carried out. Even the best cockroach poison in inept hands and without proper preparation will not cope with pests.
An important aspect in the fight against harmful insects is the search for the root cause and elimination of the previous conditions, convenient for the life and reproduction of individuals.
For example, cockroaches cannot live without water. By depriving individuals of access to it, you will greatly facilitate your pest control.

Here is an algorithm of actions that will help you better prepare for the elimination of insects:

  • As a rule, cleaning is preceded by cleaning (general tidying, trash sorting and garbage disposal);
  • Next comes the elimination of leaks and replacement of gaskets in the pipes;
  • Accessible food is stored in the refrigerator or in an impervious container.
The next point is to decide how to poison the Prussians.
If you decide to deal with them on your own, then you need to familiarize yourself with the assortment of funds in order to understand whether a certain poison from cockroaches is worth attention, which one is the most effective and where to get it.

Poison for cockroaches can be in very different forms, so before thinking about where to buy it, decide on the exact choice.
Liquid products have a larger coverage area and can penetrate hard-to-reach corners. Because of this, aerosols or sprays are more popular.
However, crayons and various traps also have their advantages.

For a systematic and complex struggle, many means are used.
For example, around the perimeter of the premises, near the baseboards and inside the cabinet, you can use a chalk, and set traps under the sink or in the air duct. Thus, you can get rid of visiting individuals and eliminate the danger of their reproduction.
It is worth purchasing funds at certified points of sale. These can be large supermarkets or household goods stores. When purchasing drugs in an online store, read reviews and trust only trusted manufacturers.
Cost is no less important, just as you should not chase cheapness, and you should not buy something at an unreasonably high price. The price-quality ratio has not yet been canceled.

Professional poison from cockroaches includes several important points: it kills not only individuals, but also their eggs, has a prolonged effect and minimally damages the environment.

In cases where the number of individuals is insignificant, you can try to cope with insects on your own. Cockroach poison can also be prepared at home.

What is needed for this?
It is absolutely not worth waiting for lightning-fast results, only a strong poison can eliminate the insect so quickly, but it is not recommended to carry out such manipulations in a living room.

  • Boric acid is often used to eliminate insects. Various baits are made from it, moreover, you do not need a lot of acid and it is affordable. The principle of action lies in the fact that getting into the body of an insect, acid leads to paralysis, and subsequently to death. This poison from cockroaches is a safe alternative to chemistry, as it is not harmful to pets.
  • Borax (sodium boric acid) is also popular among housewives; it is also added to baits.
  • Next in popularity is absolutely natural powder - feverfew. These are chamomile inflorescences that have insecticidal properties. The powder is mixed with mashed potatoes or with the yolk of an egg and rolled into balls, which are laid out in places where pests are frequent.

Whichever method you choose, it is worth remembering that the result will be noticeable gradually.

Whatever the best poison from cockroaches, if it is carelessly applied, not only pests, but also people or pets can be poisoned.
Therefore, it is worth worrying about remedies in advance, so that later you do not find out why you are dizzy or what your pet is allergic to.

Prevention is an important final step. In order to prevent the emergence of the Prusaks again, you need to take care that the possibly accidentally caught individual could not take root.

Poison from cockroaches, even the most effective, is not able to guarantee and permanently rid the house of the Prussians, but after reading the reviews, you can form an adequate opinion on the effectiveness of various means.


From the numerous assortment of drugs, Globol paste is one of the most effective drugs in the ranking of drugs against barbel. The active ingredient chlorpyrifos belongs to the 4th class of toxicity, the German manufacturer guarantees the safety of the composition for people and.

It is quite simple to apply the paste, it is enough to distribute it pointwise in the insect habitats. After 2-3 hours, it will take effect, but maximum effect can be observed after 2 weeks. The main advantage of the paste is 100% destruction of the colony, in addition, it is not addictive.

cockroach paste


Insecticidal gels are also very popular in cockroach control. Manufacturers guarantee the complete destruction of the population in the apartment in just 7-14. The composition is available in tubes or syringes, thanks to the thin spout of which you can apply dotted lines in the most inaccessible places.

cockroach gel

Related article:

: why do they arise; household chemicals: aerosols, sprays, powders, gels and concentrates; folk remedies: boric acid, ammonia, borax, arsenic, frost, lemon and geranium; mechanical traps, professional against insects and prevention.


If you need to quickly pickle cockroaches, aerosols will come to the rescue, it is especially convenient to process hard-to-reach places with a jet stream.

Advice! Treatment should be carried out in closed clothing and a mask to avoid an allergic reaction to the drug. Children and pets should leave the room at this time.

The main advantage of sprays over gels: high speed of action, enough 24 hours for the maximum reaction of the whiskered to the active ingredient. After a certain time, indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, the room should be ventilated, the dead cockroaches should be removed and held.

Today, the following aerosols are most effective:

  • Raptor;
  • Baigon;
  • Gett;
  • "Raid";
  • "Combat".

cockroach spray


Manufacturers produce another type of pest control - in the form of powders. Their main advantages include:

  • hard-to-reach places can be processed;
  • simple application;
  • safety of use for both children and pets.

However, powder formulations also have disadvantages:

  • cockroaches quickly get used to the drug;
  • additional processing will be required;
  • low efficiency, powders work well only at the initial stage of infection.

The most popular are the following powder brands:

  • "Clean house";
  • "Clean World";
  • "Tornado".

cockroach powder

Related article:

The danger of fleas to humans, how they appear in an apartment or house, how to find nests; flea control methods: folk remedies and chemicals, ultrasound - in our publication.

Liquid products

Preparations for baleen in liquid form are considered the most effective, since the treatment can be carried out in the most inaccessible places. They belong to the improved forms of 2-3 generations. Most often, cockroaches hide behind baseboards and crawl into cracks, in which case the product should be spilled directly into their habitat.

Liquid forms differ in the time of exposure to the colonies; in all formulations, the active substances are insecticides of the peritroid group and organophosphorus compounds (OPs).

Before choosing a liquid drug, you should familiarize yourself with the mechanism of its action. Let's mark the best in terms of efficiency liquid forms in the fight against cockroaches.

Drug name Description

It is used in professional processing... For independent use, the drug should be diluted in accordance with the instructions. It belongs to the 2nd class of toxicity, therefore, processing should be carried out using protective equipment. Kills cockroaches instantly.

Cucaracha from cockroaches

The main advantage of the drug is the destruction of cockroaches in a short time. The insects will instantly react to the poison and leave the room. However, there is also a significant drawback - you cannot stay in the apartment for 48 hours.

Tsifox from cockroaches


Special attention should be paid to anti-cockroach pills, they are both bait for the baleen and poison for them. Manufacturers call them lenses, so don't be surprised to find such a name in the description.

Several advantages should be noted:

  • convenient use;
  • safety for pets and people;
  • excellent efficiency.

Let's note the most popular tablet forms of drugs against cockroaches:

  • "Delicia"- the German drug destroys not only the adult population, but also the eggs;

Delice from cockroaches

  • Dupont Advion- lenses of an American manufacturer of medium toxicity are placed in traps. Cockroaches crawl into them, after a delicious meal they die. Prevent the ingestion of tablets by animals or children;

Dupont Advyon from cockroaches

  • "Adamant-Tab"- medium toxicity agent Russian manufacturer, recommended for professional use, but subject to safety precautions can be used independently.

Adamant-Tab from cockroaches

Related article:

The types of insects and their danger to humans, the reasons for their appearance, effective methods and basic principles of dealing with them, which remedies are best for different species of midges, and methods for preventing their appearance - read the publication.

Microencapsulated funds

Liquid insecticide formulations contain microcapsules that continue to work after drying. The following agents have the most effective properties.

Drug name Description

Means for intestinal and contact effects on insects. The main advantage: after the liquid dries, microcapsules remain, which cockroaches on their paws transfer to their den, infecting other individuals. The composition is practically odorless, therefore no ventilation is required.

Get off cockroaches

The effect of the encapsulated preparation on cockroaches is similar to "Get". It does not pose a danger to people and pets, odorless.

Delta Zone

The active substance is contained in nano-tubes, which are placed in microcapsules. It is harmless to humans and not addictive to insects.

Lambda-Zone from cockroaches

It is used by professionals, the concentrated suspension must be diluted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The drug has high toxicity for baleen and safety for people and.


Crayons have been known since the end of the last century; our grandmothers used them to fight cockroaches. However, in comparison with modern means, they are significantly inferior in their effectiveness. Their main plus is the price, but at the same time, several disadvantages can be distinguished:

  • little use in the fight against large colonies;
  • have a negative effect on health, therefore it is better to leave the room during processing.

The following brands of crayons are best known:

  • "Mashenka";
  • "Clean house".

Cockroach crayons

Related article:

Why ants are dangerous; how to get rid of such a neighborhood: reliable repellents, anti-ant sprays and powders and other methods of struggle; prevention of the appearance of ants - in our publication.

Seeking professional help in the fight against cockroaches

Professional drugs include concentrated formulations, which must first be diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions. They are designed to handle large areas and are quite expensive. For independent use, you will need to use a protective suit and a respirator.

It is more profitable to seek help from specialized services that will select the most effective remedy against cockroaches. In addition, it is much better to process all apartments in a multi-storey building, so a positive result will be guaranteed.

But if for some reason this cannot be done, you can buy from them the necessary volume for processing a specific area. Before choosing an insecticide, owners should familiarize themselves with the basic requirements for professional drugs:

  • maximum efficiency, it is better to choose with prolonged action and barrier protection;
  • the rate of impact not only on adults, but also on the laying of eggs;
  • safety - all drugs must be non-toxic to people and pets;
  • simple use, it is much easier to apply a paste or gel than to dilute the concentrate and process all surfaces;
  • price - because large volumes are expensive.

From professional means, we can mention "Tsifoks" and "Ksulat-25".

The best folk recipes for cockroaches

If cockroaches have been seen in small numbers, you can try effective folk remedies and recipes. Let's talk about the most popular ones.

Boric acid

It is one of the cheapest means of dealing with intruders, and it is safe not only for humans, but also for pets. The recipe is pretty simple.

  1. Hard boil a few eggs.
  2. Separate and knead the yolk.
  3. Mix it with boric acid and roll into balls.
  4. Put several balls on napkins and place them in the cockroach habitat. After a delicious meal, insects will experience a terrible itch and will leave the apartment forever. In a few days, the population will die.
  5. The baits need to be updated periodically.

boric acid

Advice! When using boric acid, it is necessary to block access to water, wipe the sink and bathtub dry. And you can also put a few balls near the pipes and the toilet.

You can just scatter the powder along the path of the insects, but the effectiveness of this method is much lower.

Salmon and vinegar

Cockroaches categorically do not tolerate the smell of ammonia, so during the time you need to add a certain amount of drops to the water and treat all surfaces with the composition. A vinegar solution has similar actions. It will take almost daily for insects to leave the house forever.

How to make a cockroach trap with your own hands

If you do not want to mess with chemicals, we offer another interesting way to get rid of an insect colony - homemade trap... The order of its manufacture is as follows.

  1. Take a 1 liter jar and grease the inner walls with petroleum jelly or sunflower oil.
  2. Put a piece of bread on the bottom, you can first soak it in kefir or milk. Other food items will do as well.
  3. In the evening, put the jar in places of frequent habitat of insects, for example, on.
  4. In the morning, the whole bottom will be filled with baleen.

The disadvantage of this method is that after a while babies will hatch from the eggs, so this procedure should be carried out daily.

Best cockroach traps

For the purpose of prevention or to combat a small settlement, you can use traps - small houses, inside of which poison is spread. Cockroaches, getting inside, eat the poison, after which they become dangerous to their fellows. Several products will be required per room, it is imperative to place them behind, under and in.

There are other models of traps that work without baits. They have a sticky base inside them, falling on which the cockroach can no longer get out, thus, the problem can be solved with a small number.

The most popular brands of traps are:

  • "Raid";
  • Raptor;
  • Foresight;
  • "Combat".

cockroach traps

The best ultrasonic cockroach repellents

Show good efficiency in the fight against large populations ultrasonic traps... Ultrasound, which a person does not perceive, negatively affects the insect, it prefers to leave such a house forever. But over time, cockroaches will develop immunity to high sounds, so repeated use will not bring much benefit, and insects will reappear.

Most often, the following devices are used in apartments:

  • Pest Repeller;
  • UP-116T;
  • Zenet XJ-90.

ultrasonic cockroach repeller


Since the fight against cockroaches has not stopped since ancient times, manufacturers, given their rapid addiction to drugs, are developing new formulas and compositions. They effectively fight numerous colonies. Unfortunately, the measure will be temporary if other apartments are infected, so the main thing is a widespread and comprehensive approach.

Tell us in the comments which method you liked the most in practice.

And finally, we suggest looking at an overview of home recipes in the fight against cockroaches.

Good day!

Young people today, before getting married, check how they can get along in an apartment. These were our tenants. Now they have moved out, decided to get married and buy their own home.

And we inherited from them cockroaches. Either they ran from neighbors, or were brought in in some other way. We did not become discouraged and carried out an active cleanup, it is necessary to prepare comfortable conditions for the next tenants. Today I will tell you about the best remedies for cockroaches in an apartment.

How to get rid of cockroaches

For a long time, people have been worried about the effective fight against cockroaches, which are unpleasant neighbors in the house. In addition to the fact that they can carry various diseases, for some people only one appearance this insect is terrifying.

The fight against domestic cockroaches has been going on for a long time. They are neighbors with people from a biological point of view, cockroaches in the apartment are our symbionts that bring certain benefits.

If cockroaches have appeared in your home, it is worthwhile to make an effort to remove harmful insects... Mistakes in attempts to breed these insects often lead only to the fact that they become fewer, then they multiply rapidly.

If you took everyone out (which rarely happens), they can still run back from unscrupulous neighbors. Those owners who participate in this "war" begin to kill cockroaches in a dream.

How to deal with cockroaches - cockroach control methods

If you decide to destroy cockroaches on your own, we advise you to take this problem seriously, we will try to help you and answer the following questions: how to get rid of cockroaches forever using an effective remedy, and in general there are methods and services that guarantee the destruction of cockroaches?

The fact is that today there is no universal remedy, using which you can forget about unpleasant roommates. Treating a room from cockroaches can lead to a fairly quick recovery.

It is worth noting that if you use one agent for too long with which the premises were treated, then cockroaches become addicted to this chemical.

Extermination of cockroaches - control of cockroaches in the apartment

Many people know how tenacious these insects are, and that an effective way to control cockroaches is chemistry, and sometimes quite strong. Before taking the cockroaches out of the apartment, the owners have whole line questions:

  1. what is the best remedy for cockroaches to buy - crayon, gel, aerosol, trap;
  2. where to buy poison from cockroaches;
  3. effective control of cockroaches requires some knowledge.
  4. what drugs will give the longest result;
  5. what effective means of fighting cockroaches to choose, which will not harm children and pets.

To get black cockroaches out of the apartment, while forgetting about red, fleas, bedbugs, flies, mosquitoes and other unwanted "roommates" there are special chemicals, aerosols, gels, traps and proven folk remedies.

How to poison cockroaches?

There are many ways to poison cockroaches, but this does not mean that you need to try a bunch of tools in order to find the best option. To date, select and buy best remedy cockroaches can be found in almost all markets or in specialized stores.


Before buying, you can consult with your loved ones, acquaintances, they will also help you choose a remedy for cockroaches, reviews on various forums with the topics "how to get rid of cockroaches forever." You can rely on the experience of specialists and take advantage of the presented preparations.

Before buying in a store, ask the seller for advice, who will help you choose the right solution. The most affordable effective remedies for cockroaches (cockroach poison):

Aerosol - cockroach spray:

  • "Raid"
  • "Combat"
  • Aerosol Raptor
  • "Aerosol Clean House"

Cockroach traps:

  1. "Combat superbyte"
  2. "Traps Raptor"
  3. "Trap Clean House"

Cockroach gels:

  • "Gel Raptor"
  • "Gel Clean House"

Other cockroach control products:

  1. "Brownie"
  2. Dohlox
  3. "LS 500"
  4. "Clean house"

All drugs can be purchased at specialized stores.



One of the few tools that combines efficiency and safety.

The principle of action is a versatile effect on the insect. At the same time, against the background of insect dehydration, contact and intestinal poisoning occurs.

The main advantages are the absence of odor, toxic substances and, of course, high efficiency.

Combat superbite from cockroaches

Combat is a good and long-known effective remedy against cockroaches. The trap has been designed with the latest insecticide technology in mind. The "domino principle" works: the cockroach enters the trap, eats the bait that contains hydramethylnone, returns and infects its relatives, those others.

This is a strong enough poison for nasty insects. You can buy traps at any insecticide store, in the markets. If you became interested in reading in more detail how the battalion commander works against cockroaches, you can find reviews about the tool on any forum in the topic dedicated to the fight against domestic insects.

Cockroach Raptor

Raptor is an old and probably the most famous and popular means of protection against insects: spiders, fleas, bedbugs and other "creeping" ones. Available in three types: traps, aerosol and extermination gel.

Global (Globol) from cockroaches

Global (Globol) is the most famous trademark of insecticides, all products are made in Germany, the company has more than 30 names of products.

The drug is popular on the Russian market and is sold in plastic tubes, does not have an unpleasant, pungent odor, and allows you to get rid of unpleasant neighbors for a really long time. Provides 100% destruction of cockroaches in the apartment.

The insecticide acts, like the Raptor, for a month. You can buy Global in specialized stores that sell insecticides.

GET from cockroaches

This agent is a microencapsulated suspension, the liquid is also used to kill bugs, ants, fleas and other insects. To use the cockroach remedy Get (Get) it is not necessary to call a professional, since it is easy to use it yourself.

The drug is diluted 1: 5-1: 10 with water and the room can be treated with a barrier method. After processing, the room is ventilated from 2 to 4 hours. This product has an active substance (chlorpyrifos), which is contained inside the microcapsule.

The advantages of this drug include:

  • absolutely safe for people and animals;
  • has no smell;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • valid from 6 to 16 months;
  • does not leave stains;

Clean house from cockroaches

A proven and effective remedy for cockroaches and other insects. The strips of gel should be applied to cardboard sheets and placed near the cockroach cluster.

For the best effect, it is desirable to prevent moisture and dust from entering the gel. The composition of the drug retains its effect for 1 month, therefore, it is recommended to re-process it after at least 3 weeks.

Folk remedies for cockroaches

Of course, you can make a lot of effort and try to get rid of cockroaches yourself with folk remedies, for example, with the help of boric acid. It often happens that cockroaches are in the apartment and the owners do not want to resort to drastic measures, for example, the use of strong chemicals.

Young families with children probably wondered what a good remedy for cockroaches would not harm either the child or the pet. Without risking the health of other inhabitants of the apartment, choose folk remedies for fighting cockroaches, one of the most effective is boric acid.

How to poison cockroaches with boric acid

Boric acid is a poison for cockroaches, it is a good home remedy that is absolutely safe for humans and animals. Sprinkle powder over all water sources (toilet, sink, bathroom) - this will block the insects' access to water, which is constantly needed by cockroaches.

There is also a second way to make cockroach poison using boric acid. Raw egg yolk is mixed with boric acid to the state of gruel, then balls are molded from this and laid out in all prominent (for a cockroach) places in the apartment.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of cockroaches, boric acid will be an effective solution. This is perhaps the best "homemade" product.

The destruction of cockroaches with boric acid works according to the principle of "left and did not return": from the acid, the insect begins to experience a terrible itching and leaves the infected place. Such treatment of an apartment from cockroaches works quite effectively. You can buy boric acid at any pharmacy.

Cockroach killing services

Extermination of cockroaches takes great amount time and effort, which are completely lacking in a modern, business person. But there is the most optimal way - pest control of cockroaches and disinfection of an apartment from cockroaches, this is a professional destruction of cockroaches, as well as pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi and cockroaches.

The complex of works will help to bring out other evil spirits that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Many companies are engaged in the extermination of cockroaches in Moscow, many of which are large firms that guarantee the result. In the arsenal of the company for the destruction of cockroaches there are many modern means of how to destroy cockroaches.

In addition, the cockroach extermination service always has different kinds equipment, which significantly increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the "war" for you.

Do not forget about specially trained personnel - specialists who perfectly know how to kill cockroaches, and not scare them away. The cockroach control service is the most effective control to date.

If you have not found the answer to your question, leave it in the comments and we will definitely answer it. Let's fight together.


8 best cockroach remedies

What cockroaches are - everyone knows. However, these insects, unpleasant and dangerous to human health, choose a certain environment for their habitat. They feel most comfortable in damp, dusty, warm rooms. Despite the fact that cockroaches are omnivores, they prefer places where food debris, household waste and water can be found.

Fortunately, experience shows that even the largest population of cockroaches can be eliminated by using time-tested and high-quality drugs. In the rating of the best cockroach remedies, effective poisonous substances are presented, varying in toxicity, speed and cost.

Globol - the best cockroach paste

Today, the German Globol paste is one of the most popular and potent drugs in the fight against cockroaches. The active substance of the paste, chlorpyrifos (at a concentration of 0.5%), has a class IV toxicity and, according to the manufacturer, is completely safe for people and pets (nevertheless, it is better to avoid contact with it).

The paste is applied in small peas in insect habitats. Cockroaches, eating the paste and transferring its particles on their paws to their relatives, begin to die within a few hours. The maximum effect is achieved after two weeks.


  1. An effective tool capable of removing a large population of insects.
  2. Fast and long lasting action.
  3. Insects don't get used to it.

Disadvantages: not found.

From reviews about Globol:

“For several years we have been bothered by cockroaches. We tried everything: traps, sprays, crayons ... At first these reptiles became less, but then they multiplied again. A friend gave Globol, and in just a couple of weeks the problem was solved! They only had time to sweep them. They have not bothered for a year already.

“Surprisingly, only the German Globol pasta saved our house from the Russian misfortune - the ubiquitous, rustling and nasty red cockroaches. We were already almost desperate in the fight against them, it seemed that they were growing every day. One tube of paste was distributed around the perimeter of the apartment, and they forgot that they were there at all. The best remedy for cockroaches - the Germans know how to do quality things! "

Regent - effective against cockroaches and the Colorado potato beetle

Contact-intestinal insecticide Regent is intended to destroy colorado potato beetle but has also proven itself well in the fight against cockroaches. Regent is produced in ampoules, capsules and powder, the concentration of the drug depends on the size of the insect population.

If there are many pests, then one sachet of powder or one or two capsules should be diluted in 250 ml of water and the resulting solution should be applied to the surfaces with which cockroaches come into contact most often.

The active ingredient of the drug is fipronil, in a high concentration it has a II toxicity class, it is recommended to carry out the treatment with rubber gloves and a respirator, then leave the room for two hours, and after one or two days thoroughly rinse and ventilate.


  • Chain effect.
  • The action begins in a few hours.
  • Odorless, leaves no residue.


  1. Toxic.
  2. Short action.

From reviews about Regent:

“The most effective remedy - I would never have thought that the problem of cockroaches is solved so quickly! I bought one packet of the Regent, mixed it in a glass of water, sprinkled it in hard-to-reach places with a syringe, and after a few days swept out the dead insects. Three months later I noticed a couple of individuals again, repeated the procedure, and it is not visible yet. "

“For a long time I did not dare to use such a strong insecticide as Regent - a poison after all, but when I realized that this was my last hope for getting rid of the vile Prusaks, I decided. The family was taken to the dacha, and I treated the apartment with one packet of the product diluted in a spray bottle with 0.2 liters of water. Two days later, she gathered all the victims of the "massacre", washed the floor with saline solution, and a new life began - without cockroaches! "

Get - the best microencapsulated cockroach remedy

Get is an analogue of the highly effective and popular Gett, which has now been taken off the market. Get is a contact insecticidal product wide range action (destroys cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other insects), which also works as a barrier method, that is, it prevents insects from entering the house.

The active ingredient, chlorpyrifos, is safe for humans and pets. The product is diluted in water (at a concentration of 1:10 - one bottle per liter of water), after which it is sprayed on those surfaces where insects crawl.

Within a month, absolutely all individuals die. Get can also be used to prepare baits, which will significantly speed up the removal of pests.


  • There is no need to wait for the insects to eat the product, they just need to walk over it.
  • The solution is odorless, leaves no residue.
  • It is not toxic.
  • Remains active for six months or more.

Disadvantages: high cost.

From reviews about Get:

“Once upon a time I used Gett - in a bottle with a spray, the effect was just lightning fast, and cockroaches did not appear for about 10 years. It also worked great - a day later I began to collect dead insects, and a week later they were completely gone. The best remedy for cockroaches is worth the money you give for it! "

“For half a year I fought against cockroaches in my new place of residence - nothing saved. On the advice of friends, I bought Get, spread it according to the instructions, poured it into a spray bottle, sprayed it around the apartment. Most of all - in the kitchen and bathroom. It worked amazingly simply! I've been sweeping cockroaches for a week, and for a year not a single creature has shown its nose to my apartment. "

Dohlox - the best gel for cockroaches

Dohlox-gel belongs to the group of insecticidal drugs, the active ingredient is fipronil (concentration - 0.05%). The drug is low-toxic to humans and animals (IV class of toxicity).

It affects the insect's nervous system, resulting in paralysis and death within 8 hours. A gel is produced in a syringe with a fine tip, applied with a dotted line in insect habitats. Signs of drug action are noticed after 6 hours, the maximum effect is achieved on the third day.


  1. Fast action.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Low toxicity (however, the manufacturer strongly recommends to protect people and animals from contact with the substance).


Disadvantages: insects get used to it, and the drug loses its effectiveness. The way out is to alternate Dohlox with other means.

From reviews about Dohlox-gel:

“Dohlox is the best remedy for cockroaches! Only he helped us get rid of the mustachioed misfortune! We tried traps, sprays ... They acted very sluggishly. And after we walked around Dohlox, the very next day they began to collect the corpses of cockroaches. And two weeks later, not a single one was seen alive. They haven’t appeared for half a year already. ”

“Super remedy! The best from cockroaches! Fast - like a hurricane, all the red-haired creatures endured! They were applied mainly in places such as ventilation grilles, pipes, behind the stove - so that the cat would not be poisoned. It worked! One syringe was enough to kill most of them. They finished off the rest - already sluggish, with the traps of other firms, because the last of the survivors, it seems, got used to Dohloks.

Combat - the best "traps" for cockroaches

An effective, safe and easy-to-use remedy for cockroaches is discs, or the so-called Kombat cockroach traps. There is a bait inside the disc, which contains the active ingredient hydramethylnone. After eating the bait, the insect infects other individuals.

At the request of the manufacturer, two weeks after the start of using the discs, the cockroaches will disappear. The funds are valid for up to three months.


  • Absolutely non-toxic, do not cause allergies.
  • Convenient to use, leave no residue and odorless.
  • The active ingredient is not addictive.

Disadvantages: effective with a small number of insects, or it is necessary to install more discs, which is quite expensive.

From reviews about Kombat traps:

“We have been suffering from cockroaches for a long time, we tried to fight with folk remedies - it did not help. You can't use chemistry - we have Small child and a cat. They advised the Kombat traps in the store. They put it in the kitchen and hallway. We didn’t even notice how the cockroaches disappeared, it seems that about two weeks have passed ”.

“I don’t know how many cockroaches there must be for the traps to fail ... We had enough. We bought two packages of Kombat (12 pieces), glued them all over our two-room apartment, after a week it became less, after two they were completely gone. "

Masha is the best crayon for cockroaches

Chalk Mashenka - insecticide from cockroaches of contact action. It can be safely called the most popular and best crayon for cockroaches.

The active substances: deltamethrin - 0.05% and zetacypermethrin - 0.1% have a class IV toxicity, i.e. they are of low toxicity to humans and animals. Small areas of congestion and passage of insects are processed by drawing bold continuous lines that cockroaches cannot get around.

Pests eat the product and die within 24 hours. The action of the applied substance lasts 7–9 days; if insects reappear, the procedure is repeated.


  1. The product is safe for humans and animals.
  2. Convenient to use, odorless.


  • Loses efficiency quickly.
  • Doesn't cope with big amount insects.

From reviews about the tool Mashenka:

“I cannot say that there were many cockroaches in our apartment, but we regularly saw one or two. Not scary, but not very pleasant either. We bought Mashenka's chalk, drew them the perimeter of the apartment under the ceiling, ventilation, doorways (they were afraid to smear the baseboards - we have a cat). For three months I have not seen a single lost cockroach. "

“We were unlucky with our neighbors - unclean, drinking family. They have cockroaches - a dime a dozen, and they periodically visited us. We were advised by Mashenka. We have drawn skirting boards, doors, a balcony, ventilation grilles for it. It seems the cockroaches are gone. We repeat now every two or three months, just in case. "

Dichlorvos is the best cockroach spray

As practice shows, among sprays from cockroaches and other crawling and flying insects, Dichlorvos remains the most effective. Modern versions are practically odorless, nevertheless, they are toxic to humans and animals (III class of toxicity).

Contains the following poisons as active ingredients: permethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin, diethyl toluamide, dimethyl sulfoxide. The spray is sprayed directly on the individuals themselves and their larvae or in their habitats.


  1. With a direct hit on an individual or larva, the agent almost instantly kills them.
  2. Suitable for repelling insects.


  • Toxicity. The classic version has an unpleasant odor.
  • Cockroaches get used to it.

From reviews about the Dichlorvos spray:

“When fighting cockroaches, there is no better and most reliable remedy than the good old Dichlorvos. There is only one disadvantage to the remedy: after processing the premises, it is better not to show your nose there for a couple of days, so as not to get poisoned along with the creeping reptiles. "

“There is a cafe with a suspicious reputation under our apartment. And from there to us cockroaches run in droves. We save ourselves with Dichlorvos - we spray in places of their accumulation, mostly inaccessible ones, and also we spray on individuals who have entered the "light". Fortunately, the new Dichlorvos is odorless, but the efficiency of the old version is inferior. "

Boric acid is the best folk remedy for cockroaches

In cases where the use of chemicals is impossible (allergies, small children and animals in the house), many are saved with folk remedies. The most famous and best folk remedy for cockroaches is boric acid, which, getting into the body of insects, guarantees them a painful death.

To prepare the bait, you need to take raw or boiled egg yolk, pour one packet of boric acid into it, roll up the balls and spread them in the insect habitats. You can also make sweet baits with borax powder.

Dry boric acid powder can be scattered where cockroach routes run (for example, under the sink where they go to drink water). Cockroaches cling to the powder on their paws, and then lick it when they are cleaning. But this method is less effective - the baits work better.


  1. Safe for people and animals.
  2. Inexpensive.

The method is effective if there are few cockroaches, and the apartment is kept clean. Otherwise, some of the insects may go to feed, for example, in a trash can, and will not try the bait. The balls must be regularly renewed until the insects disappear completely.

From reviews about boric acid:

“We advised boric acid from cockroaches. I, of course, did not believe that she could really help me, but nevertheless I decided to try. I bought a bag of acid, boiled an egg and mixed 1/3 of the yolk with acid. I made balls, laid them out in the kitchen in the evening and could not sleep for a long time, because worried that the balls, on the contrary, would lure even more cockroaches. I was wrong to fear! There have been no "roommates" in the house for a week already! My opinion is that boric acid is the best remedy for cockroaches! "

“Whatever recipe you use: with potatoes, raw egg or boiled - you need to understand that cockroaches run for food and eat with acid, because boric acid has no taste or smell, they cannot identify it immediately and it eats away at them from the inside and they leave this apartment forever, periodically send messengers there, so for messengers it is better not to remove the balls from under the cabinets. "

What is the best cockroach remedy?

As a rule, the success in using any means in the fight against cockroaches depends on the size of their population and the time they have lived in the apartment. If cockroaches have started relatively recently and there are not too many of them, then it is quite possible to get by with such means as traps, crayons, gel, or even try to remove them using folk methods.

In this case, it is necessary to block access to water for insects. Since cockroaches do not like the cold, "freezing" is considered an effective method - in winter, you need to leave the windows open for several hours or even days. In order to scare off cockroaches, ammonia is used - it is added to the water used to wash the floor (one tablespoon or more per bucket).

Also, these insects do not like the smell. bay leaves, however, he will not be able to destroy cockroaches. And, one of the most effective ways in the fight against cockroaches - maintaining cleanliness and optimal humidity levels in the room.

If the cockroach population has reached an impressive size, you will have to use "heavy artillery" - Globol paste, microcapsule preparations, powder insecticides, which must be used to treat most of the premises.

Sprays are good for scaring away single individuals and for preventive treatments. Research and practice have shown that ultrasonic repellents do not affect cockroaches at all.

If no means help, it is worth contacting the SES or a private company with an application for pest control. The cost of such a service for two-room apartment will be about 2,000 rubles.


Cockroach Remedy - Myths and Reality

Cockroaches are one of the most difficult to eradicate insects. People have been fighting them for centuries, the most different ways and by means, but victory is still far away. Although you can arrange a small paradise without cockroaches in a single apartment or even an entrance for a fairly long period, if you approach this matter with the proper degree of professionalism.

But we observe a strange paradox: people spend hundreds of thousands of rubles on apartment renovations, thousands on monthly utility bills, but they regret spending several hundred rubles on their health and comfort in the house, having bought a good remedy for cockroaches.

But these insects are carriers of serious diseases, not to mention the moral discomfort from their presence on your territory.

A common misconception is that you can get rid of cockroaches forever by once treating your apartment with some kind of, even the most expensive, remedy. V apartment building it's almost impossible!

Having got rid of cockroaches, you inevitably make your apartment an object of desire for "alien" cockroaches who wish to populate the vacated areas and will make unremitting attempts to implement their nefarious plans - through air ducts, plumbing and sewerage risers, a garbage chute, even through a balcony and an entrance door.

And often they get into the apartment with things brought from the premises, or hotels infected with cockroaches. Our main task is to get rid of cockroaches for a long enough period - in the case of Master250 (analogue of Gett), it is at least 3 months, in most cases the cockroach remedy provides protection for 6-12 months, quite often there is an absence of cockroaches for several years.

The question is - how long is the period of blissful absence of cockroaches when using cheaper alternative methods of control? Let's consider the most famous of them.

In cases with aerosols, this is about 1-2 days, the best way- 2 weeks. The chemical compounds that make up aerosols are so unstable that they often decompose within a couple of hours after application and do not cause any harm to those individuals who did not get the product immediately.

Those. you sprayed your kitchen and left with a sense of accomplishment and the moral satisfaction of a winner. A few hours later, "our little friends" came out of the secluded corners for their nightly exercise and found that the product with which you so thoroughly watered your kitchen had already evaporated.

Only those who inhale the vapors of this potion will die. The rest will have a pleasant time under a light high and will leave for the place. permanent residence... You lose! And let's not forget about the problem of resistance - the resistance (addiction) of cockroaches to a certain type of chemical compounds.

Most aerosol manufacturers use the same 2-3 chemical ingredients (active ingredients), the only difference is in the "promotion" of the brand.

Therefore, if you treated the apartment with spray "A", and the cockroaches remained, you decided to buy aerosol "B", but in fact, it can be the same thing, and then the insects will become even more resistant to this type of compounds.

Lately, so many chemicals have been poured into apartments and offices that now it is an extremely difficult task to knock the “redhead” off his feet with the usual cockroach remedy.


But if you are lucky and your "local cockroaches" are susceptible to aerosols, then a situation may arise when they all rush from their homes at once - as in the last battle.

And you will have a terrifying picture of cockroaches falling from the ceiling and walls, and they by no means all die. This is a state of shock for cockroaches and they run anywhere. This effect is called "provocative". It allows you to assess how contaminated your apartment is. Nerves must be strong, so as not to fall into shock.

Aerosols, especially cheap ones, often use deodorized kerosene (as a solvent), which can leave greasy stains on the wallpaper, because kerosene is a refined product. And the question arises, which is better - to use an aerosol or change the wallpaper?

Bait discs are one of the most popular and widely advertised cockroach remedies at the time. They no longer have any smell or stains. But these funds also have one, but a significant drawback - the cockroach must be lured into a bait trap or to a gel.

This problem is designed to solve special additives - attractants, how well they cope with the task can be judged by the number of dead and live individuals in your kitchen.

But, if there is an alternative source of food in the house - a piled-up bread crust, or any other food debris that is beyond the reach of the master's eye - you have lost again, the cockroach will not go into the bait trap.

He is not bad in the cubicle. And if you accidentally acquired a fake one that does not contain any attractant or poison at all, then insects can even settle in such a house. What kind of fight against cockroaches is there.

Now about the notorious "domino effect" of such discs - when one cockroach "infects" up to 40-50 other individuals. Firstly, this figure is very much exaggerated, and secondly, this happens only when the cockroaches eat the dead relative, receiving the poison that killed the brother and is only inside the dead cockroach.

But will they be soiled with necrophagia, if you can have a snack with fresh crumbs, poured somewhere beer and other "dishes". Insecticidal gels, which are very popular recently, outperform aerosols in some consumer properties.

But in gels, as an attractant, they use food paste (chocolate, condensed milk), and add an insecticide, and sometimes a bitter flavoring additive to avoid pets and small children eating the gel (but not all manufacturers do this in good faith and the risk of eating pets still eat gel).

Do you want to smear your apartment with poisoned chocolate? And where is the guarantee that cockroaches from neighboring apartments will not run into the smell of chocolate.

Crayons from cockroaches are the most primitive methods of controlling cockroaches, which became widespread in the 90s of the last century only due to the price.

But judge for yourself, is it really possible to get something of high quality for 15 rubles. Crayons are simply soaked in a weak solution of insecticide and act as compressed powders, a cockroach can run over them until everything in this chalk is smeared. The aftereffect of such crayons is rather short - a few days.

Sticky "houses". In fact, this is not a means of controlling insects at all, but a method of determining whether you have cockroaches or not. This is a natural trap.

And again, it all depends on the quality of the attractant (bait) and glue. There are very good traps and there are bad ones. But they are not able to save you from cockroaches - this is a fact.

Dust from cockroaches. Now let's go back to the "stone age" of fighting insects - let's talk about dusts or powders in various packages (by the way, this is almost the whole difference between them - in the package).

Often, powders act in a semi-mechanical way - clogging the spiracles of an insect with a fine fraction of grinding. In other words, you can successfully use ordinary talcum powder - some of the cockroaches will simply suffocate.

Along with low biological effectiveness, powders have the most significant drawback - they generate dust, form a suspension in the air, and are inhaled by humans and animals, causing attacks of allergies or asthma, and some powders containing thiuram, a strong carcinogen, are simply very hazardous to health.

Worst of all are cats and dogs, because they breathe air in the immediate vicinity of the floor, where the powder is scattered, it remains on their paws and wool. And cats lick their fur and the poison goes straight to their stomachs. And it’s ugly - it’s very dirty.

By using the services of handlers, you are not guaranteed against troubles and disappointments. Firstly, there is a risk of becoming a client of a one-day company with a meager price for its services, which, having received money from you, can simply simulate processing - by processing your apartment, in best case, water!

Pay attention when the site of such a company was made - it's easy! Follow the link, enter the name of the site, and look at the line created (created), if the site is less than three years old, then there is nothing more to say ...

But the worst thing is that recently a stream of cheap agricultural products has poured into the market of household insecticides, which began to be used not only by fly-by-night companies, but also by "old" companies.

Therefore, if you decide to call pest controllers to your home, in addition to checking the license, do not be too lazy to find out what means they are going to use to process your home.

Agricultural means have already begun to be sold in small packages under fictitious names, for example - "Executioner". On their websites, these "sellers" write that they have direct deliveries from the manufacturer! And the respected German company Bayer (Bayer) is indicated as the manufacturer.

So, I personally contacted the appropriate division of Bayer (you can also call there) - Bayer does not produce any "Executioner" and never did! The executioner is pure fake! Here is a link to the official source. And there are many such drugs! Be careful!


Buy the most effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment

Cockroaches are one of the most tenacious domestic insects. In addition, they are present everywhere - and in country houses, and in new buildings, and in cluttered rooms, and in clean rooms. After all, they can migrate to sewer pipes and ventilation shafts.

If at least one representative of this family has appeared in your house, you need to immediately decide how to get rid of cockroaches at home once and for all.

And contacting companies or services dealing with pest control (getting rid of cockroaches and other insects), such as SES, is not at all obligatory - in most cases they use means that can be used with the same efficiency by residents on their own. We will understand what these means are in this article.

Harm and danger from the presence of cockroaches

Without a doubt, the fight against black and red cockroaches (Prusaks), as well as American cockroaches should be carried out until complete victory. After all, these insects not only make your life uncomfortable, but also carry a number of dangerous diseases, among which:

  • cholera (an acute intestinal infectious disease, which, with the development of varying degrees, can be fatal),
  • dysentery (an infectious disease affecting the gastrointestinal tract),
  • hepatitis (inflammatory liver disease).

They can also significantly spoil your food supplies, books, leather goods, and even plants. When choosing effective methods of dealing with domestic cockroaches, it is imperative to take into account the peculiarities of their vital processes - for example, they can eat both food crumbs and various materials that are inedible from a human point of view.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home, the main ways

Not knowing how to quickly and effectively get rid of large black and domestic red cockroaches, Prusaks, does not mean that you will tolerate them. It is unlikely that a truly adequate person will take seriously the advice that has long outlived itself, or the recommendation to sprinkle the floor with powder of unknown origin.

It is obvious that the fight against cockroaches at home should be effective, but at the same time with a minimum investment of time and money.

If we argue, what should be the best and most effective way to get rid of cockroaches, then you can get the following picture:

  1. the insecticide used must be intended for the treatment of residential premises,
  2. the product should not have a pungent odor,
  3. one (maximum two) treatments should be enough to completely get rid of insects,
  4. cockroach treatment must completely affect the entire insect population,
  5. the safety of the product for a person is mandatory,
  6. speed and efficiency, as well as protection against repeated "intrusion".

Now you can consider the main methods for getting rid of cockroaches, comparing them with the latest drugs.

It is imperative to understand that it is necessary to effectively fight black and red cockroaches with a drug that can destroy the entire population.


Indeed, even if 5% of the initial number of pests remains alive, then after a while the cockroach colony will be able to grow by 20%. Fortunately, you can use more than one option to decide how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment.

The composition of modern means for getting rid of insects includes one or more active ingredients. They are responsible for the complete destruction of cockroaches. In modern drugs today, the following active substances are mainly present:

  • chlorpyrifos,
  • deltamethrin,
  • temefos,
  • imidaclopiride,
  • cypermethrin,
  • tetramethrin,
  • piperonyl butoxide,
  • lambda-cygolothrin.

As a rule, all cockroach remedies have different shape packing and packaging, and the concentration of the active substance is different for them. In this regard, all these funds are divided into:

  1. household,
  2. professional.

Everything household products intended for domestic use. And the concentration of the active substance (AR) in them is from 0.5 to 1 %%.

The concentration of active ingredients in professional products varies from 5 to 25 %%. And some of them have two or more DVs.

Many such drugs, in order to get rid of cockroaches, can be used not only special services but also ordinary users. That is, they can also be used in everyday life. The difference between these means is only in the force of action. For professional, it is 10 times higher.

Recommended and most effective household products

At the moment, there are several, according to the assurances of manufacturers, "the most effective" means against cockroaches. Moreover, there are many effective ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment. You just need to separate the important and not, and use only those recommendations that will help you achieve the desired result.

Types of household products:

  1. Gels are a fairly effective and easy way to get rid of cockroaches. It is becoming clear that it is quite possible to effectively remove cockroaches with the help of gels. The effect of using the gels will be visible on the third day. Verified professional means are the products of the Globol (Germany) and Kaput trademarks. Such poisonous agents are sold already completely ready for use (they are a pasty mixture of poisonous and attracting substances with an AR concentration of up to 1%) and are packed in sealed syringes and tubes. You will find out that the remedy has begun to work in a couple of hours by the first dead insects. By the way, it is gels that are a proven method of how to get rid of cockroaches in a private house and high-rise building;
  2. Traps - they come with an adhesive base, mechanical, with poisoned bait (the concentration of the DV bait is up to 1%) and electric. All types of baits are effective, but with different periods and principles of action;
  3. Crayons - these drugs appeared one of the very first on the market, about 20 years ago, and still have good success;
  4. Smoke bombs - designed for breeding cockroaches both in technical and residential premises.
  5. Aerosols - have a quick effect on cockroaches, and create conditions for their quick death. If you are deciding how to kill and control black cockroaches at home, you can use aerosols.
  6. Powders and dusts - dusts are the same powdered preparations. As practice has shown, they are used without complications and have a certain period of residual action. We recommend poisoning cockroaches with dusty powders only in technical rooms;
  7. Tablets - laid out in places infected with insects and infect pests when eaten.
    All these types of drugs are interchangeable and DV in their composition is not more than 1%. Only your personal preference decides which of them the insects will die from.

One of the recommendations is to use a crystalline white powder - boric acid. This is a very dangerous poison, belonging to the group of intercellular, and dangerous for insects and for the human body as well.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using professional tools, what are their advantages

Cockroaches are insect pests that terrify almost all housewives by their mere appearance. And only the most desperate begin to take any measures against them. Finding the most effective remedy for cockroaches is not so easy even with current technologies, an abundance of manufacturers and drugs in stores.

And all this for one simple reason. Cockroaches have very good the immune system developed over the years, it is able to neutralize the poison to the next generation of insects. And if a cockroach has access to water, then it will completely get off with a slight fright.

Therefore, professional insect repellents are aimed at their complete destruction. In order for the next generation of pests not to be brought out with innate immunity to a certain disinfectant, it is necessary to destroy them completely. Then there will be no one to produce the next generation.

Professional methods for the destruction and control of cockroaches represent the appropriate means are readily available on the market and do not require special knowledge or equipment for their use. We offer several proven ways to destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever:

  • liquid concentrates - microencapsulated suspensions, diluted for application with water (such as Get and Dobrokhim) will always come to the rescue. They include the insecticide chlorpyrifos, which serves as both a poisonous and an enticing substance;
  • sprays - unlike concentrated liquid products, they are ready-to-use, that is, they do not need to be diluted with anything.

These are effective disinfectants with which you can completely get rid of insects. A new, modern remedy for cockroaches GET is presented in our online store, which you can buy at an affordable price.

Its by far the most powerful weapon against cockroaches is its long lasting effect. In addition to everything, it acts on cockroaches in such a way that the infected individual returns to its nest and brings active microcapsules, carrying a substance that is deadly to cockroaches, on its body and infects its fellow tribesmen.

Thus, by infecting one - we get rid of the entire colony forever! This is a professional preparation that any housewife can use in her kitchen, because its use does not take much time.

Buying the most powerful remedy for cockroaches, which are professional remedies, will not present any problems, they are constantly in the assortment of our store.

Insect Pest Preventive Measures

Preventive agents are used in two cases:

  1. Immediately after the destruction of cockroaches, in order to avoid cases of their return,
  2. From transit insects scouts, they determine new places for the settlement of the colony.
    • Ultrasonic scarers do not kill insects at all, but give the effect of scaring them away from your apartment, thus cockroaches do not adapt to the action of the device and do not come back. If you have eradicated insects, but are afraid that your neighbors have them and expect them to appear every day, turn on the repeller. And your fears will end. Insects will not get over to you anymore;
    • Mechanical traps in the form of special sticky "houses" or etched bait - they can be used to fight against large black cockroaches in the kitchen in the refrigerator or microwave. This method is suitable for small areas. But for the prevention of the appearance of insect pests, it is effective. After all, if at least one pest appears, he will fall into a trap and you will know that pests have appeared in the house. Such events will not take you by surprise, because you will have time to destroy the enemy at the very beginning of his appearance;
    • Glue from cockroaches and other insects. You can use it to make a glue trap yourself. Take pieces of cardboard and apply glue to them on one side. So the trap is ready for the purpose of prevention.

After the cockroaches leave your home, you will need to follow these additional preventive measures:

  • cover the ventilation grilles with a mesh,
  • do not leave food crumbs on the table and floor,
  • Try to remove moisture as much as possible, especially from the kitchen sink.

On all sorts of options to use folk remedies to combat cockroaches, which have absolutely lost their leadership, but it is not worth stopping. Cockroaches have long developed an antidote for them in their rapidly progressing body. Therefore, use professional drugs, which at this time no doubt occupied the top point of leadership.

When do you need to take complex measures?

Keep in mind that removing cockroaches in a hostel is a priori more difficult than fighting cockroaches in an apartment. After all, they can easily ply from one apartment to another.

However, this complexity may affect residents of multi-storey buildings, wondering how you can get sewer cockroaches out of the house.

You can continue ineffective actions such as pouring various drugs into the drain, or you can convince neighbors to "drive out" pests at the same time. Moreover, it is advisable to carry out such events in the house by complex means and at the same time.

After all, a couple of traps placed at the garbage bin will not save the whole house from a large number of insects. Therefore, poison them with professional means. Destroy them all at once. Only in this way can the whole house be rid of their invasion.