How to cut a ceiling plinth in the corners with and without a miter box. How to cut corners on skirting boards? Step-by-step instructions, practical tips and advice How to cut a 90 degree ceiling plinth

Ceiling skirting boards are very often used for decorating premises. They give the ceiling a complete look, allow you to convey a particular style in the interior. In addition, they serve to mask the joints between the walls and the ceiling, where the pairing of two various materials... Although not always such elements are present in the premises, they make the interior more complete. In the material below, we will tell you in detail how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, since in such places the docking individual elements often presents a problem for inexperienced builders.

If the room has a simple shape, then only the inner corners will need to be cut. But in rooms of a more complex configuration, with columns, partitions and niches, there will also be external corners. To make decorative elements look beautiful, trimming must be done correctly and accurately, otherwise appearance the ceiling will be damaged.

To crop ceiling plinth in the corners as best as possible, you can use high-quality and sharp tools, or other means. The type of tool that will be used to cut skirting boards depends on the type of material they are made of. So, ceiling plinths are made of PVC, foam, polyurethane and wood.

The cheapest option is PVC skirting boards... They are soft, so it is easy to leave dents and creases on them, which cannot be fixed in any way. In addition, this material has the ability to attract dust. For cutting such skirting boards a hacksaw will do or a sharp knife.

One more is enough cheap type material - expanded polystyrene skirting boards. They crumble easily, so only a sharp knife or a metal hacksaw should be used to trim the corners of the ceiling plinth. Movements should be soft, without pressure.

Cutting skirting boards for ceiling decoration

Another type of ceiling plinth is made of extruded polystyrene foam. They are much denser than ordinary foam products (therefore they do not crumble), they are a little more expensive, but they are also somewhat more difficult to cut. For work, you can use the same knife or hacksaw for metal.

The most expensive skirting boards are made of polyurethane. These are elastic, strong and moisture resistant products that are very easy to cut with a construction knife. True, they cannot be used in all rooms, since polyurethane is sensitive to high temperatures- it deforms, starts to crack or cracks.

For working with wooden skirting boards, only a hacksaw with fine teeth, you can use a metal tool.

However, many novice craftsmen are interested not so much in what, but how to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners. This process requires careful calculations and accuracy from the contractor. In some cases, if the interior of the room allows, you do not have to think about how to cut a corner on the ceiling plinth, but use ready-made corner elements. They can be purchased at hardware stores. In this case, the skirting board is simply cut straight and inserted into corner piece... All irregularities and flaws will be hidden.

Using a miter box to cut skirting boards

In carpentry, a special device made of wood, metal or plastic is often used - a miter box. It has special slots that allow you to even cut at 90º, 45º, and in more complex devices - also at 60º. There are also professional miter boxes equipped with swivel mechanism... In them cutting tool can be installed and fixed at any angle to the workpiece. Before you can make a ceiling plinth in the corners, you need to understand the details.

To cut the inner corner of a ceiling plinth using a miter box, you must:

  • First, the skirting board must be attached to the ceiling surface and mark the length.
  • Now the piece of skirting board is placed in the miter box in the same position as it should be placed on the ceiling.
  • The plinth is pressed tightly against the back wall of the miter box.
  • Hold the work piece with one hand so that it does not move during cutting.
  • The hacksaw is set at an angle of 45º to the workpiece.
  • Cut the plinth, controlling the degree of pressure of the hacksaw, so as not to damage the product.
  • Then proceed to cutting the counter piece of the skirting board. It is also applied to the far wall of the miter box.
  • The workpiece is pressed and held by hand so that it does not move.
  • The hacksaw is set at an angle of 45º to the workpiece so that the direction of the cut is opposite to the first element of the skirting board.
  • Cut off the corner of the plinth.

After trimming the ceiling plinths in the corners, they proceed to the joining of the resulting elements. If the cutting has been done accurately, they will fit snugly together.

Let's take a look at how to cut the outer corner of a ceiling plinth using a miter box:

  • It is best to start marking and measuring the ceiling plinth with inner corner, and only after its completion, start cutting outer corner... V otherwise the plank may be short, not enough to fill the entire length of the ceiling.
  • The plinth is applied to the ceiling and its length is marked.
  • Then the workpiece is placed in a miter box and pressed against the front wall.
  • Place the hacksaw at an angle of 45º and, holding the workpiece with your hand, saw off the corner.
  • Likewise, cut off the opposite part of the outer corner.
  • The workpiece is pressed against the front of the miter box.
  • The hacksaw is placed at an angle of 45º to the plinth and the workpiece is sawn off.

At the end of the work, the pieces of the plinth are joined together, checking if everything is done correctly and evenly.

Marking on the ceiling for making a corner on the skirting board

There are different ways of how to correctly make a corner on a skirting board. Some are easier to do, others are more difficult. One of these methods is to mark the plinth on the ceiling. True, it is not very convenient to cut the plinth by weight, but this method is not inferior in accuracy to all others. Before cutting the plinth to the ceiling, it is applied to the surface, while all the imperfections and irregularities of the walls, as well as the size of the corners, are immediately taken into account.

Let's consider in detail how to correctly make the corners on the ceiling plinths using this technique:

  • First, two mating plinths must be cut off at an angle of 90º;
  • One of the blanks is pressed against the wall, and its end is abutted against the opposite wall. Then the outline of the workpiece is drawn on the ceiling.
  • At the next stage, take the second plank and press it with its butt against the wall in the same way. Draw a line.
  • At the intersection of the resulting lines, a point is set, along which further trimming of the baseboards will be carried out.
  • Then each of the strips is alternately applied to the ceiling again and the cutting point is transferred to the blanks.
  • A diagonal cut line is drawn from this point to the corner of the plinth.

It should be noted that this way more often used for internal corners.

Applying a miter box template

To cut the plinth in the corner to the ceiling as evenly as possible, you can use a paper, cardboard or wood template instead of a regular miter box. Two parallel lines are applied to it, then a central point is found and any necessary angle is laid from it with the help of a protractor. Before you cut the corner of the skirting board without a miter box, you should double-check the size of the inner or outer corners between the walls of the room, using the same protractor.

The principle of cutting corners using a template is the same as using a standard miter box. In this case, the workpiece must be pressed against a parallel line and, setting the hacksaw at the desired angle, saw off the workpiece.

How to make a miter box yourself

Often the only way to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth evenly is to use special tools so that the tool does not move to the side during the cutting process. In this case, you can make a miter box yourself.

Option 1. A box is made of three boards in the shape of the letter P. The result is a complete adaptation.

Option 2. Sometimes it is quite difficult to make the corners of the skirting boards on the ceiling as even as possible, especially if you have to keep the workpiece by weight. In this case, you can use homemade device... Take two boards and knock them down in the shape of a corner. Then, on a sheet of paper or cardboard, they draw lines with the desired angles, apply a template to the corner. Then the plinth is pressed, a template is placed under the cutting site and the corner is sawn off along the lines.

Option 3. If you are still in doubt about how to properly cut the corner of the skirting board, almost any household item, the shape of which allows you to form an angle, can help with this. It can be a chair or a table just against the wall.

To understand how to properly cut the ceiling plinth, you should also familiarize yourself with the rule for measuring blanks. So, to complete the inner corner, the length begins to be measured directly from the beginning of the corner. But to determine the outer corner, it should be borne in mind that it will be issued into the space of the room by the amount of the width of the product.

There is no need to rush and fix the workpieces before the mating skirting boards have been made in the corner. In order not to redo the work, you must first make sure that the mating surfaces are snug against each other and against the ceiling. Small flaws can be corrected with a file, a fine nail file or a knife, depending on the material of the product.

If cutting off the skirting boards in the corners did not work out perfectly, small gaps can be simply putty. In general, the process of trimming skirting boards in the corners is not at all difficult. However, for practice, you can take a few small pieces of baseboard and practice on them.

Skirting boards for ceilings are cut different ways, but professionals use a miter box. This is a joinery, which is a tray with slots on the sides. A hacksaw is inserted into them, and a board, lining, plinth and other materials that need to be cut at a certain angle are placed on the bottom of the tray.

How to trim the skirting board?

When finishing finishing work in the house, many homeowners are faced with the problem of cutting ceiling plinths, especially their corners. After all, the attractiveness of the interior depends on them. Without these decorative elements, the rooms look unfinished. It is not difficult to guess how to cut the ceiling plinth using a square, a metal ruler or a flat strip, since here you only need to maintain a right angle.

But in finishing works trimming of skirting boards is required at other angles, for example, 40 degrees. Therefore, the installation of these plastic elements is fraught with certain difficulties. To get the appropriate angle, you need to be extremely careful. One of the problems is cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners with further joining.

The following materials are used in the production of skirting boards:

  • Wood. Wood is considered the most labor-intensive material for processing. Wooden skirting boards are sawn with a joiner's hacksaw.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam. High density finishing material. Does not absorb moisture. When burning, it does not emit toxic substances. It is quite difficult to process it, but it is easy to cut it. All you need is a carpenter's knife.
  • Styrofoam. It is fragile, the cheapest and most easily processed material. Its fragility is not a drawback, since the skirting boards are located under the very ceiling and they are not afraid of mechanical influences. You can cut the ceiling plinth from the foam without any effort.
  • Polyurethane. Differs in plasticity and flexibility. Due to these qualities, it is used on uneven surfaces... It is water-repellent and resistant to temperature extremes.
  • PVC. Difficult to fit material due to increased rigidity. Manufacturers offer from it different types finishes: imitation of stone, metal, wood and uniform color. It becomes brittle in the cold.

Decorative elements made of aluminum look no less attractive under the ceiling. True, it is much more difficult to process and cut metal than materials from the proposed list. The increased demand for aluminum skirting boards is due to the fact that they are cable channels in which it is convenient to hide wiring and cables. Of no small importance is aesthetics, not responding to an aggressive environment and detergents.

Cut the aluminum skirting board with a metal hacksaw. In order not to break the blade, the reciprocating movements must be smooth and uniform.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, skirting boards can be considered the best solution for creating unique interior... They are mounted on the most difficult section, which is the junction of the wall and ceiling. Anyone who knows how to properly cut a corner on a skirting board will quickly complete the interior of the room, which will make it more attractive. With the help of these elements, you can partially hide minor defects.

The cutting tool is chosen depending on the material and the required angles. In rooms of standard shapes with ideal smooth walls and ceilings, a miter box is used to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth. The wood is cut with an ordinary carpenter's hacksaw, and a jigsaw should be purchased for other materials. You can also use a hacksaw for metal. To manually fit corners, you will need additional tools: ruler, square, protractor, pencil.

Cutting the skirting board with a miter box

Work with this device is carried out as follows:

  • We fix the miter box on the workbench, put it in the tray decorative element and press it to the bottom and to one of the walls. This is the only way to properly cut the corner on the skirting board.
  • The wood is cut with an ordinary hacksaw. Insert it into the slots that will give you the desired angle. Hold the cutting tool perpendicular to the element to be cut. Internal as well outside corner the ceiling plinth is also cut out using a miter box.
  • It is better to use a carpenter's knife or jigsaw to cut the expanded polystyrene planks.
  • It is not recommended to use force during cutting. The blade must move smoothly, otherwise you can damage the decor or completely deform the product. Styrofoam skirting boards are cut with a jigsaw with the finest teeth. A knife will not work for this job, as the material will wrinkle and crumble.

Cutting off the ceiling plinth correctly, where non-standard angles are required, is quite difficult. After all, the miter box is not designed for this. If there is no skill, then dents may remain on the products. They are covered up finishing putty, and then dyed in the desired color.

The main difficulty is that when cutting it is necessary to maintain the required angle, otherwise when two skirting boards are closed, a clear gap will be visible between them. Many owners do not even pay any attention to it and are not upset at all. They just putty and paint over all the cracks. And since it is difficult to choose the exact shade of paint, the whole atmosphere in the room will be overshadowed by the not aesthetics of the appearance of the decorative elements.

We suggest watching a video on how to cut corners on ceiling skirting boards. Cutting using a template allows you to make a clear end without the slightest deviation. Processing decorative elements without a miter box is also possible, but provided that a person has a certain skill and knows how to use other auxiliary tools: a square and a protractor. Using them, it will not be difficult to trim the ceiling plinth with non-standard angles.

By the way, You can make a miter box yourself at home. To do this, you need three identical planks, 15 cm wide, approximately 50 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. The last two parameters do not have a special meaning, so you can choose them arbitrarily. We make a tray from these parts. It resembles a box without ends and a lid. Then, using a protractor on the side boards, mark the required angles with a pencil. Further, using these marks, we make cuts with a hacksaw to the very base. Two planks should be cut at the same time.

You should know at what angle to cut the ceiling plinth, so make exactly these corners in the planks of the miter box.

If you cannot make such a device, then use another method. In this case need hard cardboard from which you can cut the template with the required angles. You will also need a protractor for this job. If angles of 45 and 90 degrees are required, then you can use a regular square. It is much easier and faster than constructing a miter box. Take the cardboard, mark up and cut out the template the desired shape... Now all that remains is to attach it to the plinth, leave a strip of pencil on it and cut the ceiling plinth at 45 degrees.

Professional craftsmen begin the installation of decorative elements from the corners, and then proceed with the installation of skirting boards in straight sections. Here is a video on how to cut ceiling plinths in the corners, as well as how to install them.

These products are the final finishing elements. They are used for facing the joints of ceilings and walls. In addition to masking a crude pairing, they are in perfect harmony with any style. The wider the skirting board, the more streamlined the interior looks. For stretch ceilings, such decorative elements are required. They perfectly hide the installation gap between the wall and the frame.

Perhaps from this article you figured out how to properly join the ceiling plinth in the corners and how to fix it on straight segments. When choosing such products, they are guided by simple rule: the higher the walls, the wider the skirting board should be... However, the wider, more heterogeneous and harder it is, the more difficult it is to cut it. Therefore, for such work, it is necessary to prepare absolutely sharp cutting tools. You can try them on trimmings of decorative elements. This will be a kind of training, which will allow you to avoid unnecessary pressure at work. As you know, this leaves dents in polyurethane and PVC, chips peel off from wood, and foam crumbles.

Colors and decor depend on the style of the room. A huge variety of widths, textures and colors, makes it possible to select the best option for country house or an apartment. When installing these elements, the main thing is to cut them correctly. See the photo on how to cut a corner on the ceiling plinth and you will cope with this work yourself.

The product is cut and fixed in the corners in the event that a fragment of the fastener strip cut at the desired angle has already been prepared, as well as a decorative element that is joined to it. If, when cutting the plinth, the inner angle turned out to be inaccurate, then you can ignore this. The main thing that clearly docked front side ... It is not recommended to fix the joints for painting. For this better fit rough plaster.

Summing up, it can be noted that cutting the ceiling plinths is possible without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to be attentive and to do the work deliberately and without fuss.

How to cut the corners of a skirting board. Photo 1

Probably everyone who at least once carried out repair work with their own hands faced the problem of cutting out the outer and inner corners of the ceiling plinth. Ceiling plinth, also called a fillet, is used in repairs to hide the uneven border between the wall and the ceiling and to give the interior completeness. How to cut a corner of a skirting board without a miter box? We will talk about this in our article.

How to cut a ceiling plinth in the corners without a miter box? If you don’t have a miter box on hand, it’s not a problem. You can cut the outer and inner corners without a miter box.

There are fillets on the market today different sizes, shapes and colors, with and without relief patterns. The material from which they are made is also different. These are mainly: polyurethane, expanded polystyrene, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride. But lately the most popular in renovation work became a wooden ceiling plinth. Its aesthetic appearance makes it possible to add elegance and rigor to the design of the room.

Which skirting board is best?

Before you cut the corners correctly on the ceiling plinth, you need to choose the right one.

Advice: the ceiling plinth will look harmonious if its width is selected correctly. The higher the walls, the wider the skirting board should be.

The most durable, moisture resistant and elastic are polyurethane fillets and cutting a corner from such a ceiling plinth is not very easy. However, all these positive traits"Covers" one significant drawback - they do not withstand sharp changes temperature, which does not allow them to be used in all rooms.

For example, in a kitchen where there is a gas or electric stove, polyurethane fillets will retain their original appearance for about a week. After that, with frequent cooking, when hot air rises to the ceiling, then falls, they will begin to deform, spoiling the whole "picture".

Skirting boards made from other materials also have their drawbacks.

For example, products made of polyvinyl chloride have increased electrostaticity and if dents appear on their surface during operation, it will be impossible to remove them. At the slightest mechanical impact, the ceiling skirting boards made of expanded polystyrene and polystyrene break.

If we talk about which ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings or ordinary ceilings is better, then the exact answer here, probably, will not be possible. Since each of them has its own positive and negative qualities. Therefore, you still have to make a choice, starting from the financial resources that you have, and on the conditions under which the fillet will be used.

How to cut corners without a miter box?

At first glance it seems that cut off the corner of the ceiling plinth notdifficult - cut the edges of the skirting boards at an angle of 45 degrees and glued. However, this is not at all the case. Each corner of the room can differ in its parameters, for example, one 90 degrees, the other 88 or 92.

This difference is the norm, especially in buildings over 30 years old. Therefore, if you just cut the skirting board at an angle of 45 degrees and glue it on the border between the ceiling and the wall, a gap may form that should not be there. How do you dock the ceiling plinth so that there are no gaps? So, let's begin.

First you need to prepare a tool that will trim the edges of the skirting boards. This can be a metal saw or a regular sharp knife.

How to cut the inner corner of a skirting board without a miter box? The answer lies on the surface.

Step 1... Take a skirting board and attach it to the corner in the same way as you will glue it. Use a pencil to draw a line on the ceiling along the baseboard. Remove the fillet.

Step 2... Place the second skirting board on the other side of the corner where it meets the first. Follow the same procedure as with the first one. As a result, you should have some markup.

Step 3... Take the skirting board, lean it tightly against the place to which you will glue, and transfer to it the point of contact of the two straight lines drawn earlier on the ceiling. From this point, draw a line to the opposite edge of the baseboard. This line will be the cut point.

Step 4... Do the same for the second skirting board.

Step 5... Cut the edges of the skirting boards along the marked line.

Step 6... Attach the cut skirting boards to the corner. If the place of their joint has no gaps, you can start gluing the fillet. If there are gaps or irregularities, use a knife to correct the cut corners.

How to cut the outer corner of a ceiling plinth? When creating the outer corner, the top should protrude above the bottom, the inner - the opposite is true.

Whatever ceiling you glue the plinth on, whether it is the ceiling in the bedroom or in the kitchen, do not rush, measure everything carefully. This will help you avoid spoiling the material.

Styrofoam ceiling skirting boards - wonderful way arrange the joints of the walls and ceiling, regardless of the choice finishing materials... How to properly cut ceiling plinths in the corners of the room? How and on what to glue it to the walls and ceiling? Let's figure it out.

Corner joining is the main problem in the skirting board gluing.

How the skirting board fits in the corners

In general, there are only two main scenarios.

Decorative corners

Special decorative corners- external and internal.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the method?

  • This method of docking is as simple as possible. The corner is glued to the wall; adjacent plinth strips are glued to it and to the adjacent section of the wall... No hassle with a fit.

Yes, the plinth is cut to length here too; however, cutting at right angles is not difficult. It is enough to put the plinth on the corner of the table and cut it off exactly along its edge (see).

Tip: The best tool for cutting skirting boards is a clerical knife. He, unlike all types of hacksaws, does not crumble material.

  • However, alas, corners that are suitable in width and pattern are often very problematic to find. Simply due to the limited range of products of one manufacturer from a particular seller (see).
  • In addition, the corners only allow the skirting board to be joined at right angles. Indoors complex shape angles are often not equal to 90 degrees.

Decorative corners are the simplest solution. But it will not always help out.

Trimming planks

This docking method is more versatile: not required Additional materials, in addition to the plinth; docking is possible at an arbitrary angle. The essence of the method is reduced to the point of cutting the plinth strips in the corners so that the gap between them is absent or at least minimal.

With a knife in hand

So how do you cut your skirting boards properly?

Scenario 1: Right Angle

Let's start with more simple case... How to cut ceiling plinths so that they fit at right angles?

Obviously, a seam will look best if the seam splits the corner exactly in half. Thus, we need to cut each of the planks that we connect at an angle of exactly 45 degrees (see).

Best tool for this operation - a miter box. This simplest joinery is a tray, the walls of which are cut at several fixed angles. Including the one we need.

  • We put the plinth in the miter box in such a way that the areas for the sticker are flat against its bottom and wall.
  • We cut it off using the slot we need as a guide.

If the miter box is not at hand, it is easy to make it yourself, using smooth planks or strips of thick plywood as material. The slots in the walls are marked with a square or protractor.

The miter box is a tool that is easy to make yourself.

Scenario 2: an arbitrary angle or right angle in the absence of a miter box

How to cut the plinth correctly in this case? The miter box will not help in the case of an oblique or obtuse angle; and often there is no point in buying or making this instrument for the sake of a small room.

Take an internal corner fit as a reference. Of the tools, we only need a pencil and the same clerical knife. The edge of the table will serve as a support for us when trimming the edge of the skirting board.

Then again, one by one, we apply both plinths to the ceiling and mark the intersection point on them.

All that remains to be done is to correctly draw from the outer bottom corner to the inner top line and cut the plinth along it. The easiest way to do this is by placing the plinth on the edge of the table and aligning both cut points with the edge. Then strictly vertically cut the bar along the edge of the table.


The operation itself is extremely simple; however, as elsewhere, there are a number of subtleties.

Tip: acrylic putty will at the same time hide the gaps between the plinths and the wall, gaps in the corners and other flaws.

  • It is optimal to glue the skirting board not over the wallpaper, but on the plastered surface. The plaster is primed with a primer: this way the plinth will hold much more reliably..
  • When using synthetic universal bites, the main problem is that the skirting board slips or falls before the glue hardens.

The solution can be very simple. After applying glue to the edges of the skirting board, press it into place and tear it off immediately. After waiting for about a minute, press again, this time completely. The thickened glue will hold the foam securely.

  • Be sure to glue the skirting boards together.
  • The ceiling plinth can be used with stretch ceiling; however, in this case, it is only glued to the wall. There is a minimum gap between the top edge and the canvas. In this case, the joints of the plinth in the corners should be additionally reinforced with match pins.

  • The displacement of the plinth from the ceiling surface by a dozen centimeters will allow you to lay in it led strip, providing the ceiling with hidden lighting.


If some points of how to cut the ceiling plinth remained unclear for you, a useful video at the end of the article may be able to answer your questions. Good luck in the repair!

Ceiling renovation is completed by decoration with skirting boards. Pruning them is not a daunting task, but it requires some skill and accuracy. We will tell you how you can cut ceiling moldings using a special tool - a miter box. Since it is not present in all houses, consider also Alternative option, at which you can do without it.

And now - about everything in order.

What tools do you need?

  • Miter box - this aluminum, plastic or wooden professional carpentry tool has the form of a groove in the shape of an inverted P. With its help, the material can be cut at the required angle. Usually it is fixed on a table or workbench. It is safe and easy to use;
  • Electric miter saw that replaces the miter box. Provides high precision cuts;
  • An electric jigsaw with which you can;
  • Sharp and well-sharpened knife for processing Styrofoam skirting boards;
  • Saw for manipulating wooden moldings or blade - when working with all others, including foam and plastic.

Miter box for cutting skirting boards

We cut with a miter box

The use of a miter box is justified when the room has relatively even corners and walls. For correct cutting corner, the part in which the saw is supposed to be made is placed in the miter box, and the saw is inserted into the tool guides. Remaining motionless, the part allows you to "cut itself" at the desired angle.

For fillet cutting to be effective, it must be in close contact with both surfaces at the same time. This is possible if it is firmly pressed against the wall of the tool by a section closer to the working one.

Suppose you want to cut a 45 degree corner. First of all, the baguette should be correctly positioned in the miter box.

Cutting sequence:

  • Having determined the direction in which the cut will be made, we cut off the corner;
  • We put together the cut out areas, we get two corners: external and internal;
  • Attaching the miter box to the ceiling, we check how even the cuts are. If necessary, you can touch up something with a knife or use the services of a putty.

Cutting without the aid of a miter box

Often it simply does not make sense to purchase this tool for a professional for one repair. You can completely do without a miter box, using a pencil, a sharp sharpened knife and a good eye. How? There are several ways here.

Method one: cook something similar yourself. To do this, you need to put together a tray using three planks, then make a slot at an angle of 45 degrees, and to facilitate further actions, make a markup using a school protractor or a square.

DIY miter box

Method two: a paper or cardboard template is cut out on which a reference line is drawn. In this case, when knocking the planks at an angle of ninety degrees, they will need not three, but two! How do you trim the corners? We put the baguette into the analogue of the tray prepared by us in such a way that its position corresponds to that with which the plinth will be fixed to the ceiling, then we set the tray along the edge of our standard. Next, you should cut the baguette along the line drawn on the standard, keeping the cutting tool in an upright position.

Another method using a custom tray. It can be imitated even by a table pushed close to the wall, and at least by the angle separating the wall and the floor covering.

Cutting corners:

  • We mark the proposed angles on the ceiling and wall, as well as on the fillet itself, focusing on an imaginary line cutting through both parts of the baguette;
  • We install the plinth in the tray in the same way as it will be further fixed to the ceiling, and cut it with a knife or cloth held in a strictly vertical position.

How to cut without tools at all?

In this case, it is necessary:

  • Make the necessary marks on the baguettes;
  • Connect the edges of the baguettes to the marks using a regular ruler. In the future, trimming can be done by already making measurements at the top;
  • Having laid on the table the segment marked for trimming, with the area that will be joined to the ceiling, we cut it at a 45 degree angle. The need for correction will be much less in this case;
  • The above steps are repeated for the outer corner.

Have you noticed that no special means we didn't need it: we just need to tune in to the fact that there may be a need for adjustment.

How to make the correct docking?

If, after gluing a part of the baguette, there is some distance to the corner, you need to think about how to avoid a mistake - a small margin will not hurt. First, it is better to cut a piece with a good margin of about 10-15 cm. Then, cutting off the corner by any convenient method, try it on a dry surface. To do this, attach a plank to the ceiling and mark the point where the shortening border will pass. Cutting is done at right angles.

Competent alignment of the corners is no less important. Finished skirting boards are usually fixed at an angle slightly less than 45 degrees, so there may be inconsistencies in the cut edges and the appearance of gaps. Here, the initial trimming of the corners is followed by a dry, if possible precise joining of the skirting boards already on the ceiling itself. Problems usually arise when using wood and plastic materials.

At the end of the rough fillet joints, either screw them on, and then, if necessary, use the putty and then seal all the existing seams.