Connecting a wall air conditioner in your home yourself. Installing the air conditioner with your own hands - a detailed overview of the installation and proper connection

Controlling the microclimate of the personal space, we create the conditions that are optimal for recreation, work, classes. Installation of split system will allow you to set a favorable level of temperature and moisture in the simplest way. Agree, B. summer period There are a lot of days in need of regulation of climatic parameters.

After reading the article proposed by us, you will learn all the details and subtlety work on the installation of air-conditioning equipment. Carefully selected and systematic information is useful as independent home crafts and customers of installers services to verify proper execution.

We described in detail the installation process, lists the nuances of the location and fixing blocks. Listed materials required for installation and connection of aggregates. A valuable addition to the text that facilitates the perception of information is photos and video applications.

Studying information on how to properly install the system split in a private house or apartment, it is initially necessary to choose the location of its parts.

To do this, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the distribution of cold / hot air flow in the room, given the basic technical requirements specified by the equipment manufacturer in the instructions.

The most common locations internal block Split system - over the bed / sofa. Outdoor - usually put out on the street and install on the site near the window or on balcony plates

Exist certain rulesthat must be taken into account when choosing a block of placement of blocks:

  • the distance between the aggregate and the ceiling should be at least 15-20 cm, although some manufacturers indicate the instructions 20-30 cm;
  • from the side part to the wall - no less than 30 cm;
  • before the obstacle, which will prevent the flow of the emerging air or dispel it - at least 150 cm.

For the outer part of the split system, the location is chosen on the basis of carrier abilities walls. It is possible to mount near the window, on the plates, enclosing the loggia, or on the wall next to the balcony.

For those who live on the lower floors, the unit installation is carried out above the window - as far as possible from passersby.

Based technical requirements To the wall of the ventfassada used as a site for fixing the outer block of the split system - the possible load capacity must be 2.5 times more masses Installation aggregate

For multi-storey houseEspecially if the apartment is on the top floor, it will be necessary to attract high-altitude specialists or determine the point of installation in the marginal proximity to the window, which will provide easy access when installing.

Definition of the distance between blocks

Often the choice of equipment accommodation is regulated by the minimum and maximum distance between its parts. These indicators are mainly indicated by the manufacturer and depend on the model range and characteristics.

Sometimes companies do not indicate the minimum contour length between the two units, so the installation can be performed arbitrarily.

The minimum distance between the blocks of the split system of the company Daikin 1.5-2.5 m, Panasonic - up to 3 m. However, if the blocks are located in the meter from each other, the length of the track should be at least 5 m (its excess is folded into the ring and hide Behind the block)

It is a little easy to deal with the maximum distance between the two aggregates. The standard indicator is 5 m. It is possible to increase the length of the track, but in this case it is necessary to count on additional costs due to the need to refuel by Freon.

Preparation for work

The solution to engage in the installation of the split system independently comes, as a rule, after finding out the rates from specialists. Incredibly high amounts for performing work, occupying 3 hours, are argued by the presence of expensive tools and its wear during operation. This is exactly what is the main share of payment for the service of the Master.

If the rates from the split-systems installers are too large, it is worth installing own hands, thoroughly studying the technology of this type of work

If you look at the recommendations of the equipment manufacturers, then often in the instructions it is indicated that the preparatory work can be made on their own, but for the installation of pipelines, connecting to the electrical network, the vacuum process is desirable to invite specialists with the appropriate tools.

Tools for installing equipment

Perform self installation Cooling installation can be, because most tools are in the suitcase homemade Masters. An exception can be vacuum pumpBut buy it is optional - to make a similar unit will be able to make out of old parts.

Some brigades of the masters do not even use this equipment when laying the route up to 6 m long.

If you failed to find a vacuum pump when independently installing the air conditioner, alternative option can serve as a powerful compressor from the old refrigerator or aquarium supercharger

In the process of mounting an important aspect is the observance of the horizontal location of block systems. In connection with these requirements, each stage of work must be accompanied by a control check in a building level.

If there is no tool in stock, you can rent it in a construction store.

In advance, it will be necessary to prepare the following equipment:

  1. Perforator. It is used to do hole holes in the facade through which the track will be laid, generalizing the external and internal blocks.
  2. Drill with a set of rolled. Used for mounting fasteners.
  3. Truborez for cutting copper pipes.
  4. The device for eliminating burrs after cutting pipes. You can use a rider, a file and sandpaper.
  5. Rolling copper pipes.

Some believe that the use of rimera does not make sense, especially if the new and does not leave burrs and dents, but in vain.

Only after the manipulation produced by the fake the edge of the collapsed tube will be able to press the nut with the nut as close as possible, and accordingly, freon leakage is unlikely.

The operation of the device for the collapse of copper pipes is performed by deformation by the tube along the selected template, as a result of which the cone is formed. At the same time, the initial wall thickness and a round cross section remains

According to technical Regulations Installation, it is necessary to have a vacuum pump - the sealing of the air conditioning system is performed by this equipment. After filling the route by the refrigerant, the process of evacuation is carried out.

Acquisition of necessary materials

Components will need quite a lot, but they are all easily accessible in any profile store. Do not forget that the materials must be as high quality and sewer exclusively for the device functionally directed to the cold.

You must purchase a wire for powering and connecting blocks. In the passport or in the installation instructions, you always indicate the necessary parameters.

Standard is a four-core power cable with a cross-section area of \u200b\u200b2 mm 2 or 2.5 mm 2. Length is selected based on the distance of the track, taking into account the small stock.

You will also need to prepare a thick-walled seamless type of soft copper, intended for cooling devices. Pipes are selected smaller and greater diameters. More specific characteristics are listed in the user manual.

The length is equal to the length of the track plus an additional stock to 30 cm. In the process of transporting the tubes, their edges must be muffled to cover from sedimentation of dust inside the product.

Pipes are selected exclusively for the cooling system, their soft copper alloy is well separated and ensures due tightness

For the insulation of pipes, the insulation of foamed rubber is used. Selling it with segments of 2 m. To carry out measures on thermal insulation, the length is required, equal to the length of the track. Synthetic insulation It is used on two diameters of pipes.

As a drainage tube, experts recommend installing hose corrugation, equipped inside a plastic spiral. You can also take advantage of an alternative part - a polypropylene tube. Its length is equal to the length of the route with a surcharge of 80 cm.

And you will also need two bracket L-shaped type to fix the block outside. The appropriate size of the parts is determined by its dimensions, and the reserve of the bearing load should exceed its weight 5 times. Such an increase in the maximum allowable voltage of the part is required to compensate for the loads of wind and snow.

Buying these components better in the company engaged in the sale of spare parts for household split systems.

After purchasing a bracket for fastening the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, it is impossible to do additional holes in it, because This significantly reduces the safety margin of the part

As the details of the mount apply: anchor, dowel and bolts. Their number, view and parameters are selected based on the type of brackets and the mounting plate intended for the internal unit.

It is important and type of walls where the outer part of the system is to be mounted. For camouflage of the laid communication line, a plastic box will be required. standard Gabarites 60 * 80 cm.

Installation order split system

Alone to establish the air conditioning system is quite real task, however there are many nuances in the work and they relate to certain models, so the installation process may have some differences. To explore all the requirements, it is originally necessary to read the instructions for the acquired equipment model.

Stage # 1 - Installation of outdoor and internal blocks

The first is the installation internal block. Deciding with the place of its location, the wall markup on the mounting card is made on the wall. After driving the backlash, plastic plugs are inserted for dowels, the map is hung and fixed with dowels.

The most thorough attachment should be made at the bottom of the plate, because In this area there are latches holding a block

After installing the cassette, with the help of the construction level, the exposure of the strict horizontal placement of the future block is measured. With any inconsistency, it will be necessary to remake all the work done.

At this stage, preparatory work is coming under the laying of the tracks. First calculated the lines of its location. Then the hole is drilled in the wall of the facade, given the desired slope in the amount of more than 1/100.

Also, the hole is drilled with a slope with a diameter of 5 cm, and the angle of inclination can be increased, in comparison with the track. So, the condensate formed will be better to leave the system.

When you select the installation scheme of the spin to back blocks, you need to check the hole intended for the power cable. To do this, you must verify the location of the power ports on the units.

And now it is a queue of installation of the outdoor unit. If we are talking about multi-storey houseThis requires special equipment for high-rise works.

As in the first case, the strict horizontal block should be withstanding, so at the markup stage also use the level.

When placing an outdoor unit, it is necessary to take into account the limit relating to its slope - the maximum allowable angle of the slope is 45 °

At the time of installation of the attachments, each available hole must be filled with anchor bolts (standard diameter 10 * 100 mm), regardless of their quantity. After, exhibited outdoor block And also fixed fasteners.

Stage # 2 - Setting Line Communications

With the help of electrical pipes and two copper tubes, the exterior and internal blocks are connected. Additionally, the drainage system is laid through the wall, which is responsible for eliminating condensate. These items must be properly pick up, connect, put and secure.

First, the copper tubes should be prepared, cutting off the desired length using the pipeline and processes the edge of the rimem from burrs and dents after the circumcision procedure.

It is not recommended to use other tools, such as a file. After its use, the tube inside the tube is inserted, which will circulate through the system and eventually lead to the failure of the compressor.

To spend copper tubes through the wall, their edges need to be insulated with a plug, to protect against dust

The thermal insulation of the tubes is carried out by dressed on them polyurethane foam hoses. It is impossible to choose the foam rubber as a seal - it has a short operational period. After performing measures for thermal insulation, all the docking sections of the material are tightly sampled with metallized tape.

Now the queue has come to lay drainage and cable. For each wire you need to wear a special tip. They are installed on cleared from insulating material Conductors and crimping forceps.

The finished cable is connected to the air conditioner according to the scheme shown in the instrument manual.

On both blocks on the site, located slightly above the ports, there is a removable plate designed to connect copper pipes. Under it placed electrical discs for cable

The drainage tube connects to a special output on the indoor unit and is displayed through the hole in the wall. The tube must be long enough and end at least 60 cm from the wall.

According to the rules, its laying is carried out under the tilt to the output output. Requires the clamps through each meter of length to eliminate the savings to prevent condensate accumulation.

Stage # 3 - Connecting System Blocks

Conducted through the wall of communication is connected to the corresponding ports. It is important to remember that the total length of the drainage pipeline cannot be more than 20 m. The laying of copper pipes is made by a loop to capture the oil, which is contained in a small amount in Freon.

Drainage can be removed in two ways: to withdraw it into the sewer or to the street. The first method is technically correct, however, due to the complexity of the playback, it was not widely distributed.

When laying a drainage tube, it is better to avoid sharp turns, no savings are also allowed - condensate will accumulate in these areas

At the bottom of the inner block of the system there is a tube with a tip of plastic. It dresses the hose corrugation and is dragged in the junction of the clamp.

For the external part of the device, a similar procedure is performed, but many of it ignore it. If instead of the hose is used polymer trumpet, the corresponding adapter is selected. With it, connect the block output and the tube.

To connect the copper tubes, you need to initially lay on the wall, with the help of pipe bending. If this tool is not available, then we suggest familiarize yourself with the article, where it is described in detail how to bend the pipe without special equipment. Read more - read.

Tubes need to give the necessary slope without beggars and a sharp chalk. First of all, they are connected to the indoor unit. For this, nuts are weakened on the respective ports.

When tying, the characteristic sound of the hissing of the exit nitrogen will be heard. It is injected at the time of production, to eliminate the oxidation of parts. After its descent, it is necessary to remove the plugs and unscrew the nut. Next, the rolling procedure is performed.

In the process of fragant, the pipe is held by hole down in order to avoid chips from entering the inside system

The edges of the pipes on a plot of 5 cm are aligned. Then conduct the collapse to ensure the connection of the input and output of the blocks. So succeed closed system Circulation. Mounting correctness plays important role In the acquisition of the properties of maximum tightness, during the movement of freon.

The collapsed edge of the pipe is connected to the necessary output and fixed with a nut. It is forbidden to use any additional devices - sealants, gaskets, etc. Applied copper tubes provide the necessary sealing.

Connecting copper tubes, it is necessary to make an effort in 60 kg, only then copper monolithically adams the fitting, and the contact will be sealed

Similar actions are done with all four ports. After connecting, you should final stage Installation of the air conditioning system - removal of air and moisture, as well as possible argon residues that could have accumulated during the installation process.

Stage # 4 - system vacuuming

During the installation work in the air conditioner tubes, air falls and if it is not removed, it will be in the air conditioning system. The result becomes a reinforced load on the compressor, respectively, its quick heating.

Also, water particles negatively affect all the details. The fraon contains the proportion of lubricating oil, its hygroscopic consistency in contact with water becomes less efficient. As a result, wear components will accelerate.

Two methods can be used to remove air: vacuum pump or not a large number of Freon fluid, which descends from the block located outside. In the manufacture of an outdoor unit, manufacturers with a small snuff.

The PSHICE method is repeated several times, with the second attempt to be done with the top valve. If the length of the track is 2-3 m - the procedure is carried out 3 times, at four-meter - 2 times

An alternative to an expensive vacuum pump can be served the release of excess freon from the exterior unit. For this on its valves unscrew the plugs. It is necessary to work with the lower port of the larger diameter. Under its lid there is a hex connector. Based on its parameters, the appropriate key is selected.

The appropriate key is made of the valve 90 ° and return it to the previous position. Thus, the system includes a small amount of freon and enhanced pressure. Secondly pressing the finger on the spool, located on the same port, produce excess freon and gases from the system.

After completely removal of air, the output of the spool is twisted with a plug, and the valves are fully open and the freon enters the split system. To check the tightness of the compounds, they are deprived by soap foam.

It is worth remembering that when independent, minor factors do not exist. And all that was done incorrectly, for example, rolling of pipes without stripping a border, or a not enough compound - as a result, leads to rapid wear of the component coolant. Therefore, during the installation process you need to show the limit accuracy to all parts.

If you have the necessary experience or knowledge in the installation of split systems, please share it with our readers. Perhaps you know some subtleties that we did not mention in this material? Leave your comments, ask questions at the block below.

Installation tips. Where is the best installation of air conditioning?

Before buying a split system in Krasnodar, it is advisable to determine the place where you will hang it.

Air conditioning in the room is technically possible to install absolutely anywhere, however, for high-quality work, without risk of failure, there are certain rules and some nuances that must be observed during installation.

In this article, we will try to describe the most common mistakes in the installation in the process of installation, as well as provide recommendations for proper installation Air conditioner in order to avoid unforeseen problems in the future.

1. Internal split-system block Install at least 10 cm at a distance from the ceiling. Since the air conditioner takes air to cool / heating from the room (not from the street), a small distance from the ceiling to the upper part of it (where the air intake grille is) may make it difficult to reserved air. In this case, firstly, the air conditioner will not be able to give a sufficient amount of cold / heat, and secondly, it will work for wear, which will lead to a rapid failure of its compressor. That is why it is forbidden to put various items on the air conditioner and cover its upper part. If you install air conditioning at the repair stage, consider a possible decrease in the ceiling level (tensioning, gypsum ceilings etc.).

2. Do not mount the internal split-system unit over the cabinets, shelves, chests if the distance from them to the lower edge of the inner unit is less than 70-100 cm. First, it leads to a blowing with each inclusion of the air conditioner accumulated on the upper surface of the dust cabinet. Moreover, the close arrangement of horizontal surfaces leads to the creation of the airflow cycle, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the air conditioning system. Flow, from the air conditioner is enjoyed back into the air intake, the air exchange indoors deteriorates, air conditioning, taking cold air, starts to "think" that it is time to stop its work, because the temperature sensor is at the flow input.

3. The air flow should not be directed directly to people. When working on a cold, the air conditioner jet temperature is 7-15 ° C lower than the ambient air temperature. If such a stream is blowing at a person at least for several tens of minutes, poor well-being is subsequently provided. As a rule, the air is directed so that it takes place between workplaces or where people are less common. In the bedroom, it is very often necessary to make a choice on which wall in relation to the bed hang air conditioning. Most often, people are afraid to have an internal block above their heads and mount the block on the wall to which the legs are drawn. If it is not possible to remove the block from the bed as much as possible and send the air to the other side, it is better to mount it above your head. Cold air at the same time will blow not on the head, but on the legs, which are usually covered with a blanket.

4. Do not mount the internal unit of the air conditioner above the heat source (for example, over the battery). Due to stream warm air, rising up from the heat source, the air conditioner will think that it does not cool the room enough, and will work for wear, as a result of which will quickly fail. In addition, from excessive heat, the plastic housing of the indoor unit can be deformed.

5. Do not install the air conditioner where air circulation will be difficult (for example, behind the curtains, etc.). The distance to the obstacle should not be less than 3 meters. Chilled (or heated) Air conditioning flow from the air conditioner will reflect on the obstacle and returns back to the same temperature, with which "out". The air conditioner will solve that the work has been done, the desired climate is installed and turns off.

6. The internal split system unit must be installed strictly by level.This is necessary in order for the moisture-building on the heat exchanger, it could be easy to remove outward through the drainage system. If the inner block is installed with a significant overcast (± 3-4 mm allowed), there is a possibility that the water will accumulate in the drainage pallet and periodically flow from it directly to the floor.

7. It is not recommended to install air conditioning in rooms where instruments with high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations are constantly working. (for example, drill, drilling machine). High-frequency oscillations can knock down the chip (processor) installed inside the air conditioner.

8. Try to establish the internal block so that the length of the freonofrovod is minimal. First, the long track increases the cost of installation, and secondly - reduces the efficiency of work. Moreover, if you decide to lay the track in the box, then the long box through the entire wall spoils the interior.

9. If possible, bring a separate power cable to the air conditioner. To anyone, even a low-power air conditioner, it is necessary to carry out a separate wiring and put a separate automatic machine. Because the old wiring may not withstand the load and its fire will occur. Especially be vigilant if your house is over the 1990s. In old houses, the wiring is not designed for loads from the use of powerful electrical equipment.

1. Do not install the outer block on the glazed balcony or loggiaBecause the heat dissipation will be very difficult. Installation is possible only if you can wide open windows. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the working range of outdoor air temperatures. Upper limit temperatures from different air conditioners are not the same and ranges from 40 to 46 C.

2. Outdoor unit should not cause inconvenience to your neighbors (noise flowing condensate).

3. Try to place an external unit so that sun rays They fell on it as small as possible. The straight rays of the sun can provoke a protective disabling device due to overheating.

4. Position the outdoor unit so that during operation, the heat allotted from the room is freely reset to the environment (For example, do not mount the outer block where the predominant wind is directed to the air conditioner, as the normal operation of the fan will be disturbed).

5. Do not place an outdoor unit in close proximity to the crown of trees. The foliage and fluff with the poplars lit the heat exchanger, and during the gusts of the wind branches can get into equipment, damage the fan or heat exchanger ribs. If all the same your home is immelled in greenery, then you need to cut a part of the branches near the air conditioner.

6. It is forbidden to install outdoor blocks on Earth And in those places where they can be dirty, covered with snow, soaked rain or sew water. Blocks must be installed on a special stand.

7. It is forbidden to install external blocks in places where there is a probability of leakage of explosive gases. In particular, this refers to the air conditioning of the first and second floor, where gas pipes of gasified buildings usually pass.

8. When placement external block On the first floor, install it in a special protective lattice. This will prevent theft and acts and vandalism.

9. Take care of the condensate discharge. Most often, condensate is discharged to the street. In this case, flowing water should not fall on the wall of the building. The conclusion of condensate in the sewage is preferable, but expensive. If you plan to install a block over the sidewalk, then this is the only acceptable option.

10. Do not mount the outdoor unit on a fragile base., for example, on the wall of the hollow brick or fine metal. The harness of the support structure almost always becomes the cause of excessive noise, which takes a lot of strength and means to eliminate. Yes, and air conditioning can simply fall.

If you need a high-quality installation (installation) of split systems in Krasnodar, the company's specialists will help you

Installation of split-system (or, simply speaking, air conditioning) - the procedure is time-consuming, but not so complicated, as you might think. In principle, even the one who had not been involved in anything like nothing to do with such a task. To do this, you will need some theoretical knowledge that you can learn from this article, patience and desire. Let's talk about how to put air conditioning about your own hands.

Some shared information

Our main goal is to install the air conditioner and at the same time do not damage it. But, in addition, it is necessary to correctly install both the internal and outer block. IN otherwise The efficiency of work will be much lower if the device will function at all.

To get started, you will need a special tool: a perforator and a vacuum pump, a pressure gauge pump, building level. As for consumables, the installation of the split system is carried out standard setwhich should go complete. This is a heater, drainage hose, dowel, brackets, etc. If this is not, then you need to buy, and only after that start installing the air conditioner.

Installation of the internal block panel

In this case, it is necessary to observe one simple rule that applies to all air conditioners, regardless of the brand and manufacturer. It is that at least 10 centimeters should be retreating from the ceiling. If this rule does not observe, then the air conditioner will constantly clog dust. In addition, the degraded air fence will contribute to a decrease in productivity, and this may affect the durability of the device as a whole.

From the corner of the wall, it is also necessary to retreat a bit. The distance from the panel to Gardina should be at least 10 cm. It is necessary so that during the operation of the air conditioner the curtain did not overtake. Next with the help of dowels and level the panel is fixed. It should be placed strictly horizontally. This is necessary in order for no condensate leakage. Next temporarily hang internal block.

Cable Channel Installation

The cable laying must be carried out at least with a slight bias. This is done in order not to appear condensate. Be sure to consider this when installing. First you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 55 millimeters at least. Do not forget about the slope that will exclude the appearance in the drainage hose air traffic jam. After through hole It will be done, stretch the box, cut the ends, and all this is customized.

At the next step, you must cut the track. It is imperative to understand that the use of ordinary hacksaw is simply unacceptable. It is determined by the fact that in the copper tube there will be a small chips, dirt, etc. rubbish. If all this enters the compressor, it will soon be out of order. Therefore, use special pipe cutters that can be found today in any specialized store or rent from a neighbor. Despite the fact that the climatic equipment is different, the installation of air conditioners is approximately the same. Split systems are currently a large number, but the principle of work is the same, and the installation is carried out according to the general rules.

Laying the route in the box and installation of brackets

At this stage, you yourself choose a sequence of actions. You can first hang the block into the panel, and only then do the laying of the route in the box. You can, on the contrary, pave the track, then attach the block. The main requirement is not to overtake the copper tubes. If it happens, the compressor will break soon.

Next you need to get insurance and go to the street, since the next stage is running there. Whether the installation of the multi-split system or the most ordinary, it is necessary to fix the bracket on the wall. They must be located in one horizontal plane, so use it is desirable that two people are performed to work, since the outer block has an impressive weight. After fixing the brackets, the external unit is put on them and additionally secured with bolts.

Rolling and vacuuming track

The essence of the rolling is to expand the copper tubes in the places of their connection. This uses a special rolling machine and nozzles. Before fading the tube, put the nut on it, because after its expansion you will not be able to do this. It is extremely important to ensure a reliable connection through which Freon would not take place. To do this, as far as possible, tighten the nuts in the connection places, but do not overdo it.

Wakuuming is necessary to remove dust and moisture from the route. To do this, you need such equipment for the installation of split-systems as a vacuum pump. It turns on, and at the same time the port opens on the pressure gauge. When the arrow goes into a vacuum, you need to turn off the pump and close the port. If the arrow does not go down, this means that one of the connections passes the air, tighten the nuts at the fume. If it does not help, it is worth checking the quality of the rolling. If this is not done, then the likelihood is that the compressor burns after one winter.

Installation of Split Systems: Freon Startup Instructions

After you are successfully evacuated, it's time to pour freon into the system. To do this, you need to unscrew the feed hose using a hexagon key. It is important not to confuse with a thick tube of suction, as it can be spoiled that is not good. Here is the sequence, so the feed opens first, and then suction. At this stage, fix the pressure of freon in the system and check everything electrical connections. If everything is in order, you can carry out a test launch.

If the compressor immediately did not turn on, do not be scared, it is quite normal, there is nothing terrible in it. Secure pressure and voltage. If everything is in order, then the air conditioner is maximum. So he must work for 10-15 minutes. During this time, Freon will go through the system, and the oil will have time to return.

Installation of split-system with your own hands: Important moments

It must be understood that the system should not be air, which is why vacuuming is mandatory procedure. As noted above, all connections must be reliable and durable. It is desirable to make several checks using a vacuum pump. Only after you make sure everything is in order, you can carry out a test launch.

It is confidently saying that the installation of the inter-block route and its sealing are the most complex and time-consuming stages. As you can see, do not do you and without assistant. It is determined by the fact that the installation of the outdoor unit is independently very difficult and unsafe. In general, there are no unbearable tasks. Observe the horizontal, we seal the connections, do not use the usual hacksaw - and everything will be fine.


So we figured out how split systems are installed. Dismantling / Installation in priority should be carried out by experts with work experience and high qualifications. So the equipment will last for for long years. But it is extremely important not to forget to periodically serve it.

By the way, during a risk of stumble upon fittings or wiring. So first check whether hidden communications, And only then proceed to work. The event is quite noisy and dusty, so prepare the room in advance. In general, there is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to comply with all the above rules. But one way or another, the independent installation should be carried out only if you are confident in your abilities. But it is better to call specialists. If the installation is incorrect, then at least there will be someone to make a claim. That's all that can be told about the maintenance work.

The technical name of the air conditioner is a split-system (from the English word "divide"). It consists of an external block and evaporating air internal. To cool the air in the room, you need to perform not only mounting work, but also the connection of the air conditioner to the electrical network. The features of this process depend on the power of the device.

The air conditioner power consumption for domestic maintenance is different from connecting a three-phase device, which is used in large offices various destination, business centers, supermarkets.

It must be remembered that the electrical installation is performed in accordance with the rules of the installation devices and the corresponding regulatory acts.

Connecting blocks to the power grid should be carefully prepared. This follows:

  • carefully read the schemes and specifications on the components and materials of the device;
  • inspect the existing power supply system, including the location and cross-section of incoming cables;
  • test the intended route by the detector for the absence of internal wiring and metal elements of building structures;
  • analyze the composition of the walls, on the surface or inside which electric work will be performed.

Connecting the air conditioning system is not possible if there are old aluminum wiring in the house and the absence of grounding.

The direct cable gasket must be performed with the following requirements:

  • distribution box, switch, socket under household air conditioner are located in an affordable place;
  • the socket is installed at a distance of at least 50 cm to the floor and grounded metal elements (batteries, water and heat supply pipes);
  • laying the wire only horizontally and vertically;
  • with a horizontal laying, retreats:

- from 5-10 cm cornice,

- from the ceiling - 15 cm,

- from the plinth - 15-20 cm;

  • between vertically extended wire and corners, as well as window and doorways must be at least 10 cm;
  • laying parallel to gas pipes is carried out at a distance of 1M from them;
  • from the heating pipes, the electrical wire is protected with insulation.

In addition, you must comply with the following rules for connecting devices to the power grid:

  • it is strictly forbidden to connect wires to twist. Extension is performed using terminal blocks or bolts;
  • it is not allowed to connect the wire of aluminum and copper in connection with their different electrical conductivity ( copper cable This indicator is one and a half times more).

External wiring

If the laying method is selected on the wall surface, the fixation of the cables is performed every 50-60 cm by plastic clamps, which in turn strengthen on the wall screws. When using boxes in which the wire is placed, they are fixed with glue or screws.

Internal wiring

Cables hidden in the wall are paved in plastic gofrots, pre-taking a recess (stroke) of the required length. Typically, the corrugation is fixed inside the wall by clamps. If the depth of the shit is 2 cm and more, then it is allowed to perform work without a corrugation.

The wires are forbidden to lay the beams and at a distance of each other less than 3 mm.

Connection and connection of inter-block cables of the air conditioner do it yourself

After installing the air conditioner, you must pave the inter-block cable from the inner block to the external, and the other wire is to stretch from the inner block to the outputs. electrical system. Inter-block cable is used mainly with 4-5 residential different color To prevent errors in connecting both blocks. The cross section is selected 2.5 mm 2.

The essence of the connection in general terms is as follows:

  • remove the front panel and protective block cover;
  • stretch the cable and place it on the side of the module;
  • clean the ends of the wires, insert into the terminals and tighten with screws;
  • fix the cable at the output of the block;
  • close the lid module.

After connecting both blocks, you should carefully check the correctness of the work performed. Next is the test of the collected circuit and the short-term start of the system.

In the rest of the air conditioner connection scheme to the household electrical network is individual for each model, as in the case of powerful three-phase split systems. In this regard, the details of the connection should be specified in the attached instruction.

How to connect air conditioning to the mains

There are two common ways to connect an air conditioner to network nutrition:

  • through a socket for single-phase household appliances;
  • from a separate line mainly for industrial devices.

With a rosette

Test power split systems with a fork and outlet - the most the simplest waythat does not need preparatory electrical workoh. This option is chosen for air conditioners built into the window, low power systems up to 4 kW, as well as for temporary use. It must be remembered that the socket under the household air conditioner should be strictly individual.

Connection can be performed only if there is an experience of electrical work with household appliances. The algorithm of action will be as follows:

  • prepare materials and tools;
  • explore the schemes in the instructions;
  • lay and connect interbranch cables (it was written above);
  • set the outlet.

Before trial start, the split system needs to check the circuit on the correct connection.

The socket must be with copper wires And connected to the shield on all the rules of electrical safety.

Direct network connection

A separate power line is best suited for a powerful split system. At the same time, you need to make sure whether it is possible to connect to the electrical switch (be sure to grounded) additional equipment. The direct connection to the network does not load the network operating lines: the power is supplied directly to the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

The cable is paved along the prepared stroke in the wall or in the box along the wall surface. The cable shield is extended through the machine with the calculated power, which will be described in detail in the next subsection. The wire section will depend on the power of the instrument and the remoteness of its location from the shield.

The connection instruction in the rest repeats the first method. This method allows you to install air conditioning anywhere at home.

Which cable is needed to connect the split system

The wire for the air conditioner should be made of electrical copper and three-core (phase, zero, protection). For low-power split systems, less than 3 kW is enough of the cross section of 1.5 mm 2, with a power of 3-5 kW, a cross section is 2.5 mm 2. Air conditioning devices up to 8 kW are connected by a 4 mm cable.

A reliable power cable of the VG brand having a standard PVC isolation is widespread. His life reaches 30 years. Marking is read by special conditional notation. The first two letters "B" are decrypted as an insulation outer and internal polyvinyl chloride. "G" has the designation of the absence of armor.

The Airborne Cable under the air conditioner needs to be laid in this way to ensure not only safety, but also aesthetics. For communications hidden in the wall, a flat cable VG-P is convenient. In the walls covered with plasterboard, the wire is placed in the corrugation. It is better to use the VG NG, providing persistent non-combustible shells.

Does the circuit breaker or Uzo need

Protection of electrical communications in buildings from short circuits and overloads is carried out by automatic switches. Safety for the health and life of a person from possible current leakage performs a protective shutdown device (UZO). This low-voltage apparatus is not protected from superflux, so it is installed in conjunction with the machine. There are also differential circuit breakers, which include RCD and automatic.

What is more rational to install: DIFAVTOMAT or RCD with a machine gun? So, the differential switch will take two modules on the shield (more expensive - one), and the Uzo and the machine - three. To save space on the camshaft, definitely, preference is given to the automatic switch.

As for electrical work, the diphawtomat is somewhat easier than linking a pair of Uzo plus automatic.

Problems B. electrical networks It is more convenient to diagnose in the presence of the RCD. In this case, each of the devices is triggered independently of each other. The differential switch will not be able to identify a specific cause of the failure, as it shows the diagnosis without triggering the modules. Here you have to analyze each diagnosis separately.

If we talk about repair, then in the pair of the UDO and the circuit breaker produce a replacement of one failed elements. It is much more economical than changing the diphawtomat completely.

Install the Uzo with the machine will be cheaper per 1000 rubles. Than the differential circuit breaker. However, experts advise when laying one line to choose the second option, which, along with reliability, saves a place on the shield. The socket under the household air conditioner average power is also installed with a machine gun.

When connecting multiple air conditioners or other household appliances, the advantage on the side of the Uzo, which serves simultaneously by 2-3 lines.

Connecting a split system to the network must be carried out carefully and unmistakably. If there is no confidence in knowledge of electrical engineering and sufficient experience, then you should contact the help of professionals.

Translated from the English word Split means "crack", but there are other, less common translation options, namely "separation". This article describes the installation of the air conditioner with your own hands, and specifically split the system that consists of separated blocks. Since the installation of the air conditioning system itself is a fairly expensive event, it will be useful to find out how to install on your own.

Installation of air conditioning system is not easy. In order to connect everything correctly, you need to know how it all functions:

- Through the fiber (nozzle in the form of a narrow hole) into the chamber of the evaporator under pressure, the rapidly boiling liquid, used to cool the air, is a refrigerant. In the chamber, the fluid expands, boils, evaporates and thereby consumes a large amount of warm air.

- On the heater of the evaporator, water condensate is settled during the work. It flows into a special reservoir, from which the drainage tube comes out (outside).

- Compressor, like a vacuum pump, constantly pumps the refrigerant pairs from the evaporator chamber. From high pressure The refrigerant temperature rises to such an extent that it goes into a supercritical state similar to a very dense fog.

- The refrigerant passes into the condensation chamber, in which there is a heater blowing down by a fan. Cold air the refrigerant temperature changes critically, this time it is cooled and turns into a liquid.

- Liquid refrigerant across the nozzle again enters the evaporator and the cycle is constantly repeated.

Which helps and that interferes with the operation of the air conditioner

In order for the SPLIT system to function properly and at the same time saved electricity when installing it is important to perform the following conditions:

- Do not allow the penetration of warm air into the equipment - when contacting the cold and hot zones, electricity consumption is greatly increasing. In this situation, the compressor is forced to distinguish heat inside the system, and these are additional costs.

- observe the tightness of the system - due to its depressurization, quickly boiling liquids can simply evaporate. It can happen even through the smallest hole.

- The external unit must be placed lower than the inner - this will create a thermosphonic effect (warm liquid rises), which makes the compressor work easier. If this is not done, then there will be no excessive consumption of electricity, since the liquid will rise, overcoming the inverse thermosphonic effect.

- The external unit must be placed in a cool place, in the shade - additional heating from the outside increases the consumption of electricity to cool the system.

- It is impossible to allow the drainage tube to be bent up, since such gyruses are instantly populated by microbes and mold, and as a result become a source of contagion.

What is the air split

The split system from the domestic, conventional air conditioner is characterized in that it consists of separated blocks. One of them is external, a compressor works in it, and condensate is going. The second block is internal, in which the evaporation of the thermostatic fluid occurs. Many modern split systems not only cooled air indoors, but also heat it up to the required temperature. When the air is heated, the cycle runs on the contrary, and the refrigerant is condensed in the internal, evaporation occurs in the external block. For this reason, mostly blocks are simply referred to as external (outdoor) and internal.

It also happens that with one external block runs several internal. At the same time, they can work separately, and cool, and heat the air. But it is found only in expensive models Split systems. Such air conditioning systems are expensive, in the process of work are more economical than their cheaper fellow fellow. This is because in such a situation, heat exchange inside the room does not interfere, but helps the air conditioner in the work.

When the air conditioning is installed

The installation of split system in the house will be better carried out during the repair period. There is a lot of work on replacing and installing wiring. It is good that before installing the installation of the walls has not yet been completed. Otherwise, there will be expenses associated with re-internal finishing.

Required tools

So that the installation of the Split system has passed without delay, and after a few days, the equipment did not fail, it is necessary to use high-quality tools when working. For installation you will need:

- Perforator with a set of chops - the holes in the wall in a diameter of up to 10 centimeters will have to be done.

- the reinforced concrete room (in case the wall of the reinforced concrete) - if the perforator falls into the reinforcement, the hole will have to be punched again.

- Truborez - cut the tubes only to them. If you cut the tubes for refrigerant with simple hacksaw, then particles will definitely be left at the edges metal chipwhich will cause a compressor malfunction.

- A set for rolling tubes - if you try to bend the edges of the tube with appliant tools, it will not be possible to achieve complete symmetry.

- Shabrovka is a tool that is used to stripping the ends of the tubes. The file for these purposes is not suitable due to the danger of entering small particles inside the compressor.

hand pump (Cycling) - It is useful for checking the system for tightness.

- Vacuum pump - applies to create a vacuum system before filling it. Many specialists advise just to wash the refrigerant, but it does not remove moisture remnants, and as a result, the compressor may be damaged, similarly to the situation with the metal chips.

- Phase indicator and tester - these devices will be useful when replacing wiring.

- Manometer.

- Pipeline.

Select the necessary tubes

For security better decision will purchase a whole bay copper tube. This is justified, since a small chop can remain in the circumcision tube, which in the process of work can derive the compressor. In addition, it is necessary to trace that the factory ripples in the edges be on the edges of the tube, and cracks, chances and other defects were absent on the tube. With the help of a long pipeline, you can omit the external unit is much lower than the internal one. In this case, the material overrun will quickly pay off, since the effect of the thermosifone will reduce the cost of energy consumption of equipment.

Pruning, cleaning and giving shaped tubes

Before starting the installation of the air conditioner, it is necessary to make a trial collapse, tank and trimming tube. A special tool is used for the collapse, before work you need to carefully inspect and explore its device, possible defects when used, and know what the end result looks like. When buying a whole bay, it is best to purchase a small trim for trial work, as the bay is not recommended for these purposes. Trimming the tube is made by a circular movement of the pipeline. Next, you need to make a rig, at which the tube must be ended down to cut the tubes to the lumen and inside.

Installation of an external bloc

Independent installation of the air conditioner in the apartment on the floors above the second, namely the outer block, is considered life-threatening and inexpedient. On the upper floors you can do installation only in the presence of a balcony or loggia. The external unit is easily and conveniently installed on the balcony on small and shallow brackets. The balcony is generally a comfortable place to install the air conditioner, because it has a northern or oriental side, which are simply ideal for mounting. But in the south, the installation of the split system is not as terrible, since the roof or visor will protect the external block from overheating under the scorching sun even on the hottest day. It is on such a day the air conditioner work is very relevant.

Before installing brackets, it is necessary to remove the glass for the installation period, and holders themselves to drive into the lower part of the frame. In order not to spoil the lizgia's ligation, you can burn the holders in the form of letters "P" arranged horizontally.

Installing Split System

Professional installation of split-system in the house passes in a strict sequence:

- choice of place for the indoor unit,
- laying and replacing the wiring of the power grid,
- installation of an external block,
- performing the hole in the wall under the tube,
- paving the pipeline,
- electrical unit connections in blocks,
- checking the tightness of the air conditioner,
- vacuuming system,
- filling system,
power connection,
- Test starts system sleeps,
- Isolation of inter-block harnesses,
- Capital sealing holes,
- Pleasant use.

Below more details are considered some important stages of the split system.

Select the location of the internal blocks

There are a number of places in which the internal block split system cannot be installed:

- over heating devices;

- where there is no air access - behind the curtains, partitions, shirms and others at first glance, insignificant obstacles;

- In the rooms where there is an equipment that causes electric interference: workshops with power tools, kitchens with induction and microwave ovens, electric windscreens. If this is neglected, then the block processor will fail on the radiation.

Attention! Air conditioning in the kitchen is not installed. Cooling the air and the influx of the new one goes at the expense of its own general of the house ventilation.

Features of electrical wiring

The power of the smallest air conditioner is 1.5 kW. For this reason, for the air conditioning system, it is simply necessary to pave a separate cable with a cable thickness of at least 2.5 kV. mm. In addition, it is important to establish an automatic that can turn off the electricity in the event of an overload.

When connecting wires to the power shield you need yellow wire With a green stripe over the entire length, connect to N ( zero wire). Using the phase indicator, you need to determine the phase and zero.

How to drill holes in the wall

It is important to correctly determine the position of the reinforcement in the wall. In the event that it happened to the reinforcement, it will not be possible to do anything. You will have to drill a new hole. Damage to fittings is unacceptable, as it contradicts construction standards. In addition to the situation described, there is another moment. For this stage, the second person will be required, which will prevent the people undergoing the people about the possible fall of pieces of concrete or brick. This cannot be ignored, because if the random fragment falls per person, then the consequences can be very serious, up to prison.

The hole must be made with a diameter of more than 80 mm. Come on 50-60 mm tips are most likely not taken into account thermal insulation.

Installation of tubes

First you need to trim the tube of the required length with a margin of about one meter. Then you can proceed to bending the pipeline. This is done very carefully so that there is no breakdown or wrinkle. The bending of the tube must correspond to a radius of 100 mm and not less. In the event of wrinkles, they will create an unnecessary resistance of the coolant and as a result will increase the consumption of electricity.

The next step is the heat insulation of the tube. For this, the polyurethane (flex) slog is put on it. Other insulation makes no sense to apply, as they are short-lived and will come into disrepair through the season.

After that, on the tube it is necessary to wear the flanges by carving to the ends of the tube and make the ruin.

Next, alternately connect the tubes to the existing fittings. At this stage, it is necessary to be attentive and traced that the cold fitting of the indoor unit cannot be connected to the hot fitting of the outer block. Sometimes cold and hot fittings have various diameters.

Nuts on the fittings must be safely tightened, but not too tight, because it will be necessary to test the nuts to tighten the nuts during sealing.

As a drainage, a part of the reinforced plastic tube can be used. It is connected to the sewage or threaded nut. Also help can segment a heat shrinkable tube. It is easily heated by a soldering iron, a little touching the tube sting.

How to connect the air conditioner to the mains

To connect blocks, the multi-divine insulated wires with a thickness of 2.5 square meters will be needed. mm. They combine block terminals (internal and outdoor), most often the terminals are the same. If the names of the terminals are distinguished, then it is necessary to study the instructions in detail and get advice from a specialist. All wires, by analogy with tubes, are skipped through the previously done holes in the wall.


For sealing, a soap solution is used. To do this, you must purchase distilled water in the pharmacy and heat it up to the state of the steam. Then neatly stirring, it is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of a disturbed economic soap in it.

Two people should work here. It is necessary to remove the outlet nipple, and the rubber hose from the cycling pump is to attach it to its nozzle. Assistant Carefully shakes the air, another on everything threaded connections Takes a brush with a soap solution.

Then tightens the nuts to the complete cessation of the appearance of bubbles, and plus 1/8 turns from above. The soap fleece is considered a wet cloth.

The process of vacuum cleaning

The next step is the process of vacuuming. It needs the system to be cleared of dust and moisture that are removed along with air. For this, nipple is screwed into its place and a vacuum pump is joined to it. It must be firmly tightened. Then for an hour you need to swing air. As a result, the entire residual moisture will evaporate.

Filling system

Came a turn of the refrigerant, which must be fill in the system. For this, the coolant cylinder is connected to the system through the adapter with a pressure gauge. Fill out until the pressure of the specified in the documentation is reached.

Important! Air conditioners that work on Freon are forbidden to fill in a refrigerant and vice versa.

Test inclusion

When the machine is turned on, the split system must enter into test mode. If this does not happen, then you need to run the test from the console remote control. If this time does not go out, this means that the installation was incorrect and to finally not derive the equipment, you need to call a specialist.

Finishing strokes

If the test switch has passed successfully, the blinds are set to the correct position and begin to vouch. Harness, located between blocks from above you need to wind aluminum foil. This will serve as a thermal screen that will save up to 3% of electricity. The second layer is harvested together with a drainage tube, wrapped with moisture resistant insulating tape. The last touch is the capital seal of the holes in the wall. No need to do this foam. This can be summarized at this that the split system is installed independently and works properly.

Video on "How to install air conditioning yourself"